Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid). How much vitamin B5 do you need? Sources of vitamin B5. What foods contain vitamin B5. Vitamin B5 – benefits and beneficial properties of pantothenic acid

Name, abbreviations, other names: Pantothenic acid, pantothenate (calcium pantothenate), vitamin B5 (b5), b5

Chemical formula: C 9 H 17 NO 5

Group: water soluble vitamins

Name in Latin: Vitaminum B5, Acidum pantothenicum, Calcii pantothenas ( genus. Calcii pantothenatis)

Varieties: not available.

Pantothenic acid is converted in the body to active form– pantethine.

What (who) is it useful for:

  • For the body: increases life expectancy (by an average of 10 years), protects and prevents dementia in old age and Alzheimer's disease.
  • For nervous system: actively participates in the synthesis of substances necessary for the NS (mediators, neurotransmitters...). Without them normal functioning NS is almost impossible.
  • For the brain: involved in education fatty acids, which are necessary for the brain to function properly.
  • For the adrenal glands: helps in the formation of all adrenal hormones - glucorticoids. And a sufficient amount of these hormones helps reduce the risks of developing arthritis, colitis, allergies and heart disease.
  • For synthesis and metabolism: participates in the formation and exchange of incredible quantities various substances: hormones, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, amino acids, cholesterol, hemoglobin and many others, thereby supporting the functioning of the entire body. Restores impaired metabolism.
  • For immunity: pantothenic acid is actively involved in the synthesis of all antibodies that protect the body from various diseases. Without it, the number of antibodies is greatly reduced.
  • For patients with tuberculosis: reduces the toxic effects of anti-tuberculosis drugs.

For what (whom) is it harmful:

  • For patients with hemophilia: B5 increases blood clotting time.

Indications for use:

hypovitaminosis B5, vitamin deficiency, colitis, pancreatitis, arthritis, allergies, neuralgia and neuritis, eczema, bronchial asthma, dermatitis, hyperthyroidism, withdrawal syndrome, acne, toxicosis, wounds that do not heal for a long time, liver cirrhosis, alcoholism, thrush.

Long-term insufficiency (deficiency):

An extremely rare occurrence, but if it happens, it leads to:

To peptic ulcers, metabolic disorders, hair loss, malfunction of the adrenal glands and functional disorders in the nervous system, lack of coordination, asthenia, growth retardation, frequent respiratory disorders.

Symptoms of deficiency:

Severe fatigue and fatigue, migraines, muscle pain, severe pain in the legs, tingling and numbness of the toes, insomnia, depression, ulcers, gastritis, depigmentation, dermatitis or eczema, diarrhea (constipation), poor appetite.

In children: growth retardation.


Hypervitaminosis, hemophilia, atony due to potassium deficiency.

Side effects:

Allergies, gastrointestinal disorders, pain.

Daily norm required by the body:

  • For men - ~ 10 mg. vitamin B5 per day
  • For women - ~ 10 mg/day.
  • For children (from 0 to 1 year) - ~ 2 - 3 mg/day.
  • For children (from 1 to 8 years) - ~ 3 - 5 mg/day.
  • For teenagers (from 9 to 13 years old) - ~ 8 mg/day.
  • For pregnant women - ~ 12 mg/day.
  • For nursing women - ~ 12 mg/day.

Level of vitamin in blood:

0.2 – 1.8 µg/ml.


Almost impossible (very rare).

Overdose symptoms:

Diarrhea, edema (water retention in tissues), pale skin, nausea.

Main sources:

Liver and kidneys, garlic, yeast, hazelnuts, cereals (oatmeal, buckwheat), bran, peas, cauliflower, yolk, caviar, milk, nuts.

How long can you take:

Can be taken for a long time.

Release form:

Tablets, injection solution, creams and ointments, spray.

Best before date:

About pantothenic acid

This acid gets its name from the Greek “pantothene”. Translated, it means everywhere, from all sides, everywhere. And indeed, in terms of prevalence in food products, it is ahead of many other vitamins. And since it is so widespread, it is difficult to overestimate its importance for the body.

B5 does not tolerate exposure to temperature and light well - this causes it to partially disintegrate (on average 50%). It also does not tolerate freezing, canning and other food processing methods. It is best to consume foods in fresh(if possible).

B5 is involved in the process of absorption of vitamin B9 by the body ( folic acid), and thiamine (B1), B2 and C, on the contrary, increases the effectiveness of pantothenic acid itself and participates in the synthesis of panthein.

Vitamin B5 is not compatible with alcohol, tea and coffee, barbiturates, diuretics - it is washed out of the body faster, with contraception and proteolytic enzymes - B5 is destroyed, with copper, iron, manganese - they fall beneficial features vitamin, with antibiotics - synthesis is disrupted.

Those who practice vegetarianism and a raw food diet must take into account that B5 in the body is converted into panthein with the participation of proteins and fats, and in their absence, synthesis does not occur and B5 hypovitaminosis may occur.

The main form in which B5 is produced is calcium pantothenate (or calcium salt of pantothenic acid). It is obtained artificially. It is used in both tablets and liquid form (ampoules). Another form of B5 is dexpanthenol. Also of artificial origin. Mainly used for restoration skin after burns or dermatitis, since B5 is the only vitamin that can penetrate deep into the skin.

Vitamin B5 is presented in foods as pantothenic acid, and in medications as calcium pantothenate.

Pantothenic acid biosynthesis in humans

Pantothenic acid is converted into pantethine in the body. It is formed from both natural (natural) vitamin B5 and synthetic. After this, pantethine is infused into the Coenzyme-A molecule. This molecule is indispensable in many metabolic processes of the body.

How to take (for medicinal purposes)

The drugs are taken either orally or by injection intramuscularly or intravenously. Also externally (lubricating the skin with ointments and spray).

Usually taken after meals.

Intramuscular injection is usually administered once a day.

What problems arise with a lack of vitamin B5 (Pantothenic acid), as well as indications for use, dosage and vitamin content in food.

Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic acid) is a microelement, without which disturbances in vital processes will begin human body. It is part of group A coenzymes. They are responsible for rejuvenating the skin and slowing down the appearance of wrinkles, loss of firmness and elasticity of the skin. The function of the vitamin is to normalize metabolism, oxidation and human growth. Takes part in the biosynthesis of protein elements, fatty acids, and plant carbohydrates.

Indications for use

Doctors prescribe medication for skin regeneration, for additional help for illnesses. Often the most common problems for which medication is prescribed are:

  • burns;
  • allergy;
  • skin diseases: eczema, dermatitis;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • acne;
  • bronchitis, bronchial asthma;
  • polyneuritis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • insufficient blood circulation;
  • chronic diseases liver.

Acid should be drunk by nursing and pregnant girls and people who are very addicted to alcoholic drinks. Additionally, pantothenol is prescribed for older people during intense physical activity, training, depression, and stress.

Deficiency Symptoms

Vitamin B5 plays important role in human life. Therefore, when there is a shortage of it, problems arise that are difficult to ignore. At the first sign of deficiency, you should immediately consult a doctor for a prescription or go straight to the pharmacy.

Signs of pantothenol deficiency:

  1. Violation of metabolic processes (metabolism).
  2. Flabbiness of the skin.
  3. Fatigue, exhaustion.
  4. The appearance of an ulcer;
  5. Damage to the epidermis.
  6. Stopping growth.
  7. Involuntary miscarriages.
  8. Blood diseases.
  9. Numbness and tingling in the limbs.
  10. Fading of the iris.
  11. Problems with the functioning of the adrenal glands and nervous system.
  12. Severe pain in the arms and legs, often appearing at night.
  13. Violation normal operation heart, kidneys, liver.
  14. Headache.
  15. Insomnia, depression.
  16. Abundant.
  17. Frequent muscle spasms, cramps.
  18. Trophic disorders.

Release form

Pharmacology produces the product in several forms. A common option is tablets and capsules. It is recommended to drink them strictly according to the instructions, half an hour before meals and drink only clean water without gas. Available without a doctor's prescription.

The second form of release is ampoules. They are administered intramuscularly or intravenously. This effective method, however, not everyone can tolerate it. The action is painful, so many people prefer to take pills. Available only with a prescription from a doctor.


When taking tablets and capsules, the following dosages are prescribed:

In dermatology, when administered intramuscularly or intravenously, large doses are prescribed:

  1. Adults: 150 mg per day.
  2. Children from 100 to 300 mg, 2-3 times a day.

Important! The medication is quickly eliminated, so an overdose will not lead to bad consequences.

What products contain

You can get beneficial properties from pantothenol not only through drug treatment. Foods that a person eats every day also contain calcium pantothenate. The only rule is to cook them correctly.

With heavy processing, frying, canning, freezing or adding vinegar - useful material disappear as their chemical bonds are destroyed. It is better to eat such products or subject them only to light heat treatment (cooking).

To fill the gap, all you have to do is go shopping. The source of vitamin B5 is meat, protein, liver, kidneys, and so on. Here is a list of foods that contain a lot of calcium patentate.

  1. Beef meat.
  2. Liver.
  3. Whole wheat.
  4. Greens, especially lettuce and cabbage.
  5. Fresh vegetables.
  6. Dairy products, eggs.
  7. Sea fish, red and black caviar.
  8. Bananas, oranges, apples, plums, pears.
  9. Strawberries, raspberries, gooseberries.
  10. Mushrooms, nuts.

Daily dose

For normal functioning, a person needs to take a daily dose of the substance. The quantity takes into account not only medications, but also the percentage contained in the products. It is worth noting that the need for vitamin B5 depends directly on the situation.

During normal operation of all processes, a small amount of calcium is needed, during pregnancy - more, since not only the mother, but also unborn child needs reinforcement. After surgery, you need a lot of strength and energy to recover from such stress and weakening of not only the body, but also the immune system. In case of skin lesions or severe infectious diseases a large dose is prescribed.

At normal conditions daily dose is:

  • for pregnant and lactating girls – up to 20 mg;
  • adults – up to 10 mg;
  • elderly people – up to 15 mg;
  • children and adolescents – 4 mg;
  • infants and children under three years of age – 2 mg.

Application for hair and skin

Vitamin B5 is used not only in pharmacology and medicinal purposes, but also in the field of cosmetology. Few people know, but this particular product helps restore damaged hair and fights dry and brittle strands. Nourishes hair follicles, gives volume, shine and thickness, .

It has been scientifically proven that masks with vitamin B5 are absorbed faster, have an effective effect, and do not cause allergies or addiction.

Indications for use for hair:

  • slow growth;
  • damaged scalp;
  • dandruff;
  • fragility and dryness;
  • exposure to high temperatures and;
  • hair dyeing (to maintain color).

Recipes for homemade masks with provitamin B5

Anti-aging masks

All components that are presented in the recipes can be easily purchased on the Internet, in personal care or soap making stores. They do not harm hair, do not cause allergies and do not damage hair.

Shampoo for dry and damaged hair


  • Ready base for shampoo – 180 ml.
  • Lactic acid (80%) – 0.5 ml.
  • Oil with lavender extract – 5 drops.
  • Preservative - according to instructions.
  • D-panthenol (vitamin B5) – 5 ml. Be sure to pay attention to concentration.
  • Almond oil – 5 ml.

Mix all ingredients. Essential oil Lavender must first be melted in almond. You can add a few drops of cosmetic dyes to achieve a rich shade, like after dyeing. The main thing is not to overdo it. Use the mask as regular shampoo. The portion is enough for three months.

Egg mask

The difference between this mask and the previous recipe is that it is used only a few times a week and this portion is enough for one time.


  • 0.5 - 1 ml panthenol. Depending on how dry and damaged your hair is.
  • 10 ml cosmetic oil.
  • Egg yolk.
  • Two drops lemon juice with low concentration.

Mix all ingredients. Thanks to the egg yolk, both water and oil in this mask will be able to interact with each other and not spread. Wash your hair and dry it slightly. Apply the mask to the entire surface of the head. Wraps a towel or film around your head to create a steam effect. Leave for 15-20 minutes. Wash off warm water. If a greasy film remains after the mask, wash off with shampoo.

Vitamin B5 for face

Calcium pantetonate is used in cosmetology and to improve facial condition. His medicinal properties help fight acne, acne, pimples. And also small scars, microcracks, wrinkles, sagging skin.

The drug relieves inflammation and irritation, prevents the appearance allergic reactions. For supports water balance, moisturizes, nourishes, creates a protective layer from ultraviolet rays and exposure external factors environment.

For oily and combination skin – mattifies, removes greasy shine, normalizes work sebaceous glands. For normal skin– cleanses, nourishes and cares.

Egg mask with provitamin for hair, which is described above, also be applied to the face. You just need to hold it for 10 minutes.

Pantothenic acid in dermatology

Dermatologists use the drug to treat skin diseases, acne, acne, and other things. For treatment, the drug is administered intravenously into large doses. For adults this is up to 2000 ml per day, for children up to 300 ml several times a day. The course of treatment depends on the severity of the disease, immunity and age of the patient.

How to take during pregnancy

A pregnant mother needs to take more of the drug than an ordinary adult. The fact is that during pregnancy, nutrition and pantothenic acid are necessary not only for the girl, but also for the growing small organism. Daily dose for a pregnant girl up to 20 mg. It can be taken either by injection or in tablets. Most often, doctors write a prescription in tablet form.

The medication does not harm the condition of the unborn child. On the contrary, it stimulates fast growth and normal fetal development. You can also take the drug while breastfeeding. There is no need to be afraid of an overdose - there will be no harm from it, since the medication is quickly eliminated by the body.

Interaction with other drugs

Vitamin B5 is a drug that interacts quite calmly with other drugs, and even alcohol. Doctors strongly recommend taking medication for colds, along with antibiotics. People who are too often addicted to alcohol will be given additional doses of acid, since it removes alcohol, easily interacts with alcohol, and does not affect the liver, kidneys and other organs.

Contraindications and side effects

There are no contraindications. The drug is non-toxic, useful and quickly eliminated from the body.
Side effects: from tablets – dyspeptic symptoms(rarely), with injections – pain during and after the procedure.

Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid)– a water-soluble compound with a simple structure. It was discovered in 1933 by scientist Williams and only after ten years of experiments was its vitamin nature confirmed. This vitamin gets its name from the Greek word “pantothene,” meaning “everywhere, everywhere.” After all, it can be found in almost all products.

Pharmacological vitamin B5 is a calcium salt, and in kind- it's an acid. But this fact does not prevent both forms from acting effectively.

Pantothenic acid dissolves in alcohol, water, acetic acid, is stable in a neutral environment, and is destroyed under the influence of temperature in alkaline and acidic environments.

Effect of vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid)

The effect of vitamin B5 will be difficult to overestimate. It is transported throughout the body, distributed throughout all tissues. Absorbed in the intestines and, entering the blood, passes into the form of enzymes. Due to its water-soluble nature, the vitamin does not accumulate, causing toxic effects. Excreted as free acid through the kidneys.

There are probably no functions in our body that are not affected by pantothenic acid. Its main role is to participate in the production of energy at the cellular level, which is so necessary for physical and mental stress.

Vitamin B5 actively takes part in processes such as:

  • metabolism, processes of acetylation and oxidation, accelerating metabolism;
  • regulation of the nervous system, prevents the development of Alzheimer's disease and age-related dementia;
  • normalization of intestinal functions;
  • maintaining good condition skin and hair;
  • tissue regeneration;
  • fight against pathogenic microbes and inflammatory processes, acting in the adrenal cortex, the production of glucocorticoids, which help cure arthritis, allergies, heart disease;
  • in combination with choline they activate brain activity, relieving absent-mindedness, memory problems and depressive disorders;
  • antibody production in immune system, creating protection against infections;
  • synthesis of hemoglobin, cholesterol and other essential hormones helping to prevent the development of diabetes and atherosclerosis;
  • synthesizes substances that control the senses - the perception of tastes and smells;
  • protection from small doses of radiation.

Daily norm

The daily intake of vitamin B5 varies depending on many indicators. So for an adult healthy person 10-12 mg is required, for children 2-7 mg, for pregnant and lactating women - 15-20 mg. But these are, one might say, standard situations. In high conditions physical activity, infectious diseases, stress and postoperative period The need for pantothenic acid increases; only the attending physician can select the required dosage.

Lack of vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid)

A lack of vitamin B5 in the body is scary because almost all organs are affected, and very quickly. First of all, fatigue, loss of strength and loss of performance will appear due to the fact that pantothenic acid is instantly consumed in the muscles. Then signs of nervous system and sleep disorders will appear, and discomfort in the fingers of the limbs. For no reason, headaches and muscle pain that are caused by violations metabolic processes and accumulation of lactic acid.

  • indigestion, loss of appetite, problems with absorption, constipation or, conversely, diarrhea;
  • burning pain in the legs during sleep, most often in the calf area;
  • exhaustion and various problems caused by metabolic disorders, especially manifested in women during menopause, lead to pressure drops and impaired coordination in space;
  • appearance external signs, such as hair loss, nail problems, dandruff, dermatitis;
  • the development of gastritis and peptic ulcers due to regular gastrointestinal disorders;
  • weakened immunity and, accordingly, frequent colds and infectious diseases appear in the later stages of hypovitaminosis, because antibodies change over time;
  • in advanced forms of hypovitaminosis, kidney dysfunction is possible;
  • an increase in “bad” cholesterol, problems arise with the arteries and heart functions and, as a result, atherosclerosis can develop, which today occupies a leading position in deaths;
  • in children, in addition to hypovitaminosis (vitaminosis - acute failure) may cause growth to slow or stop.

Vitamin B5 can be confidently called the “vitamin of youth”, because its lack significantly affects appearance: the appearance early gray hair, age spots, skin ages, eyes fade, appears excess weight. It is enough to change your “diet” and you will lose up to ten years.

By the way, pantothenic acid promotes fat burning (lipolysis), so it can proudly bear the title of architect of a slim figure.

And the best part about all of the above is that hypovitaminosis B5 is enough rare disease. It’s not for nothing that they gave it the name “pantoten” - everywhere. With varied and a complete diet the body receives this healthy vitamin in more than sufficient quantities.

But do not forget that only sufficient consumption of foods in natural form can satisfy the need. After all, preservation, freezing and heat treatment destroy most of the vitamin.

In addition, there are cases when it is worth taking care of taking pantothenic acid. As a rule, its synthesis is prevented by antibiotics and sulfonamides, alcohol and hormonal drugs.

By the way, hypervitaminosis B5 is quite a rare phenomenon, because its excess is quickly eliminated from the body with urine. Sometimes diarrhea or fluid retention in the body may occur.

Sources of Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid)

Sources of vitamin B5 for the body are very diverse; it is partially synthesized by microflora healthy intestines person. The rest is consumed in food, and the list is very extensive.

The main sources with the maximum vitamin content are brewer's and baker's yeast, liver, kidneys, eggs, dairy products, vegetables, peanuts, bran and cereals, fish, baked goods made from whole grain flour.

But it is necessary to take into account that the own synthesis of pantothenic acid occurs only in healthy microflora, and heat treatment destroys up to 50%. In addition, the lack of other vitamins contributes to low level absorption, just like eating fast food. Therefore, it is important to eat right - more fresh vegetables and fruits, and prefer meat and fish dried or baked, preferably in foil.

Interaction with other drugs

Vitamin B5 serves as auxiliary component aware of the treatment of many diseases:

  • enhances the work of cardiac glucosides - for the treatment of heart failure;
  • neutralizes the effect of anti-tuberculosis drugs and streptomycin;
  • promotes the absorption of folic acid (B9) and choline (B4).

With a lack of vitamins C, B1 and B2, the effect of pantothenic acid is weakened, even with sufficient quantity, because are not created useful compounds and synthesis of pantheine and coenzyme.

The big enemies of vitamin B5, as well as other vitamins, are alcohol, nicotine, antibiotics and other toxic substances.

Indications for use

Indications for prescribing the vitamin for medical purposes:

  • Metabolic disorders of various types and their consequences - dermatological diseases;
  • Allergic reactions, manifested in skin rashes and irritation of the respiratory tract;
  • Bronchitis, asthma and tuberculosis;
  • Liver diseases – hepatitis, cirrhosis;
  • Thyroid gland dysfunction;
  • Treatment of chronic alcoholism;
  • Pancreatitis and diseases of the pancreas and gastrointestinal tract;
  • Problems with the nervous system – polyneuritis, neuralgia, neurasthenia;
  • Recovery after operations;
  • Toxicosis in pregnant women.

Recently, cosmetologists and dermatologists have adopted pantothenic acid. Studies have shown that it is highly effective in treating acne, acne and dermatological diseases. Also used to even out skin color and straighten fine wrinkles. In such cases, vitamin B5 is administered by injection, and intramuscular injections are quite painful.

Vitamin B5, discovered in 1933, is also known as pantothenic acid. This name comes from the Greek word “pantothen”, which means “everywhere”. Indeed, this compound is widely distributed in the tissues of plants, animals and microorganisms. Vitamin B5 is very important for the normal functioning of our body, since, ensuring the occurrence of various biochemical reactions, pantothenic acid actively participates in the regulation of lipid, protein and carbohydrate metabolism, supports the normal functioning of the nervous system and many glands internal secretion . Vitamin deficiency AT 5 may lead to malfunctions various organs and, as a consequence, to serious illnesses. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that our body receives pantothenic acid in sufficient quantities every day.

Daily requirement

The requirement for vitamin B5 for a healthy adult ranges from 10-15 mg per day. These figures are somewhat lower for children. For example, in the USA, doctors recommend the following daily intakes of vitamin B5: for children under one year of age 2-3 mg, from one to six years – approximately 3-4 mg, from six to ten years – 4-5 mg, and from ten to fourteen years - 4-7 mg.

The human body needs increased quantity pantothenic acid for diseases caused by vitamin B5 deficiency, with heavy physical labor and sports, as well as with infectious diseases, stress, after operations. Pregnant and lactating women to provide normal development the child must receive about 20 mg vitamin B5 per day. In case of various diseases caused by vitamin B5 deficiency are prescribed intramuscular or intravenous injections pantothenic acid.

Vitamin B5 is also used in the treatment of dermatological diseases, and in doses significantly higher than daily norm for a healthy person. For example, children with skin diseases are recommended to take up to 0.3 g pantothenic acid 2-3 times a day, in this case adults are prescribed up to 1.5 g vitamin B5 per day. For acne, the dosage of vitamin B5 reaches even more impressive amounts - up to 10 g pantothenic acid per day.

Functions in the body

Vitamin B5 helps provide body cells with energy by participating in the process of fat breakdown. Pantothenic acid is necessary for the development and maintenance of normal functioning of the cells of the central nervous system, which regulates all life processes. This vitamin is also involved in the metabolism of all basic nutritional components necessary for the growth and development of body cells. Pantothenic acid is necessary for the synthesis of a number of substances (hemoglobin, cholesterol, corticosteroids) responsible for the implementation of the most important vital functions.

In infectious diseases, vitamin B5 stimulates the production of antibodies, which contribute to strengthening the immune system . Pantothenic acid increases focus and concentration, protects brain cells from the effects of nicotine and alcohol, stimulates the work of the heart muscle and prevents premature aging hearts.

Vitamin B5 takes part in the synthesis of special substances with the help of which nerve cells quickly conduct signals from the sense organs to the brain and spinal cord. Therefore, a deficiency of pantothenic acid in food can cause a disturbance in the perception of taste and smell, as well as memory impairment and the appearance of absent-mindedness.

By stimulating the work of the adrenal glands and their production of hormones, vitamin B5 thereby prevents the development of arthritis, colitis, allergies, a number of serious heart diseases, helps reduce inflammatory processes, protects the body from emotional overload, toxicological effect viruses and bacteria.

Vitamin B5 is involved in the synthesis of fatty acids. A lack of fatty acids leads to deterioration of long-term memory, sleep disorders, and the development of the syndrome chronic fatigue, as well as violation fat metabolism, which directly affects the condition of the skin and hair. IN last years It has also been established that vitamin B5 is able to protect the human body from the harmful effects of low doses of radiation.

Considering diversity is vital important functions regulated by pantothenic acid, this compound is widely used for medicinal purposes. Vitamin B5 is used as a medicine in the recovery of the body after operations, in the treatment of eczema, burns, bronchial asthma, acute and chronic bronchitis, malfunctions circulatory system, diseases of the liver, stomach, intestines. Often taking vitamin B5 is recommended to normalize metabolism in the body. Pantothenic acid has also proven effective in removing hangover syndrome in persons who abuse alcoholic beverages.

Hypovitaminosis (insufficient dietary intake) of pantothenic acid is accompanied by numbness of the toes and burning sensation in the feet, damage to the mucous membranes internal organs, disruption of the adrenal glands, early graying and hair loss. Vitamin B5 deficiency can also lead to various skin disorders: development of small cracks in the corners of the mouth, early onset wrinkles and sagging skin, the appearance of white spots on various parts of the body. Depressed mood may also occur, fast fatiguability, muscle cramps, pain in the joints when bending and straightening the limbs, disruption of the nervous system. A deficiency of vitamin B5 in the body can be caused by intestinal diseases in which the absorption mechanism is disrupted nutrients. However, pathological conditions caused by pantothenic acid hypovitaminosis are relatively rare due to the fact that vitamin B5 is present in varying quantities in almost all food products.

Since vitamin B5 is a water-soluble compound, it is easily excreted from the body and has no effect on toxic effects. Thanks to this, even an excess amount of pantothenic acid in food will not lead to any pathological conditions– excess vitamin B5 is removed from the human body naturally.

Sources of vitamin B5

Our body's need for vitamin B5 is partially satisfied through the synthesis of this substance by beneficial microorganisms, which are permanent inhabitants of the intestines of a healthy person. The rest of the amount of pantothenic acid we need enters our body along with food.

Main plant sources vitamin B5 are legumes(beans, peas, lentils, beans), nuts (peanuts, hazelnuts), leafy vegetables (spinach, lettuce, onions), garlic, buckwheat and oatmeal. Foods of animal origin rich in pantothenic acid include liver, kidneys, heart, meat, egg yolk, dairy products, and fish. Great content Vitamin B5 is found in yeast.

During heat treatment of products containing vitamin B5, significant amount this substance ( up to 50%) is destroyed, and when frozen, products lose about 30% pantothenic acid. Therefore, when preparing foods rich in vitamin B5, you should limit the exposure time high temperature, exclude freezing, and also, if possible, try to consume such products raw.

It is noteworthy that certain food products that are classified as so-called fast food (chips, carbonated drinks, canned food) have Negative influence on beneficial bacteria our intestines, which leads to a decrease in their production of pantothenic acid.

Interaction of vitamin B5 with other substances

Once in the body, vitamin B5 is included in a compound that plays a key role in nutrient metabolism. Better absorption Pantothenic acid is promoted by vitamin B1. By interacting with some toxic metabolic products, vitamin B5 reduces side effect anti-tuberculosis drugs. Pantothenic acid facilitates the process of our body’s absorption of vitamin B4 (choline) and vitamin B9 (better known as folic acid), increases the effectiveness of a number of medicines, used for heart failure.

Antibiotics, alcohol, and oral contraceptives have a destructive effect on the vitamin B5 contained in our body.

Vitamins are very important for every person. These elements are classified by chemists as low molecular weight organic compounds and are characterized simple structure. They are found in food products or environment in relatively no large quantities, but at the same time play a vital role in the full functioning of the human body. One of the important vitamins for us is vitamin B5. Today we'll talk about it. Why does our body need vitamin B5, and what does it contain in the diet?

Vitamin B5 is a fairly common substance in food. This element is also known as pantothenic acid. Its deficiency is extremely rare, but, nevertheless, sometimes it occurs.

Why does the body need vitamin B5??

This substance, after penetration into the body, becomes pantethine, and it, in turn, is an integral part of coenzyme A, which takes an active part in the completion of oxidation processes, as well as acetylation. As you know, coenzyme A is involved in the metabolism of proteins, fats, and also carbohydrates.

Pantothenic acid plays an important role in the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates, in addition, it is necessary for the metabolism of amino acids. This substance takes part in the synthesis of a number of essential fatty acids, histamine; it is important for the production of hemoglobin, as well as histamine and acetylcholine. It is worth noting that vitamin B5 is not very resistant to heat. Heat treatment leads to the loss of almost half of this substance in food.

Pantothenic acid activates the synthesis of adrenal hormones, which are known as glucocorticoids. This is what explains its anti-inflammatory qualities. Corticoids simultaneously fight inflammatory processes in all corners of our body, in addition they help cope with stressful situations. But at the same time, the adrenal cortex can synthesize hormones only six hours a day, accordingly, it needs significant reserves of pantothenic acid for successful activity. Due to the anti-inflammatory properties of vitamin B5, its sufficient and even additional intake into the body can be important for allergic lesions, arthritis, colitis, heart disease, etc.

Pantothenic acid takes an active part in the synthesis of antibodies, which makes it very important for the full functioning of the immune system. This substance is also necessary for the correct and complete absorption of other vitamins by the body, as well as for the production of neurotransmitters (substances that ensure the transmission of nerve impulses). A sufficient amount of such elements plays a very important role for the full functioning of the brain and central nervous system.

Vitamin B5 takes part in the production of fatty acids. This substance is able to optimize fat metabolism, which makes it very useful for combating extra pounds. In addition, pantothenic acid quite effectively activates the flow of redox processes in our body.

Lack of vitamin B5 is a fairly rare occurrence. It can be provoked not by a deficiency of such a substance in the diet, but by other accompanying conditions.

Such hypovitaminosis can occur as a result of insufficient intake of proteins or fats into the body, due to low intake of vitamin C or B vitamins. Vitamin B5 deficiency can also occur due to illnesses small intestine which are accompanied by malabsorption syndrome (absorption disorders). Also, a lack of pantothenic acid can be explained by consumption antibacterial drugs or sulfonamides.

With a decrease in the amount of vitamin B5 in the body, readers of “Popular about health” may be worried about excessive fatigue, depressive states, sleep disturbances and high fatigue. Enough common symptom Such a deficiency results in headaches, muscle pain, and a feeling of nausea. In some cases, a manifestation of hypovitaminosis B5 is a burning sensation, tingling and numbness of the toes.

With severe deficiency, burning and painful pain may occur. painful sensations in area lower limbs which occur mostly at night. The skin of the feet usually becomes reddened. Pantothenic acid deficiency can also lead to dyspeptic disorders And ulcerative lesions duodenum.

In addition, with such a condition, the body’s resistance to illnesses significantly decreases, which leads to frequent occurrence ARI and ARVI.

Vitamin B5 in foods

As we have already found out, B5 is present in almost all food products. However, there are foods that are especially rich in this substance. It is represented by peas, yeast, hazelnuts, green leafy vegetables, buckwheat and oatmeal, as well as cauliflower. In addition, vitamin B5 is found in quite large quantities in offal (liver, kidneys and heart), in chicken meat, in egg yolk, milk and fish caviar.

It is impossible to get excessive amounts of vitamin B5 from food. Its excess is quickly eliminated from the body along with urine. In some cases, additional intake of pantothenic acid is prescribed by doctors. For example, if the body does not receive enough of it from foods. It is sold as a medicine of the same name in pharmacies and is used in accordance with the instructions.

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