Traumatic damage to the eardrum. Why can perforation of the eardrum occur? Treatment and consequences

Region eardrum It is distinguished by its fragility and tenderness, so this part of the ear is easy to injure. Most often, damage to the integrity of the eardrum occurs during diving or with frequent use of headphones in which sound waves are greatly increased.

In addition, people often cause injuries to the auditory tubes and the cavity of the eardrum while maintaining hygiene. What to do if you pierced your ear with a cotton swab or what if the membrane in your ear bursts, the consequences of the formation of perforations and more, read in this material.

Burst eardrum - signs and symptoms

Eardrum separates the external passage from the middle part of the ear and is designed to transmit sound waves and various noises further to the auditory ossicles. She's covered soft tissues, which are easily damaged under the influence of various objects or mechanical pressure.

Most of the membrane is tightly stretched and attached to the area inner ear and temporal bone. In addition, the tympanic region consists of several parts:

  1. The outer part consists of the skin, through which it connects to the ear canal.
  2. Next is the middle part, consisting of fibrous tissues, consisting of two additional elements. They consist of two directions that connect closer to the center of the eardrum.
  3. The cavity ends with the mucous part, which is considered a continuation of the tympanic cavity.
  4. These elements support the work eardrum, and it is thanks to them that sound waves are conducted. In addition, the functions of the eardrum include protecting the ear from too loud sound waves.

The transmission of sound waves occurs through the outer ear, to which the eardrum is connected via the auditory tube. Sound getting into outer ear, is directed through the tube and reaches the membrane.

Next, noises and sounds are converted into nerve impulses and processed in the auditory ossicles. After this, the impulses are sent to inner ear , and then to the brain. In case of trauma or damage to the integrity of the eardrum, the function of transmitting and processing sounds is disrupted.

The most common causes of perforations

The formation of perforation on the eardrum may occur due to mechanical impact on this area. In addition, strong exposure to physical elements also causes integrity damage. These signs include barotrauma or burns.

Other reasons often include chemical burns, as well as inflammatory processes in the ear organ. For example, acute or purulent inflammation severely damages the functions of the entire ear, including the integrity of the eardrum.

Another reason that causes membrane damage is gunshots or strong blast waves. Most often, military personnel and people whose professional activities are related to the shooting coaching program suffer from this type of perforation.

Mechanical injuries most often occur in Everyday life, and ear injury with a cotton swab ranks first in everyday life. This happens when the ears are cleared of wax.

For the same reason, stick matches, paper clips and other sharp objects into your ears. strictly prohibited. TO mechanical damage also include children's games. Children, due to their inexperience, often put pencils or pens in their ears.

In some cases, the integrity of the eardrum is compromised due to trauma to the brain or skull. This can happen during a fall or a strong blow.

In addition to the reasons listed above, there are several injuries that provoke the appearance of perforations in the membrane. Due to the pressure exerted by the symptoms listed below, a strong impact on the tympanic cavity develops.

  1. Often negative pressure is created in the outer ear when kissing the ear. At this time, the person experiences acute pain and strong pressure, which has a negative impact on the tympanic region and middle ear.
  2. In the event of a blow to the outer ear with a person’s hand or palm, pressure is generated, which quickly passes into the middle ear, having a negative impact on the integrity of the membrane.
  3. In the case of sneezing with constricted sinuses, a person causes pressure in the middle ear cavity and, as a result, a negative effect on the membrane is triggered.
  4. When diving underwater and quickly descending to a significant depth.
  5. When the plane takes off.

In addition to the listed symptoms, it may form thermal injury. This usually occurs under prolonged exposure high temperatures, as well as careless handling of hot objects.

All types of burns are dangerous for ear health, however, the most negative factor is a chemical burn. It destroys the integrity of the entire ear, and when toxic substances enter the middle ear, a person loses the ability to hear.

However, the most common factor is the formation of inflammatory processes. Viruses and bacteria, penetrating the human ear organ, cause dysfunction of many elements, which provokes severe hearing impairment, a feeling of congestion, and education. In more serious cases, the middle or inner ear occurs.

With this type of ear disease, dysfunction of the Eustachian tube occurs, as its conductivity is impaired. As a result, the patient's ear accumulates a large number of fluid that negatively affects the eardrum.

In the presence of purulent or mucous discharge, there is constant pressure on the cavity from the inside. It causes strong painful sensations as well as dizziness and nausea. At large cluster discharge, the membrane ruptures.

At the same time, with constant negative impact on the eardrum, the integrity of the entire area, and in some cases only some layers, may be compromised.

When gunshot wound the integrity of the eardrum and nearby tissues is compromised.


If the integrity of the eardrum is directly damaged, the patient experiences severe pain.

They can be shooting, pulling, sharp or cutting. After some time, its intensity decreases, but it also causes severe discomfort to the patient.

Besides, the patient experiences the formation of extraneous noise in the ears and head, and hearing is significantly reduced. In addition, various discharges appear, which are mostly purulent or mucous in nature.

If the integrity of the eardrum is damaged in case of inflammation caused by viruses or bacteria, dizziness, nausea, sleep disturbance, loss of appetite occurs.

In case of severe ear injury, the patient experiences significant hearing loss. In severe cases of inflammation, the functioning of the auditory ossicles and the functioning of the inner ear are disrupted.

At this time the patient complains of constant dizziness and dysfunction vestibular apparatus . As a result, the patient often feels nauseous, pain occurs in the temples and head, and in some cases various discharges appear from the sore ear.

In addition, when the integrity of the eardrum is violated, serious complications, since a large number of viruses and bacteria penetrate into the middle ear area almost without difficulty. This can cause the formation of infectious diseases, which include otitis media, labyrinthitis, mastoiditis, and neuritis.

At this time, it is important to begin treatment immediately, as viruses can travel from the middle part to the inner ear. This is dangerous because the labyrinth is close to the brain. Viruses can cause inflammation meninges, and also provoke the appearance of meningitis or acute encephalitis.

Treatment if a hole appears in the membrane

If you have a burst eardrum, what should you do first? This is precisely the question that puzzles people with injuries in the middle part.

First thing the patient should contact medical Center to provide diagnostics and develop a course of treatment.

It is known that in almost half of cases patients do not require specific treatment, and healing occurs independently. However, this rule applies only to minor cases of injury.

If the affected area occupies up to thirty percent of the entire membrane, doctors prescribe lying down and the use of vitamins. At this time, it is prohibited to carry out any manipulations in the ear, as well as cleansing the ear canal. cotton swabs.

If the eardrum hurts, instilling drops is strictly prohibited.

In more serious cases, the doctor prescribes surgery, as well as tympanoplasty. During the operation, a skin flap is attached to the affected area, which should adhere to the eardrum.

After the operation, the patient needs to rinse the ears with solutions that include antibiotics. Recovery operations take about three weeks.

In addition, during rehabilitation, the patient must take large amounts of vitamins and ensure that no water gets into the ears.

Consequences of perforations

After the course of treatment and restoration of the integrity of the eardrum, you must carefully monitor your health. The rehabilitation course takes about one month.

Unfortunately, perforations of the tympanic region have certain consequences.

In case of mild injury and minor damage, the ear may heal on its own. However, this rule only works in half of the cases. Therefore, it is not advisable to hope for a positive outcome and if severe ear pain occurs, you should consult a doctor for diagnosis.

a) complete membrane. b) perforation of the eardrum.

In case of more serious injuries, deep scars and salt deposits appear in the patient's ear. IN in this case hope for full recovery no need to. Be prepared for the patient's hearing to deteriorate. In some cases, the loss of hearing acuity is minor, while in others the patient needs to be adjusted

The human hearing organ is quite complex and consists of three sections: external, middle and internal. The eardrum or membrane is located between the first two and, in fact, separates them. It is a thin plate connective tissue round in shape, fused in diameter with the walls of the external auditory canal. It is located on the border between the latter and the cavity of the middle ear. The outside of the membrane is covered with skin, the inside with mucous membrane.

Perforation of the eardrum usually occurs when mechanical impact on it, which occurs as a result of general trauma, an accident or violation of the rules for caring for the external auditory canal.

What functions does the eardrum perform?

The main functions of this important body are:

  • Isolation of the middle ear cavity from the external environment. Creation of a closed air chamber necessary for high-quality sound transmission.
  • Protection of the air chamber of the middle ear from the penetration of air, water, foreign objects, including microorganisms (bacteria, fungi and others).
  • Direct participation in sound production. The membrane is attached to one of the three auditory ossicles of the sound transmitting apparatus. Air vibrations in the external auditory canal are captured by it and transmitted to the above-mentioned bones and further to the receptive part of the hearing organ.

If the eardrum bursts, then a hole is formed in it - a “hole” - through which the middle ear cavity communicates with external environment. As a result of damage to the membrane, complications may develop:

  1. Infection of the middle ear and auditory tube with the development of bacterial and;
  2. Penetration of fungal microorganisms leads to disease;
  3. Decreased ability to perceive sounds.

If the cause of the rupture of the tympanic membrane is a skull injury and it is accompanied by a fracture of the temporal bone, then an infection enters the labyrinth with the development of inflammation (). At combined damage eardrum and auditory ossicles, the patient often experiences adhesive otitis media (adhesive), in which connective tissue adhesions form in the chamber of the middle ear, which leads to deafness of the victim.

Causes of damage to the integrity of the tympanic membrane

Based on the nature of the factor that caused its rupture, damage is distinguished:

Most often, the influence of mechanical factors is associated with:

  1. General trauma of the skull, when the temporal bone with the middle ear cavity enclosed in it is damaged;
  2. Entry of a foreign body into the external auditory canal;
  3. Violation of the rules for cleaning the ear canals. The latter is more often observed in children, especially infancy, when roughly cleaning the ears with cotton swabs. Also, children often experience self-injury with sharp objects.

Manifestations of eardrum injury

Patient complaints:

  • Sharp at the moment of injury, soon subsiding;
  • Feeling of congestion in the hearing organ and noise in it varying degrees intensity;
  • Reduced ability to hear up to complete.

Severe trauma affecting the balance apparatus is accompanied by impaired coordination, nausea, and dizziness.

Objectively there may be following symptoms damage to the eardrum:

  1. Release of air from the affected ear canal when coughing, sneezing, or strong exhalation;
  2. Leakage clear liquid(perilymph) from the damaged organ of balance.

Trauma to the skull and a sharp change in atmospheric pressure (barotrauma) may be accompanied by bleeding from the ear canal.

If the membrane rupture is complicated by otitis or labyrinthitis, purulent discharge will be detected.

In young children under 2 years of age, diagnosis is complicated by the lack of meaningful complaints and parents’ silence about a previous ear injury or ignorance about it. Usually they go to the doctor with suspicion of congenital deafness in the baby.

Additional diagnostics

In making a diagnosis of this pathology, it is very great importance have a medical history (anamnesis) with mention of injury, as well as patient complaints.

Results are also important clinical examination- external examination of the hearing organ, internal research(otoscopy). In this case, the otorhinolaryngologist can see the degree of damage to the membrane and the condition of the surrounding tissues.

Sometimes an examination reveals a retracted eardrum, mistaken for traumatic injury. However, this condition occurs when air movement through the Eustachian tube is obstructed due to catarrhal inflammation of the mucous membrane lining it. This reduces the pressure in the middle ear cavity, and the auditory membrane is drawn into it. With a pronounced process, sometimes it becomes thinner and covers the auditory ossicles, creating the appearance of its absence. However, in this case there are no signs of acute or chronic injury: hemorrhages, swelling, redness, microtears of tissue. When the auditory tubes are blown, the membrane protrudes into the ear canal, which is visible during otoscopy.

This pathology in chronic course changes the correct configuration of the joints of the bones, causes overgrowth of the joint spaces between them, which disrupts sound transmission and contributes to the development of deafness.

It is necessary to distinguish perforation of the eardrum from its retraction for the reason that the treatment is completely different. In the latter condition, blowing is used eustachian tubes various techniques and subsequent therapy of the inflammatory process in them to restore patency.

For rate functional state hearing and vestibular apparatus, vestibulography, audiometry and other methods are performed. When signs are detected purulent infection a bacteriological examination of discharge from the ear canal is prescribed to determine sensitivity to antibacterial drugs.

Combined injuries (car accident, train accident, fall from a height) require radiography of the skull, CT, and nuclear MRI.

Therapy for damage to the tympanic membrane

Some time after the hole is formed, spontaneous restoration of the eardrum is possible with virtually no disruption of its functions. This can happen with shallow damage affecting no more than 25% of the organ area. The regenerative capabilities of connective tissue are relatively high, which allows the auditory membrane to heal even with more severe injuries, but in such situations a scar forms on it and calcium salts are deposited. Scarring and calcification tighten the membrane, changing its shape and configuration, which affects the quality of its functioning as an organ.

If the doctor, having assessed the extent of the damage, sees that spontaneous regeneration of the membrane is impossible without subsequent disruption of its functions, then he immediately suggests plastic surgery. surgical methods treatment. Both own tissues (fascia, muscle flaps) and foreign ones (chicken embryo amnion) are used as material.

Conservative therapy

Important! It is prohibited to use when the eardrum is perforated, since it can cause infection in the “open” middle ear.

If the lesion is not severe, the patient is instructed not to do anything, just monitor the outer part of the ear canals. If there is blood in the ear canal, it should be carefully removed with a cotton swab moistened with alcohol, without penetrating deep into the ear. A foreign body, if found in the passage, is also removed. This should be done by a doctor. If necessary, he will place a sterile cotton swab in the affected ear canal to protect the tympanic membrane and underlying tissue. The doctor also decides whether it is necessary surgical intervention(suturing a hole in the membrane) in cases where conservative treatment for some time it did not produce results, and the damaged membrane did not heal.

During development purulent inflammation use systemic antibiotics selected taking into account the sensitivity of microbes to them.

In most cases, young children, even with uncomplicated rupture of the auditory membrane, are required to be hospitalized to avoid inflammation and other consequences.

In patients with complicated damage to the tympanic membrane, when neurosensory or conductive damage occurs, surgical interventions for hearing restoration (implantation of high-tech hearing devices). Modern hearing aids are also used.

Prevention of pathology

Since it is traumatic in nature, this problem can be prevented by general prevention injury, compliance with hearing care rules. Children should be supervised by strictly prohibiting inserting objects into natural openings and limiting dangerous games that may cause excessive sound waves and head injury.

Video: structure of the human ear

The eardrum is an organ that transmits sound vibrations to the inner ear. As a result of this, a person hears. Damage to the membrane disrupts the process of sound transmission, which can lead to hearing loss - permanent hearing loss. Under the influence of any factors, perforation (rupture) of the eardrum occurs, accompanied by severe symptoms. The main ones are sharp pain and bleeding from the ear. With minor damage, the organ heals on its own, while serious injury requires surgical intervention.

Structure and functions of the ear

The anatomy of the ear has three main parts:

  1. 1. External.
  2. 2. Average.
  3. 3. Internal.

The outer ear includes the pinna and the outer ear canal. The auricle picks up the sound wave and transmits it to the ear canal. Having passed through it, it presses on the eardrum, which begins to vibrate. Just behind the eardrum is the middle ear cavity, which contains the auditory ossicles - the hammer, stapes and incus. They enhance the sound wave by 20 times and transmit it to the inner ear, which converts sound vibrations into nerve impulses that enter the brain.

The eardrum is an organ in the form of a thin membrane gray, which is located on the border of the outer and middle ear. Main functions of the membrane:

  1. 1. Auditory - directly related to sound transmission.
  2. 2. Protective - does not allow pathogenic microorganisms, liquids and foreign microparticles to penetrate into the middle ear.

In an adult, the organ oval shape, and for a child it is round. The diameter of the membrane is from 9.5 to 10 mm (long) and from 8.5 to 9 mm (short), and the thickness is no more than 0.1 mm.

Healthy eardrum in an adult

The membrane has two parts - tense (tense) and loose (relaxed). It also consists of three layers:

  1. 1. External, consisting of the epidermis.
  2. 2. Medium - fibrous.
  3. 3. Internal - mucous.

The fibrous layer has a low degree of elasticity, which often leads to its rupture.

Causes and symptoms

There are several groups of factors leading to perforation of the eardrum:

Group Causes
Mechanical - occur due to direct impact on the membrane
  • Ear injuries;
  • penetration of a foreign body into the ear canal;
  • careless removal of wax plug;
  • using objects not intended for cleaning ears that can damage the membrane (matches, paper clips);
  • skull injuries;
  • bullet or shrapnel wounds
Physical - characterized by a sharp drop in pressure, leading to retraction, hemorrhage and rupture of the organ
  • A fall on the ear or a blow to it;
  • sneezing with your nose closed;
  • close proximity to the explosive source;
  • sudden change in pressure when flying on an airplane;
  • work at depth;
  • jump from height into water
Thermal - exposure to high temperaturesBurn
Chemical - influence of chemicalsChemical or toxic substances (acid, alkali) getting into the ear
Diseases. In this case, due to the influence of pathogenic microorganisms, a perforation of the eardrum occurs, followed by independent healing.Spicy and chronic otitis media

Mechanical injury to the eardrum with a cotton swab

Certain signs indicate that the membrane has burst:

  • sharp sharp pain during injury;
  • tinnitus (ringing, whistling, popping);
  • ear congestion on the injured side;
  • discharge of blood or pus from the ear;
  • partial or absolute hearing loss;
  • temperature increase;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • dizziness;
  • decreased appetite;
  • sensation of air escaping from the ear (with a complete rupture of the membrane);
  • sleep disturbance;
  • loss of consciousness.

Bleeding during perforation

The intensity of symptoms depends on the severity of the injury. When the outer and middle layers of the eardrum are traumatized, hearing loss or reduction is not noticed. In half of the cases, the wound heals on its own. Severe damage is accompanied by complete rupture of the organ and severe clinical manifestations.

First aid and diagnostics

Rendering emergency care for eardrum injury includes:

  1. 1. Pain relief for severe pain (0.05 g diclofenac or 0.5 g paracetamol).
  2. 2. Insertion of a sterile ball or turunda into the external auditory canal.
  3. 3. Ear bandaging.
  4. 4. Transporting the patient to a medical facility.

If the membrane is ruptured, it is prohibited:

  • rinse the ear yourself, clean it of blood clots, apply cold and dry it;
  • remove the foreign body.

Rupture of membrane

An otolaryngologist (ENT) deals with ear diseases. Diagnostic procedures are carried out in several stages:

  1. 1. Collection of anamnesis of the patient’s life and illness. It is carried out to identify the causes of pathology.
  2. 2. Visual inspection and palpation. Necessary to determine the symptoms and degree of damage to the eardrum.
  3. 3. Laboratory diagnostics:
    1. General blood analysis. Allows you to establish an increase in leukocytes in the blood and ESR - indicators of the inflammatory process.
    2. 4. Bacteriological examination of discharge from the external auditory canal. It is carried out to identify the pathogen and determine its sensitivity to antibiotics.
  4. Instrumental diagnostics include:
    1. 1. Otoscopy - examination of the eardrum using instruments special purpose(ear specula, otoscope or frontal reflector). In this case, a retracted membrane indicates the presence of an inflammatory process.
    2. 2. Computed tomography. Allows you to visualize the condition of all parts of the ear.
    3. 3. Audiometry - determination of hearing acuity using a special device (audiometer).

Examination using an otoscope

Treatment and consequences

Treatment for membrane rupture is carried out in the otolaryngology department. It includes conservative and surgical treatment.

Conservative treatment involves the use of several groups of drugs:

Indications for surgery are:

  • hearing impairment;
  • violation of the integrity of the membrane;
  • decreased lability (mobility) of the auditory ossicles.

To do this, they resort to three types of operations:

Name Operating principle
MyringoplastyRestoration of the eardrum. The operation is performed under general anesthesia. During the operation, a piece of skin is taken from above the auricle and pressed against the membrane on both sides using absorbable materials. The postoperative period involves the patient refusing to blow his nose and sharply inhale air through the nose. This is necessary to prevent displacement of the skin flap
TympanoplastyRestoring the position of the auditory ossicles. This is a complex operation, the effectiveness of which is no more than 70%
OssiculoplastyPartial or complete prosthetics of the auditory ossicles. The indication is hearing loss after a ruptured eardrum. The patient is operated under local anesthesia. IN postoperative period, especially in the first days, strict bed rest is recommended


The consequences of a ruptured eardrum include:

  • discomfort in the healthy ear;
  • neuritis - a change in the structure of the nerve;
  • acute or chronic otitis - inflammation of various parts of the ear through infection;
  • labyrinthitis - inflammation of the inner ear;
  • meningitis and encephalitis - inflammatory processes in the brain that develop when pathogenic bacteria penetrate;
  • temporary amnesia - memory loss;
  • the appearance of cerebrospinal fluid in the external auditory canal (with traumatic brain injury);
  • structural changes in the auricle;
  • absolute deafness (with complete rupture of the membrane).

An injured membrane is capable of self-healing without a trace. According to statistics, it occurs in 55% of patients. This applies to minor damage (especially crevice-like ones). Severe perforation leaves behind a scar, which is often the cause of hearing loss.

Prevention and prognosis

Basic prevention of eardrum injury includes:

  • timely treatment of inflammatory processes in the ears, nose and throat;
  • appeal for medical assistance with hearing loss;
  • gently cleansing the ears - not only for yourself, but also for your child.

Preventing membrane rupture during an airplane flight:

  • sucking lollipops;
  • placing anti-noise inserts or cotton wool in the external auditory canal;
  • ear massage;
  • opening the mouth during takeoff and landing.

The prognosis of the disease depends on the severity of membrane damage. Minor injuries heal on their own in half of all patients. An unfavorable prognosis develops in the case of complications and trauma to the auditory ossicles. This can lead to absolute deafness, which can only be corrected surgery or hearing aid installation.

The eardrum is the thin skin that separates the middle ear and the ear canal. The job of the frangible barrier is to transmit sounds (vibrations) to the hammer. The vibrations travel to the auditory bone and reach the inner ear. A ruptured eardrum can not only cause deafness, but also infectious diseases(otitis media, etc.). Timely treatment helps to safely solve emerging health problems.

Description of the disease

When the eardrum ruptures, it means the thin skin that connects the middle ear and the ear canal has ruptured. In the International Classification, such damage is coded S09.2. Violation of the integrity of the membrane is indicated by obvious wounds or holes present on it.

As a result, a person experiences unpleasant aching or sharp pain in the ear. There is a noticeable unpleasant tingling sensation inside him. If the integrity of the eardrum is damaged, its function is disrupted. Normal sound vibrations, which are distorted by air vibration, stop.

As a result, noise appears in the ears, and sometimes hearing is partially lost. Symptoms depend on the cause of the septal rupture. Based on this, specific treatment is prescribed.

Causes of membrane rupture

Causes ear pain As a result, violations of the thin skin septum can be very different. For example, traumatic rupture of the eardrum after a fall, blows, etc. The main causes of violation of the skin septum include:

Those at greatest risk are those who clean their ears with matches, cotton swabs, knitting needles and pins. Since the eardrum is very thin, even the most minimal physical impact to cause a septal rupture.

Symptoms of a ruptured membrane

Sharp pain and darkening in the eyes appear immediately as soon as the eardrum bursts. Symptoms subside over time and others appear, indicating damage to the septum in the ear:

Additional symptoms of a ruptured eardrum are weakness, general malaise and some confusion. During the examination, patients draw the doctor’s attention to aching pain in the ear. This indicates that the inflammatory process has begun due to infection through a hole in the membrane.

How can you tell if your eardrum has burst? First of all, immediately after the injury, there will be a sharp pain in the ear. It is always very unexpected and a person can even lose consciousness. Through a short time the first sensations weaken. The person begins to feel a strong pulsation in the ear.

Sometimes blood or fluid begins to leak from the ears. But discharge may not appear immediately, but after some time. Some people feel air escaping from the damaged ear. This occurs because the inner structure of the ear is no longer protected. Symptoms of a ruptured eardrum are the same in both adults and children. In some cases, nausea and increased body temperature appear.

First aid for eardrum injuries

As soon as signs of a ruptured membrane appear in an adult or child, there is a risk of infection entering the ear. When providing first aid, you should not try to wash the affected organ yourself or remove blood clots or foreign bodies from it. Do not heat, dry the ear or apply cold to it.

What to do if the eardrum bursts, how to properly provide first aid? A dry sterile turunda or cotton ball is inserted into the ear, into the external auditory canal. Then the dressing is done and the patient is taken to the clinic or hospital. If a person is tortured severe pain, one tablet of paracetamol or diclofenac is given. When transporting a patient, any shaking should be avoided. He should not throw back or tilt his head.

Eardrum injuries in children

The appearance of a ruptured eardrum in a child is often a consequence of otitis media. This is an inflammatory process affecting the mucous membranes. Distinctive feature diseases – purulent discharge. Most often, children under 3 years of age suffer from otitis media.

The disease develops in stages. First, the eardrum turns red. Then pus begins to accumulate in the ear, which breaks through the thin septum and the fluid pours out. Initially, blood is present in the discharge. During otitis media, hearing decreases and pain appears in the affected ear.

Often the result of a breakthrough is noise and ringing after the membrane ruptures. There is a feeling of dizziness, nausea and vomiting. Hearing loss can be not only partial, but also complete. This is curable if the patient sees a doctor in a timely manner.

As soon as there are suspicions that the child has a hole in the eardrum (there is a photo of damage to the septum in this article), it is necessary to stop bathing so as not to wet the wound and not allow infection to enter it.

The ear is plugged with a cotton swab until examined by an ENT specialist. You cannot self-medicate: use drops or folk remedies. This can not only increase pain, but also cause additional complications. Treatment should only be prescribed by a doctor.

What happens if your eardrum bursts? The level of hearing loss directly depends on the size of the wound. If the hole is small, then the sound perception will be slightly reduced. In case of severe damage to the eardrum due to otitis, for example, trauma, fractures, etc. may come complete deafness. Infectious chronic infections against the background of the disease can provoke long-term deterioration of hearing or its complete disappearance.

Treatment of otitis media

How long does it take for an eardrum to heal after a rupture? If the hole is small, most often the doctor limits himself to observations, since the wound in most cases heals on its own. If the process is delayed, pain-relieving ear drops are prescribed.

To prevent infection from entering inner part ear, the hole in the eardrum is covered with tissue paper. If this method does not bring a positive result, surgery is prescribed. Once the hole is closed, hearing returns in most cases.

At purulent otitis To prevent damage to the eardrum, paracentesis is prescribed. Using an insulin needle or syringe, the accumulated contents are sucked out. A hydrocortisone suspension is then administered if the membrane ruptures.

After this, daily procedures are carried out to remove purulent fluid. Drainage is provided and medications. Ear rinsing is carried out with a solution of furatsilin or hydrogen peroxide. Then the ear canal is plugged with turunda soaked in boric alcohol, antibiotic solutions and iodinol.

Treatment of the membrane when a foreign body enters the ear

If the eardrum has burst due to a foreign body entering the ear, treatment cannot be carried out independently. There is no need to try to pull the item out. These attempts can cause even greater injury, push the foreign body even deeper, or cause an infection in the ear.

The removal of a foreign object is carried out by the ENT specialist. During the procedure, a special hook is used. The instrument is inserted into the damaged ear and pushed between foreign body and the septum of the auditory canal. Once the hook is behind the object, it is hooked and removed.

IN in case of emergency If the eardrum bursts and bleeding begins, first it stops, then tampons are inserted into the ear and a bandage is applied. If mucopurulent discharge flows out, then it is drained. To liquefy the dense consistency, hydrogen peroxide is poured into the ear. Then the pus is removed with a special probe, at the end of which there is a cotton wool.

After removing the secretions, they pour into the ear antibacterial drops. If the membrane is ruptured, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory drugs are also used for treatment. They help tissue repair and help quickly cleanse wounds from infections.

If there is a minor rupture of the eardrum, no special treatment is required. The hole closes on its own, forming an inconspicuous scar. But if the septum does not heal for months, surgery will be required.


When a large rupture of the eardrum from a blow is diagnosed, treatment is performed surgically. The operation is also indicated in cases of progressive inflammatory processes, low mobility of the auditory ossicles or hearing impairment.

To restore the membrane, myringoplasty is first performed. A small piece of the temporalis muscle is cut above the ear. This is the future “patch” of the hole in the eardrum. Treatment is then carried out using a special microscope. Miniature instruments are inserted into the external auditory canal.

The eardrum is raised and the hole is closed with a prepared flap. It is stitched to the torn edges of the hole with self-absorbing threads. At the end of the operation, a tampon is inserted into the ear, which is treated antibacterial drugs. A bandage is applied and the patient is discharged home. The bandages are removed after a week.

Getting a ruptured eardrum from a blow can be treated successfully if others are not affected important organs, responsible for hearing. The applied sutures dissolve within 2-3 weeks. At first, ears may appear painful sensations and discomfort. Over time this goes away. After surgery, you should not exhale sharply through your nose or sneeze with your mouth closed.


If, after the rupture of the eardrum has been stitched, the consequences of surgical intervention do not bring a positive result in restoring hearing, ossiculoplasty is prescribed. During the operation, the functioning of the sound conducting system is restored.

The auditory ossicles are replaced with prostheses. The operation is performed under local anesthesia. In the first days after surgery, bed rest is observed.

Hearing test

If a hole in the eardrum has been sewn up, there are no negative consequences in most cases. But after the operation, a hearing diagnosis is necessary, during which the degree of its severity is determined. The examination is carried out by an audiologist using an audiometer.

If the integrity or mobility of the auditory ossicles is severely affected by a ruptured eardrum, how should this be treated? OK for recovery sound perception tympanoplasty is performed. This operation helps restore hearing after injury to the eardrum, which has affected other organs of the system.


When a child’s eardrum bursts, it is prescribed complex therapy. If the damage to the septum is minor, the doctor only observes the patient. Additionally, physical therapy may be prescribed. It consists of recommendations for mandatory rest and tranquility. It helps faster recovery membranes.

During treatment you should not engage in active activities. physical exercise. A special physiotherapy, UHF, Sollux and blue light. When your eardrums burst , During treatment, taking excessively hot or cold baths is prohibited. You should avoid places with loud music and refrain from listening to it through headphones.

Treatment with folk remedies

When a hole is discovered in the eardrum, treatment should proceed under the strict supervision of a doctor. At the same time, he can additionally prescribe traditional medicine as auxiliary components that have restorative and anti-inflammatory effects.

In order for the hole in the eardrum to close as quickly as possible, a large amount of vitamin C is prescribed. There are a lot of them in sweet grapes, hawthorn tea and rosehip decoction. Plantain juice, infusions of nightshade and pine needles help well in treatment. A tampon is moistened in them and placed in the damaged ear.

In order not to have to deal with the treatment of ruptured eardrums, it is necessary to avoid anything that can cause damage (loud music, etc.). Among the first consequences of injuries are nausea, vomiting and hearing loss. The most severe complications are meningitis and encephalitis. In this case, the patient may suffer lifelong disability or death.

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