The health benefits and harms of mineral water. How to use mineral water to your advantage, and how to avoid harm from mineral water. What are the benefits of mineral water?

Treatment with mineral waters is slowly becoming a thing of the past. However, there are adherents who still use mineral water to this day. for preventive purposes as a remedy for thousands of diseases. Today's market is full of this drink; you can find brackish mineral water with or without carbonation. For this reason, given its prevalence, it is worth knowing what benefit or harm a miraculous drug can bring.

Types of mineral water

  1. Dining room. Mineralization of table water can be carried out if you have a laboratory and that’s it necessary equipment. The end result is a mineral water with a minimal content of salts and compounds compared to a natural drug. The drink can be useful for people who are deficient in one or another element. In one type of mineral water, sodium predominates, for example. The second is rich in phosphorus or calcium, the third is sulfate, and so on. But it is worth understanding that all this is achieved artificially.
  2. Therapeutic. The mineral water is exclusively natural; it is extracted from a deep well, after which it is processed and purified. Therapeutic Narzan is tested by everyone possible ways for the absence of salts heavy metals and other harmful impurities. A person should get maximum benefit from using such a product. Due to its extensive concentration, mineral water should not be drunk in large quantities. The cost of such a drink is higher than the price possible analogues. Medicinal water should be consumed only as prescribed by a doctor for therapeutic purposes.
  3. Therapeutic dining room. A mixed type that has gained popularity. There are no strict restrictions on intake; however, the drink is used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. Concentration active substances reduced by 1.5-2 times than in purely medicinal mineral water. The mixed type includes not only table and medicinal water, but also regular filtered water. However, in terms of usefulness it is not inferior to the second type of mineral water.

The benefits of mineral water

  1. The drink is obtained from the bowels of the earth. Water passes through the layers, thereby freeing itself from harmful impurities and becoming enriched nutrients. When consuming real mineral water, the activity of absolutely all vital functions is normalized. important systems and human organs. It’s not for nothing that our body to a greater extent consists of water.
  2. The healing mineral water truly works wonders. This is a real lifesaver for people with diseases gastrointestinal tract, heart, circulatory, endocrine, nervous system. Very often, mineral water is consumed for genitourinary, cardiac and intestinal disorders.
  3. Any purified water is a source of youth and longevity, mineral water in particular. When consuming mixed, table or medicinal mineral water, the body is rejuvenated on all fronts. The skin improves, wrinkles smooth out, and the person loses weight naturally.
  4. Since this drink contains a lot of calcium, the condition of teeth improves, bone tissue and nails. The drug has the pleasant feature of lowering cholesterol levels and cleansing blood channels. In view of this, maximum prevention of thrombophlebitis is carried out, varicose veins veins, atherosclerosis.
  5. It is useful to use narzan for patients with diabetes. The mineral water contains all the compounds that are responsible for reducing blood glucose levels. On this basis it improves general state, insulin dependence is reduced.
  6. The beneficial properties of mineral water apply to people with overweight. The drink is included in absolutely any diet, therapeutic or preventive. It allows you to lose fat several times faster than if you lost weight with a small amount of daily water consumed.
  7. Mineral water improves bowel movements, relieves constipation and, on the contrary, diarrhea. Due to its diuretic properties, the kidneys are cleansed, sand and small stones are removed from their cavity. Narzan also has a positive effect on the liver, increasing the outflow of bile.
  8. Girls during menstrual cycle, ladies with menopause, expectant mothers simply need mineral water without gas. This drink normalizes water-alkaline balance, will increase hemoglobin and normalize the psycho-emotional environment.
  9. Heated mineral water is used in health resorts for the treatment of pneumonia, bronchial asthma, lingering cough and other ailments associated with respiratory tract person. Mineral water promotes the removal of mucus and partially eliminates smoker's cough.
  10. Cool based mineral water you can prepare a facial tonic; narzan is also often frozen to obtain cosmetic ice. Subsequently, the use of these natural remedies will help you maintain youthful skin and cope with fine wrinkles.
  11. It is worth mentioning the obvious fact that a person should not be allowed to become dehydrated. Mineral water copes with this task perfectly if consumed regularly and in full doses. Also, against this background, digestive processes will improve, intestinal motility will improve, and stomach pain will go away.

  1. Women's doctors advise expectant and new mothers to drink mineral water in doses to give general tone to the body.
  2. During pregnancy, almost all women change their eating habits and suffer from toxicosis and indigestion (heartburn, constipation). Mineral water will help cope with these delicate problems.
  3. Nursing mothers simply need to consume water to get all the vitamins, minerals, amino acids and other elements. They will be passed along with the milk to the baby.
  4. The main thing is to remember that the reception should be carried out after releasing gases from a bottle of mineral water. To do this, leave the vessel open for 50-60 minutes.

Benefits of mineral water for the face

  1. Proper use of the skin product will give amazing results. This water can be consumed internally and used externally. The composition is mixed with other components when preparing homemade masks.
  2. It is important to know that for cosmetics It is necessary to use water without gas. Carbonated mineral water has a detrimental effect on the dermis. Carbon dioxide accelerates the aging process and destroys skin cells.
  3. To ensure proper hydration and toning, it is recommended to carry out a simple procedure every day. Freeze still mineral water in molds in advance. Wipe skin covering prepared ice cubes.
  4. To eliminate greasy shine and establish activities sebaceous glands, you need to use mineral water with increased rate salts in the composition. As a result of systematically rubbing the face, the skin will acquire an even tone and the pores will narrow.
  5. To eliminate swelling on the face and get rid of bags under the eyes, you should prepare a simple tonic. Combine equal amounts of non-carbonated mineral water and chamomile infusion. Wipe your face with the product twice a day.
  6. To cleanse your skin and pores of impurities, brew boiled calendula mineral water. Use the product as a lotion. Leave the composition on your face for a quarter of an hour.

  1. Currently topical issue What remains is whether mineral water can be given to children and at what age. There is definitely an answer; a child can only drink a certain type of product. You should not give mineral water to babies under six months. During this period, the body receives everything it needs from milk.
  2. If you are feeding your baby with an artificial formula, mineral water will not be superfluous at all. The drink can be included in the diet from 1 month. Keep in mind that it is necessary to use a special mineral water for infants. This water is often called children's water. The product undergoes thorough testing.
  3. It is not recommended to give mineral water to children natural origin With medicinal qualities. If there is such a need, consult your pediatrician in advance. The doctor will determine what mineral water should be given and with a certain composition.

Harm of mineral water

  1. It is important to understand that almost all mineral and table water is carbonated. An excess of carbon dioxide in the product provokes increased secretion gastric juice. In most cases, heartburn occurs. After some time, gastritis and ulcers may develop.
  2. If you often drink an additionally mineralized product, the body may receive an excess of active substances. As a result, the water supply is disrupted salt balance. May develop renal failure, sand and stones appear.
  3. Mineral water extracted in natural conditions, undergoes additional processing at the enterprise. As a result, most of the natural elements are lost. Such a product does not provide any benefit.
  4. If you consume natural narzan, it is important to understand that mineral water can provide benefits to the body. But, consuming raw materials in unlimited quantities, poisoning often occurs.

There are certainly benefits to mineral water. Consume the product wisely and study the composition. Natural sources will definitely not harm your health. As for the product being sold, it all depends on the manufacturer. Before purchasing, always study the composition, date of manufacture and expiration date.

Video: mineral water - medicine or poison?

Did you know that mineral water does not benefit all of us? Sometimes you can acquire new diseases, more serious and dangerous than those against which mineral water was taken. Without any restrictions, you can only drink water that is labeled “table water.” drinking water" It contains no more than 1 gram of salt per liter, has no specific taste, and quenches thirst well.

It is allowed to use medicinal table water for drinking. It contains from 2 to 8 grams of salts per liter. But there is one “but” here - low-mineralized water (2-2.5 g) can be drunk up to 1-1.5 liters, but the one that is more saturated with salts - no more than 2-3 glasses a day.

Salty medicinal mineral water can no longer be taken daily. The amount of salts and microelements in it is over 9-10 g per liter, so you should drink it only on the recommendation of a doctor - half a glass or a glass 3-4 times a day for a month.

Unfortunately, this “mineral water” is too accessible, since it does not require a prescription. Meanwhile, an excess of salts in the body is quite dangerous. For example, many doctors associate the increased incidence of kidney and cholelithiasis specifically with everyday excessive consumption of mineral water.

You need to be especially careful with water that contains a large number of iodine salts. Often the maximum permissible amount of this microelement for the body is contained in 1/3-1/2 cup of “mineral water”. Due to ignorance, people drink such water daily, uncontrollably, thereby provoking the appearance of various diseases thyroid gland.

How should you choose mineral water in the store and store it? Water is more useful not from a bottle, but directly from the source. But if it is not possible to obtain such water, then at least, try to choose natural rather than artificial water. Nowadays a lot of artificially mineralized waters are sold. They have nothing to do with mineral waters. For their production in best case scenario Water will initially be obtained from an artesian well. But most often they use the usual one tap water, which is then cleaned. Because of this, water loses not only harmful impurities, but also everything natural salts and minerals. After this, the water is saturated with salts. Thus, the result is not an active living environment, but simply a saline solution.

Therefore, if you buy bottled water, then buy natural, bottled water. known source, which is located in an environmentally friendly place. For example, “Holy Spring”, “Narzan”, “Essentuki”, “Yasnogorskaya”.

When purchasing, pay attention to the label. It must contain information about the manufacturer and the water itself: its composition, properties, indications for treatment, shelf life, bottling date.

The label must indicate the date and name of the laboratory where the test was performed. According to the standard, data must be updated every 5 years. So if the bottle says “2000”, then it is better not to purchase such water.

Water in glass bottles can be stored for up to 2 years, and in plastic container- up to 18 months. It is better to store bottles of mineral water at low temperatures from 4 to 14 degrees, in horizontal position. It is better to drink mineral water in the first two months of bottling. During this period, it retains almost all its beneficial properties.

Who is not recommended to drink “medicinal mineral water” at all? You can drink medicinal mineral water only if there are no contraindications. For example, chronic pyelonephritis, urolithiasis and during the period of exacerbation of various gastrointestinal diseases. As well as cardiopathy with heart failure, active pulmonary tuberculosis.

But even if you have no contraindications, and you seriously intend to improve your health with the help of medicinal mineral waters, it is simply necessary to consult a doctor. He should explain exactly what kind of mineral water, at what temperature and according to what schedule you should take.

Mineral water is widely used in cosmetology. Some women even use it on their own to care for their skin.

For oily and combination skin, mineral waters with high content salts (“Essentuki”, “Narzan” and others). They reduce the oily sheen of the skin, tighten its pores, and improve complexion. Low-mineralized waters - “Holy Spring”, “Golden Key” - tone the skin and soften it. Therefore, it is better to use them if a woman has normal or dry skin.

Remember that mineral water should only be used degassed - without carbon dioxide, as it can cause skin irritation.

At home, you can prepare lotion with mineral water. To prepare the lotion, bring 250 ml of mineral water to a boil. Then brew 2 tablespoons of herbs in it. For oily and combination skin, you can use nettle, chamomile or calendula. For dry and normal skin - birch leaves. The broth should be infused in a closed container for 20-30 minutes, then strain. This lotion should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 5 days. Wipe your skin with it every time after washing.

Mineral water has long been famous. People go to its sources in the hope of receiving healing. Drinks with this name are sold in stores. Doctors recommend taking this liquid. There are many traditional medicine recipes based on it. But is this always useful and what are the benefits and harms of mineral water?

Where does mineral water come from?

People began to drink such water even when they could not explain its quality. There is nothing supernatural here. Groundwater passing through various layers earth's crust, are saturated with microelements. Coming to the surface, they bring dissolved natural components to people.

Types of mineral water

The variety of such waters depends on their composition. By chemical composition There are five types:

  • carbonate contain salts of carbonic acid;
  • sulfate include salts of sulfuric acid:
  • chloride ones are saturated with chlorine compounds;
  • magnesium absorbed magnesium compounds;
  • ferrous include iron salts.

Healing natural waters are classified according to the degree of mineralization:

  1. Table water is different low content microelements. Healthy people It is permissible to drink mineral water every day only when it contains few minerals.
  2. Medicinal table water has high mineralization. It should be taken in courses.
  3. The healing waters are highly saturated with minerals. Their uncontrolled use is unacceptable. They are prescribed by a doctor as a medicine and sold in pharmacies.

Chemical composition and calorie content of mineral water

From a chemical point of view, the composition of natural sources depends on dissolved salts, which are contained in larger quantities. The remaining components are presented varying amounts all other elements present on earth.

Natural moisture contains no proteins, no fats, no carbohydrates, so its calorie content is zero.

The healing properties of mineral water

The healing qualities of a liquid saturated with minerals are determined by its chemical composition:

  1. Carbonate water used for stomach diseases caused by increased acidity. It increases the alkali content and normalizes the balance of acids and alkalis. Taking it will help eliminate heartburn, relieve belching, and reduce heaviness in the stomach.
  2. Sulfate moisture gives a choleretic result. It is used to treat the liver and biliary tract.
  3. Chloride water is used in the treatment of gastritis with reduced secretion. It stimulates the formation of gastric juice, improves peristalsis, increases acidity, and helps improve pancreatic function.
  4. Magnesium waters strengthen bones and joints. Magnesium is necessary for normal operation hearts. It activates kidney function and counteracts atrophy muscle tissue, tidies up nervous system, helps in the fight against stress.
  5. Ferrous waters are the most suitable for regular use. Their composition increases hemoglobin, stimulates hematopoiesis, and improves the functioning of the digestive system.

Mineral water for pancreatitis

Pancreatitis is inflammation of the pancreas. Ideally, pancreatic enzymes should enter the intestines, but the diseased organ is not able to fully perform its functions, so the enzymes begin their action without reaching the final goal. As a result, they begin to digest the pancreas.

Treatment with mineral water is possible only during remission. All actions are aimed at reducing enzymatic activity. For this purpose, alkaline carbonate options are used that suppress the formation of hydrochloric acid. Coal salts relieve spasms.

Attention! If you constantly drink water from carbonate sources, problems with the pancreas go away and digestion improves. How often to drink mineral water to treat pancreatitis will be advised by a gastroenterologist, based on the results of the examination.

Liver cleansing with mineral water at home

Cleansing the liver with mineral water can be quite effective. Chlorinated water should be used. Borjomi, a unique liquid of volcanic origin, is also suitable.

Important! The procedure should be carried out after consulting with a specialist.

Tubage is not suitable for people with liver stones and gallbladder. Shifted stones block the bile ducts. Surgery will be required to eliminate the consequences.

In other cases, home tubing gives positive results:

  • bile dilutes;
  • bile ducts expand;
  • the functioning of the choleretic organs improves;
  • blood is refreshed.

The process of cleansing the liver at home is shown in this video:

Mineral water inhalation for cough

Inhalations with mineral water are a good addition to drug therapy And folk medicine. Balanced composition microelements perfectly penetrate the body through the mucous membranes, providing an anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect. Inhalations reduce asthma attacks.

For alkaline inhalations Essentuki No. 4, Borjomi, Zelenogradskaya are used.

The result of inhalation will be:

  • moisturizing the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract;
  • facilitating the removal of accumulated mucus;
  • ease of breathing.

The therapy is completely safe. It is worth carrying out inhalations with mineral water at home using a nebulizer - a special device.

The benefits of mineral water for gout

Healing water is used in the treatment of gout. It is a good preventive measure for this disease. Alkaline bicarbonate water is used for treatment. It is distinguished by the taste of soda. The healing liquid is slightly mineralized.

Important! You should remember how to take mineral water. You should drink it no more than three times a day.

The amount is calculated individually: 4 milliliters per 1 kilogram of weight. There is one more rule of administration: drink it warm, eliminating gases.

Mineral water for diabetes

This water is useful for patients with diabetes of any type. It is drunk at the same time as taking medicines. Mineral water enhances the therapeutic effect of medications, promotes the removal of decay products and normalizes the functioning of all body systems. Regular use reduces sugar levels and improves metabolism.

Attention! The liquid taken must be of natural, not industrial origin. Excessive fluid intake is harmful to the patient.

The benefits of mineral water in case of poisoning

Vomiting and diarrhea are frequent accompaniments of poisoning. Mineral water will help cope with unwanted symptoms, avoid dehydration, and remove toxins.

In case of poisoning, you should drink water with a high content of microelements that benefit digestion:

  1. Potassium will restore the functioning of the digestive system.
  2. Sodium helps to equalize fluid concentration in the body.
  3. Magnesium normalizes intestinal function.

Can pregnant and lactating women drink mineral water?

During pregnancy, you should drink low-mineralized non-carbonated drinks. Healthy water perfectly quenches thirst, replenishes loss of minerals, normalizes water-salt balance. Industrially mineralized water should be discarded. It will not bring any benefit to the body.

Drinking mineral water after childbirth will help protect your figure - there is not a single calorie in the drink. Thanks to the mother's consumption of healing water, the baby will be provided with microelements. To avoid an overabundance of minerals, intake should be regulated.

Important! If you have kidney disease, you should not drink liquids containing calcium.

Is it possible to give mineral water to children and at what age?

All the baby’s systems are still so imperfect that even products that bring undeniable benefits cause harm to them. Children should not be given water from natural sources. before a year life. The drink should be low-mineralized. Gases should be removed from it. Table water is quite suitable for this purpose. The doctor prescribes medicinal water for children at least 7 years old.

The benefits of mineral water for weight loss

The benefits of groundwater for weight loss are already indicated by the fact that they contain absolutely no calories. Mineral water helps reduce weight, regulates metabolic processes, and cleanses the body. For the purpose of losing weight, you should use exclusively water from natural sources.

How to drink mineral water correctly

When drinking water, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. You can drink up to 1.5-2 liters of low-mineralized table water per day. It can be used for cooking. They make tea with it. The exception is people who have contraindications to use.
  2. Medicinal table waterprophylactic many diseases. It is taken in courses and only on the advice of a doctor.
  3. Healing mineral water is an auxiliary drug. It is prescribed by a doctor. The dosage is calculated by a specialist.

How much mineral water to drink per day

Table mineral water is drunk just like regular water. Its consumption rate is up to one and a half liters per day. The use of medicinal food should be limited to one liter per day. When taking medicinal water, you must follow the instructions of a specialist.

Mineral water on an empty stomach

A glass of table water in the morning on an empty stomach will help get rid of many problems:

  1. Cleanses colon, which starts the suction process.
  2. Helps speed up metabolism.
  3. Stimulates the renewal of body cells.
  4. Supports the functioning of the lymphatic system.

The use of mineral water in cosmetology

Moisture from the depths of the earth is used to rinse hair, remove makeup and daily cleansing of facial skin. To do this, mineral water is slightly heated, then the face is cleaned with a damp swab.

Mineral water for face

Face masks are useful. A cotton towel is dipped in warm mineral water and applied to a previously thoroughly washed face. You should lie there until the towel has completely cooled down. The procedure can be repeated several times. Then the face is wiped dry.

The benefits of washing with mineral water

The benefits of natural water for facial skin lie in the minerals it contains. It is better to wash your face with mineral water twice a day. You should wash your face in the morning cold water. After washing, rub your face with a hard towel. This stimulates blood circulation and activates all processes occurring in the epidermis. Evening washing should be done warm water after preliminary cleansing of the face. There is no need to wipe your face, you need to let the moisture dry. This will help enrich the epidermis with minerals. After washing natural water the feeling of dryness and tightness disappears.

The benefits of mineral water for hair

Mineral water should be considered as a wonderful natural balm. It strengthens the hair roots, moisturizes them, and tones the scalp. Rinsing your hair with mineral water helps get rid of dandruff. To improve hair health, you should use water with a low mineral content. If the water is highly mineralized, it will only spoil the hair, making it dry and lifeless.

How is mineral water used in cooking?

Mineral water is used in cooking. The brand is important for use:

  1. The kebab should be marinated in fresh Narzan.
  2. Volvis will improve the taste and quality of the biscuit.
  3. Selters will keep the stuffing light and fluffy.
  4. Carbonate mineral water will make the dough soft and fluffy.

How to choose and store mineral water

You should only buy mineral water in glass bottles. Glass allows for longer preservation natural composition. All information about the source, composition and manufacturer must be indicated on the bottle.

Important! The shelf life is indicated on the container. Optimal storage temperature is from +3 to +30 C.

Harm of mineral water and contraindications

Mineral water can be harmful. It is contraindicated for people with inflammation of the stomach and intestines. This is especially true for periodically exacerbating diseases. Mineral water for urolithiasis provokes involuntary exit stones and strong renal colic. Abuse can lead to an overload of the body with various minerals. This will cause great damage to your health.

Attention! You should not drink water if after drinking it you experience trembling of the hands, increased blood pressure, arrhythmia, or insomnia.


The benefits and harms of mineral water depend solely on the person. If you drink mineral water on the recommendation of a doctor, do not abuse it, and when choosing, focus on the state of your health, then it will only bring benefits.

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The human body requires a considerable amount of a wide variety of substances for the full functioning of organs and systems. The easiest way for the body to absorb microelements dissolved in water. From this point of view, natural mineral water with various salts is a storehouse of useful substances. However, the healing properties of such water depend on many factors, and before including it in your diet, it is worth understanding the secrets of natural mineral water.

Being an excellent natural solvent, water in underground reservoirs is saturated with salts various substances, the presence of which is typical for a particular area. For this reason, there are mineral water sources in different parts of the Earth. different composition, on which the healing properties of such water and its classification depend.

Based on the amount of salts dissolved in water, natural mineral water is classified as table water, medicinal water, or medicinal water. And if in the case of table water its use can be practically unlimited, then water more saturated with salts must be drunk in doses. Typically, such water is prescribed by a specialist, and its intake is limited to repeated courses.

Table mineral water does not have any foreign smell or taste. It has a positive effect on digestion and is recommended in its raw form. Such water is usually not used for boiling or cooking, because in this case minerals form a sediment that is not absorbed by the human body.

Medicinal table mineral water contains more salts, which give the water a specific taste. With moderate consumption of such water, you can normalize the salt balance and significantly improve performance. various systems in organism. The influence of medicinal table water on internal organs depends on its composition.

Medicinal mineral water has pronounced healing properties, pronounced taste and even color shades. Its course intake is prescribed by a specialist, based on the indications, and can consist not only of oral use, but also, for example, for bathing or inhalation. Most often, a pronounced therapeutic effect is observed during a course of treatment, taking into account the patient’s daily routine and diet. For this reason, water treatment is most effective in specialized sanatoriums located directly near mineral water sources.

Such treatment is called balneology in medicine. Experts study the composition of water from various sources and give recommendations on their use. This is how balneological resorts in our country and abroad gain the glory of hospitals with various directions. In general, this depends on the composition of the water, its level of acidity and radioactivity, which, with moderate dosage, can also be beneficial for the body.

Chemical composition of mineral water and its use

Depending on the predominant presence of certain substances in mineral water, it can be sodium, calcium, sulfide, silicon, bromide or radon. But the most common healing water hydrocarbonate, chloride and sulfate are considered. Also natural springs can differ in their temperature: be cold, subthermal, thermal and hyperthermal, which is often used in balneological resorts for taking baths in natural conditions.

Bicarbonate mineral water is commonly used to treat gastrointestinal problems. It has an effect on reducing acidity and is recommended for heartburn, cystitis and diseases of the urolithiasis.

Chloride mineral water also stimulates the gastrointestinal tract and promotes overall recovery metabolic processes in organism. In the case of medicinal table chloride water, it is recommended for acute disorders digestive system.

Sulfate mineral water cleanses the body well of toxins and restores its overall performance. It has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gallbladder and liver, which makes it indispensable for patients with hepatitis and diabetes. It is important to note that sulfate water is not recommended for use by children and adolescents because it makes it difficult for the body to absorb calcium.

How to choose the right mineral water

When choosing bottled medicinal table mineral water, you should pay attention to the list of indications for its use. This information is usually located on the label. The bottle must also indicate from which source and well the water was obtained. It is worth remembering that mineral water has an expiration date, during which everything useful material it is stored unchanged. For glass containers it is usually one year, and in plastic bottles Mineral water can be stored for no more than six months. This information is also found on the label next to the bottling date.

Buying mineral water famous brands, you should be wary of fakes. Typically, counterfeit products use cheaper packaging and poor printing. Manufacturers also always try to provide the bottle with additional degrees of protection, which you should pay attention to.

The most popular mineral water on our market has always been Borjomi, Essentuki and Narzan. IN Lately Slavyanovskaya mineral water is gaining increasing recognition. To comply with standards for the extraction and bottling of water, GOST is used.

Contraindications for mineral water

Mineral water, especially medicinal water and medicinal water, should be treated as medicine. There are several simple rules, following which you can get from drinking mineral water maximum benefit for the body, excluding possible negative effect. First, you need to limit your consumption of mineral water. Usually this is no more than half a liter per day. Moreover, to achieve therapeutic effect in the presence of chronic diseases it is necessary to consult a specialist. Excessive use mineral water can lead to salt deposition and the occurrence of urolithiasis and cholelithiasis.

Secondly, medicinal table and medicinal mineral water is not recommended for children. You can add a little table mineral water to their diet. Any other options are possible only with a doctor’s prescription.

Thirdly, under no circumstances should you drink mineral water. alcoholic drinks. This can lead to metabolic disorders. On the contrary, when you have a hangover, it is recommended to drink mineral water to restore balance.


Mineral water, the benefits and harms it has for the human body medicinal properties, all this is of great interest to those who lead healthy image life, monitors his health, and is interested in traditional methods treatment. So we will try to answer these questions in the following article.

The use of mineral water is associated with diet therapy. Treatment will be more effective if the diet is combined with the use of mineral water recommended by the attending physician.

The use of mineral waters in medicinal purposes great importance given by such outstanding domestic clinicians as S.P. Botkin, A.A. Ostroumov, M.Ya. Mudrov.

In one of his lectures, the founder of the Moscow therapeutic school Professor G.A. Zakharyin said: “So many times I have seen the cure of patients with catarrh of the stomach, constipation, gallstones and kidney sand, who used powders for a long time and unsuccessfully, correct use mineral water."

Natural mineral water differs from ordinary fresh water increased amount salts, gases, organic matter. The specific properties of a particular mineral water, primarily the presence of biologically active substances, allow it to be used as remedy both at resorts and at home.

The total mineralization of water components is the sum of all substances dissolved in water, expressed in grams per liter. There are waters of low mineralization (up to 2 g/l), low (from 2 to 5 g/l), medium (from 5 to 15 g/l) and high (from 15 to 35 g/l).

Based on their ionic composition, mineral waters are divided into hydrocarbonate, chloride, sulfate, sodium, calcium, magnesium, and combined waters, for example, hydrocarbonate chloride, hydrocarbonate sulfate, etc. Hydrocarbonate waters can be sodium, calcium, or magnesium based on the content of cations.

Among biologically active ingredients mineral waters contain such mineral trace elements, such as iron, cobalt, copper, manganese, iodine, bromine, silicon.

The water reaction (pH) is also one of the indicators of the characteristics of medicinal mineral waters. Water can be strongly acidic (pH less than 3.5), acidic (pH from 3.5 to 5.5), slightly acidic (pH from 5.5 to 6.8), neutral (pH from 6.8 to 7.2) , slightly alkaline (pH from 7.2 to 8.5), alkaline (pH above 8.5).

Based on temperature, cold waters are distinguished (up to 20 °C); warm, or low-thermal (from 21 to 35 °C); hot, or thermal (36–42 °C); very hot, or high thermal (above 42 °C).

Here are some examples of the use of mineral water for ailments.

At peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum, and chronic gastritis With increased acidity gastric juice, the attending physician may recommend sodium bicarbonate waters (they are also called alkaline) - “Borjomi”, “Dilijan”, “Sairme”, as well as hydrocarbonate sulphate waters– “Slavyanovskaya”, “Smirnovskaya”, “Jermuk”, Kislovodsk “Narzan”.

A course of treatment with alkaline mineral waters promotes recovery physiological mechanisms acid formation in patients with peptic ulcers and chronic gastritis. By reducing the acidity of the stomach contents, mineral water helps prevent pyloric spasms and accelerate the evacuation of food from the stomach, and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

As a result of treatment with mineral water, complaints of heartburn, belching, and a feeling of heaviness in the stomach are eliminated. epigastric region. Thanks to the intake of mineral water, there is often no need to use medications such as Vikalin and Almagel.

For peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum, as well as for chronic gastritis with increased acidity of gastric juice, it is recommended to start drinking alkaline mineral waters with small quantities (50–100 ml) warm (38–40 °C), and if well tolerated already on the 3rd–4th day of “drinking” treatment, take up to 1 glass of water (250 ml) at a time.

By reducing the acidity of the stomach contents, mineral water helps prevent pyloric spasms and accelerate the evacuation of food from the stomach, and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

When giving recommendations on the drinking regime for patients with peptic ulcers and chronic gastritis with high acidity of gastric juice, the attending physician takes into account individual characteristics gastric secretion, as well as the body’s tolerance to mineral water. At the same time, in resorts and at home, drinking treatment is usually carried out in compliance with traditional principles, i.e., through single doses of mineral water 1 hour before the main meal. However, if you complain of heartburn, taking mineral alkalizing water can be timed to coincide with the expected appearance of heartburn, “hungry” pain in the epigastric region, i.e., taken 1 hour after eating or even later.

If previously, when drinking mineral waters to treat diseases of the digestive system, exceptional importance was attached to normalizing the acidity of gastric juice, now no less attention is paid to studying the influence of the quantitative and qualitative composition of mineral and organic substances dissolved and present in water on the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum, as well as on metabolism in general.

The anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effect of alkaline mineral water for peptic ulcers and chronic gastritis is no less important than the effect of water on gastric secretion.
For chronic gastritis with low acidity gastric juice, your doctor may recommend drinking water medium mineralization(5–15 g/l), according to its ionic composition, related to chloride, hydrocarbonate chloride and chloride sulfate waters. As an example, let’s name “Essentuki No. 4” and “Essentuki No. 17”, “Arzni”, “Izhevskaya”, “Druskininkai”, “Vytautas”, “Mirgorodskaya”, “Nizhneserginskaya”, “Kuyalnik No. 4”, “Berezovskaya”. Start drinking these waters at room temperature (18–24 °C) with a quarter glass, bringing single dose up to 1–1.5 glasses. Take them 3 times a day 15–30 minutes before meals.

The effectiveness of mineral water treatment depends not only on the right choice water, but also on the rules for its intake (dose, frequency, time connection with food intake, water temperature).

For intestinal diseases (enterocolitis, colitis, intestinal dyskinesia) accompanied by disorders (diarrhea), use mineral waters of low and medium mineralization, hydrocarbonate or hydrocarbonate sulfate: “Slavyanovskaya”, “Smirnovskaya”, “Jermuk”, “Borjomi”, “Sairme” etc. Drink water heated to 40–45 °C 3 times a day, 0.5–1 glass, 30–50 minutes before meals.

For intestinal diseases with a predominance of low motor function and complaints of constipation, we recommend waters of medium and high mineralization (up to 1520 g/l), according to the ionic composition, chloride and chloride sulfate: “Izhevskaya”, “Novoizhevskaya”, “Essentuki No. 17”, “Druskininkai”, “Vytautas”, “Semigorskaya” » etc. Drink water at room temperature (18–24 °C) 1 glass 3 times a day 30–50 minutes before meals.

For severe atonic constipation, laxative mineral waters - “Batalinskaya” or “Lysogorskaya” - are prescribed - 0.5 glasses on an empty stomach or at night.

For diseases of the liver and gall bladder, predominantly hydrocarbonate, bicarbonate chloride or hydrocarbonate sulfate waters of low or medium mineralization are recommended: “Borjomi”, “Essentuki No. 4” and “Essentuki No. 17”, “Arzni”, “Jermuk”, “Slavyanovskaya”, “ Smirnovskaya”, etc. Drink water heated to 36–42 °C, 0.5–1 glass 3 times a day, 1 hour before meals. Drinking mineral water increases the protective function of the liver and helps reduce congestion and inflammation in the gallbladder.

At diabetes mellitus drinking treatment has a beneficial effect on carbohydrate metabolism, as well as accompanying illnesses gastrointestinal tract. They use hydrocarbonate, hydrocarbonate chloride, hydrocarbonate sulfate waters: “Borjomi”, “Jermuk”, “Dilijan”, “Polyana Kvasova”, “Berezovskaya”, “Slavyanovskaya”, “Smirnovskaya”, “Essentuki No. 4”, “Essentuki No. 17” . Drink water at a temperature of 25–30 °C, 1 glass 3 times a day, 40–50 minutes before meals.

For gout, hydrocarbonate and hydrocarbonate sulfate waters of low mineralization are recommended: “Slavyanovskaya”, “Smirnovskaya”, “Borjomi”, “Dilijan”, “Jermuk”, “Polyana Kvasova”, “Isti-Su”. Drink water heated to 36–42 °C 3 times a day 40–50 minutes before meals, 1–1.5 glasses (if there are no contraindications for taking significant amount liquid side of cardio-vascular system). These mineral waters help remove excess fluid from the body. uric acid, lead to alkalization internal environment body, which has a beneficial effect on gout.

The effectiveness of treatment with mineral water depends not only on the correct choice of water, but also on the rules for its intake (dose, frequency, time connection with food intake, water temperature). Drinking cure should be carried out only as prescribed by a doctor, strictly following his recommendations.

Many mineral waters, for example “Borjomi”, “Narzan”, due to their pleasant taste and ability to quench thirst, are widely used as table waters. However, those who suffer from diseases of the digestive system, as well as metabolic disorders, should not use mineral waters systematically without consulting a doctor.

When prescribing a course of mineral water, the attending physician must make adjustments to the drinking regime: reduce the amount of tea, compote, and other sources of water, so as not to overload the activity of the cardiovascular system.

Based on the book by Mikhail Gurvich “Nutrition for Health. Advice from a gastroenterologist."

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