A very healthy liqueur made from hawthorn. Poisoning with alcohol substitutes. Hawthorn tincture or celebration with funeral candles

Can hawthorn tincture be used as an alcoholic drink? As observations show, in pharmacies you can see people with a definitely unhealthy complexion and the characteristic smell of a hangover who buy hawthorn tincture, clearly not for medicinal purposes. She is simple accessible means. Moreover, for people who are addicted to alcohol, there is not enough money for more expensive drinks, so such a publicly available remedy comes to mind. Tincture contains 70% ethanol, which is much higher than the strength of vodka, and the price is much lower. If you dilute three 25 ml bottles, you can get alcoholic drink more than half a liter in volume. And for the poor, low-income people and homeless people it is an excellent alternative to alcohol.

Effect of the plant on the body

Since hawthorn extract is a remedy plant origin However, it must be prescribed by your attending physician.

The fruits of this shrub contain plant matter, which help strengthen blood vessels in the body and relieve contraction of body muscles.

This thorny shrub blooms in May and June. The bark, fruits, and flowers are used for treatment. The fruits of the bush are harvested in late summer or early autumn. Then they are dried in a dark place at a temperature that does not exceed 50 degrees Celsius. The plant is stored for two years.

The tincture of fruits and flowers is non-toxic, it improves sleep, calms the nerves, increases blood supply to the heart, relieves vascular spasm during overexertion, fatigue, and is also used to restore strength after a serious illness.

It is used for complex treatment diseases such as:

  • Heart failure. This disease occurs when the heart muscle weakens and is unable to pump enough blood to provide the body with oxygen and nutrients. It is the most common disease in people under 65 years of age.
  • For pain in the heart, after nervous breakdown. Extract "loose" nervous system.
  • Coronary disease. Develops when there is insufficient oxygen supply to the heart muscle. This disease occurs acutely or chronically. The most common reason mortality in people from this disease.
  • Tachycardia and arrhythmia. This deviation can provoke the development of a disease such as heart failure. U healthy people it occurs when stressful situations, with strong physical activity, drinking strong tea, coffee, certain medicines. Arrhythmia is characterized by an uneven heartbeat, sometimes stronger, sometimes weaker.
  • For insomnia, the infusion acts as a mild sleeping pill and sedative.
  • Atherosclerosis (At the same time chronic disease vessels, fatty plaques are deposited on the walls of the blood arteries and, as a result, the vessels narrow and the access of blood to the organs decreases).
  • The tincture also has a good effect on the human nervous system, helping with diseases such as cardioneurosis, vegetative-vascular dystonia, nervous fatigue, and sleep disorders.

Homeopathic doctors prescribe an infusion of hawthorn fruits for elderly people, initial stages heart diseases.

Typically, the infusion is taken for up to 30 days, 20-30 drops three times, after dissolving in a tablespoon of water half an hour before meals.

Consumption of the plant in dosages that are higher than those prescribed by the doctor may cause nausea, constant desire sleep, vomiting reflex, frequent visits to the toilet, dizziness, heart rhythm disturbances, various allergic rashes on the skin. Also, treatment is contraindicated for people with low blood pressure, during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Poisoning with hawthorn tincture

Taking alcohol tinctures in large quantities under the guise of booze brings very great harm the entire body as a whole, while poisoning is one of the mildest, followed by convulsions, acute heart failure, but the most terrible thing is death. Thus, in 2006, a mass poisoning was recorded alcohol tinctures with fatal. There were many patients diagnosed in hospitals toxic shock. All this suggests that poisoning with hawthorn and other tinctures leads to irreversible consequences and does much more harm than good.

Statistics also confirm that a huge number of people die from accidental alcohol poisoning. So in nine months of 2010, 10,729 people died. Accurate information about medicinal alcoholism Unfortunately, no, but doctors have no doubt that most of these deaths are associated with drinking these drugs.

Lead to premature death. At frequent use Alcohol-containing tinctures may cause a person to develop alcoholic cathoacidosis.

For proper operation The body needs sugar (glucose) and insulin. In the body, glucose appears when eating, and the pancreas produces insulin. If alcohol enters the body, the pancreas does not produce insulin for some time, and its deficiency occurs. In order to obtain it, adipose tissue is consumed. During its combustion, it produces by-products, which are called ketone bodies. With frequent binge drinking, insulin stops being produced and ketone bodies accumulate in the body. This leads to such a dangerous disease as ketoacidosis. It develops with frequent and binge drinking. In this case, patients often suffer from exhaustion of the body. Alcoholics eat poorly because energy value alcoholic drinks is very high, then periods of hangover, during which toxins further poison the body, and less and less insulin is produced.

The symptoms of this dangerous disease are:

  • Abdominal pain;
  • Overexcitement, anxiety;
  • Poor attention;
  • Fatigue;
  • Lack of appetite;
  • Dizziness.

Using the tincture for complex illness, such as alcoholic ketoacidosis, causes irreparable harm to cardiac activity, and subsequently to human life. It can also lead to the development of arrhythmia.

Hawthorn should not be consumed as alcoholic beverages. After all, even if there are signs for which this herb would seem to help, it is better to abandon this idea. First, a person needs to be brought out of a hangover, and then only go to the doctor. And only then is treatment prescribed complex therapy from alcohol addiction.

The diagnosis of this disease is established only by the attending doctor, who will order an examination and prescribe tests to check for the presence of certain signs, including blood sugar. Such patients are treated in hospitals, under the careful supervision and control of doctors. The prospect of recovery depends on a number of factors, the main one being the desire of the patient himself to leave alcohol addiction and return to a full life.

Statistics differ significantly from the real picture of affairs. Let's start with the fact that previously there was no such thing at all. And in documents about the death of people whose cause fatal outcome from accidental alcohol poisoning, from alcohol abuse, chronic alcoholics cardiovascular dystonia, murders, injuries and accidents, but not alcohol addiction itself. This is due to the lack of desire of relatives of alcoholics to disclose obvious reason diseases.

Based on the same statistical data, in 2009 in Russia the sale of medicines containing alcohol in 12 cities amounted to approximately five hundred thousand liters per month. This is also harmful to respiratory tract surrogates for economic activity, and other alcohol-containing products that can be freely purchased in every pharmacy under the guise medicinal tincture. The list of them is quite large - this includes hawthorn tincture, valerian, calendula, peony, eucalyptus, ginseng, valerian and many other herbs. They all have one thing common nameherbal remedies. They are named after the ancient Roman physician Galen.

Future prospects

Data from the pharmaceutical market makes it very clear that taking alcohol-containing tinctures brings quite a lot of profit to this industry. This suggests that people suffering from alcoholism are indiscriminate in the alcohol they consume. But since this is a disease that causes dependence on alcohol, it needs to be treated, and not look for something to get a hangover with. It's quite difficult to get a person to apply for medical care to the drug dispensary, that's why alcoholics are looking for cheap way for a hangover. Hawthorn tincture ranks high on this list.

Despite the efforts government authorities reduce the consumption of alcohol surrogates by the population; the demand for them does not decrease for the following reasons:

  1. Low market value compared to booze.
  2. Can be purchased at any time of the day in unlimited quantities.

Yes, the use of these drugs in medicinal purposes, is an aid to the main treatment, and can serve as an addition to it. But uncontrolled drinking, drinking on the advice of a friend, or reading on the Internet can lead to serious consequences and harm the entire body. At first it may seem that this really helps, but in reality it may turn out that the cause of the disease is located elsewhere. The opinion that the effect of alcohol preparations, in particular hawthorn, is harmless is erroneous. This is confirmed by many pharmaceutical doctors.

In this regard, the government of individual regions appealed to the Ministry of Health Russian Federation with a proposal to exclude these drugs from the list of drugs dispensed without a prescription. An additional excise tax on these tinctures should be introduced or the alcohol content should be reduced to 10-15%, which in turn will make it unprofitable to take them for non-medical purposes. Since in most cases these drugs are bought for intoxication, which causes irreparable harm.

Such products are designed for use in drops in a strict dosage as prescribed by the attending physician, and not in spoons and vials.

Such a strong dependence on it is a problem for the entire state. And the prospect, unfortunately, is completely disappointing, since if this drug is removed from production, alcoholics will find a replacement for it. Therefore, the problem here is not in the drug, but in the person himself. Only he decides what to drink, in what quantities and whether it is worth poisoning his body with surrogates. So there is always a choice.

All people know about the dangers of excess alcohol for the human body. However, if you use some alcoholic drinks in moderation, you can derive health benefits from it. An example of this is the hawthorn tincture on moonshine. This medicine is sold in pharmacies and is taken by a person in case of vascular diseases (hypertension, atherosclerosis, etc.). The tincture of hawthorn with alcohol, offered in the pharmacy, has a strength of 70 revolutions, so this medicine is taken in a dose of a few drops. The same remedy can be prepared at home, especially if you have a moonshine still.

Hawthorn tincture on moonshine

Alcohol recipes with hawthorn

If a person wants to prepare exactly the same hawthorn tincture as offered in the pharmacy, then according to the recipe he will need 100 grams of dry berries of this plant and 0.5 liters of moonshine. It is desirable that the moonshine taken to prepare the infusion be subjected to double distillation, and its strength should be 40 revolutions.

  1. Hawthorn berries are poured with the required amount of moonshine.
  2. The container with the workpiece is tightly closed with a lid and left to infuse for two weeks. Moreover, the product should be placed in a dry, dark place.
  3. It is recommended to shake the tincture every two days throughout its storage period.
  4. After two weeks, the infusion should be poured into glass containers, having previously filtered it.

Hawthorn tincture on moonshine will have a bright red color, and its smell will be slightly sweet. If the drink was prepared according to the rules, it can be stored for several years.

Among the recipes for preparing hawthorn tincture on moonshine, one can highlight the one according to which the drink is prepared from fresh fruits hawthorn. A liqueur made from fresh hawthorn berries will have a richer color, taste and smell. To prepare hawthorn tincture with moonshine, you should take one glass of fresh fruit for each glass of moonshine. The drink must be infused for three weeks, not forgetting that it must be shaken every day.

You can also prepare a tonic tincture from hawthorn and moonshine. To make it, you should take moonshine with a strength of 40 degrees. For each glass of moonshine, also take 5 tablespoons of hawthorn berries. All components are placed in a pan, mixed and heated to a temperature of 50 degrees. After the workpiece is heated, it should be strained through several layers of gauze. The drink is cooled and filtered, after which it is bottled.

Tinctures for feasts

Hawthorn tinctures can be taken not only for the purpose of treatment. It turns out that you can make delicious alcohol for a feast from bright red berries and moonshine. Such drinks have a mild, pleasant taste and aroma.

How to prepare hawthorn tinctures:

1) To prepare the drink, take a liter of moonshine with a strength of 40 degrees, a glass dried berries hawthorn, a pinch of vanillin, a stick of cinnamon and a tablespoon of sugar. Hawthorn is poured into a jar and immediately filled with moonshine. The infusion is infused for 25 days in a room where room temperature is maintained. The jar with the preparation must be shaken weekly. During this time, the berries will acquire a yellowish tint.

The infusion should be filtered through cheesecloth, and the juice should be squeezed out of the berries. After this, you need to melt the honey in a water bath and mix it with vanillin, then add it to the infusion. Mix everything, close the container and put the drink in a cool place for seven days. At the end, the drink should be filtered through several layers of cotton wool and bottled. The shelf life of such an infusion can be three years.

2) At home, you can also prepare a hawthorn tincture with rose hips. To prepare this drink, take 0.5 liters of moonshine, a tablespoon of rose hips, 2 tablespoons of hawthorn fruits, half a teaspoon of ground galangal root, 50 grams of sugar and 50 milliliters of water. The berries are first placed in a jar and filled with moonshine. After this, they are infused for thirty days in a warm, dark place. After a month, the drink should be completely cleared of berries.

Water and sugar need to be mixed and heated, bringing to a boil. Boil the sugar and water for five minutes, remembering to remove the foam from the surface of the syrup. After this, the syrup should be cooled to room temperature. The syrup is then poured into the infusion and stirred. Almost ready drink should be left covered for five days, after which it can be bottled for storage. This liqueur is recommended to be consumed chilled.

Hawthorn tincture, like all alcoholic drinks, should be consumed in moderation, since an overdose of both hawthorn and alcohol can be hazardous to health. An allergy to hawthorn (rose hips, if present in the product) is considered a contraindication to taking the drink.

© Collage/Ridus

The number of victims of mass poisoning in Irkutsk continues to grow. Fifty-five dead, a little less than a hundred injured - these are the numbers on December 20th.

Taste and color

Bukhariks, koldirs, sinegals. Under these call signs, the whole country knows degenerate alcoholics, who are not difficult to find in any city. Vigilant grandmothers give the exact coordinates of asocial elements, only after being curious, “why did you need this drunkard.” I didn’t clarify that my questions to them were in the spirit of “what are you drinking, guys”?

It turned out that there are not so many “pharmacy” lovers among sorcerers.

“I may be homeless, but I won’t drink this shit. Only vodka or port,” said one of them. However, in the capital there were also specialists in “ treatment options" It turned out that fanfuric consumers have different preferences, but in the end they all come down to one thing. The main thing is the degree and the price/degree ratio.


Antiseptic for external use. Strength - 90 degrees. The cost in Moscow is from 30 rubles per hundred. Favorite drink of Vadik (45 years old, does not work, lives in Tver).

“We used to drink Ant, but aseptolin is better. It costs the same, but the strength is higher,” he says. She uses it after diluting it with water, but “it’s okay, it’s fine.” Straight from the bottle.

“You can do that, it’s fine” - this description fits any “pharmacy cognac”. Some drunks launch into long monologues, explaining that if, by the will of fate, you received bottles of different tinctures- tonic and soothing, do not mix them into one cocktail.


Strength - 90 degrees. The cost in Moscow is from 17 rubles per 100 milliliters. A bestseller among “decent” homeless people “grazing” near the Yaroslavl railway stations.

“It comes in two types. Cheaper - cosmetic lotion, alcohol with glycerin, best option. More expensive - a solution for oral administration, with some kind of medicinal shit. If there’s no lotion, that’s fine too,” says Ivan (39 years old, doesn’t work, lives wherever he can).


Formic alcohol. Seventy degrees, from 7 rubles per “half tishok” in the capital. “If you dilute it with lemonade, you get a delicious fizzy drink, you can treat a lady,” says Petya (41 years old, does odd jobs, lives with his mother in Moscow).

According to him, the main attraction of the “ant” is the low price for a 50-milliliter “firik”. “Ten rubles can’t buy anything good anymore,” he declares knowledgeably.


Pepper pod tincture, 90 degrees. It is used externally in the form of rubbing for radiculitis and neuralgia, it can have strong burning sensation. However, this does not stop drunkards. According to Ivan, he personally doesn’t like “pepper” too much - “it burns inside afterwards,” but he knows many connoisseurs of spicy things.


Hawthorn tincture. Seventy "turns". The main Russian hit of sales until recently. According to “experts,” hawthorn began to lose popularity several years ago. The degree is low, the cost is the same as that of more “killer” drinks.

All our respondents do not drink moonshine and it is not available for sale. However, even if there was, they would have thought a hundred times. " Pharmacy drinks"have several significant advantages.


Moonshine is unlikely to beat the same aseptolin in price. Twenty rubles for one hundred grams of almost pure alcohol is a serious argument; artisanal production cannot keep up with such indicators. It is curious that the cost of the product turned out to be extremely important, but not the decisive argument.

Form factor

“Fifty” and “hundred” are the main forms of release of such products, warmly approved by consumers. It’s easier to raise money for “one hundred” than for half a liter. You can take exactly as much as you need. Each person has a personal container. There are no disputes about “who poured how much for whom.”


As evening approaches, grocery stores stop selling alcohol. A significant part of pharmacies operate around the clock. You can run for “fuel” at any time of the day, and the price will not change.

Risk area

The majority of Reedus respondents had heard about the tragedy in Irkutsk. At the same time, consumers of the “first aid kit” believe that this problem will not affect them: they purchase only from pharmacies and use exclusively “certified products.”

“I never, never buy any kind of fresh water in a regular grocery store,” says Vadik. - They are now selling “hawthorn” for something like 15-20 rubles. The same bottles as in the pharmacy, only plastic. A rare poison, I tried it once, ***** (very bad. Note “Reedus”) then it was just ****** (extreme degree of bad condition. Note “Reedus”).”

“Only chmyrs who have completely degenerated take brake fluid, degreaser, and all sorts of bath additives,” says Ivan. According to him, if you do not use technical fluids, there is no threat to your health, only one benefit.

Most of them are sure that they can get poisoned by tasting only the alcohol they got by accident. “Stores throw out cocktails that have passed their expiration date, and you pick them up, someone paid for the work, your friends treated them, you just “stirred up” somewhere,” says Ivan.

It sounds strange, but in Russian conditions the chances of being poisoned to death among “pharmacy sommeliers” who drink only “drinks” purchased with their own hands are actually less than among ordinary fans of the green snake. According to Rosstat, in 2015, 9.5 thousand people in Russia died from alcohol poisoning (another half a million die annually from diseases associated with drinking alcohol, but that’s another story). Among them are representatives of various social groups, and “lotionophiles” are far from being in the majority on this black list.

Judging by the selection of news on Yandex, only teetotalers and connoisseurs of home-made products are out of danger. You can buy “scorched” vodka, cognac or whiskey online, in a regular store or bar. So, a month ago in Kuznetsk, five people went to the Dead Man's Chest, having tasted “leftist” rum at a party in an entertainment establishment. Police later reported that they confiscated counterfeit alcohol: 1,800 liter bottles of poisonous Bacardi, 4,200 bottles labeled Hennessy. Price and brand are not insurance against counterfeiting.

We can only hope that after the Irkutsk tragedy, law enforcement officers will check not only bath liquids, but also decent-looking drinks. New Year it’s close, and hardly anyone wants to celebrate the first of January in a hospital bed, but this, it turns out, is not the worst option.

Hawthorn is most likely one of the most useful fruits, which grows wild in our latitudes. After all, it simply contains a whole variety of healing substances, for example, these are tannins and pectin substances, now popular flavonoids, and other microelements, and vitamins of groups such as C and PP.

Alcoholic tinctures and liqueurs prepared from hawthorn berries can lower cholesterol levels in the blood and reduce the risk of the formation of atherosclerotic formations in blood vessels, have vasodilating properties. Due to content useful substances Hawthorn berries are recommended for use by people who have hypertension arterial type, they are also used to prevent the formation of blood clots and normalize blood flow. In addition, tinctures and liqueurs from hawthorn should be taken by people who suffer from:

  • Cardiovascular diseases;
  • Atherosclerosis;
  • Disruption of work endocrine system, diseases of the thyroid gland;
  • Gastritis;
  • Diabetes mellitus;
  • Climax;
  • Stress;
  • Insomnia;
  • Neuroses;
  • Dizziness;
  • Increased excitability;
  • Joint disease;
  • Reduced immunity.

In addition, these alcoholic drinks will help you restore strength, get rid of fatigue, improve brain activity, strengthen memory. Now let's look at common technologies for preparing hawthorn liqueur at home.

Hawthorn liqueur recipe

  • 100 g hawthorn berries;
  • 1 tbsp. l. dried hawthorn flowers;
  • 50 g sugar;
  • ½ l vodka

First, you need to pour previously washed, dried berries into a sterilized jar and add alcohol. Then add sugar and hawthorn flowers, stir, close the jar. Leave to infuse for 2 weeks in a cool place. dark place, after the time has passed, strain the drink prepared at home.

That's the whole recipe for making liqueur at home. As for storage, bottle it and put it in the refrigerator. Hawthorn tincture should be taken in moderation, taking into account its potent therapeutic effect.

Dried or dried berries are best suited for making hawthorn liqueur. If you still use fresh berries, then they need to be sorted out, the spoiled ones thrown away, and dried well. The alcoholic base can be vodka, moonshine, diluted ethyl alcohol or inexpensive cognac.

Recipe for liqueur with hawthorn and spices

To prepare you need:

  • 1 l. a jar of dried hawthorn berries;
  • 1 liter of vodka;
  • 2 tbsp. l. honey;
  • Cinnamon;
  • Vanillin.

Vanillin and cinnamon will make our drink richer, tastier, and interesting notes will appear in it. Also adjust the amount of sugar to taste, as you may get caught. sour berries and then you will need to use more sugar or honey.


Place the dried berries in a jar, add honey, vodka, vanillin and cinnamon. Stir, close the lid tightly, place the jar in a warm, dark place for a month, the berries should lighten during this time. Shake once every 2-3 days.

Strain the finished liqueur using gauze, squeeze the berries well. Taste the drink, add honey or sugar if desired, and stir. Pour into bottles and seal tightly.

Recipe for liqueur from rowan and hawthorn fruits

To prepare you will need:

  • Rowan berries – 100 g;
  • Hawthorn berries -100 g;
  • Vodka – 1 l;
  • Sugar – 200 g.


First you need to wash the fruits and dry them well. Then place them in a bottle, pour alcohol or vodka into them and leave for 10-15 days in a cool place, during which time the tincture should lighten. Strain the liqueur, add sugar and leave to brew for another week. After this, you need to place the liqueur in the refrigerator.

Recipe for healing tincture

To prepare you will need:

  • Hawthorn fruits – 100 g;
  • Motherwort herb – 10 g;
  • Common anise herb – 10 g;
  • Chamomile flowers – 10 g;
  • Vodka – 1 l;
  • Sugar – 200 g.


Wash the hawthorn fruits, chop the herbs, place everything in a glass container, fill it with vodka or alcohol, cover with a lid. The tincture must be kept for 7-10 days at room temperature in a dark place. After this time, strain the drink, squeeze it out, get rid of the remaining plants, filter using several layers of gauze. The prepared liqueur at home should turn out transparent.

So if you have the opportunity to collect everything necessary ingredients, then be sure to try preparing this drink at home, because it harmoniously combines benefits and incredible taste and aroma.

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Hawthorn tinctures are associated with pharmaceutical drugs in dark bottles. Not everyone knows that from these berries you can prepare not only medicinal, but also ordinary drinking tinctures. We will consider recipes for a pleasant pastime next.

Berries of any variety (there are more than 300 types of hawthorn) and condition are suitable: dried (preferably), dried or fresh (requires 2 times more than indicated in the recipes). If only the fruits were not spoiled and rotten. The most delicious and beautiful hawthorn tinctures are made from red berries.

The alcoholic base is not of fundamental importance. Store-bought vodka, ethyl alcohol diluted with water to 40-45%, cognac, gin or well-purified moonshine are suitable.

Attention! Even in small doses, hawthorn extract affects the nervous and cardiovascular systems; you should not get too carried away with these drinks.

Classic recipe for hawthorn tincture with vodka

A strong homemade alcohol with a well-balanced, soft taste and pleasant aroma. Another advantage is the simple recipe.


  • vodka (moonshine, alcohol 40-45%) – 1 liter;
  • dried hawthorn berries - 1 glass without a slide;
  • cinnamon – 1 stick (medium);
  • vanillin – 1 pinch (or half a packet of vanilla sugar);
  • honey (sugar) – 1 tablespoon.

1. Place the hawthorn in a jar, fill it with vodka, and seal it tightly.

2. Infuse in a dark room at room temperature for 20-25 days, until the berries become colorless or slightly yellow (lose their original color). Shake the jar every 5-7 days.

3. Filter the finished hawthorn infusion through cheesecloth, squeeze out the berries.

4. Melt honey in a water bath (heating is not required for sugar), mix with vanillin and cinnamon, then add to the infusion. Mix. The amount of sweetener can be changed at your discretion.

5. Close tightly and place in a dark, cool place for 7-10 days.

6. Filter the drink through cotton wool (if desired, to get rid of turbidity), pour into bottles for storage. Shelf life – up to 3 years. Strength – 33-36%.

Homemade hawthorn tincture with rose hips

The addition of rose hips adds a slight sourness to the drink, and galangal makes the tincture slightly bitter with light “cognac” notes.


  • vodka – 0.5 liters;
  • dried hawthorn berries – 2 tablespoons;
  • dried rose hips - 1 tablespoon;
  • ground galangal root - half a teaspoon (optional);
  • sugar – 50 grams;
  • water – 50 ml.

1. Place the berries in a jar, pour vodka, close tightly.

2. Infuse for 30 days in a warm, dark place. Shake once a week.

3. Strain the infusion through cheesecloth, squeeze the berries well (no longer needed).

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