Understand that there is a hormonal imbalance in the body. Irritability and mood swings. Stress and anxiety

The hormonal background for a woman is very important element in her health, after all hormonal background affects indicators such as weight, height, skeletal structure, skin structure and even hair color.

Hormones and hormonal background

Hormones are produced in a woman’s body in many organs, and each hormone is responsible for one or another function of the female body. Hormones are produced by:

After hormones have been secreted by the glands, they are carried through the blood to various bodies and have an impact on them, which affects the further functioning of the entire organism as a whole.

It is the imbalance of hormones in the female body that most often leads to a number of gynecological diseases And pathological conditions. In addition, with hormonal imbalance, emotional and physical well-being changes.

Normally, a woman’s body should simultaneously function as both feminine and male hormones which must be in a balanced state. But when there is an imbalance of sex hormones, disorders begin to occur.

Causes of hormonal disorders

First of all, hormonal disorders can be hereditary and genetically determined. In this case, treatment will be long and difficult.

Stress and anxiety. The proper functioning of the endocrine system, which is responsible for the production of hormones, is influenced by the central nervous system. Therefore, when the nervous system is overloaded with a lot of stress and tension, the risk of hormonal disorders increases greatly. In this case, the reproductive function is the first to suffer - the process of follicle maturation is disrupted.

For proper development hormonal system Are women any dangerous? surgical operations in the genital area and peritoneum. Therefore the most common reason hormonal diseases sexual problems that lead to infertility are abortions associated with uterine curettage.

Manifestation of hormonal disorders

  • Hypothalamic-pituitary dysfunction (obesity, cycle disorders, infertility);
  • Ovarian sclerocystosis (the production of sex hormones is disrupted);
  • Hyperandrogenism (increased levels of male sex hormones - disease of the adrenal glands or ovaries);
  • Hyperprolactinemia (mastopathy, pathological lactation, anovulatory infertility, hypoplasia of the internal genital organs).

Now we will take a closer look at the main hormonal imbalances in women and their manifestations.

Menstrual irregularities

If a woman has hormonal disorders, then this may be indicated by the presence of disorders menstrual cycle. This may manifest itself in the form of absence of menstruation, or disturbance of discharge - very scanty, excessively abundant, painful or short-lived.

To determine the presence of menstrual irregularities, its duration, regularity and general well-being of the woman must be taken into account. Normal cycle ranges from 21 to 35 days, menstruation itself ranges from 2 to 7 days. Regularity of both the cycle and the duration of menstruation is very important. If there are fluctuations, this indicates the presence of health problems, which may also manifest themselves in hormonal imbalance.

Also about hormonal disorders may indicate painful menstruation and associated symptoms as sharp increase or downgrade blood pressure, dizziness, bloating, swelling, loss of strength, general malaise.

Weight and skin

Hormonal disorders in women often manifest themselves externally. First of all, you should pay attention to your weight. Problems with weight occur not only in the direction of weight gain, but also with sudden weight loss. After all, it’s redundant adipose tissue, and lack of body weight, reduces ovarian function. Hormonal imbalances can appear on the skin in the form of acne and increased oiliness. This may indicate an excess of male sex hormones due to ovarian dysfunction. This is also indicated by excessive hair growth. Also a sign of hormonal disorders in women who have not given birth are stretch marks on the skin.


Very often, hormonal disorders are the reason why a woman cannot get pregnant. This occurs when the body does not produce enough of the hormone progesterone, which supports pregnancy. It is precisely because of the lack of this hormone that a woman cannot become pregnant. Usually, it is because of its lack that a woman either cannot become pregnant at all, or the fertilized cell cannot stay in the uterus. Moreover, with a lack of progesterone, as a rule, the menstrual cycle does not change, so this hormonal disorder does not manifest itself outwardly.

Mammary gland

Hormonal problems can be determined by the condition of the breasts. With normal hormone levels, the breasts should be normally developed and not have any lumps, and there should be no discharge from the nipples. In this case, the breasts may swell before and during menstruation, be sensitive, but not hurt. Excessive engorgement and pain are the first signs of a lack of the hormone progesterone.

Menopausal syndrome

Hormonal imbalances can also occur during menopause. At a time when changes occur in a woman’s body - the maturation of follicles and the process of ovulation stops - the body produces hormones even after the cessation of menstruation.

If a woman does not have hormonal disorders, then the period of menopause, as a rule, occurs calmly, without complications. However, in the case of hormonal disorders, climacteric syndrome is observed, which manifests itself in hot flashes, insomnia, irritability, depressed state, increased blood pressure.

Treatment of hormonal disorders

To treat hormonal disorders, a woman first of all needs to visit a gynecologist and endocrinologist. Next, an examination will be scheduled to help identify hormonal imbalances.

Treatment of most hormonal disorders in women consists of hormone therapy, which effectively eliminates the symptoms of the disease, helps restore the menstrual cycle and prevent relapses. But hormone therapy may not always be effective in treating hormonal abnormalities; then treatment will consist of: surgical intervention(uterine curettage, laparoscopy), and only then hormonal drugs are prescribed to consolidate the results.

Prevention is important in the treatment of hormonal disorders. Therefore, it is so important for every woman to monitor her health, pay attention to the menstrual cycle, and if there is a delay of more than 35 days or the onset of menstruation in less than 21 days, if there is too much blood loss during menstruation or the appearance of intermenstrual bleeding, it is necessary to immediately contact a gynecologist. endocrinologist for diagnosis and prescribing appropriate treatment.

It is necessary to undergo preventive examinations with a gynecologist at least twice a year. This will help to identify in time possible problems at a very early stage and carry out treatment.

Violations endocrine functions organism - one of the most common prerequisites for serious violations women's health. There are many prerequisites for such disorders; they are caused by constantly changing hormonal levels during a woman’s life, her diet, stress, sudden changes in weight, pregnancy, childbirth, taking oral contraceptives and hormonal medications. Hormonal disbalance occurs in women at menopausal age, during puberty, during pregnancy and breastfeeding. There are two main hormones constantly present in the female body: progesterone and estrogen. Their imbalance, caused by increased estrogen levels, is often the cause of hormonal imbalance.

You should know that endocrine dysfunction and diseases are difficult to treat, but their timely detection can greatly facilitate this process. What are the main signs of hormonal disorders, and what may accompany them?

  1. Unstable menstrual cycle. The main symptom of hormonal imbalance in women is the disruption of the menstrual cycle. Menstruation may be irregular, last too long, or, conversely, be short-lived. Character menstrual flow may also not meet the standards - they may be too abundant or scanty. There are cases when menstruation is completely absent for several months. This effect is often found in girls and women who follow a strict diet and suffer from anorexia nervosa.
  2. Disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system. This sign of hormonal imbalance manifests itself primarily in severe nervousness, a tendency to melancholy and depression without visible reasons, unstable mental state, sharp and frequent shifts mood, constant pessimistic mood. Uncontrollable attacks of aggression, unusual for a woman up to this point, may occur. Hormonal imbalance is characterized by a painful reaction to things that previously did not cause stress and moral decline. An exacerbation of premenstrual syndrome is characteristic, especially its painful and nervous course.
  3. A sharp increase in body weight. Hormonal imbalances can manifest themselves in a sudden increase overweight, at the same time, body weight cannot be controlled and corrected. A woman cannot eliminate body fat by using physical activity and compliance strict diet. There are cases where weight did not fall even after prolonged fasting. This symptom does not depend on how a woman eats and what foods are included in her diet. Excess weight appears for no apparent reason.
  4. Decreased libido levels. Women have persistent headaches, sexual desire decreases, sometimes to its complete absence. There may be antipathy towards a regular partner, an acute reluctance to have sexual contact with him. Any caresses that previously brought a woman into sexual arousal turn out to be ineffective and often irritating when there is a hormonal imbalance. The secretion of mucous secretion from the vagina is disrupted during sexual intercourse, as well as during the menstrual cycle and ovulation. Sexual intercourse may be accompanied by severe vaginal dryness and irritability, unpleasant and painful sensations during frictions.
  5. Signs of the condition of hair and nails. With hormonal imbalance, women often experience rapid hair loss, thinning and general painful condition. The same thing happens with nails: they begin to break, peel off, have a yellowish or gray tint, and a distinctly unhealthy appearance.
  6. Skin rashes. The main concomitant of hormonal disorders is a change in the condition of the skin of the face, back and chest. Hormonal rash and acne often appear. Acne does not respond well to any treatment. Cleansing, cryomassage, consumption medicines, aimed at eliminating the rash, are ineffective. In some cases, women experience a change hairline on the body. Hair grows intensively and thickly, which causes an additional aesthetic defect.
  7. Sleep disturbances. Hormonal imbalance is often accompanied by acute disorders sleep. Prolonged insomnia, inability to sleep for a long time, anxiety, light sleep, frequent awakenings during night sleep. Increased fatigue is noted, while a woman can lead a calm lifestyle and not be subjected to special physical and mental stress.
  8. Problems with reproductive function. The most severe sign of hormonal imbalance for a woman may be the inability to conceive and carry a pregnancy to term. healthy child. With hormonal imbalance, there is a long-term impossibility of fertilization, recurrent miscarriages, and fading of pregnancy in the early stages.

You should know that self-treatment endocrine disorders may lead to aggravation of the problem rather than solving it. If you find one or more signs of hormonal imbalance, be sure to contact a gynecologist-endocrinologist who can prescribe for you correct treatment, after an in-person examination, verification of analyzes and assessment clinical picture. Do not prescribe under any circumstances oral contraceptives on one's own. All of them contain certain dosages of hormones that suppress ovulation, and those drugs that did not cause side effects others may bring them to you. Remember that hormonal levels are individual for every woman, and only an experienced doctor can help you choose the right contraceptives and medications.

Hormonal imbalance – today this phenomenon is very common. Every woman at any stage of her life and at any age can face this problem. Maintenance the right balance hormones are extremely important for the female body, since its main purpose is the birth of healthy offspring. And, as you know, with a disruption in the normal functioning of a woman’s hormonal system, her reproductive function is also disrupted. But you shouldn’t think that this issue is important only for those representatives of the fairer sex who are planning to get pregnant - hormonal imbalance is an equally important problem for other women. Is it possible to restore hormonal imbalance, and if so, how to do it?

Hormones are active organic compounds regulating the normal functioning of the organs and systems of our entire body. It is an insufficient or excessive amount of any of these substances that leads to the development of an imbalance in the hormonal system. Both a woman’s well-being and correct work all its organs and systems.

Present in the female body a large number of hormonal substances, the most significant of which are and. most often associated precisely with an increase in estrogen levels in the body. This phenomenon can also occur under the influence of such factors:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • use of hormonal medications;
  • pathologies of the pancreas and thyroid gland;
  • disruption of the endocrine system;
  • frequent and prolonged stressful situations;
  • adrenal gland diseases;
  • surgical intervention on the internal genital organs;
  • previous illnesses infectious nature(for example, bronchial asthma).
  • pathologies of the genital organs (endometriosis, uterine fibroids).

The main changes in hormonal levels in women occur during puberty (adolescence), during pregnancy, after the birth of a child and during menopause. Also, the state of the hormonal system of the female body is negatively affected by the presence excess weight, bad habits and poor nutrition.

How do the symptoms of this disorder manifest themselves?

Diagnosing hormonal imbalances often causes difficulties even for experienced specialists. The fact is that the symptoms of this condition are very diverse.

In most cases, manifestations of hormonal imbalance are characterized by an increase or decrease in body weight, which is not associated with a change in the usual diet, and excessive growth hair on the body, and especially on a woman’s face. An imbalance of hormones also provokes disruptions in the menstrual cycle, increases the severity of premenstrual syndrome, and causes certain problems associated with conceiving a child.

Other symptoms of this phenomenon include the appearance of drowsiness and lethargy, various sleep disorders, increased hair loss, changes in the tone and sound of the voice. Serious hormonal imbalance in women manifests itself the following signs: changes in appearance (especially facial features), excessive sweating, rapid enlargement of the feet and hands. U different women Hormone imbalances cause a different set of symptoms.

It should be noted that regardless of the cause of the development of this disorder, hormonal imbalance periodically occurs in the life of every woman or girl. Menopause, pregnancy, puberty– all these conditions are accompanied by serious hormonal surges occurring in the female body. Such changes are natural and do not lead to the development of serious diseases.

Restoring normal hormone balance - is it possible?

So is it possible to get rid of such a disorder and how to restore hormonal imbalance? The answer to this question is: yes, hormonal imbalance can be treated. The success of such treatment largely depends on the cause that provoked the appearance this state, and its severity. When data on the causes and symptoms of a hormonal disorder are established, the attending physician makes an appropriate diagnosis and selects the most effective tactics treatment.

Restoring normal hormonal levels is done with the help of medications that contain the necessary hormones. In parallel with taking hormonal medicines, the patient is prescribed physiotherapeutic procedures, special dietary food, herbal medicine. The woman is also recommended to change her usual lifestyle and give up bad habits (if any).

Puberty and hormonal changes

For the first time, a girl encounters this problem as a teenager, when her body is rebuilt and she turns into a woman.

The mammary glands develop and the first menstruation appears. It is during this period that women experience the first malfunction of the hormonal system, which can manifest itself accelerated physical development girls, and, conversely, a long delay in her puberty. In case of shortage, sexual development girls may stop altogether. This condition is characterized by a late appearance of menstruation, which can begin after 16 years or even later. This phenomenon usually occurs under the influence of the following negative factors: poor nutrition, prolonged stress, serious illnesses.

A characteristic sign of hormonal disorders occurring in the body of a teenage girl is the presence of acne. The rash is most often localized on the face and is accompanied by symptoms such as headache, lack of sleep, irregular menstruation. Parents should be aware that when a teenager’s behavior shows severe irritability that arises for any reason, he must be urgently shown to a specialist, regardless of gender.

Get rid of similar manifestations in adolescent children it helps in most cases correct mode day. Often, after proper timing, the hormones in the child’s body stop acting up, and the symptoms of the disorder disappear on their own. In a difficult situation, hormonal levels are restored with the help of medications. If the girl’s sexual development began early, but she looks healthy and there are no serious symptoms she does not have any symptoms, which means there is no particular need for treatment.

Hormone imbalance after abortion

When, as a result of an abortion, a woman experiences any disturbances related to hormones, the symptoms of such a disease are not very difficult to determine. In particular, signs of this phenomenon include:

  • the appearance of stretch marks on the skin;
  • anxiety, irritability;
  • frequent headaches;
  • sudden weight gain;
  • depression;
  • instability of pulse and blood pressure;
  • excessive sweating.

The risk of such complications varies depending on the stage at which the pregnancy was terminated - the earlier it happened, the better for the woman. Although the normal level of hormones is disrupted during the operation itself, within a month it is usually restored, and the menstrual cycle returns to normal. If this is not observed, you need to urgently visit a doctor. Perhaps in in this case To treat the disease you will need to take some kind.

Violation normal level hormones in postpartum period also common. Carrying an unborn child and its birth is a stressful factor for a woman’s body. After the baby is born, all systems and organs of the female body gradually return to normal functioning. This statement also applies to the hormonal system, which begins to work as usual after 2-3 months.

If, after this time, the balance of hormones does not return to normal, they speak of the presence of disorders. Symptoms of postpartum hormonal imbalance manifest themselves in the form of irritability, insomnia, frequent dizziness and pressure surges that should not go unnoticed. You need to immediately think about how to get rid of such manifestations and normalize the balance of hormones.

A sign of disruption of the endocrine system in a woman can also be constant fatigue, excessive sweating and decreased libido ( sexual desire). The reasons for this phenomenon in this case can only be determined by a doctor after conducting a series of necessary tests.

Changes in hormonal levels during menopause

Menopause is a special stage in the life of any woman associated with the completion of the functioning of her reproductive system. When after 45-50 years the menstrual cycle becomes irregular, and at the same time severe pain and no bleeding is observed - this condition is considered normal and does not cause concern.

However, for most women, menopause is still a difficult phenomenon to bear. IN this period Hormone imbalance is manifested by a number of symptoms, among which are sleep disturbances, depression, migraines, bouts of excessive sweating (especially at night), disruption of the cardiovascular and nervous systems. Signs such as these indicate that female hormones– estrogen is not produced enough by the body, which means the balance of the hormonal system is seriously disturbed.

provoke pathological course Menopause can be caused by bad habits, prolonged stress, poor nutrition, and a sedentary lifestyle. In this case, a woman must definitely seek help from her doctor.

Treatment of hormonal imbalance

What to do in a situation when hormones are “playing naughty” in a woman’s body? How to treat hormonal imbalance? First, you need to visit a doctor - he will write you a referral for a test, which is needed to confirm the diagnosis. After the specialist makes a diagnosis, you will be prescribed appropriate treatment and advised to change your usual lifestyle.

Treatment of hormonal imbalance is carried out comprehensively, guided by the following rules:

  • Elimination of the cause - the balance of hormones will not return to normal until the main cause of this disorder is eliminated.
  • Drug therapy - the use of medications will speed up recovery and normalize hormonal levels.
  • Adequate rest - for the treatment to benefit you, you should rest more, without burdening yourself with everyday problems and negativity.
  • Balanced diet - proper diet It helps the body recover better than any medicine. Eat as many natural foods as possible.
  • Quitting alcohol and smoking - reconsider your lifestyle and try to give up bad habits.
  • Physiotherapeutic procedures - these can be prescribed by a doctor. Massage and other physical therapy methods perfectly calm and saturate the body with energy.
  • ILBI is new, effective method getting rid of hormone imbalance, which is intravenous irradiation of the blood with a low-frequency laser.

How to get rid of hormonal imbalance using alternative medicine

Hormonal imbalance - treatment folk remedies in this case it can have an excellent effect and save a woman from unpleasant symptoms diseases. Some medicinal plants contain phytohormones - these are substances natural origin, which have the ability to restore the normal balance of hormones in the body. These include:

  • Sage - it is taken orally in the form of a decoction from the 5th to the 14th day of the menstrual cycle. This remedy is prepared as follows: 1 tbsp. l. dry leaves of the plant pour 1 tbsp. boiled water and boil for another 10-15 minutes in a water bath. Then the broth is filtered and taken 1/2 cup before meals.
  • Linden, nettle, celandine, cloves, hops - infusions of these plants can also be used for hormonal disorders. Prepare this remedy very simple - you just need to pour 1 tbsp. l. dry raw materials 1 tbsp. boiling water and leave for 2-3 hours. The finished infusion must be strained and drunk 1/2 cup 3-4 times a day.
  • Oregano - prepared from it medicinal infusions and decoctions that help restore the regularity of the menstrual cycle.
  • Hirudotherapy – this method of treating hormone imbalance can also be used as additional remedy as part of complex therapy diseases.


  1. Sergeeva, G.K. Nutrition and herbal medicine during menopause / G.K. Sergeeva. - M.: Phoenix, 2014. - 238 p.
  2. Naumenko E.V., Popova.P.K., Serotonin and melatonin in the regulation of the endocrine system. - 1975. - pp. 4-5, 8-9, 32, 34, 36-37, 44, 46.
  3. Baranov V. G., Arsenyeva M. G., Raskin A. M. et al. Physiology and pathology of menopausal women. – L.: Medicine, 1965.
  4. Solsky Ya. P., Mikhedko V. P., Ferdman T. D., Borin A. L. Gynecological endocrinology: a book for obstetricians and gynecologists. – Kyiv: ZDOROVYA, 1976.
  5. Guide to endocrinology. - M.: Medicine, 2017. - 506 p.
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  7. Filippovich Yu.B., Fundamentals of biochemistry // Hormones and their role in metabolism. - 1999. - p.451-453,455-456, 461-462.

Hormonal imbalance in women is a common condition, similar in its manifestations to stress. Usually the concept of “hormonal imbalance” is associated with adolescence or menopause, but female body susceptible to hormones at any age. 80% of girls and women suffer from hormonal problems at one point or another in your life.

Hormones regulate the functioning of other body systems. A minor glitch can make a woman feel bad and actually lead to long-term health problems. Many factors influence the production and functioning of hormones. One of the reasons for the disorder may be age. Pregnancy, woman's menstrual cycle, problems with thyroid gland or diabetes also greatly affect the endocrine system. Even more often, medications, especially birth control pills, can upset the delicate balance in the body.

Some women are genetically predisposed to hormonal imbalances, while for others their lifestyle becomes the culprit for unpleasant symptoms. Poor sleep, lack of sleep physical exercise and poor diet (including consuming too many calories) gradually begin to affect your health. In addition, stress can have a very detrimental effect on the endocrine system and the body as a whole.

When the body regularly does not receive the necessary nutrients, it is more than likely that the woman will experience one or more symptoms associated with hormonal imbalance, For example:

  • menstrual irregularities,
  • (PCOS),
  • insulin resistance,
  • lack of progesterone,
  • androgen imbalance.

The ratio of estrogen, progesterone and testosterone is especially important for the normal hormonal balance of a woman. Levels of thyroid hormones, insulin, and cortisol also play a role.


Hormonal imbalance in women usually manifests itself as irregular periods or heavy bleeding. Sharp changes in mood at certain times each month are another sign of fluctuating hormone levels; this may include premenstrual syndrome or premenstrual dysphoric disorder.

Additionally, anxiety, loss of appetite, insomnia, poor concentration along with sudden weight gain, decreased desire, hot flashes and excessive sweating can be symptoms of hormonal imbalance in women. Be sure to talk to your doctor if you have any of these signs.

Hormonal imbalance in women: symptoms

  • Irregular or absent periods

Changes in the menstrual cycle signal a disruption in the hormonal activity that controls menstruation. Often the cause is an imbalance between estrogen and progesterone, including due to.

  • Weight gain

Sudden weight changes, a sudden decrease in body weight, or, conversely, an increase in weight, making it difficult to lose weight, may indicate hormonal imbalance or problems with the thyroid gland. Changes in body shape and figure can be caused by endocrine disorders and disorders of the adrenal glands. Changes in hormone production during menopause can also contribute to the deposition of fat in the abdominal area. This can happen even if the woman has never had weight problems before. High level Stress and poor sleep make it difficult to lose fat around your waist.

  • Irritability and/or moodiness

Feeling depressed, aggressive, abrupt change mood or constant fatigue can be caused by sudden changes in the balance of estrogen, testosterone and progesterone or an imbalance of adrenal hormones.

  • Skin problems
  1. Natural remedies

For minor symptoms, when the disorder is not caused by a severe disorder, congenital or hereditary disease, vitamins and herbal supplements can restore disrupted hormonal levels. So, increased prolactin treats herbs, reduced sensitivity to insulin - vitamin D, chromium, magnesium and cinnamon, reduces testosterone and increases estrogens flax and mint, for PMS they recommend B vitamins, ginkgo biloba and rhodiola, and during menopause - vitamin B6, ascorbic acid, primrose and angelica.

When talking about hormonal disorders in women, you need to know what exactly doctors call a “failure.” The synthesis of hormones is simultaneously provided by several glands:

  • Pituitary gland in the brain;
  • Thyroid gland above the larynx;
  • Adrenal glands;
  • Ovaries in the pelvic cavity.

Hormonal imbalance in women is a deviation in the amount of one or more hormones produced from normal values. That is, it may turn out that the level of all hormones is decreased or increased. But more often than not, some hormones are more than normal, while others are less. The failure begins with small discrepancies, but gradually (and usually imperceptibly) they reach values ​​​​at which they appear obvious signs and symptoms of pathology. Then the problems grow like a snowball: problems with one hormone cause improper production of the others.

First at risk of getting hurt reproductive system, because its normal activity, including the regularity of the menstrual cycle, almost completely depends on hormonal balance. It's important not to miss initial signs failure - restoration of the endocrine system is not always possible and in any case will take a long time.

The main causes of hormonal imbalance

Pathologies of hormone synthesis can be congenital and acquired, the former are caused by disorders of intrauterine development, and the latter are the result of improper intake hormonal drugs, abnormalities in the endocrine system and even prolonged stress. In women, the impetus for hormonal imbalance can be or. So, rating possible reasons by frequency of detection in patients of reproductive age:

  • Oral contraceptives, or rather errors in their selection. In some women, after discontinuation of the drug, the natural production of hormones in normal quantities is not restored;
  • Emergency hormonal contraception . These drugs prevent unwanted pregnancy, if taken within 24 hours after unprotected sexual intercourse. For example, they are recommended for victims of rape. Usually this is one, less often 2 tablets, provoking a sharp and strong hormonal surge;
  • Self-medication other drugs containing hormones. Only a doctor can prescribe and control such therapy; the cost of an error is too high;
  • Developmental abnormalities or illness endocrine glands, causing deviations in their work;
  • Physiological phenomena associated with a woman’s age - puberty in youth, after 45 years;
  • Abortions, miscarriages. Termination of pregnancy means a sharp cessation of the release of the hCG hormone, which destabilizes the entire hormonal balance.

Prolonged stress conditions that suppress the production of oxytocin can also lead to hormonal imbalance. Try to protect yourself from negative emotions or abstract yourself as much as possible if this is not possible.

It is worth highlighting pregnancy, as a condition that inevitably entails changes in the production of certain hormones. As soon as the embryo is fixed in the uterus, the production of the hCG hormone begins - the higher its concentration becomes, the more the overall hormonal picture changes, this is normal.

If endocrine system women cannot cope with the situation, failures that threaten miscarriage may occur:

  • Progesterone and/or estrogen deficiency;
  • Pathological increase in testosterone.

Having identified a deviation, the gynecologist will prescribe adequate therapy and refer the woman to the hospital for conservation.

After childbirth, the body will most likely return to the natural functioning of all systems, including the endocrine one. The process will take 3-4 months for non-breastfeeding mothers, and will be significantly longer for nursing mothers.

Symptoms of hormonal imbalance

Those features of the state of one’s own body that give a person reason to suspect that he or she has health problems are called symptoms. Many ailments have similar symptoms, that is, signs general. So elevated temperature body is not the norm, but it is impossible to diagnose a specific disease using it alone. TO symptoms of hormonal imbalance in women may include:

  • Changes in the nature of menstruation, disruption of their usual cycle. Menstrual bleeding becomes scanty or unusually heavy, disappearing for several months in the absence of pregnancy;
  • Problems with conception. It is this symptom that most often brings a woman to the doctor. Pregnancy that occurs due to hormonal imbalance has severe course with a constant threat of miscarriage;
  • Excessive sweating. Constant increased sweat production normal temperature indoors indicates a serious malfunction in the body;
  • Itching in groin area, armpits, as well as various skin rashes on the body. The symptom is relevant in the absence of fungal and infectious diseases;
  • Swelling face and limbs;
  • Brittle hair and nails;
  • Night insomnia. The symptom is unpleasant because the lack of normal sleep at night leads to increased fatigue and daytime sleepiness. It becomes impossible to work normally, apathy and lethargy appear;
  • Chronic fatigue. Follows from the previous symptom. Chronic fatigue is called fatigue that does not go away after proper rest and sleep;
  • Significant weight gain without changing your diet. Diets and exercise don't help;
  • Irritability, tearfulness, sentimentality and others, previously atypical character traits. The symptom feels reminiscent of the well-known premenstrual syndrome (PMS), but unlike it, it does not go away after a few days, but rather intensifies.

The presence of one or two symptoms from this list does not indicate hormonal disorders, but is a reason for visits to an endocrinologist, mammologist, or gynecologist.

Signs of pathology

Having told the doctor the reason for your visit, be prepared to answer a number of clarifying questions and go through several medical procedures. The examination will necessarily include blood tests - general and hormone tests. Afterwards you need to do an ultrasound of the pelvis and possibly other areas. This will determine the extent of the damage. internal organs as a result of hormonal imbalance.

After receiving the examination results and talking with the patient, the doctor will identify or exclude specific signs characteristic of hormonal disorders:

  • Intermenstrual bleeding, change in the duration of one of the phases of the cycle, lack of ovulation;
  • Hair Growth in places where they were not previously - above upper lip, on the chin, inner thighs, arms;
  • Hair loss on the head is also a sign of hormonal dysfunction;
  • Selection breast milk in the absence of lactation;
  • Cyst formation on the ovaries corpus luteum follicle;
  • Big quantity follicles in one ovary;
  • Deviation endometrial thickness from normal;
  • Education and growth myoma tumors;
  • Problems in your sex life. Absence or decreased sexual desire and even irritation from the caresses of a partner.

After carefully studying the woman’s medical history, complaints, and test results, the doctor will develop an individual treatment regimen.


Restoring hormonal balance is a delicate and lengthy process that requires a responsible approach from the woman herself and strict adherence to the doctor’s recommendations. Treatment is carried out using one of the following methods:

Taking oral contraceptives. Such drugs even out hormonal levels, normalize the cycle and course of menstruation. OK treatment is convenient, since there is no need to build detailed diagram taking hormones, they are pre-distributed in tablets. Probable side effects- nausea and vomiting due to individual intolerance, and after discontinuation of the OC, aggravation of the situation or unplanned pregnancy;

Personal selection of hormonal drugs. A gynecologist-endocrinologist describes a regimen for taking several medications, selected so as not to provoke a disruption in the production of normal hormones.

How aids V complex treatment include:

  • Neuroleptics to normalize the nervous system, restore sleep patterns and quality;
  • Vitamin complexes, calcium supplements, . Vitamins increase the body's endurance and have a positive effect on the activity of the thyroid gland;
  • Diet. Products containing phytoestrogens are introduced into the diet. These are berries, vegetables, fruits, all types of greens, legumes, onions, chicken eggs. Sources of zinc include lean beef and pumpkin seeds. Pork and sweets (especially chocolate) are completely excluded. If weight correction is necessary, the diet is supplemented with treatment with fat-burning hormonal agents;
  • Folk remedies. Recipes based on flax and cumin oils, herbs are recognized and have been used for a long time official medicine in treatment hormonal imbalances among women.

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