Eternal youth of sea urchins. Sea urchin and caviar: anti-aging agents. Medicinal properties

The invention relates to the alcoholic beverage industry and can be used in pharmacology. The method involves preliminary sorting of caviar. Next, the caviar is washed with water at a temperature of up to 20 o C, after which the caviar is poured with aqueous-alcoholic liquid with a strength of 28-70% at a volume ratio of 1:8-25, respectively, and a temperature of 25-35 o C, followed by infusion at this temperature for 1- 4 days, after which sediment is produced at a temperature of up to 10 o C until clarification. The invention allows, under given technological conditions, to preserve everything biologically active substances, contained in natural sea urchin caviar, and with minimal time and labor costs. 4 salary f-ly

The invention relates to the alcoholic beverage industry, and can also be used in pharmacology, in the form of homeopathic, medicinal, therapeutic and prophylactic and restoratives, which have nonspecific, stimulating and strengthening properties that increase the immunological reactivity and sexual activity of the body. Known a large number of various tinctures related to pharmacological drugs, obtained on the basis of plant raw materials, as well as various ways they are prepared by infusion in aqueous-alcoholic liquids of varying strengths [for example, RF patent 2125462, 1999], however, such tinctures are not enriched with specific protein and biologically active substances contained in seafood products. The compositions of balms and methods for their production are known, one of which was chosen as a prototype [RF patent 2049813, 1995]. The balms contain tinctures from a mixture of animal raw materials of marine origin: scallop muscles, sea cucumbers and sea urchin caviar. To prepare the tincture, the mixture of raw materials is sorted, filled with aqueous-alcoholic liquid with a strength of 40% at a volume ratio of raw materials to aqueous-alcoholic liquid of 1: 10, infused either at air temperature for 14 days, or at a temperature of 50-60 o C for 8 days followed by settling for 3 days with a decrease in temperature by 5 o C. When combining particularly valuable and unique components such as mussels, sea cucumbers and sea urchin caviar to make an infusion, the use of a general infusion production technology for them is unacceptable, since each such component requires its technology, which allows you to isolate and preserve as many biologically active substances as possible. Thus, sea urchin caviar contains (mainly in lipids): fat soluble vitamins A, E, carotenoids, polyunsaturated fatty acid, phospholipids, a rich set of amino acids, in particular, phenylalanine, vitamins B1, B2, B12, trace elements - phosphorus, iodine, copper, molybdenum, iron, magnesium, calcium. If infused at a temperature of 50-60 o C, some of these substances decompose. Infusion at room temperature takes too long, which ultimately increases the cost of the finished tincture. The technical result of the present invention is the optimization of the technology for obtaining sea urchin caviar tincture, aimed at simplifying such technology, provided that the resulting tincture preserves the biologically active substances contained in sea urchin caviar. According to the proposed method, pre-sorted caviar is washed with water at a temperature of up to 20 o C, after which the caviar is poured with an alcohol-based liquid of 28-70% strength at a volume ratio of 1:8-25, respectively, and a temperature of 25-35 o C, followed by infusion at this temperature for 1-4 days, after which sedimentation is carried out at a temperature of up to 10 o C until clarification. It is under such technological regimes that all biologically active substances contained in natural sea urchin caviar are preserved, and with minimal time and labor costs. It is better when washing is carried out sea ​​water. The best result is achieved when the caviar is infused and settled in dark place. It is better to produce the sediment together with caviar, followed by filtration. The invention makes it possible to create a tincture with original organoleptic properties, which has a stimulating, strengthening and radiomimetic effect, capable of influencing the “individual radiosensitivity index”, which can be used as an independent alcoholic beverage product, and as an independent medicine. The invention is illustrated using the example of preparing a tincture from sea urchin caviar. The caviar obtained by cutting the sea urchin is sorted, separated from fragments of the shell, veins, while simultaneously being selected by color (the caviar should be bright orange or yellow color), then placed in a perforated bath, after which they are washed from the remains of the entrails and other contaminants with running sea water or by dipping into such water at a temperature of 10-20 o C. Then the washed caviar, located in the bath, is moved into a container with tweezers or a special fork and pour in aqueous-alcoholic liquid with a strength of 40%, heated to a temperature of 30 o C. Then infuse in a dark place, excluding direct contact sun rays, for 2 days at the same temperature and volumetric ratio of caviar to liquid 1:20. After that, sedimentation is carried out with a decrease in temperature to 0-2 o C until the tincture is clarified, followed by its filtration. The resulting tincture is poured into closed containers (for example, bottles). The finished tincture, packaged in bottles, can be stored at room temperature for 6 months, and when the temperature drops to -2-0 o C - for about a year. The testing of the finished product showed that the use of sea urchin caviar as the main raw material and the application of an individual infusion method to such a valuable product allows us to achieve a qualitatively new technical result - a new product containing a rich set of biologically active chemical compounds, the use of which is useful for increasing immunity against infectious diseases, with coronary disease heart disease, atherosclerosis, leukemia, disorders thyroid gland, sexual potency, intoxication (before and after drinking alcohol), for the removal of radionuclides, in case of violations nervous system And gastrointestinal tract.


1. A method for producing a tincture from sea urchin caviar, including sorting the caviar, pouring in an aqueous-alcoholic liquid, infusing at a certain temperature, followed by settling at a lower temperature, characterized in that the sorting includes washing with water at a temperature of up to 20 o C, pouring and infusion is carried out with an aqueous-alcoholic liquid with a strength of 28 - 70% at a temperature of 25 - 35 o C for 1 - 4 days at a volume ratio of caviar to aqueous-alcoholic liquid of 1: 8 - 25, and the sediment is produced at a temperature of up to 10 o C until lightening. 2. The method according to claim 1, characterized in that the washing is carried out with sea water. 3. The method according to claim 1, characterized in that the infusion and sediment are produced in a dark place. 4. The method according to claim 1, characterized in that the sludge is produced together with the caviar. 5. Method according to claim 1, characterized in that after settling, the infusion is filtered.

MM4A - Early termination of a USSR patent or patent Russian Federation for the invention due to non-payment fixed time patent maintenance fees

The sea urchin is an amazing animal from the underwater kingdom, which belongs to the class of echinoderms. People call the urchin a sea porcupine because of its appearance.

There are gourmets among whom the caviar of this animal is quite popular. The product is traditional for Japanese cuisine, and not everyone can try it. The fact is that this pleasure is cheap and very rare. Therefore, you can try caviar only in the most sophisticated restaurants. It is especially often used for preparing expensive types of sushi. In Japan, this product is called “uni”. Below we will look at the purposes for which the use of an exotic product is recommended and how a miraculous infusion is prepared from it.

What properties does a sea urchin have?

The animal from the underwater depths is often taken as a miraculous and rejuvenating remedy. A hundred years ago, people noticed the valuable properties of sea urchin. Therefore, we began to do various procedures with this product to improve the condition of the skin and the body as a whole.

It is very interesting that during the period of growing up, the hedgehog simply stops changing and does not age. This fact was even given a name - neglected old age. It is part of these qualities that a person can get from taking caviar and sea urchin. After all, not only caviar, but also the hedgehog itself is very delicious product which is considered a delicacy. It is possible to purchase it nowadays, but it is very expensive.

People who have cancer or simply have a predisposition to it should definitely include sea porcupine in their diet as a remedy.

Sea urchin rejuvenator

Sea urchin is simply an amazing product with which you can not only improve your health, but also restore youth. And literally every representative of the fair sex on our planet dreams of this. But the Japanese are distinguished by their health and high life expectancy. After all, it is the residents of this country who consume most of the exotic product.

What is the secret of the youth of this exotic inhabitant of the depths? Everything is very simple. Throughout its existence, it uses only those algae that are useful. Then the animal synthesizes them into the necessary trace elements. The hedgehog transfers all valuable substances to the caviar.

The ocean depths give us not only beautiful, salty air, but also unique products which are known for their medicinal properties. Thus, porcupine caviar from the underwater depths appeared on our market relatively recently, but has already gained great popularity. And this is not surprising, because caviar actually has miraculous properties.

Most of the coastal countries have long been feeding on exotic animals and their caviar. For example, residents of Japan eat about 5 thousand tons of this product throughout the year (in pure form). Sea caviar is a frequent decoration on the table of coastal countries, because everyone knows about the properties of the product.

Caviar is often used in herbal medicine. And this application began with scientific research. The fact is that you can say anything, but it is possible to find out whether this is true only through research. For example, scientists have proven that eating caviar increases performance, and also manifests good spirits and joy.

In addition to the fact that experts recommend consuming caviar, you can prepare an infusion from this product. The recipe was developed long ago by honored scientists of the Primorsky Territory. Those nutritionists who created this product, even protected it with a patent.

The tincture is prepared with alcohol and is used successfully in pharmacology. The infusion is recommended to be taken to improve hematopoiesis, with high mental and physical fatigue, to normalize the level of sex hormones, to improve liver function and normalize blood pressure, as well as to normalize body weight.

To prepare an infusion of caviar, you must follow important rules and the sequence of actions. So, first you need to rinse the caviar well with water. The water must be sea and warm. After this, pour in a solution of water and alcohol, up to 70% strength. The mixture you received must be infused for four days at room temperature. After this, the liquid is clarified at a temperature of about 10 degrees using the settling method. To achieve good results, you need to stand in a dark room. If you adhere to all the rules of technology, then all the active substances of the caviar of an exotic animal will be completely preserved in the tincture.

If you believe the words of the creator of the miracle potion, then the infusion has a large amount beneficial properties, so it should not be drunk as alcoholic drink, but as a medicine. It is recommended to drink the tincture for such serious illnesses, like leukemia and atherosclerosis. In addition, the infusion helps to quickly strengthen the human body, increase potency and remove radionuclides.

An important fact is that drinking a drink infused with hedgehog caviar has no contraindications, only personal intolerance to a particular product. Therefore, you can take the tincture without fear, strengthening your health.

For course use:
has an immunostimulating effect and a radioprotective effect in radiation therapy;
improves attention, memory, ability to concentrate, reduces fatigue;
normalizes arterial pressure and work of cardio-vascular system, restores the elasticity of blood vessels;
used in pre-stroke and post-infarction conditions;
regulates intestinal motility in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
has an antitumor effect and accelerates the process of tissue regeneration;
has a tonic effect;
improves blood supply to the fundus of the eye, visual acuity and color perception;
improves functioning antioxidant protection body in the blood and tissues of the stomach, liver;
has a cytoprotective effect on the gastric mucosa, reduces cholesterol levels in the blood;
normalizes the level of sex hormones;
reduces body weight;
normalizes function prostate gland, maintains full
reproductive function in men, improves potency;
indicated for prevention and treatment skin diseases;
normalizes lipid status, reduces the risk of atherosclerosis.

Sea urchin roe extract is valuable seafood product and has the following properties:

· is a therapeutic and prophylactic agent for cancer diseases;
· increases potency;
normalizes blood pressure;
regulates hormonal system body;
· removes radionuclides from the body;
· increases the body's resistance to various types of infections;
· promotes restoration of strength after operations;
· has a general strengthening and rejuvenating effect;
· for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, ulcers);
· for decreasing undesirable consequences during radiation therapy;
· with physical and mental fatigue;
· under stressful influences, especially long-term and debilitating ones;
· to improve cardiovascular and endocrine systems,
· to restore the functions of the gonads.
Caviar products sea ​​urchins Since time immemorial it has been used in the diet of many coastal countries. For example, residents of Japan alone annually consume at least 500 tons of this caviar in its pure form and in the form of additives. various dishes. It is with the consumption of sea urchin caviar that this country is associated with one of the highest life expectancies in the world - 89 years. In Japan, once a year there is a national holiday when all residents of the country, having bought a hedgehog, open the shell, drink the cavity fluid and eat a piece of caviar. It is believed that this ritual completely rejuvenates the body.

Directions for use: 1 - 2 teaspoons 15 minutes before meals, 2-3 times a day, for a month, 5 days break, it is recommended to repeat the course. Contraindications:
Possible allergic reactions in people sensitive to seafood. Pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Warranty and return conditions

No guarantee
Shipping and payment
Free delivery within the city of Vladivostok

cash payment, bank transfer, Sberbank, Alfa-Bank



sea ​​urchin extract

60 capsules of 500 mg

Cost - 2000
30 $ 27 €

38 $ 34 €


Enzymatic hydrolyzate from sea urchins and bergenia leaves, Starch, Aerosil (silicon dioxide), Calcium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate, Gelatin capsule.

Contraindications: individual intolerance to the components, pregnancy, feeding. It is recommended to consult a doctor before use. Do not give to children under 12 years of age.

Store in a dry, dark place, out of reach of children, at a temperature from +5C to +25C. Shelf life 24 months from the date of manufacture.


Sea Urchin Extract (EME)- one of the best currently known means for normalizing blood cholesterol. It works more effectively than drugs - statins, which are used to treat atherosclerosis. The use of EME within 20 days gives an effect, similar to application statins for 3-4 months.

EME has a vasodilating effect and relaxes blood vessels. Thanks to this, the capillaries expand, as a result of which red blood cells, which deliver oxygen to all peripheral tissues, easily pass through the capillaries, suppressing ischemia and hypoxia, which means that the risk of heart attacks and strokes is significantly reduced.

Spinochromes contained in EME activate the liver, helping to convert cholesterol into bile acids. And echinochromes, together with spinochromes, directly affect the level of male and female hormones, as well as their ratio in blood plasma.

EME lowers blood sugar levels. It increases the amount of ATP in cells by 30-40%.

ATP is the main energy component of a cell; the greater the amount of ATP, the more viable it is and resistant to oxidative processes.

EME was tested on patients suffering from hepatitis C. When regular use a person forgets that he is a carrier of the virus. The liver is an oxidizer. If we imagine that with hepatitis, out of 100 cells, 20 are affected, then the liver can work at 80%, and the introduced ecinochrome, due to the activation of oxidation, helps to fill the missing percentage, completely restoring liver function.


Reduces cholesterol, normalizes lipid status;

Normalizes blood pressure and the functioning of the cardiovascular system;

Restores the elasticity of blood vessels;

Reduces the risk of atherosclerosis;

Effective in pre-stroke and post-infarction conditions;

Normalizes the level of sex hormones;

Normalizes the function of the prostate gland, improves potency;

It has an immunostimulating and radioprotective effect during radiation therapy;

Improves blood supply to the fundus, visual acuity and color perception;

Normalizes liver function, is effective for hepatitis and liver cirrhosis;

The atherogenic factor improves almost to normal, i.e. the ratio between high and low density proteins - high (what is considered healthy) - increases, and low density decreases. There are no complications on blood vessels in the form of plaques.

Reduces body weight;

Helps prevent and treat skin diseases.

Mode of application:

1 capsule 2 times a day 15 minutes before meals.

Take periodically.

The duration of continuous use is 20 days.

And more about EME:

EME has a unique vasodilating effect, as it causes the appearance of a vascular relaxation factor in the body, for which American scientists explained the cardiac effect in 1998. Got Nobel Prize. The endothelial factor for vascular relaxation is NO gas (EGF).

If people who have a heart attack take nitroglycerin under the tongue, the effect is the same. Nitroglycerin is rapidly absorbed into the blood, NO gas is formed from nitroglycerin, which dilates blood vessels and, as a result, heart spasms and pain go away.

The spinochromes present in EME have the same effect. It helps to increase the vascular relaxation factor in the blood for the period until the spinochromes leave the body. This is an average of 4.5 hours. Application 1-2 times a day gives a tremendous effect. What is vascular relaxation? You have an increase in capillaries, i.e. their expansion, and red blood cells, which deliver oxygen to all peripheral tissues, easily pass through these dilated capillaries, thereby suppressing ischemia, hypoxia, etc. And if there is no manifestation of ischemia and hypoxia, then there will be no heart attacks or strokes, those. the preventive effect is very high.

The data has now been received modern level, using modern Western diagnostic equipment from La Roche, showing what happens to a person who uses EM E. In Vladivostok, about 120 people with coronary artery disease, atherosclerosis and heart attacks were studied. The results are very positive, in more than 95% of cases. Preventive action EME is very effective.

The mechanism for reducing bad cholesterol with the use of EME has been studied. Spinochromes EME help convert cholesterol into bile acids, activate the liver, enhance the transformation of cholesterol into bile acids by 35-40%.

At the same time, spinochromes and echinochromes directly affect the levels of male and female hormones, as well as their ratio in the blood plasma.

Animal studies have been conducted on this issue using the radioactive method. Labeled cholesterol was injected into rabbits and they looked at what cholesterol turns into under the influence of spinochromes and whether they enhance the transformation of cholesterol. In rabbits that were given spinochromes, the formation bile acids of labeled cholesterol was 40% higher than in the control group, which was not given spinochromes. This means that cholesterol levels dropped by 40%.

When taking EME in men, the sex ratio significantly improves hormones - estradiol: testosterone levels increase male hormone testosterone. A number of patients were studied for this indicator. After 20 days of use, EME changed the hormone ratio by 1.5-1.9 times. Currently the testosterone statistics are Russian men says that after 26 years of age, due to the use of tobacco, drugs, adrenaline tonics, testosterone drops and reproductive function sharply decreases.

The higher the level of testosterone in the blood of men of any age, with an appropriate ratio of estradiol to testosterone, the longer that man lives.

Summarizing all of the above, we can say with confidence that EME should be consumed by all men over 40 years old, and in reproductive terms - from 30 years old.

IN Lately The effect of EME on women has been studied. First of all, the hormonal component. The results are excellent. In women aged 62-65 years, estradiol (female sex hormone) is 15-2 times lower than normal. When using EME, estradiol almost returns to lower limit norms. And estradiol is the main steroid hormone in a woman’s life.

In addition, EME significantly reduces blood sugar levels. It increases the amount of ATP in cells. This was discovered by cardiac surgeons who used spinochromes during coronary artery bypass grafting. There is 30-40% more ATP in the red blood cells and heart tissues of a person who has taken spinochromes. ATP is our main energy component of the cell. The more ATP, the more viable the cell, the more resistant to all oxidative processes, stress, etc.

All mechanisms of EME's effect on the body are now known. They are an order of magnitude higher than those widely known drugs from sea cucumber. Publications are now being prepared in a number of medical journals about what echinochrome and other substances that form the basis of EME give a person and how they improve his health.

What do people fear most? STROKE - being immobilized and becoming a burden to the family is the No. 1 fear. EME promotes vascular relaxation, incl. capillaries of the brain, so that there are no ischemic and hypoxic phenomena, plus it releases NO - the main molecule that prevents the aggregation of platelets - cells that clog the capillaries of the brain and lead to a stroke. Since this factor is present - the vessels are dilated, platelet aggregation is reduced - then EME is very good for the prevention of strokes.

The second human disease is CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES. EME, along with the spinochromes and epinochrome mentioned above, contains significant amount substances of lipid nature, which include predominantly polyunsaturated fatty acids belonging to the Omega 3 group, which regulate blood clotting and prevent the formation of blood clots, normalize blood pressure. As a result, EME is the strongest remedy prevention of these diseases.

Currently, echinochrome A, isolated from sea urchins, is used in its pure form as medicinal product"Histochrome" for the treatment of coronary heart disease (myocardial infarction) and many ophthalmological diseases.

HEPATITIS is a great danger to people. EME has been tested on patients suffering from hepatitis C. In Russia, there are at least 10 million people carrying hepatitis C virus. When using EME, a person forgets that he is a carrier of the virus. Our liver is responsible for recycling everything that needs to be “thrown out” from the body. The liver is an oxidizer. A cascade of enzymes called “Cytochrome P-450” is responsible for oxidation. This is the main oxidative unit for the disposal of any substances that are not needed by humans. Another enzyme works together with this enzyme unit - “DT-Diaphorase”. It supplies Cytochrome P-450 with the main active oxidizing agent - active forms oxygen. It could be hydrogen peroxide, or it could be a superoxide radical. So, under the influence of the echinochrome present in the EME, “DT - Diaphorase” is activated. It supplies hydrogen peroxide more actively and significantly facilitates the system of oxidation of foreign molecules.

Imagine: with hepatitis, out of 100 liver cells, 20 are affected. The liver works at 80% load. And the introduced echinochrome helps you, by activating oxidation, make up for the 20% deficiency. In this case, EME restores the functionality of the liver and brings it to full efficiency.

Echinochrome is the same molecule as the molecule of the famous antiviral drug- oxolina. Oksolin is an antiviral, anti-influenza agent. Spinochromes EME have the same antiviral properties. EME helps liver cells and suppresses the development of viruses. The effect on the liver affected by hepatitis comes from two sides at once: antiviral suppression, plus assistance in oxidation. As a result, EME prevents hepatitis from developing, which is its preventive effect.

Studies have shown that, due to the above properties, EME has a high immunostimulating and radioprotective effect during radiation therapy. It has an antitumor effect and accelerates the process of tissue regeneration.

It improves blood supply to the fundus of the eye, visual acuity and color perception.

EME contains quite a large amount of vitamin C ( ascorbic acid). In the recommended dose, it enters the human body up to 9 mg. In addition, it contains selenium-containing and other peptides that are very important for the human body. Due to this, EME participates in many redox reactions, ensures normal permeability of the walls of capillary vessels, participates in the synthesis of steroid hormones of the adrenal cortex, thyroid hormones, stimulates the function of cells that synthesize collagen, promotes the absorption of iron and normal hematopoiesis, helps preserve healthy teeth, bones and muscles.

EME is an exceptional drug in the gerontological field, in extending human life.

EME has a general strengthening, antioxidant effect, improves attention, memory, and increases the body's resistance infectious diseases, stress loads, adverse environmental influences.

There are practically no contraindications to the use of EME. EME is quite effective, so we recommend that you consult your doctor before using it.


Sea cucumber contains minerals, including calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, copper, selenium, iodine, cobalt, manganese.

Biologically active substances of sea cucumber extract during course use:
increase the body's resistance and vitality, activate immune system, relieve ailments, symptoms of general intoxication, have a strong antioxidant effect. Is a good preventive measure oncological diseases, inhibits the growth of malignant tumors.
Improves the condition of diseases: thyroid cancer, colon cancer, ovarian cancer, stomach cancer, basal cell carcinoma, melanoma, Kaposi's Sarcoma, mesothelioma, prostate cancer, testicular cancer, blood cancer, kidney cancer, liver cancer, brain cancer, sinus cancer , oral cavity cancer, laryngeal cancer.
Regulates intestinal motility in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, stimulates regenerative processes, rejuvenates tissues, normalizes blood pressure and the functioning of the cardiovascular system, restores vascular elasticity.
Promotes the resorption of atherosclerotic plaques, reduces blood sugar and cholesterol.
Effective for respiratory diseases (bronchitis, tuberculosis, bronchial asthma, pneumonia), for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, regulates intestinal motility. Normalizes metabolism and the functions of the endocrine glands.

Improves blood supply to the fundus of the eye, visual acuity and color perception.
It has neurotropic and miatropic effects. Indicated for insomnia, depression and irritability. Improves mental performance. Helps reduce inflammatory processes and erosions of the female genital area, has antiherpes activity. Effective in treating inflammation genitourinary system and impotence.

When used externally, promotes cleansing and healing purulent wounds, effective against fungal diseases of the skin and nails, cleanses the face when acne and acne, rejuvenate the skin.

Directions for use: take one teaspoon per day before meals. Duration of admission - 20 days.
Contraindications for use: individual intolerance. Children under 12 years of age, pregnant women and during breastfeeding after consulting a doctor.

(Extractum Strongylocentrotus)

For course use:
has an immunostimulating effect and radioprotective effect during radiation therapy; improves attention, memory, ability to concentrate, reduces fatigue; normalizes blood pressure and the functioning of the cardiovascular system, restores vascular elasticity; used in pre-stroke and post-infarction conditions; regulates intestinal motility in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract; has an antitumor effect and accelerates the process of tissue regeneration; has a tonic effect.
Improves the condition of diseases: thyroid cancer, colon cancer, ovarian cancer, stomach cancer, basal cell carcinoma, melanoma, Kaposi's Sarcoma, mesothelioma, prostate cancer, testicular cancer, blood cancer, kidney cancer, liver cancer, brain cancer, sinus cancer , oral cancer, laryngeal cancer, regulates intestinal motility in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract; improves blood supply to the fundus of the eye, visual acuity and color perception; improves the functioning of the body's antioxidant defense in the blood and tissues of the stomach and liver; has a cytoprotective effect on the gastric mucosa, reduces cholesterol levels in the blood; normalizes the level of sex hormones; reduces body weight; normalizes the function of the prostate gland, maintains full reproductive function in men, improves potency; indicated for the prevention and treatment of skin diseases; normalizes lipid status, reduces the risk of atherosclerosis.
Recommendations for use: adults, 1 teaspoon 3 times a day, course - 20 days. Sea cucumber extract, composition 33 percent alcohol, developed by scientists at the Research Institute, price 3,500 rubles, 500 ml. enough for a long time.

Sea urchin extract, composition 33 percent alcohol, developed by scientists at the Research Institute, price 3,500 rubles, 500 ml. enough for a long time.

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