Basenji breed diseases. About the health of the Basenji. What care does a puppy need during the postoperative period?

Almost all books recommend paying attention to the presence or absence of a hernia when purchasing a puppy. So what are hernias, what are they, where do they come from, what to do with them, and what will happen if you do nothing? These are the questions that people ask themselves who are somehow faced with hernias. Therefore, this problem worries both breeders and dog owners, as well as potential puppy owners. This article will discuss abdominal hernias as the most common.

A hernia is a hernial orifice (ring) - an opening in the abdominal wall. The hernial sac emerges through it - the part of the peritoneum in which the hernial contents are located, i.e. in fact, any internal organs that were close to the hernial orifice and, due to their size, were able to pass through them. This could be the omentum, intestinal loops, bladder, uterine horns with a developing fetus, etc.

According to the location of the hernia, there are the following: lateral abdominal wall, which are mostly of traumatic origin, umbilical, inguinal-scrotal, perineal pelvic, etc.

The most common type is umbilical hernia. Inguinal - much less common and are not hereditary, they are rarely pinched and can be easily removed with surgery at any age. They appear more often in older bitches and small puppies, regardless of gender. Old male dogs are characterized by perineal and pelvic hernias, but their incidence is extremely low and is resolved in each individual case individually. Umbilical hernia is a widespread anomaly and is perhaps of the greatest interest. Its size in dachshund puppies can vary from 3-4 mm to a hernia the size of a good Walnut.

Where do they come from? You can often hear a widespread misconception that the cause of their occurrence is improper obstetric care when accepting newborn puppies. You almost always hear the same thing: we, or the dog, pulled too hard on the umbilical cord. It is worth recalling in this case that the umbilical cord in puppies stretches very well and is literally created to be pulled. For example, in a puppy being born, especially if it is one of the last to emerge, i.e. from the distant parts of the uterine horns, the umbilical cord is simply forced to stretch quite strongly in order to maintain the connection between the puppy and the mother for as long as possible. And if its stretching limit has reached its end, it simply breaks in the area of ​​the least strength: approximately 3 cm from the puppy’s belly. After giving birth, the mother licks and pulls the umbilical cord so carefully and with such enthusiasm that you are amazed that she does not tear it off along with the belly. Apparently, such an umbilical cord massage is only beneficial, because... at the same time, the abdominal muscles are stimulated and, on the contrary, the umbilical ring closes better.

So, to the question of where umbilical hernias come from, it should be answered that regardless of whether they are congenital or acquired, arising from the action of factors causing an increase intra-abdominal pressure, such as flatulence, strong tension etc., they always arise on the basis of some anatomical features that are clearly hereditary in nature. In dogs umbilical hernia inherited as a simple recessive trait. So, if your dog is destined to give birth to puppies with a hernia, then no matter how carefully you try to deliver the baby, hernias will still appear.

But what to do with them? There are two ways further development hernias First: if the hernia is large enough (approximately larger than a pea), it will have to be sutured surgically. Second: if the hernia is several millimeters, then there is a chance that at the age of 4-6 months it will close on its own. It is quite widely believed that hernias can be sutured only after 6 months - after the end of active growth and replacement of baby teeth. To some extent this is the right approach, but, imagining the danger we are exposing the growing puppy during this time, I want to once again weigh the pros and cons. Nowadays, hernia suturing operations are carried out with great success. early age(35-40 days). In this case, healing proceeds very quickly, and often at the time of activation of the puppies there is not even a trace of the operation left. With proper surgery at this age, relapses are extremely rare. In my practice, there were no relapses at all. All kinds of methods of gluing nickels and the like to the site of a hernia do not lead to the desired results, but only cause inconvenience to both owners and babies.

But what will happen if you do nothing about the hernia, but leave everything to the discretion of nature. As the puppy grows and the abdominal muscles form, the hernial ring closes, leaving a cut-off piece of the omentum of a larger or smaller size between the skin and the abdominal wall, which then continues its independent life. Such a favorable outcome occurs in the lion's share small hernias. But a much less rosy option cannot be ruled out, when all sorts of internal organs, and most often intestinal loops, get into the hernial sac. Then, when the hernial ring is compressed or the intestines are overfilled with food and gases, intestinal loops are pinched, obstruction occurs, circulatory disorders and further necrosis occur, which in practice looks like this: if an operation is not performed within 2-3 hours and intestinal patency is not restored, then further the prognosis is unfavorable, i.e. may result in the death of the dog.

Another common option is when they try to get offspring from a bitch with an open hernia. Then the horns of the uterus with puppies may fall out and be pinched into the hernial sac, which in best case scenario will lead to the loss of the uterus and the entire litter. And at worst... So, if you are faced with hernias, then the most The best way forgetting about them is an operation.

Article by Larisa Vlasenko

How to treat a hernia in a puppy

If you have a puppy at home, this is certainly a joyful event. You have to raise him, play, clean, walk, and also take care of his health. Like children, puppies are susceptible various diseases. We will talk about one of these diseases.

Umbilical hernia. The hernia itself is a fairly common and unpleasant disease. This is the way out internal organs beyond the abdominal wall through the umbilical ring.

Let's talk in more detail about how to treat a hernia in a puppy. If you find it, then you should start doing massage in the area where it appears. This procedure should be done several times every day, massaging the stomach clockwise. With these actions you will train abdominal wall, and this helps reduce the hernia; Moreover, it may disappear altogether. You should not let your puppy overexert himself - this can only cause the hernia to get bigger.

There are also cases when one year old the disease goes away on its own. There are two ways to treat a hernia at home. The hernial sac must be directed inward in the following way: place a 5-kopeck coin on the hernia and secure it with a bandage. Can be removed after 2 weeks.

Second method: enter ethanol 95 degrees at four points near the hernia. Remember that these two methods must be prescribed to you by a doctor, and in no case should you do this without his instructions. If these two methods do not help, then surgery is performed.

An umbilical hernia in puppies can be treated with proper care. But to prevent a hernia from appearing, prevention is necessary. For newborn puppies, the umbilical cord should not be cut close to the tummy - you need to leave 2-4 cm.

Also, for prevention, puppies should not be allowed to stand on their paws too early or, moreover, jump on them: this can displace internal organs. If you pick up a puppy, then pick it up exclusively under the belly: you can’t pick it up by the front or hind legs.

In any case, if a hernia does form, and the health of the puppy is important to you, then show it to the veterinarian. The doctor will examine the animal and give you advice.

If the hernia is too large, surgery will be necessary. After its completion, the puppy will receive stitches; They need to be removed after 7-10 days by contacting a veterinarian. This operation is simple and well tolerated by animals. If the hernia is more than one centimeter, the puppy also needs to be seen by a veterinarian. And remember that almost every action you take must be agreed with your doctor.

The occurrence of an umbilical hernia in a puppy is a fairly common pathology. With this defect, internal organs (uterus, intestinal loop, omentum) fall out into the opening that appears in the lower section belly. In most cases, the disease is hereditary.

Why does a hernia occur?

When the animal is born, the abdominal opening closes, where the umbilical cord was previously attached, which connected the puppy and the mother’s womb. Most often, the umbilical ring closes within a day, and the skin on the abdomen becomes even. However, it is possible that some deviations will appear, as a result of which the ring may increase in size or change shape. Eventually, connective tissues Internal organs stretch and fall out. This defect can go away on its own after a few days, but sometimes a complication arises in the form of infringement of internal organs.

The main causes of hernia in puppies are as follows:

  • features of heredity;
  • the abdominal wall has low tone;
  • connective tissues are quite weak;
  • the umbilical cord was removed incorrectly;
  • trauma during childbirth;
  • flatulence;
  • intra-abdominal pressure has overestimated indicators.

If we talk about genetic characteristics, then pathology can develop in representatives of the following breeds:

  • dachshund;
  • bull terrier;
  • chow-chow;
  • collie;
  • poodle;
  • Basenji;
  • bobtail;
  • Pekingese.

Hernia in German Shepherd puppies is also caused by genetic abnormalities.

Types of disease

This disease can be congenital (inherited as a recessive trait) or acquired. In the second option, the appearance of the tumor is influenced external factors, and anatomical features internal structure animal.

Umbilical hernia can be divided into 4 types:

  • Real. If the umbilical ring is not closed, then there is a hernial sac, which is formed from the pleura or peritoneum. The contents partially contain internal organs.
  • False. Is a soft hollow growth that is filled body fat.
  • Reducible. The prolapsed organ is mobile and elastic; it can be returned to its place with gentle pressure.
  • Pinched (hard). The organ becomes pinched by the hernial orifice, resulting in swelling of the tissues and the appearance of neoplasms.

How to diagnose a hernia

A hernia in a puppy’s abdomen can be determined by the presence of an elastic soft tumor that occurs in umbilical region. The process takes place without damaging the skin, and the dog does not experience discomfort. The growths can be the size of a pea or a walnut. Palpation helps determine the presence of a defect; if you press a little harder, a hernial ring is detected.

There are a number of minor clinical manifestations, by which acquired hernia is determined:

  • seals appear;
  • breathing changes;
  • presence of pain;
  • the animal refuses feed;
  • behavior becomes depressed.

The owner can make a diagnosis such as an umbilical hernia in a puppy. It is enough to decide on the main manifestation, which is characterized by the presence of a convex area of ​​skin that has a rounded shape. The final verdict must be made by a veterinarian after a series of tests. If necessary, the animal is sent for an ultrasound, during which the gastrointestinal tract is examined.

What you need to know about treatment

If a tumor is detected, it is necessary to provide the dog with proper assistance. However, any owner should remember that any therapeutic measures should be carried out only after consultation with a veterinarian. In the first two months after birth, non-surgical repair of the hernia can be performed if the defect is classified as a reducible option.

For small formations and at a young age puppy, veterinarians advise the owner to take care of the animal himself. Most often, palliative therapy is used. The essence of the method is to apply a fixing bandage slightly above the growth; the holding role can be played by a coin or a thick wad of cotton wool. An adhesive plaster is used to secure it. This method can be used after the hernia has been repaired.

How massage can help

Many owners, after making a diagnosis, ask the question: “A puppy has a hernia, what should I do?” Strengthening massage of the umbilical area very often gives good results for this disease. The purpose of such actions:

  • stimulate blood circulation;
  • relieve spasms;
  • strengthen the abdominal wall and ligaments.

The massage should be carried out for 5 minutes, several times a day. Thanks to such actions, the abdominal area is warmed up and stimulated.

Execution technique

First, you need to gently begin stroking the puppy with your fingertips so that the animal can relax. Then begin to make movements in a circle in a clockwise direction.

It is important not to forget to pay attention to the pet’s reaction; if he shows that he is in pain, the procedure should be stopped immediately.

It must be remembered that massage cannot be done in following cases:

If a hernia occurs in a puppy, the dog should not stand on hind limbs. If there is a need to take a sick pet in your arms, then only under the tummy.

Surgical intervention

Poor circulation, necrosis and organ entrapment are unpleasant consequences of this disease. If the animal’s condition worsens, it is imperative to remove the hernia. When pinched, they occur following signs:

  • temperature rises;
  • the hernia increases in size and becomes red;
  • the peritoneum swells;
  • breathing becomes more frequent;
  • during palpation the animal experiences painful sensations;
  • nausea;
  • general state apathetic;
  • refusal of feed;
  • constipation.

If the above symptoms are identified, then providing assistance to your pet yourself (in the absence of proper education and experience) is strictly prohibited. It is necessary to take the animal to veterinarian, who will decide what to do next.

Don't be afraid of surgery. The puppy's hernia will be eliminated, and this is the main thing! The purpose of surgery will be to restore normal functioning of the body and minimize negative consequences.

What is the operation

The action itself is not anything complicated; an incision is made in the skin, then the hernial sac is opened, the internal organs are adjusted, the umbilical ring is tightened and sutures are applied. All this happens under local anesthesia.

The owner should consider that surgical intervention carried out only to those puppies who have passed full vaccination.

What care does a puppy need during the postoperative period?

Any animal will need some care after surgery. Compliance simple rules will allow the pet to recover faster, and the owner will not have to undergo treatment possible complications that arise when the animal is mishandled.

  • compulsory acquisition a bandage for a dog so that the puppy cannot injure itself;
  • purchasing antibiotics, painkillers, vitamins and using them as prescribed by a veterinarian;
  • compliance with a regime that will eliminate the load on the place where the sutures are applied.

What is an inguinal hernia

Already from the name it becomes clear where it is formed this pathology In puppies, it can also occur at the point of contact of the limb with the skin of the peritoneum. Here, not only part of the intestine may fall out, but also the bladder or uterus. That is why this type of disease poses the greatest danger to life and health. pet.

It is worth noting that inguinal hernia Middle-aged pets and puppy dogs are most susceptible.

The disease can be identified quite easily by its symptoms. A large bag is formed in the groin area. The animal does not show anxiety or pain when palpated.

If there is no abscess, then the superficial area of ​​​​the formation will be warm and has a temperature characteristic of the puppy’s body. Skin They don’t go bald, they don’t get ulcers. Partial hair loss can occur if the hernial sac rubs against the animal’s limb.

To prevent serious problems with the health of the pet, it is necessary to carry out surgical intervention as soon as possible, namely, removal of the hernia in the puppy. This measure is necessary due to the presence of large organs in the hernial sac, and if even minor damage occurs, it can lead to the following consequences:

  • fecal peritonitis;
  • miscarriage;
  • extensive internal bleeding.

If we talk about the operation, it goes according to the following scenario:

  1. They do it to the dog general anesthesia.
  2. Repositioning internal organs into place.
  3. Contraction of the hernial ring.
  4. Stitching.

Every owner needs to know that if any type of hernia occurs, they should contact a veterinarian so as not to worsen the animal’s condition. Timely help for a pet will help in the future to avoid major problems with his health.

Fanconi syndrome. This disease is expressed in impaired renal function. The disease can be fatal as it is difficult to diagnose early stage. Basenjis are usually affected between 4 and 7 years of age, but both young dogs and older animals can be affected. For this reason, many responsible breeders are wary of breeding dogs under 4 years of age.

Classic symptoms of the disease include extreme thirst, frequent urination And increased level glucose in urine. The easiest way to diagnose the disease is to test your urine for sugar. Falconi syndrome is characterized by the presence of glucose in the urine during normal level blood sugar.

If sugar is found in the dog, both in the urine and in the blood, then it probably has diabetes, and not Fanconi syndrome (diabetes is relatively rare in Basenjis). It is important to know the exact diagnosis when prescribing treatment. If you suspect that your pet has Fanconi syndrome, do not offer it a diet that is commonly used to treat kidney disease - a diet with low content squirrel. Protein is exactly what a dog suffering from Fanconi syndrome needs, since it is washed out of the body, as well as the amino acids necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

A venous blood test should be performed every few months to ensure that your dog is getting enough nutrients. Usually the dog is prescribed inexpensive nutritional supplements- tablets of phosphorus, calcium, etc., but to maintain normal condition body, some dogs need up to 30 tablets per day. Such supplements in some cases help the animal survive normal life, while in other cases Fanconi syndrome leads to death. This is an incurable disease.

It would be a good idea to ask the breeder from whom you are going to buy a puppy whether there have been any cases of Fanconi syndrome among his charges. If the breeder claims that the disease has not been encountered in the lines of his dogs, he tries to explain that Fanconi syndrome is the fault of one of the parents or insists that this disease is caused by factors environment, then it is better to purchase a pet from another breeder.

How this disease is inherited is still unknown, but there is enough evidence that it occurs more often in some lines than in others. The age of the puppy's father and mother is also important. If father or mother older than age, in which Fanconi syndrome usually manifests itself, then it can be assumed that one of the parents (or both) is not sick. To date, breeders cannot say with certainty which puppies are insured against this disease. However, an honest breeder will always tell you which of his dogs has this disease and whether the parents, grandparents or siblings of the puppy you chose had it.

Malabsorption (decreased absorption of nutrients). Immunoproliferative disease small intestine(IPSID), better known as malabsorption. Similar to irritable bowel syndrome in humans, malabsorption in dogs is a constant allergic reaction on food passing through the intestines, causing the intestines to be emptied before the necessary nutrients enter the bloodstream.

Symptoms of the disease are constant loose stool and exhaustion. The disease is believed to have a hereditary component, and in some cases is caused by environmental conditions. The attention and care of the owner, coupled with the necessary medicines will allow the Basenji to live a decent life. Previously, this disease was quite common among Basenjis, but now, fortunately, cases have decreased significantly.

Pyruvate kinase deficiency (hemolytic anemia). In the 70s, Basenjis often suffered from the disease hemolytic anemia caused by a recessive genetic defect.

The sick Basenji has two affected genes responsible for the production of pyruvate kinase, an enzyme that is required to ensure the normal functioning of red blood cells. Reds blood cells sick dogs have a shortened life span, causing chronic anemia.

A dog with this disease can live for a maximum of three years. Diagnosing the disease is quite simple. All it takes is a swab of oral cavity, which determines whether the dog is healthy (without affected genes), a carrier (with one affected gene) or sick (with two affected genes).

Hypothyroidism ( low level hormone thyroid gland in blood) belongs to the most serious illnesses at the Basenji.

Clinical signs diseases: excess weight, poor skin and coat condition, weakness, swelling of the limbs and head (myxedema), decreased reproductive functions, anemia, decreased body temperature.

Theoretically possible laboratory diagnostics hypothyroidism, based on determining the level of thyroxine before and after administration thyroid-stimulating hormone.

Persistent pupillary membrane (PPM). Small fibers called persistent pupillary membranes pass through the pupil and connect one part of the iris to the other. They may also connect the iris to the cornea or lens. As a rule, they look like thin cobwebs; in the worst case, the eyes can become a mysterious bluish tint.

A responsible breeder will not use a dog with this condition in a breeding program. If a dog has a CERF certificate, it is considered free of this disease on the day of the examination.

Coloboma. Coloboma is common name for defects in the structure of the eye. Defects can be on the eyelid, iris, lens, choroid, disc optic nerve. This disease is believed to have a hereditary factor.

Colobomas are more common in dogs choroid, always accompanied by retinal colobomas. In this case, a more or less large defect was clinically detected in the posterior part of the fundus, through which the sclera was visible. Colobomas of the retina and choroid may apparently be associated with visual acuity disturbances, the degree of which depends on the size of the coloboma. In severe cases, the eye may be reduced in size. This disease is called microphthalmia.

Coloboma of the iris is a defect in which part of the iris is missing or severely thinned. Visually this is black hole in the iris and shaped like a pear or keyhole. Dogs with coloboma should be sterilized.

Progressive retinal atrophy (PRA). Previously, PRA was quite rare among Basenjis, in several lines. Unfortunately, over the past few years it has been revealed a large number of carriers of damaged genes and sick dogs.

Progressive retinal atrophy is multiple disorders of the retina that gradually lead to blindness. Since the disease is of a genetic nature, the ZooProCoDe DNA test was developed for the diagnosis of sick dogs, as well as genetic carriage, available for different breeds dogs different forms PRA.

Umbilical hernia. Umbilical hernia is quite common in Basenjis. There is no reason to panic unless the hernia turns red. Then surgical intervention is required.

Dysplasia hip joint. Hip dysplasia is a discrepancy between the shape of the femoral head and the acetabulum in which it is located. Depending on the severity of the disease, the dog may have a limp or be unable to walk on its own. In the most severe cases, a total joint replacement is required.

In Basenjis the disease is not as common as, for example, in German Shepherds, but in last years the incidence rate is rising alarmingly. It is recommended that all dogs be tested for this disease and certified.

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Hello, dear readers!

Basenji - ancient breed dogs that appeared in central Africa more than 5,000 years ago. It owes its emergence not to selection, but to natural selection. In this article you can read a description of the breed, see photos, find out the price and reviews of the owners of the breed. Animals have characteristics, one of which is the absence of barking. Instead of the usual “gaf-gaf”, they rumble or seem to laugh stifledly.

That's what they call Basenji - “not barking dog from Africa” or “silent”. However, he has many other nicknames: “Congolese bush dog”, “forest dog from the Congo”, “Congo terrier”, “nyam-nyam terrier”, “dog of the Zande people”, “creature from the forest thickets”. IN old times in Africa it was used for hunting, even lions. The dogs gathered in packs and drove the beast into nets. Currently, in the Congo, the Basenji dog is still taken for hunting. Today it is very popular in the world as a companion dog. Royalty of many countries keep these animals at court.

Basenjis are characterized by the fact that they do not bark, but purr, and then only in moments of excitement. Why can’t Basenjis bark? In Africa, local residents explain it this way: “In ancient times, when all animals and birds could talk, the Basenji leader unwittingly witnessed an event that was important for people. To prevent what they saw from leaking outside the pack, the Basenji swore to secrecy and remained silent forever.”

Despite their small size, dogs have a bright and attractive appearance. They look aristocratic and elegant. They move quickly with wide steps, while their back remains straight. For all of them ancient history appearance dogs remained unchanged. Animals have unique wrinkles on their foreheads that appear when their ears close together. Distinctive feature The breed also has a tail that is tightly curled into a ring. Dogs do not have a dog smell and have much in common with representatives of the cat family:

  • often wash themselves like a cat - with their paws;
  • step quietly and softly;
  • They don’t mind going to the toilet in a litter box, so they are easy to keep in an ordinary apartment.

History of the Basenji breed

When excavating Egyptian tombs, archaeologists find paintings on the walls depicting Basenjis and mummies of dogs. This shows great respect for animals. Basenjis were buried with honor along with their owners, the pharaohs. The Egyptians attributed to them the ability to protect against evil forces and kept them near them as a living talisman. Similar burials were found in the Nile Valley in the Nubian region, south of Aswan.

Animals were first exported from Africa to England at the end of the 19th century, but this batch of dogs did not survive. In the 30s of the 20th century, the attempt was successfully repeated. The breed standard used today was established in this country. Already in 1937, the Basenji breed was demonstrated at an exhibition in America under the working name “Congo Terrier”. The dog was noticed and appreciated for its intelligence, aristocratic appearance, easy-going and easy-going character. In 1941, the United States purchased a pair of dogs from Africa for breeding. Then the animals began to spread throughout the globe. In our country, they began to get divorced from the end of the 20th century.

Breed standards

  • The coat is short, thick and lies close to the body. It is thin and has a beautiful shine. Sheds.
  • The body is strong with developed smooth muscles.
  • The head is medium.
  • The neck is long and muscular.
  • The chest is medium wide.
  • The ears are erect and slightly tilted forward.
  • The nose tapers towards the end and is crowned with a black lobe.
  • The eyes have a dark iris and are shaped like tonsils. The dog looks smart and understanding.
  • The limbs are high. The front ones slightly “look” inward.
  • The tail is tightly curled into a ring.

Basenji height and weight

There is a plain and forest Basenji (pygmy). The plains dog is somewhat larger than the forest dog. The Pygmy dog ​​also has darker colored eyes.


Height at withers:

  • males - 43 cm;
  • females - 40 cm.
  • males - 11 cm;
  • females - 9.5 cm.

Lesnaya (pygmy)

It has a height at the withers of less than 40 cm. It is much lighter in weight than its counterpart.

Basenji character

These are loyal, brave and determined animals. They are smart and affectionate. Balanced and non-conflict, they get along well with people and are equally attached to all its members. They obey the owner unconditionally and are always ready to protect him, as well as his family. They enjoy playing with children, but will not tolerate children's pranks, for example, pulling their ears or tail. Therefore, children cannot be left alone with them.

They will be friends with dogs of the same breed and with other animals if they accept the Basenji as a leader - dogs of this breed tend to dominate. If another dog starts a fight on the street, the Basenji, driven by the instinct of self-preservation, will not be provoked and will calmly pass by.

Dogs are extremely active, even rather reactive - this is the key to their health. They move easily and beautifully. They make excellent exhibitors. Due to hyperactivity, dogs should not be left alone at home for a long time. Otherwise, upon arriving home, the owner will see surprises in the form of overturned and chewed furniture, torn wallpaper and other troubles.

The hunting sense of dogs is genetic and, without being guard dogs, they easily feel threatened by loved ones. At the same time, the Basenji makes a stand on hind legs and purr desperately, warning the owner of danger. The highly developed instinct of a hunter sometimes prevents them from hearing while pursuing prey. Therefore, to prevent escape, it is recommended to wear a leash on your dog while walking.

Basenji training

Basenjis are one of the 14 oldest dogs on Earth. They are also called primitive, i.e. arising not as a result of selection, but through natural natural selection. In this regard, they have features that must be taken into account when:

  • During training, Basenjis often ignore the calling command “come to me.”
  • have an extremely fast reaction and instantly accelerate from a standstill, developing incredibly high speed.
  • temporary lack of sound perception in a dog.

Before starting training, you need to study the character of your pet and learn to anticipate its behavior. It wouldn't hurt to read special literature, watch the video, visit the Basenji owner forum and consult with a dog handler.

To avoid creating a dangerous environment for others, it is necessary to teach the dog to understand the limits of what is acceptable. The very first command to remember should be the calling command “come to me”; the dog must fulfill it from the first request. The dog must respond to its name.

The Basenji easily remembers commands, but approval and encouragement are very important to him. This could be stroking, kind word or treats. A clicker can be used for positive reinforcement. You cannot shout at your pet and punish it - the dog will withdraw and ignore commands. Let the dog's punishment be a disapproving look from the owner and lack of encouragement. Only patience and a warm, friendly attitude towards your pet will help you achieve success in training.

How long do Basenjis live?

The life expectancy of the Basenji is 10–13.5 years.

What to feed the Basenji

Up to 9 months, puppies eat premium food. Then they begin to be fed natural food, alternating every day. Dogs are very voracious and easily gain excess weight, so it is important not to overfeed them.

The diet includes:

  • Cereals cooked in water without salt. Preference is given to rice and buckwheat. Can't give pea porridge.
  • Raw meat - beef, veal, horse meat, roe meat. Lean pulp is used as the main food; bones are given once a week.
  • By-products are well-cooked.
  • Boiled sea fish.
  • Boiled vegetables.
  • Egg - 1-2 times a week.
  • Products from sour milk.
  • Fruits.
  • Multivitamins.

Food for your pets can be purchased.

Basenji and allergies

Dogs are not capable of causing allergies.

Photo of Basenji dog breed

Basenji dog not barking

Basenji dog breed video

Basenji sings

Basenji breed colors

  1. Red combined with white;
  2. Deep black combined with white;
  3. Tricolor (black with red and tan markings, with spots above the eyes and on the muzzle);
  4. Brindle (black stripes on red-red color).

Regardless of coloring, the paws, chest and end of the tail remain white. White always several times less than the main one. Color boundaries should be clear, and the colors themselves should be rich.
Red combined with white
Black and white
Dog color tricolor
Dog color brindle

Basenji diseases

Dogs have strong immunity And good health, but, like any other animals, they are predisposed to certain diseases:

  • Kidney diseases - Fanconi syndrome and urolithiasis disease;
  • Eye diseases - atrophy retina and cataracts;
  • Entropy (with protein loss) - when various reasons Plasma protein is removed from the body through the gastrointestinal tract.

Fanconi syndrome in Basenji

Kidney disease, characterized by atrophy of the reabsorption function of the renal canals. Provokes the appearance of: blood glucose, stone formation, disruption of the interaction of amino acids with urine, imbalance water-salt metabolism. The disease is incurable, you can only support your life. It is important to determine the presence of the disease as early as possible. But, unfortunately, it is difficult to diagnose at an early stage, so cases are frequent deaths among dogs. Basenjis aged 4-7 years are especially susceptible to the disease, so breeders try not to breed individuals under 4 years of age.

Symptoms of the disease

  1. Unbearable thirst;
  2. Frequent bowel movements Bladder;
  3. High concentration blood glucose.

Diagnosed by taking a urine test for sugar. If the syndrome is present, the urine will contain glucose (blood sugar levels will be normal). If blood is also detected increased content sugar, then the dog clearly has diabetes, and not Fanconi syndrome. Basenjis rarely suffer from diabetes.


  • Monthly blood donation from a vein for analysis of nutrient content;
  • Taking microelements in tablets (30 pieces per day) - phosphorus, calcium, etc. - to maintain vital functions.

How long does a Basenji's heat last?

Primitive dogs, which include the Basenji, “flow” as they please. They can flow twice a year with a six-month interval, or they can take a break for a year and a half. This makes planning difficult.

Clothes for Basenji

These dogs are small in size with very short, non-warming fur, so in winter and autumn-spring they need warm clothing. Basenjis wear woolen sweaters, raincoats, jackets, overalls, etc. Usually, things are custom-made for each dog, for which the following measurements are taken:

As a rule, shoes are put on a dog in special cases, for example, a trip to an exhibition. But some owners put shoes on their pets every day. This is not prohibited, but gradualness is necessary - the animal is accustomed to feeling the surface of the earth with the pads of its feet. For convenience, it is better to sew shoes to order. When buying ready-made shoes in a store, you must have the centimeter size of your pet's paw with you.

Basenji dog price

Puppies of the “show” class cost 30,000 rubles, “breed” - from 25,000 rubles, “pit” - from 15,000 rubles. “Show” individuals are potential winners of competitions, have a pedigree and the right to produce offspring. Puppies of the “breed” class do not have the right to participate in exhibitions due to implicit deficiencies that are invisible to the unprofessional eye. They have the right to give birth to offspring. “Pit” cutlets have obvious cosmetic defects. They do not have the right to participate in exhibitions, but they can reproduce.

You can buy a Basenji puppy at the Basenji nursery or on Avito. You can also purchase goods for your pet.

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