Stages of cancer. What are metastases in cancer? Successful treatment of metastases in Israel - effective methods

Bone metastases are a secondary cancer phenomenon in which cancer cells migrate to bone tissue and form malignant tumors. Metastasis occurs in the later stages of cancer development and is accompanied by pain, increased calcium levels in the blood plasma, impaired blood flow and fractures.


The appearance of mts (metastases) in the bones is caused by the spread of cancer cells along blood vessels from the primary affected organ into bone tissue, developing into malignant tumors. Most often they migrate from primarily affected thyroid and mammary glands, lungs, kidneys, as well as with Sarcomas, etc. Less common are metastases from the cervix, ovaries, gastrointestinal tract and soft tissues and very rarely from other organs. The most common localization is metastases in bones with abundant blood supply: the bones of the pelvis, arms, legs, chest, scull, Bone marrow and in the ribs. Metastases are often found in the hip joint, shoulder and knee joints. With breast cancer in women, kidney and lung cancer, metastases can go to the xiphoid process, body and manubrium of the sternum, as well as to the ilium, ribs, pelvis, pelvis femurs and shoulder bones.

Tumors disrupt the work of osteoblasts and osteoclasts - large multinucleated cells responsible for regulating the structure and destruction of bone tissue in the process of cellular renewal.

Surgery, pathological fractures and other complications of metastasis can cause chylostasis (stagnation of lymph), which leads to edema. Bone metastases can cause severe pain, for example, with melanoma of the spine or a tumor of the ischium, which can compress the nerve.

The main symptoms are caused by hypercalcemia, pathological fractures and spinal compression. There is also an increased temperature due to an active metabolic process and accelerated cell division.


In one third of patients, bone metastases cause hypercalcemia. Calcium, which is part of the bones, is released during bone erosion and enters the blood. Hypercalcemia causes a number of symptoms:

Nervous system:

  • Mental instability;
  • Lethargy;
  • Depression;
  • Mental activity disorder.

The cardiovascular system:

  • Lack of appetite;
  • Nausea;
  • Vomit;
  • Ulcerative formations.

Urinary system:

  • Increased urine production;
  • Kidney failure;
  • Intoxication.

Pathological fractures

The area of ​​bone affected by metastases becomes fragile due to a malfunction of osteoblasts and osteoclasts, which leads to pathological fractures. Pathological fractures occur when more than half of the outer bone layer is damaged. The fracture may be caused by a minor blow, or there may be no obvious cause at all. From metastatic lesions Most often the hip bones, thoracic and lumbar spine are affected.

Spinal compression

Up to 5% of patients with mts in the spine develop spinal compression, of which in more than half of cases metastases are found in the thoracic spinal region. A growing tumor or bone fragments from a fracture can compress the spinal cord, often leading to irreversible paralysis if the disorder is not detected in time. In the case of already developed paralysis, only one out of ten patients manages to restore motor function.

If compression was facilitated by a gradual increase in tumor, then signs of compression spinal cord sometimes go unnoticed for a long time, unlike the case when a displaced vertebral fragment leads to compression.


Osteoblasts and osteoclasts are the main cells involved in normal bone tissue renewal. With metastases in the bones, allostasis is disrupted (the body’s ability to respond to atypical changes and carry out homeostasis - self-regulation), due to which the cells begin to work with a pathological bias, the body cannot cope with the regulation of cellular processes and subtotal damage occurs in the bones.


Osteoblasts are the building cells of the skeleton that fill empty areas, produce intercellular substance (matrix) and turn into bone cells (osteocytes). If, due to metastases in the bones, osteoblasts malfunction, then osteoblasts are formed in the bones. osteosclerotic lesions(otherwise sclerotic, i.e. compactions) - such disorders are called osteoblastic or blastic, and the formation of compactions is an osteoblastic process.


Osteolytic disorders are bone disorders in which bone tissue is destroyed. What it is? Osteoclasts destroy bone tissue to enable new ones to form bone cells. Failure in their work leads to an uncontrolled destructive process in which holes are formed in the bones. Bones become brittle and brittle, easily broken and cracked.

Metastases in the bones are rare, leading to one single type of damage, and the manifestation of damage is most often of a mixed type, with signs of both tissue compaction in certain areas and destruction.


To check for metastases, there are a number of diagnostic procedures available for different stages development of the disease:

  • Scintigraphy is an examination by injecting radioactive isotopes to produce a two-dimensional image of the affected areas, which appear as white spots. Helps to recognize the presence of metastases at an early stage of their development;
  • X-ray - allows you to identify the nature of the lesion, noticeable only in the later stages;
  • Computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging provides a three-dimensional image of the skeleton;
  • Biochemical blood test to check the level of calcium in the blood plasma and diagnose hypercalcemia;
  • Biopsy allows you to accurately determine the malignancy of tumors and make a final diagnosis.


Treatment is prescribed by an oncologist based on blood test data, the location of primary and secondary cancers, the stage of destruction and the type of bone damage (osteoblastic and osteolytic are treated differently). The main focus of treatment is to eliminate severe complications to improve the patient's quality of life. If the spine and bones hurt, then they resort to pain relief. The oncologist determines how to treat metastases after all the necessary diagnostic procedures.

Treatment consists of using medications, such as hormonal drugs, bisphosphonates, drugs to enhance immunity and local procedures: radiation and surgery. To relieve pain, painkillers are prescribed. Folk remedies include herbal decoctions, poultices, including folk remedies for pain, for example, ointment from comfrey root, which is treated by applying to a sore spot.


Surgery is performed if severe complications occur, such as a fracture, spinal compression, loss of limb mobility or paralysis. Operationally tumor-like formations are removed. If it is necessary to restore the bone structure, supporting pins and plates are installed. The operation is indicated for a favorable picture of the disease and good general condition patient. In other situations, it is recommended to use fixation devices to support the bones.

For osteosynthesis surgery (bone fusion using metal alloys), it is recommended to use titanium to avoid metallosis - oxidation of the metal and penetration of its particles into muscle tissue. In case of severe bone deformation after tumor removal, in some clinics the plastic surgeon performs plastic surgery on bone or joint replacement.


Chemotherapy and radiation therapy are prescribed to kill cancer cells and prevent further development metastases. and radiation prepares the patient for surgery and supports it after it. called exposure to ionizing radiation, which destroys cancer cells, or the introduction of drugs strontium-89 or samarium-153. Post-radiation complications require rehabilitation at the end of the course.

Treatment with bisphosphonates

Bisphosphonate drugs provide significant assistance in slowing down secondary cancers in general and bone destruction in particular, suppressing the uncontrolled work of osteoblasts and providing a balance between the destructive and regenerative process.

Bisphosphonate drugs include:

Bisphosphonates containing nitrogen:

  • Pamidronate;
  • Ibandronate.

Nitrogen-free bisphosphonates:

  • Tidronate;
  • Clodronate;

Medicines containing nitrogen compounds, have great therapeutic effect than bisphosphonates without nitrogen.


Enhancing immunity is used to recognize and fight cancer cells. Immune-boosting drugs increase the amount of immune antibodies and increase their ability to recognize and kill cancer cells.

How long do people live with bone metastases?

Life expectancy for bone metastases directly depends on the location of the foci from which the cancer cells were transferred. In general, a time corridor of life expectancy has been determined for each type of cancer, but this period is not a death sentence, because in in some cases the situation depends on the presence and degree of complications and it is possible to stop the destructive processes.

Also, depending on the location, tumors in the bones can be curable, so among patients with metastases there are those who have overcome the disease. The question of how long to live is raised during the already irreversible process of development of metastatic tumors, when bone destruction is irreparable.

Is it possible to cure bone metastases? Early detection metastases and strict adherence to the treatment and recommendations prescribed by the doctor increases the chances of defeating the disease and saving the patient’s life.

Video: Metastases in bones

Anonymous reviews

Anonymously. A friend was first diagnosed with breast cancer, then with lytic metastases. The doctor told her that they live with MTS for a long time, her friend goes every month to take Zometa and overall feels good.

Anonymously. The doctor also told me that the survival rate for mts in the bones is higher than if it is in the organs. I had two chemotherapy treatments, now I take bisphosphonates regularly and continue to live a full life, so there is no need to despair.

Anonymously. The grandmother lived with metastases for 10 and a half years, but there was pain and several fractures, she was active and did not sit still. She took morphine for pain.

Treatment of metastases in the lungs is carried out after an accurate diagnosis has been made, allowing their location to be determined. If metastases are detected in the lungs, treatment must begin immediately, since any delay could cost the patient his life.

When to get tested

After a person develops symptoms of metastases in the lungs, for example, a cough that does not go away, he is referred for examination. Most often, the penetration of tumor cells into the lung occurs from other organs. Therefore, in most cases there are no symptoms of the lesion, and metastatic cancer is detected by fluorography. But if a malignant neoplasm arose in the respiratory organs and then began to metastasize, then the primary one can be detected by such signs as:

  • the patient develops severe shortness of breath;
  • a person complains of chest pain;
  • the presence of bloody spots in the sputum when coughing;
  • loss of appetite and general weakness.

In many cases, doctors detect metastases in the lung sacs before they find the main tumor site. This happens because in the majority of patients the disease goes unnoticed.

If a person develops a cough that does not go away for several months, a slightly elevated body temperature, or apathy, then you should immediately consult a doctor.

Diagnosis of the disease using different methods

Before treating the disease, it is necessary to find out the location of the main tumor and the processes extending from it. For this purpose, tools such as x-rays, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging are used.

Metastases in the lung can appear in the presence of a cancerous tumor in other organs, for example, in the mammary gland, bladder, kidneys. Tumor cells often penetrate into the lung from the esophagus, gastric tract. The appearance of tumor cells in the lung can cause melanoma of the skin. This occurs due to the large volume occupied by the respiratory organs and the presence of constant blood circulation through the lung sacs.

X-ray helps to accurately find the location of the main focus of the malignant tumor and identify the location of metastases. To more accurately determine the size and location of malignant emissions in the lung, computed tomography or magnetic tomography is used. It is carried out with a special dye that helps identify all affected cells, including metastases.

Methods of treating the disease

Many patients, having learned about the diagnosis, ask doctors whether such lesions can be treated or not. It all depends on the stage of the cancer and the extent of metastasis. There are various methods to eliminate the disease:

  1. Removal of the tumor through surgery.
  2. Radiation therapy.
  3. Treatment with hormonal medications.

In each case, the need to use one or another method of combating the disease is determined by doctors based on examination data.

If it was possible to detect the disease at an early stage, then metastases, with their relatively small number, can be removed by surgical intervention. To do this, the tumor must be well localized, and the formations themselves must have small size. Surgery is usually performed if one organ is affected by the tumor and others are not affected.

To soften the patient's position, doctors use radiation therapy. In some cases, when using this method of treatment, it is possible to save the patient from the spread of metastases, as well as to sharply slow down the growth of the tumor.

Chemotherapy is used to combat the spread of metastases and to limit their growth in the patient's body. It is usually carried out using special drugs. If such an intervention has already been used to treat a primary malignant tumor in a patient, the person should inform the doctor about this.

Radiation and chemotherapy have many contraindications and side effects, for example, a person’s hair is falling out and he is constantly feeling nauseous. But to eliminate tumor growth, these methods are considered basic.

If tumor cells penetrated into the pulmonary sac from the mammary gland or prostate, then in some cases it is possible to use hormonal drugs. This is done when the underlying tumor is sensitive to such drugs.

In difficult cases it is possible combined use all of the above methods of combating metastases.

Other treatments

The development of medicine has led to the emergence of other methods of ridding patients of metastases in the lung sacs:

  • laser resection;
  • use of radioisotopes;
  • radio surgical method elimination of metastases;
  • use of neutron or gamma beams.

If metastases penetrated into the lungs, blocked the main bronchial structures, blocked windpipe, then surgeons use laser resection techniques to combat overgrown tumor cells.

In many cases, when metastases block the main bronchial structures, a method called “endobronchial brachytherapy” is used. Its essence lies in the fact that, using a special device - a bronchoscope, special microscopic ampoules containing a radioactive isotope are delivered to the tumor area and to the metastases. Radiation destroys cancer cells.

Many clinics use a system called “Cyber ​​Knife” to eliminate metastases. This method of radiosurgery does not cause bleeding, and the risk of infection after surgery is very small. This method has proven itself in the treatment of patients with a large number of metastases. After the operation, the patient remains in the hospital for several days, and recovery period takes 1-2 months.

To destroy metastases in Lately Doctors began to use precisely focused beams of directed neutron radiation. Gamma particles can also be used instead of neutrons. This technique allows you to target tumor cells. This does not affect healthy tissue.

All the methods of fighting cancer described above are not effective at stage 4 of the disease. Most patients see doctors in the last stages of the disease. It is very rarely possible to detect a tumor at an early stage of development, when its size is relatively small and it has 1 or 2 metastases. Therefore it is important early diagnosis diseases. According to statistics, the life expectancy of a person after surgery to eliminate metastases in the lungs is from 4 to 6 years. It all depends on the number of tumor cells that have penetrated the pulmonary sac, the age of the patient, and the ability of his body to resist the disease.

The word “metastasis” is familiar to many; it is because of them that cancer is so difficult to treat and quickly progresses to stage 3-4. The essence of metastasis is that cancer cells, having appeared and multiplied, begin to move throughout the body, affecting other organs - lymph nodes, liver, lungs, intestines, brain, etc. Early detection and treatment will help improve the prognosis and prolong the patient’s life, so it is important to know the first symptoms of the pathology.

What are metastases

The human body constantly produces abnormal cellular structures, with a potentially malignant nature. Timely recognition of such cells by agents of the immune system guarantees their complete destruction. But in some situations, immune function turns off and enemy cells are mistaken by the body for their own, which leads to their rapid and uncontrolled reproduction. In such cases, saying that the patient has cancer with metastases.

As they develop, cancerous elements from the original site begin to migrate throughout the body, moving with blood or lymph. Settling in tissues and bones, they give rise to secondary lesions called metastases.

Based on the stage of the disease, metastasis can be regional or distant. In the first situation, abnormal cells settle in neighboring tissues, in the second they penetrate into any distant areas. For example, for lung cancer 4 degrees cancer metastases cover the brain, intestines, liver, bones. People usually live with this diagnosis for no more than a few months.

Often, after removal of the main focus and a diagnosed cure, metastases are still discovered after some time, and the fight has to be started again.

What is the danger

High mortality and poor prognosis in cancer are largely associated with the formation of metastases in other parts of the body. Wherein primary focus most often it is successfully removed and protected from relapse, but it is almost always impossible to suppress all secondary complications. If we take into account what kind of treatment a patient requires even for one oncology - chemotherapy, radiation, complex surgery - it becomes clear that it is almost impossible to carry out several complexes of such therapy.

The main danger of metastases is:

  • In violation of the functionality of a number of vital and secondary systems of the human body
  • The fact is that their appearance signals the inability of the immune system to independently fight the disease.
  • IN sharp deterioration the patient’s condition, as the symptoms quickly increase and worsen.


The appearance of regional neoplasms occurs already at stage 2 of cancer. Signs of this will be inflammation of the lymph nodes closest to the lesion, for example, cervical, inguinal, under the armpit.


A more extensive initial lesion leads to an accelerated transition of cancer to severe grades 3 and 4 with a large number of metastases. The average parameter at which a tumor begins to move throughout the body can be considered a figure in 30 mm in diameter. With such sizes, cancerous structures spread abundantly throughout the body, settling in the tissues of organs encountered along the way. The prognosis for recovery is very poor.

Symptoms of distant metastasis directly depend on the localization of secondary foci, examples of which are given above.

Reasons for the development of metastases

The phenomenon of metastasis occurs due to the growth of an oncological formation, due to the stimulation of the formation of networks of vessels and capillaries around it. As a result, the malignant neoplasm receives all the necessary resources for rapid growth and distribution. There are several travel routes:

  • Through blood flow, with venous, vascular and capillary blood flow.
  • By lymph. Lymph nodes are a protective barrier to the development of metastases; to some extent, abnormal agents die when passing through the lymph node. However, with a significant volume of them, the protective system cannot cope.
  • Through implantation.

Lymphogenous metastasis most often results in cancer of the uterus, stomach, throat, intestines, and as a result, sarcoma and melanoma develop. With the help of hematogenous transfer it becomes possible education metastasis at a late stage of tumors in abdominal cavity.

Stage of appearance of metastases

Any cancer patient is exposed to metastasis if he does not receive timely necessary treatment. The timing can vary significantly and is determined by the individual course of the pathology. In one case, metastases appear after a few months, in another after several years. Symptoms are often very vague.

The formation of metastases is one of the signs of the transition of pathology to more severe stage, sometimes called degree. Usually lymph node involvement means the second stage. In such a situation, the patient needs urgent treatment, since further oncological development accelerates, and malignant cells begin to move throughout the body.

With hematogenous spread through blood, the disease quickly progresses to stage 4. In general, the formation of distant metastases occurs at stages 3-4 of cancer.

The answer to the question “how long do they live” at stages 3-4 depends on many factors, which we will consider below.

Features of metastasis of different cancers

Depending on the variety cancer, it is more or less prone to metastases. They are often formed when the lungs or liver are affected, when the pathology reaches the lymph node. Rare formation of metastatic foci is observed when the disease is localized in the heart muscle, muscular skeleton, or spleen.

Behind long years studying and monitoring the development of cancer symptoms in many people, the following patterns were identified regarding the location of formation of secondary lesions:

  1. When melanoma develops, it metastasizes to the lungs, liver, muscle structures, skin.
  2. Pulmonary oncology on one side spreads to the other, also metastasizing to the liver and adrenal glands.
  3. In women, oncology in the ovaries and uterus migrates to the stomach, intestines and other abdominal organs.
  4. With cancer of the female mammary glands, prostate in men and kidneys in both sexes, there is a high probability of relapses in the bones and lungs.

First signs and symptoms

When cancer develops to the stage of metastasis growth, diversity clinical picture is very wide. Among the obvious consequences are deep dysfunctional disorders of the organs of the trunk, limbs, skin, and bones.

  • Liver metastases lead to itchy skin and symptoms of liver failure - a yellow tint.
  • Brain metastasis results in an increase in signs of encephalopathy with headache and dizziness.
  • A tumor in the lungs is a terrible and severe lesion respiratory function and subsequent death.
  • With severe bone cancer, the patient experiences severe pain throughout the body.

Let's take a closer look at the symptoms based on the location of the metastases.

Skin covering

Complications on the skin appear with cancer of the lung, adrenal glands and ovaries in women. The procedure for their formation can be lymphatic or hematogenous. The typical place for metastases to occur in men is the chest and head; in women, signs appear in the abdomen and chest.

Photo 1. Superficial metastases

Symptoms of skin metastases are similar to those of skin cancer and melanoma.

  • New nevi (moles) appear that quickly grow in size and have uneven edges and color
  • Skin surface color changes
  • New growths are painful
  • The person is in a state of malaise, he is drowsy and weak, his performance is low, and there are signs of severe weight loss.


Symptoms of a costal tumor include severe pain and impaired mobility. At a later stage, metastases in the ribs can grow so deep that this results in their fracture even with slight pressure. To detect pathology, a scintigraphic examination of the skeletal bones will be required.

Secondary tumors in the ribs are different from cancer thyroid gland, organs of the sternum, prostate, larynx.


Metastases in the heart muscle are formed after disease with pleural mesothelioma, carcinoma, melanoma, esophageal squamous cell carcinoma, kidney and thyroid tumors. The main signs are:

  1. Venous obstruction of the myocardium
  2. Presence of pericardial effusion
  3. Weakened cardiac functionality
  4. Irregular heartbeat


When cancer cells enter the abdominal area, they settle on the organs located in this part of the body and on the inner walls of the abdomen. During the accumulation period, symptoms are absent or very blurred.

After a critical mass has been reached, ascites, causing the patient's stomach to become larger. The disintegration of metastases leads to signs of toxic poisoning.

Mammary gland

The main symptoms of metastases in the mammary gland are the appearance of lumps in the breast. Breast cancer affects not only women, but in rare cases Men are also susceptible to it, and in them the disease is more aggressive. Penetration of malignant cancer cells occurs with blood or lymph, usually from nearby affected organs - lungs, liver.

Seals can be easily diagnosed even at an early stage by self-palpation in front of a mirror. Among characteristic manifestations metastasis painful sensations and discomfort at the sites where symptoms appear.


Metastases in the intestines lead to bloating, increased flatulence, traces of blood in the stool, problems with stool (both diarrhea and constipation are observed). When the intestinal mucosa is damaged, intoxication with the products it contains triggers, which brings symptoms of dyspeptic disorders.


With metastases in the kidneys, the functionality of urine formation and excretion suffers. A common symptom is the presence of blood in the urine. In addition, pain is felt in the lumbar region, an increase in temperature, and an increase in blood pressure above normal.


The appearance of metastases in the tissues of the spleen is a rare phenomenon. Mainly due to the secretion of substances that negatively affect abnormal cells. But if the process of metastasis occurs, the patient suffers from thrombopenia ( sharp decline platelet count), fever, heaviness and enlargement of the spleen. Without treatment, symptoms continuously increase, leading to severe exhaustion.


Metastases rarely penetrate into the stomach; typical primary tumors, when this occurs, are cancer of the uterus, breast in women, and the respiratory system. When sick, a person experiences taste changes in familiar dishes, appetite worsens, and the stomach hurts.



Pleura is called inner surface lungs, which are one of the components that ensure normal breathing. It is logical that a violation of the pleural layer results in chest pain, cough, and problems with normal breathing. On early stages metastases in the pleura may be perceived as pleurisy, which is why the patient does not receive adequate treatment.

Adrenal glands

Metastases in the adrenal glands are observed in different types of cancer tumors. They often appear after the division of atypical cells in the lungs, kidneys, and mammary glands. The pathology is characterized by adrenal insufficiency and necrotic death of organ tissue, which further aggravates the prognosis.


Uterine cancer develops at stages 3-4 of the disease. Initially, the transfer is carried out through the lymph; at the 4th stage, it also connects circulatory system. Signs of illness are presence bloody discharge during periods when they should not be there, sharp pain in the lower abdominal cavity, pain in the lower back. Elevated physical exercise result in more severe symptoms.


In case of defeat Bladder There are signs of cystitis, urination is frequent and painful.


Metastases in the pancreas threaten to disrupt the production of necessary hormones, an increase or decrease in secretion of which affects different processes human life activity. Among the consequences of this process are sudden thinness, refusal to eat, nausea, stomach pain, and diarrhea.


Complications in grief occur after cancer in the mouth, lungs, and stomach. They lead to the appearance of laryngeal wounds and ulcers, swelling in the mouth and throat, problems with breathing, swallowing, and making sounds.


Correct and timely treatment metastasis is impossible without an accurate diagnosis, including:

  • Computed tomography (CT)
  • Ultrasound examinations
  • X-ray
  • Radioisotope examination procedure
  • Taking a puncture
  • Lab tests
Using the complex diagnostic examinations prescribed by a doctor, the level of metastasis, the location of secondary foci, the presence of deep germination, background purulent phenomena, growth rate, etc. are established.

Ultrasound is one of the most available methods detection of primary and secondary cancer. It is used as a primary research method, based on the results of which a decision is made to carry out more in-depth and expensive procedures.


The existence of metastases greatly complicates the treatment process, since several tumors need to be treated at once, and there is a risk of new ones appearing. The following techniques are used in this therapy:

  1. Surgical excision. Very effective method, but only before metastases appeared. If the process of cancer reproduction did not exist, then the pathology would not be so terrible. If there are a small number of secondary lesions, they are removed surgically, involving nearby areas, since they can potentially also be susceptible to metastases. Before this, excision of lymph nodes and other tissue affected by pathologies is indicated.
  2. Method radiofrequency ablation involves the destruction of abnormal cells using high temperature created by special equipment using electric current.
  3. Drugs. Used wide range medications, treatment is carried out through chemotherapy, immune stimulation, and hormone administration. The goal is to stop the growth of a malignant neoplasm.

The disease is treated by an oncologist; therapy is a complex of the above measures.

How long do people live with metastases - prognosis

The presence of metastasis is always an aggravating factor that greatly reduces how long a person will live. Here is a forecast for different types cancer:

  1. Metastases in peritoneum give a 5 percent mortality rate. If promptly detected and given a complex of necessary chemotherapy and rehabilitation, it gives a good chance of cure.
  2. By adrenal glands the prognosis is not so favorable, since they are associated with a more extensive pathological process.
  3. Intestines. Treatment uses a combination of surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. After carrying out the entire complex, about 50% of patients are cured and continue to live.
  4. Liver. Without treatment, liver metastases kill a person within 3-5 months. If you carry out the necessary healing procedures, then the prognosis improves to one and a half years. Subsequently this figure may add another year.
  5. Lungs. The average survival rate for one additional tumor is 35-45%.

With stage 4 (terminal) and extensive distant metastasis, patients rarely live more than a few weeks.

Metastases are secondary growth foci malignant tumors. Most of these tumors begin to metastasize at a certain stage of their development. The speed of this process determines the prognosis of the disease and the results of treatment.

How quickly metastases spread depends on many factors.

Reasons for the development of metastases

The main reason is the nature of malignant tumors. Even one cell detached from the neoplasm is able to give rise to a secondary focus. Cancer cells begin to divide, and as soon as enough of them are formed, a new tumor is formed, at first microscopic.

According to research, the introduction of malignant cells into organs does not necessarily lead to the appearance of metastases. With good fabric resistance and strong protective properties In the body, tumor cells may remain viable, but not grow or form a new tumor.

Metastases spread in several ways. Cells “released” from the maternal focus through the blood and lymphatic vessels enter different organs and systems. It is possible for these cells to spread inside body cavities. At the beginning, this process proceeds slowly or, in general, “dormant”. The body, with the help of the immune system, protects itself from danger, but its capabilities sooner or later end. In addition, the primary tumor inhibits the development of metastases while they consist of a small number of cells.

Some features of metastasis

The development of metastases usually differs between men and women. The most common causes of metastases in women are primary tumors:

  • Kidney,
  • mammary gland,
  • Thyroid gland.

The cause of secondary lesions in men in most cases are cancerous processes:

  • Light,
  • Prostate gland,
  • Kidney.

According to statistical data, metastases develop least often on the skin, and most often in skeletal system. Particularly susceptible to the formation of secondary tumors hip joint. Metastases in it can become a consequence of a malignant process of any localization. Bones are affected by two types of metastases:

  • Osteoblastic, characterized by compaction of bone tissue,
  • Osteolytic, which causes thinning of bone tissue.

One of the main manifestations of the presence of secondary tumor foci in the body is pain that appears at a certain stage of their life. The pain gradually increases. This occurs due to constant stimulation nerve endings located near sites of metastasis. The composition of blood and bone tissue changes.

Rate of spread of metastases

By modern theory In cancerous tumors, metastases form at the earliest stages of the primary tumor. The fact is that cancerous tumors have such a feature that the cells are easily separated from them. Possibly very quick appearance new formations after the formation of the primary tumor. It is possible that metastases will appear only after a few years. Latent metastases make themselves felt years after treatment.

The spread of metastases depends on the following factors:

  • Localization of the main tumor,
  • Type of tumor
  • "Age" of metastases,
  • Patient's age
  • Immunity status
  • General condition of the body,
  • Psychological mood.

It has been noted that highly differentiated tumors metastasize less frequently, later and more slowly than poorly differentiated tumors. The smaller the secondary focus, the slower it grows. When a certain size is reached, specific substances that are tumor growth factors are produced, and the process accelerates significantly.

Typically, the development of metastases occurs when the body has already exhausted its protective reserves.

However, more often, young people suffer more from the formation of secondary foci, and their metastases spread much faster than in middle-aged and older patients. Perhaps this is due to the greater activity of life processes in a young body, during which not only healthy tissues develop, but also malignant neoplasms.

In some people, oncological processes pass very quickly without proper reason. It happens that the primary tumor has not yet been diagnosed, but many metastases have already formed. With negative psychological mood, lack of desire to fight and live on, a favorable prognosis is rarely possible, and treatment may be unsuccessful, despite the capabilities of modern medicine.

One of the stages in the development of any cancer is the process of spread of cancerous tumors to other parts of the body. Most types of cancer contribute to the appearance of abnormal foci in the lymph nodes, spine, and internal organs. Modern medicine cannot explain why cancer metastases appear. Sometimes they appear immediately after the appearance of the primary malignancy, in other cases they are discovered two years after diagnosis. It also happens that metastases form many years after surgery and removal of the primary tumor.

Metastases in cancer. What it is?

Metastases are secondary cancerous tumors that form after the formation of a primary malignant neoplasm. Cells that break away from the tumor, and this always happens, first enter a blood or lymphatic vessel, are transported with the blood or lymph flow and settle in a new place. These abnormal cells secrete substances that promote their growth and the appearance of capillary networks around them. This leads to the possibility of obtaining all the necessary nutrients for development at the expense of healthy tissues. The amount of time it takes for this process to occur depends on the type of cancer and the state of the person’s immunity. The frequency of development does not depend on the type of treatment, biopsy, or removal of part of the tumor.

Please note! Cancer metastases are very dangerous, since most often they form at a time when the body’s reserves are exhausted, so the patient often experiences death.

What do cancer metastases look like?

Metastases are cancer cells that break away from the primary tumor. They may have different kind depending on their location:

  1. Lungs. In this organ, metastases have a regular round shape, a dense structure and a delicate pink tint. A feature of these cancerous tumors is a clear pulmonary pattern that retains its natural shape. Entering the body through lymph glands into the lungs, they cover the entire surface of the organ in a short time. The size of a cancerous tumor can range from one to six centimeters.
  2. Liver. Here metastases can have a simple or complex structure. In the first case, the lesions have smooth outlines. Sometimes metastases have a dark rim. At complex structure the formation will be dense inside with a heterogeneous texture.
  3. The lymph nodes. IN in this case tumors look like multiple large nodular nodules that can be seen with the naked eye, as they protrude above the surface of the skin.

    Note! The lungs and liver lymph nodes are the most common organs where metastasis spreads in various cancers.

  4. Spine. The tumor has average density and delicate shade, over time they appear on the surface intervertebral departments, located in the central part of the organ. Cancer spreads quickly and destroys bone tissue.
  5. Bones. Those areas of the bone where our by-products are located have dark color, unclear boundaries, they protrude two millimeters above the surface. Their consistency is loose and soft, the size ranges from fifty millimeters to five centimeters.
  6. Head. Here cancer metastases have light color, bumpy surface, heterogeneous structure, they can be multiple or single. The size of metastases varies from fifty millimeters to eight centimeters.
  7. Skin covering. In this case, they look like dark bluish or black spots round shape with a dense structure that can rapidly spread and increase in size.

    Note! The skin may produce bleeding fluid that has an unpleasant odor.

  8. Peritoneum. On abdominal organs, cancerous tumors are located on their inner side and remain motionless. Here they have big sizes and elongated shape.
  9. Intestines. Here the tumors are large, they are black in color and have an elastic consistency. Over time, they spread to the surface, breaking through the intestines.
  10. Breast. Metastases can be located both in the gland itself and in its skin. They look like nodular seals that can be seen with the naked eye. Sometimes folds or ulcers may appear on the skin of the chest. Tumors in the mammary gland require immediate surgery.

Ways of spread of metastases

In oncology, it is customary to distinguish several ways of their spread:

  1. Hematogenous cancer cells spread through blood vessels, affecting internal organs and fabrics. Hematogenous metastases develop in sarcomas, hypernephroma and other diseases.
  2. Lymphogenic - cancer cells spread through the lymphatic vessels. This happens when there is a huge amount pathological cells. Lymphogenic metastases are formed in cancer of the neck, stomach, colon, larynx, uterus and ovaries.
  3. Implantation – abnormal cells spread throughout serosa. Growing into the walls of organs, they enter the peritoneum or chest.

Note! The growth of metastases occurs much faster than the growth of the primary tumor.


The causes of spread are complications of cancer in the later stages of its development. They appear when a tumor forms a large number of pathological cells.

Development may be stopped good immunity sick person and high tissue resistance. The location depends on the location of the cancer, and the frequency of spread depends on the structure and growth of the tumor, and the age of the patient.

Note! Metastases are more dangerous than the primary malignancy.

Answering the question at what stage metastases appear, it should be noted that most often they appear at the third and fourth stages of cancer development. Sometimes they can appear in the early stages, but in this case they will be microscopic in size and located in the lymph nodes.

Note! Any examination by an oncologist begins with examining the condition of the lymph nodes, since this is where the process of metastasis most often begins.

A large number of abnormal cells that are formed during metastasis are eliminated immune system person. Some of them linger in the capillaries and become overgrown with tissue, so the immune system does not cope with them properly.

Stages of metastasis

Primary cancer tumor promotes the appearance of metastases in the later stages of its development. This process is gradual and quite active. At first cancer cell breaks away from the tumor, then moves to the wall of blood vessels, penetrates their lumen and, with the flow of blood or lymph, moves further to neighboring organs, attaching there also to the wall of the vessel. Then it penetrates the tissue and begins to actively grow, forming a knot. In different anatomical areas The process of metastasis occurs differently.

Symptoms and signs of occurrence

Symptoms depend on which organ is affected by metastases. Oncology of the peritoneum contributes to the appearance of ascites, bones and spine - pain throughout the body, frequent fractures. If metastases appear in the brain, this leads to headaches, impaired consciousness, and the development of seizures. Secondary tumors in the lungs are manifested by signs and symptoms such as cough with blood discharge and difficulty breathing. If the tumors have spread to the liver, the patient experiences an enlargement of the organ and develops jaundice. In the lymph nodes located in the neck, metastases manifest themselves in the form of hoarseness and voice changes.


Cancer with metastases requires immediate treatment. But first, all parts of the body are examined to determine the location of metastases. To do this, a diagnosis is made of the lymph nodes, liver and lungs, which are the main organs where they are most often observed. secondary tumors. Then the doctor follows possible localizations metastasis, which depend on the type of cancer.

In the presence of carcinoma (cancer) that gives metastases, radiography and ultrasound are used to identify them, as well as radioisotope diagnostics, CT and MRI, PET. If metastases have spread to other organs, the doctor determines which stage of cancer corresponds to this.

Note! Theoretically, it has been established that in people who have received effective treatment for the first stage of cancer, abnormal cells have not entered the blood or lymph, so metastasis does not occur.

Treatment of secondary tumors

If metastasis occurs, whether it can be cured is determined by the attending physician. The effectiveness of treatment depends on the volume of affected areas and the accuracy of the diagnosis, since in this case it is not always possible to detect all secondary tumors. In this case, surgical intervention will not help positive result. If metastases have affected the entire area of ​​the organ, its complete removal is possible. For example, surgery may be performed to remove the colon or bladder. This is done if the affected organ does not perform its functions, and it is not possible to remove the metastases in any other way. In frequent cases, radiation therapy is used.

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