Treatment of a pinched sciatic nerve at home. These materials will be of interest to you. Signs and symptoms of the disease

Treatment of a pinched nerve folk remedies must necessarily be carried out in complex selection with the main medicines which are prescribed by the doctor. Without it complete cure disease is almost impossible. And if you neglect this rule, you can earn yourself a chronic form of the disease, and in some cases more serious consequences.

The cause of a pinched nerve, which occurs during traumatic, toxic or infectious lesions, there is compression of the nerve trunk itself in soft tissues or compression of sensory, motor or sympathetic fibers, which make up the nerve trunk between soft bones and bony protrusions on the bones of the skeleton. That is why, when a nerve is pinched, disturbances in movement and organ function occur, and sharp and very severe pain appears.

Most often, a pinched nerve in the spine occurs during physical activity, especially in cases where the load is improperly distributed on the bones and ligaments that form the movable skeleton of the human body.

At the moment of overextension, the nerve root is pinched, and at the site of this microtrauma, reactive edema very quickly grows and a focus of inflammation is formed, which further contributes to compression of the nerve. Thus it starts pathological reaction, requiring measures to be taken to eliminate it, which takes considerable time.

Traditional medicine recipes

Products for external use

When treating a pinched nerve by any means, first of all, it is necessary to place the victim in the position in which he will least feel pain and, if possible, limit the active and passive movements of the victim.

A good way to reduce the intensity of pain is to apply any source of heat - here you can use heating pads, bags of heated sand, warming compresses, and patches that have a warming and locally irritating effect.

  • You can use tincture of red pepper, tincture of garlic, for such compresses or rubbing.
  • Also effective will be an ointment that consists of fir oil and valerian tincture, which can be purchased at the pharmacy. The components should be taken in a 2:1 ratio, shake well before use and apply to the skin over the area of ​​pain at least 2-3 times a day, after which the lubricated area should be well wrapped.

Oral preparations

In addition to external means, in the arsenal traditional medicine There are also medications that are taken orally. Their action is aimed at the central mechanisms of pain formation, at relieving swelling and the inflammatory reaction that necessarily form around the damaged nerve root.

Enough effective means, which has not only an analgesic but also an anti-edematous effect, is a tincture of barberry fruits, which can be prepared in advance. This product contains a large amount of B vitamins that relieve painful sensations and swelling in the sheaths of nerve cells.

To prepare the tincture take fresh berries, which are poured into a glass container, and then filled to the top with medical alcohol. The tincture is prepared for 2 weeks in a warm and dark room.

The leaves and fruits of barberry can be included in comprehensive collection, which also contains grass horsetail, strawberry leaves, knotweed herbs, which are taken in equal proportions and mixed. Two spoons of the prepared mixture are poured into a thermos. Add 2 cups of boiling water and leave for at least 4 hours. Strain and take half a glass orally after each meal.

Recipes from the people

  • You need to grate a raw potato, squeeze out the juice, and add a little kerosene. The result is a potato mass with the consistency of thick sour cream (the main thing is not to overdo it with adding kerosene, because the skin can be burned, be careful).

Apply this mixture to sore spot(lower back), be sure to first lubricate this area with sunflower oil to avoid burns from kerosene. Healing occurs quickly, but you need to endure a slight burning sensation for several hours. Some who used this recipe quickly get up the next day and begin to do normal work.

  • In a meat grinder you need to grind a small fresh horseradish root, about half a glass, then add the same amount of raw grated potatoes and one tablespoon of honey.

First, just as in the first case, lubricate the lower back with sunflower oil, then apply (can be through gauze) this mixture in a layer of 1-1.5 cm, cover with a plastic bag, and cover with a blanket on top. Lie like that for an hour. It will sting at first, but then it will go away quickly. To consolidate this procedure, you can carry out another day.

Health and prosperity to you, dear readers!

The sciatic nerve is part of a holistic and important nervous system, which has various functions, one of which provides movement in the lower extremities. When inflammation occurs, the nerve makes itself felt with severe, sharp pain, so treatment for pinched sciatic nerve it needs to be done immediately, it can even be done at home using folk remedies.

Such remedies include massage, compresses, herbal ointments and exercises. These procedures will help relieve painful symptoms, many of them can be used at home on your own.

Where is the sciatic nerve located?

The sciatic nerve is part of the nervous system and originates in the lower part of the spine, closer to the tailbone. The nerve comes out spinal column, branching out through the buttocks, goes down. Below the knee, the main process is divided into several branches, which provide sensation to the entire limb. It then reaches the heel and ends at the toes.

The nerve is continuous, so if one part of it becomes inflamed, then most often the pain is felt along the entire length and this complicates its treatment. The function of the sciatic nerve is to provide mobility to the lower extremities.

The sciatic nerve is long and thick, so it can very often be exposed to various negative factors.

What is a pinched sciatic nerve?

In medicine, inflammation from a pinched sciatic nerve is also called sciatica, sciatica, neuritis or sciatic neuralgia, and all of them do not mean a disease, but only a symptom that indicates problems in the sacrum, pelvic region or lower back.

A pinched sciatic nerve occurs when the nerve becomes pinched. Most often, the clamp occurs in the lumbar spine and in the piriformis muscle. As a result, the nervous tissue is irritated, which requires immediate treatment.

Why is the sciatic nerve pinched?

Some diseases provoke inflammation and pinching of the largest and longest-lasting nerve in humans.

  • Hypothermia.
  • Spinal injuries.
  • Intervertebral hernia.
  • Osteochondrosis.
  • Pinched muscles lumbar region and lower extremities.
  • Gynecological diseases.
  • Injuries to the piriformis muscle.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Difficult birth.
  • Venous thrombosis.
  • Gout.

What are the symptoms of a pinched sciatic nerve?

If we talk about symptoms, the disease manifests itself as quite painful sensations: pain in the buttock or in the entire leg, pain when moving. The person cannot walk normally. If an attack occurs while bending over, it is difficult for a person to straighten up. Painful feelings affect the entire limb. Feels like nagging pain from the waist to the tips of the fingers.

If you are in a calm state, for example lying down, the pain bothers you less. As soon as you make any movements, the nerve makes itself felt. There may be a feeling of numbness in the muscles in the pelvis, buttocks and lower legs.

The limb cannot perform its functions. It is impossible to stand, sit or just walk because acute pain with any body movements.

Symptoms may affect one or both legs. The pain during an attack can be of a different nature: aching, cutting, stabbing, or there may simply be attacks that subside and recur. The fewer movements a person makes, the fewer painful symptoms occur.

Drug treatment of pinched sciatic nerve

In order to relieve pain, painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed. These medications will help remove the main symptoms of the disease, which is very important in the initial acute phase of the disease. Medicines are also used that are aimed at improving blood circulation in the muscles, in in rare cases antidepressants to normalize the sleep of a patient with sciatica. Various physiotherapeutic procedures are used, physiotherapy, massage, sometimes acupuncture.

When treating sciatica, physiotherapeutic methods are used:

electrophoresis with drugs . With this procedure, the medicine is injected directly into the painful area through the skin.

Magnetotherapy . Its action is to relieve pain and relieve spasms.

UHF therapy facilitates the course of the disease, relieves muscle spasms of the limbs.

Paraffin applications improve blood flow in the limbs, relieve muscle spasms and stimulate metabolic processes in the areas of application.

In order to relieve pinched sciatic nerve at home, various measures are used: taking medicinal decoctions to relieve inflammation, medicinal ointments, massage, exercises, compresses and baths.

Medicinal decoctions and infusions for the treatment of inflammation

  • St. John's wort

It has an analgesic effect: brew 2 tbsp St. John's wort in a liter of boiling water. l. Insist medicinal decoction two hours. Take half a glass three times a day.

  • Calendula

Pour two tablespoons of plant flowers into 500 ml of boiling water. Let it brew for two hours, take 100 ml three times a day.

  • Burdock root

Bring a glass of red natural wine to a boil, add one tablespoon of burdock root. Cool the broth, filter, take 100 ml.

  • Elecampane

Boil 1 tablespoon of elecampane root in a glass of water for twenty minutes. To relieve pinched pain, take the entire product twice a day.

A tablespoon of rose hips, parsley and dried peels pour watermelon with a liter of boiling water in a thermos. Leave overnight. Take one hundred milliliters three times a day.

  • Collection of herbs

Thyme and horsetail 3 tbsp. spoons, viburnum and calendula color 1.5 tablespoons each. Add 2 tablespoons of herbal mixture to 500 ml of boiling water. Simmer the herbs over the fire for five minutes. Take the decoction three times a day, 100 ml.

  • Ointment based on wild rosemary

In order to prepare an ointment for the treatment of the sciatic nerve, you need to prepare the following ingredients:

— Ledum 2 tbsp.

Olive oil 5 tbsp.

Place the plant in the oil and leave to simmer over low heat for 1 hour. Cool the oil, leave for 6 hours, strain and use to rub the sciatic nerve for at least 10 days.

Compresses for treatment

For a compress, prepared dough from honey and rye flour. Mix flour and liquid honey to form a flat cake with a dense consistency. Apply a compress to the sore spot, put a plastic bag, cotton wool and a woolen scarf on top. Use the product at night.

Treatment of the sciatic nerve can be carried out fir oil, but you definitely need to monitor your feelings. Lubricate the lower back and sacrum area with sunflower oil, soak a piece of fabric with fir oil and place it on the oiled skin. Place cellophane on top and insulate. It burns strongly, so you should not endure it to avoid getting a skin burn. Dose the amount of oil according to your feelings; sometimes it will be more useful to simply lubricate the skin at the site of inflammation, without applying a compress.

How to treat entrapment in bathtubs

Baths are another treatment for pinched and inflamed sciatic nerves that can be done at home.

Warm baths have an excellent effect on the inflamed nerve, relieving pinching, pain, and swelling. The muscles relax and the person’s condition improves.

In order for the baths to bring their positive effect, the procedures must be taken for two weeks.

You can add it to water medicinal herbs: chamomile, calendula, sage, also sea ​​salt, essential oils.

  • Horseradish baths

Wash the horseradish root, grind it in a blender, place 100 grams of the root in a gauze bag and lower it to the bottom of the bath with warm water. Therapeutic baths with horseradish can be taken for 10 days for 10 minutes.

  • Pine bath

Collect 2 liters of young pine shoots, fill them with 4 liters of water and put on fire to boil. After 10 minutes of boiling, remove from heat, let it brew for half an hour, strain and pour the broth into a warm bath with a water temperature of 37 - 40 degrees. Duration of use is 15-20 minutes every day.

Massage for the treatment of pinched sciatic nerve

This type of treatment is very effective for pinched sciatic nerves. Massage improves blood circulation, relieves inflammation, relieves irritation from nerve endings, pain subsides, and mobility is restored. Massage can be done as a stand-alone procedure or using various pain-relieving ointments.

At home, you can prepare the following warming composition for massage: take 1 part for 6 parts honey medical alcohol, mixed and used to rub along the entire length of the pinched nerve.

Exercises for pinched sciatic nerve

Important warning: do not exercise in the acute phase of the disease if you have pain. First, take painkillers and anti-inflammatory medications prescribed by your doctor. All exercises must be done without pain. If you experience any discomfort, stop exercising immediately.

First exercise

Lie on the hard floor with your back, raise your legs, and press your knees to your chest as hard as possible. With this exercise, you kind of stretch the gluteal muscles and remove the spasm or clamp. Lie in this position for half a minute. Relax for a few seconds and repeat everything again. Multiplicity 10 times.

Second exercise

Lying on your side, do leg pull-ups with your knees bent to your chest, stretching your toes and lowering them to the starting position. The exercise must be performed several times.

Third exercise

Sit on a chair, cross your legs, straighten your back, put your hands behind your head, turn your body to the right and left as far as possible.

Exercise four

Kneel down, back straight, arms extended up, holding thumbs for each other. Bend forward smoothly. It is necessary to stretch your back so that your palms touch the floor. Repeat the exercise several times.

All exercises should be performed slowly, then relax and rest.

What to avoid if you have a pinched sciatic nerve

In order to avoid complications, it is necessary to carry out complex treatment and take care.

  1. You cannot make sudden movements.
  2. If it is difficult to walk or sit on your own, it is better to ask someone for help.
  3. In the first days of illness it is better to lie in bed.
  4. Avoid even slight freezing.
  5. Avoid sudden bending and lifting heavy objects.

It is important to apply for medical care, if the disease becomes serious, severe pain occurs, it is impossible to independently perform simple movements, stand, walk, sit. An experienced doctor will be able to prescribe comprehensive treatment and prevent possible complications.

Disease Prevention

In order to prevent problems with the sciatic nerve from arising, it is necessary first of all to protect the spine. This is the health of the whole body.

Do not lift heavy objects. From the early childhood you need to watch your posture. Physical activity that is aimed at strengthening the muscles of the spine and limbs will promote the health of the sciatic nerve. The likelihood of a pinched nerve will decrease significantly.

Make sure your legs and lower back are always warm. If you allow the sciatic nerve to freeze and catch a cold at least once, it will constantly remind you of itself at the most inopportune moment.

Have you felt increasing pain in the lumbar region? Does the pain seem to radiate to the leg or both? At the same time, numbness began to be felt in the gluteal area inner surface hips and back surface shins? There is no time to go to the doctor, and it is known that this disease can be cured without intervention traditional medicine? Then such an extraordinary treatment of your sciatic nerve as healing with folk remedies will help.

This Alternative medicine is allowed only if you are sure that the cause of the pain is really sciatica, and you know for sure that the harbingers of pinching are, as a rule, hypothermia, heavy lifting, incorrect posture and any adverse effects on the spine, which also need to be taken into account when choosing treatment with folk remedies .

The main purpose of application unconventional methods medicine, is to get rid of pain, as well as inflammatory process.

Methods for getting rid of inflammation of the sciatic nerve and its symptoms using folk remedies can be roughly divided into the following groups:

  • means for oral administration;
  • ointments and infusions for external rubbing;
  • baths with herbs and other anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • general therapeutic strengthening procedures ( bed rest, massage treatments, proper nutrition, swimming).

Although treatment with folk remedies for a pinched sciatic nerve is common and many people use it, do not forget that you should not overdo it either. Before using any plants that are popularly considered useful, you should familiarize yourself with their characteristics, since your individual characteristics, the way in which you may have a pinched nerve may be contraindications for the ingestion or external use of a particular variety of herb.

This useful plant, like St. John's wort, is contraindicated in hypertension, pregnancy, long-term use toxic, causes pain in the liver, urticaria, the presence of a nasty taste in oral cavity, and calendula should not be taken if you have low blood pressure, and it can also cause allergic reactions.

List of plants and examples of their use

List of components used in nerve treatment plant origin, is extensive in nature, these are: calendula, aloe, horseradish, chamomile, St. John's wort, golden mustache, sage, fir, acacia, eucalyptus, rose hips, burdock, parsley, elecampane, aspen leaves.

Almost all herbs used in folk remedies can be purchased at the pharmacy for inexpensive cash. On each box with the herb it contains there is a recommendation on their infusion, dose of use, method of use, which must be followed.

Herbs will not only help provide an anti-inflammatory process, but also have a general strengthening tendency and help strengthen the immune system. At the very least, these are the safest treatments for pinched nerves, if you follow the recommendations for their use, and they treat not only sciatica, but also large quantity other diseases.

A widespread phenomenon in folk medicine is how to treat the sciatic nerve with horseradish, which in most cases brings a positive result of treatment.

You can use it when applying water procedures: to do this, you need to chop its root, put it in gauze, and put it in the bath. Such procedures take approximately 10 days.

Another recipe with horseradish is to create compresses with it. To do this, rub the root with potatoes in a ratio of 1 to 1, add 1 spoon of honey, mix everything, ready mixture put in gauze and put on inflamed area bodies. This compress is applied every other day, no more than 5 times, and then you need to take a break. The application time of the compress is about 1 hour, but redness of the skin and a slight burning sensation are allowed.

It should be remembered that the use of horseradish can cause burns, so it is diluted with potatoes.

Taking a bath with young pine branches is beneficial. It’s easy to prepare; you just need to pour boiling water over 1 kg of shoots, then boil for about 10 minutes, let it brew for about 4 hours, and strain. Then pour the broth into the bath and take water treatments no more than 15 minutes.

Acacia flowers can be used as a rub; to do this, take 100 gm of it, pour 300 g of vodka, then leave for more than a week in a warm place. This tincture rubbed into inflamed areas where pain symptoms are felt.

Grandmother's methods of treatment

Our ancestors did not know any medicines, and were healed by the gifts of nature, and the experience accumulated over centuries brings quite good results today.

Here are a few examples of how to treat the sciatic nerve with folk remedies from my grandmother’s recipes:

  1. Water treatments made from oat straw decoction are good for removing inflammation;
  2. Apply horseradish or burdock leaves to the sore area of ​​the lower back;
  3. Brew 1 large spoon of turpentine in a hot glass boiled water, after which the prepared solution is applied to the sore spot for about 40 minutes;
  4. Mix birch buds, 1/2 liters of vodka, let sit, then apply to inflamed areas;
  5. A very long time ago, they used such an ancient remedy as stearin ( organic product, created from fats) melted and applied hot to sore spots;
  6. Red fly agaric, finely chopped and poured with 1/2 liter of vodka (my grandmother used to bury this infusion in manure, the resulting mass was subsequently rubbed on the inflamed areas);
  7. Lingonberry leaves are brewed with a glass of boiling water, left for about 90 minutes, after which use 1 spoon a day 3 times;
  8. For pain, earthworms collected during the summer rain were also used, after which they were filled with vodka, tightly closed and left in the sun, this infusion was used by rubbing in at night;
  9. Take 100 ml of vinegar, 50 ml of vodka, 3 packs of needles (made of steel), put everything in one container, wait until the needles dissolve, then put 50 g of mercury and ichthyol ointment, mix everything until the resulting substance is homogeneous, then take 50 g of formic alcohol, 25 g of powdered bodyaga and 50 g of liquid, 3 kg of pig lard, mix all the ingredients again, leave overnight on the inflamed areas of the lower back, after wrapping them in a warm thing, and also many other ways.

When using folk remedies for treatment, do not forget that medicine is increasingly developing, and its modern methods may turn out to be much more effective and safer.

Honey, how to use it

Treatment of pinched sciatic nerve with folk remedies is widespread, and one of its most effective components is honey.

It can be used internally and rubbed.

Examples of using honey:

  • melt 300 g honey, add 50 ml ethyl alcohol, when infusing it, constant stirring is recommended, after which the finished mixture is widely used for massage, which should last no more than 30 minutes (this remedy is effective for relieving pain);
  • mix a glass of vodka, a glass of honey, 5 glasses of black radish, 1 spoon of salt, mix everything and use as an ointment, 2 times a day;
  • take 1 large spoon of honey, 1 egg (white), 30 g laundry soap, everything is mixed, applied to the lower back for 1-2 hours and covered with a warm shawl or other similar thing;
  • 1 large spoon of horseradish root, 2 large spoons of honey, mix everything and apply to the inflamed area for 3-4 hours, 2 times a day.

Also used beeswax, it is heated, applied to skin, in the area of ​​pain, cover with a bag, then with a shawl and leave overnight.

It should be remembered that honey, although very good way, it is very allergenic and should be used with extreme caution. It is recommended to start using small doses, in all types of its use.

In most cases, folk remedies, especially using grandmother's recipes, treat pinched sciatic nerve by applying warm clothes over compresses, or by warming up the places where it is felt. pain syndrome, you should know that before using any of the remedies, consult with a specialist, since currently in medicine, there is an opinion, held by a number of doctors, that heat cannot be used, since it not only does not help the treatment, but can also aggravate the situation.

It is important to adhere to the fact that treatment with folk remedies is allowed if, during an MRI or X-ray examination of the spine, no new formations unusual for the body, damage to the vertebrae, or the formation of a hernia are detected, then sciatica can be treated with alternative medicine.

But it is better to use the services of the attending physician as the main method of treatment, and use such treatment as traditional medicine as a concomitant aid to the main therapy.

Sharp, almost unbearable pain in the lower back - a sensation that many are familiar with firsthand. Very often the cause of its appearance is a pinched nerve in the lumbar spine. In addition to severe pain, the functioning of the nerve itself, and with it the organs and tissues associated with it, may be disrupted. Without treatment, the pinched nerve tissue becomes inflamed and partially atrophies. The sore spot swells, the pain intensifies, and radiculitis occurs (inflammation of the pinched nerve).

Causes of pinched nerves

From spinal cord, through the foraminal openings of the vertebrae, nerve branches extend to the tissues and organs of our body; the cause of their compression can be:

  • disc protrusion
  • osteochondrosis
  • poor posture
  • spasmed muscles
  • excessive physical exercise
  • high body weight
  • spinal injuries
  • tumor

Most common cause pinched nerve in the lower back becomes. When he appears cartilage tissue The intervertebral disc dries out and becomes thinner over time, and the space between the vertebrae becomes smaller. Such degenerative processes in intervertebral discs often cause the formation of protrusion and intervertebral hernia. These diseases can occur independently, with regular lifting of weights, poor posture, spinal injuries, sedentary life and other factors. Protrusion is initial stage the development of a hernia, in which the nucleus pulposus of the disc bulges outside the spinal canal, while the fibrous ring maintains its integrity. With an intervertebral hernia, the process is aggravated and the fibrous ring ruptures. Such bulges often cause pinching of the nerve root.

Osteophytes (bone growths along the edges of the vertebrae), which appear during spondylosis (can also occur with osteochondrosis), as well as spasmodic muscles, can compress the nerve. Muscle spasms are usually caused by nervous stress, sudden hypothermia, and sometimes other factors.

Symptoms of a pinched nerve in the lower back

Symptoms of a pinched nerve in the lower back may vary depending on:

  1. Causes of pinching.
  2. Type of pinched nerve: autonomic, motor or sensory.

If a sensory nerve is pinched, severe pain is localized at the site of pinching and persists for a long time. When the autonomic nerve is pinched, disorders may occur internal organs: pain in the stomach or Bladder, in rare cases, dysfunction of the reproductive system. A pinched motor nerve is often accompanied by a feeling of numbness in the lower back and legs, and weakness of the muscles of the lower extremities.

Pain from a compressed nerve root can be varied and characterized as burning, shooting, stabbing, constant or paroxysmal. Over time, tingling and heaviness may appear in the lumbar region. Sometimes the pain radiates to the leg, thigh or buttock. General state the person gets worse. He gets tired quickly and refuses physical activity due to fear of a new pain attack. There is also the possibility of disruption of the organs for which the pinched nerve is responsible.

Diagnosis of a pinched nerve root

The symptoms mentioned above can only indirectly indicate the presence of the disease. In order to determine the exact cause painful sensations, you should carry out those recommended by your doctor diagnostic procedures. In most cases, the first step is an X-ray examination of the spine. Additionally, it is possible to perform computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging (CT and MRI), as well as, in rare cases, x-rays using contrast agent(myelography). These measures will allow you to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe effective treatment.

What to do if you experience sharp pain in the lumbar region?

First of all, it should be remembered that during acute attack pain, do not warm up your back. The fact is that swelling occurs in the problem area, and an increase in temperature increases blood flow to this area. As a result, the swelling intensifies and increases pressure on the nerve tissue. When the lower back is warmed up, the pain may temporarily subside, but after some time it will return again, with even greater force.

  1. The first thing to do is take a pain reliever, better analgesic(analgin, baralgin, pentalgin). Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can be used if they have been previously prescribed by your doctor. But be careful, as drugs in this group have contraindications, despite the fact that they are sold from pharmacies without a prescription.
  2. The second is to immobilize the painful area. A special belt for the treatment of osteochondrosis is best suited for this purpose. But if you don’t have one at hand, then you can use a wide scarf, which you need to tie tightly around your lower back. After this, you should lie on your back in a bed with a moderately hard mattress.

Treatment for a pinched nerve in the lower back

Treatment should begin immediately after identifying the exact cause that caused the pinching. IN acute period illness, you should first of all observe bed rest. Of the medications, doctors most often prescribe non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen, diclofenac, voltaren, ketoprofen and others. These drugs have a pronounced analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. Various ointments are also used to relieve pain - fastum gel, ketonal cream, finalgon and others. To eliminate very severe pain Local injections are made with a solution of novocaine. To increase the efficiency of the nervous system during the recovery period, doctors may prescribe medications containing B vitamins (milgamma, neurorubin). During treatment, you should pay attention to your diet. It is necessary to exclude too spicy and salty dishes from food, give up strong coffee and alcoholic drinks.

It is very important that treatment of a pinched nerve is aimed not only at relieving pain and inflammation, but also at overcoming the reasons that caused this pinching. The doctor will have three main tasks - to release the nerve from compression, to restore normal position intervertebral discs, relieve muscle spasm. For this, medicine offers a complex of various methods:

  • physiotherapy (UHF therapy, magnetic therapy, electrophoresis)
  • manual therapy
  • reflexology
  • various massage techniques
  • physiotherapy

In cases where the cause of pinching is a tumor or intractable conservative treatment intervertebral hernia, surgical intervention will be required.

Treatment with folk remedies

There are quite effective traditional methods treatment of a pinched nerve in the lower back, but they should only be used in conjunction with the main treatment and subject to their agreement with the doctor.
We present to your attention folk recipes that can help in the fight against the disease:

The sciatic nerve is considered the largest in size. human body. It begins in the lumbar spine and travels down the leg, dividing into smaller nerves. Sciatic neuralgia causes severe pain in the legs and lower back.

A pinched sciatic nerve, or sciatica, is severe back pain, usually in the lower back, that can radiate down the leg, in some cases into both, extending behind the knee and even down to the foot. In this case, there may be a loss of sensitivity and numbness in the areas along which the sciatic nerve passes, muscle weakness up to total loss performance. With this disease that used to be called lumbar radiculitis or lumbago, almost everyone is familiar with it.

Diseases of the sciatic nerve create discomfort and pain in both the lower back and any part of the leg. One of these diseases is sciatica. Those suffering from this disease are often in no hurry to see a doctor, preferring to endure the pain until sciatica disrupts their normal lifestyle. That's why it's so common among people treatment of the sciatic nerve with folk remedies at home.

Sciatic nerve begins in the lumbosacral spine at five various levels spinal cord, runs along the buttock, splits into smaller nerves that pass into the thigh, knee, lower leg, foot and fingers. Pinching of the sciatic nerve and its inflammation is called sciatica. Another name for the disease is sciatic neuralgia. It should be remembered that inflammation of the sciatic nerve does not in itself represent the presence of a separate ailment, but is a consequence of the manifestation of a certain pathology or disease, the treatment of which will make it possible to get rid of sciatica.

Causes of inflammation of the sciatic nerve

In approximately 90% of cases, this is compression of the nerve roots at the exit from the spinal cord. There may be several reasons for pinching. If it burst intervertebral disc, a hernia protrudes from it, the vertebrae sag and compress the nerve, then unbearable pain literally falls on the person. Sensation in the legs is lost, muscle strength in the legs weakens. If the disease is not treated, then the person will experience muscle atrophy, sagging feet, and impaired urination.

Mostly sciatica develops as a complication osteochondrosis (dystrophic change intervertebral discs, which occurs due to uneven load and due to violations in disc tissues metabolic processes). The second common cause of the disease is intervertebral hernia.

But more often sciatic nerve compressed by bone growths in osteochondrosis. In this case, compression occurs gradually, and the pain comes on slowly.

The sciatic nerve can also be damaged by incorrectly placed injections. In any case, one must fight not only the pain, but also the reasons causing pain. If the disease reaches an advanced stage, then sciatic nerve neuritis is guaranteed and it will be much more difficult and longer to treat.

The sciatic nerve gets pinched for many reasons, including

  • displacement of intervertebral discs;
  • narrowing of the spinal canal;
  • complicated osteochondrosis;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • past infectious diseases;
  • the presence of malignant tumors;
  • hypothermia;
  • overexertion, physical activity or injury leading to damage to the pelvic organs or muscular system.

Symptoms of sciatic neuralgia

The main manifestations are constant pain in the back and the back of the leg, burning and tingling in the lower leg, limited mobility and weakness of the lower limb.

Depending on the stage of development and the causes of sciatica, the symptoms of this disease may vary. Sometimes the pain may only appear in the lower back. Very often, the disease makes itself felt with pain throughout the entire leg, starting from the lumbar spine and down to the toes. There are cases when the patient complains only of discomfort in the knee. However, in each case the manifestations of pain may be different. The patient may have a burning, stabbing, “shooting” sensation in the back, and a feeling of numbness may appear.

Most often, sciatica affects one lower limb. But sometimes there are cases when pain manifests itself simultaneously in both legs.

Pinched sciatic nerve

To begin treatment, it is necessary to find out the cause of the pinched nerve. You should consult a doctor and get an X-ray of the spine or magnetic resonance imaging. If not found intervertebral hernia or destruction of the vertebrae, then the sciatic nerve can be cured with folk remedies.

Is simple and effective way cure neuralgia without resorting to drug treatment. By using time-tested traditional medicine recipes in the treatment of the sciatic nerve, you can quickly achieve excellent results.
How to treat sciatic nerve

Before the start of leIn this case, you need to use exercises for the sciatic nerve:

1. For those who spend a lot of time in a sitting position, you should walk with a “relaxed gait” once an hour for 5 minutes. While walking, you should make smooth body movements to the sides, stretching with your arms, lifting your hips, if there is no pain, then do a few squats.

2. If the sciatic nerve is inflamed, heavy physical activity is strictly contraindicated. Listen to your pain. They will tell you prohibited movements and the volume of weights to lift.

3. The most the right way getting rid of pain in the sciatic nerve is warmth in any form. The heat will relieve muscle spasms that cause pain. Also, a relaxing massage and reflex therapy, using strong irritants, should be added to the heat.

Treatment for this pathology takes a long time and includes taking medicinal products, warming, rubbing and massages. Usage unconventional ways gives the fight against sciatica positive results and leads to a fairly rapid recovery.

To treat the sciatic nerve, you need to apply a warm compress. Grind in a meat grinder fresh root horseradish, add grated horseradish in the same amount raw potatoes and 1 tbsp honey. Mix everything thoroughly and place the mixture on gauze folded in half. Then smear the lower back with vegetable oil and put gauze with the resulting mass. On top there is polyethylene, a heavy pillow and a blanket. During treatment you can neither walk nor sit - lie down for an hour. The burning sensation will be such that it will seem like you have a burn there. In fact, the skin will turn slightly red. Such procedures should be done every other day.

Also, folk remedies for treating the sciatic nerve at home include compress with fir oil. Soak the cloth in oil and apply it to your lower back, or simply rub it into the skin, place cellophane on top, and then a heating pad. The burning sensation will also be very strong. To avoid burns, you should smear your lower back with vegetable oil. Keep the compress for 1 - 2 hours.

Agave remedy- cut lengthwise fresh leaf plants and lubricate the sore spot with it in the direction of the affected nerve. You need to rub the affected area in the morning and evening. It is very important to use a leaf that is not too young (it has a weak effect) and not too old (it can burn the skin). Over time, you can cut the leaf into small pieces and apply it daily for several hours.

Healing ointment- Crush and grind the iris root in a meat grinder. Mix 3 tbsp. l. chopped root and a glass vegetable oil. Rub the product into the area of ​​pain twice a day.

Mumiyo- has been widely used for the treatment of sciatica since ancient times. For manual therapy, preparing the remedy, you need to mix 2 g of mumiyo with 1 tsp. purified sulfur powder. Rub the mixture with a small amount warm water before drying immediately after taking a bath. Rub in daily. You can also take 0.1 g mummy half an hour before breakfast and before bed for 5 days. Carry out several courses of treatment until complete recovery.

Decoction of aspen leaves- cook 1 tbsp. l. green leaves in a glass of water. After 30 minutes of boiling, turn off. Drink 30 ml decoction every 4 hours. It is good to use the product in the form of hot compresses.

Compresses- knead the dough from rye flour. When the dough becomes sour, apply a thick layer of dough to a gauze folded into several balls and place it on the sore spot. Apply the compress overnight for about 10 days.

Treatment with leeches- it is recommended to place them as follows - place the first leech 3 cm below the popliteal fossa, after 3 cm place the second and after the same amount, place the third. Do the same on the second leg.

Therapeutic baths- pour boiling water over the pine shoots in a ratio of 1:3 and cook over low heat. Turn off after a few minutes of boiling. Strain the finished infusion and use it to prepare a bath in a ratio of 1:15. The water temperature should be 34−35 °C. The duration of the procedure is about 15 minutes.

Grate black radish weighing approximately 300 g on a fine grater and mix with 0.5 cups of honey. Soak in the bathhouse until exhausted and place the resulting mixture on the lower back and sore leg along the movement of the inflamed nerve for 5 to 10 minutes. Then rinse with water and immediately go to bed and sweat thoroughly. Usually one procedure is enough to be healthy.

Infuse a glass of potato sprouts with half a liter of vodka for 2 weeks in a dry and dark place, shaking from time to time. Rub it into the sore spot, then wrap it with something warm on top.

Prepared from a bottle of cologne, a standard bottle of iodine and 6 powdered analgin tablets, rub the composition into the affected area, then wrap it in a warm scarf.

Prepare herbal balm from the following ingredients: a tablespoon of celandine leaves, an aloe leaf older than three years, crushed hot pepper, half a liter of vodka. Apply the product infused for a week, then rub it into the affected area.

Rub pure radish juice or radish juice mixed with honey in a 1:1 ratio into the sore spot.

Place wax heated to an elastic state on the sore spot in the form of applications, covering the top with polyethylene and something warming. It is recommended to leave this compress on all night.

After kneading the dough from 3 cups of rye flour and 3 tablespoons of propolis or honey, making a flat cake from the resulting mass, apply it to the sore spot for as long as possible, covering it with plastic on top and wrapping it in something warm.

Gives excellent results decoction bath, prepared from 50 gr. angelica roots and half a liter of boiling water, infused for 2 hours and then boiled for 30 minutes. The bath must be taken daily at night for 2 weeks. Among the others useful herbs, used for baths, can be called chamomile, sage, knotweed.

Another method of treating the sciatic nerve with folk remedies at home: take 1 leaf of aloe, at least 3 years old, chop it and cover it with hot red pepper. Mix thoroughly, place on the sore spot, cellophane on top, then insulate. Do it at night. Repeat the procedure in the morning. Usually 5 - 6 such procedures and you are healthy.

Traditional recipes for inflammation of the sciatic nerve for oral administration

Treatment of inflammation of the sciatic nerve with folk remedies involves ingesting infusions and decoctions prepared from medicinal plants. The following folk remedies have been tested by time and folk experience:

  • Pour 2 tablespoons of calendula flowers into 400 ml of boiling water and leave for 2 hours under the lid. Take half a glass before each meal.
  • Boil a tablespoon of chopped burdock root with a glass of red wine over low heat for 5 minutes. Take half a glass twice a day.
  • Seeds steamed in a water bath for a quarter of an hour with 2 cups of boiling water horse chestnut, taken in the amount of 2 teaspoons, and filtered, take 100 ml before meals.
  • Brew a tablespoon of crushed elecampane root in a glass of boiling water and boil for a quarter of an hour. Take during treatment chronic form pinching of the sciatic nerve twice a day, an hour before meals.
  • Mix a teaspoon of hazel powder with a tablespoon of its leaves and simmer for 10 minutes over low heat in 200 ml of water. Cooled and filtered broth, take 100 ml 4 times a day.
  • Treatment with the fairly common “race of salts” method involves taking infusions of rose hips and parsley, as well as watermelon rind powder. Thanks to their excellent diuretic properties, these drugs help normalize metabolic processes, reduce swelling and inflammation of the nerve roots.
  • Herbal decoction - take 1.5 tbsp. l. colors of viburnum and calendula, thyme herb, 3 tbsp. l. horsetail and mix everything. Place 2 tbsp in an enamel container. l. herbal mixture, pour 450 ml of water. After a few minutes of boiling, turn off and leave for some more time. Drink the product warm, half a glass three times a day, immediately before eating.

So that no funds aimed at sciatic nerve treatment, are not needed at all, it is necessary not to overcool and not lift weights, monitor your posture and take care of your spine, which contains the core of the whole body, its strength and health.

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