The benefits of lactulose. Lactulose is... Physiological properties of lactulose. Lactulose - the miracle of milk

What is lactulose?

Lactulose is a product of whey processing. For half a century it has been used in pharmaceuticals and Food Industry for the treatment and prevention of diseases gastrointestinal tract. Today, without lactulose it is impossible to imagine the treatment of intestinal dysbiosis, liver diseases, chronic constipation...

History of lactulose

Lactulose was discovered by the Austrian pediatrician Petueli. In 1948, finding out the cause of dysbiosis in children fed artificial nutrition, he isolated a substance from human milk that activates the growth of protective intestinal microflora (bifidobacteria and lactobacilli) and called it lactulose.

Petueli's research showed that when an infant was fed with regular infant formula or milk, the content of bifidobacteria in the fecal microflora was 20%. However, when 2% lactulose was added to children's food products, the rate of bifidobacteria increased to 90%.

Numerous subsequent studies of lactulose have proven its therapeutic and preventive properties, which stimulated the introduction of lactulose into both the pharmaceutical and food industries.

Food products fortified with lactulose first appeared in Japan in the 1980s. The Morinaga Milk Co. company has been producing dairy products fortified with lactulose for more than 20 years. Since 2000, lactulose-containing food products appeared in Russia.

Lactulose - the miracle of milk

Lactulose is a white, crystalline, odorless substance, highly soluble in water. It is a product of deep processing of milk: it is made from milk sugar- lactose. Lactulose belongs to the class of oligosaccharides, a subclass of disaccharides: its molecule consists of galactose and fructose residues.

Lactulose is a carbohydrate that:

  • does not split digestive enzymes in the upper sections of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT),
  • unchanged reaches the lower sections of the gastrointestinal tract (large intestine),
  • selectively stimulates the growth and development of protective (useful) intestinal microflora - bifidobacteria, lactobacilli, etc.

Properties of lactulose

Lactulose consists of one molecule of galactose and one molecule of fructose connected by a b-glycosidic bond, which is not broken down by human enzymes.

The therapeutic and preventive properties of lactulose are explained by its ability to reach the colon unchanged. Here lactulose becomes "food" for beneficial bacteria. Breaking down by enzymes intestinal microflora(bifidobacteria and lactobacilli) to organic acids: lactic acid, acetic acid, butyric acid, etc. , lactulose has beneficial influence for the whole body.

Lactulose. What it is? The first thing that comes to mind when you hear this name is milk. So what does lactulose have to do with dairy products and does this connection exist at all? In fact, the product name does not deceive and directly points to the original source.

Lactulose is a product of deep processing of milk. More precisely, the raw material for this substance is lactose (milk).

By physical characteristics Lactulose is a white powder in crystals, without a distinct odor, which easily dissolves in water.

A person needs as a component that activates work digestive tract. All substances without which to modern man It’s hard to imagine a life that was once unknown to anyone. Lactulose entered our lives relatively recently - in 1929.

More precisely, then it entered the lives of researchers who developed and described a new substance obtained after exposing milk to heat and alkali.

How did it appear?

Two decades later, scientists found a substance in human milk that caused bifidobacteria to grow at an incredible rate. It was lactulose. But the first use of the drug in medical practice dates back to 1951. Then the milk remedy was used as a medicine against enteritis. But all these years, lactulose lived without a name. Only in 1957 did the substance receive its official name.

general characteristics

Lactulose is a prebiotic substance. His chemical formula make up molecules connected to each other, and.

It is not broken down by enzymes upper segment The gastrointestinal tract and large intestine enter unchanged. Promotes growth in the intestines beneficial microflora, in particular lacto- and bifidobacteria. In the colon it is broken down into butyric and other organic acids.

Properties of lactulose

As a result of almost a century of research, scientists have discovered that lactulose has a range of beneficial properties for humans:

  1. Activates bifidobacteria.

Japanese researchers have determined that 3 grams of lactulose consumed daily for 14 days can increase the number of bifidobacteria several times. During the two weeks of the experiment, Eastern scientists recorded an increase of 8.3 percent (from total number bacteria) up to 47.4%. Along with the growth of beneficial microflora, the number of harmful bacteria has decreased.

  1. Improves the absorption of minerals.

Taking lactulose promotes more active calcium absorption. Scientists made these conclusions after observing rats with osteoporosis. By consuming lactulose, they recovered faster from bone fractures.

  1. Activates liver function.

Improper functioning of the intestines is fraught with the accumulation of ammonia in the body, and it, in fact, “paralyzes” the liver, which loses its ability to eliminate toxins. Lactulose neutralizes part of the ammonia (from 25 to 50 percent) and makes the liver feel better. As a result, it again performs the functions of cleansing the body.

  1. Fights carcinogens and toxins.

Experiments with animals have proven the antibacterial and immunological properties of lactulose. The substance helps eliminate carcinogens and toxic metabolites from the body, improves general state the body in case of liver cirrhosis by strengthening the immune system. This effect is achieved due to the activation of bifidobacteria, which require lactulose for growth. There is speculation that this prebiotic may serve as an effective preventative against colon cancer.

  1. Treats constipation.

Lactulose has many properties that result in the prevention of constipation. By binding, reducing intestinal acidity and stimulating peristalsis, lactulose plays the role of a gentle laxative (effective for 1-2 days). These abilities of the substance allowed pharmacists to actively use it in many drugs for constipation.

  1. Impacts education bile acids.

U healthy people consuming lactulose, there is a decrease in the production of secondary bile acids in the intestines.

Pediatricians in Austria realized that lactulose could be beneficial for children back in the late 1940s. One of the doctors observed the babies on artificial feeding. He noticed that in such babies, dysbacteriosis occurs several times more often than in children on mother's milk. After a series of experiments, it turned out that human milk contains lactulose, and this, in turn, provides healthy intestinal microflora.

Chemists have learned to produce this substance from lactose. And pharmacists introduce it into syrups that improve the microflora of children's intestines. This syrup can be given to children of different ages. The instructions for use describe in detail the dosages for each age group.

For adults, lactulose is presented in the form of laxative tablets, as well as other pharmaceutical forms. At the same time, the effect on the body is the same.

Food sources

The list of foods rich in lactulose does not only include dairy products. Although, of course, there are more substances in this category. So, to enrich the body with a beneficial prebiotic, it is important to pay attention to breast milk, natural yoghurts, cottage cheese, bananas and rye bran. Sources of this beneficial substance can be used: cauliflower, broccoli, asparagus, corn, beans and even onions or garlic. Sweet lovers can replenish their prebiotic reserves from dried apricots and black currants.

Prebiotic requirement

Lactulose can increase the concentration of beneficial bifidobacteria in the body by more than 10 times, and reduce the number of harmful microorganisms by almost a hundred times. But for this you need to consume foods or dietary supplements containing a prebiotic every day. As a result of the experiments, it was determined that 3-4 g of the substance is enough for adults to achieve the effect.

People with:

  • chronic constipation;
  • disruptions in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • pathogenic intestinal microflora;
  • liver dysfunction;
  • high cholesterol;
  • improper metabolism.

Diabetes, high acidity in the stomach and low acidity in the intestines are good reasons not to abuse fermented milk products and other foods containing lactulose in high concentrations.

How does it affect other nutrients?

Lactulose belongs to substances that combine optimally with most minerals. In particular, absorption, and in combination with a prebiotic, proceeds faster and more efficiently. This substance can also reduce the level and optimize the production of bile acids in the body.

You can understand that the body does not have enough lactulose by looking at several of the most common symptoms. The most frequent and most main feature– regular constipation. It is enough to treat the body with a prebiotic for a few days and the problem will go away. Other symptoms of dysbiosis (which is most often a consequence of lactulose deficiency) may include:

  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • weight loss;
  • stomach ache.

Well, in total, all these disorders lead to a violation metabolic processes and improper functioning of the digestive organs.

Symptoms of excess

Although the consequences of excessive consumption of lactulose are not so sad for the body, they are also not pleasant. Excessive indulgence in milk or dietary supplements enriched with prebiotics leads to chronic diarrhea, bloating and rapid weight gain. In addition, infections in the organs of the urinary system are possible.

What determines the level of lactulose in the body?

Lactulose is not a substance that the body can synthesize on its own. Therefore, the only source of prebiotics for humans is food and bioactive supplements. If we are not talking about the treatment of advanced chronic diseases, then to maintain a stable level of lactulose, a balanced proper nutrition, with the consumption of foods rich in microelements, vitamins and other useful substances. In more complex cases, medications containing high concentrations of lactulose come to the rescue. But you shouldn't be afraid of these drugs. They practically do not cause side effects and even babies are allowed.

Lactulose for weight loss

Perhaps half of the people with overweight dreams of a miracle diet that will help you lose 5 or even 10 in a week extra pounds. Nutritionists, hearing this, say: “Nonsense! This cannot be! But advertising promises something else. Most drugs that quickly relieve excess weight, work on the principle of a laxative. For this reason, lactulose is sometimes also used inappropriately. By consuming drugs based on this substance, obese people want to achieve a laxative effect and then see weight loss.

But a laxative, even the strongest one, has no effect on body fat. And false weight loss occurs only due to loss of moisture. Continuing this “weight loss” for several days, the only result that can be achieved for sure is dehydration and total leaching from the body. nutrients. And even beneficial features lactulose will not help the situation.

But there are options when lactulose can actually be taken for weight loss. More precisely - how aid. When following a diet, especially if there are few foods rich in fiber in the diet, constipation often occurs. This is where lactulose comes to the rescue - it will help quickly remove waste products from the body, cleanse the intestines and take care of proper microflora. As a result, this will affect general health, will increase tone and strengthen the immune system. This means that you will have the strength to play sports, without which effective weight loss definitely won't.

Use of lactulose

Modern food and pharmaceutical industries actively use the beneficial properties of lactulose.

In medicine, for example, this substance is used as a treatment for:

  • intestinal dysbiosis;
  • chronic constipation;
  • encephalopathy;
  • enteritis;
  • putrefactive dispersion syndrome;
  • heperammonemia;
  • salmonellosis.

On supermarket shelves you can increasingly see dairy products fortified with lactulose. In the vastness of the CIS this is still new practice, and in Japan, for example, they have been consuming improved milk for more than 30 years. Typically, the prebiotic is added to milk, sour cream, kefir, fermented baked milk and other dairy products.

Other uses of lactulose:

  • in cosmetology (a component of products against skin dysbacteriosis);
  • as a feed additive.

Humanity has been using the beneficial properties of lactulose for almost half a century. It has found its use in the food industry and in medicines to improve digestion. Dysbacteriosis, liver dysfunction, constipation or salmonellosis... Today it is difficult to imagine treating these disorders without lactulose.

Today lactulose finds enough wide application in the food and pharmaceutical fields. For more than half a century, this substance has been used for the prevention and treatment of various disorders and disorders of the stomach and intestines. Lactulose is also used to detect dysbiosis and liver diseases.

Products rich in lactulose:

General characteristics of lactulose

Lactulose is a prebiotic necessary for the full functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Lactulose is a white, odorless powder, highly soluble in water. Lactulose was first obtained in 1929 by Hudson and Montgomery by heat treating lactose with an alkaline solution.

And in 1948, an Austrian pediatrician, concerned about the frequent cases of dysbiosis in “artificial” infants, made a discovery. He discovered a substance in human milk that promotes the growth of beneficial intestinal microflora. This substance turned out to be lactulose.

The lactulose molecule contains galactose and fructose. By artificial means Lactulose is obtained from milk sugar. This is a rather labor-intensive process - deep processing of milk. Today, lactulose is quite often used for the production of dietary supplements, as well as in pharmacology as part of laxatives and agents that improve intestinal microflora.

Daily requirement for lactulose

Numerous experiments have established the following: best option lactulose consumption is 3-4 g daily. As a result, the number of unusually beneficial bifidobacteria in the intestines increases 5 times, while the number coli decreases by 100 times. Lactulose significantly improves intestinal microflora and increases the body's defenses.

The need for lactulose increases:

  • for various intestinal disorders (for example, chronic constipation);
  • when the intestinal microflora is “contaminated”;
  • for disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • to stimulate and improve the work and functions of the liver;
  • at elevated level cholesterol;
  • with metabolic disorders.

The need for lactulose decreases with:

Lactulose digestibility

Assimilation of this substance has a fairly good indicator. Lactulose is broken down by the action of enzymes to form simple organic acids: lactic, acetic, butyric and others.

Beneficial properties of lactulose, their effect on the body

Perhaps the main advantage and main property of lactulose is the ability to suppress harmful bacteria. An undeniable property, confirmed by experts, is the ability of lactulose to rid the body of toxic substances and harmful enzymes, such as ammonia, skatole, nitroreductase. Often used as a laxative.

Thanks to lactulose, calcium is better absorbed, which significantly increases bone strength.

Reducing disorders and disorders of the intestines is one of the important conditions human health. A sufficient content of lactulose in the human body contributes to the full functioning of the intestines by improving the microflora.

Another useful property of lactulose is its anti-carcinogenic effect. Lactulose has proven itself well as prophylactic from colon cancer. Lactulose is necessary to stimulate the growth of healthy microflora.

Interaction with other elements

Lactulose interacts in the body with microelements - calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron. Interacts with cholesterol and bile acids.

At the same time, cholesterol levels in the blood are normalized, and the synthesis of bile acids is also optimized. In addition, the absorption of magnesium, zinc, calcium and iron improves.

Factors influencing the content of lactulose in the body:

Lactulose is not produced in our body and comes to us with food. For supporting normal level Lactulose in the body requires a complete, balanced diet and nutrition, which includes foods containing it.

In addition, today there is a huge selection medications containing lactulose. Most often, such drugs have a minimal number of contraindications and are approved for use from birth.

Lactulose for beauty and health

This substance is included in the list food additives, which increase human immunity and improve metabolic processes in the body. Lactulose promotes rapid absorption of calcium. As is known, calcium contributes to the proper and healthy growth hair, nails, teeth. Accordingly, consuming products containing lactulose has an excellent effect on appearance and internal sensations.

general characteristics

Today, lactulose is widely used in the food and pharmaceutical fields. For more than half a century, this substance has been used for the prevention and treatment of various disorders and disorders of the stomach and intestines. Lactulose is also used to detect dysbiosis and liver diseases.

Lactulose is a prebiotic necessary for the full functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Lactulose is a white, odorless powder, highly soluble in water.

The lactulose molecule contains galactose and fructose. Lactulose is obtained artificially from milk sugar. This is a rather labor-intensive process - deep processing of milk. Today, lactulose is quite often used for the production of dietary supplements, as well as in pharmacology as part of laxatives and agents that improve intestinal microflora.


Lactulose was first obtained in 1929 by Hudson and Montgomery by heat treating lactose with an alkaline solution.

And in 1948, an Austrian pediatrician, concerned about the frequent cases of dysbiosis in “artificial” infants, made a discovery. He discovered a substance in human milk that promotes the growth of beneficial intestinal microflora. This substance turned out to be lactulose.

Beneficial properties of lactulose, their effect on the body

Perhaps the main advantage and main property of lactulose is the ability to suppress harmful bacteria. An undeniable property, confirmed by experts, is the ability of lactulose to rid the body of toxic substances and harmful enzymes, such as ammonia, skatole, nitroreductase. Often used as a laxative.

Thanks to lactulose, calcium is better absorbed, which significantly increases bone strength.

Reducing disorders and disorders of the intestines is one of the important conditions for human health. A sufficient content of lactulose in the human body contributes to the full functioning of the intestines by improving the microflora.

Another useful property of lactulose is its anti-carcinogenic effect. Lactulose has proven itself well as a preventative against colon cancer. Lactulose is necessary to stimulate the growth of healthy microflora.

Lactulose-rich foods

1. Lactulose in fermented milk products

Kefir bifidobacteria partially absorb lactulose, resulting in improved taste characteristics of the product. And these are not abstract assumptions. To enhance the therapeutic and prophylactic properties of the product, manufacturers of fermented milk products can add ten kilograms of lactulose per ton of product. Of course, this will affect the cost of the product, but in most cases, such a rise in price is justified.

More affordable and reliable way– prepare yoghurt with lactulose or symbilact with lactulose at home using special VIVO starter cultures.

2. Meat food products

If we talk about the advisability of the presence of lactulose in semi-finished meat products, then it should be noted that it reduces the nitrite content, because it is known, for example, that sodium nitrite is necessarily added to boiled sausages. Lactulose also improves the color of sausages and prevents the development pathogenic organisms V meat products, in particular, E. coli - salmonella.

3. Drinks with lactulose

Even in soda, lactulose will come in handy. Some countries produce dry milkshakes that promote weight loss. The principle of their action is that lactulose promotes the binding of carbohydrates directly in the intestines - they do not turn into fats, which, without this cocktail, simply accumulate in the body. How does this happen? It is known that fats are formed using water. Lactulose takes a significant part of it, thus preventing fat formation.

4. Baby food

Of course, lactulose is widely used in baby food, because it is also found in breast milk. When a baby is weaned, he usually begins to have all sorts of problems: indigestion, rashes on the body, dysbiosis, etc. To normalize the condition, artificially obtained lactulose should be used. Without receiving mother's milk, the baby's immunity decreases, and lactulose strengthens it and promotes better absorption a small organism of vitamins, especially group B, as well as some important minerals - calcium, magnesium, etc. Research shows that in the presence of lactulose, the body absorbs calcium better (by 30%), which is important not only for the active growth and development of children, but also for mothers in the postpartum period.

5. Confectionery and bakery products

Practice shows good results from the use of lactulose in the confectionery and bakery industries. Due to the fact that it does not contain calories, any recipe confectionery product, you can replace a certain amount of sugar with lactulose. Thus, such products will additionally receive beneficial properties without unnecessary extra calories.

Daily requirement in lactulose

Numerous experiments have established the following: the optimal intake of lactulose is 3-4 g daily. As a result, the number of unusually beneficial bifidobacteria in the intestines increases by 5 times, while the number of E. coli decreases by 100 times. Lactulose significantly improves intestinal microflora and increases the body's defenses.
The need for lactulose increases:

  • with various intestinal disorders (for example, with chronic constipation);
  • when the intestinal microflora is “contaminated”;
  • for disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • to stimulate and improve the work and functions of the liver;
  • with high cholesterol levels;
  • with metabolic disorders.

The need for lactulose decreases with:

  • increased acidity of gastric juice;
  • low intestinal pH level;
  • diabetes


  • for constipation (including chronic constipation in the elderly, children, pregnant women);
  • to normalize intestinal function;
  • with hepatic encephalopathy, including coma and precoma;
  • if necessary, soften the stool medical purposes(for hemorrhoids, the need for surgical surgical intervention on the colon/anus);
  • in case of disturbance of intestinal microflora (intestinal dysbacteriosis);
  • for correction of intestinal microflora after treatment with antibiotics;
  • for colitis, salmonellosis;
  • to protect against intestinal infection;
  • with putrefactive dyspepsia syndrome in young children;
  • at pain syndrome after removal of hemorrhoids;
  • at allergic diseases(dermatitis, eczema, urticaria)

Lactulose digestibility

The absorption of this substance is quite good. Lactulose is broken down by the action of enzymes to form simple organic acids: lactic, acetic, butyric and others.

Interaction with other elements

Lactulose interacts in the body with microelements - calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron. Interacts with cholesterol and bile acids.

At the same time, cholesterol levels in the blood are normalized, and the synthesis of bile acids is also optimized. In addition, the absorption of magnesium, zinc, calcium and iron improves.

Signs of lack of lactulose in the body:

  • sudden weight loss;
  • frequent constipation;
  • aching pain in the abdominal area;
  • colicky sharp pains in the navel area;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • metabolic disease;
  • disruption of the digestive system.

Signs of excess lactulose in the body:

  • flatulence;
  • diarrhea;
  • sudden weight gain;
  • infectious diseases of the urinary system.

Factors influencing the content of lactulose in the body:

Lactulose is not produced in our body and comes to us with food. To maintain normal levels of lactulose in the body, a complete, balanced diet and nutrition that includes foods containing it is sufficient.

In addition, today there is a huge selection of medications containing lactulose. Most often, such drugs have a minimal number of contraindications and are approved for use from birth.

Lactulose for beauty and health

This substance is included in the list of food additives that increase human immunity and improve metabolic processes in the body. Lactulose promotes rapid absorption of calcium. As you know, calcium promotes proper and healthy growth of hair, nails, and teeth. Accordingly, consuming products containing lactulose has an excellent effect on appearance and internal sensations.

When consuming at least 3 mg of lactulose per day, the gastrointestinal tract is completely improved, genitourinary system, joints and skin. All this allows you to look healthy and feel much better.

Today, lactulose is also used in the cosmetics industry, which helps rejuvenate and restore the condition of the skin. The smallest newborns receive lactulose from their mother's milk, which guarantees proper growth and healthy work digestive organs of infants.

Lactulose and cancer

A number of reports have shown the presence of an anticarcinogenic effect in animal experiments. This effect is associated with the activation of the immune system by bifidobacteria cells, cell wall components and intercellular components. Scientists assessed the immunological properties and antibacterial actions lactulose in patients with liver cirrhosis. It was suggested that intercellular communication was activated the immune system, which was suppressed during liver cirrhosis.

Lactulose syrup contains (per 100 ml) 66.7 g active substance + auxiliary element– water.

The medicine is also available in the form of a syrup containing 10 g lactulose , 1.65 g galactose and 0.9 g lactose in 15 ml of medicine.

Release form

The drug is produced in the form of a transparent yellow syrup in bottles of 15, 200, 240 or 1000 ml.

pharmachologic effect

Laxative .

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

What's happened Lactulose ? Lactulose - it's synthetic disaccharide 6-galactoside-fructose . The substance penetrates into colon where its reactions occur. Low molecular weight organic acids formed as a result of this process significantly reduce pH environment. This process facilitates the removal from the body slag , and rapid evacuation of feces.

Drugs lactulose have a mild but quite intense laxative effect that does not require additional intake large quantity liquids. The medicine increases osmotic intraintestinal pressure , intensifies peristalsis , fluid is retained in the intestinal cavity and softening of the stool occurs.

Thanks to the reduction pH and the emergence of a more acidic environment in the intestines can now reproduce lactobacilli And bifidumbacteria who use lactulose as a nutritional substrate . Quantity pathogenic microorganisms And decaying will decrease significantly. Toxic substances, such as ammonia , salt heavy metals , radionuclides are eliminated from the body faster.

The digestive system lacks a specific, breaking down lactulose , so the substance easily penetrates the colon. The drug undergoes reactions metabolism with lactobacillus And bifidumbacteria . Main – lactic acid and others org. acids .

Indications for use

Drugs with this active ingredient are usually prescribed:

  • for chronic;
  • as part of complex treatment hepatic encephalopathy ;
  • for digestive disorders;
  • at salmonellosis ;
  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • infants older than 1.5 months who are bottle-fed;
  • elderly people with digestive disorders;
  • after resection of hemorrhoids .


The medicine is contraindicated when exposed to its components and when galactosemia .

Galactosemia - What is this? This hereditary disease, is accompanied by developmental delays, both mental and physical, accumulation galactose V .

Side effects

The first doses of the drug may be accompanied by bloating , increased and discomfort (symptoms disappear after 2 days). Rarely disappeared in patients, observed nausea And vomit .

Instructions for use of Lactulose (Method and dosage)

The dosage of the product is selected according to individually, after consulting a doctor.

It is best to take the medicine during meals, in the morning.

At acute intestinal infection caused by salmonella , prescribed 15 ml, 3 times a day. The duration of treatment is 10-12 days. You need to take 2-3 courses with a break of a week. During the third course, take 30 ml, 3 times a day.

Instructions for Lactulose syrup for children

The syrup can be diluted with water or juice.

For children from 7 to 14 years old, 15 ml of syrup is first prescribed, then 10 ml per day.

At the age of 6 years, take 5-10 ml of the product.

Syrup for newborns (from six months to 1 year) is recommended to be prescribed in a dosage of 5 ml per day.


In case of overdose it occurs. Which goes away on its own after some time. There may also be increased side effects.


If you combine a drug with a broad range of action, the effectiveness of the drug is reduced.

The medicine lowers pH value intestinal microflora , which may slow release active ingredients from enteric-coated products.

Terms of sale

The drug is approved for over-the-counter release from pharmacies.

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