Oral sanitation: what is it and how is it done? On oral sanitation in dentistry: general definition, issuance of a certificate before surgery and during pregnancy

Sanitation of the oral cavity is a set of health measures performed for the purpose of prevention and/or treatment various diseases oral cavity, which in the future could lead to the development of more serious complications. Timely and adequate sanitation not only reduces the risk of complications, but also creates favorable conditions For normal development teeth and other oral tissues. This procedure is also mandatory preparatory stage when planning various surgical interventions.

Who is recommended for oral sanitation?

Sanitation of the oral cavity should be carried out by all people, especially those who have chronic diseases oral cavity or predisposition to them.

Sanitation of the oral cavity should be carried out:

  • Before surgical operations. Performing operations in the oral cavity, teeth or respiratory tract requires prior treatment of all diseases of the oral cavity ( especially infectious). Otherwise, during surgery, infection may enter the surgical wound or in Airways patient, which may cause the development dangerous complications.
  • Children of preschool and school age. Before entering preschool or school educational institution You should make sure that the child does not have dental or oral diseases.
  • Women before and/or during pregnancy. Before the birth of a child, it is also recommended to cure all diseases of the teeth and oral cavity. Otherwise, during gestation, childbirth or during breastfeeding Various complications may develop that can jeopardize the health of the mother and baby ( As the oral infection progresses, infection of the fetus may occur; if the infection is treated with antibiotics, damage may occur. internal organs fetus and so on).
  • Patients with diabetes. With this pathology, the body's defenses are reduced, resulting in an increased risk of developing infectious diseases, including the oral cavity. It can be extremely difficult to cure such diseases in diabetics. That is why such patients are recommended to regularly perform oral sanitation with for preventive purposes.
  • In the presence of chronic diseases of the oral cavity. If a patient has a pathology that cannot be completely cured, he is also recommended to undergo regular preventive examinations with a dentist in order to early detection and eliminating complications.
  • People working with hazardous substances. Various chemicals can damage a person's teeth and also lead to the development of other oral diseases. Patients working with such substances are recommended to be regularly examined by a dentist for the purpose of early detection and timely treatment of oral diseases.

Sanitation of the oral cavity before dental implantation

Dental implantation is a complex procedure in which a metal implant is inserted into the jawbone, which is subsequently covered by a tooth-shaped crown. If before implantation there is any infectious or other infection in the patient’s oral cavity pathological process, this can lead to infection in the wound. In the future, this can lead to implant rejection and the development of other complications. That is why, before starting the procedure, a thorough sanitation of the patient’s oral cavity should be carried out to eliminate all such pathologies.

How often should you perform oral hygiene?

In the absence of any chronic dental diseases, doctors recommend sanitation of the oral cavity for preventive purposes at least 2–3 times a year. This will allow timely detection possible pathologies and treat them early stages development, which will significantly reduce the cost therapeutic measures and will reduce the risk of developing complications in the future.

If the patient has chronic diseases of the oral cavity, sanitation can be performed more often ( the frequency of visits is determined by the doctor depending on the type of disease, the effectiveness of treatment, concomitant pathologies and other factors).

What does oral sanitation include?

As follows from the above, during the sanitation of the oral cavity, the doctor identifies and eliminates all pathologies that could lead to damage to the teeth, jaw bones, gums, oral mucosa, and could also cause complications in the future.

Sanitation of the oral cavity includes:

  • . This pathology characterized by initial damage to tooth enamel ( covering the tooth). Without timely treatment, caries can destroy enamel and damage more deep structures tooth, which may ultimately cause it complete destruction and the development of other complications. Regular sanitation of the oral cavity allows you to identify caries in the early stages of development, when it is very easy to eliminate.
  • Treatment of pulpitis. Pulpitis is an infectious and inflammatory lesion of the soft tissues of the tooth ( blood vessels, nerve endings ). The presence of pulpitis is a contraindication to dental implantation, since after the procedure the pathological process can spread from the affected tooth to neighboring tissues, including bone lower jaw, in which the implant is fixed. This can lead to implant failure and the development of other infectious complications.
  • Treatment of periodontitis. This pathology is characterized by damage to the structures that fix the tooth in the jawbone, as well as the spread of the infectious-inflammatory process to the jawbone and neighboring teeth. Treatment of periodontitis and its complications is prerequisite before dental implantation, since otherwise there is a high probability of implant rejection after its installation.
  • Treatment of dental erosions. This pathology is characterized by the destruction of tooth enamel. On initial stages The disease affects the surface layer of tooth enamel. If pathology is detected at this stage, the doctor can perform so-called remineralization ( restoration of enamel structure), which will prevent further progression diseases. In later stages of development, the deeper structures of the tooth are affected, and treatment may require a filling or crown.
  • Filling pathological cavities. When deep erosions are detected, as well as when cavities form after treatment of caries or other pathologies in the dental tissue, the doctor can install a filling in the resulting cavity. This will restore the tooth structure and prevent further damage.
  • Dental prosthetics. The essence of the method is that instead of missing teeth, special dentures are installed that do not differ in appearance from their teeth. This allows you to eliminate cosmetic defects, and also relieves the patient from difficulties while chewing food, talking, and so on.
  • Correction of dental deformities. Congenital or acquired ( for example, after an injury) tooth deformations can be corrected using fillings, prosthetics, crowns and other methods.
  • Removal of dental stones. Tartar can form as a result of improper care behind the teeth ( if they are not cleaned regularly), with metabolic disorders, and so on. To remove tartar, your doctor may use ultrasound and other techniques.
  • Removal of damaged teeth. If teeth are damaged by caries, infection, or after injury, they may need to be removed. In the future, an artificial implant can be installed in place of the extracted teeth, but before installing it, all infectious, inflammatory and other pathologies of the oral cavity must be eliminated.
  • Treatment of infectious and inflammatory processes of the oral cavity and jaw bones. In preparation for dental implantation, as well as before any surgical intervention In the oral cavity, stomatitis should first be cured ( inflammation of the oral mucosa), gingivitis ( inflammation of the gums), alveolitis ( inflammation alveolar processes jaw bones where teeth are attached) and so on. Otherwise, complications may develop after implantation, which can lead to damage or even rejection of the implant.
  • Cleaning gum pockets. Gum pockets are pathological depressions that form between the tooth and the gum. They can accumulate plaque, tartar, pathogenic microorganisms, and so on. All this leads to the development and progression of an infectious-inflammatory process, which can spread to the gums and neighboring teeth. When cleaning such a pocket, all pathological deposits located in it are removed.
  • Treatment of teeth with fluoride-containing preparations. This procedure It is carried out after removing tartar and after brushing your teeth. Fluoride-containing preparations penetrate deep into tooth enamel and strengthen it, which reduces the risk of damage in the future.
  • Teeth whitening. Today, there are many techniques to make teeth whiter. This procedure is not mandatory when sanitation of the oral cavity, but can be performed at the request of the patient.

It is worth noting that during each examination, the dentist carefully examines the patient’s oral cavity, after which he gives him a number of recommendations for dental care ( brush your teeth regularly, use dental floss and so on). This also reduces the risk of developing oral diseases in the future.

Oral sanitation – is it painful?

Today, sanitation of the oral cavity ( and any dental procedure in general) is absolutely painless. Before starting treatment, the doctor examines the patient’s mouth and teeth. If you need to perform any manipulations that could cause pain to the patient, the doctor first uses local painkillers. As a result of this, the patient, remaining conscious, feels absolutely no pain. After the end of the procedure and termination of action local anesthesia Minor or moderate pain may occur in the area of ​​damaged tissues, but these pains are short-lived and can be easily eliminated with painkillers.

Very often, people are faced with the fact that they are prescribed oral sanitation. What is it, what are the indications and stages of its implementation? We'll tell you in more detail below. After all, it is always better to know what you have to go through in the dentist’s or any other doctor’s office.

This procedure can be prescribed to both a child and an adult. different periods life. Depending on how we monitor, keep our teeth clean and healthy, completely different manipulations will be carried out.

What is this procedure?

The word “sanatio” is translated from Latin as “healing, treatment.” Therefore, sanitation means a whole range of procedures aimed at ensuring oral health. This includes:

  • treatment of caries and other dental diseases;
  • elimination of inflammatory processes;
  • restoration of the structure of hard tissues, filling;
  • correction of the bite and position of uneven teeth;
  • installation of prostheses if necessary;
  • removal of plaque, tartar, ;
  • extraction of those units that cannot be cured;
  • preventing future diseases and tissue infections.

Of course, everything will directly depend on the condition of the teeth and in the mouth of a particular patient.

Is it painful to perform sanitation? If they just clean the plaque and then no. In cases of serious treatment, it is quite acceptable painful sensations, but they will bring relief after the procedure.

Indications for use

In order to save hard tissues in a healthy state, it is advisable to visit the dentist every six months and carry out sanitation, that is, examination of the oral cavity and timely treatment problems that have begun. This is what conscious people do who monitor their health.

In other cases, it may be necessary to undergo sanitization:

  • when planning a pregnancy, registering with a antenatal clinic;
  • before childbirth;
  • when a child enters a child care institution - kindergarten, school;
  • before installing braces;
  • before surgery;
  • during long-term hospitalizations;
  • before traveling abroad;
  • official employment;
  • work in hazardous industries;
  • V in general terms regular annual medical examination of employees;
  • when installing a prosthesis or implantation, etc.

It is worth noting that there are no contraindications to sanitation. On the contrary, some chronic diseases require more frequent use.

For example, for allergies, asthma, tonsillitis, diabetes mellitus, various problems of cardio-vascular system Doctors recommend undergoing the sanitation procedure up to four times a year. Since in such cases, teeth are more susceptible to infection and destruction due to reduced immunity.


To get a dentist’s opinion on such a procedure, you should visit any dental clinic and undergo a series of procedures. Depending on the condition of your teeth and soft tissues, the number of actions will differ, but in general, oral sanitation consists of the following:

  1. Examination by a dentist, making diagnostic assumptions and prescribing some additional procedures.
  2. Do X-ray jaws, covering not only problem areas, but also the entire functional apparatus.
  3. Perform professional cleaning to remove plaque and tartar.
  4. If there are diseases of hard or soft tissues, the doctor draws up a treatment plan. Sometimes other specialists are involved for this purpose - surgeons, periodontists, etc.
  5. The actual recovery stage will strictly depend on what is discovered and what problems need to be eliminated.
  6. To strengthen the enamel and saturate it with additional minerals, the doctor can coat hard tissues with a special gel polish containing increased amount fluorine and calcium.
  7. If some diseases have become chronic form and require periodic observation or therapeutic intervention, the patient is registered at the clinical examination clinic.
  8. A doctor’s report is given, written according to a general template, which can indicate all the manipulations performed.
  9. Sometimes the dentist also draws up an additional schedule of visits and observations at the clinic for long-term treatment.

For all variations, brushing your teeth with professional means is a universal and mandatory procedure. But the treatment can be very different depending on the patient’s specific problems - tooth extraction, filling, implantation, prosthetics, bite alignment, treatment of sore gums, etc.

Sanitation of the oral cavity during pregnancy

Consult a dentist and necessary treatment teeth or gums, preferably before the start of pregnancy. In any case, when registering at the antenatal clinic, the doctor will definitely require a certificate of sanitation. Where can I get one? In any dentist's office - in government agency or a private clinic.

The peculiarities of a pregnant woman’s condition are the processes occurring at this time in her body. These include hormonal changes, active growth of the fetus, and various related problems. Particularly acute is the lack of minerals such as phosphorus and calcium, as well as some vitamins, which leads to popular dental problems among pregnant women:

  • swollen gums;
  • pain while eating;
  • the appearance of white spots on the enamel;
  • promotion ;
  • rapid development of caries.
To prevent this, you should contact your dentist promptly at the first unpleasant sensations and visit him additionally at the beginning and end of the gestation period. By carrying out general cleaning of surfaces and treatment with mineral gels, you can guarantee the healthy condition of your teeth and gums during this difficult period.

It is undesirable to ignore such problems, as they will worsen not only your well-being expectant mother, but can also significantly affect general development fetus and child health immediately after birth. After all, an infection that quickly spreads in the oral cavity easily gets inside female body, and there it negatively affects the fetus.

It is believed that everything dental procedures should be carried out in the second trimester. But in each specific case, the doctor will decide whether you need to wait this period or whether you can start treatment right away. It is worth noting that today most manipulations are safe for pregnant women and such manipulations will not affect the child in any negative way.

Even the need to take an x-ray can now be carried out in such a delicate position. For this purpose, some rooms are equipped with a special radiovisiograph. It affects locally in a volume of several centimeters, without harming the body as a whole. Also modern medicines And local anesthesia do not penetrate the placenta and are completely safe for the fetus.

In children

As soon as your baby's first baby teeth appear, you should periodically show him to the dentist. It is very important to keep them clean, as health directly depends on it. permanent units that will appear after them.

When entering an official institution, for example, a kindergarten, the child must be shown to a specialist. He will reveal the first possible problems and give recommendations for compliance hygiene procedures or will appoint some affordable treatment. In this case they can do the following:

  • detect the beginning of carious processes;
  • perform filling of affected teeth;
  • if necessary, fluoridate or silver plate individual units;
  • If a malocclusion is detected, orthodontic treatment and installation of braces are prescribed.

In kindergartens and schools, every year children undergo regular examinations of the oral cavity in the dentist’s office for timely detection of emerging problems. After all, children's enamel is too fragile and thin and can quickly be destroyed. Additionally, children are known to be reluctant to practice proper dental hygiene, which also contributes to the problem.

It is important that parents teach their child to visit the dentist’s office on time and. Only by establishing positive contact is it possible to ensure that the child trusts the specialist, allows all manipulations to be carried out and does not resist treatment. Pediatric dentistry is considered more complex precisely due to the problems in establishing such a trusting relationship between the doctor and the patient.

When do you need a certificate of oral sanitation?

If you perform such an examination regularly to maintain the health of your teeth and gums, then a certificate as such is not needed. In cases where you were referred to a dentist for sanitation from a clinic, antenatal clinic, or are required in some other official institutions, then you should take the appropriate certificate from the dentist or he will make an entry in the general medical record.

Usually this is needed:

  • upon admission to kindergarten;
  • school;
  • At work;
  • when crossing the border;
  • for trips to children's camps or other health institutions;
  • during general therapeutic treatment or medical examination;
  • for military service.

How much does this procedure cost? Depending on the clinic you contacted and the specific measures taken, the amount may vary greatly. After all, if you only cleaned from plaque and tartar, you will get the same amount, but when filling several teeth or prosthetics, the cost of all manipulations will be completely different.

Video: sanitation of the oral cavity with a Biolase Epic diode laser.

Is it possible to carry out the procedure at home?

Since people don’t really like visiting the dentist’s office, a similar question often arises - will it be possible to do the sanitation on your own? Let us say right away that it is impossible to carry out the entire range of required procedures at home. After all, this requires both equipment and the help of a specialist. You cannot even diagnose the condition of your teeth and gums yourself.

All that is available for maintaining oral health at home is regular cleaning and treatment of surfaces, adherence to general recommendations, rinsing after meals and using high-quality devices for this.

Only a doctor can fully examine all teeth and clean hard to reach places, make a diagnosis, do a filling, etc. Moreover, if you need to install dentures, braces or complete periodontal treatment, tooth extraction, pulp removal and other complex manipulations.

Patients often receive instructions from a doctor to undergo oral sanitation. This term means carrying out a series of therapeutic preventive measures activities aimed at improving oral health.

Many people do not know what oral sanitation is and are afraid of the new term. Oral sanitation is a regular procedure that is carried out twice a year and guarantees the health of teeth and gums.

This treatment involves the following activities:

Timely and regular sanitation of the oral cavity will help avoid the development of serious illnesses and prevent carious tooth decay.

Routine oral treatment is indicated in all cases, including:

  • children's preschool age;
  • alignment of the bite by wearing a brace system;
  • preparation for surgery;
  • preparation for long-term hospitalization;
  • trips to other countries.

For every person who cares about the health of their teeth, regular sanitization of the entire oral cavity should become a habitual event.

Rehabilitation stages

The decision on the advisability of reorganization and necessary procedures taken by the doctor after examining the patient. A set of measures for sanitation of the oral cavity consists of several stages:

Teeth cleaning and whitening are not a mandatory procedure. They are prescribed by a doctor if indicated.

When registering with the gynecological department, the attending physician will definitely refer the pregnant woman to the dentist. After the examination, the dentist must write on the card about the sanitation. Often women are faced with a lack of information about what does the inscription mean that the oral cavity has been sanitized? This means there is no risk of enamel caries and gum disease, which can cause the loss of healthy teeth.

Read also:

Professional hygienic teeth cleaning

During pregnancy, a woman's body receives a double load. Deficiency of calcium and phosphorus, as well as vitamins, cause weakening of tooth enamel.

Caries and gum inflammation are frequent companions of pregnant women. This is due to hormonal changes in the entire body and changes in the acid-base balance of the oral cavity. A change in the acid-base balance leads to increased growth and reproduction of pathogens in the oral cavity, which causes the rapid development of caries.

Every second woman experiences deterioration in the condition of her gums during this period:

  • gums swell and become bluish;
  • there is pain when eating;
  • bleeding occurs.

All this is a consequence hormonal changes and leads to the development of gingivitis - inflammation of the tissue around the tooth.

Sanitation of the oral cavity during pregnancy is necessary measure which will help maintain a healthy and beautiful smile.

During this period, the enamel weakens and is destroyed. White spots and excessive tartar growth may be observed. It is very important to have it professionally cleaned dental clinic. This will help remove tartar, thereby reducing the risk of developing dental caries.

During cleaning, the doctor will remove tartar, and then cover the enamel with a special fluoridating paste. The procedure will help saturate the enamel with fluoride, thereby strengthening it.

Sanitation of the oral cavity during pregnancy is mandatory procedure which should be carried out before conception. If this was not possible before conception, you should visit a doctor as soon as possible.

Dental treatment, filling and caries removal are recommended to be carried out in the second trimester of pregnancy. However, if there is acute inflammation and toothache, an immediate visit to the dentist is indicated, regardless of the trimester.

After a scheduled visit to the doctor, the dentist will write on the card that the oral cavity has been sanitized. This term means that all teeth are in order and all planned measures have been carried out, which means there is nothing to worry about during pregnancy.

Oddly enough, not everyone knows what sanitation of the oral cavity is, what types, forms and methods of sanitation there are and how to carry it out correctly. According to statistics, more than 90% of people around the world brush their teeth incorrectly. And this is just brushing your teeth, not to mention significant other activities.

What is oral sanitation? This is the totality therapeutic actions, preventive manipulations that are aimed at improving the health of the oral cavity and preventing diseases of the teeth and gums. It includes: treatment of caries, root canals, removal of teeth that cannot be treated, dental restoration, hygienic cleaning.

What is oral sanitation and is it possible at home, what types (forms) and methods of sanitation exist, its importance for human health - more on all this below.

Sanitation of the oral cavity (teeth) is…

What dental sanitation consists of becomes clear from the name. The Latin word “sanatio” in translation means treatment, recovery. So, as mentioned above, sanitation of the oral cavity is a complex of manipulations aimed at treating dental diseases and cleaning the oral cavity to prevent the development of new pathologies.

beautiful, healthy teeth by nature - this is a great rarity. And even in this case, they need ongoing care, both minimal, at home, and complete, at the dentist. Therefore, dental sanitation has great importance and is necessary. Doctors recommend doing it at least once every six months.

Sanitation of the oral cavity includes various methods and types of work, and often requires the involvement of not only one dentist, but also other specialists - an orthodontist, a surgeon, an orthopedist, and a periodontist. It all depends on what pathology the patient presented with.

Sanitation of the oral cavity includes the following procedures:

Depends on everyone individual case, sanitation of the oral cavity may require not one, but several trips to the dentist. Many people are interested in whether it is possible to sanitation of teeth at home - more on this a little further, but first let’s figure out what types of sanitation exist.

Forms (types) and methods of oral cavity sanitation

What forms and methods of mouth sanitation exist? There are such main types of oral sanitation as individual, planned and periodic sanitation.

Customized form sanitation implies a person’s independent visit to the clinic. Planned (one-time) form It is required to be carried out once a year for all children attending kindergarten and school, as well as for the working population for permission to work. Periodic type of sanitation covers people under medical supervision.

All types of oral cavity sanitation can be carried out using two methods - centralized And decentralized. The first involves reorganization in medical institution, and the decentralized method - sanitation is carried out in doctors' offices on the basis of a school or enterprise.

Forms and methods of mouth sanitation are selected depending on the case.

Sanitation of the oral cavity at home

Many people are interested in the question: “Is oral sanitation carried out at home?” This procedure provides not only the prevention of dental diseases, but also the treatment of existing ones. Therefore, complete sanitation of the oral cavity at home is impossible.

Prevention of dental pathologies at home is of great importance and should include careful oral hygiene, avoidance of bad habits, proper nutrition with a limitation of sweets, a predominance of solid foods.

What does oral sanitation mean for human health?

Many of us don’t even think about what sanitation of the oral cavity means and what a huge role it plays for human health. Sanitation helps to get rid of dental pathology and avoid it in the future. It prevents the development of infection in the oral cavity and its spread throughout the body, and the rapid loss of teeth.
And what sanitation of the oral cavity means for a pregnant woman and the health of her unborn child is not worth even talking about!

Sanitation in medicine includes carrying out medical procedures aimed at improving the health of the body. The main goal of the intervention is to remove the infection that interferes with healing and normal functioning.

Sanitation of the oral cavity

One of the indicators of human health is snow-white smile. According to STAR, the oral cavity requires sanitation in 87% of the population.

In a deplorable state, diseases of the kidneys, heart, bronchi and other organs immediately appear. The toxins produced are also dangerous harmful bacteria in the oral cavity. They provide systemic impact on the body as a whole, changing its response to all processes, which ultimately leads to the development of serious diseases and complications. Therefore, it is important to take measures to remove the infection.

Sanitation in dentistry is a combination of therapeutic and preventive procedures aimed at improving the health of the oral cavity and eliminating the source of inflammation of various etiologies and prevention of dental diseases.

You need to visit the dentist twice a year. On the first visit, an examination is carried out and a preliminary map of treatment procedures is drawn up. First, therapeutic procedures are carried out; if necessary, surgical removal decayed or impacted teeth.

For supporting normal functioning dental system, as well as maintaining the health of teeth and gums, it is recommended to visit the dentist at least twice a year.

There are three types of sanitation:

  1. planned;
  2. periodic – during medical examination;
  3. individual appeal.


Planned rehabilitation is carried out in children's institutions: kindergartens, boarding schools, educational institutions various levels accreditation, sanatoriums, summer camps, as well as at some enterprises and before surgery. During pregnancy, the sanitation procedure must be carried out strictly.

Planned activities must be carried out without fail for people suffering from somatic diseases.

Periodic one-step sanitation of the oral cavity is performed in organized groups and certain groups of the population (pregnant women, conscripts, disabled people). It is considered the most effective in the prevention of dental diseases.

An infection in the mouth is a constant source of infection for every organ in the body. Sanitation of the oral cavity before surgery reduces the risk of developing purulent complications, therefore it is carried out without fail. Dentists say that timely identification of the source of inflammation and its treatment is an indispensable condition for recovery in many cases. infectious diseases. Scientific research proved the fact of the relationship between periodontopathogenic microflora and the development of cerebral atherosclerosis.

There are a number of diseases for which oral cavity sanitation is carried out at least 2 times a year:

  • diabetes;
  • allergic manifestations;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • diseases of ENT organs and respiratory system.

Carrying out reorganization

Often, oral cavity sanitation takes place in several stages and not during one visit to the dentist.

Sanitation includes several stages:

  • examination for various diseases;
  • professional removal of dental plaque and soft plaque;

Removing dental plaque

  • if necessary, appointed panoramic shot or X-ray diagnostics;
  • treatment of carious cavities and soft periodontal tissues;
  • treatment of gum diseases;
  • tooth extraction;
  • prosthetics and orthodontic procedures;
  • At the request of the patient, teeth whitening is performed.

All sanitation activities are carried out with mandatory consultations on proper oral care, selection of toothpaste, brush, dental floss and rinse, taking into account individual characteristics.

All procedures are performed by a dentist-therapist; if necessary, he refers the patient to a surgeon or orthodontist.

Is complete sanitation of the oral cavity possible? Helps maintain oral health and prevent the formation of foci of infection. proper care using medicinal or prophylactic pastes, rinses, dental floss, visual inspection tongue, gums and teeth.

Sanitation of the oral cavity in children

Visiting the dentist in childhood should occur already in the first year of life. The next visit must be planned before visiting kindergarten. Sanitation of the oral cavity depends on the degree and intensity of development of the underlying disease. In therapeutic dentistry, this is an index of caries intensity. The method allows you to calculate the intensity of molar destruction and create a plan for effective treatment and preventive measures. The scheme is used for children aged 6-12 years, when a change in bite occurs.

Acceptable time limits for minimizing development severe forms caries:

  • I degree – 13 months;
  • II degree – 7 months;
  • III degree – 3.5 months.

The main causes of tooth decay in children:

  1. presence of chronic diseases;
  2. preeclampsia or bacterial infections suffered by a woman in the 1st trimester of pregnancy;
  3. taking medications during pregnancy;
  4. improper oral care or lack thereof.

When carrying out orthodontic procedures, which can last 2.5-3 years, dental sanitation is mandatory. During this time, you may have to visit the dentist up to 8 times.

To prevent negative consequences from visiting the clinic, as well as for certain diseases of the central nervous system, allergic reactions, fear of manipulation, large volumes of dental work, sanitation of the oral cavity under anesthesia is allowed. During manipulations, nervously - mental condition little patient relaxed, no pain or tactile sensations, which makes the whole process calm and comfortable.

Sanitation of the oral cavity during pregnancy

Dental sanitation during pregnancy is mandatory. It is recommended to undergo oral health procedures before conception.

Important! Visiting the dentist during pregnancy will keep the mother's teeth healthy and prevent Negative influence infections on the child's health.

During the period of bearing a baby, significant changes occur in a woman’s body. hormonal levels, which provokes gum inflammation. In addition, it changes acid-base balance, mineral composition saliva. This leads to a loss of calcium, a weakening of the density of dental tissue, as a result of which the enamel becomes thinner and the teeth are destroyed.

If sanitation of the oral cavity was not carried out during pregnancy, a pathogenic infection enters the body of the expectant mother, changing the properties breast milk(it becomes bitter), and becomes the cause of the development of caries in the newly formed milk teeth. It has been scientifically proven that harmful microflora is located and actively develops in the grooves of the tongue of even a toothless baby.

Research results show that almost every pregnant woman suffers from bleeding gums due to inflammation. If you do not consult a dentist in time, gingivitis can gradually develop into a more serious form - periodontitis, which is difficult to cure. The constant presence of harmful microflora in a woman’s mouth provokes Negative consequences on the formation of all life processes of the unborn child. Therefore, sanitation during pregnancy is simply necessary.

It is worth considering that treatment procedures are carried out only in the second trimester. In the second and third, only procedures associated with acute pain are performed.

The examination and a set of measures to improve the oral cavity are carried out without harm to the baby’s health. There are certain contraindications for tooth extraction; if such a need arises, the doctor uses special anesthesia for pregnant women.

Dental treatment

Complete sanitation of the oral cavity is considered completed if all carious cavities are filled and eliminated inflammatory processes. This safe procedure will keep your teeth healthy and your smile beautiful.

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