Herbs for bathing newborns for sleep. What herbs can newborns be bathed in: soothing decoctions, pine extracts and other herbs for bathing babies

There are many various herbs, used to add to the bath when bathing. But not all of them are suitable for infants. Therefore, young parents should figure out which herbs are best for bathing a newborn, and which ones should not be used.

Most pediatricians recommend bathing young children in decoctions of string, chamomile or calendula. Such procedures should be carried out once a week. At feeling good If the baby does not have colic, there is no need for herbal baths.

It is recommended to use plants in case of increased nervousness of the baby, the presence of skin problems: rashes, diaper rash, as well as colds or intestinal diseases. To eliminate each of these problems, herbs that have the appropriate set of medicinal properties are used.


It has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects, effectively eliminates skin irritations. This plant has a mild calming effect on the nervous system, so it is recommended to use it for insomnia and increased irritability of a baby.

Oak bark

Effectively eliminates inflammation and disinfects the skin.


A widespread plant used for bathing newborn babies. This popularity of the series is due to the presence in its composition large quantity manganese, which promotes effective elimination diaper rash, prickly heat and other skin problems.

In addition, with the help of this herb you can easily remove seborrheic crusts. yellow color, present on the head of almost every newborn baby. It is necessary to take into account that this plant contributes to the rapid drying of delicate skin, so it is advisable to use it for bathing no more than 1-2 times a week. After a bath with a decoction of the string, it is recommended to treat the child’s skin with baby softening cream or oil.

St. John's wort

It has good wound healing properties, effectively eliminates diathesis and other skin lesions.


It has an anti-inflammatory effect, helps eliminate irritations and skin rashes.

Plants against colic

If your baby has frequent colic, you can use herbs that help eliminate this unpleasant phenomenon. It should be noted that to rid the child of severe colic only baths based on medicinal herbs, most likely, it will not succeed. Such baths are recommended to be used as additional means to the main treatment.


Relieves muscle tension and has a strengthening effect on the intestinal walls. This healing effect of bearberry is achieved thanks to the tannins contained in this plant.


It has antispasmodic properties and regulates intestinal function. This plant is recommended for bathing babies suffering from colic and increased excitability.


A bath prepared with a decoction of calendula flowers helps relieve almost all known diseases skin. In addition, this plant can be used for colic in a newborn.

Hop cones

Very useful for disorders of the stomach and intestines, they have antispasmodic, analgesic, relaxing and anti-inflammatory effects.

Calming herbs

Many newborn children cause concern to their parents due to constant whims, tearfulness, bad sleep. In such cases, the use of sedative herbs is recommended.


Renders beneficial effect on the nervous system. Bathing with oregano before bed is especially effective. By taking a warm bath with a soothing infusion, your baby will sleep much longer and more peacefully.


Effective for restless sleep, can be used in the treatment of rickets.

Valerian root

It is one of the most common medicines used for various nervous disorders. Baths with valerian root effectively eliminate the baby's agitated state and normalize sleep. In addition, this plant is a good antispasmodic, so if the cause of the baby’s nervousness is cramps in the tummy, this plant will help simultaneously eliminate the spasms and calm the baby.


It has a good calming effect and normalizes sleep.

Cold medicine

You can ease the course of colds and speed up recovery with the help of baths with the addition of herbs. It must be taken into account that baths can only be taken in the absence of high temperature and signs of ARVI.


Helps improve blood circulation internal organs, relieves spasms, helps to quickly cope with bronchitis and runny nose.


Normalizes sleep, eliminates irritability. This plant can also be used for colds and peeling skin.


Accelerates the recovery process for colds, improves immunity, and has disinfectant properties.

What herbs should not be used?

Some medicinal plants should be taken with caution even when treating adults. The following herbs should not be used to bathe a newborn:

  • Celandine.
  • Tansy.
  • Adonis.
  • Broom.

When starting therapeutic water procedures, you should remember that the duration of the first bath does not exceed 5 minutes, then you can gradually increase the time to 10-15 minutes. Usage detergents It is not advisable to bathe in herbs: all impurities from the skin of newborn babies are easily removed with warm water.

It is recommended to prepare decoctions based on the instructions included with each medicine. To find out which herbs to bathe newborns in, and which plants they may be allergic to, you need to apply a few drops of the prepared infusion to the child’s forearm area. If after half an hour the skin in this place has not reddened, then you can safely use the herb for medicinal baths.

How to get rid of stretch marks after childbirth?

Useful herbs for bathing newborns are popular among modern mothers who strive to use safe natural remedies hygiene. However, in infancy It is necessary to carefully select the types of herbs and competently prepare decoctions from them.

For newborns, bathing in herbs should not only ensure clean skin, but also bring specific benefits.

It is advisable to start such a water procedure after two weeks of age, when the umbilical wound. This is an average figure, since after receiving doctor’s recommendations, each child has his own age range when he can practice a bath with specific types of herbs.

Benefits of Herbal Bathing

Having studied the information about which herbs to bathe a newborn in, you need to know about possible problems baby, from which healing baths will help get rid of:

  • prickly heat;
  • diaper rash;
  • different nature of skin rashes.

Herbal baths have a calming effect on the child, helping falling asleep quickly and restful sleep.

Rules of application

When preparing herbal baths for a baby, it is advisable to use one type of raw material so as not to provoke an allergic reaction.

make a game out of the procedures and the child will always be happy about baths

It is advisable to follow a few simple rules.

  1. When using each new bath herb, a tolerance test is carried out. A few drops of the decoction are applied to a small area of ​​skin. If after 15-20 minutes no changes in the form of redness or swelling are detected, the product can be considered safe.
  2. You must purchase any herbal raw materials at a pharmacy. It is convenient to use filter bags, following the instructions. If you have the skills to dry and store the necessary herbs, choose environmentally friendly places to collect them.
  3. The decoction added to the bath must be filtered.
  4. Pouring into the bath fresh decoction. Therefore, the time before bathing is calculated to prevent storage of the prepared product.

If you decide to measure and brew the herb yourself, then pour 30 g of raw material into a glass of water and bring to a boil. After letting the broth boil for 10 minutes, set the pan aside and cover with a lid. After cooling, strain. Add at the rate of 200 ml per 10 liters of warm water.

An infusion without boiling is no less useful. The raw materials (30 g) are placed in a thermos, poured with a glass of boiling water and kept for 6 - 8 hours. Use in the same way as a decoction. Taking advantage ready-made recipes, you need to pay attention that the amount of steamed raw materials may vary slightly. You can take a bath for a baby no longer than 15 minutes, increasing the time gradually from 5 minutes. Do not use herbs when bathing every day; two or three times a week is enough.

Herbs for skin

To keep a child's skin healthy and eliminate minor irritation, several types of plant materials are used.

  • Chamomile

A chamomile bath is considered the most effective, since this plant has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Chamomile is also useful for bathing babies due to its calming effect.

Before brewing chamomile for bathing a newborn using pharmaceutical sachets, you need to measure the volume of water poured into the bath. This determines how much raw material will need to be used. Instructions about this are on the packaging. Usually take 2 sachets per glass of boiling water.

the most best herbs these are herbs collected by ourselves according to the lunar calendar

After taking a bath with chamomile, the child falls asleep faster. Therefore, the use of this herb for restless children is often practiced. Thanks to its beneficial effect on genitourinary system, chamomile remedies are often used for cystitis.

It is advisable to brew chamomile for bathing when signs of candidiasis appear, since such baths for thrush can relieve painful sensations. They are able to become part of the whole medical complex prescribed by a doctor.

Baths with chamomile have a wound-healing and disinfecting effect, so any damage to the baby’s delicate skin will heal faster. For this reason, chamomile baths are recommended for psoriasis, allowing a significant reduction in itching and pain.

When deciding how to brew chamomile, you can use general recommendations for preparing a decoction or infusion.

  • Series

When practicing bathing with a string, you need to take into account that this herb is good at eliminating redness due to prickly heat from the skin of a baby. Used for diaper rash. Also, a bath with a series gradually cleanses the scalp of seborrheic crusts. Due to the drying effect, it is advisable to take a break between therapeutic baths at 3 – 4 days.

  • Nettle

Considering useful herbs for the skin, we can note nettle, which effectively heals wounds and has a softening effect. For a newborn baby, an anti-inflammatory bath with nettle will have an additional restorative effect.

  • Sage

An infusion is usually prepared for a sage bath. They buy raw materials at the pharmacy, since for children it is necessary to use only safe means. Thanks to its antimicrobial, immunostimulating, disinfectant, and analgesic effects, sage is used for psoriasis and other skin lesions. It is recommended for cystitis and joint problems.

  • Other herbs

To prevent a bath with herbs from harming your baby, you need to know what other types of plants will help with various skin problems. You can take St. John's wort, which stimulates skin cleansing during diathesis. The use of elecampane decoction helps against psoriasis and eczema.

Calendula has anti-inflammatory properties, helping to relieve itching after mosquito bites. Decoctions of this herb are added to baths for psoriasis. A bath with eucalyptus has the same effect, relieving irritation and alleviating the baby’s condition.

Herbs for colic

Among the variety of herbs for bathing babies, you can find varieties, a decoction of which is added to the bath if the child is suffering from colic.

In this situation, use bearberry containing tannins, known for its antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties. You can also prepare a bath with a decoction of hop cones. This remedy eliminates disturbances in the functioning of the intestines and has a relaxing, antispasmodic effect. Motherwort has similar qualities, which can be mixed 1:1 with bearberry.

Calming herbs

In assortment folk recipes you can find herbs used to bathe children who have trouble falling asleep or wake up frequently at night. The following plant varieties have calming properties.

  • Lavender

A soothing bath with lavender simultaneously helps cleanse the skin of rashes, has an antispasmodic effect, and is effective against flatulence.

  • Valerian

Reduces excitability nervous system a bath with valerian, which has an additional healing effect. Valerian helps improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system, normalizes the functioning of gastrointestinal tract. Such baths improve the condition of psoriasis.

  • Peppermint

A pain-relieving mint bath can help reduce your child's anxiety. Addition mint decoction in bathing water increases appetite, relieves inflammation of the skin.

  • Oregano

Oregano has a good healing effect for nervous disorders. She reduces painful manifestations, soothes and has a beneficial effect on intestinal activity.

Properly collected dried and arranged herbs are the key to benefits for children

A ginger bath has a relaxing effect and also strengthens the body. A good preparation for night sleep is pine baths, which simultaneously help with cystitis and psoriasis.

A bath with cinnamon calms the baby and lifts his spirits (use 1 drop of cinnamon per bath of water) essential oil). At the same time, mother can use this remedy for a cellulite bath, which has a good cosmetic effect.

What herbs are excluded for newborns

A bath with wormwood, beloved by women, which tightens the skin, makes it more elastic, and eliminates pain due to cystitis, is contraindicated for infants. Adonis, thuja, and calamus are included in the list of herbs that can harm a baby. It is forbidden to use decoctions of tansy and broom.

It is also necessary to take into account that those used for cystitis and helping adults remove many pathological lesions skin baths with celandine are not given to newborn children.

Is it necessary to use herbs for bathing a newborn? And if necessary, what herbal decoctions can you bathe your baby in?

Yes, bathing a newborn is a very serious undertaking. They are preparing for it. Prepare a place, water, cosmetical tools or herbal decoctions.

The whole family often bathes. This procedure brings together and strengthens the family, has a beneficial effect on physical and mental development baby.

But sometimes parents don't give of great importance bathing a baby in herbs and brushing aside the experience of the older generation.

Modern young parents argue that now is not a time of scarcity. Like, this is yesterday, you don’t have to bother preparing decoctions and bathing your child in special cosmetics.

Is it so? Today we will consider in detail the topic of bathing a newborn in herbs. Let's figure out whether this is really necessary. If the answer is “yes”, then why, how and how much.

In addition to the fact that bathing is intended to keep the baby's body clean, this procedure has a beneficial effect on a number of important functions small organism.

What functions are we talking about?

Bathing helps relax and calm your baby. By adjusting the water temperature, you can normalize the child’s muscle tone. After all, the aquatic environment for a newborn is natural and familiar. This is especially important if the baby has a noticeable state of hypertonicity.

In water, it is easier for a child to make all movements. Including breathing movements. Even during passive swimming (just lying in the water) rib cage opens up better. The baby's body receives more oxygen.

Moreover, often the baby begins to actively flounder in the water. Then the muscles of the whole body are involved. This gives an even greater improvement in blood flow, being a powerful impetus for harmonious physical development baby and health promotion in general.

So peculiar physical activity for a newborn is very important, as it has beneficial influence on the baby's appetite and sleep. It’s no wonder that after bathing, children eat with great appetite and fall asleep soundly.

Swimming also helps with development and training. vestibular apparatus newborn

Daily bathing with regulation of the water temperature will serve as a hardening procedure for the baby. After all, it is much more effective than air baths.

Also, increased air humidity, which is created indoors during and after bathing, creates conditions for cleaning respiratory tract crumbs. Therefore, it is easier for a child to breathe in such a room.

Moisturized mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract thus do not lose their protective functions - they are promptly cleaned of dust and microorganisms settling on them

Bathing a newborn in water with the addition of herbal decoctions makes it possible to solve the problem of skin rashes and calm an excited baby.

Daily water procedures also provide an opportunity for close skin-to-skin contact the baby with his mother, which is very necessary for him at this age.

Dad's participation in such an important procedure gives him a feeling of irreplaceability, importance and a lot of positive emotions. Moreover, all participants in the procedure receive positive emotions, even euphoria.

All of the above is the answer to most parents who ask about the required frequency of bathing - you need to bathe every day. No weekends or holidays.

It's clear Small child It doesn't get that dirty. But we bathe the baby not only to wash it.

Weak, painful, and premature babies can be bathed even twice a day. This will only benefit them.

At what age can you bathe a newborn in herbs?

It is believed that after the umbilical wound has healed (day 10-14), herbs can be added to the bath for bathing newborns.

But there are cases when a child develops prickly heat, diaper rash, cracks in the folds of the skin, behind the ears, allergic rash in response to a new product eaten by mom. If you have such problems, you can bathe your baby in herbs immediately after birth in order to resolve them.

What do parents need to know before bathing their baby in herbs?

The child's body is very receptive to any new products and substances. Therefore, a child can be allergic to any product, even the most natural one.

This also applies to herbs. After all, herbs are a storehouse of biologically diverse active substances. Even the most safe grass(according to most parents) chamomile can cause allergic reaction at the baby's.

In this regard, before adding a decoction of any herb to a child’s bath, you need to conduct a kind of test.

Soak a piece of cotton wool in the prepared herbal solution and wipe it on a small area of ​​the child's skin on the forearm near the wrist.

If after half an hour there is no skin reactions not in this area, then you can add the solution to the bath. If there is any reaction, then this herb should not be used.

Multicomponent decoctions should not be used immediately in newborns. In the case of allergic reactions, it will be impossible to determine which herb is to blame.

The collection can be used only when there is confidence that the baby is not allergic to all its components. For example, when a child was bathed in these herbs separately, no allergic reactions were observed. It is better to bathe your baby by adding one herb at a time different days weeks rather than making a “mix” of herbs.

The decoction must be infused in an enamel, glass or ceramic container, since metals can enter into chemical reaction with decoction. Aluminum is especially dangerous in this regard.

The finished herbal solution must be filtered through cheesecloth so that leaves and other particles of herb do not fall into the bath.

For bathing newborns, use only fresh decoction or infusion (store for no more than 5 hours).

It is not advisable to add herbs to the bath every day. Better than a bath with herbs, arrange every other day or three times a week.

Parents themselves regulate bathing time. This depends on the temperature of the water and air in the room. And also on how quickly the water cools and how the child behaves while swimming. It is advisable not to delay bathing time for more than 15 minutes. This time is quite enough.

When bathing in herbs, you do not need to use detergents and cosmetics, since bathing in herbs does not involve rinsing with plain water at the end of bathing.

After bathing the child, it is better to immediately wrap it and dry it (using blotting movements) with a warm diaper, which you don’t mind if it doesn’t wash off. After all, the pigment substances of herbs leave dark, difficult-to-wash stains on a towel or diaper.

No matter how carefully parents monitor their baby, children often develop heat rash in hot weather. Large babies often suffer from diaper rash, which appears in numerous folds. Newborns spit up frequently and breast milk may get into the cervical folds, causing irritation there.

There are many other beneficial medicinal herbs. But not all of them can and should be added to a newborn baby’s bath.

Chamomile flowers

Chamomile has anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties. Removes any well skin irritations. After all, the skin of a newborn is delicate, sensitive and prone to diaper rash and rashes.

Chamomile can also have a mild calming effect on the baby’s nervous system and helps cope with baby’s sleep disturbances.

Chamomile can be added to the water when bathing a baby who has allergic rashes.

It is important to remember that chamomile itself can sometimes cause an allergic reaction in people. small child. Therefore, before the first use, do a test on the baby’s forearm, as described above.

It also helps to cope with the appearance of yellow seborrheic crusts on the scalp of a newborn, which appear in almost all babies.

It is better not to use a decoction of string for daily bathing, as this herb can dry out delicate skin babies.

How to brew herbs?

About 10 g of chopped herb (about 3 tablespoons) in a glass container, pour 600-700 ml of hot boiled water, close the lid, heat in a water bath for 15 minutes. The broth needs to be stirred periodically. Then the broth is cooled, filtered, and the remaining raw materials are squeezed out. This volume will be enough for a small baby bath.

For a large bath, you need to use a more concentrated decoction, but no more than 30 g of dry herb for bathing a child.

Chamomile and string are often packaged in filter bags of 1.5 grams. 10 g is approximately 6 filter bags.

If you don’t want to bother with brewing, you can use ready-made herbal extracts. They are sold in pharmacies in liquid form. They are convenient and simple to use. Add one cap per 10 liters of bathing water.

The only disadvantage of ready-made solutions is the content of any preservative in them. Otherwise they would not have been stored for so long.

It's even on sale now dissolvable tablets chamomile, which dissolves in a glass of water. This solution is immediately suitable for adding to the bath. This dry tablet form does not contain any foreign additives and is well stored.

Medicinal herbs for bathing: what can a doctor prescribe?

In addition to chamomile and string, if you have skin problems, you can add a nettle decoction to the bath.

Most often, nettle is used for severe and systematic skin rashes, cracks, and weeping sores. It has a powerful anti-inflammatory and wound healing effect. Nettle also softens and tones the skin.

It is impossible not to mention the positive effect of nettle decoction on hair growth and strength. Therefore, even adults often use this folk way to strengthen hair.

Baths with oak bark are also prescribed for babies with skin irritations (prickly heat, allergic rashes, redness, diaper rash and weeping, cracks in the folds).

Oak bark contains tannins that soothe irritated skin. Thanks to antimicrobial properties, oak bark suppresses various inflammatory reactions. It dries and, forming a kind of protective barrier, prevents the recurrence of irritation.

Since ancient times, a decoction has been used to treat allergic reactions. bay leaf. Thanks to the strengthening of the walls blood vessels, he takes off inflammatory processes, irritation.

A decoction of bay leaves is excellent for coping with itchy skin in children. In children's practice, it is more often used in the form of lotions and rubdowns.

St. John's wort is used for atopic dermatitis and pustular infection. It has disinfecting and wound-healing properties.

When treating any skin problems in adult practice, celandine is often used. It copes well with inflammation and irritation on the skin. But there is no need to use celandine in children's practice, since celandine juice in high concentrations is poisonous.

Herbs for Calm

Calming herbs are used for bathing babies who have some kind of overstimulation of the nervous system, restless sleep or the child has “confused” the circadian cycles - he sleeps during the day and is awake at night.

Valerian is one of the most common soothing herbs. It relieves the excitability of the nervous system, has an antispasmodic effect, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive and cardiovascular systems. Valerian also has a wound-healing effect.

Lavender has a calming effect and helps to improve the baby’s sleep if he sleeps restlessly and intermittently, and often shudders in his sleep. It is also able to eliminate spasms of smooth muscles, so it is used for flatulence and colic in newborns.

Peppermint, in addition to its calming properties, also has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and analgesic effects. Mint also has a stimulating effect on the baby’s appetite.

Oregano, lemon balm, motherwort are used for various disorders nervous system. Oregano also has an analgesic effect and has a beneficial effect on the baby’s digestion and sleep.

Oregano and mint are not recommended for children with a potential risk of allergies, as they often cause allergies.

Intestinal colic - common problem newborn babies. Therefore, parents with such complaints often turn to the pediatrician. Your doctor may recommend adding the following herbs to your bath:

Bearberry - relieves spasm of the smooth muscles of internal organs and is able to normalize the tone of the intestinal wall, which leads to a decrease in flatulence. Also, the antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects of this plant allow it to be used for skin problems.

Hop cones have an antispasmodic and relaxing effect, normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Motherwort, in addition to its calming effect, has a powerful antispasmodic effect, thereby regulating intestinal motility (the natural movement of contents through the intestines).

Herbs to normalize muscle tone in a newborn

Any disorders of muscle tone can be diagnosed only by a doctor, therefore, treatment of these disorders with the help of herbs should only be recommended by the child’s attending physician.

But any fees must be applied with caution. And you shouldn’t start right away with multi-component fees.

They usually start with one component. When there are no negative reactions, then you can add another type of grass.

In such cases, you can start with a decoction of valerian, supplementing it with time with hop cones in a 1:1 ratio.

With reduced muscle tone a neurologist may recommend baths with pine extract or a decoction of walnut leaves.

Should I collect it myself or buy it at the pharmacy?

It is better to buy herbs at a pharmacy, since the collection of herbs should be carried out by a person who is very well versed in them. After all, even chamomile comes in several forms. And we are only interested in pharmaceutical chamomile.

The role of the area where the grass is collected and its environmental safety is also important.

Also, when collecting, drying and storing raw materials, you need to follow many rules (no moisture, dust, direct sun rays etc.), non-compliance with which will directly affect the quality of the grass and can harm a person.

What herbs should not end up in your baby's bath?

There are herbs that are medicinal, but they can cause harm to a small organism.

The following herbs should not be used to bathe a newborn:

  • celandine;
  • sagebrush;
  • spurge;
  • broom;
  • tansy;
  • Adonis;
  • Calamus common.

Summarizing all of the above, I want to say that herbs for bathing babies should be used only on the recommendation of a specialist and when a specific health problem is confirmed in a particular child.

Herbs are also medicines. Moreover, powerful. They need to be used wisely.

So, use it for your health, but be careful and prudent.

Practicing pediatrician and twice-mother Elena Borisova-Tsarenok told you about herbs for bathing a newborn.

Our great-grandmothers also added decoctions of medicinal herbs. Thus, they disinfected the water and solved many other issues. But there are a huge number of medicinal herbs, which of them can be used for and in what situations? This is exactly what our article is about.

What herbs for bathing a newborn can be used when bathing a baby?

Eat over 30 different herbs , which can bind harmful substances, thus disinfecting water and skin. However, not all of them are approved for bathing babies. What herbs are suitable for bathing a newborn? For proper orientation in this matter You can see the composition of children's cosmetics - , creams, lotions, skin milk.

Many manufacturers add extracts of time-tested medicinal herbs to creams, bath foams, and shampoos:

  • Series– used in the treatment of many skin diseases. It relieves inflammation, reduces rashes, helps cure seborrhea and milky gneiss crusts. However, bathing a newborn in a series can only be done once a week, since it dries out the skin greatly;
  • Chamomile– has disinfecting properties, relieves irritation and tension. Chamomile is recommended for bathing newborn girls as a prevention of gynecological diseases;
  • Nettle– strengthens hair, softens skin, and also has a general strengthening effect on the body;
  • Lavender– has excellent sedatives. Its aroma relaxes and improves well-being;
  • Oak bark– helps treatment skin rashes such as diaper rash or prickly heat;
  • Valerian– perfect for active and excitable children. This decoction has a beneficial effect on cardiovascular system, promotes wound healing;
  • Peppermint – has calming properties and helps perfectly with scrofula;
  • St. John's wort– helps with wound healing, helps with staphylococcal lesions and diathesis.

Herbs that should not be used when bathing newborns:

  • Tansy;
  • Broom;
  • Sagebrush;
  • Celandine;
  • Citrus.

Remember, if problems arise with the child’s health, then Before using herbal baths, you should definitely consult your pediatrician ! The doctor will tell you which plants help best with certain diseases.

At what age can herbs be used to bathe babies?

You can use herbal baths for bathing children starting already from the second week of life - after the umbilical wound has healed a little . While the child is small,... If you bathe your baby in a large bath, then you should choose the right concentration herbal infusion.

Basic rules for choosing and brewing herbs and mixtures for bathing newborns

Before using herbal baths consult your pediatrician . He will tell you which plants are best to start with, what concentration of the decoction should be in the water.

Rules for using herbs for bathing babies in water procedures

  • Duration of the first baths in the phytobath should not exceed more than 5 minutes . Then the time can be gradually increased to 15 minutes;
  • Herbal baths should not be used daily . Experts recommend using them no more than 3 times a week;
  • You cannot change the grass every time you bathe. First, take a course of one herb, then take a short break. Now you can start the course using another plant;
  • Do not use soap during herbal baths or add other means;
  • Observe your child's reaction carefully . Maybe your baby is unique, instead of a calming effect, the procedure will excite the child. In this case, you need to think about replacing the grass;
  • Your child should enjoy aromatic baths . If the baby refuses water procedures, is nervous and capricious, perhaps he does not like the smell of this plant;
  • Make sure your child does not swallow water while bathing. ;
  • You should not abandon the course of treatment with herbal baths if there is no immediate positive effect. To achieve the result you must perform minimum 5 procedures .

Pediatrician Evgeny Komarovsky also advised young mothers not to bother and not brew herbs for the daily bathing of the baby. They say that this is not only pointless, takes a lot of time, but can also cause an allergic reaction. Many pediatricians agree with him. However, so many informational stimuli have appeared in our lives that not only the baby, but also the adult is overloaded under their load. Just imagine what the baby has to endure: the noise of the TV, the vacuum cleaner, the games of older children, the variety of bright toys with which he is bombarded from the first days.

Therefore, soothing herbs for bathing newborns can become not only a pleasant accompaniment to the bathing procedure, but also the right decision infant anxiety problems.

Advice: consult your doctor first. The fact is that a child’s anxiety may be a signal that he is unwell, a pathology of the nervous system, or unfavorable external conditions for sleep.

When can you add herbs?

Soothing herbs for bathing newborns are added in the second week of life. Usually by this time the umbilical wound has completely healed.

Soothing baths have good effect in young children due to thin skin and good blood supply. But at the same time, the danger of overdose with too strong a decoction or damage increases. skin and the appearance of irritation. The amount of herbal infusion is prepared based on the volume of the bath in which the baby is bathed. If infant swimming is practiced in a large bathtub from birth, then the amount of broth should correspond to its size.

Any herbs can be added. To begin with, pour in one-component decoctions that contain one type of plant that is well tolerated by the child. If the baby has already mastered several types of herbs, then you can try to mix them. Experts do not recommend mixing more than 4 types of herbs.

Soothing herbs for bathing newborns.

Chamomile. Not only gently calms the nervous system, but also has beneficial effect on the skin: relieves inflammation, eliminates irritation, has an antibacterial effect. Helps infants sleep better. Also helps girls with gynecological problems– vulvitis.

A series. Due to great content manganese is used as antiseptic for skin with prickly heat, diaper rash, seborrheic crusts. What is its calming effect? If the baby is bothered by itching, he becomes moody, restless and sleeps poorly. When these symptoms go away, the baby sleeps more peacefully. Sage and calendula have a similar effect. They also cannot be called soothing, but due to the anti-itching and drying effect on the skin, the child stops feeling discomfort and sleeps better. This is why it is so important to visit a pediatrician to accurately identify the cause of concern.

Lavender. Used as an antiseptic, sedative and antispasmodic. Used for flatulence and colic in newborns. It also helps improve sleep if it is poor and the baby often shudders in his sleep.

St. John's wort. It's called " male grass", therefore it is better suited for boys, but girls can also use it to eliminate skin eczema and staphylococcal infections. St. John's wort is considered a folk antidepressant, so it positive influence on the nervous system is not in doubt. But more often it is used as an additional component herbal infusions for babies.

Valerian. This remedy can be put in first place among soothing herbs for bathing newborns. Everyone knows how easy it is sedative effect, reducing the excitability of the nervous system. In addition, the root of the herb is known for its antispasmodic and wound-healing effects.

Peppermint. In both adults and children, mint promotes calm and stress relief. Traditional healers they claim that this is a “female” herb, in which it is better to bathe girls.

Melissa. Bathing in water with the addition of lemon balm provides the baby healthy sleep and eliminates unnecessary anxiety.

Oregano. Stabilizes the nervous system and also helps get rid of diaper rash.

Hop. The intoxicating effect of the cones normalizes sleep and also helps capricious children cope with excitement.

But not all herbs can be beneficial for newborns. Prohibited for use in early age: citrus fruits, broom, tansy, celandine, wormwood, adonis, calamus.

Where to get soothing herbs for bathing newborns.

It's best to go to the pharmacy. You can be sure that in this case the broth will not contain bugs or other plants that could get into the grass if collected incorrectly or processed carelessly. In addition, some pharmaceutical companies offer their products in the form of sachets, which can simply be placed in a bath without resorting to sophisticated brewing schemes.

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