Various ways to quickly relieve toothache. How to quickly calm a dental nerve at home

Perhaps someone will disagree, but teeth are a real “Achilles heel” in humans. And if headache You can still calm it down with pills or tea, but dental treatment is a completely different matter. If your teeth hurt, then you no longer want to have fun, work, or eat, and besides, it’s impossible to even sleep or talk. Not only that, but also the head. In general, a truly terrible picture. What does toothache mean? She makes it clear that you haven’t been to the dentist for a long time, and there’s definitely something wrong with your teeth. But it is not always possible to immediately turn to a doctor. In such cases, you need to know at home.

Cause of severe, sharp, piercing pain

There are actually a lot of reasons! From ordinary food getting into the tooth to problems with nerve tissues, inflammation bone tissue, damage to the jaw. It is impossible to identify the source of toothache on your own. Even professional dentist will not diagnose the oral cavity himself without outside help and the necessary equipment. Therefore, it is better not to risk your health and nerves, but to immediately run to the doctor. Most often the reason is acute pain caries becomes, or rather its advanced stage, in which our pulp and nerve can become inflamed. If you delay treatment, prepare for swelling of the cheeks, fever, headache, and swelling of the lips. You will see this not only in cartoons, but also in real life.


How to remove toothache at home using tablets? If you still have a pack of painkillers on hand, for example, the drug "Spazmalgon", feel free to take it. Nurofen, Analgin and No-shpa products are also suitable. This will help temporarily, if not relieve, then at least dull the pain. If there are no such products and there is no pharmacy nearby, look for Valocordin drops. Soak a swab in them, and then carefully apply it to the tooth that hurts or to the site of inflammation.

Help from traditional medicine

How to relieve acute toothache at home? It will help to calm or tame her ethnoscience. If you have propolis tincture at home, place a few drops on a cotton swab and apply to the area of ​​pain. Within half an hour, the pain may subside or go away. Before relieving toothache at home, rinse your mouth thoroughly. It is best to make a decoction of chamomile, as it will slightly soothe the tooth. You can use a solution of soda - this is also excellent disinfectant. For one more good way take a tablespoon of sage and pour lightly into a ten-gram glass warm water. Boil over low heat for about ten minutes, leave and rinse your mouth several times for twenty minutes. This is not treatment - this is first aid, remember! You will have a few quiet hours to see a doctor. Even if your pain has disappeared, believe me, it will return. Don't neglect this and don't be afraid to go to a specialist. How to treat toothache at home? It is impossible to treat. Only a dentist can help with this. Don’t try to fix everything yourself, because silence is deceiving. In fact, if you do not consult a specialist in time, you can only worsen the condition of your oral cavity. Now you know how to relieve toothache at home. This will help you for a while. For the rest, trust the doctors.

Endure toothache unbearable, especially if your teeth hurt suddenly. However, remove toothache possible at home and at work, if it is not possible to immediately undergo an examination by a dentist and make an appointment correct treatment teeth. We in no way discourage you from visiting the dentist, especially if you are seen in a good clinic and by a qualified doctor. However if you have toothache caught you by surprise, the following 20 ways will help you cope with it.

What to do if your tooth hurts

What to do, if I have a toothache, but it’s impossible to get to the dentist? We bring to your attention more than 20 ways to relieve toothache before visiting the dentist.

Acute toothache– this is a manifestation of oral diseases (periodontitis, pulpitis, caries). And you need to take it seriously. With caries, pain appears after taking hot/cold liquid/food, or after sweet/sour food and disappears after eliminating the irritant. With pulpitis, the pain is paroxysmal and can radiate to the temple or ear. Periodontitis is accompanied by constant, pulsating pain and intensifies after touching a sore tooth. But only a doctor can determine the exact cause of a toothache or swollen cheek and prescribe adequate treatment.

If the tooth begins to ache late in the evening, when it is not possible to get to the dental office, it is advisable to have on hand a list of methods that will help relieve this unpleasant pain. We offer you a list of remedies that will help you improve your condition before visiting the dentist.


If you have I have a toothache, it is better to entrust this problem to a professional, and not rely on the pain will go away by her own. Delaying a visit to the dentist can lead to serious consequences - tooth loss, and even development purulent process posing a threat to life.

Remedies for reducing toothache

Salt water: Dissolve a teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water, take the resulting solution into your mouth and hold it in your mouth for as long as you can, then spit it out; spank several times.

Carnation: gozdika has painkillers and anti-inflammatory effects; place cloves in the area painful tooth; You can also use two drops clove oil(no more! too much clove oil can be toxic!) and also make a thick paste of ground cloves and water or ground cloves and olive oil and apply to the painful area.

Alcohol: in order to ease toothache You can use strong alcohol - vodka, whiskey, cognac or rum: after a long rinse with alcohol, the toothache subsides.

Hydrogen peroxide: Hydrogen peroxide rinses can also help ease toothache; If you find the taste too unpleasant, dilute the peroxide with water. Do not swallow the solution under any circumstances.

Vanilla extract: soak a cotton swab in vanilla extract and apply it to the area of ​​the tooth causing pain.

Almond extract:

Mint extract: same treatment method as with vanilla extract (see above).

Lemon extract: same treatment method as with vanilla extract (see above).

Oil tea tree: moisten a swab with a small amount of tea tree oil and fix it in the area of ​​​​pain, you can also add a few drops of tea tree oil to a glass of water and make warm baths, putting the solution in your mouth and holding it there for as long as possible.

Oregano oil: mix a few drops of oregano oil with a little olive oil, and then soak a cotton swab in the mixture and fix it near painful tooth; You can replace olive oil with warm water.

Apple vinegar: soak a cotton swab in apple cider vinegar and hold it in your mouth.

Ginger root: Take a fresh piece of ginger root and chew it slowly.

Garlic: Take a clove of garlic, crush it and place it behind your cheek. You can also use garlic puree with salt.

Peppermint leaves: peppermint has an analgesic effect, as well as vasodilating properties; for decreasing toothache Chew fresh mint leaves.

Potato: cut a piece fresh potatoes, and hold it on the painful place; you can also grind a piece raw potatoes with added salt.

Lime: cut a piece of lime and chew it to release the juice; lime is extremely rich in vitamin C, and it helps relieve inflammation, promotes wound healing, and also prevents the formation of tartar.

Onion: finely chop the onion and hold it in your mouth; The onion should be fresh and juicy.

Cucumber: cut a fresh piece of cucumber and hold it on the painful place; you can also use cucumber puree with a little salt.

Plantain: You can chew fresh plantain leaves for pain relief. After chewing the leaves, apply them to the problem area and hold them in place.

Black pepper: soak a cotton swab and roll it in a mixture of black pepper and salt. Hold the tampon in your mouth.

Baking soda: moisten a cotton swab and roll it in baking soda. Hold the tampon in your mouth. You can also make a mouth rinse by dissolving a spoonful of baking soda in a glass of warm water.

Tea: Brew tea in bags and hold the bags in your mouth; tannins, the tannins contained in tea have an anesthetic effect and will help temporarily relieve pain.

Ice: wrap the ice in a cloth or towel and apply it to your face, holding it in the problem area; ice has an anesthetic effect; if that doesn't help, try using a hot compress (but not too hot so you don't burn yourself).

One of the most annoying and debilitating pains is dental pain. Everyone who encounters it loses the ability to think well, especially if there is no chance of getting rid of the problem right now.

It’s great if there’s a pharmacy nearby, and even better if there’s a good dentist. But what if the pain caught you on vacation or on a day off, and the necessary medicines not at hand?

We share with you several techniques that will help you cope with pain and survive until your visit to the dentist.

How to quickly get rid of toothache

1. Garlic
Besides the fact that garlic protects against vampires, it is a real medicinal miracle being effective antiseptic with powerful antiviral, antifungal and antibacterial properties. IN medical purposes it has been used for many thousands of years. What gives it its power is called allicin, which is released when garlic is crushed.

Finely chop one clove of garlic, then crush the pieces with a knife and leave for 10 minutes to activate the allicin. Apply a small amount of garlic paste to sore spot in the mouth. Leave on for a few minutes and rinse with warm salt water, which will help clear out the infection and kill bacteria.

This will also help defeat the infection from the inside, since you probably have swelling or inflammation in the sore spot. Also try to add as much garlic to your diet as possible. You can even eat it yourself by crushing it first and allowing the allicin to activate. Remember that, unlike antibacterial drugs, bacteria do not develop resistance to garlic, so you can eat it constantly, and then eat parsley to remove the unpleasant odor.

2. Clove oil

Cloves have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antioxidant and anesthetic properties that can help relieve toothache and fight infection. This is the main oil that is used to get rid of dental problems, if it is not possible to go to the dentist right now.

It is so useful in the fight against dental problems because of one component included in its composition. We are talking about eugenol, a natural anesthetic. It fights all types of toothache. Clove oil can also be found in many dental products. Take half a liter of water, add a few drops of clove oil and rinse your mouth with the solution, you can also apply clove oil to a cotton pad and very carefully treat the sore tooth and the area around it. The pain will go away very quickly.

How to relieve toothache

3. Peppermint

Along with clove oil, peppermint oil has crazy properties that will help relieve toothache. Peppermint is one of nature's most powerful and effective pain relievers.

The easiest way to use is to apply a packet of mint tea. Place the bag in the refrigerator or freezer (if you are not sensitive to cold, skip this step). Then apply the bag to the sore area for 20 minutes.

You will likely have to repeat the procedure quite often as the pain may return. Peppermint works because it contains menthol, which is known as a pain-relieving agent that desensitizes the painful area through the cold menthol receptor.

If you don't have it on hand mint tea, but there is mint essential oil, then just drop a few drops on a cotton pad and apply to the sore tooth. You can also rinse your mouth with a very strong infusion of mint. The problem, of course, will not disappear from this, but that evening you will cope with the pain.

4. Bourbon or whiskey

While the American Dental Association says there is no reason to use alcohol as a home remedy"to combat pain, yet in this case it is worth mentioning this remedy.

There is no scientific evidence of effectiveness, but a huge number of people have confirmed it over many centuries. While drinking alcohol internally will definitely not help relieve pain, applying it locally to the source of the pain will help calm it down. To be fair, in the fight against bacteria or infection this method ineffective.

If you decide to drink alcohol with a toothache in order to relieve pain, then keep in mind that although it can somewhat slow down the pain reactions of the central nervous system, you'll likely end up feeling even worse.

Soak a cotton pad in whiskey or bourbon, apply to the sore spot and hold for 10-15 minutes. You can also lightly massage the sore spot.

Pain reliever for toothache

5. Acupressure

Acupressure will help stop toothache by releasing endorphins, the hormones of happiness. But still, pregnant women are not recommended to use this remedy in the fight against toothache. There are a few different way Cope with dental pain using acupressure, including the following:

Apply pressure to the back of your ankle and hold for about a minute; Don't press too hard, use your fingertip.

Find the point of intersection of the big and index finger; press it with the thumb of your other hand, pressing with moderate force for about 10 minutes.

Grasp nail plate the second toe with the thumb and index finger of the corresponding hand; apply moderate pressure on the part of the nail that is farthest from thumb legs; hold for about 2 minutes or until the pain subsides.

6. Saline solution

Salt copes very well with viruses and bacteria, and therefore with toothache. In order to get rid of pain, add a small amount of salt (preferably sea salt) to warm water (the water should be warm so as not to further injure the nerves). Hold the solution in your mouth for about 30 seconds and spit it out. Repeat one more time.

How to relieve toothache at home

7. Onion

Onions have antiseptic and antimicrobial properties that help destroy bacteria in the mouth, causing the appearance pain. Place a piece of raw onion over the painful area. Even dentists recommend doing this. You can try sucking on the onion a little more, it certainly doesn't sound as pleasant, but if it works, then it's definitely worth a try, right?

Just cut a piece of onion that fits comfortably in your mouth. It is important that the cut is freshly cut, as it is needed onion juice. Hold it on the aching tooth for about five minutes, maybe longer.

8. Cucumber

Cucumber is known for its calming and hemostatic effect, which is why each of us has probably heard about it as an excellent remedy for combating circles under the eyes. When using cucumber to treat toothache, its hemostatic effects help reduce blood flow to the affected tooth, which ultimately reduces or relieves the pain.

Remove the cucumber from the refrigerator; it should not be cold, especially if you are sensitive to cold, otherwise it may only make the pain worse. Cut a circle and apply it to the sore spot. Among other things, you can grate a cucumber circle with a small amount sea ​​salt to enhance the effect.

For toothache at home

9. Wheat sprouts

Wheatgrass has natural antibacterial properties that fight tooth decay and relieve toothache. Also, the substances they contain are natural antibiotics that protect teeth and gums from infections.

For maximum effect, chew the sprouts directly against the affected tooth. The juice from the sprouts can be used as a mouth rinse, it will draw out toxins from the gums, reduce the growth of bacteria, and also keep the spread of infection under control until the issue is addressed by a specialist.

10. Hydrogen peroxide

Using hydrogen peroxide is one of the most common ways to solve problems with teeth and gums. Rinsing your mouth with a 3 percent hydrogen peroxide solution will help temporarily relieve pain, especially if your toothache is accompanied by a fever or/and bad taste in the mouth (these are signs of infection).

Hydrogen peroxide acts as a cleanser and is even more effective than a saline solution because it attacks bacteria rather than simply washing them away.

Rinse your mouth for 30 seconds and then rinse your mouth with water several times, making sure to spit it out. Repeat once or twice a day until you get to the dentist.

Remedy for toothache

11. Turmeric

Turmeric is the most wonderful spice, it seems like nothing is impossible for it. In addition to all of its many health benefits, it has long been used as a natural remedy for toothache.

It has strong antiseptic, analgesic and antibacterial properties that can stop pain. It is effective against tooth infections, gum infections, and painful abscesses.

Make a paste by mixing a teaspoon of turmeric with required amount of water. Apply the paste to a cotton pad and apply to the sore spot. The paste can also be mixed with half a teaspoon of organic honey, which will enhance the effect with its powerful antibacterial properties.

12. Thyme

It has been scientifically proven that thyme has one of the most powerful antimicrobial properties among all essential oils. Among other things, it has antifungal and antiseptic properties, which give him the ability to cope with toothache and gum pain. There are several ways to use thyme to relieve toothache.

Some people drink thyme tea to relieve toothache (in this case, hold the tea in your mouth for about 30 seconds before swallowing), but The best way using thyme in in this case- This is chewing leaves. It is important to chew on the side of your mouth that is opposite to the pain so that the affected tooth is not involved in the process. If the leaf gets on a sore tooth, it can aggravate the problem.

You want the juice that the leaf produces. The juice will help relieve pain and heal bleeding gums. Another option involves using thyme essential oil in combination with olive oil. You need to make a water solution with a few drops of each oil and rinse your mouth with it.

This will help soothe pain and fight infection. Thyme essential oil can also be applied to a cotton pad and applied to the affected area, but in this case it is important to remember that the amount of oil should be minimal, one drop will be enough.

Folk remedies for toothache

13. Salt water + oregano essential oil + colloidal silver

This very powerful combination of ingredients is considered one of the best for relieving toothache that is the result of an abscess or other type of infection.

You can start by taking a few drops of oregano essential oil under your tongue, holding it there for a few minutes, and then spitting it out. Now you need to rinse your mouth with warm water mixed with sea salt. Then rinse your mouth with colloidal silver, then rinse your mouth with plain water 3-4 times. Complete the procedure by rubbing oregano essential oil into your gums.

14. Ice

Few people know about this method, but in fact it is not necessary to rinse your mouth with various solutions to save yourself from toothache. Just try rubbing an ice cube between your index finger and thumb. This must be done for at least five minutes. During the friction process, impulses will travel along the same neural pathway same as toothache.

15. Tea tree oil

Apply a few drops of tea tree oil to a cotton pad and apply to the sore tooth. You need to hold it for a few minutes so that you forget about the pain in the next few hours.

There is no point in explaining what toothache is and how it manifests itself. There are few lucky people who have not experienced it and know about it only by hearsay. Pain in the dental area is very intense and unpleasant for a person. But no matter how intense it is, this is a signal that means you urgently need to visit the dentist.

Cure teeth natural means no one has succeeded yet. But it is not always possible to see a doctor as soon as possible, especially if painful symptoms are taken by surprise at night. , if it is not possible to go to the hospital immediately? Tolerance is not an option. In this case folk remedies can help reduce pain signals and gain time.

Causes of pain

The process can be caused by several reasons:

  • Thinned tooth enamel with cracks on the surface – most often manifested as sensitivity to cold or hot drinks.
  • Poorly or incorrectly treated tooth – discomfort will appear from a poor-quality filling or incompletely removed nerves.
  • Caries - on initial stage painful sensations do not appear, only anxiety is felt when acting on teeth damaged by the carious process. In advanced forms, caries will remind you of itself with pulsating signals at every meal.
  • Periodontitis – tissues surrounding the tooth root become inflamed when infected. The pain is throbbing, inflammation can develop into a cyst.
  • Pulpitis is characterized by inflammation in the pulp. The pain manifests itself sharply, often at night, often radiating to the ear.

If a tooth hurts, it means there are serious reasons; delay will only worsen the situation. Subsequently, the duration of treatment and the cost will probably surprise you. You should not let the situation reach a critical state.

How to soothe a toothache at home quickly without pills: 15 recipes

Acute pain symptoms Only painkillers will relieve it. But they have many contraindications. If the pain is tolerable, use folk remedies. Use a few convenient options to help alleviate unpleasant signals.

First aid consists of several successive stages:

  • Brush your teeth thoroughly with mint paste. Do not use whitening agent, as it significantly affects the sensitivity of tooth enamel.
  • Carefully clean the interdental spaces with floss without damaging the gums.
  • Rinse your mouth with a warm solution of soda, sea or regular salt. You can use green tea, medicinal herbs or plain warm water.
  • Take a pain reliever (if there are no contraindications).
  • Use people's councils, recipes.

1. Take painkillers, such as analgin, aspirin. But before taking it, read the instructions and determine if you have any contraindications to the use of this drug.

2. Apply ice to your cheek where it hurts. Instead of ice, you can use any frozen food. Do not place it on the enamel surface! It's risky painful sensations direct contact of nerves with cold will intensify.

3. Rinsing with a soda solution partially removes inflammation in the gums (1 dessert spoon per glass of warm water).

4. When crying, especially intensely, the pressure in the gums and painful manifestations will gradually retreat.

5. Use a warm sea salt solution. You can use regular rock salt. To enhance the disinfecting properties of the solution, add a couple of drops of iodine.

6. If there is lard in the refrigerator, feel free to use it, after warming it up to room temperature. A cold piece cannot be used.

7. Prepare calendula tincture. You will need 5 ml. tinctures for 1 glass with warm water. This procedure will relieve pain, reduce gum inflammation, bleeding, and swelling.

8. Fresh Juice plantain disinfects well and is great for rinsing. 1 tbsp. put a spoonful of raw materials in 200 ml. boiling water, let it brew for 20 minutes.

9. Makes it easier unpleasant feelings unrefined vegetable oil. One dessert spoon is enough, after 10 minutes, spit out the oil.

10. Propolis is effective. A small part needs to be placed on the sore surface for 20 minutes.

eleven. ? Brew green tea or a set medicinal herbs. Drink as often as possible. Warm Herb tea will relieve irritation of the dental nerve.

12. Natural antibiotic considered to be beets, apply a small fresh piece to the pulsating gum.

13. Sage decoction helps a lot. 20 gr. sage must be poured with a glass of boiling water and be sure to bring to a boil. When the broth has cooled, take a small amount into your mouth and hold long time, then spit. This procedure must be repeated for 30 minutes.

14. Cloves can get rid of bacteria, which are often the culprits. painful symptoms. The spice is placed on the gum.

15. Garlic and onions have an antibacterial effect. One of the ingredients needs to be mixed with salt and put the mixture on the sore tooth. This method is suitable for spicy lovers.

But remember, if the syndrome subsides, the problem is not solved. Do not cancel your appointment with the dentist because painful sensations can return at any time with even greater strength and inflammation.

What is dangerous to do

Do not warm up aching tooth using warm compresses and hot salt. Such actions will provoke a sharp flow of blood to the oral cavity. Subsequently, the pain and inflammation will intensify. Replace the warming process with ice.

Infusions for rinsing should be warm. Never use cold or hot ones.

You can't lie down all the time. IN horizontal position blood flow to the jaw area increases. Formed high pressure in the gums, which leads to excessive irritation nerve fibers.

It is prohibited to use unknown medicines, tablets, drugs.

Prevention for a beautiful and healthy smile

For preventive care, visit your dentist at least once a year. He will be able to early stage identify disorders and diseases, advise on hygiene rules.

Add the right products into the diet. They cleanse enamel and are sources of essential vitamins:

  • green salad;
  • cowberry;
  • sorrel;
  • currant;
  • carrot;
  • apples;
  • Birch juice;
  • citrus.

Since childhood, we have been taught to brush our teeth at least twice a day, morning and evening for 3-5 minutes. But few people know how to properly conduct such an event. Brush movements should be vertical from the root to the top. When brushing horizontally, plaque will get deeper into the interdental crevices.

Train yourself to floss. It will help to efficiently deal with plaque that has found its way into hard-to-reach places.

Dentists often side with floss rather than toothpicks. The thread copes with the task more delicately and efficiently. But you need to use it with caution so as not to damage the gums. Toothpicks are only necessary in cases where pieces of food become clogged.

Brushes and threads are good. But you can’t use these methods at work after lunch. In such cases, mouthwash will help. Helps remove food debris, reduces bacteria, freshens breath.

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Everyone knows how a tooth hurts: from adults to children. Dull, aching, sharp, shooting, sharp - in any case, these are very unpleasant sensations.

Pain signals inflammatory process, so the first thing to do is consult a doctor. But what to do if your tooth hurts at night or on the weekend? There is no strength to endure, and every minute seems like an eternity. How to stop these tests?

We will tell you how to relieve toothache at home using pharmaceutical drugs and without pills.

You will need:

What to do if you have severe toothache

Sometimes the most simple steps significantly reduce pain:

  • Brush your teeth with a cooling toothpaste and rinse your mouth well to remove any remaining food. If a piece of food gets stuck in the hole, carefully remove it with a toothpick or dental floss.
  • Prepare a soda solution: a teaspoon of soda and salt per glass of water at room temperature. Rinse your mouth, holding the solution on the problem area - it will relieve pain and inflammation due to caries.
  • A peroxide solution also helps relieve pain. To do this, pour 1 teaspoon of the product into 200 ml of warm water (not vice versa!). Rinse the tooth for about 10 minutes.
  • Hold a sip of cold water or a piece of ice on your tooth - it will freeze it for a while. But there is no need to wrap and warm your cheek - the pain will only intensify.
  • Massage your hand with ice in the cavity between the index and thumb for 5 minutes - this technique surprisingly helps quite often. In this case, the hand should be on the opposite side of the tooth. That is, on the right, if the left side of the jaw hurts, and vice versa. The movements are smooth and circular.
  • There are many on the ears nerve endings, among them are those that relieve toothache. Massage the upper edge of the sink for 5-7 minutes, and then smoothly move to the lobe.
  • Take a break - watch a comedy or thriller that will make you forget about the pain. And if you cry during melodrama, you will be able to reduce blood pressure in the gum and the pain will be felt less.

Some cities have 24-hour dental clinics. If an unbearable toothache bothers you at night and you don’t know where to go, call an ambulance - they will tell you the address of the clinic.

Frequently asked questions and answers

    Toothache is soothed by cold or hot water?

    Only cold water or ice helps with toothache.

    How to soothe an ear tooth?

    When toothache radiates to the ear area, but the ears are fine, you can use cold compresses (especially after tooth extraction). Cold soothes pain.

    If the pain started at home, then before visiting the dentist you can drink a painkiller, rinse your teeth with a soda solution, chronic otitis media Place the drops you usually use in your ears.


In your home medicine cabinet There will probably be some kind of painkiller. However, do not forget that the drug will ease your suffering, but will not eliminate the problem.

The choice of product is individual. What helps one person may not help another. Before use, read the instructions, in particular, contraindications and possible side effects. You cannot take medications on an empty stomach.

The most effective means for toothache:

    Nurofen, Ibuprofen, Ibufen, Ibuprom, Nimesil, Nise, No-Shpa

    These tablets can soothe the tooth for 4-8 hours. Suitable for nursing and pregnant women.


    At the same time, moderate pain will relieve inflammation and high temperature. Also suitable for children and pregnant women.

    Ketanov, Ketorol, Ketorolac

    Even very severe pain is relieved. The effect of the product begins within the first hour after administration and lasts for 8 hours. Toxic, therefore recommended in the most extreme cases.


    Guarantees quick release for toothache, suitable for all ages. However, if taken frequently, it has a bad effect on the heart.

    Tempalgin, Spazmalgon

    Will take off moderate pain syndrome. The contraindications are the same as for Analgin.


    Helps relieve mild pain after 20-30 minutes. Recommended when a tooth needs to be removed.

    Validol, Valocordin, Corvalol, Valerian

    Apply a tablet or cotton wool with the product to the painful area. This will cool the gums and the pain will subside.

Painkillers must be taken orally. You can’t apply it to a sick tooth - it won’t speed up the process, but will only increase the pain. The dental nerve will react to the acidity of the tablet.

Frequently asked questions and answers

    Nighttime sedative for toothache?

    While there are still a couple of hours left until the morning, you can relieve the pain with Paracetamol (if not in pure form, then as part of other medications as the main active ingredient). Prostaglandins are responsible for the sensation of pain in the body. They send a signal to the brain when something goes wrong. Paracetamol successfully combats these substances. Inflammation in the tooth progresses further, but the brain does not know about it, which means the process is painless.

    What remedy can be used to numb a tooth?

    Apply fresh or dry cloves to painful tooth, bite gently and hold for 30 minutes. If the pain allows, then chew it. Cloves contain analgesic substances that will cause a numbing sensation. You can also apply clove oil for 3 minutes, but do not get it on your tongue or gums.
    To temporarily numb the tooth, take 20-30 ml of vodka in your mouth and hold it on the affected area. The alcohol will be absorbed into the gums and begin to act on the nerve. As a result, you will feel a slight numbness.
    A crushed toothache tablet can be placed on the area of ​​the painful tooth to numb the dental nerve. Aspirin should not be used. Lidocaine can be used in the form of an aerosol or gel.

    How do dentists freeze teeth?

    Freezing is not medical term, this is what people call anesthesia/numbing a tooth. Used in dentistry for pain relief liquid products, which are injected into soft fabrics, surrounding a particular tooth. The mechanism is based on a significant decrease in the conductivity and excitability of the nerves through which the pain impulse passes. The patient feels absolutely calm and does not feel pain when a nerve is removed or a tooth is drilled.

    What kind of freezing for toothache is possible at home?

    If missing special drugs To freeze, simply apply an ice cube to the sore tooth. This will give a temporary effect. New method pain relief at home was proposed by scientists from Canada. They conducted a study and claim that toothache can be reduced by rubbing an ice cube into the area of ​​​​the skin between the large and index fingers. In 50% of the patients tested, pain decreased. The procedure is carried out for +- 7 minutes on the same side of the body where the diseased tooth is located, until the skin in this area becomes numb.

Iodine, salt, water

You will need:

  • Water 200 g
  • Iodine 5-6 drops.
  • Salt 1 tsp.

Dissolve 5-6 drops of iodine in digested water. Add 1 teaspoon salt. Stir until completely dissolved. Rinse your mouth with this solution.


Using a garlic press, squeeze out 3-4 cloves of garlic. It is advisable to use garlic that is hot and juicy. Apply the paste to the sore tooth. If the hole where the decay has started to form is easily accessible, place more pulp into it.

The feeling will not be pleasant. The garlic will burn the tooth, it will go numb and the pain will stop. Be patient for 2-3 minutes.
Repeat the procedure if necessary.

Siberians treat themselves with garlic a little differently. If a tooth hurts on the left, apply the paste or plate to the pulse right hand and wrap it with a bandage. You cannot hold it for more than 10 minutes - you can get a skin burn.

Garlic paste

A severe toothache will go away after you brush your teeth with a mixture of crushed garlic, salt and soda.

After this, rinse your mouth with warm milk.


This vegetable has an antibacterial effect.

Grate the onion or chop with a blender. Soak a cotton swab with juice and apply to the sore tooth.

It is also famous for its medicinal properties. onion peel. Brew a handful in boiling water, and when the infusion has cooled, strain. Place the product in your mouth and hold it for 15-20 minutes. Then spit it out and repeat the procedure.


You will need:

  • Black radish 1 pc.
  • Water 200 g

Peel one black radish. Grate it. Place in an enamel bowl. Add a glass of water and bring to a boil.

After 5 minutes, remove from heat. Let the broth cool. We filter.

Rinse your mouth with the resulting juice. This relieves inflammation and toothache.


Fill half the jar with grated horseradish root, and then fill it to the top with water. Cover with a plastic lid and let sit for three days.

Rinse your tooth every time it starts to hurt.

The product must be stored in the refrigerator.


Juice fresh plant used as a compress, applying the pulp to the tooth, or to rub the gums.

Repeat at least thrice daily.

Decoctions of medicinal herbs

The following have an analgesic effect: sage, chamomile, calendula, coltsfoot, oregano.

  • Herb 1 tbsp.
  • Water 250 ml

Brew 1 tablespoon of any herb with boiling water, heat in a water bath for 10 minutes, and then leave for another 20 minutes to infuse.

Rinse the tooth with warm broth for 15 minutes.

For greater effect, take a sip into your mouth and hold for as long as possible. The procedure can be carried out 4-5 times a day.


Pour a tablespoon of dry leaves into 1 tbsp. boiling water and leave for 30 minutes.

Add a little salt and rinse if your teeth hurt.

In summer you can apply it to the tooth fresh plantain, after rinsing it under water.

Plantain root also fights toothache. Place a piece in your ear from the side of the tooth - after half an hour you will feel better.

Aspen bark

  • Aspen bark 2 tbsp.
  • Boiling water 1 tbsp.

Grind the bark. Pour two tablespoons of boiling water, cover with a lid and place on water bath for 5 minutes. After this, the broth needs to stand for another 15 minutes.

While warm, strain and rinse your mouth when severe pain.

For the future, you can prepare a tincture of aspen bark. Fill it with vodka in a ratio of 1 to 10 and place it in dark place for 2 weeks, shaking every day. Strain.

When an acute toothache occurs, soak a cotton swab in the tincture and place it in a hollow or on the gum.

Alcohol tinctures of willow bark, peony roots, lily, calamus, violet are also used for diseases oral cavity and can quickly relieve toothache.


You can rinse your mouth with strong alcohol-containing unsweetened drinks.

No need to swallow. Some of the alcohol will be absorbed into the gum tissue and it will become numb. The toothache will decrease or go away altogether.

You can wipe your gums with an alcohol solution.

Essential oil

If your tooth hurts and there are no pills, they will bring salvation essential oils mint, cloves, lavender, sage, basil, fir, pine, tea tree, rosemary.

Eucalyptus, cypress, orange and geranium are good for gum inflammation.

Soak a cotton swab in one oil or a mixture of both and apply to the sore spot.


Apply a piece of fresh unsalted lard to the tooth on the cheek side.

Hold until the pain subsides, but not less than 15 minutes.


Place several buds of the spice in your mouth near the sore spot. Chew them lightly and suck until soft, retaining saliva.

If use ground cloves, a pinch of powder should be kept between the gum and cheek.

The released essential oils help to numb the tissues and pain is not felt.

Propolis and calamus

  • Propolis 20 g
  • Calamus root 0.5 tbsp.
  • Vodka 1 l

A piece of propolis the size of a large nut is infused in 0.5 liters of vodka for three weeks.

The same should be done with a glass of dry calamus roots.

In the morning and evening, rinse your mouth first with a tablespoon of calamus, then with a teaspoon of propolis. After a month, the cracks will heal and the tooth will no longer bother you.


The popular balm perfectly cools and soothes an aching tooth.

Apply “Star” to the outer part of your cheek near the sore area, and gradually the pain will go away.


A kind of compress is made with an ordinary attracting magnet.

Place the magnet on your cheek above the sore tooth and hold it there for about 30 minutes.

Instead of a magnet, you can use an ebonite plate.

How to quickly soothe toothache in a child at home

It is imperative to reduce pain. To do this, you can use antipyretic drugs, which should be in your home medicine cabinet (for example, Nurofen syrup or Panadol).

It is better to give proven medications that the baby has taken before.

After this, do not delay your visit to the dentist, who will fix the problem.

The painkiller does not treat the tooth, but only eliminates one of the symptoms.

Frequently asked questions and answers

    What to put on a child’s tooth to relieve pain at home?

    Apply a cotton swab dipped in dental drops, such as Dent, or peppermint oil to the sore tooth.
    Place a leaf of horse sorrel or valerian behind your cheek near the sore tooth.
    Let your child rinse his mouth with sage tincture (a tablespoon of dry leaves is thrown into a glass of boiling water), and thoroughly rinse the area near the damaged tooth.

    A four-year-old boy has a toothache, what can I do to calm him down?

    You should limit your baby's food intake so that hot, cold, sweet or salty foods do not affect the damaged tooth. It is recommended that the child rinse his mouth with a warm solution of soda, a decoction of chamomile, sage or oak bark- these plants relieve inflammation.

    My child has a toothache because of sweets, how can I calm him down?

    You can relieve pain after eating sweets in the same way as regular tooth pain.

Frequently asked questions and answers

    There is a rotten hollow in the tooth, how to soothe the pain at home?

    Place a cotton wool moistened with a 20% carbolic acid solution on the tooth, which will quickly relieve pain. You just need to close the cotton wool immediately, sealing the hollows with at least wax so that the carbolic acid does not get on healthy teeth and did not destroy them. After two days, take out the cotton wool with carbolic acid and if the pain has passed, fill the hollows with clean cotton wool. But a visit to the doctor is still necessary.

    There is a hole in the tooth, how to relieve the pain?

    A paste of onion, salt and garlic also helps with pain. To do this, you need to mix the ingredients in equal quantities, grind them to a homogeneous paste, and then put this medicine on the sore tooth, if there is a hole, then directly into it, and close the cavity on top with a cotton swab.

    How to cure toothache at home?

    - “Zarya-lightning, red maiden, midnight, in the field there is a hare, in the sea there is a stone, at the bottom there is a limar. Cover my sorrowful teeth, lightning, with your veil from the damned limar; behind your cover my teeth will survive. Enemy Limar, get away from me; and if you gnaw my white teeth, I will hide you in the abyss of the underworld. My word is strong!”
    - “You are a month, a month, your silver horns, your golden legs. Come down, month, take away my dental grief, take the pain under the clouds. My sorrow is neither small nor heavy, but your strength is mighty. I can’t bear the sorrow, but your strength can. Here's a tooth, here's two, here's three - all yours; take my sorrow. Month, month, hide dental grief from me.”
    - “Mother Nettle, holy tree! I have a servant of God (name), he has worms on his teeth, and you take them out; and if you don’t get me out, I’ll dry you up; and if you take me out, then I will let you go on the third day.”
    After reading the plot, you need to go outside, find a nettle growing freely, bend it to the ground and tie it. And on the third day, untie it.
    - “Cain! Cain! Cain! Tell your brother Abel to ask if his teeth hurt? No. So it would be with the servant of God (name), no. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen, amen, amen."
    - They take three strawberry roots, lower them into water and say three times: “As this strawberry dries up and withers, so will the servant of God (name)’s teeth become silent and numb to this day and to this hour.” Then the roots are placed on the sore tooth and the water is drunk.

    How to calm the dental nerve at home?

    Hydrogen peroxide is diluted in proportions 1:2 with water. The product disinfects well and relieves inflammation.
    - If the pain is very severe, you can soak a piece of cotton wool with iodine and apply it to the painful area.
    After using any of the above remedies, it is recommended not to eat or drink liquids for 1 hour. Also, smokers are not recommended to smoke at this time, as cigarette smoke irritates the inflamed area.

    How to quickly soothe a filled tooth?

    To relieve pain in a filled tooth, it is necessary to determine the cause of its occurrence. If pain appears immediately after the filling is installed, then you should take a painkiller, but do not overuse it. If the pain is caused by improper placement of the filling, then the old filling is removed and a new one is placed. If the tooth was not completely cured before installing the filling, then the filling is opened, it is treated and filled again. Pain may be caused by an allergy to the material from which the filling is made. In this case, the filling is removed and replaced with a new one made of different materials.

    How to relieve acute toothache with swelling?

    You need to rinse your mouth immediately saline solution and immediately go to the dentist to avoid infection.

    How to relieve acute toothache in the army?

    1) Massage the point above the painful tooth with your finger, and perhaps the pain will subside.
    2) Carefully rub the points located along the edge of the nail bed thumbs hands Points responsible for teeth located with right side, look on your left finger. And vice versa.
    3) Press one by one on all points on your fingers and by their sensitivity you will determine which tooth needs help. Having found the right point, massage it vigorously and the pain will go away.

    How to stop temporary dental nerve pain?

    Rinse your mouth well with warm water. If the intensity of the toothache allows, then brush your teeth thoroughly. After all, pain can be caused by food debris getting into the carious cavity and their removal will bring relief. Solid food debris can be carefully removed from the carious cavity with a toothpick or a sharpened wooden stick.

    How to relieve pain after a frozen tooth?

    The pain should subside on its own after some time, but if this does not happen, then only pharmaceutical painkillers will help.

    How to soothe toothache with tobacco?

    Tobacco should be applied to the sore tooth, chewing a little.

    Can Lemon Juice Soothe A Toothache?

    Lemon acts as an antiseptic, astringent and anti-inflammatory agent, which heals the oral cavity, preventing the development of various types infections.
    You need to squeeze the juice out of a lemon and apply it to the sore tooth. You can also mix lemon juice with a little salt and use this mixture to rinse.

    Will a baking soda solution help calm the dental nerve?

    Certainly! Soda solution used primarily to relieve pain. If the pain does not subside, then immediately contact your dentist.

    What solution relieves toothache?

    Saline, soda-saline solution, solution with salt, soda and iodine will help with toothache.

    Can ammonia relieve toothache?

    Dissolve 1 teaspoon table salt in a glass of warm water, rinse your mouth every 30 minutes. Add to the prepared solution ammonia 10-15 drops, rinse your mouth vigorously, moisten a cotton ball and apply to the sore tooth.

    How to remove toothache pain?

    Propolis (bee glue), a piece of which should be placed on a tooth stump, helps relieve toothache. Biologically active substances bee glue, have analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects.

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