Honey massage technique. How to do honey massage correctly

An affordable and proven way to maintain body tone, good health, excellent health - honey massage. The combination of the effectiveness of classical massage manipulations with the healing properties of honey gives an excellent rejuvenating effect, which manifests itself after two or three sessions.

Practical benefits

The benefits of honey massage for the body lie in the properties of this product. It contains a huge amount of vitamins, microelements, substances similar in composition to human blood plasma. Enzymes produced by bees contribute to its excellent absorption by the body.

Massage treatments:

  • provide positive influence on the nervous system;
  • promote active skin regenerating processes;
  • improve metabolism deep in the subcutaneous layer, on the surface of the skin;
  • tone the entire body;
  • increase the level of immunity;
  • stimulate the release of metabolic products through the pores, burning fat;
  • normalize metabolism throughout the body;
  • restore joint function;
  • speed up metabolism.

This type of massage session is great for general health improvement body, as well as effective therapy for a number of diseases. It is successfully used in the treatment of bronchitis, prolonged severe cough, frequent colds, headaches, arthritis, arthrosis, radiculitis, osteochondrosis.

“Sweet” massage treatments for children are very useful. They provide restorative effect on a growing child's body.

The method can be considered as a type of reflexology, combining healing properties honey with the mechanical and energetic effects of human hands.


Honey is a known allergen, so massage sessions with it are contraindicated for people with hypersensitivity to beekeeping products prone to allergic reactions to other food products, sweets, aromatics. They should use this method of healing only after consulting a doctor.

  • with exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • with an increase in body temperature;
  • for diseases in the acute phase;
  • a child less than two years old.

Important! This massage is not suitable for people with high blood pressure, as it increases it even more. Women should refuse a session upon the onset of menstruation, and completely exclude it during pregnancy.

Contraindications are:

  • low blood clotting,
  • thrombosis,
  • varicose veins,
  • dermatitis,
  • fungi,
  • psoriasis;
  • oncological diseases;
  • mental disorders;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

Preparation of honey and honey mixtures for use

To apply honey to the skin, you need to prepare it. Additional additions of essential oils activate the action of the main component, enrich its composition, promote high-quality tissue heating, better penetration of nutrients into the deep layers of the skin, and enhance the cosmetic effect.

  • Natural honey as a base

Main component massage mixture must remain natural honey- This is the basis for other auxiliary ingredients, and the percentage of additional additives should not exceed 15.

Only natural honey is used: flower, acacia, linden. It is easier to work with a fresh, still liquid product, but the candied product also does not lose its beneficial properties. When sugaring, you can melt the resulting crystals in a water bath. It is important to maintain the correct temperature; it should not exceed 40 degrees. When the temperature rises above this limit, the product loses its beneficial features, becomes an “empty” sweetness. The appropriate heating level is easy to determine by touch.

  • Additional Additives

Compositions with essential oils - lavender, lemon, orange - are used to enhance the effect.

Standard proportions for mixing: for one teaspoon of honey mixture 5 drops essential oil.

Good healthy mixtures obtained by adding to two teaspoons of the base base different types oils, for example, eucalyptus, lemon and lavender at the same time.

Important! For members of the royal family Ancient China massage honey treatments were mandatory. Other bee products were added to the mixture: wax, pollen, propolis.

Honey massage technique

Rules for applying the mixture to the body

  • Natural honey and mixtures based on it are applied to perfectly clean skin. Before the massage session, you should take a shower, cleanse the skin with a scrub and washcloth. You can use ground coffee, salt and cream as a scrub. In addition to the cleansing effect, a warm shower warms the body well, preparing it for the procedure;

  • Long hair should be picked up and firmly secured on the head with a cap or bandage so that it does not interfere or stick together due to the sweet mass;
  • It is not recommended to apply the product under the arms, under the knees, on the neck, chest, groin area, due to the thin skin in these places, the tendency to irritate, and the large number of blood vessels.

Classic honey hand massage

Before applying the sweet mass, the skin is warmed up with light massage manipulations, stroking, and kneading. Then the warm composition is applied with soft, rubbing movements, evenly distributing over the massaged area.

You can begin intensive massaging after a couple of minutes, when the honey begins to absorb into the surface of the skin.

Massage manipulations

The absorbed composition thickens. For effective massaging you need:

  • “glue” your palms tightly to the skin, then sharply pull them back;
  • gradually increase the pace, pressure, sharpness;
  • manipulations with the hands should be strong enough, but at the same time smooth, giving a feeling of warmth and comfort;

  • massage the skin, lightly “pounding” it, driving the mixture into it until white-gray flakes or gruel appear;
  • rinse your palms warm water, continue massaging the body until all the sticky mass is collected.

After 20 minutes of the procedure, transparent pure honey turns into gray-yellow flakes, saturated with particles of the skin, releasing toxins. This provides intense natural cleansing of the body, excellent health and cosmetic effects.

The composition cannot be reused, as it absorbs harmful substances from the skin and becomes toxic.

The first session should not take more than ten minutes. After intensive long-term exposure, bruises may appear, and the procedure itself will become painful, but by the 3-4th session the skin gets used to it, the pain goes away. Do not be afraid of the appearance of bruises or protruding small capillaries: gradually the skin adapts to new procedure, All unpleasant phenomena will pass. If painful sensations do not go away or become stronger, then it is better to abandon the course.

Post-massage procedures

At the end of the session, compresses can be applied alternately: cold and hot. This promotes intense lymph and blood flow, enhancing the effects natural product. For a comfortable state, the body is treated with wet compresses, the back is wiped dry, the patient is covered with a blanket, and remains lying on the couch for 25-35 minutes.

Then you need to take a warm shower with a soft washcloth to wash away the toxic residues of the mixture; it is useful to apply a moisturizer to the skin. Nourishing cosmetics are perfectly absorbed into cleansed, open skin pores.

Additionally, you need to drink a glass of warm water or a cup of aromatic herbal green tea with a teaspoon of honey. Honey binds liquid, promotes its intensive removal from the body during the session and for some time after. Taking a small amount orally during a massage course will enhance the therapeutic effect.

You definitely need to rest for about an hour.

Important! Best time days to perform this type of procedure - before bedtime. The positive effect will last throughout the night.

Vacuum massage

Suitable for those who are interested in how to do honey massage at home.

  • Steam the body in a bath or under a hot shower, rub with sugared honey crystals;
  • Press the porcelain bowl tightly onto the problem area, massage it in a circular motion for fifteen minutes;
  • The bowl should slide easily: the heated skin is well drawn into the vessel, creating a light vacuum effect with a gentle effect;
  • Repeat the procedure twice a week for 15 minutes.

For a more intense effect, you can use a special jar purchased from a pharmacy. The principle of massaging is the same as with a bowl. The movements must first be made around the navel, then increase the radius, gradually moving to the sides and ilium. After cupping, it is useful to additionally rub the problem areas with your fists.

A properly performed honey massage at home is not inferior in effectiveness to a hardware massage.

The original method with a plastic bottle

  • Fill a one and a half liter plastic bottle with a minimum of reliefs with warm water and close tightly;
  • Apply the mixture to the back of the person who is supposed to be massaged, wait a couple of minutes until it begins to be absorbed;
  • Roll the prepared bottle over your back and cervical spine until all the honey is collected on the bottle. This will take 15-20 minutes.

The advantages of this method are that the massage therapist does not get tired, a bottle of water “breaks” salt deposits well, and movements along the spine help straighten the vertebrae. This type of back massage improves blood circulation, relieves headache. To avoid skin irritation, it is better to do it every other day. Having learned how to do the original honey massage plastic bottle, you can massage all family members in one evening.


Self-massage, when performed regularly, can be very in an effective way By cosmetic care behind the face, legs, arms, neck-collar area.

To independently warm up muscle tissue, skin, and subcutaneous layers, you can use available hand-held massagers of various types that increase blood supply and lymph flow.

The same rules and steps apply to self-massage as those of a professional massage therapist:

  • preparation of the mixture;
  • thorough cleansing of the body;
  • slight warming of the skin and muscles;
  • applying a sweet composition to parts of the body;
  • massaging intense movements;
  • body cleansing;
  • applying nourishing cream;
  • warm drink;
  • rest.

When performing self-massage, it is important not to show self-pity and not to reduce the intensity of the effect when the mixture thickens and it becomes difficult to “tear off” the palms. The quality of the procedure depends on this.

There is no need to be afraid of doing it incorrectly. The body itself will tell you the duration and intensity of the sessions, and constancy, perseverance and self-organization will do their job in the process of general healing of the body.

Types of honey massage


  • Back massage.

This is an excellent supportive supplement. therapeutic agent for osteochondrosis, arthritis, arthrosis, myositis. Indications for it are almost all diseases of the joints and spine. It has a powerful tonic, healing effect on the body. On the back you can knead, rub, and strongly pat.

  • Abdominal massage.

Helps with colitis, constipation, cholecystitis, cellulite. It needs to be done softly and delicately. For organ diseases abdominal cavity caution should be exercised.

  • Face massage.

In the nasal area it is effective for sinusitis, rhinitis, congestion respiratory tract. Massaging the area under lower jaw improves the condition of teeth. The skin is pre-cleaned with tonic. Correct massaging movements are performed from the nose to the ears, from the facial center to the edge. The movements are soft, light, patting and tapping with the fingertips.

During healing sessions, it is preferable to have a complex effect on the body, in which all zones of the body are activated, rather than individual parts.

How often can you do a honey massage for general health purposes? Recommended frequency is 1-2 times a week. The duration of the session is determined by individual physical tolerance.


Arms, legs, face, décolleté and hips are worked on.

With its help, the skin tightens, becomes smooth, clean, well-groomed and healthy, and facial wrinkles disappear. No other product can provide such a deep cleansing effect. cosmetic product. The elasticity of the skin quickly improves, fat capsules are completely dissolved or reduced.

The direction of hand movement and the degree of force applied depend on the area being massaged. The face, neck, chest are stroked and patted with light movements. Stronger pressure can be applied to the back, arms and legs.

Cosmetic massage treatments complement wellness treatments. The number of sessions is up to 15, frequency 2-3 times a week, they are easy to perform at home.

For weight loss

  • Anti-cellulite

The “sticking” effect stimulates the intensity of blood movement in the deep subcutaneous layers and its surface, due to this effect high-quality peeling occurs.

The effect of honey is milder than anti-cellulite creams, but no less effective.

For a good result, you will need 15 sessions of honey anti-cellulite body massage (every other day or two). In advanced cases, the number of procedures can be increased. When repeating the course, a break of at least a month is required.

To prevent cellulite, one or two procedures for the whole body per month are enough.

Important! During anti-cellulite procedures, you should not overheat the client’s body and the massage therapist’s hands, since the natural product liquefies and spreads under the influence of heat, which worsens the adhesion of the massage therapist’s palms to the body.

  • Abdominal and thigh massage

Let's help you proper nutrition, bodyflex and physical activity In the fight for a thin waist, anti-cellulite abdominal massage can help. To conduct a session you need:

  • take a shower and cleanse your skin with a hard washcloth or scrub;
  • lie on your back;
  • apply warm honey or a composition with essential oils to the stomach;
  • wait until it begins to be absorbed;
  • massage the abdomen with smooth movements, excluding “pushing” the abdominal wall, most carefully working the area under the navel, the upper thighs, where fat is deposited most;
  • when the honey thickens, continue massaging with sharp, intense slaps;
  • After the procedure, take a shower and apply nourishing body cream to the abdominal area.

Home honey massage

Simplicity and efficiency massage technicians with honey you can perform them at home. This does not require special conditions, just a cup of a good natural product, a little time and the desire to become healthier and more beautiful.

It’s easy to do a honey massage at home yourself or trust your relatives, husband, or girlfriend.

The technique can be selected based on personal needs and capabilities. If you have chronic diseases or contraindications, you should first consult a doctor.

How to properly do a “delicious” honey massage of the whole body or individual parts of it is described in detail above. All stages and conditions must be followed, then a good result will be obtained quickly. But it is important not to overdo it, observe moderation and be sure to take breaks between courses.

Breaks are necessary so that the body does not get used to it. Even the most useful ones are addictive, but frequent procedures lose their effectiveness.

Honey wrap

A good addition to massage sessions would be a wrap. Sometimes it is used immediately, but you need to remember that this is an additional burden on the body. After the massage procedure, the body should be rinsed well under a warm shower, clearing it of the remnants of the already toxic composition.

It is better to do the wrap separately, without massaging with the mixture. It increases blood circulation, opens pores, removes excess liquid, helps remove fat “reserves”, tightens and smoothes the skin. It can be done at home in the evening, before bed.

Before wrapping, preheat the body by lightly rubbing it, then apply a mixture of honey, a few drops of essential oil, a couple of spoons of cosmetic milk to the problem area (waist, hips, legs), wrap tightly cling film, warm blanket, wait an hour, then take a shower.

Several sessions of pontovo-honey wraps will make the skin velvety, and 3-4 cm will be removed from the waist and hips.


Massage with honey for active healing of the body is simple, affordable, and effective. Traditional bioenergy healers believe that the product carries energy sunlight: The sun shares its energy with us through flower nectar processed by bees.

Using this product for food and external use is real natural magic, connecting a person with the forces of the Universe.

Hello, dear readers of the site “ Healing power resin." Not long ago I had an article. Well, everything is clear about eating honey and everyone has probably known about its benefits for a long time.

Today I would like to tell you about another option for using honey. We will talk about honey massage. In this article I will tell you what it is and how to do it correctly.

Honey massage - what is it and what is it for?

Honey massage is a body massage using honey. This method, as a method of rejuvenation and not only, was used in ancient Egypt. Later, these procedures spread to many other countries and continents.

Why is massage using honey so good, why is it needed and what are its advantages? First of all, we need to note accessibility! Honey masks, massage and wraps can be done at home, and you do not need to visit specialized salons.

Secondly, honey massage has an anti-cellulite and firming effect. And this effect is quite persistent. For women who cannot afford to spend a lot of money on cosmetic procedures, but who are used to taking care of themselves and want to look good - this is generally one of the best options.

In addition, performing such a massage yourself has its undeniable advantages. For example, you will control the intensity of massage movements and in case of discomfort or pain you can easily switch from massaging one part of the body to another.

Mastering the simple technique of honey massage is not at all difficult and can be done by any woman. It’s just important not to focus on one area of ​​the body, even if you think that all of your cellulite has accumulated on one particular thigh.

If you massage one place like a man possessed, this can lead to an imbalance in metabolic rate and neuromuscular activity.

As a result, exacerbation of existing chronic diseases or attacks of tachycardia or increased blood pressure may occur.

Few people know about this, but honey massage, in addition to its excellent cosmetic effect, also has therapeutic effect. Through the pores of the skin, honey is absorbed by the human body and affects it beneficial influence.

How to do a honey massage: technique, what is possible, what is not

So, first of all, let's figure out what we need? And we don’t need that much, just 2 things:

  1. good, natural and most importantly liquid honey
  2. almond or olive oil

Before starting the procedure, it is advisable to warm up the muscles. You can squat, do simple exercises, bend over, etc. And only after the muscles have warmed up can you apply honey.

The technique is simple. The main techniques of honey self-massage are rubbing and light pressure. I will describe the entire procedure step by step, there will be 6 such steps in total.

  1. Take honey in your palms and warm it in them. Then, using rubbing movements, massage the desired area of ​​the body. Take your time, let the honey absorb into the skin a little
  2. When honey stops sliding easily over the skin, the time will come for the most effective, but not very pleasant. Press your hands tightly against your body, and then suddenly tear them off. In a similar way, you need to work out each problem area of ​​​​the body.
  3. As soon as the honey is absorbed a little and ceases to be sticky, while turning into a gray paste, change the massage technique. The next stage is stroking, smoothing movements and quick pats
  4. At the end, you need to lightly work the massaged areas with the edge of your palm.
  5. Next, you need to wash off what was previously called honey and perform a light self-massage with almond or olive oil. There is a rule: all oils are applied only to moisturized skin!
  6. Wrap yourself in a towel, make yourself green tea, which it is advisable to drink with raspberry jam or honey

All! As you can see, there is nothing extremely complicated. By performing these simple manipulations only 2 times a week, you will notice the result after just a few sessions.

After a course of such honey massages, the skin becomes soft and smooth, and is noticeably tightened. In addition to the cosmetic effect, metabolism and blood circulation improve.

Yes, I forgot to say. After the first sessions, there may be some slight bruising on your skin. There is no need to be afraid of this, they will pass very quickly!

What not to do during a honey massage - contraindications and restrictions

Even during such a seemingly harmless procedure, there are restrictions and contraindications. So, try to remember what is not allowed?

Honey should not be used:

  • to the groin area
  • breast
  • axillary area
  • area under the knees

Why can’t honey be applied to these areas? The point is that this is where it is located. a large number of lymph nodes


Before you start a honey massage, be sure to check if you have any contraindications. These include:

  • pregnancy
  • allergy to honey
  • skin irritation
  • tuberculosis
  • diseases of the heart and cardiovascular system
  • phlebeurysm
  • (hypertension).

Honey massage is effective:

  • as part of an anti-cellulite program when massaging the buttocks, thighs, abdomen, because effectively speeds up metabolism and burns fat;
  • during treatment colds(bronchitis, pneumonia, cough...), because provides an intense blood flow to the diseased area and fills the body useful substances. Honey is more often carried out;
  • to even out skin tightness and improve its appearance;
  • for radiculitis and myositis (improves blood circulation and muscle relaxation).

The massage itself will not be as relaxing as, for example, since the procedure is rather invigorating and perhaps a little painful.

What kind of honey is used for honey massage?

Honey should be used only natural and always liquid (not baptized). For massage, honey is usually used, heated to body temperature (or slightly higher - up to a maximum of 38 ° C).
You can take floral, linden or sunflower, i.e. Any natural honey is perfect. If it is possible to get honey from honeycombs or buy freshly pumped honey (but from a proven apiary), then it is better to use this. You can add a few drops of essential oil to honey. Some oils have anti-cellulite properties, such as grapefruit, orange, lemon or tangerine. For 5 tablespoons of liquid honey you need to add about 3-5 drops of one of the essential oils.

Contraindications for honey massage

Honey massage has the same contraindications as any other massage + allergies to bee products.

Also, before booking a honey massage, check if you are allergic to any bee products, because honey is one of the most allergenic substances. Intense types of massage are also not recommended if there is a problem with blood vessels or increased arterial pressure. An obvious contraindication is:

  1. Availability critical days in a woman;
  2. obvious skin diseases;
  3. high blood pressure;
  4. phlebeurysm.

If all this is taken into account, then a course of such massages will be a pleasant bonus for you in the daily rhythm of life.

Honey massage technique

Sequence of general honey massage

General honey massage is not performed:

  1. on inside hips;
  2. on the inside of the shoulder;
  3. in the area of ​​the inguinal lymph nodes.

Honey abdominal massage is performed softer and more carefully!

General honey massage:

  1. general warming up of the body is done,
  2. back massage is done,
  3. massage of the thighs is performed (if necessary, calves),
  4. Front thigh massage is performed
  5. if necessary, massage the abdomen,
  6. if necessary, massage the arms in the shoulder area,
  7. Finally, a light relaxing massage is given.

Honey massage techniques

There are 2 honey massage techniques. They are tough.
More severe techniques are performed with a full palm, with the entire surface of the palm being directly torn off to the touch. That is, the palm comes off almost abruptly and immediately across the entire plane.

A softer technique is when the palm comes off as if rolling.
More precisely, a softer tearing is achieved by reducing the tearing speed and tearing area.
A reduction in the separation area is also achieved when honey massage is carried out only with the fingers or the back of the hand.

On the stomach (due to the location of the internal organs), to reduce the intensity of the impact on the internal organs, hold with one hand abdominal wall, and with the other hand, tearing movements are carried out.

Application of honey massage

Honey massage in cosmetology

Honey massage is gaining immense popularity in the fight for the beauty of the female body. But those who have never done it have questions:

  • Is the popularity of honey massage really so deserved?
  • and is it true that honey removes toxins and impurities, and also helps make the skin elastic?

Here are a few facts you should know about honey massage as a factor in improving skin quality.
The benefits of honey for the firming effect of the skin are truly undeniable. A course of honey massages will primarily provide the body with a lymphatic drainage effect and help get rid of cellulite. Honey, containing vitamins A, C, H, E, B, not only refreshes the skin, tones it, but also stimulates the movement of blood through the vessels and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Alternating with the face, honey works miracles of rejuvenation.

Honey massage for cellulite

Cellulite has become a big problem for women these days. It is common not only among middle-aged women, it also occurs in young girls and even teenagers. And the presence of cellulite is not always associated with excess weight. It happens that you have quite skinny girls cellulite is present. This especially affects people who have lost double weight if they have lost weight rapidly.

In the fight against cellulite, proper nutrition and various types of massage play a huge role. You can do a professional anti-cellulite massage - the procedure is effective, but quite painful, and not everyone can afford it. But there are several types of massage that can be done at home and they have a colossal effect. One of these home saviors is honey massage. After it, the skin is smoothed, the effect is visible after the first session. This encourages many people to complete the entire course and not be lazy.

Honey wraps will also be an excellent addition to a honey massage. That is, an anti-cellulite program is carried out, including alternating honey massage and regular massage with honey wraps.
In professional beauty salons, clients are initially offered regular (or lymphatic drainage massage), and then, when all the muscles are warmed up, the body is soothed with a pleasant wrap using warm honey. The effect of such alternation is maximum and truly impressive. It is only necessary to monitor the time of the procedure. If you use hot honey, then the time period should not exceed half an hour. And by using cool or lukewarm honey, the massage session can be extended for another half hour. And remember that, despite the popular belief that honey massage and wraps should be completed with a contrast shower, this is not necessary. After a honey massage, a sharp temperature change can harm your body.

Honey massage at home

And the last thing about the benefits of honey massage is that this type cosmetic procedures You can easily do it at home, and the result will be no worse than after visiting a beauty salon.

How to perform a honey massage on a specific area:

  • prepare the honey mixture: heat the honey a little if necessary and add essential oil if desired;
  • Apply the honey mixture to your palms;
  • We begin to rub it into problem areas, warming up the skin. The honey mixture is applied in a fairly thin layer!;
  • after that, smoothly and gently apply your palms, lightly rolling over the skin;
  • and separate the hand from the skin (as if it were sticky) by rolling it. We make these kind of soft pop-rolls over the entire area of ​​the problem area.

There is no need to be zealous, otherwise you can cause injury to both the skin and blood vessels.
The massage should be continued until the honey on your palms becomes dirty. gray. Then your hands and body should be washed thoroughly. It is optimal to repeat the massage every other day.

Video honey massage

Anti-cellulite honey massage of buttocks

Video - honey self-massage of thighs

Honey facial massage video

Honey massage technique video

Massage is one of the most pleasant and effective methods impact on human body. A relatively small list of contraindications and a huge list of positive effects, along with the accessibility of the procedure, make it one of, dare I say, my favorite methods therapeutic effects both in cosmetology and in the treatment of a number of diseases internal organs and musculoskeletal system. There are many types of massage, and one of the most attractive and effective is the honey massage technique.

Honey massage has existed as long as our civilization, and modern medicine has also adopted it. Let's first try to answer the question, what effect does honey massage have on our body?

The benefits of honey massage

Any massage, including honey massage, primarily affects the skin and superficial subcutaneous structures. The mechanical action of the massage therapist’s hands on the skin leads to increased blood circulation in the massage area, improved tissue trophism, and accelerated outflow venous blood And lymph fluid. In addition, massage initiates the launch of reflex processes with the participation of centers spinal cord, which potentiates the local effect and also improves the functioning of internal organs.

All this is true for honey massage. However, in addition to the above effects, they also use additional methods impact.

Firstly, honey has truly unique composition and just as unique nutritional properties. It contains vitamins, sugars, macro- and microelements, which have a beneficial effect on all surface structures of the body.

Secondly, during massage, honey also acts as a sorbent, drawing out toxic substances that accumulate there, or, as they are commonly called, toxins, from the interstitial fluid and subcutaneous fatty tissue. Thanks to this, we get another exclusive effect of honey massage - a cleansing effect on the body. It is this property that makes it possible to use honey massage for weight loss in combination with other measures aimed at combating overweight.

General principles of honey massage

Before the honey massage procedure, you need to take a warm shower and, if possible, additionally warm up the body. Next, the massage therapist performs a regular warming massage using stroking and kneading, and only after that proceeds directly to the honey massage.

Honey is applied to the hands and evenly distributed in a thin layer over the surface of the client’s skin. Rubbing and kneading continues for several minutes, after which the massage therapist begins the main part of the massage: using circular movements, he firmly presses his hands to the client’s skin, and then sharply tears them off, thereby taking part of the honey from the surface of the body. Not only honey remains on your hands, but also a grayish substance. These are the ones that come out of the superficial layers of the skin. By repeated repetitions of this action, it is possible to achieve cleansing of the skin and subcutaneous structures, which honey massage promises. The video will help you get a more accurate understanding of the procedure.

At the end of the massage session, the client takes a warm shower and washes off the remaining honey along with the toxic substances removed from the body. A honey massage session lasts up to 15 minutes; during one session, one area of ​​the body is worked. The recommended course consists of 12 - 15 procedures, which are performed at intervals of one day. A repeat course can be started no earlier than in a couple of months.

Indications for honey massage

Massage using honey is used both in cosmetology (the main area of ​​application) and in the treatment of diseases of internal organs and the musculoskeletal system.

As an auxiliary method of therapeutic effects, honey back massage can be used in the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system and to strengthen the immune system. There is also a place in the treatment of diseases of the nervous system: massage has a calming effect, which allows it to be used in treatment emotional disorders, insomnia, depression, vegetative-vascular dystonia, in the end, just to relieve overwork and fatigue.

The effect of using the method will be even more obvious when we use honey massage for osteochondrosis and diseases of the spine. For arthritis and arthrosis of any localization (be it arthritis small joints feet and hands or arthrosis knee joint) a honey massage directly to the affected area is indicated.

Cosmetologists widely use. In this case, the most problematic areas are exposed, the procedure can be entrusted to a specialist, or it can be performed.

We have already mentioned the possibility of using massage in the fight against excess weight: for this they use honey massage of the abdomen and all the same problem areas - buttocks, thighs, directly fat folds.

To improve the general condition of the skin, resorption of scars and scars, a honey facial massage is prescribed. Since this area of ​​our body is characterized by increased sensitivity to various kinds influences, we recommend that at first you entrust the procedure to a specialist in order to make sure that when correct use technique, your skin reacts positively to honey massage. Reviews in this case will be extremely positive. Of course, you can limit yourself to watching the video; just type “honey facial massage video” in the search bar, but in this case the responsibility for side effects Improper use falls entirely on your shoulders.

Honey massage: contraindications

No matter how sweet honey is, it cannot be prescribed to everyone. Honey massage is contraindicated for oncological diseases, with pathology hematopoietic system, with tuberculosis, with skin diseases of infectious (fungal, viral, bacterial) etiology, with severe insufficiency of liver and kidney function. In all these cases, any massage is contraindicated, and accordingly, honey massage cannot be performed.

Available for honey massage and special contraindications. The first is an allergy to honey. What kind of massage can we talk about if after the procedure the skin becomes covered with a rash, and the client is on the verge of anaphylactic shock? Therefore, before starting a massage course, it is recommended to test apply honey to the skin and evaluate the body’s reaction. If there is no reaction, you can begin the procedure.

The second contraindication is thick hairline in the area of ​​expected impact. In this case, the massage will be extremely painful, difficult to carry out, and therefore it is better to simply refuse it.

When women discover cellulite, they resort to the most various techniques treatment, from recommendations traditional medicine to ultra-modern facilities. One of the popular and effective methods of getting rid of unwanted “orange peel” is honey massage.

How honey massage works

Massage with honey is essentially a type of reflexology. It is based on the interaction of the skin and the biologically active substances that make up honey. The method is far from new - it was used in ancient times in Tibet, famous for its miraculous recipes for health and beauty.

The tangible effectiveness of honey massage is due to the fact that under its influence the speed of blood circulation and lymphatic drainage increases, and metabolism is activated. Subcutaneous dense tubercles are smoothed out, after a “delicious” massage, the skin becomes smooth and elastic.

Due to the ability of honey to be easily absorbed into the skin, the removal of toxins is accelerated, and blood circulation in the skin is increased. skin. In addition, honey helps renew skin cells, acting as a peeling agent (exfoliating dead skin cells of the epidermis).

The effect of honey massage is not limited to restoring freshness and youth to the skin, it heals the entire body. Under the influence of biological substances, honey becomes irritated skin receptors autonomic nervous system, the functions of internal organs are activated. Complex interconnected reactions triggered by massage have a beneficial effect on the functioning of these organs and help remove toxins from the body.

Contraindications. What do the doctor's say

At the same time, honey massage is far from a harmless procedure, so it has contraindications for:

  • allergic reaction to honey;
  • hypertonic disease;
  • thrombophlebitis, varicose veins;
  • malignant and benign tumors;
  • diabetes; pathology of the thyroid gland;
  • any acute illness or chronic in the acute stage;
  • fever;
  • menstruation;
  • pregnancy;
  • skin infectious diseases;
  • blood coagulation disorder;
  • abundant skin hair growth.

Limitations are due to the fact that anti-cellulite massage with honey creates an imbalance in temperature and speed metabolic processes and nervous activity, because not the entire body is affected, but only the areas affected by cellulite. And if a young body can cope with overloads easily, women who have chronic diseases, you should be careful.

Moreover, honey is sufficient strong allergen, so it is advisable before starting treatment course test: apply a small amount of honey to the skin inner surface forearms slightly above the wrist and leave for 20 minutes, observing the reaction.


Honey massage can be done on any part of the body, excluding only places where lymph nodes accumulate (breast glands, popliteal and axillary area, neck, groin area). The knee and ankle areas can be massaged, but with more careful movements and with less honey.

Cellulite massage can be done both in beauty salons and at home; independently or with the help of another person. Optimal time it is carried out in the morning, after waking up.

One area is massaged for no longer than 15 minutes. The entire massage procedure with honey should not last more than 40 minutes. One full course- these are 15 sessions held every other day.

For massage, you can use any type of honey (linden, May, flower, etc.), as long as it is not too liquid. You need natural honey, without any additives, but not candied. Honey stored in honeycombs is especially effective; its healing properties last for years.

You can add any of the aromatic oils (or a mixture of them) to honey for massage: grapefruit, lavender, orange, juniper in a strictly observed dosage (in drops). Can be used per 2 tbsp. honey such mixtures of essential oils:

  • lemon – 5 drops, eucalyptus – 2 drops, lavender – 2 drops
  • lemon and juniper – 3 drops each, orange and lavender – 2 drops each;
  • orange and lemon – 5 drops each;
  • mint – 5 drops, lemon – 3 drops and 2 drops of lavender.

If you use several oils, you should mix them first and then add honey. The mixtures are prepared before the procedure. The oil is chosen depending on individual taste and the expected effect:

  • lemon oil has antiviral, antibacterial, immune-strengthening effects, improves blood circulation, removes toxins, increases the tone of the vein walls;
  • orange oil has a pronounced anti-cellulite and rejuvenating effect on the skin, improves blood circulation, and gets rid of age spots;
  • lavender – stimulates skin cell renewal, relieves pain, soothes and relaxes;
  • juniper oil cleanses the skin, activates the regeneration of skin cells, effectively eliminates stretch marks and cellulite, improves immunity, and restores mental balance.

Unique combination of minerals table salt(sodium and chlorine) with honey activates microcirculation well, cleanses toxins and tones the skin. You can also take sea ​​salt, containing magnesium, necessary for normalizing metabolic processes, and iodine, which helps eliminate cholesterol. The massage mixture is prepared at the rate of ½ tsp. salt per 1 tbsp. honey

How to do honey massage at home

It is optimal if the procedure is performed by a professional massage therapist. But you can get a massage course at home, doing it yourself or with the help of another person. To do this, you need to know the rules for conducting anti-cellulite massage.

Where to massage

The massage room should be cool, otherwise the honey will spread and practically turn into water. And honey must stick well to provide a forceful effect on the skin. For the same reason, there is no need to do a honey massage in the bathroom.

Preparatory activities

To cleanse the surface layer of skin from dead cells, open pores and improve skin respiration, it is better to exfoliate before a massage session.
After this, it is advisable to warm up the skin using massage brush, or just classic massage movements until the skin turns red. These preparatory measures will help cleanse it of toxins.

How much honey should I take?

Not worth taking excessive quantity honey, since in this case the massage will drag on for a long time, and an excess of the substances that make up honey will enter the body. This may provoke allergic reaction. Simply grease your palms with honey. (1 spoon per palm).


When massaging with an assistant, honey (or its mixture with aromatic oils) in an even layer and rub until it begins to stick to your hands. Then the assistant presses his palms tightly to the body surface being massaged and sharply tears them off. The more active the movements, the greater the effect of the massage. Thanks to such actions, honey penetrates deep into the skin and draws out toxins and impurities from it.

"Dirty White Flakes"

A dirty white mass soon forms on the hands of the massage therapist. To prevent harmful substances from being introduced again through open pores, it is necessary to prepare warm water in a container in advance and wash your hands periodically.

Side effects: pain, bruising, bleeding

The first sessions may cause discomfort. Over time, the pain weakens. Whenever severe pain you need to stop the massage, avoiding damage to superficial vessels. Some women experience bruising and bruising on the skin after the first procedures, but they quickly disappear.

The massage ends when the hands no longer stick well to the skin. In this way, massage is carried out with the participation of an assistant at home.

Features of self-performing honey massage

There is also a way to independently carry out a “sweet” massage at home, without the help of another person: honey is simply rubbed into the body until there is no honey left on the skin. The hands do not leave the surface of the body. When massaging the abdomen and buttocks, movements should be carried out clockwise, and on the hips - from bottom to top, in the direction of lymph outflow.

After some time, gray pellets form under the palms. This is due to the fact that honey draws out waste and toxins, metabolic products and salts from the skin. In this case, as already mentioned, your hands should be rinsed with warm water.

Each zone with " orange peel“They are engaged sequentially, one at a time, achieving the desired effect. After the procedure, it is recommended to wash off the remaining honey and toxins in the shower, with just water, without using soap, gels, washcloths or scrubs. Then dry the skin and apply moisturizer to it.

Honey massage for cellulite on the face

Sometimes cellulite also appears on the face. Unlike other areas, when massaging the face, honey is applied in an even layer and no vigorous movements are made. You only need to apply light, painless pressure on the skin and release for 5 minutes. During this time, honey will penetrate into the deep layers and remove sebaceous plugs and toxins. And one more feature: you don’t need to wash the honey off your face, it will dry itself and be fresh. This massage will improve vision and stimulate brain function. After the procedure, you feel cheerful and light, like after visiting a steam bath.

The ability of honey to penetrate deep into the skin allows you to effectively fight advanced forms of cellulite, preserve beauty and youth. Repeated courses can be carried out after 3 months.

Learn more about all the details of honey massage in 2 videos.

Carrying out a massage with honey in the salon

Honey self-massage

Results BEFORE and AFTER honey massage:

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