Temperature 38 and cold. Why does a child have cold feet and hands against a background of elevated temperature?

Why do children and adults have cold hands and feet? Is this normal or does it indicate the development of some disease? How to help a patient with help traditional medicine and home remedies? You will find answers to these questions in our article.

The problem of icy hands or feet is quite common in both children and adults. Some people tend to ignore this, thinking physiological feature body. Others attribute such signs to possible symptoms development of serious diseases.

Why do adults have cold hands and feet: reasons

Cold extremities can be the result of a variety of conditions and problems in the body. The most common include circulatory disorders, increased arterial pressure, febrile conditions in infectious diseases, the effects of low temperature and high air humidity.

The human body feels most comfortable in a warm environment. If conditions change, for example, a decrease in air temperature, all life support resources are thrown into maintaining the functions of important organs and systems to the detriment of less important ones (limbs, nose, ears).

If your hands and feet remain cold even in a warm room or in the hot summer, this is a symptom of a malfunction of the body due to some disease or a consequence of lifestyle.

The main causes of cold extremities are:

  • The presence of pathologies, the list of which is quite large - diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism, osteochondrosis, diseases of cardio-vascular system, anemia, vitamin deficiency, hyperhidrosis, etc.
  • Vegetative-vascular dystonia – dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system. In this case we are not talking about a disease individual organs, therefore, therapy is aimed at correcting the patient’s lifestyle and using a number of exercises and techniques to improve the general condition.
  • Genetic predisposition – physiological structure vessels and capillaries causes their narrowing even with small changes in ambient temperature.
  • Hormonal background - in women aged 18 to 55 years, cold hands and feet syndrome is more common because it is associated with estrogen levels - female hormone, taking part in the process of thermoregulation.
  • Age-related changes - aging of the body causes a slowdown in heat exchange processes, so older people more often experience discomfort from the cold indoors and outdoors, and try to dress warmer.
  • Violation of diet, including diet. Normal operation the body is impossible without proper nutrition. When broken down and absorbed, nutrients are converted into energy, which is used to regulate normal temperature body and physical activity. Poor nutrition leads to the consumption of the body's internal resources and a lack of energy.
  • Hyperhidrosis – increased sweating limbs. Constant wetness of the hands and feet, especially in the cold season, leads to chilliness and chilliness of the hands and feet. This condition may be a symptom of existing diseases - thyroid gland, nervous system, cardiovascular system, tumor formations, hormonal imbalances, infectious and fungal infections. From external reasons You can name wearing synthetic socks or tights, poor-quality shoes, neglecting hygiene rules.
  • Insufficient physical activity due to work or a sedentary lifestyle can also cause slow blood flow and, as a result, cold palms and feet.
Chills in the hands and feet are a symptom of many diseases.

Why constantly cold arms and legs, hands and feet: the reason

If you feel cold hands and feet quite regularly and regardless of external factors, this may indicate the development of a disease.

  • With vascular atherosclerosis, dizziness, angina pectoris, tinnitus, headaches, pain in the spine, dry skin, and poor circulation are possible.
  • Osteochondrosis – causes impaired blood circulation due to deformation of the intervertebral discs. The patient feels back pain, dizziness, numbness of the limbs.
  • Pathologies of the thyroid gland - insufficient production of hormones leads to a state of fatigue, drowsiness, poor circulation, heart rhythm disturbances, and decreased metabolism.
  • Diabetes mellitus causes capillary spasms and impaired blood flow. In the subsequent period of the disease, large vessels are involved in the process. At the same time they suffer more lower limbs, which can lead to serious damage to the feet, tissue death and the development of gangrene.
  • Raynaud's syndrome - characterized by spasms of small arterial vessels hands and is manifested by a feeling of tingling, numbness, chilliness and pain in the fingers.
  • Anemia – low level hemoglobin, vitamin C, folic acid and a lack of iron in the body leads to tachycardia, dizziness, weakness, pale skin, and chills.

If you notice any of these symptoms, you should not delay visiting your doctor for treatment. comprehensive examination and prescribing appropriate treatment.

Why do my child have cold hands and feet?

Contacting external environment, organism healthy baby adapts to temperature conditions.

  • The skin, or rather its blood vessels, reacts to air temperature. Cool feet and hands of a child are not a problem and should not cause concern to parents if the color and appearance of the skin of the extremities looks normal.
  • Very cold feet and hands with a bluish tint to the skin indicate that the child is cold and experiencing discomfort. Adults should pay attention to the choice of clothes for the child for home and outings. Thermoregulation system in childhood designed so that short-term cooling is less dangerous than constant overheating.
  • The reason for a child's constantly cold hands and feet can also be a rapid growth rate, in which the capillaries do not keep up with the needs of the growing body and cannot fully deliver blood to the extremities.

Why do babies and newborns have cold hands and feet?

Mothers of very young children often experience panic fear, if you notice the baby’s cold hands and feet. At the same time, they try to dress him as warmly as possible, fearing a cold.

Newborn babies react to the temperature of the environment, and the baby’s body forms the correct reaction to the changes. The temperature of the baby's extremities is the temperature of the skin. If your hands and nights are cold, this indicates a spasm of skin blood vessels. This reaction is a natural mechanism for maintaining body heat. Due to it, the baby’s immune defense is built, which will subsequently be the main factor in maintaining health. If every time the mother tries to prevent the slightest chill, then the child’s immunity will be weak.

To help your baby quickly establish the process of thermoregulation, do the following:

  • Bathe your baby in water at the optimal temperature – 37-37.5°C in a warm room.
  • Massage your baby's entire body daily, paying special attention to the palms and feet.
  • Repeat simple exercises that the baby likes - bend and unbend the arms and legs, carefully make rotational movements with the shoulder and hip joints.

Why do children and adults have a hot head and cold hands and feet at high temperatures: causes, treatment

Icy hands and feet against the background of fever and high temperature (more than 39°C) are more often observed in children younger age. In adults, this condition (“white fever”) may be associated with decreased function immune system or accompany some chronic diseases.

Decreased immune defense leads to physiological state, during which blood rushes to the internal organs, which causes acute spasm of the vessels of the extremities and impaired heat exchange. Outwardly, this is expressed by intense pallor of the skin (sometimes to a bluish color).

This type of fever usually:

  • Occurs against the background of acute infectious diseases of viral etiology - influenza, ARVI, mumps, scarlet fever, diphtheria, chicken pox, whooping cough, measles, rubella.
  • Occurs in diseases of the upper respiratory tract, bronchopulmonary system, chronic diseases internal organs.
  • Sometimes it can accompany brain diseases due to traumatic injuries and tumor formations or be a symptom of an allergic reaction.

What should you pay attention to?

  • Put warm socks on the patient, but do not cover him with a blanket.
  • Give an antispasmodic (drotaverine, no-spa, dicetel) to prevent seizures.
  • The room where the patient is located should not be too hot. Despite cold extremities and chills, body temperature remains high.
  • Rubbing the body with alcohol-containing liquids is not recommended - this can lead to increased vascular spasm and a weakening of heat transfer, the temperature of the internal organs will only increase.
  • You shouldn’t just focus on lowering the temperature – normal indicators The thermometer column does not indicate recovery. The patient needs urgent health care for accurate diagnosis and treatment of the underlying disease.

Why cold hands and feet with high blood pressure?

Patients suffering from hypertension often experience rapid heartbeat, noise and ringing in the ears, colored spots or “floaters” before the eyes, internal heat followed by chills and severe trembling, chilliness, tingling and numbness of the extremities.

At stressful situations, nervous tension and psycho-emotional stress, blood pressure can increase significantly even in the absence of diseases of the cardiovascular system. To prevent severe attack, it is useful to take valerian root extract, motherwort, a decoction of berries (lingonberries, blackberries, red currants, cranberries) or warm tea with lemon.

In people with vascular diseases, chills and tremors in the limbs may indicate the onset of a hypertensive crisis. In this case, it is necessary to immediately measure the pressure and take medication to reduce it, prescribed by the attending physician.

Why are your hands and feet cold when you have a headache?

Migraine is a type of headache vascular type. During an attack, the temporal artery expands, which leads to tension on the nerves that surround it and the release of certain chemicals. These substances provoke an inflammatory process and further increase pain.

Migraines are chronic diseases with frequent relapses. Severe pain accompanied by active pulsation in the temples or occipital lobe, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, pale skin, sensitivity to light and sound, chills, cold hands and feet.

Sharp or pulling headache is also one of the symptoms vegetative-vascular dystonia. The list of signs of this disease includes up to 150 symptoms and 40 syndromes. VSD can be expressed as ischemic disease heart disease, hypertension, osteochondrosis, thyrotoxicosis, etc., while examinations and tests will not reveal any serious pathologies organs. Therefore, sometimes it is quite difficult for specialists to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

One of the main complaints of a patient with VSD is poor tolerance to temperature changes. The patient's hands and feet always remain cold, even in a warm room and hot climate, while elevated air temperatures cause dizziness, weakness and a feeling of lack of air.

Malaise, headaches and chilly limbs are one of the signs of VSD

How to treat cold hands and feet with medications?

As already noted, cold extremities are not a separate disease, but only a consequence of other pathologies or inflammatory processes in the body. Treatment of this problem comes down to diagnosis and treatment of the underlying disease.

In case of VSD, when the patient’s condition is associated only with the functioning of the nervous system, treatment with the following drugs is suggested:

  • herbal remedies - valerian root extract, motherwort, peony tincture
  • antidepressants
  • tranquilizers
  • nootropics

Reception of any medications must occur under the supervision of a physician

How to treat cold hands and feet with folk remedies?

If the cause is not associated with any pathology, you should pay attention to some of your own habits and lifestyle:

  • The body must be well protected from the uncomfortable condition that occurs in cold air indoors or outdoors.
  • Choose the right wardrobe; when buying new clothes, pay attention to the density and composition of the fabric.
  • Try to always keep your feet warm; to do this, choose your shoes especially carefully according to the season and do not skimp on their quality. Shoes should be soft and comfortable, not squeeze your toes, thereby impeding blood circulation. Monitor the temperature in your living areas, and don’t forget to wear socks and slippers at home.
  • Wearing jewelry - rings, bracelets, watches that pinch the wrist and fingers can cause difficulty in normal blood flow and numbness in the hands.
  • Food is also involved in the process of thermoregulation of the body. Eastern medicine recommends that during the cold season you include in your diet foods that increase blood circulation - garlic, ginger, hot peppers, hot Herb tea, hawthorn infusion.
  • Natural essential oils (eucalyptus, juniper, fir, sandalwood, sweet orange) stimulate blood flow and activate the body's protective functions. Use any vegetable oil for the massage procedure, adding a few drops of essential oils to it. This remedy can also be used as first aid in case of hypothermia and initial frostbite.
  • Physical activity helps saturate the body with oxygen, stimulates metabolism and blood circulation. At sedentary life, for example, sedentary work, remember about correct posture at rest and short breaks, during which do short exercises for your arms and legs. In your free time, find time to do a daily routine of exercise and walk outside.
  • A time-tested remedy is hot foot baths. Steaming your legs is useful for strengthening blood vessels and improving blood circulation, as well as for hyperhidrosis and fungal infections. To enhance the effect when colds add 1 tbsp to hot water. a spoonful of mustard or rosemary. For skin problems, take baths with the addition of 1 tbsp. spoons of baking soda.
  • Hot compresses also stimulate blood circulation in the extremities. Gauze soaked in hot water, apply to your feet for 5 minutes, repeat the procedure several times before going out into the cold.
  • At night, before going outside or after hypothermia, rub your feet with a warming ointment. The following compositions have proven themselves well: Apizartron, Tiger Balm, Finalgon. For children, use Doctor Mom balm, which has a warming and antiseptic effect.

Video: Why are your hands and feet cold?

Hyperthermia is overheating, an increase in the body temperature of a child or adult with some disturbance in the body’s thermoregulation. It may be a symptom of a viral or infectious disease, or simply caused by overheating. If hyperthermia is caused by a disease, then usually the whole body is hot, but it also happens that a child has cold hands and feet even with a fever.

Children's bodies are often exposed to ARVI

Why does this happen, what should parents do if it is observed similar phenomenon? When to start lowering the temperature, with what medications?

Each organism is individual, as is its reaction to diseases and medications. What may be quite tolerable for one, can cause significant harm to another. The same applies to children with fever - some may not even notice the high temperature, while others may experience convulsions already at 38°C. That is why the following tips can only be called general, and every parent should monitor their child in order to most adequately help him with a fever. But you need to be especially careful and attentive if the child has cold hands and feet during the heat.

How to relieve your baby’s condition during a fever if his feet and hands are warm:

  • give the child plenty of water;
  • remove excess clothing, but under no circumstances wrap it up; the less clothing the child wears, the easier thermoregulation will occur;
  • ventilate the room, fresh clean air is always necessary, in case elevated temperature especially;
  • you can make a bath with warm water, about 36.6 degrees;
  • if the temperature is above 38°C, approximately 38.5°C, antipyretic drugs can be given, but not aspirin.

If a child has an elevated body temperature, monitor the temperature of his extremities

It should be remembered that high body temperature is a manifestation of the body’s protective reaction to any virus or infection. At this moment, immunity to this virus is developed. You should not interfere with this process if you see that the child feels normal at a temperature of 38°C, he is not apathetic, there are no convulsions, and there is no pale skin. If the thermometer shows about 39°C, you can give an antipyretic drug, but first call a doctor for consultation.

  • do not use rubbing with alcohol or vinegar;
  • You can’t wrap your baby up extra to make him sweat;
  • do not give aspirin;
  • You should not try to reduce body temperature with cold compresses; a damp, cool towel can only be applied to the baby’s forehead.

Types of fever

A baby's body may behave differently at elevated body temperatures. Often the whole body is hot, including the limbs. But it happens that a child’s hands and feet remain cold even at 39°C. Why?

There are two types of fever: pink and white.

Pink fever is characterized by increased body temperature, warm extremities, sweating, and a reddish skin surface. This type of fever is considered less dangerous. You should undress the baby and give him plenty of water. It should be knocked down after the thermometer reading rises above 38°C. If the temperature rises to 39°C, call a doctor.

White fever is characterized by the presence of a high temperature (even more than 39°C), but the extremities remain cold. This happens due to the fact that there is a spasm of blood vessels in the child. In this case, convulsions often occur. This type of fever is considered more dangerous. If you notice cold hands and feet of the baby during the heat, you need to give antispasmodics, for example no-shpu. Fever-reducing medications may not work. But, of course, only a qualified doctor can prescribe any drug treatment for children.

If you can’t lower your baby’s body temperature on your own, call a doctor.

Features of white fever

Cold hands and feet at 39°C indicate that the baby has white fever. It causes pale skin and chills. The cause of such phenomena is spasm of peripheral blood vessels. The baby may begin to have convulsions due to vasospasm. This type of fever is most unfavorable for the baby. You need to try to turn it pink. You can rub your limbs to increase blood circulation in the vessels.

If you have white fever, rub your baby's arms and legs

And if you notice cold hands and feet in your baby during a fever, be sure to lower the temperature and call a doctor.

How to properly reduce fever during white fever

Cold feet and hands with a thermometer reading of 38-39°C will be a signal that you should definitely bring down the fever. But with white fever, this is more difficult to do, since antipyretic drugs will not work properly. Therefore, if cold extremities are observed with fever, then first the baby is given antispasmodics, and only after that it will be possible to use antipyretics. But most right action In case of white fever, an ambulance will be called.

Under no circumstances should you give your baby medications that help quickly reduce fever; this can aggravate the situation and increase vascular spasm.

Parents' actions when their children's temperature rises

The most important thing when children are sick is for parents not to panic. Your inner peace should be transmitted to the baby and help him mentally. Therefore, first of all, calm the baby down, take him in your arms, and give him warm tea.

If you see that the baby is behaving calmly and the thermometer shows less than 38.5°C, then use medicines not required.

Otherwise, call a doctor and do not self-medicate your baby.

When choosing antipyretic drugs, pay attention to their safety for your baby. Preference may be given to paracetamol. It has a mild antipyretic effect and only a slight analgesic effect. Well tolerated by the vast majority of children, does not affect the gastrointestinal tract. Read the instructions and do not exceed doses.

You should choose an antipyretic drug for a child after consulting a doctor.

Although doctors advise not to lower the temperature so that the baby’s body can develop immunity to the disease, in some cases it is necessary to do this. There are certain indications when it is necessary to shoot down, regardless of advice:

  • child less than three months old;
  • the baby has certain chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system and lungs;
  • presence of central nervous system diseases, brain pathology;
  • if the baby has already experienced convulsions during fever in the past;
  • have a hereditary metabolic disease.

Take care of your health, the health of your children, do not give in to any diseases. Be healthy!

In most cases, children normally tolerate high temperatures that rise during ARVI and colds. However, there are exceptions to the rules. Heat In a child, cold extremities (cold hands and feet) are the first symptoms of “white fever”. Why does white fever occur and why is it dangerous?

This type of fever is very dangerous because it is difficult to predict the increase in temperature and the duration of this condition.

“White fever” is a sharp and rapid increase in body temperature, in which the balance between the body’s production of thermal energy and heat loss is disrupted.

Main symptoms:

  1. Lethargy, weakness throughout the body;
  2. At a temperature of 37.5 and above, the child has cold hands, pale skin, lips and nails may turn blue. Paleness of the skin during heat occurs due to spasms of peripheral vessels;
  3. Arrhythmia, tachycardia occurs;
  4. The baby has a headache, chills, and increased blood pressure;
  5. Delusions, hallucinations, and convulsions occur (at a temperature of 39 and above).

If the baby has cold feet and hands, and a temperature of 38, these are the first symptoms of “white” or, as it is called, “pale” fever. Parents should immediately provide first aid, and if the child’s temperature is 39 and above, call a doctor.

Methods of treating "white fever"

Under no circumstances should an increase in body temperature in a baby be ignored. If a child complains of feeling unwell, his body temperature rises, and his limbs become cold, this indicates a violation of blood circulation in the vessels.

If you have the above symptoms little patient urgently needs to be warmed up for quick removal spasms.

If children's legs and arms become cold, do not use mechanical methods relieving fever. It is strictly prohibited:

  1. Wipe the body with vinegar or alcohol solution;
  2. Wrap in a cold sheet;
  3. To normalize blood supply, the patient's limbs need to be warmed.

For symptoms of white fever, it is necessary to give the patient a large number of liquids. Warm teas, decoctions, and infusions are suitable for drinking.

Important! If a child has white fever, taking antipyretic drugs should be combined with rubbing the child's limbs to reduce vascular spasm.

Medicines for young children

The spasm that leads to icy limbs is relieved with antispasmodic drugs. You can give your baby No-Shpa in an age-appropriate dosage. The drug is prescribed to children from 1 year of age. The medicine relieves spasm for about 5-8 hours.

Suitable for a six-month-old baby to relieve spasms. The product is available in the form of tablets, injection liquid or suppositories.

Important! When diagnosing white fever, it is better to give the child antipyretics in the form of syrup, since antipyretics in the form of suppositories may not work due to the peripheral vascular spasms mentioned above.

When to lower the temperature:

  1. Children under 3 months of age inclusive, as well as children with a history of seizures, serious illnesses lungs and heart, antipyretic drugs can be prescribed at temperatures below 38 degrees.
  2. When the temperature rises to 38.5 degrees, the child feeling unwell prescribed (Ibuprofen, Panadol, Paracetamol, Nurofen, etc.). Medications to reduce fever should not be used for more than 3 days without consulting a pediatrician.
  3. If a child’s temperature rises to 39 degrees, it is recommended to reduce it by 1-1.5 degrees by giving the baby an antipyretic. Temperatures above 39 degrees can cause febrile seizures.

Important! If the temperature does not exceed 38.5°C and the child’s condition does not worsen, there is no need to reduce it (except for children under 3 months of age). Fever is not a disease, but a response of the body’s immune system to the invasion of the virus.

  1. Amidopyrine;
  2. Phenacetin;
  3. Antipyrine;
  4. Nimesulide. The medication should not be given to children due to its hepatotoxicity;
  5. Metamizole (analgin). The drug may cause anaphylactic shock. Its use provokes agranulocytosis, which is often fatal;
  6. Acetylsalicylic acid for viral diseases, chickenpox, and influenza can lead to Reye's Syndrome. This severe ecephalopathy is accompanied by liver failure. The fatal outcome is 50%.

Main signs and symptoms of pink fever.

Pink (or red) fever is much easier for children to tolerate and has a more beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole. With such an increase in temperature skin Pink colour, hot and humid. Fever is characterized by increased heat transfer, which reduces the risk of overheating of the child's body.

The main symptoms of “pink” fever in a baby:

  • Warm and moist skin;
  • Hot legs and arms;
  • General health is satisfactory.

First aid for pink fever:

  1. Rubbing the body with water. An excellent effect is obtained by using a solution with the addition of mint. Menthol has a cooling effect and eases the baby's condition;
  2. Drink plenty of fluids. At a high mark on the thermometer, a large amount of liquid evaporates. Recovery water balance The patient should be given warm drinks frequently. When refusing food, a small patient should be given a pharmaceutical solution of glucose, previously diluted in warm boiled water.
  3. If the temperature rises significantly, it must be brought down. The safest medications for babies are those containing paracetamol or ibuprofen. Candles are suitable for newborns and infants; older children will like syrup.

Important! Pink fever is a favorable sign of the immune system fighting infection.

Why does the body need fever?

Why do many diseases in young children occur with elevated body temperature? Their immunity fights germs in this way. Fever is a protective function of the body against infection, viruses and inflammatory processes. During fever in children:

  • The work and activity of organs is activated;
  • Metabolism accelerates;
  • Immunity works effectively;
  • Antibodies are intensively produced;
  • The proliferation of dangerous microbes and bacteria practically stops;
  • The bactericidal property of blood increases;
  • Toxins and harmful substances are removed from the body.

Fever in young children is a very important symptom that indicates the immune system is fighting the disease.

Remember what to put correct diagnosis Only a doctor can, do not self-medicate without consultation and diagnosis by a qualified doctor.

“The child has a high fever and cold extremities, what should I do?!” - Good question for the district pediatrician. The situation itself is non-standard, because if we are talking about a common cold or something else, the temperature of the child’s entire body rises. And here the limbs remain cold. As if the blood does not have enough strength to warm them up, or is this really a sign of a dangerous disease?

Why does my child have a high fever, but his arms and legs are cold?

The age of the child is not of fundamental importance. Unfortunately, children get sick at any age, even in the first months of life. It is more important to know the reasons and other important points related to temperature.

  • when the baby is only a couple of months old, it is important to measure the temperature after eating, waiting until he wakes up, and waiting a few minutes after bathing. Otherwise you will get increased performance;
  • It is better to calm a crying child first before measuring, the baby should be in a calm state;
  • When taking measurements with fashionable thermometers, it is worth remembering that when measuring in the mouth, subtract -0.5 degrees from the result obtained, and when measuring in the butt up to -1 degree. Therefore, an ordinary thermometer does not lose its relevance;
  • Mercury thermometers are still the best and give accurate results.

When to call your doctor:

  • a 3-month-old child with a temperature of 39+;
  • the baby is lethargic, does not want to drink, pees rarely and his urine is dark;
  • antipyretics do not help;
  • with a fever, the child vomits and has diarrhea;
  • convulsions.

It is important to observe the child’s behavior, noting all accompanying signs:

  • cold extremities;
  • weakness;
  • sluggish movements;
  • deterioration in general health.

Perhaps he has vasospasm, so to the extremities needed blood the tide is bad. The process of heat exchange is disrupted, which can also cause convulsions. The child has a high fever and cold extremities, feeling discomfort, the heart works faster, trying to help the peripheral vessels, but the spasm does not allow the blood to pass.

Sometimes this happens when:

  • the child suffers from disorders of the central nervous system;
  • his blood pressure is low;
  • dehydration.

What to do if a child with a fever has cold extremities?

Call the doctor, call an ambulance. All possible causes of this condition are quite serious and require professional help. While waiting for doctors, you should not try to bring down the temperature conventional methods– wipe with cool towels, wrap, this will complicate the situation. To help your child somehow, you can do:

  • give No-shpu (the dosage according to age is written on the drug), of course, if the baby gets sick, it’s not worth the risk;
  • antipyretic (usually paracetamol or ibuprofen) again a link - if it is not the baby who is suffering;
  • try to drink more often (all ages);
  • wrap in a blanket, but so that air can flow in (also suitable for everyone).

There are other medications for treating infants and they should be given only after consulting a doctor.

Procedure: No need to start taking medications right away. When the baby's temperature rises, he begins to shiver and turns pale; the problem may be heat exchange disturbances; a sharp drop in temperature will only intensify the spasm.

The child has a high temperature and cold extremities - no panic. Fear in the mother's eyes, her powerlessness, tears or hysteria will only worsen the situation. Even one-month-old babies perfectly sense their mother’s mood and feed off of it. Calm and positive approach! After calling for help, calm the child, hold him in your arms or cuddle him, rub and massage the limbs. If there is a nurse nearby, tell him to inject 2% papaverine (if it is not a small baby who is sick). Later, introduce Nurofen, they are sold not only as tablets, but also as suppositories. This is better; the medicine will enter the bloodstream without going to the liver on the way from the child’s stomach. When calling an ambulance, do not let the doctors inject analgin. A seemingly harmless medicine reduces hemoglobin, and this then has a detrimental effect on the number of leukocytes.

Instant antipyretics can cause significant harm. Pediatricians also do not advise rushing with such drugs. Usually the temperature rises while the body is fighting some virus. Doctors give the body time to fight the scourge.

What is special about fever? With it, the temperature will rise, but the extremities will remain cold, the peripheral vessels will narrow and will not allow enough blood to flow to them.

Why is such a fever dangerous?

In infants, especially at high temperatures, their limbs do not immediately become cold. Sometimes the child has a high fever and cold extremities, and sometimes there is just a fever and the body is convulsing. These are some of the parts of the child’s brain that will react to the resulting spasm in the blood vessels. This condition may be accompanied by suffocation, the baby bites his tongue, or blistering discharge is visible from the mouth. Those parts of the brain that can cause seizures are responsible for breathing. A spasm is an atypical state for the body, and it “fails.”

What moms say

“Semyon often experiences this: the temperature soars to forty, but his hands and feet are simply icy. He behaves calmly - runs, laughs, plays. The appetite may decrease, but not by much. I didn’t think before that the condition required serious intervention, so I wasn’t afraid. After all, I didn’t notice any deviations in behavior. I give an antipyretic every few hours, usually before bed. When he sleeps, I insert candles. It’s good that my son rarely gets sick.”

Anna, 30 years old

“I couldn’t really understand what was happening! The forehead is hot, the body is hot, the hands are icy. She constantly gave antipyretic medicine and rubbed it vigorously. They also recommended the popular No-shpa, but I was afraid, it was too small... I simply called an ambulance - they gave me an injection and the temperature immediately went down. Never delay in calling an ambulance! Especially when the child is no more than 3 years old!”

Lana, 24 years old

“No antipyretics or rubbings helped us much. She gave syrups, lit candles, nothing. Of course I was scared. I called the ambulance. They arrived, gave me an injection, and it didn’t last long. Aspirin saved the day!”

Oksana, 28 years old

It is important to take seriously the situation when a child has a high fever and cold extremities.If this happens periodically, take your child to an appointment. Perhaps he has a vascular disease or a problem in a part of the brain. This does not happen out of nowhere and it is important to remember this!

The number 38 will not scare an experienced mother: the initial stages of treatment have been worked out to the point of automaticity. But when the mercury steadily creeps up, and your hands and feet, on the contrary, get cold...

This is a terrible symptom of some rare disease or individual reaction body? How is it that the fever increases and the limbs are frozen? How to help?! Wrap up and turn on the heaters or open the windows? Should I call a doctor or wait?

So what to do?

In order not to be embarrassed in a critical situation, we will sort it out now.

White and red fever: what is it?

Fevers (and in language we understand, an increase in temperature above 37°C) are white (cold) and red (pink, hot).

Cold extremities occur exclusively with white fever. We will talk about her.

Dear moms and dads!
There is no need to mock the pediatrician’s psyche by declaring that the baby has “delirium tremens.” Delirium tremens, it is also “delirium”, but in common parlance “squirrel” is a different condition. It arises due to sharp fall blood alcohol level. So, let’s dwell on the term “white fever” and, in order to avoid confusion, we will use it.

Why does the body turn on cooling mode?

White fever is when a child has a fever and his feet and hands are cold.

The mechanism is simple: the temperature rises and blood circulation centralizes. Due to spasm of peripheral vessels increased blood flow to vital important bodies (brain, lungs, heart, etc.). And the limbs become cold, because... heating them is now not an important task for the body.

Hands need to be warmed.

Why is this dangerous? Thermal production (heat production) increased due to fever. Heat transfer (removal of unnecessary heat from the body) fell due to spasm of peripheral vessels. As a result, the little one overheats even more.

Consequently, we have two tasks: to increase the low, and to bring down the high. We're working!

Larisa (child 2 years old):

“My Syomochka is always like this: the temperature is under forty, and his hands and feet are icy. At the same time, he does not show any signs of illness: he plays and laughs. Maybe he just eats less than usual. I didn’t know that this condition was dangerous, so I wasn’t particularly afraid. I give antipyretics every 5 hours, always at night.”

How can you help your child cope with this condition?

All actions are the same as at normal temperature. Whether your hands/feet are hot or cold is the second question. There is one exception - see the paragraph “What to get from the first aid kit”.

Find out where the temperature came from viral disease or bacterial - leave all this dancing with a tambourine to the pediatricians.
And we calmly carry out our “helping” algorithm.

First of all - regime and diet!

We work strictly according to Komarovsky! Our goal is cool (open the window or set the windows to ventilation mode) and humid (humidifier helps) air. Don't have a humidifier? We dust and wash the floors in the nursery a couple of times a day. Everything to make it pleasant for a sick child to breathe, and easy to give away the extra degrees.

At the same time, we do not turn the child into a frozen semi-finished product.

You probably can’t do without wool socks.

Give him socks, his favorite pajamas, a blanket. A precious person should be warm. Otherwise, sweat will not form, heat will not be lost, and the thermometer will not move.

To sweat effectively, a child needs a large amount of liquid. So, we'll have something to drink. Compotes, fruit drinks, decoctions, water... We pretended to be a parrot and offered, offered, offered.

You need to drink a lot!
Even if you don't want to.
So that the disease goes away.

Are your kids insistently demanding dinner? Feed him, but sparingly and with light food.

Don't ask for food? Don't translate products! The child's body is busy - it fights the enemy and cannot waste resources on digestion. If the evil virus defeats the dragon, it will want to eat, then treat it. Don’t your wives run to the riot police on special missions with trays? Same approach here.

If you want, wipe with water at room temperature, the main thing is WITHOUT additives.

Lana (child 1 year and 3 months):

“I don’t understand anything, the temperature is high, and my hands and feet are simply cold! I give an antipyretic, I rub my limbs with vodka, they also recommended No-shpa, but it’s somehow scary.”

What to get from the first aid kit?

Look closely first at the child, then at the thermometer. If at 38.5 °C your son plays cheerfully and runs to the toilet “in a small way” no less often than usual, you can hold off on taking the pills.

If even at 37.5°C he is sluggish and passive, despite all your tea and airing manipulations, then it’s worth rummaging through the medicine drawer. Each baby is individual, so you need to focus on the condition specific child.

And in our pharmaceutical arsenal we only have paracetamol and ibuprofen. .

Remember, for “white” fever it is better to give syrups. Suppositories, due to the same vasospasm, will not have the desired effect.

Oksana (child 2 years and 8 months):

“Nothing helped us: no rubbing, no candles, no syrups for fever. I was terribly scared. I had to call an ambulance. They gave an injection, but it also didn’t help for long. What saved us was regular aspirin.”

What if there are cramps?

Such insidiousness also happens, especially when the temperature is high 39 and there is a predisposition to this matter (i.e., convulsions have already happened before or one of the parents can remember similar episodes from their childhood).

Let's remember the basics of first aid:

  • put the child in safe place and on the side;
  • Do not hold the person too tightly, only slightly fix the head so that there are no injuries;
  • call a doctor.

Everything about febrile seizures ah - .

In what situations should you urgently call “03”?

Our motto: "Do not be shy". A sick child is a reason to forget about all the “It was inconvenient to disturb”, “We thought it would go away on its own” and other excuses.

But calling a pediatrician home for every sneeze is blasphemy. Therefore, let's determine when there are reasons to hang up the phones, and when you can humbly walk to the clinic yourself.

We call a doctor if:

  • the baby is not yet 3 months old;
  • his fontanel has sunk;
  • you cannot give your child something to drink on your own;
  • found ANY rash on the baby’s body;
  • the baby is crying, but there are no tears;
  • the child complains of a severe headache;
  • the general condition of the child is rapidly deteriorating;
  • nausea, diarrhea, and cramps were added to the temperature;
  • no effect* from medications;

* The effect is not an instantaneous drop in temperature to 36.6°C. We will be satisfied with a decrease of 1-2°C, this shows that antipyretics are working.

Are you worried? Are you afraid of missing important symptoms? Take your child to the clinic. If he is able to play and jump, a short walk won't hurt.

Does your child's condition worry you? Is he lying down and not really in the mood to walk a kilometer or two? Call your pediatrician.

Have you expanded your “temperature horizons”? Is it no longer so scary to feel your child’s cold hands?

Well, fine. To visualize and consolidate knowledge - a short video from Dr. Komarovsky:

Calm parents are like a special forces unit: they act clearly, harmoniously and armed. , For example.

Ibuprofen is effective!

Need an action plan? Please follow me, let's find out more about temperature.

Illnesses in young children often resolve with an increase in temperature. The child, as they say, is “on fire.” His breath and the surface of his body become hot, and the baby’s face turns red. However, it also happens that at a temperature above 38.5 degrees, the child’s hands and feet are cold. Why the usual scheme does not work, what is happening in the baby’s body, whether it is necessary to lower the temperature - questions for which we will look for answers together.

Increased temperature during illness - normal phenomenon. But if it is accompanied by cold hands and feet, then parents need to take additional measures to treat the baby

What happens to a child’s blood circulation at high temperatures?

Monitoring the child’s condition at high temperatures is the main task of parents. It is unacceptable to ignore the slightest changes in the functioning of his body. Cold legs and arms in this case indicate generalized vascular spasm. Illness and high temperature disrupt blood circulation, it slowly reaches the extremities. There is also a malfunction in the baby’s thermoregulatory system, and sweating worsens.

The process of increasing temperature triggers the production of interferons called upon by the body to fight the virus. Active activity interferons leads to a rise in temperature beyond 38 degrees, and fever begins. What is happening suggests that the body is gaining strength and effectively destroying viruses. The maximum amount of interferons is produced on the 2nd day of illness. Knowing this, pediatricians do not recommend lowering the temperature on the first day; it is better to wait 2 days.

Cold hands and feet at high temperatures are not typical for all children. However, some children under 4 years of age suffer from febrile seizures. This is the reaction of the baby’s brain to the resulting vasospasm. Such cramps look much worse than just cold arms and legs. The child suffers from hypoxia and suffocation, tongue biting may occur, and bubbly discharge appears from the mouth. This rarely happens, but parents should be prepared for a similar development of the situation if they notice coldness in the extremities of their son or daughter.

Cold hands and feet of a child at a high body temperature indicate vasospasm

What should parents do?

The first priority is to quickly warm the baby. It would seem, where else to warm up when the offspring is “burning” and the thermometer shows 38 degrees and above. By covering your child warmly, you will help relieve the spasm faster. The room temperature should be within 20 degrees. Put your baby in warm pajamas and cover him with a blanket. If the increase continues and reaches 38.9-39.5 degrees, remove the blanket and warm only the extremities.

Additional measures to warm the hands and feet will help restore blood supply. Place a heating pad under your baby's feet. At the same time, start rubbing your hands. Rub vigorously to get the blood flowing.

Provide your baby with plenty of fluids. Chills and fever remove a lot of fluid from the body; it is necessary to quickly replenish these losses. The drink should be warm; cold and hot drinks should not be given. Prepare medicinal tea with linden, chamomile or raspberry. Cook unsweetened dried fruit compote. Good for drinking cranberry juice and rosehip tea.

When you have a cold, you need to drink plenty of fluids, as the body loses a lot of fluid.

What you can’t do with such a reaction is try to do the opposite. No mechanical attempts to relieve fever. Replace cold compresses with warm ones. If using vodka or vinegar, warm it first. You should not open the baby; cover it as described above. It is also impossible to place your child on a cold, wet sheet. Act calmly and competently.

What medications can relieve spasms?

Spasm of the limbs, leading to chills, is relieved with the help of antispasmodics. As a rule, Papaverine or No-Shpu is used. The drugs affect the sweating process, bringing it back to normal, which helps reduce the temperature. Medicines are serious, so you should not use them yourself. Call a doctor at home so that he can examine the baby and make a final decision on prescribing a specific antispasmodic.


The drug No-shpa has an antispasmodic effect, but it must be used strictly according to a doctor’s prescription

Working substance No-Shpy - drotaverine. Has a vasodilating effect. No-Spa is not one of the main antipyretics. The drug is not without side effects and contraindications; it should be taken with caution. Experts point out that the drug is taken only in isolated cases when other medications have not helped. No-Shpa is approved for the treatment of children after 1 year. Relief from spasm lasts about 4-8 hours. There is enough time to lower the temperature and return warmth to the baby’s feet. Drug dosage:

  • children from 1 to 6 years old can be given 1-3 tablets (40-120 mg) per day, at regular intervals;
  • a dosage of 1/3 tablet requires maintaining an interval between doses of 3 hours. For 1/2 tablet at a time, increase the interval to 4 hours between doses;
  • The daily norm for 6-12 years is 2-5 tablets per day. Single dose equal to 1/2 tablet.

You can give No-Shpa to your child at a high temperature before or after meals. It is forbidden to use the antispasmodic in children with kidney, heart and liver failure. No-Shpa is also contraindicated in case of low blood pressure, bronchial asthma and lactose inability to digest. Please note that a rise in temperature may be associated with other diseases. If the baby complains of abdominal pain, perhaps 38 degrees is associated with exacerbation of pancreatitis, appendicitis or intestinal obstruction.

The dosage of the drug is prescribed depending on the age of the small patient.

The body of young children can become allergic to drotaverine. Most often these are found side effects like constipation or vomiting. There have been cases of insomnia and disruptions in the functioning of the heart and blood vessels (low blood pressure and tachycardia). If this antispasmodic makes you wary and you would not like to give it to your baby, use the safer Papaverine.

Papaverine is approved for use in infants from 6 months of age. The product is available in in various forms: tablets, suppositories, injections. Buy a special children's version of Papaverine in pharmacies to avoid an overdose of the medicine. The antispasmodic should be taken approximately 20 minutes before using antipyretic medications. If you do not strictly observe the interval, vasodilation will occur later and thermoregulation will not be restored in time. Permitted daily doses of the drug:

  • for a child under 2 years old – 5 mg 2 times a day;
  • 2-4 years – 5-10 mg 2 times a day;
  • 5-6 years – 10 mg 2 times a day;
  • 7-9 years – 10-15 mg 2 to 3 times a day.

Papaverine can be taken both in tablets and in the form of suppositories. In this case, it is necessary to follow the exact dosage of the drug prescribed by the pediatrician.

The serious nature of antispasmodics obliges parents to give them to their baby only as prescribed by a doctor. It is especially important to consult a doctor when taking medications for the first time. Considering that No-Shpa and Paracetamol combine well, it is practiced to take them together when the temperature rises above 38.5 and there are signs of cold extremities. The dose of the drug is calculated based on the weight and age of the patient.

An increase in body temperature is an absolutely normal protective reaction of the child’s body, due to which the defense mechanisms, helping to cope with pathology. Often, parents can determine whether the body temperature has risen, without a thermometer, by feeling the child's skin. Usually the forehead, temples, arms, and legs become hot. But there are also situations when, at high temperatures, the child’s limbs remain cold. What causes this phenomenon, whether it is normal, and what should be done about it, we will consider further.

Why does my child have a high fever, but his arms and legs are cold?

If, as the temperature rises, the skin turns pink, becomes moist, and becomes warmer, this means that the child’s body maintains a balance between heat production and heat transfer. Those. V environment The same amount of heat is released as that produced by the body. In such a situation, the child’s general well-being is not significantly affected, and this is a relatively favorable circumstance that does not always require the use of antipyretic drugs.

When a child has a high fever, cold hands and feet, pale skin, and chills, this is more dangerous phenomenon. Also in this case it is observed:

  • severe weakness;
  • lethargy;
  • pronounced deterioration in the child’s well-being.

The cause is a spasm of peripheral vessels, which leads to disruption of heat transfer processes and can cause seizures in a child. This can also be explained by the fact that at elevated temperatures, the blood becomes more viscous, and its movement in the capillaries slows down sharply. Often this situation can occur when:

  • abnormalities in the functioning of the central nervous system in the child;
  • low blood pressure;
  • lack of fluid in the body.

What to do if a child with a fever has cold extremities?

First of all, of course, you need to call a doctor or an ambulance. Under no circumstances should you use physical cooling methods in this case (wiping with water, wrapping in a damp sheet, etc.), this will only worsen the situation. Usually for To reduce the temperature and alleviate the baby’s condition, it is recommended to do the following.

I’ll just add why you should never wipe down children with white fever.
As already written above, with white fever the child has spasms peripheral vessels- skin vessels. At the same time, the skin loses its ability to normally remove heat, and the picture is when the child inside overheats, but the heat is not removed. Any rubbing (even with plain water) increases spasm of skin blood vessels, and can lead the situation to a direct threat to the child’s life. Why this happens is quite clear if you know a little physics - water, and especially water with vodka or vinegar, actively evaporates and sharply cools the skin. Which only increases vascular spam, as I already said.

Now directly about vodka and vinegar, that is, why can’t you wipe children with pink fever with water containing these substances (after all, in theory, you can wipe them with pink fever?). Here again I will not make a comment, but will quote, this time, the famous pediatrician, Dr. Evgeniy Olegovich Komarovsky.

“When body temperature rises, everything must be done to ensure that the body has the opportunity to lose heat. Heat is lost in two ways - by evaporation of sweat and by warming the inhaled air.
Two required actions:
1. Drink plenty of fluids - so that you have something to sweat.
2. Cool air in the room (optimally 16-18 degrees).

If these conditions are met, the likelihood that the body itself will not cope with the temperature is very small.
When the body comes into contact with cold, skin vessels spasm. It slows down blood flow, reduces sweat formation and heat transfer. The skin temperature decreases, but the temperature of the internal organs increases. And this is extremely dangerous!
You cannot use so-called “physical cooling methods” at home: heating pads with ice, wet cold sheets, cold enemas, etc. In hospitals or after a doctor's visit, it is possible, because before (before physical methods cooling) doctors prescribe special medications that eliminate spasm of skin blood vessels. At home, you need to do everything to prevent spasm of skin blood vessels. That's why

Cool air, but warm enough clothes.

Particles of heat are carried away from the body by evaporation of sweat and thus the body temperature decreases. Several methods have been invented to speed up evaporation. For example, place a fan next to a naked child; rub it with alcohol or vinegar (after rubbing, the surface tension of sweat decreases and it evaporates faster).
People! You can’t even imagine how many children paid with their lives for these rubbings! If the child has already sweated, then the body temperature will drop on its own. And if you rub dry skin, this is madness, because through the delicate baby skin, what you rub with is absorbed into the blood. Rubbed with alcohol (vodka, moonshine) - alcohol poisoning was added to the disease. Rubbed with vinegar - added acid poisoning.
The conclusion is obvious - never rub anything. And fans are also not needed - the flow of cool air, again, will cause a spasm of the skin blood vessels. Therefore, if you are sweating, change your clothes (change them) into something dry and warm, and then calm down."

Do you know what "white fever" is? Do not know? I envy you!.. White fever...

This is when your child has a temperature of 40 degrees, his forehead and body are like boiling water - it’s impossible to touch, and his arms and legs are icy. She needs to cool down, but she cries that she is cold and tries to pull the blanket over herself... And a feeling of relief when her arms and legs begin to burn, because... this means that the no-spa, heating pad, rubbing and antipyretic still worked, and the temperature will now drop to at least 38.5 degrees, and perhaps you won’t feel under the gun for a couple of hours...

This is when the alarm clock beeps every half hour at night so that you don’t miss the signs of the next peak...

This is when, when the doctor says “if the temperature rises above 38 degrees, give an antipyretic,” you can hardly restrain hysterical laughter, because for the third day already it has been knocked down to 38.5 - this is a very good result, even for paracetamol, even for ibuprofen-containing antipyretics, which are not effective every time and for a very short time... And a stable 38.4 degrees is no longer perceived as a high temperature...

Even 1.5 years after Kristinka’s first ARVI, I, already an expert in the measures taken for “white fever,” still every time she gets sick, I look closely at the symptoms with horror so as not to miss the signs of the approaching nightmare... this weekend we remembered again what it is...

With rising temperatures starting from 38 degrees, pay attention to your arms and legs, because... If such symptoms appear, then the temperature will rise sharply, and you need to take action in time.

  1. 1/4 tablet of no-shpa up to 3 years of age or 1/2 for those older than 3 (but no more than 1 tablet per day!) - preferably 10-20 minutes before the antipyretic, but that’s how it goes.. .
  2. Strip naked immediately. But!.. Put a hot heating pad in your feet and wrap them up warm blanket, rub your hands (and feet too) intensively. Apply a cool compress to the forehead and armpits. Ours reacted very badly to wet compresses and kicked - they began to wrap cold wet rags in polyethylene, and cover them with a thin cloth on top - and then put such rollers under the armpits.
  3. Do not wipe your body with cold water! This, on the contrary, can contribute to vasospasm!!
  4. Give antipyretics not according to the age, but according to the child’s weight!! Paracetamol - 10-15 mg/kg (no more than 4 times a day, maximum daily dose- 60 mg/kg/day). Ibuprofen - 5-10 mg/kg (no more than 3 times a day, maximum daily dose - 20 mg/day). Remember that antipyretics begin to act 20-40 minutes after administration! It’s easier for children under 3 years old - candles begin to work faster, stock up on them. Remember that you don’t have to do it every time, and if paracetamol didn’t help last time, ibuprofen might as well not work this time. Alternate!
  5. Drink constantly!! Either a sip, or through a funnel - whatever you want!! If your child is dehydrated, no antipyretics will help you!!
  6. If you see that antipyretics do not work, and the temperature is rising, do not hesitate, call an ambulance!!

Food for thought. Analgin is prohibited for use (both in children and limited in adults) in most European countries and in the USA and Australia due to the risk of developing such severe complications as agranulocytosis (all neutrophils disappear from the blood - there is no protection against infection) and aplastic anemia ( defeat bone marrow with disruption of the production of not only neutrophils, but also erythrocytes). These complications are very often fatal. There is also a high risk of developing anaphylactic shock (more than a quarter of all cases of anaphylactic shock against tens of thousands of other registered drugs; this is especially important when used in children with atopy, asthma) and a collaptoid state in children due to critical decline body temperature (below 36 degrees - heart rate and blood pressure drop sharply, breathing becomes less frequent). Its effect on the kidneys is also extremely unfavorable. Aspirin is not recommended for use in children due to high risk development of Reye's syndrome (Reye), high risk of bleeding, damage to the mucous membranes of the intestines and stomach, potential risk of developing "aspirin" asthma. Reye's syndrome develops when viral infections in children and adolescents (encephalopathy and acute fatty liver with acute development liver failure(deadly in most cases)). High temperature affects the heart muscle, and it must be maintained. The combination of paracetamol and phenobarbital (contained in Valocordin and Corvalol) mutually increases the toxicity of both. This is clearly stated in the instructions for Efferalgan - it cannot be combined with barbiturates.

Efa Calhaven


Thank you for your high rating!
Unfortunately, during publication, the formatting of the text block “Information for thought” was lost, and all the paragraphs were “stitched together”.
The words “High temperature affects the heart muscle and must be supported” should be in quotation marks.

Comment on the article "When a child has hot hands..."

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A good article and useful tips for young parents) I remember with my first child I didn’t know anything at all and even the baby’s runny nose made me panic)

Yes, our ENT specialist recently prescribed us Umkalor for regular snot. This antimicrobial agent plant origin. It should be given 3 times a day on an empty stomach, dosage according to the instructions, according to age.
In our case (adenoids), the drug helped very well, within a week my daughter began to breathe well at night, and her nose stopped getting stuffy.

The temperature has risen, the nose is running, there is a cough, the child is lethargic and capricious - for a mother, a cold in a child is a real test. However, it is necessary to get together and take action. After all, from the correctness of what my mother did therapeutic measures depends on how quickly her baby recovers. 1. Home regime When you notice the first signs of ill health, leave your child at home and do not send him to kindergarten or school. Even if the symptoms of ARVI are minor - only a runny nose appears, your health is not affected and...


We also have a bactericidal lamp, we turn it on periodically when a child is sick, everything else is exactly the same as in the article

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Tosya, thank you so much for such a useful and insightful review!

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Girls, tell me whose children have already spent one winter overwintering. The baby is 5 months old. It's still warm outside now, but it's still autumn! At what temperature have you not walked? How did you dress? How long did you walk in winter? How can you tell if your child is cold? And if he sweats, why is it dangerous? Will one such envelope be enough for us for the winter (link below).


Good evening. My youngest was born in the spring, but I can tell you from my older children how we survived the winter. They dressed like cabbage, a thin cotton overall, then something fleece or wool, then an envelope or a winter overall. Just in case, I always took a small blanket with me in reserve. Whether the children were cold or not was determined by their nose and hands and by general appearance child. It’s easier to understand when children are hot; you need to put your finger behind the collar towards the neck; if the neck is sweaty and wet, then it’s definitely hot, but if it’s pleasantly warm and dry, then everything is fine. Overheating is fraught rapid appearance heat rash is a small rash very similar to an allergy. Our trips outside depended not so much on the temperature, but on the comfort of the weather outside. If the wind and snowstorm were in our face, then we didn’t go out even at -2, but if it was calm and sunny, then we could go out for a while at -20. We also walked because we felt better. If the child sleeps well, he is not cold or windy, if the mother is not freezing, then they could walk for more than 2 hours.

such envelopes are only for 1-3 months, and you are already 5, which means you need overalls, a warm hat, under the overalls: a thin cotton shirt, a warm blouse, depending on the weather, pants, woolen socks and look at the child’s well-being - the nose should be warm and the forehead dry. We put a sheepskin under the baby in the stroller so that the back does not get cold and windy, and if it’s really cold, then a blanket on top. It’s advisable to go for a walk in any weather (you can on the balcony), but it’s better to go for a walk outside together, on You can also understand by your feelings whether it’s enough to walk or not. In general, you can walk for up to two hours. If the child is sweating, beware of a draft, it may blow, go home, change into dry clothes. If the child is sleeping, then it’s normal, if he suddenly cries, then something he doesn’t like it, maybe it’s cold, or maybe it’s hot. Watch your child and you’ll understand, everything comes with experience. Have a good winter and don’t get sick!!!

Good summer day to all site visitors! I think I won’t be mistaken if I write that at a certain moment all loving parents begin to teach their children to read and write. And we are faced with the important task of choosing not only a bright and beautiful, but also a high-quality alphabet with accessible material for the little ones. To involve your child in the fascinating world of alphabetic signs, and not discourage them from studying for a long time. I bought several alphabet books for children, different authors, with using different methods training. A...

***prize winner in the April 2012 publication competition*** [link-1] Do you know what “white fever” is? Do not know? I envy you!.. WHITE FEVER... ...This is when your child has a temperature of under 40°C, his forehead and body are like boiling water - it is impossible to touch, and his arms and legs are icy. She needs to cool down, but she cries that she is cold and tries to pull the blanket over herself... And a feeling of relief when her arms and legs begin to burn, because... this means that no-spa, heating pad, rubbing and antipyretic all the same...

My daughter is in second grade. Studying is uneven, it all depends on whether we have re-learned the school material at home or not. And last weekend we had a problem: Taya broke left hand at the elbow. A fracture is not a fracture, it’s a crack, but that doesn’t make it any easier. She was put in a cast from her neck to her fingertips. Today they confirmed that we still have a couple of weeks to walk with him. So what should we do about going to school now? She can write, watch and listen too. But the hand is fixed, how to dress in such a situation? How...


As a result, we were not allowed into school: the teacher (I can understand her) asked for a doctor’s certificate that my daughter could attend school. The doctor refused to write such a certificate, since the treatment was not yet completed. Yesterday her cast was removed. Today we are still at home, and tomorrow we will go to school: 3 lessons + an excursion to the Glinka Museum - we don’t want to miss it.

I talked to the teacher... She expressed her attitude in this way: whether to drive or not is up to you, and she is not ready to bear responsibility for the life and health of the child. We decided to stay at home for another week: my arm hurts when I pack it in sleeves, but by next week it will feel a little better and I will take it to the main items.

We are only 2 weeks old - my mother says that if the baby’s nose is cold and he sneezes, it means he is cold. In children, the nose is not an indicator of the back of the head; if it is hot and sweaty, then the child is hot, but cold hands and heels, and especially the nose, are not an indicator.


If the child was born on time and with normal weight, then at 22-23 degrees. He wouldn't freeze to death in his room naked. A cold nose and a sneeze are not indicators of freezing. Touch the belly and the scruff of the neck; if they are warm, everything is OK. And most importantly, look at the baby and how he behaves. If he's fiddling around, shaking his arms and legs and whining, then maybe he's cold. In general, overheating is much worse for children than hypothermia. You can read here, the chapter “TEMPERATURE REGIME OF A CHILDREN’S ROOM”: http://www.komarovskiy.vostok.net/books/b3-2.html#14

Sneezing does not mean you are cold, perhaps just a physiological runny nose. Of course, if the nose is cold (just cold and not cool), it would be good to insulate it. But don't wrap it up unless necessary.

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