Poor tooth color in adults. Why does a dead tooth turn black?

Dental diseases are very unpleasant problem, at least once present in the life of every person. Makes someone uncomfortable increased sensitivity teeth, someone’s teeth are crumbling and it’s not clear what to do in this situation. And someone suffers from having a blackened tooth. This is a fairly common symptom that you need to pay attention to.

Why does the tooth turn black?

Tooth discoloration (red, clear, black) is a common problem associated with dental practice. Most often this happens due to the installation of insufficiently high-quality fillings, which contain tin. The use by a doctor of old materials stored in violation of specified conditions also leads to rapid emergence dark spots on teeth. The death of the pulp and nerve also affects the appearance of the teeth - they gradually turn black. A visit to the dentist will help timely treatment and prevent complete destruction of the tooth, even if it is already partially rotten.

In addition to problems directly with dental disease, it is worth noting the darkening of teeth due to smoking and abuse of coloring drinks, such as tea, coffee or multi-colored sodas. In addition, the following diseases lead to blackening of teeth:

  • Caries - manifests itself in the form of small black spots on the surface of the teeth. At further progression Dentin darkens and collapses, leading to the formation of a large carious cavity.
  • Endemic fluorosis – reflects an excessively excessive amount of fluoride in the water consumed. The disease begins to form in infancy, so you need to carefully monitor the amount of fluoride consumed. As a result, chalky stains, streaks and dark areas on the tooth surface appear on the teeth.
  • Congenital non-carious lesions - in this case, not only can there be dark shade enamel, but also irregular shape and structure of teeth.
  • Tetracycline teeth are a phenomenon characteristic of children whose mothers often took tetracycline antibiotics during pregnancy. In this case, certain areas of the child’s teeth are stained dark colors still in the womb.

How to prevent tooth enamel from turning black?

The most effective method is regular prevention. It is better for smokers to gradually give up this habit. It is worth being more careful in consuming coloring products and thoroughly cleaning your teeth afterward. It is necessary to visit the dentist at least once a year for a detailed examination. oral cavity(this will not only get rid of darkening of the tooth, but will also help prescribe treatment for bad breath).

Not the least role is played by proper nutrition. It’s great if you can include a lot of calcium-containing foods in your diet. When purchasing toothpastes, it is better to carefully study their composition, avoiding large quantity fluorine After consultation with the dentist, you can begin your appointment. medical supplies prescribed by a doctor.

What to do with blackened teeth?

First of all, visit a dental clinic to check for the presence and prevention of caries. After treatment using modern materials you can forget about this problem for a long time. You especially shouldn’t delay your visit if you’re in pain. healthy tooth or a tooth that only seems so.

An interesting solution for getting rid of dark color resulting from smoking or excess fluoride is bleaching. At home, a gel-filled mouthguard containing carbamide peroxide is used for this. Noticeable results can be seen within three to six weeks. Faster results are achieved by professional dental whitening. However, it must be taken into account that in this case the enamel will become overly hypersensitive.

Blackened or darkened tooth enamel is immediately noticeable, especially if the problem appears on the outside of the front teeth. Dark stains create a strong contrast on a white surface, and are very difficult to get rid of using standard oral hygiene products.

In fact, there are quite a few reasons for the occurrence of black plaque on teeth, and sometimes it is possible to identify the root cause of the disease only after full examination body.

Black teeth: causes of pathology

Note! Favorable conditions for the occurrence and spread of pathology can act wrong diet nutrition, neglect of the rules of daily personal hygiene, bad habits (alcoholism and drug addiction, smoking), hereditary and chronic diseases and many other factors.

  • Black plaque formed due to natural pigments and dyes. Number one on the list of coloring substances is nicotine and combustion products released during smoking. A person who smokes 1 pack of cigarettes per day or is addicted to hookah steam can hardly boast of a “Hollywood” smile. Second place in this list is given to strong tea and coffee. In addition, the pigments of these products are complemented by a natural microbial coating, which has a dark tint.

Photo 1: Teeth may turn black in those who eat foods such as beets or red wine. Under the influence of coloring substances contained in them in large quantities, soft plaque hardens over time and turns into tartar. Source: flickr (Augusto Santos).

  • Poor hygiene (or complete absence) oral cavity. People who do not take good care of their oral cavity, ignoring the distance between the teeth when brushing, as well as inner surface dentition may also face the problem of blackened teeth. If you don't clean out food residues well, they will remain in hard to reach places, causing the emergence putrefactive processes, the appearance yellow plaque, which over time develops into tartar or, even worse, into carious disease.
  • Presence of chronic or systemic diseases. There are some diseases that can result in a person developing a pathology such as blackening of teeth. In most cases, this symptom indicates a malfunction of the spleen or liver, an imbalance of the acid-base environment in the body. Also, often darkening of the enamel and the entire tooth as a whole can be caused by the human immunodeficiency virus and other serious pathologies.
  • Unsystematic antibiotic therapy, and long-term use medicines on the list side effects which include darkening of the dentition.
  • The disease can also develop due to forced constant contact with connections heavy metals . This symptom often worries workers at metallurgical enterprises. The fact is that condensation, which settles on the human body, as well as on the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, contains metal compounds, which subsequently form a corresponding plaque.
  • Poor nutrition. Fast food lovers often go to the dentist with black teeth.

Photo 2: " Fast food"or, as we used to call it, snacks, contains industrial ingredients, chemical elements, a lot of dyes and preservatives, which lead not only to the blackening of the enamel surface, but also to the development of caries, the formation of microcracks and other serious problems with teeth. Source: flickr (SteFou!)

The tooth turns black and darkens on the inside

Teeth darkened on the inside may indicate that the process of caries development has begun. Food remains, mechanical damage, the presence of dentures and other factors lead to changes in the composition of saliva. This, in turn, creates a favorable environment for the proliferation of microbes that actively attack the enamel, reaching all the way to the pulp. The onset of the disease, unfortunately, is very difficult to recognize - at the beginning of the development of pathology, small black dots appear on the surface of the chewing molars. Very often, people only realize it when the entire tooth has turned black from the inside.

This is interesting! If, due to a bruise or any other mechanical damage to the tooth, blood vessels or nerves are affected, it may not receive the necessary useful material and, as a result, blackening of the enamel occurs.

What to do if a symptom appears

First of all, it is necessary to establish the reason why the teeth turned black.

If the problem is directly related to chronic or systemic diseases, then treatment should be carried out by specialized specialists.

Carious disease can be defeated with the help of sanitation and further therapy.

If darkening of the enamel occurs due to poor hygiene, the doctor will clean it and help you choose the optimal product for daily care (therapeutic toothpaste, a suitable toothbrush, mouthwashes, irrigators, dental floss etc.).

If the disease is caused by bad habits or arose as a result of contact with metals, which caused the formation of tartar, then it can be eliminated using the following measures:

  • ultrasonic cleaning, which allows you to remove long-term tartar (during the procedure the patient does not experience discomfort, and the enamel remains intact);
  • AirFlow. This procedure is recommended to be carried out once every 6 months;
  • laser whitening. This technology allows you to get rid of tartar. The effect lasts for long period time.


For treatment various pathologies associated with the oral cavity and teeth, it is often recommended to use homeopathic remedies. The method of treatment using homeopathy guarantees positive result by influencing the root cause of the disease and individual approach to every patient. An experienced homeopath will determine the source of the disease and offer the patient an appropriate course of treatment.

One of the most effective means homeopathy in the treatment of dark dental plaque are:

  1. Arnica(Arnica)- a remedy that helps to quickly eliminate toothache And painful sensations in the gums;
  2. Traumeel S(Traumeel S)– indicated for sore gums and carious disease;
  3. Nux vomica(Nux vomica)– prescribed as an analgesic in homeopathy for toothache;
  4. Mesereum(Mezereum), Calcarea fluorica, Thuja occidentalis, Fluoricum acidum– prescribed for caries disease, the main symptom of which is black spots on the teeth.

Why do teeth turn black?

The appearance of dark spots on the surface of tooth enamel always causes inconvenience, both from an aesthetic and physiological point of view. Blackening of tooth enamel is a sign of an unhealthy process that can develop into a more severe forms. So what can cause blackening of teeth and how to fix it?

What causes blackening

The appearance of black plaque on the surface of teeth is usually associated with lifestyle. Various negative factors have a negative impact not only on the condition internal organs, but also on tooth enamel.
The main causes of blackening of teeth include the following factors:

  • Smoking and increased consumption of coffee and strong tea. Almost everyone has a layer of plaque on the surface of their tooth enamel, which can be removed with good cleaning with a brush and toothpaste. However, when smoking and drinking coffee and strong tea, all the dyes and tar from cigarettes accumulate and settle on the surface of the plaque, gradually accumulating there. As a result, after a certain period, the plaque hardens and turns into a state of hard-to-remove tartar;
  • Poor oral hygiene. Although there is a lot of information about proper cleansing oral cavity, how to use a toothbrush and what toothpastes, still many perform poor cleaning, and some even do without it. As a result, the formation of dark spots is observed on the surface of the dental units;

Smoking, poor nutrition, reception narcotic drugs- This bad habits, which are the causes of destruction and blackening of teeth, which people obviously choose themselves.

Treatment of blackening

In any case, if dark spots or blackheads appear on your teeth, you should immediately consult a doctor. Perhaps this symptom will indicate the development of an unpleasant pathological process, which in the future can lead to complete destruction dental tissue.
During the examination, the doctor can quickly identify the cause of darkening of the teeth, and to eliminate it, he may suggest several effective techniques:

    Removal using ultrasound. This is the most popular method of removing blackness from the surface of teeth; it is present in almost every clinic, even not very expensive ones. Usually the price for one tooth varies from 70 to 150 rubles. Using ultrasound, you can remove many years of plaque and dark tartar;

The main methods of cleaning teeth that are used in modern dentistry– this includes cleaning with ultrasound, rinsing with a soda jet device, as well as laser teeth whitening.

Eliminating blackening at home

Of course, for any pathological processes teeth, you should immediately contact a dentist, but this may not always be possible, so in these cases you can use home methods to remove black plaque.
The most effective methods include the following folk methods:

  1. You need to pour 1 teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide into a bowl and add as much baking soda. All components are thoroughly mixed. The prepared mixture is applied to the surface of the teeth. Apply using cotton wool or a cotton pad. After this you need to rinse your mouth warm water within 1 minute. These procedures are not recommended to be done frequently, otherwise tooth enamel may be damaged;
  2. Place 1 large spoon of dried bean skins and burdock root into a container. Everything is infused for several hours. The finished tincture should be drunk three times a day, 1/3 of a glass;
  3. Making homemade tooth powder. Place 2 large spoons of dried sage leaves on the surface of the foil and 2 large spoons sea ​​salt. Everything is placed in the oven, heated at 180-200 degrees for 25-30 minutes. Ready-made tooth powder can be used to clean your teeth.

Why do teeth turn black inside and out, what to do when the enamel darkens in adults and children?

A black tooth is a reason for bad mood and a reason to urgently think about your own health. To solve the problem, you need to know why it darkened, what external or internal influences led to similar discomfort, and, having changed them, conquer others and delight yourself with a snow-white smile.

Darkening of molars and baby teeth

Darkening of teeth can affect both adults and children at any age; it appears suddenly or gradually. The problem can affect the front row or wisdom teeth; darkening occurs over the entire surface or only at the base, from the outer or reverse side, from inside a living tooth or under a filling.

The reasons, as well as the visible manifestations of blackening, are varied: hereditary predisposition, unfavorable external factors, the state of the body itself (digestive and the immune system), bad habits, medical effects.

Causes of occurrence in adults

Adult man having necessary information, is easily able to analyze why he has a dark tooth and what to do about it:

Why do children's teeth turn black?

Changes in enamel color in children can occur in different cases:

In addition to the listed specific reasons for the darkening of teeth in children, their first teeth have general properties with constants. As in adults, blackening of teeth can occur due to problems acid-base balance, chronic diseases, carious destruction, individual characteristics, consumption of foods and medications that contribute to the appearance of black teeth.

How to get rid of black tooth enamel?

Professional help

A consultation with a dentist will clarify the situation about the need and advisability of treatment and prevention of the oral cavity. A dark tooth can only be an aesthetic problem or require surgical treatment, especially if it hurts.

If the color change occurs inside the filling, the doctor will suggest effective methods treatment: replacement of old material, whitening at the canal level, use of crown attachments, installation of an onlay-veneer, etc. Separately, experts stipulate the treatment of a black wisdom tooth - it is advisable either not to touch it, or to completely remove it.

Professional whitening of black teeth using modern equipment is not only aesthetically important, but also performs preventive function– plaque is removed before it can cause caries. Dental clinics offer their patients 3 main whitening methods in case of darkening of tooth enamel. Choice of the most suitable type getting rid of blackening of teeth depends on the recommendations of the attending physician and the financial capabilities of the patient:

  • Ultrasonic cleaning. You can quickly, effectively, and painlessly remove even hardened plaque where the tooth has turned black. The result can last for about 5 years.
  • Air Flow– cleaning using a soda jet. Unhardened plaque is easily removed, but only in easily accessible places. The procedure is recommended to be carried out every six months.
  • Laser whitening. This procedure recommended for large cluster tartar, old dark deposits. The effect lasts up to 7 years.

At home

You can use the available ways to make your smile more attractive:

Prevention of darkening of teeth

Prevention more important than treatment. Proper care behind the oral cavity, balanced diet, sufficient calcium intake into the body, competent and timely treatment of chronic and acute diseases, giving up bad habits (smoking, drinking alcohol), regularly visiting the dentist 1-2 times a year - and there will be no problem with darkening of teeth.

Black teeth: why it happens and how to avoid it

Normal dental plaque may not even be noticeable, but major change enamel color can be a huge problem. Blackening of teeth in adults is not uncommon. Why is this happening?

People tend to ignore many dental problems, but you can’t just ignore the blackening of teeth. Besides that dark coating significantly spoils the outside or inside of the tooth appearance smiles, it is also a signal of serious illnesses, which may not be related to dentistry. What to do if your teeth turn black or your front tooth is darkened?

Dark enamel in children

In children, black plaque may appear within one night, even if the child has not previously complained of anything. Children over one year of age most often suffer from such phenomena. The most intense coloring remains on inside teeth. Many people mistakenly believe that if a tooth turns black, it means caries has begun. This is not always the case.

What to do if a tooth turns black inside or outside? It is simply impossible to remove plaque even with thorough and intensive cleaning. Help from professional procedures is not guaranteed: over time, it can be replaced that the tooth turns black from the inside again.

What can cause a change in enamel color? There are several factors why a tooth suddenly turns black:

Intrauterine development problems may also play a role. So, darkening is possible if the mother did not eat properly (the food had little calcium and too much iron or fluorine); was sick infectious diseases or used potentially dangerous drugs.

What to do? The only way out is to see a doctor and remove the black plaque; the dentist will consider this possible. There is a high probability that after some time the dark spots will return again.

Why does this happen in adults?

Why do adults' teeth usually turn black? Normal plaque in adulthood is not a pathology, and its main cause is poor oral hygiene. The danger to the color of the enamel is the following:

If a tooth has darkened and now it hurts, ordinary caries cannot be ruled out. A severe cavity can be any shade from yellowish to dark brown or black. There is only one thing to do here - immediately contact the dentist, before the microbes multiplying in the carious cavity lead to inflammation of the soft tissues or roots.

When the coronal part is partially destroyed (which often happens with eights - wisdom teeth), patients often notice that the inside of the tooth is now black. This indicates the rapid destruction of tissue; it will not be possible to remove the darkening on your own.

How to get rid of black plaque

What to do if the tooth turns black and hurts? The only option is to see a doctor. Any painkillers to which the body does not have a negative reaction will help temporarily cope with pain.

You can simply get rid of plaque with the help of a professional dentist. Air cleaning Flow. You cannot do it with a one-time procedure: it is recommended to repeat it at least once a year. During cleaning, all soft deposits and surface pigmentation will be removed from the enamel, and the teeth will become a couple of shades lighter. The benefits are not only aesthetic, but also practical: plaque is a source of bacteria.

It is imperative to monitor the quality and regularity of ordinary household hygiene procedures. Smokers, for example, can purchase special pastes that dissolve plaque within a few minutes. But you can’t use such products often: their composition is quite aggressive, and ultimately the enamel may suffer.

You should also be careful with conventional whitening pastes: most of them contain small hard abrasive particles, which, although they remove pigmentation from the surface of the teeth, but, again, negatively affect the enamel and can leave micro-scratches on it.

Most the best option– quit smoking and reduce consumption of colored drinks.

As a preventive measure, it is useful to use special mouth rinses. It is recommended to use them immediately after eating, smoking or drinking drinks harmful to enamel. The mouthwash is not a complete replacement for brushing, but it will help clean the mouth when a toothbrush is not available.

You can also use traditional methods to lighten enamel. The main thing is to choose a suitable recipe and make sure that the components will not be allergic reaction. It is advisable to consult a dentist before such self-medication - perhaps he will suggest more effective and useful methods.

The darkening of the enamel is hard to miss - unsightly dark spots stand out strongly on a white surface, and removing them with ordinary paste is not so easy. Unfortunately, there are many reasons for the appearance of black spots and zones, and it is not so easy to determine what became the source of the pathology.

The leaders in staining teeth black are nicotine and its resins.

In the article we will look at why the tooth turns black inside and out, how to deal with the disease medically and at home.

As a rule, plaque on teeth is formed due to the fault of the patient himself. This may depend on lifestyle, diet, hereditary diseases, careful regular hygiene and a number of bad habits.

Let's take a closer look at all these reasons.

  1. The darkening was caused by food dyes and natural pigments. The very first in the list of coloring components is nicotine and its resins. People who smoke a pack of cigarettes a day or who respect a pipe or hookah can rarely boast of a snow-white smile, unless immediately after professional whitening. In second place are coffee and strong black tea, the pigments of which complement the natural microbial plaque, giving it a dark tint. Third place is confidently shared by red wine, beets and various food colorings. The soft plaque painted by them gradually hardens, after which it becomes tartar.
  2. Irregular or poor oral hygiene. Many people wonder why adults' teeth darken without visible reasons. But the reason is that people do not pay attention to long-term and high-quality teeth cleaning, they ignore the interdental spaces and the inner surface. Rinsing your teeth after eating can wash away some of the food leftovers, but it will not remove the soft yellowish coating, which over time will necessarily transform into a dark stone or caries.
  3. Systemic or chronic diseases. There are a number of diseases that result in blackening of teeth. Most often, this symptom indicates a dysfunction of the liver or spleen, acid-base level. Darkening of teeth can also be caused by viral diseases, HIV, AIDS, etc.

    Systemic or chronic diseases can cause darkening of teeth

    Non-carious changes in enamel also lead to congenital pathologies: Pflueger, Hutchinson and Fournier disease.

  4. Long-term use of antibiotics and other drugs. Most often, patients present with the problem after using Tetracycline. Unfortunately, teeth whitening does not always help in this case.
  5. Contact at work or at home with heavy metal compounds. Employees of metallurgical plants often come with the question: “What to do - a tooth has turned black.” The dentist will explain that the condensation that settles on the surface of the body and the oral mucosa includes metal compounds that lead to a characteristic plaque.
  6. Poorly constructed diet. Snack lovers a quick fix“They often turn to the dentist with dark enamel, because industrial components, preservatives and other chemicals in many products, as well as vegetables and fruits, lead not only to darkening of the enamel, but also to deterioration of its structure, the appearance of cracks, caries and other pathologies.
  7. Carious disease. If the composition of saliva changes, or the presence of a favorable environment for reproduction (food debris, plaque, dentures, etc.), microbes begin to actively attack the tooth crown, reaching the thickness of dentin and even pulp. The disease begins with small dark specks on the enamel, so they are difficult to notice. Often, patients realize that the chewing molars have darkened from the inside or, for example, the wisdom tooth has turned black. Mechanical damage tooth

    If the neurovascular bundle is damaged as a result of a blow, bruise, fall or other injury, the tooth may receive less nutrients and the enamel will begin to darken. An example is a pulpless tooth, the dead tissue of which often changes color.

  8. Fluorosis is endemic. The disease is characterized by bone damage due to high content fluoride in the body. The component gets there mainly through drinking water and most often accumulates in the bodies of children. Symptoms of fluorosis are light and dark areas on the enamel.
  9. Addiction. The toxic components of drugs systemically destroy the body, not ignoring the oral cavity. The teeth begin to darken intensely, after which they become mobile and fall out.

Black teeth in children

Poor absorption of calcium is one of the reasons for darkening of teeth in children.

Many parents are faced with the problem that their child has a black tooth inside or outside. It would seem that the baby does not have bad habits, the parents actively monitor hygiene, does not take antibiotics, etc., but dark spots appear and appear.

IN childhood There are reasons for darkening the enamel:

  • dental plaque (occurs due to insufficient hygiene and dietary features);
  • early caries (especially for unprotected baby teeth);
  • fluorosis (as we mentioned above, children are most susceptible to this disease);
  • the mother's use of tetracycline antibiotics or other drugs during pregnancy;
  • poor absorption of calcium, metabolic disorders;
  • intestinal dysbiosis (in the smallest);
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • chronic and systemic diseases, mentioned above;
  • the child's menu consists of a large number of industrial sweets, black tea and sweet soda(especially Coca-Cola).

Remember that caries and other oral pathologies develop faster in children, so you should immediately contact your dentist. Do not ignore the darkening of baby teeth, thinking that when they fall out, the pathology will disappear.

Remember that caries and other infectious foci penetrate to the vascular and nerve endings, causing chronic processes, deformation of the dentition, crooked bite, etc.

Treating Dark Spots with Medical Treatments

First of all, it is necessary to establish why the tooth has darkened and what is the reason.

If we are talking about systemic and chronic diseases, then they should be treated symptomatically by highly specialized doctors.

Fluoridation of teeth in children

Caries is treated with the help of sanitation and subsequent filling of the tooth cavity. Additionally, preventive measures are taken (fluoridation, silvering, etc.) to prevent relapse of the disease.

If dark spots appeared due to poor hygiene, the dentist will perform hygienic cleaning and select necessary funds for regular care: professional brush and paste, floss, irrigators and rinses.

If the reason why teeth turn black from the inside are dyes and pigments, then the patient should reconsider his lifestyle. First of all, pay attention to your diet, limit the consumption of “coloring” foods and drinks mentioned in this article.

You should also put yourself before a choice: beautiful snow-white smile or bad habits (smoking, drinking wine, drug addiction).

The consequences of contact with heavy metals, use of antibiotics and poor hygiene, which manifests itself in the form of hard stone, are eliminated using the procedures listed below.

Removing pigmentation using home methods

Sometimes patients do not have the opportunity to order professional whitening, and then proven home methods come to the rescue.

You can lightly whiten the enamel and remove loose dark plaque using the products listed below.

We looked at why teeth turn black in adults and what to do in this case. Best advice will be held preventive measures, changing diet and lifestyle, as well as timely treatment of all systemic diseases.

Also, do not forget that regular and conscientious oral hygiene is the key to a snow-white smile.

In dentistry, there are two types of tooth discoloration. Darkening of the tooth itself and plaque on its surface. This is not the same thing and these two problems are caused by different factors.

Here we will analyze the appearance of black pigmented.

All shades of gray

Despite the fact that dark plaque on teeth is quite common, both in adults and women, the majority of the population does not understand that this is associated with certain consequences, the elimination of which requires knowledge of methods to combat them.

Black teeth are the concentration of a significant number of different small elements on the enamel of teeth, in the spaces between them, in pockets under the gums and in other areas of the dental cavity with shades from light dark to black, from specks and dots to complete blackening.

The darkening of teeth is caused by fungi, and it is very difficult to remove such plaque, as it sticks to the tooth enamel.

It is difficult, including specialized dental treatment methods. But when the main cause is eliminated, the blackening goes away on its own.

All the reasons that can trigger the problem

If teeth turn black, then this is in any case associated with a person’s lifestyle and signals health problems.

What risks do adults take?

Black plaque on teeth in adults is not an anomaly. As a rule, the process of its formation is long and it appears when basic oral hygiene is not observed. Mostly dark teeth This is a consequence of harmful habits.

Why do adults' teeth turn black?

Children at risk

The prerequisites can be different, ranging from Priestley’s plaque and ending with acquired diseases and the dominance of foods containing a high percentage of sugar in the child’s menu.

The best way to identify such problems is not with a dentist, but with a gastroenterologist.

Full list of provoking factors:

  • Priestley's plaque is a process of vital activity of special microbes;
  • lack of calcium;
  • caries provokes the appearance of;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • non-compliance with oral hygiene procedures;
  • hypoplasia of tooth enamel;
  • damage to the dental pellicle;
  • secretion of iron in saliva;
  • weak immunity, when the plaque looks like black mold;
  • use of foods and drinks containing dark food pigments;
  • various injuries;
  • – pathology arising due to excessive fluoride consumption, high concentration which may be in drinking water and toothpastes.

Priestley's Raid

Professional help

You can clean your teeth from black plaque using professional methods:

  1. . This procedure painlessly removes hard old plaque without damaging the enamel.
  2. . Washed off light touch from the plane of the teeth using a soda-jet mechanism. Cons: short-term, about six months, result; does not remove tartar; weakens enamel; provokes.
  3. . The most effective method of influencing dental health, without damaging the enamel layer and causing pain. Long-term, over 4 years, preservation of whiteness.

help yourself

You can get rid of black plaque at home using the following means:

  1. A mixture of peroxide and soda, one teaspoon at a time, apply to a cotton swab and gently massage your teeth with it. Rinse your mouth well with warm water. The method, taking into account the preservation of enamel, should be used once a week.
  2. A tablespoon of crushed bean skins and burdock root Brew with boiling water, leave for several hours. The prepared decoction is very beneficial and healing for teeth. Take the heated decoction, three times a day, 0.3 cups, until the plaque disappears.
  3. DIY tooth powder. Place 2 tablespoons on foil dried leaves sage and sea salt. Place the foil in the oven, preheated to 180-200˚C, for 25-30 minutes. After the mixture has cooled, grind it. This homemade tooth powder is an effective healing agent. Apply once a week.

There are special toothpastes for smokers and coffee lovers - ROCS “Coffee and Tobacco”. They help break down protein plaque and protect teeth from staining with nicotine resins. The paste can be used once a day. Do not rinse your mouth.

A tooth with the pulp removed and lack of blood supply is called dead. It usually looks yellowish-dark and spoils the smile. Is it possible to whiten a dead, darkened tooth so that it does not differ from the rest?

Each chewing unit consists of roots and a crown. Below the crown is the pulp chamber containing the pulp called the nerve. Blood vessels pass through the pulp nerve endings, supplying the tooth with nutrients.

A dead tooth is one from which the pulp has been removed.

After nerve removal strong enamel continues to perform its functions and remains in the gum. But the necessary substances do not reach it, the dentin dries out, and the tissue begins to darken. Another reason for color change is damage blood vessels when extracting the nerve. Blood quickly stains dentin and whitens the surface traditional ways useless.

Whitening methods

How to whiten a darkened tooth? Two methods are used.


The method involves injecting bleaching agents into the crown. For this purpose, a product based on sodium perborate is used. The procedure is carried out not only when the pulp is removed, but also in cases where it is impossible to change the shade in other ways:

  • injury followed by internal hemorrhage;
  • a filling was installed with formaldehyde, which stains dentin pink;
  • As a result of silvering, the roots darkened.

The algorithm is as follows:

The procedure is repeated at weekly intervals until the result is visible. Typically, 4-5 visits are needed to lighten a tooth. The filling is placed 10 days after the last gel placement procedure.

The result is noticeable on average within two years; after that you will have to repeat the cycle. It is not recommended to conduct more than three courses of intracanal bleaching. Every next cycle increases the risk of crown fracture.

The technique has others flaws:

  • The result cannot be predicted immediately; it will be clear only after completing the course.
  • The enamel becomes lighter, but remains dull and differs from neighboring units.
  • There are contraindications: allergies, pregnancy, caries, gum disease, endocrine disorders, cracks, presence of photopolymer fillings.


Restorative bleaching means covering the surface with thin plates -. They come in two types:

The procedure has the following stages:

  1. The required shade of the plate is selected.
  2. The tissue is sanded off the surface (from 0.5 to 1.5 mm).
  3. Zirconium dioxide veneers are made on a special machine based on a three-dimensional computer image. Porcelain plates are ground in dental laboratories using a plaster cast.
  4. Finished veneers are fixed to the surface using special glue.
  5. Composite plates are made both in the laboratory using an impression and directly in the patient’s mouth, when a filling composite material is applied to the prepared surface.

Restoration is not carried out if there are contraindications:

  • severe tooth decay;
  • washability;
  • risk of injury (if sports activities, For example);
  • bruxism.

You can install a ceramic crown.

When deciding to install veneers, it is important to understand that you will have to wear them for the rest of your life. The technique involves less grinding than for crowns, but it still exists; It will not be possible to restore your teeth to their original appearance.


Another method of restoration is crowns. Doctors consider it preferable for several reasons reasons:

  1. By losing pulp, the tooth loses strength: it decreases by 30-60%. The crown helps protect the tissue and prevent fractures.
  2. Provides protection of natural fabrics from external influences.
  3. Evenly distributes the chewing load, protecting the walls from fractures.
  4. Allows you to save the root.

Crowns vary depending on the material:

According to dentists, the optimal choice for dead tooth– zirconium crown, durable, ensuring a reliable fit to the remaining tissues.

All described types of bleaching negatively affect the fabric. When using the intracanal technique, it becomes fragile; restoration methods require grinding. It is better to avoid situations where the enamel may darken. To do this, you need to carefully monitor your teeth and treat them at an early stage of disease.


  1. Wulfes H. Modern technologies prosthetics. Moscow, 2002.
  2. Chikunov S.O. Modern aesthetic dentistry. St. Petersburg, 2005.

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