Treatment with the ASD fraction for lung cancer

For oncology, an intensive regimen of ASD-2 is required. The author of the drug, Academician Dorogov, recommends using ASD-2 for oncology four times a day.

Reception hours are 8:00, 12:00, 16:00, and 20:00.

from the 1st to the 5th day - take 5 drops of ASD fraction 2

from 6th to 10th – 10 drops each

from 11th to 15th – 15 drops each

from 16th to 20th – 20 drops each

from 21st to 25th – 25 drops each

from 26th to 30th – 30 drops each

from 31st to 35th – 35 drops each

from 36 to 40 – 40 drops each

from 41 to 45 – 45 drops each

from 46th to full recovery– 50 drops of the drug at a time.

In all cases, water for consumption is boiled and cooled. ASD has a sharp unpleasant smell, and if it is impossible to take it with water (for example, children), grape juice should be consumed.

It is strictly forbidden to dilute the ASD-2 fraction with mineral or carbonated water. For compresses, parchment paper is placed over gauze to prevent evaporation of the drug. Then a thick layer of cotton wool is applied and bandaged. Applying ointment dressings can cause overheating of the skin and general reaction in the form of an increase in temperature.

During treatment skin diseases Contact with irritants - gasoline, kerosene, turpentine - is contraindicated, and it is also undesirable to wet the skin with water.

You can practice the following order of compresses for 1 hour: a cotton stocking moistened with a 20% ASD solution, cling film, disposable diaper. Everything except the stocking is for one-time use. Legs, arms and stockings are washed with detergent (LOK). ASD-2 should be taken orally, diluted in 1/2 cup of cold boiled water, 2 times a day - morning and evening 30 minutes before meals.

While taking the drug you need to eat a lot of protein foods.

While taking the drug and 2-3 hours after taking ASD, do not take other medications, alcoholic beverages and tobacco are excluded!

In case of exacerbation of the process, stop taking it until the pain subsides, and then resume taking it. 4.1 cm3 ASD, if dripped from the cannula of a syringe - 35 drops. After 6 days of taking it, take a break for a day. After a month of taking it, take a break for a week. After 3 months of use - a break of 15 days. The initial course of treatment is 6 months or until complete recovery.

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My name is Olga. I am a herbal therapist. Previously, I lived and studied in the Altai Territory, Barnaul. I have been dealing with the problem of oncology for more than 9 years. I have accumulated a huge amount of knowledge in this area and can help you understand the intricacies of treating cancer with hemlock and other herbal tinctures.

The problem of cancer is currently a priority. Mortality from this disease is in second place after cardiovascular diseases. Many institutes and scientists are researching medicines to get rid of this terrible disease.

This is bearing certain fruits: the number of deaths is decreasing significantly every year: risk factors are being identified, and preventive examinations of the population are being carried out. However, no panacea for this disease has been found. But the well-forgotten old things still help in some cases. Among effective methods Many doctors use ASD (fraction 2) to combat malignant damage to tissues and organs of the body. Use in oncology and other serious diseases shows a good therapeutic effect.

What is ASD?

ASD is an antiseptic stimulant - a drug that was invented by A.V. Dorogov in 1947-48 in the laboratory of veterinary chemical protection. The scientist studied the effect of sorbents in the body during poisoning. He revealed that the captured substances, which are obtained by burning frogs in particular, have some new interesting properties. After numerous experiments and testing, the drug began to be actively used for patients with non-healing wounds, trophic ulcers, chronic inflammatory diseases, osteomyelitis, tuberculosis.

History of invention

The ASD-2 fraction in the treatment of cancer has established itself as a panacea for this serious illness: many people overcame the oncological process, in particular, Beria’s mother, who had uterine and liver cancer. Then by unknown reasons persecution of the scientist followed and mysterious death. This was due to the fact that the invention did not belong to a physician, but to an ordinary veterinarian who taught professors of medicine. Developments have not stopped; they are still ongoing. The ASD-3 fraction has been patented for external use by patients with various skin lesions. ASD (fraction 2) against cancer is not yet widely used, but it has received recognition from veterinarians, is approved and is widely used in

Its main property is to provide positive influence on the immune system and normalize all processes at the cellular level, affecting not only individual microorganisms and tissues, but also the entire body as a whole. Main reason various diseases- this is a stressful condition. However, the protective and restorative forces human body are not fully used painful conditions. Therefore, the main purpose of ASD is to awaken these forces of recovery and independently defeat the disease.

Action of ASD (fraction 2)

Antiseptic Dorogov stimulant - this is how ASD-2 stands for. Use for humans is explained by the multiple positive effects of the biogenic stimulant. Firstly, it is a pronounced adaptogen, that is, a drug that increases the resistance of body tissues to various adverse effects, especially stress factors. Having a similar structure to living cells, the drug easily penetrates into every cell of various tissues and does not cause a rejection reaction. The drug has no side effects and does not affect the fetus, although it easily penetrates the blood-brain barrier. When used, the functions of the peripheral nervous system are restored and activated.

In addition, ASD affects metabolism and has immunomodulatory properties. If you use this drug for a long time, the relationships between the cells of organs and tissues are restored and clear and rhythmic work is ensured. various organs and systems. And therefore the body itself fights various pathological processes and restores its functions. In reference books of traditional medicine and on the Internet you can find many articles on the topic “Drug ASD-2, use for humans.” Instructions for use will help you correct selection required dosage and methods of use.

Advantages and disadvantages of the drug

The drug ASD (fraction 2) is absolutely harmless and non-toxic. The drug is well tolerated by patients. It must be taken for quite a long time; symptoms of accumulation and intoxication do not occur. Traditional medicine advises combining the use of ASD (fraction 2) with the use of potent celandine and aconite.

One of the big disadvantages of the product is its strong unpleasant odor. There have been attempts to eliminate this property, but then everything is lost beneficial features ASD-2. Use for people who suffer from cancer, however, helps prolong a person’s life. Therefore, smell does not play an important role in these cases.

Animal treatment

The drug is sold in and is in wide demand for the treatment and prevention of diseases of all animals. Good results were noted in the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system, digestive system, genitourinary organs and skin, as well as restoration of weakened animals with medicinal means of ASD(fraction 2). Use for oncology in animals (and our pets also suffer from these diseases) shows excellent results. Reviews from veterinarians about this drug report improvement general condition animals with malignant processes.

Cancer therapy

There are many cases of curing diseases with the ASD fraction. Treatment of cancer (oncology) with this drug is extremely effective. Wide Application Dorogov received antiseptic stimulant during therapy:

Cancer processes in various organs;

Fibrocystic mastopathy;

Leukemia and lymphogranulomatosis;

Fibroids or adenomas of the mammary glands, prostate;

Uterine fibroids;

Nodular goiter;

Polyposis of the stomach and intestines;

Cystic formations of the kidneys and liver.

For these diseases, as well as for infectious diseases, patients use ASD (fraction 2). Use in oncology is not the only indication. The drug helped well in the post-war period for the treatment of tuberculosis, venereal diseases: trichomoniasis, chlamydia.

ASD-2: use for humans

The instructions include other indications for use of the drug by people:


Varicose veins;

Severe pneumonia, pleurisy;

Cardiovascular pathologies;





Obesity and many others.

Is not full list all pathologies that the drug fights.

How to use the drug correctly?

To use this medicine, many scientists have developed their own tips and secrets. ASD, fraction 2 (oncology, various infectious diseases, diseases recede under the influence of the drug) will be effective if the medicine is taken correctly, because it acts in minimal doses. Only proper administration and adherence to deadlines will lead to a cure.

The activity of the drug decreases upon contact with air, so after shaking the bottle you need to quickly draw up the medicine using a syringe without opening the bottle. This can be done by puncturing the rubber stopper and drawing out the required amount. The drug must be diluted in boiled cool water.

As already noted, ASD (fraction 2) has an unpleasant odor, so you need to know how to drink it. To do this, you need to take a deep breath, exhale sharply, and, holding your breath, quickly drink the solution. You can close your eyes. After drinking the medicine, you need to take several breaths through your nose and exhale through your mouth. ASD (fraction 2) is easier to drink in a ventilated room or even outside.

The norms and doses at which the best results were obtained were studied. drug ASD(fraction 2). Oncology is treated if you drink the solution in the morning 30-40 minutes before meals and in the evening 2-3 hours after dinner. Correct technique and compliance with the deadlines will lead to a cure.

It is believed that ASD-2 thickens the blood. Therefore, it is necessary to drink daily sour juices, eat lemon or take half a tablet of Aspirin or Cardiomagnyl. Supporters of the drug ASD (fraction 2) advise drinking a lot of fluid - up to 2 liters per day - to remove various toxic and harmful substances from the body.

Cancer treatment methods

Methods and dosages of the drug ASD (fraction 2) have been developed. Use in oncology involves an intensive course with increasing volume of the drug. Apply 4 times a day every 4 hours: the first 5 days - 5 drops, the second 5 days - 10, the third 5 days - 15, and so on, adding 5 drops each, until the dose reaches 50 drops. Then take 50 drops until complete recovery.

When taken sparingly, add 3 drops to 30-40 ml of water or iced tea on the first day, 5 on the second day, 7 on the third, 9 on the fourth, 11 on the fifth, 13 on the sixth, and a break on the seventh.

In the second, third and fourth weeks, take the same, in the same dosage. Then - a week's break. Start the next course with five drops, gradually adding 2 drops daily, as in the first week. A break is also necessary after a month of taking it.

Taking the drug should not make you feel worse. If this happens, then you should stop using it.

There is a lot of talk about this drug. The topic of ASD is one of the most discussed on the Internet. Interest in this drug is growing all the time. There are reviews indicating good results with the use of ASD2 for cancer. However official medicine This drug is not recognized as a medicine for people. Fraction 2 is officially approved for use only in veterinary medicine. Therefore, you need to remember that from the moment you begin treatment with ASD fraction 2, only you are responsible for your life.

ASD drug fraction 2: and its positive effects on the body

Speaking about the use of ASD fraction 2 for humans, it is necessary to say about its unique property. It lies in the fact that ASD does not fight microbes itself, but increases a person’s immunity and gives him the strength to cope with any type of “pest” himself.

ASD2 easily fits into metabolic processes, occurring in the human body, is engaged in restoring normal cell function, as well as optimizing the functioning of all major vital systems.

Scroll positive impacts ASD2 on the human body:

  • Maintaining normal hormonal levels;
  • Antibacterial action;
  • Absence side effects;
  • Normalization of all metabolic processes;
  • Increased immunity;
  • No negative effect on the fetus of pregnant women.

It is argued that the use of ASD fraction 2 to combat cancer greatly increases immunity, and the patient’s chances of defeating the disease increase. ASD 2 in its structure corresponds to a living cell, therefore it is not rejected by it. To find out your health status, you need to do a blood test for the AST activity index. There are international standards for diagnosing certain diseases. An increase in the AST activity index in a biochemical blood test indicates the presence of a malignant tumor and suspicion of metastases, in particular in the liver.

Use of ASD 2 for lung cancer: proposed dosage regimens

Oncological disease is a serious illness, sometimes leaving a person no chance of recovery. It disrupts his entire life activity and is accompanied by very complex and expensive operations and courses of chemotherapy. Also manifests itself in metastases.

And yet there are always chances, and there is no need to despair. The main thing is not to waste time and start treatment folk remedies. One such remedy is ASD.

For lung cancer, in initial stages disease, the drug fraction 2 can help. In the treatment of cancer patients, the fraction is used by many herbalists, despite the fact that this method is unconventional. It is recommended to take the drug according to different regimens.

Regimen for taking ASD:

  • First: in the first three days, 1-2 drops of fraction 2 in milk or tea, then add 1-2 drops daily and the dosage should be increased to 40 drops. Then the dose of a single dose should be reduced by 1-2 drops daily. You need to take this medicine 30-40 minutes after eating. You need to take short breaks between courses.
  • Second: take 5 drops of ASD2 daily, diluted in 50 ml, four times a day for one month. Take the drug with tincture of oregano.

Regardless of which method is chosen for application of ASD 2, the patient must drink a large number of liquids. This will soften the process of action of the drug. The methods listed above deserve good feedback from patients. Treatment of lung oncology with ADS 2 excludes the use of alcoholic beverages.

How to take the ASD fraction: general oncology treatment regimen

Of all diseases, cancer is the most terrible. Nowadays, finding ways to combat cancer is problem number one.

For example, Dorogov's Antiseptic Stimulator stops the development of the disease and acts as an anesthetic in the initial stages of cancer.

Herbalist-oncologist Khalisat Suleymanova, in her practice of treating oncology, in particular stomach cancer, advises taking fraction 2. But as they write and advise everywhere, treatment should be comprehensive. You can take Neprinol ADP. This food supplement, which supports immune system function, blood purification and viscosity.

  • 1st to 5th day – take 5 drops;
  • 6th to 10th – 10 drops each;
  • 11th to 15th – 15 drops each;
  • 16th to 20th – 20 drops each;
  • 21st to 25th – 25 drops each;
  • 26th to 30th – 30 drops each;
  • 31st to 35th – 35 drops each;
  • 36th to 40th – 40 drops each;
  • 41st to 45th – 45 drops each;
  • from the 46th to the end of treatment - 50 drops of the fraction at a time.

ASD2 should be taken 4 times a day: at 8.00, 12.00, 16.00 and 20.00 according to the proposed scheme. The drug is non-toxic, does not accumulate in the body and has no contraindications, but it is still advisable to carry out treatment under the supervision of an oncologist. Another condition is that the use of ASD is contraindicated during a course of chemotherapy or radiation treatment.

What does ASD fraction 2 consist of: composition of the drug and raw materials for its manufacture

By order of the Government, ACD 2 was developed back in the Soviet Union as a remedy for radiation exposure. The composition of the faction was for a long time classified.

One of the goals of this drug was to increase immunity. Another condition for the production of ASD fraction 2 is accessibility for all people.

ASD2 is a drug obtained by thermal decomposition of organic raw materials of animal origin. In its production, meat waste and meat and bone meal are used as the starting material. The process of dry sublimation occurs at very high temperature. During this, the elements of organic raw materials are broken down into low molecular weight components. A number of scientific studies were carried out on the basis of which the composition of ABD fraction 2 was determined.

Composition of the ASD fraction:

  • Products of thermal processing of bone fragments, flour and meat;
  • Carbohydrates;
  • Proteins;
  • Fats;
  • Carboxylic and nucleic acid.

Medicine long time tested, its composition was subjected to research by many independent laboratories. But experts have not been able to understand the mechanism of action of ASD fraction 2. There were even hints of the use of “alchemy” in the manufacture of the drug. In 1951 it was a short time the use of ASD is permitted. People stood in long lines to purchase the drug. Dorogov’s attempts to register the drug led to the drug’s entry into the pharmaceutical market being blocked.

Anti-cancer fraction: characteristics of the drug

Magazine "Healthy Lifestyle" ( Healthy image life) in his publications great attention focuses on oncological diseases and methods of their treatment. A special place is occupied by methods of non-traditional treatment.

ASD fraction 2 has wide range action and this makes it possible to use it for many diseases, even for intestinal cancer, rectal cancer and other oncological diseases.

For all its uniqueness, the ASD2 fraction has its own characteristics.

Characteristics of ASD fraction 2:

  • High water solubility;
  • Very specific smell;
  • The volatile liquid is mostly dark red in color.

The price of the drug is affordable for everyone. It just has one significant drawback. It lies in the specific “aroma” of the faction, and all attempts to get rid of it were unsuccessful. The instructions included with the bottle with ASD fraction 2 explain how to correctly select the fraction from the bottle. Do not remove the rubber cap from the bottle. After shaking the bottle, the rubber stopper is pierced and a selection is made with a disposable syringe. We lower the syringe into a container with cold boiled water and slowly introduce the fraction into the water. Considering the fact that the use of ASD2 is not officially approved and there is no official information about contraindications and side effects, it is not recommended for children to be treated with this drug.

The drug ASD is successfully used today in oncology; it is an antiseptic stimulant invented in the post-war years by scientist A.V. Dorogov. On instructions from the government, the drug was developed as a means of protection against radiation.

The raw materials were frogs and meat and bone meal, and as a result of the scientist’s work, ASD of fractions 2 and 3 appeared, suitable as medicines for people and animals.

The product is effectively used in oncology – precancerous forms, cancer processes of various organs. In addition, ASD 2 helped patients recover from:

Cystic diseases of the kidneys and liver;

Polyposis of the intestines and stomach;

Leukemia and many other diseases.

Treatment of lung cancer ASD 2 fractions

When starting treatment for lung cancer with the drug, first consult with an oncologist.

It is advisable to take ASD in parallel with traditional medicine, which is selected for each individual.

The use of ASD is contraindicated simultaneously with a course of radiation or chemotherapy.

The drug has the ability to lose quality when in contact with air. Therefore, they are used orally or as injections, taking appropriate precautions. Treatment of lung cancer ASD 2 involves abstinence from alcoholic beverages.

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Application of ASD 2 for the treatment of lung cancer

The following methods of using the drug have earned good reviews from patients:

For the first 2-3 days, add 1-2 drops of ASD to herbal tincture, milk, tea. Minutes after eating, take orally. By adding 1-2 drops daily, the dosage is increased to 40 drops. The course of treatment lasts 2-3 months.

Another way to use ASD is to increase the dosage to 40 drops, but after that the dose is reduced by 1-2 drops daily. The medicine should be taken 3 times a day. Short breaks are taken between courses of treatment.

The following recipe also treats cancer: 4 times a day the patient takes 5 drops of 2 fractions of ASD, diluted in 50 ml of water. The medicine is taken every 4 hours for one month. After taking the drug, it is washed down with oregano tincture.

With any method of using fraction 2 ASD, the patient should drink a lot of fluid, it softens the effect of the drug.

Features of ASD treatment

ASD 2 fractions for lung cancer have some nuances. If you have heard about its miraculous capabilities, you need to know that the drug does not have official permission and can only be bought in veterinary pharmacies.

IN folk medicine There are many recommendations and recipes for treating cancer using mainly the healing qualities of plants. Plants that are used in folk medicine to treat cancer are able to inhibit the growth of tumors, destroy affected cells and allow healthy cells to grow.

In the structure of oncological diseases, this is one of the most common pathologies. Lung cancer is based on malignant degeneration of the epithelium of the lung tissue and impaired air exchange. The disease is characterized by high mortality. The main risk group is smoking men aged Feature of modern.

Gastric cancer is a malignant degeneration of gastric epithelial cells. In 71-95% of cases, the disease is associated with damage to the stomach walls by bacteria Helicobacter pylori and refers to common cancers in people aged 50 to 70 years. Men are diagnosed with stomach cancer 10-20% more often than women of the same age.

Cervical cancer (cervical cancer) is a virus-dependent gynecological cancer. The primary tumor is degenerated glandular tissue (adenocarcinoma) or squamous cell carcinoma epithelium of the reproductive organ. Women from 15 to 70 years old are affected. Between the ages of 18 and 40, the disease is significant reason early death.

Skin cancer is a disease that develops from a multilayered squamous epithelium, which is a malignant tumor. Most often it appears on open areas of the skin, the tumor most often appears on the face, the nose and forehead are most susceptible, as well as the corners of the eyes and ears. The body “does not like” such formations and forms.

Colon cancer is a malignant degeneration glandular epithelium predominantly in the colon or rectum. In the first stages, sluggish symptoms are characteristic, distracting from the primary pathology and reminiscent of a disorder gastrointestinal tract. Leading radical method Treatment is surgical excision of the affected tissue.

The information on the site is intended for informational purposes only and does not encourage self-treatment, consultation with a doctor is required!

Treatment of lung cancer ASD 2

Posted By: admin 05/11/2016

Fraction ASD 2 is a product of organic origin, which is prepared from animal raw materials under the influence heat treatment. The drug was called an antiseptic stimulant due to its numerous positive feedback and the properties of penetration deep into tissues without causing harm to the body, as well as to renew normal level hormones, normalize the activity of the nervous system and increase the body’s resistance to the action of various kinds of stimuli (both external and internal).

The principle of action of the drug ASD 2

The author of the ASD 2 faction is the Soviet scientist A.V. Dorogov, who by chance discovered simply universal remedy for mass treatment various pathologies, cancer treatment is no exception. After conducting a lot of tests and studies, antibacterial properties, immunoprotective function, and the ability to improve trophism and metabolism in body tissues were proven.

In addition, the medicine improves the general condition of the body and relieves intoxication.

Together with Dorogov, many scientists worked on research on the extracted substance. One of them was Professor Aleutsky, it was he who proved the effect of the drug on cancer cells, and the possibility of combining it with both conventional methods of treatment and folk ones (added to herbal tinctures and decoctions). But the use of ASD 2 fraction should be carried out under the supervision of an oncologist-phytotherapist.

Use of ASD 2 fraction for the treatment of lung cancer

Reviews about the drug say a lot, for example, that it has successfully treated people even from circulatory and lymphatic systems at fairly advanced stages.

The purified fraction of ASD 2 can also be taken for treatment benign formations. This remedy can be combined with taking herbal medicines, but herbal preparations must be selected for each patient separately.

It is not advisable to take ASD 2 in parallel with chemotherapy or radiation therapy. For the treatment of lung cancer with ASD fraction 2, several general regimens have been developed, which indicate dosages and instructions for administration. The author of the drug himself advised drinking it only on an empty stomach, adding it to water or strong tea some time before meals.

The most known schemes the use of the drug for the treatment of cancer of various stages, which are used by many people and leave good reviews about them:

  • 1-2 drops of the drug ASD 2 should be added to milk and drunk a minute after eating, this dosage is used for 2-3 days. After this, every subsequent day, you need to add 1-2 more drops of the drug, so that the amount eventually reaches 40, drink the same 3 times a day. When the dosage has reached 40 drops, continue treatment with this amount of medication for another 1-3 months. In the first stages of cancer, the required dose is only a drop at a time, but the exact amount must be determined by the doctor.
  • This regimen for taking the drug consists of gradually increasing the dose to 40 drops, but then reducing it to the initial dose of 1-2 drops, which should be drunk 2-3 times a day. Treatment of lung cancer should consist of short courses with short breaks, but under the mandatory supervision of doctors.
  • You can also treat cancer using the following recipe: (it has positive reviews from people). 5 drops of fraction ASD 2 should be diluted in 50 milliliters drinking water, after taking it, drink it with oregano tincture (drink 4 times a day). Taking the drug using this method must take place strictly at a certain time: 0 hours, that is, every 4 hours, full course should be days. After this period, a short break of 10 days is taken, during which you need to drink metronidazole (0.25 milligrams 3 times a day).
  • The beginning of use is similar to the option described above (starts with 5 drops), only every day you need to add 1 drop to total the drug was 15 drops. Next, you need to drink the same amount for a month. In parallel with taking ASD 2, for lung cancer, you need to do intestinal microenemas (50 milliliters of warm water + drops of the ASD 2 fraction). General course is 25 days, enemas should be given at night. At the end of the appointment, it is advised to donate blood for examination.

An important feature of the drug ASD 2 is that it loses all its properties upon contact with air. In order to use the product correctly, you need to draw it with a syringe from a vial, which is closed with a rubber cap. After being drawn into the syringe, the drug is injected directly into the liquid by immersing the needle in it so that open air does not come into contact with the liquid medicine.

For the entire period of treatment with ASD fraction 2, it is necessary to exclude any alcoholic beverages.

ASD for lung cancer

Find out more about lung cancer here.

Properties of the ASD fraction

The drug is a dark brown liquid with a strong unpleasant odor. It is officially allowed to be used only in veterinary medicine. Successful treatment lung cancer in animals, made it possible to use this unique drug for the treatment of cancer in humans.

The ASD fraction has antiseptic, antibacterial and adaptogenic properties.

The structure of the substance is similar to a living human cell. This makes it possible to integrate and contribute to the healing of the body at the cellular level. Exactly this most important property fractions are used to treat cancer. The ability of ASD to influence the body’s metabolic processes is also considered unique. The drug, unlike most similar products, does not act on bacteria and microbes, but adjusts the entire body to function properly.

Studies have shown that ASD-2 is not addictive and does not cause any allergic reactions. Treatment difficulties can only arise when taking a fraction that has too strong an unpleasant aroma.

ASD for lung cancer

According to statistics, the fraction of precancerous conditions can cure completely. It is used both internally and externally. Despite a medical incident in which the status of the drug does not allow treating a person, most doctors advise taking ASD for cancer.

If found in the lungs or bronchi benign tumors, or initial neoplasms of cancer cells, then the fraction can be taken according to general scheme. Lung cancer of the second stage requires an increase in drug intake. In advanced forms of lung cancer, treatment with the ASD fraction alleviates the patient's condition.

General scheme for taking the fraction

The drug is taken on an empty stomach diluted with water.

The dosage regimen consists of an active phase and rest.

  • For 5 days, take 5 drops of the fraction per 100 g of water
  • Break 3 days
  • 3 days 10 drops
  • Break 3 days
  • 3 days 15 drops
  • Break 3 days
  • 3 days 20 drops
  • Break 3 days
  • 3 days 25 drops
  • Break 3 days.

Further use of the drug is recommended in a dosage of 25 drops of the fraction per half glass of water. Active phase 3 days and a break of the same duration. The admission period is unlimited. Test confirmation required positive result treatment.

Intensive scheme

The use of ASD as a treatment for lung cancer relieves pain and stops growth cancerous tumor. The most powerful adaptogen mobilizes the body’s internal forces to fight cancer cells. You should not give up other treatments for lung cancer. The fraction makes it easier to endure chemotherapy and recover after surgical intervention. The similarity to the human body’s own cells means there are no side effects when taking the medicine.

The doctor must decide how to take ASD for lung cancer, depending on the degree of development of the disease. Intensive use of the drug is recommended starting from the second stage. Reviews from patients in oncology clinics who took the fraction on the advice of doctors indicate a consistently positive result.

The intensive treatment regimen involves taking ASD-2 four times a day every 4 hours. The dosage starts with 5 drops, increasing by 5 every five days. Highest dose The dose is 50 drops at a time. The duration depends on the result of treatment. You should not refuse the drug if tests show qualitative changes in your condition. Treatment can last for years. When the risk of relapse decreases, they switch to a gentle regimen of taking the fraction. It is possible that you will have to take ASD for quite a long time.

Gentle regimen

The fraction is diluted with drinking tea. Pour boiling water over the tea leaves a second time and cool. Breed remedy in half a glass of liquid. The dosage regimen is designed for a week. On the first day, 3 drops are enough, and then increase by 2 drops for 6 days. Then follows a break and another week of taking it according to the same principle. Then a week break and repeat the course, but with an initial dosage of 5 drops. If there is no worsening of the condition, then you should rest for a month and after testing, you can repeat the full course of treatment using a gentle regimen.

Precautionary measures

Treatment of lung cancer with ASD fraction 2 can cause some unpleasant reactions in the body. They are not dangerous and do not require stopping the drug.

  • Belching or bloating may occur. It is recommended to drink a glass of kefir about half an hour after taking it.
  • The amount of liquid you drink per day should be increased to 2-3 liters. This is required to remove toxic substances from the body. It is useful to drink juices and compotes from lingonberries, cranberries and dried fruits.
  • Taking ASD does not require any special changes in diet. But it will be useful to exclude fatty, spicy and fried foods from your diet. Replace with fruits (pomegranate, apples), vegetables (onions, beets, garlic) and cereals.
  • At long-term treatment fraction may decrease arterial pressure. You can take stimulant medications. Golden root, ginseng and others natural remedies will help normalize blood pressure.
  • Sometimes possible renal colic. Kidney herbal preparations will help to avoid this.

Do not forget about constant monitoring of the condition. All changes should be discussed with your doctor. Although there are no strong side effects in the fraction, the general condition of the body and the course of the disease may require a change in the dosage regimen or temporary refusal of ASD treatment.

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ASD for cancer

One of the most terrible diseases of mankind is oncological diseases. And if previously people did not know how to fight tumors, today there is a breakthrough in medicine and there are methods to fight cancer and tumors. Therefore, this material will discuss the drug ASD fraction 2, as well as how to take ASD fraction 2 for cancer.

Useful properties of ASD

This drug is well known to people only in veterinary medicine. But they began to use it to combat cancer, and the results were positive. Thus, for Lately Interest in the drug began to grow. As studies show, ASD 2 can:

  • Improve the immune system;
  • Provide an antibacterial effect;
  • Without damaging the body, since it is a very strong adaptogen. In other words, it is close to living cells in the body;
  • Do not affect the fetus of a pregnant woman;
  • Normalize hormonal levels;
  • Normalize metabolism in the human body.

Also, the drug does not have any side effects. But in order to achieve the desired result, you will need to find out how to drink ASD fraction 2 for oncology.

How to take ASD 2 for oncology and what types of cancer the drug treats

As shown Scientific research, the drug may affect and treat the following:

  • Has a positive effect on tumors of nervous system tissues;
  • It has good resistance, which means it can be used as an additional medicine;
  • Affects the destructive processes of pathogenic elements;
  • Treats and has a positive effect on breast cancer.

The medicine can be used orally according to the instructions, but before doing so it should be diluted in water at room temperature. It is also possible to use the fraction as lotions for external use.

Regimen for taking ASD fraction 2 for oncology

After purchasing the drug, you should read the instructions on how to use ASD 2 for cancer. It's even better to get advice from a doctor. You should also know that the container with the substance must be stored in the refrigerator, and there is no need to open the bottle. To dial the required dosage you will need to use a syringe.

Today, there are several regimens that are intended for the treatment of oncology:

  • The most simple method treatment is to use 5 drops of the substance per 50 ml of water. This water should be additionally washed down with infusion of oregano. It is recommended to use the substance 4 times for 25 days. You should also use the medicine strictly at the right time, namely from 8 am to 8 pm with an interval of 4 hours. After completing the course, you must take a break for 10 days. During the break, it is recommended to use metronidazole.
  • This regimen can be used to treat lung cancer. ASD fraction 2 dosage is applied according to the scheme. In other words, you need to start the course with one drop and increase your consumption drop by drop every day. Until one dose includes 40 drops. After reaching this threshold, it is necessary to reduce drug consumption. The reduction is made drop by drop per day until the daily norm becomes one drop. It is recommended to take the medicine with water or fresh juice from carrots, you can also make infusions from oregano.

Scheme of cancer treatment using the Dorogov method. The drug ASD 2 is used for breast cancer. It will take 3 to 6 months to consume it, and before use the substance is diluted in water or herbal decoction. You can also take the medicine with tea without sugar. The medicine is taken strictly at the right time, starting from 8 am and every 4 hours until 8 pm.

  • From the first to the fifth day, drink 5 drops at a time;
  • From the sixth to the tenth day, 10 drops are also used per use;
  • From day 11 to day 15, you should increase your consumption to 15 drops per dose;
  • From 16 to 20 days it is necessary to increase the dose again to 20 drops;
  • From days 21 to 25, the number of drops increases to 25 at a time;
  • Next, you need to increase your consumption by 5 drops every five days. This increase is done until there are 50 drops at a time. It is at this stage that recovery can be achieved. You will need to drink 50 drops until complete recovery occurs. At the same time, it is also recommended to go to see a doctor so that he can monitor his health.

Methods and instructions for taking the drug should be strictly adhered to. And to take the medicine, you must use a syringe and under no circumstances open the bottle. This is due to the fact that air negatively affects healing effect facilities.

In case of unwanted effects, and if anything unusual is felt, then you must urgently stop taking the product.

More information on how to take ASD 2 for cancer

The basic regimens for taking the drug can be found above, but there are also additional tips on how to take ASD 2:

  • In order to remove the unpleasant odor of the medicine, water can be replaced with milk;
  • Only boiled water should be used;
  • The medicine should be stored in a dry area and preferably in a cool environment;
  • When undergoing a course of treatment, you should stop drinking alcohol;
  • When treating ASD 2, doctors advise using more acidic foods in food, of course, if such foods can be used in the main diet. This is because the medicine thickens the blood.
  • It is better to use the product half an hour before a meal or after a meal, but after a couple of hours;
  • 1 ml of product contains 30 drops;
  • The drug does not have side effects and contraindications, with the exception of personal intolerance. If this is detected, then it is advised to stop using it for a while and find out the reasons for the deterioration in well-being.
  • Many doctors may not be aware of this medicine or have a negative attitude towards it because it is in to a greater extent used in folk medicine rather than traditional;
  • With the use of the fraction, it is necessary to consume a large amount of liquid per day, this allows you to remove harmful substances from the body. You need to drink approximately 3 liters per day.

Finally, it is worth saying that this is all the information about ASD 2 for the treatment of cancer. It should also be noted that during the course of treatment there is no need to follow a diet.

Other articles on the topic of treating cancer (oncology) with folk remedies at home:

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ASD treatment of cancer. Description and how to take

Over time, many innovative and alternative ways effects on cancer. One of these is ASD treatment cancer. It arose in the USSR thanks to the research of A.V. Dorogov. But the drug was banned by the party as unsubstantiated and pseudoscientific. However, today ASD has resurfaced in medical practice and is actively used to treat cancer.

What is the drug ASD?

Under thermal influence, organic animal raw materials decompose. And from it a natural component is extracted, the creation of which is based on waste from animal meat and bones. Initially, the product was developed for use in veterinary medicine, but then it was tested in humans. Today, the effectiveness of the drug is proven by new generations of scientists.

Among the priorities of the funds are:

  • antiseptic and stimulating properties;
  • antibacterial and immunomodulating characteristics. ASD fraction 2 easily adapts to the functioning of the body, restoring the main cellular mechanisms, which is very important in the treatment of cancer;
  • the drug is able to activate human strength to fight infection. Therefore, it may be useful in the treatment of cancer;
  • positively perceived by living tissues because it has an identical structure.

Cancer treatment with ASD fraction 2

The relevance of using fraction ASD 2 in treatment cancer diseases arose after the discovery of its capabilities. According to scientific data, the drug can affect:

  • malignant formations associated with the hormonal sphere (tumors mammary gland);
  • malignant tumors of nerve tissue;
  • increasing overall resistance, so the drug can be used as an alternative additional remedy;
  • fraction ASD 2 is also prone to alkalization of the body, thereby destroying pathogenic elements, similar to the well-known and controversial effect of soda on cancer.

The drug can be used internally following the instructions, after diluting the product with boiled water at room temperature. Also, for external tumors, it is possible to make lotions by soaking a sterile bandage with the product.

Application diagram

There are two ways to use the drug. One envisions a shock method to quickly obtain the desired effect, the other can be used in the early stages.

The first method: includes 10 mandatory courses that can continue until complete recovery:

  • The drug is taken at the same hours every day 4 times. The intervals become 4 hours;
  • start of use - 5 drops;
  • each course lasts 5 days;
  • every 5 days the dose is increased by 5 drops;
  • This continues until the dose reaches 50 drops.

Second method: (for non-advanced stages of cancer):

  1. One course becomes four weeks. The drug is taken on an empty stomach half an hour before meals;
  • for 40 milliliters of water, 3 milliliters of fraction ASD 2 is given;
  • gradually the dose is increased by two drops;
  • the last day of the week is a break.
  1. Second course is also 4 weeks, but according to a different scheme:
  • reception begins with five drops;
  • gradually increases by two.

Treatment cancer ASD(according to V.I. Trubnikov’s method) can be used for patients of any age:

  • up to 0.5 ml per 5-10 ml of water for patients from 1 to 5 years;
  • up to 0.7 ml per 5-15 ml of water for patients 5-15 years old;
  • from half to one ml per 25 drops of boiled water for cancer patients;
  • after the age of 20, take from two to five ml per volume of water up to 100 g.

Whenever unwanted effects and sensations, you need to stop taking it immediately.

  • water can be replaced with milk, which will slightly smooth out the unpleasant odor;
  • the drug is stored in a dry place at a cool temperature (up to 30°C);
  • avoid drinking alcoholic beverages;
  • It is advisable to eat while taking ASD for cancer treatment sour foods, if it does not contradict the main diet. Since it has been revealed that the drug can increase blood density.

Cancer treatment ASD 2: reviews

Doctors consider cancer treatment with ASD fraction 2 pure quackery. However, there are many reviews about the drug on the Internet. Most of them are positive. For example, patients say that ASD helped them recover from malignant lung, breast, melanoma, and kidney cancer.

Cancer patients also use ASD 2 in the treatment of metastatic cancer to improve their general condition, since, as the instructions say, the drug has no side effects.

Some reviews say that the drug helped withstand chemotherapy, even all side effects from it (nausea, vomiting, etc.).

One patient indicates that she has been using the drug for 3 years. I started with 30 drops, after surgery (at the third stage of cancer) I increased the dose to 50. And this continued for 2 years. At this time, she is using the drug 30 drops twice a day.

However, some reviews speak of ASD as an alkaline poison, pointing to the fact that the drug is dangerous because the immune system begins to fight him as if he were foreign substance. The confirmation of the idea is allegedly indicated by the fact that the drug must be diluted with water and taken breaks. But it is worth noting that many medicines, even those of natural origin, are used this way.

However, it should be taken into account that all patients who experience long-term remission from cancer also used other therapeutic agents, which could affect their health.

The ASD fraction does not have official permission for independent use. The drug can only be purchased at a veterinary pharmacy, so you must first weigh the pros and cons. In any case, if you want to try the effects of ASD on cancer treatment, you should first consult with your doctor. Self-medication is strictly prohibited!

It is important to know:

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What kind of illiterate person wrote the text? Shame!

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The information on the site is presented for informational purposes only! It is not recommended to use the described methods and recipes for treating cancer on your own and without consulting a doctor!

Over the years, many innovative and alternative treatments for cancer have emerged. One of these is ASD cancer treatment. It arose in the USSR thanks to the research of A.V. Dorogov. But the drug was banned by the party as unsubstantiated and pseudoscientific. However, today ASD has resurfaced in medical practice and is actively used to treat cancer.

Leading clinics abroad

What is the drug ASD?

Under thermal influence, organic animal raw materials decompose. And from it a natural component is extracted, the creation of which is based on waste from animal meat and bones. Initially, the product was developed for use in veterinary medicine, but then it was tested in humans. Today, the effectiveness of the drug is proven by new generations of scientists.

Among the priorities of the funds are:

  • antiseptic and stimulating properties;
  • antibacterial and immunomodulating characteristics. ASD fraction 2 easily adapts to the functioning of the body, restoring the main cellular mechanisms, which is very important in the treatment of cancer;
  • the drug is able to activate human strength to fight infection. Therefore, it may be useful in the treatment of cancer;
  • positively perceived by living tissues because it has an identical structure.

Cancer treatment with ASD fraction 2

The relevance of using the ASD 2 fraction in the treatment of cancer arose after the discovery of its capabilities. According to scientific data, the drug can affect:

  • malignant formations associated with the hormonal sphere (breast tumors);
  • malignant tumors of nerve tissue;
  • increasing overall resistance, so the drug can be used as an alternative additional remedy;
  • fraction ASD 2 is also prone to alkalization of the body, thereby destroying pathogenic elements, like the well-known and controversial one.

The drug can be used internally following the instructions, after diluting the product with boiled water at room temperature. Also, for external tumors, it is possible to make lotions by soaking a sterile bandage with the product.

Application diagram

There are two ways to use the drug. One envisions a shock method to quickly obtain the desired effect, the other can be used in the early stages.

First method: includes 10 mandatory courses, which can continue until complete recovery:

  • The drug is taken at the same hours every day 4 times. The intervals become 4 hours;
  • start of use - 5 drops;
  • each course lasts 5 days;
  • every 5 days the dose is increased by 5 drops;
  • This continues until the dose reaches 50 drops.

Second method: (for non-advanced stages of cancer):

  1. One course becomes four weeks. The drug is taken on an empty stomach half an hour before meals;
  • for 40 milliliters of water, 3 milliliters of fraction ASD 2 is given;
  • gradually the dose is increased by two drops;
  • the last day of the week is a break.
  1. Second course is also 4 weeks, but according to a different scheme:
  • reception begins with five drops;
  • gradually increases by two.

Treatment of cancer ASD(according to V.I. Trubnikov’s method) can be used for patients of any age:

  • up to 0.5 ml per 5-10 ml of water for patients from 1 to 5 years;
  • up to 0.7 ml per 5-15 ml of water for patients 5-15 years old;
  • from half to one ml per 25 drops of boiled water for cancer patients 15-20 years old;
  • after the age of 20, take from two to five ml per volume of water up to 100 g.

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