Parvovirus enteritis in dogs. Enteritis in dogs: symptoms and treatment

Parvovirus enteritis in dogs develops as a result of infection of the pet with a virus from the Parvoviridae family. A pet can “catch” it either from an unvaccinated mother or during a walk. Adult animals are less susceptible to this disease, however, if they lack immunity to the causative agent of parvovirus, there is a risk of death. Today we will tell you in detail about the symptoms and treatment of a dog from parvo viral enteritis.

In most cases, a puppy becomes infected from an obviously sick animal.(from the canine family) or from a person who has been ill. Even if the puppy is cured, he still poses a danger to other dogs for a long time. The virus is released into the external environment with feces, urine or milk (in the case of a sick mother). And it remains in excrement for more than ten days. All an animal needs to do is smell or lick the transmission factor and it will become infected.

In addition to animals, humans can also transmit the virus. will bring it into the house on shoes and pet the sick animal. How many dogs get infected at shows or competitions? Small puppies can “catch” the infection from their unvaccinated mother.

It can take about ten days from the moment parvovirus enters the puppy’s body until the first symptoms of enteritis appear. This is called the latent/incubation period. During this time, the pathogen “gains strength”, actively reproduces, increases its “number” before attacking the body. An acute course is most often recorded, chronic enteritis it happens much less often. Usually everything happens very quickly. And if you do not provide veterinary care to your pet in time, then death is too likely.


At the very beginning, the symptoms of parvovirus enteritis in a dog are almost invisible. Only attentive owners notice how the baby’s behavior changes. Puppies that are between two and ten months old are most susceptible. Children become lethargic and their appetite almost completely disappears. The puppy has no time for games. However, not always. Sometimes cases are recorded when the animal remains cheerful, active and eats well.

Body temperature rises. Normally, in a puppy it ranges from 37.5 to 39 degrees. In this case, do not pay attention to the nose. Many people mistakenly believe that if the nose is cold, then the animal does not have a fever. However, remember yourself in a moment of chills. You are cold, you are shaking, your limbs are almost icy, and your temperature is high. The same can happen in animals. Therefore, you need to trust only the numbers on the thermometer. If the indicator is over 39, then go to the veterinarian as soon as possible. Anyway it started inflammatory process, which requires immediate relief.

However, parvovirus enteritis in dogs is not always accompanied by an increase in temperature. Often it remains normal until the pet’s death. Therefore, it is so important to know what other symptoms of enteritis in a dog.

Symptoms of parvovirus enteritis in dogs Manifestation of symptoms
Most clear symptom- this is the arching of a dog when stroking its back The pet tucks its tail and arches. The abdominal area is very painful when palpated. This is due to the fact that the virus infects small intestine. An inflammatory process occurs in it, it swells and becomes painful.

Due to the fact that intestinal inflammation has begun, food digestion is impaired. Vomiting may begin on the first day. You can find pieces of undigested food in it. Gradually the vomit becomes gray and stringy.

Diarrhea The next symptom of enteritis in a dog is watery diarrhea. Its color is initially yellowish, with greenish veins on the surface. These veins are pieces of inflamed intestinal mucosa. The color of the diarrhea changes to bloody. The smell of rot appears. This is due to the fact that the intestines die. The processes develop instantly, which is why chronic enteritis is recorded extremely rarely.
Refusal of food and water. Dehydration. The pet not only stops eating, but also refuses water. Due to constant vomiting and diarrhea, dehydration begins. It's easy to recognize. Visible mucous membranes (in the mouth and eyes) become dry and dull. The cornea also stops shining. If the body becomes dehydrated, the animal will die very quickly.
Abdominal pain Because of inflamed bowel Not only does the dog have pain in his stomach, but also in his stomach. It is very painful for your pet to lie down, so he has to stand constantly. He rests his head on the corner and stands in this position long hours. Death can occur within a day, a maximum of three from the moment the first symptoms of enteritis appear in the dog. This is why it is so important to schedule on time effective treatment enteritis in dogs.
Rumbling in the stomach Sometimes puppy owners report hearing a strong rumbling sound in their baby’s stomach. But there is practically no pain in the stomach. But the animal still refuses food and water. In contrast to the acute course of the disease, in the “chronic” course the appearance of vomiting is noted only on the third or fourth day after the appearance of the first clinical signs. Pulse and breathing increase slightly, death occurs on the fourth or fifth day. The cause is heart failure. With this form there is no diarrhea. Or it appears almost before death.

Is it worth saying that this disease is very serious? If you find 1 or more obvious symptoms of parvovirus enteritis in a dog, you should immediately consult a doctor and begin treatment for the animal.


How to treat parvovirus enteritis in dogs? As you remember from what was written above, the death of an animal can occur either on the first day after the first clinical signs or on the third. Don't put off treating enteritis in dogs until the next day, because tomorrow may never come for your puppy. You should not self-medicate. Required efficient scheme treatment.

Vaseline oil

Be sure to provide peace. The doctor may recommend using Vaseline oil (sunflower oil works somewhat worse) internally or as an enema. This will help coat the intestines. As a result, the virus does not penetrate the walls of the mucous membrane, and the toxic contents of the intestine are not absorbed. Just don't do this unless your vet says it's okay. Don't force feed.

Saline solutions

It is necessary to give saline solutions orally. Pharmacies (including those for humans) are full of powders that are intended for use in case of dehydration. They contain not only salt, but also glucose, as well as trace elements that are necessary to maintain normal osmotic pressure in cells. During vomiting and diarrhea, not only water is excreted, but also sodium and potassium. As a result, the functioning of the heart is disrupted. This solution must be given in small portions and very often (every 10-15 minutes). You can’t solder everything at once. You can give it from a spoon, or you can pour it little by little into your mouth from a syringe (of course, without a needle).

Other drugs

If the animal strong pain, then an antispasmodic will help. For example, no-spa or analgin, but always in solution. There is no point in giving medications by mouth. Either vomiting will begin, or it will simply not be absorbed in the digestive tract due to the contents being removed from the intestines too quickly.

However, you must understand that these drugs are not the primary treatment for parvovirus enteritis in dogs, but only a secondary one that relieves symptoms.

Parvovirus enteritis can be “destroyed” only with the help of a specific serum that contains ready-made antibodies. These antibodies are obtained from the blood of recovered animals. It is impossible to cure a dog without immunoglobulins or serum.


Instead of food, you should give a solution of glucose or ascorbic acid to drink in small portions. This will help maintain vitality. After use specific treatment A veterinarian's supervision is required for another week. Vitamins and antibiotics may be prescribed. An antibiotic will not kill parvovirus, but it will treat a secondary infection. bacterial origin, which complicates the disease, causing additional complications.

Treatment must be carried out as soon as possible to avoid serious complications. Enteritis in dogs will not go away on its own, but it can easily take the life of a puppy. Therefore, do not neglect vaccination. It is necessary to vaccinate both the mother (before pregnancy) and the puppies (after weaning from the nursing mother).

Please note that the article is dedicated specifically to the parvovirus type. There are other types.

Still have questions? You can ask them to our site's in-house veterinarian in the comment box below, who as soon as possible will answer them.

  • Evgenia 08:43 | 24 Mar. 2019

    Hello. Please tell me what could be wrong with the dog. On March 20, diarrhea started, he vomited once, and had to be taken outside often, where the dog would sit down little by little to go to the toilet. The next day, the diarrhea continued, they also took him out often, now the situation is like this that the dog’s feces have a runny consistency, not like water, but runny, but he doesn’t ask to be taken out often. He stopped eating porridge with chicken and beef trimmings about two months ago, and from the table he eats what we eat willingly, sits and begs. Our male is 3, 7 years old, not untied and not castrated, we don’t give any pills, after a walk he becomes overexcited and jumps on his leg imitating sexual intercourse, but yesterday, during the imitation, he splattered the floor with red drops that looked like either blood or ichor. Never before This has never happened. When the dog moves around the apartment, sleeps on the chair, he has a small amount of yellowish-grayish discharge from the genitals. What can happen to the dog, and what to do, please help with advice. Thanks in advance.

  • Ksyu 17:13 | 22 Feb. 2019

    Hello, we bought a 2 month old Beagle puppy. They took it from Moscow without documents for themselves, upon arrival the puppy became worse after eating a little, and diarrhea began. The vet diagnosed parvovirus. An IV and 7 injections I don’t remember which ones I just remember: vitamins, antibiotic, antiviral immunomodulator and something else. In general, the first 2 days after the drips we were weak to eat, the first day we didn’t eat anything at all, the second day we had a Royal Canin gastro teaspoon, but we diluted it with some water and fed it a little at a time, and also gave us a liquid pribiotic 10 ml somewhere. Also a little at a time through a syringe. The puppy sleeps more during the day and is not active in the evening, tries to run around and play, well, as far as this goes, it’s true because he has no strength. Today is the 3rd day of drips and we vomited during the drip, then we’ve been vomiting all day long, well, she’s vomiting, or she’s sneezing, or she’s just drooling a lot with a mixture of blood, she drinks water herself, but we feed her just a little bit, also through a syringe, and we also give her a pribiotic in the evening becoming active. Tell me, is the puppy on the mend? Is there anything else I can do to help the baby?

  • Good day, please help. The dog fell ill with parvovirus. I would like to know about the complications of this disease. The dog does not get to his feet. Even when you help her, her legs still move apart

Viral enteritis is one of the five most common and most dangerous infectious canine diseases. It is called often intestinal viruses, however, in reality, in parallel with damage to the gastrointestinal system, the kidneys, liver, heart and many other organs suffer. The disease must be detected quickly and treatment provided in a timely manner, as the risks of death are very high.

Mechanisms of development of viral enteritis in dogs

The disease affects dogs of absolutely any age and breed - the only difference is the course and likelihood of recovery. Deadly dangerous enteritis It is considered for small puppies 2-14 weeks of age, dangerous for those aged 20 weeks to a year, and relatively non-dangerous and treatable for older dogs. The virus does not have a breed predisposition, but it has been recorded that whippets, Dobermans and East European Shepherds The disease is tolerated much more severely than other breeds.

The group of viral intestinal diseases includes three types of enteritis (depending on the pathogen):

  • rotavirus;
  • coronavirus;
  • parvovirus.

All three species have common routes of infection, the same clinical picture and the same treatment regimens. The fundamental difference is the severity of the disease: parvovirus enteritis, which is considered the most dangerous for dogs and is especially distinguished by veterinary medicine, “wins” this race.

The intensity of the development of the disease is determined by three main factors:

  • the amount of virus that has entered the body and its strength;
  • the health status of the dog during the period of infection;
  • the presence or absence of concomitant intestinal abnormalities.

Viruses in a dog's body target cells during periods of active growth and active metabolism. This is why puppies suffer the most, because... In the first weeks after birth, it is the cells of the heart muscle and intestinal mucosa that are actively dividing. Next, the liver begins to suffer due to age-related inability to neutralize toxins, which enter the blood in large quantities from the breakdown of intestinal cells.

Enteritis is transmitted when a dog comes into contact with the material where it is most abundant - feces and vomit from a sick animal at the moment of sniffing them. The destructive power of enteroviruses is such that just 1 g of vomit or feces at the height of the disease can infect up to a million dogs (according to laboratory data).

A distinctive feature of parvovirus enteritis in dogs is the suddenness of its onset, i.e. the appearance of the disease cannot be associated either with a change in diet and exercise patterns, or with a change in places for walking, or with the presence or absence of stress, etc. Incubation period may range from 1 to 5 (7) days.

The immune system is activated almost immediately, but a sufficient number of antibodies to fight the disease accumulates only by 5-6 days. But this speed of the immune response is not enough compared to the speed of development of clinical signs. Those. there is a chance of survival in animals that, with active treatment therapy, have crossed the line of five to seven days after the onset of the disease.

The mortality rate for rotavirus enteritis is no more than 5%, coronavirus – up to 10%, parvovirus – above 80-85%.

Symptomatic picture of the disease and the rate of its development

All types of enteritis in dogs have exactly the same symptoms - the only difference is the severity of the course and the speed of development of the disease. If the dog is sick with enteritis, then the brightest Clinical signs accompany parvovirus infection.


  • general state of oppression;
  • complete loss of appetite, refusal even of your favorite treat;
  • continuous vomiting with mucus or foam;
  • foul-smelling diarrhea of ​​an unnatural color and often mixed with mucus and blood (from black-yellow to burgundy-red); when examining stool, fragments of exfoliated intestinal mucosa are found;
  • a sharp jump in body temperature to 40-41°C;
  • signs of dehydration;
  • enlargement of the liver and spleen (determined by the doctor upon examination);
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • decrease in the level of leukocytes (visible from the results of a blood test);
  • signs of heart failure (impaired heart rate, shortness of breath, coughing).

The disease has two forms - cardiac and intestinal. Usually intestinal (in adults) or both (in puppies) occurs; separately, signs of myocarditis are very rare (and again only in young dogs).

The first symptoms appear after 1-5 days after the viruses enter the body - refusal even of your favorite food, depression, increased body temperature. 3-20 hours after the first clinic, diarrhea and vomiting appear, which lead to exhaustion and dehydration quite quickly. Signs of general intoxication intensify, causing the animal to die due to dehydration. The dog dies from enteritis on the 3rd, sometimes on the 5th day if there is no treatment timely treatment. IN special cases the animal manages to survive up to 7-9 days - basically everything is decided by age: puppies are very difficult to save. This is the classic enteritis (intestinal) form of the disease.

In the cardiac form, shortness of breath is added to the symptoms, the pulse quickens, but with weak filling (since myocardial function worsens), or tachycardia is noted. Possible slight cyanosis of the mucous membranes (blue discoloration) against the background oxygen starvation fabrics.

Dynamics of development for everyone intestinal infections of a viral nature, regardless of the form, is always rapid - mild malaise and refusal to eat on the first day is sharply replaced by vomiting, diarrhea, visible emaciation and heart failure on the second.

Treatment of enteritis

There is no single ideal cure for enteritis. Held symptomatic treatment in parallel with giving vitamins, as well as medicines to support the heart and liver. Full recovery dogs after clinical recovery takes a decent amount of time. If enteritis is suspected in dogs, treatment at home is pointless and risky!

Differentiation by type of enteritis is not carried out due to the duration of the procedure. laboratory analysis and the rapidity of development of the disease. In any of the cases, treatment is carried out as for parvovirus enteritis, observing the dynamics of the animal’s condition, changes in the clinic along the way and making adjustments according to medicinal drugs during therapy.

Important: enteritis of viral origin should only be treated by a veterinarian under his strict supervision! There are no folk or home methods to combat these diseases, even taking into account the ease of some mild forms!

Treatment is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  • destruction of enteric viruses;
  • removing the animal from dehydration;
  • elimination of vomiting and diarrhea;
  • detoxification therapy;
  • stimulation of immunity;
  • recovery normal operation gastrointestinal system;
  • restoration of normal functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Important: all medications at the beginning of therapy are administered only by intravenous, subcutaneous and intramuscular injections. Frequent vomiting and disturbances in the functioning of the intestines and stomach exclude the possibility of taking drugs orally (through the mouth).

The main goal of treatment is to most effectively support the functioning of all organs and systems of the body until the animal’s own immune forces begin to fight the disease (by 5-6 days, when the production of its own antibodies to fight viruses begins). Considering the rapid dynamics of the development of the disease, literally within a day from the start of treatment the animal will either feel better (which will be a start to recovery), or the animal will die (if the treatment did not bring effective results). But fight for life pet there is always a point!

Etiotropic therapy (antiviral)

The very first medical assistance to block the free circulation and reproduction of enteric viruses in the body. For this purpose, serums, immunoglobulins, interferons and interferonogens are used.

  • Fosprenil(veterinary antiviral drug). A single dose varies according to the dog’s weight: 0.1 ml per weight up to 1 kg; 0.25 ml – up to 5 kg; 0.5 ml – 5-10 kg; 1 ml – 10-20 kg; 1.5 ml – 20-30 kg; 2 ml – over 30 kg. Administered subcutaneously, intramuscularly, orally with a doubling of the dose, and intravenously with a halved dose. Regimen: 1 day - 4 doses every 6 hours, 2-8 days - 3 doses every 8 hours, 9-11 days - 2 doses every 12 hours, 12-15 days - 1 dose daily.
  • Immunofan(a veterinary immunostimulating drug used in combination for the treatment and prevention of various microbial and viral infections). Maintenance dosage – 1 ml once a week for 1-2 months; therapeutic dose– 1 ml once a day (up to 5 injections in total, given every other day). Subcutaneously or intramuscularly.
  • Cycloferon(a mild immunostimulating drug that increases the restoration of cells in the affected mucous membranes - an option for veterinary medicine): the dose varies depending on the weight of the dog: up to 1 kg - 0.8 ml/kg; up to 2 kg - 0.4 ml/kg; up to 5 kg - 0.2 ml/kg; 6-12 kg - 0.15 ml/kg; up to 25 kg - 0.12 ml/kg; 26-40 kg - 0.10 ml/kg; over 40 kg - 0.08 ml/kg. Administered intravenously, subcutaneously and intramuscularly on days 1, 2, 4, 6, 8. In acute cases, it can be combined with globulins, serums and interferons.
  • Anti-enteroviral serums(sources of ready-made antibodies against enteroviruses. Always used in combination with vitamins, antibiotics and other therapeutic and supportive drugs). Dose for dogs up to 5 kg – 2-3 ml, over 5 kg – 5-6 ml (based on serum concentration according to the instructions for the drug).

Pathogenetic treatment

This treatment of an animal includes a whole range of additional therapies:

  • rehydrating,
  • detoxification,
  • symptomatic.

Rehydration therapy

is aimed at removing the body from a state of dehydration. In this condition, the use of any medications is considered absolutely ineffective. Rehydration solutions restore alkaline balance blood and contain the necessary salt set of elements. Administered intravenously by stream or drip. Sometimes subcutaneous administration in small doses is allowed. All solutions must be brought to body temperature (38-40°C) and administered (dripped) until the dog begins to drink on its own without vomiting. Afterwards, it is recommended to pour small doses into the mouth several times a day.

  • Ringer-Locke solution. Dose 10-20 ml for each kg of animal weight.
  • Trisol. Dose 7-10% of body weight.
  • Rehydration mixture: 200 ml of saline solution + 20 ml of 40% glucose solution + 4 ml of 5% ascorbic acid solution. Dose: 30-100 ml/kg body weight once a day, depending on the general resistance of the animal’s body.


This is a set of measures aimed at removing toxic products from the body from viral processes and cellular breakdown of the intestinal mucous membranes. Often combined with hepatoprotective drugs.

  • Hemodez(a pronounced detoxifier that binds toxins and removes them through the kidneys). Dose: 5-10 ml/kg body weight 1-2 times a day until signs of general intoxication subside.
  • Sirepar(a veterinary drug with a pronounced hepatoprotective and detoxifying effect). Dose: 2-4 ml once a day until signs of intoxication disappear. Slowly intramuscularly or intravenously.
  • Hydrolysine(replenishes proteins in the body, removes toxins). Administered subcutaneously, intramuscularly or intravenously in a mixture with saline. Dose: 5-15 ml for 3-5 days.

Symptomatic therapy

is aimed at general maintenance of the body, as well as eliminating common clinical symptoms that accompany the disease.

  • Antiemetic drugs:
    • Cerucal. Dose 0.5-0.7 ml up to 3 times a day. Do not use on small puppies or pregnant bitches. Continuous use should not exceed three times a day for 7 days.
    • Cerenia(Serenia is an antiemetic veterinary drug specifically for dogs). Dose: 1-2 mg/kg. Administered only subcutaneously.
  • Hemostatic drugs (if blood is detected in stool or vomit).
    • Vikasol(a hemostatic drug that increases blood clotting - synthetic analogue vitamin K). Dose: 1-2 mg/kg body weight once a day for 3-5 days for general medical therapy. Intramuscularly.
    • Etamzilat(veterinary hemostatic agent of capillary direction). Dose: 10-12 mg/kg. Intramuscularly.
  • Cardiovascular support:
    • Sulfocamphocaine (heart drug stimulating the heart). Dose: 1-2 ml once a day for a month. Not prescribed for puppies. It is not possible if heart failure is manifested by tachycardia.
    • Cordiamine(a cardiac drug used for weak heart function). Dose: 0.1 ml/kg intramuscularly or up to 3 drops orally.
    • Riboxin(cardiodrug that improves nutrition and oxygen supply to the heart muscle). Dose: 5-10 mg/kg every 12 hours for two weeks.
  • Antibacterial drugs are prescribed for prolonged elevated temperature and suspicion of secondary infection:
    • Cefazolin(cephalosporin antibiotic wide range impact). Dose: 5-10 mg/kg, dissolved in water for injection. The interval between injections is 6-8 hours daily for 5-7 days.
  • Probiotics for recovery intestinal microflora, prescribed when the animal's appetite returns.
    • Bioprotectin(hepatoprotector + probiotic). Dose: 1 capsule. for weight up to 5 kg, 2 caps. – 5-10 kg, 4 caps. – more than 10 kg. Course – 23 days. Mix the contents of the capsules into food or drink.
    • Bactoneotime(probiotic to normalize digestion). Dose: 1 tablet/10 kg weight big dog, ½ tab. puppies. It is crushed, mixed with water and given half an hour before feeding twice a day.

Feeding during the recovery period

You can start feeding a sick animal once vomiting has been stopped and brought under control. Feeding should be strictly dietary and in small fractional portions.

Important: it is forbidden to try to force feed the dog - only after the appearance of a natural appetite and the cessation of vomiting!

You can use special ready-made dietary complexes, or you can create a diet yourself. Frequent crushed feeding should be maintained for at least a month.

  • limit carbohydrate foods;
  • introduce the first week dairy products(yogurt, cottage cheese, kefir);
  • low-fat and weak chicken broth is allowed;
  • a week or two after the appearance of appetite, you can introduce boiled meat;
  • later the introduction of mucous porridges on water into the diet;
  • You can gradually introduce boiled vegetables.
  • any sausages;
  • spices;
  • flour and sweet;
  • fatty meat or fish products;
  • bones.

You will have to pay close attention to your dog's diet. for a long time, because one of the consequences of contracting viral enteritis is long-term disruption to work gastrointestinal tract. See also do's and don'ts.

Preventive measures

Prevention of enteritis in dogs is carried out only by vaccination - mono- or polyvalent vaccines. Even after recovery from the disease, immunodeficiency states are possible, in which recurrent disease perhaps even in a short time. The risk of getting sick in a vaccinated dog is only 4-5%, the course of the disease is several times weaker, and mortality tends to zero.

Vaccination schedule:

  • 1st: at 4-6 weeks of age, vaccine for puppies;
  • 2nd: at 8 weeks with an “adult” vaccine;
  • 3rd: revaccination with an “adult” vaccine 3-4 weeks after the 2nd injection (11-12 weeks);
  • 4th: at 6-8 months (approximately after changing teeth) planned;
  • 5th and all subsequent: annual - recommended 11 months after each previous one.

Only clinically healthy animals that were dewormed 2 weeks before vaccination are subject to vaccination.

Important: it is forbidden to vaccinate bitches during estrus and during pregnancy. After birth, adult dogs are vaccinated along with the 2nd vaccination of puppies (at 12 weeks).

Due to the fact that parvovirus enteritis is mortal danger for small puppies, you need to follow some more preventive measures to reduce the risk of infection:

  1. Unvaccinated puppies should not be allowed to free-range.
  2. Unvaccinated puppies should not be visited in shoes and clothes that were worn outside.
  3. Before petting the puppy, hands should be washed after going outside.
  4. Before allowing a nursing bitch to see her offspring after a walk, you need to wash her belly and paws.
  5. Do not allow small puppies to be squeezed by guests and strangers who come to the house - most often enteritis is brought in precisely from such visits.

The most commonly used vaccines for the prevention of viral enteritis

There are a huge number of all kinds of poly- and mono-vaccines against viral enteritis. It is more convenient to use polyvaccines. However, a complex vaccine preparation also has a corresponding cost, so the use of monovaccines is also justified.

The most commonly used vaccines are:



Nobivaka multivaccine preparation that includes viral enteritis. Immunity – 12-14 months.

Production: Netherlands.

Price: 200-310 rub.

Multikanpolyvaccine with enteritis. Immunity is created in 2-3 weeks and lasts up to 12 months.

Production: Russia.

Price: 210-400 rub.

Biovac– polyvaccine along with enteritis. An intense immune response is created for up to 1 year.

Production: Russia.

Price: 260-410 rub.

Euricana complex vaccine that includes viral enteritis. Maintains immune response for up to 12 months.

Manufacture: France.

Price: 350-490 rub.

Asteriontwo-component polyvaccine for dogs, including several diseases, including viral enteritis. Provides immunity: in adult dogs for 12-15 months, in young animals – up to 8 months.

Production: Russia.

Price: 150-300 rub.

Enteritis of viral origin is a rather dangerous and difficult to treat disease in dogs. If your pet loses its appetite and develops diarrhea, you should immediately consult a veterinarian. Timely diagnosis and proper treatment therapy are a guarantee of saving the animal’s life.

Parvovirus enteritis(parvovirus enteritis canine) is an acute contagious disease accompanied by vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration and myocardial damage.

The disease was first reported in the United States and Canada in 1978. Since 1980, parvovirus enteritis has been reported in Europe and other countries.

The causative agent of the disease- Parvovirus - belongs to a group of DNA-containing small viruses of the Parvoviridae family, found in various animals. Some of them are non-pathogenic and play a minor role in etiology, others can cause panleukopenia in cats and enteritis in minks. Despite the antigenic relatedness of the pathogens, these infections are not transmitted to dogs. They are cultivated in dog kidney cells and mink lungs without causing a cytopathic effect. The viruses have hemagglutinating activity against erythrocytes of pigs and cats.

Parvoviruses are resistant to physical influences, can withstand heating at 60 °C for 1 hour, resistant to pH 3.0. When frozen, they are viable for up to a year, and at room temperature - up to 6 months.

Epizootological data. Dogs of all breeds are susceptible to parvovirus enteritis. A high incidence is noted among puppies aged 1-5 months. The source of the infectious agent is sick dogs and virus carriers, which release the virus into the external environment with feces, vomit, saliva and urine. Infection of healthy animals occurs mainly through nutritional routes through contact with infected objects. external environment, usually through the mouth.

Events involving large gatherings of dogs, especially puppies, contribute to the rapid spread of infection. Even after the virus has ceased to be excreted from the body, dogs can remain a carrier of the infection for 4 months, since the virus remains in the fur. Mortality ranges from 40 to 80%.

Pathogenesis. The virus, having entered the body, multiplies in epithelial tissues intestinal crypts, causing their lysis. The intestinal mucosa is shed and is found in the intestinal contents. The virus then spreads through the blood and lymph throughout the body and enters parenchymal organs, muscles and other tissues. Puppies develop leukopenia and myocarditis.

Course and symptoms. The incubation period is from 3 to 10 days. The disease occurs lightning fast or acutely. There are cardiac, intestinal and mixed forms of the disease.

The cardiac form of the disease is rare, occurring mainly in puppies between 3 weeks and 7 months of age from non-immune mothers. Parvovirus along with dysfunction digestive tract often affects the heart muscle. Such patients develop sudden weakness and death occurs within 24 hours.

With lightning current intestinal form puppies aged 6-10 weeks experience a loss of strength and die within a few hours without showing signs of enteritis.

The acute course is characterized by anorexia, then vomiting with mucus appears and diarrhea develops after 6-24 hours. Feces are initially gray or yellowish-gray, often mixed with blood, with a strong foul odor. Body temperature rises to 39.5, sometimes to 40-41 °C. Vomiting and diarrhea quickly lead to dehydration.

By palpation it is easy to establish tension abdominal wall, dogs moan, intestinal motility is increased. Animals quickly lose weight, their skin becomes dry, and their fur becomes dull.

A characteristic feature of canine parvovirus enteritis is leukopenia, which is noted in the first 4-5 days after the onset of the disease. The number of leukocytes decreases to 300-2500 with a norm of 6-12 thousand in 1 mm of blood.

Pathological changes. When autopsying dog corpses, hemorrhagic inflammation of the mucous membrane of the small and large intestines is discovered. The spleen is enlarged. Mesenteric lymph nodes are swollen and enlarged. During histological examination, necrotic changes in the crypt epithelium are noted in the intestine, lymphoid tissue, Peyer's patches, lymph nodes, thymus, intranuclear inclusions are sometimes found in the cytoplasm of enterocytes. In the cardiac form, dilatation of the valves, pulmonary edema, signs of acute hepatitis and oscitis are observed.

Diagnosis. Epizootic, clinical data, pathomorphological changes and the results of virological, serological and histological studies are taken into account. Detection of the virus can be carried out using electron microscopy in fresh feces from sick animals. To isolate the virus in feces, RGA is also used, followed by its identification in RTGA or passage in a kitten kidney cell culture. Serological diagnosis based on a study of paired dog blood sera in the RTGA.

Differential diagnosis. Canine parvovirus enteritis must be differentiated from distemper, infectious hepatitis, carono and rotovirus infections, poisoning, as well as helminthic infestations.

Treatment of parvovirus enteritis in dogs

As a specific treatment, a serum against plague and parvovirus enteritis is used, a polyvalent hyperimmune serum against plague, parvovirus infections and hepatitis of carnivores in a dose for dogs with a body weight of up to 5 kg - 3 ml, for dogs with a large weight - 5 ml. At in serious condition The serum is administered to the animal repeatedly at intervals of 12 hours. Active dehydration and detoxification therapy is carried out with a 10-12% glucose solution at a dose of 20-60 ml per 1 kg of animal weight per day. It is administered intravenously by drip, and in desperate situations - slowly in a stream. To replenish lost salts, solutions of potassium and calcium are prescribed in a ratio of 2:1 or 3:1. You can use the drug hemodez, after diluting it 2-3 times isotonic solution sodium chloride or 5-10% glucose solution. No-shpu, baralgin, papaverine are used as antispasmodics intravenously or intramuscularly at intervals of 3-4 hours. When the pulse is not higher than 140 beats per minute, a 0.1% solution of atropine works well in a dose of 0.3-1 ml per 10 kg weight of the animal subcutaneously, intramuscularly or intravenously at intervals of 3-12 hours.

To correct myocardial damage, cardiac glycosides (corglucon, digoxin) are administered intravenously. To prevent secondary infection, after relieving vomiting, a course of antibiotic therapy is administered (per 1 kg of body weight): chloramphenicol 50 mg 3-4 times a day for 5-9 days; neomycin 15-30 mg 2 times a day for 4-5 days. Treatment for puppy myocardial syndrome is ineffective.

When treating puppies and young dogs, antibiotics have a good effect: gentamicin, penicillin, streptomycin, ampicillin; adult dogs - bicilin-3. Trimerazine, meclozine, tetramon are used as anti-vomiting and antispasmodics, and in initial stage diseases - 3-5 drops of iodine tincture per 100 ml of water.

Palatine tonsils should be treated with a 1% solution methylene blue, rinse the gastrointestinal tract with a solution of potassium permanganate 1:1000. At the first signs of illness, a fasting diet for up to 1.5 days is recommended. Treatment regimens may vary for both puppies and dogs.

When treating puppies, the following regimens are used with good effect:

  • orally 3 times a day Allahol - 1 tablet, Eleutherococcus tincture - 5 ml, Intestopan and Vikalin - 1 tablet each; subcutaneously 2 times a day, 10 ml of 0.9% sodium chloride solution; intravenously once a day 20 ml of 40% glucose solution; 1 ml solution ascorbic acid, 15 ml hemodez; intramuscular penicillin - 100 thousand units - 3 times a day, no-spa - 1 ml once a day, gammaglobulin - 1 ml with an interval of 1 day, but not less than three injections, blood serum of adult animals - 0.5-1 ml one once every 10 days, vitamins B 1 and B 12 - 1 ml and liquid aloe extract - 1 ml once a day. In addition, it is necessary to apply iodine grid in the abdominal area, do a warm wrap and enemas with furatsilin or flaxseed decoction;
  • orally tetraolean - 0.5 g twice a day, trimerazine - 2 tablets twice a day, allochol - 2 tablets three times and vitamin C - 0.03-0.01 g once a day; intramuscular vitamin B ]2 - in the usual dose daily, bicillin-3, 600 thousand units twice, anti-measles gamma globulin - 1-2 ml once a day three times during the course of treatment;
  • in the first two days, with an interval of 5-6 hours, enemas are given with a warm solution of potassium permanganate 1:1000 or ichthyol. Dairy feed is excluded from the diet of sick animals, and a decoction of St. John's wort is given daily - 50-200 ml. The course of treatment is designed for 6-7 days.

When treating young dogs, the most effective regimens are:

  • starvation diet - 1 day, oral dicamine ointment - 1 g, mepatar - 0.5 g, aloe juice - 1 tbsp. spoon, sunflower oil - 50 g; intravenous polyglucin - 200 ml, prednisolone - 60 ml (in one syringe); intramuscular vitamins B 1, B 2, B 6, B 12;
  • fasting diet, washing the gastrointestinal tract with a solution of potassium permanganate 1:1000, orally methenamine - 0.5 g 3 times a day; subcutaneous casein hydrolyzate - 200 ml once every 3 days; intramuscular bicillin - 3-600 thousand units once a day. With single vomiting and severe diarrhea, a good therapeutic effect is observed from the use of decoctions of St. John's wort, plantain, yarrow, and horse sorrel;
  • sulgin orally - 1 g once a day. Biomycin - 0.5 g per dose, potassium-aluminum alum - 0.1 g twice a day, 40% glucose solution - 100 ml once a day; subcutaneous heterologous immune serum - 40 ml once; intramuscular no-spa - 2 ml once a day, penicillin - 500 thousand units, subsequently 250 thousand units once a day;
  • fasting diet for up to 1.5 days, orally saline or weak tea - up to 1.5 liters per day; intramuscularly once a day no-spa -2 ml and bicillin-3 - 600 thousand units. Suprapleural novocaine blockade(according to Mosin), in the first 3 days dairy feed is excluded from the diet.

In the last two regimens, the dosage of the drug is designed for dogs weighing 30-40 kg. In the best way the use of drugs is their administration in a total volume together with plasma expanders. Based on this, drugs are selected long acting, go well with each other.

WITH therapeutic purpose It is recommended to use Kinron: for dogs weighing up to 15 kg - one dose twice a day, from 15 to 40 kg - one dose 3 times a day, from 40 kg and more - 1 dose 4-5 times a day; then a break for 2-3 days and again according to the indicated scheme during the day. The use of kinorin reduces mortality in animals from 90 to 40%.

Immunity. Dogs that have naturally recovered from the disease develop strong immunity lasting at least three years. For specific prevention use inactivated and live culture vaccines against feline panleukopenia and canine parvovirus enteritis, Hexakanivac and Multikan-6. When immunizing dogs inactivated vaccines The duration of immunity does not exceed 6 months, and after vaccination with live virus vaccines, immunity lasts up to a year.

Prevention and control measures. General prevention for parvovirus enteritis is not to bring it into safe settlements dogs from disadvantaged areas. All newly received dogs must be quarantined for 30 days. When organizing exhibitions, competitions and other events, dogs must first be subjected to a veterinary examination. Strictly follow the rules of feeding and keeping animals. Regularly carry out preventive disinfection of premises, care items and equipment. For disinfection, 2-3% solutions of sodium hydroxide or formaldehyde are recommended. WITH for preventive purposes It is necessary to promptly vaccinate dogs against parvovirus enteritis. On dysfunctional economy impose a restriction. Control measures include isolating sick dogs, disinfecting areas where they are kept with a 1% solution of formaldehyde, sodium hydroxide or chloramine, complete feeding, sufficient vitamin content in the diet. The restriction on a dysfunctional service dog kennel is lifted 40 days after last case recovery and death of a sick dog and final disinfection.


Every owner loves their dog, worries and cares about its health. Unfortunately, our smaller friends are subjected to various diseases often. To protect them from diseases and their consequences, you need to know the main signs and methods of their treatment. Consider enteritis in dogs . The knowledge gained will protect you from many troubles.

Characteristic features of enteritis

Viral enteritis belongs to the group of infectious diseases that cause, which is included in the list of the five most common in dogs.

It is relatively new, but has very high level mortality , the death statistics are almost equal to. In our regions, this disease was first noticed in the eightieth year of the last century.

At the first flash natural immunity had not yet been developed, which caused massive deaths of animals. Relatively for dogs young, on average from two to nine years old, the infection is deadly. The most severe complications are observed in puppies.

Puppies are most susceptible to severe complications.

Enteritis primarily provokes disruption of the heart, kidneys, and other internal organs.

Genetic predisposition

Certain breeds do not have a genetic predisposition to it, but Doberman Pinschers, Whippets and East European Shepherds are less susceptible to the disease than others.

Doberman dogs have genetic predisposition to illness.

This problem is dangerous for dogs of any age and breed. But it practically does not affect other animals, and does not pose any threat to people.

Characteristic signs and symptoms of enteritis in dogs

Approximately ten hours after the virus enters the body, four to five times a day.

A dog's diarrhea begins approximately 10 hours after exposure to the virus.

Coronavirus and rotavirus enteritis

With enteritis, the dog begins to drink a lot of water.

Parvovirus enteritis provokes a decrease in the dog’s temperature to 37.5 degrees.

In this case, the pet defecates very often with at intervals of twenty or forty minutes. Fecal discharge occurs in a sharp stream, sometimes over a distance of up to a meter, and has Strong smell, brown or green color and watery texture. There are pieces of skin and small tubes in the stool. Vomiting occurs every half hour.

The disease most affects the intestines, destruction of the mucous membrane occurs, its exfoliated particles can be released along with feces. Because of this, a larger volume of cells disintegrate and release toxins that damage the walls of blood vessels. Which in turn provokes the movement of fluid into the walls and cavity of the intestine, increasing its size. On damaged intestinal surfaces, active proliferation of microbes occurs, which provoke intoxication of the entire body. The virus can travel through the blood to everything internal organs, including the heart, destroying it.

After twelve hours, the intensity of the attacks decreases and they occur less frequently. The temperature drops from forty to thirty-seven and a half degrees. After five days, the body produces a considerable amount of antibodies in order to bind viruses. But by this time, most of the pathogens have already moved to the intestines and heart. Therefore, antibodies often do not have time to get to their localization sites, because the body’s protective function is significantly inferior to infection in the rate of development.

Risk of death

The most life-threatening periods are from the second to the fifth day, from the seventh to the twelfth.

2-5 days has high risk lethal outcome.

It is at this time that the risk of death is high. Even with high-quality and timely delivery medical care high percentage of animal deaths: rotavirus enteritis - less than five percent, coronavirus - up to ten. The most dangerous is the parovirus type of the disease. The mortality rate for its victims is more than eighty percent.

Causes and routes of infection

The causative agents of the enteritis virus are transmitted through sick individuals; the main source in large cities is stray dogs that do not have proper care and living conditions.

Stray dogs are carriers of the enteritis virus.

They are excreted in feces and vomit, in which they can persist for more than one day even at zero temperature. Viruses are quite tenacious, they do not change their structure even at sixty degrees of heat, they die only when exposed to direct sunlight.

Transfer methods

Dogs that have been stressed are especially vulnerable to the disease.

There are two ways of transmitting viral enteritis: contact and non-contact.

The first involves direct contact with an infected animal or carrier. In the process of sniffing and licking them, you can become infected. But pathogens are also transmitted through food or water, care items, and bedding.

Treatment of enteritis includes restoring the dog's immunity.

All types of enteritis have significant differences from each other. But the process of combating them has a number of general directions:

  • destroy the causative agent of the virus;
  • restore the required amount of fluid;
  • cleanse the body of toxins;
  • restoration of immunity;
  • restore proper functioning of the digestive system;
  • maintaining heart function.

Stages of treatment

Catozal is a drug used to fight infection.

  1. The first stage of treatment must be carried out veterinarian , because the infection can only be overcome by introducing special drugs into a vein. After all, due to a large loss of fluid, other injections will not be absorbed.
  2. Used to fight infection serum or immunoglobulin containing antibodies . But they are not administered intravenously. They often resort to the use of catozal, erbisol and other agents that stimulate the immune system. Intravenous administration of a salt solution (disol, trisol, quartosol), as well as glucose. Which solution and its concentration is prescribed by the doctor, based on the dog’s condition. Glucose is used only in the form of a five percent solution.
  3. Toxins are eliminated by hydrolysine and its analogues . In this case, it is necessary to use substances that support the functioning of the liver (glutargin), because it is the liver that is involved in the treatment of intoxication. There are also medications that provide complex treatment. For example, taking polyoxidonium or lycopidium guarantees the removal of toxins and increased immunity.
  4. Metoproclamide helps stop vomiting . The main danger lies in the rapid development of microbes in the affected areas of the intestine. This problem can only be eliminated with antibiotics. In this case, it is necessary to include in the course of treatment the use of enterosgel, oak bark extract or flax seeds. They have an enveloping and bonding effect. But you can start intestinal rehabilitation only from the second day of infection.
  5. Love and attention to him will help save the life of your pet after suffering from enteritis. . Protect the animal from any stress and increased physical activity. The pet will need to comply strict diet, apply vitamins.

And most importantly, remember that you are responsible for the life of your dog; if at least one of the symptoms appears, immediately contact a veterinarian.

Video about enteritis in dogs

Despite the fact that all owners of dogs (cats, hamsters, fish and other pets) dream that their pets will grow up healthy, strong and cheerful, unfortunately, sooner or later they are faced with animal diseases.

Some of them respond well to treatment and do not leave serious consequences after recovery. Others are very severe, difficult to treat and often lead to fatal outcome. One of these terrible diseases is parvovirus enteritis in dogs. Symptoms, treatment, necessary help animal - this is what every person who has a four-legged friend in their home should know.

What is parvovirus enteritis?

Highly contagious (infectious), acute and severe viral disease, which is characterized by high animal mortality, is brief characteristics parvovirus enteritis. Enteritis of dogs of the second type, the most common in our country and the USA, has synonymous names: infectious enteritis, parvovirus infection, canine parvovirus.

Penetrating into the animal’s body, the virus attacks cells, usually the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, immune blood cells(neutrophils and lymphocytes), which naturally causes a weakening of the immune system. More often, parvovirus enteritis in dogs is observed in young animals - puppies from six to twenty weeks, as well as in older individuals. These are the ones age groups most weak immunity to this dangerous virus.

Parvovirus enteritis is very often complicated by the cardiac form. Even after complete cure the animal may still have the consequences of parvovirus enteritis. They can remain until the end of the dog’s life as a consequence of development acute inflammation heart muscle (myocarditis).

Parvovirus enteritis of carnivores is not transmitted to humans and people are not carriers of the virus.

Characteristics of parvovirus enteritis

Although the nature of this canine virus has not yet been precisely studied, there is an assumption that it originated from panleukopenia, a feline virus. It is a single-stranded DNA virus, non-enveloped, resistant to most disinfectants, and to a wide range of pH and temperature.

The virus retains its ability to infect at room temperature in a room for at least sixty days. Outdoors, when protected from direct sun rays and drying, it is completely viable for years.

Types of enteritis

Veterinary virologists today distinguish two types of parvovirus enteritis, which can affect dogs:

  • CPV 1 - the first type.
  • CPV 2 is the second type.

CPV2 causes the most severe disease and affects not only domestic dogs, but also wild canids. Parvovirus enteritis in dogs of the second type can have the following varieties:

  • classic CPV-2.
  • CPV-2a.
  • CPV-2b.
  • CPV-2c.

2a and 2b are antigenic models that have quite a lot of similarities not only with each other, but also with classical CPV-2. Variant 2c has a unique antigenic pattern that distinguishes it significantly from other types. Moreover, any parvovirus enteritis in dogs has similar symptoms.

Differences in the 2c model have long led virologists to believe that vaccinating dogs is not effective in this case. However, recent studies have shown that the current vaccine against canine parvovirus enteritis based on the 2b virus provides the necessary level of protection against 2c.

What dog breeds are most susceptible to enteritis?

It must be repeated that puppies between six weeks and six months of age are especially vulnerable to this virus if they have not been vaccinated at all or if the vaccination process was not carried out on time. For the health of the puppy, vaccination of the mother is of great, and sometimes even decisive, importance. The following breeds are most at risk of contracting parvovirus:

  • Doberman;
  • English Springer Spaniel;
  • Rottweiler;
  • American Pit Bull Terrier;
  • German Shepherd;
  • American Staffordshire Terrier;
  • Labrador Retriever.

By receiving colostrum, puppies born from a timely vaccinated mother are quite well protected from dangerous virus for the first few weeks of life. But over time, the young animal's susceptibility to infection increases as the effect of the antibodies obtained from the mother's milk weakens.

Parvovirus enteritis in puppies can develop due to weakened immunity caused by stressful events: malnutrition, weaning of sisters and brothers from the litter and other unfavorable factors. Among adult animals older than six months, males who have never known females are most often affected. In older dogs over seven years of age, parvovirus actively develops due to age-related weakening of the immune system.

Parvovirus enteritis: forms and symptoms of the disease

"Multikan-6" - except listed diseases, this composition includes the prevention of leptospirosis.

If you had a dog in your house that was sick viral infection, then before purchasing a puppy, thoroughly disinfect the entire apartment, quartz each room for an hour and do not bring the puppy into the house for a month. To prolong immunity and protect the puppy from possible infection with a viral infection, at one and a half months he will need serum against parvovirus enteritis.

A serum should be administered that will extend the puppy’s immunity to three types of infections for two weeks: plague, hepatitis and enteritis. This polyvalent serum is obtained from the blood of horses that have been hyperimmunized with strains of canine parvovirus, canine distemper virus, and canine adenovirus serotype 2. It is a clear light yellow liquid. Sometimes it has a reddish tint. The product is recommended for subcutaneous injections.

When storing whey, a small gray-white precipitate may appear, which is easily broken when shaken into a uniform suspension. The serum is available in glass bottles with a capacity of ten milliliters. It is administered under the supervision of a veterinarian, since the effect of prolonging immunity can only be achieved if vaccination was carried out absolutely healthy puppy. If you administer it to a baby who has signs of illness, which an inexperienced dog breeder may not be aware of, the effect may be the opposite: the picture of the disease will be blurred, since the serum has therapeutic effect. The disease will take on a latent form and as a result may lead to the death of the animal.

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