Warming ointments for the back: types, home recipes. A detailed review of ointments for back and lower back pain

According to statistics, back pain affects every fifth person. Nowadays, diseases of the musculoskeletal system (MSD) have become significantly “younger” and now even middle-aged people often experience discomfort in the lower back. This associated with sedentary life(office work, long-term driving), uneven physical activity, poor nutrition and poor environmental conditions. Often, diseases of the musculoskeletal system worsen during the cold season, due to hypothermia.

Back pain can be caused various diseases, such as: osteochondrosis, lumbago (lumbago), hernia intervertebral disc, scoliosis (curvature of the spine), myalgia and muscle spasms. In addition, back pain occurs due to problems in genitourinary area, with kidney pathology and due to injuries.

Used to treat back pain various methods- physiotherapy, reflexology (acupuncture), physiotherapy and massage, balneotherapy, manual manipulation and medications.

Among the medications used to relieve and treat back pain, one of the main places is occupied by products for external use - gels, ointments, creams, balms. They can be used both separately and in complex therapy. Let us give a classification and short review the most popular and effective of them.

Ointments for back pain

1. Preparations for external use containing NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), other anti-inflammatory substances and/or analgesics.

Fastum Gel (Berlin-Chemie Ave., Menarini Group) contains the NSAID ketoprofen and a number of auxiliary ingredients that enhance the effect of the active substance (menthol, neroli oil, lavender oil). Currently, it is one of the most popular and widely known drugs to relieve back pain associated with hypothermia, with aching unpleasant sensations in the lower back during menstruation, with renal colic, as well as to relieve post-traumatic and postoperative pain. It is also used in the complex treatment of lumbago (lumbago), lumbosacral radiculitis and osteochondrosis with radicular syndrome.

Domestic analogue of the drug Fastum Gel - Bystrum gel has similar composition and mechanism of action. To this group medicines Other ketoprofen-containing medications can also be included - Ketonal, Finalgel, Febrofid.

Besides wide application find drugs containing nimesulide(Nise gel), diclofenac(Voltaren, Diclovit), idomethacin And ibuprofen(Nurofen, Dolgit).

More information about NSAIDs

Meta-study reviews
  • Main characteristics and results of comparative, randomized clinical trials assessing the effectiveness and safety of NSAIDs in patients with chronic back pain
  • Safety of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) in the pharmacotherapy of chronic back pain

Back ointments in online pharmacies


Selected studies from the news feed
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs and the risk of side effects
Articles on the topic
  • Anti-inflammatory diet if you have a cold back (myositis)
  • Back gels. Fastum-gel, Dolobene-gel, Dikul balm

2.Combined drugs.

These include Dolobene gel (pr. Ratiopharm), which not only has an analgesic effect, but also relieves inflammation, improves tissue regeneration, and has a resorption and thrombolytic effect. Dolobene gel contains three active ingredients: heparin, dexpanthenol and dimethyl sulfoxide. The range of applications for Dolobene is unusually wide. Thus, the drug can be used for back pain associated with injuries, especially accompanied by swelling and hematomas. Dolobene is also indicated for glenohumeral periarthritis.

3. Drugs that have a local irritant and analgesic effect.

Finalgon ointment (pr. Boehringer Ingelheim) contains two active ingredients - nonivamide and nicoboxil. Acting together, these substances cause vasodilation, increase blood flow to the site of inflammation, improve metabolism and tissue nutrition, and have an analgesic effect. The use of Finalgon is indicated for back pain resulting from heavy physical exertion, injuries, as well as for lumbago and myalgia associated with hypothermia.

Drugs in this group also include Nicoflex ointment, Analgos cream, Capsicam ointment, Apizartron ointment.

4. Chondroprotectors that have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Chondroxide ointment (Nizhpharm Ave.) is one of the most famous representatives of this group of products. The drug contains two active components - chondroitin sulfate and dimethyl sulfoxide. Chondroitin sulfate promotes the restoration of cartilage tissue and slows down the course of degenerative processes in osteochondrosis. The main indication for the use of Chondroxide ointment is osteochondrosis.

Chondroitin sulfate also contains Arthrocin cream.

Doctors note that the most common reasons for seeking help (after headaches) are pain in the joints, spine, muscles associated with various diseases, injuries, sprains, etc.

As a rule, home first aid kits always contain one of the warming substances in the form of ointments and rubs. And this is understandable, because their range of applications is quite wide. Let's talk about warming ointments for the back, joints, neck, namely: which ones to choose, how to use them correctly and about some other features of their use.

Warming medications help restore the function of joints and ligaments faster and better in case of sprains, bruises, and dislocations. With age, they are necessary for people suffering rheumatic diseases joints (arthrosis, arthritis), myalgia, neuralgia, neuritis, radiculitis, sciatica, etc. They are widely used in case of hypothermia and the need to warm up any part of the body (lower back, neck, intercostal spaces, etc.). However, before choosing a warming ointment, you should definitely consult a specialist doctor. Also, be careful yourself - study the instructions for use of the product, paying attention to contraindications.

Special tips for using warming ointments

If you have been prescribed one of the ointments such as “Viprosal”, “Tiger”, “Efkamon”, “”, “Vascularin”, “Vipratox”, “Virapin”, “Apizatron”, then you first need to test it for sensitivity skin. Squeeze out 0.5 cm of ointment and apply to the skin, after a few hours pay attention to the reaction. If the drug is easily tolerated and not allergic manifestations in the form of a rash, redness and swelling, you can use it on sore spots, applying about a teaspoon this tool. When you feel warmth, rub the ointment. If the rubbing area is too painful and sensitive, you can rub a little higher or lower.

For the first time, it is recommended to apply the ointment before going to bed at night. The next day, if the effect of the medicine was tolerated safely, use it three times a day in the same dosage. In the following days, you can apply the product twice (morning and evening), but a slightly larger amount.

After rubbing with warming ointments, the sore spots should be wrapped in something warm, such as woolen fabric. If the burning sensation is too strong, moisten the already lubricated area of ​​skin with Vaseline.

Particular care should be taken when using potent ointments such as “Finalgon”, “Dolpik”, “Slonts”, “Capsicam”. To determine skin sensitivity, these compounds should be applied in a minimal amount (about the size of a grain of rice). After a successful result, the amount of ointment can be increased two to three times (more is not necessary).

When using “Finalgon” and “Dolpik”, take into account the fact that they form a coating on the skin that interferes with the effectiveness of the effect upon repeated application. Therefore, before using the ointment again, it is better to wash off the previous layer. hot water.

Warming ointments should not touch the mucous membranes. Therefore, after rubbing, it is recommended to wash your hands in warm water with soap.

What is the power of warming ointments?

The effectiveness of warming ointments depends on the active substances they contain. For example, the extract gives a stronger warming effect red pepper, as well as snake and bee venoms (increase capillary permeability). Ointments based on methyl salicylate are heated more slowly.

During the inflammatory process, an accumulation of decay products occurs in nearby tissues. To speed up the process of removing these substances, warming ointments with local irritating effect.

These ointments promote blood flow to the sore spot and increase heat transfer. Thanks to this, the affected areas are better supplied with oxygen, and toxins are quickly eliminated, causing pain. So, Finalgon ointment will quickly relieve pain (however, it cannot cure the disease).

Common ointments “Atracin”, “Apizatron”, “Mellivenon”, “Virapin” and “Atrevin” contain bee venom, and “Viprotox” and “Viprosal” contain snake venom. They not only effectively relieve pain, but also, penetrating deeply, promote the restoration of cells in the affected tissue.

By the way, it is important to know that in the first days after injuries, warming ointment cannot be applied (cooling is required immediately, not warming). So it will only help in the subsequent rehabilitation period.

For arthrosis knee joint(if there is no synovitis) in order to improve blood circulation, it is also recommended to use some kind of warming ointment. This could be Espol, Gevkamen, Menovazin, etc. They cause a feeling of warmth and calm, rarely causing side effects.

Doctors recommend using the warming properties of ointments to prevent various injuries. Such ointments are necessary for heavy physical activity on the musculoskeletal system, for example, for athletes working out in gyms or competing in competitions. People who are interested in sports are familiar with severe pain after training. Therefore, with for preventive purposes they resort to massage rubbing of active muscles using warming ointments.

For example, warming drugs such as “Apizatron”, “Finalgon”, “Capsicam”, “Zostrix”, “Viprosal” help to warm the muscles well and relieve spasms.

However, remember that you should not get carried away with ointments that contain non-steroidal anti-inflammatory substances (ibuprofen, methyl salicylate, etc.)

General contraindications

If you have back problems, do not use ointments if there are abrasions or wounds on the sore spot. They are also contraindicated for pregnant women and people with oncological diseases, fibroids, exacerbations of pyelonephritis.

For joint diseases during exacerbation, warming ointments should also not be used. They do not apply to initial stage after injuries of the musculoskeletal system.

It is not recommended to use them for people who are particularly sensitive to allergens. essential oils and other components of medicinal formulations.

Pain is the main signal that the body gives when problems occur. Nerve endings instantly receive the signal and transmit it to the brain. There are organs whose disorders are invisible until critical changes occur. This is due to the fact that the human body can be classified as a unique mechanism. Nature has determined that organs can for a long time independently try to maintain the integrity of life systems, activating protective and restorative functions. Therefore, when a person first experiences lower back pain, it can quickly disappear. More often, pain appears after a hard day, under heavy loads. However, there is no particular reason to worry if the pain goes away in the morning or in the near future.

But most often, periodic pain becomes constant over time.

There are many reasons for this condition:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • spondylosis;
  • protrusion;
  • hernias and tumors;
  • joint diseases;
  • structural changes.

The peculiarity of pain in the spine is that it is impossible to name a definitive drug or cream for pain that can help relieve the syndrome. The body is individual, and the spine is generally poorly responsive to medication. That is why treating pain with various ointments is more effective, since they act locally. Pain relief ointment is directly absorbed into the pores of the skin, allowing the components to penetrate deeper. The list of such remedies is large and extensive; you should not use them without the recommendations of a treating specialist.

Some gels have a warming effect, which may be contraindicated. Herbs such as celandine are often found in creams and gels. But many people don’t think that grass is essentially a powerful poison, and even with local application capable of causing Negative consequences. That is why ointments for back pain are prescribed individually, taking into account both the characteristics of the body and the course of the underlying disease.

Medicines can be divided according to their effect. Each group has its own targeted result:

  • warming;
  • local irritant;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • with an analgesic effect;
  • homeopathy;
  • massage;
  • complex.

The cervical region is extremely sensitive; in this area there are the main vessels that provide nutrition to the brain and spinal cord. The use of ointments for pain is aimed at reducing pain and restoring blood circulation. However, it is necessary to understand that any drugs and ointments to relieve back pain will only eliminate the symptoms. You need to understand: such symptoms are not even signs, but act as indicators of an emerging disorder. Sometimes eliminating the root cause is simple, especially if there are no chronic diseases. But in other cases, ointments for back pain can mask the clarity clinical picture.

The spine has a positive attitude towards warming; any cold is contraindicated for it. Therefore, ointments for back pain often have a warming effect. This allows you to enhance the effect of ointments and accelerate regeneration processes. To relieve pain, Capsicam is often prescribed with a triple effect: warming, regeneration and pain relief. The substances included in the ointment reduce swelling by reducing inflammation. Penetrating deep into the skin, enzymes accelerate the healing process and at the same time reduce the severity of the consequences. The effect begins half an hour after use. Capsicum refers to universal means, which are capable of acting on the entire musculoskeletal system. Can be used as an ointment for muscle pain.

Capsicum is well absorbed, has a slight odor, and has medium fat content. The frequency of use usually does not exceed 3 times a day. A single effect lasts up to 5-6 hours, almost completely relieving the patient of pain. However, when choosing any gels, it is necessary to take into account that everyone’s pain threshold and sensitivity are individual. This may affect the duration of the therapeutic and analgesic effect. So, in one patient the pain disappears immediately and for a long time, while in others the effectiveness of Capsicam may be insignificant. Therefore, you need to select your drug, which has the maximum effect.

Sometimes Capsicum is replaced with Apizartron, an ointment from a German manufacturer. The composition is based on bee venom, which helps eliminate inflammatory processes. Apizartron accelerates metabolic processes, helping damage to recover faster. Considering the feature bee venom, before use, be sure to check your body for allergens from bee product. The drug affects the elasticity and tone of the muscle layer. Its effect affects not only musculoskeletal systems, but also joint tissues. The composition activates hidden reserves necessary to start regeneration.

Nicoflex has a strong warming effect, which allows you to restore the natural muscle tone. It affects nerve endings directly, which accelerates the result of anesthesia. However, in terms of duration, Nikoflex is inferior to its classmates. Pain relief occurs quickly, but lasts a little over an hour. The ointment can be alternated with Fastum gel. Fastum is produced in an almost transparent form and is not greasy. It is most often used on the back in places where the skin is more vulnerable and thin. The gel is absorbed reactively, the skin becomes dry, no stains remain.

It is preferable to use Fastum not against back pain, but for pain in the cervical spine. Because the skin in this area is the most susceptible. An analogue in action and use is Finalgel. A soft, non-greasy gel improves blood microcirculation, thereby providing nutrition to adjacent tissues. Finalgel is well suited for relieving minor problems in any part of the spine. It reduces spasms of muscle tissue and reduces inflammation.

Finalgon gives good results when treated in lumbar region. However, it must be taken into account that Finalgon is pronounced when used and can injure the skin. The ointment is intended for careful use. It has a powerful warming effect and can cause sweating. Finalgon components penetrate deep into the skin. For the treatment of the lumbosacral region, this is extremely important, since the skin in this region is dense and less sensitive. Finalgon is applied strictly in small portions and rubbed with a special spatula, since the body is given to the back great attention. If when using other medications, exceeding the volume is not dangerous, then in this case even a small increase in the dosage of the ointment can cause unpleasant consequences.

Finalgon has a wide range of action:

  • restores mobility of both bones and joints;
  • reduces inflammatory processes;
  • decline pain;
  • reducing tension in muscle tissue.

The cause of pain is often a pinched nerve fiber, so ointment for the back and pain relief becomes necessary. This happens by various reasons, but if help is not provided on time, inflammation begins in the adjacent tissues. The nerve endings themselves suffer from strong compression and provoke serious problems. And the longer the compression of the root lasts, the more severe consequences. The area of ​​inflammation increases, and sometimes the process also involves internal organs. Therefore, medications with anti-inflammatory properties are prescribed for back pain. The most commonly used drugs are non-steroidal drugs. So, Diclofenac or Ketoprofen can help with pain.

Dikul balm has been developed for several years. Valentin Dikul has been studying the Tibetan principles of treatment for many years, selecting herbal components, paying full attention to the back in restoring functions. The basis of treatment in Tibet is unique, the monks have proven repeatedly that acting locally on the source of pain does not give desired result. Therefore, Dikul carefully studied each component before adding it to the balm. The balm was supposed to do more than just relieve muscle tension. Its task is deeper: to save the body from the consequences of osteochondrosis.

Back ointments are designed to repair damage skeletal system and joint tissue. It has been proven that the occurrence of joint diseases has a dramatic impact on the course of osteochondrosis.

That is why the pain balm includes a combination of certain herbs and substances:

  • St. John's wort;
  • chamomile;
  • celandine;
  • eucalyptus;
  • rose hip;
  • aloe juice;
  • cinquefoil

Silver ions and various oils. Each component is designed not only to heal with its properties, but to enhance the effects of others. Thus, the combination of chamomile with propolis and sea buckthorn oil already gives good results. Even if you prepare this combination yourself and use it separately. Propolis protects the body from recurrence of secondary infection, sea buckthorn stimulates regeneration, chamomile kills inflammatory processes.

Extract medical leech allows you to display extra salt, protecting the body from deposits. But since the extract removes salt deposits, it softens bone formations. The only condition is the duration of use of the ointment. It just seems like the process is simple. In reality, reversing such changes in the spine is extremely difficult. Therefore, even a small decrease and improvement can be considered a victory.

The balm is used like a regular cream: applied to the skin and rubbed. In general, the composition usually does not cause side effects. They are extremely rare allergic rashes of a local nature. However, the composition includes the herb celandine, which can provoke intolerance. Individual intolerance cannot be ruled out either. Therefore, it is forbidden to use the drug without the consent of your specialist.

Since pain is most often caused by disorders of the joints and bone skeleton, treatment will not be possible without the participation of chondroprotectors. Chondroprotectors appeared not very long ago and can be considered an innovative treatment. The purpose of this group of drugs is to restore damaged tissue to relieve pain. However, the peculiarity of the treatment is that creams and tablets are effective in the first stages of disease development. Such compositions are not first-aid; their effect manifests itself over time of accumulation.

More often they are prescribed as part of complex therapy. This is due to the peculiarity of the spinal column, which is not subject to the action of any specific drug. The ointments are based on chondroitin, which acts not on the symptoms, but on the source. By eliminating disorders in joints and bones over time, pain syndrome as a symptom is eliminated.

Chondroitin acts at the cellular level, reducing the intensity of inflammation. It increases the amount of necessary fluid in the joints to restore normal mobility and stimulates the synthesis of necessary substances. It is easy to determine whether there is chondroitin in the ointment or not.

Almost every title has an open clue:

  1. chondroxide;
  2. Honda cream/gel;
  3. chondroitin.

Balms for treatment such as Teraflex M are prescribed, which essentially represent a complex effect. The composition contains chondroitin, but in addition the drug reduces inflammatory processes and stops the severity pain threshold. It can be replaced or combined with Sophia cream with a similar effect. However, please note that the effect does not occur earlier than a month of treatment (minimum value). Sophia cream is plant-based and partially replicates the composition of Dikul balm, but is more affordable.

Almost all formulations with an analgesic effect are a combined combination of analgesia and anti-inflammatory. Additionally, after application, the patient may feel both significant warmth in the area of ​​application and coolness. The remedies are used for various sprains or bruises, as well as for pain in the spine.

The names of the main creams and gels are known even to those who are lucky enough not to experience pain:

  1. Ketorol;
  2. Ketanol;
  3. Ketonav;
  4. Dolgit;
  5. Voltaren.

The active ingredients in the drugs are different, but they act in concert and can enhance each other’s effect. So, some patients use a composition based on Ketorol in the morning, and at night use gels based on Ibuprofen. But the result depends entirely on the individual characteristics of the body and the degree of damage. Sometimes all kinds of remedies simply don’t work. This happens with serious pinching or hernias. In such cases, the patient is prescribed a blockade, in which painkillers are directly introduced into the body.

Some creams can be used constantly, others are used only for short course. The point is that long-term use non-steroidal drugs can significantly reduce the effect concomitant treatment. Thus, long-term use of such drugs reduces the effect of chondroprotectors. And the longer the use of non-steroidal drugs lasts, the less the effect of the main treatment will be. Also, the non-steroidal group is capable of destroying the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, even when using a “cover group” in the form of Omez or Omeprazole.

Also, taking non-steroidal drugs in any form can be habit-forming. The body has excellent memory and is able in this case to completely ignore attempts to stop inflammation. So, if you use only Diclofenac for more than two weeks, the result may become zero. Speaking about Diclofenac, it should be noted that its effect may be delayed. This substance does not act quickly on all categories of patients. So, in case of blood diseases or gastrointestinal disorders, Diclofenac (Voltaren) can give the desired effect only after 6-12 hours.


Many specialists do not use drugs in this group for treatment at all. Even if such therapy works for people, experts are more skeptical. For them, the very essence of homeopathy is unscientific: to treat a disease with the same disease.

However, patients using homeopathic creams and formulations insist on effectiveness. They are supported by some scientific “luminaries”, based on the fact that the same vaccination has the basis of homeopathy. An antivirus is always created based on the virus itself; you just need to use it in pure form. That is why, during outbreaks of epidemics of an unknown type, they look for patient zero, because it is he who becomes the carrier of the virus in an unchanged form.

Treatment with homeopathy cannot be a single treatment; it must be enhanced by medication. All diseases of the spine, of any type and degree, are treated only by a combination of methods. Such gels have an advantage: they have minimal contraindications and are approved even for children. The only possible exception is expectant mothers.

The most commonly used ointments are:

  • Witch hazel;
  • Fleming's ointment;
  • Target-T.

Diversity homeopathic remedies Most importantly, the patient can agree with the attending physician on the possibility of treatment and choose independently. The creams are based on the necessary sulfur and special components that prevent the destruction of joints and intervertebral discs. The acids in the composition of the drug can serve as the necessary “platform” for the main treatment. They restore reactions and improve the respiratory ability of cells. This is important for those who are forced to take steroids or undergo antibacterial treatment.
Treatment with relief products not only helps reduce pain. With the right approach, it is possible to stop the root cause and protect yourself from future complications. However, you need to understand that pain is not the disease itself. If it becomes stubborn, aggressive and frequent, you need to take time and visit a vertebrologist/neurologist. We must not forget that osteochondrosis in an untreated form often turns healthy person into a complete disabled person. Thus, osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral region can lead to wheelchair and even deprive you of the ability to control your own urinary system.

Pain in the back often interferes with leading a normal lifestyle.

Many factors contribute to this discomfort:

  • Sedentary work, for example, in the office or while driving
  • Poor nutrition drinking alcohol and smoking
  • Domestic injuries(fractures, sprains)

Homeopathic ointments

This is a group of medications that improve metabolism in muscle tissue and osteochondral. Components homeopathic ointments slow down the natural process of cartilage destruction, thereby promoting their restoration.

These ointments contain many different homeopathic components. But to achieve results with this group of ointments, you need to use it enough long time.

Accordingly, in case of advanced diseases or acute pain such drugs are ineffective. Although at the same time, many people use such ointments and give them positive reviews.

The most popular among homeopathic ointments:

  • Goal T. This is a German-made drug with fourteen active ingredients in its composition. All of them together have an anti-inflammatory, analgesic and muscle soothing effect. It should be applied to painful areas of the body up to once a day. Cover with a bandage if possible. Side effects include: allergic reactions, associated with intolerance to one of the components.
  • Traumeel S. This ointment has a largely anesthetic effect and is widely used in sports medicine, How " ambulance» in case of injuries. Traumeel has virtually no contraindications, which is why it is extremely popular.

Ointments of irritating, distracting, warming action

The main components that relieve irritating back pain are substances that instantly cool, warm and have a blocking effect on the pain syndrome:

  • snake poison
  • bee venom
  • red pepper (Espol ointment)
  • nicoboxyl
  • nonivamide

These components warm up the application site and increase blood circulation in it. As a result, metabolism accelerates, since blood flow activates the nutrition of bone and cartilage tissue.

As a result of this process, pain decreases or disappears altogether.

It is important to use such ointments for the following diseases:

  • Myalgia is muscle pain resulting from muscle tone from overexertion. As a rule, the disease affects the muscles that control the central nervous system (ribbed muscles).
  • Lumbago – sharp pains in the lumbar region, characterized by lumbago. It usually occurs as a signal of problems in the musculoskeletal system.
  • Osteochondrosis of the lower back, which can lead to a hernia. It often occurs under heavy loads.
  • Hypothermia or hypothermia. As a result of prolonged exposure to conditions low temperature The joints may become very sore and need to be rubbed and warmed.
  • Sciatica. This disease can arise from inflammation sciatic nerve. Accompanied by sharp and ridge areas. Sometimes gait and coordination of movements may be impaired.

Read about it here.

The most from this series effective drugs the following are considered to be:

  • Finalgon, where the active component is Nikaboxil. The ointment is most often used for injuries resulting from physical activity, muscle pain, bursitis, lumbago and neuritis. The product enhances metabolism and relieves pain.
  • Capsicam. This ointment is based on gum turpentine, which has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. Side effects when used this drug not found, therefore it is allowed to be used by everyone except women during pregnancy and lactation.
  • Efkamon contains red pepper extract, which accelerates the blood and significantly increases the metabolism of bone and cartilaginous tissues. As a result, for a short time the pain subsides.
  • Apisatron acts similarly to efkamon, only the active component in this ointment is bee venom. It’s not for nothing that our ancestors treated the lower back by planting live bees on it. Their venom is able to penetrate deep into tissues and restore them, while relieving inflammation. By acting on the nerve endings, the ointment has an immediate analgesic effect.


This is a class of ointments in which the main active ingredient is Chondroitin sulfate. This is a similar substance that is found in human osteochondral tissues and helps replenish fluid in the joints.

Thus, drugs that contain chondroitin promote the renewal of cartilage and inhibit their growth and deformation.

Such drugs nourish the tissues around the spine and are one of the the best means for osteoarthritis and osteochondrosis.

The most popular among consumers are considered to be the following ointments containing Chondroitin:

  • Honda cream. This drug is prescribed for insufficiency of osteochondral tissue and drying of joint fluid. Active ingredient chondroitin sulfate is obtained from bone tissue cattle. It promotes the regeneration of osteochondral tissue and the renewal of joint fluid. For back pain, the drug is rubbed into the skin for two minutes 2-3 times a day. Side effects include allergies.
  • M dilates blood vessels, resulting in improved blood circulation. As a result, muscle tone increases and cartilage tissue regeneration accelerates.
  • Nise, the action is identical to the previous described drugs, but it contains sea ​​buckthorn oil, serving as a conductor. Due to it, all components quickly penetrate the pores of the skin and reach the painful site. Plus, sea buckthorn oil is natural antiseptic, which simultaneously disinfects the skin and provides antibacterial effect. Answer to the question: read here.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

Drugs in this group are considered the most effective for the following problems:

  • Exacerbation of radiculitis, which is accompanied by acute pain
  • Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine
  • Pain associated with injury - fracture, bruises, sprains
  • Hypothermia
  • Sciatica
  • Lumbago

The most popular and active ingredients in non-steroidal drugs:

  • Piroxicam
  • Ibufen
  • Nimesulide

These ointments are great for short-term use, but they are not recommended for long-term use because they have whole line contraindications.

One of the most popular gels in this category is Fastum, which is widely used for lower back pain caused by various factors, including periodic menstrual pain.

Combined ointments for back and lower back pain

It is not for nothing that this group of drugs is called “combined”, which means that the composition is rich in components with varied effects.

Such ointments can simultaneously have several actions:

  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Thrombolytic
  • Healing and soothing
  • Antiseptic
  • Decongestant

Most of these drugs not only block pain, but also produce tissue regeneration. For example, Dolobene gel has an anti-inflammatory effect, which instantly relieves pain, and at the same time has a resolving effect.

Ointments for massage

Massage ointments are designed specifically for use on the limbs. Their use is relevant for muscle tension, to relieve fatigue at the end of the day and for the prevention of spinal diseases.

Such ointments are very oily in consistency and are able to be quickly absorbed, delivering active substances into the pain area.

Effect of massage ointments:

  • Relieves inflammatory processes
  • Relaxes muscles
  • Regenerate tissue
  • Relieves swelling and inflammation in muscle mass

It should be remembered that everyone medical drug has contraindications and side effects.

Please note this before use Special attention. Most often, allergic reactions are caused by one of the components in the cream or ointment.

You need to be careful, because some end up with a two-day rash, and some even develop bronchospasms and asthma.

The most allergic are non-steroidal drugs, which quickly enter the bloodstream and spread throughout the body.

Such drugs should never be used for renal failure, asthma, chronic diseases respiratory system or skin. Also, these drugs are prohibited for children under 14 years of age and women during pregnancy and lactation.

Using ointments against back pain

Almost all ointments have the same method of application. Should not be applied a large number of on painful areas and rub massage movements. Some drugs require additional wrapping - this is necessarily written in the instructions.

It is not recommended to apply one composition more than five times a day for more than a day. To enhance the effect of the ointment, it is better to first steam the painful area in hot water. Then the pores open, and the composition quickly penetrates the inflamed area.

Stories from our readers!
"I cured my bad back on my own. It’s been 2 months since I forgot about the pain in my back. Oh, how I used to suffer, my back and knees hurt, Lately I couldn’t really walk normally... How many times did I go to clinics, but they only prescribed expensive pills and ointments, which were of no use at all.

And now it’s been 7 weeks, and my back joints don’t bother me at all, every other day I go to the dacha to work, and it’s a 3 km walk from the bus, so I can walk easily! All thanks to this article. A must read for anyone with back pain!"

Which ointment is better to choose?

I would like to note and emphasize! If you don't have medical education, do not diagnose yourself. Consult a doctor, because back pain is not a toy. Of course, you can apply the remedy at home to alleviate your condition and wait until you go to the hospital.

But everyone, value your health and discuss any product that you are going to apply to your back with your doctor. Nobody better than a specialist will not prescribe a course of treatment for you and will not advise which ointment to treat your back.

Warming ointments are a popular remedy for combating back pain and diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The group of warming ointments includes painkillers and irritants local action.

Warming ointments help relieve inflammation, improve metabolism and stimulate the trophic process in tissues. Blocks pain in osteochondrosis and other diseases of the spine and joints. Used for preventive purposes.

Such ointments rarely cause side effects, allergic reactions are possible when using ointments that act as a local irritant. IN similar situations It is enough to stop using the drug.

Beneficial properties of warming ointments

The drugs in this group contain substances that stimulate trophic and metabolic processes in tissues. Getting on the skin, ointment:

  • expands blood vessels;
  • improves blood flow, oxygen and nutrients to the affected tissues of the spine;
  • accelerates the removal of toxins from the body;
  • eliminates muscle stiffness;
  • calms the nervous system.

The therapeutic effect of warming agents is observed immediately after their use: back pain is significantly reduced, joint mobility is restored.

The therapeutic effect of using the ointment for back pain is achieved due to its warming and irritating properties: the temperature at the site of application increases. As a result, metabolism is activated, slowing down pathological processes in the spine, its tissues are restored.

What ointments are most effective for back pain?

According to statistics, back pain is one of the most common reasons for visiting a doctor (headaches come first). This kind of symptom may indicate a stretch of the spinal muscles or be a sign of osteochondrosis and its complications (spondyloarthrosis, intervertebral hernia, inflammation of the sciatic nerve). To relieve pain, doctors prescribe:

Capsicam– a product for external use that is white (sometimes slightly yellowish) in color. Active ingredients:

  • dimethyl sulfoxide – accelerates the absorption of the ointment, relieves inflammation, relieves pain;
  • benzyl nicotinate - increases blood flow in affected tissues;
  • gum turpentine– warms well, helps reduce pain;
  • racemic camphor – has analgesic, irritant and antiseptic properties.

The drug is available in aluminum tubes with a capacity of 30 and 50 g. The warming effect of the ointment lasts for 2-3 hours. The pain disappears within 30-40 minutes from the moment of its application. The analgesic effect lasts 3-6 hours.

Apizartron– an ointment made on the basis of bee venom, methyl salicylate and allyl isothiocyanate. When applied to a sore area of ​​the back, the active substances of the drug stimulate nerve endings, providing a direct vasodilator and irritant effect. Result from application:

  • the severity decreases pain syndrome;
  • the elasticity of muscle and connective tissue increases;
  • tissues are saturated with oxygen;
  • muscle tone decreases;
  • metabolism is normalized.

The ointment belongs to the group combination drugs(contains NSAIDs). It is available in soft tubes: 20 g and 50 g.

Apizartron ointment is an analgesic and vasodilator. Used for pain in muscles, joints, neuritis, osteochondrosis, rheumatism. When applied to the skin it causes redness.

Finalgon– transparent or slightly brownish ointment, active ingredients which are: nicoboxil and nonivamide. Both substances actively dilate the smallest blood vessels. External manifestation effect of the drug becomes hyperemia (redness) of the skin at the site of its application. Pharmacological properties ointments:

  • has a distracting effect;
  • relieves pain;
  • prevents the spread of inflammatory processes;
  • restores joint function in patients with diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • relieves muscle tension.

An increase in body temperature is felt after a few minutes of using the product. The maximum effect appears after half an hour. With repeated use of the ointment, the reaction to the drug may decrease (in such cases, an increase in dosage is required). The medicine is available in aluminum tubes of 30 and 50 g. The package contains a special applicator with which the medicine is applied to the sore area of ​​the back.

Nicoflex– a drug with a pronounced warming and analgesic effect. Its main components:

  • capsaicin - relieves pain by affecting the nerve endings of the peripheral nervous system. In addition, it promotes the production of prostaglandins and collagenase: they relieve pain, remove manifestations of the inflammatory process;
  • ethyl nicotinate - reduces pain, causes dilation of capillaries;
  • hydroxyethyl salicylate - affects the epithelium, facilitating the penetration of the ointment into the lesion.

The therapeutic effect of using the drug occurs quickly and lasts for an hour. The ointment is produced in a package with a capacity of 50 g.

Turpentine ointment– relieves heat well, has a warming, distracting and irritating effect. Thanks to this, in the affected area of ​​the back:

  • blood circulation improves;
  • muscle tissue relaxes;
  • inflammation, swelling decreases;
  • pain disappears.

The ointment is made on the basis of natural ingredients: water, turpentine oil(gum turpentine), Vaseline. It is available in a jar or tube: 25, 30 or 50 g.

Highest therapeutic effect have ointments based on bee or snake venom. However, they must be used very carefully: allergic reactions and burns on the skin may occur.

Features of the use of ointments

Treatment of back pain with warming ointments is important for:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • radiculopathy;
  • sciatica (compression of the sciatic nerve);
  • lumbago, lumbodynia;
  • peripheral circulation disorders;
  • bruises, muscle strains;
  • myalgia.

In addition, irritating and warming drugs are used to prevent pain in the spinal muscles when playing sports. Some types of ointments are used during massage, which is an integral part complex treatment degenerative-dystrophic processes in the spine.

Warming creams are used when the symptoms of the underlying disease subside. Using the drug during exacerbation of the disease can lead to increased pain. The method of using the warming agent, its dosage and the duration of the course of treatment depend on the type of ointment and the patient’s general well-being (see table).

Drug name Features of application
Capsicam Rub 2-3 g of the product in a circular motion until the skin becomes slightly red. The ointment is used 3 times a day. After applying it, the affected area of ​​the back is wrapped in a woolen scarf.

The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor based on the severity of the disease. Without consulting a specialist, the drug can be used for no more than 10 days.

Apizartron A strip of product up to 5 cm long is evenly distributed over the sore spot. 2-3 minutes after application (before a reaction appears on the skin), rub it in slowly. The ointment is used 2-3 times a day. Duration of use: until the pain completely disappears.
Finalgon The initial dosage is 0.5 cm of the product, with repeated use it can be increased to 1 cm. The ointment is applied with an applicator, rubbed with palms: rotating movements. The standard course of treatment is 10 days: 2-3 per day.
Nicoflex Use once a day for 3 days. Then the drug is applied twice a day for a week. The duration of use of the drug may vary depending on the clinical picture of the disease.
Turpentine ointment Painful areas of the back are rubbed with ointment 2 times a day. To achieve maximum therapeutic effect The treated area is covered with a warm cloth or scarf.

Warming ointments are not used after taking a warm bath or shower, along with warming compresses. The product is applied carefully, avoiding contact with the mucous membranes of the eyes and irritated skin. After the procedure, be sure to wash your hands with soap.

Despite medicinal properties irritating drugs, there are a number of factors that exclude the possibility of their use for back pain. These include:

  • children's age (up to 12 years);
  • pregnancy;
  • presence of a breastfed child;
  • chronic skin diseases;
  • individual intolerance to ointment components;
  • illnesses urinary system (renal failure severe);
  • liver diseases;
  • presence of a tumor;
  • mental disorders;
  • acute arthritis;
  • bone marrow dysfunction;
  • ulcers, skin abrasions.

Benefits of using ointments

The main advantage of using ointments is the minimum of side effects. IN in rare cases(if the product is used incorrectly, or the ointment is accidentally swallowed), the following may occur:

  • allergic reactions;
  • swelling at the site of exposure, urticaria;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • stomach upset;
  • severe headaches, dizziness;
  • depression;
  • coma;
  • shortness of breath, cough;
  • decrease in blood pressure.

Warming ointments should be used only after prior consultation with a doctor. A properly selected remedy helps to get rid of pain and speed up the healing process as a whole.

Traditional recipes for warming ointments

If there are contraindications to the use of traditional methods of relieving back pain, some doctors recommend using ointments made from medicinal herbs. Since they contain only natural ingredients, they are completely safe (the only exception is ointments with bee and snake venom) and are not capable of worsening the patient’s condition.

Recipe for warming hellebore ointment


  • hellebore root;
  • St. John's wort;
  • mint leaves and petroleum jelly (2 tbsp each).

How to prepare the medicine: pour boiling water (400 ml) over the hellebore crushed in a coffee grinder, leave for 10 minutes, strain. We make a similar infusion with St. John's wort and mint. Melt the Vaseline, add brewed medicinal herbs, a spoonful of hellebore infusion (here it is important not to pour too much liquid). Stir the mixture thoroughly and leave to cool.

Directions for use: the prepared ointment is applied to the affected areas of the back, distributing it along the spine. Use the product once a day: before bed (to prolong the effect of the ointment).

Hellebore is a plant from the Buttercup family. Contains alkaloids and glycosides.

Burdock ointment


  • chopped burdock root;
  • Indian onion and lingonberry leaves (2 tbsp each)
  • ;alcohol or vodka (5 tbsp.);
  • Vaseline (10 g).

Recipe: mix all ingredients, add alcohol and send to dark place insist. After 10 days, strain the tincture, add Vaseline to it, stir until smooth. The prepared ointment warms well and has a powerful analgesic effect. It is used no more than 1 time per day.

Burdock - herbaceous plant. Contains a lot useful components, due to which burdock is often used for medicinal purposes.

Sweet clover ointment recipe


  • dry sweet clover leaves;
  • St. John's wort;
  • hop cones (2 tbsp.);
  • Vaseline (50 g).

How to make the ointment: grind the ingredients to a powder, mix with Vaseline (you can take mink oil). Then put the mixture into a dark jar and place the container in the refrigerator.

The ointment is used as follows: a small amount of the product is applied to the sore areas of the back, rubbed with light circular movements. Use 2 times a day.

Peppermint ointment


  • peppermint oil tincture;
  • Vaseline (100 g);
  • Indian onion juice (2 tbsp.).

Recipe: pour the tincture into a container, add the remaining components of the ointment to it. Mix everything thoroughly.

How to use: pick up the ointment with your fingertips, apply to painful areas with light strokes (technique acupressure). The product can be used 1 to 3 times a day.

Ointments from medicinal herbs easy to prepare at home. However, treating back pain alone folk remedies not worth it.

For any discomfort, pain in the lower, chest or cervical spine back and spine problems, it is not recommended to delay visiting a doctor. The sooner he makes a diagnosis and selects treatment, the higher the likelihood of a quick recovery and the lower the risk of complications of the disease that are dangerous to the health and life of the patient.

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