Snack options for weight loss. How to eat at work: prepare dietary snacks. Basic rules for healthy snacking

A snack is that part of food eaten by a person that comes at the moment of desire to eat between main meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner). In order to somehow kill the feeling of hunger, we start having a dry snack with the “wrong” foods, without thinking about the health consequences and, as a result, no weight loss. But don’t despair, because there is an option - healthy snack for proper nutrition .

How to use it correctly healthy foods, what tasty and healthy snacks can be, and how to lose weight properly? The answers to all these questions can be found in this article. When a person is on a diet (losing weight, after illness, after surgery), he should be provided with only healthy food products only in parts. There can be from 4 to 7 of these parts within 24 hours. During such a meal, the body does not experience a feeling constant hunger, the stomach is full, and fats do not have time to be deposited. The main thing here is to know what healthy foods you should eat and at what time of day, that is, make this very snack correctly and useful for weight loss and health. In the case when a person who wants to lose weight, in addition to the main meals, also has a healthy and healthy snack, then there is a chance to become slimmer and healthier without consequences. Frequent meals of healthy and proper food throughout the day improves blood flow, glucose and cholesterol levels return to normal, and metabolism stabilizes.

Most people start thinking about snacking when their stomach cries out for food. But it also happens that you get overwhelmed at work, and you simply forget about food. For such proper snacks for losing weight at work, you need to have your own specific schedule, hang it on your desktop, or save all the data in your gadget. This and right choice, And great way for weight loss. Second breakfast and afternoon snack can be considered some of the healthy snacks.

We present to you a scheme that is used by more than 65% of those who lose weight with the help of proper snacks:

  • 6:20 – 8:50 – first breakfast;
  • 10:50 – secondary breakfast (snack);
  • 12:30 – 13:40 – lunch;
  • 15:00 – 17:10 – afternoon tea (snack);
  • 18:40 – 19:10 – dinner;
  • 21:30 – second dinner (no later than 2-3 hours before bedtime).

If you adhere to such proper nutrition, you will notice that the foods eaten will differ significantly in volume from the normal three meals a day (2-3 times less). When such correct mode snacking will get into the right groove, your health will be better, your weight will be less, your mood will be better, your intestines will work like clockwork, and losing weight will only be beneficial. The main thing with such nutrition is to strictly adhere to the schedule and not be lazy!

The main and basic rules are the inclusion of healthy foods with animal proteins in food, sweets in the form of fruits, honey, sugar, chocolate can be included in healthy diet only in the morning in small dosages, after 12:00 - strictly prohibited!

Secondary breakfast

Many scientists have long proven that the denser the breakfast, the better health and the process of losing weight in humans. After all, fresh foods consumed in the morning tend to be absorbed much faster than lunch and evening meals. Therefore, many recommend, both for maintaining health and for losing weight, a hearty and high-calorie breakfast made only from natural products.

After such a snack, in 80% of cases, the desire to eat disappears for 4-5 hours. And this is already a big plus for the stomach and intestinal function, which will contribute to weight loss. When the time for the secondary breakfast approaches, a food list is drawn up, which will depend directly on the amount eaten in the main breakfast.

Please note: If the breakfast was hearty, then the secondary breakfast may consist only of a couple of fruits and light yogurt. If the breakfast was light, then you can eat cottage cheese with 2-3% fat content, omelet, boiled eggs, porridges of natural origin.

When the question becomes about what you can snack on for a secondary breakfast with proper nutrition, then faithful assistants The following recipes can be made from natural and delicious products for weight loss:

  • Apples baked in the oven. You can put some of these fruits inside low-fat cottage cheese, and pour honey (5-10 ml) on top. This is also a great way to lose weight!
  • Light yogurt, without sugar (preferably homemade) + pear, kiwi or berries in the amount of 120-170 grams. These products are replenished with vitamins and minerals.
  • Cashew nuts, dried apricots, 100 grams.
  • Green tea lovers can brew a cup (200-240 ml) and eat about 30 grams of dark chocolate. Both tasty and healthy!
  • Cottage cheese pudding, topped with 10-15 ml of honey.

Snacks with proper nutrition (pp)

There are several variations of pp:

  • Tomato and feta cheese salad (40-60 grams);
  • Salad of cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, onions, olive oil (products should only be fresh and washed);
  • Low-calorie kefir (100 grams), bread of natural origin;
  • Chopped dietary vodka, greens and kefir. Stir and consume (about 280 grams);
  • Tomato and bean salad dressed with homemade sunflower oil.

When it comes to the second dinner, which should be no later than 2-3 hours before bedtime.

You can use the following food options for snacking and losing weight:

  • Kefir or low-fat fermented baked milk in the size of a glass;
  • Yogurt homemade sugarless;
  • A boiled egg with a small piece of rye bread (these products have the lowest calories);
  • In the evening, you can also have dinner with an omelet of 1-2 eggs, without milk, sugar, fat (products should only be fresh and natural).

Quick snacks

Not every person can take the time to prepare a healthy lunch or dinner. You have to eat on the run. You need to have a quick snack, investing in a minimum amount of time.

It is important to know! Fast food snacks are strictly prohibited! This is harmful to both health and figure!

You can have a snack with the following products: a small piece of rye bread, topped with some greens and boiled chicken or veal meat. All this can be diluted with a glass of 1% kefir, or homemade low-fat yogurt. Such a healthy snack is a 100% success!

If we are talking about work, then there are examples of snacking on the following foods that promote weight loss:

  • Bananas, kiwi, peaches, pears, apples - healthy, tasty, convenient!
  • Kefir, fermented baked milk, light cottage cheese, drinking yogurt.
  • Dried apricots, raisins, prunes, dried bananas, dates, nuts - a little bit of all products.
  • Bars with the addition of grains, cereals, dried fruits. Their quantity should be limited (1 per day), since in addition to the beneficial properties, there are also preservatives.
  • Green tea lovers can brew a cup (200-240 ml) and eat about 30 grams of dark chocolate. Tasty, healthy and for weight loss great idea!

Snack rules

For snacks with proper nutrition, you should adhere to certain useful rules that will help everyone to be in in great shape, lose weight correctly, while remaining healthy, cheerful, and always in the mood:

  • Under no circumstances should you eat quickly, choke or rush! This will lead to indigestion, abdominal pain, gastritis, ulcers and other gastrointestinal problems;
  • You should not eat food while moving at home, on the street, at work, or while walking. This way, food is digested faster, and after 30-40 minutes the body will want to eat again, which will also lead to problems with both health and figure;
  • Hygiene rules are very important! Before each use of food, you should wash your hands with soap and dry well. If it is not possible to wash your hands, then you should always have wet wipes on hand;
  • When a person works at the computer for a long time, then during a snack you should leave work for a while, start eating, then continue working after 10-15 minutes;
  • In order for food to be absorbed better and the desire to eat less, you should drink 200 ml of water 10-15 minutes before a snack.

To summarize, we can see that healthy eating and snacking is the right solution for those who want to lose weight and monitor their health.

You should not forget about this, especially when overweight in the body (after all, losing weight is one of the main parts of diets and snacks). Sports activities, fitness, along with healthy snacks are the key to success over excess weight!

A healthy snack at work

Effective weight loss promotes proper nutrition. People on a diet and anyone who wants to eat healthy are advised to adhere to a certain regime, when they need to eat often and in small portions. Between main meals, it is necessary to have snacks that prevent the feeling of hunger.

Snacking signals to the body that nutrients will enter the body constantly, and there is no need to store it in the form of fat. Also, after a small snack, a person will not be able to eat much for lunch or dinner and will get rid of the habit of eating at night.

Snacks for weight loss will only help if you organize them correctly.

Some tips for healthy snacking:

  • A snack is not a full meal. You are allowed to snack on any healthy foods in small quantities.
  • It is recommended to have two snacks during the day - a second breakfast at 12-00 and an afternoon snack at 17-00. Light snacks are also allowed after dinner, but in this case you need to know that not all foods can be eaten in the evening. It’s better not to get carried away with evening snacks.
  • When snacking at work, it is not recommended to do so at your desk. You can get distracted and eat more than you should.
  • If soon after hearty lunch you feel hungry again, you don’t need to pay attention to this feeling. This is false hunger and most likely the body requires water. In this case, you need to drink a glass clean water or a cup of tea with lemon, and wait a little longer for the afternoon snack.
  • If during breakfast you only drank a cup of coffee or tea, then you can make the snack more nutritious. For example, two cheesecakes, hard-boiled eggs or a piece cottage cheese casserole.
  • Snack after hearty breakfast It is recommended to arrange after 3 hours.
  • If the afternoon snack is hearty, with salad, a hot dish and dessert, then for dinner you are allowed to drink only a glass of kefir or fermented baked milk.
  • It is not recommended to eat fatty foods or sweets after lunch. This negatively affects the process of digesting food, which provokes an earlier feeling of hunger.
  • To get enough of a glass of kefir, you need to eat it slowly, one teaspoon at a time.
  • It is not recommended to drink fruit juices and smoothies during a snack, as they increase blood glucose levels, which exacerbates hunger.
  • Before snacking on dried fruits, you need to pour boiling water over them for a while. You are allowed to eat no more than five pieces at a time.
  • Fermented milk products are ideal for an afternoon snack, since calcium is best absorbed in the evening.
  • If you have to snack on the run, then unsweetened drinking yogurt with bran is suitable.
  • You need to have snacks and full meals at the same time. Therefore, it is recommended to set a reminder on your phone so as not to miss the time.
  • It is recommended to have a snack at the end of the working day so that you don’t feel too hungry when you arrive home.
  • You need to plan your snack in advance so that you don’t rush to grab everything and not harm your figure.

What foods are prohibited when losing weight?

To lose weight, snacks should be as healthy as possible. Unhealthy food provokes sharp increase blood sugar and promotes fat deposition in the body. The feeling of fullness after such snacks disappears very quickly and is replaced by a brutal appetite.

Proper snacks should not contain the following foods:

  • salted nuts, crackers, crackers, chips, snacks;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • fast food, semi-finished products;
  • sweet or butter pastries, waffles, cookies;
  • candies and chocolate bars;
  • fast food;
  • sausage, smoked meats.

It is also not advisable to eat sweet fruits, such as grapes or bananas. There is too much sugar in them, which contributes to the increase extra pounds. Bananas are more suitable for athletes and pregnant women.

Products useful for weight loss

Healthy snacks should include the following:

  • apples, oranges, tangerines, kiwis, berries;
  • nuts, dried fruits (no more than a handful at a time);

10 almonds or 20 pistachios contain only 80 calories, and 5 tablespoons of dried cherries contain about 125

  • natural homemade yogurt, a glass of kefir, fermented baked milk or milk;
  • squash, beet caviar and diet bread;
  • vegetable salad;
  • Rye bread with a piece of low-fat hard or curd cheese;
  • milkshake with homemade fruits;
  • suluguni cheeses, mozzarella, tofu;
  • low-fat homemade cottage cheese pure form or with chopped herbs and vegetables;
  • boiled corn;
  • baked apples;
  • sandwich with tuna and lettuce;
  • eggs boiled for 5 minutes (no more than 1-2 pieces per day are allowed);
  • sandwich made from bran bread, thin slice boiled beef, lettuce and herbs;
  • home cooked diet cookies;
  • tea, cocoa;
  • natural jelly from berries or fruits;
  • 50 g of protein food (for example, boiled chicken fillet or baked red fish).

The ideal option for weight loss are foods with fiber:

  • legumes;
  • oat bran;
  • fruits and citruses (except grapes and bananas);
  • broccoli, asparagus, carrots, celery.

Three fresh carrots will relieve the feeling of hunger for a long time, despite the fact that their total calorie content is approximately 60 calories

Light snack recipes

Meals prepared at home are much healthier than those from the store, as you can be completely confident in the freshness of the products and their quality.

Apple chips. This snack will bring both benefit and pleasure, and it is very easy to prepare. It is necessary to cut the apples into very thin slices and place them on a parchment-lined baking sheet. Dry at low temperature in the oven for at least 4 hours with the door ajar. These chips are completely safe and contain no fat or calories. And the pectin in the composition will help normalize water-fat metabolism.

Jelly from berries and fruits.


  • agar-agar or gelatin - tbsp. l.;
  • cold boiled water- cup;
  • compote or juice - 2 glasses;
  • a handful of any berries or fruits.

Pour gelatin with water and leave for an hour (for the instant type, 15 minutes will be enough). Bring the swollen gelatin to a boil. steam bath and immediately remove from the stove. Pour in compote or juice, add berries or pieces of fruit. Mix, pour into molds and refrigerate.

Diet muesli bars.


  • whole grain oat flakes - 400 g;
  • bananas - 2 pcs.;
  • coconut flakes - 150 g;
  • dates - 300 g;
  • nuts or sunflower seeds;
  • herbs and spices to taste.

Pre-soak the dates in water for 2 hours. Then use a blender to grind together with bananas until smooth. Add coconut flakes cereals, nuts or seeds and mix. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius. Place the mixture on a baking sheet in a 1.5 cm thick layer and bake for 10 minutes until golden brown. While the cake is still hot, cut into small pieces, cool and place in the refrigerator for 20 minutes. The bars can be topped with melted dark chocolate. Wrap the pieces in foil or cling film.

Snacks at work and at home must be arranged between main meals. They help normalize metabolism and prevent the feeling of hunger. If you eat healthy foods during snacks and do not exceed the serving size, then you don’t have to worry about excess weight.

Nutritionist advice. Full mode nutrition with the right snacks is useful for almost any person - diabetics, hypertensives, and people watching their figure. This is the prevention of gastrointestinal diseases, changes in blood glucose levels, eating disorders when a person does not control his appetite. Even our mood is connected to how we eat.

For those who like to snack on cottage cheese, the recipes with this healthy fermented milk product in the video below will be interesting.


Learning how to quickly satisfy your hunger is no easy task, but putting a little effort into preparing a healthy snack on a weeknight will help you stay fit and energized. You need to forget about harmful chips, mega-calorie chocolate bars, in general, any type of fast food that noticeably affects your figure.

Motivate yourself, don't be lazy and expand your culinary horizons with interesting dishes For healthy snacks at work. Initially, buy yourself or your child a beautiful lunch box - this will be the first step towards healthy eating.

What to snack on at work to avoid gaining weight? What to cook for a snack to study so that it is satisfying and healthy? We offer 15 options for snacking at work or school:

Dairy products (yogurt or kefir)

One serving of fermented baked milk contains a large number of fiber that promotes good digestion food. The milky liquid fills the stomach and saturates it with easily digestible simple proteins. Low calorie content is also a significant advantage of these products - 30 kcal per glass. You are given the opportunity to choose; adding various seasonal fruits will prevent you from quickly getting bored with such a snack. Remember, the shelf life of homemade yogurt is no more than three days, and adding berries is possible only immediately before use.

Dairy products such as fermented baked milk or kefir help improve metabolic processes in the body, remove accumulated waste and toxins from the liver and kidneys, strengthen blood vessels, as a result of which the functioning of the cardiac system improves.

The positive properties of dairy products are achieved due to the vitamins A, B and C included in the composition, as well as microelements participating in the biochemical processes of the body.

Crispy chickpea balls baked in the oven

Few people know the beneficial properties of chickpeas, but we are all familiar with hummus paste made from this particular type of legume.

TO characteristic features chickpeas include:

  • helps get rid of obesity;
  • helps strengthen general immunity;
  • affects the reduction of bad cholesterol;
  • is a preventive measure against the occurrence of cataracts;
  • increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood;
  • low calorie content(100 g contains 129 kcal);
  • The absorption of chickpea proteins is achieved many times faster than when consuming other types of legumes.


  • boiled chickpeas 0.5 kg;
  • olive oil 2 tbsp;
  • greenery;
  • spices;
  • salt to taste.

The oven must be preheated to 200 °C. After the chickpeas are boiled, dry them by spreading them on a paper towel. Drizzle the peas olive oil and add spices and salt. Place it on a baking sheet in one layer and place in the oven for 20 minutes until golden brown. It is necessary to stir every 7-10 minutes. When ready, sprinkle with finely chopped herbs and stir again.

Energy bar

Search what to have lunch at work from the store? Then opt for a bar with muesli, nuts and various berries or fruits. This complete snack is more suitable for adults, but for children you can prepare a delicious energy bar yourself.


  • oat flakes 100 g;
  • butter 3 tbsp;
  • honey 1 tbsp;
  • sugar 2 tbsp;
  • dried berries, dried fruits (for example, blueberries, cranberries, dried apricots);
  • nuts.

In a hot frying pan, mix butter, honey and sugar. You can remove from heat after the butter has melted. We also add flakes, chopped nuts and berries into fine crumbs. Place carefully in a mold and place in an oven preheated to 180°C for 20-30 minutes. Then cut into convenient portions.

Cottage cheese

Healthy snack at work You can also make it from cottage cheese. During your lunch break you can easily purchase it at your nearest supermarket.

Cottage cheese is healthy protein food, containing easily digestible and highly nutritious casein. High value Such animal protein serves as a complete alternative to other foods. 250 g of fresh cottage cheese contains the dose of protein necessary for a healthy body. Don’t forget about the composition of cottage cheese, which is rich in calcium and phosphorus, which help form and strengthen connective tissue. bone tissue. Therefore, feel free to prepare cottage cheese dishes for yourself and your child.

For adults, it is better to use low-fat cottage cheese. It can be mixed with herbs and sour cream and wrapped in pita rolls. But for children it is better to choose an option with a fat content of no more than 9% and mix it with dried fruits. Let me remind you that without refrigeration, this product is good for three hours.


The simplest option is what to snack on at work- fruits. For those who are losing weight, it is better to choose unsweetened varieties of green apples; oranges and kiwis are also suitable.

Women on a diet should not include bananas in their diet, because... their glycemic index equal to 60, which is higher than the norm for weight loss.

Fruit doesn't have to be fresh - try baking an apple in microwave oven or in the oven, cut out the core and stuff it with nuts, raisins or any dried fruits mixed with 1.l. honey Believe me, such variety will give you not only satiety, but also a dose of joyful mood.

Berry, fruit or vegetable smoothie

Appeared strong feeling hunger can be tamed with the help of a berry, fruit or vegetable smoothie (cocktail). Any dairy product, vegetable or fruit juice, green tea without sugar is used as a base. Additional Ingredients: 2-3 types of berries, fruits (frozen can be used) or vegetables. To enrich with vitamins, flax, sesame or pumpkin seeds are also added. But for a fat-burning effect, add grated ginger to smoothies.

baked potato

In this option you can practice with culinary recipes. I would like to move away from the usual concept of fried potatoes towards a more useful way preparations. As you know, potato tubers have high energy value. This is a protein food containing amino acids and vitamin C. Therefore, by satisfying your hunger with potatoes, you increase your immunity.

First option:

Prepare the seasoning mixture and olive oil. Wash the tubers thoroughly and cut them into manageable slices, each of which should be dipped in a mixture of seasonings and olive oil. Place on a baking sheet and place in the oven preheated to 200°C for 30 minutes.

Second option:

Boil the potatoes in their jackets. Make a cross-shaped cut on top and place the cheese mixture there (hard or curd cheese with tomato or garlic) and microwave for a few minutes until the cheese is completely melted.

Dried fruits

Dried fruits contain an incredible amount of vitamins, minerals and healthy carbohydrates. They can be consumed either on their own or added to cottage cheese or fermented milk products.


Nuts are a complete storehouse of proteins, vitamins B, E, as well as various minerals (potassium, calcium, iron, etc.). For example, almonds are one of the nuts that lift your spirits and give you a boost of energy. This product is especially relevant towards the end of the week, when your strength is almost exhausted.

But don't indulge yourself too much healthy snack at work, because nuts are quite high in calories. Daily norm is no more than 20-30 g.

Sandwiches with hummus spread

Hummus is chickpea paste. About him beneficial properties Everyone should know, because it is a valuable protein, one of the easily digestible components. Its low calorie content does not contribute to weight gain; rather, on the contrary, it serves as a good fat burner.


  • boiled chickpeas 500 g;
  • olive oil 3 tbsp;
  • fresh lemon 1.5 tbsp;
  • 1 clove garlic (optional);
  • fresh bell pepper 1 PC.;
  • salt and pepper to taste.

Mix all ingredients (except bell pepper). Using an immersion blender, grind them to a thick paste. If the mixture is too thick, you can dilute it with the water in which the chickpeas were cooked. Immediately before use, add finely chopped Bell pepper.

Prepared hummus can be spread on whole grain bread or pita bread.

It is important to know! Homemade hummus spread has a shelf life of 7 days if stored in the refrigerator.


TO healthy snacks at work This includes muesli. They can be prepared with your chosen milk base. Before purchasing, you should carefully study the composition of the package - it may contain various additives, denatured alcohols and flavor enhancers. Maximum naturalness is the key to a quality product. It is also possible to purchase flakes separately and prepare them with the addition of your favorite dried fruits.


A sandwich is a good snack, but it must have the right ingredients. No sausages or white bread should be included in the diet of both adults and children. The most useful basics- This is whole grain bread, without yeast, with bran. Also invaluable benefits carry fiber-enriched corn tortillas. You can put hummus spread on them or eat them on their own.

Having dealt with the base, we move on to the filling. These can be the following ingredients: boiled chicken, vegetables, steamed fish, cheese.

With this kind of sandwiches, you will be guaranteed a long-term feeling of fullness.

Black chocolate

Repeated studies have provided irrefutable evidence that dark chocolate helps control daily calorie intake. It contains powerful antioxidants, phosphorus and calcium. And all in a bar of 100-gram chocolate. Only dark ones with a cocoa bean content of at least 75% are suitable. It is recommended to eat no more than 30 g of dark chocolate as a snack.


Salad from fresh vegetables will serve well snack at work or study. Just cut seasonal vegetables and put them in a small container, add spicy herbs and plenty of lettuce leaves. Sprinkle lemon juice and the filling is ready.

Boiled eggs

Eggs can be boiled either at work (in an electric kettle) or in advance at home. It's better to opt for quail eggs, containing large amounts of vitamins A and B. These vitamins contain female beauty: health of hair, nails, skin and vision. The daily norm is 5-6 quail eggs.

Many factors depend on the right snack at work or school - this includes your figure, performance and, of course, your mood. Eat right and make the most of nature's gifts!

A healthy lifestyle has entered the life of the common man with a confident gait. And that is great! After all, now you can absolutely freely find information on how to eat properly, how to remove overweight and look stunning. It is no longer a secret that for people who are on a diet or simply watching their weight, it is important to eat properly and balanced. A light snacks just allow you to satisfy your hunger between main meals.

To make it easier for you to decide what to snack on while on a diet, we have made a selection of the healthiest, tastiest, and most importantly, low-calorie snacks.

Before you start choosing what to cook for a snack, you need to consider a few basic rules that will help you lose pounds faster without feeling constantly hungry:

  • 20 - 30 minutes before meals you need to drink a glass of water;

  • total There should be no less than 1.5-2 liters of water per day. If you include bran bread in your menu, the amount of water consumed per day should be more than 2 liters;

  • the time between snacks should be at least 1 hour;

  • in the summer months, try to use fermented milk products to a minimum;

  • Use nuts, candied fruits, dried fruits in very small quantities, literally 5 - 10g. per serving, since they contain quite a lot of carbohydrates and calories;

  • If you love crispbread, be sure to read their ingredients and energy value;

  • If you are on a diet, then try to ensure that one snack does not exceed 100 kcal.

Top 10 delicious and healthy snacks


It can easily be called a quick snack, and all because the smoothie is prepared in an instant. It can be fruit, berry or vegetable. First, you grind fruits or vegetables in a blender, and then add the dairy product you like best: kefir, milk, yogurt, soft cottage cheese. But this is not at all necessary - many people practice drinking smoothies in their pure form without additives.

If desired, the smoothie can be sweetened with honey. If you use apples or pears in cooking, you should grate them first.

As a rule, for 1 serving you take 100g. dairy product and one whole fruit. If you decide to combine fruits and berries, then take half as much of each ingredient. For example: half a banana, half an apple, 200g. berries and so on. On our website you can look at recipes and - the latter can be used not only as light snack, but also for breakfast.


There are no limits to your imagination here. The only prohibition is mayonnaise and similar sauces. The salad should be seasoned with vegetable or olive oil before serving. soy sauce, lemon juice. The lowest-calorie vegetables are cucumbers, tomatoes, lettuce, and bell peppers. Don't forget about greenery.

To prevent the salad from getting boring, add it to it from time to time small piece boiled meat veal or beef jerky.

If you like to nibble on something while watching TV, cabbage or lettuce is a great option. Cut them into thin strips or roll them into a roll and enjoy!

Boiled meat and fish

A piece of meat rich in protein and other microelements will only benefit your figure. In addition, you can boil it in advance, cool it, cut it into portions and put it in a container to take with you to work or put it in the refrigerator at home. Believe me, you will not have the desire to eat a bun or cake with coffee if you provide yourself with such a healthy protein snack. The same applies to boiled fish, but it is still convenient to eat at home.

"Correct" sandwiches

The last thing you think about when thinking about what to eat to avoid gaining weight is them. Meanwhile, sandwiches can be a healthy and tasty snack, both at home and at work. Instead of regular bread, you should take whole grain, bran or diet bread. Thinly slice pepper, tomato, cucumber, boiled chicken, low-fat cheese. Add a leaf of lettuce and have a snack without harming your figure.

Lavash roll with filling

Grease unleavened thin pita bread with a small amount of soft, low-fat cottage cheese. Cut baked or boiled veal, chicken or other lean meat into thin strips. Finely chop the tomato and lightly season it. To add crunch, add a piece of lettuce or cabbage cut into strips. Distribute the ingredients evenly on a sheet of pita bread, roll it into a roll and cut into portions. Divide the resulting pieces into two parts or share with a colleague.

Muesli bars

You can crunch on the road, and so that it is a low-calorie snack, with the help of muesli in briquettes (bars). They are distinguished by the fact that they do not crumble and do not need to be soaked in fermented milk product. The only thing is, be sure to pay attention to the composition and number of calories in one briquette.

Dried fruits

You should not overuse them, as dried fruits are quite high in calories. But in small quantities they are useful and can satisfy hunger. Don’t rush to quickly eat a piece of dried apricots or prunes - prolong the pleasure by chewing it for a long time.

Frozen fruits and berries

Frozen fruits or berries will also provide you with light snacks. Large fruits should be cut into small cubes, divided into portions for convenience: one portion fits into one 200 ml glass. When you feel hungry, take out the preparation and eat without defrosting! Mango and pineapple are perfect for such a tasty and quick snack.

Low-fat cottage cheese and cheese

Of course, cottage cheese! Where would we be without him? Before mixing it with other ingredients, keep in mind that 100g. low-fat cottage cheese is about 80 Kcal. Therefore, if you need healthy snacks for your diet, do not mix cottage cheese with very high-calorie foods. Instead of sugar, add half a teaspoon of honey and a handful of dates or 1-2 prunes.

In addition to cottage cheese, you can use it for a low-calorie snack low-fat varieties cheese. Cut it into small slices or cubes and eat. You can add a cup of green or herbal tea sugarless.


This fruit can be combined with anything: cottage cheese, fruit salads, smoothies. But it is best eaten as an independent dish. The simplest thing is to grate the apple along with the peel. In this form, it will be better absorbed than you just eat the whole apple. You can add a little grated carrot to it.

If you want to snack on an apple at work, the grated option will not work. Therefore, you can simply cut it into small pieces and eat them within 10 minutes, even while working at the computer. This way you will prolong the pleasure and satisfy your hunger for longer than if you quickly ate the whole apple.

Another option - baked apple. The advantage of this preparation is that you can bake it the night before and eat it at any time. next day(for example, if you need to grab something for a snack at work). In order to properly bake an apple, the core must be removed. Although many people don’t do this, it still turns out very tasty. Place a sheet of parchment paper on a baking sheet, then an apple. Place in an oven preheated to 180°C for 5-10 minutes. Honey gives baked apples a richer and more refined taste - just add just a few drops of honey to the middle of the apple before baking, and you will get something that will not only fill you up, but also give you real aesthetic pleasure.

Now you know what you can snack on while on a diet so as not to feel hungry and not harm your figure. We hope that such light snacks will not only help you achieve your goal, but also stimulate your imagination for new recipes!

This article will talk about snacking on a healthy diet.

Let's first define the understanding of the term.

What's your snack?

In the wrong understanding, it means grabbing something quickly, on the go, when you are very hungry, and there is no time or opportunity to sit down at the table to eat. With this approach, unhealthy snacks often result. You ran out to the nearest fast food during your lunch break, grabbed a coffee and a burger and ate it on the run, or bought it at a kiosk chocolate bar to quickly satisfy your hunger.

What other options? There are more conscious people who try to watch their figure and take an apple or banana with them to snack in this way. These are healthier, one might say, light dietary snacks. But, you must admit, the saturation from them is short-lived, lasting about an hour. And I want to eat again.

The third option often happens in the mode of busy people. When snacking simply doesn't exist. A person suffers from hunger (at the same time believing that I’d rather not eat anything than these harmful fast food sandwiches with mayonnaise, so I’ll lose weight faster).

And one more option. When snacking lasts all day :) This happens when a person does not work in a business office atmosphere, but in a company where there is a flexible approach to the schedule and dress code, and also if work or the main pastime takes place at home. The picture is something like this. I’m busy with something, working and working, and then: Shouldn’t I have some tea? There is also a bowl of cookies and chocolates. Such people do not feel hungry during the day, because there are several such tea parties per day.

I want to warn you right away. If you recognize yourself in one of these described options (point two with apples is okay, forgivable), then this is all wrong. And the concept of snacks is incorrectly formed in your head, of course, if we are talking about proper snacks for losing weight or keeping yourself and your health in shape.

Most people do not have a correct understanding of eating patterns.

Many people have the opinion that the daily diet consists of breakfast, lunch and dinner. And many do not pay due attention to the food that sometimes happens between these three meals. But, in my opinion, it is precisely this chaotic regime with spontaneous snacking that causes metabolic disorders and weight gain.

In this schedule we take into account: what we ate for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. But what happened between them is somehow forgotten. Sometimes, indeed, a person eats three times a day (breakfast, lunch and dinner) or twice a day (breakfast and dinner). Supposedly it’s “correct”, you don’t eat a lot, but for some reason you gain extra pounds.

If a person eats daily norm carbohydrates for 3 meals, then about 100-115 grams of glucose will enter the blood at one time (300-350 grams/3). All glucose in the liver is converted to glycogen. Normally, the liver has about 90 grams of glycogen, and the rest of the glycogen is converted into fat. Thus, with 3 meals a day, 30-45 grams of fat can be deposited. And this is a weight gain of -1-1.3 kg of fat per month. Accordingly, if a person eats once or twice a day, then according to similar calculations, the increase in fat per month will be 2-3 kg.

I like this figurative comparison. A fire is burning in the fireplace. To keep it burning all day, you need to add firewood to it at certain intervals. And if you don’t do this, then by the end of the day the fire will begin to die out. Seeing this, we throw a large armful of firewood. So what's going on? The fire finally goes out. This is roughly what happens with our digestive system. In order for the “digestive fire” to burn, we must add a little “fuel” to it at certain intervals. And if you, fasting all day, after leaving work, eat a large portion (from hunger), you will “extinguish” your digestive system. In this case, the body, in order to avoid such stress, will put what it eats in reserve (in the most problematic areas) - in the sides, thighs, butt, and stomach.

Thus, for me personally, a snack is the same necessary full meal. Which occurs between breakfast and lunch, and then between lunch and dinner, sometimes another one after dinner. This meal may be smaller in portions and calories than the main three meals. But it should not be treated with disdain. This meal needs to be planned in much the same way as we plan, for example, our dinners, when we say: what are we having for dinner today? 🙂

Personally, I call snacks like this: second breakfast and afternoon snack. Sometimes there is a second dinner too 😆...

Thus, we build an approximate power supply diagram:


11:00-snack (second breakfast)


16:00-17:00-snack (afternoon snack)

18:00-19:00 - dinner

21:00-snack (second dinner)

Of course, if you have not followed such a diet before, you may experience a reaction:

  • Eating so many times a day will make me gain weight!!!
  • This is very difficult and inconvenient, especially during a work schedule!!!

But here I want to dissuade you. If we eat often, then, accordingly, we will not want to eat a lot at one time. The stomach will not stretch, the portions will be much smaller. As a result, with 5-6 meals a day, you eat less in total than with 2-3 meals a day.

Regarding the difficulties, I agree that initially it will not be easy to organize yourself and get used to such a regime. But gradually changing your diet to correct scheme, it will go into your good habit. And then you won’t want it any other way. The main thing here is to take the first step and start acting like this day after day.

Well, now let's talk specifically. What to do: Healthy snacks for losing weight and staying in shape.

Planning is not difficult.

The main thing is to know the basic principles of building a diet:

  • Include protein foods in every meal.
  • When losing weight, sweet foods (honey, fruits, dark dark chocolate without additives) can be gradually included in the diet in the first half of the day; in the afternoon, only unsweetened foods.

I offer you ideas, options for snacks with proper nutrition, what will be convenient to prepare and eat at home, and what to take to work.

Second breakfast (protein-carbohydrate):

  • apple baked with cottage cheese inside, topped with 0.5 tsp. honey
  • any fruit or 100 gr. berries with yogurt (100 gr.) without additives and without sugar
  • curd balls with dried fruits and nuts (approximate how to prepare them with your own hands, at home and on a quick fix, look on my website)
  • milkshake from 100 gr. milk, 100 gr. water, 100 gr. any berries, 50 gr. cottage cheese 5%.
  • 15 gr. (no more, and not daily) real good dark dark chocolate with green tea without sugar or yogurt without sugar and without additives.
  • Curd or milk dessert, prepared without flour or with wholemeal flour, without sugar. (see my website for recipes for similar desserts)
  • 10-15 gr. walnuts, 1 date, 2 pcs. dried fruits (dried apricots or prunes)

Afternoon snack (vegetables, fiber, protein products):

  • half an avocado with feta cheese (30 gr.)
  • vegetable salad with any white cheese and olive oil dressing
  • fermented baked milk (200 gr.) and bread (without yeast, whole grain)
  • greens with cottage cheese and low-fat sour cream or kefir (total weight 200 g)
  • vinaigrette salad with beans and without potatoes with olive oil (200 gr.)

The 2nd dinner (no later than 3-4 hours before bedtime) should be as light as possible, mainly protein:

  • glass of kefir
  • glass of yogurt without sugar
  • boiled egg white
  • 100 gr. warm milk (can be 1:1 with water)
  • omelette (casserole) from egg white with milk (50 gr.) and 30-50 gr. green beans.

Snacks at work

No doubt it's not easy. I agree that preparing this and taking it with you to work is a little inconvenient, time-consuming, and unusual. You will have to make preparations in advance, in the evening. But there is a plus to this: you spend an extra 15-20 minutes in the kitchen, instead of horizontal position on the sofa in front of the TV 🙂 (this additional activity will only benefit you!).

Most likely, finding healthy snacks at work (and around work) will be very difficult. Therefore, it is better to stock up on plastic boxes for food prepared at home. At least for a working day you will need 3 boxes (2nd breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack).

Some structures have strict regulations on going out for lunch. And, perhaps, you will not be allowed to get up from your desk and go out for snacks. But you go to the toilet? Consider the type of food for this type of operating mode, so that you can “throw it in your mouth” on the go and move on, on your own workplace. See the selection on my website: on proper nutrition. My recipes are intended just for similar cases: strict work schedule and regime, easy, quick preparation, convenient to take with you, portioned, small, convenient presentation formats.

And since you are determined to change yourself for the better, then understand and be determined that it will not work out otherwise! Other methods may lead to temporary weight loss, but then the weight will return and your health will deteriorate irreparably.

It is very convenient if near your place of work there is a canteen or buffet, or a buffet option. Almost always from this assortment you can choose the right healthy snacks for weight loss that you need.

Various cocktails can also be a good quick alternative. This refers to cocktails and cocktails, which are now offered in a large assortment on the market. On my website there are reviews of such cocktails with my recommendations for you. It comes as a powder in a jar, making it easy to take with you everywhere along with a shaker. Fill it with water or milk, chat - less than a minute and your snacks are ready! Time required – less than 3 minutes for preparation and consumption. At the same time, a feeling of fullness is ensured for at least 2 hours, not to mention the benefits and the presence of all necessary nutrients.

Summarizing all of the above, a healthy snack for those losing weight and people trying to maintain their health and body in shape is very important aspect in nutrition. You cannot neglect it, otherwise you risk gaining fat and extra pounds. Snacking for losing weight at work is a difficult, but completely doable task. The main thing is to organize yourself properly and prepare or think through the food in advance.

By following this diet, you are guaranteed excellent health, vigor, energy and health throughout the day! And so, day after day! With this snacking plan, junk food will disappear from your life forever, and you will gradually, without failure, begin to lose extra pounds and keep your body in great shape!

You can ask me any questions on this topic using the form feedback or leave your comments under the article.

I wish you success!

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