Quail eggs - benefits and harm for women, men, children. Properties of raw, boiled eggs, shells. Recipes. The benefits of quail eggs for the human body

Raw quail eggs

Quail eggs are considered the healthiest. Quails do not suffer from salmonellosis, which means their eggs cannot be contaminated. Therefore, quail eggs can be eaten raw. But are they safe for the body or can they bring more than just benefits?

The benefits and harms of raw quail eggs

More benefit or harm?

The benefits of raw quail eggs cannot be underestimated. After all, they do not undergo heat treatment. Consequently, all vitamins and microelements are preserved in them. But for some people they can be dangerous.

First of all, drinking quail eggs raw is not recommended for people with liver disease and atherosclerosis. They contain a large number of cholesterol, which causes blood clots to form.

Children should be careful when introducing quail eggs into their diet. They should not be offered until one year of age.

There is a myth that you can rejuvenate your body by several years by eating 300 raw quail eggs. But from such a quantity you can only get serious violation digestion with signs of poisoning.

In addition, people with individual intolerance should absolutely not eat quail eggs. In other cases, they will bring enormous benefits to the body in any form.

They are especially useful for people who do heavy lifting. physical work and sports. They are very nutritious due to their high calorie content and balanced composition amino acids. They are recommended to be included in the diet of people with weakened immune systems and living in regions with polluted ecology.

Thanks to a large set of vitamins and minerals, quail eggs can provide therapeutic effect for a number of diseases:

  • eye diseases;
  • pneumonia;
  • migraine;
  • hypertension;
  • diabetes;
  • digestive disorders and dysbacteriosis;
  • nervous system disorders.

Benefits for women and men

For a pregnant woman, quail eggs will help cope with toxicosis and reduce the risk of developing pathologies and premature birth.

In addition, the immune system is strengthened. Which has a positive effect on the health of the unborn baby.

Women can drink raw quail eggs on an empty stomach, because it will have a rejuvenating effect and help lose weight. They can also be used to prepare various masks for skin and hair.

Drinking raw quail eggs on an empty stomach also has a beneficial effect on the male body. Especially on sexual function.

It is especially useful for men over 40 years old. Regular consumption reduces the risk of developing diseases prostate gland.

In addition to increasing potency, they increase ejaculation. But for a visible effect, you need to eat them regularly, 2-3 eggs a day. Heat treatment is undesirable, as it destroys most vitamins.

Raw quail eggs on an empty stomach

Eating on an empty stomach is just as beneficial, don’t be afraid to consume this wonderful product

Many people are afraid to eat foods without heat treatment. Especially eggs due to the risk of salmonellosis. But quail eggs are not susceptible to this scourge. They can be given raw without fear even to children.

If you eat 2 eggs daily, you can notice improvements in the body:

  • hair and nails are strengthened;
  • in lactating women the number of breast milk and its quality improves;
  • reduce joint pain;
  • dissolve stones in the liver, kidneys and gallbladder, which contributes to their gentle removal.

How to use

But the main thing is not to overdo it

Raw quail eggs are good for health. But still, you need to know when to use them in moderation. In large quantities the opposite effect may occur. Recommended dosages should be followed:

  • for children 3-10 years old no more than 3 eggs per day;
  • from 10 to 18 years old, 4 eggs per day is enough;
  • adults 6 eggs;
  • People over 50 years old need 5 eggs a day.

If your child refuses to drink raw eggs, they can be mixed with vegetable or fruit juice. It’s much tastier and very healthy!

Quail eggs can be eaten raw, but only if you are completely sure of their quality and the right conditions storage If you follow the recommended dosage, they will bring enormous benefits to the body.

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Quail eggs provide undeniable benefits to the human body. Consuming just a few pieces a day will make up for the lack of valuable enzymes and give you energy. Dietary product widely used in the daily diet of people watching their figure. However, if overused, eggs can cause significant harm, so they must be taken correctly. Today we'll talk about useful qualities And possible contraindications for use.

Calorie content and chemical composition

  1. Not many people know that a quail egg is a real storehouse of valuable enzymes, especially protein. It contains much more protein than the notorious chicken product. This is what determines its value in the menu of diabetics and obese people.
  2. In addition to natural protein, the egg contains all B-group vitamins, tocopherol, vitamin D, nicotinic acid, retinol, healthy carbohydrates and fats.
  3. The accumulation of potassium, phosphorus and iron is impressive. Quail eggs contain 3 times more of the listed elements than chicken eggs. In addition, eggs are rich in lysine, magnesium, tyrosine, calcium, copper, tryptophan, glycine, cobalt, zinc, methionine, and manganese.
  4. As for calorie content, the figure exceeds that of a chicken egg. However, this is compensated by much greater benefits for the human body. For 100 gr. 167 Kcal of product is allocated. With all this, one egg weighs about 12-16 grams.

Benefits of quail eggs

  1. Eggs stabilize arterial pressure, bringing the indicators to the optimal level. Therefore, the product is equally valued by hypertensive and hypotensive patients.
  2. The composition is responsible for maintaining protective functions. The quail egg does not allow pathogens penetrate inside and attack the immune system.
  3. For those who work mentally, it is useful to eat eggs in order to increase brain performance. Thus, incoming micro- and macroelements improve memory and support vision by strengthening muscles and lubricating the eye socket.
  4. Calcium and protein content strengthens tooth enamel, fights caries, facial wrinkles, weak nails. Eggs are good to eat and make from them. cosmetic masks directed action.
  5. Quail eggs fill voids in the bones, so it is extremely important to consume them in childhood. This way, the child will develop correct posture and skeleton, and the risk of dystrophy will be reduced. Elderly people need to eat eggs to prevent senile dementia.
  6. No matter how strange it may sound, quail eggs develop quick wits, mental acuity and general intelligence. They are often included in the diet of scholars, schoolchildren, students, officials and other “mental” employees.
  7. Quail eggs promote weight loss; they contain a lot of protein, which destroys fatty plaques. The product removes harmful cholesterol from the blood and promotes rapid muscle mass gain.
  8. It is useful for people who lack calcium to eat not only raw or boiled eggs, but also quail shell. The ingredients help relieve rickets and other similar ailments.
  9. Incoming antioxidants combined with amino acids remove complex toxins from the body. They stop the accumulation of radionuclides, block blood access to cells malignant tumors. Thanks to this, people with oncological diseases there is a chance to be cured.
  10. The relatively low calorie content of quail eggs allows the product to be used in the diet of diabetics. As a result correct use are being reduced sharp jumps sugar, regulates the level of insulin release, improves general state sick.
  11. Eggs relieve symptoms during asthma, bronchitis and pneumonia. Dosed consumption removes mucus from the cavity respiratory tract, as well as settled tar (relevant for smokers).
  12. Cholit contained in eggs is responsible for cleansing the liver and filling voids in its structure (restoring the cavity internal organ). The same element prevents the deposition of salts in the urine, thereby normalizing correct work kidney
  13. Quail eggs relieve symptoms of inflammation in the stomach. They reduce acidity levels, resulting in excellent prevention and treatment peptic ulcer, gastritis of all stages.

  1. The value of quail eggs for male body is caused by the accumulation of biologically active ingredients, protein, macro- and microelements, vitamins, amino acids, antioxidants. As a result of this list, the risk of heart disease and atherosclerosis is reduced. These diseases often affect men.
  2. Quail eggs contain little cholesterol, so men with obesity and diabetes do not have to worry about their own health. Of course, it is recommended to consult with a specialist in advance, but you can eat 1-2 eggs a day.
  3. For men, the benefits are determined by the concentration of amino acids and protein. Such combinations are most often used for the treatment and prevention of prostate diseases, as they reduce congestion in the genitals. In addition, with regular consumption of eggs, blood flow to the penis is normalized and potency improves.
  4. The egg is of particular value mental activity. The product is responsible for concentration, so it is included in the diet of personal drivers, truckers, and also ordinary people who spend most of their lives behind the wheel.
  5. Quail eggs benefit people who work physically and athletes. The accumulation of protein in large volumes gives energy, replenishes strength reserves, and promotes the rapid formation of muscle tissue.
  6. It is difficult not to mention the value of quail eggs for the human nervous system. People who regularly face stress (civil servants, teachers, doctors, military, etc.) need to normalize their psycho-emotional background. The egg adjusts the indicators and calms.
  7. Some healers from the sphere traditional medicine They claim that a quail egg is an excellent aphrodisiac. It allows men to look attractive in the eyes of women, increasing libido. At the same time, the composition affects the processes of hematopoiesis, enhances the number and motility of sperm. These indicators are valued by couples who are having difficulty conceiving.

The benefits of quail eggs for women

  1. Scientists have proven the benefits of quail eggs for pregnant women. The accumulation of valuable elements in combination with calcium, protein and amino acids allows you to form the correct nervous system fetus and support the health of the expectant mother. The product eliminates the urge to vomit during toxicosis, stops contractions of the uterus, which leads to miscarriage.
  2. Eggs are rich folic acid, unsaturated fatty acids, protein. The above combination provides girls with hormonal support during menstruation, menopause, lactation, pregnancy, and puberty.
  3. During breastfeeding you need to eat quail eggs to increase viscosity, fat content and overall quality milk. Since the product is not an allergen, it can be eaten without fear for the health of the younger generation. Eggs do not make milk bitter, so the baby will not refuse the breast.
  4. Pregnant girls often experience activity disorders digestive system. Regular consumption of eggs helps eliminate constipation or, conversely, diarrhea. At the same time, all metabolic processes are accelerated, the lady will not gain extra pounds.
  5. If you eat quail eggs after giving birth, a woman will prevent mastopathy. The product also eliminates symptoms of depression, and fatty acid in combination with folates ensure normalization of hormonal levels.
  6. Girls who watch their body weight often include an egg in their daily diet. The relatively low caloric content and nutritional value of the product allows you to saturate the body with essential mineral compounds.

  1. Ovomucoid, which is part of the egg, can cause side effects and individual intolerance.
  2. Quail eggs are introduced into the diet of children who have reached the age of 1 year. If a child is allergic to milk, then eggs are included in the menu from the age of 5.
  3. People who suffer from poor protein digestibility should be careful when consuming quail eggs. The same applies to individuals with liver and kidney disorders.

Quail eggs, without a doubt, provide enormous benefits to the human body. The product is highly valued by people of all ages, regardless of gender. Eggs increase male libido, help women during pregnancy and lactation, and form the child’s skeleton. However, when overeating, stomach disorders are often observed.

Video: how to take quail eggs

Quail eggs have gained particular popularity not only due to their impressive composition and nutritional value. Unlike regular chicken eggs, fragile spotted eggs are in rare cases are infected with dangerous salmonellosis. This is explained by the fact that the body temperature of adult quails reaches 42 degrees, due to which they are less likely to suffer from infectious diseases.

Quail eggs contain:

  • Amino acids (lysine, glutamic and aspartic acids, methionine, tryptophan, cysteine);
  • Minerals(phosphorus, cobalt, potassium, copper, calcium, iron);
  • Organic groups of vitamins A, PP, B2, B1.

The energy value of one hundred grams of quail eggs is 168 calories. These include:

  • 0.6g carbohydrates;
  • 11.9g protein;
  • 13.1g fat.

In quail eggs almost five times more iron, phosphorus and potassium than in chicken. They can be safely consumed by diabetics and allergy sufferers, and pediatricians strongly recommend gradually introducing the yolk of a quail egg into the children's diet during complementary feeding.


Quail eggs: harm

Despite the grandiose nutritional value and containing a colossal amount of vitamins, harm from quail eggs cannot be ruled out. This primarily applies to people with liver problems and patients diagnosed with atherosclerosis. The fact is that quail eggs contain a significant proportion of cholesterol, which can cause blockage of blood vessels, and this can lead to the development of blood clots.

I would like to dispel the myth that by eating 300 quail eggs, you can rejuvenate your body for several years. Critically evaluate such implausible information and do not fall for the advertised move of incompetent “healers.” Eating so many fresh eggs can cause malfunction. digestive tract, vomiting and serious poisoning.

It is believed that the harm of quail eggs to humans is minimal, since they are absolutely hypoallergenic. However, they should be introduced with caution into the diet of children who have been diagnosed with allergic reactions for animal protein. You should not give quail eggs to babies under one year old, and children who have been diagnosed with individual intolerance to the components of this product should not be given eggs.


Quail eggs: benefits

Nutritious quail eggs have good calorie content and a balanced amino acid composition, which allows them to act as a valuable nutrient source for severe physical activity and sports mode. This product is recommended to be included in the diet of people living in environmentally polluted areas, as well as children with weakened immune systems. In these cases, the benefits of quail eggs will be simply colossal.

Miniature quail eggs contain a complete set of organic matter, minerals and vitamins necessary healthy person. Despite their low weight (about 10 g), they have a therapeutic effect in identifying the following diseases:

The invaluable benefits of quail eggs lie in their ability to remove heavy radionuclides from the body and increase resistance to radiation. This product is also recommended to be introduced into the diet of pregnant women in order to get rid of toxicosis and enrich the body with valuable substances.

At regular use quail eggs future mom strengthens immune system, and her body receives sufficient amounts of calcium, which is essential for the fetus to form skeletal system. Healthy quail eggs help reduce the risk of pregnancy pathologies, such as miscarriage or premature birth.

It has been proven that systematic consumption of quail eggs improves brain activity, produces a rejuvenating effect, and leads to an increase in a person’s intellectual level. The benefits of quail eggs are manifested in positive impact on libido, improving potency and sex life.

Is it possible to eat raw quail eggs?

Despite the obvious benefits of quail eggs, in their natural, raw form they can be harmful to the body. It is believed that the increased body temperature of these small birds prevents dangerous salmonellosis from developing in their eggs. And some believe that the finely porous surface of eggs completely protects them from penetration of this infection and consider eating raw eggs absolutely safe.

However, it is not. Of course, the risk of contracting salmonellosis when eating a quail egg is lower compared to a chicken egg. After numerous studies, scientists have proven that a significant percentage of the occurrence of this disease still exists. Indeed, quails do not suffer from salmonellosis, but they are susceptible to another type of this disease - pullorosis, which, if ingested, can cause an intestinal infection.

Myth about emergency protection eggshells are also scattered! It is indeed porous and microscopic, but has extraordinary fragility. A common person even if he wanted to he couldn't see minor damage shells that can become a loophole for dangerous infections. Therefore, it is best to consume quail eggs boiled or purchase them from trusted, reliable manufacturers.

How long do quail eggs last?

Due to the presence of the unique amino acid lysozyme, harmful bacteria for a long time do not develop inside quail eggs. This allows them to be stored for about 30 days at room temperature, and in the refrigerator for up to two months. However, quail eggs can only be beneficial for the first seven days. Long-term storage promotes the release of moisture through the pores of the shell, which will lead to their drying out and loss of beneficial qualities.

Eggs will keep best in the refrigerator if they are placed sharp side down, and to check the freshness of an egg, you just need to place it on the palm of your hand. A fresh egg will feel full and heavy, while an old egg will feel very porous and light.

To be sure, you can conduct a small experiment: place an egg in a bowl of water and watch its movement. A good, fresh egg will sink to the bottom, but an unsuitable egg will float to the surface. If you carefully break an old egg on the surface, the yolk will immediately spread and will not be compact.

Note: quail eggs are considered dietary only for the first week, up to 7 days. After this period, they will not be old, but it is better to consume them only after heat treatment.

Quail eggs: benefits and harm for men

The benefits of quail eggs for the physical and sexual health of men have no limits. This unique product not only has a beneficial effect on the heart, brain activity, improves digestion, but also has a positive effect on male libido. Vitamins, proteins and phosphorus contained in quail eggs improve the functioning of the prostate gland and stimulate sexual activity in the stronger sex.

Quail eggs tend to reduce the content of bad cholesterol in the blood, but it is main reason heartfelt and vascular diseases, overweight and deterioration of potency in men. Regular consumption of quail eggs helps increase the number of healthy sperm, improves the quality of ejaculation and good erection, which facilitates normal sexual intercourse and successful conception child.

The healthiest thing for men is to consume raw eggs on their own or as drinks and cocktails. In Bulgaria, the recipe for the drink is incredibly popular, which, according to reviews of Bulgarian men, is in no way inferior to the famous Viagra.

To prepare it you need the following ingredients:

  • Two fresh quail eggs;
  • A teaspoon of granulated sugar;
  • Slice of lemon;
  • 120 g cola (Pepsi);
  • 20 g strong rum or cognac.

All ingredients are mixed until smooth, and a small amount of soda is added to the drink to make it light.

It should be remembered that eating raw quail eggs is dangerous, so you need to purchase exclusively fresh eggs (up to seven days) and only from trusted suppliers.

Quail eggs in cosmetology

Nutritious quail eggs appeared on the Russian market not so long ago. But this valuable product has already gained popularity not only in the food sector, but also in the field of cosmetology. In this case, the harm to quail eggs is completely excluded. They are included in masks, face creams, and are used to restore hair structure and make it silky.

Quail eggs are suitable as universal masks:

  • For oily and combination skin (dries out inflammation, narrows enlarged pores);
  • For dry skin (soften, nourish and moisturize);
  • For facial rejuvenation (smooth out wrinkles, restore skin elasticity, relieve swelling).

Mask for dry skin: 1-2 fresh quail eggs mixed with a spoon olive oil, apply in circular motions to face. The procedure can be repeated several times a week.

Mask for oily skin: Carefully break 1 egg, separate the white and apply it to the skin in several layers. For a whitening effect, you need to add a few drops of fresh lemon juice. And to get rid of acne, you need to grind the protein with cucumber pulp and apply for 15...20 minutes.

Quail eggs for hair

To saturate your hair with strength, revitalize color, get rid of dullness, and give it a healthy shine, the following mask is recommended at home:

  • 5 quail eggs;
  • 150 ml warm oil (preferably olive);
  • 50 ml melted honey.

Mix all ingredients, beat and apply with massaging movements over the entire surface of the head, evenly distributing throughout the hair. Insulate the mask with plastic wrap and wrap it in a terry towel. Leave for three hours, then wash off under cool water using normal care products.

In order for quail eggs to bring benefit to the body and not harm, you should be careful when purchasing them. It is not recommended to purchase stale eggs from visible damage, and it is best to give preference to certified products from mini-farms that specialize in growing quails.

Quail eggs are healthy delicious product, which can replace regular chicken eggs and introduce it into the usual diet of the whole family. Proper use quail eggs will help enrich the body useful substances and help him resist many unpleasant ailments.

Eat right and be healthy!

Raw eggs quails are a biological treasure trove active substances. They are superior to chicken eggs in all respects.

All components - the white, the yolk, and even the shell - are edible.

Crude protein contains:

  • proteins necessary for muscle growth,
  • amino acids,
  • interferon, which promotes wound healing.

Raw yolk is rich in the following components:

  • B vitamins,
  • carotene, which activates brain function.

All these vitamins and minerals that enter the stomach in raw form on an empty stomach are absorbed 100%.

Such a breakfast will be especially useful for athletes, people engaged in mental and heavy physical labor. Raw quail eggs will help you quickly restore strength and replenish energy reserves.

This product also helps:

  • strengthen teeth,
  • improve the condition of nails, hair, skin,
  • calm down, relieve stress,
  • strengthen the immune system,
  • strengthen blood vessels and heart.

WITH medical point Indications for eating eggs on an empty stomach are:

  • hypertension - a “course” of 120 eggs is recommended, three in the morning for three days, then five,
  • cholecystitis – relieves bitterness in the mouth,
  • anemia, tuberculosis, diabetes mellitus– 250 ml each,
  • male dysfunction.

Of particular note positive impact on the stomach. Quail eggs envelop the mucous membrane, providing the organ with protection from mechanical damage particles of food, and also relieve pain.

Moreover, the rich composition of the product helps in the prevention of gastritis and ulcers, improves microflora, and inhibits the activity of pathogenic microorganisms.

For gastritis, the benefits are as follows:

  • increased appetite,
  • relieving inflammation, helping restore mucous membranes,
  • elimination of nausea,
  • pain relief,
  • prevention of exacerbations due to nervousness.

Contraindications to eating quail eggs on an empty stomach

The main contraindication is liver problems. In any case, if you have any diseases, you should consult your doctor.

It is also worth noting that the benefits of of this product will only happen if it is fresh and of high quality. Be sure to make sure that the expiration date has not expired, the shell is intact, without noticeable defects.

Recipes using raw quail eggs

Recipe 1 – to increase vitality


Mix all the ingredients and drink on an empty stomach every morning.

Recipe 2 – to eliminate heaviness in the stomach


  • 4 raw eggs,
  • 30 grams of cognac,
  • 1/2 teaspoon sugar.

Lightly beat the eggs and mix with the remaining ingredients. This meal should include bran bread.

  1. This product is added to the menu for children from the age of two, as it does not cause allergies, improves immunity, and promotes full mental and physical development.
  2. Children become more active both in school and in sports, and the carotene contained in eggs improves vision.
  3. Acute respiratory, colds They knock both adults and children out of their usual rhythm. It has been proven that quail eggs, when consumed regularly, reduce the likelihood of getting sick several times, especially in children.

Those who regularly use dietary supplements should pay attention to a natural alternative - quail eggs, which, when consumed raw, are no less effective, but at the same time more affordable and safe.

Quail eggs are considered especially useful in the treatment of vascular atherosclerosis and hypertension, to rejuvenate the body. In fact, their therapeutic and prophylactic effects are comparable to any others - chicken, pigeon, turkey, the benefits and harm are the same.

Benefits of eggs

Any eggs are valuable food product, in which nutrients are in a balanced state. Chemical composition fickle, depends on the time of year, food.

An egg that a bird laid no more than 5 days ago is called a dietary egg, if it has been stored all this time at a temperature no higher than +5C.

The product is almost completely absorbed and does not form harmful substances in the body. The most useful are soft-boiled eggs, including quail eggs.

It is believed that quails do not suffer from salmonellosis due to elevated temperature body +42C, so you can eat raw eggs without harm to your health.

But it's better to comply the following measures precautions:

  • Fresh ones shine through well.
  • If there are spots inside, it’s rotten.
  • Fresh ones drown in slightly salted water.
  • If they float or stick out, it is better to throw them away due to the risk of salmonella infection.

How and how long to cook quail eggs? Like chicken and any others:

  1. Place in a saucepan with water, put on fire.
  2. Cook in boiling water: hard-boiled – 5 minutes, soft-boiled – 1-2 minutes.

Composition and consumption rate

Eggs are rich in vitamins and microelements, especially in the yolk. Depending on the type of bird, the proportion of nutrients varies slightly.

Easy digestibility and high calorie content used for quick recovery strength after hard work, illness, surgery.

The calorie content of 100 g of quail eggs is 168 kcal, 1 piece is 15.1 kcal.

Quail eggs are speckled, weigh 9-10g, five times less than chicken eggs.

Daily consumption rate: children – 1-3 pieces, adults – 4-6 pieces.

Nutrients (indicated percentage 100g from the recommended daily norm adult):

Proteins – 15.7%, fats – 21.8%.

Vitamins: A – 53.7%, B1 (thiamine) – 7.3%, B2 (riboflavin) – 36%, B4 (choline) – 101%, B6 (pyridoxine) – 6%, B3 (niacin, a nicotinic acid) – 15.5%, E (tocopherol) – 6%.

Macroelements: phosphorus – 27%, sulfur – 12.4%, sodium – 9%, – 8%, potassium – 5.8%, – 5.4%.

Microelements: cobalt – 140%, chromium – 28%, – 18%, copper – 11%, manganese – 1.5%.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids: Omega-6 – 22.6%, Omega-3 – 3.7%.

But, according to the results of research by Soviet scientists in the 1960s, 100g chicken yolk contain: methionine – 459 mg, choline – 1713 mg, lecithin – 9600 mg. Accordingly, 100g of whole eggs: 458mg, 565mg, 3700mg.

These lipotropic substances are necessary for the human body for the prevention and treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system.

There is debate about the benefits and harms of eating eggs in adulthood. It has been scientifically proven that 4-5 chicken eggs per week (10-20 quail eggs) do not increase cholesterol levels. On the contrary, such a diet reduces the risk of blood clots, stroke and heart attack, cataracts, and halves the likelihood of mastopathy.

Some believe that quail eggs are useful for rejuvenating the body. The absence of these healing properties has been scientifically proven.

The benefits of quail eggs for children

Regular inclusion of the product in the diet reduces the likelihood, speeds up recovery, improves memory, attention, vision, and facilitates absorption school subjects, the child remembers faster and assimilates new material more firmly.

A Japanese schoolchild's lunch always includes 2-3 quail eggs.

Funny spots on the shell attract children's attention. Therefore, there are no problems how to persuade a child to eat an unusual egg.

In addition, in case of individual intolerance chicken product is a useful alternative.

For a preschooler, 1-2 boiled quail eggs per day (or every other day) is enough, for a schoolchild - 2-3; they are contraindicated for children in their raw form.

Shell treatment

The composition is close to human bones and teeth: calcium, silicon, sulfur – up to 30 elements. It is taken to strengthen nails and hair, for vitamin deficiency, low hemoglobin, insomnia, and irritability.

Powdered quail egg shells are useful for pregnant women and young children.

Powder recipe:

  • Boil the shells for 5 minutes, place in vinegar for 2 minutes, rinse well with running water, dry and grind in a coffee grinder.

Take 1 tsp with lemon juice. in the afternoon or shortly before bedtime to better absorb calcium.

Eggshells are used to treat childhood diathesis, a long-known method:

  • wash the quail or egg, hard boil, place in cold water, peel;
  • remove the film from the inside, dry it, crush it into powder.
  • Dissolve in 1 tbsp. freshly squeezed lemon juice 1/4 tsp. Place the resulting powder in a glass or porcelain container, cover with a lid, and store in the refrigerator. Add the same amount before use boiled water, stir.

Take after meals 1-3 times a day depending on the age of the child. The course of treatment is one to three months, depending on the nature and severity of the disease.

Treatment of diseases

Bronchial asthma. The dietary product helps, significantly alleviates the patient’s condition, and cleanses the respiratory tract:

  • Eat one quail egg every day, take a break after a month, then continue treatment.

Inflammatory processes in the lungs:

  • Beat two quail eggs, add 1 tbsp. honey, mix.

Take in the morning on an empty stomach.

Poisoning. Eating quail eggs helps eliminate the effects of poisoning. If you drink one testicle every hour, your condition will soon improve.

Quail egg scrub for sensitive skin:

  • Mix two yolks, 2 tbsp. crushed walnuts, 1 tsp. butter.

Apply to face with massaging movements, rinse after 10 minutes warm water, pat dry with a soft towel.

For men

Rich composition of minerals, vitamins, amino acids, unsaturated acids normalizes erectile function, has a positive effect on the prostate gland, which is successfully used for the prevention and treatment of prostate adenoma.

Numerous studies confirm that eating 2-4 quail eggs daily brings maximum benefit men's health, if consumed raw and on an empty stomach.

German men successfully use this recipe to prevent and increase sexual activity.

Harm and contraindications

Eating quail eggs can be harmful to the body if protein is poorly absorbed.

You should be careful if you have liver and kidney diseases, consult your doctor.

Egg yolk is contraindicated in case of diseases of the gallbladder, bile ducts, and liver.

When consumed raw, quail eggs can disrupt the formation of stool and cause diarrhea.

Modified: 02/10/2019

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