Is plasmapheresis possible during menstruation? Plasmapheresis procedure: indications and contraindications, features. Possible complications of the procedure

Plasmapheresis is a procedure for mechanical filtration of blood aimed at isolating individual components from it, for example, plasma (the liquid part of the blood), red blood cells, leukocytes, platelets and others.

Subsequently (depending on the purpose for which the procedure was performed), the purified part of the blood components can either be returned to the patient or collected for temporary storage (for example, they are processed in this way donor blood for further usage).

Plasmapheresis should be distinguished from hemodialysis. During plasmapheresis, natural blood fractions are isolated, and during hemodialysis, the actual substances dissolved in the blood are isolated.

Indications for plasmapheresis

Initially, plasmapheresis was used for industrial procurement purposes at blood transfusion stations. Subsequently, its use for therapeutic purposes was proposed.

The idea is that for a number of pathological conditions body, substances and elements enter the blood plasma directly causing development pathological process.

Since plasmapheresis allows for blood sorting, it began to be used to remove these substances from the body by collecting and removing the plasma element.

The main indications for the procedure are as follows:

  • The need to quickly remove plasma containing toxic and metabolic components from the bloodstream. This need arises during treatment-resistant exacerbations of a number of autoimmune and inflammatory diseases, for example, for asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, neuropathies, hypertension.
  • The need to maintain a strictly defined blood composition for a long time, for example, during intoxication with toxic substances, bacterial toxins during septic processes, during chemotherapy oncological diseases, viral hepatitis, diabetes mellitus, Rh conflict and many other conditions. Therapeutic effect lies in the fact that one of the links is excluded from the pathogenesis of the disease, which makes it possible to carry out drug therapy with greater efficiency.
  • Also, in special cases, plasmapheresis can be used to create a temporary period used for surgical intervention, impossible under the conditions of the previous blood composition.


Since plasmapheresis involves taking a certain amount of blood from the bloodstream, the contraindications to it are as follows:

  • Anemia (hemoglobin less than 80 g/l). With anemia, there is an insufficient amount of transport elements in the blood; therefore, removing a portion of blood will lead to worsening oxygen starvation of tissues.
  • Decreased concentration of total protein in the blood (less than 60 g/l). The concentration of proteins in the blood affects the degree of permeability vascular wall and on the amount of liquid part of the blood in the vessels (the more protein in the blood, the less plasma it contains). Carrying out plasmapheresis with low levels of total protein will lead to multiple disturbances in water and electrolyte balance and increased blood pressure.
  • Any diseases associated with circulatory failure. Most often these are diseases of cardio-vascular system, atherosclerosis, peptic ulcer, post-infarction period.
  • Bleeding.


Plasmapheresis is carried out by centrifuging blood inside a special device - a plasma filter.

The procedure is as follows: the patient sits in a chair, after which a plastic catheter (Venflon) is inserted into one of the veins in the arm, which is connected by a system of tubes to a plasma filter.

Inside the plasma filter (depending on its design) there may be disposable filters, pumps, membranes and centrifuges. After that, the device starts a program according to which blood is automatically taken from the vascular bed into the device, where the blood will be divided into fractions.

Depending on the purpose of the procedure, plasmapheresis can last from 30 minutes to an hour and a half.

After the end of the program, the treated blood returns to the vascular bed.

Benefits of plasmapheresis

It is important to understand that plasmapheresis is an auxiliary method of therapy and is ineffective in treating diseases on its own. In the case of a combination of plasmapheresis with other methods of therapy, tangible results can be achieved, namely:

  • Detoxification. Programs of modern plasma filters make it possible to differentiate blood fractions so that toxins remain only in one of the fractions - most often in plasma. This function is called “blood cell washing.” After the procedure, the “washed” cells are returned to the blood, while toxins remain in the extracted plasma.
  • Reflex stimulation of the cardiovascular and hematopoietic systems body. As a result of extracting part of the blood plasma, the body is artificially immersed in a controlled water-electrolyte imbalance. If this condition is undesirable, then instead of the extracted plasma, plasma-substituting solutions are injected into the blood.
  • Immunomodulation. When blood passes through plasma filters, blood cells come into contact with their structure. The structure of the filter is foreign to the body and irritates immune cells, which subsequently causes a state of “stressed immunity.” It should be understood that such a result may be extremely contradictory, since there are immune complexes, which can have a destructive effect on the cells of their own body. Such complexes often circulate in the blood of patients with asthma and rheumatoid arthritis, accordingly, additional stimulation immune system may lead to an exacerbation of autoimmune processes.

The basic procedure is to remove the blood, separate the blood cells from the plasma, and return those blood cells to the bloodstream diluted with fresh plasma or substitute. Due to concerns for viral infection And allergic reaction, fresh plasma is not usually used. Central veins allow more high speeds flow and are more convenient for repeated procedures, but are more often the site of complications, especially bacterial infection.

When blood is outside the body, it must be treated to prevent it from clotting. While most of the anticollation agent is removed from the blood during treatment, some is returned to the patient.

During plasmapheresis, the person will lie on a bed. The needle or catheter is then placed in the vein that has the strongest artery. In some cases, the catheter is placed in the groin or shoulder. Replacement or return of plasma flows into the body through a second tube that is placed in the arm.

According to the rules, a person can undergo the procedure up to two times a week. These procedures usually take about 90 minutes. When performing plasmapheresis as a treatment, the procedure can last from one to three hours. Up to five treatments per week may be needed.

The frequency of treatment may vary widely from condition to condition and also depends on general condition health. Sometimes hospitalization is required. At another time ambulatory treatment could be an option.

A person can optimize success and minimize the symptoms and risks of plasmapheresis by following these steps:

  • Make sure to eat nutritious food before treatment;
  • Sleep well before the procedure;
  • Drink plenty of fluids;
  • Get the latest information on vaccinations against common infections. Consult your doctor to find out which vaccines are needed;
  • Avoid smoking and tobacco use;
  • Be on a diet with high content squirrel and low content phosphorus, sodium and potassium in the days preceding plasmapheresis.

Plasmapheresis as a treatment for weakness or an autoimmune disease can provide relief in just a few days. For other conditions, it may take several weeks before a person notices any change in symptoms.

Plasmapheresis will provide short-term relief. Often the process will need to be repeated. The frequency and duration of results vary greatly depending on the condition and its severity. That is why a person must constantly visit a doctor so that, if necessary, additional plasmapheresis procedures can be performed. Currently, the price of the entire procedure is quite low and affordable to many.


Currently this procedure carried out in the treatment of the most complex and serious illnesses. It is carried out to prevent the separation of plasma from the blood. The most difficult thing is to detect these negative processes in time and block them. Plasmapheresis can be used to treat a variety of autoimmune disorders, including:

  • Myasthenia gravis disease;
  • Guillain-Barré syndrome;
  • Chronic type of inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy;
  • Myasthenic type of Lambert-Eaton syndrome.

It may also be used to treat some complications of sickle cell disease, as well as some forms of neuropathy. In each of these disorders, the body has developed proteins called antibodies that are programmed to identify cells and destroy them. These antibodies are found in plasma. Typically, these antibodies are directed at foreign cells that can cause harm to the body, such as a virus.

However, people with autoimmune disease antibodies react to cells inside the body that perform important functions. For example, when multiple sclerosis The body's antibodies and immune cells will attack the protective covering of the nerves. This ultimately leads to impaired muscle function. Plasmapheresis can stop this process by removing plasma that contains antibodies and replacing it with new plasma.

IN last years The therapy is increasingly being used to treat people who are severely ill with infections and other problems such as Wilson's disease and thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura. It has also been used to help people who have received organ transplants resist the effects of the body's natural rejection.


Each patient is interested in the benefits and harms that are hidden in the procedure itself, positive reviews patients who were able to get rid of the disease and the price for all treatment. Of course, this information must be provided first. There are factors that can cause complications and others Negative consequences. For those who do not yet know what plasmapheresis is, they should understand that all contraindications are completely related to disorders in your body.

Plasmapheresis may not be suitable for some people, including:

  • People who are hemodynamically unstable;
  • People who cannot tolerate center line placement;
  • People allergic to heparin;
  • People with hypocalcemia;
  • People with allergies to frozen albumin or plasma.

Technical aspects

In addition to the fact that the term plasmapheresis technically refers only to the removal of plasma, it is also widely used to cover therapeutic plasma exchange in which a replacement product is transfused after plasma has been removed. The most suitable treatment option is selected for each person. At this time, specialists use only modern methods of restoring the body.

Unlike plasmapheresis, cytapheresis is the selective removal of red blood cells, white blood cells or platelets and can be performed using identical centrifuge-based equipment. These options include the following:

  1. Erythrocytepheresis (selective removal of red blood cells) is used in conditions such as sickle cell anemia or a malaria infection in which red blood cells are selectively removed and replaced with donor red blood cells;
  2. Leukocytopheresis (selective removal of WBCs) is used in conditions such as hyperleukocytosis, in which pathological a large number of white cells are present (as, for example, with leukemia);
  3. It can also be used to collect peripheral circulating stem cells, which are then sometimes used in autologous or allogeneic stem cell transplants;
  4. Platelet apheresis (selective removal of platelets) can be used in the setting of thrombocytosis.

What are the risks of plasmapheresis?

Plasmapheresis carries a risk of side effects. They are usually rare and usually mild. The most common symptom is low blood pressure. This is often accompanied by:

  • pallor;
  • blurred vision;
  • dizziness;
  • feeling cold;
  • stomach cramps.

We can say that plasmapheresis is a kind of blood purification, which is performed on the basis of modern equipment. A highly efficient blood purification device carries out the entire procedure in a matter of hours. Of course, to restore the body itself you will need where longer period time. There are also problems that may await you ahead. Plasmapheresis may also have the following risks:

  1. Infection: Most procedures that involve transferring blood into or out of the body carry a risk of infection.
  2. Blood clotting: Your doctor may prescribe an anticoagulant to reduce the risk of blood clots.
  3. Allergic reaction: This is usually a reaction to the replacement solutions used.
  4. More serious but unusual risks include bleeding caused by the use of anti-bleeding drugs. Others more serious risks include cramps, abdominal cramps and tingling in the extremities.

In general, the plasmapheresis procedure is a process that includes complex steps. At each stage, the patient must be under the constant supervision of doctors, this will make it possible to avoid risks and the growth of side effects. All blood purification is carried out very quickly, but the duration of recovery of the body will depend on individual characteristics human body and health.

Preventing complications

Sterile technique is recommended to reduce the chance of infection. Premedication with acetaminophen, diphenhydramine, and hydrocortisone is often prescribed if the patient is receiving any blood product, particularly if there is a history of previous reaction to blood products. Many people are interested in plasmapheresis, what it is and how to get rid of such a serious disease. Modern medicine fully studied all the problems associated with plasma disorders. Thus, the most important thing is to seek help in time. Of course, plasmapheresis and its treatment have indications and contraindications that should be of interest to every patient.

Patients may experience symptoms of hypocalcemia or hypomagnesemia during and after the procedure and may be treated with calcium and magnesium replacement, respectively. Patients may experience transfusion-related reactions, particularly FFP, and should be treated with diphenhydramine, hydrocortisone, and/or epinephrine depending on the severity of the reaction. These reactions may occur during and after a transfusion.

Patients may experience hypotension as a result quick change fluids, and proper precautions should be taken to minimize complications. Patients may become thrombocytopenic and hypofibrinogenic after plasmapheresis (particularly if albumin is used as a replacement product) and should be monitored for signs of bleeding.

The word “plasmapheresis” is formed from two words: plasma - plasma, the liquid part of organic tissues, and aheresis - removal, excretion. That is, the essence of the procedure is to remove excess plasma with unnecessary substances that accumulate in it and, along with the bloodstream, are carried throughout the body.

Plasmapheresis should be prescribed strictly after consultation with a specialist. We ask you not to self-medicate, but to make an appointment for an initial examination and appointment of a procedure - plasmapheresis! Today medicine has stepped forward, and there are many ways to purify blood, but only a specialist is able to assess the situation and prescribe the most effective and safe procedure.

Blood purification: plasmapheresis
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Plasmapheresis in Moscow: how it works and in what cases plasmapheresis is prescribed

Technically, the process of blood purification by plasmapheresis is as follows: part of the blood is taken from the patient, in special equipment it is separated into cells and the actual liquid, plasma, then the plasma is removed, the cells are returned to the bloodstream, and instead of the removed liquid, replacement saline solutions are injected into the vein.

After cleansing the blood with plasmapheresis, relief and improvement in the person’s condition occurs, since toxic substances are eliminated from the body.

Plasmapheresis cannot and cannot be carried out in one procedure, so several days are allocated for the entire cleaning procedure.
It is impossible to remove individual elements and compounds from the bloodstream in this way, but in general, plasmapheresis can significantly alleviate the patient’s condition.

How to cleanse blood: what is removed from the bloodstream using plasmapheresis blood cleansing procedure

  1. Remains of bile, which the body could not utilize, and it entered back into the body.
  2. Toxins and breakdown products of toxic substances.
  3. Residues of drugs.
  4. Decay products of pathological and unhealthy cells.

Plasmapheresis: unique methods of blood purification

Prices for plasmapheresis depend on the type of technique. There are membrane and cascade plasmapheresis. The membrane procedure lasts approximately an hour, the cascade procedure lasts 2-3 hours. During blood purification using the membrane method, blood is removed and purified using membrane plasma filters. In the membranes, the blood is divided into blood cells and plasma, which is removed along with the toxins it contains.

After blood purification by plasmapheresis, the blood will take on a rich, bright red hue, and the plasma will appear cloudy yellow rather than clear, as it should be. Instead of the withdrawn portion of plasma, saline solution is infused into the bloodstream.

Cascade plasmapheresis

Double plasma filtration, or cascade method, is a more expensive and longer procedure. The price of blood purification using plasmapheresis will depend on the number of procedures and the severity of the patient’s condition. The dual method uses two filters. The first makes it possible to obtain plasma and separate blood cells from it, and the second filter divides the plasma into fractions. Protein and electrolytes are returned to the bloodstream, and high-molecular plasma elements, toxins, and viruses remain on the filter.

Blood plasmapheresis - a double purification method solves two problems at once:

  1. The blood is cleansed of toxins, breakdown products of biological substances in the body and viruses.
  2. Increases microcirculation in small blood vessels, improves tissue nutrition, they are saturated with oxygen, and the rheological properties of blood improve.
Blood plasmapheresis - this method allows you to effectively clean the blood and not spend money on restoring lipid levels in the plasma and instilling saline with nutrients.

Plasmapheresis: how to cleanse the blood of drugs and alcohol

By contacting our clinic, you can make an appointment with a specialist who will determine the need for plasmapheresis. The procedure is indicated as a preventive measure for many people, but it has both indications and contraindications.

Plasmapheresis: reviews of use

Plasmapheresis, according to reviews, is especially indicated for people who abuse alcohol or drugs. In addition to the fact that residues of toxic substances accumulate in the blood, cholesterol appears in the vessels more quickly and clots remain blood cells, which form microthrombi, remnants of unremoved bile due to a malfunction of the gastrointestinal tract and liver dysfunction.
Alcoholics go on a binge because toxic substances do not have time to be eliminated from the body due to disrupted biochemical processes. Plasmapheresis is indicated for them to reduce acute intoxication and eliminate binge drinking.

Plasmapheresis: contraindications

Before clearing the blood of drugs or alcohol, contraindications to plasmapheresis are assessed.
These restrictions may include:

  1. Anemia.
  2. Chronic diseases in the stage of decompensation. In such cases, plasmapheresis can be prescribed, but will not solve the problem.
  3. Acute diseases And infectious diseases, purulent-inflammatory diseases.
  4. Low blood clotting and insufficiency of albumin bodies in the blood.
  5. Cancerous tumors accompanied by bleeding.
  6. Open ulcers, gangrene and so on.

In any case, only a specialist can decide whether plasmapheresis is necessary.

Blood purification: laser blood purification

In addition to plasmapheresis, another modern method. If you are thinking about how to clean your blood faster and better, you can use laser blood purification.

The procedure is called ILBI - intravenous laser irradiation of blood. The procedure has virtually no contraindications, but is cutting-edge and requires highly qualified specialists and the availability of expensive equipment in the clinic, which is why it costs more than plasmapheresis.

Cleaning is carried out under the supervision of a doctor; as a rule, laser blood cleansing requires 5-10 sessions.

Laser blood purification: ILBI

A disposable diode needle is launched into the vein, which emits special radiation. The point where the needle is in the hand turns bright red. Irradiation has a detrimental effect on viruses, bacteria, and toxins in the blood.
Laser blood purification therapy prevents the formation of blood clots, normalizes blood pressure, enhances the body's immune response, and improves the production of blood cells.

By using laser cleaning you can cleanse the blood of alcohol and drugs much better than any other method, however, the indications for the procedure should be determined only by the attending physician

You can clean your blood here:

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Should I do plasmapheresis or clean my blood at home?

Many people are looking for inexpensive ways to purify blood at home. This is only possible if you regularly follow a diet and eat certain products. If a person constantly uses alcohol or drugs, then he will not be able to choose a method of how to quickly cleanse the blood without medical intervention, because such a method does not exist.

However, a good help for any person would be to eat:

  1. Beetroot.
  2. Oats.
  3. Garlic.
  4. Potato broth.
  5. A decoction of nettle and milk thistle herbs (caution, herbs should not be taken orally in case of thrombosis and increased coagulability).

How to clean blood at home? Doctors usually suggest installing an IV during home detoxification of the body.

It is problematic to fully clean blood with a dropper at home: it is impossible to bring so much equipment into the house, especially unnoticed.

Therefore, the answer to how to purify blood at home using modern procedures, remains unanswered for now. Perhaps in the near future mobile micro devices will be invented, but for now the best solution The patient will be admitted to a hospital where they will undergo blood cleansing and plasmapheresis. According to reviews, any drug treatment alcoholism after installing a drip for cleaning there's blood coming out much faster.

How to quickly and effectively clean blood!

If you are concerned about whether it is possible to clean the blood quickly and effectively, at the stage of alcoholism or drug addiction that a person is at, just call our clinic and ask the specialist on duty.

He will tell you how to cleanse your blood of toxins and recommend suitable method and will sign you up for a plasmapheresis or laser blood purification procedure.

The answer to the question of where to clean the blood is in the list of addresses of our clinics and rehabilitation centers. Choose the one that is most convenient for you or call us. We will recommend the closest center or hospital clinic and provide prices for all procedures. The call is free, the treatment is anonymous!

Hello. How much does one procedure cost?
Can anyone advise good specialist on plasma ferresis? thanks in advance

Expert's answer:
Hello. The cost of the session depends on the type and equipment.
In St. Petersburg, in drug treatment clinics you can find equipment-free plasmapheresis using PFM 800 plasma filters at a price of about 3 thousand rubles per session. These are fairly good filters, but in one session a small amount of blood passes through the filter and about 800 ml of plasma is removed.
Hardware membrane plasmapheresis using Baxter, Haemonetics, Hemofenix devices costs between 6000-7000 rubles. If we talk about plasmapheresis as a treatment method chronic diseases, you need to choose something from the last options.

I did the plasmapheresis procedure twice, 3 sessions each. Plasma was taken at about 3 kg. Without replacement with donated plasma. The first time I did it was for a skin disease, when the doctors diagnosed it at about 12 various diseases. I traveled around Mother Russia, but did not find the necessary help. They offered disability, but not treatment. I decided to try plasmapheresis simultaneously with ultraviolet radiation. The doctors didn’t promise results, but I didn’t demand them... I just decided to try. After that I started to get better. There were no accidents for 5 years. I was very pleased with the result. Doctors diagnosed: psoriasis, red lichen planus, skin cancer, etc... almost healed to death. Brought to the point of Quincke's edema and severe dysbacteriosis due to the excessive use of antibiotics. Therefore, I was not just satisfied with plasmapheresis...... A real person.... he really went through the torments of hell, the post is real. I will answer anyone.

Are there any contraindications for plasmapheresis for fibroids, endometriosis, adenomyosis?

Expert's answer:
Hello, Galia. No, as far as we know, these diseases are not a contraindication to plasmapheresis.

Best regards, Administrator

Hello, I have the following question, what is the likelihood that plasmapheresis will help eradicate the problem of acne rashes on the back and face, I’ve been suffering for 2 years, nothing helps, doctors say it will go away by the age of 20 - 22, but no matter how hard it is to walk like this, I heard that it’s quite It’s possible that this procedure will help solve the problem, and here’s another question: does this procedure help people with similar problems?

Hello! This is the situation: I have acne. Tried it various methods, medications (zeniritis, clindovit, baziron, etc.), nothing helps. They advised me to undergo a course of plasmapheresis. Tell me, is there a chance that this course will help me get rid of acne? Whether there is a side effects and contraindications?

Expert's answer:
Hello, Egor. Yes, of course, there is such a possibility. Contraindications to plasmapheresis and its complications are described in detail in the article to which you wrote a review.


Hello, can plasmapheresis be done for psoriasis, and will it help or not???? I’m 15 years old.

Expert's answer:
Hello, Anastasia. Yes, plasmapheresis is used in complex treatment psoriasis.



Tell me whether plasmapheresis is contraindicated for myopia. I'm 45 years old. I have about 6.75, but 20 years ago it was carried out surgical correction vision at the Fedorov clinic. Since then, my vision hasn't seemed to deteriorate. I see almost everything.

What harm can plasmapheresis do in this case?

Expert's answer:
Hello Irina. Myopia is not included in the list of contraindications for plasmapheresis.


Hello, I’m 31 years old. It’s been a year since I started having boils, mostly on my face, but also on my leg, chest, buttock... At the beginning they appeared about once every 2 months, now more often, 3 times with once a month. Before the appearance of furunculosis, I was tested by a dermatologist, scraping the skin of my face, and Staphylococcus aureus was detected. I tried taking antibiotics, but they didn’t help. They advised me to do plasmapheresis, will this help me with my problem? Thanks in advance.

Expert's answer:
Hello, Elena. Yes, plasmapheresis is indicated in complex therapy furunculosis. It is, of course, difficult to give a 100% guarantee that it will help in your particular case. But there are chances, and rather big ones.


Hello, my husband has chronic gout, attacks follow one after another. Level uric acid more than 500. He is a stroke patient, disabled with sensory-motor aphasia for 12 years. Is it possible to perform plasmaphoresis procedures for blood purification, how many procedures are needed and approximately how much will it cost? What is the effect of cleansing procedures for gout? The joints of the legs and already the arms periodically become inflamed. Treatment is carried out according to the recommendations of the Rheumatology Center.

Expert's answer:
Hello. Unfortunately, on our portal there are no medical consultants on efferent treatment methods yet, so we find it difficult to say how many procedures you need to undergo. In terms of cost, the average price for a plasmapheresis session in the city is 3-7 thousand rubles.


Expert's answer:
Hello Andrei. We didn't quite understand your question. Will the somatotropin you are taking be eliminated if you do three plasmapheresis procedures along with taking it? This should be discussed with your doctor. Again, it is not entirely clear why plasmapheresis is done for diseases for which this drug is usually taken...

Over the years our circulatory system accumulates poisonous elements and toxins, which are carried through the bloodstream throughout the body, penetrating cells and tissues and having a negative effect on the immune system.

"How to fix it?" - you ask. The answer is simple. With the help of one very useful modern techniques entitled " plasmapheresis", which cleanses the plasma of harmful substances and includes a response in the form of activation of material metabolism.

Let's talk in more detail about the procedure and find out if it has contraindications and undesirable effects, and also read the reviews of women who have undergone blood plasmapheresis.

What is plasmapheresis and what is the essence of the procedure?

Surely you associate the word “plasmapheresis” with something terrible. In fact, there is nothing terrifying about this procedure. Plasmapheresis is performed to cleanse the blood of unnecessary substances. Its essence is simple: blood is extracted from the body, then the process of purification occurs, and finally it returns to the vessels.

During the procedure, the blood is divided into two components - the liquid part (plasma) and blood cells: leukocytes, platelets, erythrocytes. So, the plasma is removed irrevocably, and shaped elements, that is, cells are bred saline solution, glucose, special blood substitutes and returned to the bloodstream.

It is also interesting that blood purification is carried out different ways– with the help of special equipment and without its use.

Hardware-free method simpler and more affordable. But this is, perhaps, all the advantages of the procedure. When using a non-apparatus method, there is a possibility of contracting an infection. In addition, only a small amount of blood is purified through the procedure.

Hardware method is carried out using special medical equipment, with the help of which the method of blood separation is determined.

  1. Centrifugal plasmapheresis. During this method, the patient's blood immediately enters a special centrifuge. As it rotates, the blood is divided into cells and plasma. The cells are immediately diluted with blood substitutes and returned to the vessels.
  2. Membrane or filtration method. The blood passes through filters that allow plasma to pass through and retain formed elements.
  3. Double filtration plasmapheresis (cascade). During this method, blood is passed through filters twice.

There is another type of plasmapheresis – cryoplasmpheresis. This method is much more complicated and is carried out according to strict indications. Its essence is as follows: the blood is divided into parts. The plasma is frozen at -30 ͦ C, then passed through a centrifuge and returned to the bloodstream. This procedure allows you to preserve almost all the plasma protein.


The essence of the procedure is more or less clear. “Who really needs blood purification?” - you ask. The procedure was originally intended to clean donor material. Nowadays plasmapheresis is often used in medical practice For auxiliary treatment various diseases. Moreover, the creators of the method claim that the blood purification procedure can help even with the most severe pathologies, when others curative measures did not bring results.

So, in what cases is the plasmapheresis procedure indicated?

  1. Skin problems.
  2. Heart diseases.
  3. Damage to the liver and kidneys.
  4. Gynecological pathologies.
  5. Gastrointestinal diseases.
  6. Eye problems.
  7. Diabetes.
  8. Diseases of the nervous system.
  9. Rheumatoid arthritis.
  10. Disorders of the thyroid gland.
  11. Diseases of the respiratory system.

Using this technique, autoimmune and allergic diseases. During the procedure, all antibodies and immune complexes are removed from the blood. Therefore, if you often experience bleeding and medications only provide a temporary effect, go to the doctor and find out if you can cleanse your blood.

What problems can blood plasmapheresis help cope with?

The procedure helps people with severe alcohol, nicotine and drug addiction. In addition, plasmapheresis is vital in cases of intoxication of the body, severe poisoning (poisons), and drug overdose.

The procedure is also successfully used for furunculosis, psoriasis and allergic dermatitis. Therefore, if this problem bothers you long years, A drug therapy does not help, then the doctor will definitely prescribe a blood purification procedure, during which all factors that provoke skin diseases will be eliminated.

Please note that the procedure is also carried out as a prevention of thrombosis and heart attack. The thickened part of the plasma is removed during plasmapheresis. As a result, the blood thins and blood circulation improves.

Moreover, the technique is often prescribed to pregnant women in the first and second trimesters with severe toxicosis. The procedure does not provide negative influence for the future baby and the health of the mother. The use of blood purification techniques will also reduce the chances of infection of the fetus, reduce the likelihood of having a baby with low birth weight and eliminate oxygen starvation in the womb.

After undergoing several plasmapheresis procedures, you will not only strengthen your immune system, activate metabolic processes, get rid of waste and toxins, skin defects, improve memory, get rid of fatigue, but also look younger!

The fact is that with age, cells and tissues are filled with products of material decay, which ultimately leads to a deterioration in material metabolism and local inflammatory processes. The supply of nutrients to cells and tissues deteriorates, which causes dehydration. Plasmapheresis has an effect not only on the skin, but also on the entire body as a whole, freeing it from decay products of substances that have accumulated over many years!

Advantages and disadvantages

One of the most important advantages of the procedure is the vastness of the area of ​​influence. As you know, blood is one of the most important components of our body. Therefore, its purification has a positive effect on all tissues and organs.

There is no need to think that you can get an infection during plasmapheresis. The probability of infection in in this case minimal. After all, during the procedure, disposable medical instruments are used for each patient.

The blood purification method eliminates the appearance of discomfort except for slight dizziness. The process takes place in the physiological mode of the heart, so all the characteristics of normal blood flow are preserved.

“What about the shortcomings?” - you ask again. Unfortunately, the blood purification method also has disadvantages. One of the most “fat” is the unconfirmed positive effect on a number of diseases.

It should also be said that plasmapheresis is not a separate treatment method. It is applied as additional method therapy for one or another health problem. There is no point in carrying it out to everyone.


In the presence of peptic ulcer plasmapheresis is not performed in the stomach. In addition, doctors do not recommend the procedure for women with disorders of the blood coagulation system, as well as for those who do not have veins in their arms.

How is plasmapheresis performed?

The procedure can be attributed to surgical intervention just like any other blood transfusion. The session lasts approximately 1 hour. The length of the procedure will depend on the amount of blood that needs to be cleaned and the type of plasmapheresis.

Blood cleansing is carried out in this way: the patient lies on a couch or sits in a chair. A plastic catheter is installed in his vein, through which blood is drawn.

Most modern devices are equipped with catheters for veins in both arms. Through one, blood will be taken, and through the other, it will be returned to the bloodstream.

During the procedure, the doctor is constantly next to the patient. All this time is running monitoring his condition - measured arterial pressure, pulse, heart rate, blood oxygen saturation.

The devices used for plasmapheresis are portable and stationary. The latter are much more convenient, since they can be transported to the patient’s home and to any place in the hospital. Modern devices collect blood in portions - about 40 ml at a time. Then it is cleansed and returned to the vessels. In 1 hour, about 800 ml of blood is purified, that is, approximately 30% of the total volume.

Some devices provide simultaneous administration of anticoagulants to prevent blood clotting.

What results should I expect and when?

Results should only be expected after complete cleansing blood. Although doctors and patients claim that with allergic dermatitis and other skin problems a positive effect is observed after 1-2 procedures.

After each session, the blood condition improves, and the patient feels cheerful, mood improves, and fatigue evaporates. Wounds heal quickly, pimples, acne, etc. disappear.

When purifying plasma, poisons, toxins, viruses, and diseased cells contained in the blood are removed. As a result, the kidneys, liver, lungs and other organs begin to work as usual.

In addition, excess immune complexes that provoke inflammation are eliminated from the blood. As a result, the immune system is strengthened, and the work of those links that were not working is activated.

How much does plasmapheresis cost?

The price depends on the clinic where the procedure is performed and the method of blood purification.

The cost in Russia ranges from 6,000 to 8,000 rubles, in Ukraine – 2,000 to 2,700 UAH.

How many courses are needed for best effect?

The doctor calculates the number of procedures depending on the general condition of the patient, the volume of blood and the complexity of the problem that needs to be excluded. On average, to achieve best effect, 5 to 7 sessions are required.

Possible complications and consequences

Each organism is individual, so it is impossible to predict its reaction to plasmapheresis. Although complications during the procedure are rare, they should still be mentioned.

  1. Allergic reactions to blood substitutes. IN isolated cases- anaphylactic shock.
  2. Severe drop in blood pressure.
  3. Bleeding. Occurs when the dose of drugs that reduce the likelihood of blood clotting is exceeded.
  4. Blood infection. Occurs during non-apparatus plasmapheresis.
  5. Thrombosis. If drugs intended to reduce blood clotting are used in insufficient quantities.

It is possible that development renal failure when performing blood purification. It occurs when donor plasma is used instead of a blood substitute.

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