What to do with turkey skin. The benefits and harms of turkey meat, important properties of turkey meat. Use it wisely

You can increasingly find turkey meat on supermarket shelves. It is presented in the form of whole carcasses, packaged parts of meat, breasts, wings, thighs and, of course, minced. Buyers have begun to increasingly prefer turkey meat over chicken, although the price is much higher. This is explained by the fact that turkey meat has a large number of beneficial properties and is very beneficial for the human body.

Protein can be found in all types of food, including fish, eggs, milk and vegetables, but turkey meat is a particularly good source.

What is healthy about turkey meat, how healthy and harmful it is, now we will look into this in more detail.

Nutrients in Turkey

Turkeys are a common species of poultry from the chicken and pheasant family, which is descended from the wild turkey. The bird has a varied diet, eating grass, clover, alfalfa, berries, plant and tree seeds, acorns, beetles and grasshoppers. Therefore, meat has a large nutritional value and accordingly very useful for humans. By including it in our diet, we saturate the body with vital substances.

The benefits of turkey meat are undeniable; it contains complete protein and a complete set of amino acids necessary for the human body. He has:

  • phosphorus, copper, iron, potassium, calcium, zinc and magnesium,
  • as well as B vitamins (B, B2, B3, B4, B6, B7, B9, B12), H, Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids.

11 Health Benefits of Turkey Meat

  1. Strengthens the nervous system

    Turkey meat is less fatty than other types of meat (pork, duck) and it is very rich in quality protein. Everyone knows that a lack of protein leads to muscle weakness, absent-mindedness, nervousness and lack of energy. Having eaten good meat birds, we eliminate the risk of these symptoms and strengthen nervous system magnesium and phosphorus help us with this.

  2. Improves brain function

    Turkey meat contains an alpha amino acid called tryptophan. It is not produced by the human body and must come from outside, into in this case from poultry meat. And tryptophan, in turn, promotes the formation melatonin and serotonin, very necessary substances for the brain that improve brain function, relax and improve mood. By consuming turkey meat, we take care of the quality of the blood vessels in the brain and its functioning in general.

  3. Strengthens bones

    Thanks to the vitamins and microelements it contains, in particular calcium and phosphorus, it helps strengthen skeletal system. Eating small piece poultry meat can replenish the body with the necessary and useful substances, strengthen bones and protect the body from many diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Meat is very useful both at a young age and for older people.

  4. Normalizes the functioning of the thyroid gland

    Turkey and her beneficial features normalize the function thyroid gland. One serving of meat alone contains half daily norm Selena. Selenium supports hormonal background and prevents the thyroid gland from functioning properly and protects it from many dangerous diseases.

  5. Resists cancer

    Turkey meat has beneficial properties in preventing cancer diseases. The selenium it contains protects the immune system very well; as a strong antioxidant, it fights the carcinogenic activity of free radicals. Thus, it protects the human body from many oncological diseases such as prostate cancer, Bladder, lungs, stomach, esophagus and many other organs.

  6. Improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system

    Another benefit of turkey meat is that the vitamin B12 it contains reduces the level of homocysteine, which is responsible for all cognitive changes. Meat contains niacin, which actively reduces bad cholesterol and normalizes “good” cholesterol. Cholesterol reduction and normalization blood pressure due to the low calorie content of the product, this is excellent support healthy work of cardio-vascular system.

  7. Helps in weight loss

    For those who dream of resetting excess weight, nutritionists recommend normalizing metabolism and improving performance gastrointestinal tract. The high concentration of nutrients and vitamins such as B3 and B6, which are present in poultry meat, helps a lot fat people easy to reset overweight. Turkey meat accelerates metabolism, normalizes intestinal motility, eliminating the formation of toxins, constipation and other unpleasant symptoms disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. Poultry meat is included in the diet.

  8. Strengthens muscles

    People involved in sports or physical labor are recommended to consume poultry meat, as it contains protein. High Quality. Turkey breast is very healthy; many steamed dishes are prepared from it, combined with vegetables, fruits and other healthy ingredients. Meat helps you easily endure physical activity, makes the body resilient, strengthens and builds muscles.

  9. Good for men

    Turkey meat is very beneficial for men's health and for enhancing sexual activity. Frequent use of this useful product will lead to increased potency and libido. In addition, turkey meat has a positive effect on reproductive health.

  10. Beneficial for children's body

    Pediatricians in all countries include poultry in their diet baby food already from 6 months of life. Meat is anti-allergenic, is well absorbed in a still fragile body and provides it with protein, which will help strengthen musculoskeletal system and teeth. If a child’s weight gain is poor, many doctors recommend adding turkey puree to the baby’s diet.

  11. Increases hemoglobin

    People weakened by illness, as well as children with poor health and low hemoglobin turkey meat is what you need. A simple broth made from turkey giblets or neck will improve the health of the patient, and the liver will significantly increase hemoglobin. Most quick way increasing hemoglobin is boiled buckwheat with liver and pomegranate juice.

What is healthier, chicken or turkey?

Nutritionists unequivocally state that chicken and turkey meat are dietary meats and each of them is very healthy. Chicken can be consumed daily and does not pose any threat to human health and figure; it is an excellent source of protein and other useful elements. Chicken broths They are considered medicinal, they restore strength lost during illness and strengthen the immune system. Chicken meat has more calories than turkey meat, but this does not make it less popular among chicken lovers.

Read also: Beef bone marrow broth: benefits and harms
The article provides scientific facts and links to the results of many studies on the benefits of eating beef bone marrow. For what diseases is it recommended to use it, what are the contraindications and useful recipes.

People who eat turkey meat rarely have Bad mood, because tryptophan contained in meat produces happiness hormones - endorphins. And balanced fatty acids make turkey meat ideal product for those losing weight and sports people, leading healthy image life. Anti-allergenic poultry meat is good for children; it can be consumed by hypertensive patients and diabetics, as it is low in fat and bad cholesterol, and there is even more protein, amino acids, calcium and phosphorus than in chicken.

The table below provides macronutrient comparisons between various types fried chicken and turkey meat. The main difference is that chicken breast contains slightly more calories than turkey breast, and dark meat chicken provides more calories than dark meat turkey. The amount of macronutrients is similar between chicken and turkey. However, the calorie (and fat) content is higher in dark and white meat.

Micronutrient Comparison Chart

The vitamin and mineral content of chicken and turkey meat is very similar. These foods are good sources of iron, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, niacin, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12. There are no significant differences in micronutrients between chicken breast and turkey breast, or between dark meat chicken and dark meat turkey. However, dark meat is the best source of zinc, and white meat is richer in niacin.

100 g serving Chicken breast

(fried, without skin)

Turkey breast

(fried, without skin)

Dark chicken meat

(fried, without skin)

Dark meat turkey

(fried, without skin)

Iron 1 mg 0.7 mg 1 mg 1 mg
Zinc 1 mg 2 mg 3 mg 4 mg
Magnesium 29 mg 32 mg 23 mg 27 mg
Phosphorus 228 mg 230 mg 179 mg 212 mg
Potassium 256 mg 249 mg 240 mg 227 mg
Niacin 14 mg 12 mg 7 mg 7 mg
Vitamin B6 0.6 mg 0.8 mg 0.4 mg 0.4 mg
Vitamin B12 0.3 mg 0.4 mg 0.3 mg 2 mg

So which is better?

Because chicken and turkey are so similar that the best choice for you really depends on taste preferences and the issue of price. Both meats are excellent choices as sources of nutritious, high-quality protein.

How to choose and store turkey meat correctly

When choosing meat products, it is best to pay attention to farm or homemade meat. It is still natural and no pesticides, herbicides, antibiotics or other substances that could be harmful to health were used when raising poultry.

The meat must be healthy and beautiful view and when pressed with a finger, the dent should immediately return to its original position. Meat is heat sensitive, so after purchasing it, it should be cooked immediately or stored in the refrigerator or freezer. Once cooked, turkey can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than four days.

Contraindications to eating turkey meat

There are very few harms and contraindications for eating turkey meat. It, like all other products, should not be abused, especially

  • people with renal failure and gout patients.
  • People exposed to hypertension, doctors recommend do not salt the meat, since it already contains sodium.
  • Research shows that a large number of tryptophan may make you drowsy.

A turkey may not look that big, but it contains about 150 bones, which is slightly less than the number of bones in humans (206).

It's funny but true - just like people, turkeys can die from heart attack. This was discovered when many turkeys died from the shock and noise of jets flying overhead.

An interesting fact is that turkeys cannot raise their heads during rainstorms; a turkey can even drown when it rains.

Turkeys and peacocks have similarities, and turkeys also extend their colorful feathers and dance to attract the opposite sex.

Turkey meat ( Meleagris gallopavo) sell in different types: whole carcasses, packaged slices, in the form of minced meat and cutlets, separately breasts and thighs. But how can we explain the growing popularity of all these products among consumers? Why are buyers increasingly turning their attention to turkey, forgetting about the usual chicken? This can be explained by the wonderful beneficial properties of the product.

Turkeys belong to the large Pheasant family ( Phasianidae). The homeland of this bird is Northern and South America. These birds were originally associated with the Native American cultures of the indigenous populations of the “New World.” This is where they are believed to get their name.

IN natural conditions turkeys eat varied food: acorns, pine seeds, tubers, bulbs, wild berries, alfalfa and clover, beetles, grasshoppers and cicadas. Such an extensive diet largely determines the high nutritional value of the meat of these birds. And the beneficial properties of the product.

Turkey is rich in complete protein with the necessary set of amino acids (AA) for humans. And in terms of tryptophan amino acid content, it beats even cheeses.

Contains almost half the daily value of selenium (based on 1 serving). And it surpasses beef in the amount of iron in its composition. Other macro- and microelements in turkey meat: potassium, phosphorus, copper, magnesium and zinc.

The product is rich in B vitamins, including: niacin (B3, or a nicotinic acid), pyridoxine (B6) and some riboflavin (B2), folic acid(B9), biotin (H, or B7) and choline (B4).

The content of unsaturated compounds deserves special attention fatty acids with numerous beneficial properties. For balanced nutrition In humans, the ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 is extremely important. This ratio is for commercially raised turkeys, as is the calorie content different parts carcasses, you can see in the table.

Fat content table

Based on 1 serving or 110 g.

As can be seen from the table, the ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 is 10:1. For farm birds feeding in nature, this ratio could be changed in better side up to 7:1. The conclusion is obvious: the benefits of organic turkey meat are unrivaled.

Health Benefits

Important properties of this nutritious meat directly depend on its biochemical composition.

  1. A source of quality protein. Lack of protein in the diet leads to pallor skin, constant lack of energy, attacks of nervousness, weakness and absent-mindedness. In children there are behavioral disorders and lack muscle tone. Turkey meat is rich in high-quality protein, but is also less fatty than many other animal products.
  2. Relaxation of the nervous system and good dream. Say “thank you!” tryptophan – essential amino acid(AK), which the human body is not able to produce on its own and must be obtained from food. Tryptophan helps produce the neurotransmitters melatonin and serotonin, key brain chemicals. They improve your mood and produce a relaxing effect.
  3. Maintains healthy bones and teeth due to phosphorus in its composition. Of course, one portion of turkey will not last for daily norm this mineral substance, but will make a useful contribution.
  4. For good thyroid gland. One serving of turkey contains almost half the daily value of selenium. This substance plays important role in maintaining normal hormonal levels and protecting the thyroid gland from diseases.
  5. Prevention of cancer. Among the beneficial properties of such meat are anti-cancer properties. We should thank for this the same selenium, which has a beneficial effect on the human immune system. It is also a powerful antioxidant that counters the carcinogenic activity of free radicals. It promises protection against colorectal cancer, prostate cancer, lung cancer, bladder cancer, skin cancer, esophageal cancer and stomach cancer.
  6. Protection against cognitive impairment. Turkey meat is good source Vitamin B12, which helps reduce homocysteine ​​levels, which are responsible for cognitive impairment.
  7. Reducing cholesterol levels. Niacin in the product reduces the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood and increases the level of “good” cholesterol.
  8. Help in losing weight. If you want to lose extra pounds, you should start by normalizing your metabolism and improving the functioning of your gastrointestinal tract. The beneficial properties of turkey meat are also associated with a high concentration of vitamins B3 and B6, designed to solve the problem. In addition to accelerating metabolic processes, additional doses of these vitamins can relieve chronic constipation and improve intestinal motility.
  9. For strong muscles and endurance. Athletes value turkey for its high-quality protein. This meat gives strength, increases the body's endurance under conditions of serious physical exertion and helps build muscles.
  10. For pancreas health. Recent studies have shown that consuming 30-110 grams of skinless turkey meat per day significantly reduces the risk of developing pancreatic cancer.

In children's diet

Russian pediatricians also recognize the beneficial properties of turkey. The meat of this bird is allowed to be included in the diet of children starting from 6 months of age. It does not cause allergies and is easily digestible digestive system crumbs, delivers to the body high doses proteins necessary for the development of the musculoskeletal skeleton and tooth growth.

Turkey puree – worthy of attention product, especially if your child is not gaining weight well or suffers from mood swings.

Turkey meat is slightly inferior to rabbit meat in its dietary properties. When boiled, the fat content of poultry breast is approximately 3% higher than that of the opponent. But since both products are considered hypoallergenic, their appearance in children's diets is highly desirable. After all, they contain different sets nutrients.

Harm and side effects

Semi-finished products are often treated with harmful substances to improve taste, presentation and extend shelf life. As a rule, these are salt, preservatives and antibiotics. The benefits of turkey in this case are minimal, but the harm is more noticeable. Especially when it comes to smoked meats. Such foods usually contain high doses of nitrites, a known carcinogen.

Frequent consumption of processed animal products leads to a number of diseases:

  • obesity;
  • heart diseases;
  • infertility;
  • high blood pressure;
  • elevated cholesterol levels;
  • oncology.

The skin contains a lot of fat, so it is best to remove it before cooking.

Tryptophan, which the product is so rich in, has its own side effects. In particular, its excess can cause drowsiness.

Regular consumption of turkey meat may be harmful to some groups of people. Thus, due to the high protein content, the product is contraindicated for gout and kidney disease (including renal failure).

Selection and storage

  • Try to choose farm products. It usually contains fewer substances that are harmful to human health: pesticides and herbicides from feed, antibiotics, etc.
  • The meat should be soft, but not too soft. It should not fall apart or separate from the bone at the slightest impact.
  • The least fatty part of the turkey is the breast. It is recommended to include it in the diet for various diets.
  • Not all poultry products are low in saturated fat. For example, minced meat cutlets are usually made from the fattest parts of the carcass. You'll end up consuming as many unhealthy calories as you would from eating a hamburger.
  • Place marinated meat in the refrigerator immediately - it is sensitive to heat.
  • The chilled turkey can be stored in the refrigerator for 1-2 days. Cooked: no more than 4 days.

Cooking rules

When cooking turkey, careful heat treatment product. The fact is that pathogenic microorganisms are often found in the raw meat of this poultry, incl. coli, enterococci and staphylococci. Moreover, due to constant use medicines on large farms dangerous strains are becoming increasingly resistant to antibiotics. The same problem is observed in the case of chicken meat.

To protect yourself and your family from intestinal infections, bring the turkey meat to readiness. The table below shows the average cooking time various parts carcasses.

Remember that turkey dries out quickly when cooked, so when frying and baking in the oven, control the process from start to finish.

The benefits of turkey fat depend on its vitamin and mineral composition. Its composition has some differences depending on the breed of bird. The undoubted benefits of turkey fat are due to the easy digestibility of dishes that contain this product.

Scientists have proven that among animal fats, turkey fat contains the least amount.

100 grams of product contains 990 kcal ( energy value). based on the fat component. Since proteins and carbohydrates are completely absent, the benefits fall on other constituent elements.

Microbiological composition:

  • Mono and polyunsaturated fatty acids;
  • Vitamins of group E;
  • Choline;
  • Selenium.

What are the benefits of turkey fat?

Vitamin E – important component turkey fat, which ensures full human life. Great importance Vitamin E is essential for the body of the fair sex. It is responsible for the condition of the skin, the health of hair and nails.

A lack of vitamin E affects a woman’s appearance - dull hair, sallow complexion, brittle nails, etc. The vitamin has benefits on general state health.

Vitamin E, also called tocopherol, is the basis healthy eating person. The lack of one of the macro- and microelements, vitamins negatively affects health and general health person, which significantly reduces the quality of life. Excess tocopherol can more than compensate for the lack of other elements.

A powerful antioxidant that slows down the aging process. Prevents cell destruction, minimizes the effect of free radicals, and prevents the occurrence of malignant processes in the body.

Vitamin E has a positive effect on reproductive function both female and male body.

Vitamin D is of particular importance for a child’s body; it ensures the growth of all tissues and serves as a preventive measure for rickets and bone curvature.

Choline, which is part of turkey, is useful for people who regularly experience nervous stress.

More than half of humanity is in a state of chronic stress, which is why getting enough vitamin B4 is so important, as it protects brain cells from destruction. neural connections, prevents depletion of brain activity.

Doctors recommend that pregnant women and nursing mothers regularly include turkey fat in their diet. It ensures full development mental abilities baby, thanks to the high choline content.

Selenium, which is part of the composition, is the main “warrior” in the fight against diseases, its benefits are undeniable.

Selenium is part of hormones and enzymes that regulate the functioning of life support organs and systems human body. Biologists have proven its role in the fight against cancer cells. It is assumed that selenium will be the main component in the invention of a drug against cancer.

The reproductive function of the male body largely depends on the presence of a sufficient amount of selenium. After all, it is part of the male sex hormone testosterone.

Harm - is there any?

Having studied everything positive properties turkey fat, it can be argued that it is practically not harmful. Nobody consumes poultry fat in its raw, thermally unprocessed form. It is perfect for preparing first and second courses, warm salads. Heat-treated fats cannot cause harm.

The only warning is for people suffering from hypertension. When heated, the process of oxidation of fatty acids occurs, which provoke sodium retention in the body, which can cause a rise in blood pressure.

To avoid unpleasant symptoms that can harm the body, it is enough to reduce the amount of salt in a dish containing turkey fat. This is where its harm ends.

Naturally, moderation is needed in everything! Excessive consumption of even the healthiest foods can lead to serious violations and biological imbalance.

Turkey fat at excessive consumption will cause harm!

People suffering from liver or kidney failure should limit the consumption of animal fats and give preference to vegetable fats. Those who are allergic to poultry meat should also not put their body at risk and provoke an exacerbation of symptoms.

Use it wisely

Turkey fat is widely used in cooking to prepare delicious dishes with excellent taste. Ready meals based on it, they are easily absorbed and increase nutritional properties food. It is used as deep fryer for frying meat and vegetables, for dressing side dishes and salads. Only fresh or frozen fat is healthy. It can be prepared for future use by dividing it into portions.

Store the product in the freezer. Repeated freezing will spoil the taste of the fat, it will taste bitter and can spoil the taste of the dish.

This best product for preparing homemade recipes “from grandma’s chest.” Masks for the face, body and hands will ensure health, youth and beauty of the skin.

Products based on turkey fat create an invisible barrier between the human body and the outside world. Daily encounter with aggressive action environment leads to premature aging of the skin. It is very important to have reliable protection on every day.

To live happily ever after, you should choose the “right friends” among food products. Then 100 years will not be the limit.

Your feedback on the article:

Turkey is the largest poultry, the meat of which is highly valued by nutritionists around the world. Tender and practically devoid of fat, turkey meat is good when fried, boiled, or baked. Speaking about the dangers and benefits of turkey meat, it is worth noting that it has become an excellent alternative to chicken meat. Why does it deserve attention?

Of course, chicken was and remains our most popular bird. This relatively inexpensive and moderately healthy product is firmly on the menu of every family. However, despite the fact that our people began to eat turkey relatively recently, an increasing number of them prefer this particular product. Experts continually point out its exceptional dietary properties.

In addition to the utmost low content cholesterol, turkey meat has a rich vitamin spectrum. It is especially noteworthy for its content of vitamins A and E, as well as a mass of essential microelements, in particular iron, potassium and calcium. The amount of sodium contained in turkey meat sets it apart from other dietary products such as chicken or veal. This element takes an active part in the metabolic processes of the body.

The fat content of the product ensures excellent absorption of calcium, which plays a key role in the formation of bone and cartilage structures. That is why turkey meat is often recommended to be consumed as part of the prevention of musculoskeletal diseases.

However, turkey meat wins over chicken meat not only in the richness of the composition, but also in taste. Try a variety of dishes with turkey fillet or other parts of it - and perhaps less healthy chicken will give way to its position.

The benefits and harms of turkey for human health

What's special about meat?

Today, it is most preferable to use this product in the following cases:

  • for babies as complementary foods;
  • patients with anemia (will be useful due to the high iron content);
  • women during lactation;
  • For pregnant women, turkey will help replenish folic acid reserves;
  • people whose activities involve serious physical activity;
  • under stress, depressive states and insomnia, the tryptophan contained in turkey meat will be useful.

The benefits and harms of turkey meat are the subject of ongoing research by nutritionists. As for contraindications and dangers of use, first of all, it is worth noting diseases such as gout, kidney disease and hypertension. In such conditions, the use of the product should be limited or even eliminated.

In addition, as with any other meat, it is necessary to avoid eating too much, as this can provoke the development of intestinal diseases.

After weighing the benefits and possible harm turkey for the body, you can effectively fit this unique product into your own diet.

Turkey liver: benefits and harms of the product

Turkey liver has found its place in modern cooking wide application. Chefs have become accustomed to preparing excellent pates, first courses and even salads using this product. However, its soft consistency and amazing taste are not the only arguments in its favor. Turkey liver is rich in vitamins, microelements and amino acids that are important for metabolic processes, as well as maintaining bone and connecting structures body.

What harm can she do? As a protein-rich food, liver is not recommended for people with kidney failure or a disease such as gout.

Even healthy people stale liver will naturally bring more harm than good. Therefore, it is important to carefully select the product in the store.

Can you eat turkey heart?

The benefits and harms of this part of the poultry carcass are determined by its composition. Turkey heart is rightfully considered one of the most useful offal. It consists of muscle tissue and is much denser in consistency than chicken hearts. Among the nutrients in the turkey heart, it is worth highlighting the following:

  • vitamin A;
  • B vitamins;
  • vitamin C;
  • iron;
  • phosphorus;
  • selenium;
  • zinc.

One of the specific features of the turkey heart is its smell, which not everyone likes. You can neutralize it with the help of ginger root, adding spice to the dish during frying or stewing.

Turkey heart can be harmful due to high concentration cholesterol. However, moderate consumption will do much more good than harm.

Turkey fat: features of consumption

Turkey fat has also found active use in cooking. This offal has distinguished itself high content essential fatty acids, vitamins E and D, as well as selenium and choline. Poultry fat is often recommended for pregnant and lactating women. It is believed that the choline it contains has a positive effect on mental development kids. Selenium, which is part of the product, forms the basis for the prevention of cancer.

Like any other “colleague” of animal origin, turkey fat can be harmful for hypertensive patients and people with kidney failure.

What about the broth?

Many people are interested in the benefits and harms of turkey broth. Consumption of the product in this form can also compete with chicken. The decoction prepared with fresh turkey fillet has a pleasant taste and healing properties. However, it is important to remember that the quality of the broth is very dependent on the quality of the poultry meat.

Turkey, the benefits and harms of which meat has been known for a long time, belongs to dietary products. This largest poultry belongs to the pheasant family. The bird comes from North America, where it was domesticated and bred by the indigenous people of these areas, the ancient Indians (Aztecs), more than a thousand years ago.

Another name for turkey is “Spanish chicken,” despite the fact that this country is not the homeland of the bird. Thanks to sailors from Spain, who brought turkey meat to their country at the beginning of the 16th century, healthy and nutritious meat began to gain popularity everywhere in Europe, and then in Russia. It is juicier, softer and healthier than chicken.

Composition of turkey meat

Turkey meat - valuable food product. It is a source of vitamins, useful compounds and minerals. The calorie content of poultry is low and varies depending on the method of cooking the meat and the selected part of the carcass. On average, this figure is 216 kcal. Wings are considered the most high-calorie " spanish chicken", because it is almost impossible to remove the thin skin from these areas.

Turkey loin contains:

  • amino acids;
  • , group B, E, K, RR;
  • cellulose;
  • trace elements - potassium, phosphorus, iron, iodine, sodium, calcium, magnesium;
  • cholesterol.

Such rich composition allows you to fill the body with all the necessary nutrients. Thus, iron will prevent the development of anemia, sodium in combination with potassium provides support cardiovascular system. Magnesium has a beneficial effect on the heart muscle and prevents the development of diseases of the nervous system. Phosphorus, the content of which in turkey meat is almost equal to fish, helps to absorb calcium, which strengthens teeth and bones.

Turkey meat contains high amounts of sodium, which gives it a slightly salty taste. Thanks to this feature, a minimum amount of salt is used when preparing the product. This fact improves its valuable properties.

Vitamins B and PP strengthen the nervous system; cholesterol is present in meat in minimal quantities. Proteins are 95% absorbed by the body.

Useful properties of turkey meat

The rich vitamin and mineral composition allows us to highlight the following benefits from consuming the meat of this poultry.

  • Turkey is a source of valuable and high-quality protein. A deficiency of this component leads to weakness, poor health, pale skin and lack of strength. In children, protein deficiency is expressed in a lack of muscle tone and some behavioral disorders. Regular inclusion of poultry in your diet will help compensate for the lack of protein.
  • Phosphorus in the carcass maintains healthy teeth and bones.
  • The amino acid tryptophan produces a relaxing effect, improves mood and sleep.
  • Sodium helps regulate metabolic processes in the body due to an increase in the amount of plasma in the blood.
  • The product contains a component that improves the level of “bad” cholesterol and increases “good” cholesterol.
  • Vitamin K strengthens blood vessels.
  • Selenium in one serving of turkey meat is almost half the daily value. This has a positive effect on the thyroid gland and supports hormonal levels. Selenium also provides cancer prevention. It has a beneficial effect on immune system body, resists the carcinogenic effects of free radicals.

The dietary product improves metabolism, activates brain activity, promotes cell renewal, and prevents heart disease and joint diseases. Its benefit lies in the low calorie content of meat and high nutritional value. Spanish chicken meat is beneficial for overweight people. Including low-fat turkey meat with salads or vegetables in the menu will good nutrition, which will provide the body with the necessary amount of calories, satiate it for a long time, and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Vitamins B3 and B6 help cope with the problems of chronic constipation and improve intestinal motility.

Turkey in a child's diet

The valuable qualities of turkey meat are recognized by pediatricians all over the world. Useful product It is recommended to introduce crumbs into the menu from the age of six months. Turkey meat does not cause allergic reactions, is easily absorbed and digested by the child’s digestive organs, and is a supplier of high-quality protein, which is necessary for the growth, development and strengthening of teeth and the musculoskeletal skeleton.

A high level of vitamins, microelements, protein and important amino acids has a beneficial effect on strengthening the immune system and developing the baby’s brain. Therefore, turkey should be included in the diet as the first meat complementary food and during the period of active growth of the child.

Turkey meat in sports nutrition

For athletes and people involved in strenuous physical activity, poultry is the most important and nutritious look. The product contains enough energy source - high-quality protein.

Regular inclusion of poultry meat in the diet will provide:

  • rapid recovery from heavy loads and injuries;
  • strengthening the skeleton, bones, muscles and tissues;
  • rapid growth of muscle mass;
  • a surge of energy, strength, mood and vigor;
  • endurance during training.

Dietary properties, valuable composition and considerable content make turkey meat the main meat in sports nutrition.

  • For small children - as a meat supplement (give in the form of puree or in a highly crushed state with the addition of broth).
  • Pregnant women - due to the folic acid content. It is necessary for the correct process of hematopoiesis, the formation of the neural tube of the fetus and the brain.
  • Convalescent people during the recovery period after serious operations and illnesses.
  • Women during lactation.
  • People with depressive syndrome or nervous disorder.
  • People with sleep problems.
  • Workers with heavy workloads, physically active, athletes.

The norm for daily consumption of “Spanish chicken” is 100–200 g. The healthiest dishes are those prepared from chilled meat.

Possible harm of turkey meat

The harm to turkey meat is minimal, with the exception of low-quality and expired carcasses. The meat product can be processed chemicals for improvement appearance, taste and increasing the shelf life of poultry. The most commonly used are antibiotics, salt and preservatives. The greatest damage to health comes from smoked turkey, which contains high doses of nitrates.

Eating processed turkey meat too often can lead to unpleasant consequences:

  • high blood pressure;
  • heart disease;
  • obesity;
  • infertility;
  • increased cholesterol levels;
  • oncology.

Poultry products may be harmful to people with kidney problems and gout due to the amount of protein they contain. Hypertensive patients should not add enough salt to their meals to avoid harm to their health.

How to choose quality turkey meat

A few rules for choosing a bird:

  • it is advisable to purchase carcasses from farmers - such products contain fewer harmful substances, antibiotics and bad compounds;
  • breast is the leanest part of the bird;
  • the skin of the “Spanish chicken” should be light, with a yellowish tint, moist, without spots;
  • Turkey meat is soft, but not too soft; the flesh should not detach from the bone or fall apart at the slightest impact.

Cooled meat product Turkey can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 1-2 days. Poultry dishes can be eaten for no more than 4 days.

High-quality turkey meat cannot be suspiciously cheap. Raising individuals requires large economic costs; they need special care and special food.

Turkey meat is healthy, tender and low in calories. Regular inclusion of “Spanish chicken” in the menu will strengthen the immune system and improve the general condition of the body. Poultry dishes are distinguished by excellent taste and, subject to the recommended daily norm consumption is not capable of causing harm.

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