Chinese lemongrass berries. Schisandra preparations. Schisandra chinensis is used in cosmetology because of its ability to treat dermatological diseases.

This is a large climbing shrub-liana from the magnolia family. Its length reaches fifteen meters, and entwining trees, lemongrass resembles a grapevine. The thickness of the stem is 2 centimeters. The plant takes the form of a bush in the northern regions. Schisandra leaves are light green, petiolate and slightly fleshy, mostly arranged in tufts, and their petioles can be either reddish or pink. Flowers cream or white With pleasant smell, and stamens of 3-5 pieces are combined into a thick column.

Schisandra berries are 2-seeded, bright red, juicy, spherical, very sour. The seeds smell like lemon and have a bitter, pungent taste. The bark of the roots and stems also smells like lemon, hence the name Schisandra.

The liana grows wild in the south of Sakhalin, in Primorye; it can also be found in broad-leaved forests, in river valleys, along the edges, and in clearings. Abundant harvests of lemongrass occur once every few years, and due to careless cutting of branches during harvesting, the growth of the bush is stopped.

How to choose

Usually the fruits and seeds of lemongrass are harvested. As they ripen, the fruits are collected. And the drying process consists of two parts: first, the lemongrass berries are slightly dried in the air for two to three days, and after that they are dried in a special dryer or a conventional oven. Initially, the temperature is set within forty degrees, and by the end of drying it is raised to sixty.

How to store

Unfortunately, fresh lemongrass berries are difficult to find and buy. But summer residents grow this vine on their plots. The fruits, collected in a thin layer in boxes, are immediately dried. Then they are put into small bags.

You can squeeze the juice from fresh berries without damaging the seeds and preserve it with sugar. After standing for a while, the juice acquires a jelly consistency.

Another good way storing fruits is to cover them with sugar, grind them well and put them in a jar. Must be stored in the refrigerator.

Chemical composition

Schisandra fruits contain almost 20% organic acids, the main amounts being malic, citric and tartaric. A little sugar and about 500 mg of vitamin C per 100 grams of berries. It also contains pectins, tannins, saponins, flavonoids, and anthraquinones. Schisandra is rich in essential oils, because in its stem and seeds there are more than two percent, and in the bark of the stems there are more than three percent. Essential oil has found its use in perfumery.

Up to 33% fatty oil enters the seeds. The oil consists of glycerides of unsaturated fatty acids - oleic and linoleic. Vitamin E was also found in it. Thanks to its composition, lemongrass has immunostimulating, adaptogenic, stimulating and tonic properties.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Beneficial properties of lemongrass

Composition and presence of nutrients

Schisandra leaves contain a large number of micro- and macroelements: calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, copper, manganese, cobalt, iodine, zinc and aluminum. They are also present in fruits, but only in much larger quantities.

The value and beneficial properties of lemongrass fruits are vitamins E and C, mineral salts, organic acids, sugars and other components mentioned above.

But the most important and useful components Schizandra contains schisandrol and schisandrin - biologically active substances included in the essential oil. They tone and improve liver function. These substances stimulate the cardiovascular and nervous systems. The daily dose of these substances is contained in 50 grams of fresh lemongrass fruit pulp.

Medicinal properties

Back in the 5th century, the refreshing and tonic effect of lemongrass fruits was known. Local hunters Far East, took with them hunting dried berries lemongrass, they helped them be more resilient.

Today, lemongrass has found its wide application as an adaptogenic and stimulating agent for mental and physical fatigue. It is also very effective for depressive and asthenic syndromes.

Schisandra berry tincture is used as a prophylaxis against acute respiratory infections and influenza. The glycogen content, under the influence of lemongrass, decreases in the liver, and increases in the muscles, and the amount of lactic acid changes on the contrary.

In China, lemongrass seeds and fruits are used for weakened heart muscle, cardiac neurosis, nephritis, and hypertension. A decoction of berries also lowers the level of sugar, chlorides and reserve alkali in the blood, and also stimulates tissue respiration well.

Fruits and seeds are prescribed for various diseases: anemia, sexual weakness, pulmonary tuberculosis, diseases of the kidneys, liver, stomach, respiratory organs.

The infusion is very simple to prepare: take 1 tablespoon of dry or fresh berries and pour 250 ml of boiling water, leave for at least two hours. You need to take two tablespoons four times a day.

An alcohol tincture can be prepared as follows: 10 grams of crushed seeds, 20 grams of fruits, pour 100 ml of 70% alcohol, leave for 10 days, then strain. Take 25-30 drops on an empty stomach.

Use in cooking

In cooking, lemongrass is used to prepare delicious fruit drinks and syrups. Such drinks lift your spirits and relieve fatigue. Very tasty jams, preserves, preserves and compotes made from lemongrass. Confectionery factories add it to some types of marmalade, chocolate and candies. And at the Primorsky plant they produce refined sugar, which contains lemongrass extract.

Use in cosmetology

Schisandra raw materials have also found their application in cosmetology. It is included in moisturizing and toning masks

Schisandra is a woody vine with clusters of red berries spreading downwards. Interestingly, the length of the stem of a wild plant can reach 12 meters. As for external characteristics, the berries are not at all similar to the well-known lemons. However, when you rub the leaf between your fingers, you will notice a slight tropical aroma.

Composition of lemongrass

Schisandra is one of the lowest-calorie berries. For 100 gr. fruits account for only 10-12 kcal., it all depends on the degree of maturity of the raw materials. With all this, from 100 gr. 1 gr. occupied by proteins and 1.8 g. - carbohydrates.

Schisandra is devoid of fat, but it contains a lot ascorbic acid, nicotinic acid, tocopherol, phytoestrogen.

Among the most valuable minerals, it is worth highlighting iodine, zinc, potassium, selenium, iron, barium, calcium, manganese and magnesium. The composition contains a lot of citric, malic, and tartaric acids.

Benefits of lemongrass

Schisandra is widely used in many areas due to its healing qualities, which we will talk about below.

For nervous system

  1. The fruits are consumed orally in fresh, dried or steamed form to treat the psycho-emotional environment of a person. Berries improve your mood, give you peace of mind, and relax you.
  2. Schisandra is recommended for use by categories of people who are often exposed to depressive disorders, stress and other negative factors.
  3. When taken systematically, sleep improves, nightmares disappear, the body is toned, and a person finds harmony with himself. This reduces the likelihood of nervousness and breakdowns.
  4. Schisandra chinensis is especially good for men, because representatives of the stronger half of humanity are more likely than women to experience nervous swings.
  5. Due to emotional exhaustion and mental fatigue a person cannot concentrate on the main things. In this case, it is recommended to drink a decoction of lemongrass and viburnum.

For the heart muscle

  1. Berries have positive impact on the heart. It is not for nothing that to improve the functioning of the main muscle, doctors prescribe medications that include lemongrass.
  2. Fruits protect the heart from negative influence chemotherapy aimed at treating cancer. Schisandra chinensis removes radionuclides, stopping their effect on the body.
  3. In view of their antioxidant properties the fruits should be taken by categories of people who have a tendency to develop heart diseases (heart attack, stroke, etc.).

For the brain

  1. By stimulating brain neurons, all mental processes are enhanced. A person reaches his goal faster because it becomes easier for him to concentrate.
  2. With systematic intake of lemongrass, the likelihood of developing senile dementia is reduced. The product is responsible for a clear mind, the plant restores a person’s mental health.

For hormonal levels

  1. Chinese lemongrass maintains the balance of hormones in the blood. It improves the activity of the adrenal glands and endocrine system.
  2. The product is rich in phytoestrogens, which are responsible for the proper functioning of the body during menopause and the menstrual cycle in women.

For the liver

  1. Chinese lemongrass restores liver cells, frees the internal organ from toxic substances and other toxic compounds, promotes the discharge of bile.
  2. The seeds of the plant contain fat-soluble compounds that protect the liver from the effects of ethyl alcohol. This quality is indispensable for men adjacent to a glass.
  3. When you include lemongrass in your daily menu, the work of the liver is facilitated. The impact on her is reduced medications, industrial solvents.
  4. Schisandra is often used as additional means from the treatment of hepatitis C. There are many proven cases in which the plant helped patients recover.

For respiratory tract

  1. The plant has shown itself to be excellent in the fight against respiratory diseases. The product helps to recover from asthma, pneumonia and prolonged cough.
  2. Schisandra also suppresses excessive sweating, improves immunity, and perfectly protects the body from seasonal colds and flu.
  3. The plant has been proven to have a positive effect on painful menstrual cycle, severe stomach upset.
  4. The composition has a positive effect on uterine stimulation, strengthening its walls. In ancient times, healers discovered unique property Schisandra, the latter is considered a strong aphrodisiac.
  5. Regular consumption of the product has a positive effect on blood composition and mitigates the progression of diabetes.

For skin

  1. The berries of the plant are rich in potassium, selenium and iodine. Many manufacturers of cosmetic products make products with lemongrass extract.
  2. Plant-based compositions are in demand in cosmetology. Serums and creams show excellent results with regular use. The skin improves noticeably, sagging, wrinkles and similar problems disappear.
  3. Regular use of the plant will significantly improve the condition of the dermis, improve its health and rejuvenate it. Schisandra promotes rapid tissue regeneration after damage.

For the body as a whole

  1. Schisandra has a stimulating effect. It gives the body energy, refreshes, and helps to recover after hard mental or physical labor.
  2. Schisandra deserves special attention due to its ability to increase concentration, improve memory and vision. IN the latter case Experts advise eating lemongrass for people with with diminished vision and those who work a lot at the computer.
  3. The seeds of the plant are used to produce medications, aimed at combating severe fatigue (mental, physical), drowsiness, bad mood, apathy.

  1. To cope with depression, it is recommended to consume no more than 5 berries per day or drink the tincture 2 times a day. If you don't stick practical recommendations, can significantly harm the body.
  2. When overeating a product, the nervous system is seriously damaged, its activity is disrupted, and serious pathologies. As a result of this there appear severe pain in the chest, insomnia, depression, disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. If you use lemongrass exclusively for culinary purposes, you will not face any serious consequences. The only thing that is recommended is for the fair sex to abstain from dishes containing the plant during pregnancy and lactation.
  4. Consumption of lemongrass is prohibited for heartburn, epilepsy, ulcers and increased intracranial pressure. In some cases, when eating the product, the development of tachycardia, high blood pressure, allergies, migraines and insomnia was observed.
  5. If you try lemongrass for the first time and experience any of the above, stop taking it immediately. If necessary, contact medical care. Failure to follow recommendations can lead to dire consequences.
  6. When using medications for the first time and cosmetics based on lemongrass, consult your doctor. Make sure there are no contraindications or allergic reactions.

Rules for collecting and consuming lemongrass

  1. If you decide to collect lemongrass yourself, the procedure should be carried out in an ecologically clean area. The right time September is considered to be the month for manipulation. Keep in mind that the weather should be dry and sunny.
  2. It is worth knowing that berry picking is carried out in several stages. The fruits ripen gradually, so do not rush to pick unripe specimens. Remember, lemongrass is not stored in fresh, after collection it must be immediately processed.
  3. As a rule, the berries are dried, so the product can be stored for a long time. The fruits are processed in the open air (2-3 days). You can dry the lemongrass in the oven. You can also put the berries through a blender and combine with sugar. Store raw materials in glass containers.

One brush of lemongrass contains 20-45 fruits, which is quite enough for preparing decoctions, lotions or tinctures. This is why people are interested in the benefits and harms of lemongrass. Be sure to study the main aspects before use.

Video: what are the benefits of lemongrass

Benefits and harms Chinese lemongrass - important question for those who love unusual products in the kitchen and in home medicine cabinet. To understand what properties lemongrass has, you need to familiarize yourself with its composition and features.

What does lemongrass look like and where does it grow?

Schisandra is a liana-like plant that grows in the Eastern and South-East Asia. The plant is found in Japan, China and Korea, and in Russia it grows in the Far East, Kuril Islands and Sakhalin.

Chinese magnolia vines can reach quite a long length - up to 15 m. They are covered with elliptical dark green leaves. The main value of the Chinese plant is its fruits - juicy red berries that appear on the shoots in long dense clusters.

At first glance, it seems that both the vine and the berries have nothing in common with lemons. The question arises - where does the name come from? The answer is very simple - the berries, leaves and stems of the plant emit a distinct lemon smell.

Chemical composition of Chinese lemongrass

The berries of the Chinese plant are quite small. And, nevertheless, they contain a lot of valuable and necessary substances for the body. Namely:

  • vitamins C and E;
  • vitamin PP;
  • antioxidants lignans, important for both cancer prevention and cholesterol reduction;
  • mineral components iron, potassium, barium, calcium, iodine and zinc;
  • substances selenium, manganese and magnesium;
  • organic acids - for example, tartaric, malic and citric;
  • fatty and essential oils;
  • flavonoids;
  • pectins and tannins.

Also, the benefits of Far Eastern Schisandra for the body are expressed in high content fiber in fresh and dried fruits.

Nutritional value and calorie content of lemongrass

The berries of the Chinese plant do not contain any fat. But 19 g of them are carbohydrates, and proteins account for about 10 g. The calorie content of berries is very low - only 120 kcal per 100 g of product.

What are the benefits of Chinese lemongrass?

The benefits of Chinese lemongrass for the human body are quite great. With constant consumption of berries:

  • fight fatigue and replenish energy reserves;
  • cope with muscle pain;
  • increase the level of immune resistance and strengthen the nervous system;
  • contribute quick deliverance from excess fat deposits;
  • lower blood glucose and equalize blood pressure;
  • strengthen vascular walls and thereby protect the heart from illnesses;
  • activate brain activity and have a beneficial effect on hormonal levels;
  • help in the treatment of stomach disorders and colds.

In addition, the beneficial properties of schisandra berries prevent the development of vitamin deficiency and anemia. The plant helps to extend overall lifespan because it strengthens everything important systems body.

For women

The benefits and harms of Chinese lemongrass for the female body are expressed in the fact that the properties of the plant eliminate bad feeling and mood swings during menopause. It is useful to use it during menstruation and simply during periods of intense mental and psychological stress.

The benefits of lemongrass for women also include the fact that its properties have a beneficial effect on feminine beauty- Many effective home care products are prepared based on the plant.

For men

The berries of the plant contain a lot of phenolic compounds and biologically active components that prolong the youth of the male body. The benefits and harms of Far Eastern Schisandra manifest themselves primarily in relation to the hormonal levels of men - the properties of the product increase libido and potency, and protect against impotence.

The benefits of lemongrass for men are also expressed in the fact that the berries prevent the occurrence of prostate inflammation and improve the quality of genetic material.

At what age can lemongrass be given to children?

The beneficial components in the berries of the plant will have a positive effect on children's body, but only with proper use. For the first time, Chinese lemongrass can be offered to a child after 12 years of age; before this time, the properties of the product will most likely cause harm to health.

In addition, the first dosages of berries should be very small to avoid harm - a few fruits at a time.

Attention! Since Chinese lemongrass is a potentially dangerous and allergenic products berries that can cause harm to the body, you should consult a doctor before introducing berries into your child’s diet.

Is it possible to use lemongrass during pregnancy and breastfeeding?

The health benefits and harms of lemongrass are expressed in a fairly strong tonic effect. During pregnancy, this property of berries becomes rather dangerous, moreover, their consumption often provokes uterine contractions. For these reasons, pregnant women should avoid using the product.

The same applies to the lactation period. The properties of substances in the composition of Chinese lemongrass can harm the health of infants.

Indications for use of Chinese lemongrass

The properties of Schisandra fruits are used to normalize well-being in a wide range of ailments. Indications for consuming the berries of this plant are:

  • anemia, vitamin deficiency and general loss of strength;
  • bronchitis, asthma and tuberculosis;
  • diseases of the liver, kidneys and stomach;
  • problems in the sexual sphere in women and men;
  • skin ailments - inflammation and irritation;
  • intoxication of the body.

Schisandra berries are often used for preventive purposes during periods of intense physical and mental stress.

The use of Chinese lemongrass in folk medicine

Chinese lemongrass is used to create a wide variety of medicines. At home, mainly healthy drinks are prepared from it, the properties of which quickly help with poor health.

Schisandra juice

When you lose strength, bad mood and irritability benefits from lemongrass juice. It's extremely easy to do.

  1. The fruits of the plant must be thoroughly cleaned of flowers and twigs, washed and poured into an enamel container, and then thoroughly ground.
  2. The released juice is filtered into sterile jars and sterilized for 15 minutes, that is, heated to approximately 75 ° C for steam.

The cooled juice is hermetically sealed and stored in the refrigerator. It is usually consumed with tea, adding 1 teaspoon of the drink to a cup.

Schisandra decoction

Schisandra fruits are used for cooking useful decoction. Necessary:

  • pour 1 large spoon of fresh or dried berries into the pan;
  • add water and then boil for several minutes;
  • Remove from heat and leave covered for another couple of hours.

The cooled broth is filtered and added to it if desired. natural honey or sugar and drink up to 1 large spoon every day. The properties of the decoction help well with increased blood sugar, cope with digestive disorders and disruptions in the functioning of the nervous system.

Important! Drinking a decoction is useful for symptoms oxygen starvation, the drink saturates the body with vitamins and quickly improves well-being.

Infusion of lemongrass

The benefits and harms of lemongrass berries are manifested in a healing infusion. To create it, you need to pour 1 large spoon of berries with a liter of boiling water, close the container with a lid and leave the medicine for 10 hours.

Drink the infusion daily in small quantities, no more than 1 large spoon. Healing properties Schisandra shows itself in cases of weakened immunity and loss of strength, with a lack of vitamins and anemia.

Tincture of lemongrass seeds and fruits

From medicinal plant prepare healthy alcoholic tincture, most often it uses lemongrass seeds and its fruits. The seed recipe is as follows:

  • 2 teaspoons of plant seeds are poured into a small glass vessel;
  • pour the raw materials with vodka or pure alcohol;
  • tightly plug the vessel with a stopper and put it in a dark place for 2 weeks.

The container with the tincture should be shaken daily for better distribution of nutrients. When the medicine is completely ready, you will need to strain it. The berry tincture is prepared in the same way.

The medicine should be used in case of excessive physical and emotional overload, depression and loss of strength. The benefits and harms of tincture of lemongrass seeds depend on the dosage; drink it only 20-30 drops before meals, no more than three times a day. Wherein general course treatment should not exceed 25 days, otherwise the home remedy will be harmful.

Attention! The instructions for use for tincture of lemongrass seeds state that the medicine is strictly prohibited for minors. Adults should not exceed indicated dosages, otherwise the alcohol in the medicine will harm the body.

Tea made from berries and lemongrass leaves

Based on Chinese lemongrass, aromatic and healthy tea, and in recipes they use not only the fruits, but also the benefits of lemongrass leaves.

  1. A teaspoon of finely chopped dry leaves should be poured with a glass of boiling water.
  2. Infuse the tea for about 10 minutes, then add honey or sugar to it if desired.
  3. Drink in the same way as a regular tea drink.

Instead of leaves, you can use the berries of the plant - all parts of Chinese lemongrass have a positive effect on health. The benefits and harms of lemongrass tea are determined by the amount of drink - it is recommended to consume a maximum of a couple of cups per day. The properties of the healing drink are good for toning and serve as a prevention of colds. The benefits of Chinese lemongrass leaves include the fact that the drink disinfects the oral cavity and reduces the risk of developing caries.

Schisandra syrup

For lovers of sweet tastes medicinal drugs home medicine offers a tasty and healthy medicine - syrup from Chinese lemongrass berries. They do it like this:

  • the berries are thoroughly washed, wrapped in tightly folded gauze and the juice is squeezed out;
  • the liquid is poured into a saucepan, and then covered with sugar, and 1 liter of juice should contain 1.5 kg of granulated sugar;
  • the mixture is heated until the sugar is completely dissolved, and then removed from the stove and poured into a glass vessel.

Cooled syrup is taken 1 large spoon three times a day, with or immediately after meals. The syrup is especially indicated for use in cases of low blood pressure and poisoning, drowsiness and decreased libido, and infections. In total, you need to use the product for a month, after which you take a break.

Schisandra tablets

Some medicines based on Chinese lemongrass can be purchased at the pharmacy. This list includes not only tinctures and syrups, the product is also sold in tablet form.

Chinese Schisandra tablets are very convenient to use - it is easy to choose the dosage when using them, and you can take them with you on the road without unnecessary difficulties. Useful medicine will be with a tendency to heart disease and with weak immunity, tablets are taken to strengthen blood vessels, slow down aging and for the general tone of the body.

Schisandra seed oil

Another drug that can be bought at the pharmacy is healthy oil, prepared from the seeds of a Chinese plant. It is sold in the form of capsules intended for use twice or thrice a day immediately after meals.

Properties of oil in medicinal capsules effectively increase tone and performance, relieve inflammation and help with digestive disorders. A useful remedy accelerates the healing processes of wounds and abrasions, strengthens the body's defense systems. This beneficial oil is especially recommended for those whose work involves overheating or hypothermia, radiation exposure or lack of oxygen.

Schisandra powder

Treatment with Chinese lemongrass is carried out using powder. To prepare such a remedy, you need:

  • add water and infuse the berries of the Chinese plant for several hours;
  • separate the pulp and extract the seeds;
  • Dry them completely in the oven and grind them into a fine powder.

Take this remedy literally a pinch, in an amount of 0.5-1 g twice a day. The powder is beneficial in the treatment of liver diseases, loss of strength and gastritis with high acidity.

The use of Chinese lemongrass in cosmetology

The medicinal properties and contraindications of lemongrass are important, including home cosmetology. The plant is used to make useful beauty care products.

Schisandra for facial skin

The most famous plant-based product is a cleansing lotion. To prepare, 2 large spoons of berries are poured with vodka and kept in a cool and shaded place for a week. Then the product is filtered and 1 large spoon of glycerin is added to it.

To prevent the lotion from causing harm, it is diluted clean water in a ratio of 1 to 3, and then wipe the face and neck daily. The product helps normalize fat content skin and get rid of acne.

Hair rinse

The beneficial properties of lemongrass leaves are used for hair care. Fresh leaves, twigs and fruits in the amount of 1 large spoon are thoroughly crushed, poured into a thermos, poured boiling water and left for 3 hours.

Then useful remedy cool and filter to rinse after each hair wash healing infusion hair. With regular use of the infusion, the curls become stronger and stop falling out.

Chinese lemongrass in cooking

Treatment with Chinese lemongrass is mainly practiced at home, but this plant is often used in cooking.

  1. The juice of the plant's berries is added to fruit wines to give them unusual taste and aroma.
  2. Based fresh juice and berries, compotes and syrups, fruit drinks and jelly are prepared.
  3. The pulp is often found in candy fillings; sweet jams and preserves are made from it.
  4. Chinese lemongrass is found in marmalades, baking fillings, and dairy and curd desserts.

The benefits and harms of lemongrass berry jam are almost the same as medicinal products plant based. Eating delicious desserts is recommended to strengthen the immune system and increase the overall tone of the body.

Harm of Chinese lemongrass and side effects

Despite the benefits of lemongrass, the valuable properties of the plant can be harmful. With excessive consumption of medications or desserts, side effects develop:

  • tachycardia and headache;
  • hypertension and insomnia;
  • increased gastric secretion.

Also, against the background of an overdose of the Chinese plant, an allergic rash may occur.

Contraindications to the use of lemongrass

In some conditions, consuming drinks and sweet foods with the Chinese herb is strictly prohibited, regardless of the dosage. Contraindications for use are:

  • severe heart disease and liver pathologies;
  • frequent migraines and hypertension;
  • increased nervous excitability and sleep disturbances;
  • epilepsy and acute infectious diseases.

Chinese lemongrass can cause individual allergies, so when you first become acquainted with the plant, it should be consumed in minimal dosages.

When and how to collect lemongrass fruits

The berries of the Chinese plant ripen en masse in September, and at this time it is necessary to collect raw materials for preparations. One brush usually contains at least 20 healthy berries, or even more, so you can collect them in fairly large volumes.

Only fully ripe, red fruits need to be picked from the branches; you can return to unripe ones a little later, when they gain ripeness. The ideal weather for collecting is considered to be the first half of dry and sunny day. It is very important to choose an ecologically clean area for harvesting fruits - the properties of berries that have managed to absorb chemical waste will not bring health benefits, but only harm.

Advice! Since the berries of the Chinese plant are not stored fresh, the time for collection must be chosen in such a way as to be able to immediately begin further processing of the raw materials.

How to dry lemongrass berries

For long-term storage, the berries of the Chinese plant are usually dried. Proper processing as follows:

  • the collected raw materials are laid out in the open air for 3 days, away from sunlight;
  • after this, the fruits are placed in an oven preheated to 60 ° C and kept in it for several hours until the pulp loses any remaining liquid.

Dried fruits are placed in paper bags or linen bags and stored in a dark, dry place. Beneficial features medicinal raw materials keeps for 2 years.


The benefits and harms of Chinese lemongrass depend on correct dosages- Medicines and teas should be taken in small quantities. When used correctly, the plant will help get rid of the symptoms of many ailments and generally strengthen the body.

People have long known about the beneficial properties of lemongrass. This plant contains a substance that has tonic properties - schisandrin. It has the same effect as the famous ginseng. Schisandra fruits contain a huge amount of biologically active substances, including not only vitamins, but also a wide variety of organic acids. Schisandra has the smell of lemon, which is why it got its name.

Beneficial properties of lemongrass

Schisandra photo

Schisandra has unique properties. Schisandra chinensis is a climbing woody vine native to the Far East. It is a large liana shrub belonging to the magnolia family. The stem is up to 8 m long, covered with yellowish or dark brown bark, which has alternate, pointed, petiolate or oval, slightly fleshy, light green leaves. They are usually 5-10 cm long and approximately 3-5 cm wide. The flowers are always dioecious, waxy, white with a diameter of 2 cm. They have nice smell. The fruits of Chinese lemongrass are bright red, spherical berries, usually one- or two-seeded, which are collected in a dense cluster.

Far Eastern Schisandra was a very popular medicinal plant back in the early 20th century. Ripe lemongrass fruits have characteristic features, one of which is a tart taste that can cause a characteristic burning sensation in the mouth. Schisandra fruits also contain pectins, anthocyanins, flavonoids, catechins and a large amount of organic acids. Vitamins include vitamin C, vitamin A and vitamin E. The main microelements are nickel, copper, manganese, zinc.

Schisandra is also used to make various jams, marmalades and preserves.

Schisandra juice contains silver and titanium. The complex of substances contained in this plant causes therapeutic effect Schisandra chinensis. Schisandra chinensis has a general stimulating effect, and it can also influence the growth of performance during various kinds exhaustion. In traditional medicine, lemongrass has about five tastes: sweet, sour, bitter, pungent and tart. They affect the human nervous system, excite and increase the tone of the body. The medicinal properties of lemongrass are unique.

The fruits of this medicinal plant contain: 7-8% apple, 11-12% citric acid and 0.8-1% tartaric acids. They also contain about 0.15% schisandrin (C22H33O). The seeds contain about 35% fatty oil. This oil is a viscous liquid that contains glyceride of oleic and linolenic acids. It contains 2-3% in the bark, 0.2-0.5% in the stems, and 1.5-2% in the seeds. The essential oil contained in the bark has a mobile, golden-yellow appearance. clear liquid, having a lemon smell. It contains various keto- and sesquiterpene compounds.

Schisandra is used not only in medicine, but also in cosmetology. Essential oil from lemongrass, as well as extracts of this plant, are excellent anti-aging skin care products that can give it a healthy look and freshness.

Growing Schisandra chinensis

Chinese lemongrass is known for its frost resistance and high yield

The most favorable period for planting a plant is spring, the moment when the buds have not yet bloomed. Usually in the fall, Far Eastern lemongrass is propagated by dividing the bush and planted in a permanent place in the garden. It is recommended to plant in a bright place, but not in direct sunlight. One of best places the drained elevated part of the site is considered. Schisandra has a shallow root system, so it does not like stagnant water. When planting, you should calculate the distance between plants; it should not exceed 1 - 1.5 m. The distance between rows is 3-5 m. Seedlings can be obtained from seeds.

Schisandra chinensis is very difficult to propagate from cuttings. The selection of seeds for planting should be treated with special care, as they quickly lose the properties necessary for planting. Under no circumstances should the seeds be allowed to ferment. Having washed them of pulp before sowing, it is necessary to carry out two-month stratification in damp sand, one month they should be kept warm, and the second at a temperature of 0.5 degrees Celsius. Before winter and late autumn, sowing is ineffective. In the garden, seedlings should be planted in a permanent place when the plant reaches the age of 2-3 years. Adult lemongrass plants cannot tolerate transplantation. Make sure that after planting and watering the soil, the root collar of the seedling remains at ground level.

Schisandra grass usually begins to bloom in the second half of May or early June. The berries themselves ripen in September-October.

Schisandra treatment

Consuming lemongrass improves performance

As a tonic, stimulant for mental and physical fatigue Schisandra seeds and berries are used. Long-term use The adaptogen provides an increase not only in the vital capacity of the lungs, but also affects mental and physical performance, as already mentioned. It is effective even with nonspecific resistance of the body.

This medicinal plant is used for a number of diseases that are accompanied by loss of strength. Such diseases include: lung diseases, anemia, kidney diseases and gastrointestinal diseases. Schisandra helps to improve well-being and increase blood pressure; it is used in cases of vascular insufficiency and low blood pressure. Good effect It is effective in the treatment of depressive and asthenic conditions.

Preparations containing Chinese Schisandra berries can not only improve visual acuity, but also speed up adaptation to darkness. This has a very big practical significance. There is evidence that drugs containing Schisandra help to increase cholesterol levels in the blood, including preventing the development of atherosclerosis. However, the benefits of lemongrass are not limited to this only. Such an amazing medicinal plant produces a positive effect if the body adapts to negative impacts environment. There is an acceleration of acclimatization with quick shift climatic conditions. Of particular interest is the increase in the body's defenses under the influence of lemongrass. When taking this plant, a strong reduction in the incidence of diseases is noted colds and the flu.

Also lemongrass Chinese application received during the treatment of cancer.

The leaves, bark and berries of this plant are used as an antiscorbutic remedy. It should be noted that taking schisandra from time to time does not give any effect. Doctors usually prescribe it in courses of 30 days. The action and effectiveness of this plant will increase and reach its maximum on the 14-20th day from the moment you start taking it.

An excellent result will be obtained by taking medications containing lemongrass along with taking multivitamins. There are cases allergic reactions for drugs. In this case, the use must be stopped immediately.

Schisandra fruits are used to prepare many infusions. Below are two basic recipes for lemongrass infusion as a tonic, as well as for quick recovery strength after operations, with gastritis, hypotension and many other diseases.

  • The seeds, washed from the pulp, are crushed and then filled with 60-70% vodka or alcohol. In just 14 days the tincture will be ready for use. Schisandra tincture is usually taken as prescribed by a doctor 3 times a day, 30 drops.
  • 20 gr. The fruits are crushed and 300-500 ml are poured. boiling water, then heat for 20 minutes on fire. Take a tablespoon, preferably 3 times a day.

Schisandra Chinese contraindications has the following: it is not advisable to use this infusion before bedtime, since due to its stimulating effect sleep disturbance may follow.

Traditional medicine has long known about the existence of Chinese lemongrass. IN medicinal purposes Its seeds and fruits have been used for a very long time, which allows one to get rid of many diseases. The plant got its name not by chance. So it was dubbed for the presence of a characteristic lemon smell.

Botanical certificate

This popular plant has the appearance of a vine and many other names. It is often called schizandra, Manchurian or Far Eastern lemongrass. The existence of the Chinese variant is best known. It is used more often than other types.

The stem of lemongrass has a branching appearance. Its diameter can reach 2 cm, and it can stretch up to 15 m in length. The shoots are covered with bark with a red-brown tint. Young shoots have a glossy surface, while in older shoots it becomes flaky. In a clockwise direction, the shoots, as they grow, wrap around shrubs and the trunk of large trees. During one growing season, the plant can rise up to one and a half meters.

The red-brown roots contain alternate leaves, the length of which can reach 3 cm. The foliage has an elliptical shape. The sex of the flowers is separate. Their location is long pink pedicels. The fruits are represented by berries in the shape of a ball. The fruit contains two seeds with a brown tint.

The flowers, stems and leaves emit a pungent odor similar to lemon, which is how the plant got its name. The plant blooms in May. The pronounced aroma naturally attracts insects, which actively pollinate it. The fruits ripen in September-October. At this time, they soften, the pulp becomes juicier, and the fruits themselves are covered with a thin layer of peel.

Reproduction is carried out through seeds and vegetation. The plant is found in the Far East, Primorsky, Khabarovsk Territories, Amur Region, and Sakhalin. The plant is demanding of water, because it does not tolerate dryness at all, but at the same time does not tolerate waterlogging. It does not like shade, so it grows well in areas of former fires, where all the trees that could shade and inhibit its growth have burned down. As a medicinal plant, it is cultivated artificially. Entire plantations are created for its cultivation.

Chemical components

The plant contains a large number of chemical representatives:

  1. The biological value is determined by the content of schisandrol and schisandrin in it.
  2. The plant contains many representatives of the organic acid series - such as malic, tartaric, and citric acid.
  3. A certain amount of minerals is contained. Their set is varied, and the number of some of them is quite decent in size.
  4. Of the vitamin substances, attention should be paid to vitamin E. It is present in considerable quantities.
  5. The seeds differ in the content of various tonic substances.
  6. The fruits contain essential oils and sesquiterpene substances.
  7. Tannins and dyes are present in sufficient quantities.

Medicinal properties

The ability of the plant to cure some diseases has been known since the time Ancient China. By the way, it was the Chinese who first used it as pharmacological agent. The popularity of this plant has become so widespread that it has stepped beyond the boundaries of its natural habitat and moved to the plots of gardeners.

Now it is grown even on an industrial scale. The pharmaceutical industry needs it. In the pharmacopoeia of many countries this plant is assigned worthy place. Schisandra has the following actions:

  1. The ability to stimulate the tone of the nervous system. Going hunting in long journey, the Chinese always took with them a couple of handfuls of the fruits of this plant. On a long hike, not only the muscular system is loaded, but also nerve structures. The fruits of this plant become a reliable assistant in this regard. By consuming these berries, a person can go without food and feel very cheerful. Main feature is that nerve cells are not subject to exhaustion.
  2. Chinese lemongrass can increase mental performance. With its use, attention and integrity of perception become more acute.
  3. The effect of lemongrass is also associated with visual acuity. In particular, it can enhance night vision. There is a significant increase in it. The body gains greater resistance to adverse environmental factors.
  4. The heart is stimulated respiratory function, which certainly affects the enhancement of cellular metabolism. All cellular structures receive more oxygen.
  5. The influence of the plant extends to almost everything internal organs. Therefore, this medicinal plant is used for the therapeutic correction of many pathological conditions. With the help of lemongrass, for example, they fight anemia and conditions associated with hypotension.
  6. Preparations based on lemongrass are included in the regimen complex treatment asthenic and depressive states. But such drugs should not be abused to avoid overexcitation. The plant only acts on functional level. But it will be completely useless in the presence of organic lesions.
  7. Fresh berry juice has a pronounced bacteriostatic effect. It is not capable of killing pathogenic microflora, but it retards its growth. The causative agent of dysentery, coccal flora, and E. coli are sensitive to the juice.
  8. Schisandra in the form of a tincture (30-40 drops per dose) will help those who have pneumonia, vascular insufficiency, tuberculous lymphadenitis.
  9. Using lemongrass is beneficial for people with chronic gastritis in the anamnesis. Under its influence, the secretory function of the stomach is normalized. It is enough to take the seeds of the plant in powder form, 2 g each, and the acidity in the gastrointestinal tract will increase in those who previously had low acidity. At the same time, he can lower it. It is recommended to take 1 g powder for those who have hyperacid gastritis. This will eliminate pain and reduce acidity. For gastritis with low acidity It is useful to take juice from lemongrass fruits.
  10. With the use of lemongrass it increases reflex activity. This is observed even in cases where there is drug poisoning body.

Fact! Thanks to Khabarovsky's research, the accuracy of the dosage of the medicinal plant for therapeutic correction has been established. Adults can consume 1.5 grams of seeds, but teenagers should limit themselves to 0.5 grams.

Experimental data show that with the help of lemongrass it is possible to relieve the feeling of fatigue under increased stress in military personnel and people involved in sports. There is a more pronounced tonic effect compared to cola or phenamine. A good feature is that there is no ability to cumulate, in other words, accumulation in the body.

Who is the plant shown to?

The plant is used and will be useful for a number of conditions:

  • It is advisable to use the plant for those whose condition is associated with loss of strength.
  • Schisandra will be useful for people with low blood pressure.
  • Anemia of various origins.
  • Bronchial asthma, conditions associated with acute and chronic bronchitis.
  • Tuberculosis process.
  • In order to improve the function of the organ of vision.
  • Pathology of the digestive tract.
  • Sexual impotence.

Schisandra preparations should be taken if there is a need to increase mental and physical endurance.


Despite its benefits, this plant has a whole bunch of restrictions on its use. This includes the following conditions:

  • Schisandra should not be used by people with high blood pressure.
  • Schisandra is excluded for people with increased intracranial pressure.
  • The plant is contraindicated for persons with increased nervous excitement.
  • It is forbidden to take lemongrass for those who suffer from insomnia.
  • Organic pathology of the heart.
  • Acute infectious process.
  • Presence of epileptic seizures.
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • Ulcerative processes of the digestive tract.
  • Children under 12 years of age.

When using, you must follow the prescribed dosage. The plant should not be abused, since if the recommended dose is exceeded, overstimulation of the nervous system may occur. You should refrain from drinking the juice of berries collected in spring period. This is due to their excessive activity. In any case, before you start taking lemongrass, you should consult a doctor.

Possible side effects

Preparations based on schisandra can cause a number of side effects. This includes the following points:

  • The occurrence of a condition associated with tachycardia.
  • Development of allergic reactions.
  • Sleep may be disrupted.
  • The occurrence of headaches.

It should be used with caution by people with high blood pressure, since it increases with the use of schisandra.

Prescription compounds

Traditional medicine has been using the plant quite widely for a long time. The beneficial properties are also recognized by traditional medicine.

Preparing the tincture
Its use will improve your mood and increase your performance. Prepared with alcohol of 70 and 96% strength.

Option #1
To prepare it you will need:

  • 1 part ripe or dry lemongrass fruit;
  • alcohol 70% - 5 parts.

The tincture is prepared in a dark bottle. Berries are poured into it, which are subsequently filled with alcohol. The composition is infused for 10 days. Throughout this period, it needs to be shaken periodically. After expiration, the composition is filtered and stored in cool conditions. During storage, avoid exposure to direct sunlight. The bottle must be tightly sealed during storage. The dosage is 20-30 drops in the morning on an empty stomach. Food intake is carried out no earlier than after 20-30 minutes. The second time the tincture is taken at lunch. This is done for one month. This duration is the course of treatment.

Option No. 2
It uses leaves or shoots of the plant. Required:

  • 1 part finely chopped leaves;
  • alcohol 70% - 3 parts.

The preparation terms and conditions are identical to the first case, but the reception relationship has its own nuances. They also take 20-30 drops, but after a meal and not earlier than after 4 hours.

Seeds for tincture
Taking this tincture stimulates the mental and physical activity. How vitamin complex, the tincture leads to strengthening of the body, the functioning of the nervous and immune systems improves. It is also indicated for those with increased acidity. The tincture will increase blood pressure and relieve drowsiness. Taking the drug helps improve mental adaptation. It also helps improve sensory functioning. To prepare you will need:

  • Chinese lemongrass seeds – 50 g;
  • vodka – 0.5 liters.

Before cooking, the seeds are washed well with water. Then they need to be crushed. After that they are filled with vodka. The composition is infused for two weeks in the dark. The tincture should be taken three times a day, 25-30 drops per dose.

Preparation of infusion: take dried berries. Fresh berries can also be used. They must be brewed with boiling water and used as tea. This drink will significantly improve the tone of the body.

In order for the effect to be maximum in magnitude, the berries must be dried correctly. First, they need to be air-dried a little, and then they are placed on a baking sheet and placed in the oven. The temperature should not exceed 60 degrees. Drying is carried out four times and lasts several days.

Berries for infusion
To prepare the infusion you will need the following components:

  • Berry of a medicinal plant – 15 g.
  • Boiling water in a volume of 300 ml.

The berries are pre-crushed and then poured with boiling water. The composition is put on fire, brought to a boil and kept in this state for a quarter of an hour. Only one tablespoon is needed per dose. This is done 2-3 times a day, no later than 5 hours before bedtime.

The fruits are stored for future use for the winter. To do this, they are covered with granulated sugar. In this form they are stored well and allow you to always be in good shape. The ratio of berries and sugar is 1:2. After this, they are placed in glass containers, tightly sealed and stored in cold conditions.

Preparing medicinal juice
For this purpose, you can use a regular juicer. The juice is poured into jars and sterilized. It must be stored in the refrigerator, sealed. The juice will dilute when consumed. warm water. To tone up, juice can be added to tea or coffee. Before preparing the juice, of course, the berries must be thoroughly washed.

It is not necessary to prepare an alcohol tincture at home, since it is freely available in pharmacies. By the way, it is quite inexpensive. It is usually taken twice a day in the morning and lunchtime. There are 20-30 drops per dose. This should be done half an hour before meals. The course of treatment is one month.

It will be useful to drink tea from this plant, which can increase tone. It is not only healthy, but also pleasant to taste when consumed. All parts of the plant can be used to make tea, with the exception of the roots. This drink is excellent in color with a golden hue. In hot weather, it will perfectly refresh, increase tone, improve mood and add strength.

The leaves of the plant have a milder effect than the berries, since they contain much less substances with tonic properties. This drink can serve as an excellent vitamin supplement and can also be used in the fight against diseases such as scurvy.

Women who are watching their figure do not have to worry about the calorie content of the plant. It is only 11 kcal contained in 100 g of product.

Before starting treatment with lemongrass, you must consult a doctor, and during treatment, strictly follow all his instructions.

Video: medicinal properties of lemongrass

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