Self-healing of the human body. Possibilities of tissue self-healing. How to learn to feel and correctly use your hidden powers

At the same time, instead of the usual waste of energy, time and money, you can very thoughtfully engage in such an affordable activity as self-healing. The human self-healing system will simultaneously include disease prevention and treatment of existing ailments.

How to trigger the body's self-healing mechanism

Any human body has enormous potential, allowing him not only to survive, but also to live a quality life, independently preventing development pathological processes in body. During transitional periods of life ( early childhood, with hormonal changes or old age) defense mechanisms and a person’s self-healing resources weaken somewhat. On the background poor nutrition, an irrational lifestyle, in the event of industrial hazards or environmental difficulties, the body also spends all its strength on simple survival, without having a margin of safety to restore problem areas. But the synthetic ones medicines, artificial hormones and household antiseptics simply turn off the human self-healing function, switching the body to life in sterile conditions and breaking the immune self-defense.

In order to solve the problem, you must adhere to six simple rules:

  • Realize that external factors- this is a provocation of the disease, and the readiness for it lies in the person himself. Therefore, resistance to the disease or recovery from it is possible only with the right and conscious attitude.
  • It is necessary to start the day or any task during it with a smile, straighten your shoulders and straighten your back. Positive emotions are the key to successful self-healing of a person.
  • Rejoice at your even small achievements and praise yourself for them. Feeling grateful to yourself for taking care of your health can mobilize significant resources that a person did not even know about.
  • Master the practices of relaxation and release internal tension and muscle tightness, connect not only consciousness, but also subconscious attitudes to the body’s self-healing.
  • Master the skills simple gymnastics, self-massage and use them regularly, accustoming the body to a clear routine for the functioning of all organs and systems.
  • Stick to the Basics rational nutrition, avoiding overeating, unbalanced diet or fasting.

Self-healing methods for the spine

The spine is the main support of the whole body, the health of which determines the mobility and flexibility of the body, the adequacy of cerebral blood flow and normal operation internal organs. In the East it is believed that the main flows vital energy distributed along spinal column and, having learned to manage the health of the spine, you can control the entire body. And this can be achieved simple steps, accelerating the process of human self-healing.

Spine health rules

  • Monitor your posture and train your muscle corset, strengthening and stretching the ligaments. This allows you to reduce the load on the spine and prevent its premature wear, as well as injuries.
  • Timely relax the spine and massage to help the muscles around it receive enough oxygen and remove toxins.
  • Eat right, pushing back degenerative-dystrophic changes in bone and cartilage tissue spine.
  • With psychological training, reinforce all physical achievements and form the correct attitudes that guide the self-healing of the spine.

Self-healing vision

The visual analyzer works fully only if all its parts are rationally loaded. Therefore, the basis of vision rehabilitation is on our own The body needs to restore the physiological loads on the muscular system of the eye. This allows the muscles to alternate between contraction and relaxation in a balanced manner, sufficiently nourishing all tissues of the eye with blood, stimulating optic nerve and center in occipital lobe brain. At the same time, visual tables are a way to monitor achievements, and eye gymnastics itself does not give brilliant results without the correct psychological mood and mobilization of a person’s mental and physical self-healing capabilities.

Today the most progressive physiological method, which allows you to give up glasses and avoid surgery, is which combines psychological training, eye gymnastics using correction tables and the basics of acupuncture self-massage. You can learn more about the method in the book by M.S. Norbekov "The experience of a fool or the key to insight."

Liver self-healing

How to take care of your liver:

  • Avoid intoxication.
  • Do not abuse medications, adhering to the principles of self-healing.
  • Follow a diet balanced in fats, do not eat dry food.
  • Train the abdominal muscles and limbs so that sudden loads do not cause spasms of the bile ducts.
  • Support spinal health by providing normal functioning autonomic nervous system.

Achieve maximum results The human self-healing system M.S. allows for physiological regulation of the body’s functioning. Norbekova. It contains and links together time-tested methods and techniques that provide optimal health improvement, as well as self-confidence. Positive result reached hundreds of people who contacted the M.S. Center. Norbekov and those who used his method of human self-healing. All this allows you to be confident in the positive final result of working on your health and guarantees longevity while maintaining your quality of life.

Hello, friends.

Today I want to discuss with you very important topic- self-healing, hidden reserves of our body. Or you can say it differently - self-healing from all diseases.

Because by understanding it and putting it into practice, you can improve
your life a thousand times, become healthy and overcome many of your illnesses.

The body's ability to heal itself

Even in ancient times, people knew that our body is capable of miracles of self-healing. This is how wise nature works.

Thanks to it, we have enormous reserve forces within us that can restore a damaged organ, grow new cells to replace dead ones, and maintain internal homeostasis.

It's like a lizard growing a new tail to replace the old or damaged one.

Of course, everyone knows how external injuries are recovered from a cut. But few people understand that the same mechanism works with internal organs and with the entire body as a whole.

If a person gets sick, complex things begin to happen inside us. deep processes, many are still incomprehensible to us. Body temperature rises, coughing, vomiting, diarrhea begins, dead cells are released or foreign substances and organisms.

Thus, the body tries with all its might to get rid of the disease. Yes, there are diseases that he cannot cope with, but still the forces that are hidden inside us are truly limitless.

The ancient healers and sages understood all this. Therefore, in those distant times main goal The treatment was not to interfere with the body’s recovery, but also to help it open those reserve sources of energy that would heal the person themselves.

Herbs were also prescribed to stimulate natural processes. They intensified, and did not stop, cough and runny nose to remove bacteria and viruses through the mucous membrane.

But most importantly, the emphasis was on disease prevention by generally improving health by increasing the body’s energy. Thus, with the onset of the disease, the person was better able to cope with it without outside help.

But at some point medicine changed the vector of its development. Delving deeper into the study of every organ and cell, as well as the viruses and bacteria that attack us, she imagined that she knew everything about the human structure and was able to defeat many diseases.

All this led to the fact that doctors began to treat only a specific organ, forgetting about the integrity of the whole organism. All sorts of medicines were invented that treated one thing, but complexly harmed everything else.

And the teaching about human energy, about the fact that inside us there are healing powers, capable of miracles of self-healing.

Internal energy of the body

The human body is very a complex system. And scientists are still far from fully understanding all internal processes How the body’s self-healing mechanism works.

The fact is that until recently science did not study everything that relates to subtle world, where the human soul and subtle energy reside.

That is why modern medicine powerless against many diseases, it does not study these processes and considers a person in the narrow plane of classical physics.

Only recently has quantum physics made a profound breakthrough in understanding how the world and the human body, as part of this world, actually works.

Concepts that were long known in ancient times, such as energy channels and meridians within us, internal energy, Force, became not abstract concepts, but real things.

We'll talk about quantum physics next time.

Now the main thing is to understand that it is the knowledge of these things and its application in practice that will give you the key to true and complete acquisition of health and happiness.

You will have an advantage over others who are not familiar with what I am going to tell you today.

Attempts to become healthy and happy without knowledge of how subtle processes work within us are doomed to failure.

Intuitively, many understand this and are treated in the ways that the soul prompts, and not what doctors prescribe.

Of course, I am not saying that modern medicine is not capable of healing and that doctors’ advice should not be neglected.

But the cure will not be complete and may even cause harm if you deny knowledge about a person’s internal energy.

What is internal energy?

This is a complex system consisting of large and small energy channels, closely interconnected with each other and determining everything that happens to our body.

It is the state and fullness of these channels that determines how general state our health, and the work of a specific organ.

If the functioning of any organ is disrupted, it means that, first of all, little energy passes through it due to either the blockage of the energy channel responsible for this organ or due to general decline energy of the body.

Therefore, it is useless to treat any disease without restoring the functioning of the human energy system. It is important to understand why energy does not reach the organ and eliminate this reason.

But the most interesting thing is that the body itself is able to compensate for the lack of energy flow through certain channels. Our task is not to interfere with him and help open the way to backup energy sources that he will find himself.

This is what human self-healing consists of. Nature will do everything itself. She's built that way. You can’t even imagine what miracles the Power of Life is capable of. In order to grow a plant, break through asphalt, in order to preserve a form of life, it can exist in very unfavorable conditions. And there are many such examples. The same forces lie within us.

How to start the self-healing process

Everything is very simple.

In order for the self-healing process to start, successfully rid us of diseases and restore health, we need to increase the level of internal energy of the body, as well as remove obstacles to its launch.

This is how diseases should be treated first of all. Of course, it is necessary to use the knowledge of modern medicine for treatment, but starting the body’s self-healing should be paramount.

This is how they have always been treated in the East.

During internal healing, complex processes begin to occur to restore tissue, remove foreign substances, and equalize internal homeostasis. All this requires a lot of energy. And if it is not enough, self-healing simply will not happen or will not be complete.

It is also necessary to restore the flow of energy to the diseased organ if for some reason it has been disrupted.

IN oriental medicine Many methods are used to restore energy and renew its flow to the internal organs - acupuncture, acupressure, sound massage, other types of massage, aromatherapy, heating and much more.

Other methods are also suitable for these purposes.

Exist different exercises, meditation and visualization techniques to increase energy.

But the most best practices, proven for more than one millennium, this is, of course, yoga and qigong.

Better yet modern technique, which includes both yoga and qigong -. I have been doing this for many years, which has helped me get rid of many diseases.

It is energy meditative practice that successfully launches the process of self-healing of the human body.

But we'll talk about this another time.

And also in a separate article I will tell you in more detail how to increase your energy levels.

Also, understanding the self-healing process sheds light on such a mysterious concept as where the mood for self-healing of the body occurs.

For a better understanding of the above, I suggest watching an excerpt from the wonderful film “The Secret”:

And that's all for now.

See you soon on the blog pages.

The liver has 500 functions. Imagine that invisible strings connect the liver and thyroid gland. One of these threads broke.

What does this mean?

The fact that the tiny connection between two organs in specific function and it needs to be restored, because metabolic disorders have begun. Taking any medications is useless.

When you are diagnosed with metabolic disorders, you are told which of the many organ functions is impaired. No? So what are we treating?

Incorrect operation thyroid gland disrupts the tone and motility of contraction of the gallbladder (1), leads to a pathogenic sphere (2), causes pain in the stomach (3). Here you have three diseases just because the thin thread of the liver-gland was broken.

Is it possible to restore their activities?

Can. You just need to be attentive to your body. Help him and he himself restore what is necessary.

If the concentration of chlorine in the blood is not replenished, the blood becomes viscous (varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, heart disease, tinnitus, headache, hypertension, hypotension, etc.). Sealing larger vessels – stroke, heart attack. Yes and much more.

The stomach produces 10 liters of gastric juice. 2 liters are used to digest food, the rest is absorbed into the blood (blood and sweat are salty).

The stomach produces hydrochloric acid and pepsins, which dissolve organic matter.

By 18 o'clock there is no stomach of hydrochloric acid, there are no cells that produce it.

To prevent the cells in the stomach from dissolving (if there is no food, we dissolve what is in the stomach), it is necessary to eat something or have a snack every 2 hours.

Breakfast - proteins, fats. Lunch - soups. Dinner – porridge (carbohydrates). They will quickly leave the stomach, because carbohydrates are not digested by the stomach and will go into the intestines.

At 18:00 the kidneys turn on and begin filtering. To help the kidneys filter viscous blood, after 18 you can drink salted water: the body simply needs chlorine, it thins the blood. (Essentuki mineral water supply No. 4 or No. 17 is well suited).

It is necessary to take into account the fact that if you drink tea, coffee, water during meals, then you are diluting gastric juice, which leads to longer digestion of food, which is not good. Nowadays they constantly talk about taking no more than 2 liters of water per day. Some people find it good, but some people don’t want it. A person cannot drink this. Well, don't drink. Don't do as everyone else does, do as you need.

  1. Check your thyroid gland (you can do it at home)
  2. Meals: from 5 am to 6 pm (max)
  3. Meals are split: every 2-2.5 hours. Portion - fits in the palms of your hands.
  4. Do not drink before, during or after meals (40-60 minutes). This will give you a good chance to digest food. And then drink whatever you want. (Please note: the animal never drinks after eating).

What will you get in return from your body?

  1. Ulcerative, liver, kidney, etc. pains go away. (Slowly your sores are going away.)
  2. For three days you will feel some discomfort: the brain must understand and adapt to a new way.
  3. Will begin to (gradually) go away excess weight.
  4. The healing of your internal organs will begin (the organs themselves will restore those threads that have broken), which leads to the body’s self-healing naturally.
  5. If you have thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, use the method of wrapping bandages for 1 hour with a solution acetylsalicylic acid. It is necessary to dissolve the plaques.
  6. You will stop taking pills and feel light in your body.

You may ask: what about salted water? Salt? Oh God.

But the body cannot live without sodium and chlorine. Nobody says: eat kilograms of salt, but if you really want it, the body gives a signal that it needs it.
You're having a spasm calf muscles? Rub them with salted water: there is not enough sodium.

And one more thing: to help the body undergo self-healing more smoothly, do an energetic cleansing of the body, remove not only physical, but also energetic dirt.

“Why are you sick... And how to launch the self-healing mechanisms of your body...”

(Medicines, Doctors... And Even Dietary Supplements Are NOT Necessary)

The fact is that…

Traditional Chinese medicine prevents diseases using soft, virtually effortless, exercises for internal organs.

If your mind is not open to accepting new knowledge (or you cannot be impartial), please do not read further, because this presentation will talk about new(although it is already more than 3000 years old) and a completely different method of self-medication from the Western one and launching the body’s self-healing mechanisms.

This Qigong System, which originated in China 30 centuries ago, is called “traditional Chinese medicine.” And the outstanding popularizer of this System is Professor Wu Qing Zhong accessible and interesting will present you with this practical knowledge.

Using easy-to-understand comparisons and figurative language, Professor Wu Qing Zhong systematically sets out the fundamentals of Chinese medicine that he has rethought and his approach to the prevention and treatment of common chronic diseases.

The Health Program He proposed is logically justified, simple and accessible to anyone

The program describes wise holistic system human body from the standpoint of modern informatics and computer technology and from the standpoint of ancient Chinese medicine, and based on the synthesis of these approaches, he proposes new revolutionary program strengthening and restoring health.

In the face of numerous chronic diseases, modern medicine continues to blindly believe that the day will come, the hour will come, and a cure will be found that can defeat at least one disease... But maybe the direction of research itself was chosen incorrectly?

Many healing methods harm the body, negatively affect the body’s ability to absorb nutrients and lead to a drop in energy balance. Low level energy, in turn, causes disruption in the functioning of all body systems and leads to serious illnesses.

Excess Weight Doesn't Have Reserved Energy...

Against, Excess weight indicates that the body does not have enough energy to remove waste and debris. The real reason obesity are heart problems that occur long before a person begins to gain extra pounds.

Most serious illnesses are the result of improper use of one's own body.
We believe that the human body is much more perfect than a man-made computer. If you follow the operating rules, it is not so easy to disable it.

Having fallen ill, we are ready to travel halfway around the world in search of a miracle cure, but we stubbornly refuse to change our habits and way of life. Surgery into the body, the structure of which modern medicine understands very vaguely, often gives rise to even more serious problems.

According to Chinese medicine, there are complex and close relationships between all internal organs, the main thing in these relationships is balance. The system of meridians or active channels is one of the main systems of the human body.

If Considered Chronic Diseases From the perspective of the Organism's Internal Resources Management System, You Can Find Real Reasons These Diseases and Develop a New Strategy for Their Treatment

The first symptoms of aging are most often leg problems due to deterioration of qi and blood circulation in the lower limbs, decreased joint mobility, lack of sexual and vital energy.

In his course, Professor Wu Qing Zhong will tell you how to get rid of these and many other problems with the help of simple exercises problems that become more serious with age, and thus restore youth and energy to your body.

You will learn:

  • Why Many Traditional Chinese Medicine treatments focus on helping the body rid itself of debris and toxins.
  • Why does the meridian system carry the functions of signal transmission and transportation? nutrients and waste disposal.
  • Why the doctrine of meridians is the most important component of Chinese medicine.
  • Why is the main thing in the theory of the five elements is balance. If one of the internal organs shows a lack or excess of energy, this disrupts balance and harmony.
  • Why is it that most pain of unknown etiology is meridian pain?
  • Why do most of those who do not find time for proper sleep, sooner or later you will have to find time for illness.
  • Why our desires sometimes become the main burden for our body.
  • Why do people who grew up in rural areas have greater energy reserves than city dwellers?
  • Why most chronic diseases are a manifestation of varying degrees of depletion of the body’s energy resources.
  • Why sport can improve the permeability of energy channels, increase functional state heart muscle, stimulate the waste elimination system, but are not able to increase the level of energy balance of the body.
  • Why is it that if you go to bed early and tap the gallbladder canal, there will be a tendency to increase your energy balance, no matter how low it was before.
  • Why is it important to learn that energy can be accumulated and stored for future use.

  • Why tapping the gallbladder canal helps remove blocks along the canal and stimulates the production of bile.
  • Why tapping the gallbladder canal leads to a reduction in fat deposits in the buttocks and thighs. After about two months you will notice that your trousers have become too big for you.
  • Why Tapping Your Gallbladder Channel Will Benefit You More Than Taking Expensive Dietary Supplements.
  • Why sleeping at the “right” hours gives the body time to process nutrients and produce blood.
  • Why is the pericardial canal diverted to Chinese medicine a special place - many diseases are associated with problems in this channel.
  • Why, by increasing the level of Qi and Blood, you can expect that the body will independently begin measures to remove “Cold Qi”.
  • Why when "Cold Qi" is removed from the channel Bladder, this may manifest itself nagging pain in the back and shoulders.
  • Why if “Cold Qi” affects people with high level energy, this is usually a very serious lesion, and the manifestations of a cold in in this case will also be very serious.

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