Is it possible to have constipation and diarrhea at the same time and how to deal with it? Diarrhea after constipation

Flatulence, colic, bloating, constipation and diarrhea are all fairly common intestinal disorders. The reasons for these problems lie in accelerated peristalsis or violation motor function intestines. Fortunately, getting rid of such troubles is quite simple. Modern medical supplies will quickly save the situation. But constipation after diarrhea is a more complex form of intestinal disorder, and it needs to be dealt with only after finding out the reasons for its occurrence.

Diarrhea and constipation can be considered a kind of protective reactions of the body, which appear when the body is exposed to a negative external influence. Sometimes they happen in different time, less often – simultaneously. This does not pose any great danger. For example, poisoning occurred. The body begins to expel harmful substances from itself, and diarrhea begins. After this, the body becomes dehydrated and constipation occurs. This is physiology, but only if it happens occasionally. So, constipation occurs quite often after diarrhea, what should you do if this phenomenon is regular? If a person simply does not have normal bowel movements, you can start sounding the alarm.

This is a reason to contact a proctologist in the near future. Doctors list the reasons why diarrhea may be replaced by constipation: whole line diseases.

Irritable bowel syndrome

This condition can be observed in the patient for 12 months. All this time he is trying to find the answer to the question “constipation after diarrhea, what to do.” Makes itself known quickly Blunt pain, flatulence. Mucus appears in the stool, and the intestines begin to malfunction, alternating between constipation and diarrhea. Treatment of this pathology consists of diet therapy. Smoked meats, alcohol, and fried foods should be excluded from the diet. It is also necessary drug treatment, special physical exercises, physiotherapy.


Colon cancers are quite insidious. At first they disguise themselves as colitis, manifesting themselves as flatulence, bloating and sharp periodic pain in the abdomen. You should be wary if either diarrhea or constipation is regular and practically untreatable. As the disease progresses, the stool becomes increasingly foul-smelling.

Intestinal obstruction

There are two types of this problem:

  • dynamic when violated physical activity intestines;
  • mechanical when there is any obstacle.

Last type intestinal obstruction occurs due to tumors of various nature. Symptoms of intestinal obstruction are prolonged constipation, which is quickly replaced by diarrhea, delayed passage of gases, and foul-smelling liquid stool.

Side effect of taking laxatives

Long-term use of laxatives can have serious consequences - the occurrence of laxative disease. It manifests itself when, with constant use of laxatives, the body eliminates a large number of liquids. At this time, the kidneys begin to intensively reabsorb fluid. All potassium is washed out of the body. The kidney tubules are destroyed and the renal barrier is compromised. Against the background of what is happening, the peristalsis of the intestinal muscles weakens. The colon cannot continue to work; another laxative is required, and in high doses. After this, the stool masses begin to liquefy. You can hear rumbling in the stomach, but there will be no stool. Only after several doses of laxative can the intestines release their contents. This condition is life-threatening!

Cases when diarrhea gives way to constipation can cause serious harm to health. You should not independently look for the answer to the question “constipation after diarrhea, what to do” and self-medicate, and, moreover, prescribe any medications yourself. Taking anti-diarrhea medications can cause stool to stagnate in the intestines. Toxins and poisons will no longer be eliminated, and then doctors will have to save the patient’s life. Therefore, in case of the intestinal problems described above, you should not put off a visit to a proctologist for too long.

In some cases, people experience diarrhea, which very quickly gives way to constipation. Such alternation indicates some kind of malfunction in the body and requires consultation with a doctor. If a person has either constipation or diarrhea, the reasons for this phenomenon can be different; sometimes it is possible to accurately determine the diagnosis without full examination It can be difficult even for a specialist.

This generally confuses a person; he cannot understand what is happening to him. In fact, the cause must be sought in the processes that constantly occur in the digestive tract during various diseases and are responsible for intestinal motility.

Constipation and diarrhea occur for certain reasons; they are not considered a disease in themselves, but can only be symptoms of certain diseases. Diarrhea can occur from one to four times a day; during this period, feces become very rare. With constipation, on the contrary, bowel cleansing slows down greatly, and bowel movements can occur once every few days. The norm is considered to be a delay in bowel movements of up to a day; if bowel movements occur less frequently, this indicates digestive disorders.

Defecation from three times a day to three times a week, with almost equal time intervals, indicates good work digestive tract.

Experts say that conditions where constipation and diarrhea at the same time can signal the development of serious pathologies in organism. The main diseases that appear similar symptoms, look like this:

  • Oncological diseases of the intestines and stomach.
  • Dysbacteriosis.
  • Irritable bowel syndrome.
  • Chronic inflammatory processes that occur in the small or large intestine.
  • Chronic constipation with simultaneous administration laxatives.
  • Worm infestation.

It should be remembered that conditions such as constipation and diarrhea are only a special reaction of the body to certain factors. Food poisoning may well be such predisposing factors. The body tries to independently get rid of the microbes that have entered it, which is manifested by diarrhea. But if dehydration begins due to lack of fluid, then constipation occurs.

Basic physiological factors, which play a major role in the alternation of constipation and diarrhea can be designated as follows:

  1. Impaired intestinal patency due to mechanical blockage of the lumen by a foreign body or neoplasm.
  2. Impaired patency as a result of a malfunction of intestinal motility.

All these conditions require the help of a doctor, so without delay, you need to go to the hospital.

It should be remembered that diarrhea can threaten a person with dehydration, and with constipation toxic substances poison the entire body. Such conditions are extremely dangerous.

Irritable bowel syndrome

Very common cause The fact that constipation and diarrhea are observed simultaneously in an adult or child is irritable bowel disease. A similar disease can occur in people different ages. With this disease, intestinal motility is impaired and pathological changes mainly exposed colon.

The primary source of this condition is considered dystrophic changes in the walls of the organ and adults are most susceptible to this disease.
There are several reasons for the development of this disease; sometimes it begins due to a combination of factors.

  • frequent stress at work and at home;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • Not balanced diet when there are not enough certain microelements in food;
  • frequent meals with processed foods and other unhealthy foods;
  • overconsumption alcoholic products and carbonated drinks;
  • food abuse when there is chronic overeating.

In women, there is a definite connection between bowel function and the condition hormonal levels in organism. Symptoms of hormonal imbalance in the fair sex can manifest themselves in unpleasant conditions:

  • Diarrhea and constipation often occur.
  • Pain in the lower abdomen and in some muscles.
  • Frequent flatulence;
  • Feeling of incomplete emptying of the intestines.
  • Increased urge to go down.
  • General weakness.
  • Prolonged migraines.

Irritable bowel is often the cause depressive states for ladies of different ages. They develop a feeling of unreasonable anxiety, nausea and lack of appetite. Usually, after a bowel movement, some of these symptoms disappear without a trace.

Alternations of stool are especially common in women during menopause, when complete hormonal changes occur in the body.

When a person first has constipation and then diarrhea begins, this indicates chronic enterocolitis. This disease is characterized by a disorder secretory function intestines, when motility is impaired and absorption deteriorates useful substances. Dangerous consequences of enterocolitis can be dystrophy or complete atrophy of the organ membranes. The disease can last for many years. The root cause of the disease is poorly treated acute enterocolitis. But it must be borne in mind that the longer the disease continues, the deeper the intestinal mucosa is affected.

Clinical signs of enterocolitis include irregular bowel movements, as well as alternating constipation and diarrhea. Diarrhea is a consequence of increased intestinal perilstatics; in this condition, absorption of liquid and microelements is not possible. Diarrhea can develop due to severe liquefaction of stool. In this condition, the more the intestinal walls are affected, the more often bowel movements occur.

When the inflammation affected only small intestine, then bowel movements occur up to 4 times a day. There is no pain syndrome with this disease, and the urge to go down appears immediately after eating.

If inflammatory process affected all parts of the intestines, the urge to go down can occur up to 10 times a day. There is mucus in the stool, and the number of bowel movements gradually decreases. After painful diarrhea, persistent constipation occurs, when a person cannot go to the toilet for several days.

Irritable bowel syndrome is often diagnosed in older people. It's no secret that old people love to eat a lot and deliciously, but at the same time they lead sedentary lifestyle life.

Rectal tumor

The rectum is the final site digestive system, from where feces are expelled. The main factors of development cancer diseases rectum are considered:

  • Heredity, when someone in the family suffered from the same illness.
  • History of chronic colitis.
  • Proctitis.
  • Polypous growths on the walls.

Some doctors argue that the main factor that contributes to the development of oncology is not proper nutrition. If in daily menu Eating fried foods, but not enough vegetables and fruits, leads to persistent constipation. Predisposing factors are considered to be overweight and a sedentary lifestyle.

Clinical manifestations cancer rectal tests are quite specific and allow you to quickly suspect something is wrong in the body. Symptoms include:

  • alternating constipation and diarrhea;
  • constant urge to go down;
  • severe pain during defecation;
  • feeling of being foreign body in the anal passage;
  • abnormal inclusions in the stool - inclusions of blood, mucus, greenish pus and even tumor particles.

If the tumor is localized in the upper part of the intestine, then diarrhea is observed, and the color of the stool is black, which indicates a bloody impurity. Quite often, oncological diseases of the rectum are mistaken by patients for hemorrhoids, which are treated for a long time and unsuccessfully at home. There is a noticeable difference here; with hemorrhoids, blood is observed on the surface of the stool and often comes out before or after the act of defecation, with oncological diseases blood is mixed with feces. Moreover, constipation is becoming commonplace.

A tumor of the rectum is the most dangerous reason constant alternation of diarrhea and constipation!

Features of treatment

To normalize the excretion of feces in adults and children, it is necessary to find out the cause of the disorders. To do this, an in-depth examination of the patient is carried out, in which the following methods are used:

  • Blood and urine tests are taken.
  • An X-ray of the intestines is performed.
  • A digital examination of the rectum is performed.
  • Determine occult blood in stool.
  • Conduct bacteriological studies of stool.
  • Perform biochemical studies.

The main goal of treatment is to eliminate the root cause of this condition. In addition to medications, therapy includes revising your diet and minimizing all factors that cause stress. Medications may be prescribed enzyme preparations, antibiotics, antidiarrheal or laxative drugs, analgesics and sorbents. For persistent constipation, cleansing enemas are indicated. If rectal cancer is diagnosed, surgery and radiation therapy are necessary.

If alternating diarrhea and constipation has been bothering a person for a long time, then you should not tempt fate and try to fix the problem yourself. There can be many reasons for this condition, and only an experienced doctor can make a correct diagnosis. Timely treatment will prevent the development of complications and quickly return the person to normal life.

When a person has a change in stool consistency and frequency, this indicates the presence of a disease gastrointestinal tract. Either constipation or diarrhea are symptoms that help you understand that something is wrong in the body. This condition cannot be ignored; you need to immediately consult a doctor, because if the disease starts, you can get serious complications.

Criteria for constipation and diarrhea

First of all, you need to establish the concept of what is normal feces and the process of defecation. And if changes appear, then you need to figure out whether it is diarrhea or constipation. Normally, the act of defecation occurs in a person once a day, but twice a day, once every two to three days without occurrence unpleasant symptoms, is also not a pathology.

Normal feces should be shaped, resemble a sausage, and leave the intestines painlessly without damaging its walls. Mucus can be observed in the stool in small quantities, but there should be no admixtures of blood and pus.

If these criteria change, then there is a possibility of constipation or diarrhea in the person. Let's find out what their criteria are.

One of the main causes of constipation and diarrhea is use various medications . To improve bowel function after taking medications, you need to do it every day. drink a simple remedy ...


It is difficult to find out why constipation and diarrhea alternate with each other. It is better to entrust this to a specialist. But it is still worth knowing about the main reasons why constipation alternates with diarrhea in order to try to prevent them.

When the disease occurs, the mucous membrane of the large and small intestines becomes inflamed.

Peristalsis increases and diarrhea occurs. The frequency of bowel movements may increase up to ten times a day. The release of feces is accompanied by pain in the abdomen; after emptying, they temporarily subside.

The urge to defecate occurs after eating. After diarrhea, constipation may soon develop, since a person stops eating due to illness, after a while the intestines have nothing to process, the mucus is also exhausted and it turns out that there is no stool.

Rectal cancer

If constipation alternates with diarrhea, you should think about the presence of a tumor in the intestines.

Constipation is replaced by diarrhea due to the presence of a tumor before the exit of feces from the intestines. It turns out that at first the feces are stopped by a barrier, then they begin to accumulate, The pressure increases and then the passage “breaks through.”

That is, at first they are celebrated long-term constipation, then short-term diarrhea. And then everything goes in a circle.

Blocking the intestinal lumen

When adhesions, scars, and tumors form in the large intestine, feces stagnate in a certain part of it. Further, the mechanism is the same as for rectal cancer.

Insufficient blood supply to the intestinal walls

Intestinal ischemia is characterized by relaxation of the mucous membrane and its inability to independently move feces to the exit.

That's why long time a person experiences constipation with bloating and severe pain.

After a while, the patient begins to take laxatives and drink a lot of water, which causes prolonged diarrhea.

Laxative abuse

Uncontrolled use of laxatives can cause intestinal atrophy.

Using suppositories, tablets, and laxative capsules without medical supervision for a long time can cause intestinal atrophy. So at first everything goes smoothly, then the intestines stop eliminating feces on their own and the person increases the dose.

This is how diarrhea occurs due to strong action medications, which then gives way to constipation.

  • Worm infestations, can also provoke alternating constipation and diarrhea, since balls of worms can either block the intestinal lumen or open it, allowing feces to come out quickly and a lot.
  • The child first hard stool, then liquid may be due to immaturity of the digestive tract, as well as due to intestinal dysbiosis.
  • Cholecystitis V in rare cases also causes similar intestinal upset.
  • Appendicitis in an adult, during the height of the disease, it causes diarrhea, which after 12 hours gives way to constipation.
  • During pregnancy women often complain of prolonged constipation. This is not news for gynecologists and there is no problem as such. But if such constipation is replaced by diarrhea, then this is already a reason for concern and contacting a gastroenterologist. Read how to get rid of constipation during pregnancy.

Diagnosis of pathology

Poor nutrition provokes irritable bowel syndrome.

Irritable bowel syndrome is diagnosed to the patient after all other causes of this disorder have been excluded. is caused by mental activity and is often found in adults exposed to stress, frequent moving, as well as in very impressionable and sensitive people.

provoke this disease maybe also poor nutrition, overeating, alcohol abuse, hormonal disorders. In this case, the inflamed mucous membrane will cause both constipation and loose stool.

You can find out the reason for the lack of normal stool by consulting a doctor; you cannot establish a diagnosis independently using observation and analysis.

Side symptoms

Alternating constipation and diarrhea are symptoms that signal the onset of the disease. Other accompanying symptoms will help the doctor find out what kind of disease it is.

Often observed in patients with this type of intestinal disorder:

  • abdominal pain, sometimes without clear localization;
  • gases are constantly formed and released;
  • rumbling stomach;
  • nausea;
  • pale skin;
  • low-grade fever;
  • weakness;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • rash;
  • headache;
  • thirst, dry mouth, lump in throat;
  • cold sweat.

After studying all the patient’s symptoms and conducting an examination, the doctor will make a diagnosis and tell you how to treat the identified pathology and what to do to prevent relapse.


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Treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a physician.

Treatment of constipation and diarrhea should be carried out at the etiotropic level, that is, the problem of these symptoms should be eliminated. To do this, your doctor may prescribe anthelmintic drugs, antibacterial agents, anti-inflammatory drugs, sedatives, surgery may be necessary.

For symptomatic treatment may be assigned antidiarrheal drugs to relieve diarrhea or laxatives against constipation.

An important stage of treatment is to establish a favorable psycho-emotional background for the patient. Establishing a daily routine, moderate exercise, both physical and mental, walks in the fresh air, and proper nutrition will help the patient feel better in the very near future.

Interesting video:

If digestion works correctly, then a person, on average, empties the stomach twice a day, and the stool is homogeneous, without bloody, purulent or mucous and other inclusions. What should you do if you have either constipation or diarrhea? What are the reasons for such symptoms?

In this case, attacks of diarrhea occur several times during the day, and the stool becomes liquid.

Delayed defecation, i.e. constipation after diarrhea, and alternating them is sign of serious violations in the activity of the human digestive system, which may indicate the presence of severe chronic diseases.

Diarrhea (diarrhea) or constipation (retention of bowel movements) are a protective reaction of the body to external or internal factors irritating the digestive system.

And their frequent alternation indicates the need for professional medical care.

This phenomenon often indicates the presence of:

Depending on the pathology, if the patient’s body alternates between constipation and diarrhea, then this condition can be temporary or chronic, i.e. recurring periodically.

Such symptoms happen temporarily in case of toxic poisoning; they disappear after gastric lavage.

In women, irritable bowel syndrome most often occurs due to hormonal changes in the body during puberty, pregnancy or menopause. In men, this syndrome most often manifests itself against the background of poor diet and overuse alcoholic drinks.

Let's take a closer look at the most common of these diseases.

Chronic enterocolitis

In the second case, constipation will be replaced by diarrhea only during the period of remission, and in acute period Only prolonged diarrhea is observed. Note that with irritable bowel syndrome, constipation usually occurs in the morning, and in the evening it is replaced by severe diarrhea.

Often, irritable bowel syndrome occurs due to the abuse of laxatives or other medications. This is how the body reacts to external aggression.

Diarrhea and constipation are accompanied by nausea, vomiting, migraines, abdominal pain, etc.

Intestinal obstruction

In this case, the movement of a bolus of food through the intestines is disrupted as a result of an obstacle in its path (for example, the appearance of a tumor). As a rule, the symptoms are first characterized by the appearance of prolonged diarrhea, which will subsequently alternate with the development of constipation.

Be sure to watch the video about this condition

Atrophic gastritis

This is a serious and dangerous disease for human health that affects the stomach. It is characterized by constipation at first, then alternating prolonged diarrhea. There is often a smelly belching rotten eggs or hydrogen sulfide from the mouth.

Colon cancer

Both diarrhea and constipation occur during development malignant tumor in the intestines.

Most often it is colon cancer.

It is necessary to be extremely attentive to your body as a whole and to the functioning of its digestive system in particular in order to identify such a tumor in time.

With this diagnosis, both diarrhea and constipation occur against the background of a prolonged lack of appetite, a sharp decrease in the patient’s body weight and the presence of blood in the stool.

When to see a doctor?

If diarrhea and constipation occur once, after eating a new food or as a reaction to stressful situation, then you should not immediately seek help from a doctor, just watch your body.

If these symptoms appear several times and become more intense, then contact a gastroenterologist. Often about serious problems indicate, in addition to alternating diarrhea with constipation, also abdominal pain, thirst, weakness, dry mouth, headache, nausea, vomiting, cold sweat, blood in the stool, etc.

Alternating diarrhea and constipation in pregnant women also means that she should immediately visit her gynecologist.

For children, especially in preschool age, contacting a pediatrician or a more specialized specialist is never superfluous.

Parents should monitor their baby's stool very closely and the slightest problems immediately go to the children's clinic for an appointment.


To make a particular diagnosis, the gastroenterologist, first of all, collects the patient’s medical history, interviews him, examines the stool, and then prescribes:

  1. general blood analysis,
  2. general urine analysis,
  3. general ,
  4. colonoscopy and

According to the results general studies The doctor may additionally prescribe:

  • irrigoscopy,
  • enteroscopy and so on.

It is important to remember that diagnostics should be carried out exclusively professional doctor, you cannot make diagnoses on your own or with the help of friends and acquaintances.


Treatment of diseases in which diarrhea alternates with constipation cannot be cured with laxatives or antidiarrheals alone medicines . In such cases, treatment should, first of all, be aimed at eliminating the causes of both diarrhea and constipation.

In case of irritable bowel syndrome, the doctor changes the patient's diet and diet. In order to cure nervous breakdown, the consequence of which was IBS, the patient is referred to a psychologist. His task: to teach the patient to deal with stress and gain psychological stability.

The patient’s menu should not contain food products that cause fermentation in the stomach ( sour cabbage, Rye bread etc.) or contribute to irritation of its walls (anything sour, spicy, fried, smoked, alcoholic, etc.).

It is necessary to learn to lead a measured lifestyle, not to overwork, sleep at least 8 hours a day, exercise moderately or exercise daily physical exercise etc.

For pain, antispasmodic drugs are prescribed:

  • No-shpa, 196 rub.

For constipation laxatives are prescribed:

  • Microlax (solution), 306 rub.,
  • Glycelax (suppositories for children), 106 RUR,
  • Guttalax, (drops), 283 RUR,
  • Duphalac (syrup), 286 rub.

For flatulence sorbents are prescribed:

  • Smecta (powder), 152 rub.,
  • Espumisan (capsules), RUB 259.

Let's talk about some medications in more detail.


Heals pain syndrome caused by spasms, as well as spastic constipation, colitis, postoperative colic, etc.

This drug is contraindicated in severe renal, hepatic and heart failure, as well as in women during breastfeeding and children.


A laxative that is administered rectally, i.e. into the rectum and helps soften stool.

Contraindicated in case of individual intolerance.


Treats constipation of various origins, as well as dry skin and mucous membranes. Available in the form of suppositories that are administered rectally.

Contraindicated for hemorrhoids, fissures in the anus, inflammation, rectal tumors and individual intolerance.


Laxative for constipation of various origins.

Contraindicated in case of intestinal obstruction, organ diseases abdominal cavity in the acute phase (including appendicitis) and individual intolerance. Available in drops and tablets.


Treats constipation, incl. chronic, of various origins.

Contraindicated in case of rectal bleeding, intestinal obstruction and individual intolerance.


An antidiarrheal drug that symptomatically treats flatulence, heartburn and abdominal discomfort.

Contraindicated in case of intestinal obstruction and individual intolerance.


A drug that reduces flatulence.

Contraindicated in case of intestinal obstruction, individual intolerance, as well as in children under 6 years of age.

IN severe cases Maybe surgery, during which part of the affected intestine is removed.

  1. If diarrhea alternates with constipation in a pregnant woman, then taking medications strongly not recommended, because they can harm the baby. She should be as attentive as possible to her diet, daily routine and lifestyle in general.


If constipation gives way to diarrhea, then there have long been treatments for this phenomenon. folk remedies which have shown their effectiveness. However, you can be treated with these remedies only after consultation with your doctor and with his permission.

It should also be understood that drugs traditional medicine- This is only an addition to the main drug treatment.

Take in equal parts:

  • violet grass,
  • buckthorn bark,
  • birch leaves,
  • fennel fruits and
  • elderberry flowers.

Grind everything and store in a glass or ceramic container in a cool place. dark place. If necessary, brew 2 teaspoons of the mixture with 200 ml of boiling water and simmer over low heat in an enamel saucepan for about 15 minutes. Then let it brew for an hour and strain. Take 50 ml three times a day half an hour after meals for two weeks. Then take a break for three days and repeat the course of treatment.

Take in equal parts:

  • dandelion root,
  • anise fruit,
  • buckthorn fruits and
  • flax seeds.

Grind everything, mix it, put it in a glass or ceramic dishes and store in a cool, dark place. If necessary, the infusion is prepared in the same way as in the first recipe. Take 100 ml three times a day an hour after meals for two weeks. After a week, you can repeat the course of treatment.

  • 2 tbsp. spoons of chopped parsley,
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of sprouted wheat,
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of chopped prunes and
  • 200 g mashed boiled beets.

Mix all ingredients, add vegetable oil, lemon juice, a little salt and eat this salad twice a day.

Nutrition correction

Alternating diarrhea and constipation is necessary requires changes in diet and nutrition. In such cases, the doctor prescribes diet No. 4, according to which all food should be boiled and pureed. Fried and smoked foods are completely excluded.

IN dietary nutrition bread (except crackers), strong broths, eggs, vegetables, fruits, berries, whole milk and dairy products, sweets, spices, sauces, snacks and everything that can cause fermentation and rotting in the stomach.

It is allowed to eat lean meat and fish, low-fat vegetable broths, steamed dishes, pureed cereals, etc. You can drink mineral water"Essentuki" No. 4 and No. 17.

Preventive measures

Every second inhabitant of the planet suffers from diseases of the digestive system, causing diarrhea alternating with constipation. This is directly related, first of all, to unhealthy eating. Therefore, the main measure to prevent such diseases is an individual healthy, balanced diet on the recommendation of a good nutritionist.

In particular, nutritionists strongly advise eating less fatty meat and more lean fish, and also completely exclude alcoholic drinks from your menu.

In order for the gastrointestinal tract to have a balanced microflora, it is necessary to include in your diet foods with probiotics (bifidobacteria, colibacteria, lactobacilli, yeast-like fungi, enterococci, aerococci), i.e. with living microorganisms. They fight effectively pathogenic flora in the intestines, increase immunity and so on.

Pay close attention to your digestive system, as well as that of your children. At the slightest violations In case of her activity with a child, immediately go with him to the children's consultation or call an ambulance.

If you feel strange symptoms, accompanied by diarrhea and constipation at the same time, do not self-medicate, but immediately go to the doctor.

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Questions and answers on: constipation after diarrhea

2014-12-14 18:29:53

Irina asks:

Hello! I've been feeling sick for about a month now. Pregnancy is excluded. Nausea throughout the day, intermittently, the nausea was mild, there was never vomiting, sometimes it was normal for a couple of days, and then it started to feel nauseous again. It also sometimes hurts around the navel, when I pull in my stomach it hurts below the navel, and then there remains a feeling of discomfort + in addition to this, sometimes I have pain in the lower abdomen, sometimes it seems to radiate to the right side, my stomach feels like it’s bursting, bloating, flatulence, then constipation, then diarrhea. The stomach makes strange sounds not only on an empty stomach, but also after eating, it growls, squeaks, in general, and you don’t understand what it could be?

Answers Agababov Ernest Danielovich:

2014-08-08 08:37:47

Svetlana asks:

My son (he is 22) has a constant stomach ache, he has lost 10 kilograms, with a height of 180 he weighs 56 kg, after an examination the doctor diagnosed IBS, chronic pancreatitis, chronic gastroduodenitis. He has cramping pain in the lower abdomen in the morning accompanied by diarrhea or constipation, after bowel movements relief comes. After eating, belching of air and a moderate burning sensation in the lower abdomen. I took trimedate, micrazim, mucofalk, duspatalin, but there was no significant relief. I would like to know your opinion, because the doctor (it seems to me) is not entirely sure in these diagnoses. I would be very grateful for your help.

2013-10-07 08:00:37

Ksenia asks:

At the end of July, I went to a gastroenterologist with complaints of stomach pain. I was scheduled for an ultrasound and endoscopy.
Endoscopy showed that I have an exacerbation of gastritis. Even before this examination, I started taking the drug Rabimak, cat. The gastroenterologist prescribed it to me. On the 3rd day after taking the drug, hell began for me: cramps in the intestines, very frequent urge to go to the toilet, alternating constipation and diarrhea, strong burning sensation in the passage (feeling like an acid burn). This hell continues to this day. Antispasmodics do not relieve pain, but when removed from the body, I get a strong “acid burn”.
What to do? I’m already afraid to trust doctors and I won’t be able to cope on my own.
Thank you!

Answers Tkachenko Fedot Gennadievich:

Hello Ksenia.
Painful sensations formation in the anal canal may be caused anal fissure. As for abdominal pain, frequent urges to defecation, bloating, then this is enough alarming symptoms which require adequate consideration. In this regard, I would like to recommend that you undergo the following examinations:
1) Fibrogastroduodenoscopy.
2) Fiber colonoscopy.
3) Consultative examination by a qualified proctologist and gastroenterologist.
Sincerely, Tkachenko Fedot Gennadievich.

2012-05-13 16:23:55

Yana asks:

Hello! I am 30 years old, for three years I have been worried about my large intestine, every day in the morning and afternoon and all evening, especially after eating, bursting pain begins, rumbling, flatulence, constipation and no diarrhea... How to determine the cause? According to the examinations, I have reflux - gastritis, colitis (at the first colonoscopy I was diagnosed with colitis and enterocolitis, and in another clinic two years later they said that there was no colitis), relative dolichosigma, colonoptosis, according to irrigoscopy the intestines were spasmodic, dysbacteriosis according to stool tests, there was adnexid left-sided (adhesions have formed that fix the intestines) and possible endometriosis..
I tried everything possible medications, various bacteria, antispasmodics, antibiotics, diets, IVs, tranquilizers, Eglonil, aminotryptyline (to exclude nerves), nothing helps even for a while, it only gets worse...

Answers Tkachenko Fedot Gennadievich:

Hello, Yana. It is difficult to say anything in absentia about your problem. It seems to me that you need to be hospitalized in a state proctology center and undergo a re-examination under the supervision of qualified specialists. From additional methods surveys I would also recommend conducting a passage survey (promotion contrast agent) in the small and large intestine, as well as CT with intravenous enhancement of the abdominal organs. In addition, you need to deal with your gynecological problems.

2010-12-21 18:16:05

Svetlana asks:

Hello, I am 28 years old, for 2 years I have had a temperature of 37-38 (most often 37-37.4;) during the daytime.
In 2001, there was a duodenal ulcer (healed after treatment) and biliary dysconesia. Until 2005, every six months there was a preventive treatment. Since 2005, she has not been treated (she took omez, gastal, mezim for pain).
Currently (for a year) the stomach hurts regardless of food intake, belching of air (sometimes with food, acid), nausea, heaviness in the stomach after eating, constipation (after eating in in public places diarrhea). Sharp decline I don’t have any weight, but I eat the same as my husband, and I go to the toilet once every 3-4 days in small quantities.
Test for antibodies H. pylori lgG 12.0 (reference value: 2 weeks ago there was vomiting and loose stools all night (about 10 times per night, “flowing”), pain in the stomach; I can’t associate it with food, I ate something as did the rest of the family. next day there was weakness, temperature 38.5. I contacted a gastroenterologist, she questioned the diagnosis of acute gastroduodenitis or food poisoning, explained that “the weekend is ahead, she is not going to take responsibility” and sent me to an infectious disease specialist. I took Amoxil, Rehydron, Mezim, Intetrix, Bifiform for 3 days. I turned to another gastroenterologist, she associated the vomiting and diarrhea with a large accumulation of bile and prescribed a course of antibiotics for 7 days: amoxil 500 mg. (7 days x 3 days) + bifiform (7 days x 3 days) + metronidazole (10 days x 3 days), Pulset 40 mg. (7 days on an empty stomach and at night); 20 days hophytol (3 days per day/meal), 15 days motorix (3 days per day per meal). I took a course of antibiotics, but frequent belching air, acid and discomfort after eating remained.
I read on your website that biliary dysconesia and elevated temperature can cause Giardia. Please advise which one additional examination I need to undergo treatment to identify and eliminate the cause of constant pain and discomfort in the stomach and low-grade fever. I have been periodically turning to doctors for 2 years now, but everyone shrugs.
In advance Thanks a lot for answer.

Answers Selyuk Maryana Nikolaevna:

Good afternoon, Svetlana!
The most commonly used test in the laboratory diagnosis of giardiasis remains microscopy of sedimentary components of feces or contents obtained from duodenal intubation for the purpose of identifying Giardia cysts. In promising ways laboratory diagnostics giardiasis today methods of immunofluorescence and enzyme immunoassay that detect specific antibodies in blood serum and antigens in feces
A wide range of analyzes are performed by private laboratories. In your city, contact any laboratory and they will do the necessary tests for you.

2016-06-15 17:48:55

Marina Morozova asks:

Good afternoon, dear doctors! Six months ago, aching spasmodic pain began on the right side near the navel for two or three fingers, the pain radiated into the leg. It started after stress. There was a temperature, bloating, gas, mild nausea. They suspected appendicitis, and many doctors examined me. I just feel it pulsating at one point and radiating to other departments. Sometimes my whole stomach hurts, when I press on this place it doesn’t hurt, when I let go it’s a little unpleasant. After 4 days, the temperature subsided, IBS was diagnosed, a couple of doctors said that it was possible chronic appendicitis. rules alpha-normix and duspotolin, I didn’t get sick for about a week, then I got nervous and started getting sick again. I used to be unable to sleep at night, now I often ache during the day, it starts late in the evening before going to bed, then the pain goes away. A couple of times severe attack it was in the form of acute throbbing pain after a nervous shock (when the doorbell rang at 7 in the morning, I woke up abruptly and was scared). I am still suffering from bloating and gas. Duspotolin and noshpa do not help at all. The feces are normal, if I eat dry food I get constipated (it’s my own fault), now diarrhea started after eating it chicken liver and milk (my mother said there is a lot of chemicals in this liver that even my cat gets sick of it). How to live further? I had an ultrasound, everything was normal with gynecology, but I noticed the discharge became thicker, and even during my period there was more blood after the onset of the disease. I haven’t had a colonoscopy, I’m afraid they say it hurts. Thank you!!

Answers Pirogovsky Vladimir Yurievich:

Chief proctologist of the Kyiv region, head of the proctology department of the Kyiv regional clinical hospital, proctologist surgeon highest category, member of the board of the Association of Coloproctologists of Ukraine, member of the European Association of Coloproctologists

All consultant answers

Good afternoon, Marina, The symptoms you described may be due to inflammatory bowel diseases. To make an accurate diagnosis, consultation with a proctologist with sigmoidoscopy is recommended. Further, in the absence of contraindications, video colonoscopy with biopsy of the terminal part of the small intestine and capsule endoscopy are performed. At highly qualified specialists, modern equipment, transferring examination data easily and painlessly? being a patient. It is also possible to perform video colonoscopy in medicated sleep. Best regards, Vladimir Pirogovsky

2015-07-28 14:10:51

Irina asks:

Hello. After an examination, the doctor diagnosed chronic gastroduodenitis. After taking a course of antibiotics, I developed dysbacteriosis. The doctor prescribed the drug Enterozermin and nothing else. It’s been two months now that my intestinal function has not improved. There is no pain, the diarrhea has gone, but now I go to the toilet once every two or even three days, it looks like constipation. I am also tormented by constant false urges to go to the toilet, it feels like the rectum is constantly full and there is always a feeling of presence in it foreign body and tickling. I have been living in these torments for three weeks now. The gastroenterologist diagnosed IBS based on my stories, I saw a proctologist, everything is fine, I have some hemorrhoids. He prescribed enterol, Pilex and Aurobin ointments, nothing helps so far. What should I do? What actually happens in the rectum? I take Adaptol, Grandaxin, sleeping pills, my nerves are on edge.

Answers Tkachenko Fedot Gennadievich:

Hello Irina. The situation is not simple. Taking into account the fact that you have already been examined by a proctologist and a gastroenterologist, it is very difficult for me to recommend anything specific to you in a virtual consultation (in absentia). However, I think that it would not hurt you to have a second consultation with a proctologist and gastroenterologist + perform a fibroclonoscopy, since a false urge to defecate may be a sign of both inflammatory diseases intestines, and other more serious illnesses intestines.

2015-03-30 04:11:16

Georgy asks:

Hello! I am 31 years old. Three years ago, after discovering a blood clot in the stool, I turned to a proctologist and underwent a sigmoidoscopy. Diagnosed: internal hemorrhoids 1st degree. He treated with candles and baths. Until recently it didn't bother me. In January, a blood clot appeared in the stool and sharp pain in the anus. I note that this was preceded by slight constipation for four months severe stress and sedentary work (more than 15 hours a day, so my buttocks became numb). I decided that hemorrhoids had worsened and went to the proctologist. After sigmoidoscopy, the doctor made the following conclusion: “The tube was inserted 19 cm; Mucous membrane - pink, shiny, hyperemic; Vascular pattern - blurred; Folding - moderate; Tone - preserved; Amount of mucus - no; Erosion, ulcers - no; Polyps - no; No cracks; Hemorrhoids- internal, degree 2; Additions: 10 cm from the anus the mucous membrane is clearly hyperemic and bleeds from contact; Conclusion: Chronic hemorrhoids, stage 2. Nonspecific ulcerative colitis."
A biopsy was also taken, ten days later I came back for the result. The result of the biopsy is formulated as follows: “Undifferentiated colitis.” The proctologist said that it was UC and recommended that I go to a gastroenterologist, having first undergone a colonoscopy. A couple of days later a colonoscopy was done. The doctor who conducted the examination verbally explained that I had no signs of ulcerative colitis and they could not have passed it on their own in two weeks (the interval between examinations), especially without any treatment. Another biopsy was also taken. Result of colonoscopy: “Observed by a proctologist with suspicion of UC. The entire colon was examined. Its tone is reduced, the mucous membrane is pink and shiny throughout, the vascular pattern is not changed. The function of the bauhinium valve is satisfactory. The sigma is lengthened due to several additional loops. Throughout A biopsy was taken. Conclusion: Hypotonicity of the colon. Ten days later I received the result of a biopsy: “Morphological picture of chronic undifferentiated colitis”
To all of the above, I would like to add that I have eliminated all stress factors from my life and radically changed my working conditions. Stool is normal, 1-2 times a day, no blood. There is no pain in the abdominal area. I never suffered from diarrhea at all. I have never observed symptoms of UC, such as those described on forums and websites dedicated to this problem. General health excellent.
I have not yet reached a gastroenterologist, as I understand he will build a treatment strategy based on the results of the examinations described above. So, I am very concerned about the wording of the biopsy results: “Undifferentiated colitis.” Could such a conclusion indicate the likelihood of me having a less terrible form of this? unpleasant disease? Or is it still UC? I would really like to know your opinion. Thank you in advance for your response.

Answers Tkachenko Fedot Gennadievich:

Hello Georgy. If after sigmoidoscopy and fibrocolonoscopy you have no signs of inflammation in the rectum, then the diagnosis of UC is doubtful. I would like to recommend that you return for a consultation to a specialized state proctology center, where doctors have experience in treating inflammatory bowel diseases for examination and sigmoidoscopy. Just prepare for sigmoidoscopy using conventional cleansing enemas with water. Do not use special microenemas for cleansing the intestines, which are sold in pharmacies, for preparation, as they can cause an inflammatory reaction in the rectal mucosa.

2013-10-20 20:42:26

Tatiana asks:

Lactose intolerance was diagnosed from words, because from the age of 13, diarrhea began after drinking milk, except for fermented milk, and even then not always. Crohn was suspected. They did a barium passage - the stomach is hypotonic, reflux esophagitis. there is mucus in the stomach (on FGDS there is usually a lot of bile), there are no ulcers (there is a history of pylorus ulcer) During X-ray, palpation causes pain in the area of ​​the curvature of the stomach. After 2.5 hours, there is no contrast in the stomach. contrast in the distal ileum and cecum. The relief of the mucous membrane is not changed. The radiologist was surprised that the contrast went away quickly, but in the morning there was diarrhea. And then after the first photo. The joints do not hurt, there is no sour belching. Appetite has dropped. In order to exclude ileitis, RG was prescribed to the large intestine. No matter how many times they did the coprogram - except for 1-2 leukocytes, 1-2 epithelium, mice. 1-2 fibers and a little undigested fiber sometimes - nothing. Once the reaction to occult blood was weakly positive, but they did not prepare specifically - they ate meat. Analysis for dysbacteriosis - coli normal - 1.8x10 to the 8th degree, lactobacilli - 10 to the 7th degree, BB - 10 to the 9th degree. The doctor had a sneaking suspicion that they don’t do a stool test at all, but write from a flashlight. When the biochemistry test was taken, the blood clotted. FGDS - reflux esophagitis. We were in the hospital in August. Before this, my stomach was seething, but I didn’t have diarrhea every day and there was no pain on the left and right near the navel. And after taking Alpha Normix, at first I had constipation for a week, and now I have almost constant diarrhea. Intetrix was prescribed, but after four days of taking it, pain in the abdomen and diarrhea returned. Tests: amylase - 128.6, ultrasound of the abdominal cavity - signs of minor changes in the pancreas. The hospital offered colonoscopy. They refused. Is it possible to replace it with MRI? We were diagnosed with IBS and recurrent bacterial overgrowth syndrome. Hologenic diarrhea (we have Gilbert and the reflux of bile into the stomach), lactose deficiency (clinically). The latest diagnosis of chronic enteritis. Antibiotics again - Intetrix for 10 days. immediately behind him is Alpha Normix. Panzinorm and Laktiale. The weight hasn't dropped much in appearance, but he's always thin. 61 kg. Feeling that the stomach is stuck to the back. Good afternoon My son, 20 years old, has problems with bowel movements, constant diarrhea and abdominal pain. It all started after a cold and a long cough and sore throat, when Summed was prescribed. Literally on the second day it started severe diarrhea. Treated with Enterol. Temporary relief, abdominal pain and diarrhea began in the morning. We took Nifuroxazide more than once. Without special effect. Next is Lactovit, Enterol. The diarrhea still continued. Also metronidazole. Yogurt, Enterogermina, panzinorm. We were in the hospital for examination. General tests fine. FGDS = reflux. Coprogram repeatedly - without special ones. fiber. leukocytes - 1-2. I was there once hidden blood in insignificant count. We took De-nol for 3 weeks, at first nothing. and then diarrhea again. They drank Alfanormix, spasmomen. Constipation began for almost a week. After taking the laxative, diarrhea again and so on to this day. made a passage of barium. Kron was suspected, but was not found. Nothing special, just quick evacuation small intestine. They write dysbiosis (SIBO). Previously, I was diagnosed with IBS and lactose intolerance. Antibiotics were prescribed again - Intetrix, Panzinorm. My stomach hurts and I have diarrhea three times a day. my son studies and lives in a dormitory. My stomach hurts and I have constant diarrhea, almost water. I had a pylorus ulcer since I was 13 years old. But there seems to be no trace. But there are such problems with the intestines that it is impossible to live. Please, help. How to treat this rapid evacuation in the small intestine. We are being treated for dysbiosis again, but the diarrhea has not gone away since January. Will treatment for dysbiosis help if we treat it so much and it doesn’t go away? Diarrhea almost every day. After taking Alpha Normix, my son began to have pain near the navel on the right and a feeling that there was something extra in the intestines and something was pulling. And constipation appeared. Tests were also done for dysbacteriosis. No pathology was detected anywhere other than rapid passage through the small intestine. Diagnosed chronic diarrhea, bacterial overgrowth. They prescribed Alpha-Normix for 10 days, Intetrix for 10 days, Panzinorm. Are there too many antibiotics? Abdominal pain is very disturbing. We ourselves take spasmomen, as pain and diarrhea bother us.

Answers Selyuk Maryana Nikolaevna:

Good afternoon, Tatyana!
Unfortunately, you did not write the actual question. But in your situation, it is advisable to contact a gastroenterology clinic and undergo a full, targeted examination. As for replacing colonoscopy with MRI, during colonoscopy you can take a biopsy (if necessary) and, perhaps, the doctor thought about this study.

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