What is schizophrenia? This disease is curable. Use of antidepressants and cytokines. Schizophrenia - features of the classification of the disease

Schizophrenia – chronic mental disorder, which includes the splitting of the emotional-volitional and intellectual spheres of a person. Many people are probably interested in the question: is it possible to cure schizophrenia? Unfortunately, at this stage historical development This disease cannot be treated; only symptomatic therapy is used. Schizophrenia does not affect people without a genetic predisposition.

Moreover, a patient with schizophrenia often does not consider himself such, so correction of his condition must be carried out in a 24-hour psychiatric hospital.

Therapy, in turn, can be divided into several groups:

  • Stopping therapy - used directly during the onset of the disease, helps reduce the manifestations of the clinical picture - delusional syndrome;
  • Stabilizing therapy is carried out after the main treatment. Its main task is to correct the remaining symptoms;
  • Maintenance therapy is aimed at prolonging remission and is involved in stabilizing the psycho-emotional background.

Symptoms for different forms of schizophrenia are similar, but the diagnosis is made according to the prevailing symptom. For example, the pseudoneurotic form simulates a picture of neurosis, but in fact such a patient requires observation by a psychiatrist.

Relatives of a sick person should know exactly where to go for help and where to treat this mental disorder.

Treatment of schizophrenia has its own characteristics, because timely detection of this mental disorder does not always occur. It often begins during puberty, gradually affecting the mental health of the child, which remains unnoticed until the age of 20-25. And with neurosis-like schizophrenia, diagnosis is difficult even at a later age due to the typical clinical picture of neurosis. Such patients can be observed by a psychotherapist, but they will not receive specialized medical care from a psychiatrist. This can lead to the number of attacks beginning to increase and, finally, the disease can become continuous.

Treatment of schizophrenia is considered effective if the onset of the disease is stopped in time. Especially if such attacks have not been observed before. Psychoses can last from several hours to several months; during this period of time it is very important to find a common language with the patient and select suitable medications with minimal side effects. The effectiveness of the therapy will depend on these factors in the future.

Periods of schizophrenic psychosis

Drug treatment for schizophrenia depends on the phase of psychosis.

  • Acute phase. Lasts from several hours to several months. Characteristic development of negative symptoms is loss of interest in life, depressed mood, irritability, desire for solitude. Often patients show increased interest in esotericism, religion or philosophy. Mania of persecution may be observed, which manifests itself in the form of a feeling of strong fear for one’s life and unmotivated attacks of aggression. Against this background, delusions of grandeur develop, when the patient considers himself a famous person, appropriates other people's works, films, books, etc. These symptoms are characteristic of the paranoid form of schizophrenia. The attacks are stopped in the hospital by prescribing antipsychotics and tranquilizers.
  • State stabilization phase. It begins after the onset of the disease. It can last from several days to several years. This period is characterized as recovery. It is very important in terms of correcting the psycho-emotional background. Tranquilizers and antipsychotics in some cases completely stop the clinical picture. The drugs are taken for life, but are prescribed in smaller doses. With proper treatment, remission can reach up to 10 years.

Treatment methods for schizophrenia

  • Biological. They include insulin treatment, lateral therapy, electroconvulsive, detoxification, transcranial and magnetic brain stimulation, and pharmacotherapy. Previously, it was believed that insulin coma promotes long-term remission of the disease. However, this method is not the choice due to the high risk of fatal results. Nowadays insulin therapy is used less frequently. At the beginning of the 20th century, malaria therapy was used, the essence of which was to infect a person with malaria. Many scientists thought that schizophrenia was curable due to the activation of the body's defenses during an active infectious process. This method was later banned due to cruelty to sick people.
  • Psychotherapeutic. It is an additional component in the treatment of schizophrenia. With its help, it is possible to correct the patient’s mental state, up to reducing the dosage of the drug. Sometimes the patient becomes more sociable and cheerful; if such a psycho-emotional background is maintained for quite a long time, then remission can be significantly extended. In some cases, hypnosis therapy is carried out, which can produce results after the first session.

Factors of effectiveness of relief therapy

  • Duration of the disease. If schizophrenia is observed in a patient for 3 years, then adjusting the mental state with medications gives positive results. Accordingly, than longer person is sick, the lower the chances of prolonging remission.
  • Age. The disease at a later age is more easily amenable to pharmacotherapy.
  • The nature of psychosis. If the attack has pronounced symptoms, such as delusions, phobias, depression, then, as a rule, the onset is well controlled with medications.
  • Personal characteristics. If before the first onset of schizophrenia the patient had a balanced personality type, then the chances of successful treatment increase.
  • Cause of psychosis. If the reason lies in external factors (for example, experienced severe stress), then the treatment has a positive result. With spontaneous psychosis, the prognosis is more unfavorable.
  • Negative symptoms. The more pronounced clinical picture in the form of abulia, apathy, impaired mental activity, suppression of volitional processes, the more ineffective the pharmacotherapy will be.

Key Aspects of Treatment for Psychotic Personality Disorder

Modern methods of treating schizophrenia are primarily aimed at relieving negative symptoms and improving the adaptive capabilities of the sick person in society. Combining antipsychotics and atypical antipsychotic drugs helps relieve psychosis and prolong remission. But it is still not entirely clear at this stage of historical development how to cure schizophrenia completely.

Creative work in some cases allows the patient to prove himself as a good writer, artist, poet. Fear and anxiety find themselves in bizarre works and paintings, which slightly alleviates the condition of a patient with schizophrenic tendencies, since constant withdrawal into oneself and reluctance to communicate with other people contribute to the accumulation of negative experiences.

It is difficult to say whether schizophrenia is curable. It is clear that creativity alone cannot stabilize the patient’s condition. Therefore, modern treatment of schizophrenia is based on taking medicines.

Intensive methods of influence:

How to treat schizophrenia if medications do not give the desired result:

  • Electroconvulsive therapy – performed under general anesthesia and is a strong shock electric shock, has strong side effects in the form of distortion of cognitive perception. The method was widely used in the late 19th and early 20th centuries due to the lack of treatment of such patients with antipsychotics. Treatment with these medications began in the 50s of the last century.
  • Insulin shock therapy is a biological method that is based on the introduction of large doses of insulin into the human body, thereby causing a hypoglycemic coma. It is a backup remedy in questions about the treatment of schizophrenia, as it has very undesirable side effects. Insulin comatose therapy is used if the patient is resistant to drugs used in the treatment of schizophrenia.
  • Craniocerebral hypotonia – used in severe psychoses, especially in patients withdrawal syndrome. It consists of reducing the temperature of the brain.
  • Lateral therapy for schizophrenia is used in parallel with the prescription of antipsychotics. The principle is to apply electricity to certain areas of the body for which the cerebral hemispheres are responsible.

Administration of insulin in the treatment of schizophrenia:

  • Subcutaneous administration ( traditional way). A daily course with a gradual increase in the dose of insulin leads to the development of hypoglycemic coma. The efficiency is quite high.
  • Through a dropper (forced). The drug is infused simultaneously, which quickly leads to an insulin comatose state.
  • Insulin therapy with lateral physiotherapy (potentiated method). It enhances the effect of the latter and is a method of “desperation”.

The administration of small doses of drugs or treatment of schizophrenia with homeopathy is currently rarely used, since the effectiveness has not been proven. However, a patient may turn to a homeopathic doctor due to mistrust of his attending physician in a psychiatric hospital.

Non-drug therapies

  • Communication therapy. This allows a person to accept his illness, make contact with other people and positively influence the patient’s adaptation.
  • Lateral physiotherapy. Prescribed simultaneously with medications.
  • Lateral phototherapy. It has a good effect on suppressing a person’s phobias. The principle is to irritate the retinas of both eyes with a light impulse. Depending on this, the patient’s psycho-emotional background is regulated in favor of depression or excitement.
  • Intravascular laser irradiation is a kind of blood purification that is performed using a laser. This helps to significantly increase sensitivity to drug therapy, which allows you to reduce their dose and thereby minimize the manifestation side effects. Prescribed by the attending physician in case of resistance to pharmacotherapy.
  • Pair polarization therapy. Stimulation of the cerebral cortex by exposure to electricity.
  • Enterosorption. It is similar to blood purification using a laser. Includes the patient’s consumption of activated carbon, smecta and other sorbent substances that are able to bind toxins and remove them from the body.

Essential medications for the treatment of schizophrenia

Attention! The article is for informational purposes only. Do not self-medicate. Consult a doctor!

The disease occurs due to a deficiency of a neurotransmitter, so therapy should be aimed at restoring it.

Drugs for the treatment of schizophrenia include a variety of pharmaceutical medications that act on damaged brain structures.

Neuroleptic drugs influence precisely the factors that provoke the onset of schizophrenia, which explains their effectiveness.

They can be divided into several groups:

  • Atypical neuroleptics: Amisulpride, Olanzapine;
  • New (atypical) antipsychotics: Sertindole, Ziprasidone;
  • Sedative neuroleptics: Chlorpromazine, Sultopride;
  • Neuroleptic drugs that can stimulate the central nervous system: Hypothiazine, Fluphenazine, Triftazine;
  • Neuroleptics with a disinhibiting effect: Carbidine, Sulpiride.

Moreover, Triftazin is often prescribed due to its strong effect on the clinical picture, but at the same time it is weaker than haloperidol.

Sleeping pills: Melaxen, Glycine.

Antidepressants have a stimulating effect: Amitriptyline, Elitsia.

Nootropics that improve human cognitive functions: Pantogam, Piracetam.

The use of tranquilizers is justified in the presence of anxiety: Diazepam, Phenazepam.

Febrile schizophrenia can be treated with aminazine with a rapid increase in dosage.

Other drug treatments

Among the newest methods, the Soteria project is being implemented, which is based on the fact that a patient in a state of psychosis is placed in a living room, where he himself does the cooking and other things. The method is based on homeopathic medication (in small doses). The patient is helped by volunteers who have a basic understanding of schizophrenia. This project is based on the formation of a friendly connection between a volunteer and a patient, since often a patient with schizophrenia does not perceive the doctor as wanting to help him.

Treatment of schizophrenia with cytokines is based on the principle of activation of the immune system. Used in the form of inhalations or injections every day for 10 days. Then every 3 days for 3 months.

A therapy that involves stem cells being injected into the hippocampus. One of the causes of schizophrenia is considered to be pathological changes in the hippocampus, so stem cells are a kind of stimulator of their regeneration. Treatment is possible only after the psychosis has stopped and the patient’s condition has normalized. Moreover prerequisite there must be relative mental well-being of the patient. In such patients, stem cells can cause stable remission.

ACC reduces the phenomena of akathisia.

Treatment of schizophrenia with traditional methods

Folk remedies can be used as additional therapy in the treatment of schizophrenia.

  • Against hallucinosis. For 1 liter of water there is 1 teaspoon of comfrey. The water is brought to a strong boil, then simmered over low heat for up to 10 minutes. The decoction is infused for an hour. The use of this decoction is recommended for up to 10 days with a two-week break. If necessary, repeat the course.
  • To relieve attacks of aggression. 200 grams of blooming mignonette pour 0.5 l sunflower oil. The decoction is infused for two weeks at a cool temperature and in a dark glass container. The oil obtained in this way should be rubbed into the temples in the morning and evening.
  • From tremor. Oregano is steamed for 12 hours in boiling water, then the infusion is filtered and drunk throughout the day, divided into several doses.
  • To relieve symptoms. Foxglove is infused in boiling water for 12 hours. It is recommended to take 50 ml 3-4 times a day.

Treatment of schizophrenia at home

Treatment of schizophrenia at home is permissible if the psychosis is stopped in a psychiatric hospital and the patient has spent at least a month there. Moreover, the frequency of attacks is taken into account, how long remission lasts on average, and whether the person is dangerous to himself and others. The patient must visit his doctor regularly and, if necessary, stay in a day hospital. The patient must be under the supervision of his relatives or other persons responsible for him. If for some reason the patient refuses to take the medicine and/or begins to behave strangely, show aggression for no apparent reason, then in this case you need to contact mental asylum. The doctor will prescribe a drug that can be taken once a week and, if necessary, admit the patient to the hospital. Additionally, nicotinic acid may be prescribed, which has good influence on the functional activity of neurons.

With a normal psycho-emotional background and if all doctor’s prescriptions are followed, a person with schizophrenia can stay at home under the supervision of relatives and even work in some enterprises. To increase the effectiveness of therapy, it is necessary to communicate with the patient so that he feels comfortable. For example, this means having a conversation with him, avoiding uncomfortable topics of conversation, expressive expressions, and not arguing.


Unfortunately, it is currently not possible to cure schizophrenia completely.

In about a quarter of patients, symptoms stop and there is stable remission until the end of life. About 30% of people with schizophrenia report a decrease in clinical symptoms. Relapses are rare and respond well to drug therapy.

20% of patients are resistant to antipsychotic drugs, schizophrenia is continuous. The periods of remission are short and the course is unfavorable. Patients are unable to care for themselves and require constant care. This picture is often observed in individuals with catanonic schizophrenia.

Remaining percentage patients, despite partial relief of symptoms, are prone to depression due to their disease. This group of people most often attempts suicide, so they require special monitoring.

If schizophrenia is not treated in the early stages of the disease, it can lead to adverse consequences. Therefore, the earlier drug therapy was carried out, the greater the chance of creating a stable remission, which will allow a person to live a long and happy life.

– a serious mental disorder that disrupts a person’s ability to perceive the real world and changes his behavior. Most often, the disease first appears in adolescents during puberty. Schizophrenia is a psychosis. This group mental illness characterized by the appearance of delusions and hallucinations.

The schizophrenic has a feeling that everything around him has a special meaning, is unnatural, “rigged”, he always “must be careful.” The patient is convinced that the things around him only seem ordinary, but in fact they are controlled by someone or something and have their own hidden purpose. The first condition for determining the diagnosis is the persistence of symptoms for at least 6 months. A more difficult thing is the treatment of such complex disease like schizophrenia. Whether the disorder is curable or not is a controversial issue. It is reported that 1/3 of patients experience complete resolution of symptoms (with initial treatment), 1/3 experience alternating periods of onset and resolution of the disease, and 1/3 have persistent symptoms. But does eliminating symptoms mean complete healing or schizophrenia for life?

Is schizophrenia curable?

Schizophrenia is an incurable disease, but proper treatment allows the patient to live a quality life that is productive and valuable to others. The person's restriction should be minimal. Hospitalization is necessary if the patient is not responsible for his actions.

Factors important for treatment

Each person is individual, but an integrated approach is always used, which involves taking medications and the help of a psychologist. In some cases, the use of traditional methods of treatment is acceptable. Prayer often helps as a sedative.

Diagnosis at an early stage

Parents often confuse a child's schizophrenic symptoms with those of puberty, but immediate therapeutic intervention is critical. further development. Recognizing the symptoms of childhood schizophrenia is very difficult because... Up to a certain age, a child can develop quite normally. It is important to pay attention to the appearance of a sudden significant change in behavior or general condition children, for example:

  • refusal of food and solid foods;
  • sleep disorders;
  • sudden, unexplained weight loss;
  • screaming at the sight of strangers;
  • closedness from the outside world;
  • stereotyped activities, sometimes with obsessive-compulsive disorder;
  • signs of deep anxiety;
  • excessive pedantry.

Psychiatrists and psychologists, using psychoanalysis, which includes a number of methods, can accurately identify diseases. For this purpose, analysis is used through play, artistic expression, addition of stories, etc. The use of color in drawing is important. The use of black is especially typical.

Genetic effect

In the development and course of the disease, the most important role genetic predisposition plays a role. Schizophrenia is caused by multiple genes. These genes are not exclusive, they are present in a healthy population, but their combination upsets the balance. And the appearance of individual genes in each person determines the risk of the disease. Schizophrenia is a combination of the effects of several genes. Each of them individually cannot cause the disease.

Genetics also determines response to treatment. There is a so-called “non-residents” in relation to treatment therapy. These are people for whom a drug (or group of drugs) has no effect. Today, intensive research is being carried out regarding hereditary dispositions. Their goal is to be able to pre-determine which drug will best suppress symptoms, which will play an important role in curing schizophrenia.

Other factors to consider during treatment:

  • schizophrenia manifests most noticeably (and most often) during puberty;
  • the success of treatment depends on taking appropriate medications;
  • It is recommended to swim a lot during treatment;
  • it is advisable to find suitable job, where the patient will gradually become more self-confident and strengthen his ego.

How to treat schizophrenia?

The earlier the better. Although the answer to the question is whether schizophrenia is curable initial stage, it is impossible, a timely treatable disease responds well to therapy.

If symptoms persist despite treatment, the patient is assigned a disability.

In the acute phase of the disease, hospitalization and adjustments to hospital treatment are sometimes necessary. Specialized antipsychotic drugs are used in the treatment of schizophrenia. The correct remedy is prescribed by a doctor or psychiatrist. The first antipsychotic drug was synthesized in 1950, and since then several new drugs have been developed that have fewer side effects. After treating an acute condition with antipsychotics, it is important that the person understands and accepts his illness, and is aware of the need to take medications (the length of time schizophrenia is treated depends on the individual; sometimes drug therapy continues for several years, sometimes it can last throughout life). The patient should be taught to recognize the symptoms of the disease, this will prevent relapses in the future.

Modern methods of treatment

The disease usually develops in several phases. The course of schizophrenia varies depending on a number of factors. In accordance with the development and course of the disease, the therapeutic course is adjusted.

Treatment of acute symptoms

1st line drugs in the treatment of acute conditions are new generation drugs containing risperidone or olanzapine. Older (classical) types of antipsychotics are used in patients at risk due to their more pronounced sedative effect. A significant improvement in the condition of approximately 50% of patients occurs no earlier than after a month of therapy.

Treatment of chronic diseases

Treatment of the indolent form of the disease also includes taking new types of antipsychotics. Patients who are not reliably taking medicines, sometimes they need a spare (so-called depot) form of the drug. For long-term therapy, the doctor usually chooses a drug that is effective for the first episode of schizophrenia.

Treatment of resistant disease

In the treatment of schizophrenia that responds poorly to various medications, drugs containing clozapine are used. In this case, patience is required because the rate of resolution of symptoms is slower - improvement may take several months, but if other drugs are not effective, clozapine will provide significant relief to the patient and his environment.


Psychotherapeutic care for a patient with schizophrenia is important for his future life. It includes:

  • psychological education (explaining basic facts about the disease);
  • occupational therapy;
  • social skills training (how to communicate when looking for a job, shopping, making friends);
  • cognitive behavioral therapy.

Involvement of family members is important. The condition of a relative is a significant stress for them. Both for relatives and for the patients themselves, it is very important how the family treats the problem and how it will cope with it.


Choice of drug – important point. You should consult a doctor to prescribe the drug; The vast majority of drugs for schizophrenia are available by prescription, because we are talking about strong psychotropic drugs.

Choose the right medications It is not always possible the first time, so the patient must be under constant medical supervision.

Medicines treat, but do not cure

Antipsychotic drugs used to treat schizophrenia affect thought processes, relieve hallucinations, weaken or change attitudes towards them, calm motor disorders, and suppress depressive and manic symptoms. But the answer to the question of whether schizophrenia in women and men is curable with drug therapy is negative - drugs treat the disease, but do not cure it.

Magnetic stimulation, a method based on the application of a pulsed magnetic field created by a coil applied to the surface of the head, has shown an interesting effect on some symptoms of schizophrenia, especially hallucinations. This method directly stimulates the cortex at a distance of approximately 2-3 cm from the coil.

According to experts, using a specific frequency may benefit chronic schizophrenia patients with auditory hallucinations for whom conservative treatment has failed.

How will schizophrenia be treated in the future?

You shouldn't be afraid of paradoxes, it's important to try to understand them. Niels Bohr said: “No paradox, no progress.” These words well describe the ongoing research into therapeutic methods for schizophrenia.

Use of non-dopamine receptors

For decades, experts have been developing antipsychotics that do not work with the D2 receptor paradigm. They are expected to be more selective and secure. According to US researcher Jeffrey Conn, these may be substances that act on muscarinic receptors (binding to the neurotransmitter acetylcholine in the brain). It has been experimentally shown that xanomeline, which affects the M1 and M4 muscarinic receptors, has an antipsychotic effect, but also more significant side effects. In the later stages of clinical testing, it is precisely because of the presence of side effects that a number of promising drugs fail.

Jeffrey Conn sees the solution not in drugs that act on receptors directly, but only in their modulation. For example, BQCA, a pharmacological substance that positively modulates M1 receptors, has a positive effect on cognitive function. It can be used especially to relieve cognitive symptoms of schizophrenia.

Video game to treat schizophrenia

Help in the treatment of schizophrenia can be provided by software that bears a striking resemblance to computer game. Special software designed to stimulate the brain was developed by Professor Sofia Vinogradova from the University of San Francisco, USA. The goal of the “video game” is to stimulate certain processes to form new cells that can take over the role of old ones that are no longer functioning.

Brain in a bowl

Scientists are increasingly working with “artificially engineered brains” when studying schizophrenia. Don't expect sci-fi, brain research is done in laboratory conditions using stem cells grown in petri dishes.

Very typical for this form is the appearance of the patient - red and dry skin, feverish shine in the eyes, dry tongue. Patients are excited, rushing about ( sometimes within the bed), exhibit negativism. Sometimes febrile schizophrenia can occur with confusion. Extremely severe cases occur with the phenomenon of toxicerma, in which serous, purulent and hemorrhagic blisters form on the skin. The mortality rate for this form is very high and ranges from 10 to 50 percent. The duration of the attack varies from several hours to several weeks.

Schizophrenia in the form of a prolonged pubertal attack
This is a single-episode schizophrenia that develops with syndromes characteristic of adolescence. The course of this form is relatively favorable.

It makes its debut in adolescence, often with the manifestation of heboid syndrome. This syndrome is characterized by a distortion of the emotional and volitional characteristics of the individual. It manifests itself in the perversion of instincts, primarily sexual, and in extreme egocentrism. Highest moral principles ( concepts of good and evil) and emotions ( compassion) are lost, and a tendency to antisocial behavior arises. Lost interest in any activity ( first of all to study), opposition arises to any established norms of behavior or generally accepted views. Behavior becomes rude, inappropriate and unmotivated. It is worth noting that, despite the loss of interest in studying, intellectual abilities remain.

The first stage of this condition begins at 11–15 years of age and lasts 2–3 years. The second stage begins at 17–18 years of age and is manifested by a detailed clinical picture of this syndrome. The condition of adolescents during this period is completely decompensated, and sophisticated cruelty, aggression and hysterical reactions predominate in behavior.
At the third stage ( 19 – 20 years old) the condition stabilizes and there are no further complications. The condition stabilizes at the level of the previous stage. Patients begin to regress in mental development, and it seems that they are “not growing up.” At the fourth stage, which begins at 20–25 years of age, the condition reverses. Behavioral disorders are smoothed out, negativism and the tendency to antisocial actions are lost. All that remains are periodic mood swings and outbursts of anger.

In addition to heboid syndrome, dysmorphophobic and psychasthenic syndromes can be observed. In the first case, young people are worried about their body weight, the shape of their nose, future baldness, some birthmarks, and so on. This anxiety is accompanied by hysterical reactions and depression. In the second case, obsessions and fears are revealed ( phobias), anxious suspiciousness.

Childhood schizophrenia

Childhood schizophrenia accounts for one fifth of all psychoses on the schizophrenia spectrum. A flow is usually a continuously flowing form. The fur-like and recurrent form of schizophrenia occupies an intermediate state.

The most malignant form is early childhood schizophrenia. Its symptoms become most distinct by the age of 3–5 years. The disease begins with alienation from close relatives and loss of interest in the world around us. Lethargy and apathy are combined with stubbornness and a certain hostility. Neurosis-like states arise - fears, anxiety, mood swings appear. Behavior is characterized by foolishness, mannerism, and echolalia ( repetition of words) and echopraxia ( repetition of actions). Sharp negativism also predominates - the child does everything the opposite. At the same time, ambivalence is observed - joy abruptly gives way to crying, excitement turns into apathy. Children's games take on a primitive character - playing with a thread, a wheel, collecting some objects.

Against the background of these changes, the main symptoms of schizophrenia appear - slowed mental development, emotional impoverishment, autism ( appearance of autism symptoms). At the age of 5 years, a detailed clinical picture appears - hallucinations appear ( visual and olfactory), pronounced affective disorders. Hallucinations are rudimentary ( in the initial stage), and if delirium appears, it is also not systematized and fragmented. Since intellectual abilities regress and it is difficult for the child to express his thoughts, a delusional mood most often develops. It is expressed in suspicion and mistrust, which do not acquire verbal expression. The defect condition develops very quickly. After 2–3 years, speech and previously acquired skills regress, and behavior becomes primitive. The so-called “oligophrenic ( idiot) component".

The main features of early childhood schizophrenia are the rapid development of personality and intellectual defects with pronounced symptoms of autism.
Schizophrenia, which begins at a later age - after 5 - 7 years, is not as malignant. The oligophrenic component is not so strongly expressed, but, at the same time, adaptation disorders and mental immaturity are observed.

Diagnosis of schizophrenia

Since the origin of schizophrenia is multifaceted and still not precisely known, to date there are no specific tests or instrumental methods for diagnosing this disease.
Diagnosis is based on detailed study the patient’s medical history, his complaints, as well as data provided by his relatives, friends and social workers.

At the same time, when making a diagnosis, the doctor takes into account standardized diagnostic criteria. These criteria are represented by two main systems - the International Classification of Diseases, 10th revision ( ICD-10), developed by the United Nations, and the Diagnostic Manual of Mental Disorders ( DSM-V), developed by the American Psychiatric Association.

Criteria for diagnosing schizophrenia according to ICD-10

According to this classification, an attack of schizophrenia must last at least six months. Symptoms of schizophrenia must be present constantly - in everyday life, at work. The diagnosis of schizophrenia should not be made against the background severe lesions brain or due to depression.

The ICD distinguishes two groups of criteria - first and second rank.

First-rank criteria for schizophrenia are:

  • sound of thoughts ( patients interpret this as an “echo of thoughts”);
  • delusions of influence, influence, or other delusional perceptions;
  • auditory hallucinations (vote) of a commentary nature;
  • crazy ideas that are ridiculous and pretentious.
According to the ICD, at least one of these symptoms must be present. The symptom must be clearly defined and present for at least a month.

The second rank criteria for schizophrenia are:

  • constant but mild hallucinations ( tactile, olfactory and others);
  • interruption of thoughts ( especially noticeable during a conversation when a person suddenly stops);
  • phenomena of catatonia ( excitement or stupor);
  • negative symptoms – apathy, emotional dullness, isolation;
  • behavioral disorders - inactivity, self-absorption ( the patient is occupied exclusively with his thoughts and experiences).
There must be at least two of these symptoms at diagnosis, and they must also last for at least a month. In the diagnosis of schizophrenia, clinical observation of the patient is of particular importance. By monitoring a patient in a hospital setting, the doctor becomes more clear about the nature of the patient’s complaints. It is especially important to analyze the patient’s communication with other patients, with staff, and with the doctor. Often patients try to hide perception disorders ( vote), which can only be revealed through detailed observation of the patient.

The patient’s appearance, especially his facial expressions, also acquires great diagnostic significance. The latter is often a mirror of his inner experiences. So, she can express fear ( with commanding voices), grimacing ( for hebephrenic schizophrenia), detachment from the outside world.

Diagnostic criteria for schizophrenia according to DSM-V

According to this classification, symptoms must last for at least 6 months. At the same time, changes in behavior at home, at work, and in society should be observed. Changes may concern self-care - the patient becomes sloppy and ignores hygiene. Neurological pathology, mental retardation or manic-depressive psychosis must be excluded. One of the following criteria must be clearly observed.

The diagnostic criteria for schizophrenia according to DSM-V are:
Characteristic phenomena– must be observed for at least a month, and 2 or more symptoms are required to make a diagnosis.

  • rave;
  • hallucinations;
  • impaired thinking or speech;
  • phenomena of catatonia;
  • negative symptoms.
Social maladjustment– changes are observed in all areas of the patient’s life.

Stability of symptoms– the symptoms of the disease are very stable and last for six months.

Severe somatic ( bodily), neurological disease. The use of psychoactive substances is also excluded.

There are no deep affective disorders, including depression.

Diagnostics various forms schizophrenia

Form of schizophrenia Diagnostic criteria
Paranoid schizophrenia The presence of delirium is required:
  • persecution;
  • greatness;
  • impact;
  • high origin;
  • special purpose on earth and so on.
Presence of votes ( judging or commenting).
Hebephrenic schizophrenia Motor-volitional disorders:
  • foolishness;
  • emotional inadequacy;
  • baseless euphoria.
The following triad of symptoms:
  • inaction of thoughts;
  • euphoria ( unproductive);
  • grimacing.
Catatonic schizophrenia Phenomena of catatonia:
  • stupor;
  • excitement ( transition from one to another);
  • negativism;
  • stereotypies.
Undifferentiated form Includes signs of paranoid, hebephrenic and catatonic schizophrenia. The wide variety of symptoms makes it impossible to determine the form of the disease.
Residual schizophrenia
  • Negative symptoms in emotional sphere (emotional flatness, passivity, decreased communication skills);
  • Having at least one psychotic episode in the past ( exacerbation).
Simple form of schizophrenia
(not included in the American Classification of Diseases)
  • onset of the disease at 15–20 years of age;
  • decrease in emotional and volitional qualities;
  • behavior regression;
  • personality change.

It should be noted that this list of symptoms is present in already developed clinical forms schizophrenia. Then making a diagnosis is not difficult. However, on initial stages Symptoms of the disease are erased and appear with varying frequency. Therefore, very often during initial hospitalization, doctors question the diagnosis of schizophrenia.

Diagnostic tests and scales

Sometimes various diagnostic tests are used to “uncover” the patient. In them the patient’s thinking is revealed most clearly ( provided that the patient cooperates with the doctor), and emotional disorders come out. The patient may also inadvertently talk about his experiences and suspicions.

Tests and scales used in the diagnosis of schizophrenia

Test Direction Patient's task
Luscher test Examines the emotional state of the patient. The patient is offered cards with 8 colors, which he must choose in order of preference. Each color has its own interpretation.
Test MMPI Multidisciplinary study of the patient's personality on 9 main scales - hypochondria, depression, hysteria, psychopathy, paranoia, schizophrenia, social introversion. The test consists of 500 questions, divided into scales, to which the patient answers “yes” or “no”. Based on these answers, a personality profile and its characteristics are formed.
Method of unfinished sentences The patient's attitude towards himself and others is examined. The patient is offered sentences with various topics and situations, which he must complete.
Leary test Exploring your “I” and ideal “I” The patient is given 128 judgments. Of these, he chooses those that, in his opinion, apply to him.

TAT test

Explores the patient’s inner world, his thoughts and experiences. Photographs are offered that depict situations with different emotional contexts. The patient must compose a story using these cards. At the same time, the doctor analyzes the patient’s answers and draws up a picture of his interpersonal relationships.
Carpenter scale Assess the patient's mental status. Contains 12 correlated features ( interconnected) with schizophrenia. Signs that exclude schizophrenia are marked with a “-” sign, those that include them are marked with a “+” sign.
PANSS scale Assesses positive and negative symptoms of schizophrenia. Symptoms are divided into scales - positive, negative and general. The doctor asks questions to the patient regarding his condition, experiences and relationships with others. The severity of symptoms is assessed on a seven-point scale.

Luscher test

What is the Luscher test, what colors are included in it?

The Luscher test refers to indirect methods for studying personality. It allows you to obtain information about personality characteristics through the assessment of certain characteristics and individual components - emotions, level of self-control, character accentuation. The author of this test is Swiss psychologist Max Luscher. He is also the author of The Color of Your Character, What Color is Your Life, and others. Max Luscher first put forward the theory that color is an important diagnostic tool. After this, he proposed a theory of color diagnostics, which underlies his test.

During testing, a person is offered cards that depict rectangles painted in different colors. Based solely on personal preference for a particular shade, the examinee must select several colors in a certain order.

The basic philosophy of this test is that color preferences ( that is, color choice) are carried out subjectively, while the perception of color occurs objectively. Subjectively translated as “from the point of view of the subject”, in in this case the person taking the test. Subjective choice is a choice at the level of the patient’s emotions and feelings at the moment. Objectively means regardless of the patient’s consciousness and perception. The difference in perception and preference measures the subjective state of the person being tested.

The test uses four primary and four secondary colors, each of which symbolizes certain emotions. The choice of one color or another characterizes the mood, some stable traits, the presence or absence of anxiety, and so on.

When and how is the Luscher test performed?

The Luscher test is a study that is used in psychology and psychotherapy to identify traits that determine a person’s personality. This analysis also makes it possible to establish the subject’s communication skills, resistance to stress, propensity for a certain type of activity, and other points. If a person is in a state of anxiety, the test will help determine the causes of anxiety.

The Luscher test is often used by employers to assess certain qualities of a potential candidate to fill existing vacancies. Distinctive feature of this study is the short time period required to conduct it.

How is the test performed?

To conduct this test, special color tables are used, which are called stimulus material. Psychodiagnostician ( testing person) provides the person being examined with the opportunity to choose certain colors in a certain sequence, and then, based on the choice, makes a conclusion about the person’s mental state, his skills and personality traits.

Stimulus material for the color test

There are 2 types of color charts that can be used to perform the Luscher test. A complete study is carried out on the basis of 73 shades of color, which are divided into 7 color tables. This analysis is used in cases where other personality diagnostic methods are not used. Second option color test carried out using one table, which includes 8 colors. The data obtained as a result of a complete study is not much different from the information that can be obtained using short test. Therefore, in most cases in modern psychology, a short color test based on one table is used. The first 4 color shades from this table are primary colors, the remaining 4 are secondary colors. Each color symbolizes a person's state, feeling or desire.

The following values ​​of primary colors are distinguished when performing the Luscher test:

  • blue (feeling of contentment and calm);
  • green-blue (perseverance, perseverance);
  • red-orange (agitation, tendency to aggression, strong will);
  • yellow (active social position, tendency to violent expression of feelings);
  • grey (neutrality, apathy);
  • brown (lack of vitality, need for rest);
  • violet (need for self-expression, conflict of opposites);
  • black (protest, completion, anxiety).
The above values ​​are general and are provided for informational purposes only. The specific meaning of color when compiling a characteristic is determined by how the respondent indicated this color, and what colors are in the neighborhood.

Color test scheme

The test should be carried out in daylight, preventing direct sun rays on color cards. Before starting the study, the psychodiagnostician explains to the interviewee the principle of the test. When choosing a color, the patient should rely only on his preferences at the time of the analysis. That is, when asked by a psychologist to choose a color card, the respondent should not choose a color that suits him or matches, for example, the shade of his clothing. The patient must indicate the color that appeals to him the most among the other colors presented, without explaining the reason for his choice.

After the explanation, the psychodiagnostician places the cards on the table, mixes them and turns them over with the color surface facing up. Then asks the patient to choose one color and put the card aside. Then the cards are shuffled again, and the subject must again choose the color that he likes best among the remaining 7 cards. The procedure is repeated until the cards run out. That is, upon completion of this stage, the patient should have 8 color cards, among which the first one chosen by him should be the one he likes the most, and the last one the least. The psychologist writes down the colors and sequence in which the cards were pulled out.
After 2–3 minutes, the psychodiagnostician mixes all 8 cards and again asks the patient to choose the most attractive color. At the same time, the psychologist should explain that the purpose of the test is not to test memory, so you should not remember in what sequence the cards were selected at the first stage of the test. The subject must choose colors as if he were seeing them for the first time.

All data, namely the colors and the sequence in which they were selected, are entered into a table by the psychodiagnostician. The cards selected at the first stage of the test make it possible to determine the state to which the person being examined strives. The colors indicated in the second stage reflect the real state of affairs.

What are the results of the Luscher test?

As a result of testing, the patient distributes colors into eight positions:
  • first and second– clear preference ( is written with the signs “+);
  • third and fourth– just a preference ( is written with the signs "x x");
  • fifth and sixth– indifference ( is written with the signs "= =» );
  • seventh and eighth– antipathy ( is written with the signs "- -» ).
At the same time, colors are also coded with corresponding numbers.

There is the following color numbering according to the Luscher test:

  • blue – 1;
  • green – 2;
  • red – 3;
  • yellow – 4;
  • purple – 5;
  • brown – 6;
  • black – 7;
  • gray - 0.
Psychologist ( psychodiagnostician, psychotherapist), the person conducting the test numbers the colors according to the corresponding positions and then proceeds to interpret the results.

For clarity, you can consider the following approximate diagram of test results:

+ + - - x x = =
2 4 3 1 5 6 7 0
Explanations: in this case, the test taker chose yellow and green color as a clear preference, red and blue are just preferences; he is indifferent to purple and black, but he has antipathy to gray and black.

Interpreting the results takes into account not only the choice of preferred color and what it means, but also the combination of colors chosen.

Interpretation of Luscher test results

Main color

Blue + It says that the patient strives for peace everywhere and in everything. At the same time, he actively avoids conflicts.

The combination with the color purple indicates a low level of anxiety, and with brown– about increased anxiety.

- Interpreted as severe tension and a state close to stress.

Combination with black color - oppression, a feeling of a hopeless situation.

= Indicates superficial and shallow relationships.
x Indicates the person being tested is ready for satisfaction.
Green + Indicates the patient's positive attitude and desire for active activity.

The combination with brown speaks in favor of a feeling of dissatisfaction.

- It is an indicator of a depressed and even somewhat depressed state.

The combination with purple indicates depressive state, and with gray to increased irritability and anger.

= Speaks of a neutral attitude towards society ( society) and lack of pretensions.
x Rated as a high level of self-control.
Red + It indicates that the patient is actively striving for activity, to overcome problems, and is generally optimistic.

The combination with the color purple indicates the desire to be the center of attention and make an impression.

- Indicates a state close to depression, stress, a search for a way out of the current situation.

The combination in gray is regarded as nervous exhaustion, powerlessness, and sometimes pent-up aggression.

= Assessed as a lack of desires and increased nervousness.
x It indicates that the patient being tested may be experiencing stagnation in his life, which is causing him some annoyance.
Yellow + Indicates a positive attitude and the need for self-affirmation.

The combination with gray indicates a desire to escape from the problem.

- Interpreted as a feeling of anxiety, resentment and disappointment.

The combination with black indicates alertness and tension.

= It speaks of an increased critical attitude towards society.
x Indicates readiness for a relationship.
Violet + The need for sensual self-expression. It also indicates that the person is in a state of intrigue.

The combination with red or blue is interpreted as a love experience.

- It says that a person is rational and not prone to fantasizing.
= Indicates that a person is in a state of stress due to his own rash actions.
x It indicates that the person being tested is very impatient, but at the same time strives for self-control.
Brown + Indicates that the person is tense and possibly afraid.

The combination of brown and red colors indicates that a person is striving for emotional release.

- Interpreted as a lack of life perception.
= It says that the person being tested needs rest and comfort.
x Interpreted as an inability to have fun.
Black + Indicates the negative emotional background of the person being tested and the fact that he is trying to get away from problems.

Combination with green indicates agitation and an aggressive attitude towards others.

- Interpreted as a desire to receive support from others.
= Indicates that the person is in search and that he is close to frustration ( to a state of frustrated plans).
x It speaks of denial of one's fate and that the person being tested wants to hide his true feelings.
Grey + Indicates that a person protects himself from the outside world and that he does not want to be known.

The combination of gray and green indicates that the person being tested is experiencing hostility and wants to separate from society ( society).

- It is interpreted as a desire to bring everything closer and subordinate to oneself.
= Indicates a person’s desire to get out of an unfortunate situation.
x It indicates that the person being tested is trying to resist negative emotions.

Is it possible to make a diagnosis based on the results of the Luscher test?

It should be immediately noted that based on this test it is impossible to make an unambiguous diagnosis. The Luscher test, like other projective tests, is used in combination with other diagnostic methods mental states- observation, survey and additional scales. An analogue of projective tests in psychiatry is a phonendoscope in therapy. So, in order to listen to the lungs, the therapist resorts to using a phonendoscope. Hearing wheezing in the lungs can tentatively suggest a diagnosis of bronchitis or pneumonia. So it is in psychodiagnostics. The test is just a way to analyze some personality characteristics. The test results provide a more complete picture of the patient’s emotional state, and sometimes of his inclinations. This is then added to the information already obtained by the doctor to obtain the most complete clinical picture.

Let's say the test reveals a depressed and anxious emotional background of the patient. This is added to previously identified anamnestic data, for example, to a recent divorce. Additionally, your doctor may do a test to assess depression using the Hamilton scale. In addition to all this, observation data from the patient can come to the rescue - his avoidant behavior, reluctance to communicate, loss of interest in the world around him. All this can result in a diagnosis such as depression.

Thus, the Luscher test is an auxiliary method for diagnosing affective disorders ( emotional) disorders, but no more. He can also determine the most stable personality traits of the patient, the level of anxiety and contradictions. Availability high level anxiety may indicate anxiety disorder, post-traumatic disorder.

Like other tests, the Luscher test is focused on qualitative ( but not quantitative) assessment. For example, it may indicate the presence of depressed mood, but it does not indicate how severe the depression is. Therefore, to obtain an objective result, the Luscher test is supplemented with other quantitative tests and scales. For example, a scale for assessing depression and anxiety. Only after this can the doctor make a presumptive diagnosis.

These tests are not mandatory and do not lead to a diagnosis of schizophrenia. However, they help identify emotional, affective and other disorders. They are also used in assessing the effectiveness of treatment ( PANSS scale).

Treatment of schizophrenia

How can you help a person in this condition?

Help for patients with schizophrenia should be provided by families, social workers, day hospital workers and, of course, the attending physician. The main goal is to establish stable and long-term remission. Everything is also done to ensure that negative symptoms of the disease appear as late as possible.

To do this, it is necessary to monitor periods of exacerbation and stop them correctly ( that is, “to treat”). For this purpose, hospitalization in appropriate institutions is recommended when the first symptoms of exacerbation appear. Timely hospitalization will avoid protracted psychosis and prevent its complications. Full hospital treatment is the key to long-term remission. In the same time long stay in the hospital leads to a lack of social stimulation and isolation of the patient.

Psychosocial therapy and support
After eliminating the acute psychotic state, the stage of social therapy and support begins, the main role in which is played by the patient’s relatives.
This stage is very important in the rehabilitation of patients, as it helps prevent premature development defect. It can include a variety of types of psychotherapy ( art therapy, occupational therapy, cognitive training), various projects and movements.

Cognitive training is aimed at teaching the patient new information processing skills. The patient learns to adequately interpret the events that happen to him. Cognitive therapy models can focus both on the formation of judgments and the content of those judgments. During these trainings, work is done on the patient's attention and thinking. The patient talks about his feelings and interpretations, while the therapist traces these symptoms and determines where the distortion occurred. For example, the patient hears himself being asked to hand over some object ( book, ticket), while he himself is thinking about it. This gives rise to the false belief that people can read his thoughts. Ultimately, a delusional idea of ​​persecution is formed.

Family therapy is no less important in the socialization of patients. It is aimed at training both the patient’s relatives and the patient himself, as well as developing new skills in them. The method examines interpersonal connections and family relationships.

IN Western countries An alternative approach to treating schizophrenia is soteria. This approach uses lay personnel and low doses of antipsychotic medication. To implement it, special “soteria houses” are created where patients are treated. Movements to destigmatize ( "remove label") mental patients are periodically conducted by such organizations as Paranoia Network, Hearing Voices Network.

Psychological adaptation allows patients with schizophrenia to realize themselves - to graduate educational institution, start working. Since the debut of schizophrenia occurs at a crucial age for a career ( 18 – 30 years old), then special programs are being developed for career guidance and training for such patients.

Self-help groups for patients and their relatives are becoming increasingly common. The acquaintances made in these groups contribute to the further socialization of patients.

Drug treatment

Medicines that are used to treat schizophrenia are called antipsychotics or antipsychotics. This group of drugs is presented wide range medicines with a variety of chemical structure and spectrum of action.
Neuroleptics are usually divided into old ( typical) and new ( atypical). This classification is based on the principle of action on certain receptors.

Typical ( classic, old) antipsychotics
Typical antipsychotics preferentially bind to and block D2-dopamine receptors. The result of this is a pronounced antipsychotic effect and a reduction in positive symptoms. Representatives of typical neuroleptics are aminazine, haloperidol, tizercin. However, these drugs have varying side effects. Causes neuroleptic malignant syndrome movement disorders. They have cardiotoxicity, which significantly limits their use in the elderly. However, they remain the drugs of choice for acute psychotic conditions.

Atypical ( new) antipsychotics
These drugs act to a lesser extent on dopamine receptors, but more on serotonin, adrenaline and others. As a rule, they have a multireceptor profile, that is, they act on several receptors simultaneously. As a result, they have far fewer side effects associated with dopamine blockade, but less pronounced antipsychotic effect ( This opinion is not shared by all experts). They also have an anti-anxiety effect, improve cognitive abilities, and exhibit an antidepressant effect. However, a group of these medications causes severe metabolic disorders, such as obesity, diabetes mellitus. Atypical antipsychotics include clozapine, olanzapine, aripiprazole, and amisulpride.

A completely new class of antipsychotic drugs is the group of partial agonists ( aripiprazole, ziprasidone). These drugs act as partial blockers of dopamine and as its activators. Their action depends on the level of endogenous dopamine - if it is increased, the drug blocks it, if it is decreased, it activates it.

Antipsychotic drugs used in the treatment of schizophrenia

A drug Mechanism of action How is it prescribed?
Haloperidol Blocks dopamine receptors. Eliminates delusions, hallucinations, obsessions.

Causes side effects such as movement disorders ( tremor), constipation, dry mouth, arrhythmia, low blood pressure.

When relieving a psychotic state ( exacerbation) is prescribed intramuscularly at 5–10 mg. The initial dose is 5 mg three times a day. After stopping the attack, they switch to the tablet form. The average therapeutic dose is from 20 to 40 mg per day. Maximum – 100 mg.
Aminazine Blocks central receptors of adrenaline and dopamine. Has a strong sedative ( soothing) action. Reduces reactivity and motor activity ( eliminates excitement).

It has a negative effect on the heart and its blood vessels, greatly lowering blood pressure.

For severe agitation and aggression, the drug is prescribed intramuscularly. The maximum single dose is 150 mg, daily dose is 600 mg. After eliminating the excitement, they switch to tablet form - from 25 to 600 mg per day, the dose is divided into three doses. Maximum dose at oral administration– 300 mg.
For febrile schizophrenia, the drug is administered intravenously. Single dose– 100 mg, maximum – 250 mg.
Thioridazine Blocks dopamine and adrenaline receptors in the brain. Depresses all psychomotor functions. Particularly effective for relieving agitation, tension and anxiety. In stationary conditions ( in the hospital) daily dose can vary from 250 mg to 800 per day; in outpatients ( Houses) - from 150 to 400 mg. The dose is divided into 2–4 doses. Take the drug orally after meals.
Levomepromazine Blocks dopamine receptors in various brain structures. Eliminates delusions, hallucinations, agitation. The period of the acute phase is stopped by intramuscular administration of 25 to 75 mg. Gradually switch to tablets, 50–100 mg per day.
Olanzapine Mainly affects serotonin receptors, to a lesser extent - dopamine receptors. Has a moderate antipsychotic effect, smoothes negative symptoms.
Side effects include obesity.
Taken orally, once. The initial dose of 5–10 mg is gradually increased ( within 5 – 7 days) up to 20 mg.
Clozapine It has dopamine-blocking and adrenolytic properties. Reduces aggression and impulsive behavior, dulls emotions, suppresses excitement.
At the same time, it causes such a life-threatening complication as agranulocytosis ( decrease in the number of granulocytes in the blood).
The drug is taken orally. Single dose – 50 mg, daily – from 150 to 300. The dose is divided into 2 – 3 doses. The maximum daily dose is 600 mg.
Treatment is carried out under periodic monitoring of blood tests.
Amisulpride Reduces positive symptoms. The antipsychotic effect is realized together with the sedative.
At a dose of 50 mg per day it has an antidepressant effect.
In the acute period of schizophrenia, the dose ranges from 400 to 800 mg. The dose is divided into two doses. If negative symptoms dominate in the clinic, the dose varies from 50 to 300 mg.
Aripiprazole It has a blocking-activating effect on dopamine receptors. In addition to reducing positive symptoms, it eliminates negative symptoms - improves cognitive functions, memory, and abstract thinking. The initial dose of the drug is 10 mg per day. The drug is used once, regardless of food intake. The maintenance dose is 15 mg.
Ziprasidone Acts on dopamine, serotonin, norepinephrine receptors. It has antipsychotic, sedative and anti-anxiety effects. Taken orally during meals. The average therapeutic dose is 40 mg ( divided into two doses).

The main goal of drug treatment is to prevent new relapses and defects. It is very important that taking medications is not limited to the walls of the hospital. After eliminating the acute psychotic state, the doctor selects the optimal maintenance dose that the patient will take at home.

How to respond to strange behavior sick?
Do not forget that the sensations experienced by the patient ( hallucinations), are absolutely real for him. Therefore, attempts to dissuade him that his visions are erroneous will not bring any benefit. At the same time, recognizing his delusional ideas and becoming a participant in the “game” is not recommended. It is important to point out to the patient that everyone has their own opinion on this matter, but their opinion is also respected. You can't make fun of patients or over their statements) or try to deceive them. It is necessary to establish a kind and reassuring relationship with the patient.

Prevention of schizophrenia

What should you do to avoid schizophrenia?

The prevention of schizophrenia, like most mental illnesses, is the main task in psychiatric practice. The lack of complete and accurate knowledge about the origin of this disease does not allow us to develop clear preventive measures.

Primary prevention of schizophrenia is represented by medical genetic consultations. Patients with schizophrenia and their spouses should be warned about increased risk occurrence of mental disorder in their descendants.
Secondary and tertiary prevention consists of early diagnosis of this disease. Early detection schizophrenia allows you to effectively treat the first psychotic episode and establish long-term remission.

What can trigger the onset of schizophrenia?

According to some theories of the occurrence of schizophrenia, there is a certain predisposition to this disease. It consists in the presence of structural abnormalities in brain tissue and certain personality traits. Under the influence of stress factors, decompensation of these features and structures occurs, resulting in the development of disease.

Factors contributing to the exacerbation of schizophrenia are:

  • Withdrawal of medications– is one of the most common reasons why decompensation of remission occurs.
  • Somatic pathology– also provokes exacerbations. Most often this is cardiovascular, respiratory pathology or kidney disease.
  • Infections– often accompanied by the development of agitation.
  • Stress– also leads to decompensation of the patient’s condition. Conflicts in the family, among friends, and at work are inducers of psychotic states.

It is believed that a person diagnosed with schizophrenia has mental disorders that accompany him throughout his life. However, this is not quite true. If the disease is diagnosed at an early stage of development and all necessary measures are taken to treat this disease, then there is a possibility that the person will live a normal, full life.

Is there a cure for schizophrenia?

There is an established opinion in society that it is impossible to recover from schizophrenia and that it is a stamp for life. In fact, you shouldn’t be so skeptical about this diagnosis. So is schizophrenia curable? To answer the question, it is recommended to look at this diagnosis from a different angle. Namely, treat this disease like any other chronic illness. As an example, consider a disease such as diabetes. Humanity has not come up with a way to get rid of it, but there are certain rules, following which, a person can lead a normal life and keep his body in good shape. So is schizophrenia treatable or not? When answering this question, it is necessary to take into account that if you learn to follow certain rules, then it will become possible to exercise control over your condition.

Each person is individual, and schizophrenia has its own characteristics. U different people they can manifest themselves in different ways. There is a statistic that one in five people gets better after five years. At this stage, you should understand what improvement means and whether schizophrenia is treatable. Let's figure it out now.

How do improvements in this disease manifest themselves?

First, it should be understood that improvement is a long-term process in a disease such as schizophrenia. Psychiatry identifies several aspects of this condition. Secondly, you need to know that the recovery process implies a person’s desire to constantly work and achieve their goals. During this period, the patient will experience both normalization of the condition and exacerbation of the disease. An important point is the support of loved ones who can provide the necessary help at the moment when a person diagnosed with schizophrenia needs it.

Psychiatry says that improving the condition of a person who is sick with this disease means minimizing the symptoms of the disease and preventing attacks. It is also necessary to establish a normal perception of reality for the patient, thanks to which he will be able to lead a normal life.

What influences the positive outcome of treatment?

And women are usually the same. But there are also differences. They lie in the fact that the symptoms of schizophrenia in men are more aggressive and frightening. They need the attention and understanding of loved ones.

They have a softer character. Hallucinations occur. An interesting fact is that this disease can be triggered by childbirth. When answering the question of whether schizophrenia can be treated in women, it should be taken into account that this is a hereditary disease. And it is treatable to the same extent as in men. But if we talk about whether schizophrenia can be treated in adolescents, then here important point is early diagnosis of the disease.

Facts to pay attention to during treatment

It is worth saying that modern medicine does not offer any specific methods by which a person can be cured of schizophrenia. But this disease is treatable. There are also ways to prevent attacks and exacerbations of the disease. If the patient has the right attitude and strives for recovery, then he has every chance of becoming a full-fledged member of society and leading a normal lifestyle, exercising labor activity And so on.

If a person is diagnosed with schizophrenia, this does not mean that he needs to constantly be in a hospital. With the correct and timely approach to treatment, the patient will be able to avoid crisis situations in which medical examination of the patient and keeping him under observation may be necessary. It should be remembered that in any situation there is hope for recovery. The main thing is not to be discouraged, but to take certain actions. Thanks to them, you can achieve the desired results.

Non-medical methods for diagnosing varonia

There is a test for schizophrenia that you can take. Please note that this test is not a basis for making a diagnosis. It shows whether a person is predisposed to such a disease or not. The test for schizophrenia presents a set of questions. By answering them, a person gains a certain number of points. The developers of the test have determined the norm. It is believed that if a person has scored points and they do not exceed a certain amount, then he is not prone to schizophrenia. The test is psychological in nature.

The questions are quite simple, for example, “do your relatives irritate you” or “do you have obsessive thoughts” and so on. In addition to the test method, where you need to answer questions, there is an optical illusion test. It's called Chaplin's mask. It is assumed that healthy people can see Chaplin's bulbous face on both sides of the mask. And those who are prone to mental illness see the second side of the mask as concave. These methods do not have any medical accuracy.

Treatment methods for schizophrenia. Patient participation in the therapy process

First of all, it is necessary that the person be given correct diagnosis. The staging process requires a fairly long period of time. Since the symptoms of this disease can overlap with other human mental disorders. Making a diagnosis requires time to monitor the patient. In addition, it is better if it is done by someone who has experience in treating such people.

Therefore, at the first suspicion of schizophrenia or a mental disorder, you should consult a doctor. This should be done. Because effective treatment requires a correct diagnosis. And based on this, they will prescribe a treatment regimen for the disease. If the diagnosis is made accurately, then therapy will be effective.

There are cases when a person who has schizophrenia does not realize this and resists what they tell him that he is not completely healthy. But relatives who see mental abnormalities need to see a doctor. If a person himself notices this kind of problem in his body, then he is also recommended to seek medical help.

A sick person needs to know that treatment for schizophrenia requires integrated approach. This disease cannot be cured simply by taking medications. In addition, it is necessary to ensure communication with doctors, relatives, have psychological support loved ones. It is important not to drop out of society, but to continue communicating with people around you. You should also lead a healthy lifestyle and eat right. A healthy lifestyle means following a daily routine, walking, and exercising.

One more important factor What will ensure the recovery process in schizophrenia is that the patient is an active participant in the treatment. The patient needs to tune in to participate in this process, talk through his feelings from taking this or that drug, talk about his well-being and share his emotional mood with loved ones and the attending physician.

The course of schizophrenia and the patient’s mood for recovery

First of all, you should not fall into despair. If there are people around a person who has been diagnosed with schizophrenia who believe that this illness is incurable, then you should not communicate with them. It is better that those for whom this person remains a person, regardless of illness. You need to constantly maintain a relationship with your doctor. It is recommended to monitor the dosage of medications prescribed by the psychiatrist. If the patient has concerns that he has been prescribed too much high dose medications or, conversely, is too small, then you should definitely talk to your doctor. He needs to voice his concerns about this. You should also clarify what possible side effects from taking a particular drug. It is important for the patient to be honest with himself and the psychiatrist. If the patient observes side effects, then you need to tell the doctor about this and change the treatment regimen or change the amount of the drug. The patient should know that determining the dosage of medications is collaboration doctor and patient. Therefore, you need to take an active part in it.

Also, a person diagnosed with schizophrenia should learn to use special therapy, which includes the ability to control the symptoms of this disease. Namely, if the patient has any obsessive thoughts or hears extraneous voices, then through special therapy he can switch and lead himself away from these conditions. The patient should also learn to motivate himself to do something.

For schizophrenics, setting and achieving goals is an important part of the recovery process. Under no circumstances should you give up society.

Patient support

Those patients who receive support from relatives and other close people are very lucky. The participation of others in the treatment process is an important component of recovery. It has also been found that when the patient is surrounded by understanding and kindness, the occurrence of relapses is minimized.

A person who is ill is advised to talk with relatives and friends who, in his opinion, can help if attacks of schizophrenia occur. It is necessary to explain to them what type of help is expected from them. As a rule, when people ask for help, they are met. Especially when it comes to health. With support, it will be easier for a patient diagnosed with schizophrenia to cope with the illness.

Another important factor that will contribute to recovery is work. It is better for people with mental disabilities to work. If, of course, the state of health allows and there is no disability due to schizophrenia. Voluntary labor can be used. There are communities of people suffering from this disease. To avoid a lack of communication, it is recommended to join them. Visiting temples helps some people. You need to create a favorable environment around yourself. The same rule can be followed by healthy people. The difference is that a mentally healthy person can cope with stress or psychological discomfort. And it is better for a person with disabilities to avoid situations that could cause a relapse.

A favorable circumstance for the patient is living with a family. Love and understanding of loved ones are one of the main positive factors for recovery from schizophrenia. Under no circumstances should you consume alcohol or drugs. Since they have a negative effect on the body of a sick person.

People diagnosed with schizophrenia are prescribed antipsychotic medications. It should be remembered that the treatment of this disease is complex. Therefore, taking medications is one of the components of therapy.

You also need to understand that these medications do not cure a person for a disease such as schizophrenia. Their action is aimed at eliminating the symptoms of this disease, such as hallucinations, delusions, obsessive thoughts, chaotic thinking, etc.

Taking these drugs will not ensure a person’s entry into society, setting any goals or motivating them to take certain actions.

Negative effects of drugs

Also, this type of drug has whole line accompanying manifestations:

  1. Drowsiness.
  2. Prostration.
  3. Chaotic movements may occur.
  4. Excess weight appears.
  5. Sexual function is lost.

If these manifestations interfere with normal life, you should consult a doctor and reduce the dose of drugs or change the treatment regimen.

It is not recommended to reduce the amount of medication on your own or switch to another drug. This can be harmful to health, cause relapse, etc. Therefore, a consultation with a psychiatrist is required.

How to find the optimal drug?

The main task in the search the right medicine for schizophrenia, it is important that it has the desired effect and side effects are kept to a minimum. It should also be taken into account that a person takes such drugs for a long time, sometimes for life. Therefore, you need to be very careful when choosing. If necessary, change to another medicine.

The difficulty in choosing an antipsychotic drug is that it is unclear how it will affect the body and what side effects may occur. Therefore, the process of selecting a drug can be quite long and complex. It is also necessary to choose the right dosage for each individual patient.

As a rule, improvement in the patient’s condition after starting to take medications occurs after one and a half or two months. There are cases when a person feels better after a few days. When there is no positive dynamics even after two months, you need to either increase the dose or change the drug.

So is schizophrenia completely curable? Cannot be guaranteed 100%. But it is possible to remove its symptoms.

What types of medications are prescribed for schizophrenia?

Currently, drugs prescribed for this disease can be divided into two groups. Namely, medicines of the old generation and the new. The first drugs include antipsychotics. And for new ones - atypical drugs.

Neuroleptics have been known for a long time; they eliminate hallucinations, obsessive thoughts, etc. But they have drawbacks. They can cause unpleasant symptoms such as:

  1. Anxiety.
  2. Slowness.
  3. Unsteady gait.
  4. Painful sensations in the muscles.
  5. Temporary paralysis may occur.
  6. Spasms.
  7. Chaotic movements.

The new generation of drugs is called atypical antipsychotic drugs. In recent years, they have been used more often to treat this disease. This is due to the fact that there are much fewer side effects from taking these medications.

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