Bacterial meningitis in newborns: causes, symptoms, treatment. What can cause childhood meningitis and how to treat it

It is not the most common disease. But you should not underestimate the risk of contracting meningitis - the consequences of the infection can be very serious. How to recognize meningitis in a child?

The very thought that a baby could get sick like this serious illness, causes horror among parents. And it is not surprising - complications after suffering inflammation of the membranes of the brain (brain and spinal cord) can be not only dangerous, but also incurable.

Often, parents avoid even talking about serious illnesses, apparently guided by the proverb “Don’t make trouble while it’s quiet.” But silence is not the best behavior tactic when it comes to health. Meningitis, unfortunately, still affects even infants. Therefore, it is better not to hide from terrible symptoms, but to learn to distinguish between them in order to be able to help your child in time. Timely diagnosis of meningitis can, without exaggeration, save a person’s life!

What is the meninges?

Before moving on to the description of the disease itself, it is worth explaining what the meninges are.

The human brain and spinal cord are surrounded by three membranes: hard (located closest to the bones of the skull), arachnoid and soft (it is adjacent directly to the brain). The space between the soft and arachnoid membranes (also called subarachnoid or subarachnoid) is filled with cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). The total volume of this liquid is small (from 140 to 270 ml in an adult), but it plays an extremely important role, acting as a kind of “airbag”. Liquor protects the brain from mechanical influences, softening the consequences of “shocks”, and ensures the maintenance of constant intracranial pressure. Just like the meninges, cerebrospinal fluid supports metabolic processes between blood and brain. If necessary, these “magical helpers” of our body create a barrier that prevents infections from entering the brain. Even if a person is sick, with a urinary tract infection or other unpleasant illness, thanks to the protection of the cerebrospinal fluid and meninges, neither viruses, nor bacteria, nor any other types of pathogens will enter the brain or spinal cord.

But if this barrier is destroyed (for example, with a weakened immune system), microbes enter the meninges and attack them. As a result, a person develops meningitis, which in turn can cause various neurological complications.

The causative agents of bacterial meningitis are most often meningococci (Neisseria meningitidis), pneumococci (Streptococcus pneumoniae) and Haemophilus influenzae serotype B ( Haemophilus influenzae). The latter, fortunately, thanks to the spread of vaccination, are less likely to make themselves felt in our time.

Most important factor The risk of developing meningitis is a weakened or immature immune system. That is why children are especially often in crowded places (kindergartens, markets, shopping centers) – are more susceptible to the disease than adults.

Symptoms of meningitis in infants

The disease develops quickly. Sometimes meningitis is preceded by middle or ARVI. The child develops a high fever, becomes restless and irritable, or, conversely, unusually lethargic. He reacts to touch by crying, as if his skin is irritated by something. The fontanel on the head thickens, swells and pulsates. The child may develop an aversion to food to the point of vomiting, and the occipital and posterior femoral muscles become tense. I may experience convulsions. An alarming symptom is the appearance on the child’s skin (usually on the legs and torso) of petechiae - purple pinpoint hemorrhages of various shapes and sizes that do not disappear with pressure.

If a child exhibits symptoms indicating meningitis, you should immediately seek medical help: call an ambulance or go to the hospital yourself!

Diagnosis of meningitis

Since infants meningitis may have atypical symptoms; not only an initial examination by a doctor is necessary, but also laboratory research. In addition to a blood test, when diagnosing meningitis, a cerebrospinal fluid examination is required. To do this, a lumbar puncture is performed: under local anesthesia the doctor pierces the skin of the child’s back with a special needle (thus getting into the subarachnoid space) and takes a sample of the cerebrospinal fluid. A very small amount of cerebrospinal fluid is sufficient to make a diagnosis. At the same time, she already appearance can tell a specialist a lot. If the liquid is cloudy (looks like oil), bacteria is the source of the infection; clear liquid indicates the viral nature of the disease.

The risk of complications after lumbar puncture is low, and the diagnostic value of this test is very high.

Meningitis is called acute inflammation membranes of the brain and spinal cord. This disease is caused by an infection entering the body. Quite often, this disease occurs in children, since their immunity is not yet strong enough. Meningitis also occurs in newborns. Boys are more likely to suffer from this disease than girls. According to the latest statistical studies, two full-term babies out of every 10 thousand suffer from meningitis. Babies born at low birth weight or prematurely are more likely to have this condition. It appears in 2 babies out of 1000.

Symptoms of the disease

The disease is considered very dangerous, because it can be fatal. Therefore, it is necessary to start therapy immediately after the first symptoms appear. The most common signs of meningitis in newborns include:

  • increase or decrease in body temperature;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • irritability;
  • drowsiness;
  • repeated vomiting;
  • limb spasms.

These symptoms are often confused with signs of acute respiratory diseases, which complicates diagnosis. A child in this condition should be urgently shown to a specialist. The disease can be recognized by an enlarged fontanel in a newborn. This symptom occurs in 25% of babies. It is associated with increased pressure in the brain.

In addition, some children may experience facial muscle spasms. With meningitis in newborns, abscesses form in the brain. With their development, the intracranial pressure. This causes the baby's head to become larger. As the disease progresses, symptoms become more pronounced. If the child is not immediately shown to a doctor, an abscess may rupture.

Lit.: Big medical encyclopedia 1956

The disease is caused by various harmful bacteria, fungi and viruses that have penetrated the weakened body of the baby. The main causative agents of meningitis include:

  • enteroviruses;
  • mycobacteria;
  • pneumococcal bacteria;
  • candida fungus;
  • hemophilus influenzae;
  • staphylococcus;
  • streptococcus.

However, most often, in almost 70% of reported cases, meningitis in newborns is caused by the meningococcal bacterium. You can become infected with it in various ways. Distributors can be people and sick animals. Infection occurs:

  • by contact;
  • airborne;
  • through the bloodstream;
  • along the lymphatic tract;
  • from the mother through the placenta.

Since the newborn’s immune defenses do not work well, infection occurs quite quickly. Trying to deal with the problem on your own is strictly prohibited. Such actions can lead to dangerous complications. Refusal of treatment may threaten the child with toxic shock, cerebral edema, and acute adrenal failure. Such consequences often cause death.

If newborns are diagnosed with meningitis, they are sent to the infectious diseases department. Treatment is carried out only in a hospital setting. The following specialists can help you cope with the disease:

At the first appointment, the doctor will carefully examine the child. After this, he will ask the parents several clarifying questions:

  1. How long ago did the first symptoms appear?
  2. How was the birth? Were there any complications?
  3. Has the child had contact with sick people?
  4. Was he sick with anything?

The information received from parents will help the specialist quickly determine the cause of the disease. The baby is hospitalized and prescribed diagnostic procedures. The newborn will definitely undergo a puncture of the cerebrospinal fluid and undergo various laboratory tests.

Inflammation of the meninges or meningitis in newborns and children infancy is not the most common disease. However, parents should not forget about this disease at all. Meningitis in a child under one year of age can occur with numerous severe complications. Only timely treatment will help the baby recover and even save his life.


Among various forms The majority of meningitis are infectious forms. They are often caused by various viruses or bacteria. Meningococcal infection - undoubted leader among the causative agents of the inflammatory process of the meninges. It occurs in 70-80% of cases in patients with meningitis.

Bacterial meningitis, which is quite severe and turns into purulent forms, is caused by various types of bacteria. The most common forms of meningitis in newborns and infants are meningococcal and streptococcal. Such diseases are characterized by a severe course and frequent development of complications.

Serous meningitis is caused in 80-85% by viruses. Rubella pathogens are often the culprits of the disease, chickenpox, measles, herpes and Epstein-Bar viruses. In weakened children, meningitis can also be caused by a common influenza infection. In such cases, the child usually has disturbances in the functioning of the immune system or even immunodeficiency.

For children with diabetes or taking glucocorticosteroids from birth, infection with candidal meningitis is possible. In this case, a conditionally pathogenic fungus, Candida, quickly spreads in a weakened child’s body. Getting into the meninges with the bloodstream, the microorganism quickly multiplies there and causes severe inflammation. Treatment for these forms of the disease usually takes longer than for bacterial forms.

The most rare forms of meningitis in children of the first year of life include the tuberculosis variant or a disease caused by protozoa. Such forms of the disease occur only in 2-3% of all cases.

The traumatic variant occurs after birth trauma. The disease usually develops within a few days or months after the baby is born. Traumatic meningitis is severe. Numerous complications may also occur. Treatment of a child with a traumatic form of meningitis requires a mandatory consultation with a neurosurgeon and observation by a neurologist.

At-risk groups

Children of any age are not immune from meningitis. The peculiarities of the structure and functioning of the nervous and immune systems of babies in the first months after birth make them quite vulnerable to various inflammatory diseases.

Not all babies are at the same risk of meningitis. For control and monitoring of children with high probability diseases, doctors identify risk groups for the development of meningitis. These include:

    Newborn babies with very low birth weight, as well as premature babies. These babies have not yet fully developed their nervous and immune systems. The blood-brain barrier in newborns functions very differently from that in adults. Microorganisms that are small in size easily penetrate this barrier and can cause inflammation.

    Children with congenital or acquired immunodeficiency. The imperfection of the cells of the immune system does not allow them to respond in a timely manner to an external pathogenic factor. The leukocyte component of immunity is not yet capable of effectively eliminating any infectious agents from the body. In such children, the risk of a severe course of any, even the most harmless infection, increases many times over.

    Birth injuries. Have adverse effects on nervous system. Damage to nerve trunks and membranes of the brain during traumatic external influences also contributes to the development of meningitis in children.

    Chronic congenital diseases. Weakened children with many concomitant pathologies are not able to fight infection to the proper extent. The presence of congenital heart diseases, diabetes mellitus, and cerebral palsy affect possible prognosis with meningitis.

What are the main signs in newborns and infants?

Determining the first manifestations of meningitis in infants is a rather difficult task for any mother. The child’s behavior and well-being during the incubation period practically does not suffer. Typically this period ranges from 3-5 days to two weeks. Attentive mothers may notice that the child becomes more lethargic and tries to rest more often.

Signs characteristic of meningitis usually appear as:

    Temperature increase. Usually fast. Within a few hours the temperature rises to 38-39 degrees. Babies may feel chills or have a fever. Taking paracetamol and other antipyretics does not bring relief. The temperature remains high for 4-5 days of illness. At severe course- more than a week.

  • Expressed headache. Breasts can’t yet say what’s bothering them. If the child becomes more lethargic, cries, or tries to tilt his head below the level of the pillow, you should definitely be wary! Often this symptom is a manifestation of high blood pressure and requires immediate medical assistance.

  • Changing the child's behavior. Babies refuse to breastfeed and become lethargic. When the head and neck are touched, the child may begin to cry or avoid contact. Any attempts to pull the legs towards the stomach or move them to the sides can cause severe discomfort to the baby and even lead to increased pain syndrome.
  • Frequent regurgitation. Despite the usual feeding, the baby may constantly regurgitate food. This is a manifestation of severe nausea. Some babies may even experience a one-time, but severe vomiting.

  • IN severe cases- the appearance of seizures. Typically, this symptom occurs in babies with congenital diseases of the nervous system or episyndrome. The appearance of this manifestation of the disease is an unfavorable prognostic sign of the disease and requires urgent hospitalization baby in the intensive care unit.

    When worsening general condition and increasing signs of the inflammatory process - clouding of consciousness or even coma. Be sure to pay attention to the child's gaze. If it becomes “absent”, call your doctor immediately! This may be one of the manifestations of meningitis.


To establish a diagnosis, the doctor performs special tests. Typically, the doctor presses the baby's legs against the stomach or torso and assesses the reaction. Increased pain is a positive meningeal sign and requires additional diagnostics.

One of the most accessible tests is a general blood test. Its result provides information to doctors about the specific cause of the disease. Most often you can install a virus or bacterial etiology diseases. Leukocyte formula in general analysis blood shows how severe the inflammatory process is.

The causative agent of the disease can be more accurately determined using bacteriological tests. They allow you to identify various types of viruses, bacteria, fungi and even protozoa. The undoubted advantage of such a test is that it is possible to additionally determine the sensitivity of the microbe to various drugs. This allows doctors to prescribe correct and effective treatment and eliminate the cause of the disease.

In difficult cases, doctors resort to puncture. The doctor makes a puncture in the spine with a special needle and takes some cerebrospinal fluid for examination. Using laboratory analysis, it is possible to determine not only the pathogen, but also the nature of the inflammatory process and the form of the disease.

What consequences?

In many children who received adequate treatment for meningitis in a timely manner, the disease ends full recovery. However, such a result is not guaranteed in all cases. If the child had aggravating factors, the course of the disease becomes quite severe. In this case, the risk of developing adverse events increases significantly.

The most common complications encountered in infants in their first year of life are:

    Nervous system disorders. These include: decreased concentration and attention, some lag in mental and even physical development. After rubella meningitis - hearing loss and poor speech perception.

    The appearance of episyndrome. Some babies may experience seizures. This symptom is often temporary. To eliminate adverse manifestations, a mandatory consultation with a neurologist and additional diagnostic tests are required. Children undergo EEG, neurosonography, and other tests to assess the level of damage to the nervous system.

    Heart rhythm disturbances. Transient arrhythmias are more common. They usually appear several months or even years after recovery from the infection. Babies with such complications require mandatory monitoring by a cardiologist or arrhythmologist.

How to treat?

All children with suspected meningitis must be hospitalized in a hospital. Newborn babies are delivered to hospitals equipped with all the necessary resuscitation equipment. The child must be monitored 24 hours a day by medical staff.

Treatment of the disease is carried out comprehensively. The leading role in therapy is played by eliminating the main cause that caused the disease. For infectious meningitis are prescribed large doses antibiotics. All antibacterial agents are administered parenterally. Intravenous administration drugs allows you to quickly achieve the desired clinical effect and speed up recovery.

To restore the nervous system, the introduction of B vitamins is used. Such injectable forms of drugs can reduce toxic effect bacterial agents on nerve trunks. Vitamins are usually prescribed for a long time, in courses of 10 days.

To eliminate the symptoms of intoxication, various detoxification drugs are used. Children are often given large doses of a 5% glucose solution or isotonic sodium chloride solution. If seizures or movement disorders occur, electrolyte solutions are added to the treatment. With this administration of medications, the baby’s well-being returns to normal quite quickly.

After the condition has stabilized, children are prescribed immunostimulating drugs. They activate the immune system and help the immune system fight infection. Such medications are quite effective for newborns and babies in the first year of life. They are generally well tolerated and do not cause adverse side effects.


Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene for babies of the first year is also a necessary condition prevention of meningitis and other inflammatory diseases. To prevent infection contact-household method, you should be sure to ensure the cleanliness of all objects that touch the child’s skin and mucous membranes. Towels must be washed daily. Textiles should be ironed with a hot iron on both sides.

Treatment of meningitis in infants of the first year of life should be started as soon as possible. This will not only prevent possible adverse complications dangerous disease, but also to preserve life and health.

See everything about meningitis in children in next video Doctor Komarovsky.

Meningitis is a serious infectious disease characterized by inflammation of the membranes of the brain and spinal cord. It occurs both independently and against the background of other infectious diseases.

No one is immune from meningitis, but data shows that children under 5, young people aged 16 to 25 and older people over 55 are at risk. Meningitis is most severe in children and can lead to irreversible consequences, and in some cases, death. The disease affects the brain, so when improper treatment the person remains disabled. Most often, newborns suffer from severe consequences; in adults, meningitis is not so acute and is quickly treated.

Depending on the causes of meningitis, it can be bacterial, fungal or viral. The most complex form of the disease is bacterial meningitis. According to the type of inflammatory process, purulent and serous meningitis are distinguished. Serous meningitis is divided into two types: primary and secondary. The primary form of meningitis occurs due to low immunity and damage by various enteroviruses. Secondary form The disease occurs after an infectious disease: measles, mumps, chickenpox and others.

Tuberculous meningitis is caused by the tuberculosis bacillus. Previously, this disease was not treated and the person died. Modern medicine can cure tuberculous meningitis, only 15-25% of all cases are fatal. Cryptococcal meningitis is a form of fungal meningitis. The process of inflammation of the brain and spinal cord is caused by the fungus cryptococcus. Encephalitic meningitis - this type of disease begins when an encephalitis infection enters the body. It is transmitted through a tick bite or by drinking raw milk from an infected animal.

Causes of meningitis

The main cause of meningitis is viruses or bacteria that penetrate the soft membranes of the brain and spinal cord. In adults, bacterial meningitis is most often caused by streptococcus and meningococcus bacteria. If they are in the nasal cavity or throat, the disease does not develop, but in case of infection of the blood and cerebrospinal fluid, soft tissues of the brain, they provoke meningitis.

Other types of bacteria are also identified as causes of meningitis. This is group B streptococcus, which often affects newborns infected during or after childbirth. Listeria monocytogenes bacteria can cause meningitis in babies and older adults. After suffering an infectious disease, a person may develop meningitis, since his immunity is weakened and cannot resist bacteria. People with and are especially susceptible to this disease. Various head injuries can cause meningitis.

Ways of transmission of meningitis

A pressing question among patients is whether meningitis is transmitted by airborne droplets, like most infectious diseases. The answer to this question depends on the cause of the disease. So, if meningitis develops as a result of internal processes occurring in the brain, it is not contagious to others and is not transmitted. In the case when the disease is provoked by the penetration of a pathogenic microorganism into the membrane of the brain, meningitis is transmitted by airborne droplets.

It is characteristic that meningitis is transmitted from person to person not only in the traditional way when infected with infectious diseases. Become infected with meningitis, in addition to airborne, can be through food or through any contact with a carrier of the disease. IN in this case The ways of contracting a disease such as meningitis are varied: sneezing, coughing, kissing, sharing utensils and household items, staying in the same room for a long time with a sick person.

You can prevent the transmission of meningitis to a healthy person by strictly adhering to the rules of prevention of infectious diseases and personal hygiene. This may include: wearing a medical mask in crowded places during outbreaks of the disease, avoiding prolonged exposure to public places. This also necessarily includes complete cessation of contact with the carrier of the infection for the period of his treatment.

However, if you still become infected with the disease, it is important to know that self-medication will not bring relief, but will only contribute to the development of complications. In order to quickly get rid of the disease meningitis, at the first symptoms of the disease, you need to consult a doctor. With qualified diagnosis and correct treatment, it will recede irrevocably.

Symptoms of meningitis

Symptoms of meningitis develop quickly and are easy to detect immediately. The temperature rises sharply to 40 degrees, pain in muscles and joints occurs, and general weakness and lethargy are observed. Among characteristic symptoms Meningitis in adults includes the formation of a rash, runny nose and sore throat, as with a cold, pneumonia, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, and disruption of the salivary glands.

One of the most pronounced and common signs of meningitis is a severe headache that spreads throughout the entire area. The pain grows and cannot be tolerated. Then nausea and severe vomiting appear. The patient cannot tolerate sound and light stimuli.

Symptoms of meningitis appear in all patients to varying degrees. As a rule, they experience severe tension in the neck muscles. A person feels severe pain when tilting his head to his chest and straightening his legs at the knees. To relieve symptoms, the patient lies in a certain position. The person lies on his side, throwing his head back strongly, pressing his hands to his chest, and bending his legs at the knees and pressing them to his stomach.

Symptoms of meningitis in children are the same as in adults, but may be additional signs diseases. Among them are: diarrhea and regurgitation of food, drowsiness, apathy and weakness, constant crying and loss of appetite, swelling in the fontanel area. Meningitis develops rapidly; at the first signs, you should not hesitate and immediately go to the hospital. Incubation period illness lasts from 2 to 10 days. The symptoms of meningitis are very similar to ordinary meningitis. The speed of development of the disease depends on the child’s immunity level: the lower it is, the faster it affects the body.

One day after the first symptoms appear, the person’s condition becomes critical. The patient may become delirious, apathy, drowsiness, and irritability occur. Swelling of the tissues of the meninges begins, which impedes the flow of blood to organs and tissues, as in the case of a stroke. If help is untimely, the person falls into a coma and quickly dies.

Aseptic meningitis

Aseptic meningitis is an inflammation of the membranes of the brain and spinal cord, provoked in the human body, most often by a pathogen viral type. This disease can develop in all patients age categories.

Typically, a disease such as aseptic meningitis is diagnosed and treated fairly quickly. However, for timely diagnosis of the disease, it is necessary to know and understand the causes of the disease and the signs of its manifestation. This is exactly what this article will discuss.

Reasons for the development of the disease

The main cause of aseptic meningitis in the human body is the causative microorganism. In this case, the causative agent of the disease is a virus (enterovirus).

The virus enters the human body through the traditional, airborne or food route through contact with a carrier. Then, penetrating through the tissues of the gastrointestinal tract or upper respiratory tract And palatine tonsils into the blood, enteroviruses spread throughout the body. When the body’s defense reaction is weakened, pathogens transported by the circulatory system penetrate the membranes of the brain or spinal cord and provoke the development of the disease.

As mentioned above, enteroviruses are the cause of the disease in most cases. As for the reasons that, in addition to viral microorganisms, lead to aseptic meningitis, then, according to the nature of their origin, they can be divided into two categories: infectious and non-infectious.

As for non-infectious causes of the disease, these include previous injuries or diseases, as a result of which aseptic meningitis can develop. These include: infectious diseases, inflammatory processes, tumors, concussions and injuries, exposure to chemotherapy.

A feature of the aseptic type of disease is, in particular, that the bacteria and viruses that provoked the disease are extremely difficult to identify using conventional methods. This presents some difficulty, but is not an insurmountable task. Rather, on the contrary, it narrows the circle possible diseases to make a diagnosis.

Signs of aseptic meningitis

The symptoms of a disease such as aseptic meningitis appear quite clearly and are the first persistent signal that it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor. It is extremely important to remember that such a dangerous and fraught disease must be treated with early stages. And for this you need to respond in a timely manner to the signs exhibited by the disease.

First of all, you should pay attention to general indicators health status. Typically, they are subject to the following changes:

  • significant and rapid increase in temperature;
  • state of fever, chills;
  • throbbing headache.

More specific symptoms characteristic of other types of meningitis, with the aseptic form, appear rather weakly and develop at a slow pace. But, nevertheless, their presence can be traced.

The main symptom of the development of any form of meningitis is meningeal syndrome. It manifests itself when the patient, who is laid on his back, cannot tilt his head to his chest without bending his knees. Moreover, the bending of the legs occurs uncontrollably.

The danger of this type of disease lies precisely in the fact that specific signs of meningitis appear 4-5 days after the onset of the disease, which can lead to serious consequences. Therefore, if there is high temperature, mild meningeal syndrome, headache and fever, you should not wait for further symptomatic confirmation.

Bacterial meningitis

Bacterial meningitis is an infectious disease expressed in inflammation of the tissues of the spinal cord and brain, and provoked in the body by bacteria of the streptococcal group. The prevalence of this disease is quite insignificant, but the disease can easily be transmitted from person to person and cause epidemics among the population.

This type The disease has its own characteristics of occurrence (causes), symptoms and treatment methods that are different from other forms of meningitis. This is exactly what will be discussed in this article.

Besides genetic predisposition Some peoples to the development of meningitis, there are also reasons why this disease can affect the body of each patient. These include the health status and age of the patient, as well as external pathogens.

Bacterial meningitis, like any other form of this disease, is provoked in the human body when a pathogenic microorganism penetrates into it. In the case of the form of the disease discussed in this article, the role of such a pathogen is played by harmful bacteria of the streptococcal group.

Bacterial meningitis, like any infectious disease, is transmitted by traditional, airborne or foodborne routes. This usually occurs upon contact with a carrier of the infection through a handshake, kiss, sneezing, or shared utensils and household items, which naturally suggests the need for strict adherence to personal hygiene rules.

The penetration of streptococcus bacteria into the body does not end the process of infection and development of the disease. Moreover, after transmission of infection has occurred, there are two options for the development of events: meningitis and its absence.

The fact is that for the development of the disease, appropriate conditions are needed. In the case of meningitis, this is: weakened immunity and a missed reaction of the body. Only with such additional factors do harmful bacteria that cause the disease penetrate into the blood and are transported to the brain. Therefore, if there is chronic diseases, bad habits or undergoing a course of therapies that negatively affect the immune system, the chance of getting meningitis increases significantly. This also explains the high susceptibility of patients to the disease younger age.

Amoebic (encephalitic) meningitis

Amoebic or encephalitic meningitis is a dangerous inflammation of the membranes of the brain, which is provoked by small free-living amoebae, quite often for a long period of time, living in the human body.

This disease usually affects younger patients, putting children, adolescents and adults under 30 years of age at risk. Encephalitic meningitis has different causes of development, symptoms and signs of manifestation, as well as treatment methods and consequences from other forms of the disease. A detailed discussion of each of these factors will be provided in this article.

With a weakened protective reaction of the body, harmful microorganisms easily penetrate into the blood, and then, transported through the circulatory system, reach the central nervous system, namely, the lining of the brain. After this, amoebic meningitis begins to develop and the first signs of the disease appear.

Purulent meningitis

Purulent meningitis is an infectious inflammation of the membranes of the brain, accompanied by the formation and release of purulent masses. This disease can occur in patients belonging to any age category. Often purulent meningitis occurs in children.

In order to understand how to deal with this disease, you need to know and be able to identify its symptoms. The described form of the disease has its own characteristics of manifestation, causes of development and methods of treatment. These are the ones that will be discussed in this article.

The causes of a disease such as purulent meningitis are the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the membranes of the brain. The causative agents in this situation are usually harmful bacteria. These include streptococci, pneumococci, staphylococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and other pathogenic microorganisms. Most often, staphylococci are involved in the development of the disease, which is why this meningitis is often called staphylococcal.

As for how purulent meningitis is transmitted, there are several stages. Entry of the pathogenic microorganism into human body, most often occurs through the traditional airborne or food route.

Infection can occur through any contact with a carrier of the infection. To transmit harmful bacteria, all it takes is a cough or sneeze, a handshake, or the use of general subjects everyday life.

Then, penetrating through the tissues of the upper respiratory tract or stomach, harmful bacteria enter the blood. And the causative agent of meningitis reaches the membranes of the brain through the hematogenous route, transported by the circulatory system. Then, after entering the tissues of the membranes of the brain, the development of the disease begins.

A special characteristic of this disease is that its development, and indeed the penetration of bacteria into the blood itself, is possible only with a weakened immune system. Then the disease progresses quickly and without obstacles. This fact also explains why the disease so often affects children’s bodies, whose immunity is not yet fully developed.

Tuberculous meningitis

Tuberculous meningitis is an inflammation of the meninges that occurs as secondary disease, after tuberculosis. This form The disease is quite rare and, in most cases, occurs in people with or who have recovered from tuberculosis.

The cause of a disease such as tuberculous meningitis is the spread of harmful pathogens from the source of inflammation in the respiratory system to the brain. As mentioned above, most often, this type of disease is secondary, against the background of the development of tuberculosis. The main causative agent of both diseases is acid-fast bacteria, or, in other words, tuberculosis microbacteria.

Tuberculous meningitis is transmitted, like tuberculosis itself, by airborne droplets or food through contact with a carrier of the infection. In the case of the spread of this disease, people, animals and even birds can be carriers of dangerous tuberculosis microbacteria.

It is also characteristic that when harmful microorganisms enter the body of a healthy person, the immune system which works properly, tuberculosis bacteria are almost always destroyed. Therefore, the conditions necessary for the full development of the disease include weakened immunity and a low rate of the body’s defense reaction. It is the poorly developed immune system that is the reason that tuberculous meningitis occurs in children.

First of all, when it enters the respiratory system, the disease is localized there. Then, penetrating into the blood, tuberculosis microbacteria are transported by the circulatory system to meninges. It is from this moment that the development of a secondary disease called tuberculous meningitis begins.

Viral meningitis

Viral meningitis is an inflammation of the membranes of the brain and spinal cord, which is triggered by the entry of the disease-causing virus into the human body. This disease can affect quite large groups of patients, in terms of age categories, and is quite dangerous. Viral meningitis occurs most often in children.

This disease is one of the most curable forms of meningitis, but it also has its dangers. In order to clearly understand all the features and impairments of this disease, you need to know the features of its manifestation, the reasons for its development, as well as the features of its course and treatment.

The main cause of this disease, as mentioned above, is a virus that causes a disease in the child’s body. This provocateur enters the child’s body, as with any other infectious disease, through airborne droplets or food through contact with a carrier of the infection.

Feature further development disease is that with normal functioning of the immune system, this virus may not provoke serious violations work, and even be destroyed. This is why viral meningitis so often affects children. The child’s body’s immunity is not fully developed and cannot cope with the virus of this disease.

Thanks to such conditions, the causative agent of meningitis penetrates into the blood and, according to blood vessels reaches the central nervous system. After reaching the brain, the virus promotes the development of inflammation of its membranes.

Serous meningitis

Serous meningitis is an infectious disease characterized by the manifestation of a serous inflammatory process in the tissues of the membrane of the brain and spinal cord. Preschool and preschool children are most susceptible to this disease. school age, which is why the question of how serous meningitis manifests itself in children is relevant for all parents.

This disease is dangerous and spreads extremely quickly from person to person. Therefore, every adult needs to know and understand what can provoke meningitis, what are the symptoms of its manifestation and characteristics of its course, as well as methods of treatment.

Reason serous meningitis is the penetration of a pathogenic microorganism into the human body. Such microorganisms can be viruses, bacteria or fungi. However, due to the fact that in more than 80% of cases, the disease is provoked by viruses, it is often called, especially when manifested in children, as serous viral meningitis.

Most often, this disease occurs due to enteroviruses entering the body. This also explains the fact that serous meningitis often occurs as a secondary disease as one of the viral diseases (measles, syphilis, AIDS, etc.).

It has been established that entry of enterovirus into a child’s body can occur in two main ways: airborne and waterborne. Airborne transmission of infection from a carrier to a healthy person is the traditional route for diseases of this kind. With any contact with a sick person (no matter with a child or an adult), the disease virus enters the child’s body: hugs, coughs, sneezing, kisses, shared dishes, household items (toys).

As for the water transmission route of the disease, in this case we are talking about the high content of harmful microorganisms in water bodies in summer. This explains the periodic epidemics of diseases in warm time of the year.

Entering a child’s body with a still weak immune system, the disease virus easily penetrates through the skin and mucous membranes into the blood. Then, transported by the blood circulation, the pathogen reaches the membrane of the brain. And after this, the development of serous meningitis begins.

Infectious meningitis

Infectious meningitis is a dangerous inflammatory disease that affects the tissues of the spinal cord and brain. As a primary infectious disease, meningitis is provoked by various microorganisms, which explains the diversity in the course of the disease, the expression of symptoms and treatment.

This type of disease can be easily transmitted from person to person and can affect patients of different ages and both sexes in equally. Infectious meningitis has its own characteristics of occurrence (causes), symptoms and treatment methods that are different from other forms of meningitis. This is exactly what will be discussed in this article.

The main reason why a disease such as infectious meningitis develops in the human body is the penetration of the causative microorganism into it. Moreover, the role of such a pathogen in this case can be played by harmful viruses, bacteria or even fungus.

Infectious meningitis, like any disease of this type, is transmitted by traditional, airborne or foodborne routes. This usually occurs upon contact with a carrier of the infection through a handshake, kiss, sneezing, or shared utensils and household items, which naturally suggests the need for strict adherence to personal hygiene rules. In this regard, the ways of transmitting the infection of a disease called meningitis to another person are not much different from other diseases.

The peculiarity of the development of the disease is that the infection process is not limited to the mere fact of penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the body. Moreover, with normal functioning of the body's defense system, meningitis may not occur.

Cryptococcal meningitis

Cryptococcal meningitis (cryptococcosis) is an inflammatory disease that affects the membranes of the brain and has fungal nature development. This disease has no age limits in affecting patients, therefore it is equally dangerous for everyone age groups patients.

For timely diagnosis and treatment, as well as to prevent the development of the disease, it is worth knowing and understanding the causes, symptoms and characteristics of the disease. A description of all described parameters can be found in this article.

As mentioned above, cryptococcal meningitis has a fungal nature of development. And, therefore, like other infectious diseases, the cause of the occurrence of this disease in the patient’s body is the pathogenic microorganism. In this case, a fungus.

Penetration of the pathogenic microorganism into the tissue of the brain membrane occurs in a standard way for this disease. The fungus enters the surface of the tonsils and upper respiratory tract by airborne droplets or food. Then, subject to reduced functioning of the body’s defense systems, the pathogen enters the blood and, thanks to the well-functioning functioning of the circulatory system, moves to the brain tissue.

A distinctive feature of the occurrence of cryptococcosis is that, as an independent disease, it is extremely rare. All diseases of the nervous system of the body that have a fungal nature of development usually develop in people who have already suffered diseases that have weakened their immunity, including those with hemoblastosis, diabetes mellitus, AIDS, and malignant tumors. A disease such as cryptococcosis is a fairly common case after long-term therapy using antibacterial, corticosteroid, and immunosuppressive drugs.

Symptoms of disease development

Symptoms of a disease such as cryptococcosis are extremely difficult to identify. This is explained by the parallel or subsequent development of meningitis after another illness. Therefore, in order to monitor an additionally developing disease, it is recommended to periodically conduct diagnostics for inflammation of the meninges throughout the underlying disease.

Symptoms of a disease such as cryptococcal meningitis can be divided into two categories: general infectious and specific meningeal. At the same time, signs common to all infectious diseases can easily get lost against the background of the main illness, which cannot be said about specific ones.

General infectious signs of this type of meningitis are usually chronic. These include:

  • an increase in temperature by several levels (up to 37.8-38? C);
  • state of fever.

Against the background of constantly elevated, albeit slightly, body temperature, diseases of the respiratory tract, ears, oral cavity. Therefore, a prolonged change in body temperature should serve as a signal that meningitis is developing in the body. In combination with specific signs of the disease, one can obtain a strong basis for a preliminary diagnosis.

As for the specific symptoms of the disease, these include the usual signs of brain damage. Their list includes:

  • intense throbbing headache;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea and vomiting not associated with meals;
  • photophobia and sound sensitivity;
  • soreness of the neck muscles;

The main symptom indicating the development of meningitis in the patient’s body is meningeal syndrome. Its manifestation is that the patient’s legs will involuntarily bend at the knees if, when taking a horizontal position, he tilts his head towards chest.

Meningitis in infants

This disease is quite rare in newborns. The incidence of meningitis in infants ranges from 0.02% to 0.2%, depending on the weight of the newborn and his health status.

It is extremely important for the baby’s parents to know the causes of the disease, be able to recognize its symptoms and understand the features of treatment in order to know how to behave if a baby develops meningitis. All of the above issues will be described in this article.

Symptoms of meningitis in newborns

There is a set of signs of the development of the disease that can appear in both infants and adult patients. However, due to the fact that a newborn child cannot show or talk about what hurts, in this case it is worth paying attention to a larger range of factors. So, the symptoms of a disease such as meningitis in an infant will manifest themselves as follows:

  • significant increase in temperature;
  • state of fever, chills;
  • convulsions and twitching;
  • enlargement and pulsation of the fontanel;
  • diarrhea;
  • nausea and profuse vomiting;
  • reduction or complete absence appetite;
  • a state of general weakness of the body.

Signs of meningitis in infants are also reflected in the child’s behavior. A newborn baby, due to a severe headache due to inflammation, is very excited, restless, and the state of irritation is replaced by drowsiness. An experienced parent will be able to notice that the complex of signs of the disease listed above can be inherent in any illness of an infectious nature. That is why, in order to accurately diagnose the disease, there are specific signs of the disease.

Meningeal syndrome

Meningeal syndrome is the main specific symptom that determines the presence of the inflammatory disease meningitis in the meninges. The peculiarity of its manifestation is that if you try to tilt the patient’s head towards the chest while he is in horizontal position, his legs will bend uncontrollably at the knees. This test is suitable for both children and adults.

Lesage's symptoms

Due to the fact that in newborn children the symptoms of a disease such as meningitis are very mild, to confirm suspicions, an examination of the fontanelle (unfused bones of the skull) is carried out. When meningitis occurs, this area becomes inflamed and pulsates.

Lesage's sign is also called the pointing dog pose. Its essence lies in the fact that when a baby is held by the armpits, he involuntarily pulls his legs towards his stomach and throws his head back.


Infection of a newborn child usually occurs in a way that has become traditional for this type of disease. We are talking about the transmission of pathogens by airborne droplets from the carrier of the infection, which can be adults or small children.

Treatment of meningitis

It is quite easy to determine meningitis, but the diagnosis must be confirmed by a doctor. Since the disease develops rapidly, you cannot hesitate for a minute. Treatment of meningitis is carried out only under the supervision of doctors in the hospital, it cannot be treated at home. To confirm the disease, as well as determine the causative agent, the patient undergoes a spinal puncture. If you consult a doctor in a timely manner, meningitis can be treated well and does not cause complications. Treatments for meningitis include several drugs and vaccines to eliminate the pathogen:

  • The main treatment for meningitis is antibiotic therapy. At the first symptoms of the disease, antibiotics are immediately used wide range actions from the group of penicillins, cephalosporins and macrolides. Broad-spectrum medications are prescribed to immediately eliminate the pathogen. The results of a cerebrospinal fluid analysis will not be ready immediately, and it is almost impossible to determine the causative agent of meningitis in a blood test. Antibiotics are administered to the patient intravenously, and when severe forms For diseases, medications can be injected into the spinal canal. Course duration antibacterial treatment determined by the doctor, but the patient will receive medications for at least a week after his normal temperature has stabilized.
  • Diuretics can be used to treat meningitis. When using diuretics, fluid is simultaneously injected into the patient's body. Diuretics promote strong leaching of calcium from the body, so the patient is prescribed a vitamin complex.
  • For meningitis, detoxification therapy is used. It is necessary to reduce the symptoms of intoxication. The patient is given intravenously saline, glucose solution and other drugs.

The duration of treatment for meningitis varies and depends on the degree of development of the disease and the patient’s condition. In children, this disease can cause various complications; in adults, it is quickly treated without consequences. After completing therapy in the hospital, it is necessary to continue treatment at home and strengthen the immune system. The patient can recover health within one year, so it is not always possible to return to work or school.

Prevention of meningitis

Measures to prevent meningitis primarily include mandatory vaccination. Vaccination will help prevent the development of many diseases that lead to meningitis. Vaccinations should be given to children early age. Vaccines against bacterial and viral meningitis include vaccinations against Haemophilus influenzae type B, infections, causing inflammation lungs and other diseases. Vaccination should be given to children aged 2 months to 5 years, as well as children over 5 years old who suffer from serious illnesses. Before the invention of the vaccine, bacteria were considered the most common cause of bacterial meningitis, but vaccination has been able to combat it.

The meningococcal vaccine can protect against the main bacteria that cause meningitis. It must be done for a child aged 11-12 years. This type of vaccination should be given to students living in dormitories, military recruits, patients with immune deficiencies, as well as tourists and workers traveling to countries where a meningitis epidemic may break out, for example, African countries. It is necessary to carry out compulsory vaccination from other infectious diseases:, and others.

Other measures to prevent meningitis include maintaining personal hygiene and cleanliness:

  • avoiding contact with people with meningitis;
  • after contact with an infected person, it is necessary to receive a preventive course of medication;
  • wear disposable medical mask during epidemics of influenza and other infectious diseases;
  • wash your hands before eating, after transport and public places, use antibacterial agents;
  • do not drink raw water, treat vegetables and fruits with boiling water, boil milk;
  • avoid swimming in stagnant bodies of water;
  • strengthen the child’s immunity from an early age.

Consequences of the disease

Meningitis is dangerous because untimely or incorrect treatment can lead to serious complications that will last for many years. Moreover, it does not matter at what age the disease was suffered. Consequences after meningitis occur in both adults and children.

In older patients, the list describing complications after meningitis includes: regular headaches, decreased hearing, significant visual impairment, epileptic seizures and many other deteriorations in the body's functioning that can haunt the patient from several months to several years.

As for the consequences of meningitis for children, in this case the situation is even more dangerous. If the disease occurs in the first years of a child’s life, the probability of death is very high. If the disease was defeated, then it may cause a delay mental development, violations of the basic functions of the brain and the entire nervous system of the child’s body.

Moreover, the threat fatal outcome The disease does not only exist for children. To answer the question of whether it is possible to die from meningitis, let's talk about one of its most serious complications. We are talking about .

This complication is more common in younger patients, but is also common in adults. When this complication of the infectious disease meningitis occurs, the patient’s indicators begin to change dramatically blood pressure and palpitations, shortness of breath increases and pulmonary edema develops. The result of this process is paralysis of the respiratory tract. It is not difficult to guess what the consequences are after such a complication of meningitis - the death of the patient.

Another complication called infectious-toxic shock leads to the same consequences. Without contacting doctors at the first manifestations of the disease, complications of the disease cannot be dealt with.

If we talk about the general list, the consequences of meningitis affect the health of men, women and children. This indicates the urgent need for correct treatment and proper rehabilitation after illness.

The most common consequences of meningitis include: disruption of the nervous system, mental disorders, dropsy (excessive accumulation of fluid in the brain), hormonal dysfunction and others. This disease, even during treatment, can have Negative influence on the body. When the drugs are administered, blood pressure decreases significantly and work deteriorates. urinary system, calcium is washed out of the bones.

It is important to know and always remember that timely diagnosis and correct treatment can save not only the patient’s health, but also his life. Therefore, in order to avoid the consequences that arise real threat In life, at the first symptoms of the disease, you need to consult a doctor.

Meningitis is an extremely dangerous disease in which inflammation of the membrane (cortex) of the brain and spinal canal occurs. In case of untimely provision medical care such patients are likely to develop complications in the central nervous system.

Most often this leads to epilepsy, deafness, blurred vision, and mental retardation (depending on the part of the brain that has suffered the most due to inflammation).

What causes meningitis in children, how does the disease begin, can you determine it yourself? Is it possible to protect children from it, is vaccination carried out? What do the doctors themselves say about this?

General information

Meningitis is an inflammation of the soft, arachnoid or hard membrane of the brain and spinal cord. In 97% of cases, it is the lesion of the soft outer shell that is diagnosed.

The main reasons for the development of the disease are the penetration of infection into the brain and the channels through which cerebrospinal fluid enters. The pathogen itself can enter the area of ​​the brain membranes both from other organs (for example, with a complication of a sore throat) and as a result of external mechanical injuries.

The fungal form of the disease is very rare. It is diagnosed in children with very weakened immune systems: the body cannot even cope with the suppression of yeast fungi.

Who is most likely to get meningitis? According to official statistics published by the World Health Organization (WHO), boys are more prone to inflammation of the meninges.

Peak incidence occurs in the first 2 years of life. This is explained by the same weakened immune system. Natural protection Although the body works effectively, it cannot resist many infections and pathogenic bacteria. For the same reason, most vaccinations are performed in the first year of a baby’s life - this is “training” of the immune system.

Classification of species: causes, how the disease manifests itself

Symptoms differ for each subtype of meningitis. In medical practice, the disease is classified into:

  • meningococcal (most common);
  • secondary purulent (inflammation develops against the background of complications of other infectious diseases);
  • serous;
  • protozoan (protozoal forms).

The symptoms and first signs of meningitis in children and infants in each of these forms should be considered in detail.


The disease develops in acute form, begins with a sharp rise in body temperature to critical levels. The temperature with meningitis in children reaches 40 degrees.

Against this background, a very severe headache and bouts of vomiting occur, but even after them the patient’s general well-being does not improve.

May occur on the skin morbilliform rash with a bright purple color. It disappears quickly - a few hours after its appearance.

The muscles of the neck and back of the head are very tense. The patient himself the child, even lying on the bed, tries to throw his head back excessively- This is a sign of damage to the neural structure.

The “harbinger” of the meningococcal form is any respiratory disease that occurs a few days before the exacerbation. Often this is followed by convulsions, a semi-conscious state, coma, signs of damage facial nerve(lip asymmetry, sagging cheeks).

In the future, paralysis of the eye muscles may occur, which is considered the extreme stage of exacerbation of the disease. If you do not seek help during this period, the likelihood of death is very high.

Possible complications of the meningococcal form:

There is also a derivative form of meningococcal meningitis, called in medicine as bacterial shock. In this situation, an exacerbation of the disease occurs literally within a few hours after the appearance of the first symptoms, and the patient dies. Among children under 3-6 months, this form is quite common..

Secondary purulent

Secondary purulent meningitis means exacerbation of other infectious diseases. Most often they belong to the respiratory group: , .

Untimely completion of therapy leads to the fact that the infection is not completely eradicated and can enter the spinal cord or brain through the bloodstream.

Doctors more often diagnose secondary purulent meningitis caused by streptococcus and respiratory infections.

Its main symptoms are difficult to distinguish from regular flu. The condition of the sick child worsens in a complex manner, the temperature rises to 39-40 degrees, and chills may also occur.

The main differences between meningitis are: signs of neck muscle rigidity, tachycardia, bradycardia(since the cardiovascular system is affected).

IN outpatient setting secondary purulent meningitis is diagnosed either based on the results laboratory tests, or after examining the cerebrospinal fluid (the liquid will be cloudy, with signs of purulent inclusions).

Secondary purulent meningitis occurs in an acute form. A general deterioration in the patient’s well-being can be observed within 3-4 days.

Relief of the condition occurs only after the start of treatment. However, it remains high probability relapse of the disease in the first few weeks after discharge.

Serous - tuberculous and viral

According to statistics, occurs mainly in children aged 2-7 years. A common pathogen is the tuberculosis bacillus, but the disease itself develops in a chronic form.

It is preceded by a prodromal period of 2-6 weeks. At this time, the child experiences gradual deterioration of health, loss of appetite, Kernig and Brudzinski symptoms.

The viral form of serous meningitis is rare, diagnosed in 2-3% of all cases.

After the prodromal period comes sharp deterioration– headache, neck muscle tension, constant urge to vomit (even when the stomach is already empty).

In the severe stage, traditional acute symptoms are observed– head thrown back, legs bent at the knees, stomach pulled in strongly. The temperature after the prodromal period rises sharply to critical levels.

Meningeal syndrome is observed only in the viral form of the disease, but the final diagnosis is made only on the basis of tests.

Enteroviral meningitis. How to protect your child from a dangerous virus:

Protozoan forms

The spinal cord is affected, resulting in severe muscle and joint pain. It is rare in children. An increase in the concentration of leukocytes is detected in the cerebrospinal fluid.

The headache is minor, dull, accompanied by attacks of vomiting, but less pronounced than with other variations of meningitis. Fever also occurs, but is not constant. The temperature also fluctuates in waves.

Protozoan forms are quite rare. They affect children after 2-3 years of age. IN in rare cases diagnosed before the age of 6 months.

Incubation period

Infectious bacterial meningitis in children predominantly develops in an acute form, with pronounced symptoms. The incubation period is 2-3 days, then a sharp deterioration in the health of the sick child is observed.

Serous meningitis is characterized by chronic form With high risk relapse of the disease. The spread of infection throughout the body takes from 2 to 6 weeks.

The duration of treatment depends on the stage at which the child began receiving medical care.

A bacterial infection can be gotten rid of quickly enough by using broad-spectrum antibiotics; a viral infection is more difficult. The entire treatment period takes from 1.5 to 9 weeks. Complications can last a lifetime.

How to recognize it yourself

How to recognize and distinguish meningitis from other diseases with a similar course? It is necessary to pay attention to possible damage to the central nervous system, muscle and joint pain (initially this is noticeable in the cervical region).

Symptoms and signs of meningitis in infants under one year of age, older children and adolescents:

Together with that Kernig's and Brudzinski's symptoms are observed when the child feels severe pain when pressing on pubic bone. It is also difficult for a child to bend one leg while leaving the other straight.

The final diagnosis can only be made based on test results (bacterial culture), but treatment of meningitis begins before this due to its possible fulminant course. The main thing is to relieve inflammation and slow down the spread of infection.

The rash looks more like small subcutaneous bruises. Meningococcal infection affects the walls of small vessels located in upper layers epithelium, which leads to their inflammation.

Over time, the rash can unite into entire papules, in the center of which whitish ligaments are visible.

This is what one of the main symptoms and signs looks like - a rash with meningitis in children, photo:

Meningitis: don't miss important symptoms! Classic meningeal symptoms presented in the video:


How to check for meningitis in a child, which doctor should you contact to identify the disease? The primary diagnosis of meningitis is performed by a pediatrician. If there is suspicion, a sick child is sent to the infectious diseases department and blood and cerebrospinal fluid tests are taken.

An accurate diagnosis can be made by the presence of leukocytes in the cerebrospinal fluid, and then a culture for the infection is done to accurately identify the causative agent of the disease.

In case of acute illness and suspected meningitis, you should not wait to see your doctor. It's better to contact immediately Ambulance, pointing out any symptoms found.


Is meningitis treated in children and how is it treated? The main treatment tactics are taking antibiotics ( penicillin series) and antiviral drugs(depending on the established form), suppressing the spread of infection.

At the same time, it is necessary to reduce intracranial pressure and eliminate toxicosis (droppers with glucose, Reosorbilact). To prevent complications in the central nervous system and restore normal blood flow in the brain area, Pirocetam and Nootropil are prescribed.

For speedy withdrawal inflammation requires taking Hydrocortisone, Methylprednisolone. Timely prescribed and carried out therapy can radically improve the condition of a sick child within 2-3 days.

In infants up to one year old

For the youngest children, doctors prescribe sulfonamides (Etazol) and antibiotics from the penicillin group.

If this tactic does not lead to relief of the condition, then synthetic antibiotics for meningitis in children of the Ampiox type, but taken only until the symptoms of the disease regress.

With tuberculosis form meningitis, it is recommended to use broad-spectrum antibiotics up to bacteriostatic doses, but for no more than 3 days. Then the patient is given only anti-tuberculosis drugs.

With a viral form doctors give preference only tonics And . Antibiotics will only do harm, since viruses are not susceptible to them.

Treatment of children under one year of age is possible only in a hospital setting. They are prescribed only after all the symptoms of meningitis in small infants have disappeared. This is monitored by the number of leukocytes and daily tests.

Symptomatic therapy

This treatment is used when third-party symptoms and signs appear childhood meningitis. For seizures and convulsions, anticonvulsants are prescribed: Diazepam (no more than 100 ml per day intramuscularly), Aminazine (2 ml intramuscularly directly to prevent an attack).

Oxygen therapy is widely used - inhalation of a special gas mixture, designed to prevent oxygen starvation of the brain. Depending on the condition of the sick child, the procedure is carried out with a special oxygen mask or intubation (forced supply of a gas mixture).

The need to reduce high fever after taking antibiotics disappears. But if therapy is ineffective, Paracetamol and Diphenhydramine are prescribed intramuscularly (as prescribed by a doctor).

Alternative medicine

The immune system cannot cope with the infection on its own in such a short period, and Alternative medicine in this regard, it is ineffective.

The only thing doctors advise in this regard is use an infusion of medicinal lavender, but only during the rehabilitation period.

To prepare it, take 3 tablespoons of dry lavender base (sold at the pharmacy) and pour 2 cups of boiling water. Infuse for 2-3 hours, filter through several layers of gauze.

You need to drink the resulting decoction 2 times a day 0.5 cups. This will speed up the restoration of immune function and prevent surges in blood pressure.

Doctor Komarovsky's opinion on video

Meningitis in a child - symptoms, first signs, treatment tactics in the “Doctor Komarovsky School” program:

The only one effective method prevention is vaccination up to 29 years of age(mandatory in the area of ​​the African “meningitis” belt established by the World Health Organization).

Currently, conjugate vaccinations are used, designed for 3 doses. At what age are children vaccinated against meningitis? In the early - from 3 to 12 months, followed by revaccination a year later.

We should not forget about others, which in the CIS countries are recognized as mandatory (but you can still refuse them).

For example, theoretically it can even worsen into an acute form of meningitis, not to mention measles and other similar diseases.

In detail about the symptoms, consequences and measures to prevent meningitis in children, about vaccinations against this disease:

Meningitis is a dangerous brain disease. Most often it affects boys under the age of 7 years. It occurs more often in an acute form, and therefore requires mandatory hospitalization. The only one possible variant prevention - vaccination, since infections leading to inflammation of the brain and spinal cord are even transmitted by airborne droplets.

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