Taking a pill vs maintaining pregnancy? How is a medical abortion performed? Duration of menstruation after medical termination of pregnancy Possible after medication

Medical abortion is the termination of pregnancy using medications, without gynecological intervention. It is carried out at the request of the woman, for a fee, according to the accepted scheme and only in clinics licensed to carry out this procedure. There are quite a lot of these in Russia now.

When is the procedure possible?

The period until which a medical abortion is performed is described in official medical documents - this is 6 weeks in Russia. Moreover, the period is calculated from the first day of the last menstruation.

Specifically, no more than 4 weeks should pass from the day of conception (usually ovulation). This is 2 weeks of missed period. But the sooner the procedure is performed, the greater the chances of success.

How to find out early that pregnancy has occurred? You can take a blood test for hCG 1-5 days before the start of your missed period. Or do home test, only necessarily with high sensitivity. There are test strips that show correct result even 5 days before the start of a missed period. Moreover, their cost is low, about 50 rubles.

However, be prepared for the fact that before your menstrual delay begins, even if your hCG level confirms that you are pregnant, no one will perform an abortion on you. Neither medicinal nor surgical. It is necessary for an ultrasound to confirm the presence of a fertilized egg in the uterus. And before the delay begins, he is not yet visible there.

How abortion is carried out using pills and its disadvantages

A woman needs to find a clinic where this procedure and make an appointment with a gynecologist. After confirmation intrauterine pregnancy and the appropriate time for the procedure, he will tell you how a medical abortion works in the early stages and issue an information consent, which the patient must sign.

Next, she will be given a drug that she must take in the presence of a doctor. It is advisable to stay in the clinic for a couple of hours after this, but in practice women are usually quickly sent home, since the medicine is well tolerated and rarely gives side effects. These tablets are for medical abortion called "Mifepristone". After taking them, a very small number of women immediately experience a miscarriage. For the majority, their health does not change. But spotting, bloody discharge from the vagina may appear.

After 36-48 hours, the woman should take another drug - Misoprostol. Again, according to standards, this should happen in a clinic, under the supervision of a doctor. And after taking this medicine, after 20-30 minutes, severe cramping pain and bleeding begin. At this time, the woman must be in the clinic. If she vomits, that's one of the side effects Misoprostol - you may need to take additional medication. Usually within the next 2-3 hours the fertilized egg comes out. True, you may not notice it, since there will be a lot of clots. As soon as the pain subsides a little, the woman is allowed to go home.

After 7-10 days, it is necessary to do an ultrasound to make sure that there are no complications during termination of pregnancy in the early stages, and they consist primarily of incomplete miscarriage. If particles of the fertilized egg remain or it continues to develop, vacuum aspiration is suggested. Even if the woman has already decided to leave the child. The fact is that due to the use of Misoprostol and the severe spasms it causes, the child develops numerous developmental defects, such as defects of the skull, foot (horsefoot), etc. And these are not all the possible consequences of a medical abortion. A common complication severe and prolonged bleeding occurs. By the way, this complication after vacuum aspiration it is observed much less frequently. The woman is forced to take hemostatic drugs. This all limits her ability to work.

Medical abortion also has contraindications:

  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • allergic reaction;
  • long-term use of glucocorticoids;
  • adrenal, hepatic and renal failure and some others. For example, a doctor may refuse this service if a woman has a large myomatous intramuscular node, since active contractions of the uterus that occur after taking Misoprostol can lead to tumor necrosis.

Cycle restoration, sex life, contraception and new pregnancy

Discharge after a medical abortion lasts about 10-14 days, more than with normal menstruation, or even after surgical termination of pregnancy. At the same time, determine whether the uterus is completely cleared of membranes only based on ultrasound results. If yes, the menstrual cycle will return quickly. Thus, menstruation after a medical abortion in the early stages usually begins within 28-35 days. However, ovulation may already be in the middle of this cycle, so it is very important to immediately start using reliable contraception. Many people are also interested in when they can have sex after a medical abortion, and after how many days. Doctors recommend only after the discharge has completely stopped, that is, after 10-14 days. But we will focus on the issue of contraception.

Modern doctors recommend for women living with one regular sexual partner an intrauterine system (spiral) or oral contraceptives (hormonal pills). In this case, the spiral can be installed directly on the days of bleeding after an abortion. The main thing is that by that time there are no membranes left in the uterus. That is, you need to do an ultrasound, and if everything is fine, you can talk to your doctor about which intrauterine system you need would be better suited, buy and install it. Intrauterine systems are installed in last days menstruation when cervical canal slightly open to make the procedure easier and more painless.

Oral contraceptives can be started in the first 5 days after a miscarriage. Strictly according to the instructions. Then the contraceptive effect will be good and will occur quickly (how quickly depends on the day of the cycle on which you started taking the drug). Besides, hormonal contraceptives will help restore hormonal levels. Doctors often prescribe them to be taken after an abortion for at least three months, and even before planning a pregnancy, if there are no contraindications to the pills.

Is it possible to terminate a pregnancy in this way on your own without seeing a doctor?

Many women are not entirely satisfied with this option of abortion. Expensive... And again, you need to go to the doctors. Therefore, they try to independently purchase drugs that, in their opinion, should “help.” Since the drugs necessary for medical abortion are not available on the market, they buy what is available. And this is Oxytocin. It is sometimes used for incomplete abortion or to intensify labor contractions. But in early pregnancy, this drug alone will not help. It will only lead to very painful contractions of the uterus, possibly bleeding. But it is very unlikely that a miscarriage will occur, especially a complete one. And the remains of membranes in the uterus are a direct threat of blood poisoning.

For this reason, in order to avoid serious complications, you should not induce a miscarriage yourself at any time.

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Thanks to modern technologies termination of pregnancy, a woman was given the opportunity to keep her reproductive function so that even after the procedure you can conceive and successfully carry a child without problems. However, for this it is extremely important to follow certain recommendations of doctors for recovery after medication interruption pregnancy.

Immediately after the procedure

After a woman takes her second dose at a health care facility, she may spend some time under medical supervision to make sure there are no dangerous short-term side effects. After this she is allowed to go home. However, it is desirable that for some period of time someone close to her will be present who will support her, and if necessary, provide any assistance.

Often women report severe pain and profuse bleeding. This is provoked by the action of the drug and acts as a natural reaction. You can relieve pain with the help of no-spa or some other drugs recommended to the woman by the doctor.

Bleeding is also not dangerous until it becomes too profuse. Upper limit The permissible amount is one large pad, which fills in an hour. In this situation, you should contact ambulance immediately.

A few days after the abortion you need to visit again medical institution to retake ultrasonography. In 1-2 percent of cases, the fertilized egg does not leave the uterus. In this case, it must be removed using curettage or vacuum aspiration.

Within 2-3 days the bleeding should stop, being replaced by fairly weak bloody discharge. In this form, it can last on average from 1 week to a month.

The day bleeding begins is considered the first day menstrual cycle, menstruation should begin after the usual number of days.

General advice for women on recovery after medical termination of pregnancy

Usually, after a medical abortion, doctors give general recommendations aimed at normal recovery patients who should minimize the risk of any dangerous consequences. The main ones:

In the first 3-4 weeks after termination of pregnancy, you must completely avoid going to the pool, sauna, solarium, and you should also not swim in open water or in the bathtub.

Should be temporarily excluded physical exercise, get more rest.

Need to stick proper nutrition, the most balanced diet, take a complex of vitamins.

You need to monitor your condition very carefully, especially your character vaginal discharge. If they become too abundant, an unpleasant odor or skin irritation appears, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Sexual intimacy should be completely abandoned until the end of the first menstruation.

If within 2-3 months monthly cycle will not return to normal, may be necessary additional examination, as well as correction hormonal levels women.

In the first six months after termination of pregnancy, it is necessary to carefully protect against probable pregnancy, since it will be an extremely serious burden on a woman’s weakened body.

By following these tips to recovery after medical termination of pregnancy, you can significantly reduce the likelihood of developing negative consequences for women's health side effects and consequences.

Pregnancy after medical termination of pregnancy

In fact, having had a medical abortion, a woman is likely to have another pregnancy within 15 days. You need to understand that so early pregnancy is highly undesirable, since the body needs more time to complete recovery after medical termination of pregnancy.

That's why the best option will use contraception during sexual intercourse for at least six months after the procedure. It is necessary to understand that you should not select a contraceptive on your own - this issue must be entrusted to an experienced doctor who knows the woman’s body and understands the importance of the correct prescription.

What is the probability of miscarriage after medical termination of pregnancy?

This question interests most women who have undergone or are planning to undergo a medical abortion procedure. In fact, pharmacological termination of pregnancy is not capable of causing a miscarriage in the future, after some time (provided that the manipulation was successful at the time). However, there is one “but”, which is that quite often a woman becomes pregnant before her body recovers. In such a situation, there is, of course, a possibility of miscarriage. However, in in this case The reason will not be a medical termination of pregnancy, but the unpreparedness of the body and personal ignorance.

For a woman’s body to fully recover after an abortion, some time must pass, more precisely, at least six months. Only after such a period of time, using all the above recommendations for recovery after a medical abortion, is it likely that absolute normal pregnancy without any consequences.

It is important to understand that even if a miscarriage occurs, or if the course of pregnancy is completely normal, you should still immediately consult a doctor. Only after going through all the examinations that the doctor prescribes can you be sure that everything is fine with you and your future baby.

According to numerous medical reasons Drinking alcohol after an abortion is extremely dangerous. The desire to drink to relieve stress can lead to serious problems. Even if we do not touch on the moral side of abortion, alcoholic drinks in this case are contraindicated, no matter how strong the desire to escape from grief and emotions to the bottom of the glass.

Important: Surgical abortion is an operation; drinking alcohol during the recovery period is strictly prohibited. A medical abortion is much easier to tolerate by the body, but serious stress and hormonal imbalances are present. The risk of bleeding and the development of other complications also remains.

What are the dangers of drinking alcohol after an abortion?

Regardless of the method of implementation, abortion remains an artificial termination of pregnancy for early stages. Even when using the most loyal methods, excluding surgery, restrictions on any alcoholic beverages in any quantity are still present.

At the moment, the procedure is carried out in the following ways:

  1. Medical abortion is the use of hormonal drugs that terminate a pregnancy and cause a miscarriage. For a number of reasons, this method is used only until the 7th week of pregnancy.
  2. Vacuum aspiration - comparatively new method abortions, has even stricter term limits - application this method possible only before the end of the fifth week of pregnancy.
  3. The process of artificially inducing labor.
  4. Abortion with surgical manipulations (gynecological cleaning uterus).

Alcohol and medical abortion

You should not drink alcohol for at least 3-4 days before the procedure and 2-3 days after finishing taking the last pills. Despite the fact that such an abortion is considered the safest and most painless option, these time frames for limiting alcohol consumption are minimal; accurate information should definitely be obtained from your doctor.

In addition, only a doctor can prescribe an abortion procedure, including through medication. It also defines:

  • Choosing a specific drug for abortion;
  • Taking anamnesis and selecting an individual dosage;
  • Determining the course of taking pills.

The doctor will monitor the progress of the entire process, adjust medications if necessary, and do everything possible to minimize side effects. You need to understand that the effects of drugs on the body, especially if they are strong hormonal drugs, manifests itself very individually.

The presence of chronic and genetic diseases, alcohol abuse, smoking, previous illnesses - all this can affect the process, degree pain and the chance of complications. Drinking alcohol along with pills or a few days before and after them can lead to unpredictable consequences.

Medication abortion medications work in two stages:

  • One active substance stops fetal development, supply of substances and other natural processes.
  • The second component of the drug causes strong contractions of the uterus, due to which the body gets rid of the dead fetus.

Apart from several visits to the doctor, the entire procedure is performed on an outpatient basis, at home. In the early stages of pregnancy, such an abortion is often not too active than normal menstruation, and after the end of the process it is enough to visit a gynecologist for a final examination.

The apparent ease of the process, stress and the home environment often lead to drinking alcohol after taking medications, despite all the warnings of doctors. But if you drink alcohol at this time, a strong internal bleeding. Even a small dose of alcoholic beverages can cause events to develop, including the need for hospitalization.

The need for the absence of alcohol in the body during the recovery period after any abortion does not negate the presence of other contraindications and possible side effects. Abortion medications themselves can be dangerous - this is written in the annotation for the pills and the doctor will warn you about this before prescribing them.

To reduce the risk of side effects, the following recommendations should be followed:

  1. Do not drink alcohol in any form until your doctor allows it.
  2. The streak should be limited for 2-3 weeks, and it is also advisable to wait for the gynecologist to confirm that everything is in order.
  3. You should temporarily stop using tampons and use pads if necessary.
  4. Douching in any form is not recommended without the permission of a gynecologist.
  5. Participation in any sports and physical activity is prohibited until the healing process is complete.
  6. You should not take long baths, visit swimming pools, saunas and baths, or swim. Daily showers are allowed and are not subject to restrictions - it is enough not to steam for a long time.
  7. It is prohibited to take blood thinners without a doctor's permission - like alcohol, they can cause severe internal bleeding.

In any case, the doctor will describe the approximate sensations and symptoms that will occur after taking the pills. If your conditions and well-being do not fall under this description, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Stopping taking abortion drugs does not mean the end of treatment. After any surgery there is a risk of infection and development of infection. To prevent this from happening, a course of antibiotics is prescribed. Taking these medications with alcohol is strictly prohibited and may result in fatal. You will be able to drink alcohol only after you have finished taking all the pills and only after you have been examined by a doctor and given permission.

Artificial termination of pregnancy is a great stress for female body. Ideally, women should take care of their health and not end up in a situation where they need to have an abortion. But life is not perfect. A woman may want to terminate an unwanted pregnancy for the most various reasons. And that's her right.

Abortion has a negative impact not only on the physical, but also on mental condition women. Therefore, it is very important that she learns about what can be done before the procedure. postoperative period and what should be abandoned.

Types of termination of pregnancy

Before we talk about what not to do after an abortion, you need to learn about the types of this procedure.

Doctors today practice 3 types of abortion:

  • Drug.
  • Vacuum.
  • Instrumental.

This method of artificial termination is considered the most gentle, since it is not associated with surgical impact on the woman’s body. Its essence lies in taking certain drugs that block the production of progesterone in a woman. Without it important hormone the fertilized egg cannot develop. The lack of progesterone causes the cervix to dilate and the embryo to be released.

The medication method has the following features:

  • This method can only be used if the time frame is less than 7 weeks.
  • This method has some side effects.
  • This method involves the use of drugs such as mifepristone, mifegin and mifiprex. Their use always causes hormonal disbalance in a woman’s body, which must be compensated for by taking other medications.

Vacuum abortion

People also know it as a mini-abortion. This intervention is more gentle in comparison with instrumental abortion, since there are much fewer consequences after it.

Interrupt with vacuum apparatus performed without dilating the cervix. To remove the embryo, a special probe connected to a vacuum pump is used. It is inserted into the uterine cavity and the fertilized egg is literally sucked out.

This type of abortion has the following features:

  • It can only be performed if pregnancy does not exceed 8 weeks.
  • After such an abortion, the patient’s rehabilitation time is much shorter than with a surgical one.

Instrumental interruption

This is the oldest type of abortion. Doctors consider it outdated, but at the same time it is the most common in our country.

This type is carried out using special tools. They dilate the cervix and scrape out the organ cavity. The curettage procedure is painful, so it is performed under anesthesia. Before the operation, the woman is warned about this.

This type has the following features:

  • During the procedure, all actions of the gynecologist are monitored using an ultrasound machine.
  • The procedure can be performed during pregnancy up to 12 weeks.
  • During a surgical abortion, it often occurs mechanical damage organ walls, infection and rupture muscle tissue cervix.

Which type is the safest? According to the overwhelming majority of doctors, women tolerate pharmaboration most easily. This kind of abortion became widely used in 1990. It has the following advantages:

  • It is possible to get rid of the fertilized egg before the embryo is formed. That is, the pregnancy is terminated at the earliest stages.
  • This type of abortion takes place without damaging the endometrium of the uterus, which increases the likelihood of another pregnancy.

The greatest danger comes from instrumental abortion, since curettage often causes various negative consequences.

What should you not do after an abortion?

Regardless of the type of abortion After the procedure, the woman must adhere to the following rules:

Alcohol after medication interruption

Is it possible to drink alcohol after an abortion?, if he was medicated? Many women ask this question. The answer is obvious: alcohol is prohibited for a certain time, since it can cause quite unpleasant consequences.

Mifepristone is most often used for pharmaabortion surgery. This drug greatly disrupts the mechanism of pregnancy, causing it to be terminated. In this case, the medicine affects not only the uterus and fertilized egg, but also the entire woman’s body, causing a general systemic failure. It is for this reason that Mifepristone and alcohol are incompatible. The risk of development is too great various problems with health. In addition, alcoholic drinks can neutralize the effects of the drug, which can cause an incomplete abortion.

Even if an interruption is considered gentle, this does not mean that it is completely safe for the woman’s body. Such a procedure still remains a gross intervention in the body, which is not without consequences. Therefore, after any abortion, a woman needs time and energy to recover. Drinking alcohol reduces the immune system and takes away the necessary strength.

Alcohol causes not only physiological, but also psychological harm.


Alcohol entering the human body causes vasodilation. This causes more blood to flow to the uterus, which can increase uterine bleeding which always happens after using Mifepristone . This can lead to massive blood loss and life threatening.

Alcohol can also reduce the effect of the drug. As a result, there is a risk of incomplete termination of pregnancy. In this condition, without surgical intervention not enough. If curettage of the uterus is not carried out in time, then a source of infection may appear in the cavity of the organ. Even if it can be dealt with, with a high degree of probability the woman will no longer be able to have children.

Very often after an abortion for preventive purposes women start taking antibiotics. As is known, this group of drugs is incompatible with alcohol, as it can cause problems with the liver and kidneys.


No woman experiences joy after such stress. But everyone is familiar with the feeling of loss, regret and sadness. For many women, alcohol becomes a way to temporarily get rid of negative emotions. And here lies the main danger. The fact is that alcoholic drinks can hardly improve your mood. They only aggravate negative emotions, which become stronger during the hangover period. As a result, starting with small doses of alcohol, the woman gradually increases them. How the result arises alcohol addiction, which is extremely difficult for women to cope with.

Doctors strongly advise women not to resort to alcohol to cope with emotional problems. It's better to go to a psychologist or psychiatrist. The latter may prescribe antidepressants.

Decoctions of motherwort or valerian can be a worthy replacement for medications. They are able to calm a woman down.

When can you drink alcohol after a medical abortion?

Considering that the main effect of Mifepristone occurs in the first 3 days, but at the same time it affects the body for at least 2 weeks, we can talk about an acceptable return to drinking alcohol after three weeks after the intervention by medication. But even in this case, you need to remember that alcohol can be a factor that provokes the development of any complications.

Possible consequences of drinking alcohol after a medical abortion

Every woman decides for herself whether or not to drink alcohol after an abortion. Outsiders cannot influence such a decision. However, they should try to convey to her information about possible consequences wrong decision. Doctors call the main consequences of drinking alcohol:


After an artificial termination of pregnancy, a woman must limit herself in many ways in order to maintain her health and also have the opportunity to become a happy mother in the future. And first of all, one should give up alcohol. Not a single woman has yet managed to drown out the feeling of guilt and become healthier with the help of alcoholic beverages. It's hardly worth experimenting on yourself.

Attention, TODAY only!

Medical abortion is the least traumatic method of termination. unwanted pregnancy. At the same time, experts strongly do not recommend taking this procedure lightly, because the duration and severity of the course depends on compliance with the doctor’s recommendations. recovery period.

How quickly a woman recovers after a pharmacological termination of pregnancy depends on several factors:

  • Gestational age - The easiest way to recover and return to normal life is for those women who had an abortion in the early stages;
  • Presence of chronic diseases – a healthy woman usually tolerates it without complications or unpleasant consequences. The presence of chronic diseases, weakened immunity, and especially hormonal disorders may complicate the recovery period after an abortion;
  • Quality and originality of drugs - The safety of the medical abortion procedure can be guaranteed only if the abortion is performed using certified drugs, observing dosages and under the supervision of specialists;
  • Compliance with recovery rules – By following the doctor’s recommendations, it is possible to fully recover after the procedure in the shortest possible time.

We will try to outline 7 simple steps towards restoring the body after undergoing a medical abortion.

Step No. 1 – Contact a doctor immediately if pathological symptoms appear

Main condition quick recovery after termination of pregnancy - careful monitoring of your condition. You should consult a doctor immediately if the following symptoms appear: profuse red vaginal discharge (in 30 minutes a large pad is completely filled), sharp bad smell discharge, sharp pain lower abdomen, not relieved by painkillers, general weakness, chills, headache with numbness and heavy sweating. By contacting a specialist in a timely manner, you can determine the cause of the appearance. pathological symptom and solve the problem with minimal damage to the patient’s health.

Step #2 – Limit physical activity

For the first 4 months after a medical abortion, you should avoid activities that involve straining the abdominal muscles. Doctors recommend not lifting objects weighing more than two kilograms, and not performing bending exercises or abdominal exercises. You should completely avoid going to the gym.

Step #3 -Be selective when choosing water treatments

During the first three months after a medical abortion, it is strictly forbidden to take a bath, visit the pool, bathhouse or sauna. To maintain personal hygiene, you can only use a warm shower. It is especially important to avoid high temperatures and heating because hot water procedures may cause heavy vaginal bleeding. Even long stay exposure to the open sun can lead to overheating of the body. Doctors insist that for the first two months after an abortion, a woman should not even douche or use tampons.

Step No. 4 – Correct your intimate life

From vaginal and anal sex should be discontinued for at least the first two weeks after a medical abortion. This is due to the high sensitivity of the cervix and uterine tissue. During the first month, the cervix remains open, and the membrane lining the uterus is open wound. Sexual contact can cause injury and infection of the wound surface, which in turn can lead to high probability will lead to bleeding.

After a medical abortion, it is very important to pay special attention to issues of contraception. The fact is that in a healthy woman, ovulation is restored already in the first cycle after termination of pregnancy. This means that unprotected sexual intercourse may result in new pregnancy, for which the woman’s body is not yet ready. Doctors strongly recommend using contraception for at least 4-6 months after a medical abortion.

Step #5 – Do not self-medicate

From the moment you take the first pill for medical abortion and during the first month after this day, any medications can be taken by a woman only as prescribed by a specialist. Headache, colds, poisoning, etc. – all these conditions must be treated and eliminated only with those drugs that the doctor recommends. The fact is that some, even the most harmless medicines, can block the effect of abortifacient drugs and put a woman at risk of incomplete rejection of the fetus. Others contribute to increased bleeding, which can lead to dangerous blood loss. For example, the well-known Aspirin ( acetylsalicylic acid), is strictly contraindicated after a medical abortion, since it can block the action of Misoprostol.

It is especially important to follow this rule for those women who, during the expulsion of the fetus from the uterine cavity, experience severe cramping pain in the lower abdomen. It is very important to relieve pain from this condition, but you should use only those analgesics that the doctor recommends.

Step #6 – Give up alcohol and other bad habits

Gynecologists strongly recommend not drinking alcohol for at least 2 weeks after medical termination of pregnancy. Alcohol is not only incompatible with drugs for medical abortion, but also has Negative influence on a woman’s immunity and can provoke uterine bleeding.

Step #7 – Watch your diet

During the first 3-4 months after pharmaabortion, it is important to prevent digestive disorders (constipation or diarrhea) and avoid intoxication of the body. To do this, doctors recommend carefully monitoring your diet, avoiding heavy foods, giving up fried, fatty and sweet foods. Optimal mode work digestive system achieved at regular use small amounts of food 4-5 times a day (every 3 hours).

TO general recommendations During the recovery period, doctors consider taking measures to prevent the development of infectious diseases, colds and acute respiratory infections. To do this, you should, if possible, limit visits to places with large crowds of people and take vitamins. It is also important to prevent injury to the lower abdominal area. Pushes, blows to the stomach, falls from a height, etc. are especially dangerous.

Deserves special attention psychological recovery women after the stress that inevitably accompanies termination of pregnancy. Despite the fact that psychologists consider medical abortion to be a much less traumatic situation compared to surgical abortion, some women still experience a strong psycho-emotional shock. In this case, you should definitely contact a psychologist.

Medical abortion, carried out under the supervision of a doctor, subject to strict adherence to post-procedure recommendations, is the most comfortable and safe way getting rid of unwanted pregnancy.

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