Neroli essential oil. Use of neroli essential oil in everyday life. Yogurt mask for very sensitive skin

Neroli oil is one of the rare and expensive products used for aromatherapy. Neroli essential oil is extracted from citrus flowers. The product is quite expensive, because for 0.8 g of oil it is necessary to use 1 ton of flowers.

The oil has wide range beneficial properties, but few people know what this product is and how to use it.

Externally, the product is presented in the form of a golden liquid in dark-colored bottles. The aroma of neroli is very memorable. It combines a floral scent with notes of bitterness. The product can be used in conjunction with other base oils. Neroli oil is often used to make cosmetics and medicinal products.

The ancient Romans used orange flowers to scent rooms and water. Countess Neroli loved the smell of orange blossom essential oil, so it was named after her. The most valuable are the esters from the petals of Seville bitter orange and Portuguese sweet orange. Most often, lemon and tangerine colored oils are sold in pharmacies and specialty stores.

What properties does neroli have?

Beneficial features essential oils have been used for many thousands of years. With their help you can get rid of various skin diseases, diseases of internal organs. Using neroli oil will be beneficial for:

  • improving the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • improving performance;
  • fight against viruses, bacteria;
  • getting rid of muscle pain, seizures;
  • normalization of metabolism, improvement of appetite;
  • eliminating swelling;
  • improving mood, getting rid of depression;
  • combating insomnia;
  • treatment of impotence, infertility;
  • stabilization of hormonal levels;
  • accelerated healing, restoration of damaged cells.

When is neroli essential oil used?

The product is one of the most versatile oils. It is widely used in various fields medicine, cosmetologists, sometimes in cooking.

Majority cosmetics includes neroli ester. Neroli essential oil for the face is the most valuable because it can:

  • smooth out wrinkles;
  • get rid of age spots;
  • cure acne and many skin diseases;
  • bring work back to normal sebaceous glands;
  • regenerating property;
  • rejuvenate the dermis.

In medicine, neroli is used as antiviral agent. The product is able to stabilize the functioning of the intestines and the functioning of the heart.

It is not so often that you can find neroli in cooking. The product has very nice smell Therefore, it is included in baked goods and various cocktails.

Ways to use the oil

Often, a person does not even suspect that he is using a medical or cosmetic product that contains neroli ester. The product exhibits its beneficial properties both when taken orally and when used externally.


Essential oils penetrate very quickly through the steamed dermis into the body. Therefore, using oil for a bath or sauna helps the active components of the product to manifest their beneficial properties. Because essential oil does not dissolve in water, it must be mixed with emulsifiers - milk, honey. For one procedure, it is recommended to use only 7 drops of ether.


The most common and popular method is aromatherapy. This method is considered more effective than external use. The smell of neroli encourages it to be used as a room scent. Aromatherapy can be carried out using aroma lamps, inhalations, or spraying flavored water with a spray bottle. For one procedure, it is enough to use 6 drops of the product; and it should be carried out no longer than 15-20 minutes.


To remove painful sensations from an inflamed organ, applying a compress with neroli oil to it will be effective. Preparing the compress is quite simple:

  • You need to dilute 7 drops of ether in 100 ml warm water, then moisten a piece of cloth or a napkin in it, apply it to the sore spot and wrap it in cellophane. The manipulation time depends on the severity of the disease - 30-120 minutes.

Using a compress, you can eliminate swelling, relieve inflammation, and relax muscles.


If you mix 6 drops of neroli ether with any base oil and use it for massage, the ether will quickly penetrate the skin and body. This procedure has a beneficial effect on the dermis, improves blood circulation, relieves inflammation in the respiratory system, and normalizes digestion.

Internal use

The main feature of this method is that the ether quickly penetrates the blood and spreads throughout the body. You just need to carefully observe the dosage and use the product only before going to bed once a day. For the procedure, you need to mix 4 drops of neroli ether with 1 tbsp. l. honey

Neroli oil for hair

Neroli has established itself as one of the best hair balms. Masks based on it can get rid of dandruff, making your hair smooth and shiny. The peculiarity of the oil is that it can be used for any type of hair. To care for your hair, it is not necessary to prepare masks; you can just add 3 drops of oil to your favorite shampoo and wash your hair. Jojoba and castor oils enhance the beneficial properties of neroli for hair.


Although neroli is considered the safest ester, it still has a number of contraindications:

  1. Children under 3 years old.
  2. Pregnancy, breastfeeding.
  3. Individual intolerance.
  4. Tendency to allergic reactions.
  5. Oncological diseases.

Side effects include only drowsiness and confusion due to the sedative properties of the oil.

Neroli is a unique essential oil, it is used for treatment various diseases and skin and hair care. If you follow the instructions for use, the product will not develop side effects.

Even in ancient times, neroli essential oil was considered one of the strongest aphrodisiacs, increasing sensuality and enhancing potency. This essential oil was a symbol of beauty and was used in cosmetology.


A little about neroli oil

In appearance, neroli oil is a light yellow or golden-colored liquid with a pleasant, fresh, floral aroma. It is obtained by steam distillation or extraction with volatile solvents from orange flowers (Seville orange or bigardia, rue family). When exposed to light, the liquid acquires an orange-red color and darkens over time. It is most effective to combine neroli oil with citrus oils (lime, orange and lemon), but coniferous oils, rosemary, mint, and juniper are suitable.

Beneficial properties of neroli essential oil

  • is an aphrodisiac, has a positive effect on the functioning of the endocrine and reproductive systems;
  • has a cardiotonic and antisclerotic effect;
  • oil accelerates blood circulation;
  • has antiviral and restorative properties;
  • has a decongestant and diuretic effect;
  • inherent antiseptic and bactericidal properties;
  • has anticonvulsant and antispasmodic properties;
  • normalizes the functioning of the digestive and excretory systems;
  • the oil has calming, relaxing, antispasmodic and analgesic properties;
  • antidepressant drug;
  • activates cell regeneration;
  • strengthens hair follicles;
  • the oil has rejuvenating properties, especially useful for dry and tired skin;
  • effective against stretch marks and cellulite;
  • the oil fights redness and irritation of the skin, rosacea, and skin diseases;
  • is an excellent deodorant.

The use of neroli essential oil in treatment

Thanks to the huge number healing properties, neroli essential oil is widely used in the treatment and prevention of various diseases. It perfectly helps with respiratory viral infections, improves conditions with influenza, diseases of the nasopharynx of an infectious-inflammatory nature, providing a general healing effect on the body.

When used systematically, essential oil eliminates disturbances in the functioning of the heart, significantly improves coronary blood flow, prevents the formation of sclerotic plaques, and is used in treatment coronary disease heart, for hypertension, atherosclerosis, cardiac arrhythmias, cardioneurosis, tachycardia, cardiac spasms, hemorrhages, angina pectoris, in the treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia, consequences of stroke, headaches.

Neroli oil has a beneficial effect on work digestive system, eliminates enzyme deficiency, improves appetite, eliminates spasms of the stomach and intestines, normalizes the secretion of the digestive organs.

In aromatherapy, neroli oil is also found wide application, including in the treatment of arrhythmias and neuroses. The relaxing aroma of essential oil helps eliminate insomnia, nervousness, depression and mental disorders(neuroses, obsessive fears, stress, hysteria, restlessness, irritability, anxiety, restlessness, overwork, etc.).

For women's health Neroli essential oil is also useful, normalizes work endocrine system, fights frigidity, stimulates sexual attraction, eliminates the symptoms of menopausal and premenstrual syndrome, normalizes the menstrual cycle.

This essential oil is a popular means of scenting rooms.

Video: Useful properties and uses of neroli oil.

Ways to use neroli essential oil


Inhalation of volatile components of essential oil seems to be the most effective way prevention and treatment various ailments. Neroli oil activates the internal reserves of the human body, helps maintain wellness. The recommended dosage of essential oil for an aroma lamp is 4-7 drops per 15 m2.

Inhalation and air aromatization.

When inhaled through inhalation, the aromatic components of the oil reach certain points in the nasal mucosa, stimulate the production of impulses that send signals to certain parts of the cerebral cortex, thereby influencing the functioning of all organs and systems of the body. At the same time, neroli oil acts directly on the respiratory system, stopping the development of inflammatory or stagnant processes. For these purposes, neroli oil is taken in an amount of 1-3 drops, the procedure is carried out for no more than 15 minutes, 2-3 times a day.

Aromatic baths, use in baths and saunas.

With this method, neroli oil affects the entire surface of the skin, quickly penetrates the lymphatic network, affecting all human organs. Baths can be hot, cold, sitz, for hands or feet; in any case, the essential oil should be mixed with an emulsifier (cream, milk, honey, sea salt) and then added to the water. There is no need to rinse after taking a bath; the skin should be blotted lightly with a towel. For one bath you should take 7 drops of essential oil. The duration of the procedure can be up to 25-30 minutes, but you need to start with 5 minutes.

For baths and saunas, neroli essential oil should be diluted in water (3 drops of essential oil per 0.5 liters of water), in the first case, pour the solution over the stove, and in the second, over hot stones.


This method involves applying medicinal compress over the problem organ, as a result active ingredients essential oils penetrate into the lymph flow and act directly on the diseased organ, providing a decongestant, antispasmodic, analgesic, and anti-inflammatory effect. Compresses can be cold or hot. For the procedure, take 7 drops of ether per 10 ml of base (fatty) oil. Soak a cotton cloth in the solution, squeeze it a little and apply it to the area over the diseased organ. You can keep the compress for 30 minutes to two hours, start small, gradually increasing the duration of the procedure.

Massage and rubbing.

Massage ensures quick penetration useful components oils into the human body. As a result, the procedure has a positive effect on the condition and health of the skin, has a positive effect on blood circulation, digestion, and generally improves overall condition and well-being. For acupressure Prepare a mixture: one drop of essential oil to one drop of vegetable oil (base).

Rubbing has a beneficial effect on blood circulation and breathing, eliminates inflammatory processes in muscles, nerves and connective tissues. For rubbing, take 4-7 drops of neroli oil per 10 ml of vegetable oil.

The use of neroli essential oil in cosmetology

Neroli oil has found its use in home cosmetology, in the care of facial skin, body and hair. It is a means of prevention and treatment spider veins, stretch marks, cellulite, tightens and smoothes the skin, relieves irritation, improves complexion, and has a pronounced rejuvenating effect. Suitable for any type, but especially useful in caring for dry and mixed skin types, as well as tired skin. Thanks to its regenerating ability, neroli oil helps fast healing cracks, wounds and other skin damage, fights herpes, acne, stress spots, as well as skin diseases (eczema, dermatoses).

The simplest use of neroli oil is to enrich finished cosmetics (masks, creams, tonics). On one-time use take 2 drops of ether. A more natural skin care option is to add neroli oil to a natural base (vegetable) oil (2 drops of essential component per 1 tablespoon of base). This mixture can be used as a nourishing night cream or as an anti-aging mask. The composition of the mask can be very different. Concentrated, that is, undiluted, neroli oil cannot be applied to the skin! The exception is cases of targeted use, for example, the treatment of acne or herpes.

Neroli oil has a good effect on hair condition and scalp health, fights dandruff, and gives natural shine to hair. The product can be added to ready-made shampoo and conditioners, made at home masks (for 1 tablespoon of base suitable for the hair problem, take 2-3 drops of essential oil), use “aroma combing” (2 drops of oil on a wooden comb).

Neroli oil can be used to care for nails and cuticles by rubbing it into the nail bed.

Neroli essential oil for children

Can be used in children to eliminate gastrointestinal spasms, improve sleep, eliminate tension and anxiety. For use in an aroma lamp, the dosage of oil is 1 drop per 10-15 m2 of room area. For massage (light strokes clockwise around the navel), prepare a mixture with neroli oil - 2-3 drops of ether per 10 ml of plant base.

Contraindications to the use of neroli oil

  1. Pregnancy 2-3 trimester.
  2. Allergic reactions.
  3. Individual intolerance.
  4. Newborns and children infancy the product is contraindicated for use.

Due to its high relaxing effect, neroli oil is contraindicated for use in cases where concentration and clarity of thought are necessary.

Storage conditions

Essential oil should be stored in tightly sealed dark glass containers at room temperature in a place out of direct sunlight.

Neroli essential oil is obtained from wild orange blossoms, which is characterized by both sweet and bitter taste. It has a rich list of properties that are used to combat various cosmetic defects and health problems.

Neroli essential oil – properties

This product contains natural alcohols, hydrocarbons and other compounds, as well as esters. Neroli essential oil has the following benefits:

  1. It has a positive effect on the activity of the nervous system, relieving stress and stress.
  2. Has an antiseptic effect and effectively fights viruses and infections.
  3. Neroli essential oil, the use of which is approved by doctors, is an excellent antiseptic, so it can be used to get rid of painful symptoms.
  4. Indispensable in the presence of diseases associated with the heart and blood vessels, for example, the oil normalizes heart rhythm and blood circulation, and also strengthens blood vessels.
  5. Has a beneficial effect on the functionality of the digestive system. Neroli essential oil helps fight colic and other unpleasant symptoms.

Essential oil of neroli in cosmetology

IN for cosmetic purposes Neroli essential oil is used to get rid of different problems. It has the following actions:

  1. Neroli oil has a softening and antiseptic effect, helping to cope with irritations and rashes.
  2. It removes pigmentation well, evening out skin color.
  3. Effectively fights stretch marks and the appearance of cellulite.
  4. Neroli essential oil, the properties and uses of which are used in different recipes, has a healing and rejuvenating effect.
  5. If you apply ether to nail plate and the skin around you, you can cope with fragility and other defects, as well as stimulate growth and prevent the appearance of hangnails.
  6. When caring for hair, ether has a strengthening effect, eliminates dandruff, removes scalp irritations and stimulates hair growth.

Neroli essential oil for hair

If you want to make your curls obedient, alive and healthy, then regularly carry out procedures using neroli ether. There are several ways this can be done:

  1. Neroli essential oil is effective in hair care cosmetics; for example, you can add 3-5 drops of ether to shampoo. Wash your hair with this product no more than twice a week.
  2. Aroma combing is popular, for which it is better to use a wooden comb. Apply a few drops to it and go through the strands from roots to ends.
  3. Ether is used for head massage. Thanks to this procedure, you can stabilize the functionality of the sebaceous glands and improve the condition of your hair. Apply a few drops of oil to your fingers and perform circular movements, moving from the center of your head to your ears. This procedure additionally has a calming and relaxing effect.

Neroli essential oil for face

Eat different ways, how you can evaluate the benefits of ether on yourself, and the simplest option is to add 5-6 drops of oil to tonics, creams, masks and other products. In addition, neroli oil can be used in the following mixtures:

  1. For oily and problem skin. To 20 ml, add a couple of drops of wild orange, mint and eucalyptus ether, and also add 4 drops of lemon oil.
  2. For dry skin. In this case, combine 15 ml of rosehip oil with a couple of drops of wild orange ether and 6 drops of Damask rose.
  3. Neroli oil for facial blemishes. Every day, treat problem areas with a mixture that includes 5 ml of wheat germ oil and 15 drops of neroli ether.

Neroli essential oil for eyelids

The presented product is not aggressive, so it can be used on sensitive skin, for example, around the eyes. It has a tonic effect, removing signs of fatigue and swelling. With regular and correct use can be dealt with fine wrinkles. Neroli essential oil for the skin around the eyes is used as follows:

  1. Mix a couple of drops of ether in 1-2 teaspoons of base oil. Another option for use is preparing oil compositions, for which add ether to the cream.
  2. It is best to carry out procedures before bedtime 1-2 times a week. If a useful cream is used, then it is allowed to be used daily.
  3. Apply the product with careful and gentle movements to the area around the eyes, using tapping and stroking movements. It is important not to stretch the skin.
  4. If a lot of oil has been used, remove the residue using a cotton pad.

Neroli essential oil for stretch marks

Pregnant women and people who suddenly gained weight and then lost it experienced the problem of stretch marks. Regular use of neroli causes a rush of blood to the dermis, removes swelling, gives firmness and restores elasticity of the skin. All this will help reduce the appearance of stretch marks. There are two recipes for using neroli:

  1. To reduce the number of stretch marks and improve the condition of the skin, you can use a mixture of 5 ml of wheat germ oil and a couple of drops of wild orange, tangerine and lavender ether. Treat problem areas regularly.
  2. You can use a mixture that includes 2 drops each of neroli, lavender and frankincense. Use the mixture 2-3 times a week.

Neroli essential oil – aromatherapy

To benefit from essential oils, it is recommended to inhale their aroma. In aromatherapy, neroli essential oil is used as an excellent tonic that helps improve mood, cope with insomnia, fears and depression. It has an excellent tonic effect. It is also worth noting that neroli essential oil is an aphrodisiac, suitable for both men and women. Just seven drops should be added to the aroma lamp, and the benefits will certainly be received.

Neroli essential oil properties and uses

Origin of Neroli essential oil and its components

There is one interesting fact about the bitter orange tree ( INCI Neroli Oil: Citrus aurantium) – it is the “homeland” for three completely individual species essential oil. The peel of ripe (and close to ripe) fruits is a sourceorange essential oil , while leaves and tender young shoots are the sourcepetitgrain essential oil . And finally, Neroli essential oil -- is extracted by steam distillation from tree flowers, which are white in color, small in size and leave a slight waxy sensation on the fingers after tactile contact. The bitter orange tree originally grew in eastern Africa and tropical Asia, but today the plant is cultivated throughout the Mediterranean region and the southern states of Florida and California. The trees bloom profusely in May, and when proper care, can produce up to 30 kg of fresh flowers each.

When extracting the oil from the collected petals, time is of the essence as... The oil evaporates very quickly from the petal cells after they are picked from the tree. To maximize the oil yield from the raw material, the petals are collected by hand, trying to avoid excessive squeezing. Of course, there is no question of mechanical assembly. The main, major components of Neroli oil areLinalool (28,5%), Linalyl acetate (19.6%), Nerolidol (9.1%), E-farnesol (9.1%), Alpha-terpineol (4.9%) andLimonene (4,6%).

A classic subjective question arises: what does neroli essential oil smell like? The aroma of neroli oil is rich and enveloping. Sometimes it is even called “bewitching neroli”, because... many esotericists actively use this oil in their practices. However, we prefer scientific approach, as you will see by continuing to read the article.

6 Impressive Benefits of Using Neroli Essential Oil

1. Reduces inflammation and relieves pain

100% natural Neroli essential oil has proven to be effective therapeutic agent to reduce pain and inflammation of soft tissues. Results of a study published in the Journal Natural Medicine(Journal of Natural Medicines), show that Neroli contains biologically active components that have the ability to reduce the level of acute and even chronic inflammation. Neroli essential oil has also been found to have the ability to increase pain threshold central and peripheral nervous systems. ( 2 )

2. Reduces stress and eases menopausal symptoms

A 2014 study looked at the effects of inhaling Neroli essential oil on menopausal symptoms, stress levels, and estrogen production in postmenopausal women. 63 postmenopausal women volunteers were randomly assigned to inhale Neroli essential oil. varying degrees concentrations - from 0.1% to 0.5%, as well as a control group that inhaled almond oil vapor. All groups performed inhalations twice a day for five days at the Korea University School of Nursing.
Compared to the control group, the two groups using Neroli oil showed a significant decrease in diastolic pressure, in addition to an overall equalization of heart rate, plasma cortisol levels, and estrogen hormone levels. The effects discovered show that inhaling essential oil vaporsNeroli Helps relieve menopausal symptoms, increase libido and lower blood pressure levels in post-menopausal women. Overall, 100% natural Neroli essential oil can be used as a quick and effective remedy to reduce stress and improve the functioning of the endocrine system. ( 3 )

3. Reduces Blood Pressure and Cortisol Levels

A study published in the journal Evidence-Based and Alternative Medicine(Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine) aimed to determine the effects of inhaling Neroli essential oil on blood pressure and salivary cortisol levels in 83 prehypertensive and hypertensive volunteers. Measurements were taken at equal intervals over 24 hours. cortisol levels The test group inhaled essential oils of Lavender, Ylang-Ylang, Marjoram andNeroli . The placebo group inhaled the artificial odorant for the same amount of time as the test group. The control group did not inhale any substances. What do you think the researchers found? The test group showed a significant reduction in systolic and diastolic blood pressure compared to the placebo and control groups. The test group also showed a significant reduction in salivary cortisol levels. It has been concluded that inhaling 100% Neroli essential oil has an immediate and ongoing beneficial effect on blood pressure and stress levels. ( 4 ).

4. Shows antimicrobial and antioxidant effects

The fragrant flowers of the bitter orange tree do more than just produce an oil that “smells good.” Research shows that chemical composition 100% natural Neroli essential oil has both antimicrobial and antioxidant properties.
Antimicrobial propertiesNeroli essential oil 6 types of bacteria, 2 types of yeast, and 3 types of molds were found to be affected by the oil, according to an article published in the Pakistan Journal Biological Sciences(Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences.) Neroli essential oil has proven to be particularly effective against Pseudomonas aeruginosa . The oil also showed very strong inhibitory activity against fungal colonization, compared to a conventional antibiotic. nystatin . ( 5 )

5. Heals and refreshes the skin

If you're looking to add an essential oil to your beauty and beauty arsenal, consider Neroli essential oil. The oil is known for its ability to regenerate skin cells, thus improving its elasticity. The oil also helps maintain hydrolipid balance upper layers skin, making it an excellent choice for all skin types.
Thanks to its ability to renew and heal the skin at the cellular level,Neroli essential oil Great for eliminating wrinkles, scars and stretch marks. Any skin condition caused or related to stress shows a strong response to Neroli essential oil therapy because... the latter has excellent smoothing and soothing properties. The oil can also be used to eliminate conditions caused by a bacterial nature: rashes, irritation, redness. ( 6 )

6. Used as an anticonvulsant

Seizures are mainly caused by changes in the electrical activity of the brain. Such changes can lead to noticeable, dramatic symptoms - or be asymptomatic. Symptoms of severe cramps are well known and include convulsive contractions of the body's muscles and loss of body control.
A recent study conducted in 2014 sought to examine the anticonvulsant effects of Neroli essential oil. The result of the study was the understanding thatNeroli essential oil contains biologically active components with anticonvulsant properties, which allows the oil to be used in a complex of anticonvulsant measures. ( 7 )

12 Ways to Use Neroli Essential Oil

100% natural Neroli essential oil can be purchased on the “market” both in pure, 100% form, and diluted in base oilJojoba or friend. Which option to choose is up to you, depending on the purpose of using the oil, and, of course, your budget for the product.
In general, pure neroli smells stronger and is a smarter choice for home perfume (to create a neroli perfume), or for use in an aroma lamp or aroma diffuser. aromatherapy However, if you plan to use the oil for therapy skin, a good option would be to buy ready mixture essential oil and carrier oil -- aroma roller
If you have already purchased 100% natural Neroli essential oil, here are some tips for using it daily:

1. Clear your head and de-stress

Bring a bottle of Neroli essential oil close to your nose and take a deep breath when getting ready for work or, conversely, leaving it. You can’t imagine how easy and stress-free travel through traffic jams or rush hour on the subway can be.

2. Sweet dreams

Place one drop on a rolled-up cotton ball and stick it inside your pillow and enjoy the magical aroma that will instantly take you to the land of dreams and castles in the air, as if in childhood.

3. Acne treatment

Because Neroli has strong antimicrobial properties, it is an excellent remedy for creating home remedy for acne treatment. Wet the cotton pad and squeeze it to ensure a more even distribution of the essential oil inside the pad through the surface tension of the water. Add a few drops of 100% natural Neroli essential oil. Wipe problem areas once a day until completely cured.

4. Purifies the air

Use an aroma lamp or aroma diffuser to spray oil in the air of a room (residential or office) to cleanse the air of bacteria and saturate it with a wonderful aroma.

5. Relieves stress

To eliminate naturally such unpleasant phenomena like overexcitation, depression, hysteria, panic, shock states caused by stress, use 3-4 drops of 100% natural Neroli essential oil dissolved in a tablespoon of salt, honey or carrier oil the next time you take a body bath or foot bath.

6. Relieves headaches

Use a couple of drops of Neroli oil in a hot or cold compress to relieve headaches, especially those caused by pressure.

7. Reduces blood pressure

Using Neroli oil in an aroma lamp or aroma diffuser (or directly inhaling from a bottle) helps reduce both blood pressure and cortisol levels in the blood, as evidenced by the studies mentioned above.

8. Neroli essential oil for face

Mix 1-2 drops of 100% natural Neroli essential oil with a creamy face base or carrier oil (Argan or Jojoba ) and apply with a cotton pad with massaging movements before going to bed. Using neroli essential oil on the face will tighten the skin, even out the microrelief and eliminate fine wrinkles.

9. Relieve PMS Symptoms

To get rid of menstrual pain, add 2-3 drops (previously applied to a volume of 1-2 tablespoons sea ​​salt) into your morning shower routine. It is best to scatter salt away from drain hole to prolong the effect.

10. Natural anticonvulsant

2-3 drops of neroli oil in a diffuser or 4-5 drops in a base oil for massage will help you get rid of various problems related to intestinal tract– diarrhea, nervous dyspepsia, pain in the lower abdomen.

11. Neroli oil for hair

The use of Neroli essential oil in masks for the scalp allows you to renew epidermal cells, accelerate regeneration and growth of new cells around hair follicles, which ultimately has a positive effect on general condition hairline.

12. Reduces stretch marks

Add a couple of drops of Neroli essential oil to your cream, lotion or base oil to significantly reduce stretch marks, as well as reduce the number of capillaries appearing on the skin.

Recipes with Neroli essential oil

If you decide to use neroli essential oil in a composition with other oils (essential), please note that the oil mixes well with essential oils:Chamomile Pharmacy And Roman
, Clary Sage , Ginger , Cedar , Lemon , Marjoram , Mandarin ,Mirra , Mint , Patchouli , Sandalwood White And Pine .

Use neroli oil in that simple recipe create deodorant at home! Inexpensive to prepare, this deodorant will definitely not contain any of their industrial chemical substances, used in the commercial production of deodorants. The deodorant you prepare can have both a feminine and masculine “aroma pattern.”

DIY natural deodorant [RECIPE]

Cooking time: 5 minutes
Number of uses: 30-90


120 ml Rosemary , Bergamot
Empty containers for deodorants


1. Place coconut butter in a bowl with high rims (a salad bowl works well)
2. Melt in a water bath
3. Add soda, mix thoroughly
4. Add essential oils
5. Fill deodorant containers with the mixture.

Do you want to enjoy the scent of neroli throughout the day? Try this simple, two-step, two-part recipe that takes just two minutes to prepare and results in a great, fragrant body and indoor air spray.

Homemade room and body spray [RECIPE]

Cooking time: 2 minutes


120ml distilled water
25 drops Neroli essential oil


1. Mix oil and water in a spray bottle
2. Shake thoroughly.
3. Spray on clothing, skin, bedding or just in the air in the room.

In the GUNNA online store you can buy neroli oil in the following packaging: 1ml, 2.5ml, 5ml, 10ml, 20ml, 30ml and 50ml.
Unlike neroli oil in a pharmacy, in the GUNNA online store, neroli oil is only 100% natural, which eliminates the possibility of purchasing synthetic neroli essential oil, which you can most likely find in a pharmacy at a low price.
Also, the store’s assortment includesNeroli hydrolate , the so-called Neroli flower water (sometimes also called Neroli fragrant water)

You can buy 100% natural Neroli essential oil

Possible side effects of using neroli essential oil
As always, standard precautions should be taken when using 100% natural essential oils - never use undiluted essential oils on the skin, especially when it comes to contact with mucous membranes. Do not take neroli essential oil orally unless directly advised by your healthcare professional. As with all essential oils, keep neroli oil out of the reach of children.
Before using neroli oil on your skin, do a patch test. Neroli essential oil is non-toxic and non-phototoxic, however a patch test is a requirement (as well as common sense:) If the patch test fails, unfortunately you will have to stop using Neroli essential oil.

Neroli (Citrus bigaradia)

Citrus family. Neroli essential oil is obtained by steam distillation from the petals and flowers of bitter orange. Pomeranian grows in America and Southern Europe. Neroli essential oil has a bitter-tart aroma and is colorless.

The main effects of neroli essential oil on internal organs and systems: aphrodisiac, antiseptic, bactericidal, deodorizing, carminative, tonic, sedative, cytophylactic (regeneration, renewal of skin cells), antispasmodic.

The use of neroli oil in cosmetology. Eliminates stretch marks (stretch marks) on the skin. Rejuvenates and revitalizes dry, tired skin, smoothing out wrinkles. Eliminates skin irritation and stress spots. Eliminates small vascular patterns and rosacea. Promotes regeneration and rapid growth healthy skin cells. Eliminates eczema, acne and herpetic rash. Strengthens hair and increases its elasticity.

The impact of neroli aroma oil on the psycho-emotional sphere. Individualistic oil supports the spiritual strength of extraordinary people who stand out from the crowd. Objectifies psycho-emotional states. It dilutes with cold thoughts justified indignation provoked by someone’s rudeness and injustice. Eradicates hysterical nature. Eliminates insomnia and explosive nervous reactivity. Neroli is invaluable for solving any nervous problems, chronic and temporary anxiety (even panic attacks), eliminates depression and creates a feeling of euphoria.

The effect of neroli essential oil on the human bioenergetic field. An aromatic antagonist to indifference and apathy. The aroma of neroli leads you on the path to the sunshine of a pure, bright aura, awakening high and bright aspirations. It carries the philosophical essence of concentration, contemplation and detachment. Neroli impulses harmonize, merging with the ajana chakra - the energy of awakened consciousness and spiritual achievements and the svalhishthana chakra, associated with the sense of taste, health and caution. The aroma of meditation, personal perfection, sophistication and psychologism. Helps to feel the spiritual harmony of the World.

Indications for use of neroli essential oil. Renders restorative effect. Effective antiviral drug, effective against flu, herpes.

It is a powerful anti-sclerotic agent and cleanses the blood. Has a cardiotonic effect, potentiates coronary blood flow, eliminates neurotic and functional disorders heart rate.

It has antispasmodic and anticonvulsant effects. Optimizes the functioning of the digestive organs, eliminating enzymatic deficiency, normalizes the excretory functions of the intestines. Helps with gastric disorders, in particular constipation.

Effective for colitis, chronic diarrhea and indigestion due to nervousness.

Decongestant, mild diuretic.

For women: normalizes the functioning of the endocrine system, facilitates premenstrual syndrome. Neroli supports women in almost all transitional states, relieves spasms, relieves unpleasant symptoms menopause.

Excellent for relieving insomnia, especially those caused by anxiety.

Due to its ability to enhance sexual feelings, Neroli oil is effective in sexual problems, such as impotence and frigidity under stress or anxiety.

Neroli oil has an excellent tonic and calming effect for all kinds of nervous tension and cardiac dysfunction. It is used for all diseases of the nervous system.

Essential oil dosages:

Method of application Dosage (drops) Indications for use
4-7 drops per 15 m2 depression, states of fear, hysteria, neuroses, menopausal problems, shock, heart attacks
2-3 drops depression, states of fear, hysteria, nervous tension, menopause problems, shock, heart attacks
Up to 10 drops rosacea, depression, states of fear, hysteria, nervous tension, menopausal problems, insomnia, chronic constipation, skin aging, wrinkles
up to 3 drops per day with honey flatulence, improved digestion
5-6 drops per 15 g of transport oil depression, nervous tension, menopausal problems, insomnia, stretch marks on the skin, painful periods
Enrichment of cosmetics 4-6 drops per 15 g of base stretch marks, loose, wrinkled skin, brittle and weakened hair, rosacea
Wine enrichment up to 5 drops per 0.5 liter of raw material aromatization

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