Soy benefits and harms for women's health. The benefits and harms of soy products. Useful and healing properties

No other product generates as much controversy as soy. For a long time there have been debates about the benefits and harms of it for the body. Moreover, supporters consider the product extremely useful: it normalizes fat metabolism and prevents genital cancer.

Opponents of honeycomb argue the opposite: cholesterol levels are reduced only slightly, and regular consumption of seeds increases the risk of developing certain malignant tumors and senile dementia. Let's look at the health effects of soy products.


The plant's supposed homeland is China; mention of its cultivation was found in ancient Chinese writings dating back to the 4th-3rd century BC. Subsequently, soybeans migrated to Korea, and from there to Japan.

The plant first came to Europe in the 18th century. The Americans became interested in the properties of beans and conducted their research in 1804. Since 1898, samples of varieties were brought to the USA, after which its cultivation began on an industrial scale. In Russia, they were engaged in soybean breeding at the beginning of the 20th century, then the plant was forgotten due to the widespread cultivation of corn.

Chemical composition

Soybean oil is similar in quality to fish fat. IN legume crop there is lecithin, choline, vitamins A, E, many minerals - iron, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, manganese, silicon, etc. Among the fatty components, the most significant are phospholipids, which enhance the detoxification properties of the liver, prevent damage to nerve cells and the development of diabetes.

Essential linoleic acid takes part in the synthesis of prostaglandins, substances that prevent the formation of cholesterol plaques and thereby prevent atherosclerosis.


Soy and products made from it (cheese, milk, meat) are an excellent substitute for red meat. Perhaps this is the only culture whose proteins are complete in composition. Of these, they are synthesized in the body essential amino acids. Without a sufficient amount of protein in the diet, immunity decreases, biochemical reactions change, and work is disrupted. endocrine glands and many enzymes. This is especially true for vegetarians who do not consume any animal products. For them, soy becomes the only source of valuable amino acids.

Daily use A small amount of soybeans (25 to 40 grams) helps reduce bad cholesterol and triglycerides. This reduces the risk of heart and vascular diseases (stroke). However, there is back side: 50 grams of soybeans is half daily value squirrel. Therefore, you need to reduce the proportion of other protein-rich foods in your diet.

Linoleic and linolenic fatty acid(belong to the omega-3 and omega-6 class) normalize arterial pressure, stabilize blood lipid composition, maintain elasticity vascular wall. In terms of the content of PUFAs (polyunsaturated fatty acids), soybean fat is ahead of olive oil, known for its properties.

The positive effect of beans on cardiovascular system due to the presence of potassium and magnesium in them. Thanks to magnesium, sleep is normalized, its quality and duration improves.

Soybeans reduce cancer risk in men prostate gland, however, this is only true for natural and not processed products. The experiment was conducted in the USA with the participation of 13 thousand men who drank 0.5 liters of soy milk daily. It has been proven that the likelihood of prostate cancer is reduced by 70%. This fact is explained by the presence of phytoestrogens, which compete with male sex hormones.

Note: It is testosterone that gives impetus to the development of aggressive cancer cells in the prostate gland. The male hormone itself does not have a negative effect on the body, but it is “ nutrient medium» for existing tumor cells. A moderate decrease in its concentration stops the development of the tumor.

Soy improves the absorption of calcium and helps strengthen bone tissue and prevention of bone fractures.

Including soy products in the diet is beneficial for people with overweight bodies. First, protein stimulates metabolic processes in organism. Secondly, the product contains a small amount of fat and carbohydrates, which is a valuable quality for people losing weight.


The negative effect of beans on the body is due to the presence of phytates, which interfere with the absorption of many minerals, including iodine. Soy has an antithyroid effect and suppresses hormone production thyroid gland.

Regular inclusion of soy products in the menu can cause urolithiasis. The deposition of stones in the kidneys is caused by a large amount of protein, as well as oxalates, which are formed when feeding on plant seeds.

When consumed food additives based on soy protein isolate, libido and sperm production may decrease. Athletes and bodybuilding enthusiasts should be aware of this side effect.

This is interesting! Soy products are traditionally eaten in Southeast Asia, and the population is quite healthy. The secret is that the Chinese eat mainly fermented foods, which are devoid of negative qualities.

Soy isoflavones

Action on male body isoflavones are also controversial. They activate estrogen receptors and suppress androgen receptors. When soybeans are hydrolyzed, equol is formed in the intestines - a substance that inhibits male hormones. There is evidence that eating soy products leads to gynecomastia and delayed sexual development in boys. Other studies refute this fact.

Soybean sprouts are considered a very healthy product. They can be grown at home and eaten when the stems reach 3-4 cm in length. This usually takes a week.

In this form, all beneficial substances are better absorbed by the body. During germination, the composition of the product changes. Thus, starch is converted into malt, proteins are broken down into amino acids, and useful acids are formed from fats.

Sprouted soybeans are a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. It is especially useful to eat in winter and spring, when the body needs reinforcement with vitamin supplements.

The benefits of the product are as follows:

  • Normalizes metabolism;
  • Improves sleep and fights insomnia;
  • Activates the work of brain cells;
  • Restores nerve tissue;
  • Cleanses the body of toxic substances.

Contraindications are small - individual intolerance.

Roasted soybeans

To prepare the dish, the beans should be soaked for several hours, then boiled for half an hour. Next, put the soybeans in a saucepan with a large amount vegetable oil, fry until golden brown. It turns out delicious product, however, it is difficult to digest digestive system and contains a large number of calories.

Roasted soybeans should be consumed in moderation and are not recommended for people on a diet. To lose weight, it is better to pay attention to other, more healthy foods from soybeans.

Soy products

Tofu– soy curd, made from plant milk. The technology used is the same as in cheese production. Tofu comes in soft and firm consistency and is low-fat and lightweight product. To add flavor, seaweed and spices are added to it. Tofu is consumed in its natural and fried form, cheesecakes and casseroles are prepared from it.

Soy sauce obtained from the fermented seeds of the plant. The natural product is expensive and takes 1-2 years to prepare. The cheap analogue consists of soy flour, dye and salt, therefore, its benefits are small.

Soy milk- a drink somewhat similar in taste to cow's milk. Prepared from boiled seeds. Yogurts and other drinks are produced from soy milk by adding starter culture; desserts and chocolate shakes are also produced. At home, porridges and soups are prepared from it.

Meat made from flour, which is first fried and then formed into a porous mass. This high protein product, from which you can make goulash, meatballs and other analogues of meat dishes.

Chocolate- a lean product that is loved by those with a sweet tooth because of its delicate taste. The manufacturer can add natural lecithin to the chocolate bar, which increases its nutritional quality. However, more often on the shelves you can find soy bars containing a lecithin substitute and other additives. It’s quite difficult to call such a delicacy healthy.

Soy supplements used in the production of sausages to reduce the cost of production. They are made primarily from genetically modified soybeans, so they are best avoided.

How to choose and how to store

Soybean seeds are sold in stores in polyethylene packages. Quality product differs in light yellow color, all beans have a rounded smooth surface. It is recommended to soak them for 12 hours before cooking.

Soybean seeds absorb moisture well even from the air; mold quickly forms on their surface. Therefore, soybeans should be stored in dry dark place, having previously poured it into paper or fabric bags. Shelf life - no more than a year.

It is advisable to consume natural soy products, which are made from the seeds of the legume plant. They are on the shelves in departments healthy eating. Most sausages contain genetically modified soybeans; the benefits of such products are questionable. Beans should not be given to people with thyroid disease.

“This sounds like heresy in our soy-fueled world,” writes The Ecologist, “but we still maintain that it is possible to have healthy diet and without any soy. However, given how ingrained soy has become in our diets, it will take a Herculean effort to eliminate it from it.”

On the other hand, the Asian portal Asia One, in a selection under the promising title “Eat Well, Live Well,” through the mouth of “chief nutritionist” Sherlyn Quek, praises soy as a “food luminary”; according to Madame Kyek, soybean can not only provide tasty and healthy food, but also “protect against breast cancer,” though with a caveat: if it is included in the diet from a young age.

Our article talks about soybeans and poses two questions to the reader at once: how beneficial (or harmful) is soybean and how beneficial (or harmful) is its genetic modification?

Today, it seems, every third person has heard the word “soy”. And soybean often appears to the average person in a very different light - from an excellent protein substitute in “meat” semi-finished products and a means to maintain female beauty and health to an insidious genetically modified product, harmful to everyone, especially to the male part of the planet, although sometimes also to the female part.

What is the reason for such a scatter in the characteristics of the properties of not the most exotic plant? Let's try to figure it out.

First, we should say a few words about what soy is in its original form. First of all, soy is not a means of weight loss, cheap dumplings or a milk substitute, but the most common beans, the homeland of which is East Asia. They have been grown here for several thousand years, but beans “reached” Europe only towards the end of the 18th century. early XIX century. With a slight delay, following Europe, soybeans were planted in America and Russia. It didn't take long for soybeans to be easily introduced into mass production.

And this is not surprising: soybeans are very rich in protein plant food . Soybean is used to produce many food products and is widely used for protein fortification. various dishes. A popular product in Japan called “tofu” is nothing more than soy curd, which in turn is prepared from soy milk. Tofu, according to research, has a number of beneficial properties, including lowering blood cholesterol and preventing osteoporosis. Tofu also protects the body from dioxin and therefore reduces the risk of cancer. And this is just one example of the properties of a soy product.

We can conclude that soybeans, from which tofu is produced, also possess all of the above qualities. Indeed, according to existing opinion, soy contains a number of substances that have beneficial effect on human health: isoflavonoids, genistin, phytic acids, soy lecithin. Isoflavonoids can be characterized as natural antioxidants, which, according to doctors, increase bone strength and have a positive effect on women's health. Isoflavonoids act like natural estrogens and relieve discomfort during menopause.

Genistin is a substance that early stages can stop the development of cancer, and phytic acids, in turn, suppress growth cancerous tumors.

Soy lecithin has an extremely beneficial effect on the body as a whole. The arguments in favor of soy are supported by a weighty argument: soy has been an integral part of the children's and adult diet of the country's population for many years rising sun, and seemingly without any harmful side effects. Quite the contrary - the Japanese seem to demonstrate good health indicators. But not only Japan regularly consumes soybeans, but also China and Korea. In all these countries, soybeans have a thousand-year history.

However, oddly enough, there is a completely different point of view regarding soy, also supported by research. According to this point of view, a number of substances in soybeans, including the above-mentioned isoflavonoids, as well as phytic acids and soy lecithin, cause significant harm to human health. To understand this issue, we need to look at the arguments of soybean opponents.

According to the contra camp, isoflavonoids have a negative effect on reproductive function person. A completely common practice is feeding infants instead of regular baby food with a soy analogue (due to allergic reactions) - leads to the fact that the child’s body daily receives isoflavonoids equivalent to five birth control pills. As for phytic acids, such substances are found in almost all types of legumes. In soybeans, the level of this substance is somewhat higher than in other plants of the family.

Phytic acids, like a number of other substances in soy (soy lecithin, genistin), block the process of entry into the body useful substances, in particular magnesium, calcium, iron and zinc, which can ultimately lead to osteoporosis. In Asia, the homeland of soybeans, osteoporosis is prevented by eating, along with the ill-fated beans, a large amount of seafood and broths. But more seriously, “soy toxins” can directly affect internal organs and cells human body, destroying and changing them.

However, other facts are more plausible and interesting. In Asia, soy is not used nearly as widely as it might seem. According to historical documents, soybeans were widely used as food in Asian countries, mainly by poor people. At the same time, the process of preparing soybeans was quite complex and included extremely long fermentation and subsequent long cooking. This cooking process through “traditional fermentation” made it possible to neutralize the very toxins mentioned above.

Vegetarians in the US and Europe, without thinking about the consequences, consume about 200 grams of tofu and several glasses of soy milk 2-3 times a week, which actually exceeds the consumption of soy in Asian countries, where it is consumed in small quantities and not as a staple food. food product, but as a food additive or seasoning.

Even if we discard all these facts and imagine that soy does not cause any harm to the body, there remains another factor that is very difficult to deny: almost all soy products today are made from genetically modified soybeans. If every third person has heard about soy today, then about genetically modified products and organisms, probably every second.

In general terms, transgenic or genetically modified (GM) products are products obtained primarily from plants in which some special gene has been introduced into the DNA, not given to this plant by nature. This is done, for example, so that cows produce fattier milk, and plants become resistant to herbicides and insects. The same thing happened with soybeans. In 1995, the American company Monsanto launched GM soybeans resistant to the herbicide glyphosate, which is used to control weeds. The new soybean was to the taste: today more than 90% of crops are transgenic.

In Russia, as in most countries, the sowing of GM soybeans is prohibited, however, as, again, in most countries of the world, it can be freely imported. Most inexpensive convenience foods in supermarkets, starting with delicious-looking cutlets instant cooking and sometimes ending with baby food, contain GM soy. According to the rules, the packaging must indicate whether the product contains transgenes or not. Now this is becoming especially fashionable among manufacturers: products are full of the inscriptions “Does not contain GMOs” (genetically modified objects).

Of course, the same soy meat is cheaper than its natural counterpart, and for a zealous vegetarian it is generally a gift, but the presence of GMOs in products is by no means welcome - it is not for nothing that denial or silence about the presence of transgenes in a particular product is punishable by law. As for soybeans, the Russian National Association of Genetic Safety conducted studies, the results of which established a clear connection between the consumption of GM soybeans by living creatures and the health of their offspring. The offspring of rats whose food was supplemented with transgenic soybean had high level mortality, as well as excessively low weight and weakened condition. In short, this is also not a very bright prospect.

Speaking of material benefits, it should be said that most soybean producers, and these are mainly producers of GM soybeans, position it as an extremely healthy product, in as a last resort- not harmful at all. It is obvious that, be that as it may, such large-scale production brings in good income.

Whether or not to eat soy is a matter for everyone to decide for themselves. Soybeans undoubtedly contain a number of positive properties, however, the negative aspects, unfortunately, rather overlap these qualities. It seems that the opposing sides can endlessly cite all sorts of pros and cons, but it is necessary to rely on the facts.

Soybeans in their original form are unsuitable for human consumption. This allows us to make the (perhaps somewhat bold) conclusion that nature did not intend this plant for human consumption. Soybeans require special processing that ultimately turns them into food.

Another fact: soybeans contain a number of toxins. The soybean processing process used to be significantly different from what is used today. So-called traditional sourdough was not only much more complex to process, but also neutralized the toxins contained in soybeans. Finally, one last fact that cannot be denied: more than 90% of soy products today are made from genetically modified soybeans. This should not be forgotten when using soy products in the diet or choosing between natural product and its - often cheaper - soybean counterpart. After all, the obvious Golden Rule healthy eating - eating as many natural, unprocessed foods as possible.

GM Soy Debate

Soybean is a valuable cultivated plant of the legume family. The peculiarity of this plant is that it has a huge amount of protein, which is not inferior to proteins of plant origin. Soy is affordable product. Because it has a low price, but at the same time has high value.


Soy contains isoflavones. These components reduce the risk cancer mammary gland. Therefore, the plant should be introduced into the diet of women.

Foods made from soybeans have low content fats and carbohydrates. Therefore, they are easily absorbed by the body. The beneficial properties of soy help fight stomach and intestinal problems. Foods containing soy can be taken in in different forms: fried, cheese, marinated and smoked.

It contains no cholesterol and is a very filling product. The plant is part of different diets for weight loss. The product is beneficial for people who struggle with heavy weight, and contains a rich mineral and vitamin complex.

People suffering from type 2 diabetes are recommended to use soy products. Eating soy allows you to adjust carbohydrate metabolism and normalize the fatty acid and protein composition of the diet.

Soy is a staple food for people who fast. After all, the fruit has vegetable origin. The product can replace meat and dairy products.

The plant replaces pork and beef. When preparing soybean dishes, you can use a large number of spices.

The main component of soy is protein. Also, its benefits include the presence of choline, lecithin, a set of vitamins and microelements. Lecithin promotes active work brain and is very necessary for nervous tissue. These elements are responsible for memory and thinking, as well as sexual activity. They are able to regulate the amount of cholesterol in the blood and take an active part in metabolism.

The beneficial properties of soy are necessary for those who have heart disease. Products with added soy should be consumed by people who have allergic reaction for proteins of animal origin.

The beneficial properties of the plant are necessary for people suffering chronic constipation, arthritis and arthrosis. The product can reduce unnecessary cholesterol levels. To do this, you need to consume soy daily. It is more convenient to take the product in powder form and add it to different dishes.

The product has a beneficial effect on the skeletal system. He strengthens her. Daily consumption of soybeans large quantities helps slow down the production of thyroid hormones. In this case, general weakness and pain may be present in the body.


Despite the benefits, soy has properties that can cause harm to the body. Consuming this product may cause unwanted weight loss. The properties of the product allow you to accelerate the aging process of the human body. The consequence of this may be poor circulation and the development of various diseases.

Harm can be caused by soybeans grown in environmentally unfavorable areas. The plant absorbs a large amount of unnecessary substances from the ground.

The product provides Negative influence on the functioning of the endocrine system. Children who frequently use soy suffer from thyroid diseases. The plant can cause allergies in children under 3 years of age.

The properties of soy negatively affect the development of the embryo's brain. Pregnant women should exclude the product from the menu.

When going on a soy diet, you should not expect that it can replace all healthy foods. The positive effect of this diet is absolutely guaranteed. But it is explained by a decrease in the consumption of unhealthy components found in daily food.

People who suffer from metabolic disorders uric acid, should be wary of consuming soy. The product helps to increase the content of this component in the blood.

Calorie content

Soybeans are high in calories. It is 364 calories per 100 grams of product.

The calorie content of the product depends on the mass consumed.

Soy has a record amount of calories. People who are dissatisfied with their figure and weight are better off excluding soy from their diet.


Soy has contraindications. The product should not be given to children. The presence of some components has bad influence on the functioning of the endocrine system. Therefore, problems with the functioning of the thyroid gland may occur.

Soybean phytoestrogens elements have a bad effect on children's body. They promote early menstrual cycle in girls. The components act differently on the body of boys - they slow down the overall physical development.

Soy products can cause allergies in babies.

The use of the plant by adults with endocrinological diseases also has contraindications: the process of hormone production in the body slows down, weakness and intestinal problems appear.

The plant is not recommended for use by those who have urolithiasis. Soy contains elements that provoke the formation of kidney stones.

The product is contraindicated for pregnant women. After all, it contains hormone-like compounds.

Men whose diet is high in soy products have low sperm concentrations.


Soy should be consumed in the form of supplements. But at the same time it is necessary to know for sure that the body does not control tumor processes. TO soy additives must be treated with caution.

The specific smell of soy can scare you away. Therefore, the product should be introduced into the diet gradually. You can start adding soy to salads. Eg, regular cheese can be replaced with soy cheese. Instead of minced meat, add soy mince to spaghetti. Rice casserole with soy tastes great.

Soy sauce is very popular and often used. It is recommended to buy the product only in glass containers. It must be prepared by natural fermentation. The color of the sauce can be light or dark. Soy sauce should be added to food in very small quantities. Otherwise, it will interrupt the taste of the dish.

Soybean is often mentioned as a raw material for the manufacture of various medicines.

Home-sprouted soybeans are added to salads. The plant is used as a means to remove radioactive substances from the human body. To do this, you need to consume soybeans daily.

The nutritional value of the product allows you to use a decoction of soybean seeds for anemia and fatigue.

Benefits the body soy milk. The product can be purchased at the store or prepared yourself. It is an excellent helper for gastritis, which appeared thanks to high rate acidity in the body. The liquid should also be consumed if you have a stomach ulcer.

Nutritional value, high calorie content, vitamins and other components of the product have a noble effect on the health of the human body. Soy helps with menopause, normalizes mood and increases muscle tone.

Hydrolyzed product proteins are actively used in cosmetology. These components are soy proteins. They are made from soy flour, which contains no fat. These components can penetrate the skin or hair and act as a conditioner. They are able to retain moisture in the hair and skin, fill their structure with useful substances and restore damaged hair.

The components of the plant help smooth out wrinkles. They are a source of various elements that protect the skin from aging. Thanks to these components, soy is used in anti-aging cosmetics. Such products moisturize, nourish and rejuvenate the skin. They restore every cell of it.

The skin of the eyelids is very delicate and needs a soy-based serum or cream. These products can remove dark circles under the eyes and puffiness. Soybean extract is actively used in care products for very rough and rough skin arms and legs. Cosmetical tools based on soy, they cope well with dermatological diseases.


The seed of the plant can be stored for about 1 year at a humidity of about 12%. If the moisture content is higher, soybean seeds must be dried during storage. In this case, use conventional grain dryers.

If the room where the soybeans are located has very low air humidity, the soybean seed shells begin to crack. Therefore, it is necessary to properly dry soybeans.

The nutritional value

Nutritional value per 100 g. soybean is represented by the presence of components:

Vitamins and minerals

100 grams of product contains many vitamins and minerals:

Vitamins mg
choline 271
RR 9,72
N 63
E 1.89
AT 9 20,01
AT 6 0,78
AT 5 1,75
AT 2 0,23
IN 1 0,84
A 12
Beta-carotene 0,069
RR 3,2
minerals mg
strontium 67
nickel 304
aluminum 700
cobalt 31,23
silicon 176
boron 751
molybdenum 93,9
fluorine 119
chromium 16,7
manganese 2,86
copper 500,01
iodine 8,2
zinc 2,04
iron 9,7
sulfur 245
chlorine 64
phosphorus 605
potassium 1607
sodium 6,22
magnesium 225
potassium 348

Soybean, the benefits and harms of which have been well known for a long time, is a unique product. High calorie content And the nutritional value allow the plant to be used for various diseases.

Soy products. It is used to prepare steaks and goulash, sausages and burgers, milk, yoghurts and cheese, asparagus and other nutritious foods. However, for decades there has been controversy over how healthy soy foods are. Some claim that it promotes rejuvenation and healing of the body, while others are sure that due to its frequent use the risk of cancer cells increases.

Today the site will try to figure out whether soy foods are beneficial or cause irreparable harm to our body.

Benefits of soy food

Benefits of soy food

There is no doubt that the protein contained in soy is a complete substitute for animal protein and can provide the body with the amount of energy that we get from meat and dairy products. In addition, soy food does not contribute to the formation of “bad” cholesterol, and accordingly, the risk of cardiovascular diseases is reduced.

In addition, soybeans contain a huge amount of vitamins and other beneficial substances that really help rejuvenate the body and help maintain its health.

Composition of soybeans (per 100 g of mature seeds):

  • Proteins – 36.5 g
  • Fat – 2.9 g (saturated), 4.4 g (monounsaturated), 11.3 g (polyunsaturated)
  • Carbohydrates – 30.2 g
  • Vitamin A – 0.001 mg
  • Vitamin B6 – 0.377 mg
  • Vitamin B9 – 0.375 mg
  • Vitamin C – 6 mg
  • Vitamin E – 17.3 mg
  • Vitamin PP – 3.2 mg
  • Iron – 15.7 mg
  • Potassium – 1797 mg
  • Calcium – 277 mg
  • Magnesium – 280 mg
  • Sodium – 2 mg
  • Phosphorus – 704 mg
  • Zinc – 4.9 mg

In addition, soy contains phospholipids, linoleic and folic acids, tocopherols, lecithin, and choline.

All of the above means that soy products have antioxidant activity, increase the liver’s ability to remove toxins, and reduce the risk of degenerative transformations in the liver. nerve cells and muscles, strengthen capillaries, reduce the need for insulin in diabetic patients. In addition, soy derivatives increase the body's protective functions, prevent cholesterol deposition and prevent the formation of atherosclerotic plaques, and slow down aging.

In addition, soy products promote digestion and improve memory, strengthen and even restore nervous system, help to reset excess weight and keep it within normal limits. They give the body enough positive energy for active and healthy life.

The dangers of eating soy

The dangers of eating soy

To study the harmful effects of soy on the human body, scientists from many countries conducted many experiments that were supposed to answer the following questions:

  • Does soy cause cancer?
  • Do soy products affect the thyroid gland?
  • Could soy foods cause Alzheimer's disease?
  • Does soy harm female and male reproductive organs?
  • How do soy products affect the absorption of beneficial micro- and macroelements?

However, none of the experiments conducted has yet given a definite answer, since the subjects under study had very contradictory reactions. Perhaps this is due to the nationality of the people who participated in the research and their genetic memory - in some countries soybeans have been consumed for several centuries, while in others products made from it appeared only 20-25 years ago.

Nevertheless, it was still possible to draw some conclusions.

  1. With moderate and reasonable consumption of soy, cancer cells do not appear, moreover, the risk of cancer is generally reduced.
  2. If a sufficient amount of iodine enters the body with other foods, then eating soy food does not affect the functioning of the thyroid gland in any way.
  3. Eating soy can in no way cause the development of Alzheimer's disease, since soybeans contain substances that, on the contrary, effectively protect against this disease.
  4. Excessive consumption of soy products in some cases (and in the presence of other indicators) can lead to female infertility and to male sexual impotence.
  5. Due to the fact that soy itself contains many useful micro- and macroelements, it is able to provide the body with almost everything necessary, and products made from it do not interfere with the absorption of other minerals. However, it is not recommended to make soy food the basis of the diet; it must be supplemented with nuts, vegetables and grains, and if you are not a vegetarian, then with meat.

But at the same time, no matter how comforting the research data may be, it is worth considering several more factors. It is known that 60-70% of the protease inhibitors contained in soy products, when interacting with enzymes intended for processing proteins, are not broken down in the stomach and, entering the pancreas, provoke it to work more intensively, which as a result can cause its hypertrophy (increase organ).

In addition, lectins, which are also part of soy, disrupt the absorption function of the intestinal mucosa, which in turn makes it more accessible to bacterial toxins and rotting products. In addition, they cause growth retardation.

We should not forget that in our time the world is flooded with genetically modified products, and soybeans are no exception. True, according to some experts, in our country GMO soybeans are not used for food processing. But, as you understand, no one will tell consumers the truth, and Russia is far from the first place in growing soybeans and making food products from it; accordingly, we mainly purchase imported goods. So the risk of buying “mutant soybeans” is quite high.

Drawing conclusions

At the end of the article, let’s say: whether you want to eat soy products or not, it depends little on you, unless you live subsistence farming, in which you make everything from bread to sausages yourself from the ingredients you grew, and feed the livestock intended for human consumption with grass cut from the nearest meadow.

In other cases, we can only come to terms with the fact that soy is present in almost everything we eat. It is added to livestock feed, bakery and confectionery, it is found in any sausage, frankfurters, dumplings, traces of it are found in purchased cow's milk and in natural (non-soy) cheeses. Even on a bottle of ketchup and on a can of coconut milk you can see the inscription: “May contain a small amount of soy.”

So, no matter how much you like the taste of soy products, be aware of how much of it ends up in your stomach without your conscious decision. Maybe this is quite enough to “rejuvenate the body and improve health”?

Soy - benefits and harms of this product discussed by doctors, nutritionists and remedies mass media for several decades now. Which opinion should the common consumer adhere to? Let's consider the composition of soy, its positive and negative properties, as well as its ability to influence health.

The benefits of soybeans were known back in Ancient China. It was from this country that the use of soy products spread throughout the world. A large number of useful substances and low calorie content attract people who care about their health. Vegetable protein needed by athletes, vegetarians, fasting people and those who struggle with various diseases.

What beneficial properties does soy have?

The benefits and harms of soy have not yet been fully studied

The consumption of soy products is increasing every year. What is the reason for such popularity? Soy contains the following components:

  • 38 – 42% protein. Soy protein is not much inferior to animal protein, but is more easily absorbed by the body.
  • 16 – 20% carbohydrates needed for energy.
  • 4 – 6% fiber, which has a cleansing effect.
  • Lecithin – promotes the proper functioning of the brain and liver, weight loss.
  • Isoflavonoids, which can prevent the development of cancerous tumors and other women's diseases.
  • Tocopherol, which slows down aging.
  • Phospholipids, cleansing bile ducts.
  • Essential fatty acids necessary for metabolism and the health of the entire body.
  • Vitamins A and E, which have antioxidant effect.
  • Micro- and macroelements.

How diverse are soy products?

Soybean products are consumed by the Russian population in very large quantities. In addition to conscious consumption by people leading a healthy lifestyle, soy is found in many other ready meals which are sold in stores:

  • The meat has a specific taste. For his proper preparation Pre-soaking in water is necessary for swelling. You need to cook it for 15 minutes with the addition of seasonings, onions, garlic and carrots. Suitable as a side dish for main courses.
  • Minced meat, mixed with other ingredients, absorbs their smell and taste, giving the desired volume. Can be used as a main component or as a supplement to minced meat.
  • Milk is added to coffee and soups.
  • Tofu cheese will help diversify your diet. Like any cheese product, it is rich in calcium, proteins and fats. Should be used in moderate amount so as not to cause allergies or stomach upset. Although to be full you need to eat more of it than cheese of animal origin.
  • The sauce is known for its interesting story. Allegedly Tibetan monk surprised his brothers unusual taste dishes. At first, the monks did not even believe that the dish was Lenten until they saw with their own eyes how it was prepared. The piquant taste of this sauce can add variety to even the simplest food.
  • Sprouted sprouts are used to maintain the balance of vitamins and minerals in the body. Bean sprouts appear within 3 to 15 days (depending on the time of year). When they reach 4–5 cm, they are cut off and doused with boiling water for 30 seconds to prevent poisoning. The cotyledons are then removed and the sprouts are added to salads and other dishes.
  • Soy is added to sausages, semi-finished products, confectionery, and mayonnaise. The products may contain soybeans, soy protein, a vegetable analog, additives E-479 or E-322.

About the benefits raw eggs for good health

Soy products - health benefits and harms depend on their quantity on the menu.

The main thing is to avoid overeating. 2-3 servings of 80 grams per day are considered acceptable for consumption by vegetarians and up to 4 times a week for meat-eaters.

Benefits of soy for heart disease

Soybean is useful for certain diseases and is chosen by adherents of a healthy diet as a variety of dishes:

  • Heart diseases - treatment and prevention of occurrence are possible with 25 grams of this product per day. There is a decrease in harmful cholesterol in the blood.
  • Ovulation days increase to 4 per month. Thanks to this, less estrogen hormone is released into the blood, which prevents the development of female diseases.
  • The effect of menopause is mitigated due to the presence of flavonoids, reminiscent of female estrogens.
  • Prevention of breast cancer is possible through constant consumption of the product and exposure to isoflavone, which in large quantities prevents the proliferation of cancer cells.
  • The presence of fiber cleanses the intestines and prevents the development of cancer cells in it.
  • Dietary benefits soy is associated with lecithin, which prevents the accumulation of fats in the liver. Lecithin also promotes recovery from gallbladder diseases, diabetes mellitus, muscle dystrophy.
  • As an alternative to protein products of animal origin, it is recommended for vegetarians, athletes, and people watching their weight and health.

What are the contraindications for use?

Consumption of soy is prohibited for children under 3 years of age

As with any other product, there are contraindications for certain groups of people:

  • Prohibited for use by children under 3 years of age soy flour, other soy products are also not recommended. Young children may experience food allergies, slowdown in development. With a lack of iodine, disruption of the endocrine system and goiter growth occur. In boys under 12 years of age, physical development slows down, and in girls under 12 years of age it accelerates excessively. puberty.
  • Increased quantity isoflavones can lead to Alzheimer's disease.
  • Brain activity decreases when the permissible amount of phytoestrogens and isaflovones is exceeded.
  • Soy is dangerous for pregnant women. Hormone-like flavonoid compounds contained in this product have a bad effect on the condition of the pregnant woman and the development of the embryo.
  • If you have breast cancer or have suffered from this disease, you can consume soy products only under the supervision of a doctor. Small doses of isoflavone promote the proliferation of cancer cells.
  • Problems with the thyroid gland arise due to an obstruction in the absorption of iodine and the content of goitrogenic substances that disrupt the functioning of the endocrine system.
  • Urolithiasis disease may be aggravated by oxalic acid, which is found in soy and contributes to the formation of kidney stones.
  • Phytate substances, contained in large quantities, interfere with the absorption of iodine, zinc, iron and calcium.

Soy absorbs harmful substances that have a bad effect on the body when consumed.

Science has proven that products modified at the genetic level disrupt the functioning of human, animal or plant cells. This fact can lead to any disease, including infertility.

I would like to hope that not all soybeans are genetically modified, but according to official data, most are still produced in this way. This is especially true for the Argentine product. Soybeans are not grown in Russia, but are imported from other countries.

From all the above facts, the following conclusions can be drawn:

  1. Moderate consumption of soy would be definitely beneficial if it were not genetically modified.
  2. Proper use soy products in pure form does not harm a healthy body.
  3. Degree harmful effects The effects soy has on people who have diseases, unhealthy habits and concomitant other unfavorable factors have not been fully studied by science.

The benefits of soy and the harm of soy are very relative; to understand which is more is only possible individually, in each special case. If you are still not sure, consult with specialists.

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