Increased salivation in cats. Why does a cat drool from its mouth?

If you decide to get yourself a pet and your choice falls on a cat, be careful, in addition to affection, these pets can also cause trouble, as they are susceptible to many diseases. The most common problem is when the kitten drools. Inexperienced owners may not attach any importance to this or, on the contrary, forget the alarm without understanding the reasons, and very often this phenomenon has a completely natural nature.

Functions of saliva: what is it and when should you start worrying?

Saliva is a very important fluid that helps your cat eat food.. It moistens solid food, glues small pieces together, and makes swallowing easier. In addition, saliva has bactericidal properties and protects the oral cavity from mechanical damage. If you notice that the kitten is drooling from its mouth, you should not immediately run to the veterinary clinic– the reasons may be quite harmless. For example:

  • salivation may occur at the sight of food or if the kitten smells something tasty;
  • kittens can “drool with pleasure” in the truest sense of the word. If you pet your pet and he likes it, then a little hanging drool is quite normal;
  • It is natural that there will be more saliva when the kitten eats;
  • strong feelings and bright emotions also affect salivation;
  • When taking bitter or simply unpleasant-tasting medications, you may also notice excessive salivation.

In all these cases profuse salivation is normal for a kitten. But, if you have not found the above factors, and saliva is constantly released in sufficiently large quantities for a long time, it is worth showing your pet to a doctor and starting to treat it.


There are many reasons why a kitten drools. Some of them can be identified on your own, but it is still better to trust the opinion of a specialist. Only an experienced veterinarian will be able to carefully examine your kitten, make a diagnosis and prescribe a course of treatment. And it depends precisely on the reason that caused the kitten to drool.

So what could cause this? unpleasant phenomenon, how much drool? In fact similar factors a lot - from any damage to serious illnesses:

  1. The most common reason is fur in a kitten's stomach. Of course, this situation is rare in kittens, however, it is the accumulation of hair in the stomach in the form of a lump of impressive size that causes intense drooling. It is necessary to make it easier for the animal to regurgitate all this.
  2. The next, no less common reason is foreign objects in the mouth or digestive system . The carelessness of the owners and the curiosity of the kitten can result in a problem with suspended salivation, and it can only be solved with the help of a specialist who can provide qualified assistance.
  3. Saliva may be released in large quantities during poisoning.
  4. Allergies also affect the process of salivation.
  5. Viral and oncological diseases can cause ptyalism.

The most terrible disease, the symptom of which is the discharge large quantity saliva - rabies. This disease is incurable and ends fatal. But, if your pet does catch this problem, the saliva will not be clear, but in the form of foam, the animal will be afraid of light and behave unconventionally.

Symptoms and treatment

Before starting treatment, it is worth finding out the reasons why your kitten is drooling. The course that the doctor will prescribe depends on them. And in order to determine why saliva began to be released in larger quantities, you need to pay attention to additional signs which may occur in parallel with hypersalivation.

  • Change in appetite. As a rule, it decreases or disappears altogether.
  • Changing preferences. The cat may refuse solid food.
  • Changes in behavior, excessive aggression.
  • Nausea or vomiting.
  • Difficulty swallowing.
  • Bad breath.
  • The cat may rub its face much more often.

If you notice any signs that are accompanied by excessive salivation, consult a doctor immediately. If you are a responsible owner, you should immediately pay attention to the changes. The doctor will make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment, and your task is to follow all his recommendations and do everything possible to get well soon your pet. It won't cost you anything to give your kitten a little more love and care, and for him this is almost as important as proper care.

There is always saliva in the cat's mouth, but it begins to flow out if it no longer fits in the cavity. This happens for two main reasons - when more saliva is produced than usual, and when it is not swallowed. In this case, saliva can flow down in drops, strands, or roll up in the form of foam.

When you definitely shouldn't worry

A cat may drool if it smells very tasty food. This is a completely normal reaction. After all, this is how the body prepares to digest food.

Drooling also occurs when you come into contact with cat tongue something very tasteless. Many owners have encountered this phenomenon when they gave their cat deworming tablets. In this case, the animal can fill all surrounding objects with foam from saliva.

Also, salivation occurs before regurgitation of a hairball, which is perceived by the stomach as foreign object. To avoid this, you need to give your cat malt paste.

Nausea with drooling also occurs in cats that are seasick. Such animals need special preparation for the trip. There are also cats that drool from pleasure. The owner can determine this when he sees regular drooling in the absence of any bad manifestations.

Excessive saliva production during painful conditions

Then there are more terrible reasons. Increased salivation occurs in cats gagging. The reason for this may be both poisoning and manifestations internal diseases. Nausea and vomiting accompany gastritis and gastroenteritis, as well as kidney and liver pathologies. In these cases, other symptoms are also visible - refusal of food and water, lethargy. Sometimes the temperature is elevated.

Painful sensations in cats are visible not only by dilated pupils, but also, often, by drool flowing from the corners of the mouth. Typical signs Feline pancreatitis: refusal to eat, nausea, drooling and the desire to lie down on the cold floor.

Diseases oral cavity (for example, stomatitis or tartar) are often accompanied by increased salivation. In order to detect this reason, it is enough to open the cat’s mouth (with gloves so as not to exchange bacteria).

A fish bone stuck in the teeth also causes a profuse flow of saliva, which stops once the cause is eliminated.

Various pathologies of the salivary glands, for example, a cyst or injury, lead to the continuous flow of saliva. In this case, the liquid may have a reddish or yellowish tint, bad smell, or may be no different from ordinary saliva.

There is also a group oncological diseases manifested by excessive salivation. In this case, masses of tissue may be found in the oral cavity, but they may not be visible. Most of these cases in cats are associated with decreased appetite or unusual thinness.

Contagious diseases of cats that make them slobber

Weight feline infections can cause increased salivation. These are infections of the stomach and intestines, upper respiratory tract, oral cavity. In this case, the owner may also notice coughing or vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, and the cat’s desire to hide in a corner.

Eg, calicivirus In cats, it causes ulcers on the tongue and gums. At the same time, saliva flows from the mouth almost continuously.

Rabies is one of the most terrible diseases, common to humans and animals. Unfortunately, rabies in cats is not always accompanied by standard signs. It happens that the animal only notices drooling. Rabies infection should be suspected in any cat bitten by an unknown person that has not previously been vaccinated. It is clear that home vaccinated Tuzik does not transmit this scary virus. Country cats are especially often infected with rabies.

It should be remembered that cats are vaccinated against infectious rhinotracheitis and calicivirus, as well as against panleukopenia and rabies at any veterinary hospital. The remaining infectious diseases remain at the mercy of the animal’s immunity.

For what reasons may a cat not swallow saliva?

If your cat is unable to swallow saliva, which is produced by the salivary glands in normal quantities, then the saliva hangs in strands at the corners of the mouth or merges into a sort of “ waterfalls" The voice may become hoarse, and breathing may become heavy and whistling.

All conditions leading to impaired swallowing of saliva are urgent, that is, they require the immediate intervention of a competent veterinarian or paramedic. These conditions include: laryngeal edema, esophageal edema, heat stroke, foreign object in the pharynx or larynx, tetanus.

There is neither time nor opportunity to determine what specific type of lesion a cat has. However, we need to remember what preceded this state. This information will be very useful to a veterinarian.

Spasm and swelling of the larynx often occur when a cat is bitten by poisonous insects. This can happen if, for example, a cat played with a bee and swallowed it while still alive. The captive can finally sting the cat directly in the throat.

Mechanical trauma to the larynx (impact, puncture) can cause this severe swelling that the cat’s voice will simply disappear.

Heatstroke occurs in cats that do not have shelter or access to water on a very hot day. In urban environments, heat stroke strikes cats forgotten in the car.

Any object that the cat chooses to play with can become a foreign body in the pharynx. In the excitement, the animal may not even notice how some piece of wood ends up across its throat.

Tetanus It is rare in cats. This is due to the fact that more and more owners are turning to hospitals due to injuries. After all, as you know, tetanus develops in cases where the body has stale wounds infected with tetanus bacilli. Cleaning fresh wounds is sufficient to prevent tetanus in cats. If an infection is suspected, the doctor may also suggest administration to the animal. tetanus toxoid. This is a small subcutaneous injection.

So what should you do if your cat is drooling?

First of all, you need to calm down and mobilize. After all, drooling does not start out of the blue. You need to remember whether the cat is vaccinated and whether anyone has bitten it. If there are any signs of trouble general condition, and drooling has been going on for more than a quarter of an hour, then the animal should be immediately shown to a doctor.

This article provides basic information general on this issue, and also provides answers to questions that veterinarians in various veterinary clinics constantly face in their practice.

Drooling in cats during sleep: causes and treatment

Excessive drooling even during sleep can be a sign of illness in the animal. Before going to the vet, keep an eye on your pet for a day. If drooling also flows profusely in daytime days, then immediately contact the doctor and explain to him in what situation the cat was drooling, so that the veterinarian can quickly make a diagnosis.

Drooling in a cat in the heat and sudden what is it and how to help

During the heat, cats' bodies overheat and are the first to defense mechanism The pet appears to be drooling. In this way, their body cools itself, so there is no need to help the cat, at this moment it helps itself.

Drooling in cats from stress, dry food, kidney failure, after anesthesia and surgery, rabies or taking medications

Touching mental health animals, during stress cats salivate profusely. Also, during times of nervous tension, they may wash their faces frequently, which also refers to frequent drooling.

During renal failure in cats, saliva is released suddenly and continues for an hour and a half, which is a sure sign to take your pet to the vet.

Dry food, especially new food, can be the same reason profuse drooling. Firstly, this is due to the expectation of something tasty. Secondly, dry food is dry because it needs to be thoroughly moistened, which is why more saliva is produced than usual.

If a cat is infected with rabies, then drool is an eternal companion of this disease. The pet changes in behavior and in some cases saliva may contain blood. Such an animal is quickly placed in quarantine, as it becomes dangerous to others.

Surgery, injections, medications are always stressful for the animal, so drooling after such manipulations is normal. Your pet is just worried nervous tension, which causes saliva to be released.

The kitten has profuse and increased salivation, what should I do?

First of all, you need to figure out why the kitten has increased drooling. This can be either contact with a plant or a foreign object in the oral cavity. If saliva does not stop flowing after an hour and a half, then it is better to consult a doctor, since prolonged drooling is a sign of many diseases, in some cases even fatal.

Why does a cat drool with blood from its mouth, what is wrong with it and how to treat it

There can be a lot of reasons for such a tragedy - from a foreign object getting into the throat to poisoning and viral diseases according to the type of rabies. They are treated only according to a doctor’s indications, since blood from the mouth is sure sign serious illness, if the cat has not damaged its tongue or gums.

Why does a cat drool from his mouth when you pet him or when he purrs?

Healthy animals do not have the habit of drooling, but many drool when petted. It is possible that in this way they show their happiness from such a process.

The cat is drooling and sticking out its tongue, what could it be?

Typically, cats stick out their tongues and drool to cool their bodies. In this case, the only thing you can worry about is that the cat could get sunstroke. A cold compress will help your pet feel better.

A cat is drooling after a suprastin injection, how to help

For a cat, an injection means stress, which he experiences through copious amounts of saliva.

The cat is drooling while driving in the car, what to do?

Cats not used to riding in a car. They, like many people, get motion sickness, which is the reason for drooling while driving.

In this matter, many people have ambiguities, which can be sorted out in the material of this article, written in the format of questions and answers. If os...

Presence in the house furry pet requires special care. This concern should not be limited to nutritious feeding and regularly replacing cat litter. Maximum attention should be paid to the cat's behavior, which will help to determine in time possible problems with health. After all, even a situation that seems ordinary at first glance, when a cat is drooling, can be a sign of a dangerous disease.

Cat drooling: when to sound the alarm

Extracts from salivary glands in tailed pets, a series of useful functions. Firstly, salivation is a physiological process that normally accompanies digestion. Secondly, saliva significantly softens food, preventing mechanical damage gums, teeth and oral mucosa. Thirdly, it is capable of having a pronounced stimulating effect on language receptors.

From this it is clear that there are many factors explaining the physiological nature of why a cat drools from its mouth. However, excessive salivation (or hypersalivation) will indicate the presence of pathologies in the animal’s body. You should start to worry when your cat is drooling from its mouth in the following cases:

  • the animal tries to constantly swallow saliva;
  • the pet has an excessively wet chin, chest and throat area;
  • increased frequency of washing or attempts to rub your muzzle on doors or furniture;
  • presence of wet spots on sleeping place furry pet.

Excessive salivation: when can we talk about normality?

It should be noted that a cat can drool from its mouth even if it is feeling normal. The main reasons for this condition can be identified:

  • feeding time is approaching;
  • reaction to a favorite treat;
  • pet anxiety, stress or fear;
  • motion sickness while traveling by car.

Important! Sometimes the reason that water flows from a cat’s mouth can be the arrival of relatives with children who try to show undue attention to the animal. Such a meeting becomes stressful for the pet, making him nervous and turning on the body's protective functions.

Confirmation of the nature of the disease may often require a series of studies in the form of x-rays, ultrasound, laboratory tests. Source: Flickr (Berzou)

Drooling in cats: causes and treatment

Excessive salivation, supplemented by other symptoms, is very often a sign of pathology. Most often, a cat drools from its mouth due to the following problems:

  • the presence of foreign bodies in the mouth or larynx;
  • damage to the oral mucosa, gums or teeth;
  • poisoning from house plants, medications, chemicals or flea treatments;
  • excessive ingestion of licked fur;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases: gastritis, pyelonephritis, liver diseases;
  • helminthic infestation;
  • infection with viral infections (including rabies).

Important! Only a qualified person can diagnose the problem of why a cat is drooling. veterinarian in a clinical setting. Self-treatment or its absence may cause deterioration of the condition and (in severe cases) even the death of an animal.

The behavioral characteristics of felines are quite informative in determining the cause of the problem. So, if there is a foreign body, the furry ward will refuse to eat and drink and try to hide in a secluded place. Poisoning is usually accompanied by nausea, vomiting and apathy. Gastrointestinal diseases will lead to a lack of appetite and passivity of the pet. Rabies will be indicated by aggression, foamy saliva on the chin, and a change in the color of the mucous membrane. Viral infections And helminthic infestations will be manifested by fever and general weakness. Confirming the nature of the disease may often require a series of studies in the form of x-rays, ultrasound, and laboratory tests. Treatment is carried out in accordance with the diagnosis.

A cat owner can provide independent assistance only if a foreign object is detected in the animal’s mouth. In this case, you should carefully rid your pet of the factor that provokes drooling.

For elimination inflammatory processes caused by injuries and wounds in the oral cavity, the specialist will recommend the use of Lugol’s healing solution and concomitant therapy. All other diagnosed problems will require adequate drug treatment.

Prevention of disease prevention

Every owner has many questions when a cat is drooling: what to do, where to go, what medications to take, how to help your pet? It is much easier to provide conditions under which increased salivation will not threaten your pet.

Preventing your cat from drooling includes:

  • security normal nutrition no bones or other sharp elements in the food;
  • storage of household chemicals, hazardous substances And medicines in places closed to cats;
  • restricting the animal’s access to indoor plants;
  • preventing the licking of flea treatments by wearing protective collars;
  • conducting periodic examinations of the oral cavity;
  • timely vaccination of your pet against rabies and various viral diseases;
  • regular trips to the veterinary clinic.

If you notice that your cat is dripping water from its mouth, is depressed and passive, refuses to eat, and is restless, you should immediately seek medical attention. professional help. Your pet cannot complain about its health on its own, so your attention, care and love will guarantee it excellent health and have a happy stay in your home.

Video on the topic

Salivation in a cat - it would seem natural process, and there is no point in worrying. But when fluid drips from his mouth too often and in large quantities, it’s time to worry about his health. pet. Why does a cat drool from his mouth and how to help him you will learn from our article.

Your cat is drooling profusely. alarm signal. However, before taking your pet to the veterinarian or buying expensive medications, you need to figure out what factors contribute to this, and whether the reason always lies in the furry’s health problems.

Hypersalivation, as a rule, is not immediately noticed by owners of domestic cats. If you see that the cat has become nervous or aggressive, purrs or meows loudly, does not allow itself to be petted, and there is constant discharge from its mouth (even in its sleep), establish hurry up the reason. Let's take a closer look at what factors cause excessive salivation in a cat.

Showing love

Hypersalivation in domestic cats is not a death sentence. Sometimes it’s not even a matter of the pet suffering from some kind of illness. Sometimes cats behave in such a way as to show care and affection towards their owner. Representatives of breeds with long muzzles or, for example, sphinxes are mostly prone to this behavior. They love to caress, pay excessive attention to their owner, and at the same time saliva can hang like a thin thread from the animal’s mouth. However, there is nothing wrong with this, so in this case It is not necessary to show the cat to a specialist.

Reaction to food

Strong salivation in a kitten or an adult may be a signal of good appetite at the pet's. If you give food to your furry friend at the same time of day, shortly before the next feeding, the cat may begin to drool slightly, which should also not scare you.


Some breeders are convinced that cats are not overly stressed, but this is a completely wrong statement. In fact, these pets can still suffer from stressful situation. Their well-being is affected by the change daily diet, moving to a new place of residence, change of owner, sudden warming or cold weather, too close contact with unfamiliar animals, etc. That’s why copious discharge saliva is often the result of a stressful situation the cat has recently experienced.

Foreign body

If your cat has increased salivation, it is quite possible that there is a foreign object in his mouth. A common problem among cats is large food particles getting stuck in the mouth. Of course, the animal will try to cope with the situation on its own. If nothing works out, the cat will quickly get used to it. foreign body, however, saliva will be released reflexively.

Taking medications

If your kitten is drooling heavily, this may be a reaction to the animal taking medications. There are many painkillers and anti-helminth medications that leave a bitter aftertaste in the mouth. This may cause your cat to start salivating in a clear color.


If the owner does not worry about a balanced diet in a timely manner, the cat may be poisoned by some prohibited foods. These include, for example, chocolate. Active selection saliva in an animal often occurs from licking fur treated for fleas. Poisoning household chemicals, poisonous plants and other undesirable foods - all of which can cause intense salivation.

Oral diseases

If a fluid similar to water comes out of the mouth, it is possible that your pet is suffering from oral diseases. These include primarily:

  • salivary gland cyst;
  • gingivitis;
  • dental abscess.

You can accurately diagnose this type of disease only after you show your pet to a veterinarian.

Diseases of internal organs

Why does a cat constantly salivate is a question that every pet owner may face at one point. Most often this happens due to the development of digestive problems in the cat, as well as the occurrence of serious illnesses: gastritis, ulcers, kidney or gallbladder pathologies. Saliva flows heavily even in diabetes. In addition, the cat drinks a lot of water in this case.


Treatment for hypersalivation may be necessary if the cat suffers from infectious disease. First of all, his temperature rises, he experiences constant thirst. Subsequently, the animal begins not only intense salivation, but also nausea and loss of appetite. Cats also often have watery eyes when they have an infectious disease.

Video “What to do if your cat is drooling”

In this video, the veterinarian will tell you why a cat may drool and why it is dangerous.

Diagnosis and treatment

What to do, if old cat is drooling, the best thing to do is to quickly show him to the veterinarian and find out what the reason is. Be sure to share your observations with the specialist: perhaps you will name a number more accompanying symptoms, which will significantly speed up the process. It will be necessary to check the animal comprehensively: ultrasound and x-rays are mandatory tests for your pet.

If your pet's life is not in danger, treatment will be carried out at home. In some cases, more active veterinary intervention will be needed. Be that as it may, he will appoint for fluffy pet drugs and will give you basic recommendations on their application.

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