The best dry food for cats, veterinarian reviews. Rating of the best cat food by composition and quality. Comparison of wet and dry food

Dry food is an excellent “diet” for any purr. But many cat owners are afraid to treat their pets to it, believing that it is dangerous for their health. However, high-quality dry food is a completely balanced and healthy food, and if the cat is sick and needs special care, the veterinarian will probably prescribe dry food from the medicinal line as a diet. Where do the fears associated with this type of nutrition come from?

In this article, we have collected reviews and recommendations for dry cat food, and will also make a short review of each class of food.

All dry food is divided into 4 classes:

  • economy,
  • premium,
  • super premium,
  • holistic.

The last two - holistic and super-premium - are the foods that will benefit your cat. Premium - in any case, will not do harm. And economy class is pure poison. It is those animals that received economy for breakfast, lunch and dinner that die from terrible liver and stomach problems.

Economy class food is the enemy of cat health!

Cheap food contains practically no nutrients and is addictive to the cat.

Never, under any circumstances, should a cat receive economy class food. These are the cheapest and most frequently advertised brands, which are made from almost the same chemicals and waste. Everything that is sold by weight is, as a rule, the same economy feed. If you pay attention to the composition of such food, rest assured that you will not find meat there, or anything useful at all. But there are as many different chemical additives that cause persistent addiction in an animal (like heroin in a drug addict).

In addition, in order for an animal to get enough food, economy-class food needs twice as much as good, high-quality food. At the same time, for good kidney function, a cat must consume 2-3 times more water than food. When feeding low-quality dry food, this is impossible (after all, you need a lot of it to get enough food!), and the cat’s kidneys become clogged, which inevitably leads to serious illnesses(For example, ).

Premium food - inexpensive, but not too harmful

Premium class food is not much more expensive than economy food, but the composition is much more decent. This food will contain real meat - but there will also be various substitutes, additives, and soy. It is not so dangerous for the cat's health, but still undesirable.

One of the undoubted advantages: the daily intake of such food is much less than that of economy class, which means there is no such terrible load on the kidneys. In principle, many owners choose the premium class, since it is not too expensive, and the animal good health can live on this food for the rest of its life.

Note: Royal Canin and Hills foods are often classified as super-premium foods because they stand out for their quality among other brands and have a line of medicinal foods. Alas, many felinologists express concerns and do not recommend these foods, since their production and packaging now take place in Russia, and this rarely has a good effect on the quality.

Super premium food - balanced and healthy. Great choice!

To create super-premium food, we use really high-quality ingredients, they contain a balanced amount of protein, and there are practically no chemicals or dyes. With such food you can be sure that the animal gets everything it needs and at the same time its health is not at risk.

Holistic – “aerobatics” in professional feeds

Holistic Class is the best cat food produced by professionals for professionals. What do they feed purebred animals in expensive nurseries? This is exactly the food. The only negative is that holistic food does not add any flavorings or flavor enhancers, so at first a cat, accustomed to the “fragrant” premium food, may be picky and refuse to eat. Well, hunger is no problem, and by evening the whims are already crunching with might and main at the bowl.

Holistic-grade food:, Earthborn Holistic, Felidae, ANF holistic, Canidae,

The health of cats, like people, directly depends on what they eat. However, this does not mean that cats should be fed scraps from the human table. On the contrary, this can cause irreparable harm to their health, because the composition of the necessary nutrients for their life is different. Therefore, food for them should be separate, balanced for their body.

Which food is best for cats according to the rating - this question will no longer be difficult for you if you read this material.

About types of food

The ideal option is for you to prepare food for your pet yourself, calculating calories and the composition of nutrients according to his age and state of health.

However, there is not always enough time to do this even for your own menu, let alone animals.

Did you know? The life expectancy of people who have cats at home is increasing.

Therefore, we turn to the store for ready-made goods, the variety of which makes choosing good cat food problematic.

Let's start with the fact that all products in this direction are divided into types and classes.

Dry, wet, canned

First of all, finished products are divided into:

  • dry;
  • wet;
  • canned.
Dry food is meat, vegetables, cereals and other products dried in a special way. Today, this type accounts for the majority of sales on the market.
Its advantage for cats is that by eating the granules the animal’s teeth clean themselves; For owners, the dry type of food is better because it can not spoil for a long time.

Important! When feeding a dry product, it is necessary to provide the cat with constant access to clean and fresh water, otherwise the animal’s body will become dehydrated.

You may come across the opinion that dry food can cause kidney stones or bladder, but the makers of today's best products claim to have eliminated this threat. Wet food is food for animals in the form of pieces of meat or fish (sometimes with vegetables) with gravy in foil bags. There is more moisture here than in a dry product, but less than in a canned product. The advantage is its portion size (1 sachet = 1 serving), but the disadvantage is the loss of nutrients if the cat does not finish the entire sachet, and the very limited shelf life of an open sachet.
Cats love canned food the most. They are meat in the form of pates or pieces with a gravy with a high moisture content, rolled into tins.

Animals consuming this type of product require less water. The disadvantage of this food is the short shelf life of an open can.


Depending on the quality of feed, they can be divided into:

  • Economy class;
  • premium class;
  • super premium class;
  • holistic class.
Economy class is the cheapest, most advertised and most popular. There is probably no person who has not heard of him.

Here is a list of products in this class:

  • Pankit;
  • Darling;
  • Felix;
  • Allcats;
  • Vaska;
  • Friskies;
  • Sheba and others.
These are low quality foods, although advertising convinces us that they are balanced and consist exclusively of meat, vitamins and minerals. However, instead of meat, bone meal, feathers, horns, hooves, etc. are used here.
In addition, the percentage of meat is reduced in favor of grains, which should be present in small quantities in the cat’s menu.

Important! The danger of such feeds lies in the content of chemical dyes and preservatives that can cause various diseases in animals.

At their core, these foods can be equated to hot dogs, pizza and other fast food: the stomach is full, but there is no benefit to the body.

Some people might argue: it can't be that if things were that bad, my cat wouldn't eat these foods so happily. The answer to this objection is simple - cat flavor enhancers are added to such products.

Compared to the previous one, the premium class of feed contains a larger percentage of meat, but not enough, and by-products are also present. There are more useful substances, less preservatives and dyes.

Here is a list of premium cat foods:

  • Nutro Choice;
  • Regal;
  • Pro Pak (PRO PAC);
  • Karma Organic;
  • Guabi;
  • Happy Cat;
  • Matisse;
  • Flatazor;
  • Advance;
  • Natural Choice;
  • Brit;
  • Iams;
  • Belcando;
  • Doctor Alders;
  • (Hills) and (Royal Canin) made in Russia.
If the financial side of your pet's nutrition does not concern you, buy super-premium products.
These are food balanced in content, containing meat, essential vitamins And minerals, a small amount of cereals, vegetables, fruits.

It’s not scary to feed a cat with such a product, but unfortunately, not everyone can afford it.

This product can only be purchased in veterinary pharmacies or hospitals. Below is a rating of super-premium cat foods.

Important! Most likely, your cat will initially refuse to eat this food, especially if she previously ate cheap food - this is due to the lack of flavor enhancers in the composition.

Holistic food contains meat High Quality free of dyes and other harmful substances, containing few or no grains and the finest vegetables.

People can eat products from this class of goods without fear, since animals for slaughter (calves, lambs, chickens, turkeys, rabbits) are kept in environmentally friendly conditions, and vegetables and grains grow in specially designated areas and are watered only clean water without nitrates.
There are no preservatives or other chemicals here.

The composition of the feed is clearly described - the specific type of meat, grains and vegetables is indicated. They are often produced separately for each cat breed or taking into account behavioral characteristics.

Buying holistic food is not so easy. Due to their high cost, they are almost not in demand, so the number of stores selling them is very limited.

Buyers often order it online and wait a long time for delivery.

The complete absence of flavorings in products contributes to cats’ poor appetite at first.

Important! Such feeds are digestible by almost 90%, therefore daily requirement they are much lower than ordinary ones.

List of holistic products:

  • NOW and GO Natural Holistic;
  • Chicken Soup;
  • ANF ​​holistic;
  • Innova;
  • Golden Eagle (N&D) and others.

How to make a choice

If you want to choose the best food for your cat, but don’t know which one is the healthiest for her, ask the opinion of veterinarians.

The criteria for choosing the best product are as follows:

  1. The inscription on the packaging is AAFCO (stands for American Association for Food Quality Control).
  2. Indication of a specific type of meat containing more than 25%.
  3. Additionally, the composition contains liver or fish.
  4. Availability of vitamins E, C.
  5. A small amount of food consumed per day.
  6. Absence of bone meal and by-products.
  7. Contains no products of animal origin.
  8. No preservatives propyl gallate, ethoxyquin, BHT, VNA.
  9. Cereals and vegetables make up less than 30%.
  10. The composition contains protein, fats, taurine and, preferably, lactobacilli.
  11. No sugar.
  12. The cat doesn't have unpleasant odor from the mouth and from the toilet, the coat is shiny, good playfulness.

Did you know? Young kittens love milk, but in older cats it can cause vomiting or diarrhea due to lactose intolerance.

Rating of the best


Orijen product has been on the market for over 20 years and has never been filled with corn, bone meal or by-products. It is not available in canned form and is sold only in specialized stores.

Innova Evo

Highly nutritious, hypoallergenic Innova Evo products are manufactured by Natura Pet Products in the USA. They contain only selected meat, probiotics, and no chemical additives.

It is very expensive and is sold mainly by ordering online.


The company from Germany “Aras” has been on the market for more than 27 years and produces dry and wet food. The meat content is at least half of the product, and in some types - up to 98%. The composition does not contain lactose and gluten, as well as chemical dyes and preservatives.

Farms supplying products for the company's feed production have received the appropriate certificate.


The Canidae company (formerly Felidae) is located in the USA and produces products that mainly include meat, as well as essential amino acids Omega-3 and Omega-6, vegetables, herbs, and fruits.

Low allergenicity is due to the absence chemical substances, gluten and corn flour. The product is expensive and not easy to find on sale.


Eukanuba is available for animals of different ages and with various diseases in dry or canned form. This balanced and easily digestible food does not contain harmful substances.

Did you know? The cat door was invented by the famous scientist Isaac Newton.


To ensure that cats receive a sufficient amount of carbohydrates, a special variety of potatoes is included in the composition. Meat and fish are not used for production after freezing.

The following products are produced under the Acana brand:

  • Wild Prairie Cat & Kitten "Acana Regionals" - COBB chicken, turkey, snapper, apples, pumpkin, spinach, pear, cranberry, blueberry;
  • Acana Pacifica Cat - flounder, hake, herring, seaweed, cranberry, medicinal herbs;
  • Acana Grasslands Cat - lamb, duck, wild bass, chicken eggs, prebiotics.
Champion Petfoods, the company that produces the line, also produces Orijen.

Almo nature

The Almo Nature company from Genoa has been on the market for 15 years and produces the following products:

  • Rouge Label - hypoallergenic;
  • Tradition - canned;
  • Orange Label - for castrated cats;
  • Azul Label - unfortunately, includes offal and flour;
  • Green Label is a specially prepared wet food.


Pronature food is produced in Canada and is considered one of the best because it includes high-quality meat and vegetable ingredients and is suitable for sick animals. However, some types contain tomato, cellulose and high ash levels.


Bozita is a Swedish product in the form of dry and wet food. The production of goods takes place under state quality control. Cats eat it with pleasure. However, not all owners like the fact that it contains pork and corn flour.


Josera consists of products that are certified as suitable for human consumption. Harmful substances and little healthy supplements are missing. Available in sections age categories. However, this product is expensive and not easy to find.

Did you know? In terms of the number of domestic cats, Australia is in first place, where only 10% of the population does not have them, but in Gabon and Peru, domestic cats are very rare.

If you choose dry food for your pet, follow a few feeding recommendations:

  1. Change the water in the bowl daily.
  2. Feed the animal 2 times a day.
  3. Store the product in a closed container.
  4. Do not combine with feeding natural products, this may lead to an imbalance of microelements.
  5. Buy products with small pieces.
  6. An ash residue of 6 percent or more can lead to kidney or bladder stones.
  7. Buy a product that is appropriate for the animal's age.
  8. Cats are guided by their own taste - one may love veal food, while another, refusing to eat it, loves liver food.
  9. Stick to one brand when choosing a product, as different manufacturers formulate different food compositions, and the animal may not easily tolerate changes.
  10. Pay attention to the absence of constipation.

Cats are domestic animals and are highly dependent on their owners for food. Of course, not everyone can afford to buy expensive food for them, but it is not recommended to buy cheap ones.

If you do not want or cannot buy an expensive product, it is better to switch the animal to natural products, then you can avoid many health problems for your purr.

  1. First of all, this is the quality of the product: the balance of the feed (a combination of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, fiber, vitamins, etc.), the quality of the raw materials - as you know, protein differs from protein. These could be horns and hooves, or maybe valuable meat.
  2. Next, the breadth of the assortment is taken into account - the availability of dietary, medicinal, breed series of cat food.
  3. Of course price matters. Sometimes a product can be really high quality, but the price is prohibitive. To make a balanced decision, we proceed from an understanding of the price for 1 conventional gram of protein in food versus the retail price of the product.
  4. Feed reviews from owners and veterinarians They can also add their own correction factor.

Rating of premium dry cat food

The rating that will be presented includes only best food for cats. “Premium”, “super-premium” class and “holistic” category - separately. Premium cat food in the ratings of veterinarians and breeders looks like this:

#1 Royal Canin

In general, the food can be classified as a “super-premium” class, since the brand has not only breed and age product lines, but also medicinal ones. However, some veterinarians are confused by the fact that last years branded food famous manufacturer are produced at Russian enterprises, and this raises serious questions about quality. But in the premium class, of course, Royal Canin “drying” takes the first ranking position.

As for the price range, it is not wide, but may be affordable for many buyers:

Branded ones are a little more expensive medicinal feed Royal Canin:

Let's remember what names of cat food we hear? Of course, the first to come to mind are Whiskas, Kitekat, Friskies, Darling. Their advertising is noisy, noticeable, and has become familiar... but is it worth believing all the manufacturers’ assurances? IN in this case- No. Cheap economy-class food (we’ll talk about food classes in general a little further) are the enemies of pets’ health. Only in emergency cases, when there really is nothing else at hand, can you give your cat such food. And even in this case, no one is immune from the prospect of poisoning. And the worst thing is that a constant diet of such food asymptomatically harms the cat, destroying its liver and kidneys.

Which brand of cat food is best?

Cat food is usually divided into classes: holistic, super premium, premium And economy. You should consider food options starting from premium, but the best option, of course, there will be super-premium or holistic. Companies of this level offer a variety of lines, where there is sure to be an option for even the most sensitive and picky pet. What you should pay attention to when choosing quality food is the country of origin, because it can be argued that the food is German, for example, but in fact this particular batch was produced in Russia.

The best cat foods in the category: holistic

There can be nothing better for your beloved pet than dry food from the Holistic series. These are new generation products that are created by professionals for professionals. The composition of this food is as natural as possible, it contains no preservatives and is as digestible as possible for the animal. In the line of companies producing holistic food, there is an offer for every taste, but not for every budget - such products are very expensive, because they require not only high-quality raw materials, but also special production technology.

Innova Cat and Kitten


Average price By RF: from 1200 rub. for 2.7 kg

Why in the ranking: The composition of this food is almost perfectly balanced, rich in all necessary substances, and even the protein in it is of animal origin. Thanks to the maximum nutritional value, a cat only needs a small portion to fill up. There are no ingredients in food of this level that could harm the animal.

Flaws: Innova Cat and Kitten is one of the most expensive foods and in Russia you can only get it on the Internet. It should be remembered that it contains quite a lot of protein, and therefore it should not be given to castrated animals.

Grade: 10 of 10

From reviews of cat foodInnova Cat and Kitten: “A food with a protein content of about 30% is suitable for cats that are extremely healthy and active, but will not be very good for neutered animals.”



Average price in Russia: from 1000 rub. for 2.27 kg

Why in the ranking: this food consists of 80% natural high-quality meat ingredients, and is also additionally rich in lactobacilli and probiotics necessary for animals. But, fortunately, there are no grain crops in it at all. In Russia you can buy both on the Internet and in some veterinary pharmacies.

Flaws: Acana’s food line is quite limited, divided by age, and therefore it cannot offer anything for cats with special needs or patients.

Grade: 9 out of 10

From cat food reviewsAcana: “If the animal is healthy and reacts normally to protein, then there will be no problems with nutrition.”

N&D Natural and Delicious


Average price By RF: from 860 rub. for 1.5 kg

Flaws: A couple of herbal ingredients are questionable. It can be difficult to buy in veterinary pharmacies, but the food is sold online in a full range.

Grade: 8 out of 10

From reviews about cat foodN&D: “Cats do not immediately get used to the taste of the food and at first they are picky - it does not contain the usual taste enhancers and flavorings.”

The best cat foods in the category: super premium

A food of this level is not so far removed from holistic in composition, but still contains natural preservatives and a little more ingredients of plant origin. This food is absolutely safe for cats if it is chosen correctly depending on the needs of the animal. As in the holistic category, there are also veterinary foods that are suitable for cats with illnesses or after operations. The cost of super-premium products is quite high.

Hills Science Diet (Prescription Diet)


Average price By RF: from 900 rub. for 1.5 kg

Why in the ranking: The brand has a wide selection of food varieties aimed at very specific requirements: anti-obesity, heart and kidney health, for allergy sufferers, post-operative feeding, and so on. Finding food on sale is not difficult if you go to a veterinary pharmacy, but you can also find it in regular pet stores.

Flaws: Hills production has been in Russia for a long time, which causes concern among felinologists about the quality of the product. When buying this food, you should pay attention to the country of origin - pay attention to European factories.

Grade: 8.8 out of 10

From reviews of cat foodHills Science Diet: “An excellent solution for a diet after surgery, but it is better to consult a veterinarian for the right choice.”



Average price in Russia: from 1200 rub. for 2 kg

Why in the ranking: the company has both a veterinary and a daily series, and both belong to the super-premium class - and this does not happen so often. The food has a very well-balanced composition with a maximum of meat ingredients, and the daily portion of food will be quite small due to its nutritional value.

Flaws: food contains vegetable protein. In addition to the fact that the assortment cannot be called very wide, it may not be available in most pet stores.

Grade: 8.5 out of 10

From food reviewsEukanuba: “When choosing the type of food, you should consider how well the cat tolerates plant protein.”

1st Choice


Average price in Russia: from 1200 rub. for 2.27 kg

Flaws: The choice of food types is not very large. In addition, the composition contains a couple of undesirable ingredients: cellulose and so-called “poultry meal”. The problem with the last component is that it is impossible to determine what such flour consists of - you can only hope for the integrity of the manufacturer.

Grade: 8 out of 10

From food reviews1st Choice: “The cat needs very small portions to get enough.”

The best cat foods in the category: premium

Affordable, high-quality premium food can now be purchased in most pet stores, both in bags and in bulk. The composition of this food is quite decent, natural preservatives are used, but the amount of corn can be too large. However, premium food is a fairly good daily nutrition for a healthy animal. The lines also include offers for kittens, sterilized cats and aging cats.

Hills Science Plan


Average price By RF: from 790 rub. for 2 kg

Why in the ranking: the range of food is very wide and there is an option for even the most picky cat. The composition is very carefully selected and balanced, and you can choose nutrition with different quantities squirrel. There is also food for dental health, which is very important to monitor throughout the cat’s life.

Flaws: there is a risk of buying a batch produced in Russian plant- there are completely different standards here. Contains vegetable protein and grains.

Grade: 7.9 out of 10

From food reviewsHills Science Plan: “It is important to choose food based on the age of the animal.”

Royal Canin


Average price in Russia: from 650 rub. for 2 kg

Why in the ranking: food is available in almost every pet store, at a price slightly higher than economy class, and the composition is much more balanced and nutritious. The choice of food types is very large, and the specialized veterinary series even belongs to the super-premium class. There is food for dental health - it is not so often found in the lines of well-known companies.

Flaws: There has been a plant in Russia for a long time, and felinologists, as already mentioned, prefer European or American production. Contains ingredients of plant origin.

Grade: 7.5 out of 10

From food reviewsRoyal Canin: “The series for kittens and older cats are especially good.”

Purina ProPlan


Average price in Russia: from 650 rub. for 1.5 kg

Why in the ranking: the composition of the food is perfectly balanced and does not require any dietary supplements; in addition, it contains the probiotics and enzymes necessary for cats. The price is very affordable and there is a fairly large assortment on sale everywhere.

Flaws: it contains a lot of herbal ingredients, liver (cats are allergic to it), animal fat of unknown origin.

Grade: 7 out of 10

From food reviewsPurina ProPlan: “Under no circumstances should it be mixed with natural food, otherwise it will end in allergies.”

The best cat food in the category: economy

It is very difficult to say something good about economy class food. It can only be noted that they have a very affordable price. However, their quality is often so deplorable that it is better to save at least natural food, if not premium food. Giving such food to sick or weakened animals will only cause harm. Moreover, in fact, the financial side of the issue is questionable, since this food is absolutely not nutritious, and the cat is forced to eat much larger portions than if its food were well balanced. In case there is absolutely no way out, there are still a couple of more or less tolerable economical options.

Purina One


Average price in Russia: from 250 rub. for 750 g

Flaws: Lots of plant-based ingredients and no options for animals with serious medical conditions or very specific needs.

Grade: 5

From food reviewsPurina One: “Over time, the cat simply refuses food, although at first it requires supplements.”

Purina Cat Chow


Average price in Russia: from 100 rub. for 400 g

Flaws: poorly balanced composition with a small amount of meat ingredients of questionable quality. Cases of allergies to Cat Chow are not uncommon.

Grade: 4

From food reviewsPurina Cat Chow: “Cats are often picky and refuse this food altogether.”

Whiskey Special


Average price in Russia: from 90 rub. for 400 g.

Flaws: the composition is the same as usual Whiskas, except with a couple of new ingredients. The choice is quite small and allergies are not uncommon.

Grade: 3

From food reviewsWhiskey Special: “The portion for satiating a cat turns out to be very large compared to premium food, and therefore even the financial benefit here is very doubtful.”

What dry food is best to buy for your cat?

Every pet owner wants the best for their pet, and therefore probably tries to buy the best cat food from those available. However, the modern market is overflowing with offers, advertising “attacks” us from everywhere, and understanding the tricky names and characteristics is difficult. English language not everyone can do it. This rating is intended to explain the essence of dividing food into classes, as well as to recommend the most popular and high-quality manufacturers of different levels.

When a kitten or an adult animal appears in the house, questions always arise: what to feed the pet, what kind of cat food is there, and what is best to choose? What is the difference between cheap and expensive? How do certain feeds affect the health of the animal? When choosing food, you should pay attention to the composition. For premium food, the meat content must be at least 20%; the super-premium category should not contain by-products; holistic foods are the most natural foods.

Economy class food

The main disadvantage of producing feed of this class is the use of low quality raw materials. Instead of meat, such cheap food contains by-products, cellulose, cereals and proteins of plant origin. Although such food does not cause significant harm to the cat’s health, it also does not cause desired benefit, since, for example, by-products are partially digested. The advantage of such feeds is their low cost.


This is Russian-made food from the company KlinVet, which belongs to the middle price category. This brand produces both dry and wet food for kittens, adult animals, as well as for cats and cats prone to urolithiasis. In the production of Vaska feed, we use exclusively natural ingredients and high-quality additives, but it contains too high a percentage cereal crops, which adversely affects the health of the animal. This food is given a score of 2 out of 10.

Doctor Zoo

Wet food for cats, which is available in canned form and packaged in pouches. Each pouch is designed for one feeding, the serving size is calculated depending on the age of the animal. Canned food has been developed for kittens and adult cats. The choice is represented by a variety of flavors, such as: chicken, rabbit, salmon, turkey meat. This food has good taste and nutritional qualities, but contains low-quality by-products. The food received 2 points out of 10.


This Russian-Danish economy class food contains many cereals, animal products, as well as mineral supplements, vitamins and sunflower oil. By percentage meat products take 2nd place after plant components, which is not a positive point, since cats are carnivores by nature. In general, the ingredients of the food are quite well balanced, although this product cannot be called rich in the content of nutrients. This food is also rated 2 out of 10.

Four-legged gourmet

This brand has been on the market for 10 years, and the technology and recipes were developed with the participation of veterinary nutritionists. In the production of feed, the maximum amount of natural ingredients is used, which undergo strict control testing. Manufacturers have developed dry and liquid cat foods that taste attractive to pets, match the physiological characteristics of animals and contain a variety of nutrients. The brand produces food for different groups of animals, and the range is constantly updated. The food received 4 points out of 10.


This is a food from a French company, produced in Hungary. The big disadvantage is that in the first place in the composition of the feed are cereals, and in second place only 4% meat products. The food also contains minerals, vitamins, vegetables and oils and fats. Darling contains preservatives and dyes, which is also a huge disadvantage. An undoubted advantage is its low cost and widespread use. The food deserves 3 points out of 10.


This is an American company that produces food for pets, including cats. The varied composition and attractive price are the main advantages of this food. It also does not contain artificial components: flavors and dyes. The feed is preserved with vitamin E. A large percentage comes from meat products, natural chicken fat and minerals. Possibility to choose the right type a wide range of food, as well as an adequate price, attracts potential buyers. The product received 4 points out of 10.

Dr. Alders

This is a German brand at an affordable price, using only high-quality raw materials for its products. The composition does not contain harmful substances, such as transgenic and genetically modified products, dyes and flavor enhancers, which is very attractive to buyers. The food contains meat products and vegetables with a minimum of processing, which helps preserve beneficial components. The company produces liquid and dry food for cats of different age categories. However, the amount of meat is not enough to be called complete and provides the animal with all the necessary substances, so it gets 4 points out of 10.

Dr. Clauders

Feed made in Germany. It does not contain pure meat, and to improve the taste, the manufacturer uses liver, which may contain toxins. An undoubted advantage is the presence of chicken fat, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the cat’s skin and coat. It also contains ready-made vitamin supplements. Both dry and liquid food are produced in different flavors. This brand deserves 3 points out of 10 for its poor composition.


This food was developed by Nestle Purina Petcare. Produced for domestic cats, for sterilized cats, for kittens.

Dry and liquid food from this company is available for sale. The advantages of dry ones are their affordable price and high prevalence. Of the minuses it is worth noting low content meat and meat products (no more than 6%), as well as the content of preservative components and various additives that improve taste. Canned foods are better because they do not need to be washed down with a large amount of water, they are presented in a wider range and are easy to find on store shelves. The disadvantages are the same as for dry types. The food gets 3 points out of 10.


Like all economy-class food, it does not provide the animal with all the necessary substances and nutrients, since its basis is herbal ingredients. There is very little meat and meat products, only about 4%. He also has high consumption rates. The advantages include low cost, prevalence and good taste qualities. The attractive taste of the product is obtained due to the addition of various flavor enhancers and additives, for which the food was awarded 3 points out of 10.


As an economy-class food, it contains a very small percentage of meat and meat by-products and a lot of grain and plant components. The composition also contains various substances that are harmful to the body, for example, preservatives, flavor enhancers and flavorings. The brand's assortment includes food for all age groups of animals, as well as for sterilized cats. Dry and wet feeds are produced. Awarded 3 points out of 10.

Mon Ami

It's dry and liquid food economy class at a competitive price, which is produced in Denmark and Russia. It contains dried meat and meat products, the amount of which, however, does not exceed 4-6%. It contains brewer's yeast and vegetable oils, which has a good effect on the condition of the skin and its derivatives. Most of all in the composition of various products of plant origin, cereals, as well as vitamins and minerals. The product received 4 points out of 10.


This food is on everyone's lips thanks to advertising. The manufacturer provides a wide range of products. There are foods for both kittens and adult cats in dry and liquid version. One of the advantages is that the product is presented at a low price and is ready for use immediately. The downside is that, like any other economy-class food, it contains very few meat products and many plant components. At long-term use may lead to urolithiasis. Receives 3 points out of 10 possible.

Premium food

These feeds are made from environmentally friendly, carefully selected raw materials according to certain standards. There are no ballast substances or chemical additives in the composition. Premium food is balanced in vitamins and mineral composition and has high nutritional properties, which reduces the volume of the portion eaten and satiates the animal.


This is a Spanish premium brand with the most diverse range of flavors and a series of foods for kittens, adult animals, sterilized cats, long-haired pets and older cats. The main advantage is that, despite its availability, the food contains more natural products, there are no dyes or other harmful additives. It contains beneficial antioxidants and vitamins. The brand has daily and preventative food, for which it receives 6 points out of 10.


German company producing food, both dry and wet. The composition is distinguished by its naturalness and good balance of all necessary nutrients, vitamins and minerals. A wide selection is represented by food for aging animals and kittens who are picky eaters, and there is also hypoallergenic food for cats. A varied range of flavors will allow your pet to choose only what he really likes. The food gets 6 points out of 10.


This is a Swedish company that produces dry and canned food for healthy kittens and cats. Does not have a treatment line. It contains only natural products, of which a large amount is meat and animal protein, and there are no harmful substances. The manufacturer offers products for adults, pregnant animals and kittens. The composition is rich in taurine, a complex of vitamins and mineral supplements necessary for a cat’s life. A new complex has been released, designed to increase immunity in animals. The food was awarded 7 points out of 10.


Except natural ingredients, the food has a wide range of products: for sterilized animals, domestic cats and kittens, for long-haired breeds, for pregnant cats and kittens. If the question arises, which cat food to choose so that it is of high quality and reasonable price, it's worth stopping at Brit. The company provides dry options, jellies, and canned goods. Only natural meat is used for production. The product has really good taste, and is also enriched with additional mineral supplements, vitamins and microelements. The food received 7 points out of 10.


The company has both a daily series of feeds and a veterinary one, for different groups of animals. It contains only natural ingredients, is well balanced and has high nutritional properties, which makes the portion eaten smaller. The assortment is not very wide and products are often unavailable in many pet stores, which can be considered a disadvantage. The downside is that it contains plant protein, so when choosing this brand, you need to consider how well your animal digests plant protein. The product gets 7 points out of 10.


This is a French brand that produces a huge range of feed. In addition to meat and animal proteins, they contain flaxseed, fructooligosaccharides, apple pectin, and brewer's yeast. All this has a beneficial effect on the body pet and provides him with everything he needs. The food does not contain dyes, other chemical additives and GMOs. A big advantage is the use in the production of organolysates, which are a complex of essential amino acids and fatty acids, vitamins and minerals. They strengthen the animal’s body, improve digestion, strengthen and improve the coat. The food deserves 7 points out of 10.


Brazilian food containing natural meat, liver, meat flour, rice. It is a hypoallergenic product and also contains vitamins, minerals, brewer's yeast, and gluten. There are no harmful chemicals or other unnecessary additives. It has a relatively low price, however, it is not very common on the shelves of pet stores, but can be purchased on the Internet without any problems. The food received 7 points out of 10.

Happy Cat

The products are manufactured in Germany and have a unique recipe. It is prepared from natural meat and plant ingredients and does not contain animal protein substitutes or chemical additives, dyes, preservatives or flavors. The range includes canned and dry food both for everyday feeding and for animals that have certain health problems. All products contain medicinal herbs that ensure normal functioning of the stomach and circulatory system. Cereals and microelements compensate for nutritional deficiencies. Gives shine to wool fatty acid. The food received 7 points out of 10.


This brand provides a really wide selection of food. There is a special line of products designed to combat obesity, for allergic animals, for cats and cats with problems with the cardiac and excretory systems. Developed food for post-operative rehabilitation. Natural ingredients with a predominance of meat and proteins of animal origin, as well as essential amino acids and a vitamin complex included in the food, provide the pet with all the necessary substances for full life. It is easy to find for sale in specialized veterinary pharmacies or pet stores. The food gets 7 points out of 10.


Manufactured in the USA and has both liquid and dry options, there is no medicinal line. The amount of proteins is normal, but they are not made from pure meat, but from chicken by-products and chicken. The food contains cornmeal, which is difficult to digest and can cause allergies, but quickly saturates the cat. Sorghum, which is present in the composition, is also undesirable in a cat’s diet. There are also very useful components, such as chicken fat, fish fat, vitamins, folic acid and essential taurine. The product is inexpensive and easy to find in pet stores. It also does not contain harmful additives. Awarded 5 points out of 10.


No hazardous chemicals are used in creating the food; GMO products and raw materials remain of sufficient quality. The percentage of animal fats and meat is not so high, however, all the necessary substances are preserved, including fiber, vital taurine and vitamins. The food pleases with its reasonable price. The disadvantages include a fairly large percentage of plant and grain raw materials, the use of dehydrated meat instead of fresh meat, and the use of harmful corn in production. Assigned 6 points out of 10 possible.

Natural Choice

This is Canadian-made food, which has a balanced and high-quality composition. One third of its contents consists of animal protein, which is optimal for proper nutrition. The main share of meat comes from poultry diet, fish and chicken fat, which contain amino acids necessary for the animal’s body. Natural flavors are used to improve your pet's appetite. The line also includes options for allergic animals, recommended by veterinarians for both the treatment and prevention of allergies. The food deserves 7 points out of 10.

Perfect fit

The main disadvantage is the lack of real meat; it is replaced with offal. That's why great benefit You shouldn't expect anything from this food. It also contains flavor enhancers, preservatives, flavorings and other harmful additives, as well as too much corn. Most proteins are of plant rather than animal origin. Products are produced for both adult animals and kittens in the form of canned food and dry food. Among the advantages are low cost and widespread availability in pet stores. Deserves 5 points out of 10.

Royal Canin

This is a balanced premium food for cats, which will be a good replacement natural nutrition. It contains the necessary nutritional components, is well balanced and has excellent taste. However, among the disadvantages one can highlight the presence of taste and smell enhancers, as well as preservatives. The medical line is of higher quality and has products for the prevention of dental diseases, which is rare among other companies producing premium products. If you have a question about what to feed british cat or a cat of other expensive breeds, it is worth choosing this brand. It has an adequate price and is distinguished by its availability in specialized stores. Preference should be given to European-made feed, since products produced in Russia are of lower quality. The food deserves 7 points out of 10.

Super premium food

Super-premium class feeds are characterized by optimal balance, using only natural meat and meat products, trace elements, vitamins, minerals, fatty acids necessary for the full development and growth of cats and kittens. They do not contain harmful chemical additives, and plant components occupy a smaller part than meat ones.

1st Choice

This is a Canadian-made line of feed, which guarantees strict quality assessment. Only natural meat and meat products are used in production. The composition is perfectly balanced in the ratio of proteins and carbohydrates. The products have high nutritional value, the cat is satisfied with small portions. There is a safe food option for allergic animals. The manufacturer does not offer a wide range to choose from, and several undesirable components were found in the composition, such as poultry meal and cellulose. The food deserves 8 points out of 10.

Arden Grange

English-made food, proven to be great option for feeding domestic cats. It does not contain preservatives, flavor enhancers or dyes, cheap and harmful ingredients. High quality natural products are used as raw materials according to the following scheme: meat – rice – vegetables – vitamins – probiotics. The products are balanced in proteins, fats and carbohydrates, and animal proteins occupy the majority. Cereals low grades are also not used in manufacturing. An important component is beet pulp, which improves digestion. Flax-seed rich in fatty acids. Cranberry juice fights urolithiasis. It tastes great. One of the disadvantages is the presence of cellulose in the composition. The food scored 8 out of 10.


This is German-made food of good quality, made from products of natural animal and plant origin. They do not contain harmful chemical additives, which guarantees the absence of health problems for the animal. When feeding this product mineral supplements Not needed. The protein ratio is ideal, as is the ash percentage, the amount of vegetable protein is small. It is well absorbed and has excellent taste. A very big plus is the presence of flax seeds, fish oil, eggs, and barley in the product. The food eliminates the unpleasant odor from the cat's mouth. The composition contains an excessive amount of liver, maize and unwanted cellulose. Deserves 8 out of 10.


Contains natural meat, necessary additives and vitamin complex. Protein and ash levels are optimal. Adding fiber to products provides good digestion. The manufacturer provides a wide selection of food depending on the age category of animals and breeds with different tastes. The taste of the food is at an average level, so the product is designed for less picky animals. One of the disadvantages is the presence of unwanted corn and corn flour in the composition. Deserves 8 points out of 10.

Profine Adult Cat

This is a French food that serves as a complete diet for animals. The product is made only from natural ingredients of plant and primarily animal origin. The balance of ash and protein is ideal, and the percentage of fat is relatively low, which is also a definite plus. The quality of the meat products is not bad, but chicken is used, which is not considered an ideal feeding option. Among the harmful ingredients used are corn flour and corn. Valuable additives include chicken fat and fish oil, which improve wool quality. The food is rich in vitamins, pectin, fatty acids and minerals. The product receives 7 points out of 10 possible.

ProNature Holistic

This is a good professional food that is prepared from premium meat products with the addition of berries, fiber, vegetables, vitamin supplements and essential fatty acids to prevent diseases and maintain the health of the animal. It has excellent taste and is supplied to Russia without interruption and undergoes thorough testing. The amount of protein is perfectly balanced, but the amount of ash is not optimal. The beet pulp included in the composition prevents digestive problems. Only used as flavoring agents natural supplements. Disadvantages include the use of cellulose and yeast. Receives 8 points out of 10.

Royal Canin

It is a good replacement for natural food. It includes only natural products and necessary components for the full functioning of the cat. The veterinary food line deserves special attention, they are perfectly balanced for each specific disease. Everyday food is of slightly lower quality. Royal Canin produces spiders and dry food. The obvious advantages of food include financial accessibility, good quality, ubiquitous distribution and wide selection of products. It is better to order feed made in Europe rather than Russian. The food deserves 8 points out of 10.

Korma holistic

Holistic class is best choice, producing professional products for animal feeding. Such feed is used for breeding animals in nurseries. They do not include flavor enhancers or flavors, or other undesirable chemical additives.


This is a well-known brand of Canadian-made cat food, distinguished by the highest quality of the components used in its production. The line is not replete with a wide range. The manufacturer offers products for animals of different age groups, food for different breeds and age categories. The company does not have corrective veterinary nutrition. The food contains no plants or grains, chemical additives or various allergens. It has high nutritional properties and contains essential vitamins and minerals. There is an opinion among veterinarians that excess protein can lead to allergies and inactivity in castrated animals, so it gets 9 points out of 10.

Almo Nature

This is food for cats produced in Europe, which has a rich assortment. The products are prepared only from natural meat products and their derivatives; they are fully balanced in proteins, ash, fats and carbohydrates. The use of chemicals, various dyes and artificial preservatives is excluded. Dry food is slightly inferior in quality to canned food. There is a separate category of treats, there is liquid food for cats, food for neutered and overweight animals, hypoallergenic food for sensitive animals. Deserves 9 points out of 10.

ANF ​​holistic

This is a premium food produced in the USA and Great Britain. Diets consist only of a mixture natural products, mainly of animal origin, probiotics, vitamins, seaweed, which are rich in trace elements and minerals. The assortment is compiled taking into account age and individual characteristics animals. In the manufacture of the product, no chemical additives, flavors, or various enhancers are used, which reduces its taste. Nutritional value at the highest level, as well as the balance of the feed in all respects. The product gets 10 out of 10.

Chicken Soup

Country of origin - USA. The main disadvantage is the problem with delivering it to Russia. The ingredients are perfectly balanced; the animal that receives such nutrition does not need additives. The required concentration of proteins eliminates the possibility of obesity and increased sugar concentration. The pet gets fats from salmon and poultry. Each variety of the line contains different types meat and chicken meal. The absence of corn and soy is a definite plus. Among the cereals, rice and barley are used; fruits and roots and tubers are present as a source of fiber. The food is produced for different age groups, but there is no line for veterinary use. Receives 9 points out of 10.

Eagle Pack Cat Canidae

This food is perfect for daily feeding of your pet. The wide range is represented by the following varieties: for nursing cats, regular and for kittens. A high level of ash and the absence of harmful additives impair the taste of these products. The composition does not contain harmful cereals, including corn and its flour. Instead, rice and potatoes are presented. The content of fish and chicken fat has a good effect on the skin and its derivatives. Beets improve digestion and stool, cranberries are used to prevent urolithiasis (urolithiasis). The tomato mixture is questionable, as it can lead to allergies. The food gets 9 points out of 10 possible.

Earthborn Holistic Holistic

The brand belongs to an American company producing dry food for domestic cats. The products are developed by nutritionists and leading veterinary specialists and contain all the necessary vitamins, minerals, fatty acids and minerals. The main ingredient is high quality natural meat. The absence of flavors, preservatives and dyes is a big advantage. The brand does not produce canned food, which is a minus. The food gets 9 points out of 10.


This food is made from natural meat ingredients highest quality. Balanced and contains all necessary and essential amino acids, vitamins, minerals, brown rice. All this provides the pet with health and energy. The company currently produces non-grain feed. The products are free of allergens such as soy and corn. The manufacturer provides three types of food: for kittens and cats; with chicken and rice; for older animals and overweight cats. The product receives 9 points out of 10 possible.

GO and NOW Natural

This is a good and fully balanced food made in Canada. It is prepared from the highest quality ingredients, taking into account physiological characteristics cat's body. The product prevents the development of many diseases and prolongs the life of the animal. In Russia it is presented as non-grain, for cats and kittens with chicken and four types of meat. It is similar in price to Royal Canin, but of higher quality. The downside is the lack of spiders and a veterinary line in the assortment. The products contain an optimal ratio of ash, proteins and carbohydrates. The absence of chemical additives and the presence of probiotics that improve digestion are a big plus. The food gets 9 points out of 10.

Golden Eagle (N&D)

It is best suited for everyday feeding and is available in three types: for nursing animals and kittens, hypoallergenic cat food and regular food. Since the ingredients often include only chicken and salmon or only chicken meal, these products are inferior to most of the holistic class. This minus is compensated by the absence of harmful grains in the composition, such as corn. The food contains all the components necessary for normal life: fats, beets, fiber. There are no preservatives or other chemical additives. Deserves 8 out of 10.


This holistic food is one of the highest quality, and therefore expensive. When feeding a cat with this product, no additional supplements or vitamins are needed. The products are prepared from the best meat and plant products and include poultry or rabbit meat, vitamins, oils, fats, and fiber. All protein in this product has only animal origin and reaches quite high level, which is good for active animals. Does not contain preservatives, allergens or other questionable substances. Flavorings are present, but they are natural and will not cause your pet’s addiction. Receives 10 points out of 10 possible.


This is a good and balanced diet in all respects. High content natural meat products and meat, the low content of grains is a definite plus. However, the manufacturer uses dehydrated meat. The ash level is a little too high, which spoils the overall picture. The products do not contain any dyes, flavor enhancers or food additives. The range is presented in a wide choice of flavors and contains beneficial probiotics that improve the digestion process, as well as medicinal herbs, mineral supplements and vitamins. The food gets 9 points out of 10 possible.


In the production of these products, natural ingredients are used; one food, as a rule, contains several types of meat. The carbohydrate content is minimal, it contains many vegetables and fruits rich in fiber. The level of animal proteins reaches 75%, carbohydrates up to 20%. The disadvantage of the company is the lack of canned and veterinary food. The magnesium contained in the product, as well as the high amount of protein, helps prevent diseases urinary system. There is a special line of food designed for castrated animals. Deserves 10 out of 10.


This is a holistic food made in America. It contains the highest quality ingredients. The lion's share of the product is natural meat and animal proteins. Each type includes 5 types of meat, potatoes, antioxidants, vitamin and mineral complex, tomatoes and cranberries. The food does not contain harmful grains, ballast substances and other questionable ingredients, such as flavor enhancers and flavorings that are harmful to the animal. The product meets all standards and provides the cat with all the necessary substances, maintaining its health, so it gets 10 points out of 10 possible.

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