I started sweating a lot afterwards. Why does a person sweat a lot?

Why does a person sweat a lot? correct treatment

Excessive sweating can cause a lot of trouble and even poison a person’s life. Therefore, you should not put off solving the problem, but should start by establishing the reasons and finding out why a person sweats a lot. After all, hyperhidrosis - increased sweating - can be caused by serious disorders of the body.

Sweating is natural process, indicating normal functioning body. With sweat, metabolic products and toxic substances are removed from the body, which is why it is so useful to visit steam rooms and saunas, where you can sweat well.

Symptoms of hyperhidrosis

Excessive sweating is also common in healthy people. For example, in hot weather or during sports, this can also contribute internal factor- stress. With hyperhidrosis, excessive sweating occurs for no apparent reason.

In medicine, there are two types of hyperhidrosis: local and generalized, that is, general, covering the entire body. Generalized hyperhidrosis is most often associated with another serious illness and occurs against its background as one of the symptoms. Therefore, it must be treated together with the underlying disease.

People often tend to attribute increased sweating in only one of the zones to the characteristics of their body. And they do not perceive very heavy sweating as a disease that can be effectively combated.

Causes of profuse sweating

Hyperhidrosis indicates dysfunction sweat glands. Medicine still continues to study the nature of this disease. But modern experts identify a number of reasons why a person sweats a lot.

Including there is harmless reasons, which are not permanent and are easy to exclude.

—Sweating may increase against the background of strong excitement and anxiety.

—Intense physical activity combined with poor personal hygiene has a bad effect on the functioning of the sweat glands, clogging the pores with dirt.

-From excess weight can also cause profuse sweating. Obese people find it difficult to bear their body weight due to increased physical activity breathing is impaired, so they sweat especially heavily when walking and in hot weather.

—Hyperhidrosis occurs in people with poor diet. So overuse spicy, fried and fatty foods may cause increased sweating.

—Alcohol, as one of the causes of sweating, can interfere with normal work sweat glands Especially in high doses.

—Clothes and underwear made of synthetic materials interfere with normal air exchange, resulting in overheating of the entire body and, as a result, profuse sweating.

When is it time to sound the alarm?

Hyperhidrosis is accompanied by a pungent, persistent and unpleasant odor. The color of the discharge also changes, which can acquire shades of yellow, green and even red. A person sweats most profusely in the armpits, feet, palms, groin area. Often, a pathology such as hyperhidrosis is a symptom or consequence of the development of serious diseases that occur in a latent form.


—Endocrine system disruption.

-Cardiovascular diseases.

—Nervous disorders, stress, psychological problems.

—Disorders of digestive functions.

—Hormonal imbalances in the body.

Therefore, if you sweat a lot, run to the doctor. No amount of deodorants or powders will help. It's time to take more serious measures, perhaps even surgery. The disease, regardless of its severity, the earlier it is diagnosed, the better.

Sweating is a physiological natural process that occurs in human body. Its main function is to maintain normal temperature body and, of course, protection from overheating. Any healthy man may experience increased sweating during sunny weather, during strong excitement or after physical activity. However sometimes heavy sweating For men it becomes a real problem and causes a feeling of discomfort. It is for this reason that you need to know how to deal with this problem.

Pathological sweating: what is it like?

Pathological sweating is a disease when heavy sweating appears for no apparent reason. This is also called hyperhidrosis. It causes a person enormous moral and physical discomfort, and sometimes can even cause social problems.

There are several types of hyperhidrosis:

  • Primary sweating. We talk about it when it is not possible to detect the cause.
  • Secondary sweating. It is expressed as a symptom of a more serious disease. If problems with the body disappear, the symptom disappears.
  • Local sweating. Affects certain areas of the body. For example, only on the head or only on the armpits.
  • General sweating. IN in this case then the whole body is covered.

Causes of hyperhidrosis

Why might sweating occur in women? The reasons may vary. The most common are the following:

  • Sweating may be a symptom that a person is suffering from infectious disease. For example, it could be tuberculosis, problems with thyroid gland or diabetes.
  • Kidney diseases. In this situation, the process of formation and filtration of urine is difficult, so the body is simply forced to remove excess water through the sweat glands.
  • Obesity can also cause hyperhidrosis. It is especially pronounced in the summer.
  • A person's nervous excitability is increased. Any stress, fear or anxiety can cause you to sweat more than usual.
  • Heredity (refers to local sweating).
  • If it was noticed in the leg area the reasons may be hidden in skin diseases(for example, fungal infections).

Drug treatment

Drug treatment for excessive sweating can only be prescribed by your attending physician, after all tests have been taken and carried out. For example, for constant increased nervous excitability, sedatives. Iontophoresis will help solve the problem for several weeks. If after this severe sweating begins to bother you again, the procedure can be repeated.

In some cases, Botox injections are prescribed. They reduce sweating for a longer period, about six months.

Obese patients in rare cases Your doctor may prescribe local liposuction. If you have increased body sweating, then make an appointment with a doctor so that he can identify the cause of the problem, analyze the situation and prescribe treatment based on his findings.

for hyperhidrosis

Chamomile - universal medicinal plant. An infusion based on these flowers is used for many diseases. Chamomile is also used if a person suffers from increased sweating throughout the body or in certain parts of it.

Dry chamomile can be purchased at any pharmacy. Brew six tablespoons of the plant with two liters of boiling water in a convenient container. Cover the liquid tightly with a lid and let stand for about 1 hour. Wait a little until everything cools down and strain the infusion. After this, add two tablespoons of soda and mix everything well. The folk remedy against sweating is ready. Wipe the problem areas with the resulting liquid using a cotton swab as often as possible. The only disadvantage of this product is that the next day it already loses all its medicinal properties, so everything will need to be prepared again.

Horsetail infusion for hyperhidrosis

An infusion prepared from horsetail is excellent remedy against sweating, which can be prepared at home without much effort.

Buy regular vodka at the store. Very important: it should not be alcohol, but vodka. For one tablespoon of horsetail you will need 10 tablespoons of vodka. Based on these proportions, prepare yourself as much infusion as your heart desires.

Before using the liquid, be sure to let it sit in dark place at least 2-3 days. Shake the container periodically to prevent sediment from forming. When you're ready, lubricate areas where you sweat a few times a day.

However, you should not be too zealous to avoid redness.

Infusion of walnut leaves for hyperhidrosis

Alcohol tincture walnut will be able to help you combat such a problem as severe sweating.

For cooking you will need dried leaves walnut. You can collect and prepare them yourself or purchase ready-made herbs at the pharmacy. In any case, the result will be effective.

Prepare a convenient container in which mix the dry ingredients and vodka (proportion 1:10). Then find the darkest, driest and warmest place in the house and place the product there to let it settle for a week.

When the infusion is ready, you can begin to use it in the fight against excessive sweating. Just wipe the most problematic areas with the resulting liquid every morning and before bed.

Pine branches are an effective remedy for excessive sweating

Severe sweating is not a death sentence. Of course, this problem makes a person experience discomfort and many other discomfort, but you shouldn’t give up. You can always find a solution. If you have a pine tree growing near your house, be sure to collect its young branches. Then they need to be steamed well in a water bath. This is done very simply:

  • take a large saucepan, fill it halfway with water and bring to a boil;
  • reduce the gas, put a smaller pan inside, where there are pine branches and not a large number of water;
  • We leave the branches to simmer for about half an hour in a water bath.

The anti-sweating remedy will be ready after it has cooled. Steamed pine branches should be used for compresses in the most problematic areas. After several procedures, severe sweating will no longer bother you so much. Most importantly, do not forget to apply compresses every day before going to bed.

Nutrition for hyperhidrosis

Poor diet can also cause excessive sweating. If this problem is familiar to you, then it’s time to reconsider your daily diet.

Particular attention should be paid to products that contain vitamin C. B to a greater extent you can find it in citrus fruits, sauerkraut or horseradish. But before consuming them, be sure to make sure that you do not have a predisposition to allergies to these products.

Many tests have been conducted that have proven that vitamin C can normalize the functioning of the sweat glands. This means that severe sweating with time will pass, and you will forget that you were ever worried about this.

  • Do not forget about the rules of hygiene, take a shower at least twice a day. For sweating, it is recommended to use tar soap. If you are going to apply antiperspirant to the armpit area, then you should do this only on clean skin. No anti-sweating remedy will work if used incorrectly.
  • Be especially careful when choosing clothes and underwear. You can't wear things from synthetic fabric for the reason that they will only increase sweat production. Give preference to natural materials. This also applies to shoes: forget about artificial leather.
  • To stop excessive sweating from bothering you, eliminate too spicy foods and seasonings from your diet. It has been proven that cumin, garlic, fish and some other foods not only increase sweating, but also give it a more pungent odor.

Now you know what sweating is. You know the causes, treatment and prevention, but do not forget that you need to consult a doctor in a timely manner. Use it useful tips And folk recipes presented above - and such a problem as hyperhidrosis will never get in your way.

Agree, it’s not very pleasant to feel sweat pouring down your body after a fast walk, jog, or just playing sports. And there is probably no person who would like to smell sweat or smell other people. You may ask: If I sweat a lot, what should I do in this situation? Let's look at the reasons why this occurs excessive sweating and how to deal with it.

It happens that increased sweating haunts a person constantly. And this does not depend on heat or physical activity. This process is called hyperhidrosis. And it is absolutely clear that sooner or later the question will arise: Why am I sweating so much? We will definitely consider the reasons for this unpleasant manifestation.

Causes of armpit hyperhidrosis

If a person’s armpits sweat a lot, then this is not only constant feeling humidity and unpleasant sour smell. Everything can be determined by the development of various inflammatory diseases. As a result, irritation appears on the skin. It is necessary to fight not only the smell, but also the microbes that cause it all.


In order to normalize sweat secretion you need:

  • maintain personal hygiene,
  • remove hair in this area,
  • do not wear synthetic things,
  • After a shower, apply special antiperspirant products.

If none of the above methods help, then you can find a more radical solution. By using surgical intervention You can remove nerve nodes in the armpit area, or use Botox injections.

Causes of foot hyperhidrosis

This manifestation causes nothing but discomfort. Hyperhidrosis can be caused by increased stress or other factors. For example, poor-quality or ill-fitting shoes, poor foot hygiene, dietary irregularities.


To normalize you need:

  • use foot baths with medicinal herbs. Oak, chamomile, calendula are suitable.
  • wear comfortable shoes.
  • do not wear synthetic socks.
  • keep your feet dry. For this you can use powders and sage leaves.

Causes of hand hyperhidrosis

This phenomenon occurs most often when stressful situations, fear, embarrassment, hot climate or bad heredity.


To normalize sweating you need to:

  • wash your hands, alternating cold and warm water.
  • apply medicinal baths,
  • wipe your palms with cosmetics and disinfectants.

Causes of scalp hyperhidrosis

If a person’s scalp begins to sweat a lot, this may be due to severe enlargement of the pores.


  • use scrubs and lotions,
  • use cosmetic masks,
  • Wipe your scalp with tea or milk.

Causes of hyperhidrosis during sleep

The fact is that during sleep the body continues to monitor thermoregulation, and during any temperature fluctuations sweating occurs. But sometimes excessive sweating is caused by insomnia or overwork.


To fix the problem you need:

  • accept sedatives, such as valerian, hawthorn, motherwort.
  • ventilate the room well,
  • eliminate irritating factors.

Causes of hyperhidrosis in a child

The process of thermoregulation in a child tends to normalize only by the age of five or six years. You should know that increased secretion sweat may mean nothing or, on the contrary, indicate the presence of a serious illness. The reason may also be that the baby is tightly wrapped or dressed inappropriately for the weather. Can also play a role increased activity or weakened the immune system, hormonal changes, wrong diet nutrition.


To eliminate excessive sweating, you need to eliminate all factors that may contribute to this. But first of all, consult your pediatrician.

How to eliminate hyperhidrosis

You should know that hyperhidrosis can occur due to some disease. And if you have tried all the remedies, but nothing has changed and you continue to sweat just as much, then get examined thyroid gland, kidneys or go full medical examination and get all the tests done. Then the cause will definitely be found and eliminated.

Constant excessive sweating in the armpit area is extremely common. Therefore, many do not even assume that the cause of this could be a serious illness. Just a decade ago, many doctors were at a loss when faced with patients suffering from increased sweating. However, today, when the problem has become very popular, there are many different methods to combat it. The main thing is not to constantly hide excessive sweating, but to immediately consult a specialist.

increased sweating of the armpits in adults

Why does a person sweat a lot: causes of axillary hyperhidrosis

Before we consider what to do if you sweat a lot in your armpits, let’s figure out what the diagnosis of axillary hyperhidrosis means and why your armpits sweat. Axillary hyperhidrosis, or severe underarm sweating, is perhaps the most common type of hyperhidrosis. Of course main feature of this disease- increased sweating in the axillary sinuses. The main reasons why a person sweats under the armpits can be:

  • hormonal imbalance;
  • diabetes;
  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • increased sweating of the armpits in women and men can often be caused by a lot of stress;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • infectious diseases;
  • side effects after taking certain medications;
  • and men under the arms are also often provoked by irregular nutrition.

Sweating underarms in girls is especially unpleasant. Every girl has a hard time when she is sweaty and her armpits stink. After all, of course, it is important for every girl that her armpits smell good. Below we will consider the features and causes of armpit sweating in women. Causes of increased armpit sweating in women:

  • menopause;
  • menopause;
  • gynecological problems.

Symptoms and signs

Hyperhidrosis is not just sweating that occurs during active physical activity or high temperature air. Then this process is natural and helps lower the body’s temperature, preventing overheating. The concept of axillary hyperhidrosis means that sweating is 4-5 times more intense and sweat is produced profusely, regardless of whether it is cold or hot. This condition causes extreme discomfort and significantly affects the life of a person who begins to sweat profusely.

Undoubtedly, main symptom of this disease - profuse sweating in the armpits. As a result, stains appear on clothes, the clothes themselves become discolored or dyed, and also quickly become worn out.

This type of hyperhidrosis is often accompanied by bad smell, which is almost impossible to eliminate. Especially the condition when sweaty armpits smell bad or stink is terrible for a girl. In particularly severe cases, axillary hyperhidrosis can lead to erythasma. Sometimes axillary hydrosis reaches the point where people are embarrassed to be in society and are afraid to start a relationship. In these cases, high-quality psychological rehabilitation will help.


Depending on the degree of development of the symptoms of the disease, hyperhidrosis is classified into 3 stages:

  • Easy. When the symptoms are invisible to others. Armpits become wet. Sweat stains under the arms, however, can reach up to 15 cm. Sweat can cause a sharp decline body temperature.
  • Average. When a person is afraid to visit public places, feels significant discomfort, and is forced to change clothes throughout the day. Wet sweat stains can reach 30 cm.
  • Heavy. When the disease is generalized. Sweat literally runs down your body.

Diagnosis of excessive sweating

During the first consultation with the doctor, it is necessary to exclude probable reasons hyperhidrosis. A Minor test or iodine-starch test is performed. With it, iodine and starch stain the part of the skin where excessive sweating occurs. The paper test is also popular when small piece special paper with a certain weight is applied to the area copious discharge sweat and then weighed.

Iodine-starch test (Minor test). An iodine solution is applied to the area where there is excessive sweating. After drying, starch is applied to this area. The starch-iodine combination turns dark blue where there is excess sweat.

In severe cases of the disease, urine tests and radiography are performed. Consultation with other specialized specialists is required. Do not start the disease and contact your doctor with a request: “Help.”

Sweating treatment

Treatment methods for this type of hyperhidrosis, according to expert opinion Ph.D. Khaertdinova L.A. and Doctor of Medical Sciences Batyrshina S.V. - scientists of Kazan state university, can be divided into two groups: surgical and conservative. When treating this disease, it is necessary to choose the most comfortable, safe and effective method. To do this, of course, it is necessary to consult with a specialist in order to correctly determine the cause and determine the appropriate course of therapy.

What to do?

If axillary hyperhidrosis occurs, it is important to follow a diet. Meals should be regular, small and frequent: 5-6 times a day. Avoid eating fatty, heavy, fried, spicy food, stimulating the secretion of sweat. Completely avoid drinking coffee, drinks and foods containing caffeine, including strong tea and chocolate, to minimize the risk of increased sweating. Conservative methods:

  • Botulinum toxin injections. It is considered the most effective method at profuse sweating. The effect lasts 6-9 months and the procedure is safe.
  • Physiotherapeutic methods: Iontophoresis. Application electric current to freeze the cells responsible for sweat secretion.

  • Radiation therapy. The principle of action of this therapy is local irradiation of the axillary area, as a result of which the intensity of sweat production decreases. However, this method is quite dangerous to human life and health, and therefore it is rarely used when a person sweats heavily in the armpits.
  • Electrophoresis. This implies an impact on sweat glands low-voltage current, which allows you to effectively fight and reduce sweating.
  • External preparations. Aluminum chloride hexahydrate is effective in use. However, if you use it, it is important to remember that the skin should not be irritated. This tool Apply to the skin overnight and then leave for at least 8 hours. The effect is observed after a week of use.
  • Drug treatment. Anticholinergic drugs, for example Glycopyrrolate, are designed to combat active release sweat. However, the effect of these drugs has not been fully studied and their use may later cause side effects. Also, since the problem of axillary hyperhidrosis affects the functioning of the nervous system, many patients began to be prescribed sedatives aimed at having a calming effect.
  • Antiperspirants. Of course, if you sweat excessively, it is important to use the right antiperspirant. Antiperspirants are drugs designed to clog the sweat glands and, accordingly, block the secretion of sweat.
  • An alternative to antiperspirants are deodorants. Deodorants, unlike antiperspirants, have an antibacterial and disinfecting effect. However, deodorant does not block the sweat glands. In both the first and second cases, remember: neither antiperspirants nor deodorants cure hyperhidrosis, but only temporarily alleviate the condition.

The human body has certain health constants. For example, blood pressure, body temperature, amount of urine. It's vital important indicators. If you take body temperature and its changes in one direction or the other indicate disturbances in the body. A decrease in body temperature indicates problems with the immune system or the presence of oncological diseases. An increase is a malfunction of the central nervous system or a harbinger inflammatory process inside the body.

The human body is complex mechanism. It has one more function - it produces sweat. Why does a person sweat? It turns out that this is a natural reaction of the body to overheating. But there are different reasons for overheating.

Sweat while sleeping

The cause of profuse sweating at night may be hyperhidrosis. There are other reasons for this phenomenon that do not relate to disease. For example, if you ate a lot before going to bed. In this case, you are also at risk of nightmares. To solve this problem, you need to wean yourself from the habit of eating before bed and do it no later than 2 hours before.

People who are very covered can also sweat. warm blanket. Change it and you will feel comfortable.

Are your feet sweating?

The feet have a large number nerve fibers and sweat glands. That is why the reaction very often appears on the feet, as a natural way to cool the body. This may also be due to the wrong choice of shoes. If the shoes are not leather, but synthetic, then the feet begin to sweat and may appear. Or the presence of fungus leads to profuse sweating and a bad odor.

Palms are sweating

The hands also have many sweat glands, just like the feet. They react to stress and in this case, people's palms begin to sweat a lot. The subconscious also reacts with increased sweating of the palms when people tell lies.

Sweat in the armpit and groin area

These places are the warmest on the human body. They are used to determine the increase in body temperature. Also there is the main The lymph nodes in the body, therefore, along with sweat, the body is also cleansed of toxins and waste.

Obese people sweat much more often and more

The first reason is that the larger the volume of the body, the more energy needs to be expended to heat it. But the volume does not allow it to cool very quickly and overheating occurs. At the same time, people who are overweight suffer from slagging in the body. The smell is most often very intense and unpleasant.

Cold sweat

Such a manifestation as cold sweat may indicate various diseases. This may be a viral infection or a transitional period in adolescence. Sometimes this occurs due to toxicity during drug use or alcoholic drinks. In this case, the doctor must eliminate not only the symptoms, but also identify the cause.

So, the reasons that lead to the release of cold sweat:

  • Infectious in nature.
  • Pregnancy, especially in the first and last trimester.
  • Age-related disorders.
  • Diabetes.
  • Thyroid gland dysfunction.
  • Slow or accelerated metabolic processes in organism.
  • Cardiovascular diseases.
  • Migraine attacks.
  • Poisoning.
  • Neuroses.
  • Constant stress.
  • Alcohol intoxication.
  • Allergic reaction.
  • Drug intoxication.
  • Solar overheating.

Cold sweat as a symptom of serious illness

This may be an indicator of such chronic diseases, such as diabetes or cardiovascular disorders. When it comes to viral infection, then it could be: tuberculosis or hepatitis. In cases where the manifestations of cold sweat are not temporary, but permanent, this may be one of the harbingers of the presence of cancer.


When an adult sweats, there seems to be no particular cause for concern. But if such a symptom is detected in a child, adults become scared. Because this could be a signal serious illnesses, such as: vegetative-vascular dystonia, rickets, sudden change intracranial pressure or colds, up to pneumonia. It is necessary to urgently consult a doctor. Only he can correctly determine the diagnosis and prescribe a course of treatment.

Solving the problem of severe sweating

The first thing to do is to eliminate the causes of excessive sweating. And then you need to remove the investigation. Sometimes finding the cause and solving a problem can take for a long time. Doctors suggest different variants to solve the problem sharp discharge sweat – this can be a technique medicines, deodorants or surgical intervention in the armpit area. You can also use folk remedies to solve the problem: special herbs, baths, essential oils.


  • Botuloxin. Used for injection. Affects nervous system to “turn off” the receptors that are responsible for sweat production. The only disadvantage of this treatment is its price. Repeat this type Treatment is necessary every six months.
  • Iontophoresis. People who have tried this method of restoring the body talk about its productivity. Especially to solve the problem of increased sweating of the feet and palms.
  • Medicines. There are two categories of medications to solve this problem. The first type of drugs contains substances that act at the cellular level and directly affect the glands responsible for sweat. For example, malavit.

The second type of drugs has a sedative effect on the central nervous system.

  • Surgical intervention. Even in the first time after the operation, there is a noticeable improvement in the condition.
  • The most important rule is to carefully monitor your hygiene. Swim every day in winter and twice a day in summer. You will need special soap antibacterial action. Use powders and deodorants. Never use deodorant on a dirty body.
  • Use contrasting rain. It is necessary to normalize the functioning of the central nervous system.
  • When choosing clothes, give preference to natural fabrics. Synthetics combined with the smell then gives a very unpleasant odor. Choose only leather shoes.
  • Eat right. To avoid the unpleasant odor of sweat, doctors recommend not eating spicy foods or those with a lot of seasonings. The smell of sweat also increases after drinking coffee, chocolate, fish, garlic, cola, cumin or black tea.

Treatment with folk remedies

For the treatment of excessive sweating folk remedies you will need various herbs and essential oils. It can be willow, oak or birch bark; walnut leaves, and apple cider vinegar will also help.

Recipe 1

You will need:

  • White willow – 1 teaspoon.
  • Water – 0.5 liters.


Combine these ingredients and leave to infuse overnight. Strain. Use for bath.

Recipe 2

You will need:

  • Peel walnuts(green) – 3 fruits.
  • Valerian root – 1 teaspoon with a mountain.
  • Horsetail - 1 tablespoon.

Cooking method

Take half a liter of water and add all the ingredients. Drink a glass in the morning after waking up.

Recipe 3


  • Millennial herb – 1 teaspoon.
  • Sage leaves – 1 teaspoon.


The grass must be crushed using a mortar. When it turns into powder, pour it with cool boiled water. Leave to infuse for several hours. It is best to do this at night, and then drink at least one glass after waking up.

What to do with your feet?

  • Make such a mask for your feet by choosing effective ones. First they need to be washed thoroughly warm water. Then combine talc with starch in a ratio of 9:1. Apply to your legs and leave overnight.
  • In the morning, before putting on socks or tights, constantly treat your feet with starch. Thus, you will reduce excessive foot sweating several times.
  • Take 2 teaspoons sea ​​salt and fill them with hot boiled water. Rinse your feet with this solution after an evening swim. It is also suitable for washing hands.
  • Oak bark will help with excessive sweating of the feet. Take the bark from young trees, dry it and turn it into powder. Pour it into your socks, wear them overnight, and rinse them with cold water in the morning.
  • Rinse your feet well warm water. Place two birch leaves between your fingers. Change the leaves twice a day - morning and evening.

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