Immune system disorders. How to increase the immunity of a child and an adult after an illness

When the body's protective functions are weakened, a common cold can turn into a big problem. To prevent this from happening, it is important to replenish lost strength in time. What causes a weakened immune system and how you can strengthen it - talk about this and much more with allergist-immunologist Viktor Gonchar.

Everything from stress

Natalya Kozhina: Viktor Nikolaevich, what affects the decrease in the body’s protective functions?

Victor Gonchar: I would highlight two main factors: which are an integral part modern life, especially in a metropolis, and poor ecology. Various patients come to see me. When they travel abroad or to ecologically clean areas, they begin to feel absolutely healthy, but when they return, all the diseases make themselves felt again.

- What signs indicate weak immunity?

Frequent, chronic foci of infection, recurrent viral diseases, protracted common colds, relapses of herpes, syndrome chronic fatigue etc. Everything that I have listed are indications for contacting an immunologist and thinking about the state of your body.

- What list of tests do you need to take to understand the state of your immunity?

We need an immunogram: tests reflecting the state of certain links immune system, blood test and analysis for hidden infections. It is important not to raise the immune system, which many do, but to restore it, these are different things. Pharmacies are mostly full good drugs, but they have a stimulating effect and are suitable for a healthy person, while a chronic patient needs to be restored.

Any multivitamins, because they are all the same in composition. In this matter, the quality of the drug comes first, because today you can encounter counterfeit products on the market. Therefore, if you healthy man, then you do not need to go to the doctor so that he can prescribe you a specific drug, but if you are sick with something, then you definitely need to consult about which vitamins are best suited. Not only an immunologist, but also any therapist or pediatrician will help you in this matter.

Plus, you don't have to take vitamins all the time. And if you do this, say, in the spring, then you should not consider such a method as immunotherapy, it is supporting the body, general strengthening measures.

On your own

- How can you increase the body’s protective functions yourself?

First, pay attention to nutrition. It must be rational and balanced, contain optimal quantity fats, proteins, carbohydrates and vitamins.

To increase immunity, you need foods rich in vitamins A, B5, C, D, F, PP, in particular fruits and vegetables (carrots, red peppers, melon, tomatoes, pumpkin), and berries. Secondly, it is important not to expose the body to stress, and here it is worth paying attention to all factors: prolonged sleep, walks in the air, playing sports, hardening, etc. Fresh air has a beneficial effect on the body, reducing the risk of developing infectious diseases. Morning and evening walks are not only enriching the lungs with oxygen, but also physical activity, which stimulates metabolism and helps strengthen the immune system. How adjuvant therapy with increased activity - the use of fortified preparations.

You can use the funds traditional medicine, . But it is important to approach this issue wisely, and not just go into the field and mow the grass somewhere near the highway.

- Does hardening have any contraindications?

Hardening is training the whole body and, above all, the thermoregulatory apparatus. Everyone can harden, the most important thing is to do it correctly. Exist different techniques hardening: with water (in the form of rubbing, dousing, showering), air and sun.

The main objective of this procedure is to strengthen the body, as a result of which blood circulation improves, the tone of the central nervous system, and most importantly, the immune system is strengthened and the frequency of colds.

Now is the time of Lent, many people give up meat and dairy products, how can you replenish the strength of your body?

Lent is the strictest of all fasts. By refusing meat and dairy products, one is fasting practically, which in turn affects the general condition of the body. To replenish your body with vitamins, you need to take multivitamins (complexes), which will balance and replenish the substances your body lacks.

A weakened resistance system has a detrimental effect on overall health. A person becomes susceptible to colds, infectious diseases, and ARVI. Reduced resistance entails constant fatigue, apathy, overwork. Permanent treatment disrupts vital activity. The question arises of how to restore weakened immunity.

Factors that reduce the body's defenses

From birth, human resistance is capable of resisting a variety of pathogens. The body's resources are incredibly huge, but constant increased activity unresponsiveness leads to deterioration of reactions and functions.

In immunology, weakening pathways are divided into two categories.

The first is internal disorders:

  • Violation of metabolic processes;
  • Exacerbation of chronic conditions;
  • Emotional instability, stress;
  • Immunodeficiency, HIV;
  • Oncology;
  • Infectious diseases;
  • Autoimmune processes, syndromes;
  • Tendency to allergies;
  • Natural age-related changes.

Second - external reasons, features of the body’s condition:

Signs of a weakened immune system

Home clinical picture considered to be highly susceptible to respiratory and viral diseases. Heavy current long painful conditions occur about five to six times a year. Often appear varying degrees complications: sinusitis, pneumonia, asthma.

Sleep is disturbed. Constantly haunted by a feeling of weakness and fatigue. Aches and pains are often observed muscle tissue, joints.

Getting worse appearance. Appetite decreases. The blood count deteriorates.

The person loses weight, becomes irritable and nervous. The child is often capricious for no apparent reason.

How to restore immunity

There are many ways to quickly increase resistance.

Methods have been developed to support the activity of reactions and mechanisms for categories of different ages and gender, depending on the particular state of the body.

The basis of the immune restoration process is proper nutrition, enriched with vitamins, mineral salts useful substances.

Worth your time great attention inclusion of dried fruits in the diet, fresh vegetables, berries, dairy products, herbs, nuts and cereals. Be sure to consume protein foods.

Exclude canned food, fried, rich, salted, smoked foods from the menu.

After antibiotics

The use of serious medications is always a huge burden on the immune system. First of all, work deteriorates beneficial microflora and intestinal mucosa.

After a course of antibiotic therapy, dyspeptic disorders: diarrhea, abdominal pain.

To restore balance and prevent dysbiosis, it is recommended to take drugs based on lactobacilli. Particular attention should be paid to the consumption of natural fermented milk products.

Also, the use of heavy drugs in treatment reduces the absorption of beneficial micro and macroelements. Therefore, after completing a course of antibiotics, it is necessary to use multivitamins.

To prevent intoxication, it is necessary to adhere to the drinking regime.

After operation

Surgical intervention contributes to exhaustion of the body, blood loss, and stress. Recovery period should be done using:

  • Medical nutrition;
  • Gradual increase in physical and mental activity;
  • Communication with loved ones;
  • The use of drugs to improve hematopoiesis and regeneration processes;
  • Frequent walks on fresh air with gradually increasing duration.

After chemotherapy

Oncology therapy leads to destruction immune mechanisms. Aggressive droppers are able to weaken resistance on the cellular structure. The level of protection, especially in children, from simple infections is very low.

The use of interferon preparations and low molecular weight DNA-based products will help restore immunity and resume the activity of reactions after illness. Medicines are prescribed by a specialist. Application various techniques to enhance weak immunity It is possible only after the recommendation of the attending physician.

After illness

The body of a child or adult that has been exposed to an infectious agent and has been struggling with the disease for a long time requires special attention. According to Komarovsky, a famous children's pediatrician, the fundamental therapy for strengthening resistance is the rules healthy image life.

How to quickly restore immunity after illness:

  • Spend more time outdoors;
  • Get enough sleep, have a full rest;
  • Do not neglect physical activity;
  • Eat right;
  • Drink more fluids;
  • Harden using temperature contrast.

Adults should stop smoking and drinking alcohol.

After the flu

Any viral infection during activity it is released into the blood high level toxic substances. After recovery, the body needs to be helped to cleanse itself of toxic waste products of influenza, decay products after the destruction of the strain.

In addition to the basic measures taken to restore immunity after illness, it is recommended to visit bath complexes and do exercises in the fresh air to improve heme circulation and activate metabolic processes.

After a purulent sore throat

Infections oral cavity make the mucous membrane weak. Local reactions decreased and a relapse or a new disease may develop at any time.

To restore throat immunity you should:

  • Do not consume foods or sweet drinks that irritate receptors and secretory glands;
  • Rinse your mouth healing decoctions, sea salt solution;
  • Brush your teeth after every meal;
  • Apply breathing exercises;
  • Inhalations;
  • Hardening of the throat.

Folk remedies

How can you restore immunity at home - medicinal herbs, fruits, honey mixtures.

Are widely used vitamin drinks based on rosehip berries, ginger, chamomile and St. John's wort.

Decoctions and infusions medicinal plants: eleutherococcus, aloe, radiola, aralia, thyme and mint. Thanks to beneficial properties medicinal plants funds allow you to restore immune reactions, strengthen defenses, increase immunity at the cellular level.

It is good to eat mixtures based on honey, dried fruits and lemon or garlic after a long illness, when the immune system is depleted. The mass will help prevent vitamin deficiency, improve metabolic processes and blood condition. Taking one spoon a day (a tea spoon for a child, a dessert spoon for a teenager, a table spoon for an adult) will not allow the body to weaken and will prevent the development of colds and flu.


Microelements will help restore good resistance. General strengthening effect complexes will support internal structures weakened by disease, prevent deficiency and vitamin deficiency, and improve the functioning of the main vital processes.


When a diagnosis of immunodeficiency in chronic or low-grade inflammation, severe weakness of resistance is made, drugs are often prescribed:

  • Herbal tinctures, syrups based medicinal herbs;
  • Bacterial solution granules or tablets produced from enzymes secreted by opportunistic microorganisms;
  • Nucleic acids;
  • Interferons;
  • Immunostimulants.

The doctor will determine what is best to choose to restore resistance based on individual characteristics patient.

Drowsiness, Bad mood and mild depression can appear even when everything is fine with you: both in health and in life. Where do they come from? Loss of strength occurs due to decreased immune system defenses. Insomnia and lack of sleep, overwork at work, sedentary image life and many other factors cause weak body defense.

Let's take a closer look at the reasons for decreased immunity, ways to increase it, including traditional ones, and talk about prevention for a healthy body.

Causes of decreased immunity. How and how to boost an adult’s immunity at home

To answer this question, let’s remember what immunity is. A protective function of the body aimed at resisting both external threats (bacteria, viruses, microorganisms) and internal ones (infection own cells), called the immune system, or immunity for short. In winter, a hardened body can easily cope with the root cause of colds and flu, since its immunity is quite strong. If hardening is not an empty phrase for you - you go to the pool, do exercises, douse yourself with water in the morning - you will get sick many times less.

What are the main reasons for the decrease in the body's defenses?

  1. Poor nutrition: living from snack to snack, frequent consumption of fast food, lack of vegetables and fruits in the diet will sooner or later weaken the immune system, because it does not receive the vitamins and minerals it needs.
  2. Increased loads or back side- physical inactivity.
  3. which will result in neurosis and irritation. If you sleep less than seven hours a night, you wake up and fall asleep at different time You are more likely to become tired and depressed.
  4. Bad habits: smoking and alcohol irreversibly lead to decreased immunity.
  5. Bad ecology.

Now let's return to the question: how to strengthen immunity at home? First, eliminate possible reasons reducing the body's defenses: normalize nutrition, sleep, physical activity and you yourself will feel how your mood will improve, strength and joy from life will appear. If there is such an opportunity and desire, give up cigarettes and alcohol or reduce their use to a minimum.

Next step - special exercises. For example, daily exercise, yoga or jogging will make you more resilient and you will wake up faster. Add to this list dousing with water, swimming or a cold shower - the body will begin to harden and resist external influence viruses and germs of colds. The main thing, as in any business, is to know when to stop, since excesses can negatively affect your overall condition.

If there are no contraindications to high temperatures- feel free to go to the bathhouse! A set of bath procedures improves blood circulation, reduces the risk of infectious diseases, accelerates the growth of immunoglobulins and removes toxins from the body. It’s not for nothing that the bathhouse is still popular today.

Drink more than a liter of clean water daily. Not tea, coffee or juice, namely pure water regulates metabolism and removes its products from the body.

The first thing you should pay attention to is a sudden change in your body and well-being. If you begin to notice that you are tired earlier than usual or become irritable more often, or feel the first signs of a cold or symptoms, immediately purchase vitamin complex and analyze your sleep and diet. If you find that something is missing in your diet or that you are sleeping less than seven hours a night, correct it as soon as possible.

Frequent use of antibiotics, bad heredity, stress and pollution in environment also weaken the body and negatively affect the immune system.

In ancient times, Rus' had its own folk remedies for immunity, to fight diseases and blues. One of these was ginger root. Grated ginger mixed with honey lemon juice, dried apricots and ate several spoons a day. Ginger tinctures also help well.

If we turn to seasonings, we can highlight cinnamon, turmeric, Bay leaf and pepper. They will not only add taste to your dish, but will also become a high-quality preventive measure for maintaining immunity.

We must not forget about garlic and onions, capable of short term put a person on his feet. Their phytoncides and essential oils block the entry of viruses and microbes into the nasopharynx, thus disinfecting the body.

Aloe juice contains a number of vitamins B, C, E and amino acids that the body needs for good metabolism. It is better to mix the juice with honey in a 50/50 ratio, because otherwise it will be very bitter. Unfortunately, everything useful material They only live in it for a day, so it is better to prepare it before use.

To block one of the causes of decreased immunity - stress - you can use soothing decoctions. They do not have an immunostimulating effect, but they will help you calm down and look at the situation with a lighter head.

After consulting with a doctor, you can start using medicinal herbs: Echinacea purpurea, ginseng, dandelion, licorice, St. John's wort and others. Herbs improve memory, blood circulation, increase performance, tone and calm. It is worth consulting because many of the herbs contain toxins and the opposite effect of use is possible.

Boosting immunity folk remedies good at the prevention stage. At this stage, the use of certain foods will be very beneficial for general health. Let's figure out which of them should be kept on your desk every day.


No wonder he is so popular during winter diseases. Honey contains whole line vitamins of groups A, B, C, E, K and folic acid. But its main advantage is the content of flavonoids - substances that affect the activity of enzymes in the body.

It is only important to remember that honey should be natural and not artificial. You should approach its purchase carefully and purchase it only in trusted places.


Fatty acid Omega-3, which, alas, is not produced by the body, but is necessary for its functioning, is contained in walnuts or mixtures thereof. A vegetable proteins- akin to proteins in meat. Only the body does not become polluted, but, on the contrary, removes old toxins. Useful minerals- potassium, magnesium, calcium and phosphorus - will become a support healthy immunity With daily use nuts At the same time, they clean blood vessels from plaque, resist heart disease, reduce the risk of stroke and atherosclerosis, and generally taste good.


To improve immunity, it is better to use fermented baked milk, kefir or acidophilus. The presence of probiotics in them improves the digestion process and helps eliminate harmful substances from the body. It is better to consume dairy products either in the evening or early in the morning on an empty stomach.

Berries: chokeberry, raisins, grapes

Improvement endocrine system, elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, lowering cholesterol and enriching the body with a large amount of vitamins and microelements - these are the merits chokeberry. It can be consumed in the form of berries, in the form of leaves, and in the form of tinctures.

Raisins have a positive effect on the treatment of cough, runny nose and bronchitis. The recommended consumption rate is 200 grams per day, the minimum is 50 grams. To improve the functioning of the heart and lungs, soak a handful of raisins in cold water, leave overnight and drink immediately after waking up.

Grapes reduce the risk of blood clots and promote good work cardiovascular systems s, increases hemoglobin levels, cleanses the blood and improves liver function.

You can purchase all of the above at any grocery store, which makes this method of prevention accessible and quick.

In cases where it is not possible to support the immune system with folk remedies or products, if it is necessary to influence the immune system quickly, they resort to the help of pharmacology. What drugs should you take to boost your immunity?

  1. Infusions of medicinal herbs- the first thing you should pay attention to. They mobilize T-lymphocytes, promote the rapid destruction of harmful microorganisms, are inexpensive and available at your nearest pharmacy.
  2. Bacterial enzymes- the use of these drugs creates a vaccine effect - T- and B-lymphocytes, IgA immunoglobulins are activated. The use of these drugs increases the effectiveness and shortens the duration complex treatment, the need to use antibiotics is reduced.
  3. Medicines that enhance immunity.
  4. Biostimulants- products of biological origin aimed at increasing immune resistance.
  5. Hormonal drugs.

To strengthen your immune system, you need to get the following vitamins:

  1. Vitamin A or retinol. One of the most important vitamins - promotes normal operation organs of vision, circulatory and cardiovascular systems. Has a beneficial effect on general state immunity.
  2. Ascorbic acid or vitamin C. Helps destroy harmful microorganisms, has a beneficial effect on metabolism, and removes harmful substances.
  3. Vitamin B. Plays important role in biochemical processes, increases resistance to the penetration of foreign bodies. It is better to take this group of vitamins either after undergoing operations or in cases of frequent stress.
  4. Vitamin E. Is involved in the production of special antibodies to resist the penetration of viruses.
  5. Vitamin D. Takes care of bone growth and strength. It is also produced by the skin when exposed to sun rays. For those who are unlucky with quantity sunny days year, you can eat fish, meat, cottage cheese, cheese and eggs to replenish this vitamin.

Restoring the body’s immunity is necessary not only after past diseases, but also due to its decrease from other reasons (stress, poor lifestyle, poor environmental conditions, frequent overwork). Restoring the body is vitally important, since the general condition of a person and his resistance to pathogens depend on the immune system.

The main task of the immune system is to protect the body, fight infections and foreign substances or their lack of perception. Its property is protection both from the penetration of external agents, for example, viruses or microbes, and autoimmune irritants, for example, tumor cells. If the body's natural defenses are not able to fully cope with their work on their own, they need help - you should know how to restore and strengthen the immune system.

Types of immunity

There are two types of immunity. The first of them is innate or natural. It is due to factors such as:

  • mechanical barriers - skin, skin covering, mucous membranes;
  • physiological factors - salivary and tear fluid;
  • physiological reactions - sneezing, cough reflex, elevated temperature bodies, become a barrier to the penetration of bacteria and viruses into the body and their active activity;
  • chemical reactions that suppress the activity of pathogenic agents - low pH of various physiological secretions;
  • immunity at the cellular level - macrophages, monocytes, granulocytes, whose task is to recognize a foreign virus and absorb it or inform other organs and systems of the body about the foreign presence;
  • interferons - humoral immunity;
  • a combination of serum proteins that are involved in the protective function.

Another type of immunity is acquired or specific. It is divided into humoral and cellular. Active components acquired immunity have the ability to recognize foreign agents, distinguish them from their own and turn on the mechanism for producing antibodies. Another function is the establishment of immunological memory. So, when encountering an agent to which antibodies have previously been developed, a protective mechanism is immediately launched.

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How does immunity work?

For normal functioning The immune system requires the precise functioning of all its units. This is a collection of organs and tissues, which are divided into central and peripheral. Lymphocytes mature first - these are organs such as the thymus, Bone marrow. The second includes organs such as the spleen, The lymph nodes, cluster lymphoid tissue in different units of the body. All organs are connected by lymphatic and blood vessels. During the movement of lymphocytes through these vessels, they receive information about the presence of a foreign infectious agent, then they transmit this information to all other organs.

Restoring immunity in our time is one of the main issues in medicine, since the proper functioning of the entire body as a whole depends on it.

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Causes of immune depletion

Many factors can weaken the body's natural defenses, here are some of them:

Reasons for suppression natural defense are also poor environmental conditions with high content pesticides, herbicides, insecticides in water or air. A large number of in the diet of foods containing sugar, preservatives, dyes, leavening agents, sweet or sour carbonated drinks can reduce protective properties. For women, fasting and frequent exhausting diets also have a detrimental effect on the state of the immune system, and not only have a detrimental effect excess weight, but also its disadvantage. A deficiency of vitamins A, B and C negatively affects the condition of the body and its protective functions; a lack of zinc and selenium leads to loss of strength and physical stress.

Frequent treatments antibacterial agents lead to a decrease in protective barriers and the occurrence of intestinal dysbiosis. It is also important that not only antibiotic treatment can lead to this condition, but also the consumption of products that contain antibiotics, for example, chicken meat (when the bird is injected with antibiotics for its rapid growth). Regular stress and nervous overstrain, physical and mental overload, chronic lack of sleep- all these factors do not have the best effect on the state of the immune system.

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How to strengthen the immune system: non-drug methods

Our body is subject to frequent attacks from viruses, microbes and bacteria. And as a result of overwhelming factors (stress, ecology), the body is not able to cope with external and internal stimuli, people often get sick and suffer from severe illness. various diseases and the healing process is delayed.

When the body signals that it cannot cope with the load alone, it needs help, strengthening the immune system or restoring it after antibiotic therapy or other reasons for which the failure occurred.

Exist different methods strengthening the protective function human body. One of them is restoring the body’s immunity with the help of non-medicinal means, that is: maintaining a normal daily routine and rest, normalizing sleep, proper and balanced diet(this includes not only quality food products, but also their diversity - dairy products, meat, fish, vegetables and fruits), no need to overeat.

Another method of restoring a person’s immunity is hardening procedures. It could be as simple as everyday cold and hot shower, which will tone the body and restore its protective function. You should avoid frequent stress and learn to relax. They can help with this autogenic training, positive attitudes (these are phrases that are often repeated and deposited on a subconscious level).

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