Increased salivation in a cat. Pseudorabies, or false rabies, or Aujeszky's disease. Treatment of cats with heart failure

Drooling is caused by excess saliva that begins to drip from the animal's mouth. Saliva is constantly produced by the salivary glands. Excessive production or secretion of saliva is called hypersalivation (or ptyalism). Oral problems and central nervous system disorders nervous system are the most common causes of ptyalism and subsequent drooling. There are times when normal saliva production may seem excessive in animals with an anatomical abnormality that allows saliva to drip from the mouth. This condition is called false ptyalism. There are many causes of drooling in cats, often harmless but sometimes very serious.

Usually healthy cats don't drool. However, some pets drool when they are petted and caressed or are about to be fed. Sight or smell certain products may cause these cats to salivate if they find the food extremely attractive and tempting.

Other pets drool when they are very nervous. When a cat feels stressed, she will begin to lick herself excessively as this helps her calm down. This licking can promote increased salivation.

Also, some cats begin to salivate when they know they are going to be given a bad tasting drug or an injection (this is psychological). Well, saliva will definitely start flowing if you give a cat a bitter and tasteless medicine. For example, no-shpa tablets always cause profuse salivation, as do deworming medications.

Some cats suffer from motion sickness (which can cause them to drool when traveling). Foaming at the mouth may occur in a cat who is feeling nauseous or vomiting (particularly due to a buildup of hairballs in the stomach).

All these reasons lead to drooling, which is usually mild and does not last long. But if your cat is drooling or foaming at the mouth without any apparent reason If the drool persists for more than an hour and a half, or if there are other symptoms, then it's time to call your veterinarian. If drooling is not normal and typical for your cat and it suddenly starts, it may be a sign that something is wrong with your cat.

Causes of drooling in cats may include:

· Poisoning;

· Infection or damage salivary glands, salivary gland cyst;

· Dental problems (gum disease, dental abscess, etc.);

· Foreign object in the mouth;

· Leukemia;

· Heart attack;

· Abscess;

· (if, in addition to drooling, the animal behaves inappropriately);

· Pseudorabies ( false rabies) ;

· (,), especially if drooling is accompanied by watery eyes and runny nose, sneezing, fever, loss of appetite;

· Heat stroke (hyperthermia);

· oral cavity;

· Portosystemic shunt (liver shunt);

· ;

· Poisoning from certain poisons (for example, insecticides, flea sprays, or arsenic);

· Eating certain species of lizards and toads;

· A wasp or bee sting (if the cat tries to hunt and eat these insects);

· Diseases gastrointestinal tract(inflammation of the esophagus, tumor of the esophagus, hernia hiatus, bloating, stomach ulcer);

· Nausea;

· Botulism;

· Tetanus.


As you can see, there are many various reasons for excessive salivation. When contacting a veterinarian, you will need to provide as much information as possible detailed story about your cat's health, including its vaccinations, medications, possible exposure to toxins, and other symptoms associated with drooling. Your doctor will need to differentiate between drooling caused by difficulty swallowing and drooling from nausea, accompanied by smacking and gagging. It is also necessary to perform a complete physical and neurological examination your cat, with special attention to the mouth and neck. Diagnostic tools may include x-rays and ultrasound to determine if there are problems in the structure of the liver or any other internal organs. If an immune disorder is suspected, your veterinarian may also want to perform a tissue and cell biopsy.


Your veterinarian will treat the underlying cause of ptyalism once it is identified and diagnosed. Depending on the cause of the drooling, your veterinarian will want to monitor and examine your cat as often as necessary to ensure that treatment is effective.

Cat owners may experience various diseases their pets. Symptoms include bad breath and excessive drooling.

When a cat has bad breath (ammonia, putrefactive or acetone), this indicates an imbalance in his body. This problem is medically called halitosis (halitosis).

What does a cat's bad breath and drooling mean?

To the causes unpleasant odor diseases of the oral cavity or teeth can be attributed, such problems are more typical for cats from 1 to 3 years old. For older individuals, pathologies in the functioning of internal organs are added to these problems. Halitosis is a rare manifestation in animals under 1 year of age, but it does happen.

What to do if your cat smells like rot, acetone or rotten meat?

If an animal smells urine from its breath, it may be due to diabetes. In the case of a rotten and putrid smell, it may be problems with the esophagus, stomach or intestines.

A rotten smell may indicate cheap dry food, which can cause stomach and intestinal diseases. In this case, you can switch feeding to natural food, which should help.

When caring for your cat, you should remember to brush his teeth. If putrid odors it should be taken to a veterinarian to understand the exact cause. Then receive the necessary treatment.

What to do if your kitten has an odor rotten fish or rotten eggs

In most cases, the appearance of such odors is associated with diseases of the teeth and oral cavity. IN in this case It is worth treating your teeth for plaque and tartar, and if necessary, the oral cavity. When there are lesions in the oral cavity, they can be treated with any antiseptic medications (miramistin or chlorhexidine).

This treatment is usually administered by a veterinarian. For normal condition the oral cavity needs constant prevention in the form of regular brushing of teeth, which must be accustomed to early age. This will help avoid putrefactive processes in the cat's mouth.

Bad breath as a sign of worms

What to do when there is an unpleasant odor and your cat is drooling from its mouth?

Any cat in its normal condition does not have any odors, but if it does, then there are some problems.

Cheap dry food leads to illness. When such food becomes the cause of the smell, the food is made more balanced or the pet is completely switched to natural food.

In a situation with drooling, drool with an odor emanating from the mouth is released, it can be assumed that the cat has foreign body or stomatitis has developed. Including bad smell serves as a consequence of a viral infection, where the cause may be renal failure. Under such circumstances, you need to consult a veterinarian and add special food to your cat’s diet. For any disease, treatment and necessary medications are prescribed by a veterinarian.

What does cat mouth odor mean? when changing teeth, after feeding, in the birth and postpartum period, with chronic renal failure?

A bad odor from a cat's mouth may indicate an incorrect cycle of changing teeth from milk to molars. Also, the milk ones may not fall out, but the indigenous ones have already grown, which has formed malocclusion. Including if food gets stuck in the teeth, it can contribute to the development of putrefactive process, that's where the smell comes from. In the case of extra missing milk teeth, you need to contact a specialist to remove them.

No direct relationship was found with the appearance of odors from the cat’s mouth during pregnancy and the postpartum period. Therefore, you should contact a veterinarian.

If there is chronic renal failure, then the cat's mouth emits ammonia or the smell of urine. Afterwards, you need to consult with a veterinarian and then give the cat special food Renal Special. Contraindications for this food include: growth, lactation, pregnancy. You need to give food for 6 months, then check again. If the problem is eliminated, feeding this food is stopped. If the treatment result from the food is negative, then the cat switches to this food forever.

Why does my cat's breath smell like acetone?

If a cat owner smells acetone from the mouth, this may indicate diabetes. This disease is characterized by increased water consumption and frequent urination.

The cat's drool flows like clear water, in drops

With increased salivation, the cat has a wet chin, throat, and fur. The cat often swallows saliva, rubs its face on furniture, and washes itself excessively. Long hair gets matted into icicles. The litter becomes covered with wet spots. This may indicate other problems. Manifestations profuse drooling is a manifestation of an illness that needs to be identified as early as possible. Among the diseases in a cat, clear drooling corresponds to most diseases except for rabies.

With rabies, salivation will flow foamy, but this can also happen after taking a bitter medicine. When a cat has rabies, he drinks little and goes into dark places, avoiding bright light, as it contributes to eye pain. During this period, the cat falls into an aggressive or apathetic state. This is lethal for a cat, but the animal can also infect a person through a bite, and this can have a bad effect on human health. Therefore, if saliva comes out in the form of foam, you should find out about the nature of the disease from a veterinarian.

Causes of drooling from the mouth in cats

When excessive saliva flow appears in cats, you need to know the reasons that contribute to this. There are physiological, psychological and pathological.



  • As a result nervous overstrain animal, a strong flow of saliva occurs.
  • Riding on public transport when the animal is stressed or motion sickness causes such a manifestation in the body.
  • Severe stress in an animal arises from prolonged communication with children.


There are a lot of reasons of this kind; it is almost impossible to do without a veterinarian. This series includes:

  • Viral infections. This period is characterized by increased temperature, increased thirst nauseating and excessive salivation in the cat. There are cases when, due to a viral infection, a cat’s breath smells bad.
  • In case of poisoning (from garbage, street food, chemicals, chocolate, medicines and other products).
  • Dental diseases and oral problems. This can be noticed if the cat chews its food very carefully; there may also be a foreign body in the mouth, which may be accompanied by a protruding tongue. In this case, the cat is taken to the veterinary clinic.
  • Digestive problems will cause excessive salivation, which is usually accompanied by a putrid odor.
  • Saliva from the mouth often indicates the presence of helminths in a cat's body.
  • If your cat is allergic, your cat may drool.
  • In cases of cancer, it happens bad smell and increased salivation.
  • As a result of untimely loss of baby teeth in a kitten, there is bad breath with drooling.

Diagnosis of saliva flow in a cat

When there is bad odor from the mouth or there is protruding tongue with active flow of saliva, which means it is necessary to carry out a diagnosis in order to subsequently carry out the correct treatment.

From time to time, cat owners notice that their pets often have droplets of saliva hanging on their whiskers or that the fur on their chin is constantly getting wet. All this indicates excessive salivation in. This phenomenon is called hypersalivation. Let's figure out what it is.

Signs of increased salivation

Hypersalivation affects both appearance, and on the pet’s behavior. The most a clear sign is a situation where he is drooling profusely and sticking his tongue out. But the signs of this pathology may not be so noticeable. Thus, a pet may wash itself too often, constantly rub its muzzle on various objects, continuously make swallowing movements, the hair on the cat’s chest and chin becomes icicles, sleeping place wet spots are noticeable.

What makes a cat drool (excessive salivation)

Increased salivation in cats can be caused by for various reasons. They can be both physiological and psychological in nature. Sometimes hypersalivation indicates the presence of a pet.

Did you know?According to studies, approximately 95% of owners talk to their cats.

Physiological reasons

One of the common causes of excessive salivation is the replacement of baby teeth with molars in a kitten. It also happens that the sight and smell of food causes such a reaction in the pet. Hypersalivation can also be a cat's reaction to ingesting medications, such as anthelmintics.

In this case, the functioning is disrupted taste buds, which causes excessive salivation.

The problem with drooling can also arise when transporting an animal in a car or on a train, as some cats are susceptible to motion sickness. Unfamiliar food can cause the same reaction. Sometimes increased salivation observed during estrus.

Psychological reasons

Often drooling increases for psychological reasons. Sometimes owners are surprised if their cat drools when you pet him - this may simply be the animal’s reaction to affection; the pet literally drools with pleasure. But salivation can also increase for negative reasons.

Did you know? The first name recorded in historical documents domestic cat was given in Ancient Egypt approximately 3500 years ago. The owner named his pet Nej, which can be translated as “sweetheart.”

This condition is often observed in animals experiencing stress, for example due to large quantity guests or the annoying attention of children.

Due to illness

It happens that a cat drools due to illness. Most often this is a sign of some kind of poisoning, for example, household chemicals. Drooling can be caused by dental diseases, such as periodontal disease And caries. Sometimes saliva begins to be released abundantly due to some objects or materials (a hairball, for example) stuck in the mouth or esophagus.

Hypersalivation is also caused by viral infections, due to which it is violated normal operation gastrointestinal tract. It can also be a consequence of allergies, contamination of various inflammatory processes in organs digestive system.

Going to the vet

To find out the cause of drooling and prescribe treatment for your pet, you need to visit a veterinarian. A specialist may examine the oral cavity to determine the condition of the teeth and gums and determine the presence of wounds or foreign objects.

An ultrasound or x-ray may be prescribed if there is a suspicion of foreign objects in the esophagus. In addition, if necessary, blood, urine or stool tests are performed to determine the pet's specific disease.

What to do: how to help your pet

In the case of physiological and psychological reasons salivation does not require any treatment; the problem disappears on its own over time. When found foreign objects in the mouth or esophagus they are simply removed. Dental diseases treated with appropriate medicines, for example, sodium fluoride or silver nitrate is used, sometimes it is necessary to remove the affected teeth.

If inflammation of the digestive system is diagnosed, for example pancreas(pancreatitis), then a course of intravenous drip infusions is carried out, antibiotics and various specific drugs are prescribed. In case of pet poisoning he is given a gastric lavage, unless the animal has been poisoned by an acid or alkali. Drinking plenty of fluids also helps Activated carbon, which is added to water in crushed form. In case of poisoning with acid or alkali, the animal should be given special solutions, in this case it is necessary to consult a veterinarian.

When diagnosing oncological diseases may be needed surgery, but, unfortunately, this rarely helps. Rabies is incurable.

Important! Profuse salivation accompanied and fatal diseases- rabies and cancer.

Without a doubt, the most important muscle in the body of any animal is the heart. It is on the endless work of this organ that both the life of our pets and its quality depend. Even the most inexperienced breeder understands without prompting that any heart disease in cats can easily lead to death furry pet, or to his severe disability. To avoid this and keep your cat healthy, you need to monitor his behavior daily and know about the main types of “problems” with the heart. And in cats, by the way, they are not uncommon.

There are many reasons leading to the development of feline heart pathologies. There are many monographs and other scientific works dedicated solely to this issue. We will highlight the main factors whose consequences one has to face in everyday veterinary practice:

  • , especially salts heavy metals. Of course, toxins primarily hit the liver and kidneys, but the heart, due to its function, also takes a toll. Toxic compounds in some cases can coagulate myocardial cells, which leads to very severe consequences. For example, to heart attacks (i.e., death of part of the heart tissue).
  • Genetic abnormalities development.
  • Permanent, unfavorable living conditions.
  • of various origins (including helminthic). Many people underestimate these pathologies, but in vain: a reduced level of red blood cells in the blood is extremely dangerous. And the heart “feels” this first of all, since the blood supplied to feed it does not contain the proper amount of oxygen. The result may be the same as in cases of severe poisoning.
  • Heartworms (). It occurs much less frequently in cats than in dogs, but more often leads to very serious complications. However, this disease is not very typical for our country.

Symptoms of heart problems

How can you even understand that your pet has some kind of heart problem? The problem is that cats are notorious couch potatoes. And if “problems” in the behavior of the same dogs quickly become obvious when regular walks, a cat’s illness can go completely unnoticed for a long time.

However, you may notice that your pet has become more “lazy” and tries not to move unless absolutely necessary. If the cat “deigns” to walk to the bowl, it is not difficult to notice that such a simple action was not easy for him: the animal begins to hiss and.

It is no coincidence that veterinarians believe early diagnosis heart pathologies in cats is a difficult and thankless task. Often there are no clinical signs. Until the pet’s body goes through some “ critical point”, after which the symptoms will begin to increase exponentially.

Concerning characteristic features heart pathologies, then this should include:

  • difficulty breathing; wheezing;
  • severe shortness of breath, occurring even after lungs physical activity;
  • in severe cases (even without a phonendoscope), you can hear something gurgling and bubbling noisily in your pet’s chest. This is very warning signs, indicating the presence of profuse effusion in the chest cavity. The fluid compresses the lungs and heart, causing all the breathing problems described above to develop;
  • strong limbs and other parts of the body (for example, ears and paws);
  • paleness of all visible mucous membranes (gums and eyes). All this indicates a serious deterioration in blood circulation in the animal’s body;
  • in severe cases (often when the cat is already dying), the skin over the entire surface of the body becomes cold.

Major heart diseases

Congenital anomalies

In cats, it is not uncommon for some kittens (or even the entire litter) to be born while already sick. And the more purebred the cat, the higher the likelihood of such an outcome. The problem is the many “junk” genes that inevitably accumulate in entire breed lines.

But still, speaking frankly, if we take the entire cat population, then the probability birth defects heart does not exceed 2% (after all, purebred cats much smaller than the usual “Murok”). The most typical congenital pathology is valve stenosis, as well as open ducts.

In most cases, it is under attack mitral valve, located between the left atrium and the left ventricle. In such disorders, the development of pathogenesis occurs according to the same principle: the edges of the valves are loose, gaps remain between them and the walls of the vessels (or between the leaflets of the valve itself). As a consequence, reverse blood flow and its accumulation in small or big circles blood circulation, which is accompanied by an increase in pressure.

Since the vessels are not intended for “storage and accumulation” of blood, its liquid part begins to leak en masse into the tissues and internal cavities body. This ends with edematous phenomena.

Please note, that heart surgery is performed on animals extremely rarely, and the point here is not only the exorbitant cost of such treatment, but also the lack of full-fledged methods for performing such interventions: cardiology in veterinary medicine is limited (as a rule) only to drug therapy.

In case of severe defects of valves and/or myocardium, the chances for long and happy life the cat's are very small. If the disease can be corrected by drug treatment, then everything is much better. It happens that a cat lives with valve disease until a very old age (but only in cases where the owners really take good care of it).


Practicing veterinarians in many countries around the world today believe that more than 2/3 of all acquired heart diseases in cats are cardiomyopathy. Precise definition This term is difficult to define. We can say that this is a complex of degenerative-inflammatory processes that lead to serious structural and functional disorders of cardiac activity.

Interesting that in cats this disease usually affects exclusively the left ventricle. Sometimes it gets caught and Right side organ, but this does not happen too often.

Regardless of the specific type of cardiomyopathy, the disease always leads to the same result: the heart can no longer pump blood normally. This usually progresses to congestive heart failure, sometimes leading to respiratory distress syndrome.

But it’s even worse: due to impaired blood circulation, the danger increases sharply formation of large blood clots in blood vessels. In cats, they usually get stuck in the femoral arteries, which leads to either spontaneous gangrene of the paws or equally sudden death. Veterinarians are still debating the origin of many cardiomyopathies. Today, experts suggest that at least 2/3 of them are primary, congenital pathologies development. Suspected causes include anemia, hyperthyroidism and high blood pressure.

Read also: The main types of trematodes in cats: general information and treatment

There are three types of disease:

  • Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. The most common variety, it is the one that is detected in practice in 95% of cases. Its main feature is its idiopathic course. Often, an increase in the thickness of the walls of the left ventricle generally occurs without any visible and logical reasons, so one can only assume the presence of some complex autoimmune pathology.

  • Restrictive cardiomyopathy. Is detected in approximately 10% of all primary diseases hearts. One of the most unpleasant and severe types of diseases encountered in veterinary cardiology. Without going into too much detail, in this case the normal heart tissue is replaced by connective tissue. Simply put, the organ turns into one large scar. As is easy to understand, even its relatively normal work becomes physically impossible. To give an analogy, the density of the heart becomes close to hard plastic, and it is difficult to expect even a minimal ability to contract and pump blood from such a substance. Animals with this defect do not live long. IN in the rarest cases It is possible to select a therapy that slows down the process of “keratinization” of cardiac tissue, but this really does not happen often.
  • Dilated cardiomyopathy. It is rare, no more than 2-3% of cases of the total number of these pathologies. It is characterized by thinning of the walls of the ventricles while simultaneously stretching them. In this case, the heart can be compared to a huge, jelly-like jellyfish. As in the previous case, such a mass cannot contract normally, and therefore, if the pathology progresses rapidly, the cat will not live long.

Heart failure

If cardiac function is significantly impaired by cardiomyopathy, heart failure will result. The latter is also a collective term that unites many cardiogenic pathologies. Contrary to popular belief, deficiency does not always develop over a long period of time. It is not uncommon for the clinical picture of the disease to appear within a few weeks. If you do not pay attention to your pet, he may well die without receiving help.

The acute course of heart failure is characterized by frequent fainting and “twilight” consciousness. Such phenomena are associated with the fact that diseased heart cannot ensure normal blood flow through organs and tissues, as a result of which even the brain experiences oxygen starvation and lack of nutrients.

It is known that for cats that have undergone this, such phenomena do not go away without a trace. Even in cases where owners and veterinarians have been able to achieve stable remission, the development of epilepsy or other neurological diseases is likely.

Feline aortic thromboembolism (FATE)

A very severe pathology. However, it is still not worth talking about it as an independent heart disease. Often the disease develops on the basis of existing serious violations(for example, the same cardiomyopathy). Usually Blood clots in cats form in the left ventricle or atrium, which is very bad: if the clot is small, it is easily carried into the brain. A little larger - it gets into the femoral arteries and other large vessels. In any case, everything ends badly.

Sometimes blood clots are slow to break away from the valves or walls of the heart. In such situations, their petrification occurs (impregnation mineral salts), which also contributes to the development of heart failure (valves with such a “weight” will no longer be able to close normally). If, with proper diagnosis, the presence of a blood clot is detected in time, it can be dissolved by prescribing special medications.

By the way, what does the word “embolism” mean? This is what is called blockage of blood vessels. In this case, the clot acts as a plug. In relatively mild cases, it may not completely block the vessel: some space remains, but normal blood circulation still becomes impossible. For example, if such a “defective” blood clot gets into the femoral artery, then the cat’s leg, surface skin becomes noticeably cool. The only way To save the animal’s life and its legs, perform surgery immediately.

Heart disease, both congenital and acquired, is quite common in cats. Their characteristic feature is a constant progression, the onset is usually missed due to non-specificity or lack of visible symptoms. Since impaired pumping function leads to deterioration in the functioning of other organs, cardiac pathologies directly affect the length and quality of life of a cat.

Causes of heart disease in cats

Factors leading to damage to the heart muscle include: different mechanisms development. Among them are:

  • Valve pathologies (stenosis, atresia, aplasia).
  • Insufficient compression or incomplete relaxation of the myocardium.
  • Arrhythmias.
  • Vascular diseases that result in increased resistance to blood flow.
  • Shunts between the chambers of the heart.
  • Heartworm infection.
  • Influence of infectious agents.

In most cases, heart failure develops as a result of these factors. If there is insufficient outflow of blood from the organs, then it is accordingly called stagnation.

Heart disease in cats symptoms

There are many diseases that affect the heart muscle. The symptoms are quite extensive, therefore there are several main factors by which classification occurs in the future:

  • Origin of the disease. There are congenital and acquired pathologies, which affects the speed of manifestation of the first symptoms.
  • Impact external factors. Common causes of heart disease are infectious lesions, injuries, degenerative processes.
  • Duration. Heart diseases in cats are divided into acute, subacute, and chronic.
  • Clinical status according to which treatment is prescribed. This includes left and right ventricular failure, dysfunction of both ventricles, atrial pathologies, valve diseases, and so on.
  • Visualized defects. The causes of heart disease in cats may be defects in the septa between its different parts, valvular insufficiency, complete absence functionally important structures or their disposition (defects).

Owners most often notice breathing problems in sick cats. Shortness of breath is perceived as a sign acute pathology, but in reality it develops over months, sometimes years. Its appearance indicates severe defeat heart when failure reaches its peak and internal organs(primarily the brain) receive insufficient oxygen. Some cases of shortness of breath develop due to increased pressure in the pulmonary vessels, which also indicates the severity of the pathology.

Changes in the animal's body weight are possible. Fluctuations reach 500g within a week. Weight disorders include both rapid weight gain and sudden weight loss.

Cough - nonspecific sign heart disease, almost indistinguishable from an animal trying to regurgitate something. Diagnostic value has a dry, frequently recurring cough that is not associated with meals, often occurring after physical exertion or exposure to stress factors.

Paralysis, weakness of the limbs (usually pelvic). A complex symptom complex, the root cause of which is the formation of blood clots in the chambers of the heart. They are able to enter the bloodstream and obstruct the arteries that supply blood to different parts of the body. Arteries are often clogged pelvic limbs, but damage to the kidneys, brain, front paws and other parts of the body is also possible.

Signs of heart disease in cats initial stages usually nonspecific, which complicates diagnostic measures.


To make a diagnosis, carry out:

  • Anamnesis collection, including the nature of visible manifestations and the time of their onset.
  • Appearance of the animal. Congestion in the left and right sections has different development mechanisms, which is reflected in the appearance of the cat.
  • Physical examinations. Standard percussion and auscultation – informative method diagnosis of cardiac pathologies. They allow you to detect the expansion of the boundaries of the organ and hear noises without resorting to expensive procedures.
  • Lab tests. With chronic damage to the heart muscle, changes in the results of clinical and biochemical studies can be detected.
  • Instrumental examination. X-ray allows you to see changes in the shape and size of the heart, but the decisive method in making a diagnosis is echocardiography, which allows you to visualize the movement of blood through the chambers and evaluate functional state valves and walls, determine the load volume.
  • IN in some cases cardiac catheterization is performed, which is considered specific method. Using a flexible tube inserted into the heart cavity, not only the functional, but also the anatomical condition of the walls and septa are assessed.

Heart disease in cats treatment

After diagnosis, the veterinarian develops a treatment plan, including medications, follow-up visits, and diet changes.

The main goals of therapy are to slow down destructive processes in the heart, preventing the appearance of fluid in the lungs, normalizing blood circulation and heart rate.

Depending on the specific disease, the following medications may be prescribed:

  • Antihypertensive drugs.
  • Diuretics.
  • Anticoagulants.
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • Cardiac glycosides.
  • General strengthening drugs – vitamins, immunostimulants.

Some heart diseases in cats that can be treated medications ineffective, require surgical correction. It is aimed at correcting anatomical defects, alleviating functional load and optimizing ejection.

Dear patients, in our clinic your animal can receive a complete cardiological examination, assessment of cardiac function vascular system and consultation veterinarian cardiologist. Cardiological examination and appointment are conducted by doctors - Lidiya Mikhailovna Biryukova and Olga Vladimirovna Evstifeeva.

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