Transparent snot in a 5 month old child. How and how to treat clear liquid snot in a child, what drops to use? Treatment of snot in children Komarovsky

When liquid snot appears in a child, treatment should be started immediately. Usually parents, noticing heavy nasal discharge, immediately take out a first aid kit and start looking there. suitable remedy which will help improve the child’s condition. But the use of medications is not always required. Sometimes it is better not to use any medicine.

More effective way— providing conditions conducive to recovery. If liquid snot is detected in a child, treatment is necessary in any case, but, unfortunately, it is not always carried out correctly.

To understand how to act in such a situation, you should understand the causes and factors that provoke the development of a runny nose. It is necessary to familiarize yourself with the types of runny nose and try to understand how the nasopharynx functions and why a viscous liquid is formed in it.

Mechanism of viscous liquid formation

First, it is worth noting that a runny nose in itself is not a disease. This symptom indicates the development painful condition. And this symptom may be accompanied by some diseases.

If we talk medical language, a runny nose is rhinitis, the appearance of which is caused by bacteria and viruses. There is also a runny nose of allergic etiology.

The inside of the nose is covered with mucous membrane, which reacts to the penetration of various irritants by secreting a viscous fluid. This liquid contains substances that take part in the process of destroying pathogens in the nose. Snot forms a barrier that prevents further dissemination infectious lesion into the nasopharynx.

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Features of a runny nose

  1. Liquid snot is released due to increased mucus production in the nasal passages. For example, when crying, tears are formed, and those that remain in the eyes penetrate into the nasal passages, then exit through the nose in the form of snot. Both liquids have the same composition.
  2. The main reason why rhinitis develops is the presence in the body of viral infection. The mucous membrane is a nutrient medium with ideal conditions for viruses. Here they can exist and reproduce.
  3. Infection of the body occurs due to the transmission of pathological microorganisms from a sick person through physiological fluids (tears, saliva, snot) or air. Viruses colonize the mucous membrane and actively multiply there.
  4. Microbes exist due to nutrient medium inside the nose. Here they leave the result of their vital activity - substances that act irritatingly on the mucous membrane, thereby stimulating active education and department large quantity liquids. Thus, the body tries to get rid of harmful substances.
  5. The next reason is an allergic reaction resulting from exposure to an external irritant. The body can respond with an allergic reaction to plant pollen, household chemicals, perfume with pungent odor, tobacco smoke, animal hair, dust and many other objects.

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Treatment of liquid snot

Since snot is a symptom and not a disease, its treatment should be done by relieving the condition and eliminating the underlying cause. It is important to remove the disease itself that caused the runny nose. Otherwise, the child will have discharge for a long time.

For allergic rhinitis, you first need to identify the allergen and avoid contact with it. If there is too much viscous fluid and it is constantly secreted, while the child often sneezes and tears appear, the nose should be drip with an antiallergic agent. After nasal drops, the child should be given a children's antihistamine to drink.

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Treatment of viral runny nose

IN in this case The infection itself is treated, not the runny nose. It must be taken into account that such secretions are needed to combat infectious disease, and they themselves are medicine. In case of a viral infection, you should not use medications to eliminate rhinitis.

The nose needs to be additionally moisturized. Salt-containing solutions can help the child’s parents with this. With this approach, the discharge will disappear quickly enough, it will not become thicker, so you don’t have to worry about various complications, such as sinusitis, sinusitis and other bacterial diseases.

Antibacterial treatment is required only in cases where the disease caused by bacteria is infectious in nature. This is a serious condition. In this case, the discharge is not transparent and liquid, its color is yellow or green, it contains pus, and sometimes even blood.

Antibiotics do not have the necessary effect in treatment allergic rhinitis or rhinitis, which is a symptom of an illness caused by viruses.

It makes no sense to use them for allergies, since there are no pathogenic microorganisms and there is no one to fight with. In the case of viruses, they are also ineffective because they are unable to destroy viruses.

We can conclude that treating rhinitis with antibiotics is pointless and even dangerous, because as a result of taking such drugs, people may suffer beneficial bacteria present in the intestines.

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Vasoconstrictor drops: are they effective for a runny nose?

As a result of exposure vasoconstrictor drops In children, congested nasal breathing is restored and snot secretion ceases. It is recommended to use drugs of this type only in in case of emergency(viral rhinitis, bacterial), when it is very difficult for the child to breathe.

Before using the drops, you should carefully study the instructions. Rhinitis of allergic etiology cannot be eliminated with these medications. The result will be increased irritation of the mucous membrane and a more pronounced manifestation of symptoms.

Warning. Drugs vasoconstrictor effect negatively affect cardiovascular system. They are not used to treat children under 3 months of age. An overdose for young children is very dangerous, as respiratory arrest and death can occur.

The drops are addictive, especially if they are used for a long time and too often. The permissible period of use of the product is a maximum of 4-5 days, observing the required intervals (depending on the composition).

There is a risk of developing side effects: rapid pulse, high blood pressure, vomiting, insomnia, dry mucous membranes, swelling of the nose. Appearance unwanted effects is a reason to call an ambulance. In this case, it is prohibited to continue using the product.

A runny nose in an infant or older child is a common phenomenon. And before treating rhinitis (this is what a runny nose is called in medicine), it is necessary to accurately determine the cause of its occurrence. Transparent snot in a child is considered the safest. If they are treated correctly, then you can a short time improve your child’s health and prevent him from developing other diseases that are often caused by a common runny nose. But how to treat it and what means of modern and alternative medicine are the most effective, we’ll tell you now.

Clear discharge without fever

Quite often, new parents notice their newborn baby has a runny nose made of clear mucus. However, there are no other symptoms of a viral infection (fever, lethargy, etc.).

Of course, you can play it safe and call your pediatrician with this question. But it should be noted that if a newborn develops clear snot without fever or any other signs of infection, then this is most likely a physiological runny nose, which appears in almost all babies aged 0 to 10 weeks.

The reason for this is the adaptation of the mucous membrane to environment and exposure to pathogenic microorganisms that she had not previously encountered in the womb. As soon as the mucous membrane develops its own tactics of work, the runny nose disappears on its own without any consequences.

Despite the fact that at the age of 0 to 10 weeks the appearance of clear sniffles is associated with a physiological runny nose, which is not dangerous, the child needs constant monitoring. If there is a change in the consistency of the sniffles and their color, this indicates pathological processes occurring in the nasal mucosa, which require immediate treatment.

Quite often, the appearance of transparent sniffles in children aged 4 months and older is associated with teething. This is due to the fact that when teething, the gum tissue becomes inflamed. And since the oral cavity interacts with the nasopharynx, inflammatory processes can easily spread to the nasal mucosa, which will cause a similar runny nose.

In this case, there is also no need to carry out any specific treatment, however, it is still worth giving your newborn vitamins to strengthen the immune system. The thing is that when teething, the body’s defenses decrease, as a result of which it becomes vulnerable to various types of infections, and therefore can easily get sick.

Based on all of the above, one should conclude: clear snot in infants under one year of age in 90% of cases is physiological and does not require special treatment. Everything parents can do to make it easier nasal breathing child, this is to use a baby aspirator to pump out snot and instill vasoconstrictor drops into the nasal passages before going to bed.

Nasal vasoconstrictor drugs should only be prescribed by a doctor. However, you can use them for no more than 5 days, as they are addictive. If abused vasoconstrictor drops you can provoke the development of vasomotor rhinitis, which is very difficult to get rid of.

Symptoms of pathological runny nose

In children over 1 year of age, the appearance of clear snot in most cases is associated with damage to the body by viruses. But when this happens, a runny nose is necessarily accompanied by other symptoms characteristic of viral diseases. For example:

  • cough;
  • frequent sneezing;
  • weakness;
  • periodic nausea;
  • decreased appetite;
  • headaches;
  • decreased activity;
  • drowsiness.

Elevated temperature is not the main sign of the development of diseases of viral etiology. If the child has enough strong immunity, then body thermoregulation can remain normal.

If a runny nose is accompanied by at least one of the symptoms described above, this may indicate the development of a viral infection in the body. In this case, the baby must be shown to a doctor.

If the snot flows from the child’s nose in a stream for the first few days, and then becomes thick and acquires a greenish or yellowish tint, this indicates an accession bacterial infection. Its treatment is carried out only with the help antibacterial drugs. But you shouldn’t be afraid to give them to your baby, since the benefits from them far outweigh the harm they can cause. Bacterial infection in young children often causes the development of sinusitis, sinusitis, pneumonia, etc.

Another reason why children develop snot as clear as water without fever is an allergy. It can be for anything: food, pollen, powder, dust, etc. In this case, in addition to a runny nose, the child may experience:

  • swelling of the eyelids;
  • the appearance of “bags” under the eyes;
  • redness of the eyes and wings of the nose;
  • dry cough;
  • sneezing, which causes itching and burning in the nose.

Despite the fact that allergic rhinitis can be treated quite easily, the child still needs to be shown to a doctor. It is necessary to establish the exact allergen that causes such a reaction in the body. To do this you will need to take an allergy test.

Treatment of clear discharge in children

Treatment for clear sniffles in children depends on the cause of their origin. If their appearance is physiological in nature, then treatment is not necessary. If the cause is viral infections, the doctor will most likely prescribe the following treatment regimen:

  • reception antiviral drugs;
  • instillation of vasoconstrictor drops into the nasal passages;
  • cleansing the nasal passages of mucus: for infants using a special aspirator, for older children - rinsing the nose with solutions of sea salt.

If your child has other signs of a viral infection, such as fever and muscle pain, then the doctor can prescribe symptomatic medications - antipyretics and painkillers.

If after some time a bacterial infection occurs, as indicated by a change in the consistency and color of the snot, antibacterial drugs are prescribed. As a rule, penicillin antibiotics are used to treat children. If they do not give the desired effect, then they are replaced with macrolides.

Antibiotics should be taken strictly according to the regimen prescribed by the doctor and in indicated dosages. And treatment must be supplemented with medications that ensure the restoration of intestinal microflora.

If the cause of the appearance of transparent liquid snot in the baby is an allergy, then treatment is carried out by stopping the body’s contact with the allergen, as well as by using antihistamines and vasoconstrictors.

When should a runny nose be treated with vasoconstrictors? Doctor Komarovsky

If a child has a runny nose, it is important to check the condition of the body, since this pathological process symbolizes the patient’s weak immune system. If the baby’s protective functions are impaired, the first thing that happens is that the upper muscles are disrupted. respiratory tract. This forecast is dangerous due to the appearance liquid discharge, headache, feeling of stuffiness in the ears and nose, as well as other symptoms. Therefore, if a child’s snot flows like water, it is important to know how to cure such inflammation.

Treatment of rhinitis begins with identifying the causes. Despite the fact that young children get sick more often than usual, the causes of illness are always different. Often, a runny nose appears due to the baby’s adaptation to the environment or due to the onset of an inflammatory process. Other reasons include physiological characteristics in the structure of the nasal cavity, as well as allergies. Such signs can be eliminated with drug therapy in a few days.

Attentive parents notice rhinitis in a child on the first day of his education. This sign is not an independent inflammation, but only signals to the patient about the beginning of the inflammatory process. If a child falls ill, it is important to take immediate action, since the consequences of rhinitis are dangerous for the baby.

A runny nose can cause acute otitis, inflammation paranasal sinuses, meningitis and more serious ailments.

Often rhinitis becomes the root cause of hearing loss.

To avoid such complications, it is important to know how and how to treat clear snot in a child. Typically, therapy begins with establishing the clinical picture.

With rhinitis, the baby may feel nasal congestion and partial loss of smell. In addition, common symptoms are:

  • a sore throat;
  • stuffy ears;
  • copious discharge;
  • sneezing;
  • itching in the nasal cavity;
  • redness of the face and tip of the respiratory organ;
  • swelling of the mucous membrane.

In most cases, such symptoms occur due to a weakened immune system. Therefore, if you have recently suffered from acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections or other respiratory ailments, pay special attention to your child’s health.

Regardless of the cause and factors for the formation of light nozzles, it is necessary to carry out a diagnosis and, with the help of a doctor, determine a further plan of action. Treatment for runny snot in a child usually takes three to five days. If the disease is advanced, longer and more complex therapy will be needed.

Treatment regimen

To get rid of snot and avoid unrealistic pathologies, it is important to undergo an examination on time.

Treatment of rhinitis begins with identifying the cause. Often clear discharge appears as physiological rhinitis, which does not require specific treatment.

The fact is that a newborn baby adapts to new living conditions. At this time, the nasal mucosa begins to work hard and secretes a large amount of mucus. You can eliminate them using cotton swab. Typically, this type of rhinitis lasts about one week and goes away without complications.

But if the patient is already twelve months old or older, the clear snot should be like water. attract special attention. After examining the patient, the pediatrician establishes an individual treatment plan.

Treatment for viral inflammation

The standard treatment regimen for a child with ARVI and other viral inflammations is approximately the same. In this case, rhinitis should be treated comprehensively, and not get rid of only one symptom. If the discharge is clear and thin, a virus has entered the nasal cavity, which needs to be gotten rid of in the following way:

  1. Any viral inflammation is always accompanied by high fever. To help the baby and alleviate his condition, doctors prescribe antipyretics based on ibuprofen. It is necessary to use drugs of this kind if the baby suffers from a temperature above 38 degrees Celsius. Dosage is selected according to the weight and height of the child.
  2. Keep in mind that all antipyretics cause dryness in the nasal mucosa. Therefore, on the third day of treatment, the baby may develop thicker discharge.
  3. The course of treatment includes taking expectorants and mucolytic drugs. Usually, with liquid discharge, the patient suffers from a dry physiological cough. You can get rid of it with the help of mucolytics.
  4. It is important to get rid of the virus, That's why little patient"Grippferon", "Nazoferon" are prescribed.
  5. With complex treatment the patient is prescribed homeopathic medicines in the form of nasal drops “Euphorbium Compositum”, “Delufen”, “Rinitol”. These drugs reduce nasal congestion and moisturize the mucous membrane. Besides, active ingredients drugs prevent the formation of thick secretions.

At viral inflammation It is easier to overcome the disease if the child follows the rules of treatment.

Make sure your child takes enough water, and in his room there was cool but humid air.

If these rules are not followed during therapy, the discharge will become thicker and can provoke the development of inflammation. Often this is the reason why bacterial rhinitis occurs.

Besides, The course of treatment includes rinsing the nasal cavity with specialized solutions which must be selected according to the age of the child.

If the baby is still very young and, use nasal sprays “Salin”, “Aqualor”, “Aqua Maris”. In addition to saline solutions, you can prepare your own rinse. To do this, dilute half a teaspoon of salt in one glass of water.

After rinsing the nasal cavity, it is important to moisten the mucous membrane. To do this, use “Pinosol” or “Evamenol”.

Transparent snot in a 2 year old child requires complex treatment, but you should not take the drugs described without a doctor’s prescription.

Allergic rhinitis

Another reason for the formation of liquid discharge is an allergic runny nose. It can be seasonal and formed due to flowering, as well as year-round. Regardless of the type of rhinitis, it is necessary to carry out wet cleaning daily.

Remember that allergic rhinitis can be triggered by animal hair, mites, dyes, food and much more.


Treatment of rhinitis in a newborn baby should be in accordance with the cause of the disease. therefore, if rhinitis is associated with physiological factors, drug therapy need not. Also avoid medicines necessary in case of teething. This process also causes rhinitis, but there is no need to worry about it.

Pay attention to the child's health if rhinitis torments him more often than usual or the baby often complains of bad feeling. Such signs indicate a weak immune system of the child.

Many mothers ask the same question: “If your child’s snot flows like water, how to treat it and whether it should be done. Or maybe we should just wait until they go away on their own?” Alas, there is no clear answer. It all depends on the variety various reasons: age, environmental conditions, individual characteristics baby.

Only a pediatrician who monitors the health and development of your child can answer this question with absolute certainty. We will only outline here the main reasons for which a child’s nose usually runs, the treatment of which is effective by one method or another.

Main reasons

Watery transparent nasal discharge is the body’s reaction to unfavorable environmental conditions, exposure to external or internal irritants, and the entry of pathogenic microorganisms into the nasopharynx. This means that not always, when liquid snot appears in a child, treatment must be started immediately. First you need to assess the situation, observe other symptoms and try to understand what triggered them.

All the main reasons can be divided into three large groups: infectious, non-infectious, allergic. The table below lists the main causes associated with one or another group, as well as their main symptoms:

Infectious Non-infectious Allergic
  • The baby is teething;
  • sharp drop temperature;
  • indoor air is too dry;
  • improper handling when cleansing the nose;
  • the use of vasoconstrictor drops;
  • atrophy of the mucous membranes;
  • structural features of the nose.
  • Reception of unsuitable medicines;
  • presence of an allergen in the environment;
  • accumulation of substances, causing allergies in organism;
  • direct contact with the allergen.
  • Increased fatigue;
  • general weakness;
  • redness of the throat;
  • tickling or cough;
  • pain or discomfort when swallowing;
  • decreased appetite;
  • lack of interest in games;
  • headache, dizziness.
  • Redness of the mucous membranes of the eyes;
  • noticeable swelling;
  • the formation of bags under the eyes;
  • uneven color skin;
  • possible blisters or rashes on the skin;
  • sore throat;
  • labored breathing.

When a child has snot pouring out like water, how to treat it directly depends on the cause of its appearance. Sometimes it is difficult to establish, since symptoms from two or all three may be present simultaneously different groups. For example, a baby started running snot due to hypothermia, they put vasoconstrictor drops on his nose, and he developed an allergy to them.

We emphasize that these are only basic and very generalized symptoms, based on which it is impossible to make an accurate diagnosis on your own! That is why, when liquid snot appears in a child, only a doctor - a pediatrician or an allergist - should decide how to treat it.

Incorrectly chosen treatment can delay time, the disease will move to a new stage. And in case allergic cause– enhance its manifestations.

The best medicines

We dwelled in such detail on the reasons why liquid transparent snot appears in a child, precisely because the method of treatment that will be most effective directly depends on them. A course of therapy if the disease is infectious in nature must be prescribed by a doctor. It usually includes several groups of drugs:

Some parents prefer to treat their child homeopathic medicines. For colds, acute respiratory viral infections and even the flu, they help quite well if the child has a good immune system. But for serious infections, refusing antibiotics can lead to complications.

Folk remedies

If a child has just recently developed runny snot, what is an alternative treatment? You can contact verified “ grandma's methods" On initial stage colds, acute respiratory viral infections and flu they provide excellent therapeutic effect. But they cannot cope with serious infections and severe allergies. So again it all comes down to accurate diagnosis. When you are sure that there is no serious threat to your health, here are a few time-tested remedies:

As you can see, if a child has runny snot, how to treat it – the choice is huge. More experienced mothers already know what is best for their children and which treatment method is traditional or folk.

Those who cannot yet rely on their own experience or are not sure of the diagnosis should not experiment with the health of their own child. You need to visit a doctor and prescribe the correct treatment.

P transparent snot in an adult, which can have a different consistency, is a common problem that occurs not only against the background of a cold, but also with allergies and after long stay in the cold.

To get rid of a symptom you need to install it the real reason, since there can be many provoking factors. If clear nasal discharge appears, you can try to get rid of it on our own, but if secondary infection is suspected or severe allergic reaction There is no point in delaying your visit to the doctor. This can provoke the development of much more dangerous complications.

All the reasons that cause clear snot can be divided into two categories - the introduction of pathogenic microorganisms (viruses and bacteria) into the body through the nasal mucosa and allergic reactions.


The physiological reaction is not dangerous and is manifested by the discharge of clear mucus from the nose after physical activity or eating hot food.

During active work a person’s pulse quickens, sweating increases, and blood vessels are expanding - as a result for good nutrition mucosal tissues with oxygen, the body cleanses the nose of secretions.

There is also no reason to panic if transparent snot appears after a long stay in the cold - the blood vessels have narrowed, and when a person gets into the heat, his body warms up, the capillaries expand again, reacting to this by releasing a large amount of secretion.


It is worth paying attention to abundant liquid transparent snot when its appearance appears seasonally, for example, in autumn or spring. A provoking factor in the development of allergic rhinitis can be plant pollen during their flowering, street or house dust, pet fur, Poplar fluff and others.

If such rhinitis occurs year-round, it is worth thinking about the irritating factor that is constantly nearby - these are bedding and dust mites, food and medications, household chemicals, detergents and perfumes.

Pathology variant

The most common reason is causing the appearance clear snot, is respiratory infection.

It's always about initial stage, when the disease is not accompanied by other symptoms, and on the second or third day the patient may notice an increase in temperature, aching joints and a sore throat. All these signs, coupled with transparent discharge from the nose, directly indicate ARVI.

The lack of therapy at the initial stage of the disease, combined with a weak immune response, can result in the addition of a secondary infection, which will be of a bacterial nature and can provoke the development of sinusitis. Inflammation can be located in any of the paranasal sinuses, and thick transparent snot will be replaced by secretion white, and later become yellow with an admixture of pus.

In some cases, the discharge of clear mucus from the nose is accompanied by a developed caries process in the oral cavity.

Infection localized in oral cavity, may spread to the nasopharynx and cause inflammatory process accompanied by swelling of the mucous membrane.

In the same way, microbes can enter the nose from an inflamed cavity eustachian tube during otitis.

Associated symptoms

In order to pick up best option to get rid of a runny nose, it is necessary to establish its true nature. Each type of rhinitis is accompanied by certain symptoms, based on which, plus based on clinical trials, the doctor will make a diagnosis.

Allergic rhinitis occurs against the background of the following symptoms:

  • frequent sneezing;
  • lacrimation;
  • itching, dryness of the nasal mucosa and burning sensation;
  • sore throat with cough;
  • partial loss of olfactory function.

Also, rhinitis during allergies is accompanied by swelling of facial tissues, redness eyeballs and forced breathing through the mouth. If, during an exacerbation of the disease, snot has a liquid consistency and runs from the nose around the clock, doctors call this phenomenon rhinorrhea.

Transparent snot against the background of ARVI is accompanied by other signs:

  • headaches and muscle pain;
  • sore throat and cough;
  • aching joints;
  • increase in body temperature to 38-38.5 degrees;
  • weakness, loss of appetite.

Already based on these symptoms, the doctor can make a preliminary diagnosis of a respiratory infection, and then confirm it with test results (the patient’s blood, urine and nasal swab are taken to determine the type of pathogen).

The addition of a bacterial infection changes clinical picture diseases - transparent viscous snot appears, which becomes thicker over time. Not only the consistency, but also the color can change - the discharge becomes mixed with pus, streaked with blood and unpleasant smell(usually such symptoms are typical in the complicated stage - with sinusitis and sinusitis).

If the infection is caused by caries, this will be indicated not only by the presence of snot, but also by inflammation of the gums, acute toothaches and headaches. With a runny nose caused by otitis media, patients complain of lumbago in the ear, weakness and malaise, as well as fever.

Treatment methods

It is advisable to begin treatment for a runny nose immediately, before signs of exacerbation of the disease (fever, cough and development of sinusitis) appear and it turns into a bacterial form. The earlier treatment is started, the faster and more lasting results can be achieved.

Complete instructions on how to as soon as possible cure a runny nose at its different stages - .


The first thing that treatment of a runny nose always begins with is rinsing the nose with saline solutions. The procedure allows you to clear the nasal passages of clear mucus, and at the same time prevents the formation of a secondary infection (the development of sinusitis and sinusitis).

Saline solutions are not a medicine in the literal sense of the word, but they bring an invaluable effect at the initial stage of a runny nose. Snot, along with bacteria, is washed out of the nasal cavity, which reduces their number and allows the immune system to more effectively fight the pathogen.

How more copious discharge, the higher the salt concentration the drug is needed.

You can prepare the solution yourself by stirring a tablespoon of salt in a liter warm water, or purchase it at a pharmacy with the optimal salt content. Efficiency has been shown: Marimer, Aqualor, Aqua Maris, Humer and Dolphin.

For achievement better effect, the procedure is recommended to be carried out at least 3-4 times a day. After the procedure, you must carefully blow your nose, cleaning each nostril in turn.

Nasal drops

To make the treatment of runny nose even more effective, immunomodeling and antibacterial drops. The first enhance the effect of our own immunity(used for viral origin of the runny nose), and the latter act directly on the walls of bacteria, destroying them. Complete guide to drugs.

The group of immunostimulants includes:

  • Grippferon;
  • Ingaron;
  • Nazoferon;
  • IRS-19;
  • Arbidol in tablets.
  • Derinat in the form of injections. (prescribed when severe course viral infection).

At the first stage of a runny nose, select antibacterial drops as much as possible wide range actions, since the pathogen is not yet known. The drugs of choice are: Amoclav, Augmentin, Sefpotek, Isofa, Polydexa.

If the symptoms do not go away within 5-7 days, or the snot becomes more profuse, changes color to white, swelling (stuffiness) occurs, use Protargol, Miramistin and Collargol.

This powerful antibiotics based on colloidal silver, which dry and disinfect irritated mucous membranes and have an anti-inflammatory effect. Application is limited to 5-7 days.

Warming up

It should be noted right away that warming procedures are contraindicated for patients with elevated temperature and signs of a bacterial infection (thick yellow-green mucus, headaches).

In such a situation, warming the bridge of the nose can have the opposite effect - the heat provokes increased growth and reproduction of microbes.

The procedure promotes blood flow (and therefore immune cells) to the area of ​​inflammation, which accelerates the death of pathogenic microorganisms.

To carry it out, you need to take a glass of coarse salt, heat it in a frying pan and wrap it in thick cloth, or better yet, fill a tight bag with it (a sock works well). Two of these bags are applied to the wings of the nose or the bridge of the nose and held for 10-15 minutes until the salt begins to lose temperature. It is recommended to carry out the procedure 2 times a day, using a new portion of salt each time.


Carrying out inhalation procedures will help restore the damaged nasal mucosa, restore its functions, get rid of snot and make breathing easier.

The following substances can be used for inhalation:

  • Essential oils of eucalyptus, fir, sea buckthorn, peach.
  • Physiological or saline solution.
  • Decoctions medicinal plants– mint, chamomile, eucalyptus, sage, plantain.

If inhalation is carried out with essential oil, a few drops are dissolved in hot, but not scalding water, and the patient breathes over the steam, covered with a towel. Procedures are carried out similarly with herbal decoctions and saline solution. The steam temperature should not exceed 45-50 degrees.

What to do if you have a long runny nose with clear snot

If clear snot bothers you for more than a week and does not go away, despite regular therapeutic appointments, you need to contact an otolaryngologist. If no pathologies in the nasopharynx are detected, the doctor may refer the patient to specialized specialists - an allergist, immunologist, or dentist.

If the cause of the pathology is not directly related to diseases of the nose and paranasal sinuses, treatment should be not just symptomatic, but aimed at eliminating the root cause:

  • at allergic rhinitis are carried out skin tests to identify the irritant, then the patient is prescribed an antihistamine or hormonal treatment, while simultaneously limiting contact with the allergen;
  • inflammation of the nose caused by a carious lesion in the mouth is treated by getting rid of the source of infection, that is, sanitation of the oral cavity;
  • if rhinitis is caused by otitis media, therapy should begin with antibacterial drugs that localize the inflammatory process.

Thus, a persistent runny nose can be cured using only A complex approach, which is not possible without an in-person diagnosis from a doctor. If this is not done on time, not only a runny nose, but also the pathology that caused it (allergy or inflammation of a neighboring organ) can become chronic.

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