Asd fraction 2 indications for use. Asd benefits and harms, contraindications and side effects

This medicine was obtained more than fifty years ago. Dorogov's antiseptic stimulant or abbreviated as (ASD) has a lot of contradictions and mysteries in its history of existence. Also in Soviet times It was believed that directly with the help of the drug ASD, Beria’s mother was completely cured of cancer. Whether this is true or not is not for us to judge, but for historians, but we should not forget that the use of ASD-2 has been permitted for many years only in the treatment of animals.

Dorogov's stimulator - ASD - was first produced from the most common river frogs by strongly heating them at very high temperatures in a special apparatus. Today, the main raw material for obtaining the ASD-2 fraction is the product of dry distillation: meat bone meal. When producing the ASD fraction, the drug ASD-3 is also produced. V medicinal purposes Only the ASD-2 fraction is used.

According to the authors who developed the ASD-2 fraction for humans, this drug is intended to enhance immunity and is an anti-inflammatory agent (has nothing to do with antibiotics).

The use of the ASD-2 fraction is not officially approved for use in medicine; there are no data on contraindications for this drug. side effects and the effectiveness of the drug ASD-2 is not. Treatment with the drug ASD-2 as an independent home treatment carried out at your own risk.

It is also worth noting that important detail of this drug is that it has not undergone clinical trials and is not registered with the pharmaceutical committee for the treatment of humans and the fact that the ASD-2 fraction and the ASD-3 fraction are approved for the treatment of animals only.

Despite the fact that doctors prohibit the use of this drug for people, numerous fans this drug ASD-2 is presented to the public as a universal cure for numerous known diseases.

During treatment with ASD fractions two and three, the intake of products containing alcohol is strictly prohibited. This is a very unique drug on the Internet, a lot of information has been written from people who ASD really helped cope with cancer, kidney, heart, gynecology, etc., I think not all the mysteries of this drug have been solved yet, but I still want to believe that this remedy is really It’s not for nothing that people called it “Water of Living”.

Scheme of use and dosage of the ASD-2 fraction.

You need to drink this drug only in milliliters; you need to dilute the drug with boiled chilled water in a ratio of 1:20. The dosage depends on the person’s age and body weight.

quantity of ASD-2 per ml
amount of water in ml

15 years

5 - 15 years

15 - 20 years

20 years and older

It is necessary to drink the drug ASD-2 30-40 minutes before meals.

You need to start taking the ASD-2 fraction with a small dose:

The dosage for adults is 2 ml, then each subsequent day you can add 1 ml, so you will find the dose that suits your body and stop.

It is necessary to take the drug for five days in a row, after which a break for 2 days. It is best to start taking it on Monday, this will make it easier to count the days of taking it. In the first five days, take the drug 2 times a day: morning and evening, and then 1 time a day.

Those who are just starting to take the drug need to drink three five-day tablets in a row, after taking a break for 2-3 weeks, and then drink two five-day tablets once a day with a break of 2-3 weeks. Depending on how you feel, you can take breaks for a month or more.

Treatment of oncological diseases using the method of Valery Tishchenko.

The fraction treats lung cancer, stomach ulcers, tuberculosis, radiculitis; to treat eczema, it must be mixed with sunflower oil 1:1 and make applications.

The drug must be (purchased from veterinarians) and after opening it must be stored in the freezer or under it. For 0.5 glasses of water four times a day, give:

Time of receipt

Number of drops
drink for 3-5 days

drink for 3-5 days

drink for 3-5 days

and so it is necessary to increase the dose by 5 drops per dose - while gradually reaching your dose acceptable to the body, you can also additionally drink the medicine with water. This is approximately 25-30 drops, but the most important thing in this process is beware of overdoses- in case of overdose of the drug, in most cases it blocks the kidney if it is sick, which is very dangerous in the treatment of cancer.

Letters from our readers:

I’ve only been drinking 1 ml in the morning and evening for 5 days and have already felt changes - I get up in the morning without back pain (very for a long time I had pain in the lumbosacral region), but usually I could barely get up, my sleep improved, and I had more energy. And this is in just 5 days.

I adapted to drinking in the following way and this is very important: the rubber stopper is pierced with a needle (which should be left there, covered with a band-aid on top). Then a syringe is inserted and drawn required dose, the syringe is removed, the needle remains. Then you need to slowly inject ASD2 from a syringe into a glass of water (about 100 ml of cold boiled water).

I put the water in the cold in advance, with cold water much easier to drink. I inject water from a syringe on the veranda (balcony) so that the house does not smell. I try not to sniff. Then I take a deep breath and exhale, close my eyes (it’s easier this way) and drink in about 7-9 sips. After this you need to do several things at once deep breaths and exhale through the mouth. After which there is almost no smell left.

After that, I rinse the glass, the syringe, and you can rinse your mouth if you feel something. That’s all. And it's okay. The main thing is to follow this sequence. The liquid itself is tasteless, so while you drink it with bated breath, you don’t feel anything.

They also wrote here about sediment in bottles - I read a lot about this drug and read that this is quite normal, moreover, it seems that they also make compresses with them for some skin diseases, like with the ASD3 fraction. Health to everyone.

The letter was sent by Elena.

Hello dear readers of the site Traditional medicine! I would like to write about my experience of taking ASD-2.

On February 1, 2008, my father-in-law was diagnosed with stage 4 rectal cancer (he was 78 years old) and he has had this problem for a long time.

We were warned that we need to prepare for anything. They prophesied that he would live for 1-3 months, since he would not tolerate any treatment (chemotherapy, etc.).

We decided to try ASD. But my father-in-law refused at first. By the fall of 2008, he had almost lost his strength and stopped eating completely.

In winter he fell ill, they thought that he would not live to see spring. I stopped walking, couldn’t sit or stand, I lost consciousness. Overall it was really bad. The pain was terrible.

The painkillers stopped helping. They live in a village, you know, a paramedic won’t be much help...

And so, in February 2009, he decided to take ASD. I started with 10 drops per 100 ml of boiled water, or tea, once a day.

Then the number of drops began to increase by 1 drop every day, with breaks of 7 days. I got to 30 and back in descending order.

The result is the following regimen for taking the drug ASD-2:

days/number of drops

break 7 days
break 7 days
break 7 days

Then starting with 30 drops per day in a decreasing pattern and at the end again a break. I was tired of the medicine. Age, of course. My appetite has improved. My mood has improved. The pain has gone away a little.

But most importantly, in May 2010 he celebrated his 80th birthday! He does the housework, goes to the store for bread, and can serve himself.

Alive!!! He has been drinking ASD constantly for 1.5 years. He says that the tumor has begun to collapse. I started to feel much better. Feels a surge of strength.

Before I didn’t want to live, but now I’m fighting. Now my husband has started taking ASD to treat prostatitis. I'll write about the results! Health to everyone!

There is a lot of talk about this drug. The topic of ASD is one of the most discussed on the Internet. Interest in this drug is growing all the time. There are reviews indicating good results with the use of ASD2 for cancer. However, official medicine does not recognize this drug as a medicine for people. Fraction 2 is officially approved for use only in veterinary medicine. Therefore, you need to remember that from the moment you begin treatment with ASD fraction 2, only you are responsible for your life.

ASD drug fraction 2: and its positive effects on the body

Speaking of usage ASD factions 2 for a person, you need to say about him unique property. It lies in the fact that ASD does not fight microbes itself, but increases a person’s immunity and gives him the strength to cope with any type of “pest” himself.

ASD2 easily enters into metabolic processes occurring in the human body, restores normal cell function, and also optimizes the functioning of all major vital systems.

Scroll positive impacts ASD2 on the human body:

  • Maintaining normal hormonal levels;
  • Antibacterial action;
  • No side effects;
  • Normalization of all metabolic processes;
  • Increased immunity;
  • No negative effect on the fetus of pregnant women.

It is argued that the use of ASD fraction 2 to combat cancer greatly increases immunity, and the patient’s chances of defeating the disease increase. ASD 2 in its structure corresponds to a living cell, therefore it is not rejected by it. To find out your health status, you need to do a blood test for the AST activity index. Exist international standards diagnosis of certain diseases. Increase in AST activity index with biochemical analysis blood indicates the presence malignant tumor and suspected formation of metastases, in particular in the liver.

Use of ASD 2 for lung cancer: proposed dosage regimens

Oncological disease is a serious illness, sometimes leaving a person no chance of recovery. It disrupts his entire life activity and is accompanied by very complex and expensive operations and courses of chemotherapy. Also manifests itself in metastases.

And yet there are always chances, and there is no need to despair. The main thing is not to waste time and start treatment folk remedies. One such remedy is ASD.

For lung cancer, in initial stages disease, the drug fraction 2 can help. In the treatment of cancer patients, the fraction is used by many herbalists, despite the fact that this method is unconventional. It is recommended to take the drug according to different regimens.

Regimen for taking ASD:

  • First: in the first three days, 1-2 drops of fraction 2 in milk or tea, then add 1-2 drops daily and the dosage should be increased to 40 drops. Then the dose of a single dose should be reduced by 1-2 drops daily. You need to take this medicine 30-40 minutes after eating. You need to take short breaks between courses.
  • Second: take 5 drops of ASD2 daily, diluted in 50 ml, four times a day for one month. Take the drug with tincture of oregano.

Regardless of which method is chosen for using ASD2, the patient should drink plenty of fluids. This will soften the process of action of the drug. The methods listed above deserve good feedback from patients. Treatment of lung oncology with ADS 2 excludes the use of alcoholic beverages.

How to take the ASD fraction: general oncology treatment regimen

Of all diseases, cancer is the most terrible. Nowadays, finding ways to combat cancer is problem number one.

For example, Dorogov's Antiseptic Stimulator stops the development of the disease and acts as an anesthetic in the initial stages of cancer.

Herbalist-oncologist Khalisat Suleymanova, in her practice of treating oncology, in particular stomach cancer, advises taking fraction 2. But as they write and advise everywhere, treatment should be comprehensive. You can take Neprinol ADP. This food supplement, which supports the function immune system, blood purification and viscosity.

  • 1st to 5th day – take 5 drops;
  • 6th to 10th – 10 drops each;
  • 11th to 15th – 15 drops each;
  • 16th to 20th – 20 drops each;
  • 21st to 25th – 25 drops each;
  • 26th to 30th – 30 drops each;
  • 31st to 35th – 35 drops each;
  • 36th to 40th – 40 drops each;
  • 41st to 45th – 45 drops each;
  • from the 46th to the end of treatment - 50 drops of the fraction at a time.

ASD2 should be taken 4 times a day: at 8.00, 12.00, 16.00 and 20.00 according to the proposed scheme. The drug is non-toxic, does not accumulate in the body and has no contraindications, but it is still advisable to carry out treatment under the supervision of an oncologist. Another condition is that the use of ASD is contraindicated during a course of chemotherapy or radiation treatment.

What does ASD fraction 2 consist of: composition of the drug and raw materials for its manufacture

By order of the Government, ACD 2 was developed back in the Soviet Union as a remedy for radiation exposure. The composition of the faction was kept secret for a long time.

One of the goals of this drug was to increase immunity. Another condition for the production of ASD fraction 2 is accessibility for all people.

ASD2 is a drug obtained by thermal decomposition of organic raw materials of animal origin. In its production, meat waste and meat and bone meal are used as the starting material. The process of dry sublimation occurs at very high temperatures. During this, the elements of organic raw materials are broken down into low molecular weight components. A number of scientific research on the basis of which the composition of ABD fraction 2 was determined.

Composition of the ASD fraction:

  • Products of thermal processing of bone fragments, flour and meat;
  • Carbohydrates;
  • Proteins;
  • Fats;
  • Carboxylic and nucleic acid.

Medicine long time tested, its composition was subjected to research by many independent laboratories. But experts have not been able to understand the mechanism of action of ASD fraction 2. There were even hints of the use of “alchemy” in the manufacture of the drug. In 1951 it was a short time the use of ASD is permitted. People stood in long lines to purchase the drug. Dorogov’s attempts to register the drug led to the fact that the release of the drug was blocked at pharmaceutical market.

Anti-cancer fraction: characteristics of the drug

Magazine "Healthy Lifestyle" ( Healthy image life) in his publications great attention devotes oncological diseases and methods of their treatment. A special place is occupied by methods not traditional treatment.

ASD fraction 2 has wide range action and this makes it possible to use it for many diseases, even for intestinal cancer, rectal cancer and other oncological diseases.

For all its uniqueness, the ASD2 fraction has its own characteristics.

Characteristics of ASD fraction 2:

  • High water solubility;
  • Very specific smell;
  • The volatile liquid is mostly dark red in color.

The price of the drug is affordable for everyone. It just has one significant drawback. It lies in the specific “aroma” of the faction, and all attempts to get rid of it were unsuccessful. The instructions included with the bottle with ASD fraction 2 explain how to correctly select the fraction from the bottle. Do not remove the rubber cap from the bottle. After shaking the bottle, the rubber stopper is pierced and a selection is made with a disposable syringe. We lower the syringe into a container with cold boiled water and slowly introduce the fraction into the water. Considering the fact that the use of ASD2 is not officially authorized and there is no official information about contraindications and side effects no, it is not recommended for children to be treated with this drug.

Fraction ASD-2 for humans gives unparalleled results in terms of effectiveness. However, the drug is known not only for this reason. The history of its invention and application is still surrounded by mystery.


1943 The population of the USSR was steadily falling. The reason for this is not only losses in the war, but also the development of the nuclear weapons industry. The Kremlin had to prepare for the unexpected. In the same year, several dozen institutes, laboratories and other academic institutions receive an assignment from the top management to develop a universal drug. The requirements seemed impossible: the future product should be able to not only protect against radiation, but against many other diseases. It should literally heal people and be universally applicable. Must be made from inexpensive raw materials. Should have the same effectiveness in animals. Scientific world doubted the feasibility of the project.

But a remedy was invented. Not a doctor or a scientist, but a veterinarian named A.V. Dorogov. Nowadays his invention is called “living water”, “super-drug” and even a witch’s potion. There are reasons for this. According to the stories of daughter A.V. Dorogov, the scientist took the methods and schemes of medieval alchemy as a basis. The drug was used in camps for wounded and weakened soldiers. Later, when the general public became aware of its capabilities, official medicine began to resort to the use of the fraction. The fraction began to be produced in two forms: ASD-2 - for humans and ASD-3 - intended for animals.

By the way, the name stands for Dorogov’s antiseptic stimulant. The scientist included his name in the title of his creation. However, later it is this fact that causes a lot of negativity from envious people. Because of this, the scientist lost his health, was fired from his job, and even, according to some sources, killed. Although he is officially considered to have died of a heart attack.

In what cases is ASD-2 used?

The drug completely cures the following diseases:

  • Oncology, in particular cancer.
  • Female infertility
  • Impotence
  • Diseases of the heart, liver, nervous system
  • Ulcers of the stomach and duodenum
  • Tuberculosis different organs
  • Severe skin ailments
  • Hypertension
  • Gout, rheumatism, disease of the joints and lymph nodes.
  • Dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Intoxication.
  • Infectious diseases.

And this is an incomplete list on the account of ASD-2.

Composition and features of the drug

The effect of the drug lies in the characteristics of its components. The fabrics of frogs were taken as a basis. Later, when they were in the district of residence of A.V. There was no Dorogov left; he began using meat and bone meal from frogs. According to his daughter, also, by the way, a homeopathic scientist, this is why healing properties don't change. The substances in the fraction are able to freely penetrate human cells without causing rejection. The originality lies in the fact that active ingredients The composition of the drug has a similar structure to human cells.

ASD has no contraindications. Except medicinal properties, it has the ability to strengthen the immune system, rejuvenate and improve general health. Due to its biological origin, ASD destroys pathogenic bacteria in organism.

If traditional medicine is often focused on eliminating the consequences of the disease, then ASD-2 acts on the basis of a homeopathic approach - it restores the body at the cellular level. There are even known facts when, after a complete cardiac arrest from intoxication with strong poisons, it was possible to restore its function by introducing a 50% solution of ASD-2.

Application diagram

The effectiveness of the product depends on many additional conditions that must be met. These include:

  1. Water for dilution must be boiled and cooled to ambient temperature.
  2. The amount of water should not be more than half a glass.
  3. All fractions of ASD easily evaporate in the air. When taken, the required amount of liquid is sucked out with a syringe by piercing the rubber cap.
  4. For external use, permanent paper is applied over the bandage. This measure is necessary to avoid evaporation.
  5. ASD thickens the blood. During the period of use of the drug, it is necessary to include in the diet such foods as lemon, garlic, orange, pomegranate, beets, and olive oil.
  6. After taking the drug, avoid taking other medications, alcohol and tobacco for 2 hours.
  7. It is recommended to drink more clean water– up to 2 liters per day.

The regimen of use is determined depending on the type of disease. The classic scheme, developed by the inventor himself, looks like this:

  • First dose – 5 drops before breakfast half an hour;
  • This dosage should be maintained for a week;
  • Then a break is taken for 3 days;
  • Next week – 10 drops;
  • Break for 3 days;
  • The next day, you need to take 25 drops in 1 day;
  • Then the new course begins again according to the same scheme - 5 drops each.
  • This scheme should last 3 months.

For diseases of tumor origin, in particular cancer, the drug is taken for at least 1.5 years. To stop abnormal cell growth and tumor resorption in cancer, it is recommended to use a standard regimen. Under no circumstances should the dose be increased above the prescribed dose. ASD-2 is a biogenic drug. And any foreign biological substances in the body contribute to brain abnormalities. In addition, it leads to disruption of the liver, kidneys and intestines.

Scheme of use for various diseases

At female infertility and in gynecological diseases in general, including infections, the dose of the drug should be from 2 to 5 ml according to the classical scheme. Douching with 1 and 2% ASD-2 solution is also effective.

Impotence is completely treatable healing properties ASD-2. The dose should be within 3-4 drops according to the classical scheme.

For diseases of the heart, liver and nervous system the following scheme is used:

  • 5 days 10 drops and 3 days break;
  • 5 days 15 drops and 3 days break.

And this should be repeated up to 25 drops per day. In case of exacerbation of diseases, treatment is stopped until the symptoms disappear, then the course is resumed.

For ulcers, a dose of 20 drops 2 times a day is allowed. However, the most effective remedy against ulcers - this is the sediment of ASD-2 at the bottom of the bladder. It is enough to drink it for 5 days.

Tuberculosis of different organs is cured according to the standard regimen. Course – 2-3 months.

For skin ailments, such as psoriasis and eczema, external compresses of the ASD-3 fraction are also used in parallel.

Hypertension also suggests long-term use drug according to the standard regimen.

For weight loss A special regimen is used: start taking 30 drops for 5 days, take a break for 5 days. The next period begins with 20 drops for 5 days. The minimum dose is 10 drops, then the dose is increased again until the weight is normalized.

The dramatic fate of “Living Water”

The history of ASD and its inventor is very dramatic. Despite the uniqueness of the drug, it is still not recognized by official medicine.

During its history, the ASD was twice classified and declassified by the supreme leadership of the USSR.

In the post-war years, the general public, in particular the Moscow region, learned about it. People stood in line for weeks to get a bottle. A.V. Dorogov received thousands every day letters of thanks. People were cured of a wide variety of ailments. In this situation, in a few years the pharmaceutical industry could suffer significant losses due to the uselessness of chemicals. And then the country’s leadership again classifies the drug, and production and sale are prohibited.

The next life of the drug returned only after 1991. However, it is still not included in the list of pharmaceuticals. Therefore, you can only buy it at a veterinary store.

This medicine did not reach the shelves of pharmacies and is not widely used in treatment human body. Only a few who believed in him amazing properties and healing powers, were able to appreciate its merits with a saved life.

A.V. Dorogov, having created the drug ASD fractions 2 and 3, proposed therapeutic options for the treatment of many diseases of the human body.

The use of the drug ASD 2 for human treatment is carried out according to the generally accepted dose: 10-30 drops of the drug per 1/3 cup of boiled cooled water. Taken twice daily. The course and dosage depend on the diagnosis and complexity of the disease.


To date, ASD 2 and fraction 3 have not shown any contraindications. The exception is individual intolerance. However, drugs cannot be used to treat children. Before using ASD, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

During treatment with the fraction, any alcoholic drinks. Only drinking in the form large quantity water and sour juices.

Treatment of various diseases ASD 2, 3

  1. Therapy of eye diseases (fraction 2). Mix boiled, cooled water (100 ml) with 4 drops of healing liquid. We take it according to the following scheme: 5 days on, 3 days off.
  2. Fungal skin diseases (fraction 3). Three times a day, first treat the affected areas of the dermis soap solution, then lubricate with the preparation.
  3. From skin ailments And . Add a few drops of ASD fraction 3 to vegetable oil (100 ml). Mix thoroughly and moisten a napkin (linen or gauze) with the mixture. Apply a compress to the problem area. In addition to this treatment, we take an oral solution of warm water (125 ml) and 5 drops of the fraction over a course of five days. After a 3-day break, we repeat the treatment.
  4. Gynecological pathologies. Mix 20 drops of liquid with water that has cooled after boiling (1/2 cup). Divide the volume into 3 doses and drink within 24 hours (days).
  5. For pathologies of the cardiovascular system, central nervous system,... Mix ASD fraction 2 (10 drops) with cooled water (100 ml). For the first 5 days we drink 100 ml of the resulting mixture. Then a 3-day break. In subsequent five-day courses, we increase the number of drops of the fraction by 5 drops. Bringing it to maximum dose– 25 drops. We take it until the condition improves. If an exacerbation occurs, stop the course until it decreases painful sensations. After which, we resume treatment.
  6. ASD 2 will eliminate toothache. Place a sterile cotton wool soaked in liquid on the gum (opposite the diseased tooth).
  7. At hypertension. We use according to the standard scheme: for ½ glass of warm water – 1 drop of liquid once a day. Every day we increase by 1 drop. Therapeutic course is 20 days.
  8. A remedy for getting rid of. Douche with a 1% solution of the drug.
  9. Treatment of ASD 2f against gout and rheumatism. Dilute 5 drops of the drug in warm water(100 ml). Use on an empty stomach for 5 days. At the same time, apply compresses to painful areas.
  10. The use of ASD in inhalations for colds. Add 10–15 ml of the drug to boiling water (1 l).
  11. ASD 3f will help hair growth. Rub the scalp with a 5% solution of the product.

ASD 2 for weight loss

The fraction helps to lose excess weight.

  • For 5 days we take a mixture of 30 drops of ASD 2 and boiled, cooled water (200 ml).

Break for 5 days.

  • For 4 days we take a mixture of 10 drops of the drug per 200 ml of water.

Break 4 days.

  • For 5 days we take a mixture of 20 drops per glass of water.

Break - three days.

ASD – immunomodulatory antiseptic and cancer

Is the drug effective for cancer? What does O. Dorogov’s daughter A.V. say about this? Dorogova and his follower.

“According to my father, ASD definitely gives positive results for cancer.”

Dorogov conducted a course of treatment according to a standard regimen. For oncology of the dermis and eyes, he recommended using compresses. I calculated the dosage, taking into account age category patients, localization of formation and stage of development of cancerous tumors.

Many who approached the scientist with such terrible diagnoses received treatment and recovered.

The candidate of veterinary sciences argued that the product relieves pain well and significantly slows down the development of malignant tumors.

In the stage of severe illness, the scientist prescribed a dose of 5 ml of ASD 2 in ½ glass of water.

Note that Alexey Vlasovich was not a supporter of self-medication and hoped that patients with his medicine would still be treated under the supervision of doctors.

ASD - reviews from patients and doctors

I knew about the ASD product for a long time, but did not dare to use it, but it was invented for animals. For some time now, ARVI has not left me alone. I decided to try it. I was treated according to the standard regimen, although on the 3rd day I felt healthy. Ekaterina, 27 years old, teacher.

Of course, it’s a pity that ASD treatment is out official medicine. I tried a drug for weight loss. But at the same time I stuck to a diet and took vitamins. WITH extra pounds Sores in the form of shortness of breath, hypertension, and leg disease also went away. Vera Pavlovna, 47 years old, accountant.

I take the medicine in courses. The heart is less active. I am treating myself, but I check with a doctor every 3 months. So, I’m thinking of telling her about this remedy. Let him be surprised. He says that I have begun to look better and that my cardiogram is satisfactory for my age. Ivan Pavlovich, 63 years old, retired (former military man).

A dermatologist who was seen with eczema advised me to be treated with ASD fractions 2, 3. Since the doctor recommended this, I boldly followed all the recommendations. The therapy was successful, which I am incredibly happy about. Irina Vasilievna said that she prescribed treatment with this drug to many of her patients and everyone’s condition improved without side effects. Thanks to her and the creator of ASD. I’m thinking about using this remedy to treat my ailments as well. Evgeniy, 39 years old, driver.

Dear friends of Stoletnik! The article does not fully disclose the possibilities of treatment with ASD. It is for informational purposes only. Find good doctor who knows about this remedy. Together you will overcome illnesses!

The lack of the desired effect from drug treatment forces people to look for unconventional methods. One of them, increasingly gaining popularity in Lately, - treatment veterinary drug ASD-2.

Before resorting to such specific therapy, you should learn everything about the properties of this liquid (ASD-2 is also available in suppositories; fraction 3 is used for external use), its benefits and contraindications.

ASD-2: what kind of drug is this?

photo of the drug

ASD-2 is an aqueous solution of substances obtained by high-temperature sublimation of animal waste and meat and bone meal. In other words, the liquid is the result of organic decomposition to low molecular weight components: carboxylic acids, hydrocarbons, amides and substances containing an active sulfhydryl group. Some decomposition products of raw materials containing proteins are strong poisons. However, together they exhibit antiseptic properties.

The abbreviation ASD stands for antiseptic Dorogov stimulant. This name reveals the main effect on living organisms: the liquid is an antiseptic (does not have an antibacterial effect!) and activates defenses. Benefits of ASD-2 for the body:

  • Rapid penetration into tissues and full compatibility with the human body;
  • Expressed antiseptic effect- effectiveness against fungal and viral infections;
  • Removing toxins from the body and cleansing blood vessels;
  • Improving metabolic processes and correcting hormonal levels;
  • Activation immune defense and strengthening the nervous system;
  • Lack of accumulation effect, which causes a decrease in effectiveness with long-term use;
  • No significant contraindications or negative effects.

Thanks to ASD, the body restores optimal mode work. In other words, under the influence of ASD Vital energy increases, and the person heals himself. In this case, the liquid is not aimed at destroying a certain type of pathogenic microorganisms, but at correcting all parts of the immune system, which itself destroys pathogenic microorganisms.

The only disadvantage of the yellowish liquid (a brown tint and sediment is possible) is the sharp, nauseating smell of rotten meat. However, many people who use ASD claim that following the rules for its dilution and use significantly reduces discomfort. In addition, after a few steps the aversion to the “aroma” goes away.

Important! No large-scale studies have been conducted on the use of ASD-2 in humans, with the exception of records from the hospital where Dorogov himself experimented. The reason for this is unclear, but the conclusion follows from this: each person will use ASD at his own peril and risk.

History of the creation of ASD-2

Even under Stalin, the USSR government gave an order for the development of a universal drug capable of protecting a living organism from radiation and stimulating its defenses. In 1947, Alexey Dorogov, a veterinarian by training, presented his own development - an ASD made from frogs. Large-scale testing of the drug on animals has yielded stunning results. A lot of diseases could be cured, and there were no negative side effects. In addition, the process of making the healing liquid was very cheap.

Dorogov subsequently made ASD from bone meal. The replacement of organic raw materials did not affect the properties of the resulting drug: heat completely erases information about the type of animal raw material at the molecular level.

Next, Dorogov began to apply and improve treatment regimens for various diseases on volunteers. There are reports documenting the effectiveness treatment of ASD patients (often hopeless, including cancer), carried out under the supervision of doctors. There is evidence that injection of ASD directly into the myocardium of a person who had just died from cardiac arrest brought the person back to life.

Another patient with gangrene on his leg managed to avoid amputation thanks to Dorogov’s elixir. ASD could be called a miracle drug, but the luminaries medical sciences They did not accept the veterinarian’s development, most likely due to hurt professional feelings. ASD remains a drug for animals.

The doctor was awarded the State Prize, and then he was fired and his laboratory was closed. Even members of the government were unofficially treated with the drug, classified for about 15 years.

Now the daughter of a veterinarian, Olga Dorogova, an immunologist and practicing homeopathy, is popularizing ASD-2 and its inclusion in the list of drugs used for humans. However, it is unlikely that the pharmaceutical market will allow the release and widespread use of a cheap drug that helps with many diseases.

How to take ASD-2 orally? Treatment regimens and dosages

Follow the dosage and instructions for use!

Those who decide to be treated with ASD should know: only fraction 2 is used orally (drink)! Another drug - ASD-3 - is used exclusively externally: compresses and lubricants. Dorogov has developed a standard treatment regimen suitable for most diseases, ranging from fungal infection and gastritis, ending with hypertension and arthritis. The standard regimen is recommended - make a mixture and take ASD-2 as follows:

  • We take 50-100 ml of boiled and cooled water, it is permissible to use strong tea;
  • add, following the rules for preparing the solution, 15-30 drops. ASD-2, if you measure the liquid with a syringe - 1 ml contains 20 drops;
  • take on an empty stomach (about 30 minutes before breakfast) twice a day;
  • course - 5 days of treatment, 3 days of rest;
  • The drug is taken until recovery.

Dorogov developed the most effective various diseases methods of using ASD 2 and 3 fractions. Schemes for using ASD-2:

  • Throat diseases, infections respiratory tract(presence of cough, runny nose) - for prevention and treatment, a standard regimen is used (dilution in half a glass of water), additionally - inhalation (1 tablespoon of medicinal liquid per 1 liter of water).
  • Liver and heart diseases - standard regimen, start with 10 drops. (drink for 5 days as standard). Then increasing by 5 drops. Every course. Increase the dosage to 25 drops. Don't forget about 3-day breaks.
  • Toothache - a cotton wool soaked in diluted ASD-2 is applied to the tooth. Undiluted product can cause burns to the mucous membranes!
  • Otitis - 20 drops. For dilution, you can supplement treatment with compresses on sore ear or washing.
  • Pathology of the gastrointestinal tract - with ulcerative lesion stomach, the standard regimen is used without changes. And to cure colitis and gastritis, a single dose in the morning is enough.
  • Urinary incontinence - ASD is used according to the standard regimen, diluted 5 drops.
  • Hypertension is a standard regimen, however, on the first day it is diluted with 5 drops, increasing by 1 drop daily, bringing single dose up to 20 drops
  • Impotence - standard regimen, dilute 3-5 drops per appointment.
  • Urinary incontinence is a standard regimen; 5 drops are required per dilution.
  • Inflammation of the eyes - drink orally according to the standard regimen, diluting 3-5 drops. appointment.
  • Baldness, excessive hair loss hairline- rub a 5% solution (2.5 ml per 50 ml of water) into the hair roots three times a week.
  • Overweight - for weight loss should be taken as follows: 30-40 drops. to receive for 5 days with a further 5-day rest, then 10 drops. for reception 4 days (rest 4 days), the next 5 days 20 drops. for an appointment with a further break of 3-4 days.
  • Dermatology (psoriasis, trophic ulcers, different types eczema and other hard-to-treat skin diseases) - standard regimen (for severe forms the dose is increased to 2 ml). Lubricate ASD-3 once a day: 1 ml dark liquid for 20 ml sunflower or olive oil(5% solution). To restore blood circulation, make lotions with 20% aqueous solution ASD fraction 2.
  • Acne - compresses 5% ASD-2. Noticeable improvement occurs after 2 weeks. For laboratory-confirmed demodicosis, prepare an ointment with ASD-3 and petroleum jelly (1 part of the drug to 2 parts of a fatty base). The skin is lubricated in the morning and at noon, and Flucinar is applied at night. Duration - 1 week.
  • Fungus on the skin - lubricate with diluted fraction 3 ASD 2-3 times daily, first wash the skin areas with soap.
  • Gout, arthritis (including rheumatism) and inflammatory lymph node enlargement - 3-5 drops each. for an appointment according to the standard regimen, compresses.
  • Tuberculosis - standard regimen, initially dilute 5 drops. and increasing the dose each course by 5 drops, bringing it to 20 drops. Duration of use - 3 months.
  • Pyelonephritis, stones in gallbladder- the standard scheme recommended by Dorogov without changes.
  • Pathology of the heart, liver, neurological diseases - start taking 10 drops, increase to 25 drops, adding 5 drops each 5-day course.
  • For gynecological diseases - fibroids, cysts and even malignant neoplasms- a standard regimen of oral administration and vaginal irrigation with a 1% solution of the second fraction is usually used until recovery is established. For thrush, as well as to eliminate vaginal dryness, it is sufficient to irrigate the vagina using a syringe with a 1% solution: up to 4 procedures daily, the duration of specific therapy is up to 10 days. For trichomoniasis, a 2% solution is used, local application ASD-2 in women lasts 7-10 days.

Important! For the treatment of almost all of the above diseases, the following dosage is suitable: 0.1 ml for every 2 kg of the patient’s body weight. This dose is distributed into 4 doses! The single dose of the drug is increased gradually by 5 drops. every 5-day course.

In online pharmacies you can find Dorogov suppositories with ASD-2. This tool equal to dietary supplements, used for diseases of the rectum (hemorrhoids, fissures), gynecological pathology and prostate pathologies in men.

ASD-2 and oncology (cancer)

For the treatment of precancerous diseases and already developed oncology, Dorogov has developed 2 regimens for using the drug. For external tumors, compresses with the 3rd fraction of ASD and ASD-2 are recommended for oral administration.

"Shock" method:

  • reception at 8:00, 12:00, 16:00, 20:00;
  • initial dose 5 drops, increasing each 5-day dose by 5 drops;
  • a single dosage is increased to 50 drops, in this mode the drug is taken until recovery.

Gentle method:

  • one course of admission is 1 week;
  • start with 3 drops, increasing every day by 2 drops;
  • one day rest;
  • in the second year they start taking it with 5 drops, the third/fourth - accordingly increase the single dose by 2 drops.

Treatment of cancer with ASD-2 reduces pain and inhibits spread tumor cells, and this is at least best quality life and increasing its duration. The result of complete death of oncological cells (liver cancer) when interacting with ASD-2 in laboratory conditions was recorded. Many people also note a decrease negative consequences after chemotherapy and radiation (nausea, vomiting, lack of appetite, etc.) with combined use of ASD.

Important! To avoid confusion when using complex treatment regimens with increasing dosages, it is better to keep a diary.

You can also find a more aggressive cancer treatment regimen on the Internet. For each dose, dilute 4 ml of ASD-2 and take it twice a day without breaks. However, you need to be extremely careful with such a scheme!

Rules for preparing the solution

Efficiency of use of ASD fraction 2 for humans and intensity discomfort depends on compliance with the rules of its breeding.

  • Only the aluminum center on the cap is removed from the bottle. Do not completely open the bottle or open the rubber stopper. ASD loses its properties upon contact with air.
  • The rubber stopper is pierced with the needle of a disposable syringe. The needle always remains in the plug.
  • The bottle should be shaken before taking the drug.
  • Turning the bottle upside down, the required amount of the drug is taken.
  • Then, leaving the needle in the stopper, lower the tip of the syringe into a prepared glass of water and release the liquid. This will help prevent the spread unpleasant odor around the room.
  • You should only use water that has been boiled and cooled to 36-37ºС.
  • Gently stir the solution in a glass and drink. To reduce discomfort, it is better to exhale before taking it and then inhale through the nose.
  • The solution is prepared for each dose.

ASD fraction 2: benefits and harm to humans

The benefits or harms of ASD-2 for humans can only be judged by reviews of people using the drug. Although most reviews are positive, sometimes there is information about negative impact ASD (deterioration in well-being) or absolute absence of changes in condition. To extract maximum benefit and to avoid negative influences, you should know 15 nuances of using ASD-2 for people:

  1. It is recommended to start taking the drug with small doses. Rapidly increasing the dose may cause an exacerbation of the disease.
  2. The course - 5 days of admission and a 3-day rest - can be repeated 4 times. Then you should take a 10-day break.
  3. During treatment, it is recommended to drink 3 liters of water. This is easy to explain: toxins are excreted in the urine. This is why you should be especially careful when you have serious illnesses kidney
  4. Dorogov categorically prohibited alcohol while taking ASD. Although there are reviews about taking ASD before a feast, which ensures the absence of a hangover. Remember: you shouldn’t trust all reviews unconditionally!
  5. No dietary changes are required.
  6. Some methods include the additional use of hepatoprotectors (Karsil, Liv-52, Heptral, etc.) to protect the liver from toxic effects.
  7. The drug ASD does not like the sun. It should be stored in the refrigerator. The expiration date is indicated on the bottle.
  8. The unpleasant, oily aftertaste can be eliminated with candy.
  9. ASD-2 is compatible with all medicines. Dorogov argued: one cannot refuse traditional therapy; the best result is achieved with simultaneous treatment prescribed by a doctor, and taking ASD.
  10. At long-term use ASD may increase blood clotting. Therefore, in such cases, it is recommended to take Aspirin 1/4 tablet. or another drug containing acetylsalicylic acid.
  11. ASD has a stimulating effect on nervous system. This is fraught with overstimulation. Take with special caution to children, hypertensive patients, patients with cardiac pathology and neurological diseases.
  12. Like any other drug, ASD fraction 2 does not exclude the occurrence of individual intolerance.
  13. Some people experience improvement after 2-3 courses, while others have to take the drug for a long time. It all depends on individual characteristics body.
  14. Although there is no information about negative effects on the fetus, it is not recommended to use ASD for pregnant women.
  15. During treatment for ASD, you should listen to your own body. If your health worsens, you should stop using it, and after a while you can start treatment with minimal doses.

One way or another, due to the lack of documented confirmation of its effectiveness in full-scale studies, ASD-2 is a controversial drug for use in humans. Whether to accept it or not is a personal choice for each individual.

ASD fraction 2 should be used if there is no other choice - there is no effect from traditional treatment - should be strictly according to the recommendations, based on own feelings and in best case scenario undergoing a diagnostic examination!

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