But Shpa for back pain: maximum effectiveness when used correctly. What pain does cervical chondrosis cause? Cervical osteochondrosis: symptoms

The cervical region is the most mobile part of the spine. Because of this, the intervertebral discs experience significant functional load, quickly becoming unusable.

Damage to the cervical spine often has a pronounced Negative influence on the psyche and mood of a person. There are several reasons for this: malnutrition of the brain, changes in the circulation of cerebrospinal fluid, constant headache. To normalize mood and performance, you have to resort to sedatives.

Soft ones can be prescribed herbal preparations: valerian tablets, novopassit, afobazole. IN severe cases resort to the anticonvulsant drug carbamazepine. It reduces the excitability of the cerebral cortex and affects the exchange of neurotransmitters (substances that are responsible for transmitting information between cells). Thanks to this, carbamazepine eliminates irritability, anxiety, and depression.

Brain hypoxia can lead to disorders of thinking and memory. A person notices that it is more difficult for him to concentrate on work, fatigue sets in faster, and habitual mental operations are not possible. Drugs from the group of nootropics can cope with these phenomena.

Nootropics protect cortical neurons from the harmful effects of hypoxia and normalize their metabolism. They improve mental functions, memory, reduce anxiety and depression. Representatives of this group are glycine, phenibut, and avifen.

In any case, the selection of a treatment regimen should be carried out by a specialist - only he is able to take into account all the links pathological process and prescribe the most appropriate medications.

Increased arterial pressure and cervical osteochondrosis are interconnected, and this connection is confirmed by a number of clinical trials. Unfortunately, not everyone knows about this connection, and sometimes even doctors limit themselves to relieving the symptoms of hypertension, not paying attention to problems with the spine.

Wherein complex treatment, which takes into account the etiology of hypertension, demonstrates significantly better results. So that you can independently identify the connection between osteochondrosis and blood pressure, and also get an idea of ​​adequate therapy, you should carefully study this article.

Can blood pressure increase with cervical osteochondrosis?

Relationship between diseases

The question of whether pressure can increase with cervical osteochondrosis is not even raised today. The answer to this is unequivocal and has been confirmed many times: it can!

Moreover, according to various estimates, from 20 to 40% of all cases of increased blood pressure have a vertebrogenic, i.e., spinal-related etiology. This also includes pain syndrome, which is also related to the condition spinal column.

How are blood pressure and the spine connected?

  1. Statistics show that from high blood pressure most often suffer from patients who have curvature of the spinal column, protrusion, intervertebral hernia etc.
  2. Cervical osteochondrosis leads to a series negative consequences for the spine: the intervertebral disc loses its elasticity, the fibrous ring is deformed, and cracks appear on it. As a result, it cannot perform its supporting function.
  3. Displacement and deformation of intervertebral discs during osteochondrosis leads to a direct impact on the arteries running along the spine. They become compressed, and as a result, the efficiency of the blood supply to the brain decreases.
  4. In parallel with this, another process occurs that provokes an increase in blood pressure in osteochondrosis. When intervertebral discs are displaced, the load on the neck muscles increases, and this load is uneven. As a result, the muscles on one side are in constant voltage(to compensate for the displacement of the fibrous ring) - and this also leads to compression of the arteries.
  5. Pressure surges in cervical osteochondrosis are provoked precisely by compression of these arteries. To ensure that enough blood flows to the brain, the body increases the flow. Blood moves unevenly through constricted vessels, and pulsation leads to an increase in blood pressure.

In general, the increase in pressure with osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is caused by an effect on the centers of the brain. Periodic hypoxia leads to the fact that the brain begins to struggle with insufficient blood supply. For this purpose, they generate nerve impulses, directly and indirectly affecting vascular system. The result is an increase in blood pressure, which persists even after the artery compression is removed.

Risk factors

As you can see, high pressure and cervical osteochondrosis are related, and quite closely. At the same time, experts identify a number of factors that increase the likelihood of developing pathology (persistent or abrupt increase in blood pressure).

These include:

  • spinal deformity (curvature leading to compression of the arteries);
  • cervical spine injuries;
  • a sedentary lifestyle (contributes to weakening of the neck muscles);
  • stress, nervous tension;
  • hormonal changes;
  • penchant for arterial hypertension or hypertension, etc.

It is also worth keeping in mind that with age, the risk that osteochondrosis will cause changes or increases in pressure increases.

Main symptoms

High blood pressure with osteochondrosis of the cervical spine can lead to the appearance of many unpleasant symptoms. These include:

  • pain in the spine;
  • dizziness;
  • deterioration of spatial orientation;
  • increased intracranial pressure;
  • blurred vision;
  • decreased ability to work (both mental and physical);
  • increased frequency of attacks of hypertension;
  • risk of increased hypertensive crises etc.

In general, there is a partial overlap of the symptoms of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine and arterial hypertension. In addition, the symptoms of both diseases intensify, so the patient’s condition is further aggravated.

Diagnostic methods

Having understood how cervical osteochondrosis affects blood pressure, you can take measures to combat this pathology. But here the main difficulty lies in diagnosis: it is not easy to determine that an increase in blood pressure is provoked or aggravated by osteochondrosis.

The optimal solution is to contact a specialist at the first suspicion. As a rule, to identify the cause of increased pressure, a comprehensive examination. Its key stage is magnetic resistance tomography of the cervical spine: it allows you to record the fact of compression of the vessels along the spinal column.

Other studies are also being conducted:

  • X-ray of the cervical region;
  • study of reflexes;
  • neurological examinations;
  • Ultrasound of the arteries running along the spine.

In addition to laboratory techniques, self-diagnosis is quite effective; it is based on analysis characteristic features pathological connection of diseases. These include:

  • a sharp increase in blood pressure after exercise on the neck muscles;
  • pain in the back of the head (often one-sided);
  • difficulty turning the head (muscle spasms);
  • promotion only systolic pressure with almost unchanged diastolic;
  • rapid increase in blood pressure, accompanied by nausea and vomiting.

And one more, most important indicator: if conventional hypertensive drugs do not provide an effect or act only during a short-term surge in pressure. As a rule, this indicates that the increase in blood pressure is associated specifically with the effect on the vertebral arteries.

What to do?

First aid and treatment methods

If the pressure during osteochondrosis has increased sharply, then to normalize the condition you need:

  1. Accept horizontal position(or sit reclining if there is nowhere to lie down).
  2. Relax your neck as much as possible, providing support for your head.
  3. Take a drug that effectively lowers blood pressure (Pentoxifylline, Nifedipine, Captopril, etc.).
  4. Monitor blood pressure levels 20 minutes after taking an antihypertensive drug.

If relief does not occur or blood pressure continues to rise, you must call an ambulance.

  • relieving vascular spasm through massage, acupuncture, physiotherapeutic procedures and taking muscle relaxants;
  • elimination of edema (physiotherapeutic procedures + decongestants);
  • ensuring normal blood supply to brain cells (taking vasodilators and nootropics);
  • relief of symptoms of arterial hypertension to alleviate the patient’s condition.

If conservative treatment does not help, then the herniated discs are removed surgically. After rehabilitation under the guidance of a specialist, the patients’ condition returns to normal.


Complex preventive measures should also be aimed primarily at preventing the development of cervical osteochondrosis. Such measures include:

  • moderate physical activity(regular exercise, exercise);
  • posture control to prevent spinal deformation;
  • normalization of nutrition;
  • fight against excess weight;
  • drinking enough fluid up to 1.5 liters per day;
  • avoiding hypothermia;
  • minimizing stress.

Good results are also demonstrated by quitting smoking (blood circulation is normalized in the first months after quitting) and taking adaptogens.


Having figured out whether pressure can rise with cervical osteochondrosis, and having understood the mechanism of this phenomenon, you can independently plan a set of effective preventive measures. If you notice a deterioration in your condition, you should contact a specialist to confirm (or refute) your suspicion. In this case, only a doctor can prescribe adequate therapy taking into account all factors.

Intracranial pressure in cervical osteochondrosis

  • 1 Pathogenesis of osteochondrosis and ICP
  • 2 Symptoms
  • 3 Diagnostics
  • 4 Treatment of osteochondrosis and intracranial pressure

More than half of the population suffers from osteochondrosis. Is not fatal disease, but provokes various pathologies. Organs that are innervated by those parts of the peripheral nervous system, which correspond to the affected parts of the spine. With cervical osteochondrosis, increased intracranial pressure and, as a result, vegetative-vascular dystonia. The connection between cervical osteochondrosis and intracranial hypertension is that the outflow of blood from the brain is disrupted. This happens because the vessels passing through the holes in the transverse processes of the cervical vertebrae are compressed.

Pathogenesis of osteochondrosis and ICP

The main reason is sedentary sedentary life. Physical inactivity adversely affects musculoskeletal system. The striate muscles atrophy, and degenerative changes V connective tissue and joints, in the spine, between the vertebrae salts accumulate. Blood supply to joints is poor and muscle tissue. This leads to blood vessels are pinched when the cervical vertebrae are displaced, which is aggravated by salt accumulations. It enters the brain in smaller quantities arterial blood, and the outflow is disrupted venous blood, which causes intracranial hypertension And oxygen starvation brain tissue.

Osteochondrosis is a disease in which vertebrae or intervertebral discs undergo degenerative-dystrophic changes. Consequences: radiculitis, intervertebral hernia, limited mobility, in very advanced forms -. The disease cannot be cured, it can only be stopped or slowed down.

And some tablets are designed just for this. They are especially important in the diagnosis of “cervical osteochondrosis”, because the nerves and vessels of the neck go into the skull, and their compression leads to very bad consequences. When treating osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, tablets are an indispensable part of therapy. So, why and what exactly should you drink?

Tablets for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine are indispensable because medications for pain must be supplied to the body continuously. It is not always possible to give injections. Ointments and gels are good for mild forms of the disease, but the dosage of drugs in them is too low to produce serious effect. Here the drugs are in tablet form and show all their advantages: the dosage is sufficient, special effort not required for use.

In addition, some tablets for cervical osteochondrosis need to be taken simply because there are no other alternatives. Such cases include, for example, nootropics. It is very difficult to find these drugs in the form of injections, and in addition, these injections will have a dosage for the treatment of delirium or Alzheimer's disease (in other words, too high). Therefore, patients drink more soft form medicines.

Ask your question to a neurologist for free

Irina Martynova. Graduated from Voronezh State University medical University them. N.N. Burdenko. Clinical resident and neurologist of the BUZ VO \"Moscow Polyclinic\".

Advantages and disadvantages

pros treatment with medications in tablet form:

  • adequate dosage;
  • ease of use;
  • (V in rare cases) lack of alternatives.


  • tablets for cervical osteochondrosis cannot stop the exacerbation (need injections);
  • greater chance of appearing adverse reactions from the gastrointestinal tract.


  • spinal symptoms during remission;
  • spondyloarthrosis of the neck;


  • allergy to active ingredients or shell;
  • obstruction of the larynx;
  • loss of consciousness, coma.

List of drugs

Deal with cervical osteochondrosis, its symptoms, treatment and prescription of tablets should the doctor.

A contraindication to the use of any type or type of medication is allergic reaction to its components.


Chondroprotectors - quite useful pills with osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. They give intervertebral discs microelements that make them up inner core. Regular use of chondroprotectors will improve the condition of the disc. The only diagnosis for which they are useless: intervertebral hernia.

CONDROnova, capsules. Description: complex drug for the treatment of osteochondrosis and other joint diseases, it contains both glucosamine and chondroitin. Contraindications: diabetes, asthma. Price: 430 rub. for 30 capsules.

ARTRA, pills. Description: analogue of CONDROnova. Contraindications: asthmatic attacks, diabetes. Price: 1600 rub. for 60 pieces.


Analgesics are a group of drugs struggling with any pain. They are not as effective as "specialized" pain medications, but if home medicine cabinet suddenly there was nothing else, they can be considered as a temporary option.

Ketorol, pills. Description: an anesthetic that copes well with pain in mild and moderate radiculitis. Contraindications: asthma, 3rd trimester of pregnancy. Price: 40 rub. for 20 pieces.

Capsules. Description: a symptomatic medicine that simultaneously has central analgesic and muscle relaxant effects. Contraindications: renal encephalopathy, cholestasis, myasthenia gravis, alcoholism, tinnitus. Price: 900 rub. for 30 capsules.

Neurodolon, capsules. Description: non-narcotic analgesic with high efficiency. Contraindications: liver disease, encephalopathy, childhood, myasthenia gravis, cholestasis. Price: 250 rub. for 15 capsules.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

In most cases, the question is: “What pills should I take if my back hurts?” turns into: “What NSAIDs should I take for osteochondrosis?” Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs by law occupy first place among those appointed for neck diseases drugs.

They remove the main source of problems – inflammation, which pinches the nerve.

Pills. Description: this drug almost always ends up in the medicine cabinet of a patient with osteochondrosis. Diclofenac works quickly and effectively. Contraindications: gastrointestinal ulcers, asthma, polyposis, age under 15 years. Price: 35 rub. for 20 pieces.

Ibuprofen, pills. Description: anti-inflammatory wide range. Effective both against osteochondrosis and diseases respiratory system. Contraindications: stomach ulcer or duodenum, colitis, aspirin-induced asthma, amblyopia, hematopoietic disorders, renal and liver dysfunction, age up to 6 years. Price: 19 rub. for 20 pieces.

Capsules. Description: Second generation NSAID, has less side effects. Contraindications: bleeding, renal, liver and heart failure, asthma, pregnancy, age under 18 years. Price: 53 rub. for 20 capsules.

Indomethacin, pills. Description: Another NSAID that acts primarily on the spine. Can be used if you are allergic to diclofenac. Contraindications: aspirin triad, ulcers and bleeding, heart defects, renal and liver failure, pregnancy and lactation, age up to 14 years. Price: 12 rub. for 30 pieces.

Capsules. Description: complex of vitamins B1, B6, B12. This combination simultaneously counteracts inflammation and improves the condition of the damaged nerve. Contraindications: asthma, ulcers, bleeding, childhood. Price: 370 rub. for 30 capsules.

Vasodilators, drugs to improve microcirculation in the brain

The purpose of this group of drugs is improve blood circulation in the skull(and throughout the head), if blood vessels were compressed due to displacement of the vertebrae.

These drugs should be used only when absolutely necessary.

Pills. Description: a drug that improves blood flow. Helps restore blood supply throughout the head (large vessels) and inside the brain (small vessels). Contraindications: massive bleeding, acute heart attack myocardium, pregnancy and breast-feeding, age up to 18 years. Price: 465 rub. for 60 pieces.

Trental 400, extended-release tablets. Description: similar to Trental, but 4 times stronger. Contraindications: the same as for Trental. Price: 545 rub. for 20 pieces.

Curantil N 25, pills. Description: a medicine that prevents the formation of blood clots. Contraindications: myocardial infarction, atherosclerosis coronary arteries, angina pectoris, hypo-/hypertension, collapse, arrhythmia, ulcers. Price: 550 rub. for 120 pieces.


Nootropics are drugs improves brain function.

For osteochondrosis, they are needed as an addition to the previous category of drugs if the brain does not receive enough nutrition.

Vintropil, capsules. Description: a complex drug consisting of two nootropic substances. Has a strong psychostimulating effect. Contraindications: heart rhythm disturbances, coronary artery disease, stroke, renal and liver failure, lactose intolerance, pregnancy, age under 18 years. Price: 150 rub. for 30 capsules.

Tenoten, lozenges. Description: weak nootropic with a calming effect. Contraindications: children under 18 years of age. Price: 220 rub. for 40 pieces.

Cereton, capsules. Description: a strong nootropic that accelerates brain function and increases blood flow to its tissues. Contraindications: hemorrhagic stroke, pregnancy, lactation, childhood. Price: 530 rub. for 14 capsules.


Since cervical osteochondrosis is very often complicated by radiculitis, B vitamins must be present in treatment.

They improve the conductivity of nerves and protect their outer shells from destruction.

Duovit, dragee. Description: vitamin complex, containing B1, B2, B5, B6, B12. Contraindications: allergy to components. Price: 155 rub. for 40 tablets.

Pills. Description: Sirdalud is powerful. Muscle relaxants are rarely used for osteochondrosis (when you need to remove muscle spasm), but if you need to constantly relieve involuntary muscle tension, then this drug is indispensable. Contraindications: severe liver dysfunction, pregnancy, lactation, age under 18 years. Price: 210 rub. for 30 pieces.

A little about complex treatment

Degenerative-dystrophic changes in the vertebrae You can't beat it with pills alone. The patient will have to constantly fight the disease, and this fight must be comprehensive: pills, ointments, injections (if necessary), exercise therapy, massage, and physiotherapy. Moreover, self-prescription and self-medication will not lead to good consequences , because first you need to find out as much as possible about your disease. And this can only be done when you have data from tests, X-rays and MRI.

Simply put: osteochondrosis should be treated by a doctor.

Approximate scheme of complex treatment

  • Relieving exacerbations: in the form of injections and tablets, bed rest. If necessary, a dropper with NSAIDs and vitamins.
  • Beginning of remission: discontinue diclofenac injections; if the patient was taking pills, continue. Less strict bed rest, physiotherapy.
  • Remission: physiotherapy, exercise therapy, massage (all in hospital or at home, depending on the condition). Choose tablets as needed: vitamins, nootropics, vasodilators or analgesics.
  • . To ordinary people It is advisable to drink complexes, and this applies not only to osteochondrosis, but also to many other diseases. Chondroprotectors can be taken as a preventive measure, but this will only make sense for athletes.

    Tablets are a very important component of the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis. They do not relieve an exacerbation, but they treat and support the rest of the time. The specific type of tablets that need to be taken depends on the degree of development of osteochondrosis. Some of the tablets not only treat, but are also suitable as prophylaxis, but if prophylaxis can be prescribed for yourself, then a doctor must prescribe treatment.

Cervical osteochondrosis is the most common type of osteochondrosis; with this disease, growth occurs in the cervical vertebrae bone tissue, which leads to compression spinal cord in the cervical spine. As a result of such compression, the nutrition of the spinal tissues is disrupted. Such osteochondrosis develops in people who spend most of their time keeping the cervical spine in tension.

Treatment of this osteochondrosis folk remedies or medications must be carried out already at early stages of this disease.

And in order to determine the presence of cervical osteochondrosis, you need to know the symptoms of this type of osteochondrosis well in order to start timely treatment of this disease.

Cervical osteochondrosis: symptoms of the disease

Usually people begin to think about treating osteochondrosis after the appearance of pain. That’s when we think about the question: how to treat cervical osteochondrosis with folk remedies or medications.

  • Headaches appear, especially in the back of the head, pain in the neck when moving the head, difficulty motor functions neck.
  • A person periodically experiences dizziness, a feeling of nausea may appear, darkening of the eyes, and noise in the ears.
  • Then these pain sensations can descend lower in the body: to the arms and chest.
  • Patients experience numbness in the fingertips and pain in the heart area.
  • As osteochondrosis progresses, painful pulsating sensations appear in the eyes, and vision may deteriorate.
  • If at sudden movement a crunch appears in the neck, this is already a sign that you need to undergo an examination of the cervical spine.
  • In the future, with the development of this type of osteochondrosis, you can make yourself a lot more serious illnesses: ischemic diseases of the brain or spinal cord, hand atrophy.

Before starting treatment for cervical osteochondrosis, this disease must be diagnosed by a specialist - a doctor after an examination has been carried out and based on the symptoms. You may be offered following methods examinations: MRI, radiography, tomography.

Cervical osteochondrosis: drug treatment

In order to reduce pain during exacerbation of cervical osteochondrosis, analgesics are usually prescribed. Most often it is diclofenac, ketones.

Diclofenac– the most famous anti-inflammatory pain reliever. Diclofenac lowers the level of hormones that cause pain in the body.

Ketones eliminates all kinds of pain syndromes, including pain during exacerbation of such osteochondrosis. The drug helps in a short period of time. No-spa or papaverine will help get rid of cramps.

No-shpa reduces spasms arterial vessels and cerebral vessels, therefore helps to get rid of headaches caused by spasms.

Papaverine also helps relieve cerebral vascular spasms and prevents the formation of blood clots in blood vessels. When treating osteochondrosis, it is recommended to use drugs that improve blood circulation in the cervical spine, such as Actovegin or Milgama. These drugs improve blood circulation in arterial and venous vessels, thereby improving blood supply to the brain. You can also take medications that restore the cartilage structure of the vertebral discs. These can be dietary supplements, gels or ointments.

Osteochondrosis: treatment with folk remedies

Treatment of osteochondrosis with folk remedies is even more common among people than the treatment of this disease. medicines. But to obtain the best result, these methods of treating cervical osteochondrosis must be combined in consultation with a specialist. Folk remedies that are used in the treatment of this disease are aimed primarily at reducing pain and stopping the process of destruction of cartilage tissue.

In the treatment of osteochondrosis with folk remedies, compresses are widely used.

  1. Mash hot boiled potatoes with a potato masher and add the same amount of honey. Place the prepared cake on the cervical spine, cover with a plastic bag and a cloth that will retain heat. Let stand until the cake has cooled. This compress can be done several times a day.
  2. Mix aloe juice with the same amount of dry mustard, add propolis tincture and vodka. We place the resulting mixture on the cervical spine, and cover the top with a plastic bag and cloth. It is better to apply this compress before bed and keep it on all night.
  3. From rye flour and water to knead the dough, several flat cakes are baked in the oven, which are applied hot to the neck and occipital part heads and covered with thick cloth.
  4. When treating osteochondrosis with folk remedies, you can do Ompresses from a decoction of herbs such as burdock leaves and root, St. John's wort, dandelion root. In a decoction of these herbs, moisten a piece of thick cloth and apply it to the cervical spine, cover it with cellophane on top and keep the compress for about 30 minutes, then remove the compress and wrap your neck with a scarf.

Osteochondrosis can also be treated with folk remedies that are taken orally .

  1. Mix aloe juice with the same amount of radish juice, add a little vodka and liquid honey. This mixture is taken on an empty stomach once a day.
  2. Prepare decoction of oregano, chamomile, hops, pour boiling water over these herbs and keep in dark place about 3 days. Take the resulting product 1 tablespoon twice a day.
  3. Can be cooked decoction of parsley roots: for 500 g of water, 3 tablespoons of herbs, boil for an hour. Take 1 tablespoon 2 times a day.
  4. Red elderberries pour alcohol and leave for 7 days. You can rub the cervical spine with the tincture.
  5. Can be cooked ointment from pork fat and hop cones, which are mixed in a 1:1 ratio. Rub the cervical spine and the back of the head thoroughly with this ointment and wrap these areas with a scarf. Rubbing is best done before bed, and in the morning, wash the skin of your neck and head and rub it with a towel.

Exercises for the treatment of osteochondrosis

The exercises listed below are effective in the treatment of osteochondrosis. These exercises are aimed at restoring the tone of the muscles of the cervical spine, and these exercises also help improve blood circulation in the neck.

  1. With your hands in the lock, press down on frontal part heads. At this time, as if resisting, press your head against your hands. Hold the pressure for 5 seconds. Repeat the exercise 5 to 10 times.
  2. The next exercise is similar to the first. Just press your hands not to your forehead, but to your left and right ears in turn.
  3. The exercise is aimed at relaxing the neck muscles. This exercise can be done, for example, if you long time working at the computer. Relax your neck muscles and lower your head to your chest. Try to feel how your head gets heavier. Return to the starting position. Repeat 5-10 times.
  4. This exercise is similar to the previous one. Lower your head to your chest, relax your muscles and roll your head from the bottom shoulder to the other. The exercise is performed slowly.
  5. Straighten your neck, head also straight. Turn your head to the right, trying to reach right shoulder, then turn your head to the left, trying to reach left shoulder. This exercise stretches the neck muscles.

It is advisable to use all methods of treating cervical osteochondrosis in combination.

But! Before starting treatment for cervical osteochondrosis, make sure that you have this particular disease, go through full examination and get a doctor's opinion.

Diet for osteochondrosis

In conclusion, I would like to note that when treating cervical osteochondrosis, it is necessary to follow a diet.

It is better to eat more often and in smaller portions.

The diet should contain as little salt as possible, less liquid, spicy and too salty foods, strong tea or coffee.

You will have to exclude baked goods from your diet, as well as sweets and carbonated drinks.

Don't eat mayonnaise. Do not include canned food in your diet. These products only clog the blood and have no benefit.

Your diet should contain the following foods:

  1. Milk, cottage cheese, hard cheese, Rye bread(i.e. calcium).
  2. Whole grains, fruits, vegetables, green onions(i.e. manganese and vitamin A, B and C).
  3. Meat, seafood, nuts, including seeds, liver (i.e. copper and vitamin B and D).
  4. Eggs, fish, and the already noted meat and milk (ie phosphorus).

Not a complicated diet, really! I wish you health and successful treatment cervical osteochondrosis. By the way, folk remedies can cure or alleviate many diseases, for example, you can.

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