Water in the lungs is what they call it. Fluid in the lungs: causes and treatment depending on the degree of the disease. Chest injuries

Pulmonary edema is a dangerous consequence of diseases, injuries or chemical poisoning. It can develop gradually, with stagnation occurring over several days or weeks, or manifest itself in acute form in a matter of hours.

Pathology can lead to suffocation and death. To prevent this outcome, you need to correctly interpret the symptoms and consult a doctor. The specialist will conduct a diagnosis, determine how to remove fluid from the lungs, and prescribe effective conservative or surgical treatment.

Causes of fluid accumulation in the lungs

Pulmonary edema does not occur on its own, but as a consequence of other problems in the body. Blood circulation and air exchange are disrupted, causing the walls of blood vessels to leak fluid.

The following factors contribute to this:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • malignant tumor;
  • previous heart or brain surgery;
  • violations metabolic processes body;
  • kidney and liver diseases;
  • pulmonary diseases of an inflammatory or obstructive nature;
  • poisoning with toxic substances;
  • injuries chest etc.

The doctor’s task is to diagnose edema, find the best way remove, prescribe treatment aimed at eliminating the main ailment that provokes dangerous symptom.

Signs of pulmonary edema

Fluid accumulation in the lungs manifests itself vivid symptoms, which become more and more pronounced as the volume of exudate increases.

You need to pay attention to the following body signals:

  • a feeling of fatigue, weakness that does not go away even during rest;
  • chest pain;
  • shortness of breath, difficulty breathing;
  • cyanosis of the skin due to oxygen starvation;
  • cough with foam from the nose and mouth;
  • nervousness;
  • tachycardia.

The most dangerous complication edema – suffocation, which can be fatal. In order to prevent sad consequences, it is necessary to begin therapeutic measures in a timely manner.

First aid for a patient with swelling

Pulmonary edema due to cancer, heart failure, or other diseases often requires treatment in an intensive care unit. However, before the ambulance arrives, the patient needs emergency care.

People around you need to take the following measures:

  1. Open the window to let more air into the room.
  2. Place the patient in a comfortable position. The legs should be lowered down, a cushion should be placed under the back.
  3. Remove the patient from uncomfortable, tight clothing.
  4. Place the patient's feet in a basin with hot water: This will allow the blood to drain away from the pulmonary area.
  5. Apply tourniquets to the upper thighs, but the pulse should not completely disappear. This will drain the blood from the heart.

Do not try to “cure” someone experiencing a choking attack on your own. Need to call ambulance which will take the patient to the hospital. Based on the results of the examination, it will be determined which therapeutic methods will be most effective.


Video - How to pump out fluid from the lungs?

Basic methods for removing fluid from the respiratory organ

The method for eliminating pulmonary edema depends on the disease-cause.

For example, to combat a problem caused by heart failure, the patient is prescribed:

Additional drugs are prescribed depending on the patient's condition. For example, with strong pain syndrome analgesics are needed.

If the cause of the problem is kidney or liver failure, taking medications is combined with special diet: limiting the consumption of water and salt.

In case of oncology, fluid is removed by pumping out. When the crisis has passed, medications are selected to combat the malignant tumor. Depending on the stage of the disease, either chemotherapy or surgical intervention, or symptomatic maintenance therapy.

If the cause of fluid accumulation in the lungs is pneumonia, the patient is prescribed antibiotics to combat dangerous infection. Additionally, antitussives and antiviral drugs, increasing the body's defenses.

Practice shows that if a patient with pulmonary edema consults a doctor in a timely manner, the dangerous symptom can be relieved. The prognosis for treatment is positive.

When should fluid be pumped out of the lungs?

The question of how to remove fluid from the lungs arises if it is concentrated in the pleural cavity, i.e. between the outer lining of the lungs and the inner lining of the chest cavity. U healthy person There is some water in this area - up to 2 mm. When the volume increases to 10 ml or more, therapeutic intervention is necessary.

Removing fluid by puncture simultaneously solves two problems:

  1. Restoring normal breathing of the patient, eliminating suffocation.
  2. Diagnosis: understanding the nature of the fluid accumulated in the lungs. If it is non-inflammatory in nature, it is called transudate; if it is inflammatory, it is called exudate. Based on this, the further course of treatment is determined.

Pumping out liquid does not require special preparation. The patient assumes a sitting position, bending forward and placing his hands on the table in front of him. The place where the lung will be punctured is determined on the basis of previous studies: radiography, ultrasound and tapping.

Excess liquid is pumped out under local anesthesia. A half-percent novocaine solution is injected near the injection site, which will block pain. The skin area is wiped with alcohol and iodine solution.

When inserting the needle, the doctor focuses on the upper edge of the rib. He must make the puncture so as not to touch the nerves and blood vessels. It is important to maintain the correct depth, otherwise the needle will go in too far and damage the lung.

The tip is inserted until there is a feeling of “failure”. When it is deep enough, the doctor begins to remove the liquid by pulling the piston towards himself. The needle is replaced with a puncture unit.

A maximum of one liter of transudate can be removed in one procedure. Exceeding this limit entails dangerous consequences up to fatal outcome. After the puncture, the area where the needle is inserted is treated with an antiseptic and a sterile bandage is applied to it.

Analyzing the results of the procedure and the patient’s condition, the doctor determines how many times the manipulation needs to be repeated and what further measures should be taken. therapeutic effects use. It is important to monitor the condition of a patient who has had fluid drained from his lungs. Possible appearance side effects procedures: hemoptysis, weakness, breathing problems.

Traditional methods of pumping fluid from the lungs

On the Internet you can find numerous recommendations on how to remove fluid from the lungs. folk remedies. It is important to understand that none of the " grandma's recipes» is not suitable for assistance in emergency situations. You cannot apply the advice of doctors “for plow” without first discussing it with your doctor.

There are the following recipes that help remove fluid right at home:

  1. Oats
    This plant has a known ability to remove phlegm. It is necessary to combine a glass of vegetable raw materials and 150 ml of milk. The ingredients are mixed in a saucepan, brought to a boil and simmered under a lid over a low flame for 20 minutes. Then the composition is poured through a sieve and taken a tablespoon three times a day.
  2. Parsley
    This plant can overcome pulmonary edema because it has pronounced diuretic properties. Pour 800 g of fresh herbs into 1 liter of milk, place on low heat and wait until the mixture has reduced by half. After this, pass the resulting drug through a strainer. Use a tablespoon every 30-60 minutes.
  3. Onion
    This vegetable has a pronounced diuretic effect. It is necessary to peel one onion, pass through a meat grinder and sprinkle with sugar. When the juice appears, you need to collect it and take one tablespoon daily on an empty stomach.
  4. Viburnum mushroom
    This recipe is useful for those who have pulmonary edema due to heart disease. It is necessary to collect ripe viburnum berries, wash and dry. Plant raw materials are poured into a glass jar, filled with warm boiled water, add sugar or honey. Leave in a dark and cool place for at least a week. During this period, something jellyfish-like forms on the surface - this is the viburnum mushroom. The liquid underneath is poured into another container and consumed a tablespoon twice a day for two weeks.

The decision about how fluid is pumped out of the lungs should be made only by a doctor. Based on the diagnostic results, he determines whether a puncture is needed and what drugs or “grandmother’s” methods can be used in a particular case.

Ignoring the symptoms presented by the body and attempting self-therapy can lead to fatal consequences, including death.

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Fluid in the lungs is a rather dangerous problem that needs to be treated immediately. This means that the person has serious illness, in the absence of treatment, various complications can occur, including death.

Why does fluid accumulate in the lungs?

If fluid accumulates in the lungs, this always indicates the presence of some disease. This phenomenon can be observed in the following cases:

It is very dangerous. Most tumors in the lung area are malignant. Therefore, they should be removed as quickly as possible.

  • Tuberculosis. In this case, purulent sputum, particles of blood and lung tissue accumulate in the lungs due to the onset of organ decomposition.
  • Injuries in the chest area. They lead to various ruptures, which entails the accumulation of exudate. The fluid forms gradually, the patient also notes severe pain in the area of ​​injury. The area where the impact occurred may turn blue.
  • Diseases internal organs, leading to an inflammatory process in the pleura. This often occurs with cirrhosis of the liver.

Pathology may appear after heart surgery. The organ begins to work with some malfunctions, so blood may return to the lungs. This is a fairly common occurrence and occurs approximately 1-2 weeks after surgery, so doctors prepare the patient for possible complications in advance.

Water in the lungs can also come from outside. For example, if a person choked. Some of the fluid may remain in the respiratory tract, and then it will enter the main respiratory organ.

Each of the above pathologies is dangerous in its own way. The sooner treatment is started, the greater the chance that recovery will occur quickly without causing serious complications.

Fluid accumulation in old people

Fluid can accumulate in the lungs of older people due to long-term use acetylsalicylic acid. Old people drink it to relieve pain.

In addition, water in the lungs in the elderly may occur due to their sedentary lifestyle life. This leads to impaired pulmonary circulation and stagnation occurs. Therefore, to prevent such phenomena, older people need to move more.

Main manifestations

If there is fluid in the lungs, a person suffers various symptoms. Their severity depends on the amount of accumulated exudate. The patient may experience the following symptoms:

If any of the above symptoms occur, you should immediately consult a doctor. Otherwise, there is a risk of developing serious complications.

Diagnostic tests

The diagnosis is made only after a series of diagnostic procedures. These include:

  • Examination of the patient and listening to his lungs. The doctor must ask the patient what exactly is bothering him in order to have at least the slightest idea about the pathology.
  • X-ray or fluorography. This is the most informative method diagnostics On x-ray changes are clearly visible. The affected area is darkened.
  • Blood tests to determine whether a person has colds whether the immune system is functioning normally.

Sometimes required differential diagnosis, if the doctor cannot make an accurate diagnosis. In this case, additional diagnostic procedures may be performed.

How to treat

The causes and treatment of fluid in the lungs are interrelated. The doctor can prescribe therapy only after naming the disease that provoked the unpleasant symptoms. In almost 100% of cases, hospitalization of the patient is required.

Treatment can be conservative or surgical. Taking medications only works if a little fluid has accumulated. The following medications can be used to eliminate the disease:

Is it treated at home? Self-medication for any disease accompanied by fluid accumulation can be very dangerous to health. A person may choke.

If taking medications does not produce any results, the doctor adjusts the treatment regimen. In this case, it may be necessary to pump out the accumulated fluid.

How fluid is pumped out of the lungs

If fluid has accumulated in the pleural cavity, it must be pumped out. A healthy person also has it, but its amount does not exceed 2 ml. If more than 10 ml of liquid has accumulated, it must be removed. After pumping, the patient’s breathing should normalize and the suffocation will go away.

Usually they resort to pumping out liquids that have non-infectious nature. It is called a transudate. If the pathology is associated with inflammatory process, you need to cure it first. If any liquid remains after this, it will need to be removed.

The patient does not require special preparation before the procedure. The process is performed according to the following algorithm:

  • The patient should sit down, bend forward, and place his hands on a special table.
  • Held local anesthesia. An injection of novocaine is also given to avoid pain. The puncture site is determined in advance based on data obtained during an ultrasound or x-ray.
  • The skin is wiped with alcohol. Then the doctor begins to make a puncture. He must act very carefully so as not to touch nerve endings and vessels. The depth must also be correct. If the needle is inserted too deeply, it can damage the lung.

The doctor should insert the needle until there is a feeling of failure. Upper shell lung is denser than its contents.

  • After this, the doctor pumps out the accumulated fluid.
  • At the end, the puncture site is treated antiseptic solution, and a sterile bandage is applied in its place.

In one procedure, no more than a liter of transudate can be removed from the lungs. If you exceed this limit, you may experience serious complications, even death.

Pumping out liquid should be carried out by an experienced specialist. This procedure should not be trusted to an emergency worker or a person without training. It must be performed under sterile conditions.

How many times can fluid be pumped out of the lungs?

The number of repetitions of the procedure is determined by the attending physician. It is important to eliminate the reason why the fluid is collecting. After this, it will accumulate less, so it will need to be pumped out less often until the need for this completely disappears.

Folk remedies for fluid stagnation

Treatment with folk remedies is possible only if there is an accumulation of a small amount of fluid. In very advanced cases, such therapy is very dangerous. The following remedies are effective for removing stagnant mucus:

It is impossible to completely remove the liquid at home. Application required special means. In addition, you cannot set yourself correct diagnosis. And taking the wrong medications may not give any results.

Recovery forecasts

If therapy is started on time, the prognosis is favorable. The disease can be cured without complications for the body. After this, people live full lives.

But if you hesitate and do not see a doctor on time, the consequences can be disastrous. The swelling will increase, squeezing Airways. A person can die because of respiratory failure.

Fluid in the lungs is always very dangerous. If the patient suspects that he has this pathology, he should immediately go to the hospital. It can also take time to get a diagnosis. And in some cases, even watches are important to save a person’s life.

Sometimes fluid accumulates in the lung area, causing various reasons. This is not a very pleasant symptom, and to get rid of it, people look for different ways that could be done at home. Doctors do not deny the effectiveness traditional medicine, they ask that you remain cautious before starting any course home treatment contact specialists. This way the patient will maintain health and receive accurate information about his condition.

How to remove fluid from the lungs, how does it even appear there, in such an atypical place? After all, as is known from short course anatomy, blood must circulate in the lungs, it receives oxygen and supplies the lungs nutrients. Sometimes phlegm or mucus accumulates in the bronchi. Where does water come from? You should figure it out before looking for ways.

Hydrothorax of the lungs - what is it, why does it occur?

A type of disease in which free fluid gradually accumulates in the pleura. This is indeed a pathology that can be caused by a violation between the pressure of the fluid flowing through the capillaries in the pleura and osmotic pressure plasma inside it. Hydrothorax is also called thoracic hydrops; it does not occur as separate disease, This secondary symptom, which will give an experienced doctor a signal about the development of a malfunction in the functioning of other organs.

Why does hydrothorax occur:

Heart failure – it’s not for nothing that the heart is the lungs’ closest neighbor. The activities of both organs are closely connected and when one suffers, it immediately affects the other. When the lungs fill with blood or fluid, this most often indicates damage to the heart - either pockets of stagnation have appeared in the blood circulation, the blood does not flow with the required pressure.
Heart defects - its valves are clogged with cholesterol plaques, which gradually narrow the lumen, or problems have arisen with the heart muscle itself. Something is affecting correct work organ, prevents it from dispersing blood.
The kidneys are affected, and in a severe, chronic form.
Cirrhosis of the liver can also affect the lungs after some time.
Anemia - problems with blood pressure, common reason many diseases.

Symptoms of hydrothorax

It is necessary to consult a doctor in time to identify the disease, the very presence of fluid in the lungs is of course dangerous condition, but a specialist must identify the cause of the accumulation of this fluid. What prevents it from being absorbed?

Shortness of breath, difficulty breathing appears, even in a calm state it is difficult to inhale.
heaviness - as if something is pressing from the inside on the chest.
acrocyanosis of the skin - usually if pulmonary congestion continues for more than the first day.

Method 1 - using parsley

Take 800 g of fresh twigs, pour in homemade milk (liter) and steam in a saucepan over low heat, let it slowly gurgle, but not boil. When about half the milk is gone, turn off the stove.

Drink a spoonful of this milk every 30 minutes to an hour all day. You can pour it into a thermos to drink regularly and outside the home. Tomorrow, prepare a new portion of milk with parsley.

Method 2 - removing liquid from turnip peels

Prepare the decoction: boil 3 liters. plain water, then add a glass of crushed turnip peel, close the lid on top and hide in the already hot oven. Keep watching for 2 hours. Take in small 200 ml portions.

Method 3 – onion-based remedy

Take a large, young, juicy onion onions, chop and sprinkle with sugar. On an empty stomach, drink a tablespoon every day instead of breakfast or before it, only juice, not pulp. If you need to remove a lot of fluid, double the dose.

Method 4 – viburnum mushroom that removes liquid

Here we will really talk about simple viburnum berries. Wash and dry them, then collect the fruits in a liter jar and pour them into a larger container - 2-3 liters. Add warm, already boiled water, a glass of sugar (can be replaced with honey). Cover with gauze. It’s more convenient to infuse in a glass container, as the processes inside are easier to see.

Let it stand in dark place, look until a jellyfish-like film appears on top. So it’s called viburnum mushroom. It can grow somewhere on the 10th day of infusion. Carefully pour about half of the liquid into another container. This is a ready-to-use mixture. You need to drink small portions for two days. Rinse the mushroom and place it back in the jar. Add honey syrup here. Now you can prepare it for infusion and a new portion of the decoction.

Method 5

When the cause of unexpected fluid accumulation is cirrhosis of the liver, treatment must be carried out using another method. Take a large plastic bag, carefully make a hole in the top and put it on. Stick your head into the hole. Initially, the package creates the effect of a steam room, only without liquid. Therefore, you should put it on your bare torso, lubricating its surface. fish oil(the smell will, of course, be strong) or replace it with a mixture of kefir and honey (at least the smell is more pleasant).

Cellophane will not allow it to erode, and the mixture will gradually be absorbed by the skin. Heavy sweating will reduce the load on the liver, it will “rest”. After the procedure, eat about 50 grams. boiled liver (beef or pork), then drink a glass of rose hips - 1 liter. boiled water to 4 b. spoons of berries. An ordinary tasty and healthy decoction.

The dry steam room lasts half an hour, then you need to wash thoroughly, wipe with a washcloth and gel or soap. Then, in addition, wipe with ordinary table vinegar. This “steam room” is effective 2 times during a normal day. Fluid is excreted without straining the liver. The course lasts approximately 2 months, further depends on the results identified.

Method 6 - pine milk

Well suited for chronic bronchial or lung diseases. Smokers can safely use it. You will need pine resin - a large piece, about the size of a 5 ruble coin, plus 3 immature green cones (carefully washed), 500 ml of already boiled milk. Leave for about 4 hours. Then strain everything through regular gauze. Take the resulting mixture before breakfast (or instead of it, not everyone eats it in the morning) in a glass, and in the evening before going to bed - also in a glass. The course lasts up to 2 months. Milk removes old mucus well.

Method 7 – pine jam

Rapid removal of not only liquid, but also toxins, mucus, good way smokers cleanse themselves. Collect green cones from pine trees that have a whitish resinous coating. Rinse in cold water and fill it so that the surface of the water is 20 cm higher. Cook slowly for 8 hours, keeping the heat low, removing the film from time to time. Then strain thoroughly, add sugar 1:1, then cook until sweet for another hour.

You need to take it on an empty stomach, up to 2 tablespoons before breakfast, but watch the body’s reaction. If he doesn't like it too much on an empty stomach, eat after the meal. The finished jam does not have a pine smell, it looks like regular sweet jam and even smells like raspberries. Therefore, such treatment will not bring much inconvenience, a good option how to get rid of liquid. Even children with a recognized sweet tooth would like it.

Method 8 – vegetable peeling

It will help with cleaning the respiratory and other systems in the body. Take 0.5 of any vodka, pour in 0.5 of carrot homemade juice, the same amount of black radish, then beets. Mix everything, then close it and glue it on top so that air does not penetrate. Simmer for 60-90 minutes inside the preheated oven, then let it sit there for the same amount of time and cool.
Take 50 g portions. often, up to 3 times over the past day. The course lasts approximately 30 days.

Important: Before choosing any of the home cleaning methods, undergo a medical examination and tell your doctor about your upcoming plans.

A condition in which fluid accumulates in the tissues of the lungs is medically called pulmonary edema. This pathology can occur in the case of certain diseases, for example, pleurisy, pneumonia or pulmonary tuberculosis. In this article we will look at the reason this state and learn how to get rid of fluid in the lungs and what traditional medicine advises.

Causes of fluid in the lungs

In addition to the above reasons, heart failure can lead to the appearance of sputum in this organ, since in this case in pulmonary artery observed high blood pressure. With arrhythmia, heart disease or heart attack, blood stagnates in the lungs, causing excess fluid to accumulate in them. In addition, lung injury, malignant tumor, intoxication due to poisoning can lead to the problem under consideration. drugs or chemicals, as well as trauma or brain surgery.

The result of these diseases or injuries is stagnation of blood, as well as disruption of gas exchange between environment and the body. As a result, the pulmonary alveoli fill with fluid instead of blood, which begins to leak through the walls. blood vessels due to excess pressure or as a result of vascular damage.

How to get rid of fluid in the lungs

Of course, the accumulation of fluid in the lungs is dangerous phenomenon requiring hospitalization of the patient. However, if the condition improves, you can fight this problem with folk remedies. Let's look at some of them.

Recipe No. 1

Traditional healers, with this pathological condition, recommend taking a mixture of natural honey and carrot seeds ground into powder. This medicine should be taken three times a day, a teaspoon.

Recipe No. 2

An excellent remedy for getting rid of this disease is. To prepare the medicine, pour 100 ml of milk into a glass of oats and cook for 20 minutes over low heat, then pass through a sieve. The result is a paste that has the color of coffee with milk. It should be taken daily, a tablespoon before three meals. Literally a week later, the process of clearing the lungs of sputum is activated.

Recipe No. 3

From this pathological condition A decoction of blue cyanosis root effectively relieves. You can buy the plant at the pharmacy. A tablespoon of crushed root is poured into 500 ml of water, and then kept in a water bath for 40 minutes. You can take this remedy 50 ml up to four times a day.

Recipe No. 4

For those who are looking for an answer to the question of how to get rid of fluid in the lungs using folk remedies, healers recommend using the following recipe. It is necessary to prepare an infusion of the following herbs: oregano leaves and marshmallow root are taken in a ratio of 2:1:2. A spoon of this collection is filled with 400 ml of boiling water, after which the medicine is infused for an hour. You need to drink it twice a day, half a glass.

Recipe No. 5

There is such a recipe. To prepare the product you will need pine pollen, honey, walnuts And butter. In a 0.5 liter jar, you need to melt 100 g of butter, add a pinch of pollen and 30 g of ground into powder. walnuts. Pour honey over the ingredients, then mix everything and let the contents of the jar cool. You need to take this medicine 3 times a day, a spoonful.

It is only important to remember that self-medication in the case of such a serious condition is unacceptable, which means that you should consult a specialist regarding the use of any of the above-described remedies. Good health to you!

Before talking about such a disease as pleurisy, let's clarify what this pleura is. So, the pleura is essentially thin serosa, enveloping our lungs. This membrane consists of inner (adjacent to the lungs) and outer (adjacent to the inner chest cavity) leaves. A pleural cavity is formed between the layers of the pleura.

When we say “fluid in the lungs,” what we are actually talking about is fluid in the pleural cavity. Essentially speaking, in the pleural cavity of a healthy person there is already about 2 milliliters of liquid. It acts as a lubricant when the layers of the pleura rub against each other and are critical for the normal breathing process. But we’ll talk further about where the excess liquid comes from and what the dangers are.

Where does the fluid in the lungs come from?

Most often, pleurisy is a consequence various diseases respiratory system. The causes of pleurisy can be:

The body of the pleura consists of the smallest blood vessels and lymphatic vessels, cells, fibers and intercellular fluid. The accumulation of fluid in the lungs develops as a result of an increase or due to a mechanical violation of their integrity.

Under the influence of infectious or autoimmune processes, as well as other factors that are important in the development of pleurisy, the permeability of the pleural vessels increases - the liquid part of the blood plasma and proteins leak into pleural cavity and accumulate in the form of liquid in its lower part.

Why is fluid in the lungs dangerous?

Cluster excess liquid in the pleural cavity causes pulmonary edema. Depending on the form of pleurisy, infectious decay products, pus, and venous blood may be mixed with the fluid in the lungs.

Pleurisy with fluid accumulation in the lungs can be complicated by the occurrence of respiratory failure. Depending on the rate of development of pulmonary edema, the following forms are distinguished:

  • fulminant;
  • spicy;
  • subacute;
  • protracted.

With acute edema, the patient experiences pain in the chest and a feeling of constriction in the lungs. Then breathing quickens and shortness of breath occurs. The person does not have enough air, and he can neither inhale nor exhale. The heartbeat quickens, cold, sticky sweat appears on the skin. Skin color changes from healthy to pale bluish. Characteristic moist cough, with much wheezing and discharge foamy sputum Pink colour. In particular severe cases phlegm also comes out through the nose.

Typical manifestation acute edema is bubbling breathing - loud, frequent, intermittent. Due to lack of air, the patient experiences attacks of fear and panic. Possible violations nervous system and loss of consciousness. As swelling increases, it decreases arterial pressure, pulse weakens.

In lightning-fast form, all these clinical manifestations develop in a matter of minutes, and without urgent medical intervention, death is possible.

Dangers of fluid accumulation in the lungs during purulent pleurisy

The most dangerous is the accumulation of fluid in the lungs when purulent pleurisy. Pulmonary edema in this case can develop into chronic form, gangrene, abscess of lung tissue.

In case of untimely medical intervention, a breakthrough of purulent fluid from the pleura into the lungs or through chest wall outward with the formation of a fistula (canal connecting the pleural cavity with external environment or light). If liquid gets into internal cavities The body develops sepsis - the penetration of infection into the blood with the formation of purulent foci in various organs.

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