Oval window in the heart. Help from folk remedies at home for this illness. Treatment of open oval window

Many mothers are afraid of the words "open oval window in the heart,” after hearing the diagnosis at a doctor’s appointment. But what is the deviation and does it pose dangers?

Patent foramen ovale (PFO) is the opening between the right and left atria. The hole is temporary and helps saturate the fetus with oxygen needed during embryonic development. All children have such a window, but by the time of birth in in good condition overgrows: there is no need for additional oxygen saturation, because the baby begins to breathe on his own.

Foramen ovale and septal defects

A distinction is made between open foramen ovale and other septal defects. The difference is the presence of a valve that regulates blood flow: the LLC always has a valve, but with a defect there is no valve, but a hole is formed in the septum, noticeable during an ultrasound examination.

Such a window is not considered a heart defect; it is classified as a minor anomaly in the development of the cardiovascular system. In infants, such a deviation should not cause concern, but in older children the anomaly should not lead to complications.

A serious complication is the so-called paradoxical embolism in the case of prolonged non-closure of the window. Emboli are small blood clots, bacteria, bubbles leaking from venous blood into the arterial through the window. Getting into the vessels connecting to the brain, they can provoke a bacterial complication and even a stroke. In the absence of a risk of blood clots in a child, the window anomaly is relatively safe.

Window dimensions

  1. The window size in the region of 2-3 mm is the norm, there is no talk of deviations, and there will be no problems.
  2. Small size - up to 5-7 mm. Windows of 4.5-5 mm are more common. A hole of 7 mm or more is considered large, in other words, gaping, and is treated surgically.
  3. The maximum size reaches 19 mm. According to research, among adults, windows large sizes are much less common.

Closing dates

Normal development of a newborn involves valve closure occurring in the first 3-5 hours of life. Overgrowing of a window in children is a rather long process, requiring from two months to two years. However, there have been cases where the window did not become overgrown for five years, and sometimes throughout life. Therefore, a baby’s window is not yet a reason to worry and begin immediate treatment.

According to statistics, the window is present in 35% of people, and in 6% of them, ultrasound revealed a diameter of more than 7 mm. Of these 6%, half are children under six months old.

Causes and symptoms

The main reasons for the formation of a window:

  • birth of a premature baby;
  • maternal nicotine and alcohol abuse;
  • hereditary abnormalities in the development of the heart and blood vessels.

The window is usually discovered by chance on scheduled inspection from a cardiac surgeon, usually such a deviation is not noticeable severe symptoms. Nevertheless, there is a set of signs that define pathology:

  • cyanosis in newborns - blue discoloration in the area of ​​the nose and lips associated with lack of oxygen;
  • rapid fatigue of the child;
  • inability to exercise, dizziness and loss of consciousness;
  • respiratory discomfort;
  • frequent colds and inflammatory diseases pulmonary system;
  • heart murmurs.

During an ultrasound examination, the doctor may notice an enlargement of the right heart chamber.

Older children with such symptoms are contraindicated for swimming, scuba diving, and some types of exercise that require holding their breath.

How to be treated

Treatment of PFO is not always required: in children under the age of 4-5 years, the window often closes on its own.

Older people should not panic either, but constant medical supervision and regular conducting an ECG and EchoCG. Cardiologists recommend being examined every six months.

  • If a doctor detects a risk of blood clots, treatment under his supervision is recommended, taking special medications that thin the blood. IN similar cases Doctors advise avoiding excessive exercise.
  • Hole size larger than normal required surgical intervention, which consists in introducing a tube with a special “closer” at the end, which completely removes the lumen between the atria.

According to experts, you need to monitor the child’s daily routine, nutrition, and not overload him (including psycho-emotionally). You should stick to protein foods in your diet, eat vegetables and fruits. In addition, you should not run any infections, even the most insignificant ones at first glance. Any failure of the body can potentially affect the functioning of the heart.

The news of such a diagnosis as a patent oval window is alarming, and in some cases frightens people.

What is the peculiarity of this diagnosis and is a patent oval window a pathology?

The essence of the diagnosis

Between the right and left atria there is a wall. There is a gap in it. During the period of intrauterine development of the fetus, this hole is a completely normal and even necessary formation.

Its formation begins approximately 3 weeks after conception. During the ultrasound examination it can be detected as early as 5–6 weeks. Through it there is blood supply between the body of the mother and the fetus.

The process of blood supply to an adult and a fetus has some differences. Haven't yet born child the lungs do not participate in the blood supply. This is compensated by the participation of the pregnant woman’s body in ensuring the blood circulation of the fetus.

At the stage of intrauterine development, the ductus Botallus enters the blood circulation. Through it, the blood flow is directed from the heart to the aorta. In addition, the open oval window is directly involved in the process of blood circulation, through which blood is directed from the right to the left atrium.

After a newborn baby takes his first breath of air, his lungs open, which automatically includes them in the blood circulation. As a result of such changes, the Botal duct and LLC cease to be necessary for the viability of the baby.

Over a period of approximately 1 month to a year, the open oval window is gradually closed by a valve, the halves of which grow to the walls of the window. By the end of the child’s first year of life, a septum is formed at the site of the valve, which separates the right and left atria.

In some cases, the final closure of the patent foramen ovale is completed 5–6 years after birth. There are cases when the open oval window of the heart remains uncovered throughout a person’s life.

Norm and pathology

According to statistics, in approximately 50% of children aged 5–6 years and in 10–20% of adults, the open oval window remains unclosed.

Experts don't think so congenital defect hearts. This is considered a minor pathology of cardiac development (MACD), which distinguishes the anatomy of the heart from its norm, without posing a threat to human health and life.

In 1930, American scientists examined 1,100 patients who were diagnosed with a patent foramen ovale. The results of these examinations showed that in 6% of patients the window size did not exceed 7 mm. Window sizes can vary between 3–9 mm. As a rule, its dimensions do not exceed 4–5 mm.

What determines the size of the hole? According to experts, its diameter is directly dependent on the age of the person, as well as the size of the heart.

The presence of a window in no way means the need for surgical intervention. Only those patients whose degree of compensation is too low require surgery.

The window begins to function only at large physical activity or severe cough. Such problems can arise if the child’s heart grows with age, but the valve does not increase in size.

As a result of this, blood can return from the right atrium to the left, which creates a fairly large load on the heart. In this case, a person may develop various kinds diseases of the cardiovascular system or other systems.

Causes and signs of MARS

The exact reasons for the formation of an open oval window in the interatrial septum are still unknown. But among the factors that can provoke such an anomaly are the following:

  • the woman smoked or drank alcohol during pregnancy;
  • stressful situations of women;
  • influence on the pregnant woman's body negative factors environment;
  • direct contact with toxic substances, etc.

That is why in newborns the presence of an open oval window is paired with other pathologies of heart development or prematurity of infants.


As mentioned earlier, in most patients, a patent foramen ovale may only present with minor symptoms.

For example, if we talk about small children, they may notice a slight cyanosis in the nose or lips or pallor of the skin, which tend to appear in children during screaming (crying) or during heavy physical exertion.

As a rule, such children are prone to frequent colds, and also gain weight too slowly.

In adolescents, during puberty, hormonal changes in the entire body occur. This in turn provokes an increase in the load on the cardiovascular system.

At this time, the open oval window manifests itself as frequent dizziness, fainting states, weakness, irritability. Interruptions in the rhythm of heart contraction can often be observed.

Experts say that if the LLC is not overgrown in the period from 2 to 5 years, most likely the defect will accompany the person for the rest of his life.

Complications and treatment

If the anomaly does not manifest itself in any way in children, they do not need to undergo special treatment. It is enough to periodically conduct a medical examination by specialists. It is advisable to limit the amount of physical activity, follow a daily routine and eat right.

If the pathology manifests itself in the form of minor disruptions in the functioning of the heart or cardiovascular system, the patient may be recommended a course special drugs and vitamins that have restorative effect on the body and directly on the heart itself. Among them are such as Panangin, Elkar, Megne V6, etc.

Surgical treatment of an open oval window is recommended if the symptoms of the window are much stronger and brighter. The patient must be under constant supervision of the attending physician. In addition, he may be recommended a method of endovascular treatment of pathology, which consists of applying a special medical plaster to the window to promote its healing.

In such cases, the patient is also prescribed a course drug therapy, which consists of drugs from such groups as anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents.

When improper treatment congenital unfused OO, which has severe forms its manifestation, there is a risk of developing varicose veins of the lower extremities, myocardial infarction, stroke or cerebral circulatory disorders.

If you follow the recommendations of experts, correct image life, eat a balanced diet, then the risk that an open oval window will remind itself in the form of signs dangerous to health or life is extremely small.

IN modern world Very often parents hear from doctors that their baby has an open foramen ovale in the heart. Just the name of the diagnosis makes you feel uneasy. Parents who are faced with such a diagnosis for the first time may panic. Let's see how dangerous it is this diagnosis? Is this dangerous for the child? What is this, dangerous pathology or a congenital feature?

A patent foramen ovale is an opening between the atria. Its dimensions can reach up to 5 mm. If the hole dimensions exceed 5 mm, then this is already a defect between atrial septum. Thanks to the oval window, blood from the fetal veins flows into the circulation.

After the baby is born, he takes his first breath. The lungs begin to work. Under air pressure (pressure difference), the oval window is closed by a valve. Very often the valve is smaller and is unable to completely close the hole.

The main thing you need to know is that an open oval window in a newborn baby is not a pathology, it is most likely a kind of heart anomaly. In most cases, this anomaly goes away as the child grows up.

No one can name a definite reason for the fact that the oval window in the heart of a newborn is not overgrown. . There are several factors that can influence this:

All these factors can cause the oval window in the child’s heart to not heal.

Symptoms of an open oval window in newborns

In most cases, a patent foramen ovale occurs without symptoms. Sometimes this can only be determined by ultrasound of the heart during a routine medical examination. Therefore, it is very important that parents closely monitored the condition of their child. The slightest deviations and changes in the child’s behavior are a reason to contact a specialist.

What features might there be?, indicating an open hole in the baby’s heart:

When should it close?

The oval window in the heart of a newborn closes for each individual O. For some, complete closure can occur as early as 2 months, for others at 1 year, for others at 2 years, and sometimes it can close even after 5 years. Experts say that there is no reason to worry, that this is normal. If the child does not have any heart disease, then there is no reason to worry.

Closing occurs as follows: the valve gradually grows to the edge of the oval fossa. In 20% of children, the valve does not grow tightly and an open oval window may remain for life.

Very rarely happens that the oval window remains open completely. If closure does not occur, then this is already considered an atrial septal defect. It turns out that the difference is that the oval window has a working valve, but with an atrial septal defect there is no valve.

If you have been diagnosed with an open foramen ovale in the heart, then you need to know that this is not a defect. This diagnosis is classified as minor anomalies of cardiac development. When the child turns three years old, he will be assigned a second health group. What about young people? of military age, then they are fit for military service, only with minor restrictions.


If your child has symptoms described above in our article, then to confirm the diagnosis you need to contact a pediatrician. If a pediatrician detects a heart murmur, he will prescribe an ultrasound ( ultrasonography) hearts. Only with the help of ultrasound can the diagnosis be confirmed or refuted.

When an ultrasound is performed, a valve is clearly visible in the left atrium, which is located in the area of ​​the fossa oval. The hole can be from 2 mm to 5 mm.

During the examination, they determine how much blood moves in the wrong direction and what load is placed on the heart. And experts also determine, whether there are any concomitant heart pathologies (most often, a patent foramen ovale in newborns is accompanied by concomitant cardiac anomalies, and this undoubtedly complicates treatment).


It turns out that an open oval window in a newborn is normal phenomenon. And if it doesn’t close immediately, there’s no need to panic. In most cases, closure occurs before the age of two. For about twenty percent, the window remains open for up to 5 years. And a very small percentage of the population remains with an open window for the rest of their lives.

What to do if the child is 5 years old and the closure has not occurred? The patent foramen ovale in a newborn is very small, so it cannot create an overload of the atrium (overload of the atrium leads to heart failure). It is enough just to observe pediatric cardiologist, undergo an ultrasound scan every year and monitor the baby’s condition.

If a child has complaints, he is prescribed drug treatment. Treatment includes taking cardiotropic drugs . Such drugs help improve myocardial nutrition and also help to better bear loads.

Paradoxical embolism can be a great risk to life. Paradoxical embolism is a condition where emboli enter the left atrium through a patent foramen ovale. And after they have penetrated the left atrium, they enter big circle blood circulation, heading towards the brain. Emboli can cause ischemic stroke. The saddest thing is that no one can predict the penetration of an embolus; it happens suddenly. Most often, embolism occurs in people aged 30 to 40 years.


If the foramen ovale has not closed before the age of five, then constant monitoring by a specialist is necessary. Due to the high risk of complications, each case must be considered individually.

It happens that an open oval window can lead to heart failure and circulatory problems. In such cases, surgery is prescribed. In order not to cut the chest and stop the heart using deep anesthesia, a catheter is installed on right thigh, with the help of which an occluder is delivered through the vessels to the heart. An occluder is a special device similar to an umbrella. When the occluder arrives on site, it opens and closes the hole and the problem in the unclosed oval window disappears.

If a child under the age of 6 months has undergone surgery, then he is prescribed antibiotic therapy. This is done to prevent bacterial endocarditis.


Complications are very rare and are associated with impaired blood flow. These could be strokes, heart attacks. But it is worth saying that such complications can only occur in an adult.

In most cases, this heart anomaly does not harm the child’s health. There are no restrictions for playing sports, except for scuba diving and parachute jumping. When jumping or diving, the pressure changes sharply, and this can lead to the oval window becoming larger and then there will be an atrial septal defect.

There are athletes who have this anomaly and feel great. This does not stop them from playing sports and becoming champions. There are doctors who are inclined to believe that an open oval window is a normal phenomenon.

If your child is diagnosed with an open oval window, then do not despair and be upset. It is enough to simply monitor the baby’s condition and undergo an annual examination.

Open oval window (hole) in the heart: causes, closure, prognosis

According to statistical data, the prevalence of patent foramen ovale (PFO) in the heart differs in different age categories. For example, in children under one year of age this is considered a normal variant, since according to ultrasound, an oval hole is detected in 40% of infants. In adults, this anomaly occurs in 3.65% of the population. However, in people with multiple heart defects, a gaping oval window is recorded in 8.9% of cases.

What is the “oval window” in the heart?

The oval window is an opening with a valve flap located in the septum between the right and left atria. The most important difference between this anomaly is that the oval window is equipped with a valve and is localized directly in the area of ​​the oval fossa of the heart, while with ASD, part of the septum is missing.

location of the oval window in the heart

Blood circulation in the fetus and the role of the oval window

Blood circulation in a fetus occurs differently than in an adult. During the prenatal period, the baby has so-called “fetal” (fruit) structures functioning in cardiovascular system. These include the oval window, the aortic and venous ducts. All these structures are necessary for one simple reason: The fetus does not breathe air during pregnancy, which means its lungs do not participate in the process of saturating the blood with oxygen.

blood circulation and structure of the fetal heart

But first things first:

Immediately after birth, when the newborn takes his first breath, the pressure in the pulmonary vessels increases. As a result, the main role of the oval window to dump blood into the left half of the heart is leveled out.

During the first year of life, as a rule, the valve completely independently fuses with the walls of the hole. However, this does not mean at all that an unclosed foramen ovale after 1 year of a child’s life is considered a pathology. It has been established that the communication between the atria can close later. There are often cases where this process is completed only by the age of 5 years.

Video: anatomy of the oval window in the heart of the fetus and newborn

The oval window does not close on its own, what are the reasons?

The main cause of this pathology is a genetic factor. It has been proven that patent valve disease persists in people with a predisposition to connective tissue dysplasia, which is inherited. It is for this reason that in this category of patients other signs of decreased strength and collagen formation can be found in connective tissue(pathological joint mobility, decreased skin elasticity, prolapse (“sagging”) of the heart valves).

However, other factors also influence non-closure of the oval window:

  1. Unfavorable environment;
  2. Taking some during pregnancy medicines. More often this pathology caused by non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). It has been proven that these drugs cause a decrease in the level of prostaglandins in the blood, which are responsible for the closure of the oval window. However, taking NSAIDs is dangerous late dates gestation, which is the reason why the oval window did not close;
  3. Drinking alcohol and smoking during pregnancy;
  4. Premature birth (this pathology is more often diagnosed in premature babies).

Types of oval window according to the degree of nonfusion

  • If the size of the hole does not exceed 5-7 mm, then usually in such a situation the detection of an oval window is a finding during echocardiography. It is traditionally believed that the valve valve protects against backflow of blood. That is why this option is hemodynamically insignificant and appears only during high physical activity.
  • Sometimes there are cases when the oval window is so large (exceeds 7-10 mm) that the size of the valve is not enough to cover this hole. In such situations, it is customary to talk about a “gaping” oval window, which clinical signs may be practically no different from ASD. Therefore, in these situations the border is very arbitrary. However, if we look at it from an anatomical point of view, then with an ASD there is no valve flap.

How does the disease manifest?

For a small oval window external manifestations may be missing. Therefore, the attending physician can judge the severity of the nonunion.

For children infancy with an open oval window it is characteristic:

Adults with pathology may also experience bluish lips with:

  1. Physical activity that is fraught with an increase in pressure in the pulmonary vessels (long-term breath holding, swimming, diving);
  2. Heavy physical work (weightlifting, acrobatic gymnastics);
  3. For lung diseases ( bronchial asthma, cystic fibrosis, emphysema, pulmonary atelectasis, pneumonia, with hacking cough);
  4. If there are others.

With a pronounced oval hole (more than 7-10 mm), the external manifestations of the disease are as follows:

  • Frequent fainting;
  • The appearance of bluish skin even with moderate physical activity;
  • Weakness;
  • Dizziness;
  • Child's delay in physical development.

Diagnostic methods

It is the “gold” standard and the most informative method for diagnosing this pathology. The following signs are usually detected:

  1. Unlike ASD, when the foramen ovale is open, it is not the absence of part of the septum that is revealed, but only its wedge-shaped thinning is visible.
  2. Thanks to color Doppler ultrasound, you can see “swirls” of blood flow in the area of ​​the oval window, as well as a slight discharge of blood from the right atrium to the left.
  3. Small size foramen ovale there is no evidence of enlargement of the atrial wall, as is typical for ASD.

The most informative is an ultrasound examination of the heart, performed not through the chest, but the so-called transesophageal echocardiography. At this study An ultrasound probe is inserted into the esophagus, as a result of which all the structures of the heart are visible much better. This is explained by the anatomical proximity of the esophagus and the heart muscle. The use of this method is especially relevant for obese patients, when visualization of anatomical structures is difficult.

transesophageal echocardiography is the most informative method identifying LLC

In addition to cardiac ultrasound, other diagnostic methods can be used:

  • An electrocardiogram may show signs of bundle branch block, as well as conduction disturbances in the atria.
  • With a large foramen ovale, changes in the x-ray of the organs are possible chest(slight enlargement of the atria).

How dangerous is the pathology?

  1. People at risk should avoid heavy physical activity, as well as choosing professions such as scuba diver, diver, and diver. It has been proven that in the presence of this pathology, the likelihood of developing it is 5 times greater than among a healthy population.
  2. In addition, this category of people may develop such a phenomenon as. This phenomenon is possible in people with a tendency to in the vessels of the lower extremities. A thrombus that breaks away from the wall of a vessel can enter the systemic circulation through the foramen ovale. As a result, blockage of blood vessels in the brain, heart, kidneys and other organs is possible. If the blood clot is large, it can cause death.
  3. It is important to remember that people with a patent oval window are more likely to develop a disease such as. This is due to the fact that microthrombi can form on the walls of the valve flap.

Methods of treatment and prevention of complications

With a favorable course of the pathology and with a small size of the oval window according to ultrasound of the heart specific treatment not required. However, this category of people should register with a cardiologist and undergo a heart examination once a year.

  • Considering the likelihood of developing thromboembolism, patients at risk should also examine the veins of the lower extremities (with an assessment of the patency of the veins, the presence or absence of blood clots in the lumen of the vessels).
  • When carrying out any surgical interventions in patients with an open foramen ovale, it is necessary to prevent thromboembolism, namely: elastic bandaging of the lower extremities (wearing compression hosiery), as well as taking anticoagulants several hours before surgery. (You need to know about the presence of a defect and warn your doctor).
  • It is important to observe a work and rest schedule, as well as dose physical activity.
  • Sanatorium treatment (electrophoresis with magnesium sulfate has a positive effect).

If there are blood clots in lower limbs these patients require constant monitoring of the blood coagulation system (indicators such as international normalized ratio, activated partial thrombin time, prothrombin index). Also in such a situation, observation by a hematologist and phlebologist is mandatory.

Sometimes patients with a patent foramen ovale show signs of cardiac conduction disturbances according to ECG data, as well as unstable arterial pressure. In such situations, you can take drugs that improve metabolic processes in cardiac muscle tissue:

  1. Medicines containing magnesium (“Magne-B6”, “Magnerot”);
  2. Drugs that improve conductivity nerve impulse(“Panangin”, “Carnitine”, B vitamins);
  3. Drugs that activate bioenergetic processes in the heart (“Coenzyme”).


Surgery may be required if the oval window has a large diameter with blood flowing into the left atrium.

Currently, endovascular surgery has become widespread.

The essence of the intervention is that through femoral vein a thin catheter is installed, which is passed through the vascular network to the right atrium. The movement of the catheter is monitored using an X-ray machine, as well as an ultrasound sensor installed through the esophagus. When the area of ​​the oval window is reached, so-called occluders (or grafts) are inserted through the catheter, which are a “patch” that covers the gaping hole. The only drawback of the method is that occluders can cause a local inflammatory reaction in the heart tissue.

endovascular closure of the oval window in the heart

In this regard, in Lately use BioStar absorbable patch. It is passed through a catheter and opens like an “umbrella” in the atrium cavity. A special feature of the patch is its ability to cause tissue regeneration. After attaching this patch to the area of ​​the hole in the septum, it dissolves within 30 days, and the oval window is replaced by the body’s own tissues. This technique is highly effective and has already become widespread.

Disease prognosis

For oval windows less than 5 mm, the prognosis is usually favorable. However, as mentioned above, a large diameter of the oval hole is subject to surgical correction.

Pregnancy and childbirth in women with the defect

During pregnancy, the load on the heart increases significantly. This happens for several reasons:

  • The volume of circulating blood increases, by the end of pregnancy it exceeds the initial level by 40%;
  • The growing uterus begins to take up most of the abdominal cavity and closer to childbirth it puts a lot of pressure on the diaphragm. As a result, the woman experiences shortness of breath.
  • During pregnancy, the so-called “third circle of blood circulation” appears—placental-uterine.

All these factors contribute to the fact that the heart begins to beat faster, and the blood pressure also increases. pulmonary artery. Because of this, women with this heart abnormality may experience adverse complications. Therefore, pregnant women with this pathology are subject to observation by a cardiologist.

Are young people with a patent foramen ovale accepted into the army?

Despite the fact that in most cases this cardiac anomaly occurs without any clinical symptoms, young people with a patent foramen ovale belong to category B with limited suitability for military service. This is primarily due to the fact that with high physical activity there is a high probability of developing complications.


Due to the development additional methods Research and detection of such anomalies as a patent foramen ovale has increased significantly.

In most cases, this pathology is discovered as an incidental finding during examination. However, patients must be informed that they have an open oval window, and they also need to know about certain restrictions in physical work, as well as in choosing a profession.

The presence of a large foramen ovale, which is essentially an analogue of an atrial septal defect, deserves special attention. In this situation, surgical correction is recommended for patients.

Young parents, as a rule, try to pay as much attention as possible to the health of their children. Hearing any diagnosis, especially one that is somehow related to cardiac activity, many begin to panic, most often due to a lack of understanding of the essence of the problem. The most common anomaly in infants is a patent foramen ovale in the heart. Let's find out what it is and for what reasons it happens.


Open window in the heart of a newborn is an anomaly and can occur due to:

  • prematurity of the baby;
  • connective tissue dysplasia;
  • congenital heart defects;
  • adverse environmental influences.

Did you know? The first heart cell begins to beat in the 4th week of fetal development.

In addition, the mother’s behavior during pregnancy also influences the occurrence of such a problem in the baby:


  • Paralabial area or nasolabial triangle acquire a bluish tint or turn sharply pale when the baby strains, screams, cries, or takes a bath.
  • Frequent manifestations of symptoms of colds and bronchial diseases.
  • The child practically does not gain weight.
  • In older children, the problem also manifests itself in the form of shortness of breath and rapid heart rate during even minor physical activity.

Why didn't it close

The open oval window in a baby should close as it grows (the valve grows to the oval dimple). This can happen immediately or after two or several years.

Important! Every third person has an anomaly for life.

This is due to the fact that as the child grows, his heart also grows, while the valve remains the same size. The oval window does not close tightly, although it should. Thus, blood moves between the atria, loading them. Another reason is diseases that increase pressure in the right atrium. As a result, the window opens slightly and allows blood to circulate unhindered. These diseases include chronic pulmonary disease, vein diseases, etc.


Suspicion of the presence of an open foramen ovale in the heart of a newborn may arise already during auscultation of sounds based on systolic murmurs of varying intensity.

This assumption can be confirmed using diagnostic techniques such as:

  • echo and ECG;
  • radiography.
Invasive and aggressive diagnostics are used only if there is a need for surgical intervention.


If a child is found to have an open oval window that is abnormal in the form of an open foramen ovale, the doctor will decide on a treatment method taking into account the symptoms shown.

If no violations are found, the doctor gives advice on the existing daily routine, exercise and nutrition. If there is an anomaly, but the symptoms are completely absent, the baby is prescribed sanatorium treatment.

It is also recommended to harden yourself and practice physical therapy. In this case, the doctor does not prescribe any medications.
If the symptoms are minor, children are advised to drink and restorative drugs(for example, “Panangin”, “Ubiquinone” and others). In addition, parents should limit physical activity baby and increase the frequency of procedures that strengthen the body.

Important! Do not self-medicate.

With pronounced symptoms, the threat of blood clots and blood discharge between the atria mandatory measure stay under the supervision of a cardiologist or cardiac surgeon. Antiplatelet agents and anticoagulants may also be taken.

In addition, endovascular treatment is used. To prevent endocarditis, it is recommended to take a course of antibiotics. After carrying out all of the above activities, the child continues to live fully, without any restrictions.

Forecast for the future

Children with such a problem can live quite normally, engage in work and social activities. You should avoid extreme sports and other activities that involve increased stress on the circulatory and respiratory systems.

Did you know? The heart can pump from 5 to 30 liters of blood in 60 seconds.

The diagnosis of “patent foramen ovale” is not a death sentence. This anomaly does not prevent the baby from growing and living fully. But do not forget that you need to see a doctor. Do not self-medicate, follow all instructions from a competent doctor.

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