Why does a person need a navel? Umbilical hernia: symptoms and treatment in adults

An umbilical hernia is a pathological protrusion of abdominal organs through the umbilical ring, which can disappear or significantly decrease in size with horizontal position bodies. This disease affects 6–10% of the population in adults and is more common in women than in men.

At first, the umbilical hernia is small, disappears in supine position, easy to adjust. But over time, the umbilical ring can expand more and more, and the hernia can grow. Its contents are first the oil seal, then it gets there small intestine. But time is running, but the person is not treated. The navel ring seems to be expanding quite a bit. Then the time comes, and the hernia can no longer be reduced.

Treatment of umbilical hernia in adults is carried out only surgically, regardless of symptoms. Modern methods Hernia surgery can be divided into two methods - installing a mesh implant and suturing the hernia orifice. These methods leave virtually no scars on the body and the recovery period after surgery ranges from 1 to 5 days. After the operation, the patient may be prescribed a diet and limited physical activity for a long period.


Umbilical hernia occurs when the balance between intra-abdominal pressure and the ability of the abdominal walls to counteract it is disturbed. In simple terms, this means that weak abdominal muscles can lead to a hernia if a person lifts weights and pushes hard. In medicine, there are two categories of factors that lead to hernia:

  1. Predisposing. This category contains factors related to the human constitution - for example, heredity, a certain body structure, age, gender. Thus, in pregnant women, the development of a hernia is very likely due to intra-abdominal pressure.
  2. Producing. This category of factors contributes to an increase in intra-abdominal pressure. It is because of them that a hernia occurs as a result - for example, when lifting a load, severe cough, long-term constipation etc.

Thus, umbilical hernia in adults is a fairly common phenomenon, the symptoms of the disease vary characteristic features, and distinguishing it from other types of hernias, as a rule, is not particularly difficult.

Symptoms of umbilical hernia in adults

An umbilical hernia is always accompanied by visual symptoms, so it will not be difficult for someone attentive to their health to notice the onset of its appearance.

A small spherical protrusion in the navel area may not even immediately attract your attention. Meanwhile, this is the first sign of the development of an umbilical hernia in adults. At rest, lying on your back, this swelling disappears, and when you cough or tense your stomach, it protrudes.

At first, this formation is easily set into place. But then it starts adhesive process, and reduction of the hernia in abdominal cavity becomes impossible. Characteristic nagging pain when lifting weights or other physical activity associated with tension in the abdominal muscles. Similar symptoms are felt during bowel movements, especially in the case of constipation.

If a hernia in adults reaches quite large sizes, which ceases to be reduced into the abdominal cavity, the symptoms worsen: constipation, vomiting, and difficulty urinating appear. This significantly worsens the patient's quality of life. With absence surgical treatment possible development dangerous complications– infringements, threat of inflammation, tumor lesions, development of coprostasis.

What is needed for diagnosis?

An umbilical hernia is a disease that is treated by a surgeon. Patients admitted with characteristic symptoms, first examined by a doctor, studied clinical manifestations diseases. To confirm the diagnosis, the specialist often prescribes some additional tests.

To modern informative methods studies include the following:

  1. X-ray examination duodenum and stomach;
  2. Gastroscopy – esophagogastroduodenoscopy, endoscopy;
  3. Herniography with the introduction of a contrast agent into the abdominal cavity;
  4. Ultrasound examination of hernia formation.

An umbilical hernia is similar in its symptoms to the symptoms of some benign tumors subcutaneous tissue(lipomas, dermatomas, dermatofibromas), congenital anomalies development in the area of ​​the umbilical ring; very rarely, separated metastases may appear in this area of ​​the abdomen malignant neoplasms almost all organs and systems of the human body.

That is why, if any protrusion appears in the area of ​​the umbilical cavity and the umbilical ring or slightly to the side of it, you should consult a qualified surgeon.

What does an umbilical hernia look like: photo

Umbilical hernia strangulation

An umbilical hernia in adults can become strangulated. Similar manifestations are typical for older people, because the conditions for strangulated hernia appear over time, and the more long time there is a hernia, the greater the chance of strangulation.

Incarceration of a hernia can occur with any size of formation. The main symptom is considered to be a sharp manifestation pain at the site of the hernial protrusion, as well as the impossibility of reducing the hernia, which was previously simply reduced.

If intestinal loops are strangulated, a person may experience symptoms characteristic of a condition of acute intestinal obstruction.

Treatment of umbilical hernia

Treatment of an umbilical hernia in adults must be carried out without fail. If it is not treated in time, there can be serious consequences - infringement.

Conservative therapy used only in the absence of complications, and also if the patient has contraindications to surgery:

  • acute diseases;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • long periods of pregnancy.

Depending on the stage of development, one of the methods is selected surgical treatment:

  • plastic surgery of the hernial orifice using the patient’s own tissue;
  • surgery using synthetic implants;
  • laparoscopic hernioplasty using synthetic implants (mesh).

The surgeon will decide how to treat an umbilical hernia in each specific case. Today, laparoscopic hernioplasty techniques are becoming increasingly widespread and popular. Removal of an umbilical hernia during minimally invasive surgical intervention not only allows you to completely eliminate the tumor, but also has a number of advantages, for example, short period rehabilitation, low likelihood of complications.

Tension hernioplasty

Hernial orifice repair is recommended for small umbilical hernias, up to 5 centimeters in size. The operation is quick and is often performed under local anesthesia. During surgery, the surgeon restores the anatomical relationships of tissues, strengthens weak spots abdominal wall. Complications are rare for this type of treatment.

The main disadvantages of this method treatments are as follows:

  1. Long rehabilitation period. After this type of surgery, rehabilitation can last up to a year. It is recommended to limit physical activity and sports.
  2. Frequent relapses. The occurrence of a repeated umbilical hernia in the same place. According to some data, the frequency of such complications during treatment small hernias ranges from 5 to 20%. And in the treatment of large umbilical hernias, even up to 30-50%.
  3. Availability postoperative scar. Also, when using the Sapezhko method, the hernia is removed along with the navel. This leads to a significant cosmetic defect.

Tension-free hernioplasty

Hernia treatment using implants - woven meshes - is also called tension-free repair. The method is optimal for large hernias. The endoprosthesis strengthens the hernial orifice. The operation gives a very good result: if you follow the doctor’s recommendations, relapses are practically eliminated. The patient requires minimal time to recover.

Advantages of the technique the following:

  1. Short rehabilitation period. With this technique it ranges from seven to twenty days. Already on the first day after surgery, the patient can get out of bed and eat. On the third day, you can follow your normal diet.
  2. Absence cosmetic defect in the form of a postoperative scar.
  3. Low relapse rate. According to some reports, it is up to 1%.
  4. Lack of long-term pain syndrome in the postoperative period.
  5. Low invasiveness of the operation, the possibility of its implementation in case of concomitant somatic diseases.

Laparoscopic hernioplasty

During laparoscopic surgery, a mesh implant is also used; it is installed through a puncture in the abdominal wall.

The surgeon does not make a large incision, which significantly reduces the time required postoperative rehabilitation. According to reviews, this operation is most preferable for adult patients.

But there are also certain difficulties. Laparoscopic hernioplasty requires special equipment and trained surgeons. Not every hospital has this opportunity. Surgeries through a puncture are contraindicated in patients with pathologies of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, with a large expansion of the umbilical ring.

Rehabilitation after surgery

Usually, if the operation goes without complications, the patient is allowed to get up on the first day.

  1. IN postoperative period Wearing a special bandage is indicated (about a month when using mesh implants).
  2. On day 10-14 you can start exercising therapeutic exercises, but it is prohibited to perform abdominal exercises.
  3. After the operation, daily dressings are performed, the sutures are removed on the 7th day (if they do not dissolve on their own).
  4. For pain, painkillers are prescribed.
  5. The doctor may also prescribe antibiotics, vitamins, and immunomodulators.

After surgery, patients should avoid physical activity and any actions that provoke tension in the muscles of the abdominal wall.

Umbilical hernia in adults: reviews after surgery

We have collected some reviews from adult patients who underwent surgery to remove an inguinal hernia.

  1. It's been 3 years since I had surgery to repair my hernia. Everything was wonderful until I got scared and screamed sharply - from sudden tension the hernia appeared again. The operation was performed using tension hernioplasty, and now I will insist on installing a mesh. The doctor was very wise, he told and showed everything, assured that everything would be wonderful.
  2. They repaired my hernia very quickly, but they did it under general anesthesia. As soon as I recovered from the anesthesia, I immediately went for a walk around the hospital, I think it will be the same for everyone else. The doctor prescribed it after 6 days and allowed everything except weight lifting and physical exercise - I had to forget about jogging for a while...
  3. And I had a hernia operated on 4 months ago. They were kept in the hospital for a total of 2 weeks (they did 1 week necessary tests, then they did the operation itself, and the remaining time I recovered). A day after the operation, I could walk normally on my own, it didn’t hurt much. The doctor allowed me to lift no more than 4-6 kg, and I need to do this for another 6 months.

Treatment without surgery

Sometimes operations are contraindicated for people for a number of reasons. In this case, doctors recommend that adults wear an umbilical hernia bandage. It helps hold the abdominal tissue in place so that the growth is less likely to grow larger.

You can also massage the abdominal area. The purpose of the procedure is to increase muscle tone. Recommended:

  • stroking the abdomen (carried out clockwise);
  • light tingling in the umbilical area;
  • rubbing the abdominal muscles;
  • light relaxing strokes.

Physical activity should be moderate - overload can lead to a worsening of the patient's condition.

A person does not have: there are no genes responsible for his shape, size, convexity. This is an acquired feature, like any scars. During pregnancy, the fetus is attached to the placenta by a special umbilical cord, through which nutrients and oxygen flow to the placenta, and waste flows back. Thus, the embryo is connected to the mother’s body.

After birth, the umbilical cord is no longer needed - the child has become an independent person and can breathe, eat and drink on his own. Doctors cut it near the stomach: as a result, a wound remains that heals quite quickly. In its place, a round scar is formed, which is called.

In animals, the navel is almost invisible: it is a thin line without hair.

Why do you need a navel?

All organs in the body have their purpose and perform certain functions, but their activities are “registered” down to the smallest detail in genetic code for the body to function properly. Since the existence of a navel is not noted in any way in the human genome, we can draw a logical conclusion that this part of the body has no purpose.

However, people have learned to use the navel for one purpose or another. Firstly, its shape can distinguish identical twins, who have almost completely identical appearance. But these scars are acquired, they do not depend on genetics, so even twins have different scars. Secondly, the navel performs an aesthetic function: a belly with a neat round opening is beautiful, and, according to some people, sexy.

The navel is decorated with special earrings and pierced.

But the most useful feature This part of the body is associated with medicine. Doctors have learned to identify certain diseases by the shape of the navel. For example, if it is up, this may indicate increased intra-abdominal pressure or an increase in some internal organs- liver, spleen. The navel also has this shape in people suffering from internal obesity(accumulation of fat around organs rather than under the skin). If the navel protrudes significantly outward despite a small amount of fat, this indicates possible violations in the structure of the spine. By the shape and condition of this scar, one can determine the protrusion of internal organs through it.

In some religions and esoteric teachings, the navel is considered the center of the inner. For example, the Chinese believe that this point collects qi energy, which circulates throughout the body.

Think about how often you attach importance to such a part of the body as? More likely no than yes. But the navel is not as simple and ordinary as it seems at first glance.


No matter how strange it may sound, it is our first. This is the scar that forms after the umbilical cord is removed. It is she who, as we know, connects the baby with the mother. In addition, the navel is completely unique, that is, there are no two identical ones in the world and cannot be.

Surely everyone knows that there are 2 types, that is, convex and concave. There are much fewer owners of the former. Only 4% of all people on the planet have this scar shape. If you are exactly this person, then this is not a reason for frustration, since there is nothing abnormal or wrong in this.

Almost all animals have an umbilical cord. The strange thing is that there is no . It turns out that they simply don’t need him. All this is because they move not by 2, but by 4

Good afternoon, dear readers! Do you know how a newborn's belly button is tied? Indeed, in some maternity hospitals this method is still preserved. Do they really twist the knots on the umbilical cord itself? It’s not without reason that they say that your belly button will come undone if you cry or scream too much. In general, I decided to sort out these confusing knots. And this is what I managed to dig up.

I heard that now in maternity hospitals they cut off the umbilical cord not immediately, but after 2-3 minutes. Why do they do this? They allow the newborn to receive the last useful material, including oxygen. So what then? Cutting off. By the way, I always wondered if the baby experienced pain? How do you think? Look, the toddler's nutrition passed through the umbilical cord. There are veins and arteries there. But, most importantly, there are no nerve endings.

Of course, you need to wait until the pulsation stops. But the newborn does not experience pain from the cutting itself. So, I know several ways:

  • Using a clothespin.
  • Tying method.
  • Surgical cutting with a blade.

In principle, the first two methods are similar to each other. A little later I’ll tell you what their essence is. But cutting off with a blade is rarely practiced. Its meaning is that the baby is completely deprived of the umbilical cord; after cutting, only a wound remains.

Cutting off occurs on the second day after birth. There is a medical opinion that this way the wound heals much faster. Although, most doctors are skeptical about this. In addition, this causes the child to experience stress again. I myself believe that it is better to let everything happen by itself. After cutting, the umbilical cord remains and after a couple of days it falls off on its own.

How to tie the umbilical cord

In general, the tying method was used before. No, of course, he still remains in some maternity hospitals. But this happens less and less often. More often today a clothespin is used. Here the circumcision technique is similar. But there are some differences.

By the way, I'll tell you a secret. The umbilical cord is not tied, but tied with linen or silk thread. So, here is the tying technique itself:

  1. After the umbilical cord has stopped pulsating, 2 threads are put on it. One is tied at a distance of 1.5 - 2 centimeters from the newborn’s tummy. The second is 15 centimeters higher than the first.
  2. Using treated scissors between the threads, the umbilical cord is cut off. This happens closer to the first thread (near the tummy).

Doing this is more difficult than putting on a clothespin. Because it is necessary to calculate the force.

There is also a statement that the shape of the navel in the future depends on the manner of tying. For example, now there are many children with bulging belly buttons. And this is due to medical clamps. Is it true?

Doctors say no. The same protruding navel has other reasons. Most often, this is a hernia. But, don't worry. By the age of 3 - 5 it goes away. But the child still needs to be shown to the surgeon. Let better specialist will make a diagnosis. How do you think?

It turns out that putting on the clamp and cutting is easier. But it is a little more difficult to care for. There is no need to remove anything with the thread. Process it, it’s all here. It will fall off on its own.

Mom will have to tinker with the clothespin. However, tying does have its risks.

Can a belly button come undone?

So is it true that even an adult’s belly button can come undone from a strong scream? Not really. The child has this risk while the thread is still attached. For an adult, there is nothing to untie there. The scars don't unravel.

What does an untied belly button pose to a baby? Bleeding. Therefore, if you choose this method, you need to be confident in the professionalism of the doctor. As a rule, a sea knot is made with a strong silk thread. And in a few days. The same as with a clothespin. And, of course, the speed of healing will depend on the efforts of the mother herself.

How to speed up healing?

For speedy healing it is necessary. How to do it?

  1. After birth, the umbilical cord section itself is treated first with peroxide and then with potassium permanganate. Maybe iodine. This removes all blood clots and disinfects them. Although it is believed that if the cutting occurs after the pulsation has stopped, infection is unlikely. However, it is necessary to watch and process.
  2. Until the stump falls off, carry out the treatment once or twice a day. How? Yes, the same peroxide, and from antiseptics brilliant green, potassium permanganate ( weak solution), chlorophyllipt, etc.
  3. Don't wrap up the baby! Provide air access to the umbilical remnant. There is an opinion that only air can heal a wound. No more processing. I do not share this position. I think that in such a case you need to insure yourself. After all, if anything happens, there is no one to blame except the parent. So disinfect, but don’t forget about air baths.
  4. Don't rub the umbilical cord. Use diapers with a special cutout. Or roll up the edges.
  5. Bathe (if you dare to do so) the first days after discharge only in boiled water.

As you can see, the basic rule is careful attitude. The main thing is not to overdo it. After all, everything is good in moderation!

Tell us, how did your baby’s umbilical cord get cut? Or are you just studying this issue? If so, what are you leaning towards? Leave comments and become blog subscribers. Bye. See you again!

In most of them it looks like a small line without hair.

For some people, the navel looks like a depression in the skin, for others, on the contrary, it’s like a protrusion. In addition, navels vary in size, shape, depth, etc. Due to the fact that navels, by their nature, are acquired scars that are not genetically determined, they help distinguish monozygotic twins.

Anatomy of the navel

This section is dedicated to anatomical features navel; for information on the role of the umbilical cord in the prenatal period, see "Umbilical Cord" and "Umbilical Vessels".

Navel in the Golden Ratio - 62% of body height

The navel is an important anatomical landmark on the anterior abdominal wall, due to its fairly typical location. The skin at the level of the navel is innervated by the tenth pair of thoracic nerves (dermatome Th10). Relatively spinal column the navel is stably located at the level of the L3-L4 vertebrae. The navel is used to visually divide the abdomen into sectors. Leonardo da Vinci inscribed the navel in the center of a circle described around a man with raised arms (see picture). U different people The height of the navel may vary, but the "Divine Proportions", based on the Golden Ratio, suggest its location at 62% of the height of the body.

The navel is located in the midline, in the projection of the white line of the abdomen. Hernias of the white line of the abdomen relative to the navel are divided into supra-umbilical, peri-umbilical and sub-umbilical, which is associated with the anatomy of the aponeuroses of the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall.

Each person's navel has its own unique smell, having a good sense of smell, with some skill, you can absolute darkness determine which of the people you know it belongs to.

Diseases of the navel itself and related structures are usually postnatal. These include gangrene of the umbilical cord, weeping umbilicus, fungus, omphalitis, umbilical fistula, hernia of the umbilical cord and inflammation of the umbilical vessels (periarteritis of the umbilical artery and phlebitis of the umbilical vein). Infectious process in the umbilical cord and umbilical wound we threaten the development of umbilical sepsis.

see also

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.


See what “Navel” is in other dictionaries:

    BUTTON, belly button, husband. 1. A depression (in babies a bulge) in the middle of the abdomen, left after the umbilical cord falls off. 2. In birds: part of the stomach. To tear (one's) navel (simple neod.) to try with all one's might, to strain oneself. | decrease navel, chka, husband. | adj.... ... Dictionary Ozhegova

    NAVEL- BUTTON, UMBILICAL REGION. Navel (umbilicus, omphalos), a scar remaining on the body after the umbilical cord falls off and has the appearance of a hole, at the bottom of which there is a small papilla (papilla umbilicalis), the remainder of the umbilical cord attachment. The navel is located in the center... Great Medical Encyclopedia

    Navel, navel, navel Dictionary of Russian synonyms. navel noun, number of synonyms: 12 bud (10) stomach ... Synonym dictionary

    navel- NAvel, pka, m. 1. Any person (often a friend, friend). My belly buttons flew together, my friends arrived. 2. A short man. The navel itself is important, like Zykina. 3. Father, dad. 4. only plural. Parents. I quarreled with belly buttons... Dictionary of Russian argot

    BUTTON, navel, husband. 1. Same as navel in 1 value. 2. Lower muscular section of the stomach of birds (anat., zool.). Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 … Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Turn out from the navel. Sib. Cry loudly and heartbreakingly. FSS, 34. From the navel. Kar. From the very beginning, completely, in detail (tell). SRGK 5, 349. Ride without a navel. Kar. Same as turning out from the navel. SRGK 5, 349. From the navel to the spine. Kar. From... ... Big dictionary Russian sayings

    - (umbilicus) in vertebrates is the junction of the abdominal wall of the embryo with the embryonic appendages and membranes. Thus, in fish embryos, a yolk sac (see) is suspended on the ventral side, and in reptiles, birds and mammals this... encyclopedic Dictionary F. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

    NAVEL- ♠ Seeing your own navel in a dream warns you about possible diseases internal organs. Seeing the navels of animals (for example, chicken) raw for illness, prepared for recovery. If you dreamed of your own navel, in the near future... ... Big family dream book

    navel- pka/; m. see also. navel, umbilical 1) A small depression in the middle of the abdomen, a scar left after the umbilical cord falls off. The umbilical cord is bleeding (about a baby’s unhealed wound) The umbilical cord is sticking out, sunk in. 2) a) zool. The lower muscular part of the stomach... Dictionary of many expressions

    - (umbilicus, PNA, BNA, JNA) a depression in the middle part of the abdominal wall, formed when tissue scars at the site of the umbilical cord falling off ... Large medical dictionary


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Your belly button is a remnant of what was once the umbilical cord, the rope connection between you and your mother that supplied you nutrients and oxygen when you were in the womb. When you were born, the doctor (or maybe your trembling father) cut the umbilical cord a couple of centimeters from your belly and clamped the remaining part.

After this, a small section of the umbilical cord dries out and falls off after about a week. What remains is the navel. And the shape and size of your belly button depends entirely on how your tummy heals after the remainder falls off.

Here are five more fascinating facts about the belly button.

1. It's a jungle of bacteria

According to a delightfully weird scientific initiative called the Belly Button Diversity Project, belly buttons are home to an astounding diversity of bacteria. The fun started back in 2011 at North Carolina State University, when a team of young researchers got the idea to study the belly button microbiome. Will colonies of bacteria in the belly button be different from those found on the rest of the body?

Using RNA sequencing, the researchers identified 2,368 various types bacteria living in the navels of 60 volunteers. For reference, in North America there are twice as many fewer species birds or ants.

Although eight bacterial species dominated the belly button microbiome, making up 45 percent of the total population, there was still incredible diversity among individuals. For example, not a single bacterium was found in every umbilical cord, and 2,188 species were found in only 10 percent of umbilical cord samples.

One guy not only carried a lot of bacteria in his belly button, but also two species of archaea, "an area of ​​life often found in extreme conditions and not previously reported in human skin," the researchers wrote, adding that the individual "self-reported not having bathed in several years."

2. Your Belly Button is Connected to Your Liver

Remember that the purpose of the umbilical cord is to distribute nourishing and oxygenated blood from the mother to the growing fetus. To achieve this, the umbilical cord contains two types of lifelines: the umbilical vein, which delivers blood to the baby; and two umbilical arteries, which carry waste and carbon dioxide from the baby back to the mother, who can dispose of it.

Inside the growing fetus, these umbilical veins and arteries connect to circulatory system, liver and bladder. When the baby is born, it takes its first lung of air and the umbilical cord is cut, the inner portions of the umbilical veins and arteries also dry out and harden into a type of ligament. But these ligaments are still attached to the inside of the navel.

One of the ligaments connects and bisects the liver. The other extends down into the pelvis, where parts of it can still function as part of the circulatory system nearby Bladder. In some children, the rudimentary artery that runs from the bladder to the navel does not close completely, and urine leaks from the navel. Simple surgical intervention can solve this problem.

3. Hairy belly buttons are magnets

Belly buttons are one of the greatest unspoken secrets human body. Back in 2002, an Australian scientist and radio host named Karl Krushelnicki, aka Dr. Karl, decided to find out exactly where belly button pellets appear and why some people suffer (or are blessed) with it while others don't.

Dr. Karl conducted an online survey where he asked people if they had belly button pellets, what color they were, and details about their skin and body. From 4,799 survey responses Dr. Karl was able to make some correlations. Moderately obese older men with hairy bellies mostly had pellets in their belly buttons.

The hair on the belly catches the cotton fibers from the clothes, and the movement of the shirt over the hairs pulls the fibers down with gravity into the black hole that is the navel. When volunteers shaved the hair around their belly buttons, 40% noticed that the trap disappeared.

Dr. Karl was the proud recipient Nobel Prize 2002 for his research, receiving the award, given annually for "achievements that first make people laugh and then make them think."

4. Some people don't have belly buttons

All placental mammals have umbilical cords: cats, dogs and beluga whales, although they are often difficult to see in animals. Oddly enough, not all people have umbilical cords.

One of them is supermodel Karolina Kurkova. You almost never see a photo of Caroline without a belly button because magazine editors use Photoshop to add a belly button to her belly so people don't think she's an alien. But screenshots from the show and various amateur photos show a small indentation where a normal belly button should be.

No one is born without an umbilical cord, so we should all have belly buttons, right? But some babies are born with problems such as umbilical hernias or a more serious condition called gastrochisis, where the baby's intestines protrude due to weakness in the abdominal wall. This problem can be easily corrected with surgery, but the resulting scar does not look much like a belly button.

People who undergo tummy tuck surgery may also have the strip of flesh where the belly button is removed. Some people prefer to create a new belly button, while others see a great opportunity to get rid of their problem once and for all.

5. The navel is a surgeon's best friend

If the eyes are the windows to the soul, then the navel is the window to gallbladder. In the field of minimally invasive surgery, more and more surgeons are performing major procedures without major scarring, through the belly button.

Laparoscopic surgery is a type of minimally invasive surgical procedure in which surgeons make a small incision in the belly button and insert a laparoscope, a telescope-like instrument with a light on the end, allowing doctors to see what's going on inside the intestines without opening a large incision. In a typical laparoscopic procedure, one or more additional small incisions are made to excise and remove the target tissue.

But now there is growing interest in single-port laparoscopic surgery, where both the laparoscope and flexible surgical instruments are inserted through a special port connected to a single incision in the belly button. Not only are the scars barely noticeable, but a single incision reduces recovery time and reduces the risk of infection.

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