What does an andrologist treat? Urologist, andrologist - who is it, what is the difference? What diseases does a pediatric urologist-andrologist treat?

Who is an andrologist?

An andrologist is a doctor who is consulted with sexual problems that concern the stronger half of humanity. The specialist not only carries out an external examination of the patients who contact him, but also diagnoses them based on the examinations performed and prescribes appropriate treatment.

What diseases does an andrologist treat?

You shouldn’t think that you go to an andrologist in Moscow only with infectious diseases male genital organs. This unique specialist also deals with issues of procreation, as he tries with all his might to restore any violations in the sexual sphere, especially those leading to infertility. Andrologists are consulted about:

  • hypogonadism;
  • impotence - erectile dysfunction;
  • underdevelopment and curvature of the penis, congenital or acquired;
  • pathological changes in the organs of the scrotum;
  • pathological changes in ejaculation, including premature;
  • male contraception;
  • inflammatory processes male genital area;
  • male menopause - recurrent decline in sexual functions and so on.

The andrologist’s responsibilities include finding out the causes of failures, but they do not always have infectious nature, although, according to statistical data for Moscow, the causes of male infertility are precisely various infections.

In what cases should you rush to see an andrologist?

A timely diagnosis helps many men avoid serious complications. If you do not delay your visit to the andrologist, treatment will be simpler and easier. After spending comprehensive examination, the doctor makes an accurate diagnosis and prescribes specialized treatment.

If you need to obtain information:

  • about family planning, about intimate contacts during pregnancy and after it;
  • about safe sex;
  • about mental hygiene of sexual life and the possibility of increasing the likelihood of conception;
And also if you have any problems:
  • discomfort in the genital area;
  • discomfort, burning in the perineum, groin, testicles;
  • itching, pain and heaviness;
  • frequent urge on urination, pain, feeling of incomplete emptying Bladder;
  • thinning of the stream;
  • bad smell from the penis, impurities in the urine;
  • painful sensations;
  • abrasion;
Or if you have:
  • a long-term childless marriage with regular sexual activity with a completely healthy woman of childbearing age;
  • sexual desire decreases or is lost with weakening strength;
  • the frequency of erections decreases;
  • the tone of the external genitalia decreases;
  • problems with potency appeared;

In these cases, you should definitely contact an andrologist.

Where in Moscow do they receive education in the field of andrology?

Andrologists are not born, they are made through hard work and an all-consuming desire to contribute to the existence of humanity. Andrologists are required to understand the psychology of their patients, so only medical education not enough. They reveal psychological disorders, occurring in men and having serious influence on the male genital area.

The andrologist must be a surgeon, since it is not always possible to manage only drug treatment without surgical intervention. A reproductologist who studies the causes of infertility in couples is considered an even more specialized specialist in the field of andrology. Its goal is to achieve pregnancy in the most naturally, in as less radical ways as possible.

All these specializations can be obtained at the departments of andrology and urology of Moscow higher educational institutions:

  • RUDN University,
  • RMAPO,
  • FMBC named after. A. I. Burnazyan,
  • RGMU on the basis of City Hospital No. 1 named after. N.I. Pirogova.

Famous Moscow specialists

Andrology has been developing in Russia since the 20s of the last century. Among the famous scientists of Moscow who made a serious contribution to this science, Professors Kirpatovsky, Tiktinsky, Lopatkin, Gorilovsky, Mazo, the chief urologist of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Professor Laurent and many other outstanding personalities were especially noted.

Andrologist is a doctor who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the male reproductive system. In Russia, an andrologist is often an andrologist-urologist.

An andrologist diagnoses and treats diseases genitourinary system inflammatory in nature, and also not inflammatory diseases associated primarily with circulatory disorders, age-related changes, consequences of injuries and infectious diseases.

Andrological disorders in men are quite common. The problem is that not everyone has the courage to initial stage see a doctor and say “No!” diseases that prevent you from living an active and full-blooded life.

Andrology is medical science, studying diseases, developmental disorders and functions of the male genital organs, as well as their treatment. Andrology, as a medical specialty, includes treatment somatic disorders and correction of accompanying sexological and psycho-emotional disorders.

Andrology separated from urology in independent discipline recently it has become an important branch of medicine, because the problems that the andrologist solves are relevant for many men today.

What happens during an appointment with an andrologist?

The doctor will listen to your complaints, ask about your lifestyle and hereditary predispositions. Familiarize yourself with the available data from analyzes and examinations. During the examination, the doctor will ask you to show where you are experiencing pain, and will examine the external organs in a vertical and horizontal position, palpation of the kidneys, rectal examination prostate gland. Depending on the results obtained, he will prescribe additional examinations and (or) treatment, and will also give recommendations on lifestyle.

For what symptoms should you contact an andrologist:

What diseases does the andrologist treat:

What examinations are usually prescribed by an andrologist?

  • General urine analysis.
  • Analysis of prostate secretion.
  • General blood analysis.
  • Blood chemistry.
  • Spermogram.
  • Ultrasound examination (ultrasound) of the kidneys, bladder, scrotum, pelvic organs, prostate gland.
  • Urethroscopy.
  • Analysis of scrapings from the urethra for the presence of pathogens of sexually transmitted infections.
  • Microscopic examination of prostate secretion.
  • Microscopic examination of a smear from the urethra.
  • PSA (prostate-specific antigen test).




Tests for erectile dysfunction

Laboratory research

Andrologist for family planning

When planning a family, visiting an andrologist is necessary. According to statistics, the inability to conceive a child is associated with problems of 40% of men. The doctor solves problems with male infertility, first of all, examining the results of a spermogram. Based on its results, the specialist continues diagnostic examination or prescribe the necessary treatment.

Men need to understand possible consequences diseases, do not delay your visit to the andrologist and, if the first symptoms of pathology occur, contact the clinic. Today in treatment male diseases modern developments and equipment are used, which allows early stage cure any disease.

Questions and answers on the topic "Andrologist"

Question:Hello, I had a hernia operation as a child and now I can’t have children. Can this be treated? Thank you.

Answer: Hello. Connection inguinal hernia and infertility in men is observed quite often. During surgery, the surgeon may touch the thin tubules that are involved in the transfer of sperm. As a result, male reproductive cells either do not reach the egg or reach it damaged. In both cases, the likelihood of conception is extremely low. You need to consult an andrologist in person for an examination.

Question:Hello! I am 22 years old, I ejaculate too quickly, I heard that it is possible to have surgery. I would like to know more about the operation. And is it possible not to resort to surgery, but to treat it with medication? Thank you in advance.

Answer: Hello. There are various methods for getting rid of early ejaculation, these include: drug therapy, physiotherapeutic procedures, laser therapy, massage, special exercises and other methods.

Question:Good day! Me and my husband a big difference At the age of 16, we are planning a child, but my husband’s sperm is thick, yellowish, and lumpy. I receive a refusal when asked to go to the hospital. Do you think that the color of sperm does not affect conception?

Answer: Hello! You definitely need to take him to a urologist and have a spermogram done! If the results are different from the norm, it is necessary to take a spermogram again after 1-2 weeks and, with the results obtained, contact an andrologist to look for the causes of the pathology.

Question:Good day! I have left testicle, less right, what it could be and how it could affect sex life and will I be able to have children!?

Answer: Hello! Perhaps it's dropsy. For an accurate examination and treatment, you need to visit a urologist.

"Male" andrologist

At the beginning of the century, the title of “doctor exclusively for men” was held by a urologist. Patients turned to him both for the treatment of genitourinary diseases and for improving erectile function. Advances in medicine have led to the division of professional fields. In modern clinics, disorders of reproductive and sexual function only in men are treated by an andrologist.

An andrologist specializes in the treatment of diseases that are on the border of several narrowly focused medical fields - urology, sexopathology, endocrinology, vascular, plastic and microsurgery.

The andrologist helps men who seek help in a timely manner to successfully survive physiological menopause. It strikes men at the age of 50-55 and is less pronounced than in women, but it brings significantly more problems: a man physically feels like he is aging; the fertilization function atrophies; work of the glands internal secretion fades away; hormonal status changes.

An andrologist also specializes in the treatment of pathological menopause. This disease occurs against the background diabetes mellitus, hypertension, atherosclerosis, general diseases of the cardiovascular system and can affect even middle-aged men. For treatment erectile dysfunction, which developed as a result of the onset of pathological menopause, the andrologist identifies the underlying disease. After treating this disease, he uses age-related androgen replacement therapy, widely used by Western specialists: long-acting hormonal drugs in the form of patches, injections, tablets.

The andrologist treats the following organs: bladder, ureters, kidneys, urethra, urethra, prostate, testicles and their appendages, penis.

Indications for making an appointment with an andrologist

An andrologist solves a fairly wide range of male problems:

  1. Treatment of impotence, prostate diseases, nonspecific inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system.
  2. Oncoandrology.
  3. Diagnosis and treatment of complications of sexually transmitted diseases.
  4. Help in the treatment of sexual dysfunctions and sexual dysfunctions.
  5. Diagnosis and treatment of male infertility.
  6. Counseling on male contraception.
  7. Solving problems related to premature aging in men and accompanying pathological changes.
  8. Treatment of congenital and acquired pathologies of the external genitalia in boys.
  9. Urethral surgery, reconstructive and aesthetic genital surgery.
  10. Resolving issues related to gender reassignment.

Consultation with an andrologist is necessary in the following cases:

    If the marriage is childless. Male infertility is indicated by the absence of conception within a year with regular sexual activity without the use of contraception with a physically healthy partner childbearing age.

    If you have problems with potency. In the life of every man, difficult situations have arisen related to the onset or maintenance of an erection. Many men prefer to take a passive wait-and-see attitude and rely on self-medication and advice from friends. Recent advances in andrology give men a real chance of restoring an erection and maintaining sexual activity. Erectile dysfunction can and should be corrected and completely eliminated.

    If present following signs: erasure of orgiastic sensations, accelerated ejaculation.

    If a man is in a state associated with a possible imbalance or deficiency of sex hormones. The most significant sign of this is the loss sexual desire. At the same time, the strength and frequency of erections weakens, there is underdevelopment of the genital organs and insufficient development of secondary sexual characteristics, and the tone of the external genitalia decreases. This condition needs to be corrected with appropriate medications.

    If there is difficulty urinating: frequent and imperative urge, intermittent urination, the presence of floating purulent threads in the urine, sudden thinning of the urinary stream, feeling of the bladder as if it is not completely emptied.

    If there are symptoms characteristic of inflammatory lesions of the genital organs: foreign discharge, pain, discomfort and discomfort in the urethra; heaviness, pain and burning in groin area, perineum, testicles, lower abdomen; unpleasant odor from the genitals.

    If you need information about the following: family planning and safe sex, features of intimate contacts after childbirth and during pregnancy, activities that increase the likelihood of conception, psychohygiene of sexual life.
    At the first appointment, the andrologist, like any other doctor, conducts a survey and examination of the patient. Therefore, a man who turns to an andrologist should first prepare and take certain hygienic measures (wear clean underwear, take a shower).

Help from an andrologist in the treatment of erectile dysfunction

The andrologist can conduct surgical operations to eliminate congenital and acquired pathologies of the genital organs. His help is needed in the following cases:

  • treatment of hypospadias;
  • treatment of spermatocele;
  • treatment of abscess of the testicle and appendages;
  • treatment of cryptorchidism;
  • hydrocele treatment;
  • treatment of phimosis that caused the need to circumcise foreskin;
  • treatment of prostate diseases;
  • prosthetics of the genital organ.

Erection disorders are the most common reason for men to consult an andrologist.

– penile prosthetics).

  • To make an accurate diagnosis, the doctor may prescribe additional examinations:
  • Ultrasound of the prostate, scrotum, penis;
  • taking a smear from the urethra;
  • conducting Doppler examination of the vessels of the genitourinary system;
  • taking PCR tests (detection of sexually transmitted diseases);
  • PSA (prostate specific antigen) test.

Pediatric andrologist

Diseases of the genitourinary system can affect people of any age, including children. They get sick much less often than the older generation, however, they may also need the help of a pediatric andrologist. This doctor is visited by children and adolescents up to 18 years of age. He diagnoses and treats diseases of the external genitalia, urethra, testicles and their appendages.

His help is needed for the following pathologies:

  • varicocele;
  • hydrocele;
  • spermatocele;
  • epispadias;
  • hypospadias;
  • cryptorchidism;
  • phimosis;
  • hidden penis.

Parents should be vigilant to identify disorders in young boys early ( congenital pathologies, hardening of the scrotum, testicles of different sizes, enuresis in children over 4 years old). Older boys may complain of difficulty urinating, a feeling of pressure in the scrotum, pain and discomfort in the groin area when moving or sitting.

Children over thirteen years of age should be tested if they are obese (which can be caused by a male hormonal levels) or they have no obvious sexual characteristics. You should visit your doctor immediately if you experience the following: alarming symptoms: enlarged The lymph nodes, increased body temperature, neoplasms and lumps on the genitals, change in natural color and enlargement of the head of the penis, uncharacteristic (especially purulent) discharge.

In our clinic on Orbelli street, 19, you can donate everything necessary tests and conduct an examination. Urologist-andrologists at our clinic will provide detailed consultation and, if necessary, treat the identified problems.


Make an appointment

see also

Andrologist is a doctor who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the male reproductive system; carries out diagnostics and ambulatory treatment prostatitis, urethritis, erectile dysfunction and decreased libido, urolithiasis, kidney and bladder diseases, venereal diseases and sexually transmitted infections.

What is the competence of an Andrologist?

Accordingly, the andrologist is “the most” male doctor, whose professional tasks are:

Male infertility;
- hypogonadism (a wide group of conditions of various origins caused by insufficient activity male gonads, which is expressed in hormonal abnormalities and directly affects fertility indicators) regardless of the desire to have offspring;
- erectile dysfunction;
- pathological changes ejaculation (acceleration, pain, difficulty achieving, absence);
- male contraception;
- inflammatory processes of male genital organs;
- recurrent decline in male sexual functions (male menopause).

What diseases does Andrologist deal with?

Erection disorders (impotence), ejaculation disorders (premature ejaculation), congenital or acquired curvature of the penis, pathological changes in the scrotal organs.

What organs does the Andrologist deal with?

Kidneys, ureter, bladder, urethra, prostate, urethra, testicles, penis, epididymis.

When should you contact an Andrologist?

Real reasons for consulting an andrologist may be:

Childless marriage. Infertility in the family has become one of the most important medical and social problems last decades in Ukraine and Europe.

In our country, 20% of marriages are infertile. And in 40% of cases this happens due to the man’s fault. We can talk about male infertility in the absence of the desired conception during regular sexual activity with a healthy woman of childbearing age for 1 year (if contraceptives are not used);
- conditions characterized by a decrease (loss) of sexual desire with a parallel weakening of the strength and frequency of erections that occur, underdevelopment of the genital organs, insufficient development of secondary sexual characteristics, decreased tone of the external genitalia, i.e. indicating a possible deficiency or imbalance of sex hormones and requiring medication correction;
- problems with potency.

Almost every man in his life has at least once encountered difficulties in obtaining or maintaining an erection sufficient for satisfactory sexual intercourse. Many representatives of the stronger sex have not been able to solve this intimate problem on their own, taking a passive wait-and-see attitude, relying on “maybe”, self-medication and the advice of friends. The latest advances in andrology give real prospects to restore erection and maintain sexual activity.

Erectile dysfunction is a condition that can be successfully corrected and eliminated. Awareness of the problem and decision-making on qualified medical care– the first and necessary stage on the way to this goal;

The need to obtain information about the basics of family planning and safe sex, psychohygiene of sexual life and activities that increase the likelihood of conception, features of intimate contacts during pregnancy and after the birth of a child;
- symptoms indicating inflammatory (often infectious) damage to the genital organs, such as the presence of unpleasant sensations, discomfort, itching, pain in the urethra, any discharge from it, an unpleasant odor from the penis, pain, heaviness, burning in the perineum, lower abdomen, groin area, testicles;
- frequent and imperative urge to urinate, sensation incomplete emptying bladder, thinning urine stream, difficult and intermittent urination, the presence of floating purulent threads in the urine;
- accelerated ejaculation, weariness, painful orgiastic sensations.

When found listed symptoms, as well as when practicing uninitiated sex with casual partners, a medical examination is necessary.

When and what tests should be done

- Spermogram;
- General prostate-specific antigen;
- Free prostate-specific antigen;
- Carcinoembryonic antigen;
- Creatinine in urine;
- Urea in urine;
- Calcium;
- Potassium/sodium/chlorides;
- Inorganic phosphorus;
- General blood analysis;
- Creatinine;
- Urea;
- Hepatitis B;
- Herpes virus;
- Candidiasis;
- Syphilis.

TO laboratory diagnostics include blood and urine tests. A general blood test shows the state of hemoglobin in the patient’s blood. If it is low, it may indicate kidney disease.

A biochemical blood test reveals the content in the blood various substances, such as uric acid and creatinine. If their amount in the blood is higher than normal, this indicates kidney disease. This analysis can also help diagnose other diseases that may be associated with the genitourinary system.

To determine the degree renal failure other biochemical tests, for example, for the presence of enzymes.

In urology, the normal amount of urine excreted by a person is 1-1.5 liters. If the amount of urine is more or less, this indicates problems in the genitourinary system.

When analyzing urine, they pay attention to the amount and color of urine, and also determine what substances are contained in the urine, for example, it could be large amounts of protein or blood, which is a sign of disease or infection.

What are the main types of diagnostics that an Andrologist usually performs?

During instrumental examination, a special catheter is inserted into the bladder. The main indication for such a study is an enlarged prostate gland, which creates urine retention in the bladder. In urology, they also do puncture biopsy of the kidneys, bougienage of the urethra, cystomanometry to measure pressure in the bladder and other studies.

In most clinical cases, to clarify the diagnosis, the urologist resorts to additional laboratory and instrumental studies. A general blood test of the patient allows us to identify the development of an inflammatory process in the patient’s body; a biochemical study shows the concentration of urinary pigments in the blood, demonstrating functional state kidney A urine test is very informative. It draws attention to the relative density, which changes as a result of disturbances in the concentrating ability of the kidneys. The color of urine depends on the content of the urobilin pigment in it; normally it is straw-yellow without foreign inclusions. Color changes may indicate dietary habits, intake of certain medicines. Detection of glucose and protein impurities in urine also helps in diagnosis urological diseases.

Studying urinary sediment provides information about the filtering ability of the kidneys, the presence of an inflammatory process throughout the system, and identifies the causative agent of the infectious process.

Among instrumental methods In patient studies, bladder catheterization is widely used, which makes it possible to normalize the outflow of urine when it is retained, and to examine the sterility of urine.

Bougienage of the urethra is used to determine the degree of narrowing urethra and its mechanical expansion.

The use of puncture biopsy of the kidneys and prostate gland allows specialists to conduct a detailed study of the cellular composition of tissues to diagnose cancer.

Cystomanometry is prescribed by a urologist to measure the pressure in the cavity of the bladder, which indicates its patency and full function.

The use of an endoscope to diagnose various urological diseases allows you to examine the condition of organs from the inside without resorting to surgery. For these purposes, urethroscopy, cystoscopy, and pyeloscopy are used.

X-ray methods for examining patients are the oldest among diagnostic methods. Studying a survey x-ray allows a specialist to evaluate the features anatomical structure organs genitourinary tract patient, see the presence of stones in the cavities, changes in the size and shape of organs as a result of the development of a tumor or a chronic pathological process.

X-ray examination using contrast agents allows you to most fully assess the functional ability of organs.

In today's world, the vast majority of young people have their first sexual experience in adolescence.

At the same time, not everyone thinks about the safety of sex, but is guided only by the positive emotions received as a result of it. Moreover, some men continue their outside contacts even while married. Therefore, all men are required to be screened for sexually transmitted infections.

Carriage of these infections can lead to a decrease in the concentration and motility of sperm, and, as a result, to infertility.

Secondly, we cannot close our eyes to the existence in various ways sexual satisfaction, including oral and anal sex.

Microorganisms that penetrate during such unprotected contacts into the reproductive tract, bring chaos to the existing biocenosis. All this is manifested by both genital dysbiosis and the development of a nonspecific inflammatory process in the reproductive tract.

Considering this fact, both partners who practice such contacts should be examined for the flora living in the reproductive system.

In men, for these purposes, bacteriological seeding of sperm is performed on special nutrient media, which makes it possible to determine microorganisms and their sensitivity to antimicrobial agents, find out their number.

Thirdly, sperm testing is necessary. Spermatozoa, unlike an egg, mature within 72-75 days; every hour up to 100 million of them are formed in the testicles of a healthy man. However, the sperm formed in the testicle is not yet able to fertilize the egg on its own, since the movement apparatus is defective and the enzymes for neutralizing the protective shell of the egg remain immature. All these properties are masculine sex cell acquires in the epididymis.

As studies have shown, the most complete ejaculate, in terms of fertilization, occurs after 3-5 days of sexual abstinence, therefore men are recommended for the specified period of abstinence.

After preliminary hygiene measures, sperm is collected only through masturbation. It is very important to collect all the ejaculate without spilling a drop. Often, the first portion of sperm flies past the sperm receptacle, while it contains the largest portion of motile sperm.

As a result of examining incompletely collected ejaculate, the impression may be created that the sperm is inferior.

A spermogram answers questions about the number of sperm, their motility, morphology (structure), viability, the presence of other cellular elements in the ejaculate (spermatogenesis cells, leukocytes, erythrocytes) and allows the doctor to draw conclusions about the estimated fertilizing ability of the sperm.

Fourthly, some couples may experience the so-called immune factor infertility. This means that the body of a man or woman produces specific proteins against sperm, which prevent their interaction with the egg. These proteins are one of the reasons for the so-called “incompatibility of spouses.”

In this regard, it is advisable to examine a man’s blood and semen for the presence of antisperm antibodies.

In cases of detection of any infection or deviations in the parameters of the ejaculate, it is advisable to contact a specialist. Most common reasons deviations of spermogram indicators from the norm are stressful situations, overwork, visiting steam rooms and saunas, occupational hazards, drug use, smoking, alcohol abuse.

Negative effect on functioning reproductive system also causes stagnation in the reproductive system due to rare sexual intercourse and a sedentary lifestyle.

Thus, it is possible to normalize ejaculate parameters even without participation medications - proper organization lifestyle.

When organizing meals, the diet must include fish, seafood, cottage cheese, nuts, honey, garlic, herbs, vegetable oils, fresh vegetables and fruits. You should limit the consumption of overly hot and spicy foods, smoked foods, animal fats, strong alcoholic drinks and beer. Adequate sleep, normalization of weight, adequate nutrition, dosed physical activity (swimming, running, football, volleyball, etc.), correction of sexual life - all this will independently improve the tone of the body in general and the reproductive system in particular.

Unfortunately, the combination of unfavorable environmental and psychosocial factors affecting modern man, has an increasingly negative effect on the reproductive function of men.

Thus, WHO observations over the past half century indicate a decrease in average sperm parameters.


American oncologists are confident that breast cancer is diagnosed more often in women without children. Experts also note that the return...

Medical articles

No matter what they say about new cancer treatments, hearing this diagnosis is... scary. But fear only plays into the hands of the disease; in this case, it develops without any obstacles. Therefore, we change the scenario to a positive one and checkmate cancer with the help of highly qualified specialists.

Triple negative breast cancer (TNBC) is one of the most aggressive and deadly forms of breast cancer. It is quite difficult to detect, it grows quickly and metastasizes. In addition, among the chemotherapy drugs currently used, the main drugs for treating TNBC are so toxic that patients often cannot tolerate treatment. However, scientists see a solution to the problem in cruciferous vegetables. Yes, back in them.

– a doctor specializing in the treatment and diagnosis of diseases of the male reproductive system. He provides diagnostics and outpatient treatment of urethritis, prostatitis, decreased libido and erectile dysfunction, bladder and kidney diseases, sexually transmitted infections and sexually transmitted diseases.

What is the competence of an andrologist?

An andrologist is the most “masculine” doctor, whose work poses the following professional tasks:

  • hypogonadism (a broad group of conditions of different origins, caused by insufficient activity of the male gonads, as evidenced by hormonal abnormalities and fertility indicators), regardless of the desire to have children;
  • pathological changes in ejaculation (pain, absence, acceleration, difficulty achieving);
  • inflammation of the male genital organs;
  • erectile dysfunction;
  • male contraception;
  • recurrent decline in male sexual functions (male menopause).

What diseases does an andrologist treat?

  • purchased or congenital curvature penis;
  • premature ejaculation (impaired ejaculation);
  • pathological changes in the organs of the scrotum.

What organs does an andrologist deal with?

  • Ureter;
  • urethra;
  • urethra;
  • penis;
  • kidneys;
  • bladder;
  • prostate;
  • urethra;
  • epididymis.

When is it necessary to contact an andrologist?

The real reasons for seeking a consultation with an andrologist are:

  • childless marriage. In recent decades in Europe and Ukraine, infertility in the family has become one of the most important social and medical problems. 20 percent of marriages in our country are infertile. And in 40 percent of cases it is the man’s fault. ABOUT male infertility evidenced by the absence of conception within a year with regular sexual activity with a healthy partner of childbearing age (when contraceptives are not taken);
  • problems with potency. Almost every man at least once in his life experiences difficulty maintaining or achieving an erection that is sufficient for satisfactory sexual intercourse. Many men were unable to solve an intimate problem on their own, taking a passive wait-and-see attitude, relying on the advice of friends and self-medication. Thanks to the latest advances in andrology, men are given real prospects to restore erections and maintain sexual activity. is a condition that can be eliminated and corrected. First of all, to achieve this goal, it is important for a man to recognize the problems and make a decision about professional medical care;
  • a condition characterized by a loss (decrease) of sexual desire with a simultaneous weakening of the frequency and strength of erections that occur, lack of development of secondary sexual characteristics, underdevelopment of the genital organs, decreased tone of the external genitalia, that is, which indicate a possible imbalance or deficiency of sex hormones and require drug correction ;
  • signs that indicate inflammatory lesion genital organs: discomfort, discharge from the urethra, pain, burning and heaviness in the perineum, groin area, lower abdomen, testicles, discomfort, unpleasant odor from the penis;
  • imperative and frequent urge to urinate, thinning urine stream, feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder, the presence of floating purulent threads in the urine, intermittent and difficult urination;
  • the need to obtain information about the basics of safe sex and family planning, the characteristics of intimate contacts during pregnancy and after childbirth, mental hygiene of sexual life and activities that increase the likelihood of conception;
  • accelerated ejaculation, safety of orgiastic sensations, weariness.

If the listed signs appear and when you practice uninitiated sex with casual partners, a medical examination is required.

What tests should be done and when?

  • Common prostate-specific antigen;
  • Carcinoembryonic antigen;
  • Urea in urine;
  • Sodium/potassium/chlorides;
  • General blood analysis;
  • Urea;
  • Syphilis;
  • Spermogram;
  • Free prostate-specific antigen;
  • Creatinine in urine;
  • Calcium;
  • Inorganic phosphorus;
  • Creatinine;
  • Hepatitis B;
  • Candidiasis.

Laboratory diagnostics include urine and blood tests. A general blood test allows you to determine the state of hemoglobin in the blood. Its decrease may indicate kidney disease.

A biochemical blood test determines the content of various substances in the blood (creatinine, uric acid). Their increased quantity in the blood indicates kidney disease. By this analysis You can also diagnose other diseases associated with the genitourinary system.

To determine the degree of kidney failure, other biochemical tests are performed, for example, for the presence of enzymes.

The normal amount of urine excreted by a person is considered to be 1-1.5 liters. With less or more content urine this indicates problems in the genitourinary system.

When analyzing urine, attention is paid to the color, amount of urine, substances contained in urine are determined, for example, a large number of blood or protein, indicating infection or disease.

What are the main types of diagnostics performed by an andrologist?

When performing an instrumental examination, a special catheter is inserted into the bladder. The main indicator for such a study is the increased size of the prostate gland, which causes urine to be retained in the bladder. Also in urology, puncture biopsy of the kidneys, cystomanometry to measure pressure in the bladder, dilation of the urethra and other studies are performed.

In many clinical cases For accurate diagnosis, the urologist uses additional instrumental and laboratory research. Due to general analysis blood, it is possible to detect the development of inflammatory processes in the patient’s body, and thanks to biochemical research The concentration of urinary pigments in the blood is determined, showing the functional state of the kidneys. A urine test is very informative. It reveals the relative density, which changes due to a violation of the concentrating ability of the kidneys. The color of urine is affected by the content of the urobilin pigment in it; normally, urine has a straw-yellow color without any inclusions. A change in color indicates dietary habits and the use of certain medications. Detection of protein and glucose impurities in urine also helps in the process of diagnosing urological diseases.

As a result of urinary sediment, information is obtained about the presence of inflammatory processes throughout the system, the filtering ability of the kidneys, and the causative agent of infectious processes is determined.

Among the instrumental research methods, bladder catheterization is widely used, which makes it possible to normalize the outflow of urine when it is retained and to conduct a study of the sterility of urine.

Bougienage of the urethra is used to determine the degree of narrowing of the urethra and its mechanical expansion.

Using a puncture biopsy of the prostate kidneys, specialists examine in detail the cellular composition of tissues to diagnose cancer.

Urologists prescribe cystomanometry to measure the pressure in the bladder cavity, which indicates its full function and patency.

Thanks to the use of an endoscope in the process of diagnosing various urological diseases, it is possible to study the condition of organs from the inside without resorting to surgical interventions. For this purpose, pyeloscopy, cystoscopy, and urethroscopy are used.

The oldest diagnostic methods are X-ray methods. Survey X-ray allows the doctor to evaluate the features of the anatomical structure of the urinary tract organs, see the presence of stones in cavities, changes in the shape and size of organs during the development of tumors or chronic pathological processes.

Through X-ray examination using contrast agents, the functional capacity of organs is fully assessed.


In modern times, many young people have their first sexual experience in their youth.

At the same time, not everyone thinks about the safety of sex, but is guided only by the positive emotions that they receive as a result of it. In addition, some men, even while married, continue to have outside contacts. Therefore, all men should be screened for sexually transmitted infections.

Carriage given infections can lead to a decrease in sperm motility and concentration, and therefore to infertility.

Also, one should not turn a blind eye to the existence different ways sexual satisfaction, including anal and oral sex.

Microorganisms that penetrate the reproductive tract during such unprotected contacts bring chaos to the existing biocenosis. All this is manifested by both the development of nonspecific inflammatory processes in the reproductive tract and genital dysbiosis.

Taking into account this fact, both partners who practice such contacts are required to be examined for the flora of the reproductive system.

For such purposes, a bacteriological culture of sperm is taken from men on special nutrient media, which makes it possible to determine microorganisms, their number and sensitivity to antimicrobial agents.

A sperm test is also required. Unlike an egg, sperm mature in 72-75 days; in the testicles of a healthy man, up to 100 million are produced every hour. But the sperm that has formed in the testicle cannot yet fertilize the egg on its own, because the movement apparatus is defective and the enzymes that neutralize the protective shell of the egg remain immature. The male reproductive cell acquires these properties in the epididymis.

According to research, a more complete ejaculate for fertilization occurs after 3-5 days of sexual abstinence, so men should follow the specified period of abstinence.

After preliminary hygiene measures, sperm is collected only by masturbation. It is important to collect all the ejaculate without dropping a drop. Often the first portion of sperm passes by the sperm receptacle, while it contains most of the motile sperm.

When examining incompletely collected ejaculate, an impression is created of defective sperm.

A spermogram determines the number of sperm, their mobility, structure (morphology), viability, the presence of other cellular elements in the ejaculate (leukocytes, spermatogenesis cells, erythrocytes) and allows doctors to draw conclusions about the fertilizing ability of sperm.

Some couples experience immune factor infertility. This means that the body of a woman or man produces specific proteins against sperm, preventing their interaction with the egg. This protein is one of the reasons for “spousal incompatibility.”

Therefore, it is advisable to examine a man’s sperm and blood for the presence of antisperm antibodies.

If abnormalities or infection are detected in the parameters of the ejaculate, it is advisable to contact a specialist. The most common reasons for abnormal spermogram indicators are occupational hazards, stressful situations, visiting saunas and steam rooms, smoking, overwork, drug use, and alcohol abuse.

Stagnation in the reproductive system due to rare sexual intercourse also adversely affects the functioning of the reproductive system. sedentary lifestyle life.

Thus, it is possible to normalize ejaculate parameters even without the use of medications - by properly organizing your lifestyle.

When organizing meals, the diet must necessarily include seafood, nuts, garlic, vegetable oils, fish, cottage cheese, honey, herbs, fresh fruits and vegetables. It is necessary to limit the consumption of spicy and very hot foods, animal fats, smoked meats, beer and spirits. Weight normalization, dosing physical activity(running, volleyball, swimming, football, etc.), good sleep, adequate nutrition, correction of sexual life - all this allows you to independently raise the overall tone of the body, including the reproductive system.

Unfortunately, the combination of unfavorable psychosocial and environmental factors, which act on modern man, have a greater negative impact on the reproductive functions of men.

Thus, over the past half century, WHO observations indicate a decrease in average sperm parameters.

Sperm concentration decreases every year by 2 percent, motility by 1.5 percent. This trend will inevitably lead to an increase in the number of men with reduced fertility. Will help reduce the likelihood of such problems healthy image life, which is very popular in the world.

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