Kidney aplasia: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment. What is kidney aplasia? Preventive rules for pregnant women

Kidneys are vital important organs in humans, they remove water and other substances from the body and actively participate in metabolism. U healthy person There are two kidneys, however, there are congenital abnormalities. In the case of a complete absence of one of them or both at once in a person, kidney agenesis is called in medicine.

Agenesis and aplasia

When there is underdevelopment of an organ that is unable to fully perform its function, then they talk about aplasia. Renal aplasia is similar in nature to the disease with agenesis, but is a less serious anomaly and is usually detected during examination for another disease. Kidneys with this pathology do not have legs and, therefore, are not able to function and secrete urine.

With agenesis - the complete absence of one of the kidneys - no rudiments of renal tissue and ureters are observed in place of the missing organ. In most cases, unilateral organ absence occurs; bilateral pathology is incompatible with life.

The absence of a right or left kidney in a child often does not manifest itself clinically; to identify the pathology you will need diagnostic examination. In addition, the following external signs should alert you:

  • low position of the ears;
  • deformation of the lower extremities;
  • enlarged belly;
  • wide-set eyes;
  • displacement of the genital organs.

Causes of the disease

Specific reasons for the development of agenesis have not been identified. Kidneys begin to form in the fetus in the fifth week and continue throughout pregnancy.

The main cause of pathology is congenital malformations of the fetus. The risk increases in the following cases:

There are two types of agenesis:

  • one-sided;
  • bilateral.

Bilateral renal agenesis in the fetus is quite rare. As a rule, the baby is born dead or dies during the first days of life. In such cases, termination of pregnancy at any stage is recommended.

With unilateral agenesis and aplasia, all functions are taken over by a second healthy organ, which accordingly takes on the main load and performs a greater amount of work. In addition, the ureter is usually absent. It is very rare that he is present. In this case, timely diagnosis is important.

Underdevelopment of one of the organs—renal aplasia—is considered a relatively favorable pathology compared to agenesis. Aplasia right kidney with healthy and full functioning of the left, it often does not manifest itself with specific symptoms.

This is what kidney aplasia looks like

Such pathology is rarely detected due to the lack of specific clinical manifestations. Typically diagnosed on comprehensive examination. After diagnosis, dispensary registration is required.

In this case, treatment is usually not required. Aplasia of the left kidney is often accompanied by underdevelopment nearby organs, for example, the urinary system. It is diagnosed quite rarely, in most cases in men. In the absence of complications does not require treatment, only compliance preventive measures to prevent the development bacterial infection.

Right-sided agenesis

Agenesis of the right kidney occurs more often than the left and is observed mainly in females. In this case, women experience deviations in the development of the uterus, vagina and appendages.

If the left organ is fully functioning, right-sided kidney agenesis does not threaten health and does not require treatment. However, in this case, constant monitoring by a doctor and regular diagnostic examinations are required. A person with this pathology must observe throughout his life strict diet and preventive measures to prevent the development of diseases.

If the left organ is unable to fully perform its work, symptoms appear during the first days of the baby’s life.

Mandatory ongoing consultation with a doctor

In this case, the child experiences the following disorders:

  • frequent regurgitation, vomiting;
  • dehydration, dryness skin;
  • high blood pressure;
  • general intoxication of the body.

Left-sided agenesis

It is more difficult for a person to tolerate, since the right kidney is less adapted to fully perform its functions. Men are most susceptible to developing this pathology. Agenesis of the left kidney manifests itself as follows:

  • present painful sensations V groin area;
  • there is a violation of sexual functions;
  • infertility is diagnosed because there is underdevelopment and absence of the vas deferens;
  • pain is observed in the sacral region.

Treatment depends on the degree of functioning of the healthy organ. If the right organ is fully functioning, then antibacterial measures to reduce the risk of developing kidney disease or disease urinary system quite enough.

Unilateral renal agenesis does not threaten health if it is not accompanied by obvious symptoms. Constant monitoring by a urologist or nephrologist, regular diagnostic examinations and compliance with preventive measures are required.

In case of complications, concomitant diseases and obvious symptoms of the disease, lifelong antihypertensive therapy, and sometimes .

For each patient there may be individual recommendations from the attending physician. IN in rare cases disability is issued.

With unilateral agenesis, the following preventive measures must be observed:

  • Don't allow the strong physical activity– playing sports during renal pathologies is a big question. With intensive training, the load on the body doubles functional organ. It should be borne in mind that any injury, especially severe injury, can sometimes be fatal. In addition, increased stress can trigger the development of many diseases.
  • Follow a certain diet and drinking regime. Food and drinking regime play important role in the proper functioning of the body system.
  • News healthy image life, increasing immunity.

First of all, a woman needs to take care of her health during pregnancy:

  • exclude bad habits– smoking, alcohol, drugs;
  • observe proper diet, maintain drinking balance;
  • be observed by a doctor and monitor the development of the fetus;
  • If signs indicating the development of an anomaly are detected, you should seek qualified medical help.

People and children who have one kidney live full lives. In case of manifestation unpleasant symptoms or painful sensations, you should contact medical assistance to avoid the development of complications.

During a mild course of the disease, symptoms may be completely absent, so it is necessary to regularly consult a doctor. Especially if the family has precedents for the appearance of pathology. Timely monitoring will help reduce negative manifestations and add the necessary color to the patient’s life.

To understand what renal aplasia is, it is necessary to understand the concept of agenesis, since this is one of its forms.

Agenesis itself - pathological condition, at which it is observed complete absence kidney or its legs, which refers to a congenital defect.

Aplasia is a failure of intrauterine development, with preservation of the ureter and blood vessels, but the kidney itself is poorly developed, looks like a rudiment, and cannot function normally.

With pathology, all functioning falls on the other kidney, resulting in an increased load.

Main reasons

According to statistics, kidney aplasia is diagnosed in 1 person out of 1200 other people.

A similar anomaly appears due to insufficient development of the metanephros duct.

The defect is accompanied by a normal or short ureter, and in some cases the child will not have one at all.

Agenesis and aplasia of the kidney are considered birth defects in development. Often, children with similar anomalies experience death, death can occur in the womb or immediately after birth.

In situations where the second kidney can work normally and compensates for the lack of the second part paired organ, then the disease can be diagnosed at an older age during a routine examination.

In some cases, the main symptoms of the pathology do not appear, their development is slow, so the abnormal structure can only be determined in old age.

Renal aplasia often causes kidney diseases, including:

  1. Increased intrarenal pressure.
  2. Pyelonephritis different types and shapes.
  3. Urolithiasis.

In medicine, there are several types of defects, and the least likely person will have a lack of kidneys.

This condition is the most dangerous; a child cannot live without a paired organ, so it occurs fatal outcome immediately after birth. Much more often, newborns do not have one kidney on either side.

Knowing what it is, it is important to understand the possible causes of the formation of a birth defect.

Doctors and scientists cannot say for sure why children are born with only one kidney, but it should be noted that genetics and hereditary predisposition do not take part in the anomaly. Due to this, the defect is considered congenital.

The formation of a paired organ occurs from the 5th week of pregnancy. This process continues throughout development in the womb, making it difficult to determine the exact causes.

Kidney aplasia can be caused by several factors:

  1. Infection with viruses and other infections during pregnancy, namely in the 1st trimester. As a rule, the danger is rubella, influenza and similar diseases.
  2. Exposure to ionizing radiation during examination during pregnancy.
  3. The presence of diabetes in a pregnant woman is also a possible cause.
  4. The result of using powerful medications, hormonal medications. The problem arises not just from pills, but from their incorrect use or independent selection of drugs for the treatment of various diseases and disorders.
  5. Abuse of alcohol or smoking during pregnancy and before conceiving a child, when no preparation is carried out.
  6. Any types of sexually transmitted pathologies in a woman.
  7. Usage contraceptive drugs before the start of pregnancy.
  8. Any disruption of the endocrine system.

The described reasons must be taken into account by doctors during pregnancy.

Types of violations

In medicine, a special classification is used, which makes it possible to determine the form of the disorder:

  1. Bilateral deviation – absence of a paired organ. This type of defect is the most dangerous, is diagnosed extremely rarely and causes the death of the fetus after birth or in the womb.
  2. Agenesis of the right or left kidney is a condition in which the child does not have one part of the paired organ with the left or right side. In this case, one kidney takes over the main functions and loads.
  3. Aplasia of the right or left kidney is characterized by incomplete formation of the kidney on one side. In this case, the part will look like a rudiment, which does not have basic structures, and therefore cannot work.

Quite often, agenesis of the right kidney is diagnosed and predominantly females suffer from the anomaly.

Doctors hypothesize that the peculiarity lies in the greater mobility of the right kidney, as well as its smaller size.

The defect can often be identified in the first months of a child’s life. In this case, the following symptoms develop:

  1. The child spits up frequently.
  2. Increased urine production.
  3. Severe dehydration.
  4. The appearance of high blood pressure and attacks of hypertension.
  5. Rapid development of paired organ failure.

It is worth noting that the defect on the right may go unnoticed, but as a result of diagnosis and examination internal organs, the anomaly is determined randomly.

If we talk about right-sided kidney aplasia, the signs are almost invisible. This condition has a more favorable prognosis for the child’s life.

Provided that healthy kidney can completely compensate for the lack of a paired organ. In rare situations, with right-sided aplasia, nephropathy appears in children, high blood pressure and other diseases.

Agenesis of the left side occurs with more severe symptoms and consequences, since the main load falls on the right side.

Physiologically, the right kidney differs in size and mobility from the left. With such an anomaly, patients develop the following types of complications:

  1. Frequent pain in the groin area.
  2. Problems with ejaculation in adulthood.
  3. Disturbances in sexual functions.
  4. Infertility.
  5. Impotence.

Aplasia of the left kidney is determined very rarely in medicine, only in 7% of all cases.

Quite often, this problem is complemented by poor development of other internal organs.

Left-sided aplasia is typical for men and boys, complemented by the absence of the vas deferens, as well as impaired development Bladder.

If the defect appears in girls or is diagnosed in women, then there will be additionally incomplete development of the uterine appendages, ureters, and uterine septa.

In a healthy organ, when there is an anomaly, a cyst often appears, but the tissue structure is not severely affected, and therefore is within normal limits.

Main symptoms

Kidney aplasia always differs from agenesis in less pronounced signs and the strength of their manifestations. Often the defect passes without characteristic manifestations.

Compared to a right-sided or left-sided problem, the symptoms will be stronger if the left kidney is affected. The main ones are:

  1. An increase in the volume of urine released throughout the day.
  2. Frequent urge to urinate.
  3. Attacks of vomiting.
  4. An increase in blood pressure that cannot be controlled with special medications.
  5. The appearance of folds on the body.
  6. Development of pain that radiates to the lumbar region and sacrum.
  7. The appearance of sexual dysfunction in men.
  8. General signs of deteriorating health and well-being.
  9. Swelling on the face.

To determine pathological formation V childhood, parents should monitor for the following symptoms:

  1. Puffiness of the face.
  2. A wide nose that has a flattened back.
  3. Low position of the ears.
  4. Large belly size, which is not typical for children.
  5. The appearance of folds on the skin.
  6. The placement of the eyes is excessively wide.

The described visual features indicate an anomalous structure, but this can only be confirmed after a comprehensive diagnosis.

The described condition does not always indicate a defect. In children with severe course anomalies, signs of severe intoxication appear as a result metabolic processes, failure of the paired organ develops.


To determine the defect, you will need to collect basic data as a result visual inspection, as well as collecting complaints and symptoms.

The doctor writes down the basic information that the patient or his parents say, as well as find out the first symptoms and the factors that provoked them.

In addition, doctors need to be aware of other abnormalities that may occur in children or adults.

Kidney aplasia should be properly distinguished by doctors from other disorders or the usual inability to function in a paired organ.

To establish an accurate diagnosis, aortography is performed; with its help, a non-functioning kidney is distinguished from aplasia. An anomaly can be determined using the following methods:

  1. Angiography.
  2. Ultrasound and x-rays are used to determine the condition of the healthy part of the paired organ.

To obtain information about overall health, blood and urine tests are used, as well as urine cultures.


Treatment of the defect can only be carried out for certain indications and the person’s condition:

  1. There are frequent and severe pain in the back, lower back, and kidney area.
  2. Nephrogenic hypertension appears.
  3. Reflux occurs into the urinary canal, which is not fully developed.

Often, with right-sided aplasia, no special therapy is required. Patients simply need to use proper nutrition, which allows you to reduce the load on the healthy part of the paired organ.

The diet consists of giving up:

  1. Fried.
  2. Spicy.
  3. Fat.
  4. Smoked.
  5. Salty.

Patients should not use sauces, especially hot ones, herbs and spices, as well as sour juices and fruits.

The use of soda, alcohol, coffee and tea is strictly prohibited. If signs of anomaly are pronounced, medications may be prescribed, including:

  1. Painkillers.
  2. Diuretics.
  3. Medicines to eliminate tissue swelling.

Left-sided aplasia also does not imply special treatment, therapy is prescribed in rare cases.

To support health and normal operation A healthy kidney requires the use of prevention rules, which do not allow infectious diseases to develop.

By increasing and controlling the state of the immune system, with one functioning kidney, people are able to live normally.

Particular attention should be paid to children who have bilateral aplasia or agenesis.

Just a few years ago, in a similar condition, a child would simply die; today medicine has the ability to save lives through kidney transplants in newborns.

The procedure is difficult and requires a quick response to select a donor. Through surgery, it is possible to restore and maintain a normal life.

In the most severe cases, a special commission assigns disability. Surgical treatment can be performed in case of very intense pain on the abnormal side, as well as the development of complications. In this case, the pathological kidney is removed along with the ureter.


In order for a child to be born without anomalies, any woman needs to prepare for pregnancy, use the rules of prevention before conception and during gestation. The basic rules are:

  1. Completely give up alcohol and smoking.
  2. Plan a pregnancy.
  3. Conduct timely treatment of all diseases, especially those of an infectious nature.
  4. Use medications only as prescribed by a doctor.
  5. Control your diet and use only the right, balanced diet.
  6. It is normal to react to stressful situations.

If a child is not immediately diagnosed with a defect, then in the future, when it is identified, it will be necessary to immediately change their lifestyle, adhering to healthy principles, adjust your diet.

If pain and other signs of anomaly develop, then self-therapy is excluded. You need to see a doctor who will give you basic recommendations.

Useful video

July 19, 2017 Doctor

Congenital malformations of the urinary system include renal agenesis. The term implies the complete absence of a paired organ; the remaining kidney begins to hypertrophy in order to take over functional responsibilities. The cause of the pathology is an exogenous effect on the embryo during embryonic development.

Characteristics of the anomaly

Renal agenesis refers to the absence of one or two organs. Pathology belongs to the category of anatomical quantitative anomalies, when part of the child’s urinary system has not formed during the prenatal period.

Kidney aplasia is an anomaly that occurs with similar symptoms and having similar reasons. In the case of aplasia, the organ is presented as a rudiment in the form of a connective tissue cord, which does not have a full-fledged stalk and pelvis. Due to the lack of natural kidney structure, it is unable to function normally. In both agenesis and aplasia, the second organ compensatory takes on all the work. Due to the increased daily load, its tissues hypertrophy, the kidney increases in size.

The cause of agenesis is not a hereditary factor, only developmental anomalies during the period of intrauterine maturation. In any case, the conditions for the appearance of this type of defect can be the following factors that are activated during pregnancy:

  • diseases caused by infection initial stage embryo development;
  • diagnostic examinations based on radiation;
  • abuse of a pregnant woman alcoholic drinks;
  • sexually transmitted diseases;
  • drugs with high content hormones.

If the expectant mother has a disease such as diabetes, the risk of pathology in the child increases significantly; the development of the fetus inside the womb is especially closely monitored.

Forms of development of the defect

Bilateral agenesis in the medical field is less common than unilateral agenesis, since the absence of both organs of the urinary system is incompatible with the patient’s life. Unilateral pathologies of abnormal kidney development:

  1. Right-sided agenesis. It makes up a small proportion of all pathologies and represents an anomaly in the structure of the right kidney.
  2. Agenesis of the left kidney. Occurs rarely, no more than 7% of all clinical cases. Like the right-sided one, it can occur with or without preservation of the ureter.

These varieties birth defects little different from each other. In both cases, the remaining kidney hypertrophies, increases in size and adapts to dual function.

Agenesis of the right kidney may be misdiagnosed as aplasia. This is due to the fact that the ureter may be present and even function successfully. Wherein this pathology occurs more often, this is associated with anatomical location right kidney. The organ is located lower, it is more mobile and slightly smaller in size.

Signs of abnormal development

The absence of one of the organs affects the work of the other with increased load. Because of this, agenesis may often not be noticed in a newborn, and the anomaly will be detected only after some time with the help of diagnostic measures(computed tomography, ultrasound or urography).

The child may exhibit the following external signs:

  • some puffiness of the skin of the face;
  • slightly flat nose - the bridge of the nose is wider than usual, together with a flat back;
  • the lobes of the frontal zone are quite convex;
  • ears located below normal indicators or with deformed areas.

Agenesis on the left side has more pronounced symptoms:

  • the volume of urine per day is significantly increased;
  • frequent urge to urinate;
  • feeling of nausea, possibly vomiting;
  • pain syndrome in the groin area.

In males, agenesis is more common due to the structural features genitourinary system. Specific symptoms expressed due to the absence of a duct, which is responsible for the removal of seminal fluid and is caused by pain in groin area with ejaculation, the sacral region, sexual dysfunction (impotence) and infertility are possible.

In most cases, female agenesis is accompanied by various pathologies uterus, possible underdevelopment of the vagina or organ hypoplasia.

Stories from our readers

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Treatment and prevention

If the only healthy kidney functions normally, there are no symptoms and a characteristic enlargement of the organ is observed, then doctors will not use any additional actions in order to improve the functioning of the urinary system. The nephrologist will only prescribe dynamic monitoring of the kidney’s ability to produce and excrete urine, regular urinalysis and ultrasound examination.

Also provided preventive actions, which are aimed at preserving kidney functionality:

  • a diet that helps reduce the load on the only healthy organ is prescribed by a doctor, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient;
  • restrictions associated with contact sports (boxing, wrestling) to protect a healthy organ from injury and unnecessary damage;
  • try not to lift heavy objects;
  • maintain a constant body weight, avoid sudden weight loss;
  • give up alcohol abuse and nicotine addiction;
  • support the immune system with vitamins and minerals;
  • avoid hypothermia to avoid the occurrence of infectious processes.

In the absence of function of the second kidney or with severe development of agenesis, when a healthy organ cannot cope with its work, intoxication occurs with decay products and toxic substances. IN in this case hemodialysis and kidney transplantation are prescribed.

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Kidney aplasia is one of the forms of organ agenesis. Agenesis is a pathological condition due to which the kidney and its stalk (ureter and vessels) are completely absent from birth. Aplasia implies an intrauterine disorder in which the ureter and vessels are preserved, the kidney acts as an underdeveloped rudiment, unable to perform its functions. The load falls on the paired healthy organ, which hypertrophies due to the need to perform additional work.

Mechanism of development and causes of pathology

It turned out that the incidence of the disease is 1 case in 1200 children and adults. A pathological condition develops due to the fact that the metanephros duct does not develop enough and does not grow to the metanephrogenic blastema. The defect is accompanied by a normal or shortened ureter, sometimes its complete absence is diagnosed. Agenesis and aplasia are intrauterine malformations. Often babies with these features die inside the womb or immediately after birth. If the second kidney compensates for the missing organ, the pathology can be detected by chance at an older age when examining other organs. Sometimes the signs of the disease progress very slowly, and the defect is discovered in old age.

Kidney aplasia often provokes urolithiasis, pyelonephritis, arterial hypertension. There are several types of anomalies. The rarest form is the complete absence of a paired organ. This condition is incompatible with life and leads to the death of the fetus. More often, underdevelopment of the kidney or its absence on one side is diagnosed.

Who is at risk

The following conditions are considered to be provoking factors of pathology:

  • heredity;
  • transmission of influenza, rubella and other infectious diseases by the mother in the first trimester of pregnancy;
  • long-term use of contraceptives before pregnancy;
  • the presence of diseases of the endocrine system;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • transmission of sexually transmitted diseases.

The above factors must be taken into account by the attending physician during pregnancy.

Bad habits of the mother often become a provoking factor for fetal malformations

Types of agenesis and aplasia

IN medical practice There are several forms of pathology:

  • bilateral defect (complete absence of both kidneys) - this condition is accompanied by the death of the fetus before birth or in the first few hours after birth;
  • agenesis of the right kidney - accompanied by the absence of an organ on the right side. Wherein left kidney takes on a compensatory function;
  • agenesis of the left kidney - absence of an organ on the left side;
  • aplasia of the right kidney - the organ on the right side is partially formed, it is a rudiment without vital renal structures;
  • aplasia of the left kidney - absence of a kidney on the left side.

Agenesis of the right kidney is more common. In most cases, women suffer from the vice. Scientists suggest that this feature is observed due to the fact that the right organ is smaller, shorter and more mobile. A defect on the right side often appears from the first months of a child’s life. In this case, the following symptoms are observed:

  • frequent burping of the baby;
  • polyuria;
  • dehydration of the body;
  • the occurrence of hypertensive attacks;
  • rapid development renal failure.

Important! The malformation on the right side often goes unnoticed and is diagnosed accidentally.

Despite the seriousness of the disease, aplasia is often asymptomatic

With right-sided aplasia, the symptoms are less pronounced. The condition is considered more favorable for life. If the left kidney completely compensates for the absence of the right one, clinical signs may not appear at all. In rare cases, with aplasia of the right kidney, nephropathies, hypertension and some other conditions develop.

Left-sided agenesis is more severe, since the right kidney is forced to take the main load. The organ differs from the left pair in its smaller size and mobility. Symptoms of abnormalities on the left side include:

  • frequent pain in the groin area;
  • difficulty ejaculating;
  • sexual dysfunction;
  • infertility;
  • impotence.

Left-sided aplasia of the organ is rarely diagnosed, the percentage among all cases of the disease is no more than 7. Often the pathology is noted against the background of underdevelopment of other organs of the anatomical space of the peritoneum. More often, this type of pathology is diagnosed in men and is accompanied by agenesis of the vas deferens, defects of the seminal vesicles, and developmental disorders of the bladder. In women, it is accompanied by underdevelopment of the uterine appendages, ureters, and uterine septa. In the right kidney, when left-sided aplasia occurs, cysts are often detected, while the structure of the organ is close to normal.

Symptoms of the disease

The clinical manifestations of renal aplasia differ from the symptoms of agenesis in that they are less intense. Often the pathology is asymptomatic. The signs of the defect are more pronounced in aplasia of the left kidney:

  • increased amount of urine;
  • frequent trips to the toilet;
  • vomit;
  • increased blood pressure that does not respond to antihypertensive drugs;
  • formation of folds on the body;
  • pain syndrome spreading to the lower back, sacrum;
  • development of sexual disorders in men;
  • general deterioration of health;
  • swelling of the face.

Patients with aplasia or agenesis often experience headaches and high blood pressure

The following signs help detect pathology in a child:

  • puffy face;
  • wide nose shape with a flattened dorsum;
  • ears are set low;
  • increase in abdominal size;
  • the presence of folds on the skin;
  • wide-set eyes.

These signs do not always indicate the presence of a defect, but can become a signal in a pathological condition.

Important! In especially severe cases, severe intoxication with the products of one’s own metabolism and renal failure occur.

How is pathology detected?

Diagnosis of pathology begins with examination of the patient and collection of anamnesis. The doctor records the patient's complaints. Under what circumstances did the first symptoms appear? Are aplasia accompanied by other anatomical abnormalities?

It is important to distinguish renal aplasia from conditions such as hypoplasia, agenesis and non-functioning organ. For diagnosis, aortography is used, with the help of which a non-functioning organ is distinguished from aplasia. Renal angiography, spiral computed tomography, and magnetic resonance imaging can identify the defect. To assess the condition of a healthy kidney, ultrasound and x-rays are used. To obtain information about the state of the body, the patient is prescribed general analysis blood, urine, bacteriological culture of urine sediment.

Diagnosis of pathology is carried out using ultrasound examination and other methods

How is the defect treated?

Treatment measures are indicated for patients with the following conditions:

  • frequent severe pain in the kidney area;
  • the occurrence of nephrogenic hypertension;
  • reflux into an underdeveloped urinary tract.

If there is a defect in the right kidney, treatment is often not required. Patients are advised to follow a diet that reduces the load on the left organ. Medical nutrition excludes fatty, spicy, fried, salty, smoked foods. The patient should avoid hot sauces, spices, and sour juices. Alcohol, carbonated drinks, strong tea and coffee are prohibited. For severe symptoms, painkillers, diuretics, and decongestants are prescribed.

For aplasia of the left organ, specific therapy is rarely carried out; more often, treatment consists of following preventive measures aimed at preventing infectious diseases. The normal functioning of a person with one kidney is ensured by maintaining immunity at the proper level.

Particular attention is paid to children with bilateral agenesis or aplasia. Early treatment no pathology was carried out, since the defect was a death sentence. Modern medicine performs successful kidney transplants among such infants. This gives the child a chance to live a normal life.

Important! In particularly severe cases of pathology, a person may be assigned a disability after a diagnosis is made and a decision is made by a medical commission.

Prevention of pathology during pregnancy

For birth healthy baby Every woman must adhere to preventive measures during the period of bearing a child and before conceiving. These include:

  • rejection of bad habits;
  • pregnancy planning;
  • timely and correct treatment infectious diseases;
  • reception medications only as prescribed by a doctor;
  • maintaining proper nutrition;
  • adequate assessment of stressful situations.

If a defect is detected, the patient should adhere to a healthy lifestyle and diet. If pain and other unpleasant symptoms appear, you should not self-medicate; you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle are the key to a full life for patients with kidney aplasia

Renal aplasia is a serious pathology that negatively affects the patient’s entire future life. Timely diagnosis diseases and careful attention to your health will help prevent severe consequences, lead a full life.

  • Bilateral anomaly (complete absence of kidneys) - bilateral agenesis or arena. As a rule, the fetus dies in utero, or the born child dies in the first hours or days of life due to renal failure. Modern methods make it possible to combat this pathology with the help of organ transplantation and regular hemodialysis.
  • Agenesis of the right kidney is unilateral agenesis. This is an anatomical defect that is also congenital. A healthy kidney takes on the functional load, compensating for insufficiency as much as its structure and size allow.
  • Agenesis of the left kidney is an identical case of agenesis of the right kidney.
  • Aplasia of the right kidney is practically indistinguishable from agenesis, but the kidney is a rudimentary fibrous tissue without renal glomeruli, ureter and pelvis.
  • Aplasia of the left kidney is an anomaly identical to the underdevelopment of the right kidney.

Variants of agenesis are also possible, in which the ureter is preserved and functions quite normally; in the absence of the ureter, the clinical manifestations of the pathology are more pronounced.

As a rule, in clinical practice there is a one-sided anomaly in completely for obvious reasons– bilateral agenesis is not compatible with life.

Agenesis of the right kidney

By clinical manifestations agenesis of the right kidney is not much different from the anomaly of the left kidney, however, there is an opinion of authoritative urologists and nephrologists that the absence of the right kidney is much more common than agenesis of the left kidney, and in females. This may be due to anatomical specifics, because the right kidney is slightly smaller, shorter and more mobile than the left; normally it should be located lower, which makes it more vulnerable. Agenesis of the right kidney can appear from the first days of birth if the left kidney is not capable of compensatory function. Symptoms of agenesis are polyuria (excessive urination), constant regurgitation, which can be classified as vomiting, total dehydration, hypertension, general intoxication and renal failure.

If the left kidney takes over the function of the missing right kidney, then agenesis of the right kidney practically does not manifest itself symptomatically and is discovered randomly. The diagnosis can be confirmed by computed tomography, ultrasound examination and urography. Also, the pediatrician, as well as parents, should be wary of excessive puffiness of the child’s face, flattened wide nose(flat bridge of the nose and wide bridge of the nose), strongly protruding frontal lobes, too low located ears, possibly deformed. Ocular hypertelorism is not specific symptom, which indicates kidney agenesis, but often accompanies it as well as an enlarged abdomen and deformed lower limbs.

If agenesis of the right kidney does not pose a threat to health and does not manifest itself with obvious pathological symptoms, as a rule, this pathology does not require special treatment, the patient is under constant supervision of a urologist and undergoes regular screening examinations. It would be helpful to follow an adequate diet and take preventive measures to reduce the risk of developing kidney diseases. If agenesis of the right kidney is accompanied by persistent renal hypertension or reverse reflux of urine from the ureters into the kidney, lifelong antihypertensive therapy is prescribed, and indications for organ transplantation are possible.

Agenesis of the left kidney

This anomaly is almost identical to agenesis of the right kidney, except that normally the left kidney should be slightly more advanced than the right. Agenesis of the left kidney is a more complicated case, since its function should be performed by the right kidney, which is more mobile and less functional by nature. In addition, there is information, however, not confirmed by global urological statistics, that agenesis of the left kidney is more often accompanied by the absence of the ureteral orifice, this applies primarily to male patients. This pathology is combined with agenesis of the seminal duct, underdevelopment of the bladder and anomaly of the seminal vesicles.

Visually pronounced agenesis of the left kidney can be determined by the same parameters as the agenesis of the right kidney, which are formed as a result of congenital intrauterine defects - oligohydramnios and fetal compression: a wide bridge of the nose, excessively wide-set eyes (hypertelorism), a typical face with Potter syndrome - a puffy face with underdeveloped chin, low-set ears, with prominent epicanthic folds.

Agenesis of the left kidney in men is more pronounced in terms of symptoms; it manifests itself in constant pain in the groin area, pain in the sacrum, difficulty with ejaculation, and often leads to impaired sexual function, impotence and infertility. The treatment required for agenesis of the left kidney depends on the degree of activity of the healthy right kidney. If the right kidney enlarges compensatoryly and functions normally, then it is only possible symptomatic treatment, including preventive antibacterial measures to reduce the risk of developing pyelonephritis or uropathology of the urinary system. A medical check-up with a nephrologist, and regular examinations of urine, blood, and ultrasound screening are also required. More severe cases of agenesis are considered an indication for kidney transplantation.

Aplasia of the right kidney

As a rule, underdevelopment of one of the kidneys is considered a relatively favorable anomaly compared to agenesis. Aplasia of the right kidney with normal functioning healthy left kidney may not appear clinical signs all life. Often, aplasia of the right kidney is diagnosed randomly during a comprehensive examination for a completely different disease. It is less often defined as possible reason persistent hypertension or nephropathology. Only one third of all patients with an underdeveloped or “wrinkled” kidney, as it is also called, are registered with a nephrologist for aplasia during their lifetime. Clinical symptoms are nonspecific and, perhaps, this explains such a rare detection of this anomaly.

Among the signs that may indirectly indicate that a person may have underdeveloped one of the kidneys are periodic complaints of nagging pain in the lower abdomen, in the lumbar region. Painful sensations are associated with the proliferation of rudimentary fibrous tissue and pinching nerve endings. Also, one of the signs may be persistent hypertension, which cannot be controlled with adequate therapy. Aplasia of the right kidney, as a rule, does not require treatment. A gentle diet is needed to reduce the risk of stress on the hypertrophied kidney, which performs a dual function. Also, for persistent hypertension, appropriate treatment is prescribed with gentle diuretics. Aplasia of the right kidney has a favorable prognosis; usually people with one kidney live a full, high-quality life.

Aplasia of the left kidney

Aplasia of the left kidney, as well as aplasia of the right kidney, is quite rare, not more than 5-7% of all patients with anomalies of the urinary system. Aplasia is often combined with underdevelopment of nearby organs, for example, with an anomaly of the bladder. It is believed that aplasia of the left kidney is most often diagnosed in males and is accompanied by underdevelopment of the lungs and genital organs. In men, aplasia of the left kidney is diagnosed along with aplasia prostate gland, testicle and vas deferens. In women - underdevelopment of the uterine appendages, ureter, aplasia of the uterus itself (bicornuate uterus), aplasia of the intrauterine septum, doubling of the vagina, and so on.

An underdeveloped kidney does not have a leg or pelvis and is not able to function and produce urine. Aplasia of the left kidney, like aplasia of the right kidney, is called urological practice solitary kidney, that is, a single kidney. This refers to only the kidney that is forced to function, compensatory to do double work.

Aplasia of the left kidney is detected randomly, since it does not manifest itself with clinically significant symptoms. Only functional changes and pain in the collateral kidney may give rise to a urological examination.

The right kidney, which is forced to perform the work of the aplastic left kidney, is usually hypertrophied, may have cysts, but most often it has completely normal structure and completely controls homeostasis.

Aplasia of the left kidney in both children and adults does not require specific treatment, with the exception of preventive measures to reduce the risk of bacterial infection in a single solitary kidney. A gentle diet, maintaining the immune system, and maximally avoiding exposure to viruses and infections ensures a completely healthy, full life a patient with one functioning kidney.

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