What is magnesium stearate made from? Calcium stearate: description and properties of the substance, possible harm to the body. Magnesium Rich Foods

The substance “Magnesium stearate” has several names: in Latin - Stearic acid or Magnesium stearate, in Russian - E-572. The substance, which is very toxic in nature, is included in 90% of medications.

For a very long time, drug manufacturers from all over the world have been convincing consumers that the substance is neutral and does not cause harm to the body. This is wrong. Once in the body, magnesium stearate almost instantly begins to kill cells. Despite this, it continues to be used in medicines, especially tablets.

Magnesium stearate tablets. What is it for?

Stearic acid is an emulsifier, a compound needed to give tablet shape and helps to mix substances that do not mix well together (such as water and fats). E-572 helps thicken the mixture and make it a homogeneous mass. Stearic acid is used not only in pharmacology, but also in the food and cosmetic industries. This magnesium salt looks like a white, slightly soapy powder to the touch. For a long time Magnesium stearate was considered harmless and was added to medications to give the desired shape to capsules and tablets. Perfectly soluble in oils and alcohols, it does not mix with water and water-based solutions. The emulsifier melts at 88° C. All equipment involved in the production of tablets was adjusted to these characteristics of the substance. Today, when the harm of stearic acid has been proven, most manufacturers simply do not change equipment so as not to incur additional costs.

Magnesium stearate. Harm or benefit?

The question does not have a clear answer. On the one hand, it is certainly harmful. Combining in the stomach with the substance turns into magnesium sulfate

nia. It, in turn, reacts with energy drinks, alcohol and medications, becoming poison. Medicines, cosmetics and food containing E-572 cause:

  • increased risk of cancer;
  • disorders of the thyroid gland;
  • necrosis at the cellular level.

On the other hand, many doctors claim that magnesium stearate has a calming effect.

If it is not mixed with products containing acids, it does not cause any particular harm to the body. It is believed that if no more than 2500 mg/kg of a substance per day enters the body per day, then this is acceptable. in Russia it is recognized as a conditionally safe product.

What to do?

Various experts offer their own solutions to the situation. Public figures propose to abandon products containing stearic acid so that bankrupt manufacturers will take care of installing new equipment. Representatives alternative medicine encourage you to stop taking pills and replace them herbal preparations. To date, neither one nor the other exit can be used. All that remains is to choose products more carefully, do not abuse pills, buy high-quality cosmetics and watch your diet. This is the only way to take care of your own health.

Product description

Magnesium stearate - buy magnesium in Moscow, prices - reagents and equipment store

Food grade magnesium stearate (stearate) E470 - finely ground powder white, feels a little soapy. Insoluble in water, soluble in alcohol (warm), oils. Stearate mixes easily.

Magnesium stearate melts at a temperature of 88 °C. A fine suspension of the substance in the air is explosive.

Magnesium stearate is used in the cosmetic, food and pharmaceutical industries (as a filler in tablets). In cosmetology it is used in creams, compact powders and loose shadows. Magnesium stearate has good adhesion and hiding power (opaque). In addition, the substance is used to prevent caking of food and cosmetic products. Magnesium stearate is used as a stabilizer to add volume to cosmetic products.

Magnesium stearate acts as:

  1. Fillers (fillers).
  2. Binders (binding agents).
  3. Lubricant (substance that improves gliding).
  4. Thickener (substance that increases viscosity).

Stearate can replace talc and starch. Prevents the formation of lumps and caking in mineral cosmetics. Magnesium stearate is also used as a matte white pigment.

Magnesium stearate is obtained by digestion of animals or vegetable oils. Stearate is non-toxic and is considered relatively safe. However, it is rarely used in food products, as it is quite unstable. The instability of magnesium stearate is especially pronounced upon contact with oxidizing agents. After entering the stomach, stearate can be transformed into magnesium sulfate. This substance causes harm although dangerous dose big enough.

Important to consider! Magnesium stearate is characterized by high flammability. It is highly flammable near fire sources. Magnesium stearate should be stored away from substances that may ignite.

It is worth emphasizing that the harm of the food emulsifier E572 Magnesium (calcium) stearate does not allow the food additive to participate and be used in production processes of the food industry. Food emulsifier E572 Magnesium (calcium) stearate belongs to a group of additives that are used as emulsifiers. These compounds are often synthetic and rarely natural origin act as forming agents and thickeners. Often, when producing a food group of goods according to a recipe, it is necessary to mix non-mixable products to a homogeneous consistency natural compounds, for example fats and water.

Harmful food emulsifier E572 Magnesium (calcium) stearate

Emulsifiers help to combine these types of substances and obtain a homogeneous mass during the production of food products. Properties of food emulsifier E572 Magnesium (calcium) stearate, and in addition possible harmful effects, which is capable of affecting the human body, gives every reason to exclude the additive from the list of permitted and used both in domestic and foreign countries Food Industry. Unfortunately, despite the obvious harm food emulsifier E572 Magnesium (calcium) stearate is used in the cosmetics industry.

It is noteworthy that both researchers and doctors have repeatedly warned that characteristic properties food emulsifier E572 Magnesium (calcium) stearate can cause significant damage to the human body. According to its structure, food emulsifier E572 Magnesium (calcium) stearate is nothing more than crushed white powder, soapy to the touch. According to its origin and properties, food emulsifier E572 Magnesium (calcium) stearate belongs to the group of magnesium salts, which are obtained as a result of the interaction of stearic acid and magnesium or calcium.

Among distinctive features food emulsifier E572 Magnesium (calcium) stearate can be distinguished as follows. Food emulsifier E572 Magnesium (calcium) stearate is practically immiscible with water-containing solutions, but is perfectly soluble in oils or alcohols. Food emulsifier E572 Magnesium (calcium) stearate melts at a temperature of 88C. The most active food emulsifier E572 Magnesium (calcium) stearate is used in the manufacturing process of cosmetic products. Chemically active connection magnesium (calcium) stearate, which is part of the emulsifier E572, can lead to the emergence and development of serious illnesses thyroid gland.

  • necrosis at the cellular level.

On the other hand, many doctors claim that magnesium stearate has a calming effect. If it is not mixed with alcohol, energy drinks, or foods containing acids, it does not cause any particular harm to the body. It is believed that if no more than 2500 mg/kg of a substance per day enters the body per day, then this is acceptable. The E-572 additive is recognized as a conditionally safe product in Russia.

What to do?

What are the dangers of magnesium deficiency?

If the lack of magnesium in the human body is small, then a feeling of fatigue and slight malaise will come. But in the future this can develop into headaches and lumbago in the lower back. This is a signal that it is necessary to compensate for the lack of this microelement.

Magnesium is very important, because even with a slight deficiency, the body will not be able to function well. But if its deficiency is serious, it can threaten a heart attack.

The benefits and harms of magnesium for the body depend on its concentration in the blood. If we have already talked about the benefits of this element, then it is worth talking about how it can harm.

Excess magnesium can crystallize and be deposited in bones and joints. These crystals can also damage blood vessels, which worsens the functioning of the cardiovascular system.


The role of magnesium in the human body, symptoms of magnesium deficiency and excess, what foods contain it

Magnifique means magnificent. From this French word The element of the periodic table is called magnesium. In the open air, this substance burns very effectively, with a magnificent bright flame. Hence the magnesium. However, magnesium is great not only because it burns beautifully.

The role of magnesium in the human body is extremely important to ensure the flow of various life processes. And, fortunately, this has nothing to do with combustion. What processes are these? Let's consider.

The human body contains, on average, 20 - 30 milligrams of magnesium. 70% of this amount includes skeletal bones, the rest is contained in muscles and glands internal secretion. A small amount of magnesium is present in the blood. Magnesium soothes nervous system, both central and peripheral. In general, magnesium is necessary to regulate balance in muscle and nerve tissues. Magnesium seems to provide “internal peace” to the body.

Magnesium is a cofactor and activator of some enzymes - enolase, alkaline phosphatase, carboxylases, hexokinases. The participation of magnesium in phosphorus and carbohydrate metabolism has been established. The element has an aseptic and vasodilating effect. Under the influence of magnesium compounds, intestinal motility increases, bile is better separated and cholesterol is eliminated, and neuromuscular excitability is reduced. Magnesium is involved in protein synthesis. Along with the above, the role of magnesium in the human body is to provide an alkaline effect on organs and tissues.

More than three hundred enzymatic reactions occur with the participation of magnesium. Magnesium is especially actively involved in processes that are associated with energy utilization, in particular, with the breakdown of glucose and the removal of waste waste and toxins from the body. In the processes of protein synthesis, the role of magnesium is the production of DNA. It has been confirmed that thiamine (B1), pyridoxine (B6) and vitamin C are fully absorbed in the presence of magnesium. Thanks to magnesium, the structure of cells during their growth becomes more stable, and the regeneration and renewal of cells in tissues and organs is more effective. Magnesium, this “magnificent” element, stabilizes bone structure and gives bones hardness.

Lack of magnesium in the body

Unfortunately, people rarely pay attention to magnesium deficiency in the body. Meanwhile, constant shortage magnesium in the body causes large-scale functional disorders in all organs. Magnesium deficiency is indicated by muscle cramps and trembling, increased irritability, and poor concentration. Due to the fact that with a lack of magnesium, calcium levels decrease, bone osteoporosis occurs. Impaired functioning parathyroid gland and heart failures are also manifestations of magnesium deficiency. Initial symptoms a lack of magnesium is easy to notice - irritability and tremors, sudden dizziness accompanied by loss of balance, already mentioned muscle cramps, tingling sensations in the legs, hair loss, increased brittleness of nails. All these symptoms are observed in alcohol-dependent people, as well as in those who consume large amounts of black tea, coffee, and excessively salty or sweet foods. Experts are confident that heart attacks in people aged 30 to 40 years are caused precisely by insufficient magnesium content in the heart muscle. A 50% magnesium deficiency can be fatal.

Determining whether you are at risk of a lack of magnesium in your body with all the ensuing consequences is relatively simple. Must be accepted vertical position, tense your muscles or stretch with force. Painful sensations in the ankles - the first alarm bell. It is necessary to take measures to restore magnesium balance. However, don't overdo it. For an excess of magnesium in the body is no less harmful than a deficiency.

Excess magnesium in the body

It is quite difficult to create an excess “reserve” of magnesium in tissues and organs, because magnesium is effectively filtered by the kidneys. Magnesium overdose often occurs with excessive intake of magnesium-containing medicines while undergoing courses of therapy.

The most common symptoms of excess magnesium are quite difficult to determine by eye. It is very difficult to see whether a person’s reflexes are depressed and whether inhibitory processes in the central nervous system are enhanced. Osteoporosis is generally diagnosed only by x-ray, and bradycardia - according to the results of cardiography. However, there are also visible manifestations. A significant excess of magnesium in the body is suspected if a person is constantly nauseous, lethargic, has severe diarrhea, and heart rhythm disturbances.

What foods contain magnesium?

The richest in magnesium are nuts, beans, and in general, the seeds of all legumes. For example, half a cup of fresh beans contains about 150 milligrams of magnesium. The same volume of soybeans is more than 200 milligrams. Cooked vegetables - spinach, beet tops, kohlrabi cabbage - are also rich in magnesium. However, with prolonged processing of vegetables in large quantities magnesium is washed out in water.

It's probably worth mentioning which foods contain magnesium in small quantities. This is all flour products containing baked goods. Vegetables contain magnesium different quantities, and it depends on the soil and the application of fertilizers.

A large amount of magnesium is fixed in cocoa, oatmeal, wheat bran, in dried apricots, prunes, lettuce, dill, eggs.


What are the benefits of Doppelhertz L carnitine magnesium?

Dopelherz is produced by the German company Queisser Pharma, a dietary supplement with L-carnitine and magnesium that contains a couple of main components. Both of these particles do not enhance each other’s effect in any way; accordingly, their effect on the body can be considered separately. If we take into account the dosage of L-carnitine, as well as magnesium in this drug, we can draw conclusions about its effectiveness, as well as the advisability of its consumption.

So L-carnitine performs several basic functions in our body. He is responsible for transportation fatty acids to mitochondria, thereby stimulating the breakdown of subcutaneous fats. In addition, this substance can stimulate growth muscle mass, which is why it is often used by bodybuilders. This element is also capable of increasing physical endurance, so many experts advise consuming it when playing any sport.

However, it is worth taking into account that the dosage of L-carnitine that is present in one Doppelhertz tablet is not enough for such effects to be particularly noticeable. So, you should consume one tablet of the drug per day, which contains three hundred milligrams of this substance. This volume can cover daily requirement our body in L-carnitine, but it is not enough to develop the effects already mentioned above.

Among other things, this substance in a daily amount can lower the level of “bad” cholesterol in the body, it also improves mood and adds resistance to stress. L-carnitine is able to stimulate processes brain activity, optimize the blood supply to the myocardium. Its consumption helps speed up the healing process various wounds. It is worth noting that all these effects are rather weak.

If we talk about the benefits of magnesium, then this element performs many functions in our body. He is able to reduce performance blood pressure, and also prevents the appearance of blood clots quite well. In addition, this substance is often prescribed by doctors for the development of coronary disease heart, because its deficiency provokes a fairly rapid development of heart rhythm disturbances.

Unfortunately, magnesium cannot increase our body's resistance to stress. However, in various difficult life situations nervous tension leads to the rapid loss of this element. Accordingly, chronic stress can cause its deficiency in the body.

If we talk about the benefits of magnesium in the context of sports, then during active physical activity We all sweat actively. Together with sweat, this element is also removed from our body, and accordingly, the body begins to need its adequate replenishment.

Thus, we can conclude that Doppelherz L carnitine + magnesium can actually somewhat improve your health and, in certain cases, prevent the development of various kinds ailments. However, its benefit is quite small, since the amount of L-carnitine in it is very small. If we talk about magnesium content, then this element is included in many other multivitamin preparations, and is also sold in the form individual drugs, which are much cheaper.

What are the harms of Doppelgerz L carnitine magnesium?

You can consume the drug Doppelherz L-carnitine + magnesium according to the instructions without fear, since it can extremely rarely cause harm to the body. So, a small percentage of people may be allergic to some of its components, which is a direct indication to stop consuming it. Experts also do not advise women expecting the birth of a baby and nursing mothers to take this product, since the safety of this dietary supplement in these cases has not been proven. clinical studies. For the same reason, it should not be taken by children.

Thus, the drug Doppelherz L-carnitine + magnesium can benefit the body, but the effect of its use is quite insignificant.


Magnesium stearate: more benefit or harm?

The substance “Magnesium stearate” has several names: in Latin - Stearic acid or Magnesium stearate, in Russian - stearic acid, E-572. The substance, which is very toxic in nature, is included in 90% of medications. For a very long time, drug manufacturers from all over the world have been convincing consumers that the substance is neutral and does not cause harm to the body. This is wrong. Once in the body, magnesium stearate almost instantly begins to kill cells. Despite this, it continues to be used in medicines, especially tablets.

Magnesium stearate. Harm or benefit?

The question does not have a clear answer. On the one hand, it is certainly harmful. Connecting in the stomach with hydrochloric acid, the substance turns into magnesium sulfate. It, in turn, reacts with energy drinks, alcohol and medications, becoming poison. Medicines, cosmetics and food containing E-572 cause:

  • increased risk of cancer;
  • disorders of the thyroid gland;
  • necrosis at the cellular level.

How much magnesium do we have?

The human body contains approximately 20–30 grams of magnesium, with about half found in teeth and bones and 1% in the blood. The rest of the amount is distributed among muscles, cells and organs, including endocrine glands. Magnesium is one of the four most abundant minerals in the human body and is involved in one way or another in more than 350 biochemical interactions and processes.

Types of magnesium deficiency

Doctors also divide magnesium deficiency into primary and secondary. Primary magnesium deficiency is a congenital defect in its metabolism caused by genetic factors. Secondary deficiency of this mineral occurs under the influence of various negative factors external environment and unhealthy lifestyle. In addition, such a deficiency can be caused by hormonal changes such as pregnancy and menopause.

It is during these periods that magnesium is vital for a woman’s body. It is important for pregnant women to remember that normal development The fetus needs all micro- and macroelements. Before taking any mineral-vitamin complexes, you should definitely consult with your supervising gynecologist.

Excess magnesium in the body

However, the effect of magnesium on the body is not always positive. Excessive amounts of this mineral are observed quite rarely, since healthy person the kidneys eliminate its excess almost immediately. Therefore, poisoning with magnesium obtained from food or vitamin complexes, pretty hard. As a rule, poisoning with this mineral occurs when there is an overdose of magnesium-containing drugs administered intravenously, or when kidney function is impaired. Symptoms of excess magnesium:

  1. Muscle weakness and lethargy.
  2. Loss of strength and decreased performance.
  3. Drowsiness, speech and coordination problems.
  4. Slow heart rate, attacks of hypotension.
  5. Abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.
  6. Renal dysfunction.
  7. Dry mucous membranes and thirst.

Magnesium Rich Foods

We have figured out why the body needs magnesium, now let's look at what products can help us maintain the level of this element at the proper level.

The greatest amount of magnesium is found in the following foods:

  • dark green vegetables such as spinach, various types of kale, chard, dandelion greens and beets;
  • grains such as brown rice, whole oats, barley and wheat;
  • soybeans, beans, lentils and other legumes;
  • seeds: pumpkin, sesame, flax, sunflower;
  • rice, wheat, rye bran and bread with them;
  • herbs such as basil, oregano, coriander, thyme, parsley and sage;
  • bananas, apricots, peaches, prunes and avocados;
  • dark chocolate and cocoa;
  • sea ​​fish and shellfish;
  • unpasteurized and unsweetened cheeses and yoghurts.

We tried to answer the question of why the body needs magnesium, and also found out what reduces its amount and what increases it. Perhaps small changes in diet and lifestyle will help you avoid unpleasant symptoms deficiency of this vital mineral.

Meat - benefits and beneficial properties of various types of meat

Meat and meat products constitute the main part of the human diet. Only a few abstain from eating meat and eat exclusively vegetarian food. Despite the fact that people have been eating meat for several thousand years, debates about the benefits and harms of this product do not subside.

Proponents of eating meat argue that only this product can supply the human body with necessary and essential proteins. While vegetarians claim that meat is harmful, it is the source of pathogens for a wide variety of diseases.

When discussing the benefits and harms of meat, it must be said that a lot depends on the type of meat. Today, the human diet includes large meat cattle(beef, veal), small cattle (goat meat, lamb), pork and poultry meat (chicken, turkey, goose, duck, quail). And also horse meat, rabbit meat and game (game includes the meat of any wild animals: hare, wild boar, deer, bear, etc.). In some countries, they eat the meat of dogs, cats and other animals (camels, buffalos, mules, donkeys). Each type of meat has its own flavor and beneficial properties.



Let's figure out what the benefits of seaweed are for the human body, what is the essence of this benefit. Here are just some scientifically proven facts:

  • Improving metabolic processes.
  • Increasing body tone, endurance and performance. Remember Japanese samurai- after all seaweed was one of their main dishes.
  • Strengthening hair. Japanese scientists have proven that kelp contains a substance that has a remarkable effect on hair roots, significantly strengthening them and preventing hair loss.
  • Stops development cancerous tumors. Scientists have proven that this fact is provided by polysaccharides contained in abundance in kelp - they stimulate the activity of the immune system.
  • With regular use, it promotes rejuvenation and restoration of body cells.
  • Significantly prolongs life. It’s not for nothing that the Japanese are world record holders for the longest active and creative life.
  • Delays the development of vascular sclerosis.
  • Laminaria prevents arterial thrombosis.
  • Protects the nervous system from overload, promotes contemplation and calm.
  • Contains alginic acid. This substance, whose consistency resembles pectin, is capable of removing radioactive trace elements and radionuclides from the body. This makes seaweed an assistant in the fight against cancer.
  • Extremely useful for heart diseases and for their prevention.
  • Benefits the stomach, intestines and the entire digestive system as a whole. Able to combat constipation, has a mild laxative effect.
  • Significantly increases vigor and physical activity.
  • The bromine content makes cabbage effective in combating stress and depression.
  • Protects genital area both men and women. A kind of aphrodisiac.
  • Very useful for teenagers and children. Sea kale provides the growing body with everything useful and necessary. Great for nourishing the brain.

In general, seaweed is a perfectly balanced complex of all the most beneficial and necessary for the body human substances.


Description of the substance

Technological properties


  • powdered sugar;
  • glucose powder;
  • dry soups, etc.

Effect on the body

Have all your attempts to lose weight been unsuccessful? And have you already thought about radical measures? It’s understandable, because a slim body is an indicator of health and a reason for pride. In addition, this is at least human longevity. And the fact that a person losing " overweight", looks younger - an axiom that does not require proof. Therefore, we recommend reading the story of a woman who managed to lose excess weight quickly, effectively and without expensive procedures...Read the article >>

The substance “Magnesium stearate” has several names: in Latin - Stearic acid or Magnesium stearate, in Russian - stearic acid, E-572. The substance, which is very toxic in nature, is included in 90% of medications. For a very long time, drug manufacturers from all over the world have been convincing consumers that the substance is neutral and does not cause harm to the body. This is wrong. Once in the body, magnesium stearate almost instantly begins to kill cells. Despite this, it continues to be used in medicines, especially tablets.

Magnesium stearate tablets. What is it for?

Stearic acid is an emulsifier, a mixture of hydrogenated oils. The compound is necessary to give the tablets their shape and helps to mix substances that do not mix well together (such as water and fats). E-572 helps thicken the mixture and make it a homogeneous mass. Stearic acid is used not only in pharmacology, but also in the food and cosmetic industries. This magnesium salt looks like a white, slightly soapy powder to the touch. For a long time, magnesium stearate was considered harmless and was added to medications to give the desired shape to capsules and tablets. Perfectly soluble in oils and alcohols, it does not mix with water and water-based solutions. The emulsifier melts at 88° C. All equipment involved in the production of tablets was adjusted to these characteristics of the substance. Today, when the harm of stearic acid has been proven, most manufacturers simply do not change equipment so as not to incur additional costs.

Magnesium stearate. Harm or benefit?

The question does not have a clear answer. On the one hand, it is certainly harmful. Combining with hydrochloric acid in the stomach, the substance turns into magnesium sulfate
nia. It, in turn, reacts with energy drinks, alcohol and medications, becoming poison. Medicines, cosmetics and food containing E-572 cause:

  • increased risk of cancer;
  • disorders of the thyroid gland;
  • necrosis at the cellular level.

On the other hand, many doctors claim that magnesium stearate has a calming effect. If it is not mixed with alcohol, energy drinks, or foods containing acids, it does not cause any particular harm to the body. It is believed that if no more than 2500 mg/kg of a substance per day enters the body per day, then this is acceptable. The E-572 additive is recognized as a conditionally safe product in Russia.

What to do?

Various experts offer their own solutions to the situation. Public figures propose to abandon products containing stearic acid so that bankrupt manufacturers will take care of installing new equipment. Representatives of alternative medicine call for stopping taking pills and replacing them with herbal preparations. To date, neither one nor the other exit can be used. All that remains is to choose products more carefully, do not abuse pills, buy high-quality cosmetics and watch your diet. This is the only way to take care of your own health.

Magnesium stearate (Magnesium stearate, calcium stearate, calcium stearate, E572).

It is worth emphasizing that the harm of the food emulsifier E572 Magnesium (calcium) stearate does not allow the food additive to participate and be used in production processes of the food industry. Food emulsifier E572 Magnesium (calcium) stearate belongs to a group of additives that are used as emulsifiers. These compounds, often of synthetic and rarely natural origin, act as forming agents and thickeners. Often, when producing food products according to a recipe, it is necessary to mix immiscible natural compounds, for example fats and water, to a homogeneous consistency.

Harmful food emulsifier E572 Magnesium (calcium) stearate

Emulsifiers help to combine these types of substances and obtain a homogeneous mass during the production of food products. The properties of the food emulsifier E572 Magnesium (calcium) stearate, and in addition the possible harmful effects that the compound can have on the human body, give every reason to exclude the additive from the list of permitted and used in both the domestic and foreign food industries. Unfortunately, despite the obvious harm, the food emulsifier E572 Magnesium (calcium) stearate is used in the cosmetics industry.

It is noteworthy that both researchers and doctors have repeatedly warned that the characteristic properties of the food emulsifier E572 Magnesium (calcium) stearate can cause significant damage to the human body. According to its structure, food emulsifier E572 Magnesium (calcium) stearate is nothing more than crushed white powder, soapy to the touch. According to its origin and properties, food emulsifier E572 Magnesium (calcium) stearate belongs to the group of magnesium salts, which are obtained as a result of the interaction of stearic acid and magnesium or calcium.

Among the distinctive features of the food emulsifier E572 Magnesium (calcium) stearate are the following. Food emulsifier E572 Magnesium (calcium) stearate is practically immiscible with water-containing solutions, but is perfectly soluble in oils or alcohols. Food emulsifier E572 Magnesium (calcium) stearate melts at a temperature of 88C. The most active food emulsifier E572 Magnesium (calcium) stearate is used in the manufacturing process of cosmetic products. The chemically active compound magnesium (calcium) stearate, which is part of the emulsifier E572, can lead to the occurrence and development of severe diseases of the thyroid gland.

, known as E572, has a number of synonyms: Magnesium stearate

Food additive Magnesium and calcium stearates , known as E572, has a number of synonyms: Magnesium stearate, Calcium stearate, Magnesium salt of stearic acid, Octadecanoic magnesium salt, Calcium salt of stearic acid, Octadecanoic calcium salt, MgSt, CaSt.

The starting materials for obtaining these compounds can be vegetable and animal oils, because Stearic acid is a naturally occurring fatty acid. Magnesium stearate can be obtained, for example, by reacting sodium stearate with magnesium sulfate, and calcium stearate from stearic acid and calcium oxide. At room temperature they are a white or slightly yellowish color with a faint odor. Magnesium stearate is insoluble in water, moderately soluble in warm alcohols, and mixed with oil. Calcium stearate is insoluble in water, alcohols and ethers.

Magnesium and calcium stearates have the property of changing surface tension different environments, i.e. are an emulsifier and also prevent caking and clumping various products. When consumed orally, they do not have a negative effect on the human body, and are also not carcinogenic. Sometimes there is information about their harm to health, but it is not confirmed by research.

Under the number E572, this additive is not included in the list of approved products for use in the food industry in Russia and Europe. But it is included in the E470 food supplement(Fatty acids, aluminum, sodium, magnesium, potassium, calcium and ammonium salts). And under this code, the additive is allowed to be included in various food products in accordance with their manufacturing technology.

Another common use of magnesium and calcium stearates is in cosmetic production (powders, eye shadows, mascara, lipsticks, creams, lotions, etc.). They are also included in a variety of pharmaceutical products. In addition, calcium stearate can be used in the production of concrete, paper and plastics.


Magnesium (calcium) stearate is a member of the group of emulsifiers. More often it is found in the form of a synthetic compound; a substance of natural origin is used quite rarely. In the industrial production of food products, in pharmaceuticals and in the field of cosmetology, it functions as a formulator, emulsifier and thickener.

Description of the substance

Magnesium (calcium) stearate, or additive E572, is a somewhat soapy powdery substance with the following chemical and physical properties:

  • practically does not mix with the aqueous medium and does not dissolve in it;
  • soluble in oils and alcohol;
  • its melting point is 88°C.

In addition, calcium stearate is inherently flammable, and therefore should be used with extreme caution and avoid contact with oxidizing agents.

Technological properties

Calcium stearate exhibits certain properties for which it has gained its popularity in various fields industries:

  • emulsifier - promotes the combination of substances that usually do not mix, for example, oil solution and water;
  • thickener – regulates the viscosity of the mass and helps preserve its structure;
  • formulator - responsible for the formation and preservation of the consistency, as well as the shape of the mixture.


Special technological abilities have led to the use of calcium stearate as the basis of many cosmetics. It is used as a filler in decorative cosmetics, for example, it is included in powder to increase the volume of the finished product, where it acts as a binding agent. Emulsifier E572 is found in mineral cosmetic preparations, to which it is added to prevent clumping, caking of the mixture and to improve its consistency.

On a note! This additive can be found on the labels of creams, lotions, and is included in shampoos and conditioners!

The pharmaceutical industry includes magnesium stearate in some medications, where it is used as an auxiliary component.

The food industry uses the E572 additive in the production of bulk products, such as:

  • powdered sugar;
  • glucose powder;
  • dry soups, etc.

The permissible concentration of this substance should not exceed 15 g per 1 kg of finished product.

Effect on the body

Magnesium (calcium) stearate can harm our health in the following cases:

  • when taking certain medications in parallel;
  • when drinking alcoholic beverages;
  • in combination with energy drinks;
  • when exceeded daily norm, which is 2500 mg / 1 kg body weight - in this case, the risk of developing serious violations in the functioning of the thyroid gland.

Once in gastrointestinal tract, the E572 additive begins to interact with other substances, and when it reacts with hydrochloric acid, the formation of stearic acid and magnesium sulfate occurs. During absorption, magnesium stearate is broken down, and therefore internal environment penetrates in small quantities. For this reason, it is believed that without exceeding the daily norm and without parallel intake of the above products, magnesium (calcium) stearate is not capable of causing a negative effect on the human body.

Are you one of those millions of women who struggle with excess weight?

Have all your attempts to lose weight been unsuccessful? Have you already thought about radical measures? This is understandable, because a slim figure is an indicator of health and a reason for pride. In addition, this is at least human longevity. And the fact that a person who loses “extra pounds” looks younger is an axiom that does not require proof. Therefore, we recommend reading the story of a woman who managed to lose excess weight quickly, effectively and without expensive procedures. Read the article >>


Magnesium salt of stearic acid has several different names in industrial production. It is called magnesium stearate and E572, as well as calcium stearate - according to the second active component. This substance white color is practically insoluble in water, but easily interacts with alcohol or oil. PF industrial production of magnesium stearate is used as a stabilizer and defoamer.

Features and characteristics of magnesium stearate

Today food supplement E572, which can only be conditionally classified in this category of substances, is indispensable in pharmacology and cosmetology. The main task of magnesium stearate is to create a homogeneous mass from disparate substances, without lumps and foreign inclusions. To the touch, this powder is slippery and soapy, which explains its high degree adhesion. Therefore, magnesium stearate is often used as a substitute for talc or starch. Magnesium stearate is considered a relatively safe product; it is obtained by splitting oils of vegetable or animal origin. However E572 is strictly prohibited in food production, since it is a very unstable substance. This is especially true when interacting with various types of oxidizing agents. Therefore, once in the stomach, E572 is converted into magnesium sulfate, which in large quantities can be harmful to health. In addition, magnesium stearate is highly flammable and easily ignites near open flame sources.

Where is E572 used?

The main areas of application of magnesium stearate are cosmetology and pharmacology. This substance is part of medications that are designed to strengthen the nervous and cardiovascular system. Beneficial effect on bones and muscles, teeth and nail plates. In addition, magnesium stearate is indispensable in the processes of digestion and restoration of functions. endocrine system, it helps normalize work internal organs and is responsible for the process of calcium absorption by the body.

This additive is simply irreplaceable in modern cosmetology, as it is part of powder and foundation, eye shadow and lipstick, various types deodorants, shampoos and gels. This is not surprising, since E572 regulates the formation of foam, is responsible for the uniformity of the final product, and also acts as a natural thickener. In addition, today manufacturers are very willing to use magnesium stearate as a fipper - a relatively safe filler that allows them to increase production volumes several times with a minimum of financial costs.

Why is magnesium stearate harmful?

Scientific research shows that daily dose consumption of this substance by an adult should not exceed 2500 micrograms per 1 kg of body weight. Otherwise, the substance may cause acute food poisoning followed by defeat digestive system. It is also strictly forbidden to combine the use of drugs that contain E572 with alcohol and any types of energy drinks.

It is believed that magnesium stearate in cosmetics is completely harmless, but this opinion is erroneous. If manufacturers abuse this filler in order to gain additional profit, then even ordinary compact powder can cause severe dermatitis. For this reason self-respecting companies never add E572 to children's cosmetics. In general, when monitoring the quality of all kinds of cosmetics famous brands pay attention to percentage E572 in their products, although they do not advertise such information. Therefore, cheap shadows and lipsticks made in Asia of dubious quality, which often use magnesium stearate, can cause significant harm to health and appearance.


Calcium stearate (food additive E470, calcium stearate)chemical compound, salt of calcium and stearic acid

Physicochemical characteristics.

Formula Ca(C17H35COO)2, colorless (white) substance. Density 1035 kg/m3. Does not dissolve in water. Dissolves in benzene, toluene, ethanol and other organic solvents. Non-toxic. Melting point is within 130-150 °C. Shows synergism with lead stabilizers. It is a heat stabilizer for polyvinyl chloride. Approved for stabilization of PVC packaging films.

Buy calcium stearate


Calcium stearate is used as a plasticizer, stabilizer, and surfactant. This salt is used as an effective stabilizer in the production of PVC polystyrene, polyolefins, and polyamide. Used in the production of construction and finishing materials based on cement mixtures and limestone, cable and pipe thermoplastics. It is an anti-agglomerating additive for synthetic rubbers. It is used as an additional drier in the production of paints and varnishes. Calcium stearate is used as a stabilizer for plastics. It is also used as a plasticizer in the plastics industry as well as in cosmetics. Acts as a catalyst in chemical synthesis. Used in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries for tabletting medicinal substances and vitamins as a gelling agent. Due to the fact that calcium stearate is a non-toxic substance, it is used in the manufacture of products intended for contact with food products. It is widely used in the textile and construction industries as an effective hydrophobic additive. Also, the scope of application of calcium stearate includes the following areas: the perfume industry, as an emulsifier for cosmetic preparations, the production of foundry molding sands - as a lubricant, the production of pencils - as a plasticizer; in the food industry, calcium stearate is most often used for the production confectionery, dietary supplements, etc. Calcium stearate is the main component in some types of defoamers.

Calcium stearate is produced by heating a mixture of stearic acid, fatty acids and calcium oxide: 2 C17H35COOH + CaO > (C17H35COO)2Ca + H2O

Synonyms: Calcium stearate, Calcium stearate, Stearic acid calcium salt, E470, calcium salt of stearic acid.
Calcium stearate is a mixture of steoric, synthetic fatty acids and calcium salts. It is a homogeneous powder from white to light yellow. Included in lubricants and surfactants.
It is also the main component of soap scum, a white solid that forms when soap is mixed with hard water. Unlike soap, which contains sodium and potassium, calcium stearate is practically insoluble in water and does not foam. Soluble in hot pyridine, slightly soluble in oils, insoluble in ether and alcohol.
Commercially available as an aqueous 50% dispersion solution or as a dry powder. As a food additive it is known under the number E470. Non-toxic.

Obtaining calcium stearate

Calcium stearate is produced by heating a mixture of stearic acid, fatty acids and calcium oxide:
2 C 17 H 35 COOH + CaO → (C 17 H 35 COO) 2 Ca + H 2 O

Applications of calcium stearate

Calcium stearate is used as a plasticizer, stabilizer, and surfactant.
This salt is used as an effective stabilizer in the production of PVC polystyrene, polyolefins, and polyamide. Used in the production of construction and finishing materials based on cement mixtures and limestone, cable and pipe thermoplastics. It is an anti-agglomerating additive for synthetic rubbers. It is used as an additional drier in the production of paints and varnishes.
Calcium stearate is used as a stabilizer for plastics. It is also used as a plasticizer in the plastics industry as well as in cosmetics. Acts as a catalyst in chemical synthesis.
Used in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries for tabletting medicinal substances and vitamins, as a gelling agent.
Due to the fact that calcium stearate is a non-toxic substance, it is used in the manufacture of products intended for contact with food. It is widely used in the textile and construction industries as an effective hydrophobic additive.
Also, the scope of application of calcium stearate includes the following areas: the perfume industry, as an emulsifier for cosmetic preparations, the production of foundry molding sands - as a lubricant, the production of pencils - as a plasticizer; in the food industry, calcium stearate is most often used for the manufacture of confectionery products, dietary supplements, etc.
Calcium stearate is a major component in some types of defoamers.
Storage conditions: in a dry, cool, well-ventilated area away from sources of ignition.

Characteristics of calcium stearate

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