The best cereals for weight loss that burn fat. Porridge for weight loss. Healthy cereals for weight loss. Porridge on the water

The porridge diet is accessible to absolutely everyone and helps you lose weight without the nasty rumbling in your stomach. Find out which cereals are suitable for weight loss and how to cook them correctly to lose 1 kg per day!

In the 11th century, there were thousands of ways to say goodbye to extra pounds and gain a toned figure. Diets, GYM's, swimming pools, hundreds of sports accessories - all this is used to stay in shape and lead healthy image life. One of the convenient and simple methods of losing weight is nutrition based on dietary cereals.

Any weight loss program includes meals made from cereals. It’s not for nothing that even in childhood, our parents told us that porridge is very healthy, and if we don’t eat it, we won’t grow up. And this is true, because cereals contain useful microelements, fiber, cellulose and dozens of vitamins necessary to support muscle development and body performance.

Cereal porridges – important product nutrition to cleanse the body of toxins and harmful substances. Properly prepared grains can restore metabolism, improve well-being and appearance.

Diets based on low-calorie cereals have become popular among women. This method of eating allows you not to experience hunger, so “sitting” on this dietary product does not require much willpower.

If you adhere to a cereal diet, you need to eat 100 g of porridge every three hours.

Advantages and disadvantages

The porridge diet has the following advantages:

  • cereals contain many elements beneficial to the human body;
  • are easily digestible and go well with berries, fruits, vegetables, and meat;
  • cereals do not contain preservatives;
  • Porridges can be purchased at the grocery store, they are cheap and easy to prepare.

The big disadvantage of such weight loss is the leanness of the dishes. Porridges prepared for dietary nutrition should not contain flavoring additives, that is, neither salt nor sugar. Dietary foods based on cereals have their contraindications. This diet should not be used if you have the following symptoms:

  • increased glucose levels;
  • exacerbation of diseases of the stomach and duodenum;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation.

Do not consume during any dietary regimen alcoholic drinks! Alcohol gives the body artificial energy, thereby preventing the body from breaking down fatty tissue.

There are hundreds of porridge recipes that will burn fat, help you diversify your menu and enjoy your diet.


Buckwheat is a cereal known to every person since childhood. Useful product has the following qualities:

  • accelerates absorption and processing nutrients;
  • reduces blood cholesterol levels;
  • helps strengthen the cardiovascular system;
  • reduces the likelihood of cancer;
  • strengthens the immune system.

Buckwheat is called the food of heroes, as it contains more than a dozen useful substances. Phosphorus, zinc, iodine, iron, vitamins PP, E, B, amino acids, protein and many other elements - a person receives all this by eating buckwheat porridge.

The interesting thing is that stopping the course of weight loss on buckwheat and returning to a normal diet does not stop the effects on the body. By restoring your metabolism once, you will not gain weight and will continue to lose pounds.

Buckwheat diet - great way put away body fat and put your body and appearance in order.

Nutrition principles on the buckwheat diet

To lose weight on a buckwheat mono-diet, you need to strictly follow the diet! If you have chosen a mixed diet based on cereal porridges, then it is important not to overeat on buckwheat, as it is very nutritious.

Stick to buckwheat diet quite difficult, but to effectively lose weight on buckwheat, you need to know some rules.

  1. Buckwheat porridge quickly becomes boring; after 4-5 days you won’t want to see classic boiled cereal. In this case, nutritionists advise diversifying the menu by adding local fruits, that is, apples and pears.
  2. In some cases, the buckwheat mono-diet can cause constipation. To prevent this from happening, you need to periodically add a small portion of oil to the porridge.
  3. To get out of the buckwheat diet and get the longest possible effect after it, you need to eat buckwheat every day for 2-3 weeks, gradually reducing the dose and switching to a normal diet.
  4. Very rarely, eating buckwheat porridge causes side effects. These include: loss of energy, increased sleep time, poor health. In such a situation, nutritionists select a complex of vitamins and advise taking it throughout the entire weight loss process.

We should not forget about maintaining a normal level of water in the body. During the diet you need to drink at least 2 liters clean water. Tea coffee, natural juices are not prohibited during the buckwheat diet.

Recipes for classic buckwheat porridges

Buckwheat with water is an easy recipe for making porridge for weight loss. The finished dish has only 140 kcal per 100 g of product.

To do boiled buckwheat we need to take thoroughly washed cereal and fry it in a dry frying pan for several minutes. This processing method will allow the porridge to acquire a rich taste and pleasant aroma. You need to pour water into the pan in the ratio of 1 cup buckwheat to 2 cups water. After the water boils, pour the cereal into the pan. After boiling again, close the buckwheat porridge with a lid and place on low heat. The dish takes about 20-25 minutes to prepare.

You can also prepare the cereal for consumption by simply soaking it in water. To do this, in the evening you need to rinse the buckwheat well to remove impurities and pour it cold water. In 8 hours breakfast will be ready. This dish can be varied by adding ground nuts, dried fruits or honey.

It is also easy to prepare this cereal using the steaming method.

Nutritionists believe that if cereals swell in water, then it is best to eat them in this form, without exposing them to heat treatment.

Steamed buckwheat is prepared as simply as possible: 2-4 hours before eating, the cereal is poured with hot boiled water in a ratio of 1 to 2. If, after time, all the liquid has not been absorbed, then the dish can be slightly heated in the microwave.

During the buckwheat diet, you can use any recipes and drink low-fat kefir or fermented milk products almost unlimitedly.

Buckwheat recipes with kefir

A weight loss complex based on kefir and buckwheat is considered very effective. The kefir-buckwheat diet is “harsh” for the body, but it allows you to quickly remove excess fat deposits.

If you decide to adhere to a strict buckwheat diet with kefir, then you need to know that you can “sit” on it for no more than two weeks, and after the weight loss course, you must take a month’s break for regular food.

Examples of recipes for buckwheat with kefir:

  1. To prepare the cereal, grind it or use buckwheat flakes. The dish is prepared as follows: a glass of buckwheat is poured with half a liter low-fat kefir and infused at room temperature for at least 12 hours. Buckwheat in kefir is ready!
  2. 200 g of buckwheat are thoroughly washed with boiling water, then poured with two glasses of low-calorie kefir. The saucepan is closed, the cereal is infused for at least 24 hours.

You can eat buckwheat with kefir of this preparation without limiting yourself in the number of meals, the main thing is that one serving of the dish does not exceed 200-250 g.

Buckwheat, prepared in any way, is often combined with the consumption of kefir. In this case, prepare one portion of porridge and divide it into four parts. After eating one serving, wash it down with a glass of kefir. During this diet, you can drink unsweetened tea, coffee, water and natural juices. Stick to this fasting diet should be no more than a week.

Green buckwheat

The usual buckwheat goes through a long journey before reaching store shelves. It is dried and fried for a long time, killing some useful elements. Therefore, today you can often find references and also see green buckwheat in stores. A popular product among raw foodists, it also attracts an audience among those who want to lose weight.

In fact, unprocessed cereals are almost no different from “standard” ones, however, the absence of a roasting element allows them to retain more magnesium, which affects the tone of the body, and vitamin A.


Green buckwheat is not pre-heated; instead of standard cooking, it is sprouted.

Before starting the germination process, the cereal is thoroughly washed with lukewarm running water. Next, it is laid out wet on a thin cloth and covered with another layer of damp cloth or gauze. After 9-10 hours, more water is added to the cereal. When the sprouts appear, the buckwheat is ready to eat.

Dishes based on sprouted cereals are not fast mono-diets, but they allow you to slowly and painlessly lose weight, reducing weight by 2-3 kg per week.

More often green buckwheat goes as an additional ingredient to warm or classic vegetable salads. Having a slightly sweet taste, sprouts go well with green salad, tomatoes, sweet peppers and herbs. This salad is usually dressed olive oil or soy sauce.

Buckwheat sprouts are often added to nutritious smoothies. A cocktail based on kefir, dill, sprouted cereals and ginger will be an excellent breakfast and will help to effectively cleanse the body of toxins.

You should not try to cook porridge from green buckwheat, as you will end up with a kind of jelly!

Salad with bread

For preparation you need the following ingredients:

  • sprouted buckwheat 200 g;
  • breads 8 pcs.;
  • olive or linseed oil 4 tbsp;
  • herbs and spices to taste.

The bread should be finely chopped with your hands and mixed with the sprouts. Chop the greens, add them and spices to the main ingredients, season with oil.

Salad with tomatoes

The following products will be required:

  • sprouted buckwheat 200 g;
  • tomato 2 pcs.;
  • olive or flaxseed oil 2 tbsp;
  • herbs and spices to taste.

Cut the tomatoes into cubes and mix them with buckwheat sprouts. Chop the greens. Mix all ingredients, season with oil, add spices.


Oatmeal takes pride of place in the list of the best cereals for dietary nutrition. A nourishing and low-calorie cereal will help you quickly lose weight, tidy up your skin, and also, if you have... physical activity increase muscle mass.

Oatmeal is an indispensable dish that will help you “wake up” your body for a fruitful and active working day, so it is often eaten for breakfast.

Benefits and harms

A diet based on oatmeal has its pros and cons.

Positive aspects of the diet:

  1. Cooking time. Cereals can be prepared in five minutes - just pour boiling water over them.
  2. No hunger. The cereal contains complex carbohydrates, which allow you to quickly get enough.
  3. Beneficial effects on the body. Fiber improves the functionality of the gastrointestinal tract by removing harmful substances.
  4. Effective fat burning. A strict diet based on oatmeal will allow you to “throw off” more than 8 kg in 1-2 weeks.

Despite positive impact, such nutrition has some disadvantages:

  1. Monotony. Oatmeal porridge has a specific taste and quickly becomes boring.
  2. Lack of vitamins. Due to the fact that oatmeal does not contain the entire complex of substances necessary for the body, long-term use diets can lead to vitamin deficiency.

Nutritionists advise eating oatmeal in the morning, since the average calorie content of cereal is 360 calories.


Oatmeal on water

It’s easy to prepare healthy porridge: you need to boil 400 ml of water and add half a glass of cereal to it. Cook while stirring constantly. Cook the oatmeal for about 10 minutes over medium heat. Fresh apples or berries are often added to this porridge.

Oatmeal without cooking

The simplest one, but long way preparations. You need to start preparing this oatmeal in the evening. 100 g of cereal is poured into 250 ml hot water. To make it soft, it is very important to wrap the container with cereal well; you can also use a thermos for cooking. Breakfast is ready!

Some people steam various dried fruits along with cereal. Raisins, dried apricots, dates or candied fruits will give the dish a sweet and pleasant taste.

Porridge with kefir

It is prepared in almost the same way as when steaming. Half a glass of cereal is poured with kefir so that it completely covers the oatmeal. The future porridge is covered and swells in kefir for 12-14 hours at room temperature. In the morning, the oatmeal should be heated in the microwave.

Oatmeal in a jar

Low-calorie porridge is prepared as follows:

  • pour 3-4 tablespoons of oatmeal into a 250-500 ml jar;
  • cold milk is added to the container with low content fat;
  • everything shakes well.

Infuse porridge for weight loss for 8-10 hours. Since morning healthy oatmeal will be ready. Despite all the usefulness of lazy oatmeal, you can only eat it a few times, as it has a specific taste. After several breakfasts, many people who are losing weight begin to top their cereal with low-fat yogurt or other low-calorie fermented milk products.


Oat decoction is gaining popularity among those losing weight. This wonderful medicinal cereal drink has many health benefits. human body qualities:

  • increases immunity;
  • stabilizes the nervous system;
  • normalizes sleep;
  • restores work gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system;
  • cleanses the body;
  • promotes weight loss.

So that the decoction helps you quickly lose overweight, its use must be combined with physical activity.

It is worth noting that many reviews on healthy nutrition forums say that while taking the decoction, it is advisable to reduce the intake of protein foods for 1-2 weeks. People who continued to eat meat, fish and dairy products experienced serious disorders stomach.

The recipe for making a decoction for weight loss is very simple. For it you need to take a glass of grain and fill it with 3 glasses of water. Bring the liquid to a boil and leave to simmer over low heat. When half the water has evaporated, the drink is ready.

To make the decoction more effective in promoting weight loss, sprouted grains rather than ordinary grains are added to the drink.

The drink can be drunk 2-3 times a day half an hour before meals.


There is a lot of controversy about whether oat kvass helps with weight loss. Many people believe that the drink simply fills the stomach, preventing them from eating much, that is, it acts like ordinary water, “deceiving” the body. Hundreds of reviews from people losing weight indicate that kvass has no effect on weight loss, but they also claim that drinking the drink has only benefits.

The recipe for oatmeal kvass is very simple. For cooking classic drink You will need: half a kilo of oatmeal, a three-liter jar, 3 tablespoons of sugar, 2 liters of clean water.

All food ingredients are placed in a jar. The container is covered with gauze and left at room temperature for two days. When foam appears on the drink, drain the water and add sugar and water to the oatmeal again. After 12-14 hours, the kvass is ready.


Oatmeal is a flattened and steamed cereal that has a grooved structure. This processing method can significantly reduce the cooking time of porridge.

Oatmeal is prepared according to the same principle as regular cereal, but due to pre-processing it can be done much faster.

So you don't have to waste time preparing in the morning dietary breakfast, you can use the following recipe:

Porridge without cooking

There are two ways to prepare the flakes this way: pour them warm water In the evening or in the morning, scald it well, and then pour boiling water over it for half an hour.

In the second case, the porridge will turn out to be more “rough” and raw, but it will saturate the body very well and allow for a long time don't think about lunch.


Smoothies are a great alternative to the classic breakfast for weight loss. A wonderful fermented milkshake with oatmeal contains many useful substances and is also a good nutritious product.

Anyone can make a smoothie with oatmeal. The simple drink contains two main ingredients: rolled oats and a low-fat fermented milk drink. Various fruits, berries, vegetables, nuts, and dried fruits are also added to it. An interesting and varied drink will help you lose weight quickly and deliciously!

Examples of smoothie recipes

Banana-raspberry smoothie. Calorie content 92 kcal per 100 g.

For preparation you need: 1.5 peeled bananas, 100 g raspberries, 75 g low-fat yogurt, a teaspoon of honey, 25 g rolled oats.

Bananas are cut into small pieces with a knife, then, together with all the ingredients, they are sent to the blender bowl. The cocktail is whipped until smooth. Let the drink brew for 5-7 minutes, breakfast is ready!

Smoothie “Fruit”. Calorie content 73 kcal per 100 g.

Ingredients: 4 tablespoons of oatmeal, 100 ml of low-calorie milk, pitted cherries 50 g, 2 large apples, 2 peeled bananas, glass low-fat kefir, a tablespoon of honey.

The apples are peeled and cored into small pieces, and the bananas are also chopped. Pour warm milk over the cereal and let it swell for about 10-15 minutes. Afterwards, pour all the ingredients into a blender bowl and grind until smooth. Happy weight loss!

You cannot completely replace regular meals with smoothies. Nutritional shakes are perfect for breakfasts and snacks.


Oatmeal jelly has been known among the Russian-speaking population for many centuries, but people began to forget about it due to the large number of “goodies” sold in stores and cafes.

Oatmeal jelly has almost the same properties as regular cereal, however, due to the fermentation effect, it has more pronounced probiotic qualities, which improve the functioning of the stomach and intestines.

Kissel is an enveloping drink. It can be used by people suffering from stomach ulcers, gastritis, high acidity and other diseases.

An overdose of oatmeal jelly can cause stomach upset. The drink should not be consumed more than 2-3 times a day.

Numerous reviews from those wishing to lose weight claim that the drink will help restore metabolism, lower blood cholesterol levels and perfectly satisfy hunger. Therefore, despite the fact that rolled oatmeal jelly is very nutritious, you can safely start preparing it.

For the jelly you only need 250 g of oatmeal, a liter of clean water and time. To prepare the drink, you need to pour the flakes with water at room temperature for 8-10 hours. After a viscous liquid has formed, the sediment must be removed, and the liquid must be boiled and cooled. You can add it to jelly ground cinnamon or honey

By drinking 3 glasses of oatmeal jelly, you will lose 2-3 kilograms in one week.


Household members will undoubtedly be pleased oatmeal cookies homemade. An interesting dietary dish will allow you to keep yourself in shape without “breaking down” on sweets.

For preparation you will need:

  • oat flakes – 300 g;
  • dried apricots – 50 g;
  • raisins – 50 g;
  • prunes – 50 g;
  • honey - 1 tbsp. l.

Preparing a dessert for weight loss is very simple: all the ingredients need to be chopped and mixed with honey. When the dough is ready, you should form the cookies. The dessert is baked for 20-25 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.


Beautiful food supplement made from the hard shell of oats will become an indispensable aid in losing weight for any person. Nutritious oat bran has the following properties.

  • Reducing blood cholesterol levels. Bran contains twice as many nutrients, fiber and soluble fiber, which prevent cholesterol from passing through the stomach into the bloodstream.
  • Appetite control. A small portion of oatmeal can easily replace a regular meal. Once in the stomach, bran swells, creating the effect of satiety.

Oat bran, in addition to its positive qualities, also has all the benefits of flakes, while having a calorie content of only 74 kcal per 100 grams.

Oat bran is not cooked; it is added to baked goods, soups, and porridges. In some cases, the additive is infused in fermented milk drinks or water.

You should not eat more than three tablespoons oat bran in a day. Exceeding the dose causes severe stomach upset.


Oatmeal, produced under the Hercules brand, has been known to everyone since kindergartens, since Hercules porridge was the main breakfast for children preschool age. Because of this, many people do not like this extremely healthy and nutritious product. However, if you want to lose weight, you can't do without these cereals.

Rolled oats are made from processed rolled oats that have been passed through smooth rollers. At the moment, they are used in many recipes, and are also added to muesli, porridge, and cereal mixtures.


Classic oatmeal porridge will help you save the maximum amount of time preparing breakfast. The flakes just need to be poured with hot water in a ratio of 1:2, cover and let stand for five minutes.

like this rolled oats porridge You can eat three times a day without any consequences. To make oatmeal more filling, low-fat kefir, honey, dried fruits, fresh fruits and berries are often added to it.

It’s easy to make rolled oats with kefir, but in order for the flakes to become soft, you need to take care of the food 2-3 hours before meals.

To prepare, you need to take 100-150 flakes and completely fill them with low-fat kefir. This recipe also applies to “lazy” cooking.

Barley porridge

Pearl barley is not a popular grain in regular cooking, but it is effective means for weight loss.

Pearl barley has many positive qualities:

  • Vitamins, amino acids, macroelements, minerals contained in cereals allow you to tidy up your skin, hair, nails and the body as a whole.
  • Pearl barley is an excellent natural antiseptic.
  • Porridge made from pearl barley has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, helps eliminate excess fluid, and activates the burning of fat cells.
  • Cereal is hypoallergenic.

A diet based on pearl barley porridge has no contraindications and is considered one of the most effective. A “hard” diet allows you to lose at least 1 kilogram per day.

According to nutritionists, you can stick to the pearl barley diet for no more than a week.


The first cooking method is the simplest: pour warm water over the cereal in the evening. In the morning, rinse thoroughly and cook for 20-30 minutes. For a glass of pearl barley you will need 3 glasses of water.

Barley in vegetable broth

It will require: one and a half liters of water, 350 g of pearl barley, one onion, 2 carrots, herbs and spices to taste.

Onions and carrots must be peeled and lightly fried in a frying pan without using oil. Afterwards, you need to put them in water and make vegetable broth based on them. Remove ingredients.

The cereal must first be thoroughly washed. Pour boiling water over and let stand for half an hour. Next, pearl barley and spices are added to the broth. Everything is cooked for 40 minutes. Before serving, sprinkle each serving with herbs.

Diet "Pushkin"

There is one interesting method of losing weight using pearl barley - the Pushkin diet.

It lies in the fact that only the following products can be used:

  • low-fat kefir;
  • cabbage;
  • fish.

In the evening you need to soak 100 grams. pearl barley, boil it for 20 minutes in the morning. A serving of porridge is divided into 5 meals.

Daily diet:

  1. 200 ml low-fat kefir, porridge;
  2. pearl barley;
  3. porridge, 100 g steamed fish;
  4. a portion of porridge, an unlimited amount of cabbage;
  5. pearl barley.

When dieting, it is important to consume at least 2 liters of water per day.

There are many that are allowed to be consumed during diets, but not all of them can help in burning fat. After all, in this matter, everything depends on the calorie content of the product, so before creating a diet, you need to look at the best low-calorie cereals for weight loss with the calories provided in the article.

Benefits of cereals

When losing weight, even the lowest-calorie cereals should not be classified as instant. Packaged products that only need to be poured with boiling water will bring absolutely no benefit. They contain significantly less nutrients than natural cereals.

Cereals, the list of which is provided below, are considered slow carbohydrates that keep the body full for a long time. Also beneficial influence fiber provides vegetable protein and microelements contained in these cereals. They help improve intestinal function and are the best helpers in burning fat.

Now it’s time to find out what the lowest-calorie cereals for weight loss are. The table will help you quickly understand this issue and understand which porridge is best suited for a particular diet:

Name of porridge

basic information

Calorie content per 100 g


Contains a sufficient amount of vitamins, fats, proteins and other elements necessary for the body. Nutritionists recommend consuming buckwheat porridge even if you are obese.

Able to remove toxins and waste from the body. Contains enzymes that help digest fats, proteins and amino acids.


Is different high content fiber, mineral salts, antioxidants and vitamins.

Rich nicotinic acid, manganese, zinc, protein and copper - elements that are often lacking in those losing weight.


Helps reduce blood cholesterol and stabilize fat metabolism, and also improves the functioning of the whole body.


Quickly and effectively breaks down fat cells, reduces cholesterol and removes toxins.

Rice (brown rice)

The cereal is distinguished by its content of vitamins of the entire B group. It also contains fiber, protein, starch and carbohydrates.

Pearl barley/barley

Very useful for people suffering from constipation. Provides the body with energy due to the vitamins and minerals contained in the composition.

It is not a dietary cereal, but it can be included in the list of low-calorie foods. Semolina porridge helps lose weight when consumed in moderation, and also cleanses the body well and improves metabolic processes.

By looking at low-calorie cereals for weight loss with calories indicated, you can easily create an ideal diet for yourself and lose weight. excess weight for a short time. And for those who cannot decide on the choice of cereal, below are options for effective diets.

The lowest calorie cereals can be purchased at any grocery store, but you need to know how to choose the right product. A problem may arise if you want to lose weight with rice. After all, brown rice contains the least amount of calories, while white rice, on the contrary, is the most nutritious. And porridges such as wheat, millet and buckwheat have one peculiarity - it is almost impossible to gain weight from their regular use.

Porridge diets

The lowest-calorie cereals can be used in diets or simply to cleanse the body. Any cereal diet makes it possible not only to adjust weight, but also to get enough essential vitamins and microelements, significantly improving the condition of the body.

The cereals listed above are not that difficult to prepare. For cooking, you need to use only water, and adding sugar, salt and butter is not recommended, so as not to increase the calorie content of the dish.


To quickly cleanse the body, you can prepare it using buckwheat. Rutin and iron contained in its composition make it possible to avoid anemia and replenish the lack of vitamins in the body. The cereal can be prepared by boiling or steaming. If you want to make the most delicious, but low-calorie dinner, then you can add boiled zucchini or carrots to the buckwheat, which contain a minimum amount of calories. But if you want to sit on buckwheat diet, then you can consider the following options:

  1. Two week cycle. For a couple of weeks you need to eat only buckwheat porridge. You can use it in unlimited quantities.
  2. Fasting day. Unlike the previous option, here you need to eat buckwheat only one day a week. At the same time, it is allowed to be filled with kefir or yogurt.


If you need to lose up to 2 kilograms, low-calorie milk porridge is ideal. That is, steamed oatmeal can be poured with milk and eaten for breakfast, lunch and dinner. But if you need to lose more weight, you will have to limit yourself in consuming other foods, because oatmeal contains a considerable amount of fat.

The ideal period for losing weight by about 5-6 kilograms would be one week. In this case, it is necessary to consume the porridge in steamed form, and only berries or fruits can be used as additives (with the exception of high-calorie bananas and grapes). After weekly diet It is necessary to carry out fasting days (drink only water during the day). This way you can lose up to 15-20 kilograms in a couple of months.

Seven porridges

About which porridge is the lowest calorie and healthiest, if you don’t add any additional ingredients, it's hard to say. After all, when you eat the same cereal for several days, it simply begins to get boring. Therefore, experienced nutritionists have developed another good diet, which includes as many as seven cereals. Unlike others, this diet does not harm the body, since it is saturated with all useful elements evenly.

For one week, you need to eat porridge in the following order (by day):

  1. Wheat.
  2. Millet.
  3. Milk oatmeal.
  4. Rice groats.
  5. Barley.
  6. Pearl barley.
  7. A mixture of all these cereals in equal proportions.

Millet porridge

The lowest calorie is, of course, millet. Its properties are very similar to wheat, but there are still some differences. According to people, thanks to a diet with such cereals, you can lose up to 5-6 kilograms per week.

When choosing cereals, it is recommended to pay attention to bright grains, since they contain more useful elements. It is necessary to cook the porridge in water, maintaining a ratio of 1:3. You need to eat it all day, not in too large portions. Most optimal options is 5-6 meals. If desired, you can season the dish with linseed oil or mix with dried apricots and sesame seeds.

Wheat diet

Most often, wheat is found on the table in the form pasta, although in fact it brings more benefits in the form of cereals. Wheat has a particularly effective effect on the immune system, strengthening it, and also helps to lose extra pounds without feeling hungry during the day.

The wheat diet is best followed for a week. The cereal is cooked in water; adding salt, oil and spices is prohibited. To diversify the taste, you can supplement the dish with steamed vegetables or fresh fruit.

During such a diet, professionals strongly recommend completely eliminating bananas, grapes and potatoes in any form from the diet, since these foods contain a lot of calories. And it is best to drink green tea, which improves the functioning of the intestines and stomach and appetizing, as well as low-fat fermented milk products and milk (homemade is recommended).

Losing weight with pearl barley

Pearl barley really works wonders for those people who often turn to diets. Its benefits are undeniable; it is famous for its fairly high fiber content, as well as its ability to saturate the human body for long time. Pearl barley has a large amount of antioxidants that carry great benefit for skin and hair growth. And properly prepared cereals do a good job of cleaning the intestines from feces.

You can lose those hated pounds with pearl barley in literally a week. It must be prepared without adding any oils or spices. The only allowed addition is lemon juice. You can sprinkle it on the dish, thereby giving it even more attractive aroma and taste.

Corn diet

Corn grits will help you get rid of excess weight quickly and most effectively. It should be cooked on ordinary water in a ratio of 1:4. The finished porridge must be divided into approximately 6 doses, the time intervals between which should be the same.

Corn takes quite a long time to cook, but you can reduce this time if you pre-steam the grain a couple of hours before cooking. As people note, in literally three days you can lose about 4-5 kilograms.

Rice diet

Any rice cereal contains complex carbohydrates that saturate the body for a long time. A good advantage of rice is the fact that it does not have to be cooked at all. After all, such cereals can simply be poured with boiling water and left overnight. This method of cooking reduces the number of calories.

In order to get rid of the hated kilograms, it is recommended to eat only brown or brown rice, and if necessary, simply reduce the number of calories consumed per day, you can also take white.

What's best for losing weight

The undisputed leader among cereals is millet. This cereal not only creates a barrier to the formation of new fat, but also favorably promotes its elimination. Millet nourishes the human body important vitamins E, B and PP, as well as magnesium, phosphorus and potassium. Therefore, thanks to regular consumption of such porridge, you can not only lose weight, but also improve your own health.

Low calorie dinner

It is useful to eat porridge for both breakfast and dinner. One of the best options is oatmeal. It can be eaten in the form of cereals or flakes, but in any case it must be cooked without salt and oil. And if you’re already tired of its taste because long-term use, then you can diversify and improve it by adding cinnamon, fruits or berries.

According to the results of research by American experts, it was proven that cereals and the dishes in which they are contained are effective and safe remedy for weight loss. Which cereals are better to give preference to get rid of extra pounds?

The healthiest, according to experts, are organic whole grain cereals. However, they should not be crushed, and should not go through many stages of purification. Cereals such as oatmeal, brown rice, and barley contain the largest amount of fiber and elements beneficial to the body.

This provokes weight loss and reduces the risk of the occurrence and progression of pathologies of the cardiac and vascular systems.

The experts made these conclusions based on the results of a study lasting 18 weeks. About 81 people took part in it, whose ages ranged from 40 to 65 years. Initially, all study participants ate absolutely identical food products, which included processed grains.

Afterwards, the participants were divided: some of them were left on the same diet, while the rest were switched to meals containing only unprocessed whole grains. The amount of carbohydrates, fats and proteins remained identical in both groups.

As a result, participants who ate only whole grains had many times more Lachnospiraceae bacteria in their guts, while the numbers of Enterbacteriaceae were significantly lower.

Due to this ratio of microorganisms in the intestines, the flora acquired normal level pH, and inflammation was significantly reduced. In addition, it turned out that whole grain products contributed to a reduction in calories, which led to weight loss.

As experts stated, as a result of consuming products made from whole grains, the total energy value daily diet decreases by about 100 kilocalories. This figure is equal to intense walking for half an hour. This helps reduce the amount of fat in the body, resulting in a reduction in extra pounds.

Therefore give preference natural food, namely whole grain porridges. Then both your figure and your health will improve significantly!

Video “What cereals will help you lose weight?”

Informational video that will help you choose the most suitable cereal option for weight loss.

Diet and weight loss are associated with a sharp restriction of the diet, with low-calorie foods and fasting. But nutritionists are confident that weight loss processes can be started with the help of cereal dishes, which are mistakenly considered enemies slim figure. Weight loss porridges that burn fat are affordable, healthy and easy to prepare. How do cereals help you lose excess weight, and which cereals are better?

The benefits of porridge for weight loss

Cereals have the richest composition, they contain vitamins, minerals, alimentary fiber, cellulose. Porridge gives a long-lasting feeling of satiety, improves digestion, gastric and intestinal motility, thereby cleansing the body of waste, toxins, and harmful substances formed as a result of its own metabolic processes. With regular consumption of cereals, you can notice an improvement in complexion, hair, and skin. Problems such as constipation, flatulence are eliminated, metabolism is accelerated. Thanks to this, gradual weight loss is noted, while fat cells are burned, not muscle tissue.

The most healthy cereals for weight loss

Cereals are the main suppliers of healthy, complex carbohydrates, which give a long-lasting feeling of fullness and supply a solid supply of energy. By eating cereal for breakfast, you will feel active throughout the day. After such food, the feeling of fullness does not leave for a long time, and sudden attacks of hunger will disappear from your life forever.

Absolutely all cereals are complex carbohydrates that help our body with the following:

  • take a long time to digest, and therefore create a feeling of fullness for a long time;
  • give energy, i.e. when using them, we have enough strength during the day to feel cheerful and not get tired;
  • maintain blood sugar levels. Although carbohydrates increase sugar levels, complex carbohydrates, being digested for a long time, do so slowly and at the optimal level, i.e. do not increase sugar levels above normal;
  • contain a lot of water and are low in calories. Although 100 grams of any dry cereal has a calorie content of approximately 350 calories, during cooking it absorbs the water in which it is cooked and the calorie content of the finished porridge becomes about 120 calories per 100 grams;
  • cereals contain healthy vitamins group B and microelements;
  • porridges provide the body with valuable vegetable protein (although they contain more carbohydrates, they also contain sufficient protein) and fiber, which promotes digestion and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract

Despite the obvious benefits of cereals for weight loss, there are several features of their use and choice.

The best cereals for weight loss

If we divide porridges according to the method of preparation, then the leaders are whole grains that require cooking, for example: buckwheat, millet, pearl barley, rice, etc. Unfortunately, instant cereals are practically useless, no matter how hard manufacturers try to preserve everything useful, the content of vitamins and nutrients in them is minimal.

Guide to porridge


When it comes to losing weight, oatmeal is the first thing that comes to mind. And this is not without reason - all the substances useful and necessary for weight loss are contained in it. ideal ratio, and these are antioxidants, vitamins and mineral composition. The characteristic properties of oatmeal are its delicate structure and mild taste, so it can be eaten without additives.

This porridge lowers blood sugar levels, neutralizes cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels, accelerates metabolism by improving the functioning of red blood cells, which transport oxygen to every cell of the body. The calorie content of oatmeal is impressive: 337 Kcal per 100 grams, but you should not be afraid of these numbers. This is the energy value of a dry product; to prepare one serving of porridge, no more than 30 grams are required, respectively, the calorie content of the dish will be about 100 Kcal. That's why oatmeal You can even eat it for dinner, but not before bed!


This porridge is known for its valuable qualities, which are also used for weight loss. It contains iron, rutin, calcium, phosphorus, B vitamins, PP and many other elements, so it is good for maintaining all metabolic processes in the body, which is useful not only for weight loss, but also for health. Buckwheat for weight loss is most often consumed with kefir, but it can be eaten without fermented milk product, including for dinner. But you should not make buckwheat the main component in your diet, as it removes not only toxins from the body, but also a number of useful substances. Buckwheat It's better to cook without boiling. In the evening, steam it with 1–1.5 cups of boiling water and leave overnight. By morning, healthy and tasty porridge will be ready.

Millet porridge

This yellow cereal has a pleasant taste and, like real sunshine, contributes to the flourishing of the vital forces of the body. Many people believe that since millet is fed to poultry, it means that it can cause them to gain excess weight. In reality, everything is completely different - millet easily removes fat accumulations from the body and prevents their further occurrence. Millet can be eaten during the day and for dinner, but not in large quantities and without calorie additives. This cereal is easily digested by the body, and all beneficial substances are absorbed in full. There are even special diets on millet porridge, promising impressive results, which only confirms its fat-burning effect. Millet contains a special starch, which differs in its structure - it binds lipids, toxins and other harmful substances, and removes them from the body without harm to health.

Rice porrige

Nutritionists love this cereal very much, so it is often used for fasting days. Rice is famous for its adsorbent qualities; it is nutritious and saturates the body with all necessary microelements. However, there are also opponents of this cereal, who claim that rice only makes you fatter. This assumption is partly correct, but it only applies to refined white rice, which is almost completely devoid of beneficial substances contained in the grain shell. For weight loss, it is better to use brown unpolished rice, and if you use white rice, you must first soak it in water for several hours to remove all excess starch. Properly cooked rice cereal can be eaten for dinner, especially during the fasting period on this product.

Flaxseed porridge

Flax is an amazing product that is especially beneficial for women. The composition of flaxseed can be praised and listed for a long time, but the main thing is the restoration of hormonal levels in women. Len is actively fighting women's diseases, prevents the development of tumors in the breast, and helps men maintain prostate health. The cleansing properties of flax have been known for a long time; this product regulates digestion, accelerates metabolic processes, and helps cleanse the liver and intestines. Flaxseed porridge is rich in vegetable protein and fiber; this combination has a positive effect on the breakdown of fat cells and helps you lose weight. Important: Cook flaxseed porridge follows from the seed independently. The finished product in bags is full of high-calorie additives, so it is not recommended for weight loss.

Method for preparing flaxseed porridge: pour 100 grams of flaxseed in warm boiled water for the night. In the morning, grind the porridge with a blender to make a puree. Afterwards you can add lemon juice. It is not recommended to drink or eat other foods within an hour after eating porridge. If you want to cook this porridge for dinner, then the seed is soaked in the morning. Experts recommend eating flaxseed porridge in the morning, since after consuming it, active cleansing processes are launched in the body, and it is better when this happens during the day rather than at night.


This grain grows in America, so it is rarely seen in our diet. Quinoa contains a record amount of vegetable protein and fiber; regular consumption of this grain stabilizes blood sugar levels and removes cholesterol. But the main thing is that digesting quinoa requires enormous energy expenditure from the body, and this occurs mainly due to fat deposits.

Corn porridge

Corn grits It is especially good for weight loss because it solves a lot of problems associated with excess weight. Corn porridge eliminates gas formation in the intestines, prevents the development putrefactive processes it cleanses the body as a whole. The proteins contained in corn grits are rich in amino acids, they contribute to the gradual burning of subcutaneous fat. This porridge can and should be eaten for breakfast, but for dinner it is better to choose another food, since it takes time for the body to fully absorb the cereal.

  • barley porridge – high phosphorus content promotes good metabolism. It also contains vitamins B, D and PP and helps lower blood sugar levels, which is useful for those whose levels are slightly higher than normal.
  • pearl barley – contains antioxidants for youthful skin. When cooked, it increases in volume several times, so a small portion will give you a long-lasting feeling of fullness.
  • pea cereal is no longer a pea, since the shell is removed from it, thereby losing its main thing negative property promote gas formation, but at the same time retains all its beneficial properties: fiber content, antioxidants (slow down the aging process), salts and vitamins, and most importantly, valuable vegetable protein, which is necessary for losing weight and playing sports.

There are still many different cereals and porridges, which porridge is better to choose for weight loss is up to you to decide, I think this is a matter of taste, first of all, because proper nutrition It should be a joy for us.

Rules for eating cereals for weight loss

In order for porridges to help burn fat cells and not be deposited on the sides, they must be prepared and consumed correctly.

  • Porridge should be eaten in the first half of the day, and better in the morning for breakfast. Then the entire volume of calories received will be used usefully during the day. But porridge is absolutely not suitable for a late dinner.
  • Often cereals are boiled in milk, and then the porridge turns out delicious. But in this case, the calorie content of the dish increases significantly. In order for porridges to help burn fat, they need to be cooked only in water.
  • Some cereals swell in water without cooking, acquiring a soft structure. These include buckwheat, rice, oatmeal and even millet. Porridges without cooking retain the greatest number of beneficial properties; they retain all the vitamins and substances valuable to the body. It is recommended not to heat-treat the cereals; just leave the selected product in water or kefir in the evening.
  • Very often porridges are seasoned with butter, but this is strictly forbidden. Oil slows down the action of fiber and generally neutralizes its effectiveness.
  • The best additives for porridge are fresh berries and fruits in reasonable quantities. You can use raspberries, currants, and apple pieces. In the morning, raisins (no more than 10 pieces) or a couple of crushed nuts are allowed as an additive, but such nutritious cereals It is better to eat to maintain weight rather than to lose weight.
  • Sugar, salt, syrups, etc. are prohibited, and it is better to do without refined fillers.
  • Porridge for weight loss should be consumed at least three times a week, although daily inclusion of such dishes in the diet is also possible. The main thing is to cook and eat them taking into account the recommendations listed above.

Cereal dishes contain complex carbohydrates, their calorie content is high, but the calculation energy value refers to a dry product. To prepare a serving of porridge, you usually need 25–30 grams of cereal, so don’t be afraid high calorie content cereals, even if you cook them for dinner. When prepared correctly, porridges are safe for your figure. And remember, losing weight with porridge is natural weight loss!

To lose weight, a person must reduce their daily caloric intake and increase the intensity of physical activity to create an energy deficit. To make the process comfortable, you should include weight loss porridges that burn fat in your diet. Cereals help maintain a feeling of fullness for a long time, provide the body with vitamins and minerals and promote the synthesis of happiness hormones.

What are some weight loss cereals that burn fat?

Cereals for weight loss do not burn fat, but they allow you to give up frequent snacking. The grains contain slow carbohydrates, which provide the body with energy during long period. However, if you overeat or have an incorrectly formulated diet, substances can turn into fat reserves, therefore, the consumption of cereals should be combined with portioning, general menu changes and exercise.

Cereals contain vitamins and microelements. Their use allows you to maintain health while losing weight, since diets are often accompanied by strict restrictions. Grains improve digestion due to the presence of a large amount of plant fiber in the composition. They improve intestinal motility and prevent diarrhea and constipation. Due to the neutral acid-base level, the risk of developing destructive processes in the gastrointestinal tract.

Eating grains helps normalize blood glucose levels, which indirectly helps control appetite. This prevents overeating. Additionally, grains improve skin condition.

It is difficult to give a definite answer to the question of what kind of porridge you can eat when losing weight. You can eat any grains in moderation, however, the benefits of the dishes will vary. It is recommended to exclude white polished rice from the menu, as it contains fast carbohydrates and causes a sharp release of energy, after which hunger occurs. There are practically no useful substances in semolina.

In most cases, when losing weight, the menu includes the following cereals:

  1. Buckwheat porridge. Has low glycemic index. Contains relatively many proteins. Their use helps to lose weight, because amino acids do not pass into fat deposits. The composition contains unsaturated fatty acids, the deficiency of which leads to deterioration of the skin condition and loss of elasticity. vascular walls. Eating buckwheat improves the functioning of the heart muscle. B vitamins help normal functioning nervous system and speed up metabolism.
  2. Oatmeal. The mucous decoction obtained during the preparation of the product gently envelops the mucous membranes and protects them from damage. Oatmeal contains a large number of coarse dietary fiber. They help cleanse the intestines of toxins and fecal stones. This helps improve the absorption of nutrients and allows you to use resources more efficiently. Oatmeal provokes the production of happiness hormones and makes it easier to endure restrictions.
  3. Millet cereal. It contains relatively a lot of starch and fat, so it should be consumed less often than other cereals. However, the composition contains rare compounds. Sulfur improves hair and nail growth. When interacting with lipoic acid, the substance provides the brain with energy. Millet cereal helps strengthen bones and teeth. To reduce calorie content and the overall glycemic index, it is recommended to prepare the dish without flavoring additives with plenty of liquid and consume in small portions.
  4. Pearl barley. After eating a dish for a long period, a feeling of fullness remains. Pearl barley normalizes hormonal background. This helps improve metabolism and speed up the weight loss process. The product has diuretic properties, so it is not recommended to use it frequently, otherwise there is a high probability of leaching of minerals. Barley helps strengthen the immune system and improves overall well-being.
  5. Corn grits. Helps bring out fecal stones and toxins, therefore, with a short-term diet, it allows you to quickly get rid of 1-2 extra kg. Corn grits normalizes digestion and prevents the processes of rotting and fermentation. With regular use, the appearance of the skin and nails improves. The dish improves your mood and helps get rid of depression. This reduces the likelihood of failure and deviation from the diet.

What is the lowest calorie porridge for women's weight loss?

Dietary porridges include buckwheat, oatmeal and pearl barley, but their calorie content may vary depending on the type of cereal, preparation method and the presence of additives. The more liquid in a dish, the lower its nutritional value per 100g due to water content. However, if there is a large amount of moisture, the cereal may not be nutritious enough.

The lowest calorie cereal is buckwheat. According to various sources, the nutritional value ranges from 300 to 330 units. Depending on the volume of liquid per 100 g ready-made dish contains 80-120 kcal. Second place pearl barley porridge. Its calorie content is 320-330 kcal.

Is it possible to eat instant porridge while losing weight?

There are low-calorie instant porridges. It is enough to pour boiling water over them for 5-10 minutes, however, consuming such products when losing weight is not recommended. To speed up the preparation of grain, it is processed in a special way. The process removes hard fibers and most of the nutrients. Such dishes do not improve health. The feeling of fullness after eating them lasts relatively long.

If possible, porridge for weight loss should be made from whole grains. They contain dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals, as well as slow carbohydrates. In the absence of an alternative, instant cereals can be used for a quick snack, but their systematic use should be avoided. It is advisable to purchase flakes without additives, since powdered sugar and candied fruits in the composition increase the total calorie content.

Recipes for preparing dietary porridges

Porridges for weight loss are prepared according to the following recipes:

  1. Millet cereal. 1 cup of grains is washed with boiling water, then pour 0.75 l cool water and cook over low heat for 15 minutes. Before serving, you can add 1 tsp. honey to improve taste.
  2. Barley grits. Bring 0.75 liters of water to a boil, then add 1 cup of porridge. Keep the cereal on low heat for 20-25 minutes until cooked. The dish is served with fresh fruit. When losing weight, it is advisable to stop eating bananas and grapes.
  3. Oatmeal. It is advisable to prefer coarsely ground flakes, as they contain more nutrients. The healthiest porridge for weight loss is prepared by swelling the grains. 1 cup of flakes is poured into 500 ml of hot water, the container is covered with a lid and left for 30 minutes. You can add berries or fruits before use.
  4. Buckwheat porridge. 1 glass of cereal is poured into 0.5 liters of cool water and left to steep for 8-12 hours. The softened porridge is eaten with honey and nuts.
  5. Lentil porridge. 1 cup of lentils is poured into 1.25 liters of water and boiled for 20-25 minutes. It is allowed to add vegetable oil.

When losing weight, eat porridge without butter and calorie supplements. It is advisable to avoid raisins, candied fruits and sugar.

Main contraindications to cereal diets

Some dietary cereals are not recommended for use for gastrointestinal diseases. If a person has chronic pathologies stomach, you should first get your doctor's permission. Cereal diets should not be practiced when diabetes mellitus, during pregnancy and lactation. Most varieties are prohibited for kidney disease. Diet porridge with a mono-diet it can cause harm in heart pathologies.

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