Options for a standard diet, dietary tables according to Pevzner. Pevzner diet - description, to whom and in what cases it is prescribed, a full menu for the week

Pevzner's treatment tables are dietary rations compiled for a specific disease, aimed at enhancing the healing effect of treatment and facilitating the course of the disease.

Therapeutic diets are the great development of the Soviet professor Manuil Isaakovich Pevzner. Each of the diets is called a table and has its own serial number. The founder of gastroenterology and dietetics is confident that nutrition plays a major role in the process of human treatment. High efficiency Tables according to Pevzner are confirmed every time in medical practice - such nutrition is introduced in all medical institutions and sanatoriums.

Table food was developed not just by excluding fried spicy food, human physiology and biochemistry of absorption were taken into account various substances body. Therapeutic diets according to Pevzner include a list of permitted foods, meal patterns and portion sizes, cooking technologies and food temperature when serving. Departure from dietary recommendations can lead to exacerbation of the disease.

15 main treatment tables have been developed, some of which are divided into sub-items, designated by letters. They suggest a more strict diet for a specific case or, conversely, a diet that leads to a normal diet.

Therapeutic diets according to Pevzner No. 1-15 solve many medical problems from correction of metabolism during diarrhea to cleansing the urinary system during kidney stones. If a person has two diseases combined at once, he needs to follow the principles of two diets at once.

Full list of tables No. 1-15

Nutrition is divided not into healthy and harmful, but into suitable and unsuitable for a particular case. For example, for some diseases, white bread and milk soups that are “harmful” from the point of view of proper nutrition are recommended for consumption, but this is done so as not to irritate the gastrointestinal tract. That is why there is no “Universal Pevzner Diet” - each disease has its own list of products.

Used when peptic ulcer(stomach and duodenum) for six months. The purpose of the table is to limit mechanical, thermal and chemical aggression on the stomach as much as possible. The daily norm of BZHU: 100 g of proteins, 200 g of fats and almost 500 g of carbohydrates, which are sold with an energy value of 3200 calories. Foods that digest slowly and ferment in the stomach are prohibited. The food consists of pureed vegetable soups, steamed milk, beef tongue and white bread that has lost its freshness. For sweets, you can eat marshmallows made from honey, fruits and berries.

Used when initial stage acute gastritis, peptic ulcer, bleeding and other diseases that require sparing the stomach. The composition of the table is adjusted to the energy value of 2000 calories, where 100 g are fats, 80 g are proteins, 200 g are carbohydrates. Six times a day fractional meals includes milk, berries and fruits in the menu.

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Provides less harsh sparing than table No. 1a. The diet is appropriate for diseases at the final stage, when chronic gastritis or the peptic ulcer subsides. The daily intake is 2600 calories, where proteins and fats account for 100 g each, and carbohydrates are consumed in the amount of 300 g. The menu is similar to that for diet No. 1a, only grated porridge and whole grain bread are added.

Prescribed for chronic gastritis with low acidity, colitis without exacerbations, enteritis and chronic stages enterocolitis. The daily caloric value of the table is 3000 calories, where 100 g of proteins and fats, 400 g of carbohydrates. We recommend a steam menu, which will include fruit and vegetable dishes, lean soups, white bread crackers, cocoa. The consumption of smoked, salty and sweet foods should be limited. Smoked meats, fatty varieties meat, red fish, chocolate and baked goods should not be present in the diet.

It is used for chronic intestinal diseases, which are accompanied by atonic constipation. Diet involves consuming large quantity carbohydrate foods up to 600 g, while proteins and fats are reduced to 110 g. The daily calorie intake is 4000 calories. The permitted menu includes all foods rich in... Products that have a fixing effect are prohibited. This pasta, baked goods, chocolate, rice, strong tea, jelly and grapes.

The diet is indicated for intestinal diseases that are accompanied by diarrhea: dysentery, chronic colitis and gastroenteritis in the acute stage. Energy value table - 2000 calories, where 250 g of carbohydrates, 100 g of proteins and 70 g of fat. The diet consists of water-based porridges and lean mucous soups, steamed meat, white bread, strong tea and coffee. Dishes that increase intestinal motility are excluded from the menu: fermented milk products, rich pastries, carbonated drinks, fresh fruits. The duration of the table is minimal (2-3 days) with subsequent transition to table No. 2 or No. 5a.

Table No. 4a

Recommended for colitis with a predominance of fermentation processes. The energy value of the table is reduced to 1600 calories, where 140 g are carbohydrates, 120 g are proteins and 50 g are fats. The diet lasts a couple of days, during which all foods that irritate the intestines and enhance fermentation processes in it are limited.

Acceptable for chronic and acute intestinal diseases in the stage of decaying fermentation when combined with diseases of the stomach, pancreas, liver and biliary tract. The total calorie content of the table is quite high - 3100 calories, with 100 g of protein and fat and about 400-450 g of carbohydrates. Meals should be in the form of steamed or boiled dishes. The daily norm of free liquid is 1.5 liters. The limit on the use of table salt is 8 grams. All products that enhance clay and fermentation processes in the intestines are prohibited. Fractional meals are divided into six meals per day.

We recommend it after acute intestinal diseases in combination with pancreatic diseases. The goal of the table is to limit the diet from mechanical and chemical irritants of the gastrointestinal tract and smoothly transfer the patient from dietary to classical nutrition. The total caloric content, the list of permitted and prohibited foods at table No. 4 is identical to table No. 4b.

Prescribed for diseases biliary tract and liver, chronic gastritis and colitis with possible constipation. The purpose of the table is to protect liver functions, relieve cholesterol and fat metabolism, activation of intestinal function in its usual mode. Chemical composition of the table: 100 g proteins, 70 g fats, 50 g carbohydrates. Table meals are aimed at eating vegetable salads, lean meats and fish, and dairy products. Food should never be cold. It is prohibited to consume fatty foods, spices, canned food, fresh baked goods, cream, butter and black coffee.

Used for diseases of the liver, gallbladder and biliary tract at the acute stage, with their possible combination with gastritis or colitis. Table No. 5a is a transitional diet after table No. 4. This diet minimizes mechanical irritation of the stomach and intestines by excluding coarse plant fiber from the menu; in other respects, its principles coincide with the principles of table No. 5.

Prescribed exclusively for chronic pancreatitis. Due to the sharp restriction in fats, animal proteins and carbohydrates, the daily calorie intake is only 1800 calories. In terms of vitamin and mineral composition, the diet should be complete. Chemical composition of the table: 200 g carbohydrates, 80 g proteins and 55 g fats. Daily intake of free liquid - 2 liters, table salt - 10 g. All products that enhance the secretion of digestive juices and causing bloating belly are not allowed for consumption. The menu should consist of steamed and boiled dishes with a semi-liquid consistency.

It is used for gout and kidney stones with the formation of stones from uric acid salts. The purpose of the table is to normalize the functional functioning of the intestines and relieve purine metabolism in the body. The chemical composition of the diet consists of 100 g of proteins, 110 g of fats and 400 g of carbohydrates. Nutrition varies in the daily calorie range from 2700 to 35000. The patient's menu should contain foods deprived of purines. These are vegetables, fruits, lard, sugar, jam, cereals, eggs, milk. From daily ration must be excluded meat soups, onions, smoked meats, coffee, chocolate and cocoa.

It is prescribed for chronic and acute nephritis and provides moderate sparing of kidney function. Table No. 7 is a transitional menu option from table No. 7b to daily nutrition. The energy value of the diet is about 3000 calories, of which 430 g are carbohydrates, 100 g are fats and 80 g are proteins. During treatment, the menu should consist of kefir, milk, lean fish, unsalted, tomato, white bread and rosehip decoction. Spicy and salty foods are prohibited. They interfere with the removal of fluid from the body. Only at the discretion of the doctor, table salt can be provided for personal salting of dishes in an amount of no more than 5 g per day.

Helps with severe forms renal failure and jade. The list of her responsibilities includes increasing urine output, unloading protein metabolism and maximizing kidney sparing. The daily calorie intake is 2000 calories, including 350 g of carbohydrates, 60 g of fat and 25 g of protein. The patient is given five meals a day bed rest nutrition. For a period of no more than 10 days, the consumption of table salt is excluded, legumes, extractives, meat and fish of all varieties.

It is used for chronic nephritis of the kidneys or after table No. 7a in the stage of subsiding of acute inflammatory process in the kidneys. The goals of the diet are to increase the amount of urine excreted, protect the kidney parenchyma and organize an anti-inflammatory process. The difference between table No. 7b and No. 7a is a slight increase in daily caloric intake to 2400 calories, the addition of cereals to the menu, lean fish and boiled meat (no more than 50 g) and milk soups.

Observed in the thermal state of chronic renal failure, that is, while on an artificial kidney. The total caloric content of the table is 3000 calories, which adds up to 450 g of carbohydrates, 11 g of fat and 60 g of protein. The diet menu consists of boiled, unsalted dishes. Quantity daily consumption table salt 1-2 grams, free liquid - 0.5-0.7 liters.

Applicable when. The table menu should have a reduced calorie content from 2000 to 2400 calories, with 300 g of carbohydrates, 110 g of proteins and 65 g of fat. The diet should include lean meats or fish, vegetable soups, fruits and berries, in addition to grapes, wholemeal bread, but not more than 200 g per day. All sweet, fatty and high-calorie dishes, herbs and spices that excite the taste buds are excluded.

Indicated for patients with diabetes mellitus with the selection of precise doses of insulin. The goal of the table is to limit carbohydrate intake. Grapes, raisins, bananas, jam, sweet juices and carbonated drinks containing sugar are prohibited. Also, you should not overuse salted and pickled vegetables, meat and culinary products with high calorie content. The table's calorie content is 2300 calories, with 250 g of carbohydrates, 120 g of protein and fat. The diet consists of foods rich in fiber and proteins: rye bread, skinless chicken, eggs, vinaigrettes, vegetables, fruits sour varieties, buckwheat porridge, unsweetened tea and coffee.

Table No. 10

Used for diseases of cardio-vascular system with circulatory failure. This is a complete diet with limited fluid intake (1.5 liters) and table salt (5 g). Table calorie content is 3000 calories, including 400 g of carbohydrates, 80 g of proteins and 70 g of fat. The menu includes lean veal, boiled fish, milk, cream, vegetables, berries, rosehip infusion and fruit compotes. All foods high in fat, salt, and substances that excite the nervous system are prohibited.

Recommended for various forms of tuberculosis, as well as for debilitated conditions after injuries and operations. The table menu is aimed at increasing the body’s resistance to acute and chronic infections, strengthening immune system. Daily calorie intake is 4500 calories. It is gained from cereals, creamy and dairy products, bread, durum pasta, milk, honey and eggs. Chemical composition of the table: 550 g of carbohydrates, 130 g of fat and protein. All types of animal fats and factory-made sweets are excluded from the diet.

Used for diseases of the central nervous system functional type. The intended purpose of the table is a sedative effect on the nervous system. The caloric content of the diet is 4000 calories, with 110 g of protein and fat, 550 g of carbohydrates. The patient's diet consists of low-fat dairy products, biscuits, marmalade, natural juices and seafood. All foods that have a tonic effect are prohibited: strong rich soups, lard, fatty fried foods, salty foods, strong tea and coffee.

Recommended for acute infectious diseases. The chemical composition of the diet is 400 g of carbohydrates, 80 g of protein and fat each, which fits into a daily caloric intake of 3000 calories. Frequent and fractional meals consist of soups, cereals, pasta, eggs, low-fat fermented milk products, jelly, boiled or baked fruits and berries. Excluded: baked goods and any fresh bread, cereals, fruits rich in fiber and factory-made sweets.

Prescribed for kidney stones with the passage of oxalate stones, helping to normalize the acid-base balance. The diet involves the consumption of sausages, broths, pasta and various cereals, eggs, honey and rosehip decoction. Table calorie content is 3500 calories, where 500 g of carbohydrates, 110 g of fat and protein. Freshly squeezed juices, dairy products, vegetable soups and smoked foods are prohibited.

It is used for various diseases that do not require any special departure from the classical principles of proper nutrition or after a therapeutic diet at the final stage of recovery. The energy value of the table is 3700 calories, gained 55 g of carbohydrates, 110 g of proteins and fats. All quality foods preferred by humans are allowed. The table regime is reduced to three meals a day.

Many people who hear the word diet immediately think of its definition as a specially designed diet to combat overweight. But quite often the reason for following a diet is not just banal weight loss, but the need to change your diet to improve health during illness or even complete recovery.

On the other hand, during some serious illness, most doctors prescribe only drug treatment a specific organ affected by a serious illness. In such cases, unfortunately, due attention is not paid to the entire body as a single system.
But it has long been known that a person’s health is influenced by his lifestyle, and this is not only the presence of bad habits, but also nutrition. And only in the 20s of the twentieth century, M.I. Pevzner developed diet therapy for the treatment of patients, which in each individual case can prevent possible complications or relapses and, in general, heal a person.

As the founder of scientific diet therapy, Pevzner introduced treatment tables in sanatoriums throughout the Soviet Union. He and his team actively studied the influence dietary nutrition on the human body and its reactions.

During the research, more than 15 tables were developed, which included anti-inflammatory, as well as nutritional systems for the treatment of people with heart disease, gastrointestinal tract, tuberculosis, rheumatism and metabolic disorders.

For each ailment, a specific set of products, food processing technology, planning the frequency and weight of main meals were selected. The important thing is that you can follow such diets according to Pevzner at home, and not just in medical institutions and clinics.

To decrease painful condition or heal the liver and biliary tract, you need to adhere to diet 5 according to Pevzner. The diet in this table is quite gentle - healthy and nutritious. It restores the functioning of the liver and bile ducts, and has a positive effect on bile secretion. The diet is based on the consumption of mainly proteins and carbohydrates, and the amount of fat is somewhat limited. It is strictly forbidden to use products containing oxalic acid, cholesterol, essential oils and nitrogen.

The diseases for which diet table 5 according to Pevzner is intended are hepatitis. In such cases, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • Use the same ones strictly five times a day;
  • It is not allowed to eat very cold or hot food;
  • Cooking dishes by baking, boiling and steaming;
  • Products with coarse fiber and veins must be crushed and ground.

During the day, the Pevzner diet menu recommends consuming up to two liters of liquid and 10 grams of salt in food. Calorie content averages up to 2800 kilocalories. And the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is 90:90:400 grams. More than half of the proteins are of animal origin, and a third of the fats are of vegetable origin.

Diet number 5 according to Pevzner is positive for vegetables, such as potatoes, cucumbers and tomatoes, carrots and beets, peppers and red cabbage. You need to cook semolina porridge from cereals, as well as pasta. With all these products it is necessary to prepare soups in vegetable or butter.

It is useful to eat any sweet berries, bananas and apples, strawberries, and all dried fruits. It is better to choose lean meat - rabbit, beef, chicken fillet. Seafood is welcome - shrimp, squid, cod and hake. You can eat only one boiled yolk per day, and make omelettes from whites.

Anything from dairy products with a small percentage of fat content can be used, and sour cream can be used as a salad dressing. The baked goods should be savory, the bread should be baked from wheat or rye flour 2 varieties.

In addition, there are foods that are completely excluded from the diet. These are pickled vegetables, herbs, white cabbage, garlic and green onions, mushrooms and radishes. Among the cereals you should not eat corn, barley, millet, peas, pearl barley, as well as broths and soups made from them with oily fish and meat.

It is not allowed to season main courses with mustard, pepper or horseradish. During treatment, chocolate, puff pastry, fresh and rich pastries are excluded from the diet. Carbonated drinks, strong coffee and tea are prohibited, and in no case alcohol.

Thanks to these product tips, pain relief from diseased organs quickly occurs in the body and a speedy recovery occurs.

Meals during the week

Diet 5 according to Pevzner for a week suggests the following approximate menu:

  • Breakfast: oatmeal soup with bread and cheese, buckwheat gruel, curd puddings, cheesecakes, milk porridges, protein and vegetable omelettes, decoctions and compotes of dried fruits, jelly and cocktails.
  • Lunch: fruits, baked or pureed, cottage cheese and fruit salads, juices, vinaigrette or boiled rice with cabbage.
  • Dinner: soups with lean meat, beetroot, buckwheat, steamed fish, fish cakes, vegetable salads. You can drink green tea with honey, milk, and sweet compotes.
  • Afternoon snack: homemade crackers with milk, carrot salad, baked apples, omelettes, casseroles, vegetable purees.
  • Dinner: cabbage rolls with chicken, baked fish, mashed potatoes, cheese soup, vegetable casseroles or stewed vegetables. From liquid: kefir, berry juice, milk, tea, Apple juice and others.

You can combine the products you use at your discretion. The duration of the diet depends on individual characteristics The course of the disease is usually 1-5 weeks.

Diet 5 according to Pevzner has its own recipes

One of these is a recipe for apple-carrot cutlets. To do this, cut the carrots into strips, pour boiling water over them, and add sugar. Then chop the apples and simmer for about 5 minutes. After this, you need to add semolina, mix everything and pour in the whipped egg white. From the cooled mass we form cutlets, cover them in breadcrumbs and bake in the oven. When serving, you can top it with low-fat sour cream or yogurt.

In addition to the expected recovery results, patients notice a noticeable weight loss, normalization of well-being, skin and hair condition.

DIET No. 1. Indications: gastric ulcer and duodenum in the stage of subsiding exacerbation and in the stage of remission, chronic gastritis with preserved and increased secretion in the stage of subsiding exacerbation, acute gastritis in the dying stage. general characteristics, physiological content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, limitation of table salt, moderate limitation of mechanical and chemical irritants of the mucous membrane and the receptor apparatus of the gastrointestinal tract, stimulants of gastric secretion, substances that remain in the stomach for a long time. Culinary processing: all dishes are prepared boiled, mashed or steamed; some baked dishes are allowed. Energy value: 2,600-2,800 kcal (10,886-11,723 kJ). Ingredients: proteins 90-100 g, fats 90 g (of which 25 g plant origin), carbohydrates 300-400 g, free liquid 1.5 l, table salt 6-8 g. Daily ration weight 2.5-3 kg. Diet: fractional (5-6 r/day). The temperature of food, hot dishes - 57-62 °C, cold - not lower than 15 °C.

DIET No. 1a. Indications: exacerbation of gastric and duodenal ulcers in the first 10-14 days, acute gastritis in the first days of the disease, exacerbation of chronic gastritis (with preserved and increased acidity) in the first days of the disease. General characteristics: physiological content of proteins and fats, limitation of carbohydrates, sharp limitation of chemical and mechanical irritants of the mucous membrane and the receptor apparatus of the gastrointestinal tract. Culinary processing: all products are boiled, pureed or steamed, dishes have a liquid or mushy consistency. Energy value: 1,800 kcal (7,536 kJ). Ingredients: proteins 80 g, fats 80 g (of which 15-20 g are vegetable), carbohydrates 200 g, free liquid 1.5 l, table salt 6-8 g. Weight of daily ration - 2-2.5 kg. Diet: fractional (6-7 r/day). Food temperature: hot dishes - 57-62 °C, cold dishes - not lower than 15 °C.

DIET No. 1b. Indications: exacerbation of gastric and duodenal ulcers in the next 10-14 days, acute gastritis and exacerbation of chronic gastritis in the next days. General characteristics: physiological content of proteins, fats and limitation of carbohydrates, chemical and mechanical irritants of the mucous membrane and the gastrointestinal tract receptor apparatus are significantly limited. Culinary processing: all dishes are prepared pureed, boiled or steamed, the consistency of the dishes is liquid or mushy. Energy value: 2,600 kcal (10,886 kJ). Ingredients: proteins 90 g, fats 90 g (of which 25 g vegetable fat), carbohydrates 300 g, free liquid 1.5 l, table salt 6-8 g. Daily ration weight 2.5-3 kg. Diet: fractional (5-6 r/day). Food temperature: hot dishes - 57-62 °C, cold dishes - not lower than 15 °C.

DIET No. 2a. Indications: acute gastritis, enteritis and colitis during the period of convalescence as a transition to a balanced diet, chronic gastritis with secretory insufficiency, enteritis, colitis during a period of stable remission without concomitant diseases liver, biliary system, pancreas, gastritis with preserved secretion. General characteristics: physiological content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates; limitation of table salt, moderate limitation of mechanical and chemical irritants of the mucous membrane and the receptor apparatus of the gastrointestinal tract, stimulants of gastric secretion, substances that remain in the stomach for a long time. Culinary processing: all dishes are prepared boiled or steamed (mashed), soft varieties of meat and fish are allowed to be eaten in pieces without mashing; allow individual baked dishes without a rough crust; free liquid up to 1.5 l, table salt 8-10 g. Diet: 4-5 r/day.

DIET No. 2. Indications: acute gastritis, enteritis and colitis during the recovery period, chronic gastritis with secretory insufficiency, enteritis, colitis during remission without concomitant diseases of the liver, biliary tract, pancreas. General characteristics: a physiologically complete diet, rich in extractive substances, with rational culinary processing of products, with the exception of products and dishes that linger in the stomach for a long time, are difficult to digest, irritate the mucous membrane and the receptor apparatus of the gastrointestinal tract; has a stimulating effect on the secretory apparatus of the stomach, promotes compensatory and adaptive reactions digestive system, prevents the development of the disease. Culinary processing: dishes with varying degrees grinding and various heat treatments (boiling, baking, frying without breading). Energy value: 2,800-3,100 kcal (11,723-12,979 kJ). Ingredients: proteins 90-100 g, fats 90-100 g, carbohydrates 400-450 g, free liquid 1.5 l, table salt up to 10-12 g. Daily ration weight - 3 kg. Diet: fractional (4-5 r/day). The temperature of food, hot dishes is 57-62 °C, cold dishes are below 15 °C.

DIET No. 3. Indications: chronic diseases intestines with a predominance of dyskinesia syndrome (constipation) during a period of mild exacerbation and remission, as well as when these diseases are combined with damage to the stomach, liver, biliary tract, and pancreas. General characteristics: physiologically complete diet, with increased introduction of mechanical and chemical stimulants motor function intestines, with the exception of foods and dishes that enhance the processes of fermentation and putrefaction in the intestines, and strong stimulants of bile secretion, gastric and pancreatic secretion, substances that negatively affect the functional state of the liver and bile secretion organs (foods rich essential oils, cholesterol; fat breakdown products obtained during frying - aldehydes and acroleins). Culinary processing: food in unground form, steamed, boiled; vegetables and fruits - raw and boiled. Energy value: 2,900-3,300 kcal (12,142-13,816 kJ). Ingredients: proteins 100-120 g, fats 100-110 g, carbohydrates 400-450 g, free liquid 1.5 l, table salt 8-10 g. Daily ration weight - 3 kg. Diet: fractional (5-6 r/day). Food temperature: hot dishes - 57-62 °C, cold dishes - below 15 °C.

DIET No. 4. Indications: acute and chronic intestinal diseases during the period of profuse diarrhea and pronounced dyspeptic symptoms. General characteristics: limiting fats and carbohydrates to the lower limit physiological norm and normal protein content, salt limitation, sharp limitation of mechanical and chemical irritants of the mucous membrane and the receptor apparatus of the gastrointestinal tract with the exclusion of foods and dishes that enhance the processes of fermentation and putrefaction in the intestines, as well as strong stimulants of bile secretion, secretion of the stomach and pancreas, substances that irritate the liver . Culinary processing: dishes are prepared boiled or steamed, pureed. Energy value: about 2,000 kcal (8,336 kJ). Ingredients: proteins 90-100 g, fats 70 g, carbohydrates 250 g, free liquid 1.5-2 l, table salt 6-8 g. Daily ration weight 3 kg. Diet: fractional (5-6 r/day). Food temperature: hot dishes - 57-62 °C, cold dishes - not lower than 15 °C.

DIET No. 4a (gluten-free). Indications: gluten enteropathy, celiac disease, idiopathic steatorrhea. General characteristics: complete exclusion of grains (bread, pasta and flour products, semolina), physiologically complete, with increased content protein and calcium salts; observe the principle of mechanical and chemical sparing of the gastrointestinal tract, exclude foods and dishes that increase fermentation processes, limit substances that stimulate the secretion of the stomach and pancreas, and products that adversely affect the functional state of the liver. Culinary processing: all dishes are steamed or boiled, food is given pureed (during periods of diarrhea) or without special grinding (during stool normalization). Energy value: 3,000-3,200 kcal (12,560-13,398 kJ). Ingredients: proteins 120 g, fats 100 g, carbohydrates 400-450 g. Diet: 6 times a day. Food temperature: hot dishes - 57-62 °C, cold dishes - not lower than 15 °C.

DIET No. 4b. Indications: acute and chronic intestinal diseases during exacerbation, as well as when they are combined with damage to the stomach, liver and biliary tract, pancreas. General characteristics: physiologically complete; normal content of proteins, fats, carbohydrates; limiting table salt to the lower limit of the physiological norm (8-10 g), moderate limitation of mechanical and chemical irritants of the mucous membrane and the receptor apparatus of the gastrointestinal tract, exclusion of foods and dishes that enhance the processes of fermentation and putrefaction in the intestines, as well as strong stimulants of bile secretion, gastric secretion, pancreas, substances that irritate the liver. Culinary processing: all dishes are cooked boiled, steamed, pureed. Energy value: 2800-3,170 kcal (11,723-13,272 kJ). Ingredients: proteins 100-110 g, fats 90-100 g, carbohydrates 400-450 g, free liquid 1.5 l, table salt 8-10 g. Daily ration weight - about 3 kg. Diet: fractional (5-6 r/day). Food temperature: hot dishes - 57-62 °C, cold dishes - not lower than 15 °C.

DIET No. 4c. Indications: acute diseases intestines during the recovery period as a transition to general diet, chronic intestinal diseases during remission, as well as when these diseases are combined with damage to the stomach, liver, bile ducts, and pancreas. General characteristics: physiologically complete, normal content of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, limitation of table salt to the lower limit of the physiological norm (8-10 g), moderate limitation of mechanical and chemical irritants of the mucous membrane and the receptor apparatus of the gastrointestinal tract; exclusion of foods and dishes that enhance the processes of fermentation and putrefaction in the intestines, as well as strong stimulants of bile secretion, gastric and pancreatic secretions, and substances that irritate the liver. Culinary processing: all dishes are cooked boiled or steamed, and also baked in the oven; mainly in uncrushed form. Energy value: 2900-3200 kcal (12,142-13398 kJ). Ingredients: proteins 100-110 g, fats 100-110 g, carbohydrates 400-450 g, free liquid 1.5 l, table salt up to 8-10 g. Daily ration weight - about 3 kg. Diet: fractional (5-6 r/day). Food temperature: hot dishes - 57-62 °C, cold dishes - not lower than 15 °C.

DIET No. 4g. Indications: chronic intestinal diseases with concomitant pancreatitis in the acute stage.

DIET No. 5. Indications: chronic hepatitis in remission, chronic cholecystitis in the stage of mild exacerbation and remission, cholelithiasis, acute hepatitis and cholecystitis during the recovery period. General characteristics: physiologically complete, the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is determined by the physiological needs of the body, excludes strong stimulants of gastric and pancreatic secretion (extractives, foods rich in essential oils), refractory fats, fried foods, foods rich in cholesterol, purines, diet enriched with vegetables and fruits, thereby enhancing the choleretic effect of other nutrients, intestinal peristalsis, ensures maximum removal of cholesterol from feces. Culinary processing: food is cooked in boiled form. Energy value: 2,200-2,500 kcal (9,211-10,467 kJ). Composition: proteins 80-90 g, fats 80-90 g, carbohydrates 300-350 g. Diet: fractional (5-6 r/day). Food temperature: food is warm, cold dishes are excluded.

DIET No. 5a. Indications: acute hepatitis and cholecystitis, exacerbations chronic hepatitis, cholecystitis and cholelithiasis. General characteristics: physiologically complete, moderate limitation of fats and table salt, mechanical and chemical irritants of the mucous membrane and the receptor apparatus of the gastrointestinal tract, exclusion of foods and dishes that enhance the processes of fermentation and putrefaction in the intestines, as well as strong stimulants of bile secretion, secretion of the stomach, pancreas, substances irritating the liver (extractive substances, organic acids, foods rich in essential oils, fried foods containing products of incomplete breakdown of fat - aldehydes and acroleins, refractory fats, foods rich in cholesterol, purines). Culinary processing: boiled, pureed food. Energy value: up to 2,500 kcal (10,467 kJ). Composition: proteins 80-90 g, fats 70-80 g (with pronounced dyspeptic syndrome up to 50 g), carbohydrates 300-350 g. Diet: fractional (5-6 r / day). Food temperature: food is warm, cold dishes are excluded.

DIET No. 5p. Indications: chronic pancreatitis. General characteristics: low energy value, physiological norm of protein (1/3 of animal origin) with a sharp limitation of fats and carbohydrates, exclude foods that cause intestinal bloating, contain coarse fiber, are rich in extractive substances, stimulating the secretion of digestive juices. Culinary processing: food is prepared boiled or steamed, liquid or semi-liquid consistency. Energy value: 1,800 kcal (7,536 kJ). Ingredients: proteins 80 g, fats 40-60 g, carbohydrates 200 g, free liquid 1.5-2 l, table salt 8-10 g. Mineral composition: potassium 3,800 mg, calcium 1,100 mg, magnesium 500 mg, phosphorus 1,700 mg, iron 30 mg, sodium 4,050 mg. Vitamin content: vitamin A 1.5 mg, carotene 12.6 mg, vitamin B 1.8 mg, vitamin PP 19 mg, vitamin C 115 mg.

DIET No. 5 Indications: postcholecystectomy syndrome in the acute stage. Energy value: 2,100 kcal (8,792 kJ). Ingredients: proteins 90 g, fats 60 g, carbohydrates 300 g, table salt 6 g.

DIET No. 5l/f (lipotropic-fat). Indications: chronic liver diseases with bile stagnation syndrome. Energy value: 2,750 kcal (11,514 kJ). Ingredients: proteins 90 g, fats 110 g, carbohydrates 350 g, table salt 8 g.

DIET No. 5r (for gastric resection). Indications: dumping syndrome after gastric resection for peptic ulcer. Energy value: 2900 kcal (12,142 kJ). Ingredients: proteins 120 g, fats 90 g, carbohydrates 400 g, table salt 8 g.

DIET No. 6. -Indications: gout with articular and extra-articular manifestations (urate nephrolithiasis, gouty nephropathy without signs of renal failure), idiopathic and symptomatic hyperuricemia (with the exception of secondary hyperuricemia in chronic renal failure), uric acid diathesis, erythremia and other diseases for which exclusion is indicated meat and fish products. General characteristics: physiologically complete, normal total protein content, but with a reduced total quota of animal proteins, normal fat and carbohydrate content, exclude foods rich in purine compounds; introduce foods containing alkaline radicals (vegetables, fruits, berries, milk), moderately limit table salt, and limit carbohydrates for overweight patients. Culinary processing: food in unground form, steamed or boiled in water. Meal schedule: 5 r/day; drink plenty of liquid up to 2-2.5 liters in the form of tea, fruit and berry juices, alkaline waters.

DIET No. 7 Indications: acute nephritis during the recovery period, chronic nephritis with mild changes in urine sediment, hypertension and other situations when it is necessary salt-free diet; nephropathy of pregnancy. General characteristics: salt-free, the range of products and the nature of culinary processing is the same as diets No. 7a and 76, but the amount of protein is increased to 80 g by adding boiled meat or fish, as well as cottage cheese; the content of table salt in products is about 2 g; vitamins C, P and group B are given in increased quantities; for patients with nephrotic syndrome and preserved renal function, diet No. 7 is prescribed with a high content of protein (up to 140 g), lipotropic factors, polyunsaturated fatty acids and vitamins. Energy value: 2,700 kcal (11,304 kJ). Ingredients: proteins 70 g, fats 90 g, carbohydrates 400 g. Diet: fractional (6 r/day).

DIET No. 7a. Indications: acute glomerulonephritis(after rice-apple, potato or sugar days), chronic nephritis in the stage of renal failure, sharply pronounced violation nitrogen excretion function of the kidneys. General characteristics: diet with a sharp restriction of proteins, fats and carbohydrates within the physiological norm; salt-free, hyposodium diet (food is prepared without salt, salt-free bread is specially baked), the sodium content in food is 400 mg, which corresponds to 1 g of table salt; Patients with insufficient renal function in the presence of azotemia, as prescribed by the attending physician, add 1-3 g of table salt, they are allowed to give as much liquid as urine excreted over the previous day. A sharp restriction of protein (up to 20 g), mainly due to vegetable protein, while simultaneously introducing into the body the minimum required amount of essential amino acids with complete animal protein. Substances and drinks that irritate the kidneys are excluded (alcohol, nitrogenous extractives, strong coffee, tea, cocoa and chocolate, spicy, salty snacks). Various juices (watermelon, plum, apple, cherry, grape, etc.) are used as a source of a number of vitamins and mineral salts. Culinary processing: vegetables, fruits and berries are used in sufficient quantities, often in raw, all dishes are prepared without salt, meat and fish - boiled or followed by baking and frying. Energy value: 2,260 kcal (9,462 kJ). Ingredients: proteins 20 g (of which animal 15 g), fat 80 g (of which animal 50-55 g), carbohydrates 350 g, table salt 1.5-2.5 g (in products), free liquid 1 -1 .5 l. The weight of the daily ration is 2.3 kg. Mineral composition: calcium 230 mg, potassium 1,630 mg, magnesium 100 mg. phosphorus 390 mg, iron 16 mg. Vitamin content: retinol 0.7 mg, carotene 5.5 mg, thiamin 0.45 mg, riboflavin 0.47 mg, nicotinic acid 4.5 mg, vitamin C 120 mg. Diet: 5 r/day. Food temperature: normal.

DIET No. 7b. Indications: acute nephritis (after diet No. 7a), exacerbation of chronic nephritis with edema, increased blood pressure, but with preserved renal function, moderate impairment of nitrogen excretion function of the kidneys. General characteristics: the content of fats and carbohydrates is within the physiological norm, but the amount of proteins is increased to 45-50 g, with the addition of one serving boiled meat or boiled fish and 200 g of milk or kefir, otherwise, in terms of the set of products and the nature of culinary processing, the diet is the same as No. 7a. Culinary processing: vegetables, fruits and berries are used in sufficient quantities, often raw, all dishes are prepared without salt, meat and fish - boiled or followed by baking and frying. Energy value: 2,700 kcal (11,304 kJ). Ingredients: proteins 40 g, fats 80-90 g, carbohydrates 450 g, table salt 2-3 g (in products), free liquid 1-1.5 l. The weight of the daily ration is 2.5 kg. Mineral composition: calcium 460 mg, potassium 2,650 mg, phosphorus 690 mg, magnesium 200 mg. Vitamin content: retinol 0.95 mg, carotene 5.5 mg, thiamine 0.7 mg, riboflavin 1.1 mg, nicotinic acid 7.5 mg, vitamin C 130 mg. Diet: fractional (5-6 r/day). Food temperature: normal.

DIET No. 7c. Indications: nephrotic syndrome. General characteristics: sharp limitation of table salt, extractives, liquids, increase in protein content, mainly due to egg, milk and fish; full provision of the body's needs minerals, vitamins and microelements; exclusion from the diet of substances, drinks and foods that irritate the kidneys (alcohol, nitrogenous extractives, cocoa, chocolate, spicy, salty snacks); inclusion in the diet vegetable oils(1/3 of the total amount of fat), methionine and phosphatides, which have a lipotropic effect. Culinary processing: all dishes are prepared without salt, meat and fish - boiled or followed by baking. Energy value: 2,900 kcal (12,142 kJ). Ingredients: proteins 120 (of which 60 g are animal), fats 75 g (of which 25 g are of vegetable origin), carbohydrates 450 g (refined 50 g), table salt 2-3 g (in products), free liquid 800 ml. Weight (duck diet 2.5 kg. Mineral composition: potassium 3,000 mg, calcium 800 mg, magnesium 350 mg, phosphorus 1,000 mg. Vitamin content: retinol 1.7 mg, thiamine 2.0 mg, riboflavin 2.1 mg , nicotinic acid 17.5 mg, vitamin C 100 mg. Diet: fractionally (5-6 times per day).Food temperature: normal.

DIET No. 7 Indications: terminal stage CRF (hemodialysis). General characteristics: the diet provides for an optimal content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, a sharp limitation of table salt (2-3 g in products), a limitation of free fluid to 700-800 ml/day while simultaneously introducing into the body the required amount of amino acids washed out during dialysis (valine , threonine, isoleucine, histidine, series, citrulline, arginine, alanine, ornithine) with complete animal protein. Complete provision of vitamins. Flour and cereal dishes are limited due to high content they contain vegetable protein, products with high content potassium ( black currant, raisins, cherries, prunes, mushrooms, etc.). Culinary processing: all dishes are prepared without salt, meat and fish are boiled, thereby reducing the amount of extractive substances. Energy value: 2,740-3,000 kcal (11,472-12,560 kJ). Ingredients: proteins 60 g (of which 3/4 are of animal origin), fats 110 g, carbohydrates 450 g, table salt 2-3 g (in products), free liquid 700-800 ml. Mineral composition: potassium 2542.5 mg, calcium 624.5 mg, magnesium 301.6 mg, phosphorus 856.3 mg. Vitamin content: retinol 1.5 mg, carotene 4.9 mg, thiamine 1.3 mg, riboflavin 2.5 mg, nicotinic acid 13.4 mg, vitamin C 250 mg. Diet: fractional (6 r/day).

DIET No. 7r. Indications: hyperuricemia. General characteristics: hyposodium diet, complete chemical composition and sufficient in energy value, with protein of predominantly plant origin (75%), with maximum removal of purine bases. Culinary processing: all dishes are prepared without salt, meat and fish - boiled or followed by baking. Energy value: 2,660-2,900 kcal (11,137-12,142 kJ). Composition: proteins 70 g, fats 80-90 g, carbohydrates 400-450 g. Diet: fractional (5-6 r/day).

DIET No. 8. Indications: obesity in the absence of diseases digestive organs, liver and cardiovascular system, requiring special diets. General characteristics: limiting the caloric content of food, mainly due to carbohydrates and partly due to fats; the protein content is higher than the physiological norm, vegetables and fruits are introduced in sufficient quantities, table salt is limited, flavorings and nitrogenous extractive substances that stimulate appetite are excluded, and the introduction of free liquid is moderately limited. Energy value: 1,750 kcal (7,327 kJ). Ingredients: proteins 100 g, fats 80 g, carbohydrates 150 g, table salt 2-3 g. Diet: frequent meals of low-calorie food of sufficient volume, eliminating the feeling of hunger.

DIET No. 8a. Indications: obesity in the absence of diseases of the digestive organs, liver and cardiovascular system requiring special diets. Prescribed after diet No. 8. General characteristics: limiting the caloric content of food, mainly due to carbohydrates and partly due to fats, protein content is higher than the physiological norm, vegetables and fruits are introduced in sufficient quantities, table salt is limited, flavorings and nitrogenous extractives are excluded, stimulating appetite, moderately limit the introduction of free fluid. Energy value: 1,280 kcal (5,359 kJ). Ingredients: proteins 80 g, fats 60 g, carbohydrates 100 g, table salt 2-3 g. Diet: frequent meals of low-calorie food of sufficient volume, eliminating the feeling of hunger.

DIET No. 8b. Indications: obesity in the absence of diseases of the digestive organs, liver and cardiovascular system requiring special diets. General characteristics: a more strict version of diet No. 8; 8a. Energy value: 800 kcal (3,349 kJ). Ingredients: proteins 60 g, fats 30 g, carbohydrates 70 g, table salt 2-3 g.

DIETS No. 9; 9a. Indications: diabetes in the absence of acidosis and concomitant diseases internal organs. General characteristics: a diet with a protein content above the physiological norm, a moderate restriction of fats and carbohydrates, easily digestible carbohydrates are excluded, substances that have a lipotropic effect are introduced into the diet; the food contains quite a lot of vegetables; limit salt and foods rich in cholesterol. Culinary processing: all food is prepared mainly boiled and baked. Energy value: 2,300 kcal (9,630 kJ). Ingredients: proteins 100 g, fats 70-80 g, carbohydrates 300 g, table salt 12 g, free liquid up to 1.5-2 l. The weight of the daily diet is up to 3 kg. Diet: meals 6 times a day; carbohydrates are distributed throughout the day; immediately after the insulin injection and 2-2.5 hours after it, the patient should receive food containing carbohydrates. Food temperature: normal.

DIET No. 10. Indications: diseases of the cardiovascular system (rheumatism and heart defects, hypertension, coronary artery disease), circulatory failure stage I-11A, diseases of the nervous system, chronic nephritis and pyelonephritis only with changes in urine sediment. General characteristics: diet with a limit of table salt to 6-8 g (3-4 g in foods and 3-4 g in the hands of the patient), free liquid 1.2 liters (including soups, jelly, etc.). Substances that excite the central nervous system and cardiovascular system are excluded, i.e. all types of alcoholic drinks, strong tea and natural coffee, cocoa, chocolate, meat, fish and mushroom broths, spicy dishes, smoked meats, foods rich in cholesterol. Products are limited causing flatulence. Products with predominantly alkaline valencies (milk and dairy products, fruits, vegetables and juices from them) and rich in lipotropic substances (cottage cheese, cod, oatmeal and etc.). Culinary processing: with moderate mechanical gentleness, all dishes are prepared without salt, meat and fish - boiled or followed by baking and frying. Energy value: 2,350-2,600 kcal (9,839-10,886 kJ). Ingredients: proteins 90 g (of which 50 g are animal), fats 65-70 g (of which 20 g are vegetable), carbohydrates 350-400 g, table salt up to 6-8 g. Diet: meals 5-6 r/ days in moderate amount, dinner 3 hours before bedtime. In case of cardiovascular diseases, the administration of free fluid is limited to 1,000-1,200 ml.

DIET No. 10a. Indications: heart disease with circulatory failure stage II-III; essential arterial hypertension with circulatory failure or impairment cerebral circulation: MI in the acute or subacute period. General characteristics: protein content is within the lower limit of the physiological norm, moderate restriction of fat and carbohydrates; all food is prepared without salt, special salt-free bread is used; the introduction of free fluid is limited; all products are cooked boiled or steamed; table salt in food products no more than 1.5-1.8 g. Full compensation of the physiological need for vitamins C, P, PP, B, B. Culinary processing: with moderate mechanical gentleness, all dishes are prepared without salt, meat and fish - boiled or followed by baking and frying. Energy value: 2500-2600 kcal (10467-10886 kJ). Ingredients: proteins 50-60 g, fats 50 g, carbohydrates 300 g (of which 60-80 g sugar and other sweets), table salt 2-3 g on the patient’s hands, free liquid up to 0.6 l. The weight of the daily ration is 2 kg. Diet: at least 6 times a day, in a small volume.

DIET No. 10b. Indications: rheumatism with a low degree of process activity (sluggish and latent flow recurrent rheumatic carditis) without circulatory disorders, rheumatism in the inactive phase and in the attenuation phase. General characteristics: diet with a high content of complete protein, limitation of easily digestible carbohydrates, extractives, table salt and adequate levels of vitamins C, P, PP and group B. Culinary processing: all dishes are prepared without salt, meat and fish - boiled or with followed by baking, frying, vegetables in boiled and raw form. Energy value: about 2,600 kcal (10,886 kJ). Ingredients: proteins 120 g (of which 50% are of animal origin), fats 100 g, carbohydrates 300 g, table salt 3-5 g per patient’s hands, free liquid up to 1.5 liters. The weight of the daily ration is 2.5 kg. Diet: fractional (5-6 r/day). Food temperature: normal.

DIET No. 10c. Indications: IHD, atherosclerosis of coronary, cerebral, peripheral vessels, essential arterial hypertension stage II-11I. General characteristics: a diet with a restriction of table salt and fats, with the replacement of a significant amount of animal fat with vegetable fat and the inclusion of foods rich in cell membranes, lipotropic substances, ascorbic acid, vitamins P, group B (especially B6), potassium and magnesium salts. The diet includes seafood. Culinary processing: all dishes are prepared without salt, meat and fish - boiled or followed by baking. Energy value: 2,190-2,570 kcal (9,169-10,760 kJ). Ingredients: proteins 90 g, fats 70 g, carbohydrates 300 g (for overweight individuals); proteins 100 g, fats 80 g, carbohydrates 350 g (for people with normal body weight), table salt 3-5 g, free liquid 1 liter. The weight of the daily ration is 2 kg. Mineral composition: calcium 0.5-0.8 g, phosphorus 1-1.6 g, magnesium 1 g. Vitamin content: C - 100 mg, B - 4 mg, B2 - 3 mg, PP - 15-30 mg , B6 - 3 mg. Meal schedule: 6 r/day.

DIET No. 10r. Indications: rheumatoid arthritis. Energy value: 2500 kcal (10467 kJ). Ingredients: proteins PO g, fat 70 g, carbohydrates 350 g, table salt 2-3 g per hand.

DIET No. 10g. Indications: essential arterial hypertension. General characteristics: salt-free diet with high content ascorbic acid, thiamine, riboflavin, pyridoxine, nicotinic acid, vitamin P, magnesium and potassium salts. The diet includes foods rich in lipotropic substances, cell membranes, and seafood containing organic iodine (sea kale). Energy value: 2,740 kcal (11,472 kJ). Ingredients: proteins 100 g, fats 80 g (mostly vegetable), carbohydrates 400 g, table salt excluded.

DIET No. 11. Indications: pulmonary tuberculosis in the absence of diseases of the internal organs. General characteristics, high-calorie diet with a high content of proteins and vitamins, a moderate increase in fats and carbohydrates; the diet includes dairy products rich in calcium in sufficient quantities; table salt and liquid are within normal limits. Culinary processing is usual with preservation of nitrogenous extractive substances; spices are allowed. Energy value: 1,700-3,100 kcal (11,304-12,979 kJ). Ingredients: proteins 100-120 g, fats 90-100 g, carbohydrates 300-400 g, table salt 8 g, free liquid up to 1 l. Vitamin content: vitamin C up to 300 mg, vitamin B1 up to 5 mg, vitamin A up to 5 mg. Diet: 4-5 r/day.

DIET No. 12. Indications: diseases of the nervous system. In terms of its chemical composition, the diet is close to diet No. 15. Currently, it is practically not used, because Depending on the nature of the disease of the nervous system and concomitant disorders in other body systems, various versions of diets No. 5, 10, 15 are prescribed.

DIET No. 13. Indications: infectious diseases in an acute febrile period; tonsillitis. General characteristics: protein content is at the lower limit of the physiological norm, moderate restriction of fats and carbohydrates; an increased amount of liquid is introduced in the form of fortified drinks; food is given pureed with moderate chemical irritants. Diet: at least 6 times a day, in limited quantities.

DIET No. 14. Indications: phosphaturia with alkaline urine reaction and precipitation of phosphorus-calcium salts. General characteristics: foods are introduced into the diet that help change the urine reaction to the acidic side; exclude foods that have an alkalizing effect and are rich in calcium (milk, cottage cheese, cheese); the total amount of free liquid is 1.5-2 liters. Cooking is normal. Diet: 4-5 r/day.

DIET No. 15. Indications: various diseases in the absence of indications for prescribing a special therapeutic diet and when in good condition digestive organs. General characteristics: the content of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and calorie content corresponds to nutritional standards healthy person not engaged in physical labor; vitamins - in increased quantities; food consists of a variety of products; exclude difficult-to-tolerate fatty foods and rich dough; spices in moderation. Culinary processing is usual, rational, preserving vitamins. Energy value: 3,100 kcal (12,979 kJ). Ingredients: proteins 100 g, fats 90 g, carbohydrates 450 g, table salt 8-10 g. Diet: 4-5 r/day.

ZERO DIET. Indications: the diet is prescribed in the first days after surgery on the stomach and intestines, as well as when semi-conscious(cerebrovascular accident, head injury, febrile conditions). General characteristics: food consists of liquid and jelly-like dishes; milk and dense food products, even in the form of purees, exclude, allow tea with sugar, fruit and berry jellies, jelly, rosehip decoction with sugar, juices fresh berries and fruits, diluted sweet water, weak broth, rice water. Diet: food is given in small quantities in frequent doses during the day and at night; The diet is prescribed, as a rule, for no more than 2-3 days.

BASIC HYPOALLERGENIC DIET Indications: food allergy. General characteristics: used in a hospital for 7-10 days, with further preparation of an individual hypoallergenic diet. The diet is physiologically complete, contains physiologically normal amount protein, fat, carbohydrates; chemically gentle, hypochloride (limiting table salt to 6-8 g/day), limiting free fluid for Quincke's edema but 600 ml. Excluded: meat, fish, chicken, mushroom broths, fried foods; pastry products, pickles, smoked products, marinades, spices, canned food, sausages, lard, fat in natural form and for cooking, carbonated drinks, alcohol, beer, mayonnaise, ketchup, chocolate, coffee, cocoa, nuts, honey , citrus fruits, strawberries, wild strawberries, red vegetables and fruits, radishes, radishes, onions, garlic. Limits: fish dishes, chicken, eggs, milk if individually tolerated, vegetable and fruit juices, white bread, cheese, multi-ingredient dishes, sugar, jam. Allowed: replacing some products with others while preserving nutritional value diet. Cow's milk can be replaced with soy, goat, mare's milk, dry milk formula, etc. Intolerant proteins of animal origin ( egg white, fish, chicken) must be replaced with proteins from cottage cheese and legumes. Culinary processing: all dishes are prepared boiled, with 3 changes of broth when cooking meat, fish, chicken, without salt. Eggs are thermally treated for at least 15 minutes, vegetables are not sautéed. Grinding dishes according to indications. Energy value: 2,600-2,900 kcal (10,886-12,142 kJ). Ingredients: proteins 80-90 g (of which 40 g are vegetable), fats 70-80 g (of which 40 g are vegetable), carbohydrates 380-420 g (of which simple up to 30 g). Meal schedule: fractional, 6 r/day. Food temperature: hot dishes - not higher than 62 °C, cold dishes - not lower than 15 °C.

The main therapeutic diets that are currently used in medical institutions were developed under the leadership of the prominent Soviet therapist M.I. Pevzner back in the 1920s. These are anti-inflammatory and hyposensitizing diets that are included in the program complex therapy not only diseases of the digestive system, but also atherosclerosis, hypertension, rheumatism, tuberculosis, kidney diseases and metabolic disorders.

Medical nutrition - an important part resort medical complex. In various diseases the normal functioning organs and metabolic processes. Nutritional therapy helps to combat these disorders.

Many chronic diseases are exacerbated due to violations of a proper, healthy diet. With pancreatitis, exacerbation can be caused by eating pancakes, fatty sour cream, fried foods, and alcohol. In diabetes mellitus, non-compliance with the diet leads to unpleasant consequences: a sharp increase in blood sugar levels, the appearance of severe thirst and dry mouth, the development of fatty infiltration of the pancreas and liver. If a person suffers from hypertension, salty foods can cause an increase in blood pressure. It may also make the treatment less effective.

In sanatoriums, the number designation of diets from 0 to 15 is accepted. Additional letter designations are also adopted to designate diet options. IN special group diets include surgical (zero) diets and fasting diets. These diets are found in sanatoriums, so here is the numbering of the diets and information about the diseases for which they are used.

Pevzner diet table

Table No. 1Subsidence of exacerbation of peptic ulcer disease for 6-12 months. after an exacerbation, as well as with gastritis with high acidity
Table No. 1aExacerbation of peptic ulcer disease, exacerbation of chronic gastritis with high acidity
Table No. 1bReduction of exacerbation of peptic ulcers and chronic gastritis with high acidity
Table No. 2Chronic gastritis with low acidity or in its absence, chronic colitis (not exacerbation)
Table No. 3Atonic constipation
Table No. 4Acute intestinal diseases and exacerbations during ongoing diarrhea
Table No. 4aColitis with predominance of fermentation processes
Table No. 4bChronic colitis in the stage of fading exacerbation
Table No. 4vAcute intestinal diseases during the recovery period as a transition to a balanced diet; chronic intestinal diseases during the period of attenuation of exacerbation, as well as outside exacerbation
Table No. 5Diseases of the liver, gallbladder, biliary tract beyond the acute stage
Table No. 5aChronic pancreatitis
Table No. 6Gout, kidney stones with the passage of stones consisting predominantly of urates
Table No. 7Chronic kidney disease with no symptoms of chronic renal failure
Table No. 7aAcute kidney diseases (acute nephritis or its exacerbations)
Table No. 7bReduction of acute inflammatory process in the kidneys
Table No. 8Obesity as a primary disease or concomitant with other diseases that do not require special diets
Table No. 9Diabetes mellitus of moderate and mild severity
Table No. 10Diseases of the cardiovascular system with circulatory failure grades I-IIA
Table No. 11Tuberculosis of the lungs, bones, lymph nodes, joints with mild exacerbation or attenuation, exhaustion after infectious diseases, operations, injuries
Table No. 12Functional diseases of the nervous system
Table No. 13Acute infectious diseases
Table No. 14Urolithiasis (phosphaturia)
Table No. 15Various diseases that do not require special therapeutic diets

If a patient has several diseases, each of which requires the prescription of dietary nutrition, then a diet is prescribed taking into account several diets. For example, if an ulcer has worsened in a patient with diabetes mellitus, diet 1 is prescribed and foods that patients with diabetes mellitus are not allowed to eat are excluded from it.

Most often, resorts provide four meals a day. But it can be changed due to the nature of the disease. For example, patients with peptic ulcers, obesity and other diseases of the digestive system and metabolic disorders, according to the decision of doctors, are prescribed five or six meals a day.

In rhythm modern life very difficult to organize proper nutrition. Many of us simply do not have time to create a balanced menu, measure the caloric content of food and adhere to a certain diet. But in vain, because some diseases cannot be treated without a special therapeutic diet.

The Soviet doctor, scientist M.I. Pevzner developed a set of therapeutic diets that were named after him. Today we will tell you what the essence of the scientist’s therapeutic diets is, and we will provide a complete list of table diets according to Pevzner.

The essence of Pevzner's therapeutic diets

Your own methodology balanced nutrition Pevzner developed it in 1929, but employees of medical institutions still use his useful developments. The Pevzner diet is a rational and well-designed diet that accelerates the patient’s recovery with minimal drug support. The scientist's nutritional system includes 15 diets with their own serial numbers. Each table has its own indications for strictly defined diseases.

In addition, his complex includes special fasting and surgical diets. Some table diets have several options, so they are additionally designated by a letter.

For most diseases known to man, you can choose a diet menu according to Pevzner. In each diet, the scientist describes in detail the diet, culinary processing, time of intake and temperature of food taken, because in order to normalize metabolic processes and stop pathological changes, running in the human body, effort must be made. All diet tables can be used both in medical institutions and hospitals, and at home.

Complete list of table diets according to Pevzner

Here is a list of table diets according to Pevzner:

  • Diet No. 0: difficulty or inability to eat solid food. Rich in vitamins liquid or semi-liquid food with a low calorie content of up to 1000 calories per day.
  • Diet No. 1a: exacerbation of peptic ulcer, bleeding, acute gastritis and other diseases that require restoration of the gastric mucosa.
  • Diet table 1b: mild exacerbation of duodenal or gastric ulcers, chronic gastritis.
  • Diet table 1: compensated diseases of the duodenum and stomach, third decade of treatment for peptic ulcer.
  • Diet No. 2a: recovery from acute enteritis, gastritis, colitis, chronic gastritis (secretory insufficiency, preserved secretion) in the absence of concomitant diseases of the pancreas, liver and biliary tract.
  • Diet No. 2: gastritis with low acidity, lack of hydrochloric acid, chronic colitis without exacerbations, recovery stage for various diseases. The diet table eliminates mechanical irritation of the stomach while maintaining the chemical effect to enhance the secretory activity of the stomach.
  • Diet No. 3: constipation due to poor nutrition without pronounced symptoms of irritation of the intestinal mucosa. This diet table by Pevzner is aimed at enhancing intestinal motility.
  • Diet No. 4: intestinal diseases that occur with diarrhea (dysentery, gastroenteritis, chronic colitis).
  • Diet No. 4a: intestinal diseases that occur with predominance fermentation processes. The content of substances that irritate the intestines and enhance fermentation processes in it is sharply limited.
  • Diet table No. 4b: exacerbation of intestinal diseases in acute and chronic form when combined with diseases of the stomach, pancreas, biliary tract and liver.
  • Diet No. 4c: remission of intestinal diseases in combination with diseases of the liver, pancreas, biliary tract and stomach. Recovery from intestinal diseases in acute form as a transition table to general nutrition.
  • Diet No. 5: diseases of the biliary tract and liver, chronic colitis, chronic gastritis, “stagnant” liver. The goal of table diets is to relieve fat and cholesterol metabolism and stimulate normal intestinal functioning.
  • Diet No. 5a: acute gastritis and cholecystitis, acute hepatitis (remission) and cirrhosis of the liver, cholelithiasis in the acute stage.
  • Diet No. 5p: chronic pancreatitis after an exacerbation and during the recovery stage.
  • Diet No. 6: gout and urolithiasis.
  • Diet No. 7: chronic and acute nephritis, renal failure.
  • Diet No. 7a: acute glomerulonephritis with concomitant renal failure.
  • Diet 7b: acute glomerulonephritis, chronic nephritis with renal failure.
  • Diet No. 7c: chronic kidney diseases, nephrotic syndrome.
  • Diet number 8: obesity.
  • Diet No. 9: mild to moderate diabetes mellitus. Diets are prescribed to determine the body's tolerance to carbohydrates when selecting optimal doses of insulin.
  • Diet No. 10: cardiovascular diseases with severe circulatory failure (1st and 2nd degree);
  • Diet No. 10 a: diseases of the cardiovascular system with severe circulatory failure (2nd and 3rd degree);
  • Diet No. 10i: myocardial infarction.
  • Diet No. 10c: atherosclerosis with damage to the vessels of the heart, brain and other organs, as well as hypertension, which develops against the background of atherosclerosis.
  • Diet No. 11: tuberculosis of bones, lymph nodes, lungs and joints, low body weight, exhaustion after infectious diseases, injuries and operations.
  • Diet No. 12: diseases of the nervous system that are functional in nature.
  • Diet No. 13: acute infectious diseases.
  • Diet No. 14: phosphaturia.
  • Diet No. 15: various diseases that do not require treatment tables and occur without disruption of the digestive system. This version of the Pevzner diet is a transitional stage to a normal diet during the recovery period after undergoing diet therapy.

When following the principles of a certain diet table, remember that therapeutic nutrition- This is one of the ways to treat the disease, so the Pevzner diet should be prescribed by a doctor.

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