Use St. John's wort correctly. This is nature: instead of confinement. Rich composition of St. John's wort

Reading time: 4 minutes


The herb St. John's wort, or common one, is perennial plant. Tea from this plant is very beneficial for human health; it is a herbal elixir for many diseases. In today’s article we will tell you about the benefits of St. John’s wort in gynecology, how St. John’s wort helps the face, and how to brew St. John’s wort correctly. Let's talk about St. John's wort and oregano, what beneficial properties and contraindications it contains. You will learn the benefits and harms of St. John's wort in tea.


It is believed that the grass grew from a plucked bird feather. A magical bird descended to earth and was struck by an evil creature. Since then, there has been a belief that St. John's wort can relieve evil spirits. The grass scared away sorcerers and ghosts. The healing juice of the plant was used to treat wounds and cuts, and its leaves were applied as compresses. Traditional healers prescribed decoctions from this plant to people to treat depression and nervous conditions.

Previously, people hid the stem of the plant in clothes or shoes to ward off the evil eye. There are many names for the herb St. John's wort; it is also called: red herb, twig grass, healthy grass and others. Let's find out how to brew St. John's wort.

How to brew tea

In the autumn-winter period, it is better to drink herbal tea as a preventive measure for colds:

  • It is very easy to prepare. Place regular tea leaves in a bowl and add one teaspoon of dry plant. Pour boiling water or boil for 5 minutes. Add mint, honey or sugar to the finished tea;
  • The drink is also brewed with currant leaves or fruits, adding sugar and lemon juice;
  • If you brew the herb to get medicinal tea, then added mint and rose hips will make it more specific and useful for colds;
  • This method produces a delicious cold infusion: brew the herb according to the St. John's wort recipe above. Add apricot jam to it and let it brew. Then strain and drink cold;
  • A medicinal drink can be prepared from St. John's wort, oregano, raspberries and chaga. Place chaga in a container and pour boiling water, boil and add other herbs. IN ready drink If desired, you can add mint leaves;
  • Decoctions from this plant will acquire a good taste if various additives are added to them. Well suited: thyme, mint, lemon, currants, gooseberries. Tea will become even healthier if you add jam from black currants, raspberries, and apples. Mix well healing infusions with alcohol: liqueur, wine, cognac.

To make medicinal St. John's wort tea with a wonderful aroma, brew it with ginseng root. A decoction of ginseng should be added to St. John's wort tea. The roots of the plant can be brewed again. Now let’s look in more detail at the benefits and harms that grass can bring to our health.

The benefits of St. John's wort

In gynecology

The plant is famous for its beneficial properties since ancient times. St. John's wort is widely used in gynecology. The herb is used in folk medicine to treat female diseases, as decoctions and tinctures. It relieves abdominal pain in women during menstruation and normalizes the condition during menopause. Traditional healers advise preparing lotions from an alcoholic tincture of this herb to get rid of tumors and mastitis. The plant acts on the body as an anti-inflammatory and disinfectant and is beneficial in the fight against bacteria. St. John's wort oil successfully treats cervical erosion.

To make the medicine, prepare:

  • 3 large spoons of St. John's wort herb;
  • a glass of vegetable oil.

Pour the herb into a jar and fill it with oil. Close the container with a lid and place it in a cupboard for infusion. The mixture needs to be stirred occasionally. After 20 days, strain the mixture and refrigerate. Moisten cotton wool or gauze tampons with oil and insert vaginally. Change the oil swab after 7-9 hours with a new one.

St. John's wort tea is useful during menopause in women. In the United States of America they developed special drug for women in adulthood based on the plant. When taking this medicine, menopause passes in more mild form. Women do not complain of a rush of blood, they are not bothered by headaches or mood swings.

The beneficial properties of St. John's wort make it effective in treatment female infertility. Use herbal baths according to this recipe. Pour a glass of dry plant into a container and pour five liters of water. Place the container on the stove and boil. Turn off the heat and leave the mixture for about one hour. Use the strained infusion for sitz baths every day for 15 days.

For skin

The herb will also benefit the face, relieve acne and acne, thanks to the strong antiseptic property. The plant dries the skin well and is often used for oily skin. St. John's wort has a healing and sedative effect on the skin. The decoction effectively relieves irritation and redness on the face. With help healing juice plants, you can get rid of warts. First, lubricate the area around the wart with a thick cream and drip St. John's wort juice onto the wart. In a week the wart will disappear. How to brew St. John's wort for facial skin:

  • take 3 tablespoons of herb;
  • pour the grass into a container, pour two glasses of boiling water;
  • place the pan in a steam bath for 20 minutes;
  • remove from the stove, cover and let stand for two hours;
  • Strain the cooled broth and wipe your face with it.

For colds

Thanks to its antibacterial properties, St. John's wort also helps against colds. If you start drinking a decoction of this herb at the first symptoms of a cold, then within a couple of days the cold will subside. Taking a medicinal decoction will help cure cough, bronchitis, runny nose and relieve sore throat. St. John's wort is recommended as a means of prevention during influenza epidemics and other viral diseases.

For the stomach

What other benefits does tea made from this herb have? Is it possible to drink it for stomach diseases? Medicinal properties plants really help in treating gastrointestinal tract intestinal tract. The herb has a wound-healing, tonic effect, which is beneficial for the stomach. Now every second person suffers from gastritis or stomach ulcers. St. John's wort teas successfully treat gastritis.

Decoction for the treatment of gastritis

At increased acidity. In a container, combine two tablespoons of St. John's wort and plantain, add a tablespoon of mint, knotweed, yarrow, calamus roots and a teaspoon of cumin. Measure out a large spoonful of the herb mixture and place it in a saucepan, pour in 300ml of boiling water. Let it sit for about 4 hours. You can add mint to the prepared decoction. Drink ¼ glass of strained tea three times a day after meals. After a few days of taking this tea, you will feel relief.

Can I drink tea made from St. John's wort and oregano? St. John's wort and oregano often grow side by side. This fragrant and aromatic herb is called motherwort because it helps with female diseases. These herbs always complement each other. St. John's wort invigorates depression, and oregano in tea acts as a sedative.

For attention

For mental development Children and people engaged in intellectual work are recommended to use mint infusion from St. John's wort in the morning. Drinking tea daily will improve concentration, relieve stress, and clarify thoughts. St. John's wort acts as a sedative; it is recommended to add honey, mint or lemon balm to the infusion.

  1. Hypericin, contained in the plant, acts as a strong antidepressant. Copes well with nervous disorders.
  2. Tinctures and decoctions from medicinal plant effective for stomatitis, gingivitis.
  3. Recipe for a drink made from cranberries and St. John's wort

This magical drink will not only benefit your body, but will also be very refreshing in the summer heat. Thanks to its composition, St. John's wort tea strengthens immune system, fights viruses and stress. Prepare decoction necessary one day before taking it. It is better to prepare tea in the evening so that it has time to brew before morning.

To prepare tea, you will need one glass each of dry St. John's wort, cranberries and sugar. Place the herb in a bowl, pour two liters of water and boil for 10 minutes. Cool the broth to room temperature. Squeeze the juice from the cranberries, pour the squeezed berries with two glasses of water and boil. Strain the cooled two decoctions and mix, add cranberry juice and sugar. Mix everything well, cover and leave to steep for 10 hours. It is recommended to drink St. John's wort chilled.


  1. St. John's wort in tea has many beneficial properties, but you should also pay attention to some contraindications.
  2. It is not recommended to use grass for children under 12 years of age, nursing mothers and pregnant girls.
  3. Tea should not be taken by people with high blood pressure. The infusion may raise blood pressure and cause hypertensive crisis. Consultation with a doctor is necessary before taking tea.
  4. People who are allergic to sunlight should take medications based on this herb with extreme caution.
  5. You should not combine tea with antibiotics and contraceptives.
  6. The plant contains few toxins, but if you drink tea constantly, it can lead to vasoconstriction, loss of appetite, and constipation.
  7. It is not recommended to drink tea with St. John's wort long time for men, as it reduces potency.
  8. Taking tea at large doses can also cause pain and cramping in the intestines. You cannot combine herbal decoctions with heart medications.

If taking St. John's wort orally is contraindicated for you, it can be used externally. As an ointment and rub, it can relieve ulcers, burns, bedsores and skin rashes. Always before taking this or that drink, ask what its benefits and harms are for the body, because your health is only in your hands.

No, they can only drink tea in Russia!

How to brew St. John's wort correctly?

The perennial herb has long been used by healers, girls collected flowers to quickly get married, and fortune tellers prepared a potion for their rituals. St. John's wort began to be brewed in Russia hundreds of years ago, collected in Siberia. Then the plant spread throughout the central zone and has several varieties. It is sown for decorative purposes; the extract is used to produce a medicine that calms the nervous system and fights stress.

Healers prepared leaves and flowers to prepare a potion in the form of:

  • tinctures;
  • oils

They knew how to brew St. John's wort to cure colds, stop bleeding, heal wounds, help women, and get rid of many problems.

Perennial composition

Hippocrates, who described St. John's wort in his treatises, knew about the miraculous properties of the plant with small golden and yellow flowers. In Rome and ancient Greece when treating diseases, they could not do without a drug from this herb. Now the beneficial properties of the plant are recognized at the level of official medicine, since the perennial contains many resins, essential oils, organic acids, carotenoids. St. John's wort contains:

  1. Flavonoids.
  2. Alkaloids.
  3. Anthocyanins.
  4. Ceryl alcohol.
  5. Carbohydrates.

Tannins help cope with inflammation, suppress the functioning of microbes and bacteria, kill Staphylococcus aureus. Hypericin accelerates intracellular reactions in the body. Flavonoids in the form of rutin and quercetin hyperoside fight bile stagnation, prevent the formation of kidney stones, and help improve peristalsis.

In pharmacies, the perennial herb is sold in combination with other plants, in the form of tinctures. How to use it is written in detail in the instructions. You can prepare St. John's wort yourself and brew it as tea. The plant is harvested in June, when the flowers appear. Then it contains the most useful components. The perennial needs to be dried so that the sun's rays do not fall on it. For a year or two, if stored in a bag made of fabric, the beneficial properties are not lost. The grass should have a matte, uniform green color.

Fresh St. John's wort is also suitable for decoctions. To do this, place three spoons of leaves with flowers in a glass of boiling water. The product is placed in a dark place. After a few hours it can already be used. In this form, the grass is used to gastric juice could stand out normally. It is enough to use the drug three times a day, 15 milliliters each. The decoction is used for gastritis, for inflammation in oral cavity. It helps remove stones from the gallbladder and accelerates blood circulation through the veins.

People ask how to brew St. John's wort so that its beneficial properties are better preserved. To do this, take not metal utensils, but enameled ones, and pour the liquid hot, not boiling, and place it on water bath. Tea from the perennial is prepared in combination with berries and other plants, with jam. The drink has an incomparable taste apricot jam, which is strained after infusion. Enameled dishes can be replaced with a ceramic kettle or thermos.

Watch a video on how to prepare St. John's wort infusion.

Where is St. John's wort used?

IN official medicine antibiotics are used, which are made on the basis of an extract from St. John's wort. Novoimanin helps heal purulent wounds and burns, fights bacteria in the form of staphylococcus, kills germs. Use the product for pharyngitis, sore throat, stomatitis.

Decoctions and tinctures are used to treat stomach ulcers, hemorrhoids, and urinary incontinence in children. Inhalation and electrophoresis with St. John's wort are done to relieve inflammation in osteomyelitis, eliminate purulent process, get rid of pneumonia.

In folk medicine, decoctions from this perennial are indispensable for various pathologies. What St. John's wort helps with:

Tea is prepared for diarrhea and colitis, and for prolapsed stomach. Traditional healers They claim that decoctions from the medicinal plant St. John's wort can cope with tumors, help with dizziness, relieve heart pain, and relieve hemorrhoids.

There are many recipes for herbal drinks. The specifics of preparation depend on why St. John's wort is brewed. If a cold is being treated, in addition to black tea, oregano, marshmallow root, thyme, and coltsfoot are mixed in equal proportions. Put half as much plantain and very few eucalyptus leaves.

You can get rid of headaches and rheumatic pain, as well as sore throats, and alleviate the condition of the flu by brewing tea from rose hips, motherwort and St. John's wort.

It is advisable to change the composition of the herbs after a few days. To normalize sleep, add valerian and motherwort. Hawthorn has a beneficial effect on the heart.

Drupe and blueberry leaves are added to the vitamin collection. Stomach pain is eliminated by drinking tea made from nettle, meadowsweet and St. John's wort. To cure ulcers, the healing perennial is infused in boiling water in equal proportions with lemon balm, peppermint and yarrow. For cystitis, use a mixture of chamomile, linden blossom, calendula and St. John's wort.

When combined with other herbs, tea helps cope with different problems as:

  • sexual and nervous disorders;
  • female pathologies;
  • catarrh of the stomach;
  • liver diseases.

Despite the healing properties of St. John's wort, it has many contraindications. In hypertensive patients, it increases blood pressure. In case of individual intolerance to any component, it can provoke an allergy. Therefore, before consuming a tincture, decoction or tea, you need to find out which plants the herb is compatible with. Only in this case should you rely on the miraculous properties of the perennial and prepare raw materials that everyone can use.

Share your experience of brewing St. John's wort in. And also watch a video about healing medicines based on St. John's wort.

Olga Petrovna

There are many types of St. John's wort in nature, but the most common is St. John's wort. St. John's wort grows like a weed in fields and along roads. It can be recognized by its golden-yellow flowers, collected in an inflorescence at the top.

Herb St. John's wort

For a long time herb St. John's wort It was used to prepare various decoctions, and tea was also prepared from St. John's wort. St. John's wort decoction has antiseptic and astringent properties. It is used for inflammation of the respiratory tract, stomatitis, colitis and various intestinal diseases. Weak tea made from St. John's wort is a good preventative against indigestion. In general, St. John's wort is a good tonic and has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

His positive influence on the nervous system, doctors noticed quite recently, conducting clinical researches. St. John's wort has an antidepressant effect and helps nervous system person. Its main advantage over traditional sedatives is naturalness. It has practically no contraindications and does not have any side effects on the body. This makes St. John's wort especially valuable.

St. John's wort - contraindications

Like many others medicinal plants, St. John's wort also has contraindications. At long-term use he may have some toxic effects. This may manifest itself unpleasant sensations in the liver area and cause bitterness in the mouth.

St. John's wort is also contraindicated for people with fair skin; it can cause allergies and irritation in them.

Can St. John's wort be used during pregnancy?

Since this plant is famous for its healing properties, the question often arises: can expectant mothers use it? Use St. John's wort internally when pregnant and breastfeeding is strictly contraindicated, since St. John's wort can negatively affect the course of pregnancy, and also imparts a bitter taste to breast milk.
External use in the form of ointments, rinsing, washing is allowed for women at any stage of gestation.

How to brew St. John's wort tea correctly

To prepare tea, you need to take about 10 g of dried leaves and flowers of St. John's wort and pour 100 ml of boiling water over them, leave for a few minutes and the tea is ready.

St. John's wort is also often combined with many herbs and various herbal teas and infusions are made.

St. John's wort decoction (for internal use):

To prepare the decoction, pour 1 tablespoon of chopped St. John's wort herb into a glass of water and boil for 15 minutes, then cool and filter. The finished broth is divided into several servings and drunk throughout the day.

St. John's wort is widely used in folk medicine from various ailments. This is great remedy for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system, problems with the liver and kidneys, as a remedy for worms. St. John's wort also helps with neuralgia, insomnia, hysteria and epilepsy.

Useful video about St. John's wort

Tips on how to be treated with St. John's wort, various recommendations for the use of St. John's wort herb

Our great-grandmothers used it to treat hundreds of diseases. Healing properties this herb allows its use in recipes traditional medicine. Decoctions, teas, infusions are prepared from it, alcohol tinctures are made, and they are used as the main and additional components in herbal preparations. How to brew St. John's wort, how to treat it so that it is beneficial? And does this useful miracle herb have any contraindications? We will talk about this in our article.

St. John's wort - composition and beneficial properties

As it is officially called, there are more than dozens of varieties. This plant can be found in forests and steppes; it grows like a weed near roads. The golden flowers on the top of his head are hard to miss. This herb is popularly called valiant blood. Why? The plant has unique property, when crushed, the flowers and leaves release red juice.

St. John's wort is collected during flowering. Yellow flowers are cut off along with the stem and leaves, and then thoroughly dried. Even after drying, the flowers do not lose their color. Properly prepared raw materials give the decoction a matte green tint, the decoction turns out to be bitter in taste, with a barely perceptible odor.

St. John's wort contains:

  • Vitamin E, it protects the body from the growth of dangerous cells.
  • Vitamin C strengthens the immune system.
  • Nicotinic acid is necessary for normal operation hearts.
  • Hyperforin, a natural antidepressant.
  • Phytoncides have the ability to destroy pathogenic microbes.

As an independent and aid St. John's wort is used:

  • for liver problems;
  • in inflammatory processes;
  • when coughing;
  • for rheumatism;
  • for helminths;
  • for gastrointestinal diseases;
  • for problems with the reproductive system;
  • for diseases of the excretory system.

St. John's wort has a general strengthening property and can be used as prophylactic. The herb is effective in depression and stressful situations, helps get rid of fears, cure neurosis.

A drink with St. John's wort improves memory, speeds up thought processes, and increases concentration, which is useful for students. St. John's wort is capable of eliminating unpleasant symptoms at hypersensitivity to weather changes. Positively affects the gastrointestinal tract, improves appetite.

St. John's wort: contraindications

Speaking about the beneficial properties of the plant, we should immediately mention the harm it can cause. Who should not take St. John's wort products? The plant is contraindicated:

  • Pregnant.
  • During breastfeeding.
  • Hypertensive patients.
  • St. John's wort should not be taken with certain types of antibiotics, heart medications, or oral contraceptives.
  • While taking St. John's wort, you should refrain from sunbathing. The plant makes the skin very sensitive to the sun.

Is it possible to drink St. John's wort all the time? No, long-term use herbs, excessive use of it will lead to gastritis and other adverse consequences.

Recipes for making drinks from St. John's wort

To prepare classic tea you need to take 1 tbsp. spoon of herbs, pour a glass hot water(90°). In five minutes you can enjoy healthy tea. Drink throughout the day, but don’t get too carried away with weed. It is worth remembering that when St. John's wort is brewed with boiling water, its astringent effect appears; when poured cool water- antibacterial effect.

St. John's wort infusion

St. John's wort herb - 20-30 g

Water - 250 ml

How's St. John's wort? The raw materials are poured with boiling water and infused for 2 hours. Then the drink must be filtered and diluted with a small amount of water. Accepted at chronic colitis, the resulting volume is drunk per day, dividing it into three doses. The same infusion is suitable for rinsing with stomatitis, sore throat, and gingivitis. Has antibacterial and antiseptic effects.

Decoction for the treatment of pyelonephritis

Horsetail - 1 teaspoon

Violet - 1 teaspoon

Motherwort - 1 teaspoon

St. John's wort - 1 teaspoon

2 tablespoons herbal collection pour 500 ml of hot water. Simmer for 10 minutes on the lowest heat. Then infuse for an hour, take 150 ml three times a day. This tool helps cure pyelonephritis.

Infusion for inflammation of the gallbladder

1 tbsp. a spoonful of St. John's wort must be poured boiled water. After 15 minutes, filter the infusion. It turns out quite bitter, you can add a spoonful of honey to it. How to take the product? You need to consume a quarter glass.

Cold remedy

Sage - 1 tbsp. spoon

St. John's wort - 1 tbsp. spoon

Oregano - 1 tbsp. spoon

Thyme - 1 teaspoon

Marshmallow root - 1 tbsp. spoon

Large plantain - 1 tbsp. spoon

Eucalyptus leaves - 0.5 teaspoon

Black tea - 1 tbsp. spoon

It is necessary to mix the herbs, take 1 tbsp. spoon of the mixture, mix with tea leaves, brew in a teapot like tea. Drink during the day when you have a cold to ease your well-being, improve your health, and relieve inflammation.

St. John's wort for women's ailments

During menopause, many women suffer from nervousness. The following infusion will help get rid of this.

Melissa - 10 g

Hop cones - 10 g

Cuff - 10 g

St. John's wort - 10 g

2 teaspoons of this herbal mixture should be poured into 250 ml of hot water. After 20 minutes of infusion, the drink is ready to drink. Take no more than a glass of St. John's wort per day.

Remedy for stomach pain

How to Infuse Herbs to Cook medicinal infusion? It is necessary to mix meadowsweet flowers, St. John's wort and nettle in equal parts. For one liter of boiling water you need to take 4 tablespoons of herbal tea. Infuse for an hour. The same infusion helps prevent gastritis.

Herbal collection for chronic enteritis

Burnet - 10 g

Cumin - 10 g

St. John's wort - 10 g

Chamomile - 10 g

Gray alder - 10 g

Bird cherry - 10 g

Cumin - 10 g

Peppermint - 10 g

Snake knotweed - 10 g

Common fennel - 10 g

Licorice naked - 10 g

Drink this complex mixture 0.5 cups before meals up to three times a day. With a tendency to diarrhea, this wonderful remedy, which will help cope with inflammation in the intestines and improve overall well-being.

Infusion for hemorrhoids

This infusion is drunk before meals, a third of a glass. St. John's wort is an important component of the healing herbal collection.

St. John's wort - 15 g

Field steelweed - 15 g

Horsetail - 10 g

Plantain - 15 g

Chamomile - 10 g

Buckthorn brittle - 10 g

Swamp dried grass - 10 g

To prepare, the herb (1 tablespoon) is poured with boiled water, the mixture is heated for 15 minutes, and then infused for 45 minutes.

Collection for diabetes

Herbalists advise when diabetes mellitus prepare the following infusion:

St. John's wort - 10 g

Peppermint - 10 g

Chamomile - 10 g

Elecampane tall - 10 g

Zamanikha high - 10 g

Rosehip brown - 10 g

Horsetail - 10 g

Series - 10 g

Common blueberries - 20 g

How to drink? Take 70 ml three times a day.

Preparation of St. John's wort oil

To get very useful oil extract from St. John's wort, you need to take 23 g of St. John's wort flowers and leaves. Pour 220 ml of crushed raw materials olive oil, mix and put in a warm place for 21 days. You need to shake the bottle of oil regularly. After cooking, strain through thick cheesecloth. For storage use a dark glass bottle.

St. John's wort oil can be prepared with flaxseed or sunflower oil. Pour 500 g of fresh St. John's wort into a liter of oil and add 500 ml of dry white wine. Mix everything and leave for 3 days. Then evaporate the wine and use the oil for treatment skin diseases, stomach ulcers.

To treat stomach ulcers, take 1 tbsp of oil extract. spoon before breakfast for a month or two. The oil is used in dentistry to treat bedsores, non-healing ulcers, and wounds.

Preparation of alcohol tincture

The alcohol tincture is very convenient to use; you can prepare it yourself. You will need to take dry St. John's wort herb and pour it with alcohol in a ratio of 1:7. If vodka is used, a ratio of 1:10 is suitable. The tincture must be kept in the dark for three days.

Then the mixture is filtered, the tincture is poured into a dark container. Used alcohol tincture for warming compresses, treatment of depressive conditions. 1 teaspoon of tincture is diluted in a quarter glass of water. For warming compresses, there is no need to dilute the tincture. To get rid of depression, you need to drink St. John's wort 10 drops of tincture diluted in water three times a day. The course is a month.

In summer and early autumn, in meadows and roadsides you can find a plant with golden inflorescences - St. John's wort. This herb has many beneficial properties. It was once believed that it saves from 99 diseases. How medicine St. John's wort is used in teas, tinctures, and decoctions. Oil is often made from it.

St. John's wort is very unpretentious. In temperate climates it grows almost everywhere. This is a big plus of the plant. It’s easy enough to find for winter preparations. St. John's wort is a bush of medium height, on which there are many inflorescences yellow color. The leaves of the plant are embossed, as if cut through. Of the huge number of species of this herb, the largest healing power has St. John's wort. Small dots can be seen on its leaves. These are the glands that produce useful material.

The plant is harvested towards the end of summer. It is best to choose a sunny, dry day for this. St. John's wort is carefully cut off. The length of the shoots should be 20-30 cm. You cannot pull out the grass by the roots - the plant will stop reproducing in this area. Improper collection of St. John's wort can disrupt the balance of the ecosystem.

The cut inflorescences are placed in canvas bag. At home, they are hung in a dry room or laid out on newspapers. So the grass dries for 3-4 weeks. Dried St. John's wort is used in medicinal purposes in different forms.

St. John's wort: application

The use of St. John's wort is due to its beneficial properties. The herb is used as a wound healing agent, antiseptic. The plant has an astringent, anti-inflammatory effect.

The range of problems that St. John's wort helps with is quite wide. With its help, gums are strengthened, purulent wounds and burns heal. varying degrees heaviness, gastritis. It helps normalize low arterial pressure and dilate blood vessels.

The use of St. John's wort is especially important for residents of megacities who are under constant stress. In the 2nd half of the last century, scientists found that the plant copes well with depressive states. It is part of many medications and helps to comprehensively cope with the problem. Because of this effect, St. John's wort is also called the herb of happiness. By the way, one more interesting fact. IN oriental medicine This useful plant symbolizes life changes. It is believed that its use contributes to the beginning of a new cycle: the old is left behind.

  1. The herb should be brewed in a ceramic or glass container. If the dishes are metal, the components of the solution may react with the walls. In order to obtain a decoction of St. John's wort, it is necessary to build a water bath. Pour water into a saucepan and put it on fire. 1 tbsp. dry crushed herbs pour a glass of boiling water. Place the container with the solution in a container with water. Boil the broth in a water bath for 15 minutes.
  2. The resulting solution is diluted with boiling water so that its volume is 250 ml. The broth is allowed to cool. Drink it within 30 minutes. before meals, 60-80 ml. 3-4 times a day.
  3. St. John's wort tincture is prepared much easier and faster. 1 tbsp. the herbs are poured into a ceramic container or glass mug. Then fill it with 250 ml. boiling water Cover the container with a lid. The solution is infused for 15 minutes. Take St. John's wort tincture 3-4 times a day before meals, 60-80 ml.

St. John's wort oil

The effect of St. John's wort oil is explained by the fact that it contains esters, phytoncides and other beneficial substances. Most often they are used to lubricate fresh burns, various inflammations and purulent wounds. St. John's wort oil is used to disinfect pet bites. He is also considered good antidepressant. Herbalists advise doing massage using St. John's wort oil.

Do not think that the oil is less effective than decoctions and tinctures of St. John's wort. Fatty acid draw out all the beneficial substances. The result is a concentrated solution.

You can prepare the oil at home without any special equipment. Dried flowers or fresh St. John's wort are suitable as raw materials. The grass is being flooded different oils: olive, sea buckthorn, flaxseed. Typically the component ratio is 1:10.

Previously, pharmacists prepared St. John's wort oil using hot sesame extract. In this case, the dried flowers were infused in alcohol for several days in advance. Then scientists found out that long exposure to light destroys beneficial substances. Therefore, it is better not to soak the herb before cooking and put the bottle with it in dark place.

The solution is prepared using hot and cold methods. In the first case, you need to heat 250 ml. any type of oil and pour 75 g of it. dry crushed St. John's wort. The mixture is poured into a small saucepan and boiled for 25-30 minutes. Then filter into a glass container and place in a dark place. The oil is infused for 3 days. After this period it is ready for use.

For cold pressing, it is better to use fresh St. John's wort flowers. 15 gr. the raw materials are ground in a mortar. Next, fill it with 250 ml. oils The mixture is stirred and poured into a glass container. They place it in a dark place and wait until the solution begins to ferment. There is no need to cover the mixture with a lid! After 5 days, everything is filtered. The oil is poured back into the container. The mixture is infused until it turns red.

Possible contraindications

Treatment with St. John's wort also has side effects. The herb is believed to be toxic only to animals (hence its name). In fact, the plant can cause harm to human health. With prolonged treatment with St. John's wort, the beneficial substances in its composition turn into toxic ones. Accumulating in the body, they negatively affect the condition and functioning of the liver.

Also, in some cases, St. John's wort is harmful to men. Despite all its benefits, with long courses of use it can cause harm. men's health. If you use the herb for more than 3-4 weeks, then problems in the sexual sphere are possible. Men who abuse St. John's wort experience impotence. Fortunately, this sexual dysfunction is temporary. After completing treatment with St. John's wort and impotence occurs, you need to wait. Everything will go away on its own after some time.

Another side effect herbs - increased photosensitivity. Its components contribute to ultraviolet permeability. Therefore, fair-skinned people should take decoctions or tinctures of St. John's wort with great caution. Under the influence of the grass, their skin becomes more sensitive. As a result, age spots may appear.

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