Vacuum Abortion - Method of Terminating Pregnancy. Vacuum mini abortion. Timing of abortion

Vacuum abortion or mini abortion is one of the methods of surgical termination of pregnancy, which is performed by suctioning the fetus with a vacuum suction. Scientific name vacuum abortion - aspiration.

This surgical abortion can be considered one of the most gentle methods of abortion. But it can only be done by early stages. It is not advisable to choose a mini-abortion at 3 weeks, since at such a short period a method that eliminates any surgical efforts will also be effective. The best time for termination of pregnancy by aspiration is at 4-5 weeks.

What is an abortion vacuum?

How to do an abortion? So, surgical abortions, which include vacuum mini-abortion, are carried out using special devices. The main ones are: suction apparatus, cannula, disposable catheter. The main advantage of a mini abortion over other surgical abortions is that the cervix does not need to be dilated. A disposable catheter is inserted into the patient's uterus, the thickness of which will easily allow it to pass inside. The device vacuum aspiration Using a cannula of a certain size, depending on the stage of pregnancy, suction is performed. A vacuum abortion takes approximately 5-10 minutes of a gynecologist's time.

After a mini-abortion, you must undergo an ultrasound, which will confirm that the surgical abortion (vacuum abortion) was effective and the fetus was completely removed from the uterus. If the vacuum abortion is unsuccessful and the fetus cannot be completely removed, additional aspiration is performed or the fetus is curetted.

Advantages of vacuum mini abortion

The undoubted advantages of this method of abortion include:

  • absence of cervical trauma;
  • outpatient surgery (the woman is discharged from the hospital on the same day as the mini-abortion);
  • minimal damage to the uterine mucosa (the uterine cavity heals very quickly);
  • less stress for a woman compared to later ones, when the realization of the existence of a new life inside comes;
  • relatively fast recovery hormonal levels and menstrual cycle after a vacuum abortion.

And as was said earlier, even though aspiration is a surgical method, such an abortion is still relatively easier for the body than a regular surgical abortion. methods are minimal. You should not be sexually active for 3 weeks after vacuum aspiration.

You should also stock up on antibacterial drugs, because the wounded uterine cavity is susceptible to the development of microorganisms that cause all kinds of inflammation. Vacuum abortion is a gentle method, but reproductive function takes approximately 6 months. Therefore, after 3 weeks of abstinence from sexual activity, you need to start it with acceptance hormonal contraceptives to avoid the appearance of .

How to prepare for a mini abortion

A mini-abortion is an operation, and, therefore, you need to prepare for it just as thoroughly as before curettage. In the clinic where the vacuum mini-abortion will be performed, you will be offered to undergo various tests and tests. For example, to perform anesthesia during a vacuum abortion, it is necessary to determine whether the woman can tolerate anesthesia.

Not every surgeon will take on later stages of pregnancy when performing a vacuum abortion.

The most important thing in preparing for a mini-abortion is. Abortion at 7 weeks using aspiration will not be performed by any surgeon, not in any clinic. First, you need to have the right size cannula to allow the fetus to pass through the suction.

Mini abortion timing

The most appropriate time to terminate a pregnancy by aspiration is an abortion at 4-5 weeks. The fertilized egg is not so firmly attached to the uterine cavity. Its suction will take place quickly and, if the surgeon is well qualified, there will be no parts of the fertilized egg left in the uterus. Week 5 is the most “appropriate” time for a vacuum abortion. 6 weeks is also the period when the fertilized egg is well separated from the uterus.

If you are 7 weeks pregnant, most clinics will most likely offer you a curettage rather than a mini-abortion. or mini abortion? Aspiration is possible at 12 weeks with certain conditions operations and availability necessary funds. Only such a mini-abortion (at 7 weeks and above) has high probability end with curettage (classic surgical abortion). At week 7, the pregnancy will most likely be terminated using curettage rather than a mini-abortion. The timing determines not only the method of abortion, but also the effectiveness and ease of the method itself. Abortion at 7 weeks by aspiration is not uncommon, but be prepared for complications.

Of course, if it is necessary to terminate a pregnancy, women want to choose the most gentle method that will not affect women's health. But in the case of aspiration, performing an abortion at 7 weeks is simply a delay. Have a vacuum abortion - 6 weeks, no later. That's why it's so important to monitor your sex life. If you have the slightest suspicion of an unwanted pregnancy and do not want to give birth, you need to have a vacuum abortion as quickly as possible. After all, methods of terminating a pregnancy at a later date will certainly affect the woman’s health.

Vacuum abortion is an abortion procedure unwanted pregnancy. It differs from surgical abortion in a safer and more gentle approach to surgery. The main indications for a vacuum abortion are unsuccessful abortion, abnormal development of the embryo, chronic diseases incompatible with bearing a pregnancy, and the desire of the patient herself to terminate the pregnancy.

If a woman has decided to have an abortion, she should choose the least traumatic method of ending the pregnancy. But any abortion performed in the early stages of gestation is dangerous for female body and has its consequences. Therefore, before terminating a pregnancy, every woman should carefully weigh the pros and cons.

This is an early termination of pregnancy (usually up to 5 weeks) using a special device - a vacuum pump. Such an abortion is considered less dangerous for a woman, since it qualitatively reduces the risk of post-abortion complications: uterine injuries, infection and bleeding.

It must be taken into account that the longer the pregnancy, the higher the likelihood of complications after an abortion. The size of the uterus and the fertilized egg are still too small before 5 weeks of pregnancy, and if the pregnancy is terminated by vacuum aspiration, then vascular network and the walls of the reproductive organ will suffer minimal damage, and the body will quickly recover.


The procedure lasts no longer than 10 minutes. Therefore, on the same day, the woman goes home and continues to lead her usual lifestyle: she goes to work or study, and goes about her daily routine.

During a surgical abortion, the doctor scrapes the walls of the uterus, manually separating the fertilized egg from them, which increases the risk of compromising the integrity of the uterus.

With vacuum aspiration, the fertilized egg detaches from the wall on its own, and this ends the abortion procedure. The cervix also suffers minimally, since it does not have to be dilated for the insertion of a catheter, and therefore injured.

The manipulation is performed under local or general anesthesia, so most women tolerate it without pain. Painful sensations Only the cervical dilatation procedure can cause this. However, the pain will not be much stronger than menstrual pain and can be relieved with antispasmodic drugs.

Healthy women tolerate this procedure with minor losses.

The body recovers faster after a vacuum abortion, since the termination is carried out in the early stages of pregnancy, when the fetus is still too small and not tightly connected to the mother’s body.


Planning your next pregnancy will have to be postponed for at least six months. This is exactly the amount of time the body needs to full recovery. It is recommended to use after an abortion.

If conception occurs earlier than this period, such a pregnancy will become a serious test for the body, and it is often accompanied by deviations from the norm.

Risk of incomplete abortion. Sometimes the pregnancy continues to develop or the destroyed fertilized egg remains in the uterus, decomposing and infecting the woman’s body. This occurs due to incomplete separation of the egg during vacuum aspiration.

Any abortion, including vacuum, has the main important drawback- psychological discomfort, but it cannot be avoided.

Until what period is vacuum abortion performed?

You can terminate a pregnancy using vacuum aspiration quite early - from the second day of a missed period. According to WHO, vacuum abortion is not limited to up to 5 weeks; the most qualified specialists, if available, necessary equipment This procedure is performed up to 15 weeks of pregnancy.

In any case, vacuum aspiration performed after 10 weeks has no less consequences than surgical abortion. And many specialists will not undertake this manipulation at this time.

The optimal period is 4-5 weeks of pregnancy. At this time, the fertilized egg is still weakly attached to the walls of the uterus, and it can be removed without complications.

Indications for vacuum abortion

The main indications for mini-abortion are:

Most indications for vacuum abortion are not exceptional. In any case, the problem will be considered by several specialists, and they will decide whether the health and life of the woman and the unborn child are in danger, as well as what this risk will be.

Most pathologies are indirect indications to abortion and are subject to discussion. But we must remember that some developmental defects are not immediately detected in the fetus, and if they are detected on later pregnancy, it will no longer be possible to terminate it.

How is a vacuum abortion performed?

The operation is carried out using an electric vacuum pump, which extracts all its contents from the cavity of the reproductive organ.

The procedure is absolutely painless if it is performed under general anesthesia. If selected local anesthesia, a woman may feel tolerable nagging pain lower abdomen. The pump creates negative pressure or vacuum in the uterus, causing the fertilized egg to peel off and be expelled.

The vascular network of the uterus is practically not damaged during vacuum aspiration. Also, special dilators are not used for the cervix, which allows maintaining its integrity.

That is, a mini-abortion significantly reduces the risk of developing cervical insufficiency, which prevents pregnancy in the future.

Preparatory stage

Before having an abortion, a woman should consult a gynecologist. During the examination, the doctor determines the duration of pregnancy and prescribes necessary examination. Typically it includes:

  • general urine and blood tests;
  • microflora smear;
  • Ultrasound examination;
  • blood tests for HIV, hepatitis and syphilis.

The tests listed are mandatory and, first of all, they show whether the patient has any contraindications to abortion.

Carrying out the operation

After finishing preparatory stage The day of the operation is set. Abortion should only be carried out within the walls of a medical institution under the guidance of qualified specialists.

To perform aspiration, the patient sits in a gynecological chair, her legs are fixed in stirrups. The external genitalia are treated with an antiseptic. If a woman has never given birth, the doctor dilates the cervix with a special instrument.

For women who have given birth, this point is skipped. For local anesthesia, an injection of the drug is given into the cervix. During general anesthesia, the woman receives medicine into a vein and falls asleep for a short time. After the end of the anesthesia stage, the procedure itself begins.

The doctor inserts the tip of an electric vacuum pump - a cannula - into the uterus and turns on the device. Negative pressure is created in the cavity of the reproductive organ. The gynecologist carefully moves the cannula along the walls of the uterus, trying to achieve precise contact with the mucous membrane.

At this moment, the fertilized egg peels off and exits through a tube into a special container. After all the fruiting tissue is removed from the uterine cavity, it begins to actively contract. Once the tip of the pump is removed from the uterus, contractions will no longer be felt.

Some women complain of nausea, weakness and sweating during an abortion. For similar procedure all this is a variant of the norm.

The final stage

Typically, the vacuum aspiration procedure does not exceed 5 minutes. After the end of the manipulation, the patient is asked to rest for an hour in the same medical institution. The doctor then advises her to take antibiotics to prevent possible infection, as well as analgesics and antispasmodics when pain and spasms occur.

The next day the woman can return to her usual activities. Two weeks later, she should visit the antenatal clinic again for an ultrasound and tests that will confirm that the termination of pregnancy was successful.


There is the following list of contraindications for performing a vacuum abortion:

  • acute infections in the body, which increases the likelihood of infection of the genital tract and related complications associated with it;
  • ectopic pregnancy, which cannot be interrupted using a vacuum abortion;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • unconfirmed pregnancy;
  • if from the moment last birth less than 6 months have passed;
  • a period of more than 6 weeks, which significantly complicates the procedure for detachment of the fetus and its removal from the uterus.

Sex life after abortion

After a vacuum abortion, you cannot enter into intimate relationships for 3 weeks. Then it is important to use condoms, which protect the woman from infection and new unwanted pregnancies.

If after a vacuum abortion the symptoms of toxicosis do not go away, and the test still shows positive result, this means that the pregnancy continues to develop. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Pregnancy after abortion

6 months after an abortion, a woman can plan new pregnancy if she wants it. But before that, it is important for her to visit a gynecologist and make sure that the vacuum abortion performed did not have any consequences on the body.

Many women successfully become pregnant and give birth to healthy children after a mini-abortion, thanks to its gentle effect on the body.

Vacuum abortion is considered to be the least dangerous procedure to terminate an unwanted pregnancy, but we should not forget that this is an intervention in the body that destroys a woman’s physiological cycle. No specialist can guarantee 100% the success of an abortion and the preservation of the health of his patient.

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Disappointing medical statistics indicate that every fifth pregnancy ends in termination. For abortion, women choose the most safe ways. But if the desired result is still not achieved, then you have to resort to surgical intervention. Today’s article will tell you about the period until which vacuum abortion is performed. You will learn about the nuances of this manipulation and will be able to read reviews.

Vacuum abortion

This technique is widely used in all medical institutions. Along with medical abortion, is recognized as low-traumatic and relatively safe. However, there is a risk that parts of the fertilized egg will remain in the uterine cavity.

Vacuum termination of pregnancy is performed only within the walls of a hospital. Before this, the patient needs to be examined and undergo some tests. The manipulation is carried out using a special device - a vacuum suction.

Timing of the procedure

If you are offered a vacuum abortion, your gestational age is short. It is impossible to say with certainty until what week the procedure is carried out. Many clinics set their own limits. Information differs from different sources. Some indicate that mini-abortion is allowed up to 5 weeks of pregnancy. Others say eight weeks. Experienced specialists are able to perform the manipulation for up to 12 weeks. There is evidence that with a cannula of the appropriate size, vacuum termination of pregnancy can be performed up to 15 weeks.

Despite this, many medical institutions adhere to the period of 8 weeks. It is before this period that there is still no strong connection between the fertilized egg and the wall of the uterus. This means that the result of the manipulation will be successful in almost all cases.

Indications and contraindications

To perform a vacuum abortion, the woman's consent is required. This is the main indication for abortion. Also, manipulation is sometimes prescribed by a specialist without the patient’s initiative. The indications are as follows:

  • abnormalities in the development of the fetal egg, incompatible with life;
  • a woman’s inability to give birth due to health reasons;
  • frozen pregnancy or anembryony;
  • viral diseases transmitted to dangerous period(rubella, toxoplasmosis).

Doctors say that there are contraindications to manipulation. They can be absolute or temporary. The latter include genital tract infections, bleeding disorders, fever and colds. After eliminating these pathologies, it is quite acceptable to perform an operation, if time permits.

TO complete contraindications Vacuum abortion includes abnormalities in the development of the uterus (presence of adhesions and septa), ectopic pregnancy, recent birth, uterine tumors and long periods of pregnancy. In these situations, other methods are chosen to eliminate the fertilized egg.

Preparing for an abortion

The vacuum method of abortion requires certain preparation. Every gynecologist will tell you about this. Reviews from doctors say that before the procedure it is necessary to ultrasound diagnostics. It allows you to determine the exact gestational age. The woman also takes vaginal smears to study the microflora and to detect an infectious process.

In addition to the preparation described, the patient should undergo a blood test. The study reveals the level of platelets, the presence of antibodies to hepatitis, HIV and other diseases.

During the operation

Women say that vacuum abortion occurs quite quickly. Reviews report that the manipulation lasts only 5-7 minutes. The patient is positioned for examination. After this, the doctor injects the cervix with anesthetics and antispasmodics.

If the woman has not given birth, the gynecologist will need to first expand the cervical canal using instruments. Patients who have given birth do not need this. When everything is ready, the cannula is inserted into the uterine cavity. With help own strength the doctor pulls out the suction handle. At this time, negative pressure is created in the cavity of the reproductive organ. The fertilized egg is detached from the wall of the uterus and sucked into the manipulator.

reviews from women

Patients say that a mini-abortion is much easier to tolerate than surgical curettage. The manipulation does not require the use of general anesthesia. Also, the injured area of ​​the mucous membrane remains small. After vacuum interruption, there are rarely any complications with the cervix. While curettage can cause damage cervical canal. After this, problems may arise with subsequent pregnancy and natural childbirth.

Discharge after vacuum termination of pregnancy, according to women, is not so abundant and painful. They are, in essence, normal menstruation. A damaged mucous membrane. The recovery period from this operation is short. The patient must remain under medical supervision for one or two hours. After this, the woman can return to her previous activities.

Doctors must prescribe medicines after a vacuum abortion. These are antibiotics wide range actions. They will help prevent the development bacterial infection and complications. Medicines that cause uterine contractions and painkillers are also recommended for women. All of them are selected individually. Some women mistakenly believe that they can do without using medications. With such a negligent attitude towards one’s health, complications often arise in the form of infections, inflammatory processes, retention of the mucous membrane in the uterine cavity.

Doctors say that after vacuum aspiration, the patient should return for an additional examination in two weeks. This is necessary to confirm a complete abortion. If parts are found in the uterine cavity membranes, then curettage is prescribed.


Vacuum is a safe manipulation. Its effect depends on the timing of the operation. The sooner you contact a gynecologist, the greater the chance that everything will go smoothly. If you want to terminate a pregnancy, then never use your grandmother's recipes. They can lead to very unpleasant consequences in future. All the best!

Vacuum aspiration is a method of obtaining the contents of the uterine cavity and terminating a pregnancy up to 5 weeks.

Indications for the procedure

This procedure is quite widely used in gynecology for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes.


  • Termination of unwanted pregnancy up to 5 weeks(up to 21 days of missed menstruation) ;
  • Termination of pregnancy during its or pathological development;
  • Termination of pregnancy if there are contraindications to its further continuation;
  • Retention of parts of the ovum after a previous surgical or medical abortion;
  • Delay placental tissue after natural birth or caesarean section;
  • Incomplete;
  • Dysfunctional uterine bleeding;
  • Endometrial biopsy(for diagnostic purposes);
  • Hematometer(accumulation of blood in the uterus);
  • Serozometer(accumulation of fluid in the uterus).


Vacuum aspiration of the uterine cavity is not performed in the following situations:

  • Pregnancy period over 5 weeks;
  • Malformations of the uterus;
  • Inflammatory diseases of the genital organs (acute or chronic in the acute stage);
  • Infectious diseases any localization;
  • Formations of the uterus that deform its cavity (fibroids);
  • Heavy accompanying illnesses mothers;
  • Time period less than 6 months after previous termination of pregnancy.

Types of vacuum aspiration

Exists two kinds this procedure:

  1. Manual(manual) vacuum aspiration;
  2. Machine vacuum aspiration.

Preparation for the procedure

Before vacuum aspiration, a woman must undergo clinical and laboratory examination to exclude contraindications to its implementation:

  1. Gynecological examination;
  2. Smear of secretions from the genital tract for flora;
  3. Ultrasound of the pelvic organs;
  4. Consultation with a therapist;
  5. General blood analysis;
  6. Blood chemistry;
  7. Venous blood coagulogram;
  8. Blood for syphilis viral hepatitis, HIV infection.

information The procedure is carried out in outpatient setting(in the antenatal clinic) when using local anesthesia: the woman takes special drugs to relax the cervix and reduce pain (atropine, diphenhydramine,).

After vacuum aspiration, the patient should lie on her stomach for 30-60 minutes and be under the supervision of medical personnel.

Vacuum aspiration technique

At the beginning of the operation, the external genitalia are thoroughly treated with a solution of any antiseptic, after which they are inserted into the vagina. gynecological speculum. The cervix is ​​processed and fixed by the anterior lip with bullet forceps. A special probe is inserted into the uterine cavity to determine its length, after which it is replaced by an aspiration tube connected to a syringe or electric aspirator (depending on the type of procedure). Then the doctor, constantly rotating and moving the aspiration catheter, removes the fertilized egg or collects material. Vacuum aspiration can be carried out “blindly” or under ultrasound control (in this case the procedure will be more effective).

Possible complications

This procedure is a more gentle option for collecting material from the uterine cavity and terminating pregnancy, however, complications can also arise after vacuum aspiration.

Possible complications:

  • Perforation of the cervix or body of the uterus;
  • Incomplete aspiration after removal of the fertilized egg;
  • Inflammatory diseases of the genital organs;
  • Hormonal disorders;
  • Menstrual irregularities;
  • Secondary infertility.

For a favorable course postoperative period and to exclude possible complications, a woman must carefully observe Doctor's recommendations:

  1. Refusal of sexual activity for 1 month;
  2. Avoid hypothermia and heavy physical exertion;
  3. Refusal to visit a bathhouse or swimming pool;
  4. Refusal to take hot food(warm shower only);
  5. Strict adherence to sexual hygiene;
  6. Reception antibacterial drugs for the prevention of infectious complications;
  7. Taking hormonal contraceptives to restore hormonal levels and prevent the occurrence of a new pregnancy.

2 weeks after vacuum aspiration, you should definitely visit an obstetrician-gynecologist and have an ultrasound of the pelvic organs.

Menstruation after vacuum aspiration

On the 4th-5th day after surgery, the woman develops bloody issues, reminiscent of menstruation. In fact, this is menstrual-like discharge after vacuum aspiration, associated with hormonal changes in the body.

additionally Real periods after vacuum aspiration begin after about 30 days and may be short-lived and less abundant than usual, which is associated with some suppression of ovarian function. Menstruation in next cycle should already take place regularly, no different from the menstrual cycle before pregnancy.

Pregnancy after the procedure

Despite the significant advantage of vacuum over other methods of abortion, it is still a serious procedure and can cause disorders of the reproductive system.

Even with qualified vacuum aspiration, there is a risk of developing serious problems with conceiving and bearing a child. It's connected for several reasons:

  • Hormonal imbalances. Abrupt termination of pregnancy leads to a serious change in hormone levels, which adversely affects the menstrual cycle;
  • Inflammatory processes in the genital organs. Infectious diseases lead to the development adhesive process, obstruction fallopian tubes, endometrial inferiority and other conditions that reduce the chances of a natural birth of a child to a minimum;
  • Trauma to the cervix, which can subsequently cause the development of and.

Pregnancy after vacuum aspiration should be planned no earlier than 6 months: its earlier onset can lead to spontaneous miscarriage or arrested embryonic development.

Before conceiving, a woman should definitely contact an obstetrician-gynecologist and undergo comprehensive examination to resolve the issue of the possibility of pregnancy at the moment.

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Women decide to have an abortion various reasons– believe that they do not have the economic opportunity to raise a child, are in difficult social conditions, do not see themselves in the role of a mother, have medical contraindications to pregnancy or the embryo develops with pathologies. Whatever the reason, it is never an easy decision.

There are three methods of abortion that are recommended by WHO: medication, curettage and vacuum aspiration. Vacuum abortion is considered a gentle procedure that causes virtually no complications. How is vacuum aspiration done and what are its consequences?

How does vacuum abortion occur?

Vacuum aspiration, commonly referred to as a mini-abortion, is a method of artificial termination of pregnancy recommended by the World Health Organization. Along with medical abortion, it is considered safe, which cannot be said about curettage.

You can guess how the procedure works by its name - it is based on the use of vacuum suction. An abortion is performed by a gynecologist in a hospital setting. The woman arrives at the appointed time, sits in the gynecological chair, and her legs are secured on supports using special fasteners.

Abortion can take place under local anesthesia, and under general. In the first case, an anesthetic medication is injected into the uterus, in the second, the woman is given anesthesia through a dropper, and she falls asleep for a few minutes. General anesthesia makes manipulations completely painless, with local anesthesia the patient may feel a slight nagging pain.

After the anesthetic is administered, the procedure begins. The gynecologist inserts a cannula into the uterus, which is connected to a vacuum pump. For women who have not given birth, the cervix is ​​additionally dilated. When the device is turned on, negative pressure is created in the uterine cavity, which creates a vacuum. The gynecologist runs a cannula along the walls of the uterus, sucking the fertilized egg into the cannula, like a vacuum cleaner. After the embryo is removed from the uterus, the organ begins to contract intensively, expelling the remains. The whole procedure lasts no more than 5–7 minutes. You can see what a vacuum abortion looks like in the diagram below.

Indications and contraindications, complications

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A vacuum abortion can be performed at the request of a woman if she wants to get rid of the child. In addition, they are referred for abortion by medical indications when pathologies incompatible with life are detected in the embryo. In this case, the decision remains with the woman (or her legal representative if she is incapacitated)

Indications for mini-abortion:

  • frozen pregnancy;
  • maternal rubella;
  • tuberculosis;
  • cancer;
  • endocrine pathologies;
  • severe mental disorders;
  • taking drugs that have a teratogenic effect.


  • genital tract infections;
  • tubal pregnancy;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • less than six months have passed since the previous birth;
  • The gestational age is not suitable for a vacuum abortion.

The advantage of vacuum aspiration is the low likelihood of complications. The mucous surface of the uterine walls is practically not injured, microdamages heal quickly. However, after the procedure the following consequences are possible:

  • spastic pain in the lower abdomen, requiring the use of antispasmodics;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • inflammatory processes in the uterus;
  • hormonal disbalance.

Pneumoembolism occurs extremely rarely. Due to improper abortion, positive pressure is created in the uterus, and air bubbles enter the bloodstream. This condition leads to fatal outcome, but thanks to modern pumps, such a complication now practically does not occur.

Until what period is a mini-abortion possible?

There are strict deadlines for vacuum abortion - up to 5 weeks of gestation, which is equivalent to 21 days from the moment of delay. At such early stages, the fertilized egg is not yet firmly attached to the endometrium, which means that a mini-abortion is relatively safe. However, not all women can decide so quickly to get rid of the child and undergo the necessary examination in order to terminate the pregnancy.

The procedure largely depends on the skill of the specialist. According to the WHO, if a gynecologist has undergone appropriate training, he can perform a mini-abortion up to the 12th week of gestation, and with a cannula of the appropriate size, up to the 15th week. However, performing an operation at such a time is extremely undesirable and is possible only for medical reasons.

Preparing for a vacuum abortion

Before terminating a pregnancy, the gynecologist prescribes preparatory procedures, the purpose of which is to identify contraindications to abortion (see also:). The doctor gives directions for the following diagnostic procedures:

  • gynecological examination with a smear for microflora;
  • general analysis of urine and blood;
  • analysis for HIV, hepatitis and syphilis;

These manipulations make it possible, first of all, to determine whether there is a pregnancy and what its timing is. Secondly, if an infection, blood disease or other pathology is discovered that prevents an abortion, the woman will be offered another way to solve the problem depending on the circumstances.

What happens after the procedure?

After vacuum aspiration, the gynecologist asks the woman to come to her senses and rest for 1–2 hours. The abortion is performed in a hospital setting, so the patient is simply accompanied medical worker moves into the ward. If the manipulations were carried out under general anesthesia, then she will need more time to recover.

The gynecologist necessarily instructs the woman how she should behave and talks about the body’s reaction over the coming weeks. During the first 2–3 days, cramping pain is possible, which is eliminated with antispasmodic medications.

In the first days after suction there will be a little bleeding, the bleeding will stop after 2-3 days. Because of hormonal fluctuations may appear again on days 4–5 brown discharge. There is no need to worry, this is normal. If the bleeding does not stop and the pain is too severe, the woman needs to urgently contact a gynecologist.

After vacuum suction, you must undergo a follow-up ultrasound scan after 2 weeks. Sometimes aspiration is performed poorly, and after a mini-abortion, elements of the fertilized egg remain in the uterus. If they are not removed, this will lead to purulent inflammation uterine cavity and severe complications.

What to do if the test ultrasound examination showed the presence of remains of the fertilized egg in the uterine cavity? In this case, the patient is prescribed either repeated aspiration or curettage. Curettage is a more traumatic type of abortion, which more often leads to complications, but in this situation it is a necessity.

After a mini-abortion, the body recovers very quickly. This is due to the fact that the hormonal changes characteristic of gestation have not yet occurred in the body.

Intimate life and contraception after mini-abortion

One of frequently asked questions questions that women ask the gynecologist after an abortion concern intimate life. You should abstain from sexual intercourse for the first 3 weeks after vacuum aspiration. First of all, this is necessary so that the microtrauma caused by the cannula has time to heal.

At first, even with a regular partner, you should use condoms. Barrier contraception necessary to avoid infection in the genitals. If in in good condition the body independently copes with opportunistic microflora, then after abortive procedures any bacterial or fungal infection can cause serious inflammation.

When can you plan? next pregnancy? Gynecologists advise doing this no earlier than six months after vacuum aspiration. This period is enough for the body - genitals and hormonal background– recovered after gynecological intervention.

Possible consequences

Many women are concerned about whether they will be able to get pregnant after a vacuum abortion. This method is considered gentle, unlike curettage, the number of cases leading to infertility is extremely small.

Serious consequences in the form of infection or inflammation, which caused infertility, occur if a woman neglected the advice of a gynecologist on how to behave in the period after a vacuum abortion. How correctly the rules are followed intimate hygiene and contraception, reproductive health depends.

In such a short period of time, a woman does not have time to develop an emotional attachment to her unborn child. She does not feel like a mother, so termination of pregnancy rarely leads to psychological problems, especially if the abortion is done at the request of the woman herself. The situation is different if a married couple long time I tried to conceive a child, the news of pregnancy was joyful, but due to abnormal abnormalities, the gynecologist ordered an abortion. Women who have undergone aspiration for medical reasons often experience post-abortion depression, which needs to be treated by a psychotherapist.

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