Why you can't tolerate a headache. Why you can’t tolerate a headache, and how it can turn out

Such symptoms are a consequence vascular problems leading to deterioration of the brain. Headache is a signal of this unfavorable process.

More than 60% of people periodically experience symptoms of the disorder cerebral circulation, among which is a headache. These are medical statistics. According to doctors, if measures are not taken urgently, then after some time more serious problems may develop. severe symptoms, associated with the compaction of the walls of blood vessels, their narrowing. As a result, serious, life-threatening diseases caused by chronic failure blood circulation

Doctors warn: don’t write off headache to banal overwork, as often happens. On occurrence pathological processes in the brain some of its varieties may indicate, for example:

Why is it dangerous to have a headache?

A headache should not be tolerated, as it can turn into chronic form, which will accompany you constantly throughout life. At the same time, pain of any origin destroys nerve endings. By enduring a headache, you run the risk that over time the blood vessels or nerves may not be able to withstand it and “break”. Heart attacks and cerebral hemorrhages often occur as a result of such patience. In addition, people who get used to enduring headaches develop an unstable psycho-emotional state.

How to keep blood vessels toned

The body needs to be adjusted to a healthy wave - if the disease is not advanced, you can do without a doctor. An excellent workout for blood vessels is cold and hot shower And acupressure. Regular physical activity is also necessary. For example, a week of training in the gym improves the well-being of people suffering from vascular diseases by 20%. If it is not possible to go to the gym, you should spend more time in the fresh air, take walks - at least 15-30 minutes a day.

It would also be useful to take non-drug medications made from natural substances that make the walls of blood vessels strong and elastic and promote free blood circulation in them.

Please note: factors such as smoking, alcohol, abuse fatty foods, working at a computer provokes vascular diseases associated with brain disorders. When working at a computer, you need to take a break every 15-30 minutes, and on your table there must be foods rich in B vitamins and vitamin C - they help strengthen blood vessels and prevent the development of vascular diseases and headaches.

Depending on the form of the disease, the pain varies in nature. Pain can be a clear signal that certain diseases are occurring in the body. When discomfort recurs regularly, treatment should not be delayed. You should consult a doctor immediately.

Why can't you tolerate a headache? Firstly because protracted process inaction can go into a stage chronic disease, which is much more difficult to combat. According to research, headaches can be the cause of migraines, blood pressure surges, inflammation, poisoning, sinusitis and other things, and only timely proper treatment can positively affect the situation.

Headache is

Pain in the head area is due to the fact that there are a myriad of pain receptors located inside the skull. Also perceive discomfort and those receptors that are located outside the skull, for example, ears, can transmit them to the brain, nasal cavity, subcutaneous arteries. Consequently, it is the head that is sensitive to many changes in the body.

Why is it dangerous to endure

Among most people, there is an opinion that instead of taking a pill, it is better to wait until the pain will go away. But this is a misconception, since the harm from the manifestation itself is much more significant than from the medicine taken. Without understanding why a particularly severe headache cannot be tolerated, a person independently causes enormous damage to his health. The fact is that at such a moment the body undergoes severe stress due to excessive stress on the vessels and the system as a whole.

Inaction can provoke:

  • increase in adrenaline in the blood;
  • increased heart rate;
  • vascular spasms;
  • increase in blood pressure;
  • fainting;
  • stroke;
  • severe pain attack.

In addition to these consequences, headache can be a harbinger dangerous condition health. Spasm can affect the development of physiological changes at the cellular level, provoke cardiovascular diseases, psychiatric disorders. It is important to pay attention to headaches, as the symptom may indicate tumors, poisoning, venereal diseases, helminthiasis, inflammation and other ailments. Headache is not only an unpleasant manifestation in the periosteum area, but also an indicator that the mucous membranes of the eyes, sinuses, and neck area are affected. It is these factors that make pain relief mandatory, and the sooner the better.


The discomfort is caused by the fact that the blood vessels in the head dilate excessively. There is an oversaturation of blood, pain receptors are irritated, leading to discomfort and pain. The reasons may be hormonal disorders, excess alcohol taken, too active stress on the body, etc. Pain leading to discomfort and caused for various reasons, should be eliminated only with the drugs prescribed by the doctor after the examination. He will answer why you can’t tolerate a headache, because long-term manifestations negatively affect the human psyche.

Serious illnesses

The main pathologies that a headache can warn about are:

  • Neurology.
  • Metabolic disorders.
  • Head injuries.
  • Poisoning.
  • Inflammatory processes of vascular walls.

Carrying out diagnostics in the clinic, other diseases may be identified in the patient. It also happens that the symptom does not have organic reasons, then the headache is primary form. In other words, the body does not develop the underlying disease. Going to the doctor in in this case is also needed, especially if the pain is periodic and severe. Self-administration medicines may cause harm.

Most often, patients seek help (90%) when tension headaches are present. It provokes emotional overstrain: stress, anxiety, depression. The nature of the manifestation is compressed, constricting, its treatment is mandatory. IN chronic stage episodic attacks outgrow, leading to sleep disturbances, fatigue, anorexia, and depression.

When an attack is accompanied by vomiting, sound and photophobia, it is forbidden to tolerate such a manifestation.

In addition to therapy, it is necessary to make lifestyle adjustments:

  • give up bad habits;
  • drink less coffee;
  • exercise;
  • spend more time outdoors;
  • control sleep and wakefulness.

A serious indicator of headache is migraine, which develops through a sharp spasm of blood vessels, and then their expansion. Such attacks should only be treated by a physician, he will find comprehensive solution question, eliminating severe pain, as well as preventing relapses.


Sudden mood swings, including unexpected aggression, may occur when pain strikes. In this case, it is important to know why you should never tolerate this type of headache. Hypersensitivity develops, projection of a vague opinion, erroneous perception of the external situation around oneself, excessive sensitivity to what is happening.

Pathology has 2 types: hyposthenic and hypersthenic.

In the first case, the mood is depressive, indifferent, apathetic. The second is more dangerous, since here, in addition to changes in mood, severe nervousness, irritability, and inexplicable aggression are manifested. Pain in the head along with such clouding may indicate material disorders in the brain. A psychotherapist can help in this case. Treatment is prescribed based on the causes of nervousness and aggressive state.

For pregnant

Every scientific collection or article published by medical specialists says that during gestation, especially in the 1st trimester, expectant mothers complain of cephalgic syndrome. That is, most pregnant women develop physiologically caused hypotension. You cannot put up with pain, since such stress on the body can increase the tone of the uterus and lead to termination of pregnancy through miscarriage or fetal death.

You can also pacify the pain folk ways: having drunk sweet tea After sleeping, apply a cold compress to your head.

Is it possible to tolerate a headache: in what cases and how to relieve it

Most actual problem the headache remains, because every person has faced it. Some simply wait until the sensation goes away on its own, more often during pregnancy, others use medications, and still others go to doctors. Is it possible not to treat, but to endure a depressing headache, especially if it disrupts your normal lifestyle and threatens your health? The answer will depend on how strong and frequent the manifestation is, what its cyclical nature is, and what disease led to such consequences.

You should definitely see a doctor if:

  • the pain is excruciating and prolonged (several days);
  • spasm occurs abruptly, earlier this factor was not noticed;
  • coordination and vision are impaired, arms and legs are felt weak, speech and thinking are disrupted;
  • temperature rises along with painful manifestation;
  • neck joints become weakly mobile;
  • sensation of an “explosion” inside the skull;
  • vomiting occurs without preceding nausea;
  • the pain intensifies with the slightest movement or coughing.

All these factors can signal a severe failure in the functioning of systems. The disease must be determined without fail.

When can you be patient?

There are situations when a headache does not need to be pacified with pills: it is caused by a strong psycho-emotional load, overwork. It is important not to use medications, but just relax and get enough sleep. The only thing that is permissible in such a situation is sedatives which will help relieve anxiety and stress. Painkillers will eliminate the pain, but the next day it will return, since the cause of its appearance has not been eliminated.

Reasons not to panic

Don't panic if it happens painful spasm worth it under the following circumstances:

  • when the pain is not very pronounced;
  • there were no head contusions before the onset of the symptom;
  • shortly before the onset of painful spasm there was stressful situation, excessive mental or physical stress;
  • with lack of sleep;
  • when sensations arise, always after certain factors, for example, during a sudden change in weather;
  • the phenomenon is not systematic.

These factors have a positive answer to the question of whether a headache can be tolerated and do not oblige you to go to the doctor; it is enough to use traditional methods or proven medications for pain relief.

Ease the pain

The question of whether a headache can be tolerated and whether it should be pacified requires a clear explanation of the reasons by the doctor. Therapy will depend on the data obtained.

But when you need to reduce pain immediately, you can use the following methods:

  • Take painkillers: No-shpu, Aspirin.
  • Try to sleep.
  • Engage in activities that allow your brain to rest, simply relax in a comfortable position.
  • Change the environment that causes headaches: turn off the lights, reduce the noise level.
  • Apply a cold compress.
  • Drink sweet tea.

It became clear whether it is possible to endure a strong, pressing headache, and in what cases it should not be done. Timely contact with a specialist is the way to quick recovery after the prescribed course of treatment.

According to the results of many studies, in developed countries over 70% of the population suffers from constant or recurrent headaches. However, these statistics do not fully reflect the true situation.

Often, for a qualified medical care people turn only when pain attacks are so frequent and intense that it is almost impossible to endure them. Most patients prefer to cope with episodic and moderate headaches on their own. Undoubtedly, absolutely every person has suffered from a headache at least once.

Is it acceptable to have a headache?

Many people have heard the phrase “be patient and everything will go away on its own” more than once. This incorrect belief has been firmly rooted in our minds since childhood. That is why, too often, patients do not understand why it is absolutely impossible to endure a headache and what it entails.

Let's talk about pain based on physiology. They represent physical suffering, an unpleasant or even painful sensation, the most important function which is a kind of “signal”, a warning to the body about impending danger. That is, unpleasant sensations never arise just like that; their appearance has a specific reason. And if you do not establish and eliminate it, it is likely that other, much more dangerous symptoms will soon be added to the pain in your head.

Long-term unpleasant sensations always cause changes in physiological parameters in the body (values blood pressure, heart rate, hormone concentrations).

So, for example, the cause of the development of unpleasant sensations was a spasm of cerebral vessels. You are tormented by a headache, and you stubbornly ignore taking painkillers. In response to pain impulses, the body’s natural reaction follows: the production of one of the main “stress hormones” - adrenaline - increases and, as a result, blood pressure rises, the pulse accelerates, and blood vessels spasm even more. And, of course, your condition will worsen even more significantly, the unpleasant sensations in your head will increase, and it will be much more difficult to overcome them later.

Neglected pain often develops into a chronic condition.

In addition, unpleasant sensations are a common cause of disruption of normal psychotherapy. emotional state. After all, a person experiencing any unpleasant sensations or discomfort becomes irritable, restless, anxious, and is characterized by sudden changes in mood.

Causes of headache development

As mentioned above, the occurrence of unpleasant sensations has a reason. It is impossible to cure them without eliminating them causative factor, i.e. treatment of the underlying disease of which they are a manifestation. By taking analgesic drugs you will only temporarily alleviate your condition, weaken or eliminate discomfort, but do not affect the cause of its occurrence.

Therefore, quite often, a headache serves as a good reason to visit a general practitioner or neurologist.

So, what can a headache signal?

There are a huge number of reasons for unpleasant sensations in the head.

For example, they can be a manifestation of diseases of the peripheral nervous system (neuro- and radiculopathy), problems with the spine (osteochondrosis cervical region, scoliosis). The body can respond with headaches to fluctuations (rise or fall) in blood pressure. Also, a headache can become a harbinger of such a serious neurological pathology as increased intracranial pressure(so-called liquor hypertension), or talk about the development of a brain tumor.

Frequent causes of inflammatory headaches are meningitis (inflammation of the membranes of the brain), encephalitis (inflammation of the brain matter), as well as inflammatory lesions other organs of the head - ears, parotid glands, sinuses, eyes, joints lower jaw, teeth. Inflammation in these organs causes irritation of the nerves, and therefore headaches.

Almost invariably headaches are accompanied by various pathologies cerebral vessels (atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels, acute cerebral infarctions, hemorrhages into the substance of the brain or under its membranes, congenital anomalies cerebral vessels).

General intoxication causes of headaches are numerous and varied. These include various chronic inflammatory diseases (especially kidney, liver, gastrointestinal tract), and banal ARVI.

Headaches are also a common side effect of long-term, and especially uncontrolled, use of certain medications.

"Primary" headache. The most common types

If “secondary” pain is a symptom of some other ailment, then “primary” pain is a separate, independent pathology.

Migraine and tension-type headache (TTH) are fairly common types of “primary” headaches.

TTH is typical for young people (20–40 years old). As a rule, the trigger for its development is a stressful situation (acute or chronic). Therefore, the severity of such pain in the head can increase in response to negative experiences and decrease with various positive emotions.

In many patients, attacks of tension-type headache are accompanied by stiffness of the muscles of the head and face. The cause of unpleasant sensations in this case may be prolonged maintenance of an uncomfortable position (for example, when working at a computer for a long time without interruption).

This type of headache often develops on both sides. It is characterized as squeezing or squeezing (according to patients: the head seems to be “tightened with a hoop”).

A migraine attack can be awakened by emotional stress or heavy physical exertion, lack of sleep, hypothermia, poor nutrition, alcohol abuse, loud sounds, strong odors. Migraines often occur among women taking oral contraceptives. There is a direct connection between the occurrence of attacks and the phase menstrual cycle women. In half of the patients, the hereditary nature of migraine is clear. It is felt by patients around the eye, in the temple or forehead. It is often one-sided, very intense, does not go away for a long time (an attack can last over 72 hours), and has a pulsating character. Often a headache attack is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and dizziness.

"Anxiety Symptoms" In what situations is it necessary to consult a doctor?

1. The occurrence of atypical for you pain in your head that didn’t bother you before.
2. You took a painkiller, but the discomfort still does not subside for more than 72 hours, disrupting the normal rhythm of your life.
3. The headache occurred acutely, suddenly, like a “blow” or “explosion” inside the head.
4. It is accompanied by a disorder of motor coordination, speech impairment, blurred vision, weakness in the limbs, and unclear thinking.
5. She is accompanied by heat body or difficulty moving in the neck.
6. Increased intensity of unpleasant sensations even with minimal physical activity.
7. At the height of a painful attack, vomiting is observed, which is not preceded by nausea.
8. The intensity and frequency of attacks increases.

In all of the above cases, consult a doctor without delay. You need medical examination and, quite possibly, serious treatment.

Quite often you can find people's frivolous attitude towards headaches.

Such an illness is not taken seriously and they often prefer to endure it, forgetting that through this symptom the body signals the presence of health problems.

Can you tolerate a headache? Doctors' answer: definitely not. Therefore, it is important to know why you should not tolerate a headache and what to do if it occurs.

There is a common misconception that by taking a painkiller, we cause harm to the body much more significantly than the benefit that pain relief brings.

Therefore, many people prefer to endure the headache instead of taking medicine.

However, such a choice is fraught with the fact that the patient will cause even greater damage to his health, since at these moments there is a strong load on the blood vessels and the body experiences stress.

The result of such inaction is:

  • increased adrenaline levels in the blood;
  • increased heart rate;
  • increase in blood pressure.

By refusing to take an analgesic right away, it is easy to provoke a severe attack from a barely noticeable headache. If the cause of the symptom is vasospasm, and the pain leads to the release of adrenaline, the surge of this hormone, in turn, will again affect the vessels by constricting.

Thus, the consequences of the symptom become trigger mechanism for paroxysm - intensification of pain to the maximum extent. Moreover, this condition can lead to fainting and stroke.

In addition, in addition to unpleasant sensations, a headache can be the beginning of other severe conditions and diseases. She is capable of:

  • provoke irreversible physiological changes in the body at the cellular level;
  • become the basis for the development of cardiovascular diseases;
  • develop psychiatric disorders: increase feelings of anxiety, provoke depressive states and frequent mood swings.

We must not forget that a headache can serve as a signal of serious illness, therefore, it is extremely frivolous to ignore the symptom. It can hide tumors and concussions, as well as poisoning, infectious or sexually transmitted diseases, inflammatory processes and even helminthiasis.

Headaches usually include not only unpleasant sensations in the periosteum area, but also symptoms that affect the mucous membrane, eyes, and sinuses. Headaches also include discomfort in the neck area.

Every person has experienced a headache at least once in their life, and it probably unsettled you. There are many ways, so it is not necessary to take pills right away.

Let's look at methods for treating headaches during pregnancy. When is it dangerous to take pills and which ones? alternative means better to choose.

Constant headaches can be a consequence not only of constant overwork or fatigue, but also a sign of a serious illness. In this topic we will look at the reasons this symptom and treatment tactics.

What to do if you have a headache?

There is no need to wait until the pain symptom disappears on its own. It is better to take a painkiller right away. But so that taking the medicine does not turn into a tragedy, it is important to remember that many analgesics have contraindications.

They are generally contraindicated for:

  • pregnancy;
  • renal failure;
  • liver diseases;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • visual and hearing impairments;
  • problems with blood pressure.

Therefore, you need to check the instructions so as not to aggravate your condition. negative reaction body to one or another chemical.

In addition, different painkillers have their own characteristics. Let's take a closer look at them:

  • Analgin - it is not recommended to take more than one tablet at a time. Do not take the medicine on an empty stomach. In addition, studies have shown that it can lead to changes in blood composition, so the use of this medicine is prohibited for people with hematopoietic disorders.
  • Aspirin - has the property of thinning the blood, which is why uncontrolled use of the drug in some cases can cause internal bleeding. Use with caution by those who suffer from gastritis. It can also cause digestive system upset.
  • Citramon has the property of increasing blood pressure, so it should not be used by those who suffer from hypertension, as this can only worsen the headache. It is also contraindicated for women in the first and third trimester of pregnancy and during breastfeeding baby.
  • Spasmalgon – combination drug, who removes pain syndrome and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Do not combine with alcohol or give to children under 6 years of age. Capable of oppressing nervous system and influence the speed of the reaction. Contraindicated in people who suffer intestinal obstruction, glaucoma, tachyarrhythmia.
  • Nurofen - used to combat various types muscle pain. It is not recommended to use it for more than three days in a row. Contraindicated for pregnant women and nursing mothers, as well as people with liver diseases and bleeding disorders.
  • Ketanov – pain reliever wide range actions. Among side effects Nausea and dry mouth are noted. The drug cannot be used when peptic ulcer, bronchial asthma, pregnant women.

When a headache strikes you by surprise and you don’t have the necessary medications at hand, non-drug methods will come to the rescue. Need to go to Fresh air or ventilate the room you are in. The flow of oxygen can reduce the painful syndrome. If the headache is caused by the fact that a person is cold, then, on the contrary, it is recommended to warm up: put on a hat, throw on a woolen scarf.

Compresses help relieve headaches. An effective remedy- soaked in a mixture of vinegar and olive oil wool fabric. Copes well with pain symptom ice or frozen semi-finished products wrapped in a towel.

A cotton towel with vinegar applied to the forehead and temples not only relieves pain, but also reduces high fever.

When you can't do without a doctor

If headaches become constant companions of life, and do not occur from time to time, you need to consult a doctor for advice. After all, a painkiller relieves a symptom, but does not fight the cause due to which this type of ailment systematically manifests itself.

It is important to be able to distinguish headache as a general clinical symptom from migraine, which is an isolated case and is rarely associated with other diseases.

Signs of migraine are:

  • localization of unpleasant pulsating painful sensations on one side of the head;
  • attacks of pain are of an increasing nature, poorly controlled by over-the-counter analgesics;
  • the symptom intensifies in bright light and loud, sharp sounds.

The danger is that similar symptoms may also be signs of such things as a brain tumor or infectious diseases eg meningitis.

If they become regular, in order to establish an accurate diagnosis and receive qualified assistance in treatment, it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

No need to endure headaches. This is not a test of strength, but a state from which you need to get out in order not to become a hostage anymore. serious illness. Let it be in yours home medicine cabinet You will always have a reliable painkiller at hand. And if the nature of the pain and frequency of symptoms makes you worry, you should definitely consult a doctor for advice and treatment.

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